Methods of transmitting direct and indirect speech. possible mistakes. Some features of the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech

Among the errors and shortcomings associated with the use difficult sentencesdirect and indirect speechThe most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily bulky structures.

1.   One of the most common shortcomings is cluttering up complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

Wed: A statement by representatives of foreign circles ignoring the fact that trade relations, which have been steadily developing in recent years and are showing a tendency to further growth, indicate that someone is still interested in maintaining the atmosphere of the Cold War and eliminating the mass desire for the friendship that engulfed the peoples of Europe and America, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state, which continues to count on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that to achieve progress in such negotiations it will not be easy, but we are used to overcoming difficulties.

  • It is also inappropriate to string the same type of syntactic constructions of a compound or complex sentence.

Wed: Kai tried to unhook the sled, and they just grew, and the rider turned and shook his head, and Gerda just looked after her friend.

2.   In a number of cases, the same situation can be expressed with the help of both complex and complex sentences.

Wed: He entered and  we got up; When  he came in, we got up.

  • At the same time, cases of “structural failure” are often observed in a speech: a sentence begun as a complex subject ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Wed: When   Murka was tired of messing with kittens, and  she went off to sleep somewhere.

3.   Grammar errors also include the use of heterogeneous parts of a complex sentence.

For instance: The representative of our delegation put forward two points: 1) without Russia, the Council of Europe cannot fully function; 2) the need to stabilize the situation in the Caucasus.  In this non-union sentence, when explaining in the first case, a two-part sentence is used ( Council cannot function, in the second - a sentence with one main member - subject necessity (this part can be characterized as a phrase, not a sentence).

4.   Speech deficiency in the construction of a complex sentence is the so-called displacement of the structure.

For instance: The last thing I will say is about cost overruns.  In this case, in the main sentence ( Last ... it's about cost overruns) there was a displacement of the structure under the influence of the subordinate clause ( what will I say) The construction would be grammatically more correct: The last thing I’ll say is cost overruns.

5.   Errors and shortcomings associated with the improper use of unions and allied words are very common in speech:

a)  the use of several unions, allied words, an extra particle would   in union so that .

For instance:

1. Mother got sick but nonetheless, however,  she did not stay at home.  The correct design: Mother got sick but nonetheless  did not stay at home.

2. He thought what  over whether  life at thirty.  The correct design: He thought over whether  life at thirty.

3. Gotta so that  he went would  to me.  The correct design: He must come to me;

b)  inappropriate insertion or, on the contrary, improper omission of index words: one such   and etc.

For instance:

1. Your mistake is that you are in a hurry to publish your verse  - omitted index word. The correct design: lies in that ...

2. Necessary thenso you come to me  - pointing word then  mistakenly used in an adverb that does not require such distribution;

in)  inappropriate use of one union or union word instead of another:

You can’t put up with the situation when  work done hastily  - should: You can’t put up that  work done hastily;

d)  inappropriate use of both union and union word with uniform submission:

The writer understood what  Bulka ran after him 20 miles and which  loyal friend he has  - should: The writer understood what  Bulka, who ran after him 20 miles, is a devoted friend; The writer realized that Bulka ran after him 20 miles and that the dog is a loyal friend.

6.   In some types of complex sentences, infinitive sentences can be used (the predicate is expressed in them by an independent infinitive). This is possible only if the main and subordinate sentences refer to the same actor:

In order not to be late for the train, I had to take a taxi.

  • Infinitive constructions cannot be used in cases when different subjects act in the main and subordinate clauses.

For instance: To write an essay, the teacher told us about the plan.. In this case, the composition will be written by schoolchildren, and the teacher told them about the plan! Therefore, the construction will be grammatically correct: So that we could write an essay, the teacher told us about the plan.

  • It is also not recommended to use targeted adverbs with the union so that   (especially in the position - after the main sentence!) in the event that the main sentence does not express an active action, but a passive state, attitude, etc.:

Light bulbs on the rink are burning  exactly to light the rink.

7.   The lack of expression of the essential link in thought related to the perception of a phenomenon or its assessment often leads to speech flaws that look like logical errors:

It's cold in the library because a shawl is put on a chair.

