Choice of Greyhound or Whippet breed. Whippet (Small English Greyhound). Coat and possible colors

The Whippet dog is one of the three best greyhounds in the world, along with the Italian greyhound and the Rehound. These animals have many external similarities, their characters and behavior are similar. They differ mainly in size. The small English greyhound - the whippet - is a fast-paced sprinter and an excellent companion. The animal harmoniously combines the hunter's instinct, calmness and friendliness.

Formation of the breed

Like many greyhounds, the history of the Whippet breed is rather confusing. There are several conflicting versions of the origin of the breed. The first says that the Whippet is a relatively young breed, which was developed in the 19th century by miners and factory workers for hunting and running. Based on this version, the whippet is a cross between Manchester Terriers, Greyhounds with other breeds, for example, Foxhounds.

However, as a result of recent research, dog handlers have come to the conclusion that the breed is much more ancient. Almost always, the goddess Diana was depicted accompanied by dogs that outwardly very much resembled a modern Whippet. In addition, many animals with the same appearance are depicted on the canvases of the masters of the XIV-XVI centuries. The Louvre contains a sculpture of the 4th century BC, which appears to be a Whippet.

According to the latest version, the progenitors of this breed were brought to the islands of Britain by the Romans in 55 BC. e. Some experts believe that these animals are the descendants of the pharaoh dog. From this medium-sized greyhound the Greyhound and the Whippet evolved as two separate but very similar branches.

Probably, the answer to the mystery of the appearance of the breed lies somewhere in the middle. It is unlikely that researchers will be able to find out the true history of Whippet breeding, but it is quite obvious that the formation of this breed and various terriers took place in parallel, and therefore their influence on each other is beyond doubt.

Nowadays, the Whippet dog differs from its closest Greyhound relatives by its great distrust of strangers, a brighter temperament. This suggests the presence of terrier blood in them. The British even call the representatives of this breed “bull terriers among greyhounds”. And this is quite justified, since the Whippet was used much later for breeding terrier breeds (Bedlington Terrier, Bull Terrier).

For the first time a detailed description of the Whippet breed appeared in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. And in 1891 it was officially registered and began to rapidly gain popularity not only in Britain, but also in other countries. Then in the history of the breed came the period of oblivion. But now the little greyhounds are once again at the peak of their popularity in Europe.

The Whippet breed standard adopted in 1903 has changed little. The most famous kennels in the UK were Manorley and Shirley. In Russia, the first dogs of this breed appeared in 1988 at the Elita training center. Ten puppies were brought from Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. They turned out to be highly bred and gave excellent offspring.

Whippet dog: breed description

The standard describes this animal as a diminutive Greyhound, graceful and strong dog. The weight of an adult dog should not exceed 12 kg with the growth of a male from 47 to 51 cm, and a bitch - from 44 to 47 cm. As you can see, these dogs are small in size. This is how the Whippet breed differs from most greyhounds.

In the past, these animals had a heavier build. They looked more like mongrels, vaguely similar to terriers. Modern whippets have lost their external resemblance to terriers: they have acquired a graceful and light physique. Refinement and grace of these animals are harmoniously combined with strength, endurance and inexhaustible energy.

Set on a long, elegantly elongated neck is an elongated head with a flat skull. The ears are small, the eyes are oval. As a rule, the color of the nose depends on the color of the animal. Powerful jaws have a scissor bite. I would especially like to draw your attention to the running of the whippet - it is a graceful and graceful soaring above the ground. The movements of the animal are somewhat peculiar: far forward and low above the ground, like a purebred trotter, the whippet throws out its front paws, while the hind legs go deep under the body and, after a strong push, makes a powerful forward throw of the body.

The hunting instinct in the representatives of this breed is caused by visual movements: to follow the trail is not to the whippet's liking, he needs to see the prey.


Representatives of the Whippet breed are so thin that uninformed people, looking at protruding ribs, may think that the animal is suffering from exhaustion. In fact, the greyhound is incredibly hardy, its muscles are well developed. The apparent thinness can be explained by the minimum amount of subcutaneous fat. The back is strong and long. The line of the abdomen has a pronounced undermining. The tail is long and thin. The dog never holds him over his back. The chest is deep.

The limbs are long, muscular and straight. The paws are of medium size and have thick pads. The stride is long and light.

Color and type of coat

In accordance with the standard, representatives of the Whippet breed (you can see the photo in the article) should have a thick, short coat that is close to the skin. The hair is quite thin, not hiding even the smallest imperfections on the skin, for example, scars. The standard does not impose strict requirements on the colors of this variety of greyhounds. It can be anything. The only exceptions are albinos: such puppies are discarded at birth and are not allowed for breeding. The most common are gray, black and brindle dogs.

Differences between Whippets and other species of the breed group

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned the external similarities of the Whippet with Italian Greyhounds and Greyhounds. In this regard, many dog ​​breeders are interested in how to avoid mistakes when choosing an animal. The little greyhound differs from the Greyhound, as you might guess, in its height, as well as in the proportions of the skeleton.

By nature, Greyhounds are calmer, their hunting passion is not so strongly developed. Unlike them, Whippets remain “children” to a ripe old age: they love to play and frolic for days on end. However, for the main purpose (hunting), both dogs can be used. In addition, they are intelligent and loyal companions.

The differences between Italian greyhounds and whippets are not so pronounced. At the same time, Italian greyhounds are even more miniature: they are lighter in skeleton, and quite often shiver from the cold. They are not considered to be working greyhounds. In contrast to them, whippets are very fond of hunting and accompany their master with great pleasure. Another difference between these dogs is color. Whippets can be of almost any color, while Italian greyhounds, in accordance with the standard, can only be monochromatic.

