Ways of laying asphalt. Asphalt concrete laying according to SNiP: mixture temperature, technology. Asphalt Improvement

Any composition (regardless of brand and purpose) will contain sand, gravel, bitumen and mineral powder, but their percentage ratio is significantly different. For example, for laying motorways, it is necessary to add much more gravel, which serves as a protective component for short-term loads of several tens of tons. Ordinary paths and entrances for cars are made practically without using this component or replaced with fine gravel.

Processing can be carried out both locally and in mixtures. On-site recirculation and stabilization machines are used, and the trend is to develop models for the reuse of thick stacking layers up to 50 cm in one pass. The main element in the recirculation machine is a roller and mixing rotor equipped with a large number of cutting tools. The drum usually rotates upward and sprays the material of the existing road surface, and through a flexible hose the water from the tank is connected to the processing machine.

As for bitumen - its percentage in the finished mixture ranges from 1% to 11%. Here, it’s just the opposite: main roads and roads of the first importance can contain up to 11% of bitumen, but secondary ones practically do not contain it (1-2%, no more) in order to save money. Bitumen is a product resulting from the processing of petroleum products, it has a solid strength and viscosity, which allows you to absorb loads without subsequent deformation of the road surface. Due to its properties, the adhesion of tires to the road surface is increased, excessive slipping is eliminated.

The flow rate of the injected water into the mixing chamber of the recirculation machine is precisely measured using a computerized pumping system, and the rotary drum mixes the water with the ground material to achieve the optimum water content required to obtain high compaction levels. Liquid stabilizing agents, such as cement slurry and water or a bitumen emulsion, separately or in combination, can also be introduced into the mixing chamber in a similar manner. In addition, porous bitumen can be introduced into the mixing chamber through a separate specially designed spray booth.

An integral part is mineral powder. It is added during the construction of all types of roads, regardless of their purpose. It is crushed rock, most often limestones, in some cases other organic petrified remains. Due to the greater amount of carbon and high viscosity, the powder allows to absorb internal loads, which is very useful in the construction of bridge structures. In secondary roads, it is almost never used, since its cost leaves much to be desired, but in the highways, pavements on bridges and dams, its mass part is very high.

Powder stabilizing agents, such as lime, are usually scattered on the surface of an existing road onto a recycling machine that passes through the powder and mixes it with the recovered material and the introduced water. To fill a layer of recycled material requires the creation of a well-durable waterproof surface. It is best to apply surface treatment by spraying a diluted bitumen emulsion or a single layer of asphalt concrete.

The benefits of cold recycling are quality, speed, cost-effectiveness and environmentally friendly processes. A number of new solutions have been developed for strengthening flooring - reinforced with geosynthetic membranes, geogrids, double twisted mesh. For example, the use of wire mesh provides optimal load distribution and good shear resistance. In reinforced asphalt, cracking is limited and the service life of the pavement is extended.

Sand should be used cleaned, preferably obtained in the process of crushing hard rocks. You can use a mineral from a river or soil, but it will take a lot of effort to clean it of all the impurities that it contains. The more impurities, the less strength will be (adhesion of materials does not occur when the percentage of impurities is more than 3%).

Whatever the recovery approach, it must necessarily lead to an increase in strength characteristics and a significant increase in the workload of the treated layers, to a limited appearance of cracks, a decrease in water permeability, and an increase in frost resistance. The effect of environmental protection should be increasingly sought using recycled materials and the development of new quarries should be avoided.

Comprehensive applications include a cold asphalt line for small jobs, especially over long distances - repairing utility networks, height adjustment for road valves, ramps and other minor modifications. It is always necessary to assume that the asphalt line remains longer, because the bitumen binder contains a lubricating gun, which must go and enter the area around the repaired area. Due to the fact that the conveyor will disturb the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bthe deck, a waterproof connection will occur in the repaired area.

Winter laying of asphalt, the technology and SNiP of which will be described below, also provides for the use of various plasticizers and hardeners, so that the mixture could not freeze at -25 ° C. These modifiers increase the fluidity of the material, they allow you to close up the pits, even if they contain water or other components.

