Magazine for the production of asphalt mixes. A list of the main regulatory and technical documents used in the development of the Manual. Features of the device of asphalt concrete pavements at low temperatures

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CAR ROADS- SNiP 3-06-03-85 (approved by the Decree of the USSR Gosstroy from 20-08-85 133) (2017) Actually in 2017


10.16. Coatings and substrates from asphalt mixes  should be arranged in dry weather. Laying of hot and cold mixtures should be done in spring and summer at an ambient temperature of at least 5 ° C, in autumn - at least 10 ° C; warm mixtures - at a temperature not lower than minus 10 ° С.

It is allowed to work using hot asphalt mixtures at an air temperature of at least 0 ° C, subject to the following requirements:

The thickness of the arranged layer should be at least 4 cm;

it is necessary to use asphalt mixtures with surfactants or activated mineral powders;

should be arranged, as a rule, only the lower layer of a two-layer asphalt concrete pavement; if vehicles will move along this layer in winter or spring, it should be arranged from dense asphalt mixtures;

the upper layer may be arranged only on the freshly laid lower layer until it cools (while maintaining the temperature of the lower layer at least 20 ° C).

The laying of cold asphalt mixtures should be completed approximately 15 days before the start of the autumn rainy season, with the exception of mixtures with activated mineral materials.

10.17. Before laying the mixture (for 1-6 hours), it is necessary to treat the surface of the lower layer with a bitumen emulsion, liquid or viscous bitumen, heated to the temperature indicated in the table. thirteen.

The consumption rate of materials, l / m2, should be set:

When processing with bitumen base - equal to 0.5 - 0.8, the lower layer of asphalt concrete coating - 0.2 - 0.3;

when processing with 60% bitumen emulsion of the base - 0.6 - 0.9, the lower layer of asphalt concrete coating - 0.3 - 0.4.

Processing the lower layer with a binder can be omitted if the time interval between the device of the upper and lower layers is no more than 2 days and there was no movement of building transport.

10.18. Asphalt mixtures should be laid with an asphalt paver and, as a rule, over the entire width.

In exceptional cases, mixtures may be placed in the lower coating layer and in the base with a grader. In this case, along the edges of the layer, thrust bars should be installed.

In places inaccessible to the paver, manual paving is allowed.

10.19. When laying hot, warm and cold (hot) asphalt mixtures with pavers, the thickness of the layer to be laid should be 10 - 15% more than the design one, and when laying with a grader or manual laying - by 25 - 30%.

When laying cold asphalt mixes from the stack with an asphalt paver (with sealing members turned off) and when laying with a grader or manually, the layer thickness should be 60 - 70% higher than the design one.

10.20. When laying structural layers with a thickness of more than 10 cm, as a rule, pavers with active compaction bodies should be used.

10.21. When using pavers with a tamper and a passive screed, as well as when using pavers with a tamper and a vibroplate when laying mixtures for dense asphalt concrete types A and B and for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete with a crushed stone content of more than 40%, the laying speed should be 2 - 3 should be 3 - 2 m / min

When laying mixtures for dense asphalt concrete of types B, D and D, as well as for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete with a crushed stone content of less than 40% and highly porous sand, the laying speed can be increased to 4 - 5 m / min. The operating modes of the sealing working bodies should be as follows: the speed of the shafts of the ramming beam 1000 - 1400 rpm; plate vibrator shaft - 2500 - 3000 rpm.

10.22. The temperature of asphalt mixtures when laying in structural layers pavement  must comply with the requirements of GOST 9128-84.

Compaction of mixtures should begin immediately after their installation, while observing the temperature regime specified in the table. 14.

10.23. When using pavers with a tamper and a passive screed (type DS-126A, DS-143), the following should be compacted:

mixtures for dense asphalt concrete of types A and B, as well as for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete with a crushed stone content of more than 40%, first with a roller on pneumatic tires weighing 16 tons (6 - 10 passes), or a smooth-roller roller weighing 10 - 13 tons (8 - 10 passes ), or a vibration roller with a mass of 6 - 8 tons (5 - 7 passes) and finally - a smooth-roller roller with a mass of 11 - 18 t (6 - 8 passes);

Mixes for dense asphalt concrete of types B, D and D, as well as for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete with crushed stone content of less than 40% and highly porous sand, first with a smooth-roller compactor of 6-8 tons or a vibratory compactor of 6-8 tons with the vibrator turned off (2 - 3 pass), then a roller on pneumatic tires weighing 16 tons (6 to 10 passes) or a smooth-roller roller weighing 10 to 13 tons (8 to 10 passes), or a vibrating roller weighing 6 to 8 tons with a vibrator on (3 to 4 passes) and finally - with a smooth-roller compactor weighing 11 - 18 tons (4 - 8 passes).

The speed of the rollers at the beginning of rolling should be no more than 1.5 - 2 km / h; after 5–6 passes, the speed can be increased to 3–5 km / h for smooth rollers, 3 km / h for vibratory rollers and 5–8 km / h for pneumatic rollers.

10.24. When using pavers with a tamper and a vibrating plate (type DS-155), the following should be compacted:

mixtures for dense asphalt concrete of types A and B, as well as for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete with a crushed stone content of over 40%, first with a smooth-rolled roller weighing 10 - 13 tons, a roller on pneumatic tires with a weight of 16 tons or a vibration roller with a weight of 6 - 8 tons (4 - 6 passages), and then with a smooth-roller compactor weighing 11 - 18 tons (4 - 6 passes);

mixtures for dense asphalt concrete of types B, D and D, as well as for highly porous sand, porous and highly porous with crushed stone content of less than 40%, first a smooth-roller compactor weighing 6-8 tons or a vibrating roller 6-8 tons with the vibrator turned off (2 - 3 passes) and then with a smooth-roller roller weighing 10 - 13 tons (6 - 8 passes), a roller on pneumatic tires weighing 16 tons or a vibration roller 6 - 8 tons with a vibrator on (4 - 6 passes) and finally - a smooth-roller roller weighing 11 - 18 t (4 passes).

The speed of the rollers at the beginning of rolling should not exceed, km / h: smooth-roller - 6, vibration - 3, on pneumatic tires - 10.

At the first pass of the smooth-drum rollers, the drive rollers should be in front.

10.25. Cold asphalt mixes must first be compacted with a roller on pneumatic tires (6 - 8 passes) or with a smooth-rolled mass of 6 - 8 tons (4 - 6 passes), and the final compaction is achieved from the movement of vehicles, which should be adjusted across the entire width of the carriageway, limiting speed driving up to 40 km / h. Pre-compaction of cold asphalt mixtures with activated mineral materials is also allowed to produce rollers weighing 10 - 13 tons, however, when cracks appear, packing should be stopped.

