All direct speech schemes. Alien speech. Direct and indirect speech

Direct Speech Suggestions

Direct Speech Suggestions  consist of the words of the author and direct speech:

“I’ll go to the Volga the day after tomorrow,” Sasha said. (A. Chekhon)

In this sentence, the words author are, said Sasha; direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks. Copyright words (words that introduce direct speech) part include verbs  said, thought, asked, wrote, read, whispered, exclaimed, etc.

1) M. Gorky  wrote: “A good book is simply a celebration.
  2) “I owe everything good to me in books,” said M. Gorky.
  3) “What kind of books do you like?” Asked Vera Vasilievna.
  4) “The amazing thing is the book! This is truly marvelous! ”Wrote Lev Kassil.

Direct Speech Schemes

1) A: "P".
  2) "P", a.
  3) “P?” - a.
  4) “P!” - a.

In writing, direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks.

If words of the author  If you are facing a direct speech, then a colon is placed after them, direct speech is capitalized.

Direct speech. rules

From the examples in this lesson, you have already figured out for yourself what direct speech suggestions can be and sorted out a direct speech sentence diagram, but now let's try to formulate a definition and find out what is called direct speech.

Direct speech refers to words belonging to someone, but which are transmitted unchanged.

In another way, one can also say that direct speech is a structure in which the words of the person to whom these words or speech belong verbatim.

Let's give an example:

1. Mom called me: “Sasha, go home!”;
  2. “What time is it?” Sasha asked;
  3. “Half past five,” Mom answered.
  4. “Can I take a little more walk?” Sasha asked.
  5. Mom said: "First you need to have lunch and sit down for lessons."

Each sentence in which direct speech is present consists of such two parts as the words of the author and direct speech. These parts of the sentence are interconnected in meaning and intonation.

You can still say that direct speech is someone else's speech, although it is transmitted verbatim on behalf of the person to whom it belongs.

If we talk about the procedure for constructing sentences with direct speech, then this does not matter, since the words of the author can be after a direct speech or stand in front of it.

Here is an example:

“Can you tell me where the pharmacy is?” The stranger asked.
  I replied: "Pass one block, and there will be a pharmacy."
“Thank you so much!” The stranger thanked.

We see that in the first sentence, the author’s words are after a direct speech, but in the second sentence, before a direct speech.

And now let's look at the drawing and recall the main schemes that are in sentences with direct speech:


1. Make sentences in which the author’s words will appear at the end of the sentence.

2. Come up with a short story in which the direct speech and words of the author can be both at the beginning of the sentence and at the end.

3. Read the suggestions below. Try remaking them so that the author’s words come first, and they are followed by direct speech:

Punctuation marks

When writing a sentence with direct speech, it should be remembered that direct speech is always written in quotation marks, and the first word of direct speech must be capitalized.

For example: Nikita asked: “Have you already done your homework?”

A: "P". A: “P?” A: “P!”

If direct speech is written before the author’s words, then after direct speech, we must put a dash before the author’s words. But it should be noted that in this case the author’s words should be written with a small letter.

Also, it should be remembered that at the end of a direct speech, before the words of the author, depending on the sentence, you must put a comma, exclamation or question mark:

   "P" - a. “P?” - a. “P!” - a.


1. Using the above diagrams, come up with your suggestions and write them down in a notebook.
  2. Select sentences with direct speech from famous fairy tales and make diagrams of these sentences.
  3. What punctuation marks are in these sentences? Try to explain why these signs are used in the sentence.
  4. Read the sentences carefully and rewrite them so that direct speech is present.

Honestly, in the correct spelling of direct speech, I myself am somewhat swimming. Everything was forgotten for twenty years. Nothing, let's remember together.

Probably everyone knows what direct speech is. Who does not know - I remind. Direct speech  - a statement literally introduced into the author’s speech. Unlike indirect speechfully conveys the individual characteristics of the speaker’s speech.

