Asphalt plants. Asphalt Business

Asphalt mixtures

Price with shipping(rub / t)

Price without delivery(rub / t)

Sand type L4

Sand type PDII, sandy at the screening of the GHG

Sand type PD3, PDo3

Fine-grained type A, grade 1, MA1

Fine-grained type B, grade 1, MB1

Fine-grained type B, grade 2, MV2

Coarse-grained solid KB1

Coarse porous KP1

ЩМА 15, 20 on ПБВ

ЩМА 15, 20 on the knitting BITREK

The company "DorTransSnab" produces and sells quality asphalt at a low price and other bulk construction materials. Our company has its own fleet of road-building equipment, its own production of asphalt, so we carry out all the work promptly and efficiently.

You can buy asphalt from us both with delivery and through pick-up, the cost of which will allow you to save significantly during construction.

Asphalt mixture is an optimally selected composition containing mineral materials, mineral powder and bitumen. Asphalt concrete is a compacted asphalt mixture. The classification of such materials is carried out according to various parameters.

Depending on which mineral component is part of the material, sandy, gravel and crushed stone mixtures are released.

The viscosity of the bitumen included in the composition and the required temperature for laying asphalt mixes are hot and cold. The hot ones contain liquid and viscous bitumens, they are laid at a temperature of more than 120 degrees, and the cold ones contain only liquid bitumen, the laying temperature should be at least 5 degrees.

Also, such materials can be distinguished by grain size: sandy (less than 0.5 cm), fine-grained (less than 2 cm), coarse-grained (up to 4 cm). Cold mixtures are sandy and fine-grained.

Another important characteristic of such materials is residual porosity. By this parameter, highly porous, porous, dense and high-density species are distinguished.

The letter designation A used (maximum content), B, C (minimum) corresponds to the content of crushed stone or gravel in hot mixes and dense asphalt concrete. For cold mixtures of this type, the designation Bx and Bx are used. For hot and cold sand mixtures - G and Gx (up to 30% of sand), D and Dx (up to 70%).

Also, asphalt mixtures are marked depending on their physical and mechanical properties and the materials used (MI, MII, MIII).

The use of the material is determined by its type and brand. So, coarse-grained porous mixture  grade I is used to form the lower layers of the coating highways, city streets, etc. Sandy highly porous mix of brand I - for the device of sidewalks, laying of borders, etc.

What is asphalt concrete?

Asphalt concrete is a modified concrete that is formed after mixing and heating sand, gravel, mineral fillers, and also a bituminous binder.

To date, no road construction is complete without the use of asphalt mixtures. Excellent hygienic qualities, strength, durability, ease of rolling, relatively low cost make this product the most popular in construction markets. A variety of requirements for asphalt  led to the development of various styling techniques, qualitative and quantitative composition of the mixtures.

By temperature, asphalt mixtures are divided into hot and cold. By the size of mineral grains are divided into coarse-grained, fine-grained and sandy. Asphalt concrete by residual porosity are high-density, dense, porous, highly porous.

In many cases, we add various substances to the basic composition of asphalt concrete, which provide frost resistance, sound insulation, surface roughness, increased strength and hardness. For this we use different materials: rubber, latex, rubber, sulfur, ash.

We produce high-quality asphalt mixes (asphalt) for the construction and repair of road (asphalt) pavement on the streets of Moscow and the Moscow region. Each type asphalt mix  has its own specifics. Some materials contain large fractions, while others contain small fractions. In asphalt mixes we use various bituminous and astringent components, mineral powders. In addition, the release is carried out by various technologies.

Each asphalt mix has its own characteristics. We provide our customers with a full range of services for the selection of a suitable asphalt mix for the construction or repair of roads.

According to the compaction method, asphalt concrete is divided into: rolled, tamped, vibrated and cast. Cast asphalt is characterized by plasticity, wear resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance and other high performance characteristics. Cast asphalt is used in a state heated to 160-180 degrees, as a result of which the material assumes a consistency that facilitates laying on the surface and does not require additional compaction.

