Education of mentally retarded children. Raising and educating mentally retarded children Pictograms for children with mental retardation

Mental retardation is a qualitative change in the entire psyche, the entire personality as a whole, which was the result of organic damage to the central nervous system. This is such an atypia of development, in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. Mental retardation is a qualitative change in the entire psyche, the entire personality as a whole, which was the result of organic damage to the central nervous system. This is such an atypia of development, in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development.



At present, the issue of teaching children with intellectual disabilities in a general education school is very relevant, as an issue that meets the social needs of modern societies.

Joint education of mentally retarded children with normally developing peers in general educational institutions requires the creation of special pedagogical conditions that ensure the implementation of an integrated approach (Appendix 1).

When working with mentally retarded children, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their development. Students with intellectual disabilities experience significant difficulties in mastering the program material in basic academic subjects (mathematics, reading, writing). These difficulties are due to the peculiarities of the development of their higher mental functions. This category of children has a significant lag in cognitive development.

Mental retardation is a qualitative change in the entire psyche, the entire personality as a whole, which was the result of organic damage to the central nervous system. This is such an atypia of development, in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development.

Mentally retarded children are characterized by underdevelopment of cognitive interests, which is expressed in the fact that they are less in need of knowledge than normally developing peers. They have a slow pace and less differentiation of perception. These features when teaching mentally retarded children are manifested in a slow rate of recognition, as well as in the fact that students often confuse graphically similar letters, numbers, objects, similar-sounding letters, words. There is also a narrow scope of perception. Children of this category snatch out separate parts in the observed object, in the listened text, without seeing or hearing material that is important for general understanding. All noted shortcomings of perception occur against the background of insufficient activity of this process. Their perception must be guided.

All mental operations in mentally retarded children are not sufficiently formed and have peculiar features. The analysis and synthesis of objects is difficult. Highlighting their individual parts in objects (in the text), children do not establish connections between them. Not being able to single out the main thing in objects and phenomena, students find it difficult to conduct a comparative analysis and synthesis, they make comparisons based on insignificant features. A distinctive feature of the thinking of the mentally retarded is uncriticality, the inability to notice one's mistakes, reduced activity of thought processes, and a weak regulatory role of thinking.

The main memory processes in these children also have their own characteristics: external, sometimes accidentally perceived visual signs are better remembered, internal logical connections are difficult to recognize and remember, and later arbitrary memorization is formed; a large number of errors in the reproduction of verbal material. Characterized by episodic forgetfulness associated with overwork of the nervous system due to its general weakness. The imagination of mentally retarded children is fragmentary, inaccurate and schematic.

All aspects of speech suffer: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. There are various types of writing disorders, difficulties in mastering the technique of reading, the need for verbal communication is reduced.

In mentally retarded children, more than their normal peers, attention deficits are expressed: low stability, difficulties in distributing attention, slow switching. The weakness of voluntary attention is manifested in the fact that in the learning process there is a frequent change of objects of attention, the inability to focus on any one object or one type of activity.

The emotional-volitional sphere in this category of children has a number of features. The instability of emotions is noted. Feelings are shallow, superficial. There are cases of sudden emotional swings: from increased emotional excitability to a pronounced emotional decline.

Weakness of one's own intentions, motives, great suggestibility are the distinctive qualities of the volitional processes of children with intellectual disabilities. Mentally retarded children prefer an easy way in work that does not require strong-willed efforts. That is why imitation and impulsive actions are often observed in their activities. Due to the unbearable demands made, some students with intellectual disabilities develop negativism and stubbornness. All these features of the mental processes of mentally retarded pupils affect the nature of their activities.

Noting the lack of skills learning activities in children with intellectual underdevelopment, it should be noted that they have an underdevelopment of purposefulness of activity, difficulties in independent planning of their own activities. Mentally retarded children start work without the necessary prior orientation in it, they are not guided by the ultimate goal. As a result, in the course of work, they often leave the correctly started execution of an action, slip into actions performed earlier, and transfer them unchanged, not considering that they are dealing with another task. This departure from the goal is observed when difficulties arise. Mentally retarded children do not correlate the results obtained with the task that was set before them, and therefore cannot correctly evaluate its solution. Uncriticality to their work is also a feature of the activities of these children.

All the noted features of the mental activity of mentally retarded children are persistent, since they are the result of organic damage at different stages of development (genetic, intrauterine, postnatal). However, with properly organized medical and pedagogical influence, there is a positive trend in the development of children in this category.

When teaching mentally retarded children in a general education school, it is necessary to be guided by special educational programs:

Programs of preparatory and grades 1-4 of correctional educational institutions of the VIII type. Ed. V.V. Voronkova, M., Education, 1999 (2003, 2007, 2009).

Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. 5-9 grades. Collection 1, 2. Ed. V.V. Voronkova. Moscow, Vlados, 2000 (2005, 2009).

Inside the educational institution where children with special needs study, the entire course of the integrated educational process is led by the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). He also carries out the necessary adjustment of the general educational routes of students with intellectual underdevelopment, if necessary. In addition, PMPK members recommend attending additional education classes, control the effectiveness of training and psychological and pedagogical support.

When teaching normally developing children and children with special needs for psychophysical development, it is important for the teacher to equally understand and accept all students, to take into account their individual characteristics. In every child it is necessary to see a personality that is able to be brought up and develop.

In the classroom, the teacher needs to create such conditions so that children can contact each other, the students of the class should be equally involved in collective activities, each student, to the best of his ability, should be included in the overall educational process.

A positive result in the relationship of schoolchildren in the context of integrated learning can be achieved only with thoughtful systematic work, the components of which are the formation of a positive attitude towards students with special needs and the expansion of the experience of productive communication with them.

Teachers and PMPK specialists make calendar-thematic planning in such a way that in one lesson children of different levels of development study the same topic, but the information received by the student is adequate to his personal educational program.

Training in special (correctional) programs for children with intellectual disabilities at the first educational level is carried out in the subjects "Reading and speech development", "Writing and speech development", "Mathematics", "Development oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality”, “Labor training”. All these subjects are easily integrated with general education subjects provided by non-correctional programs. This allows all children to attend the same lessons.

At the second stage, it is more difficult to build such a system of work, since in accordance with the programs for children with intellectual disabilities (C (C) OU VIII type) there is no provision for the study of subjects " Foreign language”, “Chemistry”, “Physics” in grades 5-9. School subjects that are not provided for by a special (correctional) program for children with intellectual disabilities are not attended by students with developmental disabilities. At this school time, mentally retarded schoolchildren are encouraged to attend labor training lessons in the conditions of other classes.

A lesson in a class where ordinary schoolchildren and schoolchildren with special needs study together should be different from lessons in classes where pupils of equal learning abilities study.

Let us give an example of the structural organization of a lesson in a general education class where children with intellectual disabilities are taught together (Table 1).

The course of the lesson depends on how closely the topics in the programs for teaching children with different educational needs what stage of training is taken as a basis (presenting new material, consolidating what has been learned, monitoring knowledge and skills). If different program material is studied at the lesson and joint work is impossible, then in this case it is built according to the structure of the lessons of small-class schools: the teacher first explains the new material according to standard state programs, and students with intellectual disabilities perform independent work aimed at consolidating what they have learned earlier. Then, to consolidate the new material, the teacher gives the class independent work, and at this time he is engaged with a group of students with developmental disabilities: he analyzes the completed task, provides individual assistance, gives additional explanation and clarifies the tasks, explains the new material. This alternation of the activities of the teacher of the general education class continues throughout the lesson.

When teaching students with intellectual disabilities in the general education class, the teacher needs targeted didactic support for the lesson and educational process generally. Providing textbooks and teaching aids to students and teachers falls on the school administration, which purchases sets of textbooks at the request of teachers.

Grading standards in mathematics, written works in the Russian language under the VIII type program are given in tables 2, 3.

