Column section and vertical deviation tolerances. Installation of steel structures

Permissible deviations of the dimensions of the metal structure


Permissible deviation, mm

The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of sheet metal parts to be butt-welded
The same overlap
Distance between the centers of the holes made:
according to the outline of the extreme holes
on the outline of adjacent holes
pattern with bushings
Overall dimensions of metal structures assembled on racks according to bolted markings
The same on the conductors
Curvature of prefabricated parts:
the gap between the stretched string and the edge of the corner, the shelf of the channel or I-beam

0.001, but not more than 10

gap between sheet and steel ruler 1 m long
Misalignment of the shelves of T-section elements at the junction points

0.005 times the width of the shelf

Same elsewhere

0.01 times the width of the shelf

3.4.2. Upon acceptance steel elements structures after the manufacture of the entire order or part of it, the manufacturer must issue certificates for steel structures, which must indicate the conformity of the materials used for the manufacture steel structures, the project and standards, as well as the compliance of the manufactured structures with the project. 3.4.3. Acceptance of assembled steel structures consists of: intermediate acceptance of hidden works; final acceptance of the mounted structures of the axles of the cooling towers or its part. 3.4.4. The following are subject to interim acceptance with the drawing up of acts for hidden work: foundations and other supports for steel structures and various embedded and embedded parts; steel structures, closed during the production of subsequent works. 3.4.5. Acceptance of foundations and supports for steel structures of the frame of the cooling tower shell and embedded parts should be carried out in separate sections prior to the start of installation of structures with drawing up an acceptance certificate. When accepting, it is necessary to check the conformity of the dimensions and position of the supporting surfaces, special supporting devices and anchor bolts to the project, as well as the permissible deviations given in table. 4.

Table 4

Permissible deviations when arranging supports for steel structures of the cooling tower shell frame


Permissible deviation, mm

Deviation of the foundation surface, made without subsequent pouring, for direct support of the column shoes along
Deviation of the upper plane of the base plate, poured cement mortar, on:
Offset (in plan) of anchor bolts located:
inside the contour of the structure support
outside the contour of the structure support
Deviation of the mark of the upper end of the anchor bolt
Anchor bolt thread length deviation
3.4.6. Acceptance of the assembled structures of the entire shell frame or separately of its spatially rigid sections should be carried out, according to the project, before painting and formalized by an act; painting of structures is drawn up in a separate act. 3.4.7. Upon acceptance of the assembled steel structures, the following documentation shall be submitted: detailed drawings of steel structures (KMD); factory certificates for steel structures; documents on the approval of the admitted deviations from the project, the agreed deviations from the project must be applied by the installation organization to the KMD drawings; acts of acceptance of hidden works; certificates and other documents for hardware, electrodes, electrode wire and other welding materials used during installation; data on the results of geodetic measurements when checking alignment axes and installing structures; work logs. The permissible deviations of the positions of the mounted steel structures from those provided for by the project should not exceed the values ​​indicated in table. 5.

Table 5

Permissible deviations during the installation of steel structures of the frame of the cooling tower shell

Permissible deviation, mm

Deviation of the supporting surface of the column in height
Offset of the column axes relative to the alignment axes (in the lower section)
Deviation of the column axis from the vertical in the upper section at the column height:
up to 15 m
more than 15 m

0.001 column height, but not more than 35

Deflection Boom (Column Curvature)

1/750 of the column height, but not more than 15

Deviation of elevations of support nodes of trusses and girders
The deflection arrow (curvature) between the points of attachment of the sections of the compressed belt of the plane of the truss, girder or beam

1/750 of the value of the fixed area, but not more than 15

Deviation of distances between the axes of trusses along the upper chord
Deviation of distances between purlins
Note. Support areas for beams, trusses and girders must be the same length for each end of the wiping. The difference in the length of support for each element should not exceed 10 mm.
3.4.8. It is not allowed to carry out any subsequent construction and installation work before signing the certificate of delivery of all mounted structures or part of them, as well as the certificate of delivery of hidden works. Defects in steel structures identified during the warranty period of the cooling tower and caused by the fault of the manufacturer or the installation organization must be eliminated by them. During the warranty period, the organization operating the cooling tower must monitor the condition of the steel structures, the conditions of their operation, the compliance of the actual loads with the design ones and the settlement of the foundations.

3.5. Wooden elements of cladding, irrigation and water catching devices

3.5.1. Structures and products made by woodworking enterprises must be supplied complete with all the necessary connection elements. The set of structures and products must be accompanied by a passport, specification of parts and materials, as well as instructions for assembling structures. Structural elements must be marked and accompanying factory documentation. 3.5.2. Structural elements and products must come from the factory impregnated with an antiseptic in accordance with the project. In case of forced removal of a layer of wood, the planes must be re-treated with an antiseptic. 3.5.3. Leakage at the joints of the structural elements of load-bearing wooden structures should not exceed 1 mm. 3.5.4. The moisture content of sawn timber used for the construction of cooling tower elements should not exceed 30%. 3.5.5. The sheathing boards must be grooved, and the tower sheathing boards must have an elongated tongue. The cladding of the tower and the tent must be made taking into account the swelling of the boards, i.e. with gaps between the boards, the values ​​of which should be in the range of 1.5 - 2.5% of the board width (the gaps are made in such a way that when the boards swell during operation, they are completely closed). 3.5.6. The width of the sheathing boards should not exceed 160 mm to avoid significant warpage. 3.5.7. Wooden structures on dowel and bolted joints must meet the following requirements: holes for metal dowels and bolts must ensure their tight installation. The diameters of the holes for the working bolts and dowels must correspond to the diameters of the latter; the diameters of the holes for the tie bolts should be 1-2 mm larger than the diameters of these bolts; lamellar pins should be sized to fit into the slots with little friction; the depth of the socket should be 2 mm longer than the length of the plate. 3.5.8. The nails used to connect the wooden structures of the sprinkler must be galvanized and, with counter-driving, must not pierce through the package; if the project provides for through punching, the ends of the nails should be bent across the fibers. 3.5.9. The assembled wooden blocks of the sprinkler or water catcher shields must be accepted according to intermediate acts before installing them in place. Acceptance consists in checking: the conformity of the quality of the materials used to the project; quality of anti-corrosion protection; accuracy of individual parts, connections. Permissible deviations in the manufacture and installation of wooden blocks of the sprinkler and water trap shields are given in table. 6. 3.5.10. Acceptance of completed work on the assembly of wooden structures is accompanied by a physical inspection and control measurements. Structural elements that are closed in the process of performing subsequent work are subject to intermediate acceptance prior to their closure with the drawing up of acts for hidden work. 3.5.11. Deviations of the position of the installed wooden structures from the design should not exceed the values ​​indicated in table. 6. 3.5.12. When accepting the work performed on wooden structures, it is necessary to present: working drawings with the changes made to them and documents on approval of changes with the design organization; manufacturer's passport for the structure; acts for work on antiseptic wood processing.

Table 6

Permissible deviations in the manufacture and installation of wooden blocks of the sprinklerand water trap shields


Permissible deviation, mm

Deviations in the sheathing panels of the exhaust towers: external dimensions
distance between the axes of the harness beams
Deviations in irrigation and water collection devices:
external dimensions of shields and water trap
external dimensions of sprinkler blocks
in block installation
3.5.13. Acceptance of wooden structures of cooling towers is carried out inoperative when the basin is emptied by the spillway.

3.6. Asbestos-cement elements of the irrigation deviceand cladding

3.6.1. Asbestos-cement sheets of the irrigation device must comply with technical specifications. 3.6.2. Deviations of the dimensions of the installed blocks made of asbestos-cement sheets from the design ones should not exceed in: length  10 mm; width 10 mm; height 5 mm. 3.6.3. Sprinkler block sheets should not have cracks. 3.6.4. Sprinkler blocks should not have spalling corners and edges exceeding 20 mm in length and width. 3.6.5. Before assembling sheets into blocks, it is necessary to carry out a control check of at least 5 sheets from each block. The sheets selected for testing are subject to inspection and strength testing in accordance with specifications. 3.6.6. The procedure for assembling asbestos-cement sheets into blocks and installing the latter in a cooling tower must correspond to the project. The deviation of the distance between the asbestos-cement sheets of the sprinkler block from the design is allowed no more than 2 mm, the displacement from the vertical position of the sheets is no more than 5 mm. 3.6.7. When sheathing a shell made of asbestos-cement sheets, the quality of the sheets and their compliance with technical conditions are preliminarily checked. 3.6.8. In the process of accepting the cladding, the quality of the work is determined, the conformity of the work performed to the requirements of the project. 3.6.9. When accepting cladding work, a work production log is checked, which should record the date of work, the conditions for the work on individual grippers and the results of systematic control over the quality of sheets and fastening materials laid in the shell. 3.6.10. Particular attention must be paid to the quality of work to ensure the density of the cladding: vertical and horizontal joints between the sheets of the cladding, as well as all leaks arising during installation, must be poured and filled with mortar; washers must be installed on all tightening bolts between the sheets along the height of the vertical joints; in places where a corrugated asbestos-cement sheet is superimposed on a flat sheet in the wave extreme to the corner, it is necessary to perform a dowel along the entire height of sheets of tow with a solution; the gaps in the corners of the tower between the posts of the metal frame must be covered over the entire height with galvanized iron attached to the metal of the tower; all asbestos-cement sheets after harvesting must be painted on both sides twice with an anti-corrosion compound in accordance with the project.

