Letter of recommendation from the manager for employment. How to write a letter of recommendation (sample) What is a letter of recommendation and how it can help with employment

Andrey Petrovich, worked in our company as an executive director during 2004-2014. The duties of Andrey Petrovich included:

Implementation of a program to ensure the implementation and achievement of indicators of the business plan, growth and profitability;

Operational management of production, economic, social and other activities of the enterprise;

Management of administrative and economic activities of the enterprise;

Production management, production process planning;

Warehousing and procurement management by monitoring and coordinating the activities of subordinate structures in accordance with the approved goals and strategies;

Working with corporate clients, representing the company in other organizations and government agencies.

During his work in our company, Andrey Petrovich transferred almost 100% non-cash settlements with suppliers of raw materials and materials, and 85% mutual settlements with buyers, due to the introduction of a monthly production planning system with a weekly breakdown of the plan for the purchase of raw materials and materials, strict control the remainder of raw materials and materials by computerizing the warehouse of raw materials and materials directly in production, reduced costs by 3-5%.

Andrei Petrovich has good organizational and administrative skills, which allowed him to manage a team of 300 people.

The reason for the dismissal of Andrei Petrovich was his move to another city for family reasons.

Our company is grateful to Andrey Petrovich for successful cooperation.


S.K. Wheat (seal and signature)

Letter #1:

It is hereby confirmed that Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich With 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 G.

worked in Delopis.ru LLC in the position of chief.

His competence included full support of the international aspects of the company's activities. We consider it necessary to note the professionalism and due level of responsibility of the named specialist, shown during the implementation of projects carried out with his participation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:

During 15.04.2013 by 11.07.2013 g. we Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich he was co-managing a project for a company Delopis.ru. The project was difficult - a large rotation of personnel at that time in the company, ambitious goals set by the company's management. Ivanov Ivan showed maximum flexibility in working with people, concentration on the goal, professionalism in order to complete the tasks. I want to highlight personal and professional qualities Ivan Ivanovich: responsibility, dedication, systems thinking, the ability to structure information, organize processes, high qualifications in the field of information technology and the subject area of ​​the project.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:

During 18.01.2013 by 04.06.2013 I curated a project for a company Delopis.ru. Anastasia Volochkova was the project manager on the part of the contractor.

Anastasia Volochkova has an excellent business reputation, responsibility and reliability in business relationships, a very high level of professionalism and high qualifications in the field of information technology and the subject area of ​​the project.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:

Ivanov Ivan With 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 in Delopis.ru LLC was the chief executive officer of the company. In job responsibilities Ivanova Ivana included: resolving issues related to opening and maintaining projects in the cities of the Russian Federation, searching for construction sites, concluding contracts with contractors, developing and monitoring the functional operation of facilities.

While working Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich there were no complaints about him. He showed himself as a knowledgeable and proactive leader, able to take on difficult and responsible decisions. Successfully resolved conflict situations that arose in the course of the company's work with clients. Good psychologist, sociable. Can successfully lead a large division.

Competence, independence, creativity Ivanova Ivana allow you to unconditionally recommend this employee for the position of middle and senior manager in any company.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:

During 12.06.2010 by 11.04.2013 G. Volochkova Anastasia Yurievna worked in a company Delopis.ru. Anastasia Volochkova has an impeccable business reputation, reliability in business relationships, excellent personal qualities that are focused on teamwork, in projects, interest in business, finding the best ways to implement it.

for a master student of the second year of study gr. Khtm-12

in the direction: "Chemical technology"

Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Baidu Alexander Alexandrovich

Baida Alexander Alexandrovich, born in 1985, graduated with honors in 2007.

Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University) with a degree in Machinery and Apparatus for Chemical Production.

Works in Tsogu since 2005. and from the students takes an active part in the educational, scientific, creative and social life of the department, institute and university. From 2007 to 2010 studied in full-time postgraduate study of Tsogu State National University, specialty 02.00.13 - "Petrochemistry". From September 2010 after graduating from graduate school, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Petrochemical Synthesis Technology (TNHS). From January 2011 is an assistant at the Department of Oil and Gas Processing (PNG) Tsogu.

