The content of bitumen in the gost. Asphalt mix prices

Asphalt is used today as one of the most commonly used road-building materials, GOST of which implies the need to maintain density and composition. To date, several brands, varieties and types of this material are known. The classification is based not only on the initial components, but also on the ratio in the composition of their mass fractions. Asphalt is also subdivided into categories for the reason that the components can have a different fraction, as for crushed stone and sand, as well as the degree of purification of the mineral powder.


The composition of asphalt suggests the presence of:

  • gravel
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • bitumen;
  • mineral powder.

As for crushed stone, some varieties of this coating do not provide for its use. However, crushed stone or gravel is necessary if the asphalting of the territory is carried out taking into account strong short-term loads and high traffic to the coating. Mentioned materials in this case act as a frame-forming protective element.

As a mandatory feedstock, it is used as part of any varieties and grades of asphalt. The mass fraction of this powder is determined taking into account the requirements and tasks for viscosity. If you use mineral powder in a large volume, then the material will receive the ability to damp vibrations of bridge structures without being covered by cracks.

As mentioned above, sand is used in most grades and types of asphalt. Its quality is determined by the degree of purification and the method of preparation. The material can be mined in an open way, in which case it requires careful cleaning. The cornerstone of the industry is bitumen. This is an oil refining product.

The mass fraction of bitumen in most varieties of asphalt does not exceed 5%. However, if necessary, asphalting of territories that have a difficult terrain, bitumen can be used in a volume of up to 10% or more. This raw material gives the density and elasticity of the mixture after hardening. The finished composition is easily distributed on the site, because it has a fluidity.

Density and basic characteristics of natural asphalt

Asphalt density is one of the first characteristics that interests professionals and private developers. Its natural variety is a fusible solid mass of black. At a break, the material may have a dull or shiny color.

The density of asphalt is 1.1 g / cm³. The melting temperature can vary from 20 to 100 ° C. The composition contains oil in an amount of 25 to 40%, as well as a tarry asphaltene substance, which can be contained in an amount of 60 to 75%. As for the elemental composition in percent, it looks as follows:

  • C - 80-85.
  • H - 10-12.
  • S is 0.1-10.
  • About 2-3.

The density of asphalt is already known to you, however, this characteristic is not the only one that interests consumers. Among other features, it is worth highlighting the method of formation from residues or fractions of oil as a result of evaporation of light components and oxidation under the influence of hypergenesis.

Characteristics of artificial asphalt

Artificial asphalt is also called. It is a compacted composition of mineral powder, crushed stone, bitumen and sand. Meets hot asphalt, which is laid by the compaction method when exposed to a temperature of 180 ° C or more. If low-viscosity bitumen is used in the production process, then laying is carried out at a temperature in the range from 40 to 80 ° C. If liquid bitumen is used, then the asphalt is cold and compacts at temperatures up to -30 ° C.

The main brands of asphalt and GOST

The density of coarse-grained asphalt was mentioned above, however, you should also be aware that the percentage of ingredients in the composition affects the grades and types of asphalt. Today, three varieties are generally accepted, which are manufactured according to GOST 9128-2009. In these standards, you can learn about the possibility of adding additives that increase hydrophobicity, frost resistance, wear resistance and flexibility of the coating.

Asphalt grade 1 contains:

  • screening out;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • concrete;
  • mineral powder.

This coating includes dense materials in which the gravel content can vary from 30 to 60%. This should include high-density, high-porous macadam and porous asphalt. Asphalt, the GOST of which must be taken into account during production, can be manufactured under the brand 2. The composition of this material contains:

  • crushed stone;
  • concrete;
  • screening crushing;
  • sand;
  • mineral powder.

This category includes highly porous sandy, porous, as well as dense asphalts, in which the gravel content can vary from 30 to 50%, while the mixture from crushing screenings and sand can make up to 70%.

The density of asphalt is already known to you, but you also need to know that there is an asphalt grade 3, it contains:

  • screening crushing;
  • mineral sand;
  • bitumen powder.

In this case we are talking about mixtures, gravel and gravel in which can be contained in the range from 30 to 50%. Screening crushing and sand are contained in a volume of 30 to 70%.