3.7. Aluminum cladding

3.7.1. Sheets for aluminum cladding are presented for acceptance in batches. Each batch should consist of sheets of the same grade of aluminum or aluminum alloy of the same composition and size. The dimensions of every tenth sheet should be controlled. Each sheet is checked for surface and roll quality. 3.7.2. Each batch of sheets must be accompanied by a document certifying compliance with the requirements of the project. 3.7.3. All fasteners of aluminum sheets with each other and with other elements must be galvanized; the use of self-tapping bolts as fasteners is not allowed. 3.7.4. The aluminum cladding inside the cooling tower must be protected from splashing water by wooden shields. It is recommended to cover the outer and inner surfaces of aluminum sheets wetted with water with an anode film, followed by the application of one layer of AK-069 primer and one layer of XB-16 or XB-124 enamel or others. a layer of primer AK-069 or AK-070 and one layer of enamel XB-16, or XB-124, etc. 3.7.5. To prevent contact corrosion between the aluminum sheets and the metal frame, paronite gaskets are used.

Preparation of structures for installation

4.1. The structures supplied for installation must comply with the requirements of clause As-built working drawings should be KMD drawings. Deformed structures should be straightened. Straightening can be performed without heating the damaged element (cold straightening) or with preheating (straightening while hot) using a thermal or thermomechanical method. Cold straightening is allowed only for smoothly deformed elements. The decision to strengthen damaged structures or replace them with new ones should be issued by the organization - the project developer. Cold straightening of structures should be done in ways that exclude the formation of dents, dents and other damage on the surface of the rolled product. 4.4. During installation work, shock effects on welded structures made of steels are prohibited: with a yield point of 390 MPa (40 kgf / mm 2) and less - at a temperature below minus 25 ° C; with a yield point over 390 MPa (40 kgf / mm 2) - at temperatures below 0 ° C.

Enlargement assembly

4.5. In the absence of special requirements in the working drawings, the maximum deviations of dimensions that determine the assembly of structures (length of elements, distance between groups of mounting holes), when assembling individual structural elements and blocks, should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 13 and additional rules Table 13

Intervals of nominal dimensions, mm

Limit deviations, ± mm

linear dimensions

equal diagonals

2500 to 4000 Measuring, each structural element and block, work log
St. 4000 to 8000
St. 8000 to 16000
St. 16,000 to 25,000
St. 25,000 to 40,000

Installation, alignment and fastening

4.6. The design fastening of structures (individual elements and blocks) installed in the design position with bolted mounting connections should be performed immediately after an instrumental check of the position accuracy and alignment of structures, except for the cases stipulated in the additional rules of this section or in the PPR. temporary fastening of structures should be determined by calculation; in all cases, the bolts must be filled with 1/3 and 1/10 plugs of all holes, but not less than two. Structures with erection welded joints should be fixed in two stages - first temporarily, then according to the project. The method of temporary fastening shall be specified in the project. 4.8. The compliance of each block with the project and the possibility of performing related work on it should be formalized by an act with the participation of representatives of the installation organization that assembled the block structures and the organization that accepts the block for subsequent work. Beams of overhead transport tracks and other elements based on the pavement structure (bridges for servicing lamps, beams and monorails for operational repairs of cranes with service platforms) should be installed when assembling blocks. 4.10. Coating blocks made of structures of the "structure" type must be assembled according to special instructions.

Bolted assembly connections without controlled tension

4.11. When assembling the joints, the holes in the structural parts must be aligned and the parts must be fixed against displacement with assembly plugs (at least two), and the packages are tightly tightened with bolts. In connections with two holes, the assembly plug is installed in one of them. 4.12. In the assembled package, the bolts of the specified diameter in the project must pass through 100% of the holes. It is allowed to clean 20% of the holes with a drill, the diameter of which is equal to the hole diameter specified in the drawings. At the same time, in joints with the operation of bolts for shear and connected elements for crushing, blackness is allowed (mismatch of holes in adjacent parts of the assembled package) up to 1 mm - in 50% of holes, up to 1.5 mm - in 10% of holes. with the permission of the organization - the developer of the project, the holes should be drilled to the nearest larger diameter with the installation of a bolt of the corresponding diameter. In joints with the work of bolts in tension, as well as in joints where the bolts are structurally installed, the blackness should not exceed the difference between the diameters of the hole and the bolt. 4.13. It is prohibited to use bolts and nuts that do not have the manufacturer's brand and mark indicating the strength class. 4.14. Under the nuts of the bolts, no more than two round washers (GOST 11371-78) should be installed. It is allowed to install one of the same washers under the bolt head. If necessary, oblique washers should be installed (GOST 10906-78). The thread of the bolts should not go into the depth of the hole more than than half the thickness of the outermost element of the package from the nut side 4.15. Solutions to prevent self-loosening of nuts - setting a spring washer (GOST 6402-70) or lock nuts - should be indicated in the working drawings. The use of spring washers is not allowed with oval holes, with a difference in hole and bolt diameters of more than 3 mm, as well as when installed together with round washer (GOST 11371-78). It is prohibited to lock the nuts by driving the bolt thread or welding them to the bolt rod. 4.16. Nuts and locknuts should be tightened up to failure from the middle of the joint to its edges. 4.17. The heads and nuts of bolts, including foundation bolts, should, after tightening, tightly (without gaps) touch the planes of washers or structural elements, and the bolt rod should protrude from the nut by at least 3 mm. 4.18. The tightness of the screed of the assembled package should be checked with a 0.3 mm thick feeler, which, within the zone bounded by the washer, should not pass between the assembled parts to a depth of more than 20 mm. The tightness of the permanent bolts should be checked by tapping them with a hammer weighing 0.4 kg, while the bolts should not move.

High-strength bolt-on assembly connections with controlled tension 1

______________ 1 Further - on bolts with controlled tension. 4.20. Workers who have undergone special training, confirmed by a corresponding certificate, may be allowed to make connections on bolts with controlled tension. In shear-resistant joints, the contacting surfaces of the parts must be processed in the manner provided for in the project. steel brushes, it is necessary to first remove oil contamination. The condition of the surfaces after processing and before assembly should be controlled and recorded in the log (see mandatory Appendix 5). Before assembling the joints, the treated surfaces must be protected from dirt, oil, paint and ice formation. If this requirement is not observed or the assembly of the joint begins after more than 3 days after the preparation of the surfaces, their processing should be repeated. The difference in surfaces (deplanation) of the abutting parts of more than 0.5 and up to 3 mm must be eliminated by machining by forming a smooth bevel with a slope not steeper than 1: 10. For a difference of more than 3 mm, it is necessary to install gaskets of the required thickness, processed in the same way as connection details. The use of gaskets is subject to agreement with the organization - developer of the project. 4.23. During assembly, the holes in the parts must be aligned and secured against displacement with plugs. The number of plugs is determined by calculating the effect of assembly loads, but there should be at least 10% with the number of holes 20 or more and at least two with a smaller number of holes. without skewing the setting of the bolts. A gauge with a diameter of 0.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of the bolt must pass through 100% of the holes of each joint. It is allowed to clean the holes of tightly tightened packages with a drill, the diameter of which is equal to the nominal diameter of the hole, provided that the blackness does not exceed the difference between the nominal diameters of the hole and the bolt. water, emulsions and oil when cleaning the holes is prohibited. 4.24. It is forbidden to use bolts that do not have a temporary resistance mark on the head, a manufacturer's stamp, symbol heat numbers, and on bolts of climatic modification ХЛ (according to GOST 15150-69) - also letters "ХЛ". 4.25. Bolts, nuts and washers should be prepared before installation. 4.26. The bolt tension specified by the project should be ensured by tightening the nut or by rotating the bolt head to the calculated tightening torque, or by turning the nut by a certain angle, or in another way that ensures the specified tension force. The order of tension should exclude the formation of leaks in the bundles being tightened. Torque wrenches To tension and control the tension of high-strength bolts, it is necessary to calibrate at least once a shift in the absence of mechanical damage, as well as after each replacement of the control device or repair of the key. The design torque M required to tighten the bolt should be determined by the formula M = KPd, H × m (kgf × m), (1) where K is the average value of the tightening coefficient set for each batch of bolts in the manufacturer's certificate or installation site using control devices;

P is the calculated bolt tension specified in the working drawings, N (kgf);

d - nominal bolt diameter, m.

4.29. The tightening of the bolts according to the angle of rotation of the nut should be carried out in the following order: hand-tighten all the bolts in the connection to failure using a mounting wrench with a handle length of 0.3 m; turn the bolt nuts at an angle of 180 ° ± 30 °. The specified method is applicable for bolts with a diameter of 24 mm at package thickness up to 140 mm and number of parts in a package up to 7.4.30. Under the head high strength bolt and a high-strength nut must be installed one by one in accordance with GOST 22355-77. If the difference between the diameters of the hole and the bolt is not more than 4 mm, it is allowed to install one washer only under the element (nut or bolt head), the rotation of which provides the bolt tension. Nuts tightened to the design torque or by turning through a certain angle should not be additionally secured with anything. After tensioning all the bolts in the connection, the senior assembly worker (foreman) is obliged to put a stamp (number or sign assigned to him) in the prescribed place. 4.33. The tension of the bolts should be controlled: with the number of bolts in the connection up to 4 - all bolts, from 5 to 9 - at least three bolts, 10 or more - 10% of the bolts, but not less than three in each joint. The actual tightening torque should be at least the calculated , determined by formula (1), and not exceed it by more than 20%. The deviation of the nut rotation angle is allowed within ± 30 °. If at least one bolt is found that does not meet these requirements, double the number of bolts is subject to control. If, when re-checking, one bolt with a lower torque value or with a lower nut rotation angle is found, all bolts should be checked to bring the tightening torque or rotation angle of each nut to the required value. The 0.3 mm thick stylus should not enter the gaps between the parts connections 4.34. After checking the tension and accepting the joint, all the outer surfaces of the joints, including the bolt heads, nuts and the parts of the bolt threads protruding from them, should be cleaned, primed, painted, and the slots in the places of thickness difference and the gaps in the joints should be filled. 4.35. All tensioning and tension control work should be recorded in the Tension Controlled Bolt Connection Log. Bolts in flange connections must be tightened to the forces indicated in the working drawings by rotating the nut to the calculated torque. Tension control is subject to 100% of the bolts. The actual tightening torque should not be less than the calculated one, determined by formula (1), and not exceed it by more than 10%. The gap between the contacting flange planes at the bolt locations is not allowed. The 0.1 mm thick stylus must not penetrate the 40 mm radius from the bolt axis.