Depending on the degree of saturation of asphalt concrete with structure-forming components, basal, pore and contact structures are formed in it, which determine the quality of the coating.

Asphalt production

Our plant is equipped with high-precision equipment manufactured by Teltomat T-160. The plant takes into account all the development trends in the production of asphalt and asphalt mixes. Asphalt plants of Teltomat T-160 fully comply with the requirements. Compared to similar asphalt plants, Teltomat T-160 plants reduce energy consumption and comply with environmental standards. Combined filter purifies the exhaust gases by 99.98%. The asphalt plant laboratory monitors the quality of the asphalt produced.

At the beginning of summer this year, the State Automobile Roads State Budgetary Institution, which services one third of the capital’s roads, has its own modern asphalt concrete plant. This latest high-tech Benninghoven complex, developed in Germany, is located in the Biryulyovo Zapadnoye district - on the one hand in the city (minimizing the route of cars to their destination), and on the other - away from residential buildings. The new plant will not only save budget funds, but also increase the volume of asphalt mixes produced.

Let's study together the technology of production of asphalt, the features of its laying and what exactly the city benefits from the appearance of this particular plant.

  2. The site for the enterprise was laid at the end of last year, and already in June two units were put into operation, each of which can produce 240 tons asphalt mix  per hour (3 tons in 40 seconds). This capacity is enough to roll up to 30 thousand square meters roadbed per day. Own asphalt plant is more profitable than contacting contractors, firstly, it is always a high quality product, and secondly, the possibility of re-processing the finished mixture if the conditions did not allow it to be laid according to the technology (for example, the mixture cooled down on the way because the car got into traffic jam).

3. The composition of the asphalt mix includes 5 main components. These are crushed stone (on the left), screenings (essentially dust from crushed stone, in the center), sand (on the right), mineral powder and bitumen. The percentage of raw materials can vary depending on where the asphalt will be rolled. If it is a sidewalk (a zone with a minimum specific load), then the mixture contains the maximum amount of sand, and crushed stone is not used. If we are talking about roads (high load), then most of the asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bcrushed stone (the fraction is determined depending on the type and class of road).

4. In addition to ordinary granite crushed stone, a high-strength rock of volcanic origin — gabbro diabase — is used. In total there are three deposits in the world - in Australia, Ukraine and Russia. Raw materials are brought to the asphalt plant from Karelia.

5. Mineral additives are needed in order to give certain properties to the finished mixture. For example, ductility and resistance to temperature extremes. That is what distinguishes the technology of modern production of asphalt from how it was made before.

6. Bitumen - the main binder component. It arrives at the plant in heated thermos tanks and is pumped to storage tanks, where it is constantly heated. Here it is worth noting the fact associated already with directly laying asphalt on the road. Surely many noticed that they did not immediately mark the freshly laid asphalt, but after 2-3 weeks. This is not laziness of road workers, but adherence to technology. After laying, it is necessary that the bitumen film evaporates from the top layer, otherwise the paint used for marking will first be painted, and secondly, freshly laid asphalt has worse adhesion.

7. The plant operates around the clock, therefore, raw materials are brought continuously. At the entrance, special cargo scales that weigh the truck first at the entrance, and then at the exit.

8. The plant needs electricity, diesel fuel and gas. The plant was built and launched in record time, but in Moscow, official connection to city networks takes an average of one year, so at the moment the plant works completely offline. After the official connection, diesel generators will simply be transported to new construction sites, so this option does not actually increase the cost of the finished product.

9. Crushed stone, sand and screenings are loaded into receiving hoppers with a front-end loader. At the bottom of each hopper there is a flap, which determines the flow rate of each of the source components.

11. In the drum, the mixture is dried by a diesel oven.

12. And it is fed to the very top of the installation - to a screen, where the mixture is separated by granulometric composition.

