Mixes asphalt concrete road hot porous coarse-grained. What is asphalt. Colored asphalt mixes

The ABZ Lint Asphalt Plant offers fine grained asphalt concrete  on favorable terms. This material is optimal for a number of road construction and repair work.

Asphalt price since August 7, 2017.

The produced asphalt mixes comply with GOST 9128-2013 and have certificates of conformity OS TsNEKSstroysertifikatsiya ROSS RU. CT AO. 1. 001, "Guarantor - Certification" RU.ACK.OC.086

However, as a rule, the work that we do includes a much wider range of works related to the construction, modernization or repair of the road, and includes, for example, replacing, repairing or organizing walking routes, landscaping, reconstruction, moving or expanding networks water supply or sewage, and other works of this kind.

The main competitive advantage of the company is its human capital - a team of highly qualified, experienced and qualified employees who are highly efficient. Thanks to the professional staff who is able to carry out every task entrusted in a timely and honest manner, we are ready to accept any contract.

The fine-grained asphalt concrete production mixture has the main specific feature - the restriction of crushed stone size to 20 mm. The material is produced in cold and hot form.

Fine-grained, dense asphalt mix - technical advantages

  • Percent inclusion of inert materials - up to 60% (depending on brand).
  • High density - porosity from 2.5 to 5%.
  • The temperature of the mixture for the production of road construction works is from 145 to 155 C.
  • The size of the gravel-crushed stone fraction does not exceed 20 mm.

Hot, dense, fine-grained asphalt mixture - applications

  • As the top layers of a covering of roads of I and II categories.
  • Overhaul of the upper layers of the road is dense.
  • Asphalting of sidewalks, driveways of platforms.
  • For the construction of roads with high traffic automobile traffic.

High-quality mixes, dense asphalt concrete, hot, fine-grained, are placed at a temperature of 145 ° C, compaction is used by tamping equipment. The device of the canvas is performed on a carefully prepared base or lower asphalt layer with two-layer asphalting.

He has a good and established position in the regional road construction market and has numerous links. The production of bitumen mixtures is carried out in accordance with Polish standards. Owning our bituminous mills, machines and specialized equipment allows the Company to timely and efficiently carry out road works in accordance with European standards. He has the ability to cope with his own demand for road works and offer products of some bituminous mixtures for sale to other road companies.

Fine-grained asphalt mix - price and benefits of use

It is economically feasible to use hot asphalt concrete road mixtures due to their economical cost for a number of road construction and road repair works. The construction companies of Moscow and the Moscow region, which are our customers, prefer such materials produced by ABZ Lint.

To ensure the possibility of obtaining bituminous mixtures of the indicated properties and reproducible - regardless of batches - identical compositions, a well-equipped laboratory and a plant for the production of bituminous materials should be equipped, ensuring high accuracy of the dosage of the components.

Our bitumen masses, which are much higher compared to competitors' products, are valued among the company's customers. Our company decided to use the most modern and innovative technological solutions that allow us not only to expand our own offer, but also to introduce new products on the Polish market that have not yet become widespread in the world, whose special desirable properties have been confirmed in the course of scientific research.







GOST 9128 ¾ 84

Official Edition



  ___________________________________________________________ MIXES ASPHALT CONCRETE ROAD, AERODROME AND ASPHALT CONCRETE GOST Specifications 9128 ¾ 84 Asphaltic concrete mixtures for roads and aerodromes Instead and asphaltic concrete. Specifications GOST 9128 ¾ 76 OKP 57 1840, 57 1850 ___________________________________________________________ By the suspension of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated February 13, 1984 No. 15, the deadline for introduction is set

  from 01.01.85

For the foregoing. They include. In the case of mixtures with the destruction of asphalt, their use can be especially attractive from the point of view of the contracting authorities in the case of work consisting in replacing the repaired road surface. As a result, road repair costs can be significantly reduced. A broken old sidewalk can be reused not only as the basis of the road, but now you can create a new sidewalk with the same parameters.

The solution is beneficial to the environment. Thus, the effect of making the sidewalk of such a mixture is twofold: technical - how to improve surface resistance and environmental friendliness - how to reduce automobile noise and the consumption of industrial waste, that is, rubber granulate from car tires. Reducing traffic noise is equivalent to reducing a noise level of 3-5 dB, which is equivalent to doubling the traffic. The mixture can also be made from the sidewalk of bicycle paths and playgrounds and playgrounds, since the addition of rubber granules in the mixture improves the surface properties.