Mentally retarded students can attend various classes of additional education. In order for the processes of adaptation and socialization to proceed successfully, it is necessary to choose the direction of additional education for mentally retarded children, taking into account the age and individual capabilities, the wishes of the child and his parents. The choice of this or that circle, section should be voluntary, meet the interests and internal needs of the child, but it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the psychoneurologist and pediatrician. If a child expresses a desire to attend a circle (section) associated with physical activity, then it is advisable to have a certificate from a medical institution, where the doctor writes that classes in this circle are not contraindicated for this child.

An important role in correctional work is played by the family in which the child is brought up and whose influence is constantly exposed. In building positive intra-family relations, the role of the teacher, PMPK specialists is significant. They help parents form an adequate perception of their own child, ensure that friendly parent-child relationships develop in the family, help establish various social ties and comply with the requirements adopted in a comprehensive school. Creating conditions for the self-development of each child is impossible without the desire and ability of teachers to design his development and education, allowing each student to be successful.

At the end of training (grade 9), mentally retarded children pass one exam in labor training and receive a certificate of the established form.

Table 1

Lesson structure with internal differentiation

Lesson stages

Methods and techniques

Organization of work on the general educational program

Organization of work on the program for C (C) OU VIII type


Verbal (teacher's word)



Checking homework

front poll. Verification and mutual verification

Individual check

Repetition of the studied material

Verbal (conversation), practical (work with a textbook, on a card)

Conversation, written and oral exercises

Card work

Preparing for the perception of new material

Verbal (conversation)


Conversation on issues relevant to the level of development of children enrolled in this program

Learning new material

Verbal (conversation), practical (work with a textbook, on a card)

Explanation of new material

Explanation of new material (mandatory based on clarity, work on the algorithm for completing the task)

Consolidation of the studied

Verbal (conversation), practical (work with a textbook, on a card)

Doing exercises. Examination

Work on the assimilation of new material (work on the algorithm). Performing exercises according to the textbook, work on cards

Lesson summary

Verbal (conversation)



Homework instruction


Homework level for children with normal intelligence

Homework level for children with intellectual disabilities

table 2

Norms of assessments in mathematics (VIII type, grades 1-4)




No mistakes


2-3 minor mistakes


Simple problems are solved, but a composite problem is not solved, or one of the two compound problems is solved, although with minor errors, most of the other tasks are correctly completed


At least half of the tasks completed, the task is not solved


Tasks not completed


Non-gross errors are: errors made in the process of writing off numerical data (distortion, replacement); errors made in the process of writing off signs of arithmetic operations; violation in the formation of the question (answer) of the task; violation of the correct arrangement of records, drawings; slight inaccuracy in measurement and drawing

Table 3

Criteria for evaluating the written work of elementary school students

(VIII species, 1-4 class)




No mistakes


1-3 errors


4-5 mistakes


6-8 mistakes


More than 8 errors


For one mistake in a written work are considered: all corrections, repetition of errors in the same word, two punctuation errors. The following are not considered errors: errors in those sections of the program that were not studied (such spellings are pre-negotiated with students, a difficult word is written on a card), a single case of missing a period in a sentence, replacing one word without distorting the meaning

Teaching aids

  1. Aksenova A.K. Methods of teaching the Russian language in a special (correctional) school. Moscow: Vlados, 2000.
  2. Aksenova A.K., Yakubovskaya E.V. Didactic games at Russian language lessons in grades 1-4 of an auxiliary school. M.: Education, 1991.
  3. Voronkova V.V. Teaching literacy and spelling in grades 1-4 of a special school. M.: Enlightenment, 1993.
  4. Voronkova V.V. Russian language lessons in the 2nd grade of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type. M.: Vlados, 2003.
  5. The upbringing and education of children in a special school / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. M., 1994.
  6. Groshenkov I.A. Classes in fine arts in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. Moscow: Institute for General Humanitarian Research, 2001.
  7. Devyatkova T.A., Kochetova L.L., Petrikova A.G., Platonova N.M., Shcherbakova A.M. Social orientation in special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. M.: Vlados, 2003.
  8. Ekzhanova E.A., Reznikova E.V. Fundamentals of integrated learning. M.: Bustard, 2008.
  9. Kisova V.V., Koneva I.A. Workshop on special psychology. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.
  10. Mastyukova E.M., Moskovkina A.G. family education of children with developmental disabilities. M., 2003.
  11. A new model of education in special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type / Ed. A.M. Shcherbakova. Book 1,2. M.: Publishing house of NTs ENAS, 2001.
  12. Education and upbringing of children in the auxiliary school / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. M.: School-Press, 1994.
  13. Petrova V.G., Belyakova I.V. Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren. M., 2002.
  14. Perova M.N. Methods of teaching the elements of geometry in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. Moscow: Classic Style, 2005.
  15. Perova M.N., Methods of teaching mathematics in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. M.: Vlados, 2001.
  16. Special Pedagogy / Ed. N.M. Nazarova. M., 2000.
  17. Chernik E.S. Physical culture in the auxiliary school. M.: Educational literature, 1997.
  18. Shcherbakova A.M. Raising a child with developmental disabilities. M., 2002.
  19. Ek V.V. Teaching mathematics to elementary school students. Moscow: Education, 1990.

II. Organization of the activities of a correctional institution

III. Educational process

IV. Participants in the educational process

24. The participants in the educational process are pedagogical, engineering and pedagogical and medical workers of a correctional institution, pupils and their parents (legal representatives).

V. Management of the Correctional Institution

VI. Property and funds of the correctional institution

37. The owner of the property (the body authorized by him) in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation, assigns it to a correctional institution.

Land plots are assigned to the state and municipal correctional institution for permanent (unlimited) use.

Property objects assigned to a correctional institution are in the operational management of this institution.

The correctional institution owns, uses and disposes of the property assigned to it in accordance with the purpose of this property, its statutory purposes and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. Withdrawal and (or) alienation of property assigned to a correctional institution is allowed only in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. A correctional institution shall be responsible to the owner and (or) the body authorized by the owner for the safety and efficient use of its property. The control of the activities of the correctional institution in this part is carried out by the owner and (or) a body authorized by the owner.

40. A correctional institution has the right to lease property assigned to it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

41. The activity of a correctional institution is financed by its founder (founders) in accordance with the agreement between them.

42. The sources of formation of property and financial resources of a correctional institution are:

own funds of the founder (founders);

budgetary and extrabudgetary funds;

property assigned to the institution by the owner (the body authorized by him);

loans from banks and other creditors;

funds of sponsors, voluntary donations of individuals and legal entities;

other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

43. A correctional institution has the right to establish direct relations with foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations, independently carry out foreign economic activity and have foreign currency accounts in banking and other credit organizations in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

44. A correctional institution shall be liable for its obligations to the extent of the funds at its disposal and the property belonging to it. If these funds are insufficient for the obligations of the correctional institution, its founder (founders) shall be liable in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

45. Financing of a correctional institution is carried out on the basis of state and local funding standards, determined on the basis of one pupil for each type of correctional institution.

46. ​​Pupils living in a correctional institution and being on full state support, in accordance with established standards, are provided with food, clothing, shoes, soft and hard equipment.

Pupils who do not live in a correctional institution are provided with free two meals a day.

47. A correctional institution, in accordance with the established standards, must have the necessary premises and facilities for organizing the educational process, correctional classes, medical rehabilitation work, labor training, productive work, life and recreation of pupils.

48. A correctional institution has the right to conduct entrepreneurial activities as provided for by its charter.

49. Correctional institution establishes wages employees, depending on their qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments), the management structure of the correctional institution, staffing, distribution of duties.

50. Upon liquidation of a correctional institution, funds and other objects of property belonging to it by the right of ownership, minus payments to cover its obligations, shall be directed to the development of education in accordance with the charter of the correctional institution.

Modern research shows that there are no unteachable children and even the most difficult ones can be taught something using specific methods, techniques and teaching aids, organizing "step by step" learning, deep differentiation and individualization of learning, and the mandatory inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process.