8.   When using definitive clauses, the following errors and omissions are typical:

a)  subordinate clauses break away from the defined word:

Warm rain  wet the earth which the crops needed so much;

b)  allied words are mistakenly not consistent with the noun that is defined:

Squirrel - the beast that  lives on a tree;

in)  union word which is illegally transferred to the middle of the subordinate clause:

Mtsyri is a Georgian young man in childhood which the  was captured by a Russian general;

d)  the designated word in the main sentence is illegally omitted.

For instance: The officer invited who saved the boy. In this case, the subordinate clause must be correlated with either a noun or a pronoun: The officer invited the man who saved the boy; The officer invited one who  saved the boy.

  • In addition, it should be borne in mind that allied words which, which, whose   replace the closest noun to them. It is especially important to take this into account if the subordinate clause is after a phrase that includes several nouns of the same gender or those in the plural.

For instance: Horses rushed ahead cossacks who  were covered with foam.  In this order of words, it should be concluded that the Cossacks, and not their horses, were covered with foam. To correct the utterance, one can put the participle before the word to which the action of the participle refers (cf .: Cossacks' horses covered with foam rushed ahead).

  • In general, when building a complex sentence, it is necessary to ensure that the idea unfolds logically accurately! Otherwise, not only logical, but also grammatical errors may appear.

9. When translating direct speech into indirect, very often it is not taken into account that these are different constructions.

  • In particular, a typical mistake is to retain the first person form of the subject and the verb-predicate.

Wed: Sergey said that i'll be back  next week.  The correct design: Sergey said that he will return  next week.

  • Quite often, in indirect speech, the design of direct speech is erroneously stored without change.

Wed: He asked if I knew about mother’s illness.  The correct design: He asked know whether  I'm talking about mother’s illness.

Section 4. Social variants of the Russian language

Any modern society is internally heterogeneous in its social composition. It can distinguish certain groups of people - by gender, age, territory of residence, level of education, social status, profession, etc. Each of the social groups has its own characteristics, uses the language in its own way, under different conditions and with different goals, which cannot but be reflected in their speech. So are formed social language options (strata). These subsystems of the national language are historically variable, mobile, as the society itself is changeable and mobile.

In modern Russian, several basic strata can be distinguished, that is, social varieties (variants) of the language: literary language, territorial and social dialects, vernacular.

Literary language  It is not limited either territorially or socially, since it should be understood by all those who speak Russian. Literary language can be used in everyday communication (literary colloquial speech), but its main function is to serve high areas of communication: state, politics, science, religion, education, art, etc. That is why it cannot exist spontaneously. On the contrary, society (primarily with the help of specialists) constantly monitors its improvement and maintenance in a “fit” state. This ensures unity, precision, expressiveness and stability. literary speech.

Literary language - a language processed by the "masters of the word" and normalized. Its norms are reflected in grammars, various type of dictionaries (grammatical, explanatory, orthoepic, etc.). It exists both orally and in writing. However, the main form of literary speech is writing. This is quite natural, since for high areas of communication (state, science, art, etc.) this form is fundamental.

Territorial dialects (dialects) - varieties of a national language that are characteristic of a particular rural area. Russian is spoken over a vast territory. Therefore, we have a whole system of dialects, and the differences between them are sometimes very significant.

For example, in the south of Russia they “shout” and “yak”, pronounce g   fricative (γ), final consonant t   in the verbs of the present and simple future tense it is pronounced softly. There is even such a "teaser":

And we have in Ryazan
  To eat γ-fungi with γ -ases.
  Scare them -
  Ani to watch.

In the north of Russia, they are “scorched”, often in the form of a instrumental case of the plural of nouns the ending of the dative case is used ( made his hands) In the Arkhangelsk region, in many villages they “pop”, that is, on the spot h   pronounce c , and often - soft: not h udo, a c yudo, not young hny, a young qny  etc. In the Novgorod region, at the end of a word, some consonants pronounce only firmly, for example: se m   instead se m .

There are many differences in the name of objects, phenomena.