Whippets do not have an undercoat and cannot be kept outdoors. These animals can only live in the house. In cold autumn and winter, such a pet will need warm clothes for a walk. For this dog, not only frosts are dangerous, but also dank spring and autumn winds. To protect their pets during this period, dog breeders use protective raincoats made of waterproof fabric, which keep the dogs warm.

The breed is extremely active, so you need to walk the dog twice a day for an hour. To satisfy the animal's need for movement, dog handlers recommend active walks - coursing, swimming, running next to a bicycle.

Whippet wool does not require too careful maintenance. It is enough to brush the dog with a special brush once or twice a week. These animals molt twice a year - in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to help your pet: comb it daily. It is important that the whippet dog's coat does not have a characteristic odor. This makes it possible not only to keep them even in a not very large apartment, but also not to bathe often.

Otherwise, animal care is traditional: you should regularly examine your teeth and, if you find tartar, contact your veterinarian. It is advisable to give the dog chewing bones, which are intended for cleaning teeth, to prevent the formation of hard plaque on the tooth enamel. Also, periodically inspect your ears, eyes, and nails.

Feeding the whippet

Formulating a greyhound ration is not easy, as it must be high in carbohydrates but also dietary. A veterinarian can help in this matter, who will advise the owner on the choice of food and feeding regimen. For an animal, not only the correct selection of products is important, but also their quantity: for representatives of this breed, excess weight can become fatal. So what should you feed your dog?

Whippets are very fond of meat. It is advisable that it is fresh, and not frozen. In this case, the product is better absorbed. Boiled chicken eggs can be included in the animal's diet. In addition, whippets happily eat boiled, lean sea fish, from which all bones must first be removed. Dogs need to get cereals as well. Buckwheat and rice are most suitable. Vegetables should be stewed or boiled. Used in feeding and vegetable broth, which contains many vitamins.

To improve bowel function, give your dog boiled carrots, pumpkin, and zucchini. Dairy products in the animal's diet should be unsweetened. Every day the dog should receive vegetable oil with food. Thanks to him, the pet's coat becomes shiny and silky. As a rule, veterinarians who help formulate a diet for a Whippet follow a 75/25 ratio, where 75% is protein, and 25% is porridge and vegetables. Once again, we remind you that you should not overfeed your pet, since being overweight negatively affects the general health of the animal and its development.

Ready feed

If there is no opportunity or desire to cook for a dog every day, then today you can feed it with ready-made feeds of industrial production. But in this case, you need to choose premium formulations that are designed for active dogs. Veterinarians recommend giving preference to the following products:

  • Frolik (Russia).
  • Pro Pac (USA).
  • Chicopee (Canada).
  • Bewi-Dog (Germany).
  • Happy Dog - Croq (Germany).
  • Alder's (Germany).

Today, no special food has yet been developed for representatives of the Whippet breed. Choose formulations for short-haired dogs.

Whippet character

Affectionate and very gentle, even-tempered and infinitely loyal - this is how this dog can be briefly described. In describing the breed and character of the Whippet, many breeders note that this dog is in dire need of the attention, care and love of the owner. She seeks to spend all her time next to a person. Of the existing greyhounds, the whippet is recognized as the most affectionate. The dog tries to take part in all household chores and, whenever possible, demonstrates how much he loves all family members.

These dogs are friendly and calm towards children. A greyhound should feel understanding and even respect on their part. Very young children, sometimes perceiving the animal as a toy, drag the dog by the tail and ears. In this case, the whippet will not show aggression, will not offend the baby - it will simply go to a secluded corner.

These animals are extremely wary and even unfriendly towards strangers. A properly raised dog in such a situation shows cold restraint. He looks at people he knows well, close to his family, more affably. When describing the breed and character of the Whippet, many researchers emphasize that these dogs need early socialization. If this is not done, your pet may grow up to be nervous and timid.

Most of the greyhounds and hounds are pack animals. They can hunt or coexist peacefully in the company of their own kind. Due to the developed hunting instinct, representatives of the breed cannot be left alone with small animals, including small dogs. The dog can regard them as game and immediately start hunting.

Whippet is not a fan of barking with or without reason. You will only hear the voice of your four-legged friend when a stranger appears. Representatives of this breed can reach speeds of up to 64 km / h. Dogs quickly accelerate from a jump and rush forward at full speed. To keep your pet in proper physical shape, you should give him the opportunity to run after a mechanical hare. This will release excess energy and maintain muscle tone in excellent condition.

Whippet loves his owners very much and does not tolerate separation. This is a very sensitive and vulnerable breed - the greyhound suffers when it is necessary to stay at home alone, painfully perceives screams and scandals in the family. She can direct excess energy to small pranks, damage to furniture and interior items, for example. Interesting toys or a second pet save you from loneliness.

The Whippet is in the middle of the top three greyhounds in the world, including Greyhound and Italian Greyhound. These dogs are very similar in appearance, as well as in character and behavior, and differ for the most part in size.

Whippet (small English greyhound) is a fast-paced sprinter and just a great companion.

The breed has a long history shrouded in mystery. The origin of the greyhound has not been scientifically proven, it is only known that it intended for hunting wild rabbits.

Most likely, the whippet has naturally bred for many years. Its qualities can be found in many hounds and greyhounds.

Dog racing and whippet racing became popular in England in the 19th century. began to breed for participation in competitions. At the start, the assistant threw the whippet onto the track, and an incentive to run was the owner, waving his handkerchief at the finish line.

The breed was quite affordable and became very common among the middle class and the poor.

After the ban on dog fighting, another fun became popular - baiting of hares in the pen by several dogs. At that time, Whippets were different from their modern counterparts - they often interbred with mongrels and did not have a noble appearance. Later, high society became interested in the breed and eminent dog breeders began to engage in selection.

