Client manager profession. What is a manager? Features of the profession What a manager should know

Once at an interview, a candidate for a managerial position told me that a manager and a salesperson are one and the same. After that, I ask all candidates a question - who is a manager and what does he do? I discovered Pandora's box, the funny thing is when those who graduated from a university with a degree in management cannot answer this question.

I have long wanted to write an article about who a manager is. Sadly, a huge number of people do not understand what this word means. First of all, we are to blame for this situation. They are the ones who use the word manager to draw attention to a job. This introduces confusion into the poorly educated heads of job seekers. Let's figure out who a manager is and what he does.

What are the managers

If you open a website with job offers, you will find hundreds of types of vacancies with the prefix - manager. It is believed that sellers are most often referred to as managers, but this is not entirely true. The fact is that the seller is one of the most common vacancies, there is very high competition per applicant. At the same time, there are only a few qualified sellers. It is this specificity that creates a huge number of different vacancies for one position. HRs simply attract more staff by pouring more candidates into the hiring funnel.

Here is a list of vacancies with the prefix manager and a transcript:

  • Cleanliness manager, cleaning manager - cleaning lady;
  • Sales manager - salesperson;
  • A customer service manager is an administrator, although they may call the seller and other customer service employees that way;
  • Office manager - secretary;
  • HR manager - recruiter,;
  • tourism manager - travel agent;
  • advertising manager - PR specialist, marketer

On the one hand, this is a deception of the candidate - the vacancy is presented in a better light. On the other hand, it is beneficial for candidates, because it is a shame to tell friends that you work as a secretary. Office manager sounds much more solid. It is worth noting that calling a vacancy a manager is not the only way to hide the essence of a vacancy. There are many ways to name the familiar in a new way. For example, I myself once worked as a loader, although in the labor office they wrote a storekeeper's assistant and the vacancy was named similarly.

Who is a manager and what does he do

The word manager is borrowed from the West. From English, manage is translated as management, management is management. In French, manager is a manager. From German, manager is an organizer. In short, a manager is a leader (manager, boss, boss, boss), that is, an employee who manages other people. Owners of large and medium-sized businesses cannot keep track of a large staff of subordinates. Therefore, they entrust the management of their business to managers.

The main task of the manager is to make decisions that increase the efficiency of the people entrusted to him and other resources of the company. The working day of a line subordinate should be clearly spelled out and regulated based on the needs of the business. It is the manager who is responsible for ensuring that all employees perform their work properly. And as a result, they made a profit for the company.

Manager functions

Management is a science that studies methods of effective. On the one hand, there are a lot of types of management activities and therefore it is very difficult to formulate any uniform rules. There is only a set of managerial functions that are similar regardless of the level of the manager and the company. The main functions of a manager include: planning, organization, motivation and control. There are also functions that have a huge role, but they are mentioned much less often:

  1. Team building is a key managerial function. Team building refers to the manager's ability to find people who are ready to work with him to achieve his goals. A leader without a team is like a captain without a ship. The manager forms the team all his life. The success of the leader is equal to the success of his team and vice versa;
  2. - is also the most important function of a manager. The manager can train and develop himself and his staff both personally and by organizing trainings. It is important to understand that without development, any team will quickly fall apart. Teaching and developing is not the same thing; learning is the assimilation of new or a deeper study of old knowledge, abilities and skills. Personnel development is a joint work of a manager and a subordinate that allows the subordinate to increase their competencies and areas of responsibility;
  3. Staff rotation - sadly, but it is the manager who decides who will be on his team and who will not. Staff rotation is not the most pleasant function of a manager, but a necessary one;
  4. Resource support for employees. To work, staff need a variety of resources, from the office and workplaces,. Providing staff with the necessary resources is the task of the immediate supervisor;
  5. Support for the activities of subordinates. It is also a very important function of the manager to show the subordinate that he is not alone, that his work is important, that the manager is interested in success and achievements. A leader should be not just a boss, but above all an ally and a senior comrade;
  6. Continuous improvement of the quality of work. With a properly tuned management system, the quality of work will constantly increase and improve. For this, things like. By constantly analyzing the results obtained and introducing changes that allow them to change for the better, the leader is able to achieve excellence;
  7. Coordination of actions between related services. In large companies, the problem of coordinating actions between departments and employees often arises. Sometimes, due to the lack of partnerships, significant damage to the business is caused. There are always points of intersection of interests and it is important to be able to properly build communications between departments and employees. This is one of the tasks of management, since an ordinary performer will always "pull the blanket over himself."

3 types of leaders

It is customary to divide managers into 3 types, depending on their level of management:

  1. Lower-level managers are entry-level managers (senior shifts, foremen, senior salespeople, administrators), those who manage the day-to-day activities of line personnel. Such managers are engaged in operational activities, that is, they organize and control the work of the initial staff.
  2. Mid-level managers are those who manage the lower-level managers and coordinate the activities of the lower-level managers. The responsibility of middle managers includes mid-term planning of the life of a department, subdivision, workshop, site. The middle link is the space between the strategists at the top and the tellers at the bottom. The success of the organization depends on how effectively the strategy adopted from above is implemented.
  3. Senior management (TOP management) is the level of directors and chief executives of the company. This type of manager is responsible for the strategic management of the company. The activities of the company for years depend on the decisions made at the top level.

