A letter after the interview to the employer. How to ask the employer about the results of the interview. "Well, where are you ?!"

The behavior of the employer during the story of the applicant for the position about professional qualities, the answer to the proposed questions will tell you how fruitful the communication was and whether you should expect a call with an invitation to work.

How do you know if your interview was successful?

Evidence of a favorable impression made on the interviewer and a successful interview:

  1. the recruiter is impressed, listens attentively, looking into the eyes and leaning forward, nods approvingly, smiles.
  2. Increased attention is paid to the point of view of the applicant regarding the field of activity of the company, the interview lasts longer than the planned time.
  3. The head talks about the company, plans for the future, describes in detail benefits and bonuses, career prospects and salary increases.
  4. The employer is interested in the possibility of the candidate to get down to official duties as soon as possible, names the exact date of the next meeting or call, rushes to complete the homework provided as an entrance test.
  5. The applicant is asked about interest in third-party vacancies, interviewing in competitors' companies.
  6. The interviewer asks a question about referrals or starts calling the organization that recommended the applicant for the position.
  7. After the conversation, the candidate is given a tour of the company, they are not released for a long time at parting, continuing the conversation.

Important! At the end of the interview, the recruiter offers to come to the second meeting - this is a good sign, they are interested in the candidate, the decision on his employment has almost been made and the interview was successful. If at the interview they said: "We will call you", this can mean both a refusal and the need to choose.

Ways to know how your interview went?

How to find out the results of the interview or how to remind yourself after the interview?

The result of the interview usually becomes known within two days to two weeks.

Not wanting to languish in the unknown while waiting for the outcome of the conversation with the employer, one should at the end of the conversation, inquire about the date of the decision on admission to the state, find out the convenient time to call, phone number, e-mail address.

Don't get a call after your interview? It is useful to take the initiative and remind yourself by showing the manager an interest in getting a place in the company. You need to do it correctly and non-intrusively., be sure to wait for the date specified by the employer. If the answer is not received after the deadline indicated at the interview for making a decision, you should contact the recruiter.

Should I call my employer back after the interview? It is appropriate to remind about yourself 7-10 days after the conversation unless otherwise agreed with the interviewer.

The best methods are considered to be a phone call and a letter sent by e-mail. Ordinary mail should not be used due to the length of the transfer, an SMS message and a visit to the office without warning will be regarded by the employer as disrespect.

Why don't they call back after the interview? Many recruiters do not consider it necessary to inform a candidate about a job rejection. Without doing anything, you can wait a long time for an answer. Should you call your employer after your interview? Yes, it's worth it.

Phone call

It is more correct to call the employee of the company with whom you agreed.

In large firms, the HR manager is responsible for hiring new people.

If he is absent, contact by phone should be with the interviewer who conducted the interview (usually this is the future immediate boss or head of the enterprise).

If it is impossible to get through to the specified persons, you need to contact the reception with a request to connect with the person making decisions about candidates for the position.

At the beginning of the conversation, you should introduce yourself, name the date of the interview, and ask about its result. If the decision is not made, it is necessary to clarify the time of the next call.

In a telephone conversation, the recruiter can be prompted to make a decision
, hinting at the availability of other attractive job offers.

A protracted response on his part forces him to agree to the terms offered by the competing company. A motivated leader will not want to lose a valuable specialist.

When the employer hesitates for a long time with the answer, you need to call back every 1-2 days until a positive decision or firm refusal. A job seeker who has convinced the company's management of an increased interest in the position increases the chance of being hired. Persistence should not turn into importunity, should not be called every hour.


In addition to the opportunity to find out the result of the interview, the letter helps to remind the employer of yourself, show interest in the work, the benefits of joint cooperation for the company, express gratitude.

It is best to address it to the interviewer, as contact was established with him during the communication.

Moreover, even if at the interview they said that they would call back, it is quite acceptable to write a letter to clarify the result and remind about yourself.

How to write a letter to an employer after an interview, an example of what must be indicated in letters of this nature:

  • introduce yourself, indicate the date of the interview;
  • thank you for your interest in the candidacy and your time;
  • indicate the benefits for the employer from hiring you;
  • ask about the result of the interview;
  • confirm the need for the work and the desire to start doing it as soon as possible.

Attention! The letter should be sent from an email address suitable for a serious applicant for a place in a large company, various [email protected] ([email protected]) are invalid.