For example, in the Arkhangelsk region bispoy  - this is "gray, silver", the temple  - “creek, duct”, the wake  - “the first ice off the coast”; in the Ryazan region goof  - "there is", screech  - "clay vessel for milk", cockatiel  - “Ledum”; in the Pskov region trash  - "lean meat" hooted  - "drink," fornication, bark about  - "walk, wander."

The words that make up individual dialects are called dialectic. The same term is used to refer to dialect words used in fiction.

Language systems of dialects cover all levels of the language (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary). But their norms exist spontaneously, they are not as stable as in the literary language. The main form of the existence of dialect (in contrast to the literary language) is the oral form.

The main difference between dialects and the literary language is that they are used only in everyday communication, as a rule, by uneducated and uneducated layers of rural residents. At the same time, many of those who finish school receive a secondary specialized or even higher education, leave their native village for a city, and retain some dialectic features. The most difficult for people from those places where dialects are widespread, as a rule, is to learn literary pronunciation.

Social dialects (argo, jargon) - These are language options that serve as a means of communication between various social and professional groups. Initially, jargon was used as a "secret" language, the purpose of which is to recognize "friends" and "strangers", to hide the meaning of what is spoken from a stranger. An example of the use of the jargon of offenes, that is, merchants of schismatic books and icons, can be found, in particular, in the works of P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, an expert on schismatic life:

He will run to the shop ... some guy ... and shout to the owner:
  - Abyss and dudorga moping, to write dumplings! ..
  And the owner will suddenly be alarmed, rush into the tent and forget to hastily clean up there, which not everyone can be shown. Who understood the speeches of a runaway boy, without saying a word, right now, out of the shop ... No matter how many people study, how many languages \u200b\u200bhe knows, if he is not an offer and a schismatic, he will never understand what the boy is so scared the owner. And he shouted to him in an official way: "The authorities are going to read paper in the shop."

The function of the "secret language" is retained by the thieves' argo, speech of declassed elements (cf .: pen  - “knife” theater  - "jail"). Other jargons - school, student, youth, jargon of athletes, printers, etc. - almost lost this feature. However, very often, jargon retains an “identification” function - to separate “friends” from “strangers”. This is especially true for some youth groups. For example, surveys conducted among young people show that jargon is used by it to assert itself, to stand out from the circle of adults, to enter the right company.

The use of jargon, as well as territorial dialects, is limited thematically. The subject of conversation usually does not go beyond a narrow circle of topics related in one way or another to the professional and social interests of this team, and this is always oral informal communication. But, unlike the dialect, jargon does not find its specificity at all levels of the language, but, as a rule, only in vocabulary.

Jargonisms and professionalisms usually call phenomena that are somehow related to the professional activities and social interests of a particular social group.

For example, in a speech by aviators: on the wheels  - “takeoff run”, girl eyes  - "locator", master of the sky  - “dispatcher”, forecast  - "weather station", mummologist  - "signalman", cigarette butt  - “Yak-40 aircraft”; in the students' speech: spur- "cheat sheet" tail  - "academic debt", to swim - “poorly answer the exam”, fishing rod  - "satisfactory rating."

Vernacular  - This is mainly everyday speech of uneducated layers of urban residents. Most clearly, the specifics of this social version of the language is manifested in vocabulary.

For instance: drip  - “inform” railway carriage  - “about a lot of something”, to eat  - "to listen, meekly carry offensive, insulting."

Differences from the literary language are also manifested in the features of pronunciation, the formation of individual words and constructions.

For instance: tra nwai  instead of literary tra mwai, quarter  instead of literary quarter, those toeats  instead those heats  etc.

However, vernacular does not have its own special system. Phonetics and grammar, as a rule, coincide with literary norms. And if there are differences, then they are borrowed from dialects.

For example, in Rostov, as in the surrounding Don dialects, will be pronounced g   fricative, in the North they will be “okay”, etc.

