
                  Read the suggestions. Which of them convey foreign speech literally, with all its features, and which only the content of foreign speech? What parts of these sentences match? What parts and how do they differ (in structure, in ...


                  The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography school tour Grade 5 Explanatory note for the olympiad tasks of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography of the 2016-2017 school year The school stage ...


                  It is almost impossible to build a stable and solid foundation without using concrete, since this material serves as the basis for any structure. The durability and reliability of the finished building depends on the quality of concrete, so ...


                  A man who broke your heart a year or five years ago, from which he crawled away in tears and snot, hating or forgiving - there is no difference - whom I have not forgotten so far, how can I forget the remote appendix, even if everything has healed ...


                  RUSSIAN UNIVERSITY OF FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLES RUDN Branch in Perm Faculty: LEGAL Discipline: RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND SPEECH CULTURE CONTROL WORK No. 2 1. Why is dialogue prevailing in oral speech and a monologue in written speech. What kind...


                  The asphalt has deep historical roots; it was already known to the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians. But, unlike our time, asphalt was intended for completely different purposes than covering ancient roads. If you figure out what ...


                  Direct Speech Suggestions Direct speech sentences consist of the author’s words and direct speech: “I’ll go to the Volga the day after tomorrow,” Sasha said. (A. Chekhon) In this sentence, the words author are, said Sasha; direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks ....


Jan 12 Closes skin on the fingers of a child? We treat the fingers of babies. The skin on the baby’s body, however, as in an adult, is a protective outer cover. And therefore caring mothers rightly sound the alarm ...


                   The great commander Suvorov recommended that his soldiers keep their feet warm. Nowadays it is worth taking his advice. It is noteworthy that frozen limbs do not allow the whole body to warm up. Well, general hypothermia is fraught ...


                  What is dialogue (Greek Διάλογος)? - In its original meaning, this word is translated as a conversation, a conversation between two people. Moreover, the speech of each of its participants is called a replica. In the ordinary sense, they mean ...


                  - Anatoly Moiseevich, OJSC Gazprom Neft is one of the largest suppliers of bitumen materials. How do you assess the state of their production in Russia, what is its peculiarity and what is the general outline of the development strategy for this ...


                   Bitumen (Latin bitumen - mountain resin) - a substance that is a hardened or viscous mixture of hydrocarbons and their derivatives a kind of mix. This product is not soluble in water, complete or partial dissolution is possible ...


                  Even before birth, we all hear the sounds of the outside world through the "water column". Perhaps this is what prompted the five Danish musicians to create the band Aquasonic. This is the only band in the world playing music underwater and ...


                  The quality of road bitumen and, accordingly, the operational life of road asphalt pavement largely depend on the quality of raw materials for the production of bitumen. Different types can be used ...


                  Approved by order of the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR No. 210 of April 15, 1980 Moscow Stroyizdat 1984 FOREWORD 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATING TYPICAL DESIGNS OF ROAD CLOTHES 3 ....


In fact, a dialogue is a conversation or conversation, the exchange of statements or remarks. In literary and artistic works, dialogues play a very important role, because in addition to the so-called “dilution” of long descriptions, they ...


                  Cold regeneration (cold recycling) is a method of restoring a road with defects in the form of thermal and fatigue cracking, cracks formed as a result of aging, ruts, potholes and bumps, as well as in case of loss ...


                  Dialogues are one of the most problematic places in the manuscripts of novice writers. As always, the most common mistake is redundancy: unnecessary descriptions, unnecessary remarks, unnecessary “decorations”. In dialogs especially ...


                  The most urgent problem of all authors on Fickbook is the design of direct speech and dialogs. Everyone puts punctuation marks on how they want and where they want. And this, I admit, is more than annoying. Seeing an illiterate text, many quit ...


                  Smooth high-quality road surfaces, which provide full grip of the wheels of the vehicle with the canvas, are the key to safe and quiet traffic. In connection with the active use of the road constantly ...


                   Asphalt Concrete A sample of asphalt concrete from the core of the dam of the Boguchanskaya HPP Asphalt concrete is a common building material. It is used for the device of road and airfield coatings, operated flat ...


                  This article answers the question: "What is dialogue and monologue?" It presents a characteristic of these two forms of speech, definitions, gives varieties of each of them, punctuation and other features. We hope that our ...


                  Direct speech, including internal speech, is indicated by quotation marks. The author’s words can stand before the direct speech, after it, break the direct speech. 1. If the words of the author are faced with a direct speech, then a colon is placed after them and ...


Perhaps the most important drawback of asphalt, experts in this area believe that it is easy to melt in hot weather. Given that the average summer temperature rises all the time, and the melting process begins after 25 ° C, then ...
