What taxes does a highly qualified specialist pay? Where do you need to report? Problems of motivation of highly qualified personnel Features of migration registration of highly qualified specialists

Not all people want to become bosses or start their own business. Some personalities have different life values. They are more impressed by the idea of ​​becoming highly qualified specialists. How to get such a title and in what profession should you realize yourself? Read about it below.


What is a highly qualified specialist? This is a person who is well versed in his specialty. Most often, such a person has a narrow focus. For example, a surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty. A good specialist can tell how a person should change the shape of the nose, whether the client will tolerate the operation well and whether it will cause complications. A highly qualified person does not make mistakes in work, and also makes sure that others also do everything that is required of them.

The concept of "highly qualified specialist" is very multifaceted. A person bearing this title must perfectly know the area of ​​his specialization and be able to take responsibility in case of mistakes. Such people have always been appreciated, but, unfortunately, good specialists (both before and today) prefer to work abroad. The conditions are better there, and the salary is higher.

Another component of the definition of a highly qualified specialist is his work experience. Only a person who has practiced theoretical knowledge in practice for many years can claim the high title of a professional. And also various papers must confirm high qualifications: scientific discoveries, patents, certificates and diplomas.


And in what field of activity can a person achieve the title of a highly qualified specialist? The professions of such people may be different, but they are all somehow connected with intellectual activity. It is not enough just to be successful in your chosen field of activity.

Take the janitor, for example. For many years of work, a person can professionally clean the area allotted to him. He will do his job much faster and better than others. But such a person can hardly be called a highly qualified specialist. Professions in which a person achieves success due to his physical strength do not fall under this definition.

Take, for example, a construction superintendent. He can command a brigade well and have a general understanding of the structure of the building. But his work will not be as highly regarded as the work of an architect or engineer who designs houses. The foreman is a performer, not a creator, and such people never achieve professional heights.

So who are the highly qualified specialists? Engineers, doctors, lawyers, designers, programmers. All those people who deserve recognition due to their high intelligence. Artists also fall under this definition. Designers, sculptors, musicians, actors and poets - representatives of these professions can also apply for the title of highly qualified specialists.

Well, what about all kinds of managers and those specialists who teach how to teach? It is difficult for them to find a definition. Yes, as in any field, there are also specialists among them, but too often in this area there is a facelessness with inflated conceit, which pretends to be a great talent.


Where are experienced and highly qualified specialists trained? To get a good education, you must first graduate from a technical school or, as it is fashionable to call it today, a college, and then graduate from a university. But higher education does not in any way mean the automatic assignment of a high degree of qualification. Before reaching professional heights, a person must work out the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. And the best that a university student can do is to go for an evening part-time job in his specialty. Today, many companies are happy to hire people with incomplete higher education not only for practice, but also for part-time work. For a company this is a chance to get help for a small fee, and for a future specialist it is a chance to gain experience.

People who want to achieve a lot professionally shouldn't be afraid to start from scratch. The training of highly qualified specialists in universities does not provide a sufficient amount of necessary practice. If an architect wants to become a specialist, then he must start his professional career with a job as a builder. Only by looking at the kitchen from the inside can a person form a correct idea of ​​his future profession. You need to attend university lectures, but remember that one year of practice will give you more than 5 years of theoretical knowledge.

Demand for specialists

A person who is confident in himself and his abilities will always be able to find a job. But this assurance should not be a mere formality. A specialist who has worked for many years in any field and is constantly improving his knowledge will not be left without work. For outstanding people, there is always a cold war between directors and managers. An experienced surgeon can build a good reputation in a hospital, and a famous actress will bring fame to the theater. Work for highly qualified specialists is a pleasure. They get paid for doing what they love.

A person with a good reputation and rich experience may change jobs frequently. Why is this happening? There have always been few smart and capable people, and there is a real war for specialists. Therefore, companies interested in the work of a particular person will try to outbid him from a competitor. And it is not always money that is offered. Often, specialists change jobs for the reason that they have been assigned their own laboratory in the new place, or they are given more freedom for self-realization, which is very important for every person.

Employer's requirements for a specialist

When a company hires a new employee, what does it expect from them? First of all, an increase in income. A highly qualified specialist will be able to attract new investments by the very fact of his joining the company. Investors will invest in the person's work, and the company that hired the employee will benefit from this. Also, directors of enterprises expect from specialists to change and revise the standard work scheme. It is no secret that at many enterprises managers do not pay attention to the continuous improvement of the qualifications of their personnel. As a result, many employees work very unproductively.

New approaches and an outside perspective help to change the company, sometimes even beyond recognition. When employing highly qualified specialists, managers of the company want them to help bring up young promising employees. The continuity of experience has a beneficial effect on the level of their development. Thus, managers can significantly save on conducting all kinds of master classes. The purchase of new equipment necessary for the work of a professional can also significantly improve the productivity of the enterprise.

The requirement of a specialist for the workplace

When an experienced employee comes to a large company, they pin their hopes on it. Of course, any specialist wants to achieve heights in his profession and become a significant authority, whose opinion is listened to. Working for a large company gives a person a better chance of becoming significant.

A highly qualified employee prefers to work with professionals. And these are the people he expects to see at his new place of work. People should not only be a close-knit team that jointly achieve success, but each individual individual should be experienced and productive.

The transfer of experience to young specialists also plays an important role in the life of professionals. Smart people are not afraid to share their experiences, they do not worry about being forced out of their place in the sun. Healthy competition is what helps highly qualified specialists stay in good shape and strive for constant development.

Each person wants to satisfy their ambitions and see that their opinions are listened to. Therefore, professionals expect respect and trust from their newly minted colleagues. It is difficult to rely on the opinion of a stranger, but highly qualified specialists always hope for understanding from their colleagues.

Qualities of a specialist

A person who wants to become a professional and make their way up the career ladder must have willpower. This is the quality that strong people develop in themselves. After all, it will be impossible to achieve success if a person sets goals for himself, but does not achieve them. Only a person who knows what deprivation is for the sake of a given task can become a highly qualified employee.

To be successful and become a specialist, you need to learn how to work in a team. Yes, a person should be a good specialist, but team players always achieve better results than singles. But keep in mind that it is one thing to be able to command, and quite another to obey the instructions of the other. A person must take into account the fact that in a team where everyone is fighting for a leadership position, one must be able to moderate one's ego and do what is needed, and not what one wants.

The person who will be able to motivate himself will be able to achieve results. Without an inner desire, nothing can be done. It will be difficult to keep on one willpower all the time. If a person can constantly find a suitable motivation for himself, then he will cope with any task.

The ability to admit your mistakes is one of those qualities that for many is simply unattainable. It is natural for a person to blame others for his troubles and problems, the circumstances, but not himself. A highly qualified specialist must see the oversights of his work and be able to eliminate them in time. And from this follows another skill that any specialist should have - the ability to take responsibility. If a person has made a mistake or some kind of misunderstanding has occurred through his fault, he must honestly admit everything. Throwing responsibility onto another is simply unacceptable for a person who respects himself.

How to become a highly qualified specialist?

After a person graduated from a university, where can he go? Young professionals should look for work in their specialty. A person who goes after the institute to work not by profession loses his professional knowledge. Yes, you may not be able to find a high-paying job right away. But you can get some kind of position in the company. Consider the example of a young doctor.

The student graduated from a medical school and received the specialty of a surgeon. But the young man has no practice, it is clear that not a single hospital will take him to work in his profession. But there is always a way out. A graduate can get a job in a clinic to work as a nurse, an assistant to a surgeon. Yes, this is a difficult job, but it brings a person closer to the goal. Young professionals are those people who are not afraid to take on any job that will help them achieve their goal.

But not everyone becomes highly qualified. Most people stop developing when they get the desired position. Now they go to work, but no longer strive to develop their careers. And this greatly affects their work. The knowledge that a university gives a graduate becomes outdated even when a specialist graduates from an educational institution. Therefore, in order to stay afloat, you need to constantly improve your knowledge of the working profession.


Young professionals differ from their less capable peers in that they are constantly interested in innovations in their field of specialization. The experience of foreign colleagues is very important for domestic specialists. But to get this experience, you need to learn foreign languages. Specialized literature is rarely translated, and if someone takes up the translation of a journal, by the time the work is finished, the information will be out of date.

A highly qualified specialist must have a wide outlook. Yes, a narrow specialization is good, but knowledge in related fields is not superfluous. Scientific discoveries are made by those people who do not drive their consciousness into a narrow framework.

A specialist who wants to achieve success at work must communicate with his colleagues. It will be convenient to do this at all kinds of scientific congresses and conferences. Healthy competition helps specialists to get additional motivation for their own development. Taking an interest in the achievements of others and applying them in your practice is the normal approach of a specialist. People who do not want to use modern technology and the opportunities that new technologies open up will forever lag behind life after 5 years.

How long does it take to become a pro?

Attracting highly qualified specialists allows firms and organizations to significantly improve the work of their enterprise. How much time do you need to spend to grow your own specialist? Minimum 5 years. Moreover, a person who has received a higher education must work on his development in the work sphere every day. Only by gaining experience for 5 years, you can apply for the title of a specialist.

What do you need to do to become a highly qualified specialist? To do this, you need not only to directly gain experience at your workplace, but also to develop independently. Read scientific literature, attend thematic congresses and conferences. And, of course, the main success factor is to learn from the best. A professional will be able to transfer his knowledge to a beginner and help avoid making erroneous decisions. Unfortunately, Russian highly qualified specialists do not often share their experience with newcomers. Therefore, a person who has decided to achieve a high rank sometimes has to spend not 5 years, but 10 years in order to achieve real success.