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to asphalt mixtures used for coating and founding roads, airfields, city streets and squares, roads of industrial enterprises, as well as asphalt (compacted asphalt mix). Asphalt concrete mixture is prepared by mixing in mixing plants in the heated state of crushed stone (gravel), natural or crushed sand, mineral powder and petroleum road bitumen, taken in the ratios determined by the requirements of this standard. The area of \u200b\u200bapplication of asphalt mixes is given in the recommended applications 2-4.

The use of rubber granules in combination with polyester fiber in appropriate proportions is covered by the patent application. Colored asphalt pavements have been used in road construction since the 1960s. However, their production is not technologically simple. Plain black asphalt can only be painted red. The preparation of other colors required the development of a colorless binder that could be dyed by the addition of pigments.

Binders have a honey color, are transparent in the film and can be painted with most colors. They have a very positive effect on the aesthetics of the environment, increase traffic safety and reduce surface temperature. Colored coatings are used in the following places.


1.1. Asphalt concrete mixtures (hereinafter - mixtures) are divided into crushed stone, gravel and sand. 1.2. Mixtures, depending on the viscosity of the bitumen and application conditions, are divided into the following types: hot - prepared using viscous bitumen and applied immediately after preparation with a temperature of at least 120 ° C; warm - prepared using both viscous and liquid bitumen and applied immediately after preparation with a temperature not lower than 70 ° С; cold - prepared using liquid bitumen, allowed for long-term storage and used with a temperature not lower than 5 ° C. 1.3. Hot and warm mixtures, depending on the largest grain size of mineral materials, are divided into: coarse-grained f - with grains up to 40 mm in size; fine-grained "" "" 20 mm; sandy »» »» 5 mm. Cold mixtures are subdivided into fine-grained and sandy. 1.4. Asphalt concrete from hot and warm mixtures, depending on the value of the residual porosity, is divided into: dense with residual porosity from 2 to 7% inclusive .; porosity e with residual porosity s. 7 to 12% incl .: highly porous with residual porosity of st. 12 to 18% incl. 1.5. Crushed stone and gravel mixtures, depending on the content of crushed stone or gravel, and sand mixtures, depending on the type of sand, are divided into types indicated in Table. 1.

Aesthetics Skillful regulation of the color of the road surface to the environment allows the use of solutions with high aesthetic properties. The best examples of this are the solutions shown in the photographs. The use of colored sidewalks can become an attractive tool in the hands of architects, even when designing representative urban objects. An additional value of these solutions is their durability, ease of maintenance and resistance to weather conditions.

The use of colored surfaces significantly improves traffic safety. Separation of traffic at intersections - clear marking of twisting tapes improves readability and recognition of intersections, reduces driver misconduct and improves intersection, from traffic - the use of colorful bike paths contrasting with the road increases not only safety, but also the comfort of cyclists, the priority of buses and taxis - the use of colored belts for privileged vehicles is an effective means of restricting access for other users, as well as for I am making safety movement. This improves visibility, especially in tunnels and night driving. . Decrease in surface temperature.

Table 1

   1.6. Hot and warm mixtures of type A, depending on their quality indicators, are divided into two grades: I and II, types B, C and D - into tr and mark and: I, II and III, type D - into two grades: II and III. Cold mixes and types B x and B x are subdivided into two mark and: I II, type G x can be only I marks, type D x - only II mark and. Hot and warm mixes for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete are subdivided into two grades: I and II.

table 2

Light colored surfaces reflect most of the light. This directly reduces the absorbed solar energy. This leads to a decrease in surface temperature caused by sunlight, and therefore to a reduction in risk and gauge. This was confirmed by a study conducted in France bypassing Paris.

Due to the financial problems faced by Polish roads, one of the main questions about painted surfaces is the issue of price. Yes, such tracks are more expensive than usual. The difference, however, is mainly due to the higher price of the binder itself. The technology of the wear-resistant layer is not too different from the technology of mixing with other binders, so it does not require additional financial investments. Using the sidewalk structure of the sidewalk allows you to reduce the cost of materials when you achieve the desired color and surface.

