Tibetan Mastiff breed character description. Description of the Tibetan Mastiff breed. There are also disadvantages

The Tibetan Mastiff dog breed is one of the largest breeds in the world. A voluminous head, a powerful body, well-developed musculature of the limbs, enormous weight, long life expectancy - these dogs have such features. Today we will tell you about the main parameters of the standard of this breed: height, color, proportions and others.

The Tibetan Mastiff breed standard includes the following norms:

  • general appearance and basic proportions;
  • temperament;
  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs;
  • movement;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • dimensions: height, weight;
  • defects and vices.

Some owners, in addition to the basic parameters of the standard, may be interested in how long a Tibetan Mastiff dog lives. Her average life expectancy is fourteen years. Under good conditions, the life of such a pet can reach sixteen years, or even more.

Eyes set wide apart should be of medium size, oval in shape and slightly tilted. The eyes of this breed have a proud and showy expression. The eyelids are very tightly in contact with the shell of the eyeballs.

At the level between the eyes and the skull are the drooping ears of a triangular shape and of medium size. The ears of this breed fall slightly forward, rising when excited. They are covered with short hairs, very soft to the touch.

The powerful neck of the Tibetan Mastiff has developed muscles and an arc shape, with small skin folds (dewlap).


The powerful body of this breed consists of a muscular back and a straight line of the spine. The croup is voluminous, flat in shape. The deep chest of medium volume reaches the elbow joints, the bend of the compressed ribs resembles the shape of the heart. The body length of the Tibetan Mastiff is slightly longer than its height.

The tail of the Tibetan Mastiff is of medium length and high set. It is located at the level of the straight line of the spine. When alert or excited, the animal raises its tail high enough, easily throwing it on its back.


Smooth forelimbs have an ideal articulation angle, that is, the elbow joints are not turned in different directions. The forearms are straight. Strong pasterns should be slightly sloped.

The hindquarters are well muscled, well arched knees and powerful, low hocks. If you look at the hind legs from behind, you can see that they are parallel to each other. The thighs are of moderate length and well developed.

The compact, rather long legs of the Tibetan Mastiff should be round in shape and with slightly curved toes. According to the standard, dewclaws are allowed in dogs of this breed.


The Tibetan Mastiff moves easily and naturally, but the jolts of his steps are quite strong and resilient. During the run, the hind legs fall into the place of the front legs that have just been pushed off. A dog of this breed can cross a long distance over any terrain, while maintaining its strength. This speaks of tremendous stamina.

Wool cover

For the Tibetan Mastiff, the quality of the hair is more important than the quantity. Bitches have less of them than males. The outer coat of medium length consists of an undercoat (dense, rather dense) and guard hairs (thin, protruding, hard to the touch). The coat should not have any wavy or curliness. Also, it cannot be silky and soft to the touch.

An elegant lion-like mane abundantly covers the neck and shoulders of the Tibetan Mastiff. The tail of the animal is well furred. The upper part of the hind legs is covered with a kind of "pants".


You can find Tibetan Mastiffs with a coat color such as:

  • black;
  • black and tan;
  • blue;
  • blue and tan;
  • golden (from fawn to deep red hue);
  • sable.

The intensity of the markings ranges from dark brown to reddish. The markings can be in the area of ​​the upper part of the eyes, on the paws, on the tail. Despite the tan, any coat color in dogs of this breed must be clear, without blurring. White color is acceptable in the chest area in the form of a small spot, as well as in the lower parts of the limbs.

Depending on the color of the coat, the eyes of the Tibetan Mastiff can have a brown tint. According to the standard, the darker the eye color, the preferable it is. The nose is black. The lips are black. The absence of black pigmentation in these areas is considered a defect.

Departing from the parameters of the standard, it is worth noting that the rarest dog of this breed is a white, without spots, Tibetan Mastiff. There are very few of them in the world, as there are great difficulties with breeding. Because of this, the standard does not accept this color.

Nevertheless, an individual with this coat color is the most expensive among the rare breeds in the world. Its cost can be as high as one million dollars.

Dimensions (edit)

The growth of males of the Tibetan Mastiff starts from 66 cm, the growth of bitches - from 61 cm. The weight of males varies from 72 kg to 80 kg, the weight of females - from 60 kg to 75 kg. The weight of the largest dogs of this breed can reach ninety kilograms, or even more.

Let's move away from the norms of the standard. Interesting information: the official registration of cynological records recorded the fact that the world's largest dog of this breed weighed 113 kilograms.

However, some connoisseurs of the breed assure that the largest representatives of this breed already existed in the world. For example, the weight of the largest Tibetan mastiff named Lio Chang, who lived in the twentieth century, was 155 kilograms.