13. This is necessary in order to dose the composition of the finished product with high accuracy.

14. Of the heated thermos tanks, bitumen is added to the dry mix.

15. And mineral additives (stored in blue containers). Another important point. In the photo you can see the exhaust pipe (blue) and even visually see that the exhaust air is clean. For comparison, you can look at the dust from the ventilation pipe of some other plant, located in the background. Environmental standards regulate the measurement of emissions at a distance of 500 meters from the pipe, but this plant fits into these standards even if measurements are carried out directly on the territory of the plant.

16. After mixing all the ingredients, the finished asphalt enters the bins.

17. From where it is shipped to dump trucks. Despite the high sides, no more than 20 tons of finished asphalt are loaded into each machine. The temperature of the asphalt at the shipment is 160 ° C, it must arrive at the object with a temperature of at least 130 degrees and roll away at a temperature of at least 110 degrees. Depending on the street temperature, this allows road repairs to be carried out at a distance of up to 80 kilometers from production.

18. Dispatching - the control center of the entire installation. The operator visually sees the whole process, and also manually controls the shutter for the shipment of finished products. On the left screen, the work of weights and bins. On the right is the working process in the drying chamber, screen and mixing plant. In total, the plant employs 80 people, and 10 is enough to control the production process.

19. After that, cars with hot asphalt are also weighed on the scales and sent to the facility. Another urgent question - is it possible to roll asphalt in the rain? The technology does not allow the laying of asphalt in the rain, but because it is impossible to influence the weather, usually the decision is made locally. Before laying a new layer of asphalt, the base is shed with a bitumen emulsion and if the rain is not strong, without the formation of puddles, then it is perfectly acceptable to roll the asphalt onto a wet base. As we recall, the temperature of asphalt on the asphalt is higher than 110 degrees and all possible moisture from the base will instantly evaporate during installation.

20. At the site there are now two operating installations that operate independently of each other. It is also planned to build another installation (individual details for it can be seen in the upper left corner). On the right side administrative modular buildings are visible. There is also a factory laboratory, which controls the quality of raw materials and finished products. So far, these are temporary structures, which will gradually be replaced by capital ones.

21. GBU “Roads” also has a high-tech mobile laboratory. It includes a spatial laser rangefinder, six cameras and ground penetrating radar.

22. The Riegl VMX-450 roof unit is complemented by the Riegl VZ-1000 portable stationary station. These devices allow you to build a three-dimensional picture of the world. This allows you to measure the geometric dimensions of objects in a certain radius from the installation and automatically calculate the volume and area of \u200b\u200bmaterials or the applied coating. It also allows you to fix defects in the road surface, curbs and metal fences. GPR allows you to determine the boundaries of the separation of media and the location of communications. The most effective travel speed for work is 40-50 km / h.

23. A factory laboratory in which quality control of raw materials is carried out and finished products are tested. In the photo, the DTS-06-05 machine, which is designed to test samples of asphalt concrete materials for compression and determine the tensile strength during a split.

24. The test samples are melted in an oven, stretched, sieved, weighed, water saturation, etc. is determined.

25. Any road has a warranty period. For roads with increased load (for example, MKAD, TTK, Garden Ring and take-off routes), this is a 3 year warranty for asphalt pavement. For roads with lower traffic and sidewalks, this period can be increased to 5 years. If you see that the asphalt is changed annually, then this is exactly the case when the contractor has violated the road and is now redoing it at his own expense. Therefore, this is another plus to the fact that this asphalt plant belongs to the city - it makes no sense to produce low-quality products, because then you have to redo it.

What is the result? The city and its inhabitants are only in the black from the new asphalt plant. Roads in the city and are now maintained in good condition, but will be even better.

Asphalt plants produce mixtures, which are one of the most popular materials in our country for road construction  and repair pavement. However, road builders give preference to the products of those manufacturers who managed to achieve minimum costs with high quality and keep the price low.

Today, one of the most cost-effective is rightly considered amomatic asphalt plant, which allows the production of asphalt concrete of the highest quality with minimal consumption of material and energy resources.

Practice shows that ABZ from the well-known Finnish manufacturer Amomatic, fully pays for itself in 3-5 years of operation. This is because the cost of asphalt concrete manufactured on such modern equipment is several times lower than the price of finished material purchased from third-party manufacturers, even if we are talking about large lots at the lowest prices.