I told my son: "Feed the cat, walk with the dog and run to school!"  This is a direct speech.
I told my son to feed the cat, walk the dog and not be late for indirect speech. Feel the difference?

As can be seen from the example above, in the sentence, in addition to the actual speaker, various explanations and remarks are used by the author of the text (“I said,” “he said,” “she shouted,” etc.). These are the words of the author. Further, I will cite the schematics, for clarity, and I will denote direct speech with the letter P, and the author’s letter with A.

1. Direct speech is after the words of the author. The simplest case, by the way.

She dictated a list of products and added: "Don’t forget to buy oranges." Schematically, it will look like this:  A: "P".
The cashier rummaged in a box with coins and asked: "You will not find twenty copecks?" A: "P?"
Gagarin waved his hand and said: "Let's go!" A: "P?"

Note:  A colon is put between the words of the author and the direct speech. If direct speech is narrative, that is, it ends with a point, a point taken out  for quotation marks, and if exclamation or interrogative - exclamation or question mark remain inside  quotation marks.

2. Direct speech is in front of the author’s words.

“Here's the sales report for the first quarter,” the accountant said, laying a voluminous folder on the table. "P" - A.
"Did you go to the savings bank?" she asked, not looking up from the TV. "P?" - A.
"Ah, you robber! I'll show you how to steal jam from a basin!" - exclaimed grandmother, instructing her grandson with a kitchen towel. "P!" - A.

Here, between the direct speech and the author’s words, not a colon is put, but a dash. The words of the author are written with a lowercase letter. As in the previous case, the question and exclamation marks remain inside the quotation marks, but the dot at the end of the narrative direct speech is replaced by a comma.

“I’ll stay late today,” she said. “Have dinner and go to bed.”. "P, - A. - P".
“Just think, you are already twenty!” The aunt exclaimed. “After all, I still remember you on the pot!” "P! - A. - P!"
“Who is it?” I asked, going to the door. “Who is it at such an early date?” "P? - A. - P?"

Here, at the end of the first part of direct speech, the corresponding intonation mark (exclamation or interrogative) is put, and the point changes by a comma. At the end of the second part of direct speech, a dot, a question mark or an exclamation mark is put, and the dot is again put out in quotation marks. note: The whole sentence is in quotation marks, from the beginning of direct speech to its end.

A special case of this arrangement of direct speech is the combination of two "direct speeches" in one sentence.

"Who's there? - asked  I, going to the door. And rude inquired: - Who brings in such an early? " "P? - A: - P?"


A quote can be made out both as an indirect speech and as a direct one. And it is always quoted.

"Choose a job that you love, and you will not have to work a day in your life," said Confucius.
   Confucius said that "People in antiquity considered it a shame not to be in time for their own thoughts."

And so, and so - right. Of course, a quotation, especially a voluminous one, can still be highlighted in a separate paragraph with an accompanying emphasis in italics, indentation or denoting by field, but this is already the subject of another conversation.

5. Dialogue.

Dialogue is a type of direct speech and is used when it is impossible to convey a conversation within the framework of one or more sentences.

The general rules for writing a dialogue on a letter are approximately the same as the rules for writing a direct speech. But there are significant differences.

Firstly, each phrase uttered by the heroes of the dialogue is written on a new line. Secondly, a dash is placed in front of it. Thirdly, it is not indicated by quotation marks, even if the author’s words are present.


- On belts or what? - holding his breath, asked Nesterenko.
   - As you want, only without fools, without a bandwagon.

   (M. Sholokhov, "Virgin Soil Upturned")

And here is another quote from the same "Virgin Soil Upturned", where the dialogue is adjacent to direct speech.

- Live well, butterflies!
   “Thank God,” the hostess reservedly answered him, looking expectantly, questioningly at her husband: “What is this, they say, for the person you brought and what kind of treatment you need with him?”

By the way, I can not help but notice that in the books of modern authors, often a lone remark is made out as a dialogue.