10.26. When laying asphalt mixtures with a thickness of 10 - 18 cm, the compaction should be performed first with a self-propelled roller on pneumatic tires (6 - 8 passes), then with a smooth-rolled mass of 11 - 10 tons (4 - 6 passes).

The working speed of the rollers during compaction of layers of increased thickness in the first 2 to 3 passes should not exceed 2 to 3 km / h, for the next 12 to 15 km / h. The air pressure in the tires of the skating rink at the beginning of rolling should be no more than 0.3 MPa, at the end - 0.8 MPa.

10.27. Compaction of asphalt mixtures containing polymers should be started only with smooth-rolled rollers weighing 6-8 or 10-13 tons.

10.28. When laying a mixture with paired strips, two (or more) stackers should be used or the edges of a previously laid strip should be heated using infrared emitters, and if they are absent, the edges of a previously laid strip should be heated by laying on it hot mix  10 - 20 cm wide. After heating the edge, the mixture should be shifted to the arranged strip until it is densified.

10.29. When laying asphalt mixes with paired strips during compaction of the first strip, the rollers of the roller should not come closer than 10 cm to the edge of the interface.

Sealing the next strip must begin along the longitudinal mating. The conjugation of the bands should be smooth and tight.

10.30. Cross sections of strips made of asphalt mixes should be perpendicular to the axis of the road.

At the end of the work shift, the edge of the sealed strip should be cut vertically along the cord and, when resuming work, be heated in accordance with the requirements of clause 10.28 or coated with bitumen or bitumen emulsion. When laying at the end of the rolling strip of the thrust board, the edge should not be cut off.

10.31. Defective areas (shells, areas with excessive or insufficient bitumen content, etc.) found on the coating or base after the end of rolling should be cut down; the edges of the cut-out places are greased with bitumen or bitumen emulsion, filled with asphalt mix and compacted.

10.32. Before installing the asphalt concrete layer on the existing coating during the reconstruction process, it is necessary to eliminate the defects (cracks and bumps) of the old coating, treat its surface in accordance with the requirements of clause 10.17 of this section. If the track depth on the old coating is more than 1 cm, it should be pre-leveled with a mixture and compacted.

10.33. When performing work aimed at increasing the adhesion of car tires to the surface of asphalt concrete pavement, they crush black gravel into an unconsolidated layer of asphalt concrete mixture.

10.34. For warming, it is necessary to use mainly cold, as well as hot and warm black gravel of fractions 5 - 10, 10 - 15 or 15 - 20 mm.

10.35. The laid layer of hot and warm asphalt mixture should be compacted with one or two passes of the roller weighing 6 - 8 tons, and then sprinkle the black gravel in an even layer into one gravel.

Norms of consumption of black crushed stone when using fractions:

5-10 mm ............ 6-8 kg / m2

10-15 "..................... 7-10 "

15-20 "...................... 9-12 "

10.36. The temperature of the mixture in the layer at the time of distribution of black gravel should be in the range of 90 - 110 ° C for hot mixtures and 60 - 80 - C for warm.

10.37. After distribution, the black gravel should be thrown into the laid layer with rollers with smooth rollers weighing 10 - 13 tons or rollers on pneumatic tires simultaneously with the compaction of the asphalt mix.

10.38. In the process of construction asphalt concrete pavement  laboratory quality control journals should be kept raw materials  and ready-mixed asphalt mixtures, bitumen temperature, temperature of the mixture at the place of preparation and laying, and a log of laying and compacting the mixture in shifts.

This “Technological map” details the organization and construction technology of asphalt concrete pavements from rolled asphalt concrete mixtures. Particular attention is paid to issues of construction quality, monitoring compliance with the required regimes and parameters of the process of laying seals and finishing coatings. For the first time, the attention of specialists was drawn to the possible consequences of a violation of construction technology. The map shows the calculations of technical and economic indicators and the rules of safe work, technical specifications of domestic equipment for work.
   1. Scope 2. Organization and technology of the construction process 2.1. Organization of the movement of vehicles, pedestrians and fencing of production sites road works   2.2. Preparatory work 2.3. Process Organization Technology 2.4. Transportation of asphalt mix and its acceptance at the facility 2.5. Distribution of asphalt mix 2.6. Compaction of asphalt mixtures 3. Features of the device asphalt concrete coatings at low temperatures   4. Quality control 5. Technical and economic indicators 6. Material and technical resources per 1000 m of two-layer coating 7. Safety and labor protection Appendix I Technical means for organization traffic   Appendix II Consumption of asphalt mix Appendix III Technical specifications   domestic asphalt pavers Appendix IV Technical characteristics of domestic rollers Appendix V Magazine for laying asphalt mix Appendix VI Consequences of violations of the technology for building asphalt pavements Appendix VII Appendix V III Determination of the time standard and price for the distribution of asphalt mix asphalt paver DS-179 per 100 m 2 of pavement.

The technological map was developed by:

M.S. Melik-Bagdasarov, Ph.D. K.A. Gioev, Honored Builder of the RSFSR, engineer N.A. Melik-Bagdasarova, engineer M.M. Kuznetsov, engineer

  1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1. Routing  It is intended for use in the organization and production of works on the device of two-layer asphalt concrete pavement and in the development of a work production project (PPR) and other organizational and technical documentation. 1.2. In all cases of applying this card, it is necessary to link it to the local conditions for the production of works in order to clarify the scope of work, mechanization and material technical means. 1.3. Organizational and technological solutions. The decisions taken during the development of the map provide for high technical and economic indicators of quality and safety of work in accordance with the requirements of the current norms and rules of construction production, including: building norms and rules (SNiP 3.06.03-85, SNiP 3.06.06-88) , instructions for the construction of road asphalt concrete pavements (VSN-14-95), Unified norms and prices for construction and installation works (ENiR) and instructions for organizing the movement and fencing of places of production of road works (VSN 37-84).

