Elf pros in L2. What are light elves l2. Basic stats of Light Mystic

Initially, the Elves were not divided into Dark and Light, they were all children of Shillen. But after the exile and imprisonment of the Dark Goddess by her mother Einhazard, and after numerous wars between all races, a split occurred in the society of the Elves.
Among the general mass of elves who called themselves Tree Elves, a group of Brown Elves stood out. They insisted on continuing the battle for power, even if using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views.
It was to the Brown Elves that the Great Magician of Men, Dasparion, came. He offered to teach them dark magic in exchange for the secret of their immortality. Unfortunately, the Brown Elves did not know what the price would be for the dark teachings and agreed to his proposal.
A war has begun between the elves. The Dark Spells bestowed by Dasparion destroyed entire armies of Wood Elves. Defeated, they cursed their former brothers with all their remaining strength. Thus, the race of Elves was divided into Light and Dark. As a result of the curse, the merciless Sun burned the skin of the Dark Ones, and they themselves became blind, and were forced to move underground for hundreds of years.
But centuries passed, and the curse that weighed on the Elves of Darkness was lifted. The Dark Elves began to settle on the surface, no longer fearing the scorching Sun.
The Dark Elves declared Gren-Cain and Shillen their new patrons, and the Tree Elves, obeying the will of Einhazard, declared Eve their goddess.
The leader of the Dark Elves is Patriarch Mitrael. It was he who first learned the secrets of the Dark Magic of the powerful Dasparion, also becoming the owner of enormous magical power under a contract with DreVanul. When the War with the Light Ones was in full swing, the human mages sided with the Light Ones and with their combined efforts cast a powerful sealing spell on Mitrael. Because of this, the spirit of the Dark Ones was broken, and, having almost won the War, they were forced to retreat.
The patriarch was not only a political leader, but also the main source of Dark Magic. The loss of this source meant a catastrophic weakening of the Dark Ones' magical power. But to this day, the four disciples of Mitrael - Tetrarchs, ruling in his absence - are looking for ways to free their leader. The dark ones believe that when they release their Patriarch, they will become the Lords of the World of Aden!

Features of the Dark Elves.

Territories of the Dark

After being cursed by the Light Elves, the Dark Ones were forced to settle underground in the Dark Elven Village, as the Sun mercilessly burned them. But over time, this curse was lifted, and the Dark Ones began to get to the surface.
They settled in the northwest of the Continent, near the Ocean, protected from the east by impenetrable mountains from the Light Ones, from the north and west by violent waters, and from the south by the Dark Forest.
The village is surrounded by the Dark Forest. This is a dangerous place inhabited by goblins, orcs and other unpleasant creatures. One such creature is the Imp. Imps are creatures created as slaves by one of the Tetrarchs with the help of black magic from the Gremlins. But during the war with the Light Ones, the Imps somehow broke the Obedience Curse, killed their overseers and hid in the Dark Forest. It is still not clear how they managed to break the spell, the Tetrarchs suspect that these primitive creatures wield magic.
In the northwest of their lands is the School of Dark Arts / Black Magic Laboratory - a Scientific Research Laboratory in which dark experiments were carried out on various creatures. At the moment, it is abandoned and inhabited by the fruits of experiments. Young warriors and magicians go there to test their courage and strength.
Not far from the School of Dark Arts is Marshland - the territory formed as a result of the use of Dark Magic in the War with the Light Elves. Currently inhabited by various undead and orcs.
Such are the territories of the Dark Elves.


Externally, Dark Elves resemble Light Elves, but if the Light Elves look like eternally young teenagers, then the Dark Elves look much older. Personally, the Dark Elves remind me of the High Vampires from the Anne Rice novels. They are majestic, strikingly beautiful, and their skin is like marble. Their faces glow with cold majesty and you can see from them - they are Dark, Dark with a Capital Letter.
At night they are able to dissolve in the darkness, at night they are stronger. Although daylight is no longer a hindrance for them now.
Their life expectancy is significantly less than that of their bright counterparts.
For aesthetes, I note that almost all types of armor look very beautiful on the Dark Ones, in my opinion, and on girls they are also very sexy (c).