Mounting connections on high-strength dowels

4.37. Persons who have undergone training, confirmed by an appropriate certificate, can be admitted to the management of work and the implementation of connections on dowels. When carrying out work, it is necessary to observe the operating instructions for powder assembly tools, which regulate the procedure for putting them into operation, the rules of operation, maintenance, safety requirements, storage, accounting and control of pistols and assembly cartridges for them. Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a control zeroing with an external examination and an assessment of the quality of the connection to clarify the power of the shot (cartridge number). 4.40. The distance from the axis of the dowel to the edge of the supporting element must be at least 10 mm in any direction. If it is necessary to install two dowels next to each other, the minimum distance between them is determined by the condition of the steel washers placed end-to-end. The installed dowel must firmly press the washer against the part to be fastened, and the part to be fastened against the supporting element. In this case, the cylindrical part of the dowel rod should not protrude above the surface of the steel washer. The pressure density is checked visually during operational (100%) and acceptance control (selectively at least 5%) of the dowels.

Mounting welded joints

4.42. Erection welded joints of steel structures should be performed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. eight.

Prestressing of structures

4.43. Steel ropes used as tensioning elements must be stretched before the elements are manufactured with a force equal to 0.6 of the breaking strength of the rope as a whole, specified in the relevant standard, and kept under this load for 20 minutes. 4.44. The prestressing of flexible elements should be performed in stages: voltage up to 50% of the design voltage with a delay of 10 minutes for inspection and control measurements; voltage up to 100% of the design voltage Limit voltage deviations at both stages ± 5%. In cases stipulated by the design, the voltage can be performed up to design value with a large number stages 4.45. The magnitude of the forces and deformations, as well as the maximum deviations of structures stressed by flexible elements, must comply with the requirements of additional rules or are given in the project. 4.46. Structural stress control, performed by the preliminary bending method (jacking up, changing the position of the supports, etc.), must be carried out by leveling the position of the supports and the geometric shape of the structures. The maximum deviations should be indicated in the project. 4.47. In prestressed structures, it is prohibited to weld parts in places not provided for in the working drawings, including welding near the junction of tensioning elements (steel ropes, wire bundles). 4.48. Tensioning devices for flexible elements must have a manufacturer's passport with data on their calibration. 4.49. The magnitude of the prestressing of structures and the results of its control must be recorded in the installation work log.

Testing of structures and structures

4.50. The nomenclature of structures of buildings and structures subject to testing is given in additional rules and can be clarified in the project. 4.51. The method, scheme and program of the test should be given in the project, and the procedure for the test should be developed in a special PPR or section of this project. PPR for testing is subject to agreement with the management of an existing or under construction enterprise and the general contractor. The personnel assigned to carry out the tests may be allowed to work only after undergoing special instructions. 4.53. Structural tests should be carried out by a commission consisting of representatives of the customer (chairman), the general contractor and subcontractor of the installation organization, and in the cases provided for by the project, also by the representative of the design organization. The order on the appointment of the commission is issued by the customer. 4.54. Before testing, the installation organization presents to the commission the documentation listed in clause 1.23 and additional rules, the commission inspects the structures and establishes their readiness for testing. 4.55. For the entire duration of the tests, it is necessary to establish the boundary of the dangerous zone, within which it is unacceptable for people who are not associated with the test. During the increase and decrease of the loads, the persons involved in the test, as well as the control devices necessary for conducting the tests, must be outside the danger zone, or in safe shelters. 4.56. Structures that are under load testing are prohibited from tapping, as well as to repair and correct defects. Defects identified during the test should be eliminated, after which the test should be repeated or continued. Based on the test results, an act must be drawn up (mandatory Appendix 12).


These additional rules apply to the installation and acceptance of structures of one-story buildings (including coatings such as "structures", crane trestles, etc.) 4.58. Crane beams with a span of 12 m along the extreme and middle rows of columns of the building should be enlarged into blocks together with brake structures and crane rails, if they are not supplied by the manufacturer in blocks. When erecting the frame of buildings, it is necessary to observe the following sequence and rules for installing structures: install the columns first in each row in the area between the expansion joints of the columns, between which the vertical ties are located, secure them with foundation bolts, as well as braces, if they are provided in the PPR; unfasten the first pair of columns ties and crane beams (in buildings without crane beams - ties and spacers); in cases where such an order is impracticable, the first pair of columns to be mounted should be loosened according to the PPR; install a crane beam or spacer after each next column, and in the tie panel - preliminary ties ; split crane beams with a span of 12 m should be installed in blocks, continuous - with elements enlarged according to the PPR; start the installation of the coating structures from the panel in which the horizontal ties between the trusses are located, and in their absence, the installation sequence should be indicated in the PPR; install structures coverings, as a rule, in blocks; with the element-by-element method, temporarily unfasten the first pair of trusses with braces, and then each next truss with braces or mounting spacers according to the PPR; it is allowed to remove the braces and mounting spacers only after fixing and aligning the position of the trusses, installation and fastening in tie panels of vertical and horizontal ties, in ordinary panels - spacers along the upper and lower chords of rafter trusses, and in the absence of ties - after fastening the steel deck. 4.60. Laying of steel flooring is allowed only after acceptance of installation work, design fixing of all structural elements on the covered area of ​​the covering and painting of surfaces to which the flooring adjoins. Profiled decking sheets should be laid and upset (in overlapping areas) without damaging the zinc coating and distorting the shape. Metal tools should be laid only on wooden supports to avoid damage to the protective coating. With the element-by-element method of installation, the beams of overhead transport tracks, as well as mounting beams for lifting bridge cranes, should be installed after the structures to which they are to be fixed, before laying the flooring or covering slabs. 4.63. Crane tracks (bridge and overhead cranes) of each span must be verified and secured according to the project after the design fixing of the supporting structures of the frame of each span along the entire length or in the area between the expansion joints.

4.64. At the final acceptance of the assembled structures, the documents specified in clause must be presented. Maximum deviations of the actual position of the mounted structures should not exceed the values ​​given in table when accepting. 14.4.66. Welded joints, the quality of which is required according to the project to be checked during installation by physical methods, should be controlled by one of the following methods: radiographic or ultrasonic in the amount of 5% - for manual or mechanized welding and 2% - for automated welding. ... The rest of the welded joints should be controlled to the extent specified in Sec. 8.Table 14


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Columns and supports

1. Deviations of the elevations of the supporting surfaces of the column and supports from the design Measuring, each column and support, geodetic executive scheme
2. The difference in the elevation of the supporting surfaces of adjacent columns and supports along the row and in the span
3. Offset of the axes of columns and supports relative to the alignment axes in the reference section
4. Deviation of the axes of the columns from the vertical in the upper section with the length of the columns, mm:

St. 4000 to 8000

St. 8000 to 16000

St. 16,000 to 25,000

St. 25,000 to 40,000

5. Arrow of deflection (curvature) of the column, support and ties along the columns

0.0013 distance between fixing points, but not more than 15

6. One-sided clearance between milled surfaces at column joints

0.0007 cross-sectional dimension of the column; in this case, the contact area must be at least 65% of the cross-sectional area

Trusses, beams, beams, purlins

7. Elevations of support nodes Measuring, each node, work log
8. Displacement of trusses, girder beams from the axes on the column heads from the plane of the frame
9. The deflection boom (curvature) between the anchoring points of the compressed sections of the truss chord and the girder beam

0.0013 of the length of the fixed section, but not more than 15

Measuring, each element, work log
10. The distance between the axes of trusses, beams, girders, along the upper chords between the anchoring points
11. Alignment of the axes of the lower and upper chords of trusses relative to each other (in plan)

0.004 truss height

12. Deviation of the lamp posts and lamp panels from the vertical
13. Distance between purlins

Crane beams

14. Offset of the crane girder axis from the longitudinal center axis Measuring, on each support, work log
15. Offset of the supporting rib of the beam from the axis of the column
16. Bend of the wall in the welded joint (measure the gap between the template 200 mm long and the concave side of the wall)

Crane runways 1

a) bridge cranes

17. Distance between the axes of the rails of one span (along the axes of the columns, but at least every 6 m)
18. Offset of the rail axis from the axis of the crane girder
19. Deviation of the rail axis from a straight line at a length of 40 m
20. The difference in the marks of the rail heads in one cross section of the span of the building:

on supports

in span

21. The difference in elevations of crane rails on adjacent columns (distance between columns L):

at L less than 10 m

at L 10 m and more

0.001 L, but not more than 15

22. Mutual displacement of the ends of the abutting rails in plan and in height Measuring, each joint, work log
23. The gap in the rail joints (at a temperature of 0 ° C and a rail length of 12.5 m); when the temperature changes by 10 ° C, the gap tolerance changes by 1.5 mm

b) overhead cranes

24. The difference in the elevation of the lower driving belt on adjacent supports (along the path), regardless of the type of crane (distance between supports L) Measuring, on each support, geodetic executive scheme
25. The difference in the elevations of the lower driving belts of adjacent beams in the spans in the same cross-section of two- and multi-support suspension cranes: Measuring, each beam, geodetic executive scheme

on supports

in span

26. The same, but with butt locks on the supports and in the span
27. Offset of the beam axis from the longitudinal center axis of the track (for manual and electric hoists it is not limited)

Galvanized steel profiled flooring

28. Deviation of the length of support of the flooring on the purlins at the transverse joints Measuring, each joint, work log
29. Deviation of the position of the centers: The same, selective in the amount of 5%, work log

high strength dowels, self-tapping bolts and screws

combined rivets:

along the deck

across the deck

Note. The deviation of the symmetry of the installation of the truss, beam, crossbar, floor panel and covering (with a support area of ​​50 mm and more) - 10 mm.