Principles of using cold asphalt

There is no need to use a coupling or subsequent sealing of the working connection. In addition, the cold asphalt line is not suitable for use in places with extreme stress during slow and slow motion or when forklifts are operating. When repairing transport packages, it is necessary to maintain the thickness of the asphalt pavement. If the instructions for use are not followed when using cold asphalt mix, the warranty cannot be applied. Storage of cold asphalt mixes is unobtrusive, free and in bags can be stored for 6 months. For better processability of cold asphalt mixes at low temperatures, the manufacturer recommends leaving the required amount of the mix for about 8-12 hours before use in a moderate environment. You can use labor and mechanics outside the main construction season. It is also useful to carry out minor repairs on this asphalt road on busy roads when it is not available for hot packaging. There is no need for milling, trimming of the edges and the absence of connection or subsequent connection of the seam before applying cold asphalt. Repair can be carried out over long distances and small-scale work without compromising the quality of the repair. Unlike minor repairs done with hot packaging, there is no technical specification for the time needed to apply it. Eliminated costs and downtime associated with daily cleaning for the warm wrapping mixture of the packaging plant. The possibility of minor road repairs in winter period solves problems with timely repair. It works proactively, as it can prevent the continuation of violations on the road, and a cold asphalt road reduces damage to roads and, therefore, vehicles. There is no need to change the repaired area by milling, cutting, joining or sealing. It is necessary to remove the remnants of decaying surfaces from the repaired area, make the correct cleaning of mechanical defects with the best compressed air, and thoroughly clean the area with bristles. The cold asphalt line is preferably distributed in a thickness of 30 mm to 50 mm with an increase of 20-30 mm over the surrounding landscape, depending on the thickness of the layer. After decomposition of the mixture, it is necessary to seal it with a pen, a vibrating plate or a roller. The principle is that the higher the ambient temperature, the more compact it is. When repairing deeper substrates, especially trenches, it is necessary to lay down a layer of cold asphalt on layers with a maximum thickness of 50 mm, followed by compaction of each layer. Attention! It is always necessary to preserve the original thickness of the structure in the repaired area and carry out repairs in at least two layers! Once the repair is complete, you can start the operation.

Cold asphalt and manufacturer recommendations

  To achieve a good repair, there is no need to repair the site and carefully apply the asphalt joint! To remove the initial adhesive, it is recommended to repair the dust fraction of the unit. The cold asphalt line is not suitable for modifications and repairs of areas moved by forklifts, as well as for places that are extremely difficult in slow and braking traffic. In addition, the cold asphalt line is not suitable for repairs on plots of several m2, such as the entrance to the garage. Here, at the beginning of ductility, modifications made in the early days occur in the case of vehicles with simultaneous rolling for the passage of tracks. In adverse weather conditions   The manufacturer does not recommend the installation of an asphalt line or refurbished area with an open flame! For ease of workmanship, keep a message before applying in a hardened garage for the night.

Cold asphalt life

  • Waste materials can be returned to the warehouse for future use.
  • Once the repair is completed, the asphalt can be started immediately.
  • When the repair is done, there is a small number of workers.
Tests have shown that cold asphalt mix does not adversely affect water quality or other environmental components.

What is hot skiing and all the features of the process

The most common is precisely hot asphaltsince its cost is much less, the strength is higher. In addition, it easily tolerates high temperatures in summer, which can not be said about the synthetic additives and plasticizers that are added to road surfaces   another type. With the correct laying of materials, such a path or entrance will withstand solid loads of up to 20 tons or more (similar to the standard road surface). To prepare such a mixture is not an easy task, since it is necessary to prepare equipment for heating the mixture to 100-130 degrees, no more and no less.

Cold asphalt quality

The chief hygienist agreed to use cold asphalt. Safety Data Sheet, Declaration of Conformity and Product Description with instructions for its use have been issued for the product. All these documents are available in the download section. In addition to coating plastic roof elements on asphalt roofs.