The end result of the interview is the signing of an employment contract. At the stage of achieving the cherished goal - getting a job in a successful company - all means are good. The main thing is that the actions of the applicant should not go beyond the scope of business etiquette, be timely and thoughtful, and everything will certainly work out.

Eichars recommend after the interview to ask about the outcome of the meeting, if the employer is silent and does not report the results. This can be done in different ways. Better - so as not to cause irritation, moreover, to add points to yourself in the eyes of the employer. Below is a list of ideas that should not be used when communicating with an employer or HR (such communication after the interview is most appropriate by e-mail).

"You promised to call on Thursday, but you called on Friday."

Sounds like an accusation. “This applicant does not understand that I am working on dozens of vacancies, and the process is not always completed by the planned date,” - this is what the HR thinks, and the applicant becomes less attractive to him.

Wait a couple more days, and then write that you are waiting for recommendations on the next steps necessary for the employer to get a more complete impression of you.

"Well, where are you ?!"

Your job search must be persistent and you must be firm in your intentions, but this does not apply to the tone with which you ask about the results of the interview.

Show patience, show that you understand how difficult tasks an HR manager solves.

To remind yourself of yourself, ask what other information about yourself you can provide in order to broaden the employer's understanding of your opportunities. With this formulation, you do not demand, but show the importance of the result for you and your readiness for further cooperation.

"I'm waiting for at least some answer from the interview."

Wrong. You are not waiting for an answer just any. Such a phrase betrays impatience. The HR's imagination immediately paints a picture: the applicant does not take his eyes off the phone and, on the first call, is ready to jump out of the shower so as not to miss an important employer.

Yes, you want to find a job, but you value yourself and expect your employer to appreciate you.

This wording is more apt: "I would like to know at what stage the decision on my candidacy is."

“I have another suggestion. Have you already decided there or not? "

Eichar understands that you may have other offers, but deep down he hopes that you want to work in this particular company and that you are interested in this vacancy. Therefore, the reception, which has a shade of blackmail, will not cause delight.

You can draw the HR's attention to whether you have another offer, but do it gently. For example, like this: “I was selected for another company, and they made me a job offer. I have to answer on Friday. Please guide me when you make a decision on my candidacy. "

"I am disappointed that you did not answer me."

You may be very upset, but refrain from scolding your employer. Many companies only contact candidates who have been selected - others are notified by e-mail or not at all (by the way, this can be said at the interview - that you will receive an answer only if it is positive, so listen carefully).

The selection process can be delayed for reasons beyond HRD's control. The most unpleasant thing is to write a harsh letter, not knowing that the selection process is still underway. The impatience shown in such a situation closes the doors to the interview company.

On the contrary, a positive final chord in communication may one day open up the opportunity for a specialist to get a job right here.

Therefore, the best phrase that you, for your part, can end the communication with, sounds something like this: “I am glad (s) that I got to know your company and I will be glad (s) if you let me know about vacancies in which you can be useful my skills and experience. "

So, you are about to work in Germany, and your resume, which took so much time and effort, has been sent. The next step is for the HR department: the recruiter will have to look through the documents of the person who wants to get the job and decide whether to invite him for an interview or immediately reject his candidacy.

This, of course, will take some time. And the applicant for the vacancy only has to wait for a phone call or an envelope in the mailbox. But how long should you wait? Is it possible, while waiting for a response, to call the company and ask how things are with your application? What questions should be asked, and what should not be asked categorically?

Not in three days, but in two weeks

Experts warn: don't grab hold of your phone without thinking carefully about when to call and what to ask! Better yet, take an interest in the advice of professionals, so as not in any way to induce a personnel officer, annoyed by phone calls, to reject your candidacy, without even reading the contents of the resume.

If you decide to inquire about the progress of the examination of documents already three days after they were sent, you will demonstrate to the potential employer a lack of patience and tact, as well as incompetence in relation to work processes at the enterprise, according to the authors of the portal Bewerbung.de, which covers the specifics of employment in German companies.

They advise to make inquiries no earlier than two weeks after sending the documents. If your resume was mailed, take another couple of days for delivery. Do not forget to write down the date the documents were sent to avoid confusion. It is best to inquire about your resume and the chances of being invited for an interview by phone, because the HR officer will have to respond to an e-mail request in writing, and this is an additional time consuming, which does not delight anyone, experts at the portal Bewerbung.de warn.

No empty phrases!