Standards for asphalt mixes from mixtures of grades

Name of indicator

for climatic zones

   1. The compressive strength, MPa (kgf / cm 2), at temperatures: a) 20 ° C, at least, for asphalt concrete of all types

2,5 (25)_

Economic effects can be observed by comparing construction costs with thin wear and construction costs using colored cement-concrete cubes. The cost of implementing these structures is comparable, which may be important when choosing the type of pavement, for example, in the case of bicycle paths. Whether it is colored cobblestone, or a more comfortable, bitumen pavement with a color-sensitive, heat-resistant surface, this question will be answered by anyone who rides a bicycle.

The condition for the correct painting of a thin layer of hot wear should correspond to the requirements for the materials: binder, aggregate, and the type of mixture of mineral-asphalt coating used. The new one can be made of a thin layer about 2 cm thick from the sidewalk in hot technology, which is not yet used by most Polish road companies. However, a dozen companies have already implemented this technology.

2,2 (22)

2,5 (25)_

2,5 (25)_

2,2 (22)_

2,2 (22)_

2,2 (22)_

2,0 (20)_

2,0 (20)_

2,0 (20)_

   b) 50 ° С, not less, for asphalt concrete types:

0,9 (9)_

The Research Institute of Roads and Bridges has carried out extensive work on the selection of materials for various color combinations. The suitability of various aggregates and pigments for different solutions was evaluated. The finished database is very useful in developing new color combinations, which allows you to speed up the process, as well as an economical and aesthetic choice of materials.

Applications in Poland and much more. The technology of colorful asphalt pavement is found in Poland with growing interest. Until now, this technology has been applied in the following places. The purpose of this guide is to unify the way to restore pavement in the lane in order to prevent premature destruction of the pavement, reduce road classes, reduce the categories of vehicles, limit its functions, improper use and deterioration of traffic conditions and make requirements.

0,9 (9)_

0,9 (9)_

0,8 (8)_

0,8 (8)_

0,8 (8)_

0,9 (9)_

1,1 (11)_

1,3 (13)_

The road to its restoration in accordance with current regulations. Reconstruction of substructures. Reconstruction of bitumen pavements. In any case, a complete replacement of the soil with a material characterized by deformation modules is required. It is absolutely necessary to restore a destructible excavation drainage or frost-resistant layer. The thickness of the reproduced layer should be the same as the existing layer.

The basic material, especially in the lower layer, can be used if it is stored separately and is not contaminated with soil and other foreign materials. It is imperative to observe the restoration of layers of such thickness and materials such as existing road surface construction. However, it is important to remember the total thickness of the sidewalk, which must meet the condition of frost resistance! Recovery of bitumen coating.

1,0 (10)

0,8 (8)_

1,0 (10)_

1,2 (12)_

0,8 (8)_

0,9 (9)_

1,1 (11)_

1,0 (10)_

1,3 (13)_

1,6 (16)_

The edge of the adjacent sidewalk should be cut evenly, so that when forming the figure has a shape close to a rectangle or square. It is recommended to make at the edge of the recess half the thickness of the bitumen layer about 10 cm wide and overlap the sidewalk during reconstruction. Full restoration of the pavement surfaces should be carried out at the curb along the edge of the road, if the distance between the curbs, resistors and the perimeter of the sidewalk edge is less than 1, 50 m, unless the road manager has indicated otherwise. paving and bitumen layers. The reconstruction of the bitumen coating should take place in the case of a continuous longitudinal excavation located in the middle of the carriageway. Do not place the cutting edges of the bitumen coating in the axis. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to draw lanes of segregation on flooded liquid bitumen, combining new and existing sidewalks. Cutting or milling of the edges and beams of existing sidewalks is indicated at the beginning of the excavation. On a prepared base, that is, cleaning and spraying with an asphalt or asphalt emulsion, a leveling or bonding layer should be decomposed, and then a layer of mineral asphalt. The composition of the asphalt mix and the thickness of the layers must comply with the design documentation and the requirements and conditions of the applicable standards and specifications. Recall that the thickness of the moving layers cannot be less than the thickness of the existing layers. A layer should be applied between the layers of bitumen asphalt by spraying the substrate with a layer of liquid asphalt or asphalt emulsion with properties adapted to existing conditions. The substrate should be sprayed in sufficient quantity to bind the layers without an excess binder evenly over the entire surface in accordance with standard instructions. The surface layers must be tightly sealed using a set of rollers or mechanical seals. The surface must be aligned with the existing surface, while maintaining the required gradients. Welding on the surface of the sidewalk should be poured with asphalt. Work should be carried out in favorable weather conditions. It is unacceptable to create figures with sharp and inclined angles. . Reproduction of paving layers from stone cobblestones.