For the first time, the Whippet breed was registered in 1891 and an exterior standard approved in 1903 English Federation of Cynology.

Whippets appeared in Russia in the early 90s and are still rare, although kennels sell very high quality dogs.

Description of the breed

FCI standard No. 162 dated May 14, 2007 "Whippet"
Group 10 "Greyhounds"
Section 3 "Short-haired Greyhounds"

Standard for height at withers:

  • for a male 47-51 cm;
  • for a bitch 44-47 cm.

The graceful athletic appearance of the Whippet is combined with a light gait - the dog is made for running and hunting. The main features of the exterior are shown in the table.

Muzzle Elongated with a flat skull, tapering towards the nose
Nose The lobe is mostly black with shades of the color of the dog, with dilute colors of any color, except pink, with white or piebald color, the color of the nose is "butterfly"
Teeth Strong jaws with a scissor bite
Eyes Oval
Ears Soft, rose-shaped
Neck Curved, muscular, strong
Back Broad, well-muscled, strong, somewhat elongated
Breast Deep, well defined, belly tucked up
Frame The elegant curve in the lumbar region is supported by an elongated back with a well-developed muscular system
Tail Long, tapering towards the end, no dewlap
Paws Flexible, fingers and joints well developed, pads firm
Gait Free movement, when running, the front legs are extended far forward, and the rear lunge provides a strong push
Wool Short, soft, close to the body
Color Any shades are allowed

Disqualifying faults: cowardice or aggressiveness, as well as any other obvious behavioral or physical abnormalities.

Character, abilities, skills

Small English Greyhound - calm companion, no aggression, friendly and affectionate friend. The dog will become a good companion, helper and favorite of all family members.

The whippet's bark can only be heard when an outsider appears. , therefore, a hunter-owner or a person leading an active lifestyle is suitable for her.

Whippet can reach speeds of up to 56-64 km / h, quickly accelerates from a jump and flies at full speed. Running on a mechanical hare helps keep your pet in shape., such a hobby will release excess energy and maintain muscle tone.

Whippet run is graceful graceful hover above the ground, especially a gallop. The movements are peculiar:

  • the forelegs are carried far forward and low above the ground, with a large grasp of space, like a blood trotter;
  • the dog brings the hind legs deep under the body and with a strong push provides a powerful forward thrust of the body.

The hunting instinct evokes visual movements, the dog needs to see the victim, following the trail is not her strong point.

Whippet adjusts to the rhythm of the owner's life, gets up with him and goes to bed. The breed is friendly to all adults and children, even strangers, on walks they can let themselves be stroked, treated. They love their owners to the point of madness, trying to be with them every second, and do not tolerate separation well.

The breed is very vulnerable and sensitive- the greyhound is afraid to be alone at home, does not accept shouts and disagreements in the family. She directs excess energy to small pranks, mail of furniture and interior items.

A second pet or interesting toys will save you from loneliness.

Whippet feels great in sports disciplines: freestyle, coursing and frisbee.

There is practically no need for care for the short hair of the animal - it is enough to comb the dog with a brush a couple of times a week with natural bristles.

The Whippet is neither a scaled down Greyhound nor an enlarged It is a unique breed in which leanness, indefatigability and strength are combined.

The general proportionality and harmony of the dog's constitution, well-developed musculature combined with pronounced dryness and strong legs - everything that ensures the speed of running is the main thing in this breed.

Still rare in Russia, it attracts the attention of passers-by: the noble appearance seduces, and the character disposes to itself.

Also check out a short video about the Whippet dog breed:

Whippet(small English greyhound) - a sprinter among dogs, a fast, agile and hardy breed, bred for hunting hares. It is one of the fastest breeds in the world. She is beautiful, elegant and graceful. The dog has an aristocratic appearance and a chiseled body adapted for running, it shows excellent results in dog races, looks great on short straight distances and hunting hares.

Whippet has keen eyesight and will never lose sight of prey. Thanks to strong legs and a well-developed musculoskeletal system, the whippet is capable of speeds up to 50-60 km / h, and up to 70 km / h in a straight line. Believe it or not, this small dog can outrun a deer.

The small English greyhound is an ancient breed, the first mention of it dates back to 1610. It is not known for certain, the Whippet of which we know today, was bred at the beginning of the 19th century in northern England by representatives of the robotic class. They crossed a Greyhound with a terrier, so that the breed would not only know how to hunt, but also bring a rabbit or a hare directly into the hands of the hunter.

In 1890 the breed was recognized by the Kennel Club of Great Britain. The first breed standard was adopted in 1903 and has not changed until today.

Whippets have excellent eyesight and are considered the best hounds with working eyes, unlike their counterparts that can navigate by smell.

Whippet description and ICF classification (FCI)

  • Skull: Long, dry, flat on top, tapering towards the muzzle, wide enough between the eyes.
  • Stop: Slightly pronounced.
  • Nose: the main color is black. Also let's say:
    • in individuals of blue color, the nose is blue
    • in liver color - liver
    • Isabella has a creamy nose.

    In other colors, the color of the nose matches the color of the coat. A pink nose is considered a disadvantage. For white or piebald colors, a butterfly nose is acceptable, a completely unpigmented nose is not acceptable.