The presence of various social variants of the language is historically determined - this is evidence of the richness of the language, the high creative potential of the people. A special place in the system of social options belongs to territorial dialects. It was one of them that formed the basis of the Russian literary language. Dialectisms regularly supplement the vocabulary of the literary language:

farm laborer, roach, mumble, eagle owl, frail  and etc.

Govors are an invaluable repository of national identity and folk culture. Currently, dialects are gradually being lost. Therefore, in many countries, for example, in France, special programs have been developed for the preservation and development of dialects.

One of the prominent scholars who devoted his life to the study of Russian dialects was Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl (1801–1872). He composed the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language in four volumes containing 200 thousand words, not only literary, but also regional (dialect). Dictionary V.I. Dalia is our national treasure.

At the same time, the pattern of coexistence of various social options (strata) of the national language does not mean their equal rights. The most important in the life of the country is the literary language. This is due not only to the fact that only this version of the language can be the language of the state, science, the media, and fiction. This stratum is not limited territorially and socially. Therefore, speaking in a literary language, a person can be fairly confident that he will be well understood by any addressee.

The use of other social options is limited territorially and functionally, thematically and situationally. Communication in jargon, dialect, vernacular is appropriate and advisable only in an informal setting and only if representatives of one collective who understand it well participate and the subject of the conversation does not go beyond a rather narrow circle of topics. In jargon, dialect and vernacular it is impossible to adequately expound any scientific theory, presidential decree, etc.

In addition, the use of non-literary variants of the language, even in unofficial communication in a socially heterogeneous team, can lead to communicative failure. First, the speaker may simply not be understood. Secondly, he himself can be perceived as an uneducated and impolite person who is not interested in the reaction of the listeners. An example of such a communicative failure is described by the satirist L. Izmailov in the story “Unnecessary Words”:

Once I met a neighbor boy Vanya Sidorov, and we had such a conversation with him:
  - Hello, Vanya, how are you?
  He says:
  - Uh, business of power.
  - I'm sorry, what?
  - Cool, I say. Right now, one wick froze this, rolled up to one box, give it, it says, it’s great to drive it, sat down and scratched it, and then the teacher, he let’s show off, he opened his mittens, and he got into a mess. Himself with a fingal, the teacher was almost off the coils, but he gave a great kick. In rzhachka, cool, right?
  I say:
  - And what, was there a horse?
  - What horse?
  - Well, that neighing, or I did not understand anything. Well, come on first.
  - Let's. So one wick ...
  - Without a candle?
  - No.
  - And what is this wick?
  - Well, the guy is one, long, rolls over to the box. Give, says, great to drive, sat down and scratched ...
  - To which box?
  - Well, one shibzik. Yes, you know him, he walks here with such a snoop.
  - With whom, with whom?
  - Yes, not with anyone, but with what. His nose is like a snob. A knife switch is like a soldering iron. Give, says, great to drive. He sat down and scratched.
  - Did he scratch anything?
  - No, he drank ...
  - Well, how, sawed?
  - What sawed?
  - Well, shnobel.
  - No, there was a snobel at a shket, and a fingal at a wick, he struck a bzik in his head, he began to wobble, he opened his mittens, and so he bumped. Do you get it now?
  - I realized that you absolutely do not know the Russian language.

The principle of the appropriateness and expediency of using extra-literary elements is equally important for fiction. Dialectisms, jargon, colloquial words can be found in the works of A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgeneva, L.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Sholokhov, M.M. Zoshchenko, A.I. Solzhenitsyna and others. Similar elements may be needed to create local flavor, speech characteristics  characters, enhancing the expressiveness of the text, etc.

However, a violation of the principle of relevance and expediency can lead to communicative failure. K.G. Paustovsky, for example, wrote about the use of dialectisms in a literary text: “A local word can enrich a language if it is figurative, harmonious and understandable. In order to make it understandable, no boring explanations or footnotes are needed at all. It’s just that this word should be put in such a connection with all neighboring words so that its meaning is clear to the reader immediately, without author’s remarks. ” In general, as A.S. Pushkin, "the true taste does not consist in the unconscious rejection of such and such a word, such and such a turn, but in a sense of proportionality and conformity."