0,9 (9)_

1,2 (12)_

1,4 (14)_

0,8 (8)_

1,1 (11)_

1,3 (13)_

1,0 (10)_

1,2 (12)_

1,2 (12)_

0,8 (8)_

0,9 (9)_

1,0 (10)_

   c) 0 ° С, no more, for asphalt concrete of all types

9 (90)_

11 (110)_
7 (70)

13 (130)_

10 (100)_

12 (120)_

13 (130)_

10 (100)_

12 (120)_

13 (130)_

  Note. In the numerator, the requirements for asphalt concrete from hot mixtures are given, in the denominator ¾ from warm mixtures.


2.1. Mixtures should be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the established manner. 2.2. The indicator and physical and mechanical properties of dense asphalt concrete from hot and warm mixtures, depending on the brands of mixtures and the road-climatic zone, must correspond to those indicated in Table. 2.3. The porosity of the mineral skeleton of dense asphalt concrete from mixtures of types A and B should be 15-19% by volume, types B, G and D - 18-22% by volume. 2.4. The residual porosity and water saturation of dense asphalt concrete, depending on the road-climatic zone, must correspond to those indicated in table. 3.

Table 3

   2.5. The physical and mechanical properties of porous and highly porous asphalt concrete from fine-grained and sandy warm and hot mixtures, depending on the grades of the mixtures, must correspond to those indicated in Table. 4.

Table 4

Name of indicator

Standards for asphalt concrete

from mixes of brands

   1. The compressive strength, not less than, MPa (kgf / cm 2), at temperatures: a) 20 ° С of porous asphalt concrete
   b) 50 ° С of porous asphalt concrete
   highly porous asphalt concrete
   2. Water resistance coefficient, not less
   3. The coefficient of water resistance during prolonged water saturation, not less
  2.6. The porosity of the mineral skeleton of porous asphalt concrete should not be more than 23% by volume, crushed stone (gravel) highly porous - more than 24%, sandy highly porous - more than 28% by volume. 2.7. Water saturation of porous asphalt concrete should not be more than 12% by volume, highly porous - more than 18%. 2.8. The swelling of porous and highly porous asphalt mixes from mixes of grade I should not exceed 1.0% by volume, from mixes of grade II it should not exceed 2.0% by volume. 2.9. Indicators of physical and mechanical properties of asphalt concrete from cold mixtures, depending on the brands of mixtures, must correspond to those indicated in table. 5.

Table 5

Name of indicator

Standards for asphalt concrete

from mixes of brands

   1. The compressive strength at a temperature of 20 ° C, MPa (kgf / cm 2), not less than: a) before heating for asphalt concrete types: B x, V x
   G x
   D x
   b) after warming up for asphalt concrete types: B x, H x
   G x
   D x
   2. The coefficient of water resistance, not less than: a) before warming up
   b) after warming up
   3. The coefficient of water resistance during prolonged water saturation, not less than: a) before heating
   b) after warming up
   4. Swelling,% by volume, not more than
2.10. The porosity of the mineral skeleton of asphalt concrete from cold mixtures of type B x should not be more than 18% by volume, type B x - more than 20%, types G x and D x - more than 21% by volume. 2.11. The residual porosity of asphalt concrete from cold mixtures should be 6-10% by volume. 2.12. Water saturation of asphalt concrete from cold mixtures should be 5-9% by volume. 2.13. Traceability of cold mixtures should not be more than 10 in terms of the number of strokes. 2.14. The mixtures must withstand the adhesion test of bitumen with the mineral part of the mixtures. In the absence of adhesion, surfactants should be used. 2.15. Grain compositions of the mineral part of hot and warm mixtures must comply with the requirements established in Table. 6 and tab. 7, cold mixtures - table. 8.