  • Teeth / Jaws: Strong, regular scissor bite, upper incisors tightly overlapping the lower ones without clearance. The teeth are vertical.
  • Eyes: oval, large. Their field of view is 250 degrees (while that of humans is 180 degrees). On a narrow head, large eyes protrude to the sides, which allows for a wider range.
  • Ears: small, slender, rose-like - fractured at the cartilage and folded in and back.
  • Neck: Long, muscular, elegantly arched.
  • Topline: A graceful arch in the lumbar region should be visible, but the back should not appear humped.
  • Back: broad, strong, well muscled, elongated.
  • Loins: Strong.
  • Chest: very deep with plenty of room for the heart; the forbrust between the legs is deep and well marked. The ribs are well rounded, with good musculature visible from the back.
  • Belly: tucked up.
  • Pictured is a whippet in a rack

  • Front limbs: straight, vertical, not too wide apart.
    • Shoulders: Oblique, muscular, well defined, extending to the spine.
    • Elbows: directed straight back.
  • Pastern: Strong, elastic.
    • Feet: "hare" type with strong bones. Long fingers are gathered in a lump.
    • Pads: firm, strong.
  • Hind limbs: very strong. A whippet in a stance can cover a large area and deliver a powerful push.
    • Thigh: Broad.
    • Knees: Well angulated.
    • Lower thigh: Well developed.
    • Hock joints: low.
    • Fingers: gathered in a ball.
    • Pads: thick, resilient.
  • Tail: long, tapering, densely covered with short hair. In motion, it keeps in a subtle upward bend, but does not rise above the back.
  • Movement: free, sweeping. When viewed from the side with a wide, easy outreach forward, the top line is preserved. The whippet throws the forelegs forward, low above the ground, with the hindquarters “leading” under the body, which facilitates a strong and powerful push. Movement short-paced or mincing, parallel when viewed from the front and back.
  • Coat: thin, smooth, tight-fitting.
  • Defects: Any deviation from the above points is considered a defect, its assessment must exactly correspond to the severity of this deviation.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggressiveness, cowardice.
    • Physical abnormalities or behavioral disturbances.

    P.S .: Whippet males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    Whippet color

    Pictured is a chocolate-colored whippet in clothes

    Any color or combination of colors is acceptable for a whippet.

    • White
    • Ginger
    • Blue
    • Brown
    • Black
    • Sand
    • Reddish yellow
    • White in combination with any of the following

    By nature, the Whippet is a cheerful, affectionate, loving and obedient breed. She is brave with a stable psyche and is not capable of showing aggression towards people. The small dog will become an excellent companion, helper and family pet for you and your family. Whippet is calm, obedient, quiet, not intrusive, barks only if necessary (informs about the arrival of a stranger), by the way, he has good watchdog abilities. The breed is infinitely loyal to the owner and is ready to defend him if necessary.

    The ideal host for him, of course, is a hunter, because catching a hare is its direct purpose. Even if you are not a hunter, but a responsible, athletic and agile person with an active way of life, the breed is ideal for you. Whippet behaves with dignity at exhibitions, enjoys Frisbee, freestyle, agility (a sports competition to overcome various obstacles) and coursing (running after a mechanical hare).

    In the photo, the whippet has an alarmed look

    The Whippet belongs to those breeds that, from an overabundance of energy, begin to be naughty and mischievous. They do not like to be alone for a long time, they are able to spoil the owner's things, furniture and everything they get to. Basically, the whippet plays pranks in adolescence (9-12 months) and with proper upbringing, an adult will not touch things in the house.

    Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, you will have to constantly educate the breed, buy toys to keep it busy, do not leave it alone for a long time or lock it in a spacious cage during your absence (no matter how scary it sounds, sometimes this is the only way to protect your things).

    The small English greyhound needs physical activity, constant walks (at least 2 times a day) with elements of training and play, if possible, take the whippet out into the countryside to run, this will give him a lot of pleasure. Believe me, if you at least once see how a pet “flies” above the ground, how it rejoices and frolics its freedom of movement, you will not be able to keep it in the city for a long time.

    Of course, the Whippets will adapt to the owner's lifestyle, and if you do not have the time or opportunity, she will be content with walking on a leash and lying at her feet in the evenings, the truth here arises the question “Why then have this particular breed?”. You should not change its nature and injure the psyche of the dog, find the one that best suits your lifestyle, for example, an indoor decorative breed.

    Whippet is affectionate and patient with children, he will make them a good company in outdoor games and fun fun.

    Whippet gets along well with other pets (cats, birds, mice, etc.) and his fellow tribesmen, especially if he grows up with them. But if a cat is a friend and companion in the house for him, remember, on the street someone else's cat turns into prey.

    The small greyhound lends itself well to training, she is smart and quick-witted. It is necessary to bring up a whippet from the first days of its appearance in the house. Teach him to obey the rules of living, praise for obedience and punish for pranks.

    Remember, the owner's dissatisfaction should be expressed only in the voice. Above all, never hit the dog.

    Evoking the hunter's instincts in a whippet puppy is easy enough. Tie a bait toy or rag to a stick or fishing rod and play with your cat and mouse puppy. Teach him to catch up with escaping prey.

    Keep your whippet on a leash when walking in town. This is a curious breed that looks with its eyes for prey and a moving object that interests it (a cat, a running little dog, a pile of leaves driven by the wind, etc.) automatically becomes “prey”.

    Lesser English greyhound withers out in nature - photo

    Whippet care is simple, the breed is short-haired, clean, hair is soft, hypoallergenic, odorless "dog". Wool sheds, shedding seasonal spring-autumn.

    Brushing: Brush the whippet once a week with a mitten or natural bristle brush. You will remove dead hair and give your dog a pleasant massage.

    Bath as little as possible, once every 3 months, or as needed with a shampoo for short-haired breeds. The coat is self-cleaning, and frequent washing with detergents can remove the protective grease film. After bathing, dry the whippet well with a towel. Dry the fur with a hairdryer in the cold season. Dry your whippet's ears especially carefully, and do not let sit in a draft.