What a manager should know

To become a low-level manager, it is enough just to be a responsible and executive employee, there are no special ones here. But without knowledge of the basics of management, you are unlikely to achieve serious success. Or, as often happens, a young manager showed success at one place of work, but at another he could not repeat it. This is primarily due to the fact that for the first time a manager has become a leader in “his” team and in a company where he knows the job well from the inside. worked at the starting position. Put such a manager in different conditions, all he can do is use old tools. Which are unlikely to have a positive effect again. Therefore, let's figure out what a leader should know.

Management cycle


A novice leader is often so happy about his promotion that he tries to complete all tasks on his own. As a rule, this lasts six months, a year, and then the employee either learns to delegate authority, or simply. - this is an inevitable stage in the development of a manager and its study should be started as early as possible. Middle and top managers are those who have learned to delegate authority and have begun to think more.

Who is a manager

Manager is a derogatory term for managers, salespeople, and office workers in general. Derived from the English manager, when the Latin "a" (hey) is pronounced like the Russian "a". The service sector is perceived by many workers and intellectuals as an unnecessary link, artificially formed to make money. From the point of view of such people, all representatives of the service sector are loafers. Many people laugh at the corporate culture of large firms, comparing it to a sect.


Profession manager

Social aspects of self-management

World experience in the implementation of the principles of self-management

Self-management principles

With the emergence of trends 3 and 4 manager must be a part of the system and from the inside ensure a rigid

15 Criteria for Enhancing Employee Activity

Methods used in face-to-face communication

Indirect methods

The VUK - TOM system offers the following concepts to ensure effective management

In this regard, it is necessary to develop a general model of a modern manager.

There are several ways to improve communication.

Manager is a manager or manager responsible for a certain direction of the enterprise (HR manager, investment manager, PR manager, financial manager, risk manager, brand manager, account manager, sales manager), project manager (manager project) or an entire organization (top manager).

Advertising Manager - acts as a liaison between the marketing department organization and partners providing this firms advertising services for its products. An advertising manager must be well versed in market conditions, thoroughly know competitors, their advantages and disadvantages, and, based on this, build relationships with advertising partners.

Applicants for the position of advertising manager usually have the following requirements: work experience in the position of advertising manager or marketer for at least 2 years, higher education in the specialty management and, often, a certificate of specialized training in advertising.

Advertising space sales managers work for periodicals, outdoor and transport advertising companies. The tasks of the software manager sale advertising space includes searching for advertisers for free advertising space, negotiating and signing agreements.

Project Manager - The position is often temporary. The functions of a project manager can be performed by a marketer, advertising manager, or other specialist from a related field. The responsibilities of the project manager include overseeing one or more advertising projects, Work with partners, negotiating and control contractors.

The remuneration is usually determined percentage from the profit of the organization from a single project, in addition to the usual rate of a specialist.

Often a BTL manager is also a customer service manager. His task is to formulate a brief with the client and, having processed it in accordance with the internal requirements of the company, set the task as clearly as possible for the coordinators and supervisors, who, in turn, will provide work for the promoters.

Salary BTL manager in Russian Federation fluctuates in the range of $ 400- $ 700, in Moscow it reaches 1200 and more cu.

The account manager deals with work with clients, manages the budget and executors in the framework of one or more projects. You can often place a "even" sign between project managers and account managers. The applicant is usually required to know the field management, excellent business qualities and the ability to find non-standard solutions.

Wage successful account managers can reach the equivalent of one and a half thousand or more, on average Russian Federation it is 500-800 USD.

Manager profession

Managing a company in our dynamic times is a difficult job that cannot be done successfully with simple, dry, learned formulas. The leader must combine an understanding of common truths and the importance of the many variations that make situations different from one another. The leader must understand and take into account the critical factors or constituents of organizations (internal variables), as well as the forces affecting the company from outside (external variables), as well as take into account the impact of the company on society.

The point of view has become widespread that there is management applicable to any company, which consists in the implementation of functions that each manager should perform.

The strength of modern management, its core, consists, on the one hand, in the fact that it originates from a person, his needs and goals, from the transformation of knowledge, experience and achievements of scientific and technological progress into a productive force. On the other hand, the driving force of modern management, both visible and invisible, lies in the creative application of information technology.

Self-management, and more correctly self-management - independence and personal control of oneself. Effective self-government is associated with both human nature and the firm, social management.

Role, place in the structure, scale of participation, resource intensity of relations, etc. each entity is determined by self-management, temporarily provided and monitored.

Social aspects of self-management.

World experience in implementing the principles of self-management:

The need for mutual solutions, prepared by qualified loyal personnel, since many of them are currently engaged in only "criticism".

The flexibility needed to offset losses in one with acquisitions in the other.

The pace until the full implementation of the program.

You can't go too fast.

Consistency + public confidence = economic confidence.

Informing the masses about the causes of problems, their inferiority, their changes, costs, etc.


The creation of structures that broaden choice and incentives enhance the creativity of the common good.

System-wide aspects of self-management consist in substantiating, firstly, the phenomenon of self-organization as a new quality in decentralized management, and especially in self-government.