_____________ 1 According to the "Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Cranes", approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.


4.67. These additional rules apply to the installation and acceptance of structures. multi-storey buildings up to 150 m high.

Large-scale assembly of structures

4.68. Limit deviations of the dimensions of the assembled blocks and the position of the individual elements that make up the block should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 13.

4.69. Structures should be installed in layers. Work on the next tier should be started only after the design fixing of all structures of the underlying tier. monolithic floors may lag behind the installation and design fixing of structures by no more than 5 tiers (10 floors), provided the strength and stability of the mounted structures are ensured.

Acceptance inspection requirements

4.70. Limit deviations of the position of structural elements and blocks should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 15.4.71. Welded joints, the quality of which is required according to the project to be checked during installation by physical methods, should be controlled by one of the following methods: radiographic or ultrasonic in the amount of 5% - for manual or mechanized welding and 2% - for automated welding. The rest of the welded joints should be controlled to the extent specified in Sec. 8.Table 15


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. Deviation of the elevations of the supporting surface of the columns from the design elevation Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme
2. The difference in elevation of the supporting surfaces of adjacent columns
3. Displacement of the axes of the columns in the lower section from the alignment axes when resting on the foundation
4. Deviation from the alignment of the lines of the geometric axes of the columns in the upper section with the risks of the alignment axes with the length of the columns, mm:

St. 4000 to 8000

St. 8000 to 16000

St. 16,000 to 25,000

5. The difference in the elevation of the top of the columns of each tier Measuring, each column, geodetic executive scheme
6. Offset of the axis of the girder, beam from the axis of the column
7. Deviation of the distance between the axes of the girders and beams in the middle of the span Measuring, each girder and beam, work log
8. The difference between the top marks of two adjacent ledgers The same, each crossbar, geodetic executive scheme
9. The difference in the marks of the top of the crossbar at its ends

0,001L, but not more than 15

10. One-sided clearance between milled surfaces at the column joint

According to the table. fourteen

Measuring, joint of each column, work log

The designations adopted in table. 15: n is the ordinal number of the tier of the columns; L is the length of the crossbar.


4.72. These additional rules apply to the installation and acceptance of all types of conveyor galleries (girders, lattice, shell). 4.73. Limit deviations of the dimensions of the assembled blocks should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 13. The ellipticity of cylindrical shells (pipes) with an outer diameter D should not exceed 0.005D.4.74. Spans of conveyor galleries should be lifted in blocks, including, if possible, enclosing structures and frames for conveyors. 4.75. Multi-span conveyor galleries should be installed in the direction from the anchor (fixed) support to the swinging (movable) one.

Acceptance inspection requirements

4.76. Maximum deviations in the position of columns and spans should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 16.Table 16


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. Deviations of the elevation of the supporting surfaces of the columns from the design Instrumental, each column, geodetic executive scheme
2. Offset of the axes of the columns in the lower section from the alignment axes on the foundation
3. Deviations of the elevation of the base plates of the superstructures
4. Displacement of the superstructure axis from the column axes:

in plane

out of plane

4.77. Welded butt joints of galleries, the quality of which is required according to the project to be checked at installation by physical methods, should be controlled by one of the following methods: radiographic or ultrasonic in the amount of 10% for manual or mechanized welding and 5% for automated welding. specified in sect. eight.


4.78. These additional rules apply to assemblies and acceptance of structures: vertical welded cylindrical tanks for oil and oil products with a volume of up to 50 thousand m 3 with a wall height of up to 18 m; wet gas tanks with a volume of up to 30 thousand m 3 with vertical guides; water towers with tanks with a volume of up to 3600 m 3.

Requirements for foundations and foundations

4.79. Before starting the installation of structures of tanks and gas holders, the following must be checked and accepted: the breakdown of the axes with the designation of the center of the base; marks of the base and foundation surface, the correspondence of the thickness and technological composition of the waterproofing layer to the design, as well as the degree of its compaction; ensuring the drainage of surface water from the base; foundation under mine ladder. 4.80. Maximum deviations of the actual dimensions of the bases and foundations of tanks, gas tanks and water towers from the design ones should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 17.

Assembly of structures

4.81. When installing the bottom, consisting of a central rolled part and edges, you must first assemble and weld a ring of edges, then the central part of the bottom. 4.82. When installing tanks with a volume of more than 20 thousand m 3, the edges should be laid along a radius exceeding the design one by 15 mm (the amount of shrinkage of the edge ring after welding).


Limit deviations, mm, for

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

tanks and gasholders with volume, m 3

water towers

10,000-50,000 and all gas tanks

1. Deviation of the mark of the center of the base at:

flat base

up to the center

with a slope towards the center

2. Deviation of the marks of the surface of the base perimeter, determined in the zone of the location of the edges Measuring (every 6 m, but not less than 8 points), each tank, geodetic executive scheme
3. The difference in elevation of any non-adjacent points of the base
4. Deviation of marks on the surface of the ring foundation Measuring (every 6 m, but not less than 8 points), each tank and gas holder, geodetic executive scheme
5. The difference in elevation of any non-adjacent points of the ring foundation Measuring, each tank and gas holder, geodetic executive scheme
6. Deviation of the width of the ring foundation (top)
7. Deviation of the outer diameter of the ring foundation
8. Deviation of the thickness of the waterproofing layer on the concrete ring at the location of the tank walls
9. Deviation of the distances between the centerline axes of the foundations under the branches of the supports: Instrumental, each water tower, geodetic executive scheme


any other

10. The difference in the elevation of the supporting surfaces of the columns

According to the table. 15

11. Deviation of the center of the support in the upper section relative to the center at the level of the foundations at the height of the support, m:

0.001 height, but not more than 50

12. Deviation of the marks of the reference contour of the water tank from the horizontal before filling with water:

adjacent points at a distance of up to 6 m

any other points

4.83. At the end of the assembly of the edge ring, it is necessary to check: the absence of kinks at the edges, deflections and bulges; the horizontal edge of the edge ring. 4.84. At the end of the assembly and welding of the bottom, it is necessary to fix the center of the tank by welding a washer and apply the centering axes of the tank to the bottom. When installing rolled walls, ensure their stability, as well as prevent deformation of the bottom and bottom edge of the wall panel. Deployment of rolls with a height of 18 m should be carried out in sections no more than 2 m long; with a height of less than 18 m - in sections no more than 3 m long. At all stages of roll deployment, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of spontaneous movement of the roll turns under the influence of elastic forces. The verticality of the wall of a tank that does not have an upper stiffening ring during deployment should be checked at least after 6 m, and a tank with a stiffening ring - when installing each next mounting element of the ring. When installing a tank with intermediate stiffening rings along the wall height, the installation of the intermediate ring elements should be 5-7 m ahead of the installation of the upper ring elements. The bottoms of tanks and gas holders from individual sheets with edges should be assembled in two stages: first, the edges, then the central part with the sheets laid in strips from the center to the periphery. Temporary mutual fastening of sheets (bottom, walls) before welding must be provided with special assembly devices fixing the design gaps between the edges of the sheets. The wall of the reservoir of the water tank should be assembled from separate sheets in layers, ensuring its stability from the action of wind loads. When installing the cover of the gasholder bell, it must not be allowed to place any cargo on it, as well as the accumulation of snow. Welding of external guides (with platforms and ties, volume indicator rollers and lightning rods) to the gasholder tank should be carried out only after complete assembly, checking the straightness and welding of each guide separately, as well as verifying the geometric position of all guides. The total mass of cargoes intended to ensure the gas pressure adopted in the project, determined by control weighing, and the actual mass of the movable sections of gas holders, determined according to the as-built drawings, should not differ from the project by more than 2%. 4.95. Maximum deviations of the actual geometric dimensions and shape of the steel structures of tanks for oil and oil products, as well as tanks of water towers from the design ones after assembly and welding should not exceed the values ​​given in Table. 18, 19, 20, and wet gasholders - in table. 21 Table 18


Limit deviation, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. Deviation of marks of the outer contour depending on the tank

According to the table. 19

Measuring, each tank, geodetic executive scheme
2. The height of the clappers with a bottom diameter:

up to 12 m (limiting area of ​​the slammer is 2 m 2)

St. 12 m (the limiting area of ​​the slammer is 5 m 2)

3. Deviation of the inner diameter at the bottom level: Measuring, at least three measurements of each tank, geodetic executive scheme

up to 12 m incl.