Many large road-building organizations have long concluded that it is much more profitable buy an asphalt concrete plant  Once, than overpaying suppliers of ready-mixed asphalt mixes during each successive order. When buying directly from the manufacturer or its official representative in Russia asphalt concrete plant, price  which in this case will be minimal, will pay for itself the fastest.

Modern asphalt plants are a complex of equipment for the production of asphalt mixtures of a full cycle. They are stationary and mobile, can be delivered in a wide variety of configurations depending on operating conditions and specific tasks. Finnish asphalt plants are ideal for use in Russian climatic conditions. The manufacturer took care of increased thermal insulation and an improved heating system for technological capacities of mobile and stationary asphalt plants. Thanks to this, it is possible to produce high-quality asphalt concrete on them at an air temperature of up to -15 ° С. Smart electronics adjust the speed of the dryer drum, taking into account the physicochemical properties of the mixture, temperature and other factors. This allows you to optimize energy consumption. The use of Finnish asphalt plants completely eliminates unproductive losses of raw materials, waste generation and production defects. All this makes them very popular not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

Given the condition russian roads, there will be no shortage with consumers. Asphalt concrete mix of even the highest quality is designed for 10-15 years of operation. But the intensity of road use and climatic features make their adjustments. Most of the roads are repaired annually, and the main area of \u200b\u200bwork is the replacement of old asphalt with new.

Asphalt used to equip the road surface is a mixture of sand, gravel of small and medium fractions, mineral powder and bitumen, which acts as a binder between the other components.

As a binding component, bitumen makes up about 6% of the total volume of asphalt mass, 85% of it is gravel or gravel. Asphalt production involves not only the combination and mixing of the above components, but also the instant laying of the pavement.

Bitumen performs its bonding function only in the hot (molten) state. Prepared, but not immediately laid asphalt loses its properties and is not subject to subsequent use. It becomes fragile and is not rammed to the desired state.

Varieties of asphalt

Artificial asphalt used to equip the pavement is of three types. Each type of asphalt has its own specific purpose.

  • Sandy. This type of asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bused for paving footpaths and sidewalks, it consists mainly of sand, gravel of a fine fraction (5 mm), bitumen and mineral powder.
  • Fine-grained. Such asphalt is intended for paving the roadway. In the case of a two-layer coating, it is used as the top layer. The composition differs from sand asphalt in a slightly larger size of crushed stone - a fine fraction (5-15 mm).
  • Coarse-grained. This mixture is used to equip the bottom layer of the road surface. For its preparation, crushed stone of small (5-15mm) and large fractions (20-40mm) is used.

Potential consumers

The main consumers of asphalt are organizations responsible for the state of municipal and federal roads, companies specializing in their repair and business representatives who are responsible for the condition of access roads, sidewalks and parking lots located on their territory.

Since the production of asphalt is closely related to its laying, the acquisition of a set of equipment for asphalting roads will expand the business and realize not only the asphalt itself to contracting organizations carrying out its laying, but also independently build the whole complex road works.

Organization of production

There are three types of asphalt according to the production method.

  • Hot,
  • Warm,
  • Cold.

The fundamental difference is to what temperature the components to be mixed are brought. Hot and heated asphalt is produced by adding heated components to a hot or warm binder. Cold asphalt  implies the use of only one type of component in a heated form - cold crushed stone is added to a heated binder or vice versa.

Typical technology  Preparation of hot asphalt mix is \u200b\u200bas follows.

  • Drying of inert materials (crushed stone, sand, gravel) or heating to 2000C.
  • Mixing components at a temperature of 1600C with the addition of mineral powder and bitumen.
  • Storage of finished asphalt (silo) at a temperature of 150-1800C.

Necessary equipment

For starting a business among equipment for the production of asphalt, mobile mobile units that do not require laborious installation are perfect.