“There is one simple rule of thumb,” says Maren Lehky, HR consultant, in a column on Zeit Online, which advises readers early on in their professional careers. resumes come in, and the less often you should contact them with questions. In small and medium-sized enterprises, the situation is different: there you may be one candidate in ten. "

If you have already decided to call the HR department, in any case, do not start the conversation with the stereotypical phrase: "I just wanted to know if you received my resume." First, the chances of your letter being lost are minimal, at least in Germany. Secondly, it is clear and without further ado that this is not what interests you at all, writes Maren Lecky.


Another common question eager job seekers ask is something like: "I would like to know when I will be invited for an interview. I was offered another job and I have to quickly decide whether to accept the offer or not." More often than not, this is not true, the author of the column claims, which is perfectly understood by your interlocutor in the HR department. Moreover, the recruiter knows that the purpose of this question is to put pressure on him. Who likes it? Of course not to anyone!

The human factor and patience will help

Both questions are empty phrases. Therefore, it is better not to ask them at all, but to turn to the interlocutor so that a normal human conversation ensues, advises Maren Lecky. First, ask if he has time to answer your question, and if not, when is the best time to call back. And then tell me honestly why you are calling. It might sound something like this: "I know you have a lot to do without my resume. But I look forward to hearing, I keep running to my inbox and checking my email every five minutes. Please tell me what are my chances of getting an invitation. for an interview ".

Keep in mind, the expert warns, that no one can instantly answer your question without having your documents in front of them. They must first be found and viewed, and the recruiter will need some time to do this. Ask, therefore, when you can be called back.

Don't worry about having to wait again. After all, the process of considering documents does not depend on you in any way. Waiting seems tiring for you, while for recruiters, who shove through hundreds of resumes a month, time passes unnoticed. Sometimes, such is the disappointing conclusion of Maren Lecky, the applicant has to wait weeks for an answer, and sometimes months.

How to understand more at the interview, what is your candidacy not interested employer? Wait for a call from a recruiter or schedule your next interview?
I am often asked similar questions. In this article, I've compiled general tips to help a job seeker determine their chances of getting an interview.


A 15 minute interview is believed to say about disinterest employer. However, an experienced HR manager will say that sometimes 7-8 minutes is enough to make a positive decision, and sometimes even 50 minutes does not guarantee that you will be hired.
The timing of the interview, for the most part, depends on the position for which you are applying. Imagine yourself in the place of a recruiter and try to understand what information an employer needs in order to make a high-quality choice of an employee.

Do not rush to lay out all the cards on the table.

At the interview, applicants try to show themselves from the good side - they describe their professional experience, talk about their qualities. Eichar listens politely, and at the end of the interview, in a benevolent tone, says that he will call back later.
For example, the applicant told the HR manager that his strongest qualities are diligence, responsibility, and perseverance. And the employer needs a creative person who loves and knows how to make independent decisions, strives to professional growth, ready for a lot of work.
Read the employer's requirements carefully before interviewing. During the meeting, do not rush to tell the employer about all your qualities and skills. Better try to find out what qualities the employer needs, and, using this information, tell about yourself in the corresponding context.

HR manager behavior

Body language can tell a lot. If the interviewer is sitting upright, leaning slightly towards you, following your gaze, listening attentively and occasionally nodding, most likely he is interested in your candidacy. If he completely leans back in his chair, crosses his arms on his chest, looks around or at the clock, most likely he has lost interest in you.
A recruiter's inattention can signal a lack of interest. In this case, you will feel that the interview is formal and the interviewer wants to end the meeting as soon as possible.
If during the interview the interviewer refuses to answer your questions and says that you will find out everything later, then this rather demonstrates his unprofessionalism. At the end of the interview, both parties should have no questions left.
However, even in this case, there is a share of the likelihood that the employer may change his mind and schedule a new interview if no candidate has been approved for the position.

Offensive strategy

To find out whether your candidacy is suitable for the vacancy or not, you need to ask the employer's representative a few questions. For example: "Can I consider that I have passed the first stage of the interview?", "Can I apply for the position?", "When can I get an answer from you?" etc. However, it is unethical to ask questions like: "Did you like me?", "How do you like me?" or "Well, I got through?" It is much more effective to check with the HR manager the most important professional and personal qualities. Thus, you will be able to assess how your candidacy corresponds to the employer's ideas about the ideal applicant.
Most likely, the interviewer will not give you an exact answer to any of the above questions. In this case, ask for permission to call him personally the next day, specify the phone number where it is convenient to keep in touch. Be sure to call him the next day. Don't be afraid to sound intrusive!