In recent years, the ideas of integration have become widespread in special pedagogy. They also extended to the education of the mentally retarded. For children with a slight and moderate degree of mental retardation, it is advisable to create special groups, classes at mass preschool and school institutions, so that children can study with an oligophrenic teacher in the first half of the day, and be with everyone during breaks and in the afternoon, participate in various types of additional education, holidays.

The most common forms of organizing the education of mentally retarded children and adolescents are special kindergartens for children with intellectual disabilities and special (correctional) schools of type VIII. The early start of corrective work with a mentally retarded child makes it possible to correct the defect as much as possible and prevent secondary deviations.

Unfortunately, not all forms of mental retardation can be diagnosed in infancy and early childhood. At this age, hereditary forms of oligophrenia and disturbances in the structure and number of chromosomes are revealed, as well as severe mental retardation (imbecility, idiocy).

As a rule, mentally retarded young children are brought up in a family or special nurseries of the health care system. Correctional assistance can be provided to them in early intervention centers, rehabilitation and habilitation centers and psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations. Mentally retarded kids left without parental care are in orphanages, and then at the age of 3-4 years they are transferred to specialized orphanages for children with intellectual disabilities. Work with young children in the conditions of the orphanage is aimed at enriching emotional and personal contacts with adults and peers, satisfying the need for benevolent attention from an adult and cooperation with him, the need to study the objective world, as well as stimulating psychomotor development.

Corrective work with children brought up in a family is carried out with the active participation of parents. With the systematic corrective work of parents with a mentally retarded child of an early age under the guidance of an oligophrenopedagogue, significant success can be achieved in the development of the baby.

Special kindergartens provide comprehensive assistance to mentally retarded children. Along with the correctional and pedagogical measures carried out by oligophrenopedagogues, group educators, speech therapist, psychologist, music worker, therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out. Most special kindergartens have swimming pools and phytobars.

In special preschool institutions, a sparing, protective regime is observed: this is, first of all, the creation of a benevolent, calm atmosphere, the prevention of conflict situations, and taking into account the characteristics of each child.

Preparation for schooling is carried out during all the years of the child's education in kindergarten and takes place in three directions: the formation of physical readiness; the formation of elementary cognitive interests and cognitive activity and the accumulation of knowledge and skills; formation of moral and volitional readiness.

Once in favorable conditions, mentally retarded preschoolers are making good progress in development, which makes it possible to prepare them for training in a special school.

Preschoolers with mental retardation can attend special groups at mass kindergartens. Education in them is carried out, as in special kindergartens, according to special programs.

From the age of 7-8, mentally retarded children study in the first or preparatory grades of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type, where training is conducted according to special programs on the basis of a separate educational standard. The number of students in the preparatory class is no more than 6-8 people, and the rest - no more than 12 people. In such schools, classes for children with severe mental retardation (no more than 5-6 people) can be created. Children are accepted up to the age of 12 and are educated until the age of 18. The recruitment of classes is carried out at three levels: 1) 6-9 years; 2) 9-12 years old; 3) 13-18 years old. Such educational institutions do not accept children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment. Terms of study 8 years; 9 years; 9 years and vocational training program; 10 years and professional training; 10 years if kindergarten class counts.

The main tasks of these schools are the maximum overcoming of the shortcomings of cognitive activity and the emotional-volitional sphere of mentally retarded schoolchildren, preparing them for participation in productive work, and social adaptation in the conditions of modern society.

In a special (correctional) school of the VIII type, both general education subjects (such as Russian, reading, mathematics, geography, history, natural science, physical education, drawing, music, drawing) and special (correctional) subjects are taught.

Correctional classes in the lower grades include classes on the development of speech based on familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, special classes in rhythm, and in the older (5-9) grades - social orientation (SBO).

A specific form of organization of training sessions are individual and group speech therapy sessions, exercise therapy and classes for the development of psychomotor and sensory processes.

An important place in special schools is given to labor training. It has been professional since grade 4. In the process of learning to work, adolescents master the professions available to them.

Education at school lasts from eight to eleven years. Throughout the years, favorable conditions are created for the development of each student.

A large place in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type is given to educational work, the purpose of which is the socialization of pupils, and the main tasks are the development of positive qualities, the formation of a correct assessment of others and themselves, a moral attitude towards others. specific task educational work in a special school is to increase the regulatory role of intelligence in the behavior of students in different situations and in the process of different types of activities.

Most graduates of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type are quite well prepared for the life of an ordinary adult in society: they equip their life, work in the profession they have received, and are law-abiding citizens of their country. Only a small part of them, having fallen into unfavorable social conditions, lead an immoral lifestyle. Sometimes graduates of special boarding schools experience significant difficulties in solving complex problems of independent living. Young men and women left without parents, leaving the walls of the school, do not know how to properly dispose of their property, are not always able to economically calculate their budget. They often become victims of deception. Long-term support of graduates of special schools by a social pedagogue is necessary, as it is done abroad.

At present, various public and private institutions are working in our country to educate and educate different categories of children with developmental disabilities. These are special kindergartens and special groups at ordinary kindergartens, special schools and boarding schools, as well as special classes created at general schools. Some children, mostly those whose developmental differences are not pronounced, attend ordinary kindergartens and study in general schools. Many parents of such children systematically consult defectologists or experienced practicing teachers or invite them to conduct additional classes with children.

Some children, especially those with gross differences in development, are brought up and educated at home. Often no corrective work is carried out with them. Although there are also cases when parents do everything possible to contribute to the development of the child. A certain number of such children are in residential institutions of the Ministry of Social Assistance.

Kindergartens for children with developmental disabilities, as a rule, are equipped, although not always completely, with special equipment adapted for correctional and educational work. So for children with hearing loss, hearing rooms and hearing aids are provided. Special furniture, a variety of exercise equipment, swimming pools are used in kindergartens for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Unfortunately, this equipment is often not modern. Teachers and educators do not always have a defectological education, but, as a rule, they are good practitioners. But special kindergartens are by no means enough to accommodate all the children who need it. In addition, such kindergartens are located only in large settlements.

Since many parents are unwilling to give their own children preschool age in institutions located at a far distance from their place of residence, in some kindergartens, special groups are organized for certain categories of children with developmental disabilities.

There is practically no special equipment needed to work in these groups. The same is true with the invitation of defectologists. But the heads of kindergartens and experienced practicing teachers are making great efforts to organize perhaps more productive correctional and educational work and achieve undoubted sensations.

A significant proportion of children with mild developmental disabilities are children with a delay mental development, with a mild degree of mental retardation, visually impaired, hearing impaired, with blurred speech disorders and mild deficiencies in the musculoskeletal system attend ordinary kindergartens. If these children do not have gross deviations in behavior, then they traditionally stay there until the time when it is time to go to school. Naturally, no targeted correctional and educational work is carried out with them. Teachers of ordinary kindergartens are not prepared for this and do not set themselves a similar task. In practice, this is the most disadvantaged group of children with developmental disabilities, since it is they who, having received special assistance in a timely manner, could make significant progress in terms of correcting their own defect.

Nevertheless, it should be said that finding a child with developmental disabilities in a special group of a kindergarten or just in an ordinary kindergarten has a positive meaning for him. It is due to his stay in the team of peers, ample opportunities to communicate with them, which is important for social adaptation and preparation for later life and education. After all, traditionally in this way, children are prepared for admission to a special school or a general school. Only a small part of the children (mostly with the deepest mental retardation) after being in kindergarten ends up in boarding institutions of the Ministry social protection or returned to the family.

For all categories of children with developmental disabilities in Russia "there are special schools and boarding schools, as well as special classes organized at general schools. They employ teachers and educators, some of whom have defectological education. In special schools and schools - boarding schools provide for the availability medical workers, professionals in massage, physiotherapy, auditory work, speech therapists who conduct their classes there. There are sets of special equipment needed for the correction of children's hearing, vision, motor skills, sets of speech games, etc.

Classes of great correctional and developmental importance have been introduced into the curricula. These are rhythmics, physiotherapy exercises, home economics and social orientation, etc.