Defects and vices

Any deviations from the standard norms are considered defects. The level of deviation is determined by the judges.

Physical and mental inconsistencies with the parameters of the standard can be counted as disqualifying faults. The most striking vices can be considered the manifestation of aggression or cowardice, non-standard color, undershot or overshot.

Does your dog fit the standard?

The Tibetan Mastiff is an attribute of the life of Chinese celebrities and wealthy people. However, with the improvement of welfare, more and more ordinary people acquire Tibetan mastiffs - animals that have changed the attitude of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire towards dogs. But Chinese laws even half a century ago forbade the possession of dogs!


Characteristics of the breed

The Tibetans are very strong, they are excellent guards. Earlier, people used them as guard animals, guarding entire villages or accompanying nomads on their travels in the Himalayan valleys. Ancient Tibetan Mastiffs are the ancestors of Boxers and St. Bernards.

On the European continent, the first individual of the "Tibetan Mastiff" breed appeared in 1847, in modern Europe the purebred Tibetan is not a common breed. It is famous for its mega-sizes: its weight can reach 100 kg or more, and, standing on its hind legs, it often turns out to be taller than a human. It is also known for deafening barking, willfulness and stubbornness. In order to habitually dominate a Tibetan, a person must be engaged in his socialization from a very young age.


The FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) classifies the breed as a Molossian, describing it as a sturdy and heavy animal with a serious expression on the muzzle. According to the standard, Tibetans can work in all weather conditions, and their maturation occurs at the age of four - in "boys", a year or two earlier - in "girls". The height of an individual of the "Tibetan Mastiff" breed at the withers in size approaches the length of the body. As described by FCI:

  • Head standard

Wide, firmly set on an arched neck; with folds running from the corners of the eyes to the mouth in adults. The muzzle is square, with expressive brown eyes. The bite is complete. The triangular ears are soft and fall slightly forward.

  • Hull standard

Strong, with a straight back and well-muscled, broad and flat croup. The bushy tail is tightly curled.

  • Coat standard

Dense, semi-long, hard, with a dense undercoat. The density of the undercoat is seasonally dependent. Bitches have a less abundant coat than males. In the latter, the mane is more pronounced than in females.

  • Color standard

Purebred representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed can be black, blue (!), Gold (!!). Uniform colors are encouraged. Chestnut (and lighter) tan marks, white spots on the front and paws, on the forehead, around the eyes and on the tip of the tail are allowed.

  • disadvantages

Any deviations from the above-described standard, as well as light and wide-open eyes, clumsiness, light head with drooping lips, excessive "wrinkling" of the neck.

  • Disqualification

Awarded to dogs with bite and colors other than the standard. Expressions of aggression or cowardice will also result in disqualification.

Weight and height

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large hairy dog. It strikes with its large size and weighs as much as 25 Chihuahuas. The weight of the largest and most expensive Tibetan in the world is 112 kg.

The average weight is 70 kg with a height of 80 cm. The height of a thoroughbred adult is at least 66 cm and 61 cm for males and bitches, respectively. The same height is for a preschooler with a weight of 15-20 kg. Therefore, even playing with puppies requires caution.

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A dog of this breed has a self-sufficient character, devoted to man and home. Differs in excellent watchdog qualities. According to the owners, he gets along great with children, in case of danger he is always there. Experts' reviews of the Tibetan puppy's penchant for training, as well as the mental abilities of these dogs, are not overwhelming. According to the description of the owners, both puppies and adults are distinguished by composure, courage and distrust of strangers. They scare strangers by barking, probably the loudest in the world.

How long do they live?

The expression "Tibetan health" also applies to animals of this breed. , according to the owners, has good health. How many years do Tibetans live? - Up to 15, sometimes up to 19 years.

Choosing a puppy

Tibetan Mastiff puppies look like cute fluffy animals. Here are the ones like in this video:

There are a lot of Tibetan puppies. So, for an 11-month-old puppy more than a meter tall and weighing over 80 kg, one and a half million dollars were paid. True, it happened in China, our cost of puppies is measured in thousands of dollars.

When deciding on an expensive purchase, keep in mind that a very large animal will live next to you in a few years - the largest dog in the world. Think about how long it will take, how much it will cost to maintain. - Have you made up your mind? Then choose a puppy.

If a Tibetan is your first dog, let it be She - with a more flexible and affectionate character than males. Study the pedigree, meet, if possible, with the owners of the parents of the puppy you like. Get their description of this "dog family", see photos and videos from the owner's archive.

Be interested in health issues, character traits, estimate the height and weight of the parents. This will help you understand how big your puppy will grow up. Having received the characteristics of the breeder, trust not only his description, but also yourself: observe how the character of the baby manifests itself in the game with other puppies - is it cheerful, mobile? A thoroughbred Tibetan should have a straight back.