4. Height deviation during installation:

from rolled blanks in height, m, up to:

from separate sheets

Floating roof and pontoon

5. The difference in the marks of the upper edge of the outer vertical annular sheet of the boxes of the floating roof or pontoon:

for adjacent boxes

for any other

6. Deviation of the guides of the floating roof or pontoon from the vertical for the entire height in the radial and tangential directions
7. Deviation of the gap between the guide and the branch pipe of the floating roof or pontoon (when mounting on the bottom)
8. Deviation of the outer annular sheet of the floating roof or pontoon from the vertical to the height of the sheet Measuring, not less than 6 m along the perimeter of the outer sheet, geodetic executive scheme
9. Deviation of the gap between the outer vertical annular sheet of the box of the floating roof or pontoon and the tank wall (when mounted on the bottom)
10. Deviation of tubular struts from the vertical when the floating roof is supported on them Measuring, each rack, geodetic executive scheme

Fixed roof

11. The difference in elevations of adjacent nodes of the top of radial beams and trusses on supports Measuring, each beam or truss, geodetic executive scheme

Table 19

Tank volume, m 3

Difference in marks of the outer contour of the bottom, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

with an empty tank

when the tank is full

any other points

adjacent points at a distance of 6 m around the perimeter

any other points

Less than 700 Metering, each tank and water tower tank, geodetic executive diagram
700 - 1000
2000 - 5000
10 000 - 20 000
30 000 - 50 000

4.96. Welded joints of tank bottoms, central parts of floating roofs and pontoons should be checked for impermeability by evacuation, and welded joints of closed boxes of floating roofs (pontoons) - by overpressure. The tightness of welded joints of the walls of tanks with the bottom should be checked with kerosene or vacuum, and vertical welded joints of the walls tanks and welded joints of telescope and bell hydraulic locks - kerosene. Welded joints of coatings of oil and oil products tanks should be checked for tightness by vacuum prior to hydraulic testing or by overpressure at the time of hydraulic testing of tanks. Welded joints of the telescope wall, wall and flooring of the bell cover of gas tanks should be checked for tightness by excessive internal air pressure - during the period of their rise. non-destructive methods welded joints of tanks for oil and oil products with a volume of 2,000 to 50,000 m 3 and wet gas tanks with a volume of 3,000 to 30,000 m 3 are subject: in the walls of tanks constructed from rolled blanks - all vertical erection butt joints; Table 20

Tank volume, m 3

Maximum deviations from the vertical forming the walls from rolls and single sheets, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Belt numbers

100 - 700 Measuring, each tank, geodetic executive scheme
1000 - 5000
10 000 - 20 000
30 000 - 50 000

Notes: 1. Limit deviations are given for walls made of sheets with a width of 1.5 m. In the case of using sheets of a different width, the maximum deviations of the generatrices of the walls from the vertical at the level of all intermediate chords should be determined by interpolation. 2. Measurements should be made for each chord at a distance of up to 50 mm from the upper horizontal seam. 3. Deviations should be checked at least every 6 m around the tank. 4. The deviations indicated in the table must satisfy 75% of the measurements made along the generatrix. For the remaining 25% of measurements, maximum deviations of 30% more are allowed, taking into account their local nature. In this case, the gap between the tank wall and the floating roof or pontoon should be within the limits provided by the gate design.


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. The difference between any two diameters of the tank, telescope and bell Measuring, not less than three diameters, geodetic executive scheme
2. Deviation of the tank walls from the vertical for each meter of the wall height The same, in the locations of the guides, geodetic executive scheme
3. Tank height deviation:

wall from rolls

sheet wall

4. Deviation of the radius of the horizontal rings of the water seal, telescope and bell Measuring, every 6 m around the circumference, but not less than 6 measurements, geodetic executive scheme
5. Deviation of the gap between the surfaces of the water seal, telescope and bell
6. Deviation of the horizontal dimension in light between the surface of the top sheet of the telescope wall and the outer face of the horizontal sheet of the bell shutter, as well as between the vertical surface of the telescope shutter and the outer surface of the bell wall
7. Deviation from the vertical of the inner guides of the telescope and bell pillars (after the end of welding) to the full height Measuring, all guides and racks, geodetic actuator diagram
8. Curvature (deflection arrow) of the bell roof rafters from the vertical plane

0.001 bell diameter

Measuring, each rafter ledger
9. Deviation from the center of the dome of the longitudinal axis of each rafter beam (in plan)
10. Deviation of the outer guides from the vertical (for the entire height of the guides): Measuring, each guide, geodetic actuator scheme


in the plane tangent to the cylindrical surface of the gas tank

in the walls of tanks constructed by the sheet-by-sheet method - all vertical butt joints of the I and II belts and 50% of the joints of the III and IV belts in the places where these joints adjoin the bottom and intersections with the overlying horizontal joints; all butt joints of the ends of the bottoms in the places where the walls adjoin them The rest of the welded joints should be controlled to the extent specified in Sec. 8.4.97. The welded joints of the water tower tank should be controlled in the same way as the welded joints of the tanks, and the support structures - in accordance with clause 4.71.

Tests of tank structures and acceptance of works

4.98. Prior to hydraulic testing of the tank, gas tank, water tower tank, tie-ins and welding of all equipment branch pipes and manholes installed on the bottom, pontoon, floating and stationary roofs, tank wall, telescope, bell, bell roof and water tank must be made. the boundaries of the danger zone with a radius of at least two diameters of the tank must be established, and for water towers - at least two tower heights. During an increase in pressure or load, access to inspection of structures is allowed no earlier than 10 minutes after reaching the established test loads. when the test load is exceeded at overpressure and vacuum, special hydraulic locks must be provided, connected to the tank by pipelines of the design section. 4.99. Testing of the tank for oil and oil products, the tank of the gas holder and the tank of the water tower should be carried out by filling water up to the height stipulated by the project. 4.100. Hydraulic tests of tanks with pontoons and floating roofs must be carried out without sealing gates, observing the operation of a rolling ladder, drainage device, and guide racks. The lifting (lowering) speed of the pontoon or floating roof during hydraulic tests should not exceed the operating speed. When testing low pressure tanks for strength and stability, the overpressure should be taken at 25%, and the vacuum should be 50% higher than the design value, if there are no other instructions in the design, and the duration of the load is 30 minutes. 4.102. Pressure vessels should be tested in accordance with the requirements given in the project, taking into account their design features. The fixed roof of the reservoir and the water tower tank shall be tested with the reservoir completely filled with water for a pressure exceeding the design pressure by 10%. The pressure should be created either by continuously filling the reservoir with water with closed hatches and fittings, or by injecting compressed air. The test of a wet gasholder should be carried out in two stages: hydraulic testing of the gasholder tank and gas inlets; testing gasholders as a whole. The hydraulic test should be carried out at an ambient temperature of 5 ° С and above. If it is necessary to test tanks in winter conditions, measures should be taken to prevent freezing of water in pipes and valves, as well as freezing of the walls of tanks. Simultaneously with the hydraulic test of the gasholder tank, the tightness of the welded seams on the gas inlets should be checked. During the test of the tank, conditions must be ensured that exclude the formation of a vacuum in the bell. 4.107. As the tank is filled with water, it is necessary to observe the state of structures and welded joints. If a leak is found from under the bottom edge or wet spots appear on the surface of the blind area, as well as in the gas inlets of gas holders, it is necessary to stop the test, drain the water, establish and eliminate the cause of the leak. during the test, fistulas, leaks or cracks in the wall (regardless of the size of the defect) will be detected, the test must be stopped and the water drained to the level: completely - upon detection of a defect in the I chord; one chord below the location of the defect - upon detection of a defect in the II -VI belts; up to the V belt - upon detection of a defect in the VII belt and above. The reservoir, filled with water up to the design level, is tested for hydraulic pressure with holding under this load (without overpressure) with a volume, thousand m 3: up to 20 inclusive. 24 hours 20 72 h 4.109. A tank is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if no leaks appear on the surface of the wall or along the edges of the bottom during the test and if the water level does not drop below the design level. The test of the gasholder as a whole should be carried out after testing with bulk water by air injection. In this case: while lifting the bell, it is necessary to observe the pressure gauge reading and the horizontalness of the rise; in case of a sharp increase in pressure, the air supply must be stopped; after identifying and eliminating the reasons that delay the movement of the bell, it is allowed to raise it further; the first raising of the bell and the telescope should be done slowly until the air begins to escape through the automatic gas discharge candle into the atmosphere; simultaneously with the raising of the bell and the telescope and their going beyond the level of the circular balcony, the tightness of the seams of the sheet flooring of the bell covering, the walls of the bell and the telescope is checked, on the welded joints of which soap solution is applied from the outside; places with defects are fixed with paint or chalk; after that, the bell and the telescope are lowered, and the leaks are welded after the telescope and bell are completely lowered and the water is drained from the reservoir; the telescope and the bell are raised and lowered at least twice at a rate higher than the first time, after which the bell or telescope is lowered so that the air volume is 90% of the nominal volume of the gasholder, and in this position a 7-day test of the gasholder is performed. Vacuum must not be allowed during the test. Air leakage V after a 7-day test of the gasholder is determined as the difference between the normal (V o) air volume at the beginning of V ¢ o and at the end of the test V¢¢ o V o - normal volume of dry air, m 3, at a temperature of 0 ° C and a normal pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art.; V t - the measured volume of air, m 3, at an average temperature t °, barometric pressure B, mm Hg. Art., and the average air pressure in the gasholder p, mm Hg. Art.; p ¢ - partial pressure of water vapor in the air at temperature t ° and pressure B, mm Hg. Art.; t ° - average air temperature, ° С, defined as the arithmetic mean of temperature measurements in different places above the bell roof (at least three). With a slight temperature difference at the beginning and end of tests, the value R¢ may not be taken into account. 4.112. During the test, every day at 6-8 a.m., it is necessary to make control intermediate measurements and determine the air leakage. The air leakage determined at the end of the test must be recalculated for the corresponding gas leakage by multiplying the leakage value by the value pa, p g are the specific densities of air and gas, respectively. 4.113. A gas tank is considered to have passed the tightness test if the gas leakage value obtained as a result of recalculation during a continuous 7-day test does not exceed 3% - for gas tanks with a volume of up to 1000 m3, 2% - for gas tanks with a volume of 3000 m3 and more. related to the nominal volume of the gasholder. The test results are drawn up in an act with the participation of the customer (see mandatory Appendix 12). 4.114. In conclusion, the gasholder is tested by rapid (at a speed of 1-1.5 m / min) two-fold lifting and lowering of the moving parts. When raising and lowering, the skew of the bell body and the telescope should not exceed 1 mm from the water level per 1 m of the bell and telescope diameter. Holes in the bell cover and other places where testing devices are installed should be welded using round plates with a check of the seams for tightness. The grooves of the tanks after the end of the gas tank test are sealed, and the inspection hatches of the bell are left open. 4.115. Anti-corrosion protection is performed after testing the gasholder tank and draining all the water. For the tank, the water tower tank and the gas tank being put into operation, passports should be drawn up in accordance with the mandatory appendices 13 and 14.