In special schools and boarding schools, great attention is paid to labor training and education of students. We mean the formation of self-service and social orientation skills, manual labor lessons included in the junior school curriculum, work in various workshops and in agriculture, carried out in the senior years of study. In addition, high school students are labor practice at enterprises located close to the school, performing feasible types of work. At some schools, production workshops are organized in which graduates work. This initiative is due to the difficulty of their employment and may appear to be temporary.

In special schools, teachers and educators work hard to instill in students a positive attitude towards work, which is necessary for the work of the team. This is a very important direction of pedagogical work, which has a huge correctional and educational value. After all, the success of a student's social adaptation depends not only on the availability of labor knowledge, skills and abilities, but also on the desire to work, on respect for the surrounding working people. Depending on their own capabilities, state of health, place of residence, graduates of special schools are included in the social environment surrounding them.

Special schools organize classes for children with complex disabilities. For example, with impaired vision and mental activity, or with hearing loss and mental retardation, etc. These classes are not available in every school. They are created as needed. Education in them is carried out according to special programs, since a complex defect sharply lowers the child's cognitive abilities. There is one school for deaf-blind children in Russia. It is located in the city of Sergiev Posad, the capital region (former Zagorsk).

All children with developmental disabilities, not counting the mentally retarded and suffering from complex defects (excluding the deaf-blind), receive a qualified education. They learn at a slow pace, according to special methods, but acquire the amount of knowledge that corresponds to the program of primary or secondary classes of general schools. This makes it possible for more capable children striving for knowledge, after graduating from a special school, to enroll in various courses, in vocational schools, in secondary and higher educational establishments and continue your education.

In special classes organized at general schools, corrective-oriented training and education is carried out with students, but healing activities, such fundamental classes as speech therapy, auditory, teaching reading relief drawings, labor training, home economics, social orientation, etc. They do not occur all the time. This is due to the lack of an appropriate material base and the lack of professionals. Nevertheless, special classes are a definite way out of a difficult situation. They make it possible to educate and educate a child with developmental disabilities in relatively favorable social conditions for him.

Some children with developmental disabilities, in accordance with the desire of their parents, attend a general school. If the child’s defect is not gross, but he is smart and absolutely wants to learn, if he systematically receives qualified corrective-directed help from adults and at the same time knows how to use various assistive devices (hearing aid, lenses, etc.), then he feels himself in the middle normally developing peers are quite comfortable and is an accomplished student. Naturally, a child left in an ordinary school without any additional help will soon find himself in a distressed situation.

The mentally retarded children have the hardest time in a general school. The curriculum turns out to be very difficult for them, and the pace of its passage is extremely fast. Even with additional exercises with a defectologist, they do not master the material of the first class. The further, the more sharply the difficulties increase. Their training is formal. It does not sufficiently contribute to the advancement of children in the overall development and correction of the defect.

Left to their own devices, mentally retarded children cannot study in an ordinary school. If for some reason they linger in it, then they do not receive enough utility, but they receive many negative personality traits, some children with developmental disabilities do not attend school at all, they constantly live at home. Traditionally, these include those children in whom the defect is expressed very sharply. For example, those who are lying down or deeply mentally retarded (idiots), but in some cases parents prefer to educate and educate such a child at home, who could well be a schoolboy.

Prepared by: M.V. Babushkina,

teacher I qualification category

Learning Features students with disabilities (mental retardation)


    mentally retarded children.

    Didactic principles used in the school for children with disabilities.

    Methodological requirements for the lessonin a school for children with disabilities.

    Features of the program and teaching methods

mentally retarded children

Children with disabilities - these are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing.

Under special conditions for education by studentswith disabilities are understood:

    use of special educational programs and methods of training and education,

    special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials,

    special TSS for collective and individual use,

    provision of services of an assistant (assistant) providing students with the necessary technical assistance,

    conducting group and individual remedial classes,

    providing access to the buildings of educational organizations.

And other conditions, without which it is impossible or difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs.

The purpose of correctional and educational work with children with a mild degree of mental retardation is teaching them accessible knowledge and social adaptation to independent living.

In a special school for children with disabilities inAll subjects are grouped into twoblock - educational and correctional-developing .

The core curriculum includesgeneral subjects:

    Russian language,



    natural history,



    the history of homeland,

    social science,


    music and singing,

    physical training,

    labor training,

    vocational training.

The school where mentally retarded children study is not oriented towards qualified education, therefore the content of the curricula is developed taking into account the capabilities of mentally retarded students and differs from the content studied by students in public schools.

The curriculum also includesspecial items:

    social orientation (SBO),


    development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality,

with a corrective focus.

TOcorrection block relate:

    speech therapy classes,

    exercise therapy,

    development of psychomotor and sensory processes.

To implement the curriculum, teachers use stateprograms forspecial (correctional) institutionsVIII kind:

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype: preparatory, grades 1-4 / ed. V.V. Voronkova. 3rd edition, revised. -M., "Enlightenment", 2004.

    Programs for special general education schools for the mentally retarded

children (auxiliary school) / edited by T.S. Zalyalova. Recommended by the Chief Educational and Methodological Directorate of General Secondary Education. -M., "Enlightenment", 1990.

    Programs of a special (correctional) educational schoolVIIIspecies: 5-9

classes: In 2 Sat. / Ed. V.V. Voronkova. - M.: Humanit. publishing center VLADOS, 2001.

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 5 - 9, A.K. Aksenova, N.G. Galunchikov, M.N. Perov, I.M. Bgazhnokova and others. 3rd edition, M., "Enlightenment", 2006.

Education programs for mentally retarded children have their own specific features.

Firstly, Mentally retarded children learn elementary language material in the most minimal way. From scientific grammar, the most elementary information necessary for mastering the basics of literate writing and correct coherent speech is selected. For example, nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, prepositions are studied. often occur in speech, but participles and participles do not.

Secondly, the program from grades 1 to 9 is built on the basis of the concentric principle of material placement, in which the same topic is studied over several years with a gradual increase in information. Mentally retarded children with great difficulty master complex systems of conceptual connections and easier - simple ones. The concentric arrangement of the material makes it possible to separate complex grammatical concepts and skills into constituent elements and work on each separately. As a result, the number of connections underlying the concept is gradually increasing, the language and speech base for developing skills and abilities is expanding. The concentricity of the program also creates conditions for the constant repetition of previously learned material. For example, the topic "Offer" goes through all the years of study starting from the 1st grade.

Third, allocation of propaedeutic periods. The program identifies preparatory stages at all stages of education, during which the shortcomings of past experience are corrected in children, and students are prepared for mastering the following sections of the program.

Fourth, slow pace of learning material. Compared to the mainstream school, the program of the school for children with disabilities provides for an increase in the number of lessons on each topic.

Fifth, correctional and practical orientationprogram material. Pabout the Russian language is primarily manifested in the field of speech development of children, tk. the most important goal of the Russian language lessons is the formation of speech as a means of communication, as a way of correcting the cognitive activity of students and facilitating their adaptation after graduation.

Corrective work is the correction or weakening of the existing shortcomings of students and the promotion of the greatest possible approximation of the development of these children to their maximum level.

Everyone atThe reader must know the content of the correctional work, which includes the followingdirections:

    Improving movement and sensorimotor development:

Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;

Development of calligraphy skills;

Development of articulatory motor skills.

    Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:

Development of visual perception and recognition;

Development of visual memory and attention;

Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Development of spatial representations and orientation;

Development of ideas about time;

Development of auditory attention and memory;

The development of phonetic and phonemic concepts, the formation of sound analysis.

    Development of basic mental operations:

Correlative analysis skills;

Grouping and classification skills (on the basis of mastering the basic generic concepts);

Ability to work according to verbal and written instructions, algorithm;

Ability to plan activities;

Development of combinatorial abilities.

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

    Correction of violations in the development of the emotional and personal sphere (relaxation exercises for facial expressions, reading by roles, etc.)

    Development of speech, mastery of the technique of speech.