Gives courses: "The current state of the fuel and energy complex", "Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology", "Chemical reagents and technologies for the oil and gas industry" for full-time and part-time students of the directions "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry" and biotechnology”, “Chemical technology” and “Technospheric safety”. Annually he manages pre-diploma practice and diploma design of students of the specialty "Machines and apparatus of chemical production", advises students of the specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances" on the mechanical part of diploma design. Repeatedly carried out assignments and took part in the affairs of the department. Personal qualities: communication and organizational skills, result-oriented, ability to work in a team, learning ability.

Systematically improves professional qualifications. Passed advanced training in the following areas: “School of Pedagogical Excellence”, “Protection of Intellectual Property”, “Chromatography. Modern methods of sample preparation in analytical chemistry, ecology, toxicology and food analysis”, “English for communication”, “Methods of enhanced oil recovery”.

In 2012, he entered the full-time master's program at the Department of Oil and Gas Processing of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University in the field of Chemical Technology.

The most active activity is manifested in the scientific life of the department, institute and university. Takes part in research works, scientific and practical conferences, competitions, grants together with students of the educational lyceum of Tsogu, students and undergraduates of the Department of Oil and Gas Processing. The subject of scientific work is related to the development of physical and chemical bases for obtaining compositions of micellar solutions and microemulsions for enhanced oil recovery.

Template and sample letter of recommendation from an employer for an employee

He has gratitude for conscientious work in teaching and educating students, personal contribution to the training of young professionals and active participation in the life of the university.

The defense of the master's thesis on the topic "Development of compositions of micellar solutions and microemulsions for enhanced oil recovery" will take place in June 2013. The results of the work will be used to implement technologies for enhanced oil recovery, taking into account the geological and physical features of oil fields in Western Siberia. Subject to successful defense, the work deserves a high appreciation of the commission.

Scientific adviser,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.G. Agaev

Director of the Technological Institute of Tsogu

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.N. Halin

Recommendation from the place of work - sample you will find its filling in this article. It will be an additional advantage for the applicant when applying for a new employer. From our article you will learn all about the nuances of this document.

Potential employers, along with a resume, often require from the applicant job recommendations. And although such a requirement is not legally justified, the recommendations increase the chances of the applicant to get a job.

A letter of recommendation is written by a former employer, project manager or other person (for example, an HR manager) who can assess the employee's professional skills. In terms of content, the text of the recommendation is very close to the characteristics of the employee, but unlike it, it is drawn up more concisely.

Due to the fact that the unified sample letter of recommendation from work place does not exist, when filling out a document, you should follow the standard rules for processing business documents. It is desirable that the recommendation be issued on the letterhead of the company compiling the document.

In addition, the following details and information are provided:

  1. Document number and date.
  2. Title of the document (for example: “Recommendation letter”).
  3. Recommendation text.
  4. Signature of the head (company, project) indicating the position and full name.
  5. Contact details of the company and/or person signing the recommendation.
  • The period of work of the employee and the full name of the employer.
  • The position and achievements of the employee in the professional field, indicating the duties performed. Having factual information expressed in absolute and relative terms will improve the quality of the recommendation.

On our website you can download a sample of the completed recommendation.


The preparation of letters of recommendation is not the responsibility of employers, however, at the request of the employee (or based on the established internal rules for working with personnel in the company), this document should be issued. Maintaining established practice by employers on the request/submission of letters of recommendation makes it easier to find a suitable employee.

Life situations are different, and you may someday need a sample letter of recommendation and how to fill it out.

In this article, we will reveal the question of why a letter of recommendation is needed at all, what information should be displayed in it, and how to write it correctly.

