My favorite quotes from Radhanath Swami's Journey Home - my_barcelona

A man who broke your heart a year or five years ago, from which he crawled away in tears and snot, hating or forgiving - there is no difference - whom I have not forgotten so far, how can I forget the remote appendix, even if everything has healed, at least from for the scar. Which made clear that it was all over.
  Why - he - comes back? Once a month or six months, but you are sure to receive news. Sms, letter, call.
  And everyone, who has not been cute for a long time, feels the line perfectly and calls the number from time to time to ask: “Do you want to go to the cinema?” And I reply: “I do not want to go to the cinema. I wanted to live with you for half a century, give birth to a boy like you, and die on the same day - with you. But in the cinema - no, I don’t want to. ”
  Well, that is, I pronounce only the first five words aloud, but the conversation is always about one thing: he calls to ask: “Did you love me?” And I answer: “Yes.” Yes, darling; yes bastard; just yes.
  I have long been indifferent, it still hurts me.
  I still cough up my heart after every connection.
  I don’t know how to make them returnees stop torturing us.
  The conclusion suggests itself, and I do not like it. Maybe she should send them an SMS once a month? Consumption is small, peace is more expensive: "I loved you." Hold on

Popular American psychologist, founder of humanistic psychology. The so-called “Maslow Pyramid”, sometimes attributed to Maslow, is widely known — a diagram hierarchically representing human needs. Maslow's quotes can be attributed to a number of philosophical and meditative. Based on materials:

The most popular Italian clothing designer, fashion designer, is the founder of Giorgio Armani. His company is rightfully considered one of the trendsetters in the world. Armani quotes are wise fashion tips for all of humanity. 1. Good clothes help you feel confident and improve the outcome of any activity. 2. The difference between style and fashion in quality. 3. A jacket is the basis of a wardrobe. It must be well stitched, sit ...

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is a Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, comedian, actor, blogger. Below is a selection of his 15 life quotes, each of which is not devoid of satire and humor. According to materials:

Erich Maria Remarque is an outstanding German writer of the 20th century, a representative of the "lost generation". His novel “On the Western Front without Change” is among the big three novels of the “Lost Generation”, published in 1929, along with the works “Farewell to Arms!” By Ernest Hemingway and The Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington. Many of this writer’s statements about love were distributed into quotes, some of which are presented in our selection. 1. She ...

“There is nothing more important than being faithful to your ideals and to follow what you preach”

“The biggest problem in the world is hunger. Not the hunger of the flesh, but the hunger of the heart. Everyone suffers from it - both the poor and the rich. They are all alone and all yearn for love. Only the love of God can satisfy the hunger of the heart. There is no other way. It is not difficult to feed the hungry, it is much more difficult to fill the hungry hearts of people with love for God. The difficulty is that only those who are pure in heart can give this love to others. ”

“Poverty is not only a lack of clothing, it is also a lack of human dignity and purity.

True poverty reigns where people have lost respect for each other. ”

“Neither blasphemy nor praise can hurt the humble, because the humble knows who he really is. God sees everything. Never become discouraged by the failure that befell you, if you know that you did everything you could. ”

"If you really love God, you must learn to forgive."

“Having finished singing, Srila Prabhupada coughed and in a sonorous voice began to explain into the microphone the meaning of this mantra:

"We sing the Maha Mantra, the great song of liberation."

He explained that Hare is an appeal to Radha, the divine energy of the Lord, His eternal wife: “She gives love to God and is her source. Krishna is the name of God, which means "all-attractive." And the name Rama indicates that the Lord is the Supreme Enjoyer. Saying the Maha Mantra, ”Srila Prabhupada continued,“ we pray to the Lord: “Please, forever engage me in Your full service of love.”

“We are like fish thrown onto the seashore of divine consciousness. Trying to find happiness in any way, in addition to their initial relationship with God, is the same as trying to enjoy a life of fish without water, on dry sand. Saints are ready to sacrifice themselves to help at least one person regain their original spiritual consciousness - to return to the sea of \u200b\u200btrue joy.

But maya, an illusion, catches us in its nets, turning us away from what can bring us real good. ”

“Compassion for other living beings,” he began to explain, “is an integral feature of all religions. Willingness to sacrifice oneself for the good of others is the true dharma. ”

“Meditation, the study of scriptures and rituals of worship,” he said, “give us inner strength and allow us to live in kindness and knowledge”

"The filth of egoism that has accumulated in our heart does not allow us to clearly hear the voice of God inside us. Armed with knowledge, the guru cleanses our heart. What comes out of our hearts may look repulsive, but if you have patience and follow this path to end, then you can completely clear "

“Sometimes God sends us a“ free sample ”of religious experience, but in order to get something more, you have to pay the required price, and this payment is a sincere willingness to follow the path of purification.”

“It is common for our minds to consider insignificant things significant. The mind creates artificial needs and convinces us that it is impossible to live without them. So we carry through our whole lives the heavy burden of our affections. Attachment is a heavy burden on the mind. And until we get rid of this burden ..., we will not understand what a heavy burden we have taken upon ourselves. But if we learn to draw joy within ourselves, we can lead a simple life, free from endless problems. ”

“In order to really find what I'm looking for, I need to give up attachment to achieve my goal and just sincerely continue the search. Whatever obstacles awaited me along the way, I understood that they would ultimately help me achieve complete freedom. ”

“A person under the influence of circumstances may experience anger and envy, or, conversely, be loving and kind.

Environment and communication form our consciousness. How important it is through our communication to awaken in people their best, not worst qualities! ”

“The dog recognizes its owner in any clothes. The owner may be in a bathrobe, in a suit and tie or not at all dressed, but the dog will always recognize him. If we are not able to recognize God, our beloved master, when He is dressed in other clothes - clothes from a different religion, then we are worse than dogs ”

“We are always afraid of what is unknown to us. By knowing our spiritual nature and sincerely believing in God, we can overcome any fears. “Lord, I ask you, grant me fearlessness and help me find the way to you.”

“Our love for God is manifested in the way we serve His children”

“Never judge others and do not allow yourself to be selfish”