    Expanding ideas about the world and enriching the vocabulary.

    Correction of individual gaps in knowledge.

In the process of teaching the Russian language, work is carried out onelimination of the shortcomings of all aspects of the child's speech. The inaccuracy and poverty of the dictionary, the misuse of grammatical forms, syntactic constructions are eliminated in all classes in the Russian language, whether they are lessons devoted to the development of oral speech, reading, practical grammar exercises or grammar and spelling.

The teacher's work on the development of speech of mentally retarded students is reduced to solving the following problems.

1. The study of the speech development of students. It is necessary to identify the speech defects of the child, possible ways to eliminate them for more successful work with children. The study of children's speech is mainly carried out in the first year of study, because. accurate knowledge of the level of speech development of each student is a prerequisite for the correct construction of a work system. But at the same time, attention to individual development each child should not be lost in the future.

2. Correction of speech defects and development of pronunciation skills carried out in the lower grades. The development of pronunciation skills is the most important task of elementary school. Depending on the success of its solution, all other aspects of speech develop.

3. Clarification, enrichment, activation of vocabulary occurs throughout the learning process.

4. Developing the ability to form sentences grammatically correctly also occurs throughout the course of the Russian language.

5. Correction of shortcomings and development of dialogic and monologue forms of oral speech is carried out throughout the years of study, but the foundation is laid in the lower grades.

6. Developing the ability to coherently and logically express your thoughts in writing is carried out mainly in the upper grades, but the foundation is also laid at the initial stage of training and development.

All tasks of speech development are interconnected and are solved in a complex way.

Classification and selection of teaching methods mentally retarded schoolchildren depends on the principles of solving the issue of education. The classification of teaching methods is diverse, there are up to 10 of them. In the domestic practice of oligophrenic pedagogy, two traditional classifications of teaching methods are used:

St. Petersburg, considering the use of methods depending on the stages of learning. This classification looks like this:

a/ methods of presenting new material;

b / methods of consolidation and repetition.

Moscow, which proposes to divide the methods into verbal, visual and practical.

In practice, all these methods are used in combination at all stages of the lesson.

The specificity of teaching methods at school for children with disabilities lies in their corrective orientation. This concept includes:

    slow learning and frequent repetition,

    presentation of educational material in small portions,

    maximum development and dissection of the material,

    the presence of a preparatory period in training,

    constant reliance on the experience of the child.

For methods to work reliably and effectively, they must be properly selected and applied. The value of a method is realized if it:

    ensures the overall development of a mentally retarded student,

    makes learning accessible and feasible,

    ensures the strength of knowledge,

    takes into account the individual characteristics of the child,

    contributes to the activation of the educational activity of the abnormal student.

In its practical sphere, the special methodology of the Russian language uses the recommendations developed by the methodology of the Russian language for elementary mass schools.At the same time, the anomalous development of mentally retarded children requires that all the methods and means of teaching used contribute to the correction of their shortcomings. Therefore, most of the methods used in primary mass school require significant adjustments. In particular, increasing the number of stages of work, lengthening the training period, developingadditional tricks.

    Categories of children's learning

A significant heterogeneity of the composition of students in a school for students with disabilities is its specific feature.

By learning opportunities mentally retarded students are divided into four groups.

1 group are students who most successfully master the program material in the process of frontal learning. All tasks are performed by them, as a rule, independently. They do not experience great difficulties in performing the changed task, in general, they correctly use the existing experience, doing the new job. The ability to explain their actions in words testifies to the conscious assimilation of the program material by these students. Some level of generalization is available to them.

In the Russian language lessons, these students quite easily master sound-letter analysis, the initial skills of writing and reading, simple rules spelling. They understand the content of the read texts well, answer questions about the content.

However, in the conditions of frontal work, when studying new educational material, these students still show difficulties in orienting and planning work. They sometimes need additional help in mental labor activities. They use this help quite effectively.

students Group II also do well in the classroom. In the course of training, these children experience somewhat greater difficulties than the students of group I. They generally understand the teacher's frontal explanation, remember the material being studied well, but are not able to draw elementary conclusions and generalizations without the teacher's help. They need the activating and organizing help of the teacher.

In Russian language lessons, they make many mistakes in reading and writing and cannot find them on their own. Rules are learned by heart, but they cannot always be put into practice. They understand what they read, but when retelling they can make omissions of semantic links.

TO III group include students who have difficulty mastering the program material, in need of various types of assistance: verbal-logical, visual and subject-practical. The success of the assimilation of knowledge, first of all, depends on the children's understanding of what is being communicated to them. These students are characterized by insufficient awareness of the newly reported material (rules, theoretical information, facts). It is difficult for them to determine the main thing in what they are studying, to establish a logical connection of parts, to separate the secondary. It is difficult for them to understand the material during frontal lessons, they need additional explanation. They have low independence. The rate of assimilation of the material by these students is significantly lower than that of children assigned to group II.

Despite the difficulties in mastering the material, students basically do not lose their acquired knowledge and skills, they can apply them when performing a similar task, however, each slightly modified task is perceived by them as a new one.

Group III students overcome inertia in the learning process. Significant assistance is sometimes needed mainly at the beginning of the task, after which they can work more independently until they meet with a new difficulty. The activities of these students must be constantly organized until they understand the main thing in the material being studied. After that, they perform tasks more confidently and give a better verbal report about it. This indicates, although difficult, but to a certain extent a conscious process of assimilation.

The difficulties of teaching the Russian language in this group of students are manifested primarily where analytical and synthetic activity is required. They are slower to master sound-letter analysis and literate writing skills. Students may memorize spelling rules, but apply them mechanically in practice. Formation of a coherent oral and writing these students have a hard time. They are distinguished by the inability to construct a phrase. Their perception of content is fragmented. This leads to the fact that students, even in general terms, do not absorb the meaning of what they read.

TO IV group include students who master the educational material at the lowest level. At the same time, only frontal training is not enough for them. They need to perform a large number of exercises, conduct additional training methods, constant monitoring and tips during the work. To draw conclusions with a certain degree of independence, to use past experience is not available to them. Students need a clear, repeated explanation from the teacher when completing any task. The help of the teacher in the form of a direct hint is used correctly by some students, while others make mistakes under these conditions. These students do not see mistakes in their work, they need a specific indication of them and an explanation for correction. Each subsequent task is perceived by them as a new one. Knowledge is acquired purely mechanically, quickly forgotten. They can acquire a much smaller amount of knowledge and skills than is offered by the program of the correctional school.

Pupils of this group master, basically, the initial skills of reading and writing. Experiencing great difficulties in sound-letter analysis, they make many mistakes. It is especially difficult for them to learn spelling rules that they cannot use in practice, as well as understanding what is being read. Schoolchildren have difficulty understanding not only complex texts with missing links, causal relationships and relationships, but also simple ones with a simple plot. Coherent oral and written speech is formed in them slowly, it is distinguished by fragmentation, a significant distortion of meaning.

The assignment of schoolchildren to one or another group is not stable. Under the influence of corrective education, students develop and can move to a higher group or take a more prosperous place within the group.

The composition of the groups also varies depending on the nature of the lesson. So, the same student, due to a certain deficiency, may experience difficulties in mastering written speech, write illiterately, but quite detailed and easily give an oral description of the subject, read well. Then, according to the Russian language, this student can be assigned to the 3rd group, and in reading - to the 2nd.

All students of the school for children with disabilities, divided into four groups, need a differentiated approach in the process of frontal learning.

The teacher must know the capabilities of each student in order to prepare him for learning new material, correctly select and explain the material, help students learn it and apply it with a greater or lesser degree of independence in practice.

    Didactic principles

Methodists compare the principles of didactics with the foundation of a house. Fuzzy, incorrect, inadequate principles are just as dangerous in the formation of knowledge, skills and habits as an unstable, slanting foundation in the construction of a building.