Brand Description

The density of asphalt (t / m3) is 1.1. However, this is not all there is to know about properties. For example, grade 1 asphalt can be highly porous or dense with a high gravel content. The area of \u200b\u200buse of this coating is road improvement and construction. As for grade 2 asphalt, its density range remains approximately the same, but the percentage of gravel and sand varies widely. This asphalt is considered the most average. The mixture is used for construction highways, arrangement of territories, repair of coatings, as well as the formation of sites and parking lots.


The density of asphalt (t / m3) is 1.1. But this parameter is not the only one you should know. For example, it is also worth mentioning the asphalt deposit, which extends to the territory of the former USSR, the island of Trinidad, Venezuela, France and Canada. Mixing with mineral components, including gravel and sand, the material turns into a powerful crust on the surface of oil lakes. Such a coating is common in areas of emergence and shallow occurrence of oil-bearing rocks to the surface of the earth.

Asphalt mixes - price excluding shipping costs

product nameGOST 9128-2009, GOST 31015-2002Price

Asphalt concrete mixture, hot, fine-grained, dense GOST 9128-2009

Asphalt mix fine-grained type A grade 1 (MZA M1)ton2700
Asphalt concrete mix fine-grained type B brand 1 (MZB M1)ton2670
Asphalt concrete mix fine-grained type B brand 2 (MZB M2)ton2670
Asphalt concrete mix fine-grained type B grade 2 (MZV M2)ton2680

Asphalt concrete mix hot coarse-grained dense GOST 9128-2009

Coarse-grained asphalt mix type A grade 1 (KZA M1)ton2650
Coarse-grained asphalt mix type B grade 1 (KZB M1)ton2650
Coarse-grained asphalt mix type B grade 2 (KZB M2)ton2650

Hot coarse-grained porous asphalt mixture GOST 9128-2009

Mix asphalt concrete hot coarse-grained porous brand 1 (KZ por M1)ton2570
Mix asphalt concrete hot coarse-grained porous brand 2 (KZ por M2)ton2570

Hot sand asphalt concrete mix GOST 9128-2009, GOST 31015-2002

Mix asphalt concrete hot sandy type D mark 2 dense (Sand. Type D M2)ton2650
The mixture is asphalt concrete hot sand type G grade 1 dense (Sand. Type G M1)ton3050
Mix asphalt concrete crushed stone and mastic on granite crushed stone of ShchMA-20, ShchMA-15, ShchMA-10 on BND, GOST 31015-2002ton3350
Mix asphalt concrete crushed stone and mastic on crushed stone gabbro diabase ShchMA-20, ShchMA-15, ShchMA-10 on BND, GOST 31015-2002ton3450

Download price list for asphalt mixes

Asphalt with delivery

Distance in kmTransportation cost
  rub / t with VAT (18%)
Distance in kmTransportation cost
  rub / t with VAT (18%)
0 to 5 km220 56 to 60 km410
6 to 10 km250 61 to 65 km420
11 to 15 km270 From 66 to 70 km430
16 to 20 km300 71 to 75 km440
21 to 25 km320 From 76 to 80 km450
26 to 30 km350 81 to 85 km460
31 to 35 km350 86 to 90 km470
36 to 40 km370 91 to 95 km480
41 to 45 km370 96 to 100 km490
46 to 50 km390 From 100 kmnegotiable
51 to 55 km400

Asphalt mix

Asphalt-concrete mixture (asphalt concrete) is an artificial building material obtained as a result of hardening of compacted asphalt-concrete mass, consisting of sand, crushed stone (gravel), mineral powder and bitumen. Asphalt without coarse aggregate (crushed stone) is called sand asphalt (asphalt mortar).

Often various chemicals are added to the basic composition of asphalt concrete to give the material unique properties (frost resistance, sound insulation, surface roughness), increase strength, hardness. Different materials are used as chemical additives - rubber, latex material, rubber, sulfur, ash. Large asphalt concrete manufacturers asphalt plants  and mobile stations. Asphalt concrete occupies one of the leading places in the modern construction industry, as it is the most important material for the construction of road and airfield coatings, irrigation canals, flat roofs, and hydraulic structures.

The main classification features of asphalt concrete include a variety of coarse aggregate, viscosity of bitumen, grain sizes of gravel or gravel, structural parameters, production purpose. Depending on the type of coarse aggregate asphalt mixes  divided into crushed stone, gravel and sand.