Secondly, the current situation is a blurred and kind of continuous process uncontrollability, in other words, process, called by I. Prigogine a great disorder (chaos), poorly amenable to control and management, which characterizes the view of the classical concepts, as on the elimination of itself in many ways. Self-management in this case becomes ambiguous and therefore most consistent with its original purpose - to organize any processes, transferring the implementation to functionaries.

Self-management principles


The principle is fundamental and provides the appearance of the effect in the conditions of controlled systems. Under certain conditions, this principle allows not only to take into account the huge hidden capabilities of any socio-economic systems, but also to transfer to them most of the functions, including self-management. Taking this principle into account requires certainty in the behavior of leaders, managers and the process executors themselves. Parallel processes and the effect itself provide favorable opportunities for the implementation of the function of self-government in practice.

2. The "immersion" of the system.

This principle is consistent in the implementation of self-management. The effect of self-organization, self-developing and arising only in the so-called "immersed" in their external environment, firstly, depends on the state of the necessary resources and the characteristics of the corresponding relations and in terms of access to them, and secondly, it can spontaneously limit the number of states for the formation of any system formation with the following end results: a) for "oneself" (before the completion of the work);

b) for the shadow market;

c) for society.

"Immersion" provides the possibility of the emergence of the effect of self-organization.

The principle does not guarantee the stability of the self-forming process; it develops parallelism: towards oneself (family), shadow, towards society.

4. Artificial origin.

Leaders and managers must either take into account or artificially "create" a situation in which those "immersed" in the system can provide themselves for some time with what they need to "curb" the effect of self-liquidation.

5. Resource support.

When implementing this principle, several points should be taken into account:

a) self-management, having created a specific horizontal system, must give it self-determination, that is, the manager must become an observer for a while;

b) a specific system arbitrarily solves the necessary tasks to provide itself with resources and services;

c) with the development of self-government, it is capable of eliminating itself with or without obtaining results;

d) in practice, the system, having realized its internal tasks, is able to instantly finish on a specific work within the framework of the previous principles, without worrying about the final results.

With the emergence of trends 3 and 4, the manager must become part of the system and from the inside ensure a rigid control .

1. The combination of leapfrogging and evolutionary processes.

Self-management in structural evolution is minimal. Jumps, systemic mutations of control channels are realized most often spontaneously, but, as a rule, after "exposure", i.e. parallel.

2. Parallelism.

It is assumed that the phenomena of self-organization and self-privatization develop simultaneously with the current processes in the systems.

3.Concept capacity.

This principle is global and is a set of several different principles:

a) mandatory availability of flexibility;

b) the presence of semi-transparent borders between regions and specific markets;

c) associativity of compositional construction;

d) horizontal associative construction as the basis of temporary stability;

e) maintaining the hierarchical intervention of the central authorities;

f) consideration of the previous sub-principles;

g) self-control of systems.

4. Virtuality.

Creation on the basis of self-organization of new self-management objects - fuzzy sets of temporary relations of the parties.

5 duality of self-government

This principle is manifested in the fact that in hierarchical structures the functions of the entrepreneur's power, administrative, methodological (functional) authorities managers and the invisible influence of management.

6. Complementarity of self-management.

In the development of democratic governance, self-management actually realizes self-organization.

7. Digitality.

It is the most important modern solution to management problems.

The combination of application of the listed principles in the interaction ensures the effectiveness of self-management. The effectiveness of management largely depends on people and the criteria for motivating their work. Management practice has developed a number of criteria to enhance the activities of employees in the management process.

15 Criteria for Enhancing Employee Activity:

Any action must be meaningful.

Most people enjoy work.

Everyone in their workplace wants to show what they are capable of.

Everyone strives to express themselves in work.

Almost everyone has their own point of view on how they can improve their work, her company.

People like to feel important.

Every person strives for success.

Success without recognition leads to disappointment.

By the way, in what form and with what speed employees receive information, they evaluate it, what is its real significance.

Employees do not like making decisions about changes in work and at workplaces, even if these decisions are positive, were made without their knowledge, without taking into account their knowledge and experience.

Everyone needs information about the quality of their own work.

It is unpleasant for all of us.

Most people strive to acquire new knowledge in the process of work.

Employees react harshly if their efforts and the best results they receive only lead to the fact that they are even more stressed.

Does your job allow you to be your own boss?

Everyone who, in their managerial activities, encounters difficulties, which, in his opinion, lie in the fact that the work itself is unattractive, should check on these 15 points whether the necessary condition can be created.

To ensure complex, coordinated, effective actions, competent, highly organized, persistent and courageous leaders and managers are needed. They must think globally, act in accordance with international standards.

To ensure effective work, a manager must be able to use various tools to influence performers. These are methods of personal communication and indirect.

Methods used in face-to-face communication:

Usage authorities based on responsibility.

Affects behavior within an area that the other considers legitimate in light of their responsibilities. This method is fast, does not require costs however, if the request goes outside the zone, then it does not work and if it goes too far, it may be considered illegal.

Use of power based on perceived trend. Influences attitudes and behavior within an area of ​​perceived competence. Like the first method, it is fast and does not require expenditures and the downside is the same as in the first method.