Features of care and maintenance at home

In their reviews, experts put 9 points out of 10 in the “molting” column. This means that caring for Tibetans will take time and effort. You need to comb them out three times a week.

At a tender age, a puppy of this breed sleeps and eats a lot. If an adult, eating up to 300 grams of feed in one sitting, eats twice a day, then a puppy of this breed needs to be eaten more often. The number of meals is determined individually.

To prevent the Tibetan Mastiff from becoming aggressive, he must be taught to trust the owner. The technique of such education has been implemented and is called imprinting. As part of imprinting, you need to stroke the puppy, play with him. This is not difficult if you have children or enough free time.

After the puppy reaches 7 months old, Tibetans should definitely go for a walk not only in their own yard. During such walks, the owners train their dog to communicate with other people and animals.

Photo gallery

Video "Tibetan Mastiff"

This video is about the largest dog in the world.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large, serious dog. According to the FCI (International Cynological Association) classification, the breed belongs to the group of guard and guard dogs and companion dogs. This means that the representatives of this breed are excellent guards of the owner's property and territory, as well as good loyal friends and protectors. The Tibetan Mastiff breed has a balanced character, but harsh, excessive sentiment is not for him, but he understands affection and love just like any other living creature with intelligence.

Characteristics of the character of the Tibetan Mastiff

Dogs of this breed outwardly look harsh and vicious, sometimes it seems that they suspect everyone and see in everyone, if not a criminal, then certainly a troublemaker who is dangerous for their owners. But the Tibetan Mastiff is evil only outwardly, in fact, it is an absolutely balanced dog, good-natured to its owner and family members.

In general, the breed is characterized by:


  • self confidence;

    distrust of outsiders;

    calmness in critical situations.

They get along well with cats, allow the appearance of another dog, but only if she is not aggressive towards themselves and the family, they love children and everyone who lives with them in the same house.

Another characteristic feature of the Tibetan Mastiff breed is a voice that can strike fear into even the most courageous person. Loudness and a particular range of voice are considered to be a distinctive breed trait. The specificity of the sounds is due to the special power of the chest and strong large lungs, which forcefully push air into the larynx. The vocal cords are compressed under the pressure of the outgoing air, and a special, incomparable barking of the Tibetan Mastiff is obtained.

Attitude towards children

The Tibetan Mastiff considers the children of the owner to be his family and treats them carefully, guarding them no worse than a nanny. But you should be careful when inviting other children to visit. In this case, it is better to remove the dog. Children can play noisily, talk loudly among themselves, wave their hands, shout, from the side of the dog it may seem that the guests want to harm the owner's children, and the dog will rush to protect them.

Experienced cynologists recommend not to leave a representative of this breed alone with children, since even the size of an adult dog can cause injury to a child. On average, the height of the Tibetan Mastiff ranges from 61 to 75 cm at the withers, weight - from 60 to 90 kg. For comparison, the height of a five-year-old child is 80-100 cm, and the weight is 16-20 kg. Therefore, even accidental movement during the game is dangerous.

Representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed live equally well both in an apartment and in an aviary, they tolerate loneliness well due to their balanced character. You can leave them alone for a long time, but when you return home, you should pay enough attention to the bored dog without you so that he does not become depressed.

How long does the Tibetan Mastiff live?

Dogs of this breed are considered immune to disease, have excellent health and longevity. On average, the Tibetan Mastiff breed has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, but many cases have been recorded when the animal lived to 17 and even 19 years.

Basically, the life span depends on the conditions in which it is kept. Good care, the right diet, daily exercise, love, affection and care - all this has a positive effect on how long the Tibetan Mastiff lives, so everything depends on you. Keeping such a dog is not difficult, but costly both financially and in time. Therefore, you should weigh everything well before buying a Tibetan Mastiff puppy. But if you are ready for this step, then the next 10-16 years you will find incomparable happiness of owning a magnificent dog of the most ancient breed.

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Disputes about what to feed him have not yet revealed which diet is optimal for this breed. Breeders were divided into two camps.

The first mention of the breed can be found in the Chinese book of changes Shu-king dated 1122 BC.

Before you make a four-legged friend, you need to decide on the breed. This is important, since each of the breeds has its own characteristics. Like humans, dogs can also differ in personality, habits, preferences, and more. Let's talk about one of the largest and oldest breeds.

Full description of the dog breed: the history of the appearance of the Tibetan mastiffs, a description of the color, characteristics of the breed and its size (height, weight), reviews of the owners, price, standards, health features, kennels, reviews of the owners, character description, breeding characteristics, conditions of detention, necessary care , diet and education, examples of nicknames, the cost of a puppy in Russia.