Congenital parameters and features

The highest power among all races. Good agility, providing good running speed, attack speed, shield block chance. High intelligence for a warrior allows you to effectively take energy from enemies. High conviction allows you to successfully resist enemy magic. But a low constitution gives few lives, and a high chance to hit Stun.

The highest intelligence among all races, allows you to inflict maximum damage! But low wisdom makes you cast spells slowly.

Main professions

The dark elves make great masters of the dagger and sword, and their knowledge of black magic and wind magic is incredibly high. Let's take a closer look at what they have succeeded in, or rather, who your dark elf can become. This will only be about the second specializations, which you will achieve by reaching level 40 in the game.

Shillien Knight

Knights in powerful armor performing feats in the name of Shillen. Unlike tanks of other races, they have attacking skills, however, to the detriment of their tank abilities. At first glance, they are much more fragile than, for example, people, but in capable hands this class is very strong, which is facilitated by good dexterity and the ability to take energy. In many aspects, he is not inferior, and in some nuances even surpasses DarkAvenger, who is traditionally considered the best warrior in this game.
Well, the ability to call uncontrollable summons - "Cubes" - makes this class not only powerful, but also beautiful in battle. Calling them costs a certain amount of crystals, but these dice heal the Knight and lower the attack or run parameters of the enemy.
Shillen Knight, a very worthy class: in battle, formidable and dangerous.

blade dancer

When the ranks of the Light Ones are crowding the Dark Ones on the battlefield, People break through from the flank, and the Dwarfs are outbid by the enemies - the morale of our warriors is falling, hands are falling, our magicians are more and more sluggishly crushing enemies with spells, archers begin to miss, Abyss Walkers die more and more often, in an unsuccessful trying to approach the enemy... But then they appear, in polished armor, with beautiful and elegant double swords in their hands and with a mysterious smile on their lips. The Blade Dancers will dance a deadly dance and the army that has already begun to surrender will perk up, swords will come out of their scabbards, daggers will pierce the hearts of enemy magicians, arrows will hit the enemies, and the Battle will be won!
This class is given a unique opportunity to learn the skill of fighting with two swords, and only the mastery of the combat dance is available to this class. Dancing for two minutes makes the group an order of magnitude stronger: accuracy increases, magic power increases, and critical hits increase their power.
A specific and useful class.

Abyss Walker

Abyss-walker, master of the dagger, good with a bow, dark skin helps to hide in the dark and lie in wait for enemies. A few powerful blows to the back, and the next day there is no one to lead the army of enemies.
The strongest of the daggers, however, luckily the lowest chance of a critical hit. A very flexible class, due to the presence of many different skills, it is very interesting in the game. Has several skills that lower the stats of the enemy.
A very strong and dangerous utility class.

phantom ranger

The Dark One, who is squeamish about touching the flesh of enemies, prefers to kill them from a distance. The strongest archer, but the smallest chance of a critical hit. Good speed, good self-buffs, again a variety of skills.
This class, unlike the Light Ones, is more dependent on the group and at the same time more useful in it.
If he is under buffs, then it is better for enemies to commit suicide - it will be more humane.


A Dark Mage who has mastered the magic of the wind to perfection. The most powerful hurricanes will scatter recalcitrant enemies, Vampiric Clow will restore the spent health, and Des Spike will kill a spy who has suddenly crept up. It can silence an enemy mage forever. However, a low WIT parameter generates a serious drawback - a low speed of casting combat spells compared to others.
The most powerful mages in the world.

Phantom Summoner

A bloodthirsty magician, who is not enough to see how the Hurricane knocks out the spirit from the enemy, he needs to see how the magical creature summoned by him is torn to pieces, loudly champing, eating the flesh of the enemy. A very interesting and versatile class of summoners.

Shillien Elder

Since this class is my main one, in my article I want to dwell on this class in more detail. So…
According to legends and legends, Shillien Oracle is a servant of Darkness who prophesies, studying Darkness and Death generated by Shillien, as well as the Spirits of Destruction and Chaos serving her. Many of them scatter the bones of the dead and learn from them the future.
Unlike the Light Elves and Humans, who only worship the Gods of Light, the Shillien Oracles understand the essence of both Light and Darkness. They can heal their allies with White Magic, and curse opponents and drain their energy with Black Magic.
The most spiritually enlightened Shillien Oracles become Shillien Elder. Shillien Elders are the spiritual leaders of the Dark Elves, who understand the divine essence of Shillien and Gren-Kain better than anyone else.
Black Magic is the source of the magic of all Dark Ones. It is forbidden among other races that do not understand the Darkness, do not use it, and fear it. However, if there is Light, there is also Shadow, and the Dark Ones are able to control the power of Dark magic, since they are in contact with Darkness and are not afraid of it.