  2. Organization and technology of the construction process

  2.1. Organization of movement of vehicles, pedestrians and fencing of places of production of road works

  2.1.1. The organization of the movement of transport and pedestrians and the fencing of work places in accordance with the requirements of the BCH 37-84 (Instruction for the organization of traffic and fencing of places of production of road works). 2.1.2. Before starting work, a traffic management scheme for vehicles and pedestrians should be drawn up. The diagram indicates the geometric parameters of the work site (the width of the carriageway, the location of the road signs, fences, the location of the signal lights, the parking of mechanisms outside the working hours). The schedule also indicates the timing of the work, the name of the organization performing the work, telephones and the names of the officials responsible for the work. 2.1.3. The arrangement of the work site with temporary signs and fences begins only after the coordination of the scheme with the traffic police and approval by its head road organization, 2.1.4. When organizing traffic in places of work, all necessary technical means provided by the scheme should be used. Any deviation from the approved scheme, as well as the use of faulty technical means is not permissible. 2.1.5. The first and last enclosing means installed on the carriageway and changing the direction of movement are taken over the border of the site of work. 2.1.6. At the borders of the site, information boards are installed on which the organization is indicated, the name of the person responsible for managing the work and his office phone number. 2.1.7. Until the work facility is fully equipped with temporary signs and fences, it is forbidden to place cars, equipment and materials on the carriageway. 2.1.8. It is allowed to start work after a complete arrangement of the place of work with all the necessary temporary signs and fences. 2.1.9. Before starting work, the workers and drivers of road cars should be instructed in safety precautions and the fencing scheme of the place of work, on the movement, maneuvering of road cars and vehicles at turning places, entrances and exits. 2.1.10. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements specified in clauses 2.1.1.-2.1.9., Assigned to the head of the road organization and persons directly supervising road works. 2.1.11. Fixed guards and guiding devices are specified in Appendix I. 2.1.12. When arranging guide cones or milestones deflecting traffic flows, the driving distance should be assigned in accordance with the recommended driving distance of the width of the carriageway, which is closed for movement at different speeds on the approach, which is indicated in the table. 1.

Table 1.

Speed \u200b\u200bon the way, km / h

The length of the drive, m, with the width of the carriageway, closed for movement, m

  2.2. Preparatory work

2.2.1. The asphalt concrete paving device is preceded by acceptance of the foundation with the execution of an act for covert work and preparatory work. The base must have the required evenness and the necessary geometric dimensions and slopes. 2.2.2. If there are significant irregularities on the base, measures must be taken in advance to level the base by laying the leveling layer. It is strictly forbidden to align the profile with the device of the lower coating layer of variable thickness. 2.2.3. If it is necessary to change the marks of the covers of the wells of underground parts, the building is carried out using reinforced concrete segments or metal inserts. The installation of manhole covers is made taking into account the profile of the road. 2.2.4. When repairing the neck of the well or the support ring of the hatch, it is recommended to use the device indicated in fig. 1.

2.2.5. Make a geodetic breakdown with the installation of control “beacons” with a leader marking on the side stone (the top of the “beacon” or mark should correspond to the top of the coating after compaction). Marking on the board is done with a coated cord. Asphalt concrete or wooden lighthouses are installed on the viziers along the road on the base. 2.2.6. When installing the storm inlet grate, take into account that the edges of the grate should be 30 mm lower than the design mark of the tray from the top side, and 20 mm from the bottom side; the approach to the grid from the top should have an increase in slope of 2–3 m, and from the bottom - by 0.5 m. 2.2.7. They clean the base from dust and dirt with a mechanical brush (either with compressed air from the compressor or other means). Following this, the surface of the base is treated with a bitumen emulsion or liquid bitumen in a uniform layer at least 5-6 hours before laying the mixture. The consumption of materials is: when processing with liquid bitumen - 0.5-0.8 l / m 2 when processing with 50% bitumen emulsion - 0.4-0.7 l / m 2. Processing binders the lower layer can be omitted if no more than two days have passed since its installation. 2.2.8. In the process of distributing the binder, it is necessary to monitor the thickness of the film, avoiding the concentration of the binder in low places, as well as contamination of the front surface of the side stones. In inaccessible places for the tarmac, the distribution is made from small tanks. 2.2.9. Work on the installation of asphalt concrete pavement is carried out by a mechanized link, equipped with additional mechanisms for performing auxiliary operations: a compressor for cutting off the edges of previously arranged coating strips and for cleaning the base from dust with compressed air; sweeper to clean the base; with a tar and a heater using the thermal energy of infrared radiation to heat the interface between the bands and correct defective places. In addition, the link should have: a level and a set of viziers for geodetic breakdown and transfer of elevations to the place of laying the mixture, rammers for manual compaction in places inaccessible to the rollers, metal (light metal) rails with a level, templates for controlling the evenness of the coating .

  2.3. Process organization technology

  2.3.1. The asphalt concrete mix is \u200b\u200blaid in dry weather, at ambient temperature, as a rule, in spring and summer not lower than + 5 ° C and in autumn - not lower than + 10 ° C. It is allowed to lay the mixture at lower temperatures (from + 5 ° С to 0 ° С), but mainly in the lower layers of the two-layer coating. In exceptional cases, the device can also be used to lay the upper coating layer, but only after laying the lower layer, which has cooled down to a temperature of at least + 20 ° С, and the layer thickness should be at least 4 cm. It is recommended to use mixtures with surfactants and activated mineral powder, since they improve workability and compaction of mixtures. 2.3.2. Before starting work on the device of the lower layer, a replaceable gripper is isolated, the length of which is determined by the formula:

Where L is the capture length, m; Q - the amount of mixture entering the stacker per shift, t; b - coating width, m; g is the rate of flow of the mixture, kg / m 2 (see Appendix II). 2.3.3. The length of the strip laid in one pass of the paver should be taken depending on the air temperature according to table. 2.

  Table 2.

Temperature, air, ° C

The length of the laid strip, m

one paver

in windproof areas

in open areas


2.3.4. The technological process of laying the asphalt concrete mixture includes the following operations: - bringing the working bodies of the paver into working position; - distribution and laying of asphalt mix; - care of the mechanism in the process; - cleaning the working bodies of the paver from the remnants of the mixture at the end of the work; - Chipping and bitumen processing of the edges of the freshly laid strip. 2.3.5. The stacked mixture must comply with the requirements of GOST 9128-84 (Mixes asphalt concrete road and airfield and asphalt concrete. Technical conditions). 2.3.6. Organization of work is provided in accordance with the map of the labor process (Fig. 2 and table. 3). Performers: asphalt paver driver VI discharge (M) - 1 asphalt concrete worker V discharge (A 1) - 1 asphalt concrete worker IV discharge (A 2) - 1 asphalt concrete worker III discharge (A 3) - 2

  Table 3.

Name of operations

Characteristics of labor

  Bringing the working bodies of the paver to working position   The paver driver (M) checks the readiness for operation of the main components of the paver according to the technical rules of operation, the presence of fuel and oil in the system. Turns on the engine, And 1, 2, 3, prepare the tool for work.   Distribution, laying of the mixture, care of the mechanism during operation   The asphalt paver A 1 regulates - the flow of the mixture into the asphalt paver's hopper. Checks for a passport for the mixture. The driver (M) feeds the mixture from the stacker hopper for distribution and pre-compaction. Asphalt concrete workers A 2 and A 3 - after passing the paver, visually or using a control rail, determine the defective places, adjust the thickness of the distributed layer. Add the mixture in low places or remove excess mixture, check the layer thickness and lay the mixture taken from the stacker hopper in places not accessible to the stacker. Together with the driver, they care for the paver mechanisms. 3.   Cleaning the working bodies of the paver from the remnants of the mixture at the end of work   The driver (M) and the asphalt concrete worker A 3 at the end of the work, clean the working bodies of the asphalt paver from the adhering mixture. 4.   Chipping and bitumen processing of the edges of the freshly laid mixture and waste treatment.   Asphalt concrete workers A 3 cut the edges of previously laid asphalt concrete, lubricate the interface with preheated bitumen.