The problems of good specialists

Rarely is the path to success straight. Often, a person has to go through a lot before achieving a calling, fame and a good salary. And what problems may exist for highly qualified specialists? Envy is a character trait that is common to many lazy and angry people. A person who does not want to make efforts to achieve something can not only silently envy his hardworking colleague, but even "put a spoke in his wheels." What for? Because if one person works harder, then he will get the best result, and few people like it. Therefore, experienced mentors often try to "clip the wings" of talented people. An elderly scientist may worry that a young specialist will quickly catch up and then surpass him. But not everyone in old age has a desire to learn something new. And I don't want to increase my area of ​​competence either.

It often turns out that many talented talents cannot break through the wall of misunderstanding that leaders erect. The director shows the vector of development, and all specialists, including highly qualified ones, should move along it. But often the management does not understand and does not even try to figure out what should be put in the first place. After all, first of all, any business should bring money, and only then everything else.

Attracting foreign specialists

Russia lags behind the developed Western countries. For this reason, it is often necessary to hire highly qualified foreign specialists. People with experience of work in modern companies help to put on its feet and reorganize production. Thanks to innovations, a company can improve the quality of its products or goods sold. Foreign specialists will become a stream of fresh air for those people who want to study, but cannot find themselves an intelligent teacher. By transferring his experience and knowledge, a specialist helps to develop his area of ​​specialization and to hope that his work will not be wasted. After all, there is nothing worse for a person than knowing that no one needs his life's work.

A highly qualified foreign specialist is the person who can look at the usual way of things from an unusual angle. Indeed, in different countries, not only culture differs, but also the mentality of people. Therefore, some specific approaches that work abroad are not suitable for our country. But this principle works the other way around. This means that foreign specialists not only bring and share their own experience, they also receive new knowledge and skills from their Russian colleagues.


The average salary in Russia is very low. And this situation will not change as long as people agree to such payment for their labor. But the status of a highly qualified specialist will always give people not only honor, but also a good financial condition. How much do specialists get? Such people do not stay in the regions. They are attracted by the capital and developing rich cities.

The average salary of a highly qualified specialist is about 84 thousand rubles. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the specialization. Medical and scientific workers, as well as good teachers will receive about a million a year. Foreign highly qualified specialists will have a salary of about 100 thousand per month.

Of course, to get good money, people have to work hard. A high rank is not given to a person for life. He must confirm it with his constant achievements, without which a highly qualified specialist simply will not be such.

Changes in migration legislation in recent years have been very dynamic, besides, in the spring of 2016, the Federal Migration Service was abolished, it is not easy to navigate in all the intricacies and nuances of migration and labor legislation. In the material of the expert site you will find an overview of the important legal aspects of hiring highly qualified foreign specialists.

The article covers the following issues:

  • What has changed in the issue of hiring foreigners in the last two or three years;
  • According to what rules are now recruiting foreign specialists, which must be reflected in the employment contract;
  • What and how should migration services be notified;
  • What are the basic rules of taxation when hiring highly qualified foreigners.

Alena Kondratenko, president of a law firm LexCon

The use of foreign labor in many countries has a long-standing tradition. At the same time, highly qualified specialists are in demand all over the world in various industries. Russia is no exception. And this is evidenced by the simplified rules for hiring such employees in the Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that the concept of “highly qualified foreign specialist” (hereinafter referred to as HQS) appeared in Russian migration legislation relatively recently, it has already firmly entered the circulation. Today it is already difficult to even imagine the personnel policy, in particular, of large companies and scientific or creative associations, without this category of foreign employees, especially citizens of the states of the so-called near abroad. Developed technologies in the field of communications and information exchange allow nowadays to quickly find a variety of specialists who meet the most demanding requirements of employers for the qualifications and experience of the required employees. Now employers have the opportunity to find such specialists on their own in other countries, and with the help of the services of professional recruiting agencies, and often such employees themselves propose their candidates to a new employer, already having work experience with another employer in the Russian Federation.

Considering that the last couple of years in the migration policy of Russia, including the sphere of labor activity of foreigners, there have been a number of significant changes both in the field of legislation and in the structure of the migration department, many employers and foreign specialists are wondering how this affected their relationship with each other and with the migration registration authorities and what are the current rules and requirements for the implementation of labor activities of the HQS in Russia.

Changes in migration policy related to the work of the HQS

Let us briefly recall that at the end of 2014 Federal Law No. 409-FZ of December 1, 2014 introduced Chapter 50.1 into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - on the specifics of regulating the labor of foreign workers. This chapter identified the basic requirements for the procedure for concluding, changing, terminating employment contracts with foreign citizens and the basic necessary conditions for legal relations with them.

Since 2015, a number of federal laws have come into force, which have made very significant changes to the migration requirements concerning the general implementation of labor activities by foreign citizens. V these changes also affected, to some extent, the involvement of videoconferencing. So:

  • representative offices of foreign legal entities in the Russian Federation, on a par with Russian ones, can now also attract highly qualified specialists under the terms of Article 13.2 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation";
  • the amount of remuneration (remuneration) has changed, which are the criteria for classifying a foreign specialist as highly qualified;
  • a list of violations has been introduced, in connection with which the employer or customer of work (services) is deprived of the right to attract foreign citizens to work in the Russian Federation as a HQS. So, a ban is introduced if this employer or customer of work (services) has not fulfilled its obligations to the videoconferencing established by law or arising from the terms of the contract (it does not matter, labor or civil law for the provision of services) concluded with the videoconferencing. The same prohibition is introduced if the employer has submitted forged or forged documents to the authorized body in the field of migration.

The decision on the prohibition, upon revealing one of the specified circumstances, is made by the body authorized in the field of migration. In addition, the period of validity of the ban for such an infringing employer has been clarified, which is equal to two years.

No less significant is the change in the very structure of the migration department. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2016 No. 156 "On improving public administration in the field of control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and in the field of migration" in Russia, the Federal Migration Service (FMS) was abolished as a separate structure, the service will now enter into the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At the same time, its composition should be reduced by 30%, and it is not yet known how this will affect the performance of the functions of this department. According to the decree, the measures to transfer the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were to be completed by June 1, 2016. However, it is already known that this period has already been extended by more than a month. At the same time, instead of the FMS, the Directorate for Migration Issues under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) was formed. All basic information about the activities of this body is available on its website: https: //guvm.mvd.rf/.

Already now there are fears that in connection with such a restructuring, various changes may appear in the form of changing forms, adding new documents, and so on.

It should be borne in mind that as of today, only the department that deals with migration issues has changed, while the migration sphere itself and its legal regulation remain the same.

Basic requirements for the implementation of the labor activity of the HQS

So, what are the current basic rules and requirements for the work of HQS? It should be noted that, despite the relatively simplified procedure for attracting HQS to work in Russia, certain requirements are undoubtedly imposed on their activities, and the obligations to ensure the guarantees provided by the legislation for such employees are assigned to the employers who attract them. It is about these requirements and responsibilities, as well as the nuances and issues that arise with this that employers and such employees themselves face, that we will talk about.

The status, basic requirements and guarantees for foreign highly qualified specialists are established in Article 13.2 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter text - Law No. 115-FZ). Clause 1 of this article establishes that HQS includes foreign citizens who have work experience, skills or achievements in a specific field of activity, if the conditions for attracting them to work in Russia imply that they receive salaries (or other remuneration) determined by law, depending on categories of a specialist, moreover, based on certain periods of time:

  • in the amount of at least 83,500 rubles in one calendar month - for VKS who are researchers or teachers, if they are invited to engage in research or teaching activities by state-accredited higher educational institutions, state academies of sciences or their regional branches, national research centers or state scientific centers;
  • in the amount of at least 58,500 rubles in one calendar month - for foreign citizens involved in labor activities by residents of a technical and innovative special economic zone (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs);
  • excluding wage requirements- for foreign citizens participating in the implementation of the Skolkovo project in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center”;
  • in the amount of at least 1 million rubles for one year - 365 calendar days - for HQS who are medical, pedagogical or scientific workers if they are invited to engage in relevant activities on the territory of the international medical cluster;
  • in the amount of at least 83,500 rubles per calendar month- for foreign citizens involved in labor activities by legal entities operating in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol;
  • in the amount of at least 167,000 rubles in one calendar month - for other foreign citizens.

The assessment of the competence and level of qualifications of the involved videoconferencing, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 13.2 of Law No. 115-FZ, is carried out by employers or customers of work (services) independently on the basis of documents submitted by the videoconferencing, recommendations, information provided by recruiting agencies, and at the same time the employers independently bear the corresponding risks ...

Under the labor activity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, Law No. 115-FZ defines activities carried out on the basis of an employment contract or a civil law contract for the performance of work (provision of services). Therefore, it must be remembered that the labor activity of a HQS is not only work under an employment contract, but also any other performance of any work or the provision of services carried out under civil law contracts.

The recruitment of highly qualified specialists (and their family members) is not subject to quotas for the issuance of invitations to enter Russia and quotas for the issuance of work permits, as well as restrictions on the permissible share of foreign workers employed. This is directly stated in paragraph 2 of Article 13.2 of Law No. 115-FZ. Also, the period for processing documents has been reduced for them.