It is used in professional construction from large buildings to small family houses and is very useful in the construction of self-help and, no less important, in the so-called hobbies. Asphalt tapes do not need to be modified before gluing, in particular, there is no need to remove the release thin plastic film on the back of the strip. It is etched by the action of glue, decays into small particles and diffuses into it in the form of a dispersed phase.

The technology of laying asphalt in accordance with GOST 11-10-75 provides for the temperature of the finished mixture at least 100 degreesat the time of falling asleep, that is why it will have to be warmed up immediately, after mixing the necessary components and reaching a temperature of 100-120 degrees. Consider step by step instructions   preparation of asphalt at home.

Using smooth or small teeth with a spatula, the glue is torn in front of the prepared roll of asphalt strip for several meters to continuously cover the glued surface. On such a painted surface, the roll falls on a strip that adheres to the adhesive with glue. The process is illustrated in FIG. 1 - FIG.

In the construction industry, for example, an adhesive penetrating layer of a joint is used, which occurs after fixing the block rail in the trough of concrete panels of large routes. The joint is poured through the asphalt after penetration. If penetration is forgotten, asphalt will be removed from the joint during workload. The compound has a viscoelastic character - it tolerates various mechanical deformations that arise in two adhesive media very well due to their different thermal expansion or elastic moduli, without destructive mechanical stresses.

Step 1We prepare a “concrete mixer”.

To spoil (this will be so) a new or just a good concrete mixer is very simple - you need to pour crushed stone and hot bitumen into it. Therefore, for this role we need an old metal barrel made from grain or technical oil. If one is not at home, it can be bought for a penny from any farmer. Take, drill 1 hole 16 mm at the top and bottom of the barrel exactly in the center. Next, we insert an axis of 16 mm there, the main thing is that it can withstand the load that you will exert on it. Do not try to place as much asphalt as possible at one time, it is better to put 100-120 kg in a barrel, including bitumen and all components. The axis must be scalded in a circle, attach handles on both sides for easy scrolling (for 2 people).

Over more than a year of practical experience in this material, it became clear that some properties of asphalt glue paved the way for applications that the manufacturer probably did not collect. The binding is durable, which also has no peripheral value. Due to its excellent adhesion to metal, it is also widely used for level crossings, tram tracks and bridges. The product is also an excellent solution for filling defects after installation: gas, hydraulic, electric or telephone.

Eliminates damage of any shape, depth, size. It is also completely waste-free - excess weight can be collected back into the container and successfully used for the next repair. This does not cause a malfunction, since repairing a damaged surface takes very little time.

Step 2We fall asleep all the "ingredients".

First of all, we place gravel and mineral powder, mix well. At this time, in another vessel we heat the bitumen to a boil, also mix and wait until the suspension is as thick as water. Next, one person should scroll through the “spit”, and the other pour bitumen from the bucket onto the rubble in the barrel. Do this until the amount of resin reaches 10% by weight (determined by eye). Then add sand. At the moment when the mixture begins to mix poorly, it can be poured out.

After filling, the cavities and seals do not settle. The product remains slightly ductile throughout its life. This feature avoids the effects of internal stress. It has links to major Western companies. After a short training, effective high-quality repairs can be carried out by up to one worker. A team of several people can satisfy the needs of modern large specialized companies with expensive equipment and several employees. With a full repair, repairs can be completed in just a few minutes.

Step 3Rolling.

After 4-5 centimeters of the mixture fall into the designated area or into the pit, it is necessary to compact it qualitatively. This can be done with a hand tool or roller. Be sure to moisten with water any surface that will touch the bitumen. If this is not done, then the quality of the work done will be doubtful, and the tool itself will be hopelessly damaged - bitumen will stick to it and solidify. As a rule, 4-5 centimeters of thickness will be enough for a passenger car, so you will have to ram up no more than 2 times.

Today's article will be devoted to one of the relatively recent construction materials - cold asphalt. We will consider the production technology and features of the use of such a substance. In addition, practical reviews will be presented regarding the experience of using the material.