From a legal point of view and according to some lawyers, letters of recommendation are a relic of the past, they should not be required when applying for a job, and even more so considered a mandatory requirement for obtaining the desired position, but employment practice shows that employers still ask for references from the applicant from the previous place of work or study. What functions does a letter of recommendation (letter of recommendation, reference letter, letter of introduction) actually perform? In fact, the role of letters of recommendation is nothing more than an attachment to a resume, which significantly increases the chances of finding a job.

Let's turn to the concept of "Recommendation Letter" and figure out what it is. This is a characteristic, which is compiled in a free form, where the professional qualities of a person who is looking for a job are fully disclosed. A letter of recommendation is drawn up at the place of study of a person or his previous job. Its task is to reflect the qualities of the applicant, which are important when applying for a job, and either an educational institution or a former employer are ready to confirm this information. There is no standard template for a letter of recommendation, although there are approximate forms of writing it, reflecting the personal and professional qualities of a person.

This document is recommended to be drawn up based on generally accepted rules for writing business letters, and such paper is for informational purposes only. Let's list a number of rules when writing a letter of recommendation:

  • Use of business style;
  • Compliance with the requirements when addressing a person: Partner, you, colleague, employee;
  • The absence in the text of artistic phrases that are used to decorate the narrative and do not carry any semantic load;
  • The document must be certified by the signature of the person who filled it out;
  • The originator of the letter of recommendation must also be specified.

Recall the fact that a letter of recommendation is drawn up at the same place of work or study, and there is no standard sample when writing it. But if we consider the issue in general terms, then a sample letter of recommendation will have the following structure:

  • We fill in the upper right corner: here the full name of the employer and the institution where we want to get the desired vacancy are indicated, or we write the phrase “for presentation at the place of demand” if the citizen is looking for work.
  • In the middle at the top of the sheet (just below the right block) we write the name "Letter of Recommendation".
  • The next block is the main text of the letter, and it may look something like this: “I, Ivan Petrovich Savelyev, from April 20, 2013 to March 15, 2015, was the direct supervisor of Oleg Ivanovich Pavkin. During this period, Pavkin O.I. was the chief accountant of the financial department. His job responsibilities included: payroll employees, preparation of annual financial statements. Occupying the specified position, Pavkin O.AND. repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, seminars to familiarize himself with the innovations in tax legislation. He coped with his studies "excellently", having mastered the skills necessary for work. During the period of work at LLC "Businessproject", he was repeatedly encouraged by diplomas and awards for high results of labor activity. He showed himself on the positive side, not conflict, sociable, friendly with colleagues. Has a number of achievements, such as: "The best accountant of the department".
  • After the main part of the letter of recommendation, a place is given to indicate the reasons why the applicant left the previous job.
  • The last block is intended for the employer from the previous place of work to give a subjective assessment of the professional qualities of the former employee. Here an opinion is expressed on how the applicant worked, what qualities he showed and other useful information is provided. The end of the letter is drawn up according to the following principle: “Based on the above facts, and personally evaluating the professional qualities of O. Pavkin, we note his readiness to perform similar duties at a new place of work due to his full compliance with his previous position. We wish Pavkin O.I. success and career advancement, improvement in the chosen direction and professional growth.
  • The entire text of the letter of recommendation must be certified by the signature of the official who compiled it. The date of its writing is also put.

The letter of recommendation must be certified by the immediate supervisor of the employee. This may be the head of a structural unit, department, branch. To date, such powers are gradually transferred to personnel departments, due to the expansion of their powers, in particular to HR managers.

If the job seeker is a student, then the letter of recommendation must be signed by the dean, the head of the department and, in extreme cases, the rector, which is rare. In the case when a student was trained in advanced training courses or attended preparatory courses, then it is the head of the courses who is assigned the role of the compiler of the letter of recommendation, he also puts his signature on paper.

Irina Petrova was hired as a journalist for the PapaJurist.ru online publication in December 2014. Already in February 2015, she was transferred to the position of editor-in-chief of the news section, Irina Petrova worked in this position until June 2015.