4.117. These additional rules apply to the installation and acceptance of structures for masts up to 500 m in height and towers up to 250 m in height.

Foundations requirements

4.118. The foundations should be taken before the start of installation work in full for each mast or tower in accordance with the requirements of table. 22. Upon acceptance, it is also necessary to check the presence and geometrical position of embedded parts for fastening mounting devices. The foundation inserts (support shoes) should be concreted after the first tier of the tower has been installed, aligned and secured. The support foundation slabs and support sections of the masts must be concreted after they have been aligned and secured before installing the first section of the mast shaft. after the concrete reaches 50% of the design strength. Concreting work is formalized by acts.

Requirements for guy wires from steel ropes

4.120. The steel ropes of the guy wires must have factory certificates, and the insulators, including those that are part of the guy wires, must have mechanical test certificates. Guys should be manufactured and tested, as a rule, at a specialized manufacturing plant, except for cases when the need for these works at the installation site is stipulated in the KM drawings.


Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. The distance between the centers of the foundations of one tower

10 mm + 0.001 design distance, but not more than 25 mm

Measuring, each foundation, geodetic executive scheme
2. Deviation of the actual angle of inclination to the horizon of the anchor thrust axis from the design;
angle between the actual direction of the anchor thrust axis and the direction to the mast axis
3. Elevation of the slab of the central foundation of the mast and the foundation of the tower
4. The difference in the elevation of the base plates for the chords of the tower

0.0007 base, but not more than 5 mm

Measuring, each base plate, geodetic actuator diagram
5. Distance between the center of the mast and the center of the eye of the anchor foundation The same, each eye of the foundation, geodetic executive scheme
6. Marking the axis of the lugs of the anchor foundation of the mast
7. The angle between the center line and the direction to the center of the anchor pull eye.

The ropes must be pre-stretched in accordance with the requirements of clause Guys of masts must be tested as a whole, and in the absence of such a requirement in the KM drawings - in separate sections (with axles and connecting links) with a force equal to 0.6 of the breaking strength of the rope as a whole. It is allowed to transport guy wires to the installation site with a rope diameter of up to 42 mm and a length of up to 50 m in coils with an inner diameter of 2 m, for lengths over 50 m - wound on drums with a diameter of 2.5 m, and for rope diameters of more than 42 mm - on drums with a diameter of 3.5 m, except for the cases of manufacture and testing of guy wires at the request of the KM drawings at the assembly site. In this case, the movement of the guys from the test bench should be carried out without folding them.

Lifting and installation of structures

4.124. The masts with support insulators must be mounted on a temporary support (provided for by the KM drawings) with the subsequent summing up of the insulators after the entire mast has been installed. areas, as well as the coincidence of the planes of the flanges and holes in them for bolts. In a flange joint tightened with bolts, the 0.3 mm thick probe should not reach the outer diameter of the chord pipe by 20 mm along the entire perimeter, and the local clearance at the outer edge around the circumference of the flanges should not exceed 3 mm. 4.125. Before lifting the next section of the mast or tower, the pipe plugs in the upper ends should be filled with bitumen No. 4 in the level with the flange plane, and the adjoining flange planes should be lubricated with bitumen of the same brand. The performance of these works must be documented by an act of survey of hidden works. 4.126. Bolts in flange connections must be secured with two nuts. 4.127. Tensioning devices for guys in mast structures and for prestressed lattice braces in towers must have passports with documents on the calibration of the measuring device. Installation of sections of the mast trunk located above the place of attachment of permanent guys or temporary braces is allowed only after complete design fastening and assembly tension of the guys of the underlying tier. All permanent guys and temporary braces of each tier must be pulled to the anchor foundations and pulled to the specified value at the same time, with the same speed and force. The force of the assembly tension in the guys of the mast supports (structures) should be determined by the formulas:

N is the required value of the assembly tension at air temperature during the production of work;

N 1 is the tension value at a temperature of 40 ° C above the average annual temperature; N 2 is the tension value at a temperature of 40 ° C below the average annual temperature; N c is the tension value at the average annual air temperature in the area of ​​the mast installation; T c is the average annual air temperature in the area of ​​the mast installation, determined according to the data of the hydrometeorological service; T is the air temperature during the tension of the guys of the mast. Notes: 1. Values N 1, N 2, N c should be indicated in the drawings KM. 2. In the KM drawings, the average annual temperature is conventionally taken t ° = 0 ° С. 4.131. The masts should be aligned after dismantling the assembly crane, without suspended antenna sheets, at a wind speed of no more than 10 m / s at the level of the upper tier of the guy wires.

Acceptance inspection requirements

4.132. The maximum deviations of the completed installation of the structures of the masts and towers from the design position should not exceed the values ​​indicated in table. 23.4.133. Welded joints of sheet tubular elements, the quality of which should be checked during installation by physical methods, should be controlled by one of the following methods: radiographic or ultrasonic in the amount of 10% for manual or mechanized welding and 5% for automated welding. The rest of the welded joints should be controlled to the extent specified in Sec. 8.Table 23


Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. Offset of the barrel axis from the design position, mm: Measuring, each tower, geodetic actuator circuit

communication facilities towers

0.001 height of the point to be verified above the foundation

chimney towers (single and multi-barreled)

0.003 height of the point to be verified above the foundation
2. Displacement of the axis of the mast barrel, mm 0.0007 height of the point to be verified above the foundation The same, each mast, geodetic executive scheme
3. Mounting tension of the masts guys,% The same, each guy wire, a list of assembly tensions
4. The difference between the maximum and minimum tension of the guys of one tier after dismantling the assembly crane,% Analytical, each tier of guys, a list of installation tensions

4.134. When the structure is put into operation, along with the documents listed in clause 1.22, the following shall be additionally presented: factory certificates for steel ropes, alloys for casting bushings and insulators; certificates of inspection of hidden works for filling plugs and lubricating with bitumen the flanges of tubular belts of masts and towers; certificates for the manufacture and testing of guys for mast structures; acts of mechanical testing of insulators; executive geodetic diagrams of the position of the axes of the structure, including the axes of the elements of the chords of towers and lattice masts with oversized sections; list of measured assembly tensions of the masts of the masts.

3.1. Preliminary storage of structures in on-site warehouses is allowed only with appropriate justification. The on-site warehouse should be located in the area of ​​the erection crane. 3.2. Installation of structures of each overlying floor (tier) of a multi-storey building should be carried out after the design fixing of all mounting elements and the concrete (mortar) reaching the monolithic joints of the load-bearing structures of the strength specified in PPR 3.3. In cases where the strength and stability of structures during the assembly process are provided by welding field connections, it is allowed, with the appropriate indication in the project, to mount structures of several floors (tiers) of buildings without monolithing the joints. At the same time, the project must provide the necessary instructions on the procedure for erection of structures, welding of joints and monolithing of joints. 3.4. In cases where permanent connections do not ensure the stability of structures during their assembly, it is necessary to use temporary assembly connections. The design and number of ties, as well as the order of their installation and removal should be indicated in PPR.3.5. The grades of the solutions used in the installation of structures for the device of the bed must be indicated in the project. The fluidity of the mortar should be 5-7 cm by the immersion depth of the standard cone, except for cases specifically stipulated in the project. 3.6. The use of a solution, the setting process of which has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water is not allowed. Maximum deviations from alignment of landmarks when installing prefabricated elements, as well as deviations of finished mounting structures from the design position should not exceed the values ​​given in table. 12.