Oligophrenopedagogy, in accordance with the patterns of teaching mentally retarded children, uses the followingdidactic principles:

    educational orientation of training;

    scientific character and accessibility of education;

    systematic and consistent;

    linking learning with life;

    corrections in training;


    consciousness and activity of students in the assimilation of educational material;

    differentiated and individual approach;

    strength of knowledge, skills and abilities.

All principles of teaching are interdependent and represent a certain didactic system. On its basis, the teaching of all academic subjects is built at a school for children with disabilities.

Educational orientation learning in a school for children with disabilities is to form students' moral ideas and concepts, adequate ways of behaving in society.

It is worth noting that inunlike the mass school, in a school for children with disabilities, upbringing plays a special role.AOOP, created on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Children with Disabilities, (enters into force on September 1, 2016)involves the achievement by students of two types of results:personal and subject.Leading position belongs topersonalresults, since it is they that ensure the mastery of the complex of social (life) competencies necessary for the introduction of students with mental retardation into culture, their mastery of sociocultural experience.

Russian language lessons create optimal conditions for the formationat children of positive habits, persistent moral qualities. At the Russian language lessons, children not only acquire speech skills and abilities, but also learn to live, build relationships with others.

When organizing reading lessons, it is necessary to rely on the emotional state of children in order to instill in them love for the Motherland, honesty, diligence, discipline and other qualities. Taking into account the violation in mentally retarded students of the connections between subject-figurative and logical thinking, between word and action, the teacher uses such methods of work that increase the educational impact of works of art:

    expressively reads the text in its entirety or the most important parts for its understanding,

    helps children compare the actions of the characters with their own behavior,

    if possible, translate the situation described by the author into a real plan.

Scientific principle in general pedagogy involves the reflection of modern achievements of science.

The content of education in a correctional school is elementary and practical. Despite the elementary level of knowledge that students need to learn, they must be scientific. Violation of abstract thinking makes it necessary to limit the completeness and depth of information communicated to children, but their scientific reliability should not be distorted. Moreover, the teacher strives to correct as much as possible the incorrect, inadequate ideas of children about the life around them that they might have had before school.

If mentally retarded children are unable to learn practically significant, but complex material, theoretical information is reduced to a minimum, and skills are formed in the process of performing exercises. So, having understood the main distinguishing feature complex sentences(the presence of two groups of subject and predicate), students train in building complex and complex structures using the unions and allied words indicated in the program.

The principle of accessibility involves building the education of schoolchildren with problems in intellectual development at the level of their real learning opportunities.

First, the material that is familiar to schoolchildren from their own experience or with which they can get acquainted through practical activities is studied. So, initially, children correlate the concept of “name of an object” with words that have a pronounced lexical meaning of objectivity. (table, wood) and only after working out the ability to raise a question, the boundary of word usage expands due to the introduction of animated, abstract, collective nouns.

The use of the most successful methodological system can make educational material relatively difficult for mentally retarded schoolchildren accessible.

Essence the principle of systematic and sequence consists in the fact that the knowledge that students acquire at school should be brought into a certain logical system for their more successful application in practice.

In the activities of a teacher, the principle of systematicity is implemented in planning the sequence of passing new educational material and in repeating previously studied material, in checking the knowledge and skills acquired by students, in developing a system of individual work with them. Based on this principle, it is possible to proceed to the study of new educational material only after the students have mastered the one that is being worked out at a given time. Taking into account this circumstance, the teacher makes adjustments to the previously outlined plans.

Compliance with the principle of systematicity and consistency is important for a Russian language teacher in the preparation and conduct of lessons, since the omission of one, even the most insignificant link in the general chain of knowledge leads to a misunderstanding of the educational material by children, to its mechanical memorization.

Implementation the principle of linking learning with life in a school for children with disabilities is to organize educational work based on close and multifaceted connection with the surrounding reality, with the life of local enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Correction principle consists in correcting the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of students with problems in intellectual development through the use of special methodological techniques. As a result of the application of corrective teaching methods, some shortcomings in students are overcome, others are weakened, due to which students move faster in their development.

One of the indicators of the success of correctional work can be the level of independence of students in the performance of new educational and labor tasks. Therefore, the implementation of the principle of correction in training is:

    in the formation of students' skills to independently navigate the requirements for completing tasks,

    analyze the conditions and plan their activities, drawing on existing knowledge and experience,

    draw conclusions about the quality of the work performed.

To implement individual correction, it is necessary to identify the difficulties experienced by students in teaching various subjects and to establish the causes of these difficulties. Based on this, individual correction measures are developed. There may be several students in the class who require different measures of individual correction. In frontal work, it is advisable to carry out individual correction alternately, additionally working with one or another student.

Exists general rule applications visibility principle in general education schools: teaching should be visual to the extent necessary for students to consciously assimilate knowledge and develop skills based on living images of objects, phenomena and actions. In a school for children with disabilities, subject visualization is used long time. This is due to the fact that the processes of abstraction and generalization are sharply disturbed in students, it is difficult for them to break away from the observation of specific objects and draw an abstract conclusion or conclusion, which is necessary for the formation of a particular concept.

A mentally retarded student has concrete-shaped thinking. He, just like a normal young child, thinks in forms, colors, sounds, sensations in general. However, unlike a normally developing child, such children, especially those of the lower grades, have a very limited range of ideas about the objects and phenomena of the world around them.

Visual aids should be made differentiated, containing the most basic features of the object and, if possible, without additional unimportant details, often diverting students' attention away from the main goal that the teacher achieves when using these aids. Illustrations should be large, accessible, and realistic. It is important to determine in advance at what stage of the lesson, what kind of visualization is needed, what work will be done with it. You should not expose all the selected visibility at once, you need to demonstrate it sequentially.

Mentally retarded children are characterized by poor vocabulary and grammatical structure, elementary syntactic constructions, primitiveness of coherent statements, behind which is not only a poor assimilation of grammatical laws, but also, first of all, limited ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them, about their connections and relationships. In fact, when teaching a language, visual aids should form the framework on the basis of which the language and speech activity of students will be formed. At the lessons of the Russian language, traditional means are used, such as natural objects and phenomena, their three-dimensional and planar images, graphic clarity, technical means learning. In addition, a number of specific tools are used that are not used in other lessons. These are facial expressions, gesture, dramatization, diction, expressiveness of reading, mediated, or linguistic, visibility. The last type of visual teaching aids involves the organization of observations of speech itself, of its figurativeness, of various language components, from sound to text.

The principle of consciousness and active learning provided by a number of conditions, some of which are incorporated in the program itself.

Firstly, this is the selection of material, taking into account its accessibility and practical significance for improving the speech practice of schoolchildren.

Secondly, this is a concentric arrangement of the material, due to which the division of complex connections into elements and the gradual assimilation of each of the elements that make up a single whole are achieved.

Third, the allocation of the preparatory stage, during which some shortcomings in the speech and cognitive activity of mentally retarded children are eliminated, their experience is updated and organized. Taking into account the inferiority of the personal experience of schoolchildren in any type of activity, the program highlights propaedeutic periods at all stages of education, during which the shortcomings of past experience are corrected in children, and students are prepared for mastering the subsequent sections of the program.

Fourth, slow pace of learning material, which corresponds to the slowness of the course of mental processes.

At the Russian language lessons themselves, techniques are widely used that increase the activity of the mental activity of schoolchildren and the level of awareness of the material being studied. These are comparison and comparison, explanation and proof, analysis and synthesis, classification and analogy. At the same time, the rapid decline in cognitive interests and the motivational side of speech, which is characteristic of mentally retarded students, requires the use of such methods and types of work that constantly support the activity of children (visual supports, practical and play activities, a variety of types of exercises and tasks for them). To ensure the transfer of acquired knowledge from one condition to another, to develop the skill of self-control, exercises such as “Checking ourselves”, such work methods as “signaling”, “little teacher”, elements of programmed learning, etc. are used.

IN the principle of the strength of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities learning outcomes are reflected. The strength of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved by special pedagogical work aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge and developing skills. That means is repetition. Repetition - this is the basis of all educational work in a correctional school.