According to the viscosity of the bitumen used and the temperature of laying the asphalt concrete in the structural layer, they are divided into hot, warm and cold. According to the largest grain size of crushed stone or gravel, hot and warm asphalt concrete are divided into coarse-grained - grain size up to 40 mm; fine-grained - up to 20 mm; sand - grain size up to 5 mm (sometimes 3 mm). Cold asphalt mixes can only be fine-grained or sandy. In addition, hot and warm asphalt, depending on their use in road construction  divided into dense, porous and highly porous.

Types of asphalt mixes

Dense road asphalt concrete  Depending on the content of coarse or fine aggregate, they are divided into five types: A, B, C, D, D. So, for example, type A contains from 50 to 65% of gravel; type B - from 35 to 50% of rubble or gravel; type B - from 20 to 35% of rubble or gravel. Dense hot and warm asphalt mixtures are divided into three grades - I, II, III, depending on the quality indicators.

By industrial purpose, asphalt concrete mixtures are distinguished between road, airfield, hydraulic, for a flat roof and floors. According to the technological features of the asphalt concrete mass during its laying and compaction, asphalt concrete and mortar are divided into hard, plastic and cast. To compact hard and plastic masses, heavy and medium rollers are used. Cast asphalt mass is often compacted with special rollers, light roller or not compacted.

Buy asphalt mix

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A rationally selected mixture of mineral materials [crushed stone (gravel) and sand with or without mineral powder] with bitumen, taken in certain proportions and mixed in a heated state.

The laying temperature of the a / b mixture is at least 120 ° C.

Fine-grained a / b mixture with the number of grains up to 20 mm.

High-density a / b of hot mix  has a rest. porosity of st. 2.5 to 5.0%;

A / b: Type A (depending on the gravel content of St. 50 to 60%).

Asphalt mix: Brand I.

Asphalt concrete mix type D, grade II, dense asphalt concrete in accordance with GOST 9128-2009

It is used for the installation of upper layers of coatings during new construction and overhaul of roads of category III, pedestrian zones and sidewalks. Characteristics of the mixture:

    sandy asphalt mix on natural sand, with the size of mineral grains up to 5 mm;

    temperature of the asphalt mixture during shipment from 145 to 155 ° C.

The physical and mechanical properties of asphalt concrete meet the requirements of GOST 9128-2009.

Asphalt concrete mix type B, grade II dense asphalt concrete in accordance with GOST 9128-2009

It is used for the installation of upper layers of coatings for new construction and major repairs of roads of category III, streets, driveways, sites, pedestrian zones. Characteristics of asphalt mix and asphalt concrete:

    fine-grained asphalt mix, with a grain size of up to 20 mm;

    dense asphalt concrete with residual porosity of st. 2.5 - 5.0%;

    temperature of the mixture during shipment from 145 to 155 ° C.


1. Definitions Asphalt mix  - a rationally selected mixture of mineral materials (crushed stone (gravel) and sand with or without mineral powder) with bitumen, taken in certain proportions and mixed in a heated state. Asphalt concrete  - compacted asphalt mixture. Asphalt is often called the word asphalt. 2. History  Initially, in the 19th century, city streets were paved with stones (cobblestone pavement). Beginning in the middle of the 19th century, in France, Switzerland and the USA and in a number of other countries, paving is started from bitumen-mineral mixtures. In 1876, for the first time in the United States, cast asphalt prepared using oil bitumen. For the first time, asphalt concrete pavement was used to cover the sidewalks of the Royal Bridge in Paris in the 30s of the XIX century. In the early 1930s, sidewalks on the Moran bridge across the Rhone River in Lyon were covered with asphalt in France in the Department of En. The booming road network required new types pavementthat could be built as fast as subgrade. So, in 1892, in the USA, the first road construction was made of concrete with a width of 3 m by industrial method, and 12 years later using a tarmac with the free flow of hot bitumen 29 km of the road. Asphalt turned out to be the most suitable material for paving. Firstly, it becomes more even, which means less noisy and has the necessary roughness. Secondly, on laid asphalt concrete, you can immediately open the movement and not wait until it hardens, unlike cement concrete, which gains the necessary strength only on the 28th day. Thirdly, the coating of asphalt concrete is easily repaired, washed, cleaned, any marking is well supported on it. In the summer of 1839, sidewalks were covered in St. Petersburg over 45.5 linear fathoms 5 feet wide (97.08 * 1.52 m) and part of the bridge 8.5 feet long and 6.5 feet wide (2.59 * 1 , 98 m) at the dam of the Tuchkov bridge. The first in Russia to establish the production of asphalt was engineer I.F. Buttats. The cost of 1 square. m of coverage cost 14 rubles. For the first time, Russian asphalt was mined at the Syzran plant in 1873 (on the right bank of the Volga 20 km higher than Syzran). In 1876, the Moscow City Duma allocated 50 thousand rubles to conduct an experiment on the construction of asphalt concrete pavement. Several sections of new material were built on Tverskaya Street. 3. Main parameters and types  Asphalt mixtures (hereinafter referred to as mixtures) and asphalt concrete are divided into crushed stone, gravel and sand depending on the type of mineral component. Mixtures, depending on the viscosity of the bitumen used and the temperature during installation, are divided into:

    hot, prepared using viscous and liquid petroleum road bitumen and stacked with a temperature of at least 120 ° C;

    coldprepared using liquid petroleum road bitumen  and stacked with a temperature of at least 5 ° C.

Hot mixes and asphalt concrete, depending on the largest size of mineral grains, are divided into:

    coarse-grained with a grain size of up to 40 mm;

    fine-grained - up to 20 mm;

    sand - up to 5 mm .;

Cold mixtures are divided into fine-grained and sandy. Asphalt concrete from hot mixtures, depending on the value of residual porosity, is divided into types:

    high density residual porosity from 1.0 to 2.5%;

    dense - from 2.5 to 5.0%;

    porous - from 5.0 to 10.0%;

    highly porous - from 10.0 to 18.0%.

Asphalt concrete from cold mixtures should have a residual porosity of more than 6.0 to 10.0%. Crushed stone and gravel hot mixes and dense asphalt concrete, depending on the content of crushed stone (gravel) in them, are divided into types:

    "A"   - with crushed stone content from 50 to 60%;

    "B"   - from 40 to 50%;

    "IN"   - from 30 to 40%.

Crushed stone and gravel cold mixtures and the corresponding asphalt concrete, depending on the content of crushed stone (gravel) in them, are divided into types Bx and Bx. Hot and cold sand mixtures and the corresponding asphalt concrete, depending on the type of sand, are divided into types:

    "G and Gh"   - on sands from crushing screenings, as well as on their mixtures with natural sand when the content of the latter is not more than 30% by weight;

    "D and Dh"   - on natural sands or mixtures of natural sands with screenings of crushing when the content of the latter is less than 70% by weight.

Mixtures and asphalt concrete, depending on the indicators of physical and mechanical properties and the materials used, are divided into grades indicated in the table:

The brand of the mixture and asphalt concrete determines the indicators of physical and mechanical properties, water saturation, grain compositions and porosity of the mineral part. Characteristics of grades of mixtures and asphalt concrete in accordance with GOST 9128-97. "Mixtures of asphalt concrete road, airfield and asphalt concrete" (230kB) 4. Material Requirements  Crushed stone from dense rocks and gravel, crushed stone from slag, which are part of the mixtures, according to grain composition, strength, content of dusty and clay particles, clay content in lumps must meet the requirements   The content of lamellar (flaky) grains in the gravel and gravel should be no more than the mass:

    15% - for mixtures of type A and high-density;

    25% - for mixtures of types B, Bx;

    35% - for mixtures of types B, Bx.

Gravel-sand mixtures according to the grain composition must meet the requirements of GOST 23735, and gravel and sand, which are part of these mixtures, - GOST 8267-93. "Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work." (179kB)  and GOST 8736-93. "Sand for construction work." (106kB) respectively. Crushed stone and gravel fractions from 5 to 10 mm, from 10 to 20 (15) mm, from 20 (15) to 40 mm, and also mixtures of these fractions are used to prepare mixtures and asphalt concrete. Mineral powder, which is part of mixtures and asphalt concrete, must meet the requirements of GOST 16557. It is allowed to use industrial waste (ground basic metallurgical slag, ash, ash and slag) as porous and highly porous asphalt concrete, as well as for dense asphalt concrete of grades II and III. mixtures, dust-entrainment of cement plants, etc.). Viscous petroleum bitumens in accordance with GOST 22245 and liquid in accordance with GOST 11955, as well as polymer-bitumen binders and modified bitumen  according to the technical documentation agreed in the prescribed manner.