Of particular importance are these thoughts of A.S. They have Pushkin at the present time, when there is a clear tendency to downplay the role of the literary language. Its borders are blurred, and it is strongly influenced by jargon and vernacular.

Literate speech is not only expressive speech, but above all correct speech. Correct speech is based on its compliance with modern language standards.

There are lexical, phraseological, derivational, grammatical (morphological and synthetic), spelling, punctuation, stylistic, orthoepic (pronouncing) norms.

Violations of certain literary norms qualify as speech errors (in the broad sense of the word).

I. Lexical errors.

  Specifications   Example   Cause   Correction
  1. The confusion in the use of paronyms   Before us were opened the great prospects of the ancient city.   Ignorance of the difference in the lexical meaning of words.   Before us were opened the magnificent prospects of the ancient city.
  2. The use of unnecessary words (pleonasms)   They heard abuse and curses. Enemies were getting closer. My autobiography. Crime crimes.   Pupils put different meanings into words. Ignorance of the exact meaning of foreign words.   I heard scolding. Enemies were approaching. Autobiography. It is a crime.
  3. Violation of the lexical compatibility of words People begin to sow crops.   Poor presentation of the described phenomenon; ignorance of the laws of the combination of words.   They begin to sow winter crops, rye (or harvest)
  4. Lexical incompleteness   The author sympathizes and even exalts his hero.   Insufficient understanding of semantic relationships in the sentence.   The author sympathizes with his hero and even magnifies him.
  5. Distortion or destruction of phraseological units   It plays a role Has a role The red line passes the thought   Ignorance of the meanings and forms of phraseological units   It plays a role. It matters. The red thread passes the thought.

II. Grammatical errors

  Specifications   Example   Cause   Correction
  1. Word-building mistakes
  1. Violation of the word-formation structure   With her obstinacy, she sought what she wanted.   By his obstinacy ...
  2. Morphological errors
  1. Errors in gender and number of nouns   Mom learned to make jam. Streams ran along the asphalt   The effect of vernacular   ... make jam. ... on the pavement.
  2. Errors in the use of reliable forms   He spent the evening with his friends. His best friends were the chauffeur.   The circumstantial significance of noun. II declension has an ending y. Unbending noun. do not change the endings: without a coat, in the cinema ...   ... in the circle of my friends. ... there were drivers.
  3. Errors in the formation of adjectives   The day was more cloudy than always. We solve the most important task. More than fifty rubles   The comparative degree of adjectives is formed using the words more, less, or the suffix of it, es.   was more overcast. ... the most important task. Fifty rubles
  4. Errors in the use of forms of numerals   In four hundred seventy-six books. The 2000th year   When declining composite numerals, all words change, in ordinal only the last.   In four hundred and seventy-six books. Two thousand and eight.
  5. Errors in the use of verb forms. A mixture of times.   We played in the forest for a very long time. "Go, son, to the city alone." Burns a bonfire. At the meeting were  representatives of all areas, with the exception of two delegates, missing  for good reason.   We played in the forest. “Go, son, to the city alone.” Burning bonfire. At the meeting wererepresentatives of all areas, with the exception of two delegates, about present  for good reason.
  6. Errors in the formation of participles   Student writing essay.   Communion has no future tense   The student who will write the essay. (the participial turnover must be replaced by the accessory definitive).
  7. A mixture of the return and passive meanings of the participles. A girl raised by her grandmother ...   A girl raised by her grandmother ...
  3. Syntax errors
  1. Violation of coordination in number between subject and predicate   Young people were always ahead. Chekhov shows philistinism with their petty interests.   Youth has always been ahead. ... philistinism with its petty interests.
  2. Incorrect word management.   Gogol describes the adventures of Chichikov. Confidence in victory.   Describes the adventures of Chichikov. ... in victory.
  3. The use of homogeneous members of the proposal: - a combination of incompatible concepts; - the combination of the participial turnover and the relative adjective;    I drink tea with lemon and pleasure. Mayakovsky is pleased with the upswing that has swept the masses and in which he sees the guarantee of victory.    I enjoy drinking tea with lemon. Mayakovsky is pleased with the upswing that swept the masses. In him he sees the guarantee of victory.
  4. The use of participatory turnover.   Trying to convince readers, the author does not always succeed.   The main verb and the complementary action of the participle must be performed by one person (subject)   Trying to convince readers, the author is sometimes too blunt.
  5. The erroneous use of prepositions.   Thanks to the artist’s art. Came from school   Thanks to the art of the artist. …from school.
  8. The use of participle turnover   The lying book on the table is read.   Ignorance of the structure of the sacrament turnover   The book lying on the table is read. or   The book lying on the table is read.
  9. Errors in the use of direct and indirect speech.   Yuri said that I will be a pilot. The mayor told the officials who had gathered at his place that I invited you, gentlemen, to give you some unpleasant news.   Yuri said he will be a pilot. The mayor told officials gathered at his place that he had invited them to give them unpleasant news.
  10. Coordination of the subject with the predicate.   Everyone who has ever visited St. Petersburg will never forget ...   Incorrect allocation of the grammatical basis in the main and subordinate part of the compound sentence.   Everyone who has ever visited St. Petersburg will never forget ...
  11. Pile of unions.   All newspapers wrote about the scandal in the government, but, nevertheless, there were people who knew nothing about it.   All newspapers wrote about the scandal in the government, but there were people who knew nothing about it. (or any of these pops).