  2.4. Transportation of asphalt mix and its acceptance at the facility

2.4.1. The transportation of asphalt concrete mixture to the place of laying should be performed rhythmically and, as a rule, in heavy-duty dump trucks equipped with devices for heating bodies with exhaust gases and a device for sheltering the transported mixture. 2.4.2. Thoroughly clean and lubricate the body of the dump truck before loading the mixture, avoiding the accumulation of grease in the body. 2.4.3. To prevent delamination, loading the machine with the mixture should be done in portions: the first portion is in the front of the body, the second is in the back and the third is between them. The same loading principle must be observed when loading from a storage bin. 2.4.4. The duration of transportation of asphalt mixtures should be established from the conditions for ensuring the temperature during installation, indicated in table. 4. 2.4.5. At the end of the shift and three interruptions in the delivery of the mixture or in other cases leading to the stop of the paver, the latter should be freed from the asphalt mixture: in summer - during a break of more than 30 minutes, at low temperatures (below + 110 ° C) - more than 15 minutes . In this case, the paver should be pushed forward to allow the entire mixture to be compacted before it cools. 2.4.6. When unloading the asphalt mixture, the dump truck should stop 0.5 m in front of the paver strictly along its axis of movement. The paver should move towards the dump truck until its guide rollers come in contact with the rear wheels of the vehicle and move it in front of itself until it is freed from the mixture. 2.4.7. Before loading the mixture, clean and grease the walls of the stacker premium hopper. 2.4.8.   The reception of dump trucks and unloading of the mixture from them into the receiving hopper of the paver should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced worker with an armband. For each machine with asphalt mixture there must be a manufacturer's passport indicating the date and time of departure, type of mixture, weight, temperature and a stamp of the quality control department of the plant, confirming that the mixture meets the requirements of technical conditions

  2.5. Distribution of asphalt mix

2.5.1. The distribution of the asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bcarried out by the paver at a laying speed of 2-3 m / min (mix with crushed stone content of more than 40%) and 4-5 m / min (less than 40% of crushed stone). The sealing working bodies should work in the following mode: the speed of the ramming shafts is 1000-1400 rpm and the plate vibrator shaft is 2500-3000 rpm. In hard-to-reach places and with small amounts of work, it is possible to lay the mixture manually. The asphalt concrete mix located in the asphalt paver's bunker should have a temperature not lower than + 120 ° С, and when using mixtures with surfactants - not lower than + 100 ° С. 2.5.2. When proceeding with the distribution of the mixture, the following rules should be adhered to: - the paver is installed in its original position with the plate resting on the edge earlier arranged coating  or on a beam with a thickness corresponding to the thickness of the layer to be laid, turn on the engine and devices for heating the plate and the hopper, set the tracking system (such as "Stabiloslayer" or "Profile" with which all domestic cars are equipped). As a copier, a cable is used, stretched on special racks installed along the arranged coating along the level, according to the design vertical marks. If the evenness of the underlying layer is ensured, then a ski is used as a copier, which heels on the paver and moves along the base - the working speed of the paver varies depending on the type of mixture, its temperature, layer thickness, the amount of mixture supplied and the performance of the rollers. The operating mode of the compacting bodies of the asphalt paver is accepted within the limits of: the rotational speed of the ramming shafts of 1000-1400 rpm and the vibrator shaft of the plate 2500-3000 rpm. Mixtures containing more than 40% of crushed stone are rolled out at a speed of 2-3 km / h, and mixtures containing less than 40% are rolled at a speed of -5 km / h. - the thickness of the laid layer in an uncompressed state is taken into account the compaction coefficient equal to 1.1-1.15, and when laying manually (or by a grader) - 1.25-1.3. - the width of the laying strip is assigned to a multiple of the width of the carriageway. - the minimum allowable temperature of the mixtures during installation, depending on the air temperature, is indicated in the table. 4.

  Table 4.

Layer thickness, cm

The minimum temperature of the mixture in the paver, ° C, at air temperature ° C

Note: I - at a wind speed of up to 6 m / s, II - at a wind speed of 6-13 m / s - the choice of the direction of installation of the asphalt concrete mix is \u200b\u200bmade taking into account that the transport with the mixture comes towards the laying, to exclude moving over the edge with freshly laid stripes; - if there are boards, the paver should move at a distance of 10 cm from them; the resulting gap and places not accessible to the paver (at wells, gratings, on sharp bends) are asphalted manually simultaneously with the operation of the paver; - with longitudinal slopes exceeding 40 ‰, the mixture is laid in the direction from bottom to top; - before laying each subsequent strip, it is necessary to heat the edge of the previously densified strip, up to a width of 15 cm, by heaters using the thermal energy of infrared radiation. The ruler-heater allows you to heat asphalt concrete with a layer of 30-40 mm in 2-3 minutes to a temperature of 80-100 ° C. In the absence of special heaters, the edge is heated by laying a roller from it with a hot mixture 10-20 cm wide. After heating the edge, the mixture should be shifted to an adjacent strip ; - transverse mating of the coating should be perpendicular to the axis of the road. Cut off the edges of the previously laid strip vertically along the cord and grease with bitumen or bitumen emulsion; - at the end of laying the mixture, the coating strip wedges thinly. For the formation of a high-quality transverse joint at the place of stubbing of the layer, the vertical side of the previously laid layer is lubricated with a bitumen emulsion, and an asphalt paver plate is installed in this place. It is necessary that the slab be warmed up by heating devices or hot asphalt mixture before laying. Another way of arranging a transverse seam is to lay in the transverse direction a wooden beam (Fig. 3) with a thickness equal to the thickness of the mixture being compacted.

Fig. 3.

When laying asphalt mixtures in two layers, the joints should be displaced by 100-200 mm, the longitudinal seam on the top layer should coincide with the axis of the road. With two-layer laying, all layers must be arranged during the shift. For this purpose, calculate the optimal length of the daily capture (see paragraph 2.3.2.). Each subsequent layer is laid only after cooling the bottom to 50 ° C, at an outdoor temperature below + 10 ° C, and up to 20-30 ° C at a temperature above + 10 ° C; - after a break in operation, the paver is installed so that the screed plate overlaps the edge of the previously laid strip by 100-150 mm; - after passing the paver, there should be no cracks, sinks, tears, etc. on the surface of the laid layer. These defects are usually associated with inaccurate height adjustment of the working bodies, insufficient heating of the screed, and uneven filling with the screw chamber mixture. Seen defects are corrected before compaction of the layer with rollers; - sections of longitudinal and transverse mates are more often exposed to the destructive action of water, so the quality of their device should be given increased attention, especially when working with one paver. The conjugation of the bands should be smooth and tight. 2.5.3. In order to increase the utilization rate of machinery and equipment, it is advisable to carry out the installation of a two-layer asphalt concrete pavement in two shifts, laying the bottom layer in the evening (the day before), the top layer not in the afternoon (in the first shift). 2.5.4. In hard-to-reach places and with small amounts of work, it is possible to lay the mixture manually.