The use of power based on identification with the leader. The method influences attitudes and behavior that are consistent with the ideals underlying the identification. This method is fast, does not require the cost of limited resources, but is limited by influence that does not contradict the ideals that underlie the identification.

Using power based on the concept of addiction. Affects a wide variety of behaviors that can be controlled. The method is quick, can be ambiguous in cases where other methods do not work, but the repeated influence encourages the other person to acquire power over the influencer.

The use of coercive power and the concept of addiction. This method affects a wide variety of behaviors that can be controlled but predispose to a responsible blow, the method is very risky.

Using persuasion. This method has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. Can generate intrinsic motivation that does not require management, power, or the expenditure of limited resources. The method can be time-consuming and needs a good listener.

Combination of different methods - depends on the accuracy of the combinations. It may be more ambiguous and less risky than using any one method, but this method requires a more expensive approach than any one method.

Indirect methods

Manipulating another person's environment using one or all of the direct methods. Has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. Can produce results when direct methods fail, but can also be time-consuming, difficult to use, risky if used frequently.

Changes in the forces that affect the individual - the rules of formal and informal organizations, technology, available resources, the declared goals of the firm. Has a wide range of attitudes and behaviors on an ongoing basis, has an ongoing impact rather than a one-off effect, can have a powerful impact, but often requires significant power to achieve goals.

In the system of effective management, the most important place belongs to the accounting policy established on the basis of accounting. Accounting policy is a set of principles and rules, their totality. Only a systematic analysis of all factors can contribute to the reasonable development of an accounting policy, which should ensure the completeness of reflection in accounting of all issues of the company's activities.

To this end, a control system must be established in the management system. It is a concept aimed at eliminating bottlenecks, oriented towards the future in accordance with the set goals and objectives of obtaining certain results.

Basic concepts for ensuring the quality of the firm's work (according to the VUK - TOM system).

Most of the workers work without showing interest in the VUK-TOM system. The task of the manager is to achieve the maximum quantitative and qualitative indicators of his employees, so that each product meets the standard. For the development of the company, it is necessary to balance the relationship between workers and the manager through the selection of qualified personnel, through timely moral and material incentives, provision of timely assistance: consultations, training, staff rotation, workers can be involved in solving problems and problems related to the wealth of production.

The VUK - TOM system offers the following concepts to ensure effective management:

Focus on the customer.

clearly define what he wants from you;

make a decision according to the circumstances (sometimes research is needed);

only top management sets the rules that allow employees to take initiative and make decisions.

Making joint decisions

setting general rules (teamwork);

Work is based on trust in each other

Providing all managers with the necessary information for their work.

Any important information is communicated to the manager promptly.

Responsibility lies with the entire management of the company as a whole

Top management does not interfere unnecessarily in the work of departments.

Senior management has a responsibility to support the business leader who makes a difficult decision and takes responsibility.

Informational data of a manager of any rank should reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Consideration of all control factors, conclusions and decision making.

Provide quality goods and services that exceed all customer expectations.

Control of the results, the most important points of the work.

The manager, according to the VUK - TOM system, must know and be able to use the tools of quality control and management.

Effective has 9 main characteristics:

Reflection of market fluctuations.

The mission of the company is to serve the consumer.

Vision of the future of the company.


Recognition of organizational culture.

Reasonable use of your resources.

Involvement in positive change and improvement.

Improvement of personnel.

Corresponding company structure.

Functions of managers:

Share information.

Traditional management functions.

Creation of a network of contacts.

Human resource management.

A manager, his personal qualities strongly influence management, his efficiency, which is ensured primarily by combining together 5 factors of production: capital, information, materials, people and firms, the most important of which is a person.

V In this regard, it is necessary to develop a general model of a modern manager.

Knowledge and skills of the manager.

A modern manager all over the world is perceived as an effective, innovative leader = leader + + work style + career. The manager must have a broad outlook and systematic out-of-the-box thinking on issues of internal interconnection, corporate factors and the interaction of the latter with the external environment.

He must have high human qualities and psychological abilities, have the ability to go to a reasonable and balanced, be able to carry out business - design, develop, adjust and implement a business plan. To be able to carry out marketing research, predict the development of the company, taking into account the needs and the occupation of new innovative niches in it.

Personal qualities of a manager. The manager needs to have:

thirst for knowledge, professionalism, innovation and creative approach to work;

perseverance, self-confidence and dedication;

thinking outside the box, ingenuity, initiative and the ability to generate ideas;

psychological ability to influence people;

sociability and a sense of success;

emotional balance and stress resistance;

openness, flexibility and easy adaptability to ongoing changes;

situational leadership and personality energy in corporate structures;

internal need for self-development and self-organization;

energy and vitality;

a propensity for successful defense and equally effective attack;

responsibility for activities and for decisions made;

the need to work in a team and with a team.

Ethical standards of the manager. A manager in his activities with colleagues and partners is guided by generally accepted moral rules and norms: follow the methods of fair competition; do not use "dirty" ones in their activities; "Play in the open" if partner does also, try to fulfill his promise under any conditions, use only honest methods when trying to influence subordinates, be demanding, but not offend dignity, be attentive and considerate.

Personal resources of the manager. The main resources of a manager are: information and information potential, time and people, skillfully using which the manager ensures high results, constantly increasing the competitiveness of the company he runs.