Skills Shillien Oracle / Eldera
SO/SE have a lot of passive skills, but I won't dwell on each one in detail - everything is clear with them.
Like every support, SO/SE can wear Light armor, due to the upgraded passive skill Light Armor Mastery, which increases defense, attack speed, casting speed, mana regeneration rate when wearing light armor. Unfortunately, in Light Armor, the casting speed is reduced by 9%.
SO/SE's buff set is quite unique and balanced. SO/SE's unique buff is Empower, which increases magic attack. The most desired buff of all mages. Daggers and archers love Wind Walk, Focus, Might, Death Whisper and Guidance - these buffs seem to be made especially for them and they feel great with them. Unfortunately, the properties of buffs such as Focus, Death Whisper and Guidance are often confused. To end this confusion :p>

In a party with SO / SE, all classes are good - from mages to tanks. Well, the standard set is Concentration, a buff that the mages themselves have, Kiss of Eva, Shield, Mental Shield. Each race has such a unique buff as resistance to some kind of magic. SO/SE has Resist Wind, apparently due to the fact that it was the Dark Ones who perfectly mastered the magic of this type.
Of the attacking skills, SO / SE has only one - after all, not a combat class - Disrupt Undead. Only works against "undead" class mobs. Unfortunately, after level 40, this skill does not swing and does not have a replacement, like the Light Elves.
Dryad Root and Sleep are two very useful leveling spells. Unfortunately Sleep does not swing after level 40.
Very handy Wind Shackle debuff - reduces enemy attack speed. The enemy immediately becomes slow and strikes much less frequently.
Excellent skill Recharge - restores MP. Like Wind Shackle, only Elves, both Dark and Light, have it. A very handy skill, especially when playing against mages.
Strong healing is available to all healers except prophets. But for different classes, a different set of healing spells is given. SE are given by Greater Group Heal and Greater Heal.
Resurrection - Resurrection, available only to party members.
Purify - Cures paralysis, as well as poisoning and bleeding.

Buffs: "to whom what."

Dark Avenger, Shillien Knight, BladeDancer Shield, Might, Empower, Focus, DW, Guidance.
Destroyer, Dwarfs, Sword Singer Shield, Might, Focus, DW, Guidance.
Temple Knight Shield, Might, Focus, DW, Guidance.
DD Might, Focus, DW, Guidance.
Magi Empower, Shield, windwalk, Concentration.
Underlined are buffs that need to be put if there is little mana or no other buffs.

no grade:
Devotion Set (+15% m.aspd):
The only no-grade set. For the Dark Ones, this Set is very convenient, as it compensates for the main disadvantage of the Dark Elves - the low casting speed. Some people like this set so much that they go to level 40 in it.

D grade:
Starting from D-grade, the Oracle can wear both Robe and Light Armor.
Knowledge Set (P.Def -75, MP +239, M. Atk. +10%, -5% MP regeneration rate):
The set is good for increasing magical attack - accordingly, spells such as Sleep and Dryad Root are better.
This set is also very convenient when the mystic's magic skills are still working, and it's hard to find a party (up to level 30): go to any mobs of your level and kill them with even Wind or Vampirism. -5% to MP regeneration rate is almost negligible - mana regenerates by 1 unit in about 5 seconds less. You just have to sit for a minute and a half longer. Also this set is cheaper than the rest of the armor. According to many - who care about how beautiful their character looks - the set looks much more beautiful than the rest of the robes.
Elven Mithril Set (P.Def - 84, MP +274, +7 Movement Speed, +1 Wit, -1 Int):
Increase in movement speed +7 - not particularly noticeable, but nice.
The increase in casting speed is insignificant, only +1. Almost imperceptible.
The magic attack reduction is also non-lethal, but not pleasant.
Compared to the Knowledge Set, mana increases by 35 units, p.def increases slightly.
Sage's Rag (P.Def - 90, MP +320):
Whole robe. Just going. Plus two: a lot of mana and your spell is not like the rest, which are like from an incubator.
In principle, what to take is a personal choice for everyone. Someone says that a magic attack is needed for swinging in a party, someone says that it is better to cast a little faster and have a little more mana, and someone only cares about the amount of mana.
*Light Armor*
Manticore Skin Set (+91 MP):
The set is good for solo leveling paired with Duals, for example. It is also good if you swing in a place where there are aggressive monsters and there are a lot of them. P.Def, respectively, is higher than that of the above robs, which is quite important. A huge minus of the set is a 9% reduction in casting speed and a much smaller amount of mana than in a robe.