Once he thus braked a grand dog fight - for exactly a second, but during this time ten owners managed to grab ten angry dogs by the collars. The master simply clenched his fists and shouted in full throat:
   - Standing-I-I-Oh !!!
   It seems that he also wanted to add: “Your mother!” - but coughed.
  (O. Divov, "Master of Dogs")

PS Do not blame me for the fact that next to the quote from Sholokhov I put a quote from Divov. Despite the fact that I personally love and respect Sholokhov, and Divov, to put it mildly, is not my favorite author, their texts are equivalent from the point of view of punctuation. Therefore, I quote without a twinge of conscience.

Hh speech  - this is a statement of other persons. It can be transmitted by direct and indirect speech.

Since transmitting someone else’s speech:

Direct speech  - This is a literal reproduction of someone else's statement. For its transmission, special syntactic constructions are used, which consist of 2 components: the author’s words and direct speech itself.

I said: “Let's go fishing tomorrow!”

  Misha replied: "Well, I'll pick you up at five in the morning."

Direct speech is usually accompanied words of the authorexplaining to whom it belongs (words of the author in the examples given: i said, Misha answered).

When transmitting direct speech in writing, direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks.

  “I’ll go to the Volga the day after tomorrow,” Sasha said.

If, in this case, a direct speech contains a question or it is pronounced with an exclamation, then after it a question or exclamation mark and a dash are put, for example:

  “Who is screaming?” Came a harsh cry from the sea.

  “Let's go!” Said Gavrila, lowering the oars into the water.

Direct speech can be torn apart by the author’s words, while punctuation marks are set as follows: if there is no sign at the place of the direct speech rupture or there is a comma, semicolon or colon, then the author’s words are separated by commas and dashes.

  "Listen to me someday to the end."

  "My name is Thomas, and nicknamed Biryuk."

  "It will rain: the ducks are splashing out, and the grass smells very bad."

  “Listen to me,” said Nadia, “someday to the end.”

  “My name is Thomas,” he replied, “and nicknamed Biryuk.”

  “It will rain,” objected Kalinych, “the ducks are splashing out, and the grass smells very bad.”

If there is a dot in the place of a break in direct speech, then a comma and a dash are placed in front of the author’s words, and a dot and dash after them; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.

“Let's go for a walk tomorrow morning. I want to learn from you the Latin names of field plants and their properties. ”

  “Let's go for a walk tomorrow morning,” said Anna Sergeyevna Bazarov. “I want to learn from you the Latin names of field plants and their properties.”

If there is a question or exclamation mark at the place of the break in direct speech, then a dash is placed before the author’s words, followed by a dot and a dash; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.

Punctuation in direct speech sentences:

Indirect speech  - This is a retelling of someone else's statement. For its design, one of the types of subordinate clause is used - the construction with the subjunctive

The main part of such proposals is under construction. on behalf of the author of the text  and corresponds to the words author in direct speech, and the subordinate part transfers the content utterances and corresponds to direct speech.

The purpose of the statement

Joining method


Declarative sentence

Unions   like that

He said, what  will arrive in the morning.

Interrogative sentence

Pronouns and Adverbs   who, what, what, where, why, when;particle whether  in the meaning of union

Mom asked when  the plane will arrive.

Incentive offer

Union   so that

The boss ordered so thateveryone went outside.

Syntactically indirect speech is complex sentence, where the author’s words are conveyed in the main sentence, and the utterance itself is transmitted in the subordinate clause.

  Anton said that tomorrow we will go out of town.

When transmitting other people's words in direct speech, interjections, interjections, introductory words are preserved, and in indirect speech they are omitted.

For instance:

  “Hey Petya, did you pass the exam?” Nadia asked(direct speech).

  Nadia asked Petya if he had passed the exam(indirect speech).

The question conveyed in indirect speech is called indirect question. After an indirect question, a question mark is not put.