The skills and abilities of the manager to manage effectively. Management efficiency can be influenced by:

the ability to manage oneself;

reasonable personal values;

clear personal goals;

persistent continuous personal growth;

problem solving skills and perseverance;

ingenuity and ability to innovate;

high ability to influence others;

knowledge of modern management approaches;

the ability to form and develop effective working groups;

the ability to train and develop subordinates;

Limitation of the manager's self-development.

These disadvantages include:

inability to manage oneself;

blurred personal values;

vague personal goals;

stopped self-development;

lack of problem solving skills;

lack of creativity;

inability to influence people and advise them;

misunderstanding of the features, management processes;

poor skills in managing people and resources;

inability to teach and establish a requirement for self-development;

low ability to form a team.

Effective management is influenced by operational information, communications, i.e. the ability to exchange information. The manager must understand the importance of communication, constantly improve communication. There are several ways to improve communication:

Regulation of information flows. Managers at all levels of the company must understand their own information needs, their bosses and subordinates, must learn to assess qualitatively and quantitatively the sides of information needs.

Management actions. Planning, implementation and control form additional management capabilities in improving information exchange. Discussion and clarification of new plans, strategy options, goals and assignments, control of the progress of work, reports on the results of such control - these are additional actions subject to the head.

Feedback systems. Such systems form part of the control and management information system in the firm. One of the options is to move people from one part of the company to another in order to discuss certain issues or interview employees in order to obtain information from managers and employees.

Systems for collecting proposals. Designed to facilitate the flow of information to the top. Most often implemented as proposal boxes, where workers can submit proposals anonymously, or deploy a private telephone network where workers can anonymously call, ask questions, or submit suggestions.

Firm newsletters, publications and videos. They are issued and implemented so that all employees receive information about events in the life of the company.

Modern information technology. Recent advances in information technology can help improve communication. The personal computer has a huge impact on information, e-mail makes it possible to reduce the inexhaustible stream of telephone conversations, the last innovation in telephone systems, video conferencing, the "Internet" system and many other types of communication allow the manager to receive important information promptly.


Today, a large number of people are interested in starting their own business, and it should be noted that most of them do it quite well. According to statistics, 95-98% of open firms close two months after opening, this suggests that initially the business was not built correctly, perhaps the company did not have enough employees to properly understand the matter, perhaps the business plan was not the best, so it should think about whether it is worth opening your own business, and what is necessary for the correct planning of work? - this is one of the components of any business: newly opened, or taken a certain place in the business market. What is management? We will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Literally, management is the leadership of socio-economic systems, in other words, management is intended for a management firm. All organizations that have good, as well as are not considered “one-day” companies, have a good management system, i.e. such companies employ professional managers. A manager can work in several directions, the most important of the directions is, of course, a management system, only with organization can you achieve good results in business, therefore the role of a manager is enterprise can be called one of the main ones. Often, in the Russian Federation, the activities of a manager are confused with the activities of salespeople - these are two different professions, but often, instead of the word “salesperson,” we hear “sales manager”, this is not a completely correct definition of the profession of a manager. The responsibilities of the manager include:

Strategic management;

Knowledge of the principles and functions of production;

Knowledge of the complexities of control systems;

Knowledge of management objectives;

The ability to manage personnel.

Of course, in addition to the main activity of a manager, there are secondary responsibilities: working with clients, distributing responsibilities among employees, etc. Let's talk about the main responsibilities of a manager, what they are and how you need to have knowledge to achieve good business results.

Strategic management is the foundation of management, strategic management is an activity that aims to achieve goals using strategic instruments. Strategic instruments can be very diverse: financial resources or, assets, company policy, etc. In order for a manager to clearly understand the essence of strategic management, he must first of all receive the education of a manager, and only after that start his work in the organization. The profession of a manager is not easy, as it seems at first glance, a manager has a lot of responsibilities, he must know a huge amount of information about the business, and understand that the prosperity of the company depends on him. The manager must have an understanding of the principles and functions of production management. Production management in any organization is a complex process that requires professionalism and knowledge from the manager.

The manager must do his best to achieve productivity growth and control over the quality of work performed within the company, in addition, he must ensure that the organization maintains a competitive position in the market, and ensure consumer confidence. Management, like other science, requires good knowledge, as well as dedication and desire to work in firms and for the company. A manager must first of all think about the prosperity of the organization in which he works, he must understand that the future prosperity of the company and its further growth in business depend on him. A good manager who understands his job and loves it is bound to achieve great success and has a quick career path. Being a manager today is not only fashionable, but also profitable, professional managers have a salary that amounts to several thousand dollars, so it is simply necessary to work and improve your working qualities.

Leaders who think that they do not need a manager in the team are very deeply mistaken, a manager must be present in any organization if its leadership wants to further promote their business, as well as profitable deals. The manager will always work for the company, bringing new clients to it, controlling all production processes and managing personnel. There are a large number of responsibilities that a manager must perform, so managers must understand that such work should be well paid, first of all, high wages will become the first step for a manager in the development of his working qualities, the manager will want to work for the company and bring it prosperity. An equally important person in any business can be considered a HR manager, he will be able to do his job with high quality and put things in order in the ranks of the company's employees.