C grade:
Karmian Set (+5.24% P.Def, +15% M.Aspd):
very good for SE, as it significantly increases the casting speed and would be the best if not for the Divine Set. Top and Bottom can be bought in Luxor, but gloves will have to be bought. For starters, this set is very good.
Divine Set (+5.24% P.Def, +171 MP, +1 Wit, -1 Int)
Casting speed increased by +1. Unfortunately, compared to the Karmian Set, this is very weak. Decrease m.attak by -1. This set would be a complete analogue of the Elven Mithril Set, if not for the amount of mana that this set adds. Undoubtedly, for SE this set is the best.
Unfortunately - the set is completely prefabricated. Drop on these things entirely only from Antharas.
*Light Armor*
Theca Leather (Set +5.24% P.Def):
The best Light Armor set in C grade in my opinion. For lovers of solo swing. Drake Leather Set (+5.24% M.Def) is better not to take, but if you have it, it's not bad either. However, after 40, I personally do not recommend buying Light Armor at all.

B grade:
Avadon Magic Set (+5.25% P.Def, +15% M.Aspd):
Very comfortable set - no flaws, because. does not reduce anything. But Blue Wolf Magic Set is still better.
Blue Wolf Magic Set (+206 MP, +5.24% MP Regeneration Rate, +3 Wit, -2 Int, -1 Men):
In my opinion - the best B-grade set, gives a bit of everything and what is very important - adds the amount of mana, which is important for a support. After all, the amount of mana depends on whether the group will survive or not.

In principle, what exactly to wear is an individual choice. There is something good and necessary in all sets. It remains only to decide what is simply necessary for you personally. Do not forget - the choice of armor depends entirely on the method of pumping.
This article describes only my personal opinion - what was convenient for me.

Only top weapons are considered.

Sword + shield:
The damage inflicted on monsters is average, misses are quite frequent. Shield block rarely works, due to the lack of special buffs like Prophets.
P. attack is mediocre, m. attack is also not great for a store top. If you collect ELS, then the m.attack is slightly higher than that of the top Duals. (considered D grade)
As a rule, just such a bundle is taken when saving up for a second sword in order to make duals. For a permanent swing, this option is bad.

Sword of Revolution: 79 / 47
Elven Long Sword: 92 /54 - craft
Sword of Delusion: 139 / 76
Samurai Longsword: 156 / 83 - craft

One of the best and best options.
On the forums, they usually write that Duals are a pop option for Shillien Eldera, and that he only needs Duals for beauty, since they are of little use. However, in my personal experience, and the experience of many of my friends, I can say that this option is one of the best.
Duals have a good p.attack - enough for a solo level with SS and a good m.attack - enough to pass such skills as Dryad Root and Sleep. As a last resort - use BSPS. Deal good damage, don't hit often, good attack speed, decent chance of a critical hit.
A solo skill for a support in various situations is simply necessary, since it can be difficult to find a party, the stupidity of the party members bothers, and it just bothers to sit and repeat the same thing all the time: buff - heal - heal - buff .... Having an optimal set of buffs allows Shillien Elder to solo freely without others talking.
There are many duals with the same indicators of m.attacks and p.attacks. Here the choice depends only on the appearance that you personally like, or on what you find on the market at an affordable price.
Bastard Sword*Elven Sword: 107 / 51
Stormbringer*Stormbringer: 175 / 78
Katana*Katana: 190 / 83