Asphalt, price  on which depends on many of its characteristics - this is a viscous non-crystalline material, in its bulk consisting of hydrocarbons. In terms of chemical composition, asphalt is at least 80% carbon and about 15% hydrogen, the remaining 5% include

oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and a number of different metals.

Most in natural asphalt (up to 75%) contains bitumen, which is an artificial, residual product of oil refining, which differs in a solid or viscous consistency.

The composition of petroleum bitumen includes several groups of substances that have different solubilities: asphaltenes, asphaltene acids, neutral resins, petroleum oils, carbenes and carbides (substances that cannot be dissolved using organic compounds).

Asphaltenes provide such characteristics as hardness and high softening temperature of bitumen, resins give them elasticity and cementing properties, oils - frost resistance.

Asphalt is a complex material: it is considered colloidal and is a dispersion of a material having a high molecular weight in a liquid with a lower molecular weight.

Asphalt is a very flexible material, it adheres well to other surfaces, is wear-resistant and waterproof, and is also extremely resistant to the effects of a large amount of salts, acids and alkalis. With all its remarkable properties, it tends to collapse if used improperly. Before as buy asphalt, carefully study the properties of the mixtures offered to you. The effect of water, the influence of temperature extremes and ultraviolet radiation lead to a slow splitting of asphalt into carbon dioxide and water.

Asphalt has excellent thermoplastic properties: for example, hard asphalts are plastics that can be easily molded and processed in the mold in hot or cold state under high pressure.

At ambient temperature, asphalt is a liquid with very high viscosity characteristics, unsuitable for processing. In this case, asphalt can be converted to give it a composition suitable for processing. You can do this using the following methods:

Heating: asphalt is heated for use on large and medium areas (road surfaces, roofing of large buildings, etc.);

Mixing with petrochemical solvents (dilution) is the most expensive operation in which solvents are used to reduce the viscosity of asphalt;

Emulsification in water to create an emulsion is the cheapest process that does the least harm to the environment.

Buy asphalt concrete  It is worth only carefully studying the documentation from the manufacturer of the material.

Properties of asphalt emulsions

Asphalt emulsions are dispersions of very finely ground bitumen in an aqueous medium. Such emulsions are characterized by low viscosity - they are used at ambient temperature, that is, this material is ideal for the construction industry and is used very widely. There are two classes of asphalt emulsions: chemical (emulsions with an alkaline emulsifier) \u200b\u200band clay.

Asphalt emulsions are most often used in the construction of road surfaces for freeways, the installation of roofing, as well as adhesive and sealing compounds in the construction industry.

One of the main advantages of adhesives and sealants on a bitumen basis is their low cost. Bitumen is several times cheaper than synthetic polymers and rubbers, so the benefit of its use both as an independent material and in mixtures with other polymers does not raise any doubts.

Using emulsions, gluing, coating, impregnation of surfaces, the creation of moisture-proof coatings, and surface insulation are carried out. Use bitumen emulsions and as adhesives when laying the roof,

the creation of building shells, insulation of buildings, as well as other operations that require the rapid evaporation of water from joints.

Emulsion viscosity is the main criterion for its use. As a rule, when creating a coating or sealing the surface, it is necessary to give the emulsion a higher viscosity in order to obtain a film of the required thickness. The asphalt emulsion, which is used when bonding the layers of the shell, must have sufficient fluidity so that the layer is as uniform as possible. Therefore, to obtain the desired properties, it may be necessary to dilute the emulsion with water.

At road construction  the most common material is asphalt concrete.

It differs from the usual analogue in that oil products are used as a binder in it:

  • asphalt,
  • bitumen,
  • tar, not cement.

In addition, the preparation and hardening of the material occurs without the participation of water (hydration).


Translated from the Greek word "asphaltos" means "mountain resin."

What is asphalt

This material may be natural or artificial.