Subparagraphs of paragraph 1 of Article 13.2 of Law No. 115-FZ establish requirements and restrictions for certain categories of HQS by type and place of work. So, as highly qualified specialists for labor activity in the Russian Federation cannot be attracted Foreigners:

  • to engage in preaching or other religious activities, including the performance of divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies, teaching religion and religious education of followers of any religion;
  • for commercial service of buyers in the process of retail trade in consumer goods, regardless of the range of goods sold, retail space and forms of customer service. True, except for workers who manage and coordinate activities related to the conduct of trade. However, the list of professions (positions, specialties) of such workers who manage and coordinate activities related to the conduct of trade, and the qualification requirements for such workers are approved by the authorized federal executive body.

A work permit, in accordance with clause 12 of Article 13.2 of Law No. 115-FZ, can be obtained by HQS to carry out labor activities both in one constituent entity of Russia, and in several, it can be valid throughout the territory of Russia. A work permit for a HQS is issued for the duration of the employment contract, but it can be issued for a period of no more than three years. However, it can be renewed several times, but, again, each time for a period of not more than three years for each such extension.

Work outside the region in which a work permit was obtained, HQS can:

  • continuously no more than 30 calendar days annually, during the period of validity of the work permit, when sent on a business trip;
  • an unlimited amount of time, if permanent work is carried out on the road or is of a traveling nature. But it should be necessarily fixed in the employment contract.

As employers or service customers to attract videoconferencing have the right:

  • commercial organizations;
  • educational institutions of vocational education (with the exception of religious educational institutions);
  • health care institutions;
  • other organizations carrying out scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities, experimental development, testing, training in accordance with the state priority directions of the development of science, technology and technology in Russia;
  • branches and representative offices of foreign organizations accredited in Russia;
  • physical culture and sports organizations operating on the territory of Russia, but at the same time not being Russian commercial organizations, as well as all-Russian sports federations.

Not eligible to hire a videoconferencing organizations in respect of which, at the time of filing an application for the involvement of a videoconferencing system, there is:

  • unfulfilled a resolution on the appointment of an administrative penalty for violation of the regime of stay or the procedure for conducting labor activities of foreign citizens;
  • acting a ban on attracting foreign citizens to work as a HQS.

A ban on attracting videoconferencing is imposed on an organization for up to two years if it:

  • violates the assumed obligations to the videoconferencing, established by law or an agreement with the videoconferencing;
  • will submit to the body that carries out migration registration, forged or forged documents.

The decision to ban is taken no later than one month from the date of revealing the indicated grounds. Information about the decision taken within one working day is entered into the state information system of migration registration. A copy of the decision is sent to the hiring organization by mail or handed in personally to the representative of this organization no later than three working days from the date of the decision. The above procedure for making a decision on the prohibition to attract highly qualified foreigners and the form of the decision on the prohibition were approved by the order of the FMS of Russia dated March 20, 2015 No. 159, in force since June 21, 2016.

The procedure for issuing invitations to highly qualified specialists

An invitation to enter the HQS is issued by the migration authorities of Russia upon the provision of the same package of documents as when issuing a work permit. An exhaustive list of these documents is approved in paragraph 34 of the current order of the FMS of Russia dated October 30, 2014 No. 589. To enter Russia, such specialists are issued a multiple-entry ordinary work visa.

If a foreign citizen independently declares himself as a highly qualified specialist, then an invitation is not required. Such foreigners apply to the representative office of the Russian migration department in the country of their citizenship with a corresponding application. And information about them is posted on the official website of the migration authorities of Russia.

Instead of an invitation to such a foreigner, a potential employer sends a written proposal, drawn up in any form. Requirements for its design and content are approved by order of the FMS of Russia dated August 11, 2010 No. 250.

On the basis of a written job offer to a foreign citizen, if a visa is required to enter the Russian Federation, a single ordinary business visa is issued for up to 30 days in order to negotiate with a potential employer and conclude an employment (or civil) contract. If the agreement is concluded and the employer's application for the involvement of such a specialist is satisfied, this visa is canceled with the simultaneous issuance of an ordinary work visa.

Highly qualified foreign specialists can apply for an invitation to enter Russia for their family members. The application is submitted to the migration authorities. In this case, the relatives of a highly qualified specialist can work in Russia during the validity period of his work permit (but only if they have a separate work permit) or study in educational institutions.

After issuing a "visa" foreign citizen who arrived as a HQS, a work permit for a single ordinary business visa is canceled. At the same time, he is issued an ordinary work visa for the period of validity of the labor or civil contract, but not more than three years from the date of entry of this foreign citizen into Russia. This type of visa is multiple entry. Subsequently, the visa is repeatedly extended for the duration of the labor or civil law contract, but not more than three years for each subsequent extension.

The procedure for notifying migration authorities about contracts concluded with the HQS

When hiring a highly qualified specialist or concluding a civil law contract with him for the provision of services (works), the organization must notify the territorial migration registration authority about the conclusion of such an agreement within three days. In addition, the migration service must be notified of the termination of this agreement. The employer is obliged to notify the territorial migration authority on the actual payment of salaries to such employees on a quarterly basis, no later than the last working day of the month following the reporting quarter. Order of the FMS of Russia dated June 28, 2010 No. 147 approved the notification form and the procedure for its submission. Currently, the order is valid as amended on March 12, 2015. The notification form has been changed, and now the employer must indicate the amount of salary (remuneration) of the HQS on a monthly basis (previously, information was submitted for the entire quarter in total).

It must be remembered that for failure to notify or violation by the employer of the order, deadline, form of notification of the conclusion and termination of the above agreements with the HQS, as well as the fulfillment of obligations to pay salaries to the HQS, administrative liability is provided (Clause 3-5, Article 18.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The law does not clearly regulate the issue of notifying the migration registration authorities about the conclusion of additional agreements to labor contracts with the HQS. In this regard, the question arises as to what conditions of additional agreements it is necessary to notify the migration authorities and in what time frame. The legislation does not contain clear requirements in this regard, but, analyzing the basic requirements of the legislation to the conditions of labor activity of the HQS and contracts with them, it can be concluded that it is certainly necessary to notify the migration authorities about the conclusion of additional agreements concerning the size of wages (remuneration), the term an employment contract, a change in the place of performance of a labor function or performance of work (services), if it is located in an area not provided for by a valid work permit. And also it is necessary to notify about additional agreements, the terms of which affect the status of the HQS or the obligations of the employer and HQS, provided for by the migration legislation. And the position of some territorial bodies of migration registration, including, for example, Moscow, is that such a notification must be submitted within a period not exceeding three working days from the date of the additional agreement.

Features of migration registration of highly qualified specialists

According to the law, foreign citizens who are highly qualified specialists may not be registered for migration if they stay in Russia for no more than 90 days from the date of entry. But if after this period the HQS has not left Russia, then within seven working days from their expiration, he is obliged to register for migration. In case of moving to another region, the videoconferencing system has the right not to register for 30 days after arriving in a new area.

As a general rule, an organization that accepts a foreign specialist, no later than seven working days from the date of entry of a foreign employee, must send a notification of his arrival to the migration service. This requirement is established in Article 20 of the Law of July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ. However, the notification of the arrival of the HQS is submitted to the migration registration authorities within seven working days from the moment of the expiration of the 90- or 30-day period when changing the place of stay in the Russian Federation. This is done directly or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services, or sent by post.

Confirmation of the completion within the specified period by the employer or the foreign citizen of the actions necessary for his registration at the place of stay is a mark in the detachable part of the notification form of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay, affixed in the prescribed manner by the migration registration authority or the federal postal organization.

Please note that the general rules for notification of the arrival of foreigners have their own nuances, which also apply to videoconferencing:

  • If a foreign citizen has ownership of a residential premises located on the territory of the Russian Federation, he can declare such premises as his place of stay and at the same time personally provides a notification of his arrival at the place of stay directly to the migration registration authority or through a multifunctional center.
  • A foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation also has the right to independently notify the relevant migration registration authority about his arrival at the place of stay, either directly or in the prescribed manner by mail, but only with the written consent of the receiving party. And in this case, it is advisable for the employer to make sure that the employee has carried out the necessary notification, and it is better to keep a copy of the detachable part of the notification form with the mark of the migration authority.

The general procedure for registering for migration and sending notification of the arrival of the VKS is carried out in accordance with the Rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 No. 9 "On the procedure for the implementation of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation" (as amended by of April 5, 2016), and the specific procedure is spelled out in the Administrative Regulations approved by order of the FMS of Russia dated August 29, 2013 No. 364 (as amended on August 7, 2014).

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the employer has the right to submit notifications to the migration registration authorities both in writing (for example, by mail with a list of attachments and return receipt requested), and in electronic form using the Internet, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

It must be remembered that for the failure of the receiving party to fulfill its obligations on migration registration, administrative responsibility is provided, in accordance with part 4 of article 18.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Features of attracting highly qualified specialists

In addition to the above procedure, we note some of the nuances of the work of the HQS and the responsibilities of their employers, which must be taken into account by both parties.

An employment contract with a HQS, as with any other foreign person, if there are no grounds specified in Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for concluding a fixed-term contract, is concluded for an indefinite period. But at the same time, Article 327.6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains additional grounds for terminating an employment contract with a foreigner, associated with various reasons for the termination of a work permit.