    Dry shampoo can be used to clean the whippet coat in winter. The powder is rubbed into the wool and carefully combed out with a comb. Wipe the surface with a piece of suede to add a shine. During the molting period, while bathing, stroke the pet with a rubber mitten; a simple procedure will help to quickly remove the dead hair.

    Check your eyes regularly. Healthy Whippet eyes without redness or tearing. After walking, small gray clusters in the corners of the eyes are permissible; they can be easily removed with a soft cloth. The breed is active, runs a lot, and the eyes are thus cleared of accumulated dust. In order to prevent souring, wipe the eyes once a week with a decoction of chamomile. Wipe each eye with a separate piece of soft, lint-free cloth (it is better not to use cotton wool and cotton pads).

    Call your veterinarian immediately if you notice lacrimal pathways, excessive sourness of the eyes, reddening of the proteins, or swelling of the eyelids. There are several reasons: food allergy, conjunctivitis, etc. It is better to take your dog to a specialist for examination.

    Check your ears regularly. A healthy ear with a pleasant pink color without excess sulfur. Once a week, wipe the inside of the auricle with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. Use ear sticks with care and do not let children clean the pet's ears.

    If you notice the following symptoms, seek immediate veterinary attention.

    • Redness of the skin
    • Excess earwax
    • Bad smell from the ears
    • Itching (the pet scratches the ears until it bleeds)
    • Shakes his head frequently and rubs on the floor
    • Black congestion in the auricle

    Brush your teeth 3-4 times a week with dog toothpaste using a brush or a fingertip.

    Photo of a whippet on a forest background

    Trim the nails once a month with a nail clipper for medium breeds. To soften your nails, wet them with warm water before clipping. Often, dogs do not like this procedure, they get nervous and hide their paws. You must find an approach to your dog, never scold or scare him. Try to trim the claws on 1 paw a day after, always praise and treat him. It is recommended to smooth sharp ends with a file.

    Paws are wiped after each walk with a damp cloth or washed off with a shower. Always inspect the pads for cuts and injuries. Whippet, like other greyhounds, often injures their paws while running. They are so excited that they do not notice anything around. Always treat cuts with an antiseptic. Rub vegetable oil into the pads to avoid cracking.

    The bedding is thick, because the Whippet has thin skin without a layer of fat and will not be comfortable on a hard bed.

    The Whippet needs clothing as it freezes during the cold season. You need to purchase several outfits for different weather:

    1. Warm lined jumpsuit
    2. Raincoat
    3. Vest or sweater (you can make it yourself from an old sweater)
    • Drops on the withers
    • Collar
    • Tablets
    • Spray

    Walk at least 2 times a day, morning - evening. In the city, walk your dog on a leash, as it is very curious and any moving object can catch its attention.

    Whippet disease

    The Whippet is in good health despite being refined.

    • Deafness
    • Eye disease
    • Von von Willebrand disease

    Whippet photo

    Whippet videos









    Tendency to train


    Attitude towards children


    Guard and sentry qualities


    A Whippet dog can be considered unique in the sense that, being an ideal hunter, it gets along well in an apartment. In this animal, such qualities as hunter's instinct, friendliness and calmness are amazingly combined.

    The whippet does not bark for no reason and does not bother the household with howling, there will be no special trouble with him. Instead of hassle, you get a loyal, cheerful friend in the form of a whippet.

    The history of the breed

    For a long time, the Whippet breed has been called the Little Greyhound. It is the most popular type of greyhound in all countries of the world. The homeland of the Whippet is England, namely Yorkshire and Lancashire.

    The exact history of the origin of this greyhound has not been established. Several extravagant options are known:

    1. According to legend, Whippets are divine dogs. They originally lived on Olympus and were the favorites of the goddess Artemis. Later, Artemis, wanting to give people a useful gift, presented them with Whippets. People called them "poor greyhound" or "poor greyhound". Since these dogs turned out to be ideal hunters for rabbits and other small animals. They cleared houses of rats and took part in dog races, raising money for the owners.
    2. In the nineteenth century, miners in Britain bred Whippets to participate in dog races and to hunt rabbits.
    3. The Whippets arrived in Britain around 55 BC along with the Romans. They are considered the first of this species in the British Isles.

    In 1891, the English Kennel Club officially recognized the breed. Whippets are gaining popularity not only among the poor, but also among the rich, influential people. Breeders try to obtain dogs with the maximum speed during breeding, capable of participating in dog races.

    This kind of entertainment became more and more popular, new participants were needed. There are also exhibitions in which purebred Whippets take part.

    The Whippet is the fastest breed in the world. Its maximum speed can be around 64-70 km / h. Hunters value the ability to turn sharply while running, turn around, almost without reducing speed during maneuvers.

    Breed standard

    In the past, uppets did not look the same as the breed today. At one time, these greyhounds had a heavier build and resembled mongrels with terrier features. Contemporaries got rid of the external heredity of the terrier and acquired a more graceful, light build.

    Gracefulness and sophistication are perfectly combined in a whippet with endurance, strength and inexhaustible energy. Adult growth 44-56 cm., weight about 11-21 kg.

    An elegantly elongated, long neck carries a long head with a flat skull. The ears are small in size, in the shape of a rose. The eyes are oval in shape, the look is attentive. The color of the nose depends on the color of the coat. Jaws strong, scissor bite.

    The physique of the Whippet is so thin that because of the visible ribs, uninformed people may think that the dog is suffering from exhaustion. In fact, a greyhound is hardy, with well-developed muscles. Thinness is due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat.

    The back is long and strong. The line of the abdomen with a pronounced undermining. The chest is deep. The tail is thin and long. The Whippet never holds him over his back. The limbs are straight, long, muscular. The feet are medium in size with thick pads. The step is light, long.