Table 6

Grain compositions of the mineral part of hot and warm mixtures

for dense asphalt concrete used in topcoats

Name and type

Continuous Grain Compounds

   Fine-grained types:
   Sand types:

Intermittent Grain Compounds

   Fine-grained types:

Table 7

Name and type

Mass fraction,% of grains of mineral material finer, mm

Continuous Grain Compounds

Intermittent Grain Compounds

   Dense coarse grained types:

Continuous Grain Compounds

   Highly porous sand

Intermittent Grain Compounds

   Porous and highly porous coarse and fine-grained

Table 8

Grain compositions of cold mixtures used in the upper layers of coatings

Name and type

Mass fraction,% of grains of mineral material finer, mm

   Fine-grained types: B x H x
   Sand types: G x and D x

The recommended content of bitumen in mixtures is given in Appendix 1. 2.16. The compositions of hot and warm mixtures for dense asphalt concrete and cold mixtures of grades I and II containing samples of products of crushing of igneous rocks should include mineral powder and, in accordance with clause 3.5 of this standard, to such an extent that the content of grains of their powders finer than 0.071 mm was not less than 50% by weight of this fraction. 2.17. It is allowed not to include mineral powder in the compositions of hot and warm mixtures for dense asphalt concrete grades II and cold mixtures grade II containing gravel crushing products and used in the fourth and fifth climatic zones, provided that the grains are smaller than 0.071 mm and contain calcium carbonates and magnesium (CaCO 3 + M g CO 3) is at least 40% by weight. 2.18. Mineral powders may not be included in mixtures for dense asphalt concrete grades III and for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete grades I and II containing screenings of crushing products. 2.19. In the compositions of hot and warm mixtures of type G, to improve workability, it is allowed to introduce natural sand in an amount of not more than 30% by weight. 2.20. Mineral powders may not be included in the compositions of cold mixtures of grades I and II containing products of crushing of carbonate rocks. 2.21. The permissible error in the dosage of the components during the preparation of the mixture should not exceed ± 3% for crushed stone (gravel) and sand, ± 1.5% of the mass of the corresponding component for mineral powder and bitumen. 2.22. The temperature of the mixtures when discharging from the mixer and laying in the structural layer should correspond to that indicated in the table. 9.

Table 9

The temperature of the mixtures, ° C

Type of mixture

Bitumen grade

upon release

from the mixer

in paver when laying in a structural layer, not lower

   Hot    BND 40/60
   Warm    BND 130/200 BND 200/300 BN 130/200 BN 200/300
   SG 130/200
   MG 130/200 MGO 130/200
   SG 70/130
   Cold    MG 70/130 MGO 70/130
2.2 3. When using activated mineral powders or surfactants, the temperature is hot mixed with batum and m arches BND 40/60, BND 60/90, BND 90/130, BN 60/90 and BN 90/130 should be below 20 ° C; with bitumen and grades BND 130/200, BND 200/300, BN 130/200 and BN 200/300 - at 10 ° С below the date indicated on the table. 9.2.24. The temperature of their hot mixtures may be 10 ° С higher than indicated in the table. 9, if and their laying is carried out at an ambient temperature below 5 ° C.