  2.6. Compaction of asphalt mixtures

  2.6.1. Before starting the compaction of the mixture, it is necessary to prepare the rollers for work: - refuel the tanks with fuel, check for engine oil; - check places that need lubrication; - check the water cooling system, the roll wetting system, fill the tanks with wetting liquid; - check the serviceability of the vibration sealing system, the pressure in the tires of the pneumatic rollers and, if necessary, correct 2.6.2. The type and number of rollers should be selected taking into account: the type of mixture of the thickness of the finishing layers, strip width, air temperature, mixture and base. 2.6.3. The estimated temperature of the asphalt mix at the beginning of compaction is shown in table. 5.

  Table 5.

  Note: The use of activated mineral powders and surfactant additives can reduce the temperature of the beginning of compaction of the mixture by 10-20 ° C. The temperature of the beginning of the seal, in each case, set trial rolling. The technical characteristics of domestic ice rinks are indicated in Appendix IV. 2.6.4. The recommended compaction mode for asphalt concrete pavements, depending on the composition of the rolling link and air temperature, is given in table. 6.

  Table 6.

Air temperature, in ºС (in the absence of wind)

Links of motor skating rinks

Vibratory Roller Link

lungs with smooth rollers

on pneumatic tires (weighing 16-35 t)

heavy smooth with rollers

The number of passes on one track

  With the vibrator turned off on each layer 2-3; with the vibrator turned on: on the lower layer 3-5, on the upper layer - 4-6

from +5 to -10

2.6.5. The compaction of the lower layer, consisting of multi-grained mixtures (more than 40% of crushed stone), is recommended to be made first with rollers on pneumatic tires (10-12 passes), then with smooth-rolled rollers 10-18 tons (2 passes). 2.6.6. The operating speed of the rollers during compaction should be 1.5-2 km / h at the beginning of compaction; after 3-6 passes on one track - up to 3-5 km / h for smooth-rollers, up to 2-3 km / h for vibratory rollers and up to 5-8 km / h - for rollers on pneumatic tires. 2.6.7. To prevent adhesion of the asphalt mixture to the rollers of the roller, it is recommended to moisten them with water or a mixture of Veda with kerosene (1: 1). It is not recommended to use solar oil and heating oil for these purposes. The adhesion of the asphalt mixture to the pneumatic shields quickly ceases as soon as they heat up from the compacted mixture. 2.6.8. When compacting the first strip, it must be ensured that the rollers of the roller do not come closer than 100 mm to the edge facing the axis of the road. The remaining unconsolidated strip rolls back later, simultaneously with the subsequent adjacent strip of asphalt concrete pavement. The first passes when compacting an adjacent strip must be performed along the longitudinal interface with the previously laid strip, while a heavy roller (weighing 10 tons) should move forward with the drive rollers. 2.6.9. In the process of compaction of the layer, the rollers should move along the rolled strip from its edges to the axis of the road, and then from the axis to the edges, overlapping each track by 20-30 cm. 2.6.10. In the process of compaction, after 2-3 passes of the roller, the transverse slope and evenness of the coating should be checked with a template and a three-meter rail. Places that are not amenable to surface correction should be cut down and replaced with new asphalt concrete, 2.6.11. Areas inaccessible to the ice rink are sealed with metal tampers, covering the previous track from the impact of the tamper by about 1/3. Sealing should be carried out until such traces disappear completely. After sealing, finish the surface with the elimination of small irregularities, using special irons. 2.6.12. During the production process, the foreman (master) is obliged to keep a journal in the form specified in Appendix V. Keeping a journal helps to improve quality and facilitates control and acceptance of work. 2.6.13. In the process of work on the paving device it is forbidden: - to fill the rollers and pavers on a freshly laid and compacted coating; - stop the rollers on the freshly laid surface. In the event of an emergency stop, take urgent measures to remove the roller from the work area; - switch speeds during sudden braking on the sealing surface; - leave the rollers on the freshly laid coating at the end of the work; - make turns on a loose surface. To change the direction of the rollers should be displayed on the compacted part of the coating.
The technological scheme of a two-layer asphalt concrete paving device is shown in Fig. 4.


Preliminary work

Bottom layer device

Top layer device

coating finish

Workflow No.

Flow direction

Technological schemes

Workflow Description

cleaning the base from dust and dirt

checking longitudinal and transverse slopes and evenness of the base

edge treatment of asphalt concrete with bitumen lubrication

applying bitumen emulsion to the base

Asphalt mix transportation

Distribution of asphalt mix

Rolling the bottom layer with rollers in 4 passes on one track

Checking the lateral slope and evenness of the base

Final rolling of the lower layer with 17 passes on one track

Asphalt mix transportation

Distribution of asphalt mix

Compaction of the mixture along the mating line with 2-3 passes

Rolling the top layer with rollers in 5 passes on one track

Final rolling of the topcoat with heavy rollers in 20 passes on one track

checking the transverse profile and the evenness of the asphalt concrete pavement. Correction of defective places and smoothing of the surface in the places of interfacing with the hatches of wells and storm water inlets

Applicable Machines

PU-53 M-1 sweeper-collector DS-82-1 asphalt distributor

Pavers DS-179-1 Motor rollers: DU-50-1; DU-42 A-2 Compressor ZIF-55-1

Pavers DS-179-1 Motor rollers: DU-50-1; DU-42 A-2 Compressor ZIF-55-1 Asphalt heaters RA-10-1

Asphalt heaters RA-10-1 iron; templates and multi-support rails; Motor skating rink of DU-50-1

3. Features of the device of asphalt concrete pavements at low temperatures

  3.1. In some cases, it is allowed to carry out work on the installation of individual structural layers of asphalt concrete coatings at air temperatures below 10 ° C (in autumn) and + 5 ° C (in spring). For this it is necessary: \u200b\u200b- to have a prepared foundation before the onset of the cold period; - lay the mixture with a layer of at least 50 mm; - apply mixtures with water saturation at the lower acceptable limit; - lay the mixture in light wind; - lay the mixture with a temperature not lower than 150 ° C and only with a stacker; - The mixture should be distributed immediately, preventing machine downtime; - seal the mixture only with heavy rollers, the number of which should be increased in comparison with the summer norm; - roll out the mixture at a temperature not lower than 130 ° C; - during the production process, the main attention should be focused on the quality of the device and the finish of the interface, arranged strips in both longitudinal and transverse directions. 3.2. The mixture must be supplied intensively and rhythmically in dump trucks with heavy lifting capacity in heated tilt bodies.