History: why it was bred

The history of the breed begins from ancient times - the first mentions of the Tibetan Mastiff are found in the Chinese book of changes Shu-king in 1122 BC. In addition, Aristotle himself wrote about these dogs! Marco Polo praised this breed in his notes on a trip to Asia. Of course, for such a long period of time, truth has long been mixed with myths and legends, but one thing is for certain: the breed comes from a wolf, which is typical for all mountain dogs of the Molossian group.

For the first time this breed of dogs appeared in Tibet. Even in the writings of Herodotus, "Indian" dogs are mentioned. They are the progenitors from whom the Tibetan Mastiff comes. Its origin, as a separate breed, is considered to be from the 7th century BC. These dogs were guard dogs in Tibetan monasteries, helpers of nomads in the Himalayas.

There are very interesting and fascinating legends about Tibetan mastiffs: in Tibet they believe that the light spots of a dog's "eyebrows" are another pair of eyes with which the dog looks directly into the soul and determines whether a person is good or bad. The peasants also believed that the Tibetan Mastiff never sleeps: when one pair of eyes is closed, the other is awake.

The first Tibetan Mastiff came to Europe in 1847, brought by Lord Harding to Queen Victoria of England. Breeding of these dogs began in Germany in 1979. Here is how today's representative of the breed and a dog of the past looks in the photo:


Types and types

Experts have identified 3 types of Tibetan Mastiffs:

Description and breed standard with photo


Colors that representatives of this breed may have:

  • black,
  • Brown,
  • Red,
  • golden,
  • chestnut,
  • black and tan,
  • Gray,
  • gray and tan.,
  • blue.

White patches on the chest or legs are allowed as standard.

The most common and classic color (the calling card of the breed) is a combination of black and tan: black hair on the head and back with light yellow or brown paws, sometimes there is a light spot on the chest. The Chinese believe that this is proof of a brave heart. It is in dogs of this color that tans are pronounced - "second eyes": symmetrical light marks on the eyebrows.

Next in popularity: the so-called red shade, or rather, copper, red, from light fawn to copper-burgundy.

Blue and blue and tan are very beautiful, albeit rare colors.

Photo of blue color
Tibetan Mastiff brown-brown color

Is it ever white?

Pure white dogs are extremely rare. But due to the difficulties of breeding them, the white color is not accepted by the standard. The White Mastiff is the most expensive of the rare breeds, and can be worth a million dollars.


  1. Tail- medium in length, set high on the line of the back, carried high, curled on one side, developed decorating hair.
  2. Head massive, wide, large cranium, the occiput is pronounced, as well as the transition to the muzzle from the forehead.
  3. Muzzle wide, has a blunt edge when viewed from any angle. Wide nose with pronounced pigment, open nostrils,
  4. Bite scissor-like, straight is also allowed, massive jaws, teeth close together.
  5. Eyes- are of medium size, oval, set wide, brown in color, very expressive. By standard, the darker the eye shade, the better.
  6. Ears- hanging, triangular, lowered forward, small.
  7. Neck muscular and massive, slight dewlap, thick hair around the neck.
  8. Frame massive, straight back, deep and fairly wide chest, slightly convex ribs, ovoid rib cage, sternum depth below the elbow.
  9. Limbs- front and hind legs are massive. Sloping shoulders, front legs straight, strong bones. The pasterns have a slight slope. On the hind legs, the angles of the joints are well pronounced; when viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel.

Dimensions (edit)

So, let's discuss the height and weight of an adult dog, to what size the average female and male dog grows. These are large dogs, their average height at the withers ranges from 65-80 cm, for bitches the minimum height is 61 cm, for males - from 66 cm.The average weight is in the range of 60-85 kg (for males - 72-85, for bitches - 60-75 kg).

Weight by month

It should be noted that the maturation of the Tibetan Mastiffs is slower than that of representatives of other breeds. They reach maturity at 3-4 years old.

Photo of a puppy 1 month old
Photo of a puppy in 2 months
Photo of a puppy 3 months old
Photo of a puppy 4 months old

A table with averaged weight data for different puppy ages, as well as how much an adult weighs:

Age, months newborn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 18 2 years 3 years 4 years
Weight, kg 0,4 — 0,6 5 11 15 17 24 28 31 35 41 43 46 53 57 60

Maximum height and weight

Individuals weighing 90 kg and a height at the withers 80-85 cm can be found.

The largest and most expensive

The largest dog of this breed known in the world is the Big Splash from China. The size and weight of this largest dog on the planet weighs 113 kg (and at 11 months he weighed 80 kg!), Has a red color. He is also the most expensive dog in the world, was acquired by a Chinese billionaire for one and a half million dollars.
Photo of the largest dog in the world

According to an approximate source, Splash is fed with chicken or beef, and as a dessert he is treated to seafood. But such care pays off very quickly, since for mating with the most expensive male of this breed you need to pay more than 15,000 dollars, and there are plenty of people who want to get offspring from him.