In 2008 KIMs there are tasks that test speech knowledge. Tasks A3 test the ability to determine the meaning of a word or to distinguish paronyms in a context. Words are usually called paronyms of one part of speech, usually of the same root, similar in sound, but differing in prefixes or suffixes. For instance, malicious - evil (poachers are malicious, that is, knowingly breaking the law, deserving of punishment; evil - the quality of a person, not subject to punishment).

Grammar Norms

Possession of grammatical (morphological) norms is checked by tasks A4. Grammatical (syntactic) norms are presented in assignments A5, A6, A28. Tasks A5 test the ability to build a sentence with the participial turnover. It should be remembered that the participle turnover (the participle) and the predicate indicate the action of one and the same person. For instance, when sending a telegram, be sure to include the address.  Assignments A6 check the possession of the syntactic norm (coordination, management, constructing sentences with homogeneous members, complex sentences with direct and indirect speech). Difficulties cause the assimilation of the norms of matching the predicate with the subject, the coordination of participles and adjectives with a definable noun: image of a heroine mourning her youth (image mourning?).

Assignments A28 allows you to check the possession of various grammatical means, the expression of thought, involves the conversion of syntactic constructions with the observance of the main meaning, if the main part of the complex sentence contains an indicative word, then you cannot replace the subordinate part with the participial circulation. For instance, Grushnitsky from the names of people who for all occasions have ready-made magnificent phrases.

IV. But what about part C? ..

In the structure of the Unified State Exam test in the Russian language, the third part is of the greatest importance, and this is precisely this task that allows a sufficient amount to verify and objectively verbal preparation of the examinees, to assess their practical literacy.

Dear alumni, first we offer you some tips on what not necessary  do:

DO NOT go beyond the field on the form;

Do not forget about the correct and accurate spelling of letters;

DO NOT forget about the paragraph division of the essay (red line required!) And its

compositional completeness (conclusions necessarily!);

DO NOT turn the essay into a statement; you need not retell the text, but its inter-

interpretation - interpretation of the problem raised in the text;

DO NOT start composing with a pronoun phrase (I became interested ...

i liked ... This article ...) and from unions;

Do not forget to use speech cliches;

DO NOT forget to justify your point of view (2-3 examples);

DO NOT forget about moderate use of citations (no more than 2-3 small

volume competently designed in different ways);

DO NOT misrepresent quotes;

DO NOT forget to give examples from the text when designating copyright

practical techniques, as well as explain their role in the text;

DO NOT show your ignorance by changing the name, middle name of the writer, title

works, etc .;

DO NOT impose your point of view, but prove it, arguing with facts or


DO NOT forget that a work written without reliance on the proposed text is not about

believed and not evaluated;

Do not forget that the volume of the essay should be from 150 to 300 words;

Do not forget that about half of the time is allotted for the composition, i.e.