  4. Quality control

4.1. Quality control should be carried out at all stages of construction in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85 4.2. The temperature of the mixture is measured in each car and, if it is lower than the values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table. 3, the mixture is rejected. 4.3. During laying, the thickness of the laid layer is checked with a metal probe with divisions, and the transverse and longitudinal slopes are checked with a template every 100 m. Particular attention should be paid to quality control of the device of longitudinal and transverse joints. 4.4. The quality control of the mixture and the density of the layer is carried out on samples (cuttings and cores) taken after 1-3 days in 3 places on 7000 m2 of coating according to GOST 9128-84 and GOST 12801-84, as well as the adhesion strength of the coating layers. Samples are taken no closer than 1.5 m from the side stone. 4.5. The compaction coefficients of the structural layers must not be lower than: 0.99 - for dense asphalt concrete, type A and B; 0.98 - for dense asphalt concrete type B, D and D, porous and highly porous asphalt concrete. 4.6. The width and transverse profile of the coating are checked after 100 rm. Flatness in the transverse and longitudinal directions is checked after 30-50 m. Measurements are made parallel to the axis of the road at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the side stone. 4.7. The coating should not have subsidence, sinks or other damage. When accepting the work performed, it is necessary to carry out an inspection of the work in kind: control measurements of the transport and operational state of the coating, familiarization with the test results of building materials and control samples, entries in the work log and, if necessary, additional tests. The evenness of the coating is determined by driving in a car over the entire rented area in each lane. Based on such an assessment, grips 300-400 m long are chosen for a detailed measurement of evenness and transverse slopes (Fig. 5). a) three-meter rail

B) a three-meter rail with recording devices

C) nickel plating

1 - recording device

2 - vertically moving wheel

4.8. The requirements for the transport and operational qualities of the coating are determined taking into account the division of streets and roads into groups A, B, C, depending on the traffic intensity: A-more than 3000 cars / day, B-from 1000 to 3000 cars / day, B-less than 1000 cars / day In this case, the evenness of the surface of the coating of the roadway must comply with the requirements given in table. 7.

  Table 7

4.9. Coefficient of adhesion of the coating is measured no earlier than two weeks after completion of work with the PKRS-2 device (TU 78.1.003-86). It should be at least 0.3 when measured with a tire without a tread pattern and 0.4 with a tire having a picture 4.10. Deviation of the level mark of the cover of inspection wells relative to the level of coverage is not allowed more than 2 cm, and deviation of the grate of the storm water inlet relative to the level of the tray is more than 3 cm. Deviation of the mark of the top of the rail head of tram or railway tracks located within the carriageway is not allowed parts, with respect to the cover of more than 2 cm. At railway crossings, elevation of the inter-rail flooring above the top of the rails is not more than 3 cm, and the depth of the irregularities in the coating of the inter-rail space (flooring) should not be more than 4 cm. Roadsides and dividing strips not separated from the roadway border, should not be lower than the adjacent edge of the carriageway by more than 4 cm. 4.11. The disadvantages that may arise when delivering the mixture and laying it in the coating and ways to eliminate them are given in Appendix VI.

  5. Technical and economic indicators

  5.1. The technological sequence of work processes with the calculation of the volume of work and the required resources per 1000 m 2 of two-layer coating is shown in table. 8.

  Table 8.

Sources of justification

Workflow Description

The composition of the link (brigade)

Composition of machines and mechanisms


Scope of work

Per unit of measure

For the whole volume

Norm of time, person / h

Norm of time, mash / h

Price, rub. cop.

Labor costs, person / h

Labor costs, mash / h

Direct charge fee, rubles cop.

E-20-2-26 p.a

  Cleaning the base from dust and dirt

Driver IV p.-1

PU-53M-1 street sweeper truck

E-17-5 tablets 2 p. 3.6

  Filling of bitumen emulsion with a flow rate of 0.5 l per 1 m 2 1000 × 0.5 \u003d 0.5 t

Driver V p.-1

Pom. mash. IV p.-1

Asphalt distributor DS-82-1

Calculation No. 1 (Appendix VII)

  Coarse mixture transportation with a MAZ-510 dump truck at an average range of 15 km with unloading into an asphalt paver hopper; Layer thickness - 8 cm; mixture consumption per 100 m 2 - 18.4 t

Driver (driver) IV p.-1

Dump truck MAZ-510

Calculation No. 2 (Appendix VIII)

  Distribution of asphalt mix with a layer of 8 cm

Driver VI p.-1 Asphalt concrete workers, V p.-1 IV p.-1 III p.-2

Paver DS-179-1

  Rolling during stacker work-4 passes on 1 track

Driver V p.-1

Skating rink DU-50

  Rolling with rollers weighing over 10 tons with 17 passes on 1 track

Driver VI p.-1

Skating rink DU-42A

Calculation No. 1 (Appendix VII)

Transportation of fine-grained mixture at an average range of 15 km with unloading into the hopper of the paver. Layer thickness - 4 cm, mixture consumption per 100 m 2 -9.54 t

Driver (driver) IV p.-1

Dump truck MAZ-510

Calculation No. 2 (Appendix VIII)

  The distribution of the fine-grained mixture with a layer of 4 cm:

Driver VI p.-1 Asphalt concrete workers V p.-1 IV p.-1 III p.-2

Paver DS-179-1

  Swap during stacker operation - 5 passes on 1 track

Driver V p.-1

Skating rink DU-50

  Rolling with rollers weighing over 10 tons in three 20 passes, 1 track each

Driver V I p.-1

Skating rink DU-42A

  5.2. Technical and economic indicators of the device of a two-layer asphalt pavement are given in table. 9.

  Table 9.

   5.3. The effectiveness of the decisions made in the flow chart for 1000 m 2 of a two-layer coating is shown in Table. 10.

  Table 10.