These dogs have a unique voice and bark very differently from other dogs. It features low bass with a metallic ringing. It sounds especially impressive in the mountains, where it echoes with a booming echo. It should be noted that They give voice rather rarely, due to their balanced temperament and Tibetan calmness.

Wool. Is it smooth-haired?

The coat is straight, dense and coarse, not very long top coat, dense undercoat, which is thicker in the cold season, and thinns a little in warm weather. Males have more hair than females. Around the head, a thick layer of fur forms a sort of mane.

Smooth-haired tibetan
Almost bald bobbed dog

Mastiffs can also be smooth-haired, they differ from the classic representatives of the breed only in the length of the coat.

Life expectancy: how many years do they live?

The average life expectancy is 12-14 years, with good living conditions a dog can live for more than 16 years.


In general, these dogs have quite good health, although there are some characteristics of the breed:

  • Due to their large size and heavy weight, they can be prone to hip disease - dysplasias.
  • There is also a tendency to diseases of the thyroid gland... These diseases can be inherited.
  • There is a danger of occurrence genetic problems, which can manifest itself at the age of 7-10 months and lead to death of the puppy. In nurseries, when choosing a pair, they strictly monitor the compatibility of pairs.
  • Health problems may also occur, in particular with skeletal system which are typical for large dogs. It can be inflammation of the pericartilaginous tissue, rickets, hypertrophy or degeneration of bones in puppies. A proper diet containing enough calcium and other substances necessary for the development of the puppy will help to avoid the development of these diseases. Daily physical activity is also required.
  • There is still a risk skin diseases... These dogs have very thick coats, and skin diseases can occur due to heat, or if the coat has not been properly dried after bathing, or due to inadequate nutrition.
  • To avoid the risk of infections and viruses, it is necessary to get vaccinated on time.

Where to buy: the most famous nurseries

  1. In Moscow:
  2. In St. Petersburg:
  3. In Kazan:
  4. In Kiev:

The price of a puppy in rubles: how much does a dog cost in Russia?

The average price of a grown up puppy of an exhibition class in kennels in Russia is from 90,000 to 160,000 rubles. The breed is rare, therefore expensive.

Adult Tibetan Mastiffs from the "pet-pet" category cost about 40-50 thousand rubles or a little more.

For example, the average cost of purebred "extra-class" puppies sold in China is about 25-35 thousand dollars, and sometimes even higher. In the Celestial Empire, the presence of a dog of this breed is an indicator of the owner's high status and wealth.

Owner reviews

Real positive and negative feedback from the owners of these dogs will help you decide whether to start such a pet.

I can tell they are adorable! There is such a lion running around our yard, there is no other name for it. I want to especially note in the review of the relationship with children. If I let the children go for a walk in the yard, then I don't even worry about them, since our Baron will not allow them to go out the gate or do pranks. She helps a lot with children and loves to play with them. I love to look at him when he is not quite puffing his cheeks, it makes me tender. Of course, you need to tinker a lot with the coat, but thanks to the qualities of this dog's character, I do such procedures with joy.

For about three years we have been choosing the breed of dog, which we will start to guard our house, which is still under construction. It is a pity that nurseries are located only in the center of Russia, and we are more alive in Siberia. But this did not become a problem for us. The dog is very intelligent, stubborn, and calm in nature. Of course, I will especially emphasize in the review, it is not very suitable for keeping in an apartment, but thanks to this, we completed our house much faster. Masyanya became an educator for our children, she is very patient with them, but she does not go too far and puts them in their place in time. I think that this is the most suitable option for those who want to protect their home and family, of course, if they can afford not cheap maintenance of such a dog.

Our clumsy Barik immediately made friends with the cat, who was not very happy with the appearance of the puppy in the house. But after a while they became best friends. The doggie will also never offend the neighbour's cats, which sometimes come to our yard. And with children, he is generally gold, a real helper. I recommend this breed to everyone.

But our mastiff is two years old. And I can say that the dog is very difficult. In China, this breed has its own name. There is a dog, and there is a Tibetan Mastiff. Our pet is constantly testing us, everyone wants to prove that he is in charge in the house. He's a miracle! We love him very much! But he is so smart and cunning that sometimes it gets scary!

Before buying such a dog, think about it! They write that they are wary of strangers, they are adequate in your presence. Nonsense, don't believe it! when he was 4 months old he bit a builder on the territory, he will tear anyone, I am not kidding - he will break. If we talk about a dog for a family, then this is not the same breed, if about the protection of an object - of course yes.