For the entire period of work in the online publication, the site Irina Petrova has shown herself to be a professional journalist and editor, demonstrating the best qualities: efficiency of work, an inquisitive mind, analytical skills, instant switching from task to task, the ability to captivate readers with published materials, a broad outlook and individual style letters.

As a journalist, Petrova performed the following functions: filling the site with news, monitoring the work of correspondents and freelance correspondents. As an editor, Irina Petrova performed the following functions: stylistic and literary editing of materials, search for topics for future publications, selection of illustrations, coordination of texts with experts, moderation of comments.

Irina coped with her official duties flawlessly, as her immediate supervisor, I can safely recommend her for work in such positions.

Ivan Fomichev, editor-in-chief of the PapaJurist.ru online publication

Zabelina Natalya Nikolaevna worked at Advanced Technologies LLC under my direct supervision as an accountant from December 15, 2005 to June 2015.

Zabelina N. N. was responsible for maintaining accounting and tax records in the company, for working with primary accounting documentation, controlled mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers, prepared and submitted reports to the tax service.

Zabelina N. N. has a high level of diligence, is an absolutely non-conflict person, constantly improves her professional level, she is characterized by responsibility and attentiveness, mathematical and analytical abilities are well developed.

The personal qualities and professional skills of Zabelina N. N. make it possible to recommend her for work in the positions of an accountant, assistant chief accountant, chief accountant.

Chief Accountant of Advanced Technologies LLC
Gromova Antonina Sergeevna
Contacts: postal address, phones, e-mail
Seal. Date.

Erokhin Sergey Fedorovich worked at ZAO "Vkusny Mir" under my leadership as a forwarding driver from September 4, 2008 to May 20, 2015.

The duties of Erokhin S. F. included: control of loading / unloading, timely delivery of food to retail outlets, catering establishments, as well as vehicle maintenance. During his work at CJSC "Vkusny Mir", Erokhin S. F. fully coped with his official duties. The cars entrusted to him were constantly kept in good technical condition and clean. He showed himself to be a responsible, accurate, reliable and non-conflict person, gained respect and authority among colleagues. Erokhin S. F. knows the technical base of cars well, is well oriented on the highways of Moscow, did not allow accidents during his work.

Erokhin S. F.'s personal qualities and professional skills make it possible to recommend him for work in the following positions: driver, freight forwarder, forwarding driver.

Director of CJSC "Vkusny Mir"
Contacts: postal address, phones, e-mail
Seal. Date.

Nikitin Yury Dmitrievich worked in the Textile City company as a sales manager from January 2005 to July 2015 inclusive.

As a sales manager Yu. D. Nikitin was engaged in large-scale wholesale sales of textile products throughout the Russian Federation. In the process of work, he demonstrated the ability to navigate the textile market well, conducted an analysis of competitors and their range, and over ten years of work, he collected an impressive client base.

During all the years of work in the company, Nikitin Yu. D. demonstrated a desire for self-education, regularly attended courses on the ability to build a dialogue with clients, work with objections, and make presentations. Yu. D. Nikitin showed himself as an employee with a high level of self-organization, loyalty to the company, and a focus on results. Yu. D. Nikitin has a high level of communication skills, easily finds a common language with clients and employees, and is non-conflict.

Director of the Sales Department of the company "Textile City"
Contacts: postal address, phones, e-mail
Seal. Date.

Egorova Kristina Albertovna worked at JSC BusinessConsulting under my direct supervision as a secretary from October 1, 2010 to March 1, December 2015.

The duties of Egorova K. A. included: planning the work schedule of the head, maintaining electronic document management, business correspondence, receiving and sending materials to regional offices, preparing analytical reports.

The dismissal from OJSC "BusinessConsulting" took place at the initiative of Egorova K.A. in connection with her moving to another city to a new place of residence.

I believe that Egorova Kristina Albertovna has the necessary professional skills and qualities necessary to fulfill the duties of a secretary / assistant manager in another company.

General Director of JSC "BusinessConsulting" Evgeniy Nikiforov
Contacts: postal address, phones, e-mail
Seal. Date.