Financial Dictionary Economic Dictionary

Manager- (English Manager - manager) - a professional manager: general (executive) director of an enterprise, president or member of the directorate (board), head of a department or other divisions of concerns, trusts, syndicates, etc. ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

MANAGER- manager in a commercial organization ... Legal Dictionary

Manager- English. manager to manage a hired manager of a company, firm, bank, structural unit, direction, having, within the limits of his competence, executive power. M. is engaged in planning, organizing, managing and ... ... Business glossary

MANAGER- (English manager), hired professional manager (head of an enterprise, firm, organization, etc.); management specialist ... Modern encyclopedia

MANAGER- [ne], ah, husband. Specialist in the management of production, the work of the enterprise. School of managers. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Manager- see Leader (

Therefore, more and more often the question arises, who is a manager? The answer to the question can be found in this article, which describes all the main traits that a professional manager should have.

A manager is one who is involved in the management of production or other activities. It is in connection with the increased number of entrepreneurs in the country that there is a need for specialists in this field.

What is a manager? In fact, this is a manager who, in comparison with an entrepreneur, is limited in his rights. His job responsibilities have a certain framework, which we will talk about in more detail.

The manager is engaged in defining the main tasks of production. He must be able to competently manage the available resources. He bears full responsibility for all his decisions.

The manager must be aware of events taking place inside and outside the enterprise. He informs about all changes and, if necessary, explains the tasks and goals that the company faces. Therefore, a person holding such a position must always be in the center of the events taking place in order to be able to quickly make the most correct decision.

One of them is working with people. He organizes relations within the team, makes their work well-coordinated. Personnel management is carried out constantly. The manager is also the representative of the organization in external relations.

There are several levels of this profession.

The lower-level manager is involved in organizing work among the workers. They are faced with many tasks that require a quick solution.

They are supervised by middle managers. They can manage a large unit and are intermediaries between subordinates and management.

The smallest category is senior managers. They deal with issues related to the enterprise as a whole. The risk and responsibility of such a position is much higher. But such specialists are highly valued, and their work is paid accordingly.

We figured out who a manager is. Now let's consider the qualities that he should have.

The most important thing that a person in this profession should understand is how to manage an enterprise. A manager is a manager, so this is the most important knowledge for him.

He must be well versed in the entire technological process of the industry in which he works. Without this, it is impossible to fully perform their functions.
A manager must be an entrepreneur at the same time. He is obliged to understand the intricacies of market relations and resource allocation.

A person holding the position of a manager must be able to make adequate decisions. Its tasks include attracting employees who are subordinate to the implementation of the set goals.

The manager must have knowledge in the field of economics in order to understand the market issues and its peculiarities.

Analysis is also essential in this profession. This includes studying the activities of competing organizations and firms.

The manager must be able to plan the activities of the enterprise and foresee the further development of the economy and the market.

And now a little about who an office is - a manager. This is the person who is involved in the management of management personnel. He provides them with the necessary material and technical base and coordinates their work.

And a few more words about who a top manager is. This is one of the highest levels of the position. This person is responsible for the management of the entire organization and is responsible for the results of its activities. Typically, this position is assigned to people with extensive work experience at the enterprise.

You may have learned a lot about who a manager is. But in order to become a professional in this field, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Department of Personnel Management and Economics Pratsi

Svit from the knowledge of practice

Vikonala: 1st year student, MTU group z 214 Andrushko Yu.V.

Revised: Art. vikladach.Gil L.A.

Zaporizhzhya, 2015

HR manager- Somewhat new, direct training, as it is a unique opportunity to make a prestigious and well-paid profession that is demanded in all spheres of activity at enterprises and in installations of different forms of power.

The main task of securing enterprises, organizing and setting up qualified workers, as if they would clearly display their functional languages.

Having completed the course of disciplines, transferred to the educational and qualified level of training "Bachelor" for the direct "Personnel management and economics pratsi" :

· Management of a collective of state and private enterprises;

· Formulation of the foundations of corporate culture;

· Management of social and psychological groups of people;

· Pochuk, pidbir and assessment of pratsіvnikіv;

· The establishment of the system of motivation at the enterprise;

· Maintaining personnel documentation of the enterprise according to the state legislation and the establishment of state standards and іnshe.

Dodatkovo You can edit one special decal for a specialization (the name of a specific specialization is used before the diploma):

· Sovereign management and sovereign service;

· Administrative management;

· Management of medical and pharmaceutical service providers;

· Business psychology and HR management.

Fakhіvtsі z personnel management means:

· Development of the main contours of the strategy and policy of personnel management in the organization;

· Zd_ysnyuvati professional additional staff (form vimogi to candidates, zd_ysnyuvati poshuk, carry out the structure of the interview with candidates for vacant positions);

· Organizing professional and social adaptation of new workers;

· Development of development plans for personnel, registration of the degree of development of the development of new forms and methods and the organization of new methods for the promotion of competitiveness to personnel;

· Formation of a reserve for the replacement of vacant settlements of kerіvniks, organizing the preparation of workers before the registration of languages ​​†‹вЂ‹ in kerіvnykh settlements;

· Store plans and programs for the development of cars for promising fakhivtsіv;

· Develop the procedure for organizing the assessment of the staff;

· Carry out motivational monitoring, design compensation packages, develop programs for the formulation of loyalty to employees and increase motivation to staff;

· Develop corporate standards and rules of behavior, design and formulate and develop corporate culture;

· Projects for the development of social development of business;

· Razroblyat corporate documents, which form the internal regulatory and legal base of personnel management: codes, regulations, rules, instructions too;

· Vikoristovuvati modern information technologies in the management of personnel and in.