In addition to the information specified in article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment contract contains information:

  • on the issued work permit,
  • about the amount of wages,

For GPC contracts for the provision of videoconferencing services (work), in addition to those provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the following conditions are essential:

  • on the entry into force of the contract from the date of issue of the work permit,
  • on the duration of the contract for the period of validity of the work permit in the Russian Federation,
  • on the amount, frequency and timing of payment for services (works),
  • on the option of voluntary medical insurance for the HQS and the family members who arrived with him.

HQS are not subject to compulsory health insurance. In their relation, the organization is not an insured, which means that it is necessary to issue policies for such employees obligatory no medical insurance is needed (neither by the organization, nor by the employees themselves). This clearly follows from Articles 10 and 11 of the Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ "On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation."

It must be remembered that, in accordance with clause 14 of Article 13.2 of Law No. 115-FZ, the HQS and the members of his family who arrived with him (if they are foreign citizens) must have a health insurance contract (policy) valid in the territory of the Russian Federation or must have the right on the basis of the corresponding contract concluded by the employer or customer of work (services) with a medical organization to receive primary health care and specialized medical care. And according to the law, the contract with the videoconferencing must necessarily contain a condition on the provision of this requirement in relation to the medical care of the videoconferencing and his family members who arrived with him.

It should be noted that compulsory medical insurance for employees who are citizens of states that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out in the same manner as for Russian citizens, regardless of their HQS status. This follows from paragraph 5 of Article 96 and paragraph 3 of Article 98 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 No.

As mentioned earlier, videoconferencing can be sent on business trips or business trips, both within Russia and abroad. But it should be borne in mind that, although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any restrictions on the duration of such business trips / internships, including on the HQS, however, according to the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, there are such restrictions. So, business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are not indicated in the work permit, cannot exceed 30 days within one year, and the period of stay on business trips or business trips, including for internships, despite the fact that there is no period directly by law established, cannot exceed 6 months of continuous stay in a row, since, in accordance with subparagraph 9 of paragraph 9 of Article 18 of Law No. 115-FZ, in this case, their work permit will be canceled.

Also, one should not forget that, despite the sending of an employee on business trips to other employers, including within the Russian Federation, the HQS remains an employee of the employer who sent him, therefore, the requirements imposed by the migration legislation on the HQS employer do not apply to the organization to which he is sent. ...

HQS, which temporarily stay on the territory of Russia, are not subject to compulsory pension insurance (clause 1 of article 7 of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ). Consequently, such employees are not required to receive a pension certificate.

Basic requirements for the taxation of videoconferencing

And in conclusion, let us recall the basic requirements for the taxation of videoconferencing. The tax rate on income of individuals from employment as a HQS is set at 13%. This rate also applies to income that is not recognized as remuneration for work, but is related to its implementation. And this was again confirmed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in its letter dated April 1, 2016 No. 03-04-06 / 18552.

However, it must be remembered that not any income received by the HQS is subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13%, but only income from employment in the Russian Federation (i.e., wages), including bonuses for the performance of labor duties and payment of travel expenses. allowances for performing work duties outside the place of permanent residence, if they are provided for by labor contracts (this is specified in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 2012 No. 03-04-06 / 6-168 and dated April 11, 2012 No. 03- 04-06 / 6-107), as well as income from carrying out activities as highly qualified specialists on the basis of civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services.

With respect to payments made by employers and customers in favor of HQS (who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation) in cash or in kind and not provided for by the relevant labor and civil law contracts (material assistance, gifts, etc.), the personal income tax rate is applied in the amount of 30% (this is explained in the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 26, 2011 No. KE-4-3 / 6735).

That is, other income, for example, in the form of payments by the organization for accommodation and meals for employees, material assistance, gifts, additional payments for vacation and reimbursement of various expenses of the HQS as an employee of an organization not recognized as a tax resident of the Russian Federation, will be subject to personal income tax for rate of 30% (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 2012 No. 03-04-06 / 6-168 and dated June 8, 2012 No. 03-04-06 / 6-158).

When it comes to running a fitness club, the question always arises - are you using all the resources efficiently? One resource that's easy to ignore is the staff, the people your customers interact with on a daily basis.

We've collected tips from fitness industry experts on how to most effectively train and organize employees to help you achieve your fitness goals.

The Importance of Highly Qualified Personnel

Personal trainers, front desk staff, and other administrative staff — all who work in a fitness club can create a good impression or quickly ruin it. It goes without saying that club members who do not feel appreciated and recognized by their employees are likely to cancel or simply not renew their membership. On the other hand, when you create an atmosphere where everyone feels at home and where everyone is cozy and comfortable, then you create an atmosphere that engages and motivates your customers.

How to recruit

One of the best ways to successfully recruit staff is to be guided by the core values ​​of the club (the defining qualities, culture and values ​​that make your club unique) when selecting candidates. This will help increase your chances of hiring people who are perfect for your club:

  • Look for personable and outgoing candidates who have a genuine interest in clients and who fit the culture of the club.
  • Review your resume and conduct a phone interview, and in person, don't forget your core values ​​for a moment.
  • Make sure employees have the necessary certifications and training, are organized and pay attention to the smallest detail.

Celebrate employee achievements

Whenever possible, celebrate the excellent work of your employees and support the talent in your team. Also note that recognition does not have to be a promotion. Achievements in work and success with clients are always a reason for celebration. Celebrate good performance on a regular basis.

This will have a positive impact on the club: when employees feel that you value them and that they are part of the process, they will be more productive and enthusiastic about working for your company. In turn, this productivity will be reflected in your customers and it also means that employees will stay with your company for a long time. Staff retention is a valuable asset - if you create a work environment that your staff loves, you can also retain customers who come to your club because they love your staff.

Train your staff

After rewarding or promoting existing employees, or hiring new employees who align with core company values ​​and help create a memorable experience for your customers, it's time to move on to the next critical step: learning. Many fitness clubs face challenges in terms of leadership, day-to-day activities, design and systems. While very little funding is allocated for staff training in many fitness companies, it is very important for development, which is why you must constantly invest in training your employees.

Continuous learning improves culture

You can avoid a lot of hassle down the road by immediately sharing information with your new hires that reflects your values, culture, and customer experience. Make sure all employees understand the role they play in creating a safe, efficient and clean fitness club. Commit to expanding educational opportunities for your employees, and conduct regular training and educational workshops to help improve your club's culture.

Prepare employees for customer questions

In addition to teaching your employees to understand and apply the core values ​​of your fitness club, you also need to make sure that your employees are up-to-date on the technical equipment of your club. Customers nowadays expect all employees to have the knowledge and skills to handle any technical issue from cardio consoles and Wi-Fi connectivity to the latest hardware and any in-between.

Support your trainers - they support your business

If you want your coaches to make the best possible impact on your clients, it is very important that your club has the appropriate equipment and the necessary space for both group and personal training. Offer a variety of workout options: individual workouts, small group workouts, large group workouts, and workouts of varying duration.

Consider offering your clients free group workouts with a personal trainer. This is a great way for your clients to get to know your employees and learn more about the benefits of training with a personal trainer - perhaps soon some clients will be willing to pay for one-to-one training with a personal trainer.

Let's sum up

One of the key factors to successfully running a fitness club is a staff that embodies your company's core values. We've tried to tell you how to select, optimize, train and take part in the lives of your employees so that your club's customers feel at home, get motivated and feel completely safe.

By order of the Federal State Statistics Service of February 21, 2013 No. 70, the methodology for calculating the indicator "the proportion of the number of highly qualified workers in the total number of qualified workers in the region" was approved.

According to this methodology, highly qualified workers are employed workers who, in order to fulfill their duties, require a higher professional education related to the following groups of occupations of the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations (hereinafter - OKZ, adopted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 298):

1st group- heads (representatives) of authorities and management at all levels, including heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises;

2nd group- specialists of the highest qualification level (chemists, physicists, mathematicians, engineers, biologists, doctors, teachers, etc.);

Group 3- mid-level specialists (technicians, mechanics, paramedics, pharmacists, etc.).

In addition, highly skilled workers include workers 7th group OKZ(skilled workers of large and small industrial enterprises, construction, transport, communications, geology and others) who require higher or secondary vocational education to fulfill their duties.

This classifier was developed and introduced into domestic practice to solve a wide range of tasks related to assessing the state and dynamics of changes in the structure of the labor force, analyzing and forecasting indicators in the field of employment and vocational education. Its development was associated with the transition of the Russian Federation to the system of accounting and statistics adopted in international practice, based on the requirements of the development of a market economy.

In accordance with the methodology of this classifier, the qualification criterion is the level of education (professional training) and experience (length of service) of practical work, which together form the necessary prerequisites for performing work of a certain complexity. The same approaches - the availability of professional education and work experience - are also formalized in the Unified Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees.

When classifying occupations, it is taken into account that a certain level of qualification can be achieved not only by vocational education or special training, but quite often it is achieved by practical work experience.

Accordingly, skilled workers include workers whose job duties require primary, secondary or higher professional (special) education, or, in some cases, practical experience in the relevant profession.

However, for occupations requiring a high level of qualifications, education and special training play a decisive role.

Top-level specialists include specialists who develop and research scientific theories and concepts, contributing to the enrichment and increase in the amount of knowledge accumulated by society in various fields of activity, their practical application and systematic dissemination through training.

Most of the occupations (professions) united by this classification group are distinguished by a high degree of complexity of the work performed and require a level of qualification corresponding to higher professional education, as well as higher levels, determined by additional special knowledge and skills and characterized by the presence of an academic degree.