3.1. Paper 3.1.1. For the preparation of hot mixtures, one should use viscous oil road bitumen grades BND 40/60, BND 60/90, BND 90/130, BN 60/90, BN 90/130 in accordance with GOST 22245-76, and for for warm mixtures - viscous bitumens of grades BND 130/200, BND 200/300, BN 1 30/200, BN 200/300 in accordance with GOST 22245-76, as well as liquid bum grades of grades SG 1 30/200, MG 130 / 200 and MGO 130/200 in accordance with GOST 11955-82. For the preparation of cold mixtures, oil road bitumen of grades SG 70/130, MG 70/130 and MGO 70/130 in accordance with GOST 11955-82 should be used. Liquid mixtures of grade SG should be used for cold mixtures of grade I. It is also possible to use btums of the MG and MGO classes under the condition of using activated mineral powders or pretreatment of mineral materials with a mixture of bitumen with a surface-active and others. For cold mixes of brand II, liquid batum grades of classes SG, MG and MGO should be used. 3.1.2. The brand of bitumen is chosen depending on the type of mixture, climatic conditions, and the category of road and airdrome in accordance with the recommended appendices 2-4. 3.2. Crushed stone and gravel 3.2.1. For the preparation of mixtures, it is necessary to use crushed stone from natural stone obtained by crushing a mountain city in accordance with GOST 8267-82, as well as crushed stone from gravel in accordance with GOST 10260- 82, crushed stone from metallurgical slag in accordance with GOST 3344 -83, gravel according to GOST 8268-82. It is not allowed to use gravel from clay (marl) limestones, clay sandstones and clay shales. 3.2.2. For the preparation of mixtures, gravel or gravel of the following fractions should be mentioned: from 5 to 10; St. 10 to 20; St. 20 to 40 mm. Additional accelerates the use of crushed stone and gravel in the form of mixtures and adjacent fractions. 3.2.3. The presence of a grained layer of a honeycomb (flaky) form in crushed stone should not exceed for mixtures of type A - 15% by weight, B, B x - 25%, B, B x - 35%. 3.2.4. Strength grade and others are also shown by the properties of crushed stone and gravel, and, depending on the grade, type and type of mixtures, must correspond to those indicated in Table. 10.3.3. S ection 3.3.1. For the preparation of mixtures, natural and crushed sand should be mentioned and, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8736-85. 3.3.2. It is allowed to mention screenings of products of crushing of rocks and gravel that meet the requirements of normative and technical documentation approved in the established order. 3.3.3. The indices and properties of crushed sand and screenings of products of crushed rocks and gravel depending on the mark and type and type of mixtures should correspond to those indicated in Table. eleven . 3.4. Sand and gravel mix 3.4.1. To prepare mixtures, sand and gravel mixtures should be used that meet the requirements of GOST 23735-79. 3.4.2. The gravel, which is part of the sand and gravel mix, should not meet the requirements of Table. 10.3.5. Mineral powder 3.5.1. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to use activated and inactivated mineral powder and meeting the requirements of GOST 16557-78.

Table 10

Indicators of properties of crushed stone and gravel

Standards for mixes of brands



Hot and warm types

Cold types

Porous and highly

Hot and warm types

Cold types

Porous and highly

Hot and warm types



   Mark of crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks by strength during crushing in the cylinder, not lower
   The same for crushed stone from sedimentary rocks, not lower
   Mark of crushed stone from metallurgical slag, not lower
   Gravel of crushed stone from gravel, not higher
   Gravel grade, not higher
   Wear grade, not lower: a) crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks b) crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate and non-carbonate rocks c) crushed stone from gravel or gravel

Not rated

Not rated

   Mark on frost resistance for all types of crushed stone and gravel, not lower: a) in harsh and moderate climatic conditions b) in mild climatic conditions

Notes: 1. In mixes for dense type B asphalt concrete grades II, as well as for porous and highly porous, mark and I asphalt concrete, grade 400 sedimentary carbonate rocks are allowed provided that they are pre-treated with a mixture of bitumen with anionic surfactants of the type . Under the same condition, it is allowed to use grade III B grade dense asphalt mixes, as well as porous and highly porous grade II asphalt concrete, of grade 300 sedimentary carbonate rocks. 2. Severe climatic conditions are characterized by a monthly average temperature of more than the coldest month is below minus 15 ° С, moderate - from minus 5 to minus 15 ° С, mild - to minus 5 ° С. 3.5.2. It is allowed to use as mineral powders: ground basic metallurgical slag - in hot and warm mixtures of grades II and III for dense asphalt concrete, grades I and II - for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete and in cold mixtures of grade II; powder industrial waste - in hot and warm mixtures of grade III for dense asphalt concrete and grades I and II for porous and highly porous asphalt concrete. The properties of crushed main metallurgical materials and their slags and powder industrial wastes should correspond to those indicated in Table. 12.

Table 11

Indicators of properties of crushed sand and screenings of crushing products

rocks and gravel

Standards for mixes of brands

Hot, warm and

cold types


and highly

Hot, warm and cold types


and highly

Hot and warm types

A, B, B x, B, B x


A, B, B x, B, B x


   The ultimate strength of the original rock in compression, MPa (kgf / cm 2), not less
   Grade of initial gravel in crushability, not lower
   Mass fraction of clay impurities,%, no more
  Note. For mixtures of type G grades I and II, crushed sands and screenings of crushing products only from igneous rocks should be used.