    The coat is short and dense. The hair is thin, it does not hide possible errors on the skin, for example, scars. Any color is allowed, in any combination. The most common whippets are black, gray and brindle.

    Everyone knows that the climate in England is quite cold and damp. Interestingly, the Whippets, being English dogs, are not at all adapted to such a climate. They do not tolerate frost and require clothing in such weather.

    Whippets do not need long walks. They have low physical demands (at least an hour a day). In damp, frosty weather, it is better to shorten walks.

    When walking a pet with a high speed and hunting instinct, never let it off the leash in public. Find a deserted, suitable area where the greyhound can run and jump freely. You cannot overstrain the Whippet, he has weak joints.

    Before buying a puppy, prepare not only a bed, but also utensils for water, food, a collar with a leash, toys and care products.

    Taking care of a short-haired whippet is not difficult at all. To maintain beauty and health, the following procedures are required:

    • A couple of times a week we comb the coat, ridding the dog of dead hairs and at the same time giving the skin a light massage. After combing out, rub a piece of suede over the coat to make it shiny and smooth.
    • We bathe as needed, as the whippet does not exude the characteristic doggy smell. When bathing, we use a soft rubber glove, special detergents for dogs and cotton balls for the ears so that no water gets into them. After bathing, we make sure that the dog does not get into the cold and is not in a draft.
    • We trim the claws with a claw cutter as they grow.
    • We clean our ears and teeth regularly.
    • Whippet elbows must be lubricated with moisturizer.

    Carrying out care procedures, it is necessary to carefully examine the skin of the whippet. Its short coat cannot protect against various injuries, early detection and treatment, such as an abrasion or cut, will help to avoid infection.

    There are important points in greyhound nutrition that require attention:

    1. Nutrition should be balanced.
    2. Feeding methods can be used: natural, artificial or mixed. It is important to decide right away, as the dog can hardly tolerate changing the diet.
    3. Doses are determined based on age, exercise and health of the animal.
    4. It is important to feed only quality food and drink fresh water.
    5. With a natural way of feeding, vitamin supplements are needed.
    6. We feed the puppies 3-6 times, depending on age, it is enough to feed adults 2 times a day. We do this in the same place, at the same time.
    7. Table scraps, sweets, smoked products, legumes are prohibited.


    On average, with good, proper maintenance, a whippet can live 12-15 years. In general terms, this is a healthy breed, but some problems are:

    • Diseases of the eyes.
    • Deafness- often congenital.
    • Von von Willebrand disease- hereditary disease in which there is a violation of blood clotting, spontaneous bleeding.

    During the formation of the breed, weak dogs that did not meet the requirements of the standard were not allowed to breed, they were culled. The strongest and strongest individuals remained. Interestingly, even dysplasia does not bother these hounds.

    Every whippet owner should know that his pet does not tolerate anesthesia very well. All because of the minimum amount of subcutaneous fat. Anesthesia suitable for another dog can be fatal to a Whippet. It is important that the veterinarian you trust your pet is qualified and is aware of the specified breed characteristic.


    Balanced, affectionate and gentle - this is a whippet. The specified hound is in dire need of the care, attention and love of the owner. She tries to be with people all the time. Among all the existing greyhounds, the whippet is the most affectionate. Trying to participate in all household chores, the dog shows how much he loves all household members.

    He treats children calmly and friendly. From their side, the greyhound should feel understanding, and even respect. If the child drags the dog by the ears, tail or offends it in a different way, it will simply leave. Whippet will not bite the kid for his pranks.

    He does not behave friendly with strangers, is wary. With the right upbringing, he shows restraint, but looks affably only at close family, well-known people. If socialization is not done in time, the Whippet can become timid and nervous.

    Hounds, greyhounds by nature are pack animals. They can both hunt and coexist peacefully in the company of their own kind. Due to their hunting nature, they should not be left alone with small dogs or other small animals. Whippet can see the game in them and start hunting.

    The tense situation in the house, quarrels between household members can bring the pet to a nervous breakdown. The dog may even get sick. Leaving alone for a long time is also not recommended. He is an excellent companion and is ready to accompany the owner everywhere.

    Training and education

    The Whippet is a headstrong, independent dog, although he is very attached to the owner. He is smart, so you can not only train him in different teams, but also make him an athlete, security guard, shepherd.

    This type of hound can even perform various circus tricks. The hunting instinct is developed in such dogs so strongly that the owner only needs to direct him in the right direction.

    The whippet will not just carry out the commands. It is necessary to establish a trusting contact with him, to find an approach to him. During training, corporal punishment and any other rude attitude are excluded.

    Such an approach will only discourage the dog from continuing his lessons and obeying. With the right approach, the owner will be able to understand that the whippet is considered the most manageable greyhound.

    The main thing in the training process is to be patient, for correct execution it is worth encouraging the pet with treats and praises. Lessons are recommended to be carried out in a playful way with intense physical activity.

    • In the paintings with the images of the goddess Diana, next to her, in almost all cases, a small-sized dog flaunts, in appearance it is almost a complete copy of a whippet.
    • In the homeland of the Whippet, it is often called the "bull terrier among greyhounds".
    • In the Louvre there is an exhibit in the form of a sculpture of a dog exactly like a Whippet. The sculpture dates back to the 5th century BC.
    • Whippet is able to detect a hare in a matter of seconds, using his scent, and in a couple of seconds to overtake him.
    • Representatives of the breed are capable of speeds up to 70 km / h.
    • "Move quickly, nimbly" is what the English word whippet means.
    • Whippet barks extremely rarely, if you hear the voice of a greyhound, it means that it notifies about something important.