Dalsnab Holding presents a mini-ABZ of joint production (with China) with a productivity of 3-5 tons an hour worth 1,176,600 rubles. and a mobile mini asphalt plant with a capacity of 10 tons per hour worth 3,975,000 rubles. Each of these plants allows you to produce asphalt of any type right at the place of its laying.

An important point:  for the organization of the production process for the production of asphalt, a front-end loader is needed (for loading raw materials into the bunker of the plant), its cost starts from 2 million rubles, in connection with this the best option would be to rent this type of special equipment (but it should be understood that the cost part will increase )

Feasibility study for the project

Opening the production of asphalt mixes with a minimum capacity of 3-5 tons per hour will require the following costs.

Capital investments

  • Equipment purchase: 1 176 600 rub.
  • Delivery: 250 000 rub.
  • Shipping costs: 100,000 rubles.
  • Raw materials purchase: 500 000 rub.
  • Other expenses: 200 000 rub.

Total: 2,226,000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue and profitability

* The level of profitability according to the expert opinion of the author of the material.

(OKVED 2) 23.99 Production of other non-metallic mineral products nec
Investments from 1,500,000 rubles.

All materials for the tag: asphalt

Asphalt is an indispensable material in the construction of roads, but it is also used in many other areas of human activity. It serves as the basis for the preparation of waterproofing, roofing, use it even in painting. However, in all these cases, the cooking technology is radically different, so an entrepreneur who decided to start producing asphalt should initially decide on the direction. The most promising is the production of asphalt concrete, which is used in the construction of road coatings, and it is advantageous to engage not only in the manufacture of the material, but also in the subsequent laying of asphalt, although it can be limited only to the creation of a production enterprise.

There are enough offers on this market in this area, and an entrepreneur who is just starting work is forced to offer his customers any advantages of his product. The most obvious is the reduction in the price of products, but this is not always possible, because it also depends on the supplier of raw materials, and if he is too far from the place of production, the cost of production will be significantly higher due to transportation costs. You also need to immediately take care of finding partners, especially if you plan to create asphalt for pavement - such material is suitable for use only immediately after production, subsequently it cools and becomes brittle, it becomes impossible to lay it.

True, there are some technologies for the production of asphalt, which allow transporting asphalt to the place of laying, and today mobile plants have been developed that move from place to place. Mobile plants cost significantly less than stationary ones, and an entrepreneur should seriously consider this option of organizing his business. At the same time, there may not be other companies in the region that are engaged in such asphalt production.

In any case, before starting work, you need to carefully study the market, the offer of competitors and the prospects for your own growth. The customers for the laying of asphalt will be primarily municipal institutions that are responsible for the state of state roads. A significant share of the market is occupied by private construction companies, which carry out the refinement of the territory, and this range of work also includes laying access roads. Private entrepreneurs who want to equip their own territory, for example, pave roads, sidewalks or lay a parking space, can become customers for laying asphalt. However, it should be borne in mind that in most cases, large construction companies and especially municipal institutions have already established contacts with asphalt producers, so they will have to be convinced that the new production is more efficient, offers a better product and services, and, if possible, a lower price . Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the entrepreneur will be able to find distribution channels for his products.

Profitable Franchises

Investments from 750 000 rub.

To get started, you need to register as a business entity. Individuals can register as an individual entrepreneur, but if there is a need to register a legal entity, the limited liability company is the preferred form. This is due to the fact that in this case a simplified taxation system will be available, which in turn allows transferring no more than 6 percent of revenues or 15 percent of operating profit to the state. It is important to choose the OKVED codes correctly, and such activities fall under the definitions (OKPD 2) 42.1 Automobile and iron roads; construction work on the construction of roads and railways and (OKPD 2) 23.64 Mixtures and mortars for construction. Given that now there is no need to comply with the state standard, an entrepreneur can produce asphalt using any chosen technology, although municipal services will most likely prefer a company that supplies standard material.