Table 12


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

1. Deviation from the alignment of the installation guidelines of the foundation blocks and foundation nozzles with the risks of alignment axes

2. Deviation of the marks of the supporting surface of the bottom of the foundation glasses from the design ones:

before the device of the leveling layer along the bottom of the glass

after the device of the leveling layer along the bottom of the glass

± 5

3. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (lines of geometric axes, faces) in the lower section of installed elements with reference landmarks (risks of geometric axes or edges of underlying elements, risks of alignment axes):

columns, panels and large blocks load-bearing walls, volumetric blocks

curtain wall panels

girders, purlins, beams, crane beams, roof trusses, roof beams and trusses

4. Deviation of the axes of the columns of one-story buildings in the upper section from the vertical with the length of the columns, m:

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

St. 16 to 25

5. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (lines of geometric axes) in the upper section of the columns of multi-storey buildings with risks of alignment axes with the length of the columns, m:

St. 16 to 25

6. The difference in the marks of the top of the columns or their support sites (brackets, consoles) of one-story buildings and structures with the length of the columns, m:

St. 16 to 25

7. The difference in the marks of the top of the columns of each tier of a multi-storey building and structure, as well as the top wall panels frame buildings within the verified area with:

contact installation

installation of beacons

8. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (lines of geometric axes, faces) in the upper section of installed elements (girders, girders, beams, trusses, roof trusses and beams) on a support with reference landmarks (risks of geometric axes or faces of downstream elements, risks of alignment axes ) at the height of the element on the support, m:

Measuring, each element, work log

St. 1 to 1.6

St. 1.6 to 2.5

St. 2.5 to 4

9. Deviation from symmetry (half of the difference in the depth of support of the ends of the element) when installing girders, girders, beams, crane beams, trusses, trusses (beams), roof slabs and floors in the direction of the span to be covered with the length of the element, m:

St. 16 to 25

10. The distance between the axes of the upper chords of trusses and beams in the middle of the span

11. Deviation from the vertical of the top of the planes:

load-bearing wall panels and volumetric blocks

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

large blocks of load-bearing walls

partitions, curtain wall panels

Measuring, each element, work log

12. The difference in the marks of the front surfaces of two adjacent unstressed floor panels (slabs) in the seam with the length of the slabs, m:

13. The difference between the elevations of the upper flanges of the crane beams and rails:

Measuring, on each support, geodetic executive scheme

on two adjacent columns along a row with a distance between columns l, m:

l £ 10

l > 10

0,001 l, but not more than 15

in one cross section of the span:

on columns

in span

14. Deviation in height of the threshold of the doorway of the volumetric element of the elevator shaft relative to the landing site

± 10

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

15. Deviation from the perpendicularity of the inner surface of the walls of the elevator shaft relative to the horizontal plane (pit floor)

(GOST 22845-85)

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

The designation adopted in table. 12:n- the ordinal number of the tier of columns or the number of panels installed in height. Note. The depth of support of horizontal elements on supporting structures must be at least as specified in the project.


3.8. The installation of glass-type foundation blocks and their elements in the plan should be carried out relative to the alignment axes in two mutually perpendicular directions, combining the axial risks of the foundations with landmarks fixed on the base, or controlling the correct installation with geodetic instruments. 3.9. The installation of strip foundation blocks and basement walls should be carried out starting with the installation of lighthouse blocks in the corners of the building and at the intersection of the axes. The lighthouse blocks are installed, combining their axial risks with the risks of the alignment axes, in two mutually perpendicular directions. The installation of ordinary blocks should be started after verifying the position of the lighthouse blocks in plan and in height. 3.10. Foundation blocks should be installed on a layer of sand leveled to the design level. The maximum deviation of the leveling layer of sand from the design one should not exceed minus 15 mm. Installation of foundation blocks on bases covered with water or snow is not allowed. The foundation glasses and supporting surfaces must be protected from contamination. 3.11. The installation of the basement wall blocks should be carried out in compliance with the dressing. Ordinary blocks should be installed, orienting the bottom along the cut of the blocks of the lower row, and the top along the center line. Exterior wall blocks installed below ground level must be aligned to the inside of the wall, and above to the outside. Vertical and horizontal joints between blocks must be filled with mortar and sewn on both sides.


3.12. The design position of the columns and frames should be verified in two mutually perpendicular directions. 3.13. The bottom of the columns should be verified by combining the risks denoting their geometric axes in the lower section with the risks of the alignment axes or the geometric axes of the columns below. The top of the columns of multi-storey buildings should be verified by aligning the geometric axes of the columns in the upper section with the risks of the alignment axes, and the columns of single-storey buildings - aligning the geometric axes of the columns in the upper section with the geometric axes in the lower section. 3.15. The alignment of the bottom of the frames in the longitudinal and transverse directions should be done by aligning the marks of the geometric axes with the risks of the center axes or the axes of the posts in the upper section of the lower frame. , in the plane of the frames - by observing the marks of the supporting surfaces of the frame racks. The use of gaskets not envisaged by the project at the joints of columns and frame posts for leveling heights and bringing them to a vertical position without agreement with the design organization is not allowed. Guidelines for aligning the top and bottom of columns and frames should be indicated in the PPR.


3.18. Laying of the elements in the direction of the span to be covered should be performed in compliance with the dimensions of the depth of their bearing on the supporting structures or the gaps between the mating elements established by the project. The installation of elements in the transverse direction of the span to be covered should be carried out: girders and intercolumnar (tie) slabs - combining the risks of the longitudinal axes of the elements to be installed with the risks of the axes of the columns on the supports; crane beams - combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the upper chords of the beams, with the alignment axis; sub-rafter and roof trusses (beams) when resting on columns, as well as roof trusses when leaning on under roof trusses- combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the lower chords of trusses (beams), with the risks of the axes of the columns in the upper section or with reference risks in the support node of the truss truss; roof trusses (beams) resting on the walls - combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the lower chords of the trusses (beams), with the risks of alignment axes on the supports In all cases, roof trusses (beams) should be installed in compliance with the one-sided direction of deviations from the straightness of their upper chords: floor slabs - according to the markings that determine their design position on the supports and performed after installation in the design the position of the structures on which they rest (beams, girders, roof trusses, etc.); roof slabs along the trusses (roof beams) - symmetrically relative to the centers of the nodes of the trusses (embedded products) along their upper chords. 3.20. Crossbars, intercolumnar (tie) slabs, trusses (rafter beams), roof slabs on trusses (beams) are laid dry on the supporting surfaces of the supporting structures. 3.21. Floor slabs must be laid on a mortar layer no more than 20 mm thick, aligning the surfaces of adjacent slabs along the seam from the side of the ceiling. 3.22. The use of washers not provided for by the project for aligning the position of the laid elements according to the marks without agreement with the design organization is not allowed. Alignment of crane beams in height should be done at the highest mark in the span or on a support using steel sheet gaskets. If a package of gaskets is used, they must be welded together, the package is welded to the base plate. 3.24. The installation of trusses and rafter beams in the vertical plane should be performed by aligning their geometric axes on the supports relative to the vertical.


3.25. Installation of panels of external and internal walls should be carried out, leaning them on beacons that have been verified relative to the mounting horizon. The strength of the material from which the beacons are made should not be higher than the design compressive strength of the solution used for the bed device. The deviations of the marks of the beacons relative to the mounting horizon should not exceed ± 5 mm. In the absence of special instructions in the project, the thickness of the beacons should be 10-30 mm. There should be no gaps between the end of the panel after its alignment and the mortar bed. 3.26. The alignment of the panels of the external walls of a single-row cut should be carried out: in the plane of the wall - combining the axial line of the panel at the bottom level with the reference line on the floor, taken out from the center line. If there are accumulated error compensation zones at the joints of the panels (when joining the panels with an overlap in the places of the arrangement of loggias, bay windows and other protruding or falling parts of the building), the alignment can be performed according to templates that fix the design size of the seam between the panels; from the plane of the wall - by combining the lower edge of the panel with installation risks on the floor, taken out from the alignment axes; in the vertical plane - aligning the inner edge of the panel relative to the vertical. 3.27. The installation of the belt panels of the outer walls of frame buildings should be carried out: in the plane of the wall - symmetrically relative to the axis of the span between the columns by aligning the distances between the ends of the panel and the risks of the axes of the columns at the level of the panel installation; from the plane of the wall: at the level of the bottom of the panel - aligning the lower inner edge of the panel to be installed with the edge of the inferior panel; at the level of the top of the panel - aligning (using a template) a panel edge with an axis line or a column edge; 3.28. The alignment of the wall panels of the outer walls of frame buildings should be carried out: in the plane of the wall - combining the risk of the bottom axis of the panel to be installed with the reference line drawn on the belt panel; from the plane of the wall - aligning the inner edge of the panel to be installed with the edge of the underlying panel; in the vertical plane - adjusting the inner and the end face of the panel relative to the vertical.


3.29. When installing ventilation units, it is necessary to monitor the alignment of the channels and the thoroughness of filling the horizontal joints with mortar. The ventilation units should be aligned by aligning the axes of the two mutually perpendicular faces of the units to be installed at the level of the lower section with the risks of the axes of the lower unit. The blocks should be installed relative to the vertical plane, aligning the planes of two mutually perpendicular faces. The joints of the ventilation ducts of the units should be thoroughly cleaned of the solution and do not allow it and other foreign objects to enter the ducts. 3.30. Volumetric blocks of elevator shafts should be mounted, as a rule, with brackets installed in them for fixing car guides and counterweights. The bottom of the volumetric blocks must be installed according to the reference risks placed on the overlap from the alignment axes and corresponding to the design position of two mutually perpendicular walls of the block (front and one of the side). The blocks should be installed relative to the vertical plane, aligning the edges of two mutually perpendicular walls of the block. 3.31. Sanitary cabins should be installed on gaskets. The alignment of the bottom and verticality of the cabs should be done in accordance with clause 3.30. When installing cabins, the sewer and water pipes must be carefully combined with the corresponding pipes of the downstream cabins. The openings in the floor panels for the passage of cab risers after cab installation, installation of risers and hydraulic tests must be carefully sealed with mortar.