A letter of recommendation is a document from the head of an organization or its competent employee, which is a professionally stated positive or neutral review of an individual. Such paper is necessary for the applicant to present at a new (proposed) place of work.

According to the tradition that was formed in European countries and supported in Tsarist Russia, in order to get an honorary position, it was necessary to verify the decency and professionalism of the employee by obtaining relevant information about the previous job and the position held there, as well as the qualifications received by the employee. At the same time, letters of recommendation were required for employment in any field.

Nowadays, a letter of recommendation may be required to be presented when applying for a highly paid or financially responsible position, although any director who understands his responsibility in selecting the right personnel may also require such a document.

  • increase the credibility of the applicant at a potential job;
  • give the employer an idea about the candidate for the position and his personal, professional qualities;
  • get an additional argument in their favor for shy people who do not know how to present themselves favorably as an employee at an important interview;
  • to convey to the potential employer a flattering assessment for the applicant of his work in the chosen field of employment;
  • supplement the submitted resume with important and useful information;
  • get a good bonus at the beginning of any kind of cooperation.

Before compiling a letter of recommendation according to the model, it is worth understanding what the style of its design and writing should be. First of all, the compiler of this document should remember to use only business style. Its characteristic features:

  • impersonality- information is presented not from the first person, but from the third;
  • officiality- there are no frivolous, colloquial expressions in the letter;
  • simplicity- the presentation should be as simple as possible, this also applies to sentences that, in a business style, have a minimum length and simple wording;
  • conciseness- brevity does not mean the omission of some details of the description, if they are important; it would be correct, when mentioning any professional character trait, to immediately indicate everything that is required to be communicated to the reader on this occasion;
  • lack of emotions and subjective assessments- for a letter of recommendation, it is important to evaluate the employee in terms of benefit for the company as a whole, as abstracted as possible from the personal attitude of the manager;
  • clarity of text structure- refers to a clear and logical sequence of description.

How to write in a business style

There is no generally accepted or established standard for writing recommendations in the form of a letter, but there are still unspoken unwritten rules. So, in any letter from a place of work or study, there should be such information blocks: the originator with the name / surname and position, the title of the document, a description of the nature of the work (study) and the interaction of the originator of the letter and the person in question in the document.

Additional Information! For solidity and greater persuasiveness, you can use a letterhead, if such is available at the enterprise.

The main part indicates the qualities of a specialist that have been and will be useful for activities in a particular area. In general, the letter should contain facts, a possible flaw (only a minor one), a list of merits, an indication of education and special training.

If the letter is addressed, that is, it is intended for a specific person and is written on a separate request, you need to refer to it at the beginning of the document by name and patronymic, or as is customary in the organization where the letter is sent. You can express hope for successful employment and leave the coordinates (phone number, email address) to clarify unclear questions. An explanation of the reason why the employee left the previous place of work is also welcome, but this should be indicated only in the case of valid motivating factors.

When writing the letters in question with recommendations and characteristics, there are no phrases that are templates that are mandatory for use, but it is still possible to give a few examples. In drawing up recommendations and pointing out positive moments for cooperation, one can express it as follows:

  • “It should be noted the high rate of learning (level of professionalism)…”;
  • “the company was glad to cooperate (have a staff)…”;
  • "during the performance of duties<здесь требуется указать должность, которую занимал соискатель, и его имя>showed himself as…” and others.

This letter is my personal recommendation to Veronika Ivanova. Until recently, I was Veronica's direct manager for several years and I consider her a consistently valuable and understanding employee who completes all tasks with dedication and a smile.

In addition, Veronika has shown herself to be a responsible person, able to generate and present creative ideas in a profitable way, to find advantages and disadvantages in the company's innovations. She successfully developed several marketing plans for our firm, which immediately resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we recorded an increase in profits that exceeded twenty percent of the organization's previous record. The new income of several hundred thousand rubles was a direct result of the plans implemented by V. Ivanova.