The main functions of specialists of the highest qualification level of various professional groups are the development of theories, research and analysis of processes and phenomena, the development of concepts and methods in various fields of science, the practical application of acquired knowledge and research results in specific fields of activity, teaching theory and practice in various fields of knowledge on a certain educational level; provision of information, financial, commercial, legal and social services; creation and performance of works of literature and art; preparation of scientific documents and reports.

Employer and highly qualified specialist: value system

An employer needs more than just a specialist who does his job well. He needs a creative person who can see perspectives and strive for professional growth. And it’s not bad at all to have professional experience. Hence, a university student, obviously, needs to start work at the stage of training and, taking into account the employer's requirements for a thorough study of the depths of his profession, he is much more demanding of himself, gaining knowledge.

A highly qualified specialist is a treasure for an employer. How to become one?

In the modern professional world, there is a tough competition. After all, judge for yourself: universities graduate from a certain specialty in packs - not just dozens, but hundreds and thousands. But not everyone can find an application for themselves in their chosen profession. When we look at job advertisements, the most common phrase we see is “highly qualified person is required”. Consequently, there are two directions for studying the issue: the employer must learn to find these very specialists, and the potential employee must try to become such a specialist.

What criteria determine when a person can be said to be a highly qualified specialist?

First of all, of course, a thorough knowledge of not only the basics - the depths of the profession. That is, a specialist is one who has learned all the pitfalls, all the difficult moments and subtleties of the specialty, the one who knows how to cope with potential problems. This means that education is indispensable. But education should not be bought. After all, a highly qualified specialist cannot have serious educational gaps. This is what needs to be instilled in students from the first days of training.

Secondly, a highly qualified specialist must have experience. Otherwise, he simply would have nowhere to acquire this qualification. And therefore, it is not the first time that he should perform the actions of labor activity. Of course, practice and internship are provided in all universities. Students-teachers work out pedagogical practice, doctors - an internship. But this, nevertheless, is not enough. After all, the employer is interested in getting a "finished product" - that is, an employee for whom you will not have to redo the work or answer for claims for poorly performed professional actions. For potential employees, this means only one thing: a highly qualified specialist, in order to become such, must begin to acquire work experience as early as possible. Nowadays, part-time jobs of students are quite common, and almost all of them work in the senior years. You can start to realize yourself in your chosen profession at almost any age. If you want to become a translator - start with small orders, with translating articles "for yourself" - this way you will not only develop skills and acquire new knowledge, you will also create your portfolio.

High qualifications must be constantly developed. This means that you should not miss a single opportunity to improve professionally. Future-conscious employers ensure the continuous development of their employees. But the specialist himself must show interest: read professional literature, attend seminars and master classes, take additional training courses. And, of course, try to keep abreast of all current events in your industry. Knowledge of a foreign language is also indispensable here. But the efforts and efforts will pay off handsomely. Employers are ready to actively fight for highly qualified specialists, offering them the best conditions to retain a professional.

Highly qualified specialist: who is this?

To answer this question, they developed a qualification card and a competency card or a job profile or a portrait of an “ideal” candidate for an employer.

From the point of view of Russian legislation, a highly qualified specialist is one who is officially paid a large salary.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy" by 2020, the number of highly qualified workers should increase so that it is at least one third of the number of qualified workers.

Information prepared by professional psychologists
GU RK "Employment Center of the City of Vorkuta"
Vorkuta, st. Lenin, 64-B, room 17
tel. 75385

Judging by the developed countries, in which there is a powerful well-established system of interaction between the enterprise and its employees, then the main driving forces in this system are the qualities of the employee, his attitude to work culture.

Thus, it is professionalism, motivation and others quality of employees play a decisive role in the development of a company that does not experience problems in the lack of resources and does not see the difficulty in managing them.

Employee qualitiesand their main characteristics

In today's reality, the role of personnel is of paramount importance to an organization, whether it is a private company or a large-scale technology firm. Employees are the main vehicle for promoting the company, which often underestimates this fact. Usually, when it comes to personnel, first of all, the professional qualities of employees are considered, thereby neglecting their social role and other potential abilities to achieve high performance indicators of the enterprise.

The most complete explanation of the term "Quality of personnel" gives us the right to consider it not only from the point of view of the good performance of the assigned tasks, but also from the point of view of the main strategy of the enterprise, which reflects a significant role in the process of improving the Russian economy.

Characteristics mean certain specific qualities of an employee, and requirements mean immediate expectations and guarantees, which are necessarily reflected in official documents.

Characteristics of the qualities of an employee is a complex of individual, professional and moral characteristics, according to which the compliance of personnel with the requirements for a specific position is determined.

It is customary to conditionally differentiate all the qualities of an employee into three main groups:

1) Abilities (skills and abilities, level of expertise, education received, professionalism in the field of main activity, teamwork skills, successful interaction in a team, existing experience in a specific area of ​​functioning of a certain type of service, etc.).

2) Desire and motivation (the desire for career growth, the willingness to take on overtime work and experience strong stress, the desire to manage people and have a certain power, the tendency to develop not only in the professional sphere, but also in the sphere of personal interests, i.e., satisfaction needs for self-development).

3) Personal attributes (personality capabilities that allow you to endure all the physical, psychological, mental stress associated with the effective performance of a specific job).

One of the critical tasks of the personnel department and the heads of the relevant departments is to assess the professional qualities of an employee in relation to the position held.

Qualities of the ideal Freudian theory worker

Analyzing the developments of Sigmund Freud, St. Petersburg psychologist Viktor Tolkachev and his followers identified eight psychological types of employees and made a portrait of the ideal employee. How to identify it in a candidate, you have been told by the editorial board of the magazine "General Director".

What qualities an employee should have

Questions of professional ethics are very important in the area of ​​identifying true professionalism and adhering to such moral standards as honor, conscience, responsibility in relation to oneself and to the work tasks performed. That is why in the modern environment, first of all, the business qualities of the employee and the level of his professional suitability are of importance.

The whole set of quality characteristics employees can be divided into three groups:

  1. Professional characteristics.

The professionally important qualities of employees, interrelated with effective performance, can be divided into four subgroups, based on the research carried out:

a) professional skills:

  • general knowledge;
  • additional knowledge;
  • personal skills;
  • safety skills in the performance of official duties;
  • skills of successful work in extreme and conflict situations, as well as the ability to identify and eliminate them in advance.

b) the business qualities of the employee:

  • being organized and following your obligations;
  • decency and reliability;
  • high competence;
  • creativity and commitment to initiative;
  • perseverance on the way to achieving the goal;
  • ability to make decisions independently.

c) the psychological qualities of the employee:

  • focus on results due to high motivation;
  • IQ level;
  • stress resistance;
  • attention management (the ability to focus on the main thing);
  • long term memory;
  • high learning ability, ability to think outside the box;
  • flexibility in interpersonal communication;
  • cravings for alcohol, tranquilizer or drug abuse.

d) psychophysiological qualities of an employee:

  • strength and endurance;
  • clear vision, eye;
  • auditory parameters, the ability to distinguish sounds;
  • the ability to differentiate odors;
  • accuracy and speed when performing work, developed hand motor skills.

These lists are approximate and depend on the specific type of activity, intended position and workplace. The list is subject to correction in accordance with the above criteria.

  1. Moral characteristics.

The second group includes the moral and personal qualities of an employee, showing his attitude to professional duty. It is these aspects of morality in the work sphere that professional ethics are concerned. A normally functioning society can exist only in conditions of healthy industrial relations.

  1. Personal (internal) characteristics.

The internal qualities of an employee are a manifestation of individual personality traits. This includes not only the social characteristics that characterize a person in a communicative environment, but also the business qualities of an employee that are not directly related to the work performed. These include:

  • adherence to discipline,
  • availability of the necessary skills,
  • ability to communicate,
  • leadership skills,
  • patience,
  • flexibility,
  • determination,
  • healthy self-criticism,
  • decency,
  • speed reaction,
  • creativity.

At the first glance at all of the above criteria, they seem simple and easy to select. But each person has a huge arsenal of personal qualities. This greatly complicates the task of selecting them in accordance with the necessary requirements for a particular production position. There is a considerable risk of error when choosing these criteria, which, among other things, determine the performance indicators. In addition, the correct choice of moral characteristics will subsequently form the employee's corporate qualities as the main element of corporate culture. The inability to observe personality traits is an immediate selection problem.

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Expert opinion

Our sellers must love to sew

Olga Buldakova,

general director of the wedding salon "Olga", Moscow

Once we found an unusual solution, with the help of which the sales of our salon increased significantly. We opened a second salon, and while we were looking for sales consultants, a seamstress was temporarily employed in this position. Its sales exceeded all our expectations. The clients really liked that the seller knows how not only to choose a beautiful dress, but also to immediately adjust it to the figure, taking into account all the wishes of each customer. All of this played a key role in the client's making a positive decision. Just imagine that you liked the dress, but it didn’t fit your figure at all. You don't want to wait for the seamstress, come to the fitting. After all, there are so many salons and such a variety of dresses around. Naturally, you leave in search of something else, and the percentage that you return will be quite small.

After that, we firmly decided to hire only those girls who love to sew. In the process, we trained them and made them real masters. It turned out a sales assistant and a seamstress in one person. Moreover, it was beneficial not only for us. After all, training in sewing skills was provided free of charge, and girls could apply these skills for their own needs.