3.32. Before lifting the floor slabs, it is necessary to check the design gaps between the columns and the collars of the slabs, between the slabs and the walls of the stiffening cores, as well as the cleanliness of the holes for the lifting rods provided by the design. 3.33. The lifting of floor slabs should be carried out after the concrete reaches the strength specified in the project. 3.34. The equipment used must ensure uniform lifting of floor slabs relative to all columns and stiffening cores. The deviation of the elevations of individual reference points on the columns during the lifting process should not exceed 0.003 spans and should be no more than 20 mm, unless other values ​​are provided for in the project. 3.35. The temporary anchoring of slabs to columns and stiffeners should be checked at each stage of lifting. 3.36. Structures raised to the design level should be fixed with permanent fasteners; at the same time, acts of intermediate acceptance of structures completed by installation should be drawn up.


3.37. Welding of embedded and connecting products should be carried out in accordance with Sec. 8.3.38. Anticorrosive coating of welded joints, as well as areas of embedded parts and ties, should be carried out in all places where the factory coating is broken during installation and welding. The method of anti-corrosion protection and the thickness of the applied layer must be specified in the project. 3.39. Immediately before applying anti-corrosion coatings, the protected surfaces of embedded products, ties and welded joints must be cleaned of residues of welding slag, metal spatter, grease and other contaminants. 3.40. In the process of applying anti-corrosion coatings, it is necessary to take special care to ensure that the corners and sharp edges of the products are covered with a protective layer. The quality of anti-corrosion coatings should be checked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.3.42. Data on the performed anticorrosive protection of joints must be formalized by certificates of inspection of hidden works.


3.43. The grouting of joints should be carried out after checking the correctness of the installation of structures, acceptance of the connections of the elements at the interfaces and the implementation of anti-corrosion coating of welded joints and damaged areas of the coating of embedded products. 3.44. The class of concrete and the brand of mortar for embedding joints and seams should be indicated in the project. 3.45. Concrete mixtures used for embedding joints must meet the requirements of GOST 7473-85.3.46. For the preparation of concrete mixtures, fast-hardening Portland cements or Portland cements M400 and higher should be used. In order to intensify the hardening of the concrete mixture in the joints, it is necessary to use chemical additives - hardening accelerators. The largest grain size of coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture should not exceed 1/3 of the smallest size of the joint section and 3/4 of the smallest clear distance between the reinforcement rods. To improve workability, plasticizing additives should be added to the mixture in accordance with Sec. 2.3.47. As a rule, the formwork for embedding joints and seams must be inventory and meet the requirements of GOST 23478-79.3.48. Immediately before embedding joints and seams, it is necessary to: check the correctness and reliability of the installation of the formwork used for embedding; clean the abutting surfaces from debris and dirt. 3.49. When embedding joints, concrete (mortar) compaction, maintenance, control of the curing mode, as well as quality control should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.3.50. The strength of concrete or mortar in the joints at the time of stripping must correspond to that specified in the project, and in the absence of such an indication, it must be at least 50% of the design compressive strength. The actual strength of the poured concrete (mortar) should be controlled by testing a series of samples made at the site of embedment. To check the strength, at least three specimens should be made per group of joints concreted during a given shift. The specimens must be tested in accordance with GOST 10180-78 and GOST 5802-86.3.52. Methods of pre-heating of abutting surfaces and heating of monolithic joints and seams, duration and temperature and humidity conditions of holding concrete (mortar), methods of insulation, timing and procedure for stripping and loading structures, taking into account the peculiarities of work in winter conditions, as well as in hot and dry weather must be indicated in the PPR.


3.53. Work on the insulation of joints must be performed by specially trained workers who have a certificate for the right to carry out such work. 3.54. Materials for insulating joints should be used only from those specified in the project; replacement of materials without agreement with the design organization is not allowed. Transportation, storage and use of insulating materials should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical conditions. Insulating materials after the expiration of the shelf life established by standards or technical conditions, before use, are subject to control checks in a laboratory. 3.56. Panels should be delivered to objects with primed surfaces forming joints. The primer should form a continuous film. 3.57. The surfaces of the outer wall panels that form the joints, before performing work on the installation of water and air insulation, must be cleaned of dust, dirt, concrete flows and dried. Surface damage to concrete panels at the joints (cracks, shells, chips) must be repaired using polymer-cement compositions. The damaged primer layer must be restored under construction conditions. Application of sealing mastics on wet, frosty or icy joint surfaces is not allowed. For air insulation of joints, air-protective tapes are used, fixed on adhesives or self-adhesive. It is necessary to overlap the length of the air-protective tapes with the length of the overlap section 100-120 mm. The joints of tapes in the wells of vertical joints should be located at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the intersection of vertical and horizontal joints. In this case, the end of the underlying tape should be glued over the tape installed at the joint of the floor to be installed. It is not allowed to connect the tapes in height until the wells of the joints of the lower floor are monolithic. The glued air-protective tape must adhere tightly to the insulated joint surface without bubbles, bulges or folds. 3.60. Heat-insulating liners should be installed in the wells of vertical joints of external wall panels after the device of air insulation. The materials of the liners should have a moisture content established by the standards or specifications for these materials. 3.61. The installed liners must fit snugly to the surface of the well along the entire height of the joint and be fixed in accordance with the design. There should be no gaps in the joints of the heat-insulating liners. When eliminating the gaps between the liners, they must be filled with material of the same bulk density. 3.62. Sealing gaskets in the mouths of joints of closed and drained types should be installed dry (without gluing). At the intersection of closed joints, gaskets should first of all be installed in horizontal joints. 3.63. In closed-type joints when overlapping external wall panels, in drained horizontal joints (in the area of ​​the drainage apron), in open-type horizontal joints, as well as in the joints of tongue-and-groove panels, it is allowed to install sealing gaskets before installing the panels. In this case, the gaskets must be fixed in the design position. In other cases, the installation of the sealing gaskets must be carried out after the panels are installed. It is not allowed to nail the sealing gaskets to the surfaces forming the butt joints of the outer wall panels. Sealing gaskets should be installed in the joints without breaks. It is necessary to connect the sealing gaskets along the length "on the mustache", placing the joint at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the intersection of the vertical and horizontal joints. Sealing the joints with two gaskets twisted together is not allowed. Compression of gaskets installed in the joints must be at least 20% of the diameter (width) of their cross-section. 3.66. Insulation of joints with mastics should be done after installing sealing gaskets by injecting mastics into the mouth of the joint with electric seals, pneumatic, manual syringes and other means. It is allowed to apply hardened mastics with spatulas when performing repair work. Thinning of mastics and their application with brushes is not allowed. 3.67. When preparing two-component hardening mastics, it is not allowed to violate the passport dosage and dismantle their components, mix the components manually and add solvents to them. The temperature of the mastics at the time of application at positive ambient temperatures should be 15-20 ° C. V winter periods the temperature at which the mastic is applied, as well as the temperature of the mastic at the time of application must correspond to those specified in the specifications of the mastic manufacturer. In the absence of relevant instructions in the technical conditions, the temperature of the mastics at the time of application should be: for non-hardening - 35-40 ° C, for hardening - 15-20 ° C. 3.69. The applied layer of mastic must fill without voids the entire mouth of the joint to the elastic gasket; The maximum deviation of the thickness of the mastic layer from the design should not exceed plus 2 mm. The resistance of the applied mastics to separation from the panel surface should correspond to the indicators given in the relevant standards or technical conditions for the mastic. 3.70. The applied layer of non-hardening mastic must be protected with the materials specified in the project. In the absence of special instructions in the project, polymer-cement mortars, PVC, styrene-butadiene or coumarone-rubber paints can be used for protection. In open-type joints, rigid water deflectors should be inserted into the vertical channels of open joints from top to bottom until they stop in the drainage apron. When using rigid water deflectors in the form of corrugated metal strips, they should be installed in vertical joints so that the opening of the outer corrugations faces the facade. The screen must fit into the groove freely. When the vertical joint of the panels is more than 20 mm wide, two tapes riveted along the edges should be installed. Flexible water screens (tapes) are installed in vertical joints both outside and inside the building. 3.72. Non-metallic drainage aprons made of elastic materials should be glued to the upper edges of the panels to be joined for a length of at least 100 mm in both directions from the axis of the vertical joint. 3.73. Insulation of joints between window (balcony door) blocks and quarters in the openings of enclosing structures should be performed by applying non-hardening mastic to the surface of the quarters before installing the block or by injecting mastic into the gap between window blocks and enclosing structures after fixing the block in the design position. The places where the metal sill drains adjoin the box must also be insulated with non-hardening mastic. When insulating the joints between window blocks and enclosing structures with openings without a quarter, a sealing gasket should be installed before applying the mastics. 3.74. The execution of works on the insulation of joints must be recorded in the journal on a daily basis. For the whole complex of works on the device of insulation of joints, certificates of inspection of hidden works should be drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85.