Each recruiter has a different interviewing method. Some HR people display traditional politeness, while others employ stress interview techniques or test methods. You should always be honest, open and positive. Smile at people, and then success will surely await you!

How did the interview go? What if the employer says he will call back and not call back? Let's take a closer look at the questions posed.

Signs of a successful interview

How to understand that the interview was successful? How long to wait for an answer? There are clear signs of a successful interview.

If the employer calls clear and specific deadlines when they will contact you and when they make a decision about you, - this is a good sign.

When they speak evasively and vaguely about the results of the interview with the candidate, this means that the applicant is not interested in employers.

A common sign is if at the interview they said "we will call you."

If the interviewer found the applicant very promising, then he will worry about being intercepted by competitors.

In this case, he will be interested in the candidate's schedule and plans for the near future. The interviewer will be ready to reschedule the next meeting at a convenient time for the applicant.

Another trait that the interview was successful is that the interviewer will spend a lot of time answering the applicant's questions.

In addition, in a conversation with a candidate, he will advertise the company in every possible way and those prospects that await the applicant for a new position. He detail will talk about career growth and the benefits of the company before many, many others.

With a promising applicant the interview will take longer the time allotted in advance.

If the employer is not interested in the candidate, then he will try to finish the conversation with him as soon as possible.

If, after the interview, the interviewer takes the applicant on a tour of the office and introduces other employees, then the decision is likely to be positive.

If the people who gave you the recommendations report that the employer contacted them, then this is a very positive sign. Usually, checking letters of recommendation takes a very long time, which no one will be wasting just like that in the business world.

You can find out about the interest of the employer and on non-verbal signals.

If he is tilted forward, looks into the eyes, does not use closed poses, this indicates interest and disposition.

Interest will show even then that the recruiter during the call not distracted by phone calls and conversations with employees who have looked into the office, does not study letters on e-mail, turns off the ringing phone, offers the applicant tea or coffee, takes care of its convenience and comfort.

How to find out the result?

How to find out the results of the interview?

It is very common for an interviewee to they said they would call back which is often followed by nothing. If they do not call after the interview (there is no answer after the interview), it makes sense to impartially analyze its results.

Perhaps you really were at your best. In this case you should find out the results of the interview yourself... We will take a closer look at how to remind you of yourself.

Make a phone call

Why don't they call back after the interview? Should you call an employer?

No need to be afraid call back to the employer after the interview. This will demonstrate an active life position, the ability to achieve goals, interest in work.

Who is better to communicate with?

It is better to communicate directly with the employee of the company whom you interviewed.

Surely, he will be the best informed about your results.

If there is no way to talk to the interviewer, it makes sense to talk to the HR manager.

What to say?

How to ask about the results of the interview? When you call on the phone to find out the results of the interview, you need to introduce yourself, inform that on such and such a date you were interviewed for such and such a position and ask about the results.

How long does it take to remind you of yourself?

Remind about yourself is appropriate 7-10 days after the interview... Some recruiters even wait for such a move from applicants, so that they confirm their interest.

Writing a letter

If you do not want to call, you can write a letter. This way of reminding yourself for now did not really take root in Russian companies, however, in recent years practiced more and more.

How to make it right?

The letter should be sure to remind about the date of the interview, vacancy, and express gratitude.

The template according to which the letter is composed, doesn't have to be strict... Depending on the specific situation, it can change, expand and contract.

How to write a letter to the employer after the interview? An example is shown below:

“Good afternoon, Maria Gennadievna. On May 17, we met for an interview regarding the vacancy of a PR manager.

Working in this position is extremely interesting for me, and therefore I would like to know the results of the interview.

Thank you for your interest in my resume and your time.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Best regards, Victoria Pastukhova.

To whom should I address?

As you can see from the above example, to address a letter best interviewer... You are familiar with him, in view of the fact that a little time has passed since the moment of the meeting, he remembers you, and therefore such a message will be more than appropriate.


With a careful analysis of the interview, it will become clear how interested the employer is in your candidacy. If a week after the interview there is no answer (did not call), it makes sense to remind about yourself by phone or email.

Many recruiters are waiting for feedback from the applicant, because today highly motivated employees with an active lifestyle.