The strength of students' assimilation of knowledge is achieved by:

    conscious assimilationmaterial;

    multiplehreinforcement of the studied material;


    a certain degree of independence of students in the performance of tasks, which depends on the year of study and the complexity of the material.

Considering the differences among schoolchildren in the degree and nature of speech underdevelopment, sensorimotor insufficiency, intellectual impairment, the methodology of the Russian language aims teachers at a wide applicationprinciple of differentiated and individual approach to children in the learning process.

The traditional distribution of students in the class into 3 groups (strong, medium, weak) to implement a differentiated approach does not clearly clarify the picture of schoolchildren's difficulties. This, in turn, makes it impossible to accurately choose the means of corrective action.

Thus, the complex underdevelopment of phonemic perception, which causes a number of similar errors in the written work of students (substitutions, omissions, permutations), requires the use of special techniques to correct deficiencies in children of this group:

    drawing up a conditional-graphic scheme of a word before its recording,

    laying out the cubes as you pronounce the sound range or sounds of the word,

    recording from memory a sentence analyzed and perceived earlier visually, guessing a word by syllable,

    spelling, etc.

In other words, reliance on better analyzers, in this case visual and kinesthetic, contributes to the development of writing skills and the correction of defects in phonemic perception.

When implementing the principle of a differentiated approach, the fact that the identified typological groups cannot be stable is also taken into account. They vary in composition depending on the nature of the Russian language lesson (reading, speech development or grammar and spelling). So, one and the same student, due to a certain deficiency, may experience difficulties in mastering written speech, but give a fairly detailed and easy oral description of the subject, or read well, but write illiterately. The composition of the groups also changes as the students progress in overcoming the defect, since it cannot be carried out at the same pace for everyone.

The methodology also provides that a differentiated approach can be used in relation to a group of students for a long time, but take a relatively short period of time in each lesson and, most importantly, not replace frontal learning. All schoolchildren are required to read in reading lessons, work on the text, learn to retell, write in writing lessons, participate in lexical, grammatical and spelling analysis, in preparation for creative work and in writing them. However, the share of participation in frontal work, the volume and complexity of tasks, methods of activating students' activities will differ depending on the capabilities of the entire group or one child.

The differentiation of requirements in relation to different typological groups of students and to each child individually is carried out taking into account the capabilities of children and the characteristics of their defect. So, some schoolchildren have a noticeable increase in the number of errors at the end of the work, the teacher determines the cause of this phenomenon and, based on it, selects the necessary methods of influence. If a student has a general motor insufficiency or impaired motor skills of the hand, as a result of which muscle fatigue increases, pain appears, attention is scattered, the teacher limits the amount of work for him. If the child is excitable and his performance is impaired, as a result of which interest in the lesson is quickly lost, the teacher reminds the student of the purpose of the task, praises the work at the initial stage, briefly changes the type of his activity (offers to wipe the board, find a book), expresses approval and returns to the interrupted exercise.

The methods of implementing a differentiated and individual approach should be such that "as a result of their application, lagging students are gradually leveled off and eventually can be included in collective work on an equal basis with others."

    Methodological requirements for a lesson at a school for children with disabilities

Lesson at school for children with disabilities (mental retardation)- this is a lesson using special corrective educational and educational methods for the purpose of teaching children with mental development problems. The lesson is subject to both general didactic requirements and special ones.

General didactic requirements:

    The teacher must have subject, teaching methods.

    The lesson should be educative and developing.

    Corrective and developmental work should be carried out at each lesson.

    The material presented must be scientific, reliable, accessible, must be connected with life and be based on the past experience of children.

    At each lesson, an individually differentiated approach to students should be carried out.

    Interdisciplinary connections should be made in the lesson.

    The lesson should be equipped with:

    technical training aids;

    didactic material (tables, maps, illustrations, tests, diagrams, reasoning algorithms, punched cards, etc.);

    all material should be correlated with the level of development of the child, be associated with the logic of the lesson.

    In the classroom, innovative processes should be carried out.

    An introduction to learning computers is needed.

    The following safety rules must be strictly observed in the classroom:

    physical minutes ( Primary School- 2 physical minutes);

    compliance of furniture with the age of children;

    correspondence of didactic material in size and color;

    correspondence of the study load to the age of the child;

    compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The lesson should contribute to the solution of the main tasks facing the school:

    provide comprehensive pedagogical support to a mentally retarded child;

    contribute to the social adaptation of the child.

Special requirements for a lesson in a special school:

    The slowness of the pace of learning, which corresponds to the slowness of the course of mental processes;

    Simplification of the structure of ZUN in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of the student;

    Implementation of repetition in teaching at all stages and links of the lesson;

    Maximum reliance on the child's sensory experience, which is due to the concreteness of the child's thinking;

    Maximum reliance on the practical activities and experience of the student.

In mentally retarded students, when the teacher is carried away by verbal methods, the protective system is triggered, and prohibitive inhibition is activated.

Psychologists say that less than 10% of the content of what the student heard during the lesson remains in the memory of the mentally retarded student, 30% of the content perceived through reading, while observing the object (i.e., relying on visualization) approximately 37% remains in the memory of children perceived. Practical actions with educational material leave up to 70% in memory.

    Reliance on the more developed abilities of the child;

    The implementation of differentiated management of the educational activity of the child, which provides for the design, direction and regulation, and at the same time the correction of the actions of students by dividing a holistic activity into separate parts, operations, etc.

The optimal conditions for organizing the activities of students in the classroom are as follows:

Rational dosage in the lesson of the content of educational material;

Choice of the purpose and means of its achievement;

Regulation of students' actions;

Encouragement of students to activity in the lesson;

Development of interest in the lesson;

Alternation of work and rest.

It is necessary to organize educational activities in the classroom because of the inability of mentally retarded children to constantly mobilize their efforts to solve cognitive problems. Therefore, the teacher has to use the methods of dividing cognition into small parts in the lesson, and all educational activity into small portions. This is reflected in the structure of the lesson.

In the practice of the work of a special school, it is most often usedcombined lesson, combining the types of work and tasks of several types of lessons. Thisdue to the fact that mentally retarded children cannot learn material in large portions. Each portion of the new material requires its immediate consolidation in the activity, practical forms of exercises. At all stages of the lesson, step-by-step, often individual control of the assimilation of the material, identification of emerging difficulties are necessary. At each lesson, it is necessary to take into account the personal experience of students, because. it is easier, more interesting, more accessible for them to study the material if it is connected with personal impressions.

Taking into account the dynamics of performance students in the lesson apply such stages of organization of activities as:

- organizational and preparatory;

- basic;

- final .

The preparatory part of the lesson is recommended to correlate in time with the phase of learning and increasing the productivity of cognition (up to the tenth minute of the lesson). The main stage should be carried out up to the twenty-fifth minute and the final one - from the thirtieth minute of the lesson. During periods of decline in performance (twenty-fifth minute), it is advisable to spend physical culture minutes. When students work independently, the first fifteen to twenty minutes are the most productive.

Sample structure of a combined lesson:

    I stage. Organizational and preparatory (up to the 10th minute of the lesson)

    Organizational moment and preparation for the lesson;

    Organization of educational activities.

    II stage. Basic (until the 25th minute of the lesson)

    Checking homework;

    Repetition of previously studied material;

    Preparation for the perception of new material;

    Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson;

    Explanation of new material;

    Correction in the process of obtaining new knowledge;

    Consolidation of what has been learned.

    III stage. Final (from the 30th minute of the lesson)

    Summing up the lesson;

    Assessment of knowledge;

    Reporting homework and preparing students for independent work on it;

    Conclusion from the lesson.

The presence of one or another stage of the lesson depends on its type. Each of the structural elements of the lesson pursues its own objectives.