Practial training of fahivtsi in direct training "Personnel management and economics pratsi" is guaranteed by a wide range of robots. Vypuskniki-personnel management of the faculty of regional economics, finance and educational activity increase the prestige, high-paid placement in other spheres of economy:

1. Queries of HR-files (department): HR-Director, Director іz sotsіalnogo rozvitku kompanії, Director of Corporate PR (vnutrіshnіh komunіkatsіy), director of receptionists pratsі i Nadzvychaina sytuatsia situatsіy, headache profesіyny consultant kerіvnik vіddіlu adaptatsії staff kerіvnik vіddіlu perepіdgotovki that pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії staff kerіvnik vіddіlu profesіynogo pіdboru i navchannya (training) personnel.

2. Professionals in legal practice, employment and social sponsorship: headhunter, HR auditor, accountant-personnel officer, corporate image maker, fundraiser in the field of social volunteering, analyst of the practice and nutrition of professional social sponsorship s teambildinu.

3. Professional agents for employment and labor contacts: recruiter, employee for outstaffing personnel, expert for business partnerships and networking, specialist for outsourcing for personnel, specialist for outsourcing for personnel.

4. Managers: HR manager, coach, event manager, training manager, office administrator, motivational speaker, manager of social and political projects.

5. Economy: economist in planning, economist-demographer, economist-statistician, economist in practice.

6. Vikladachi and Science Spіvrobіtniki: wikipedia to the University of those who are chiefly responsible, scientific teacher-consultant (social worker of the population, labor and occupation, economics), professional, social teacher.

7. Fakhivtsi from the social security of the population: social insurance specialist, specialist in recognition of and viplat pensions, specialist in personnel officer of the state service, financial in the revision of labor conflicts, social worker.

Fahіvets of upravlіnnya staff i Economy pratsі Mauger pratsyuvati in management personnel, planuvannya dіlovoї car "єri, strategії upravlіnnya personnel pіdpriєmstva that sotsіalnogo rozvitku. He Knows i rozumіє spetsifіku virobnichoї dіyalnostі organіzatsії, viznachaє PERSPECTIVE її rozvitku, Got vlastivostі lіdera, zdatnіst to postіynogo vdoskonalennya The manager with personnel management plan and healthy development, the motivation for the efficiency of the basic systems and stimulation, the healthy control of the robotics team.

Qualified fahivtsyu of specialties "Personnel management and economics pratsi" are guilty of attracting such figures:

o analytic and original mint;

o bazhannya being a leader;

o organizing health;

o erudition;

o bazhannya navchit keruvati інshim and knowledge of subtle social manipulations;

o pragnennya to a successful car "і" post-lay self-development;

o bazhannya opanuvati extraordinary, status that is stably demanded by the profession, without which it is actively impossible to create a business;

o rich mother's income;

in the future work of the activity of the organization on close contact with people that tsikavu, I create a robot, if a skinny coming day is not similar to the previous one

Assessment of communicative and organizational aptitudes in the process of initial vocational consultation (methodology of CBS V.V. Sinyavsky and B.A. Fedorishin)

To conduct the study, it is necessary to prepare a CBS questionnaire and an answer sheet. The experiment can be carried out both individually and in a group. The subjects are given answer forms and the instructions are read out: “You need to answer all the proposed questions. Feel free to express your opinion on each question and answer as follows: if your answer to the question is positive (you agree), then put a plus in the appropriate cell of the answer sheet, if your answer is negative (you disagree), put a minus sign. Make sure that the number of the question and the number of the box where you write your answer match. Please note that the questions are general in nature and may not provide all the necessary details. Therefore, imagine typical situations and do not think about the details. Don't waste a lot of time thinking, answer quickly. Some questions may be difficult for you to answer. Then try to give the answer that you think is preferable. When answering any of these questions, pay attention to his first words. Your answer should be consistent with them exactly. When answering questions, do not try to make an inherently pleasant impression. It is not the specific answer that is important to us, but the total score for the series of questions. " staff management corporate manager

CBS questionnaire

1. Do you have a lot of friends with whom you constantly communicate?

2. Do you often manage to persuade most of your comrades to accept your opinion?

3. How long have you been bothered by a feeling of resentment inflicted on you by one of your comrades?

4. Do you always find it difficult to navigate in a critical situation?

5. Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people?

6. Do you like doing community work?

7. Is it true that it is more pleasant and easier for you to spend time with books or with any other activities than with people?

8. If there are any obstacles in the implementation of your intentions, do you easily deviate from them?

9. Do you easily connect with people who are much older than you?

10. Do you like to invent and organize various games and entertainment with your friends?

11. Do you find it difficult to join a new company for you?

12. Do you often postpone for other days those things that would have to be done today?

13. Do you find it easy to connect with strangers?

14. Do you strive to ensure that your fellows act in accordance with your opinion?

15. Is it difficult for you to get used to the new team?

16. Is it true that you do not have conflicts with your comrades because of their failure to fulfill their duties and obligations?