What professionally important qualities of employees are important for work

In order to achieve high results in work, you must have the obligatory " launch opportunities»:

  • professional data,
  • specialized knowledge,
  • personal skills,
  • the necessary qualifications,
  • strong motivation in pursuit of the goal.

The qualities of a good employee oblige him to strive for self-realization in professional activities. And this is possible if there is strong motivation and perseverance in completing the assigned tasks.

Basic concepts, on which the assessment of the employee's professional qualities depends:

  • fitness,
  • determination,
  • success.

There are two points of view by which you can characterize aptitude.

One of them implies that professional suitability is a whole stable system that does not depend on the situation and determines the qualities of an effective employee. It can be designated 5 main terms:

  • personal civic position - patriotism, moral image in society, etc .;
  • involvement in work, in their qualifications, hobbies and personal aspirations;
  • working capacity: physical (health, endurance, stamina, etc.) and intellectual (mental capacity, emotional flexibility, self-control technique, entrepreneurial spirit);
  • unique abilities - personal qualities of an employee, which are mandatory in this work;
  • skills, experience, skill.

From how pronounced these terms in a person are, they distinguish varying degrees of professional suitability personality.

  1. Unsuitability in a specific field of activity. This can be either a temporary or an indefinite problem associated with some physical abnormalities that are not applicable in this work.
  2. Fitness for a particular profession or a whole professional category. This means that the employee has no restrictions for this job and there is a real opportunity to show the qualities of a successful employee, having achieved significant success in the proposed position.
  3. Absolute compliance with a specific activity. In addition to the absence of restrictions, such an employee already has suitable personal qualities for this profession.
  4. Purpose for a specific activity. When an employee's pronounced personal qualities are strongly interconnected with his irresistible desire to do this job, we can say that he has a vocation or purpose for this kind of activity.

But there is also a second point of view, according to which aptitude is closely related to a specific work situation. In other words, it is the mutual correspondence between the employee and a certain area of ​​his activity at the moment.

There are various reasons for the unsuitability of an employee for the profession.: social, technical, material. A person cannot work in isolation from the factors surrounding him. He has to contact with a specific environment, objects or people. If contact fails for any reason, then the person may become professionally unfit for this job.

Therefore, the suitability or unsuitability of an employee for a particular profession is a matter that requires a purely individual consideration.

It should be borne in mind that by correctly combining personal qualities, an employee can successfully overcome weaknesses and make the most of his strengths.

In addition to the term "suitability" in the scientific literature, you can find such concepts as "readiness" and "preparedness" of a specialist for professional activity.

Preparedness a person to a certain activity depends on many factors and is not considered at the present moment in time. A specialist is prepared for work if he possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, practical experience and is able to independently solve the necessary production tasks. But this does not mean at all that right now such a person is ready to effectively do his job. He may not have motivation, aspiration, focus on doing this job. Or he is busy with some other project. Therefore, it is important here not only to determine the qualities of the employee, but also to identify his readiness.

Specialist readiness- his decisiveness for the effective implementation of the assigned tasks, which is due to internal motivation and the mobilization of all resources of the body, physical and psychological. The readiness of a specialist in a broader sense was considered from the standpoint of professional requirements for a person and was studied mainly in military and sports psychology.

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Assessment of the business qualities of an employee:positive and negative traits

Personel assessment - it is a system for identifying the conformity of the qualities of the company's employees to their positions and requirements. In other words, this is the process of searching for the expediency of finding a specialist in the position given to him.

Goals employee ratings:

  • Managerial the goal is necessary to make a fair decision in relation to a particular employee, based on the results of the assessment provided by the HR department. An example of such a decision can be the promotion of an employee up the career ladder, referral for further training, transfer to another position, or dismissal.
  • Information the goal is to ensure that both parties can have access to reliable data on labor efficiency. An employee, having such information, has a chance to prove himself and improve his performance, and the manager to make the right decision in relation to this employee. For example, a manager can direct the organizational forces of an enterprise to improve the quality of employees through additional training or practice, if he sees the appropriateness of such a decision.
  • Stimulating the goal speaks for itself, since the very fact of the assessment is an excellent motivational impetus to improve the productivity and efficiency of the employee's work. Knowing in advance that he will be assessed, a person will try to show the qualities of a successful employee in himself. As a result, if the assessment of a specialist's work was adequate to his expectations, then it will help to improve the productivity of the entire company.

Tasks employee ratings:

  • to reduce the percentage of errors when nominating incompetent employees and, due to this, to increase the opportunities for the development of the company as a whole;
  • fix training costs in order to improve the quality of employees;
  • set goals to increase employee motivation and maintain a sense of fairness in various aspects of their professional activities;
  • create conditions for high-quality feedback on performance between employees and the personnel department;
  • outline plans for the development of training programs for staff.

Subjects employee ratings:

  • immediate supervisors. They are the key link in assessing the business qualities of an employee. They are also responsible for the objectivity of the information provided and conduct certification interviews.
  • recruiting specialists;
  • colleagues who are directly related to the evaluated employee in the structure of the firm's activities;
  • independent experts who do not have any relation to the evaluated employee, but can give an assessment from the outside.

The subjects of employee assessment, in turn, are differentiated into formal and informal.

The formal ones include direct managers and specialists of the personnel management department. Only they can make a management decision based on the results of the appraisal activity.

Informal subjects can be experts from independent appraisal agencies, colleagues in the service who only submit information for consideration by formal subjects.

The most common is a combined assessment of the quality of company employees, in which several subjects participate at once.

Assessment object- the person being evaluated. This can be one employee or a team group created according to a specific criterion (according to professional criteria or according to the level of the job structure).

Performance assessment can be simple and complex. In the case of pieceworkers, the assessment is not difficult, since it depends only on the quantity and quality of the products or services they produce.

The difficulty in assessing is the determination of the effectiveness of the work of various specialists of departments and higher management. Here it is important to take into account the effectiveness of their influence on the activities of the structural elements of the company (production and administrative levels).

The subject of evaluation are the characteristics and properties of the individual, the process and the fruitfulness of labor.

In assessing the work of personnel, an important place is occupied by the process of obtaining reliable information. This requires objective indicators that have a number of clear and balanced criteria.

Criterion for assessing the quality of employees- this is a clear line beyond which one can judge about a specific indicator, about its compliance or non-compliance with the established requirements.

The criteria can determine both aggregate indicators that are the same for all employees, and individually set standards for a specific position.

Any enterprise uses the following four groups of criteria, which are subject to adjustment depending on the strategic goals of the firm:

  • professional criteria consist of knowledge and skills in the professional field, employee experience in accordance with his professional qualifications and work efficiency;
  • personality criteria include indicators such as enterprise, reliability, discipline, practicality, seriousness;
  • the criteria for assessing moral standards include the ability to healthy self-criticism, decency, stress resistance, honesty;
  • non-standard criteria are made up of individual characteristics and personal behavior that characterize the authority of the employee, physical condition, moral properties.

Personnel assessment is required for all divisions of the firm, but, as mentioned above, it is easier to carry out it for pieceworkers than for specialized specialists and managers.

Two groups of indicators required for a qualitative assessment of personnel:

  • quantitative indicators (direct), on the basis of which the level of the set goals of the division and the company as a whole is determined. They are easy to measure, and the standards for such indicators are known in advance.
  • indirect indicators (indirect), which can be used to judge the factors that only indirectly affect the efficiency. They are not quantifiable and are based on benchmarks by which work in a particular position yields the best results.

Assessment stages:

1) Create a functional list.

2) Designation of requirements for this position.

3) Consideration of the factors of each employee.

4) Determination of the overall assessment.

5) Comparison with reference values.

6) Including the employee's level in his assessment.

7) Announcement of the final results to the employee.

The immediate superior is a key subject in assessing the quality of employees. The scope of his responsibility includes the reliable information required for the midterm certification and the employee appraisal interview.

The HR department has other tasks. Its main function is to know what qualities an employee should have to work in a specific position, and to hire such a person who is capable and ready to achieve the required results. Thus, the HR department performs preparatory quality control.

With a variety of approaches and schemes for assessing the quality of employees, they are all somewhat contradictory due to the subjectivity of the final decision, which completely depends on a certain expert opinion.

Exists conditions and requirements, strictly imposed on the personnel assessment process:

  • objectivity - independence from various rumors and private opinions of interested parties;
  • inviolability - random situational factors cannot influence the assessment (weather, mood, personal relationships, past successful or unsuccessful experience);
  • professional reliability - actual abilities are assessed, with the help of which the employee effectively performs his tasks);
  • forecasting - obtaining potential data on the level of training and a person's ability to certain types of activities based on the results of the assessment;
  • aggregate - for an adequate assessment, it is very important not only to assess the quality of the company's employees, but to take into account the relationship between its departments and take into account the potential of the organization as a whole;
  • the entire assessment process should be absolutely transparent and accessible not only to those who assess, but also to the employees being assessed. An assessment can be correct only when its internal evidence exists;
  • a set of evaluative measures cannot adversely affect work and discipline in a team. It should be configured in such a way as to be built into the corporate system of the company and increase the opportunities for its development and efficiency.

Varieties assessment methods:

  • employee resource assessment;
  • assessment of the business qualities of an employee.
  • Staff career development: working with employee ambitions

Assessment methods staff resources

  1. Specialized centers for employee assessment.

They work using technologies based on a system of evaluation criteria. By using a large arsenal of attestation methods and evaluating the same criteria in different situations, these technologies greatly increase the accuracy of the assessment and its final forecast. This method is most effective in the selection of candidates for a new position and in the administrative assessment.