Exemplary lesson plan with the content of the stages

lesson type - combined

Lesson topic

Lesson objectives

The effectiveness of the lesson largely depends on the setting of specific goals and objectives. Teachers of the correctional school, as well as those of the general education school, set a triune task. The difference lies in the fact that more attention is paid to the correctional and developmental task.


    to form (formation) students' ideas about ...;

    reveal (reveal) ...;

    to acquaint, to acquaint, to continue to acquaint…;




    to systematize…;


    learn to put into practice ...;

    learn to use ...;




    correct attention (voluntary, involuntary, stable, switching attention, increasing the amount of attention) by performing ...;

    correction and development of coherent oral speech (regulatory function, planning function, analyzing function, orthoepic correct pronunciation, replenishment and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary, dialogic and monologue speech) through the implementation ...;

    correction and development of coherent written speech (when working on deformed texts, composition, presentation, creative dictation) ...;

    correction and development of memory (short-term, long-term) ...;

    correction and development of visual perceptions…;

    development of auditory perception ...;

    correction and development of tactile perception…;

    correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill, development of rhythm, smoothness of movements, proportionality of movements) ...;

    correction and development of mental activity (operations of analysis and synthesis, identification of the main idea, establishment of logical and cause-and-effect relationships, planning function of thinking) ...;

    correction and development of personal qualities of students, emotional-volitional sphere (skills of self-control, perseverance and endurance, the ability to express their feelings ...)

TO correction task should be specific And focused on the activation of those mental functions that will be most involved in the course of this lesson, that is, through their active work, educational information will be approached and processed.


    cultivate observation;

    cultivate independence;

    cultivate perseverance and patience;

    educate moral qualities (love, respect for ..., hard work, the ability to empathize, etc.)

The educational task should be the same specific. For example, the cultivation of observation, if the lesson has to analyze processes or objects; perseverance and patience, if the lesson is proposed to perform a series of exercises, etc.

Lesson equipment

1. Organizational and preparatory stage

The goal is to prepare students for work in the classroom. Stage content:


    duty officer's report, identification of those absent;

    checking readiness for the lesson (jobs, working posture, appearance);

    the mood of students to work, the organization of attention;

    exercise for the fingers;

    recording a number (spelling pronunciation, highlighting orthograms);

    exercise for the development of attention, perception;

    minute of cleansing.

Given the difficult switching of students from one type of activity to another, during the organizational moment it is necessary to remove their excessive excitability and switch their attention to this lesson. From the first minutes, students should feel in the teacher a leader who will not back down from his demands. The teacher checks the readiness for the lesson: the students have notebooks, textbooks, a diary, a pen, special equipment for this lesson, the order in which they are placed on the student's table, and if there are any distracting foreign objects. For some students who are slow to react, the teacher can help clean up or prepare for the lesson. workplace, but precisely to help, and not to do it for him. At this stage, the psychological attitude of students to further activities in the lesson is also important. The word of the teacher may not affect the setting for work, so verbal appeal should be supplemented with motor and sensory exercises aimed at activating attention, perception of thinking. These exercises last up to seven minutes and should be related to the work ahead.

2.Main stage, on whichsolve the main tasks of the lesson.

a) Checking homework

The goal is to establish the correctness and awareness of doing homework, to identify typical shortcomings, to identify the level of knowledge of students, to repeat the material covered, to eliminate the identified gaps in knowledge during the test. Possible options homework checks:

    frontal survey;

    individual survey with a call to the board;

    frontal written survey (at the blackboard, on cards);

    individual written survey;

    compacted survey (combination of frontal and individual, oral and written);

    practical work;

    programmed control;

    checking notebooks;

    with the help of TCO.

Checking homework (updating knowledge) a traditional part of the lesson, the meaning of which is both to check and control, and to prepare for the study of new material. In this type of work, the teacher focuses the attention of students on the basic rules that formed the basis for doing homework. It checks whether everyone completed the task, what and who had difficulties, what typical mistakes were made.

If there was no homework for this lesson, then the students, using a series of specially prepared questions, reproduce the knowledge that will be used in the explanation process. Cognitive activity and students' interest in new material directly depend on this part of the lesson.

b) Propaedeutics of students to assimilate new material

The goal is to organize cognitive activity students. Inform the topic, goals and objectives of studying new material, show the practical significance of studying new material(goal setting) , attract attention and arouse interest in learning a new topic. The introduction of a new concept can be done in different ways:

    riddle, rebus, game "Extra Four";

    appeal to the past experience of students (conversation);

    vocabulary work (connection with new material);

    problem question.

new material should start with an introductory conversation.

The teacher tells in detail what the children will do and why it is necessary, it is important to show the children those aspects of life in which the acquired knowledge can be applied. It is necessary to express the opinion that the children will cope with the task. Further, it is recommended to carry out special preparation for solving the cognitive tasks of the lesson with an introductory conversation, or a frontal brief survey of the previous material, or by examining tables, figures, living objects to create ideas when studying new material.

c) Communication of new material

The goal is to give students a concrete idea about the issue being studied, the rule, the phenomenon, etc. The message of new material is possible in a combination of different ways:

    teacher's story (scientific, accessible, moderately emotional, consistent, based on visualization, with vocabulary work, with conclusions);

    self-acquaintance with new material by observing and using the textbook(only in high school and only accessible material);

    conversation (if students have a stock of information on this topic);

    alternation of conversation and story;

    using TSO.

Explanation - the scientific presentation of the content of the educational material is the most important part in the structure of the lesson. The logic of scientific evidence accessible to mentally retarded schoolchildren, based on their knowledge, a simple and convincing form of presentation are the foundations for a good understanding and assimilation of new material by students. When explaining new material, it is necessary to focus on the main points of the content of the material, apply intonation, stress on the essential in the explanation. The material should be presented as if you are studying it with the students. Visual aids should be used bright, in accordance with age. In a special school, the explanation may also be included in other parts of the lesson (for example, in the process consolidation), when the material is not understood by some part of the students and requires repeated explanation at a more accessible level.

Primary Perception (through direct repetition, examples, partial conclusions).

d) Consolidation of acquired knowledge

The goal is to consolidate the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work of students on new material, to teach how to apply knowledge in a similar situation. Methods used:


    work with the textbook;

    work with a notebook;

    practical work;

    programmed tasks;

    didactic games;

    application of TCO;

    tables, diagrams, tests;

    independent work.

The main requirement in this link of the lesson is to provide students with the correct ideas and concepts. For complete perception and conscious assimilation of the educational task, several references to the same material are needed, during which knowledge and skills are refined, and incorrectly learned material is corrected. At this stage of the lesson, a differentiated approach to students and the variety of forms used to consolidate what has been studied are especially important, depending on the individual capabilities and characteristics of the students. In the lessons, the stage of consolidating and repeating knowledge can be carried out as a separate stage or in stages after each portion of the various parts of the lesson. Its purpose: secondary reproduction of the material presented, understanding of the acquired knowledge. evaluated in the manner prescribed for general education schools. However, when assessing, it is necessary first of all to take into account the requirements of special school programs and the psychophysical characteristics of students, for whom assessment has a great educational and activating value. An objective assessment of students' knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved by a combination of various types of current and final knowledge testing.

The assessment of students with mild and moderate (medium) degree of mental retardation of a boarding school in all subjects of the program, with the exception of the correctional block, is usually carried out according to a five-point system with a modified grading scale for each subject. Due to the fact that education at school is not qualified, the grades given to students are also not "qualified", i.e. they cannot be equated with the grades of students in general education schools, but are only an indicator of the success of the advancement of pupils in relation to themselves.

To assess students during the midterm assessment, teachers develop individual control tasks, taking into account the level that they were able to achieve in the learning process. The progress of students relative to themselves is assessed, without comparing the results with peers.

When assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the intellectual development of students, the state of their emotional and volitional sphere. When assessing the written work of students suffering from a profound motor impairment, one should not reduce the mark for poor handwriting, sloppy writing, the quality of notes, drawings, drawings, etc.

Using assessment as a stimulus for learning activities, as an exception, the work of some students can be evaluated with a higher score.

    analysis and recording of homework.

Reportinghomework, the teacher explains the main provisions and ways of its implementation. The main task of this stage of the lesson is to help students organize their home study work.