Brass knuckles or claws.
They have increased accuracy, but a very small chance of a critical hit.
If we consider the D grade, then CRAFT claws have higher rates of m.attacks and p.attacks, but a much higher cost, while store-bought claws have characteristics WORSE than store-bought duals.
If we consider the C grade, store-bought claws have WORSE indicators than store-bought duals, and if we compare craft claws, they have similar characteristics.
Bich "Hwa: 96 / 47
Scallop Jamadhr: 112 / 54 - craft
Fist Blade: 169 / 76
Great Pata: 190 / 83 - craft

Convenient for solo swinging. Dryad Root on the mob and hit it with a polearm. The advantage is that the mob does not reach the player (it can only reach with special blows!), And accordingly, you do not receive any physical damage.
If we consider the D-grade, then the CRAFT polearm has higher rates of m.attacks and p.attacks, but a much higher cost, while the store polearm has the characteristics WORSE than the store duals.
If we consider the C-grade, the store polearm has WORSE indicators than the store duals, and if we compare the craft ones, then they have similar characteristics.
The disadvantage and at the same time the advantage of the polearm is that it simultaneously hits all nearby mobs.
Winged Spear: 79 / 47
Glaive: 92 / 54
Poleaxe: 139 / 76
Orcish Poleaxe: 156 / 83

I have never tried it myself, but it seems that this option is quite good. High attack speed, but low p.atk - much lower than all of the above. With m. attack, the situation is the same as with brass knuckles and polearm: in D grade - shop top is worse than duals, craft is better; in the C-grade - the store top has WORSE indicators than the store duals, and if we compare the craft ones, they have similar characteristics.
The dagger also has a negative accuracy modifier, which is not good for an already not very accurate character. And although Shillien Eldera’s buffs negate many of its disadvantages for a dagger, in my opinion, it’s not the best option.
Maingauche: 69 / 47
Mithril Dagger: 80 / 54
Dark Screamer: 122 / 76
Crystal Dagger: 136 / 83

Bow or crossbow.
One of the best options in my opinion.
For solo pumping - non-contact option: Dryad Root on the mob and shoot. The downside is that, firstly, the bow uses a lot more SS and it is very expensive to swing only with SS. But the p.attack of the bow is large enough to charge SS one or two times per mob and the SS consumption, respectively, is approximately equal to that of the Duals. Secondly, the Bow spends mana and will have to periodically sit.
The bow has low accuracy, but it is compensated by fairly frequent critical hits, especially since after level 40, Shillien Eldera has an obcast on their strength, and on their frequency - from 25.
Attack speed is low.
If we consider the D grade, then the CRAFT Bow has higher rates of m.attacks and non-attacks, but a much higher cost, while the store-bought Bow has characteristics WORSE than store-bought duals.
If we consider the C grade, the attack of the shop and crafted bows is the same - like that of the crafted Duals.
Strengthened Long Bow: 179 / 51
Light Crossbow: 191 / 54
Akat Longbow: 315 / 83
Eminence Bow: 323 / 83

Book or Staff.
There are no special differences between a book, a staff, and a magic sword. The differences are in the attack: the magic sword has more of it and then in descending order - a staff - a book. The main advantage of this type of weapon is a high rate of m.attack.
Great for party leveling and solo leveling on undead. You can also use levels up to 30 for solo pumping on all mobs, since there is Empower, and the old magic skills have not atrophied yet.
Take only if you are sure that either the skill will be in the party all the time, or there will be undeads for the solo skill. (after EG it is difficult.)
Solo in this case is the quality of the magician: he killed a couple of undeads - we sit and restore mana.
I don’t see much point in this weapon - you are always tied to the party, and this bothers you. The only positive is that Dryad Root and Sleep will be more frequent without BSPS.
Demon Fangs: 67 / 66
Atuba Mace: 90 / 72
Sage's Staff: 135 / 101
Demon's Staff: 152/111

IMHO. Up to 44 levla - Duala, after 44 - Duala + Bow. But this is if you have a dad (Clan Leader) Rockefeller. Personally, I'm currently level 50: I have a Dual Katana, and I'm slowly collecting Emik.