90 minutes, of which approximately 60 minutes need to work with a draft, and

in 30 minutes - check and rewrite the essay on the clean man.

Some features of essay-reasoning genres:

Essay  - a prosaic composition of a small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and not claiming to be an exhaustive interpretation of the subject, but, as a rule, assuming a new, original look at the subject. The style of the essay is distinguished by imagery, aphorism, and the frequent use of introductory words.

Feedback- a general assessment of the work, an expression of one’s attitude to the read, viewed, an emotional assessment of the personal perception of the work, impressions of it with justification: what exactly caused these feelings and experiences in the work.

Review  - analysis, analysis and evaluation of the text, the genre of criticism, literary and newspaper journalism, in which there is a creative dialogue between the reviewer and the author. The reviewer must see the creative personality of the author, the color of the text, and carefully substantiate his opinion.

1. Introduction  essay-reasoning should be emotional, short (3-4 sentences), energetic, it presents the theme, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text and the global problem raised by the author of the text. It can be started:

1) With reflections on a topic that is addressed in the text.

Among the shortcomings and errors associated with the use of complex sentences, direct and indirect speech, the most common are the following: incorrect construction of the sentence structure itself, the use of unnecessarily bulky structures.

1. One of the most common shortcomings is cluttering up complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

Here is an example:
A statement by the chairmen of the notary’s office commission that ignores the fact that business relations that have steadily faded over the past month and tend to fall further suggest that someone is still interested in maintaining the atmosphere of the Cold War and eliminating the mass desire to the friendship that engulfed the inhabitants of America and Asia, and this cannot but affect the actions of our state,

which continues to rely on the success of the negotiations, although it understands that it will not be easy to achieve progress in such negotiations, but we are used to overcoming difficulties.

It is also inappropriate to string the same type of syntactic constructions of a compound or complex sentence.

Here is an example:
  Oleg tried to unhook the sled, and they just grew, and the rider turned and shook his head, and Alena just looked after her friend.

2. In a number of cases, the same situation can be expressed with the help of both complex and complex sentences.

Here is an example:
  She came in, and we all jumped up;
  When she came in, we jumped up.

At the same time, cases of “structural failure” are often observed in a speech: a sentence begun as a complex subject ends as a complex one, and vice versa. It is unacceptable!

Here is an example:
  When Konstantin was tired of messing with the puppies, and he went off to rest somewhere.

3. The grammatical errors also include the use of heterogeneous parts of a complex sentence.

4. Speech deficiency in the construction of complex sentences is the so-called displacement of the structure.

5. Errors and shortcomings associated with the misuse of unions and allied words are very common in speech:

A) the use of several unions, union words at the same time, an extra particle in order to union.

For instance:

1. Father fell ill, but nevertheless, nevertheless, he did not rest at home.
  The correct design:
  My father fell ill, but nevertheless did not stay at home.

2. She thought that life was over at forty.
  The correct design:
  She wondered if life was over at forty.

3. She needs to come to him.
  The correct design:
  She needs to come to him;

B) an inappropriate insert on the contrary, or, an unlawful omission of index words: that, that, such and others.

For instance:

1. Our mistake is that you are in a hurry to publish your poems - the index word is omitted.
  Correct design: that ...

2. It is necessary that you come to me - the index word is mistakenly used in an adverb that does not require such distribution;

C) inappropriate use of one union or union word instead of another:

You can’t put up with the situation when the work is done hastily - you should: You can’t put up with the fact that the work is done hastily;

D) inappropriate use of both union and union word with uniform submission:

Antoshka realized that Eroshik ran after him 20 kilometers and what a devoted friend he has - one should:
  Antoshka realized that Eroshik, who had run 20 kilometers after him, was a devoted friend; The writer realized that Eroshik ran after him 20 kilometers and that the dog is a loyal friend.

6. In some types of complex sentences, infinitive sentences can be used (the predicate is expressed in them by an independent infinitive). This is possible only if the main and subordinate sentences refer to the same actor:

In order not to be late for the train, I had to take a taxi.