  1. Aptitude tests.

They are very useful in identifying the negative qualities of an employee and deviations in the psychophysiological state of a person. Their purpose is to assess the skills of an employee when performing a specific activity.

  1. General tests of capabilities in personnel assessment.

The purpose of such tests is to identify other personality abilities based on the characteristics of thinking, reaction, concentration and other higher brain functions. They are extremely informative in assessing the degree of a person's ability to learn.

  1. Studying the biography and personal file of the employee.

This method of assessing the quality of company employees is used for long-term monitoring of the development of an employee, for changes in his personal qualities. For this, a kind of personal file is set up for the employee, where personal information and data from annual or quarterly assessments are entered. This also includes the employee's marital status, educational process, physical condition, communication skills, etc.

  1. Personality tests.

Tests for the diagnosis of the psychological qualities of an employee. They are used for a typical assessment of personality, tendencies to a certain psychotype, as well as for assessing behavioral reactions and reserve capabilities of a person.

  1. Interview.

During the interview process, when selecting candidates, you can get a fairly accurate assessment and forecast in comparison with other methods. Such an interview is aimed at collecting data on experience, level of professionalism and assessing the main qualities of the employee.

  1. Recommendations.

References are an indispensable attribute of a candidate when looking for a job. A good recommendation can have a positive effect on the assessment of an employee's professionally important qualities. But you should pay attention to who and how it was compiled. Reputable companies require its registration on letterhead from the immediate supervisor of the candidate in question. The form must contain the requisites by which you can contact the person who issued the recommendation and ask a few questions. If such a paper is issued from a private person, then you should pay attention to his status in the professional environment. It may be some kind of authoritative person known in special circles. Then the recommendation will be valuable.

  1. Non-standard assessment methods.

One of these methods is the polygraph. If an employee agrees to such a check, then he must understand responsibility and fully understand its importance. This practice is especially common in Western countries. Now 11% of companies use it in our country as well. There are also tests for honesty and stress tolerance. Some companies use drug and alcohol tests. This is usually part of a routine medical examination and is detected by blood and urine tests. 22% of companies use psychoanalysis methods to determine the important qualities of an employee that are necessary to work in a prospective position. Sometimes the final stage for hiring is an interview with a psychologist, who makes the final verdict.

Individual assessment methods

  1. Questionnaires and comparative assessments. The questionnaire contains a list of the main parameters and possible options for the behavior of the assessed. With the help of a certain rating scale, in which the point method is used, the level of quality of the employee's work is determined.
  2. The scale of the level of behavioral situations is a special questionnaire in which various simulated situations are presented and several options for the development of a way out of these situations are given. Usually 6 to 10 options. Depending on which option the evaluated candidate chooses, one can judge the degree of his professionalism and identify the qualities of an effective employee.
  3. The verbal method is based on the verbalization (written or oral) of the merits and demerits of the employee's behavior. Such a description is drawn up by a specialist who directly conducts the assessment. The method alone is rarely used, but it is successfully combined with the determination of the level of behavioral reactions.
  4. Assessment by typical (decisive) situations. To carry out such an assessment, a separate journal is created for each employee, in which special headings are introduced in accordance with various situations. Such situations are called decisive. The effectiveness of its resolution depends on how correct or wrong the employee's behavior was in each specific situation. Such assessments are more often carried out by managers who keep this journal for a particular employee.
  5. The observational behavior scale is a method that comes into contact with the assessment of typical situations, but is mainly based on fixing certain behavioral factors by which the employee showed himself in a decisive situation.

Group assessment methods allow you to assess the interaction of employees within the group and thus give a final forecast for the effectiveness of a particular unit in the case of teamwork. Also, using the assessment of the group as a whole, you can give a comparative description of employees.

  1. Classification method: selection of an effective or ineffective employee using ranking methods. The evaluator draws up a so-called number of employees, from best to worst, using the same criterion. Thus, it is possible to single out the average employee in this group. The task becomes more complicated if the number of employees exceeds 20 people. Then it is easier to single out the most successful and worst employee than to find the average one. If we apply a different classification method, alternately choosing the best and worst employee, then again choosing the best and worst employee from the remaining group, etc., then we can find an ideal solution for the final assessment of the performance of this group.
  2. Paired comparative method: employees are collected in pairs and a comparative characteristic of the employee's qualities is made. Each surname in a pair is assigned a certain grade, based on the employee's performance according to a certain criterion. After that, the number of situations in which one of them proved to be better than the other is recorded. Based on these data, the final rating of the pair is determined. Using this assessment method, it is possible to single out employees into those pairs in which work will be carried out with high efficiency. The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to apply with a very large number of pairs. This evaluation becomes tedious and ineffective.
  3. Labor participation rate (abbreviated KTU). An outdated valuation method that was prevalent in the 1980s. Basic KTU is equal to one.

The most popular rating method in the United States is the Geographic Employee Rating Scale. The verbal method and the method of questionnaires are also common. All other methods account for only 5%. Pair classification is used by 10% of companies.

  • How ratings appeared and what role they played in commerce

Positive and negative qualities of employees of Russian organizations



State embezzlement - appropriation of the company's property to oneself, abuse of the firm's trust and the desire for personal enrichment at the expense of the employer.

Appreciation - using your own resources for common needs.

Disrespect is the inability to thank elders in age, rank, intellect for the help and advice provided.

Cordiality is the willingness to give up the last in order to show oneself from the better side in relation to the visiting guest.

Alcoholism - drunkenness during work and personal time, lack of understanding of generally accepted permissible norms.

Kindness is a manifestation of sensitivity and kindness towards other people.

Envy is a feeling of inferiority and anger if the other person has a better home, a more prestigious career, job, etc.

Internationalism is the absence of racial hatred and liberality towards people of other nationalities both at work and in life.

Chauvinism is a feeling of superiority and disdain towards other peoples.

Openness - indifference to other people, sincere expression of feelings and emotions.

Distrust - attitude towards strangers and people with a different mentality with great apprehension. The same applies to the application of new technologies.

Collectivism is the awareness of one's own identity in a particular social category.

Individualism - unwillingness to work in a team, focus on developing your business.

Obedience is the willingness to obey the laws of government and sometimes tolerate injustice.

Rebelliousness is a lack of desire to follow discipline and respect corporate rules.

Lack of demand - a calm attitude towards not the best working and social conditions.

Arrogance is the division of work into "black" and "white", worthy and unworthy.

Hard work is the desire to constantly work, and not sit around.

Laziness - the desire to postpone work for "later", the desire for freebies and long breaks.

Patriotism - devotion to one's country, work, family.

Desertion is a betrayal of one's country during crises and wars. Leaving the enterprise in pursuit of easy money.

Generosity is a big soul and a kind heart, a painless attitude to waste.

Frivolity - greed, comparable to creepiness, a desire to accumulate and an unwillingness to give.

Versatility - a broad outlook, striving for self-development, the ability to assess the situation and look at the future.

Limitation - lack of desire for long-term work, thirst for success "here and now."

Activation of consciousness is an energetic anti-crisis spirit.

Dependency is a wrong attitude to work.

Flexibility is the ability to independently manage your emotions.

Melancholism is a manic desire for depression and negative thoughts.

Riskiness - risk appetite, fearlessness in risky situations

Powerlessness is the inability to make strategic decisions and take responsibility for one's actions.

Conflict-free - the desire to be in a positive social climate.

Submission - lack of opinion and dependence on the opinion of the crowd.

Self-sufficiency is the ability to rely only on oneself.

Inaction - unwillingness to make responsible decisions.

Expert opinion

The positive qualities of employees do not go unnoticed

Raphael Aisin,

General Director of the Kapriz-TM company, Moscow

In our company, the main strategy for identifying the qualities of an ideal employee is the opportunity they have received to prove themselves in various areas of the enterprise. Since basically all employees work on an assembly line, they can try themselves in different professional areas. For example, a seamstress, whose talent as a fashion designer was noticed, because we repeatedly received valuable advice and ideas from her, was sent by us to study at one of the prestigious universities in the specialty of fashion designers. We also gave her the opportunity to combine work with study and subsequently accepted a new position, after graduation. What we have never regretted.

In another employee, we noticed a strong potential for neatness and attention to detail and entrusted her with the cut of high-quality leather goods. She did an excellent job of this task and improved her skills. Also, I always notice creative ideas. They usually come from those employees who have unique personality traits. Such people can be entrusted with holding festive events, corporate events, etc. This strongly strengthens the team spirit and gives the staff self-realization not only in the field of professional activity.

  • How to motivate sellers with a game: examples and opinions

Expert opinion

Make effective use of any qualities of employees

Larisa Saburova,

General Director of the production enterprise "Liding", Bryansk

It is very important to pay attention to the potential abilities of a person. Through these observations, you can improve the quality of employees and achieve an increase in the overall efficiency of the enterprise. Each employee has strengths and weaknesses. Instead of remaking an employee and forcing him to work better in an area in which he is already acting at the limit of his strength, you need to develop his strengths as efficiently as possible.

In our company, there was such a case when an employee “filled up” good deals when talking to clients on the phone. She was too scrupulous about details, and clients began to hesitate and lose interest during long conversations. Instead of firing the worker, we put her skills to good use. We had a problem with trade marketing, in which there were no smart specialists. We decided to separate it in a separate direction and put a pedantic employee in charge of this direction. Less than a couple of months later, trade marketing became one of the most successful departments. Her detailed calculations with shares, competent planning and checks led to the highest results.