Places of pumping the character.
In my article, I will not describe the places of pumping up to level 20, because. I think everyone knows them. I will only note that I advise you to leave the dark lands at level 15 and go to Gludio. There I advise you to take the quest for the Grim Collector skeletons and go to swing in the Ruins Of Agony.
Unfortunately, at level 20, the oracle does not yet get enough of the necessary skills. Therefore, up to about level 23, your skill will not differ from that of an ordinary mystic. You can go to the Ruins of Despair, swinging on undead "ah, etc. You can also go to Abandoned Camp - if you don't feel sorry for BSpS, then you can swing on 23-26 Ol Mahum" ah.
At level 23, you can try to find a party in Orc Barracks. Mobs are there with doubled lives, and, accordingly, with doubled experience and money, and the drop is not bad. The only thing that will strain so much is to find a good party, preferably with a warrior who does not spare SS. Personally, I really liked the party with daggers and gnomes. It's too early to swing with magicians.
At level 25, a fairly good set of new skills are given, now it is profitable to swing with both mages and warriors. Personally, at level 25, I'm tired of looking for a party, because. there were quite a lot of clerics/oracles in Orc Barracks at that moment. It was at this moment that I bought the top D duals, put on the Knowledge Set and went to swing solo. I like it. I explain the mechanism: Dryad Root on an orc, two Wind Strikes with BSpS, and finish off with duals. The quality is fast, BSpS pays off, and even a little remains. Along the way, you can earn by selling buffs.
In principle, in Orc Barracks, you can safely swing up to level 30 - in a party or without it - profitable, fast and fun.
As a rule, the monotony of places to download gets boring. So if you are tired of Orc Barracks, at level 27-28 you can find a warrior and go to Forgotten Temple. The main thing is that the warrior should have straight arms. In Forgotten Temple, there is a fairly good drop - SoPs / Ori and some mobs with doubled HP. It is easier to swing on the water half (blue, from the entrance to the left).
At level 30 Welcome to Cruma Tower! On the 1st floor. Usually in CT, healers/buffers are quite in demand, so that the party can be found pretty quickly. When the CT gets bored, you can go to the Execution Ground - swing solo on undead "ah. There are always people there, and the quality is quite fun. Again, the buff can be sold / donated, respawned, go to the boss.
CT will be your home until level 48-50. Up to 50 there sit the most stubborn. You should go to the second floor after level 44, there are always not enough healers.
If you don't like/hate/fear ST, then you don't have to go there. It’s convenient enough to swing in Dead Pass, on Soul Scavenger "ah, you can go to Lizardman" s under Oren. In principle, in Dead Pass at level 35, you can also swing solo if you are already sick of the party. It’s better not to hit Fettered Souls solo, although they are undead, but with doubled HP. MP is spent a lot - it’s of little use.
At all subsequent levels after 25, a party with a magician is very convenient, but many consider "being a battery" to be very boring. Personally, I liked it - non-stop.
In fact, after level 40, there are simply seas for downloading, only there are few solo options. SE is not a solo class, but with a good weapon (top C bow, duals) you can solo. With duals it is very convenient at the entrance to Dragon Valley.
I advise you to find a good clan by level 40. First of all, it must meet the following characteristics:
1. The clan should be friendly, united, honest (if it suits you);
2. Friends are certainly good, but if your friends' clan does not have these 3 characteristics, I do not advise you to go there.
3. The clan should not forget that there is an oracle/elder in their ranks who is not able to level solo normally. The clan must understand: the clan needs you no less than you need it.
Here the question is not that the clan should pump you. Some clans simply do not understand that a party with an oracle/elder is beneficial for all classes and the quality becomes more productive, even if there is a big difference in levels. You rock them - they rock you.
Last but not least, the clan should be able to help you get dressed and armed. Sooner or later. The clan is not obliged to dress you, but it should help.0 comments

Since the Light Elves were created by the goddess of Water, they are very reverent and respectful of the water element and nature in general. Elves have a slender, agile body, elongated ears, and graceful features. In the time of the Giants, the Light Elves had more power and strength, but were defeated and lost their privileged status. Currently, Light Elves live in the forests of the Lineage2 world.

    Race Special Features: compared to other races, Light Elves can stay under water longer than others, and also, due to their physique, they are able to jump from higher places without damage to health.

    Race characteristics: Light Elves are extremely fast and agile creatures, which is reflected in their activities, from movement to casting spells. They prefer to attack often, but attack weakly. Light Elves have increased protection against magical attacks.