Table 12

Standards for the types of materials



ground basic metallurgical slag

fly ash

and ash mixes

cement plant fly ash

   1. Grain composition,% by mass, not less than: smaller than 1.25 mm smaller than 0.315 mm smaller than 0.071 mm
   2. Porosity,% by volume, not more than
   3. Swelling of samples from a mixture of mineral powder with bitumen,% by volume, not more than

Do not standardize

   4. The coefficient of water resistance of samples from a mixture of powder with bitumen, not less
   5. The indicator of bitumen intensity, g, not more
   6. The content of water-soluble compounds,% by weight, not more than

Do not standardize

   7. Humidity,% by mass, not more than
8. The content of alkali metal oxides (Na 2 O + K 2 O),% by mass, not more than

Do not standardize

Do not standardize

   9. Loss on ignition,% by weight, not more than

Do not standardize

   10. The content of free calcium oxide CaO,% by weight


4.1. When preparing mixtures and arranging them from their road and airfield coatings and substrates, the requirements of building codes and safety rules in construction should be observed; Safety regulations for the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, approved by Mnntransstroy on April 28, 1977 and the Minavtodor of the RSFSR on February 25, 1977 and agreed with the Central Committee of the union of workers of automobile transport and highways on January 25, 1977; Safety and sanitary rules for the construction and repair of city roads, work at asphalt plants and production bases of road maintenance organizations, introduced by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR of June 11, 1976 and agreed with the Central Committee of the local trade union Industry and Public Services April 29, 1976


5.1. Acceptance of mixtures is carried out in batches. 5.2. When accepting and shipping hot and warm mixtures, a batch is considered to be the amount of a mixture of one composition produced at one installation during a shift, but not more than 400 tons. 5.3. When accepting cold mixtures, a batch is considered to be the amount of a mixture of one composition produced by the plant during one shift, but not more than 200 tons. After acceptance, the mixture is placed in a warehouse where it can be mixed with another cold mixture of the same composition. 5.4. When a cold mixture is shipped from a warehouse to cars, a batch is considered to be the amount of a mixture of the same composition shipped to one consumer during the day. When a cold mixture is shipped from a warehouse to rail or water vehicles, the party considers the quantity of a mixture of the same composition shipped in one train or in one barge. 5.5. The amount of mixture supplied is determined by weight. The mixture shipped to wagons or cars is weighed on a rail or truck scale. The mass of the cold mixture shipped to the ships is determined by the draft of the ship. 5.6. For quality control, mixtures are taken at the manufacturing plant and tested one sample from each batch. Sampling is performed according to GOST 12801-84. When controlling the quality of mixtures, the following indicators are determined: temperature of the finished mixture; grain composition and content of bitumen; water pumps; swelling; the compressive strength at a temperature of 20 ° C for all mixes and at a temperature of 50 ° C for hot and warm mixtures; water resistance coefficient; caking (only for cold mixes). The caking index should be determined 2-3 times per shift. 5.7. The manufacturer is also obliged to periodically check the mixtures according to the following indicators: porosity of the mineral core; residual porosity; ultimate compressive strength at a temperature of 20 ° C after heating (only for cold mixtures) and at 0 ° C (for hot and warm mixtures); water resistance coefficient during prolonged water saturation; adhesion of bitumen to the mineral part of the mixtures. Periodic monitoring should be carried out less than once every six months and with each change in the materials used in the preparation of mixtures, as well as in the design of mixtures. 5.8. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check of the compliance of asphalt concrete mixtures with the requirements of this standard, while observing the sampling procedure established by this standard and GOST 12801-84, and using the test methods specified in GOST 12801-84. 5.9. For control tests of asphalt concrete mixtures shipped to automobiles, three samples are taken from each batch directly from the car bodies. For control tests of cold asphalt mixtures. shipped to rail or water vehicles, three samples are taken from each wagon or barge. Each sample of the mixture is taken from different places of the car or barges and at different depths. Samples are not mixed and tested separately. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results of at least one sample, repeated tests of the military quantity of the sample are performed. In case of unsatisfactory results of repeated tests, the batch is rejected. 5.10. With the heterogeneity of hot and warm mixtures, assessed visually by the presence of grains of mineral material uncovered with bitumen, accumulation of bitumen and mineral powder, and also if the temperature of the mixture does not meet the requirements of Table. 9 cm are rejected.