In Russian, to convey someone’s words in the text, a syntactic construction such as direct speech is used. Schemes (four of them) in a visual form show which signs and where are placed. To understand this, you need to understand the abbreviations indicated in them.

The difference between direct and indirect

You can communicate someone’s statements either on behalf of the person who makes them (this is direct speech), or from a third party, and then it will be indirect. In the article we will consider the first option in more detail. The schemes of direct and indirect speech are different, as they are formed and sound differently in the text, for example:

  • “Today I’ll be late from work,” Mom said.. Text word for word reflects what the mother said, transmitting information from her personally. In this case, the direct speech scheme is divided into the one who speaks, and directly into the content.
  • Mom said it would be late from work today. In this embodiment, words are not transmitted on behalf of the speaker. In writing, indirect speech is in which the author’s words come first and are its main part.

There are 4 direct speech transmission schemes that use the following notation:

  • P - indicates the capital letter with which direct speech begins.
  • p - means the beginning of speech with a small letter.
  • And - these are the author’s words starting with a capital letter.
  • a is a lowercase letter.

Depending on what designations are used and where they stand in the scheme, you can build a sentence. Which will correspond to it or, conversely, the existing text will allow you to paint schematically.

Direct speech at the beginning of the text

Schemes of direct speech, in which it precedes the words of the author, are as follows:

  • "P" - a.
  • “P?” - a.
  • “P!” - a.

If the author’s words are preceded by direct speech, the rules (the diagram displays this) require you to enclose it in quotation marks, and put a punctuation mark between them, corresponding to the emotional coloring of the statement. If it is narrative, then the parts are separated by a comma. With interrogative or exclamatory emotions in speech, signs are put that convey this stylistic coloring of the sentence. For instance:

  • “We go to the sea in the summer,” said the girl.
  • “Do we go to sea at summer?” The girl asked.
  • “We go to the sea in summer!” The girl shouted joyfully.

In these examples, the same content of direct speech is transmitted with different emotional colors. The words of the author also change in accordance with these changes.

The words of the author at the beginning of the speech

Direct speech schemes (with examples below), in which the author’s words begin a syntactic construction, are used when it is important to point to the speaker. They look like this:

  • A: "P".
  • A: “P?”
  • A: “P!”

According to the diagrams, it is necessary to put a colon behind the words of the author, which begin with a capital letter, since they are at the beginning of the sentence. Directly direct speech on both sides is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with a capital letter, as an independent syntactic construction. At the end is a punctuation mark corresponding to the emotional content of the text. For instance:

  • The boy came up and said in a low voice: "I need to go home to my sick mother."  In this example, direct speech is located behind the words of the author and has a neutral color, so a dot is put at the end.
  • A cry of indignation burst from her lips: “How can you not notice this injustice!”  The sentence has an emotionally expressive color, conveying strong indignation. Therefore, a direct speech, which is behind the author’s words and enclosed in quotation marks, ends with an exclamation point.

  • The girl looked at him in surprise: “Why don’t you want to go camping with us?”  Although the author’s words indicate such an emotion as surprise, direct speech sounds like a question, so there’s a question mark at the end.

It is important to remember: the direct speech behind the author’s words is always capitalized and separated by a colon.

Third circuit

  • "P, - a, - p."
  • "P, - a. - P".

The diagrams show that direct speech is divided into 2 parts by the words of the author. The punctuation in these sentences is such that they are always separated from direct speech by hyphens on both sides. If a comma is placed after the author’s words, the continuation of direct speech is written with a small letter, and if the period is a point, it begins as a new sentence with a capital letter. For instance:

  • “I'll pick you up tomorrow,” said Yegor, getting into the car, “do not sleep.”
  • “Mom arrives in the early morning,” dad reminded. “You need to order a taxi in advance.”
  • "What are you doing here? - asked Mary. “Shouldn't you be at the lecture?”
  • “How stubborn you are! - exclaimed Sveta. “I don't want to see you anymore!”