    Pros and cons of the breed

    The Whippet breed is suitable even for owners with no experience in dog breeding. Such a pet will become an excellent friend, companion, and hunting assistant. But before you settle a whippet in your house, think carefully about whether you can provide him with worthy content, attention and love. Below are the main pros and cons of this breed.


    1. Elegant appearance.
    2. Attachment to the owner, friendliness.
    3. Cleanliness, no dog smell.
    4. Simple maintenance.
    5. Get along with children.
    6. Learning ability.
    7. Suitable for apartment maintenance.
    8. Good health.
    9. Rarely barks.


    1. The hunting instinct is highly developed.
    2. Waywardness.
    3. Requires daily walks.
    4. Poorly tolerates anesthesia.
    5. Does not tolerate damp, cold weather.

    Whippet photo |

    basic information

    Assessment of breed characteristics

    Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

    Shedding level The level and frequency of hair loss in the animal.

    Tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to itself.

    Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

    Social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

    Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can deliver to its owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

    Grooming The number of bathing, brushing, and the number of professional grooming sessions required for the dog.

    Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the behavior of a dog in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

    Tendency to bark Propensity to bark and its frequency and volume.

    Health issues Potential health status of the dog.

    Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard, or even the owner's car.

    Friendliness to cats A tendency towards tolerance for cats and a decreased manifestation of hunting instincts.

    Intelligence The ability of the dog to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning!).

    Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

    Friendliness to children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

    Game activity The concept is determined by its very name, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

    Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger on its territory.

    Friendliness to other dogs The tendency of the dog to find a common language with its other relatives.

    Brief description of the breed

    Whippets are small (their height is 45-51 cm, weight - 7-14 kg) graceful dogs, which are excellent companions for active owners. But another name for the breed (small English greyhound) says that these dogs were bred for the purpose of participating in the hunt. Their structure (elongated skull, leanness, well-developed muscles, long limbs) allows whippets to poison medium-sized game (rabbits, hares, foxes, etc.) at high speed, however, the pursuit occurs when the dog sees the "victim" by smell and trace the whippets are not looking. Many Whippets are capable of running at a speed of 60-70 km / h, which makes them similar to another English breed - Greyhounds (also extremely fast dogs). Moreover, in addition to speed, Whippets, Greyhounds and Italian Greyhounds have common relatives, presumably who lived in the days of Ancient Rome, brought to the British Isles in BC. In the 19th century, the Whippets were even called the "Greyhound for the Poor", as the little English greyhounds were considered less pretentious in content.

    But these dogs are not bad at all for living in an apartment, if the owner can devote enough time to walking with the pet. Acceptable with people and other pets in the house, whippets are completely unpretentious in terms of care, and their small dimensions do not require much space even in the smallest apartment.

    So, Whippets are dogs with a proportional and harmonious build. Their head is elongated, in the upper part of the skull is flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not pronounced. The muzzle tapers towards the tip of the nose. The eyes are round and have a lively expression. Jaws well developed, scissor bite. Ears of small English greyhounds are pink-shaped, small. The neck is arched, long, smoothly turning into a strong long back with developed muscles. Whippets' chest is deep and wide enough, the ribs are springy. The belly is tucked up. The tail is long, noticeably wider at its base. The limbs are long, bony, with well developed and strong shoulder blades and thighs, sufficiently muscular (especially the hind legs). Whippets have short and thin hair that fits snugly to the body. The colors are varied: black, white, piebald, isabella, blue, red, spotted (spots of any shade of those listed in combination with white).

    Whippet photo:

    Photos of Whippet dogs |

    Origin story

    There are only two main versions of the origin of the Whippets. According to some researchers, small English greyhounds were obtained by selective crossing of dogs of such breeds as Greyhound, Italian Greyhound, Terrier. A new breed of greyhounds (whippet) developed in Great Britain was used not only as a hunter, but also to participate in dog races, while hunting a mechanical hare. By the end of the 19th century (around the 1890s), Whippets had become very popular in the British Isles, and already in 1903 the Breed Standard was approved. Moreover, the main breeders of these small greyhounds are considered to be English miners, who, in their free time from exhausting work, liked to be distracted by dog ​​competitions, and also gladly participated in catching game with the help of such four-legged. By the way, the name of the breed comes from the old English word "whipp", which meant roughly "small fast dog for hunting."

    Another version of the appearance of Whippets is much more interesting. According to the dogs depicted on the temples, tombs of the pharaohs of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece (on the exterior they are very reminiscent of modern Whippets, Italian greyhounds and Greyhounds), the ancestors of the breed were the ancient pharaonic dogs (pharaonic greyhounds). For example, such greyhounds were often depicted with the Roman goddess Diana (patroness of hunting, fertility, flora and fauna). Many historians argue that the ancient Pharaoh greyhounds first appeared in the British Isles as early as 55 BC. Through the influx of the blood of dogs of other breeds, the small English whippet greyhound appeared to the world.

    Whippet character

    Whippets are not only sensitive and quick hunters, but also loyal domestic dogs. Most owners of dogs of this breed note their watchdog qualities. Moreover, whippets are not aggressive towards strangers, but strangers are almost always mistrustful. These graceful dogs get along well with children, participate in any outdoor activities of the little ones. Of all the greyhounds, it is the character of the Whippets that is considered the most good-natured. In addition, male whippets are often even more reverent than bitches in relation to their own owner and other family members. They are very affectionate, loyal, active dogs, suitable for families who love travel, going out of the city. They are unobtrusive and perfectly feel the mood or state of health of the owner, rarely spoil property for the sake of playing and their own entertainment.