17. Do you strive to meet and talk with a new person at an opportunity?

18. Do you often take the initiative in solving important matters?

19. Do the people around you annoy you, and do you want to be alone?

20. Is it true that you are usually not good at navigating in unfamiliar surroundings?

21. Do you like being around people all the time?

22. Do you get irritated if you are unable to finish the job you started?

23. Do you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable, or embarrassed to take the initiative to meet a new person?

24. Is it true that you get tired of frequent communication with your friends?

25. Do you like to participate in group games?

26. Do you often take the initiative in resolving issues affecting the interests of your comrades?

27. Is it true that you feel insecure around people you don't know much?

28. Is it true that you rarely seek to prove your case?

29. Do you think that it is not difficult for you to revitalize a company you are unfamiliar with?

30. Do you take part in community work at the school?

31. Do you strive to limit your circle of acquaintances to a small number of people?

32. Is it true that you do not seek to defend your opinion or decision if it was not immediately accepted by your comrades?

33. Do you feel at ease when you find yourself in an unfamiliar company?

34. Are you willing to start organizing various events for your comrades?

35. Is it true that you don't feel confident and calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?

36. Are you often late for business meetings, dates?

37. Is it true that you have many friends?

38. Do you often find yourself in the center of attention of your comrades?

39. Do you often feel embarrassed or embarrassed when communicating with strangers?

40. Is it true that you do not feel very confident when surrounded by a large group of your comrades?

Processing of results

1. Compare the answers of the subject with the decoder and count the number of matches separately for communicative and organizational inclinations.


Communication tendencies:

§ positive answers - questions of the 1st column;

§ negative answers - questions of the 3rd column.

Organizational tendencies:

§ positive - questions of the 2nd column;

§ negative - questions of the 4th column.

2. Calculate the estimated coefficients of communicative (Kk) and organizational (KO) inclinations as the ratio of the number of coinciding responses by communicative inclinations (Kx), organizational inclinations (Ox) to the maximum possible number of matches (20), according to the formulas:

K k= K xdivide by 20 K o= O xdivide by 20

For a qualitative assessment of the results, it is necessary to compare the obtained coefficients with scale estimates.

Scaleevaluationscommunication and organizational skills

When analyzing the results obtained, the following parameters must be taken into account:

1. The subjects who received a score of 1 are characterized by a low level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations.

2. The subjects, who received a grade of 2, had communication and organizational tendencies at a level below the average. They do not strive for communication, feel constrained in a new company, team, prefer to spend time alone with themselves, limit their acquaintances, experience difficulties in establishing contacts with people and, speaking in front of an audience, are poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation, do not defend their opinion. grieve hard, the manifestation of initiative in social activities is extremely underestimated, in many cases they prefer to avoid making independent decisions.

3. For the subjects who received the mark 3, the average level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations is characteristic. They strive for contacts with people, do not limit the circle of their acquaintances, defend their opinion, plan their work, but the potential of their inclinations is not highly stable. This group of subjects needs further serious and systematic educational work on the formation and development of communicative and organizational inclinations.

4. The subjects who received a score of 4 belong to the group with a high level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations. They do not get lost in a new environment, quickly find friends, constantly strive to expand the circle of their acquaintances, engage in social activities, help relatives and friends, show initiative in communication, take part in the organization of social events with pleasure, are able to make an independent decision in a difficult situation. They do all this not under compulsion, but in accordance with inner aspirations.

5. The subjects who received the highest mark - 5, have a very high level of manifestation of communicativeness and organizational inclinations. They feel the need for communicative and organizational activity and actively strive for it, quickly navigate in difficult situations, behave at ease in a new team, are proactive, prefer to make independent decisions in an important matter or in a difficult situation, defend their opinion and seek to make it was accepted by comrades, they can revive an unfamiliar company, they like to organize all sorts of games, events, are persistent in activities that attract them. They themselves are looking for such things that would satisfy their need for communication and organizational activity.

"Assessment of communicative and organizational aptitudes"

Purpose: assessment of communicative and organizational aptitudes

Tested: - 23 students

Date: 04/29/15 g-11 grade

Conclusion:. After the study, the following levels of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations were obtained

1. Low level: communicative - 3 students, organizational - 10, communicative and organizational - 0.

2. Below average: communicative - 4 students, organizational - 7, communicative and organizational - 0.

3. Intermediate level: communicative - 5 students, organizational - 0, communicative and organizational - 0.

4. High level: communicative - 8 students, organizational - 4, communicative and organizational - 2.

5. Very high level: communicative 3 students, organizational -4, communicative and organizational - 1

Thus, out of 23 students: 6 with low communicative and organizational inclinations; 1 with low communication aptitudes; 7 with low organizational inclinations. This group of subjects is 60% and belongs to the "risk group", needs educational work to form and develop communicative and organizational inclinations. The remaining 40% of students have communication and organizational inclinations at the intermediate and higher levels.


1. Staff motivation

2 Personnel Management

3. Assessment of communicative and organizational inclinations in the process of primary professional consultation (methodology of CBS V.V. Sinyavsky and B.A. Fedorishin)

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