6.1. Tests of asphalt mixtures - according to GOST 12801-84. 6.2. Testing methods of materials used for the preparation of mixtures should comply with: GOST 11501-78, GOST 11503-74, GOST 11504-73, GOST 11505-75, GOST 11506-73, GOST 11507-78, GOST 11508- 74, GOST 11510-65, GOST 11511-65, GOST 11512-65 and GOST 43 33-48 for bitumen, GOST 8269-76 for crushed stone and gravel, GOST 8735-75 for sand, GOST 12784-78 for mineral powder.


7.1. Upon shipment to the consumer, the manufacturer must accompany the mixture with a passport, which must include: the name of the manufacturer; number and date of issue of the passport; name and address of the consumer; type, type and brand of the mixture; mixture weight; temperature of the hot mixture; departure time of the hot mixture; shelf life (for cold mix); designation of this standard. 7.2. Hot and warm mixtures are transported to the place of installation by cars, while the mixture loaded into each car is accompanied by a passport. 7.3. Cold mixtures are transported by automobiles, railroad cars or barges, with the mixture in each vehicle accompanying the passport. 7.4. In the summer, cold mixtures can be stored in open areas, in the autumn-winter period - in closed warehouses or under a canopy in piles with a height of not more than 2 m.


8.1. The manufacturer guarantees compliance of the produced mixture with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage. 8.2. Guaranteed shelf life of cold mixtures using bitumen SG 70/130 - 4 months, using bitumen MG 70/130 and MGO 70/130 - 8 months from the date of preparation.

and names of mixtures

Types of Mixtures

Type of asphalt concrete

   Hot and warm: coarse

5,0 ¾ 6,0_

5,5 ¾ 6,5_


4,0 ¾ 6,0_

Highly porous

2,5 ¾ 3,0_


5,0 ¾ 6,0_

5,5 ¾ 6,5_


4,5 ¾ 6,0_

Highly porous

2,5 ¾ 3,5_


Highly porous

   Cold: fine-grained
  Note. The numerator contains the content of bitumen for mixtures with continuous grain composition, the denominator ¾ with intermittent grain composition.

Area of \u200b\u200bapplication of asphalt concrete in the device of the upper layers of road surfaces


I, II, III p, I s

III, IV p, I s, II s


Mix brand

Bitumen grade

Mix brand

Mix brand

   BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300
   Tight from hot and warm mixes    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300 SG 130/200    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300 BN 60/90 BN 90/130 BN 130/200 BN 200/300 SG 130/200 MG 130/200    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300 BN 60/90 BN 90/130 BN 130/200 BN 200/300 SG 130/200 MG 130/200 MGO 130/200
   From cold mixes    Do not use    SG 70/130
   Tight of hot mixes      BN 90/130
   From cold mixes    Do not use    SG 70/130    SG 70/130 MG 70/130 MGO 70/130
Note: 1. The BN 40/60 brand must comply with the technical conditions approved in accordance with the established procedure. 2. For urban roads and highways and roads, asphalt concrete should be used from mixtures of road and grades recommended for roads of categories I and II; for roads of industrial and warehouse areas - recommended for roads of the third category; for other streets and roads - recommended for roads of the fourth category.

and reconstruction of runways

and main taxiways of aerodromes



Mix brand

Bitumen grade

Mix brand

Mix brand

   Tight of hot mixes    BND 90/130    BND 90/130    BND 90/130
   Tight of hot mixes    BND 60/90 BND 90/130    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 60/90 BN 90/130    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 60/90 BN 90/130
   Tight of hot mixes    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BN 40/60 BN 60/90    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 40/60 BN 60/90    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 40/60 BN 60/90 BN 90/130

Area of \u200b\u200bapplication of asphalt concrete during construction

and reconstruction of the upper layers of coatings of other taxiways, parking lots and aprons of airfields



Mix brand

Bitumen grade

Mix brand

Mix brand

   Tight from hot and warm mixes    BND 90/130    BND 90/130 BND 130/200    BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300 SG 130/200
   Tight of their hot and warm mixes    BND 60/90 BND 90/130    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BN 60/90 BN 90/130    BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BND 130/200 BND 200/300 BN 60/90 BN 90/130 SG 130/200
   Tight of hot mixes    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BN 40/60 BN 60/90    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 40/60 BN 60/90    BND 40/60 BND 60/90 BND 90/130 BN 40/60 BN 60/90 BN 90/130
   From cold mixes    Do not use    SG 70/130    SG 70/130 MG 70/130 MGO 70/130