Cold asphalt is a specific substance, the main purpose of which is the asphalting of small areas, as well as repair work on the “sealing” of road pits. The advantages in comparison with the hot asphalt familiar to everyone are obvious:

  • when performing work, the involvement of special equipment is not required;
  • the possibility of work in the winter season;
  • availability (the mixture can be purchased at almost any hardware store).

Where can this mixture be used in housing? The answer to this question lies, as they say, on the surface. In particular, liquid asphalt can be used when laying various paths, arranging access areas, arranging parking lots for cars, etc.

Now for the composition. As we know, viscous bitumen is the main component of the “hot” asphalt familiar to everyone. Bitumen is also present in cold asphalt, but only with slightly different properties. Such bitumen is more fluid and elastic, but its main feature is different: when the ambient temperature decreases, it increases its viscosity. It is precisely because of this that cold asphalt technology can be applied absolutely under any environmental conditions.

In a nutshell about the manufacturing process. Production begins with thorough mixing of all the constituent components: fine-grained, pre-heated crushed stone and elastic bitumen are placed in a special mixer. After that, a special adhesive additive is introduced into the mixture. Next, the mixture is heat-treated and packaged in bags. That's the whole process.

Paving cold asphalt

If you follow the requirements of the laying technology, the process is as follows:

  1. removal of the old coating;
  2. cleaning the surface of various debris;
  3. heating the "walls" of the treated surface with a gas burner (recommended);
  4. application of bitumen emulsion to the bottom and “walls” (acts as a kind of primer, also recommended);
  5. laying the mixture;
  6. leveling and compaction of the mixture with a hand roller (vibrating plate).

It should be noted: despite the possibility of using the mixture in a sufficiently cold environment, apply cold asphalt   at an ambient temperature of -10 or lower is not recommended. Otherwise, the durability and reliability of the coating is significantly reduced.

As for the expense. According to the accompanying instructions of the manufacturers, the consumption of non-combustible material lies within 50kg / 1m2 with a laying layer thickness of around 50mm. An important point: if, for example, the pit that needs to be repaired requires a layer of more than 50 mm to be laid, then partial filling of the pit should be done with small gravel.

As an addition, I attach a video about the process of laying such asphalt:

Cold asphalt reviews and experience

It was decided to repair a long "calloused" eye of a small pit in the area for cars located near the garage cooperative. Since the pit was relatively small (approximately 30x40 cm), I purchased one 25-kilogram package of miracle material.

Without delaying the planned event, collecting the necessary tools in the trunk of the car, I went “to business”. Having rolled into place and armed with a small broom, I began to sweep dust and other small debris from the pit. By the way, my activity immediately attracted curious car enthusiasts who began to put forward various forecasts with interest about the results of the experiment, “supporting” the argument with obscene expressions about the road repair organization.

Having cleared the pit, I treated all of its sides with concrete contact primer (I recommend that you familiarize yourself with “”). Why concrete contact? I just wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to test both asphalt and concrete contact ground.

After waiting a while, I put a certain amount of substance into the pit. After leveling everything with a small shovel, I began tamping the surface with the manual “rammer” I borrowed from a friend of my builder. I must say right away that reviews of cold asphalt, as a convenient material to use, are really true - the surface was perfectly leveled, compacted and gradually acquired a rather attractive appearance.

Several days passed, and I decided to visit the place of repair and look at the result. Arriving at the place, I found a very strong seal, at least, certainly not worse than those put by the workers of the road repair enterprise. The only thing I didn’t really like: the material shrunk, that is, the patch turned out to be slightly recessed in relation to the surrounding plane. I conclude that it is better to lay cold asphalt in two layers: the first layer is draft, and the second layer is the finish.

A little over a year has passed. Unfortunately, there is nothing to please. Frost and snow did their job - the seal I installed began to break down and after a while almost completely spilled out. In fairness, I note that this may be due to the fact that I did not heat up and treat the pit with a bituminous composition. But I will not argue.

By the way, in the near future I will post more detailed instructions on the use of the material, which will be supplemented by photographs taken by me. I recommend that you subscribe to updates so that you don’t miss anything.