The name of indicators

Unit of measurement

The value of the indicators

on the map

growth in productivity, labor,%

cost reduction,%

  Production per worker per day   Direct salary of a link (brigade)

  6. Material and technical resources per 1000 m of two-layer coating

  6.1. Basic materials. 6.2. The required number of machine shifts per 1000 m 2 of coverage. 6.3. Inventory, tool, fixtures.
   Metal tape measure. 1    Technical glass thermometer 1    Template with level building US1-300 1    Building steel iron 2    Metal rake 2    Shovel 3    Watering cans 1    Tank 1    Broom 2    Marking cord, linen twisted 1    Metal rammer 2    Vizorki    1 set    Three-meter control rail 1    A set of technical means of organizing traffic    1 set    Metal iron 1

  7. Safety and health

7.1. When organizing work at the construction site, measures must be taken to ensure safe working conditions for workers at all stages of the work, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80 (Safety in construction). 7.2. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements for the operation of machines (inventory, tools, equipment), as well as personal protective equipment is assigned: - for the technical condition of the machines and protective equipment - to the organization on whose balance they are located; - for carrying out training and briefing on labor safety - for the organization in which the staff consists of employees; - for compliance with labor safety requirements in the performance of work - to the organization conducting the work. 7.3. Workers can be allowed to work only after they have been instructed: introductory and at the workplace; with paperwork. 7.4. To work on the mechanisms are allowed persons with certificates for the right to control the mechanisms. 7.5. In the dark, fencing should be indicated by warning lights. The speed of vehicles near the places of work should not exceed 10 km / h in straight sections, and 5 km / h in corners. It is permitted to feed the vehicle in reverse in the working area only upon the command of the persons participating in these works. It is forbidden to unauthorized persons in the area of \u200b\u200bthe machines. 7.6. When operating the roller it is forbidden: - to lubricate the rollers manually; - get off the rink while driving; - stop the roller in the seal strip. 7.7. When accepting asphalt mix, it is forbidden to be between the stacker hopper and the dump truck. The raised body of the dump truck should be cleaned of adhering pieces of the mixture with a scraper with a long handle. Workers cleaning the body should stand on the ground, and not on the wheels or sides of the truck. 7.8. During operation, leaving the fencing area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace is strictly prohibited. 7.9. At the end of the shift, remove all tools, devices in a specially designated place. Install the mechanisms in a safe area for the movement of vehicles, and if they are on the roadway, protect them with cones, provide illuminators in the dark. Forbiddeninstallation of rollers on the roadway with a slope\u003e 20 ‰. 7.10. Fire protection requirements, sanitary and hygienic conditions must be provided in the work area in accordance with SNiP II -92-76 and the order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR 4440-63 dated 8.VI.63.

Appendix I

Technical means for traffic management

Lightweight Fence Barrier

1 - red color

2 - white color

Barrier to a bar

1 - metal pipes; 2 - wooden beam; 3 - red color; 4 - white color; 5 - ring

Signal fences

a - signal cord with colored flags; b - signal tape

1 - red color; 2 - white color; 3 - cord; 4-post (rubber)

Guide cone

Appendix II

Asphalt Mix Consumption

Type of asphalt mix

Density, kg / m 3

Mixture consumption (t) per 100 m, with layer thickness mm

  Coarse grained


  Fine-grained   Sandy   Cast

Appendix III.

Technical characteristics of domestic pavers

The name of indicators



  Productivity, t / h   The width of the laid strip, m   The thickness of the stacked layer, mm   Hopper capacity, kg   Working speed, m / min   Transport speed, km / h   Engine power, kW   Weight kg   Dimensions

Appendix IV

Technical characteristics of domestic ice rinks

The name of indicators

Brand and type



On pneumatic tires

  Weight kg   with ballast   no ballast   The width of the sealing strip, m   Diameter of driven roller, m   Engine power, kW (h.p.)   Operating speed, km / h   The size of pneumatic tires, mm   Front / rear air wheels, pcs.

Appendix V

Asphalt Mixing Stacking Log

Date and month

Opening hours (start and end of shift)

Place of work, km

Done work

Consumption, t

The mixture is returned to the plant (defective), t


Quality of work

Air temperature ° C

Weather (clear, wind, quiet)

volume, m3

Bottom layer

Top layer

Number of Rollers

ice rink brand

evenness, mm

width mm

lateral slope, 0/00

Appendix VI

The consequences of violations of the construction technology of asphalt concrete pavements

  Poor ground preparation
  Poor mix
  Temperature heterogeneity
  Low temperature mix
  High temperature mixture
  Liquid mixture
  The thick layer of the mixture is compacted in 1 layer
  Low temperature
  Stratification of the mixture
  Poor mix
  Used crushed stone with silicon content
  The lack of bitumen in the mixture
  Sand with a high clay content is applied.
  Wet mineral powder applied
  Inadequate Mixing
  Stratification of the mixture
  Compaction violation
  Too heavy rollers applied
  Excess binder for sizing
  Excess mineral powder
  Too thin mixture
  Weak plate vibrator performance
  Superheated (burnt) mixture
  The consequences of technology disruptions   Transverse cracks
Layer breaks across the entire width
  Layer displacement under the roller
  Poor adhesion quality
  The mixture is not spreadable
  Chipping individual gravel
  Brown color coating
  Yellow or brown inclusions on the surface
  White inclusions on the coating surface
  Lumps difficult to break despite high temperature
  Glossy film on the surface of the mixture (in the back)
  Wavy surface
  Screed does not respond to corrective actions
  Inadequate pre-compaction
  The mixture cracks and does not compact when rolling

Appendix VII

  Calculation number 1.  Transportation of asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bprovided for by a MAZ-510 dump truck, the performance of which is determined by the formula:

Where T is the duration of the work shift, hour; T \u003d 8.2 hour k is the coefficient of intra-shift time use; k \u003d 0,85 g - carrying capacity of the machine, t; g \u003d 7 t L - transportation range, km; L \u003d 15 km V - average speed, km / h; V \u003d 20 km / h t - downtime under loading, t \u003d 0.2 hour

Determination of the time standard and rates for the transportation of asphalt mix with the MAZ-510 dump truck.

Rate of time

  Rate  determined by the product of the hourly tariff rate of the driver of the IV category and the time norm: 0.79 × 0.28 \u003d 0.22 rubles. The performance of dump trucks, depending on the transportation distance and carrying capacity, is shown in table. eleven.

  Table 11.

Machine type

Carrying capacity

Appendix V III

  Calculation No. 2.

  Determination of time standards and rates for the distribution of asphalt concrete mix by the paver DS-179 per 100 m 2 of coverage.

  In accordance with the technical characteristics of the paver (see Appendix III), the hourly capacity is 250 t / h, or with a layer thickness of 8 cm - 1360 m 2 / shift, taking into account the utilization rate of 0.75 - ~ 8000 m 2 Number and composition of workers defined in the map of the labor process. In this calculation, the number is 5 people, of which: VI category - 1 with an hourly tariff rate - 106 K. V category - 1 with an hourly tariff rate - 91 K. IV category - 1 with an hourly rate - 79 K. III category - 2 with an hourly tariff rate of 70 k. The average is 83.2 k.   Rate of time  : (5 · 8.2): 8000 × 100 \u003d 0.50 people / hour   Rate  is determined by the product of the average hourly link tariff rate and the time norm: 0.832 × 0.50 \u003d 0.42 rubles. When distributing the asphalt mixture with a layer of cm and with the same composition of the workers link:   Norm of time:  (5 × 8.2): 16000 × 100 \u003d 0.25 people / hour   Price: 0.832 × 0.25 \u003d 0.21 rubles.