  1. A natural analog is converted from oil as a result of the volatilization of its light fractions and further oxidation under the influence of hypergenesis. Initially, the oil becomes viscous and thick Malta, then hard, easily melted asphalt. When compacted, it turns into asphaltite.

This substance is distributed in places of close occurrence to the surface or outcrops of oil-bearing strata on it. It is contained in caverns and fissures of limestone, dolomites, etc. The substance content in the rock by its mass is 2/20%.

  1. Artificial asphalt is a composite of bitumen (13/60%) and finely ground mineral aggregates, most often limestone. The instruction warns that, unlike its natural counterpart, such asphalt contains several percent paraffin, and the volume of petroleum oils in it is greater.

Note! Asphalt is indispensable for road and construction work. It is used, as a rule, mixed with sand, gravel or gravel. Such material is called asphalt mastic.

Bitumen and tar

  1. Natural bitumen  - it is a solid substance or a viscous liquid consisting of a composite of carbohydrates, as well as their derivatives. It turns out during the polymerization of (oxidative) oil. Natural bitumen lies in areas of oil reservoirs, forming lenses in sedimentary rocks, and occasionally asphalt "lakes".
  2. Artificial bitumen  get by refining crude oil. Three production technologies are known.

Residual material is obtained from tar by deep extraction of petroleum oils from it. The oxidized analog is produced by oxidizing the tar in special installations when blowing air. Cracked bitumen is the product of the processing of oil cracking residues.

  1. Tar  is the remainder of the selection of oils from fuel oil. This is the main raw material for the production of petroleum bitumen. It is also used as an astringent in roadwork.

Types of asphalt mixtures

According to GOST the road asphalt concrete mixes consist of:

  • mineral fillers;
  • organic binder.

According to the type of production, the components used and the method of laying, asphalt mixtures are divided into many categories.

Asphalt aggregates are divided according to GOST No. 9128/2009 according to the type of aggregates into the following varieties:

  • gravel
  • gravel;
  • sandy.

GOST 9128 97 into aerodrome and road asphalt mixtures divides them according to the level of viscosity of bitumen, as well as permissible indicators of the temperature of laying.

  1. In hot solutions, heated viscous and liquid petroleum bitumens act as a binder. Their laying should be carried out at a concrete temperature of at least +120 degrees.
  2. Cold analogues include liquid types of petroleum bitumen. Stacking can be done at temperatures ranging from +5 degrees.
  1. The selection of the composition begins with the selection of the characteristics of the components of the mixture and establishing their compliance with the standards that are prescribed technical documentation.
  2. Next, the optimal proportions of the components are determined, which will guarantee the production of coatings with specified qualities.
  3. The final stage of design is the evaluation of selection options and the production of a trial batch of asphalt concrete at the plant.

There are 2 approaches regarding the design of asphalt concrete.

The first method is the selection of the composition of the mixture with constant granulometry of the fillers.

  1. It guarantees enhanced mechanical properties. roadbed, due to wedging with finely graded gravel / gravel of their larger grains.
  2. A coating laid from a material prepared with continuous filler granulometry has a high level of roughness and shear resistance.
  3. Specifications

    Comparison table of the designed mix options.

    1. For asphalt mixes  of this type, crushed stone or gravel from strong rocks (for example, granite) is needed with more than 50% of the grain surface chipped.
    2. It is important to use aging resistant bitumen (including substitution of phase and group composition). It must also have good adhesion to stone materials, because open porosity is characteristic of such concrete.

    Note! The second method of selecting the composition of the mixture uses the principle of dense concrete. When using it, a large filler having a rounded particle shape and intermittent particle size distribution is used.

    1. During the compaction of such a mixture, a coating is obtained having a closed porosity, which has greater water resistance and frost resistance.
    2. Such material is more prone to uneven distribution in the medium of grains of a large filler of bitumen and mineral components.
    3. Then the volume of the necessary components for the ordered quantity of the mixture is determined.
    4. Knowing the quality and cubic capacity of asphalt concrete, experts determine what the price of the order will be.
    5. Then the raw material is loaded into a special hopper, in which its preliminary dosage is carried out.
    6. There, mineral materials are dried and heated to standard temperatures.
    7. Then they are sorted by fractionation and fed to the exact weight dispenser.
    8. At the same time, the binder is heated to a temperature, the value of which depends on the type of asphalt mixture. Then bitumen is weighed and dosed.
    9. At the final stage of production, the components of the material are fed into the mixer.