Important: although in the last two examples the initial part of direct speech does not end with a comma, but with question and exclamation marks, the author’s words are written with a small letter.

Direct speech between the words of the author

The fourth scheme of direct speech explains what signs are placed when it stands between the words of the author.

  • A: “P” - a.
  • A: “P?” - a.
  • A: “P!” - a.

For instance:

  • The announcer said, “Today is the news,” and for some reason he stumbled.
  • The echo brought from afar: “Where are you?” - and again it became quiet.
  • The brother rudely replied: “None of your business!” - and with a quick step went out the door.

You can not be limited only to the schemes listed above, since direct speech can consist of any number of sentences, for example:

“How good! - exclaimed the grandmother, - I thought we would never get home. Tired of death ”. The schema for this syntax is as follows:

"P! - a, - p. "

The Russian language is very expressive and in writing is more than fits in 4 classical schemes. Knowing the basic concepts of direct speech and punctuation marks with it, you can make a sentence of any complexity.

Direct speech, including internal speech, is indicated by quotation marks.
The words of the author can stand in front of a direct speech, after it, break a direct speech.

1. If the author’s words are in front of a direct speech, then a colon and quotation marks are placed after them. Depending on the type of sentence on the purpose of the statement and the emotional coloring, a dot is placed at the end of the direct speech (in front of it are closing quotation marks), a question mark or exclamation mark, with an interruption or understatement, an ellipsis (after them, closing quotation marks).


They heard the woodpecker hammering and say: “How much harm the woodpecker does to a tree!” And we had our own scientist, a doctor, a good man, he looked for that tree and asked: “Why is this tree drying up?” They answer: “The worm is sharpening” . (M. Prishvin)

Question, exclamation marks and ellipsis are placed before quotation marks, a dot - after quotation marks.
Schemes: A: “P!” A: “P?” A: “P ...” A: “P”.

2. If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then dashes are usually used instead of quotation marks.


I went to him and said slowly and clearly:
- I am very sorry that I ascended after you already gave an honest word in support of the most disgusting slander (M. Lermontov)

3. If the author’s words appear after a direct speech enclosed in quotation marks, then a dash is put before the author’s words, the author’s words begin with a lowercase letter. At the end of a direct speech, quotation marks, exclamation points or ellipses are placed in front of quotation marks, depending on the nature of the sentence; if the sentence is narrative non-exclamatory, then a comma is placed after the quotation marks.


“We must live by the law of nature and truth,” said Ms. Dergacheva (F. Dostoevsky) from behind the door;

“How old can you be?” Asked Balunsky, looking at the river. (A. Kuprin)

Schemes: "P" - a. “P?” - a.

a) if there should not be any punctuation mark on the place of rupture of direct speech or there should be a comma, semicolon, colon, dash, then the author’s words are separated by commas and dashes on both sides, and the second part of direct speech is written with a lowercase letter.


"However," I say, "there are three or four major gentlemen left for the county." (I. Bunin)

Scheme: "P, - a, - p."

b) if there should be a dot at the place of the breakup of direct speech, then a comma and a dash are placed before the author’s words, and a dot and a dash after the author’s words; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.


“We must serve,” he answered with conviction. “A double salary means a lot to our brother, a poor man.” (L. Tolstoy)

Scheme: "P, - a. - P".

c) if there should be a question mark, exclamation point or ellipsis at the place of direct speech rupture, then these signs are saved, a dash is placed after them, the author’s words begin with a lower case letter, a dot and a dash are put after them; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.


“As they call it! he said, rejoicing. - Listen only to what is being done! Across the Desna. ” (E. Nosov)

Scheme: "P! - a. - P".

5. If in the author’s words inside direct speech there are two verbs with the meaning of the utterance and the first part of the direct speech refers to one verb and the second to the other, then a colon and a dash are put after the author’s words; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.