Now we use this experience all the time. Determining the qualities of an employee, identifying his best and worst sides is an integral part of the company's success.

How to improve the quality of an employee and his performance

Any competent manager is interested in the efficiency of his employees. To maintain this efficiency at the proper level, you need to own methods specifically designed to improve the quality of employee performance. However, not all employees can be applied the same methods, because each person has different needs, therefore, different incentives are required that will motivate this or that employee to succeed.

There are a large number ways to improve the quality of the employee's work:

  1. It is necessary to accept the fact that the motivation of the employee does not have to be directly related to his professional activity.

Creative and energetic employees are mostly passionate people. They have a serious hobby that is not related to work, they can boast of their sporting achievements, etc. Their life is not limited to production activities. They are accustomed to achieving significant success in other areas as well. Helping them express themselves in their hobbies will have a positive effect on their professional results. Develop in them not only the qualities of a good employee, but also support their external interests. Show genuine sincere attention to their activities, rejoice at their victories. Then personal interests will not conflict with work activities. On the contrary, a positive attitude of the manager to the employee's external achievements will have a wonderful effect on his production success.

  1. Train employees to measure their performance.

If an employee is able to measure his own performance on his own, then this contributes to the growth of his skills. These employees constantly keep track of success and failure, monitor their production decisions, and themselves know how to improve these statistics.

In order to improve the quality of an employee and teach them to measure their own performance, it is enough to create a simple rating scale to record the degree of achievement of any goal.

  1. Pay attention to the degree of employee motivation.

Typically, managers have no idea about the motivation of their employees. Methods for assessing the quality of an employee do not include assessing the degree of his motivation. An employee can work without any motivational incentives, which, of course, has a negative effect on his effectiveness. You need to start measuring motivation so that you can raise this indicator.

Conduct regular motivation assessments. Entrust this to the heads of all structural divisions and small departments. Then you can monitor the motivation of your employees.

  • Motivating Young Professionals: Methods of Working with Generation Y
  1. Consider the wishes of your employees.

It is impossible to equate all employees under the same incentive programs. You need to take into account the inner qualities of the employee, his goals and aspirations, in order to enable the realization of individual abilities.

You can correctly distribute the assigned tasks when delegating them, based on the wishes and business qualities of the employee. You can also let the employee independently determine the development strategy of a project.

Thus, in order to increase the motivation of employees and the efficiency of the company as a whole, it is worth using a personal approach to each employee.

  1. Take an interest in employee performance.

The more you are interested in the professional success of your employees, the stronger their motivation will be. Concentrate on the work of others and talk less about your accomplishments.

An employee's awareness of his performance will unconsciously contribute to intrinsic motivation. Ask as many questions as possible, for example, "How many applications have you been able to process today?" or "How many deals were you able to conclude in the last week?"

  1. Use a reward system and make it as clear as possible for employees.

If you reward or fine employees haphazardly, based on personal discretion, it will lead to discord in the team and a sharp decline in employee motivation and professional qualities. Develop a clear reward system, provide answers to all employee questions, and eliminate their doubts. If employees are clearly aware of how this system is interconnected with their activities, then internal motivation will certainly increase.

  1. Reinforce communication with your employees.

In a number of companies, managers have almost no overlap in communication with their subordinates. This negatively affects the efficiency of the latter. You cannot increase employee motivation without frequent interaction with them. Make a plan of joint activities (meetings, meetings) in order to increase the percentage of communication between leaders, middle managers and front-line workers. This will certainly increase the motivation and quality of the company's employees.

  1. Come up with a piggy bank of thoughts.

Have you ever wondered what thoughts your subordinates have in relation to this or that project? Usually, managers do not listen to their employees, thereby greatly reducing their self-confidence, and they themselves cannot solve the task on their own.

Brainstorm! Create a piggy bank that will collect all the ideas of your employees. As a piggy bank, you can use a special folder in which each file is filled with plain paper. Employees will write their ideas into it. For example, one completed sheet can be equal to one working day.

This will allow you to greatly increase the motivation of your employees, determine their potential and successfully solve the assigned tasks.

By using this method, the quality of the company's employees and their effectiveness will certainly improve.

  1. Increase employee motivation with new knowledge.

It has been scientifically proven that any self-sufficient person strives to increase his intellectual level. People love to study, receive various "crusts" and certificates. This dramatically increases their self-confidence and becomes a powerful motivational stimulus.

Use this method for your employees. Organize special business trainings for them, send them to conferences, refresher courses, teach them additional skills and abilities. Use this as a reward for excellent professional performance. By rewarding employees with additional knowledge, you will increase their self-esteem and improve the climate in your team.

  • Employee motivation methods that work even when money is no longer an incentive
  1. Reward specific employees for the team's overall accomplishments.

In teamwork, it is increasingly common to consider the merits of the group as a whole. Leaders forget about the personal achievement of a particular employee. But in order to increase personal motivation, it is necessary to reward the employee individually.

This can be done using reports on the achievements of individual participants. Before the main person of the team, it is necessary to set the task - to report on the achievements of the participants to the immediate supervisor. The same task can be assigned to colleagues and group leaders. These weekly reports will be used to calculate the final assessment of the contribution of an individual employee for a specific reporting period. This method will improve the psychological qualities of the employee and his personal performance.

  1. Develop a positive corporate culture.

The corporate culture of employees should be based on a mutual positive assessment of their personal achievements. When employees are willing to give each other a positive assessment, it will lead to increased motivation and work efficiency.

In practice, this can be achieved through a set of incentives based on rewarding employees based on the results of a survey of colleagues. Then you can instill in them a culture of mutual recognition of achievements and improve the corporate qualities of employees.

  1. Find out if your employee is happy.

There is no need to motivate an employee who does not like his job. Such attempts will not have a good effect. Instead, ask the worker how much they enjoy what they do. Find out whether the assigned tasks correspond to the real qualifications of the employee.

After that, change the parameters of the work of your subordinates. In some cases, you can break the task down into a series of small steps and be sympathetic to your employees' questions, taking the time for clarification and support. In other cases, you will need to make significant changes to the tasks that you set for your employees.

  1. Choose enthusiasts with high intrinsic motivation.

When selecting candidates, companies first of all pay attention to the professionally important qualities of employees. However, intrinsic motivation and a strong commitment to work are equally important. They say about such people that their “eyes are burning” and “their hands are itching”. Pay attention to highly motivated enthusiasts. It is more expedient to train such people than to create motivation for an experienced and qualified specialist.

Give preference to optimists who previously had a desire for work and professional growth. You can identify these points during interviews or look for references from previous employers.

  1. Reward your employees more often, but in smaller amounts.

If you really want to motivate your employees, then use a different reward system instead of large annual awards or incentives following the completion of a major project. Plan your firm's budget to make promotions more frequent by reducing the bonus amount. This method has a stronger effect on motivation than rare but big rewards.

As a result, the relationship between the current activities of employees and their effectiveness will increase. The employee will have more opportunities to prove himself.

If you continue to use the large reward system, then introduce a series of small rewards in front of them. This will focus the attention of employees on the way to achieve this award, and not on the fact of receiving it.

  1. Control over employees.

Competent management control carries a powerful incentive effect on the employee. It is necessary to allow the employee to act independently and make decisions that do not require managerial control and do not pose a threat to the safety of the firm's functioning.

For example, in many large companies, employees are allowed to decorate the workplace as they see fit, or use more frequent coffee breaks. Give your employees more autonomy, and you will increase their level of intrinsic motivation.

This method also develops the corporate qualities of the employee.

  1. Express genuine interest.

When communicating with employees, try not to use questions that can be answered unequivocally: "yes", "no", "I do not know." Use dialogues with which you can get a detailed answer to your question and communicate productively with your subordinate.

So, you will learn much more information and increase the employee's confidence in you. When you use monosyllabic questions and answers, they seem tactless and harsh. This signals to the employee that he is not of interest to you as an interlocutor. His motivation is declining.

Talk with your subordinates, show interest, ask your questions, starting with the words: "Is it difficult for you to tell ...", "What does it mean ...?", "Why are you ...?"

  1. Give employees clear and understandable assignments.

When it is very clear to an employee what and how he needs to do to accomplish a task, this has a greater effect on his motivation than, for example, the percentage of the bonus received. If the employee does not understand his task, then this will reduce his motivation: instead of effectively completing the task and hoping for bonuses, he will be completely absorbed in figuring out clearer instructions for the task given to him. This will naturally decrease his motivation.

Give clear tasks, then you will increase the motivation of your employees. They will be sure that their performance is being judged according to merit. This directly affects the quality of the company's employees and the result of their work.

Information about companies

Wedding salon "Olga"... Business profile: sewing and selling wedding dresses. Organization form: LLC. Location: Moscow. Number of employees: 37. Annual turnover: USD 1.4 million (in 2011).

"Caprice-TM". Business profile: sewing women's fashion shoes. Organization form: LLC. Territory: head office - in Moscow; factory - in Kimry (Tver region). Number of staff: 180. Annual turnover: USD 5 million (in 2011).

LLC "Leading". Business profile: production of cat litter brands "Kotyara", Bioplus, CC-Cat, Kotoff, Pi-Pi-Bent. Territory: production and head office - in Bryansk, representative office - in Moscow. Number of personnel: 70. Products sold: 400 million rubles. (in 2012). Fillers market share: 14% (according to the company's own estimates).