    Men at work

    Layers of the roadway: 1 - asphalt, 2 - its base, 3 - an additional layer of the base, 4 - soil.

    1. Anyway road works  Start by cleaning the base of dirt and dust with machines equipped with brushes and irrigation systems. Then the unevenness of the base is corrected, and it is processed with bitumen mastic.
    2. The material is produced in asphalt mixers on stationary lines of factories or in mobile plants. It is transported to the place of laying by dump trucks, then it is loaded into the hopper of the stacker machine. It distributes, levels, and for the first time compacts a covering.
    3. Concrete is finally compacted with road car rollers.

    Arrangement of sidewalks

    1. First, side stones are installed to separate the sidewalk and the road.
    2. Next, the foundation is laid - asphalt concrete with a filler of crushed stone, slag, brick battle. Often used asphalt crumb ("old" asphalt).
    3. Based on the type of soil, the base of the sidewalk may have a thickness of 10 to 15 cm.
    4. After laying the mixture, it is carefully leveled, and then compacted by self-propelled and manual rollers.
    5. Next is the expansion of small stones and slag.
    6. The pavement itself (usually on a sand filler) has a thickness of 3/4 cm. The exception is the entrance road part, which leads to quarters and courtyards. It should have a thickness of 5 cm.


    Asphalt concrete has no alternative when arranging roads, runways of airfields, and often industrial floors, sidewalks. This material is reliable, durable and inexpensive. There are many brands and varieties. Therefore, the design of the coating must be approached very carefully.

    The video in this article contains many more useful things.

Types of manufactured mixtures:

1. LARGE-GRAIN - for the lower layers of two-layer asphalt concrete pavement.

2. FINE - for the construction of federal highways and streets with high traffic intensity.

3. SAND - for pedestrian paths and sidewalks, car parks, retail space.

4. MIXTURES ON POLYMER-BITUMEN BINDER - to increase the durability of coatings.



7. RUBBER-ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXES - low hardness coatings, for example, for coating stadiums, treadmills

8. COLORFUL - paving of floor coverings at important state, administrative, cultural and educational institutions, park areas, etc.

9. COLD STORAGE MIXTURES - for patching, transported at any distance in plastic bags.

10. CAST - can be used for work in the winter and patching, warmed up to high temperature, transported in special machines - kocher.

11. GRADDLE AND MASTIC - durable and crack resistant with a high content of crushed stone of small fractions, especially durable.

12. BLACK CRUSHED MATERIAL - for the device of the bases.

13. WARM ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXES - for work at low temperatures.

Colored asphalt mixes

At ABZ-4 Kapotnya, production of colored asphalt mixes was mastered. Color mixtures are used for landscaping squares, parks, squares, bicycle paths and other facilities. Mixtures of red, pink, green, blue and gray are offered. The photographs presented show the laying of gray asphalt concrete mix in the Kuzminki park in August 2015.

Cold asphalt mixes

Cold mix is \u200b\u200ba ready-made material for patching of asphalt concrete pavements of roads, streets, sidewalks, sports and parking areas, courtyards, as well as filling holes after taking cores.

The main advantage of cold mixes in comparison with traditional hot and cast mixtures:

Possibility of procurement for future use and long-term storage (up to one year);

Possibility of use at any time of the year (at temperatures from -10? C to 40? C) and in any quantity (from 1 package to several tons);

Unlimited transportation distance;

Environmental friendliness at application;

The use of cold mixtures allows the consumer:

To simplify the technology of repair work as much as possible - it is enough to clean the bottom and walls of the pothole from debris and debris, pour out the required amount of the mixture and compact (compact) with any improvised means (shovel, car wheel, vibrating plate, light roller);

Significantly reduce the time and cost of repair work;

Open the traffic immediately, without restriction, after completion of the patching.

Brief recommendations on the use of cold asphalt mixtures

The proposed cold mixture is used at any time of the year to quickly eliminate minor damage to road asphalt pavements in order to prevent them from growing into larger ones and restore the required operational properties of the coatings.