7. The lack of expression of the essential link of thought associated with the perception of a phenomenon or its assessment often leads to speech flaws that look like logical errors:

It’s hot in the office, because a blanket is put on the chair.

8. When using definitive clauses, typical are the following errors and shortcomings:

A) subordinate clauses break away from the defined word:

The cold rain dampened the fields the crops needed so much;

B) allied words are mistakenly not consistent with the noun that is defined:

A rabbit is a beast that lives in the forest;

C) a union word which is illegally transferred to the middle of the subordinate clause:

Gogi is a Georgian boy who was captured by Russian special forces as a child;

D) the designated word in the main sentence is unlawfully omitted.

Here is an example:
  The commander invited who saved the girl.
  In this case, the subordinate clause must be correlated with either a noun or a pronoun:
  The commander invited the man who saved the girl;
  The commander invited the one who saved the girl.

9. When translating direct speech into indirect, very often it is not taken into account that these are different constructions.

In particular, a typical mistake is to retain the first person form of the subject and the verb-predicate.

Here is an example:
  Anton said that I will be back next month.
  The correct design:
  Anton said he will be back next month.

Quite often, in indirect speech, the design of direct speech is erroneously stored without change.

Here is an example:
  She asked, I know about my father’s illness.
  The correct design:
  She asked if I knew about my father’s illness.

There are two ways to convey someone else’s speech in the text: direct speech and indirect speech.

Direct speech  - this is the literal (without changing the form) reproduction in the text of the statements or thoughts of any person.

Direct speech consists of two components: alien speech and the words of the author. The author’s words introduce speech into the text and indicate to whom the statement belongs. With rare exceptions, the position of the author’s words is free (before someone else’s speech, in the middle of it, and after someone else’s speech). Foreign speech is enclosed in quotation marks.

The teacher said: “The lesson is over. You are free".

“The lesson is over. You are free, ”said the teacher.

“The lesson is over,” said the teacher. - You are free".

If the content of someone else’s speech is preserved, but the form of its transmission changes, then a construction called indirect speech. Indirect speech, therefore, is not a direct quotation, but to a certain extent a retelling of the speech of another person. Indirect speech is made out in the form of a complex sentence, in which the author’s words are the main one, and someone else’s speech is the subordinate clause.

The teacher said that the lesson was over.

In sentences with direct speech, the author’s words and the speech of others are grammatically independent parts of each other. Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences with the main (words of the author) and subordinate (someone else's speech) sentences. In this regard, in order to avoid errors in the process of replacing direct speech with indirect, you must remember the following rules:

2. If in direct speech the author’s words are in the middle or after someone else’s speech, then in indirect speech they are usually at the beginning of the sentence. Only in some cases, according to the requirements of the logic of utterance, is the reverse order of the parts possible.

Compare: The director said there would be no meeting.

That there will be no meeting, the director said  (it is emphasized that the director is the source of information).

3. Most often, in the process of converting direct speech to indirect, alliances are used what so if   and etc.

4. Personal and possessive pronouns and verb forms of the present / future tense of the 1st and 2nd persons are transformed into the 3rd person form. They are used no longer on behalf of the one who pronounces these words, but on behalf of the one who is the author of the text. However, here you should be extremely careful.

Compare: The teacher said that the lesson is over and they(someone, the author of the text is not included in this group) may be free.

The teacher said that the lesson is over and we(the author of the text is a member of the "we" group) can be free.

5. Appeals, introductory words, interjections, means of emotional assessment, which are in direct speech, are omitted in indirect speech.

6. Please note that in indirect speech it is not allowed to put a question mark at the end of someone else's speech. The question mark refers to the entire text of the sentence, at the end of which it is put, and the words “he asked” do not contain a question.

It is impossible:  He asked if I would go to the movies?

Necessary:  He asked if I would go to the cinema.

3. A mixture of direct indirect speech: "Grandfather said that in childhood they had such a law: on birthdays we gave only what was done with our own hands."

4. Errors in introducing quotes: "K. Paustovsky said that" A man who loves and knows how to read is a happy person. "