Although her duties were primarily in the marketing area, Veronica was also extremely helpful in other areas of the company. She has written several effective training modules for sales reps and has taken a leadership role in every sales meeting while inspiring and motivating other employees.


Artem Aleksandrovich Shainulin,

Head of Marketing Department at Mega.

Mr. Cherepov Andrey Ivanovich worked in the company "Everything for Comfort" from June 1, 2016 to August 17, 2018, including from 06/28/2016 to 07/25/2017 - as a merchandiser, and from 07/21/2017 until August 17, 2018 - as a regional representative.

The duties of an employee in the position of a merchandiser manager consisted in full control over compliance with the conceptual idea of ​​the organization "Everything for comfort", correct and regular display of goods on the shelves, placement of marketing materials in retail outlets in the territory controlled by his department and regulation of their intended use, condition, calculation and ensuring the availability of the required quantity of all items of goods.

In a short time of work in our company, Andrey Cherepov has established himself as a punctual, attentive, conscientious worker who enjoys well-deserved respect and authority from colleagues.

Mr. Cherepov perfectly studied the entire range of products that the company deals with, he knows how to effectively sell. Based on the foregoing at the expense of the employee, I can report that he is able to perform the duties of a department director or head of a unit.

Deputy Sales Director "Everything for comfort"

Kraskin Evlampy Terentyevich

tel. *(***)***-**-**

The recommendation for an employee (the example was given above) is certified by the signature of the originator and the seal of the company. In this case, the author can be a manager, head of a department, department or director of an organization. Any boss, line manager, as well as a middle, top manager can become a recommender.

A letter of recommendation is a desirable but not obligatory attribute of a successful and quick employment of a valuable employee. This document is drawn up in any form and is a confirmation of the experience and skills for a particular job, helps the applicant to look profitable.

Letter #1:

It is hereby confirmed that Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich With 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 worked in Delopis.ru LLC in the position of chief of [full title of position].

His competence included full support of the international aspects of the company's activities. We consider it necessary to note the professionalism and due level of responsibility of the named specialist, shown during the implementation of projects carried out with his participation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:

During 15.04.2013 by 11.07.2013 g. we Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was co-managed by [name] on a project for the company "Delopis.ru". The project was difficult - a large rotation of personnel at that time in the company, ambitious goals set by the company's management. Ivanov Ivan showed maximum flexibility in working with people, concentration on the goal, professionalism in order to complete the tasks. I want to highlight personal and professional qualities Ivan Ivanovich: responsibility, dedication, systems thinking, the ability to structure information, organize processes, high qualifications in the field of information technology and the subject area of ​​the project.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:

During 18.01.2013 by 04.06.2013 I oversaw project [name] for the company "Delopis.ru". Anastasia Volochkova was the project manager on the part of the contractor.

Anastasia Volochkova has an excellent business reputation, responsibility and reliability in business relationships, a very high level of professionalism and high qualifications in the field of information technology and the subject area of ​​the project.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:

Ivanov Ivan With 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 in Delopis.ru LLC was the chief executive officer of the company. In job responsibilities Ivanova Ivana included: resolving issues related to opening and maintaining projects in the cities of the Russian Federation, searching for construction sites, concluding contracts with contractors, developing and monitoring the functional operation of facilities.

While working Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich there were no complaints about him. He showed himself as a knowledgeable and proactive leader, able to take on difficult and responsible decisions. Successfully resolved conflict situations that arose in the course of the company's work with clients. Good psychologist, sociable. Can successfully lead a large division.

Competence, independence, creativity Ivanova Ivana allow you to unconditionally recommend this employee for the position of middle and senior manager in any company.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:

During 12.06.2010 by 11.04.2013 G. Volochkova Anastasia Yurievna worked in a company "Delopis.ru". Anastasia Volochkova has an impeccable business reputation, reliability in business relationships, excellent personal qualities that are focused on teamwork, in projects, interest in business, finding the best ways to implement it.