Detailed characteristics of the breed, pros and cons, dogs on the most important points - evil or good, what the communication of Tibetans with children looks like, a description of the nature of the breed:


  1. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very intelligent dog. This is due to the fact that in Tibet it was customary to leave them in the house for the main thing: children and cattle were left on them, and the mastiff himself kept order. This dog is good at making decisions.
  2. The character is balanced, calm, friendly, but at the same time stubborn and strong-willed. These dogs have a sense of their own dignity and independence, require treating themselves as an equal, they may not always obey.
  3. Excellent protectors, very loyal, patient and understanding. They are suspicious of strangers, zealously guarding their territory - his special quality is that the Tibetan Mastiff perfectly understands what the boundaries of his territory are. Thanks to his barking (bass with a metallic sheen), ill-wishers do not even want to approach your house!
  4. How does it relate to children? They are not aggressive, friendly towards children, they can become excellent nannies, they get along well with cats and other dogs (provided that other dogs do not show aggression). Yu. N. Roerich describes the breed in an interesting way, focusing on the character of the dog and its relative peacefulness. He notes the do-hee's amazing love for cats, writes that he felt like a cat was a pet, which his dog took.
  5. In addition, an important and very positive quality of these dogs is in their sociality and readiness to adapt to another creature, especially, from the point of view of the mastiff, weak. If, for example, a child, puppy, disabled person or an elderly person plays with a Tibetan mastiff, a huge dog will never make a careless movement, it will be soft and helpful.
  6. They can safely endure loneliness.
  7. A very important point: if you start a Tibetan just for protection, you should learn some nuances. These dogs are more active at night, so they will most likely be inactive and drowsy during the day.
  8. With all the advantages of this breed, it is categorically not suitable for people without experience.


These dogs molt several times a year. During this period, it is imperative to regularly and thoroughly comb the coat, otherwise it may roll off, and this will bring unpleasant and even painful sensations to the dog.

Breeding: estrus, how many puppies give birth

The first heat usually occurs at eight months of age, but some may be one year old or older. The flow occurs once a year, lasts 21-28 days, usually in autumn or early winter. At this time, immunity weakens, hypothermia, drafts, getting wet should not be allowed.

Tibetan Mastiffs reach puberty later than other dogs. For a bitch, the first mating is permissible no earlier than at the age of two, for males it is determined individually (males become mature later than females, at about 3-4 years). For mating, you need to get a positive assessment at the breeding examination. Compliance with the breed standard and the health of future breeders is important.

Pregnancy lasts, on average, 59-65 days, but the timing can fluctuate in both directions. During pregnancy, the bitch sharply becomes aggressive, can only admit the owners.

The bitch’s belly drops 3-4 days before giving birth. A couple of days before giving birth, she begins to dig holes, following natural instincts. On the eve of birth, the dog refuses to eat (but not always). The first puppy is born, as a rule, within an hour after the first attempts, for subsequent puppies this interval may be longer. 5-12 puppies are usually born in a litter.

Conditions of detention

Can live on the street?

For Tibetan Mastiffs, it is preferable to be kept in a private house than in an apartment, since these dogs need more free space. Although the maintenance in the apartment will not cause too much trouble for the owner, but imagine what it is like for such a giant in our cells?

You need to walk with them 3-4 times a day, the duration of the walk should be at least an hour. Walking is recommended, even if the dog is kept in a private house, otherwise he may not have enough physical activity. It is recommended to walk in different places, because Tibets enjoy exploring new territory and enjoy long walks.

Can I be kept on a chain?

The Tibetan Mastiff must not be chained! And it is also not recommended to keep the dog in the enclosure around the clock, it is worth planting it in the enclosure when strangers are at home. The aviary for the breed of this dog must be metal, strong, you can not put a net or chain-link.

Optimal dimensions for the booth: 110X85X90 centimeters (berth).

The yard must be surrounded by a fence of sufficient height, otherwise the dog may jump over the low fence and run away.

Necessary care: how to look after, support and educate

What eats

What to feed and how much? What do they eat? Nuances and features of nutrition

When feeding a pet, you need to consider the following points:

  • protein food should be up to 60 percent of the diet. It can be lean meat, sea boiled fish, dairy products, eggs;
  • porridge can only serve as a source of carbohydrates, but not the basis of the diet. Rice or buckwheat porridge are better suited;
  • it is necessary to include vegetables in the diet - carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin, herbs;
  • vegetable oil should be used as a source of fat.

The finished dry food should have approximately the same composition. Suitable premium and super premium foods include: Almo Nature for adult large breed dogs and Grandorf lamb rice with rice for adult large breed dogs. The required feed intake is always indicated on its packaging, depending on the age and weight of the animal.

Ready-made food cannot be mixed with natural; you need to feed either one or the other.