1. A guide to the construction of asphalt concrete pavements and the foundations of roads and airfields (SNiP 3.06.03-85 and SNiP 3.06.06-88), SoyuzdorNII, M., 1991. 2. Instructions for the organization of movement and fencing of places of production of road works ( BCH 37-84) Transport, Moscow, 1985. 3. Map of the labor process, Rosavtodor, Moscow, 1990. 4. Instructions for the construction of road asphalt pavements (BCH 14-95), Moscow Construction License, Moscow, 1995.

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The list of magazines filled in during construction, installation and commissioning. A series of electronic publications “Executive documentation in construction” is a collection of forms of executive documentation filled in during construction, reconstruction, overhaulas well as the construction of roads.

CD Significantly increased the total number of journal forms. And removed the forms of statements, books, passports, protocols, which will later be published as separate disks.

Forms of executive documentation are presented in Word format (for editing and filling out forms) and in the form of an image (for visual viewing of a graphical copy of the original documents). These discs show the most popular forms of magazines filled in during construction, installation and commissioning. Drilling Journal. Logbook (change delivery and reception) of a construction hoist. A logbook for cradle workers working on a lift. A logbook for a crane operator. Watch log of a crane operator (operator) of a pipe-laying crane Watch log of a crane operator of a bridge type crane Watch log of a lift operator. Logbook for the operator (operator) of a hoisting crane; Magazine of architectural supervision of construction; Form 2; Journal of anticorrosive protection of welded joints; Journal of concreting of joints; Form 5. Journal of concrete work; Form 5.

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  • The technology of preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures for laying in a structural layer asphalt concrete mixtures is divided into.

A log of the results of testing tools and safety devices. A log of serifs and depth measurements. Magazine of production of injection piles. Magazine for the production of bored (bisected) piles.

Magazine of production of bored piles Form 4. Magazine of production of bored piles.

Magazine for the production of bored piles with a wider crushed stone base. Magazine for the manufacture and inspection of reinforcing cages for concreting monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in construction (reconstruction) Form 4. Magazine for measuring the thickness of the concrete protective layer reinforced concrete structures.

It is very important to deliver the mixture from asphalt plant  (ABZ) right on time, at. Political Internet electronic scientific journal of the Kuban State Agrarian University · scholar.

The journal of engineering and geological inspection of the places of construction of small artificial structures. Magazine of engineering support of the construction site Form 2a. Magazine of injection of reinforcing beam channels Form 5. Magazine for testing concrete samples. Test log of sand and mineral powder. Test log of samples of asphalt mixtures taken from the mixer.

Test log of abrasive and elbor tools. Concrete test book for frost resistance. Test Log for Bitumen Raw Materials Form 2.

Bitumen Testing Journal. Viscous Test Journal oil bitumen  and polymer bitumen  binders (PBB) Form 2.

Test log of liquid petroleum bitumen Form 2. Test log of control samples of concrete Form 2. Test log of mineral powder Form 2.

Test log for samples of asphalt mixture taken from the mixer Form 1. Test log for samples taken from the asphalt coating Form 2. Test log for samples taken from the asphalt concrete coating (2) Test log for sand (screenings for crushing) Form 1. Test log for crushed stone samples. Test log of cement. Form 1. Test log of crushed stone, gravel, sand and gravel. Form 1.

Calibration Log torque wrenches. Journal of control calibration of keys for tension high strength bolts  Form 6. Journal of control tests of masonry for adhesion in building conditions.

Journal of control determinations of the composition of the asphalt mix. Journal of control checks of pressure gauges; Journal of quality control of concrete in winter conditions; Journal of quality control of works on filling and sealing joints of prefabricated buildings; Journal of density control subgrade  Form 1.

Appendix V Magazine for laying asphalt mixes. Appendix VI Consequences of violations of asphalt concrete construction technology.

Weld control journal. Journal of monitoring the composition of the asphalt mix by the accelerated method. Journal of hardness control of welded joints after heat treatment. Magazine for installation of cable couplings with voltage higher than 1. In the Magazine for installation works Form 3. Journal of the bridge crane Journal of tension of reinforcing beams

Journal of leveling of crane tracks. Journal of Operational Quality Control construction  works. The log of the description of soil samples taken with depth measurements. Magazine for determining the grain composition and bitumen content in asphalt mix Form 2. Magazine for determining the strength of concrete in structures. Magazine inspection load handling devices and containers.

The logbook of inspection of tanks The logbook of inspections of the technical condition of forests, scaffolds and other means of cultivation. Magazine on water treatment in the boiler room. Magazine on the use of protective catching nets. Journal of briefings with a driver on traffic safety; Journal of pipeline welding; Journal of accounting for emergency and fire drills; Journal of immersion of boring screw piles (1) Journal of immersion of boring screw piles (2) Journal of immersion of pressed piles. Pile driving log. Pile dipping log.

A log of diving pillars into wells Form 4. A log of dipping sheet piles Form 3. A log of selection of the composition of asphalt concrete Form 2. A log of selection of the composition of asphalt concrete and testing samples when selecting formulations. Journal of underwater concreting Form 4. Journal of field screening of gravel. Magazine for setting high-strength bolts Form 5.

Magazine of pre-trip inspection of drivers Magazine of preparation of bitumen. Journal of the preparation of organic binders in oxidation plants SI- 2. T- 3. 09, T-3. 10 Form 2.

Magazine of reception and delivery of shifts for working on mechanisms. Magazine for acceptance and delivery of electric forklifts; Magazine for acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolds; Magazine for checking gas contamination of rooms and wells; Journal of production of anticorrosion works Journal of production of works on highways  in winter period. A logbook of work on stamping crushed stone into the bottom of a pit; A logbook of work on stamping rubble in a foundation pit; A logbook of work on coating a tank-accumulator.

Construction Work Log engineering structures Magazine of works on laying cast asphalt concrete mix. Magazine of the performance of work in the performance of shotcrete-concrete coatings. Magazine of the production of work, technical and architectural supervision. Magazine of production operational quality control of construction and installation works; Magazine of cable laying; Magazine of measurements of pavement. Trenchless work journal. The journal of works on waterproofing, corrosion protection, painting steel structures  Form 6. Journal of works on installation of building structures. Journal of works on lowering the well.

The logbook of the technical diagnostics service. Revision log of coils. Journal of audit and repair of the headset, metal structures and the building part of the furnace. Introductory Briefing Journal. Occupational safety instructing registration journal. A logbook of introductory fire drill. Journal of registration of internal documents.

Journal of registration of incoming documents. Journal of registration of documents.