Sigel Knight
Sigel Knight
Isa Caster
Iss Enchanter
Rogue Odala
Othell Rogue
Archer Eura
Yul Archer
Aeore Healer
Healer Algiz
Wizard Feo
Feoh Wizard
Summoner Venyo
Wynn Summoner

Light Warrior (Elf Fighter)

Light Warrior is the initial class of fighters of the Elf race. The warrior uses different types of weapons and armor. He has high levels of strength and agility, can engage in both melee combat and attack from a distance.

Basic stats of Light War

82 61 82 41 38 37

Light Knight (Elven Knight)

The Light Knights preferred edged weapons to magic and reached considerable heights in handling them. Using a sword and shield, they are able to attack and defend themselves, and thanks to their innate abilities, the Light Knights can restore their health.

Eva Knight

The Knights of Eve are warriors clad in heavy armor, carrying the teachings of their Goddess through chaos. They fight and die in the name of their Faith, which in some way makes them related to the Paladins. Knights use light magic in battle, they are trained in special techniques to fight the Undead and are able to create Cubes.

Eva's Templar (Eva's Templar)

The most loyal and devoted Knights of Eve sooner or later receive the title of Templar, becoming even stronger and more resilient. Compared to the Knight, the Templars improve their skills with the shield, which becomes not just a means of defense, but also an offensive weapon.

Minstrel (Swordsinger)

Minstrels are warriors of the Light Elves, capable of raising the morale of allies, making them stronger, faster and more resilient. Being Elves, they have increased running speed, attack and magical defense, and also have the ability to heal their wounds. The minstrel is a welcome guest in any group, but his fighting qualities leave much to be desired.

Virtuoso (Sword Muse)

Only a few of the Minstrels are honored to be called Virtuosos, true masters of their craft. Having overcome many difficulties, having passed all the tests, proving that they deserve this title - the Minstrels finally get the opportunity to perform new, previously inaccessible songs.

Scout (Elven Scout)

Those of the Light Elves who prefer the bow and dagger to the sword and shield can choose the Scout profession. Their feature will be the speed and surprise of the attack, and a cozy house will replace them with an evergreen forest. Like other classes, Scouts have the ability to heal their wounds, but their total amount of vitality is somewhat less than that of other races.

Silver Ranger

Hitting right on target, fast as the wind, the Silver Ranger has mastered the art of archery to perfection. With martial skills, he is also able to heal poisoning and restore his health. If you have to fight with a swift opponent, the Silver Ranger will find a way to temper his ardor.

Moonlight Sentinel

The history of the creation of this title dates back to the times when the evidence of the Light Elf's readiness to move to a new level was participation in a hunt that took place under the light of a full moon. It is a great honor for a Hunter to become a Guardian of Moonlight, because the new status not only gives more powerful skills, but also brings respect and honor from other players.

Pathfinder (Plainswalker)

A few well-aimed and accurate blows to make the enemy swallow the dust - such is the Pathfinder's battle tactics. He uses sharp daggers in combat. Like all Elves, he relies on speed, losing a little in attack power. A high degree of magical protection and speed of movement makes this class indispensable in the fight against enemy magicians.

Wind Rider

They are said to move incredibly fast, approach unnoticed and hit the target with several accurate blows, not giving the victim time to recover and respond to the attack. Windwalkers are Pathfinders who have developed their craft and acquired deadly new skills and skills that are extremely useful for their profession.

Light Mystic (Elf Mystic)

Only Light Mystics can draw energy from the surrounding world, changing matter with the power of their thoughts. They use special magical weapons, are able to summon magical creatures, heal wounds and attack the enemy with devastating spells.

Basic stats of Light Mystic

36 32 38 74 84 77

Eve's Oracle (Elven Oracle)

The task of the Oracles of Eve is to provide assistance to those who need it. The strength of the Oracles is the ability to fill the bodies of allies with magical energy and make them more resourceful and dexterous, but they do not recognize black magic and therefore are not able to use it in battle.

Eve's Sage (Elven Elder)

The Sages of Eve, like the Bishops, are excellent healers and are trained to fight the Undead using special spells. In the group, the Sage is valued for his ability to restore health and magical energy. He not only heals the wounds of allies, but also imposes various auras on them.