Let's talk about feeding the puppy - what are the babies fed with? Experts do not recommend feeding puppies with food. From one and a half to three months, the puppy should be fed 5-6 times a day, preferably slightly boiled beef and cottage cheese or kefir, you can also add steamed vegetables or vegetable puree with vegetable oil.

Then, gradually, as the puppy grows up, he is transferred to two meals a day. In no case should the puppy be overfed until the age of 15 months, it is better to give less food, otherwise he may gain excess weight, which is dangerous to his health.

Do not give your dog the following foods:

  • fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, lard,
  • river fish,
  • fried, spicy, pickled dishes, seasonings, sauces,
  • sweets and flour,
  • the tubular bones of the bird.

To avoid diseases of the joints, chondroprotectors, supplements with phosphorus and calcium, special food for puppies with a high glucosamine content must be included in the diet of puppies. Synthetic vitamins are not needed.

How much does he eat per day?

So how much does a dog eat per day? The total daily food intake should be approximately three to four percent of the pet's weight.

How many times to wash and comb out?

Grooming the coat is not difficult. It is necessary to comb the pet (grooming) once a week with a large, stiff brush. During the shedding period, it is recommended to do this daily, preferably in the yard, otherwise the entire floor in the house will be covered with a wool carpet.
wet Tibetan Mastiff in water

These dogs do not need to be bathed often (not more than once a month, and then if necessary, for example, when preparing for an exhibition), they do not have a specific smell, and they are very clean creatures.

How to cut?

There are no particular difficulties with a haircut. For these dogs, a hygienic haircut is essential. In the event that the wool is matted, there are many tangles that cannot be combed out, you have to use a haircut under a typewriter. Do not cut too short with a clipper, as this can lead to colds and pneumonia.

Training and education

How to train a Tibetan Mastiff? It should be noted that this breed is rather difficult to train at home. It is recommended to take an obedience course at a kennel club. You need to start teaching commands with simple commands: "place!", "To me", "sit", "walk", "fu", "lie", "next to" In the first year of life, the teams learn, and then they are consolidated, and endurance is trained.

You must understand that Tibetan Mastiffs are a dog that demands respect, not simple ordering. This is not your servant, this is your friend (in general, this is how you should treat ALL breeds). If the animal recognizes the validity and the very essence of the command, it will carry it out.

Nicknames for boys and girls: what to call

So the breed is of Chinese origin, it is customary to call these dogs by Chinese names.

Examples of names for girls:

  1. Gia,
  2. Lijuang,
  3. Meili,
  4. Xiu,
  5. Mingzhu,
  6. Ting,
  7. Zhilan,
  8. Shihong,
  9. Yanlin,
  10. Yanmei.

Names for boys:

  1. Bingven,
  2. Bojing,
  3. Weimin,
  4. Weisheng,
  5. Wenyang,
  6. Guangli,
  7. Gian,
  8. Zian,
  9. Kiang,
  10. Kingshan,
  11. Pengfei,
  12. Cheng,
  13. Shining.

Photos and Pictures

Just look at these photos of adult mastiffs next to a person:

Cross with chow chow

How cute the puppies look!

Share cute pictures of dogs in the comments!


Watch educational videos about the breed:

From our article you learned the characteristics, reviews and cost (exact price in Russia) of dog breeds, photos, weight, height, feeding and care.

Looking at the photo of a Tibetan Mastiff, you may not immediately understand whether it is a dog or a lion. A very large animal is decorated with thick hair that protects the dog from the cold. On the chest and neck, it forms a thick mane, due to which the mastiff looks like the king of beasts - the lion. The dog is adapted to life in harsh conditions and belongs to rare, expensive breeds.

Description of the breed - weight, height, standard, photo

Tibetan mastiffs were used for protection by nomadic tribes, shepherds and monks. This oldest breed was mentioned as early as 1121 BC. The breed is one of the largest dogs on the planet.

These powerful animals with well-developed muscles today act as a bodyguard, watchman, companion. But only adult dogs that have reached the age of 24–36 months perform their functions.

The minimum height of the Tibetan Mastiff, according to the standard, should be from 61 cm in bitches, and from 66 cm in males. Weight is not specified by the standard and can be from 35 to 75 kg.

The appearance of the Tibetans should be as follows:

The appearance and size of the mastiff are impressive. This breed is adapted to life in the harsh conditions of Bhutan, India, Nepal.

Color and type of coat

Thin in structure, dense and coarse wool of Tibetan mastiffs in the cold season becomes denser and thicker. The awn should be firm, firm and straight. When evaluating the coat, special attention is paid to the structure of the awn. Curly, silky, wavy hair is unacceptable. Both males and bitches have a well-developed mane that adorns the hair in the breeches and on the tail.