Before applying the cold mixture, it is necessary to clean the bottom and walls of the pothole from dirt, debris, snow and ice.

To repair 1 m2 of the coating with a fracture depth of 5 cm, about 80 kg of the mixture is required.

The cold mixture is delivered to the consumer in bags (30-40 kg) or in plastic buckets (20-25 kg). To seal a pothole, it is enough to open the bag (bucket lid) and pour out the mixture in the required quantity, level and roll it (you can use a car wheel, a vibrating plate or other means).

The thickness of the cold mixture to be laid (not sealed) must exceed the coating thickness by 2-2.5 cm (reserve for sealing).

When patching during freezing temperatures, containers with a cold mixture are stored in a warm room to preserve their workability and tightness.

It is advisable to use a cold mixture at an ambient temperature of at least -10 - -15C.

After completion of the patching, the movement of vehicles can be completely restored without any restrictions.

Classification and scope of asphalt mixes manufactured by ABZ-4 “Kapotnya”

Asphalt mixtures have a complex classification given in GOST 9128-2009 (Table 1) and the consumer needs to understand it in order to choose the right option for a particular object. For those who are not familiar with this classification, we give brief explanations.
Depending on quality raw materials   asphalt concrete mixtures are divided into brands (I, II, III). Mixtures of brand I are used on roads of high categories with heavy traffic. On roads with low intensity, mixtures of brands II and III can be used. They are accordingly cheaper.
Porosity  in a compacted state, dense, porous (P), highly porous (VP) mixtures are distinguished, which are used, respectively, in the upper and lower layers of coatings.
By the content of crushed stone  mixtures are divided into types A (50-60 /%), B (40-50%), C (30-40%), and D (without crushed stone). Mixtures with a high content of crushed stone (A, B) are used on roads with high traffic intensity. They are more resistant to rutting, but require a high cost of compaction. Mixtures with a lower crushed stone content (B, D) are easier to stack and compact. They should be used on minor objects.
  By size of crushed stone  There are fine-grained mixtures with crushed stone up to 20 mm (indicated by the letter M), which are used in the upper layers of coatings. Coarse-grained mixtures with crushed stone up to 40 mm (K) are used in the lower layers. Sand mixtures (P) are used for the construction of sidewalks, blind areas, platforms, etc., where there is no movement of freight transport.

Table 1

   Classification of asphalt mixtures produced according to GOST 9128-2009 (-2013)

   Types of mixtures

   Types of Mixtures

The content of crushed stone,%

   Classification by the largest size of mineral grains (crushed stone or sand)






   High density



   Fine-grained (with grain size up to 20 mm)







   50-60 many crushed stone










   Coarse-grained (with grain size up to 40 mm)




   Fine-grained (with grain size up to 20 mm)






   30-40 small bellied

   Fine-grained (with grain size up to 20 mm)






crushing screenings






on natural sands

   Sand (with grain size up to 10 mm)









   Coarse-grained (with grain size up to 40 mm)









   Sand (with grain size up to 10 mm)





Highly porous crushed stone



   Coarse-grained (with grain size up to 40 mm)





Highly sandy



   Sand (with grain size up to 10 mm)




For the construction of upper layers of coatings on roads with high traffic intensity gravel and mastic asphalt concrete (ЩМА)providing longer service life and better grip. The cost of such mixtures is 20-25% higher compared to standard mixtures of type A and type B.
   Hot and cold asphalt mixtures are also distinguished.
Hot  stacked at a temperature of the mixture not lower than 120 ° C.
Cold  stacked at a temperature of the mixture not lower than 5 ° C.
   In addition to the described types of mixtures, ABZ-4 Kapotnya produces special mixtures at the request of customers.
Cold mixes  for emergency repairs that can be used in winter period. In this case, the mixture itself when laying and sealing should have a positive temperature (15-20 ° C).
Mixtures based on polymer-bitumen binders (PBB)are applied in the upper layers of coatings to increase shear stability.
Mixes on a rubber-bituminous knitting "BITREK"  and the addition of the “UNIREM” modifier.
Cast mixture (L)  for patching in the cold season have an elevated temperature. Transported in coaches and do not require compaction.
Reduced crushed stone mixtures  for improvement of the territory (MV-3).
Color mixes  for platforms, squares, sidewalks, etc.