Priest of Eve (Eva's Saint)

Priests of Eve will be useful to any group of players. The Sage of Eve, who has completed all the necessary tasks and meets the requirements, can become a priest. The reward will be appropriate - powerful new auras and spells not available before.

Light Mage (Elven Wizard)

In their spells, Light Mages rely on the energy of Light, Darkness and the power of the four elements. They are able to combine and alternate their spells using any of the available magical schools. Mages can also call on special mythical creatures - Unicorns, helping their masters in battle.


The Creator of the Light Elves gave her children the only thing that she possessed and that was capable of bringing destruction - she gave them the power of Water. Since then, Light Mages have been using it in battles. In addition, they are trained in one of the attacking strikes of light magic, as well as several types of curses. Light Mages are the fastest magicians in the world of Lineage 2.

Master of Magic (Mystic Muse)

He is truly the Master of Magic - an inimitable and unique magician with exceptional power and speed of casting spells. However, do not think that this title is easy to get - there are many obstacles and difficulties on the way to the cherished goal. Not every Light Magician is capable of gaining the power and strength of a true Master of Magic.

Elemental Summoner

Not everyone wants to use their magical energy to destroy the enemy or support other players, so some of the Elves chose a different path, the path of the Follower of the Elements. Now their specialization is the challenge and control of mythical creatures Unicorns. Another plus of this class is the ability to use a variety of Cubes.

Elemental Master

The Master of the Elements is the only one of the Light Elves who has access to unknown spells of summoning magic. He can learn unique skills and use a new, stronger and more resilient Unicorn in battle.

Race elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. elves have slender and agile bodies, long ears and beautiful features. During the era of giants, among all beings, they occupied the highest position. However, when the giants were destroyed, the power and influence of the Elves also decreased. Now they inhabit only part of the forest on the main continent.

Race Special Abilities: Compared to other races elves can hold their breath underwater longer and are better adapted to jumping from high places.

Main Feature: elves wise and smart. They are quick to attack, move, and cast spells. They also have superior marksmanship skills and a higher dodge class. However, their attack power is inferior compared to other races.


"My sword, which is faster than the wind, will give you the serene peace of the grave, as if plunging you into the bottomless depth of the water"

Warriors-elves protect their forests and fellow elves from various enemies - monsters, humans and dark elves. Elf Warriors- These are usually young elves, strong in body and spirit, who make long journeys, during which they improve their skills. Their main equipment is a sword and leather armor.

Play Style:

Mainly style elf warriors the same as the warriors of other races. However, due to greater dexterity ( dexterity, DEX) common to all elves, they are faster in movement and attack. Due to the focus on accuracy and evasion from enemy attacks, their own attack is not very strong. Moreover, elf warriors know how to use magic to heal their own wounds right on the battlefield.


"Great Spirits! In the name of the friendship that united us many centuries ago, breathe your strength into me!"

Just like mystic people in using attack and recovery magic, elves mystics often don robes and carry staffs. In order to protect nature, they use the power of spirits and develop their magical abilities.

Play Style:

Unlike human mystics, mystic elves have a higher level of WIT, which gives them higher spell and movement speed. Mystic elves cannot use black magic.

Elven Village

Since ancient times, the village located above the lake was inhabited elves that live in harmony with the nearby forest and thrive under the protection of the World Tree Glade Worldtree Glade. After being betrayed by the Humans, the twelve elders Elvish the tribes formed a powerful magical field around the forest to prevent other races from approaching. However, during the war with Dark Elves, the seven elders lost their lives, and the power of the magic field in elven forest weakened. Young elves it was then argued that they should no longer live in isolation from the outside world, and their demands were met. As a result, the magical field was completely removed, and the long-hidden citadel elves finally became visible to the outside world.

The Worldtree Glade

glade World Tree is home to Tree Mother- the largest and oldest tree in the world. It is said that the gods used the leaves Tree Mother to create a race elves. Since that time Tree Mother provided protection for the forest and all creatures living within it. Although Glade World Tree present in all Elven settlements, trees all come from seeds Tree Mother. Around the Polyana World Tree, guardians attack invaders from other races and protect elves. Nerupa, an arachne elder, is here to protect elves associated with a contract with Tree Mother.