    For owners who do not have a moment of free time, whippets are hardly suitable. They need a lot of time for walking and running. Often these dogs are attracted to participate in any kind of sport - agility, frisbee, freestyle. If the owner of the Whippet has an idea to teach the dog how to hunt, then this will most likely be the best option for a pet of the Lesser English Greyhound breed. In hunting, whippets are recognized as very hardy, capable of delivering prey to their owner at great speed. In addition, whippets are perfectly trainable, they are smart, rarely resist the commands of the owner. These dogs are distinguished by a lively mind, poise and wonderful behavior. In the event that the Whippet becomes a companion dog, it perfectly adapts to the foundations of the family that acquired it.

    Whippet can be settled both in an apartment, having allocated a certain space for the dog, and on the territory of a private house (or summer cottage), provided that the owner does not leave the dog alone for a long time. When a greyhound lives in the fresh air, all drafts, a long stay on a cemented surface should be excluded. The prerequisites for outdoor living are an aviary and a booth, which must be insulated for the winter period, a soft bed with a removable cover that can be washed if necessary. In the most severe frosts, it is better not to risk it, since these short-haired dogs can easily freeze and get sick. On cold days, even a street whippet can be made an exception by inviting him to live in the house. By the way, it is not uncommon for Whippets to wear overalls and shoes during winter walks.

    The owner of such a fast dog (especially if the dog is kept in the city) should not lose vigilance, since the Whippets, in whose veins the blood of hunters, flows, may well set off in pursuit of any object or animal, run away or get into trouble. That is why, even as a puppy, a whippet baby needs to be taught both to city life (the noise of trains, signals from cars), and to the indispensable attributes of walks - a collar and a leash.

    Whippet walks, ideally, are 2-time outings for at least 1.5 hours (especially for a dog living in an apartment, which does not have enough opportunities for full-fledged physical activity). If for some reason the owner of the dog cannot devote much time to walking, then it is worth considering how to diversify the pet's life, what kind of games will be of interest to him (for example, pulling the ball, pulling the rope, playing hide and seek, etc.). The game must correspond to the age of the animal, and the owner must calculate the strength of the dog and his own, so as not to harm the pet. It's not bad if there is a walking area near the house where you can meet other dog lovers, because this is where the whippet can chat and play with their tailed brethren. True, it is better to start contacts with the outside world when the animal is vaccinated and learns the simplest commands ("to me", "next to", "fu", "sit"). By the way, whippets can often over-tighten the leash, as if controlling the owner. This behavior of the dog must be suppressed.

    Hunting Whippets are dogs that the owner loads enough. From an early age, they accompany the owner during field trips, therefore, as a rule, they do not lack movement. But in the process of hunting, the dog can easily be injured (for example, bitten by some burrowing animal), so the body of the dogs after catching the game should be carefully examined for wounds, ticks, abrasions. Dogs take part in the hunt, which not only received all the vaccinations, but also underwent deworming (or prevention of helminthiasis), and are periodically passed over by the owner.

    Whippet hair care is simple, as it consists of weekly removal of dead hairs and skin flakes with a rubberized glove or brush. For animals of this breed, pronounced molting and the presence of a "doggy" smell are uncharacteristic, they are quite clean by nature. Whippets are bathed no more than 2-4 times a year (if we are not talking about a show dog), the rest of the time it is enough just to wash their paws and remove unnecessary hair.

    The peculiarity of whippets is that they clearly capture the mood of the owner, therefore, from the first day in the house, the owner must build the right relationship with the dog. At first, the puppy has a hard time, so the owner should gently, but without the permission of pranks, show the puppy that there is no danger or ill-wishers in the house. When the process of getting used to the new home has been completed, you can take the puppy for a walk to get acquainted with the world around him. The sounds of the city, people, and other animals should not scare the kid. But you cannot let the dog get off your hands until all the vaccinations have been made (the danger lies in such diseases: distemper, rabies, leptospirosis, adenovirus, infectious hepatitis, enteritis). Slowly, from the very first days, the dog should be accustomed to simple commands. For example, when a puppy starts to indulge, the owner must strictly say: "Ugh!" Whippets are quick-witted, so the process of teaching commands is not too difficult. But these animals are strongly discouraged from hitting or shouting at them. As a punishment, you can simply change the tone of voice from a benevolent and quiet to a more severe, loud one. An encouragement for a dog of this breed will be the presence next to the adored owner, a delicacy and generous praise for obedience. As a training course with Whippets, they most often take OCD (General Training Course). After mastering the commands, the dog may well be trained in hunting or participating in sports competitions (coursing, racing, etc.).

    Health and disease

    If the dog does not show interest in games, becomes lethargic and apathetic, it develops symptoms of ill health (gastrointestinal disorders, temperature changes, limping, plaintive whimpering for no reason, fainting, shortness of breath, overweight or underweight, etc.), then the owner needs as much as possible rather contact an intelligent veterinarian. Better yet, call him at home or (if the pet's condition allows) bring the animal to the clinic. Delay or self-chosen (therefore, often incorrect) treatment can lead to the death of a friend. It is advisable that the owner of the whippet have medicines, agreed with a doctor, for first aid at home in cases of poisoning, bites, electric shocks, and so on.

    Whippets live on average from 10 to 14 years. And most often their health does not let them down, but there are certain problems that, although rare, are encountered: deafness (congenital), eye diseases (retinal atrophy, corneal dystrophy), heart disease (mitral valve stenosis), poor blood clotting (background Willebrand).

    Some interesting facts

    • Whippets can bark or roar if there are good arguments for that. They will not pick up the owner (as well as all the neighbors) early in the morning to announce themselves.
    • The average price of a puppy of this breed in Russia is 30,000-40,000 rubles (in the capital), in the regions the price may be slightly lower - from 25,000 rubles.
    • For the first time on the territory of the USSR, whippets appeared in 1988. The breed is not overly widespread, so these small English greyhounds are often confused with slender Italian greyhounds and large Greyhounds.