Next, you need to determine the place of future production. If you plan to open a stationary plant, you need a large area for the placement of all equipment, providing access roads and communications, building or repairing premises. Depending on the planned production volumes, the territory of the complex may be different, in this case, the entrepreneur can start from a small plant, gradually expanding production as it develops. However, you should not think that a mobile plant is much easier to maintain, because to accommodate its equipment also require considerable area, as well as additional vehicles for transportation. It is important to consider that the asphalt plant should be located as close as possible to the road construction sites. A form of work is possible when an asphalt concrete plant is only a manufacturer of material, and the resulting product is taken away immediately after manufacturing by a partner who is engaged in asphalt laying.

The stationary asphalt plant should then cooperate with the maximum possible number of companies that conduct road construction works. Still, the launch of a mobile plant is still a more modern approach, because in this case transport costs are significantly reduced, and work is done much faster, moreover, a small mobile plant loses much less money during its downtime.

In most cases, it is better to be located within a large settlement, although if large-scale construction of the roadbed is planned on any part of the route, located far from the settlements, but close to the construction site, the asphalt concrete plant will probably receive a contract for the supply of material.

Profitable Franchises

The technology for the production of asphalt involves the use of gravel, sand and gravel, which serve as the basis for the production of stone material, and the binding substance is bitumen or mineral powders. In simple terms, asphalt is produced by mixing all the components, however, all this is done only at high temperatures, because only in this case bitumen can fasten the components together.

The composition of the equipment may vary depending on the chosen technology, but usually includes a cleaning system, heating and mixing units, storage and dosing of bitumen, special installations for modifying the characteristics of mixtures, as well as a general control system.

The most favorable prices for equipment are offered by suppliers from China, European counterparts will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, but in this case more complete support will be provided and the quality of the machines will be guaranteed. You can find many representatives of foreign companies in Russia, which allows you to contact them directly without conducting other negotiations with foreign companies. The cost of a full mobile plant starts with about one and a half million rubles, equipping the smallest stationary plant will cost several times more and can reach 10 million rubles. In some cases, a relatively large plant may require investments of several tens of millions.

Equipment suppliers must train customer personnel to work with all devices. It should be noted that the manufacture of equipment may take some time, which is usually initially specified by the manufacturer. Also, an entrepreneur should think about buying his own fleet of specialized equipment, because it can be much more profitable for him to import raw materials to his own production on his own without contacting a third-party transport company.

Profitable Franchises

To work in the company, a sufficiently large number of specialists will have to be involved, and if it is planned not only to manufacture, but also to lay asphalt, you need to hire a team of workers who will carry out construction work. At its core, this represents the conduct of two different types of business at the same time, which is why it makes sense to consider the option of cooperation with any third-party company. Equipment operators, loaders, drivers, auxiliary workers will be required, and several departments can be created at the enterprise to manage individual processes of the enterprise. Differentiation of functions and responsibilities will allow more efficient management of the organization and optimize the entire work of the production process. However, all business processes that are not related to profit-making by an organization can be outsourced. Depending on the size of the enterprise, a staff of several dozen people may be required, but a small plant can serve significantly fewer people.

The entrepreneur must also constantly monitor the latest innovations in the field of asphalt production. Due to the fact that this material is often used in construction and in large volumes, many companies are developing any more advanced technologies. In some cases, even franchise agreements are offered, and a businessman who does not dare to start his own business without the support of a more experienced company may consider such proposals. But in any case, you will have to spend a lot of effort on finding customers, this is especially true if there are a large number of competitors. However, you should post information about yourself on thematic portals on the Internet, perhaps even create your own website on which there will be a specified offer of cooperation companies.

Profitable Franchises

Such a business can be a promising undertaking, if you select high-quality and reliable equipment, find nearby suppliers of raw materials, business partners and potential customers. However, the launch of this type of business will require several million rubles, and sometimes several tens of millions. However, such a direction may be of interest to investors or credit organizations, so it will be possible to find funds in the form of borrowed capital to start.

Matthias Laudanum
   (c) - a portal to small business business plans and guides

15.04.2015 11:36:59

The investment cost of the project is 26.42 million rubles. The main volume is spent on the acquisition of the production line, as well as on the formation of a working capital fund until the project is released on a payback ...