Colors allowed by the standard:

  1. Brown monochromatic color from gold to red.
  2. Intense pure blue and pure black.
  3. Black and blue with markings.

Marks ("tan") should be located on the inside of the legs and tail, under the eyes. A small white spot on the chest and white spots on the tips of the paws are acceptable. Light beige to red markings may be under the lips. But it is desirable that the color is as clear as possible.

Description of character traits

The Tibetan Mastiff does not single out one owner. The pet will treat all family members equally, but show special affection for children. Toddlers can do whatever they want with the dog. And during such games, you need to ensure that the child does not harm the patient dog.

It is difficult for a large dog to move, so you don't have to wait for special activity during games. But while the mastiff is still a puppy, he enjoys playing with all family members. If no one wants to tinker with him, then the puppy will calmly settle down in its place and will not bother the owners.

A reliable and independent dog is a guard and protector at the same time. He may not wait for the command and resolve issues related to his work on his own. No one will hide from a serious adult look. The pet is able to give his life for the owner, who has earned his love and trust.

Tibetan Mastiffs are self-sufficient and calm can be alone. They need attention only to feel affection. Dogs have good intelligence and developed intelligence. At the same time, they are stubborn and able to defend their point of view. However, they do it so as not to offend the owner.

Mastiffs do not pay any attention to small dogs, even if they bark at a large dog. But the aggression of large individuals can respond.

In the family, the pet will participate in common affairs and feel the mood of the household. If there is discord in the family, then the dog will become sad.

To the main traits of character Tibetan Mastiff can be attributed to:

A large pet easily takes root in both small and large families, where it will become everyone's favorite.

Raising a puppy

Raising a pet should be from an early age... An independent dog with dignity can be stubborn during training. It is better if the training is carried out by a person with experience and knowledge of the nature and psychology of service dogs. Mastiffs are guards who need to be able to convey the meaning of their demands. During training, rigor and rigidity should be shown.

You should also engage in imprinting with your pet, that is, apply special methods by which the dog gets used to the person, makes sure that it is with the owner of the same species and begins to trust him. To do this, from the third week of life with the puppy, you need to play and pet him. If a grown-up puppy is afraid of a person, it means that the methods did not work and the dog will not be able to cooperate with the person and will not become his friend and life companion. But in most cases, mastiffs quickly get used to all family members and make friends with everyone.

After the pet settles in a new family, he should be taught to the outside world... You should take the puppy outside and begin to acquaint the puppy with the world around him from the age of seven weeks. During a walk, the baby should familiarize himself and come into contact with the reality around him. This will temper his nervous system and character.

It is not recommended to keep a large dog in the apartment. In a confined space, she will become aggressive even towards household members. Keeping a Mastiff is Better on the site of a country house that he will guard. But one site will not be enough for a pet. The dog needs not very dynamic, but long walks. For puppies and young dogs, the load needs to be normalized. Their skeleton and muscles are strengthened in areas going uphill. For the pet, it is imperative to make a canopy under which it will hide from the sun and precipitation. Also, the dog should always have fresh water at his disposal.

Pay special attention to wool... You need to clean it with a special brush. It should have soft natural bristles and long teeth. During moulting, brushing is carried out every day for long-haired animals or by a slicker. Between the toes, the coat is periodically trimmed with scissors with rounded tips. Otherwise, in summer, debris will get entangled in this wool, and in winter snow will freeze on it. It is often not recommended to bathe mastiffs. Soaking the undercoat damages the skin and can lead to dermatitis and eczema. Bathing two or three times a year is sufficient.

Obligatory clipping, to which you need to teach pets even at puppyhood. Otherwise, an adult pet of the owner with a claw cutter may not let him in, but it will definitely not work to cope with it and forcefully cut the claws.

Every day you need to examine the teeth, and if the bite of the dog is straight, then brush them. If the bite is correct, the mastiff's teeth do not need to be cleaned. In case of errors in the bite of the dog, it is necessary to show the veterinarian, since chewing teeth can deteriorate and tartar can form.

Due to soft ears the pet may develop otitis media, therefore, it is necessary to inspect the auricles every day. They usually develop visible plaque within two weeks, which should be cleaned with an antibacterial solution.

The dog's eyes should also be examined regularly. If necessary, wipe them gently with a damp cotton pad.


Tibetan Mastiffs eat relatively little and are picky about food. An adult pet should be fed twice a day. From natural products, his diet should include:

An excellent folk remedy for worms is garlic, which can be given to your dog once a week. A clove of garlic is hidden in a slice of butter bread or minced meat.

Tibetan Mastiffs cannot be fed with the following foods:

  • sausages;
  • potatoes;
  • white bread and pastries;
  • legumes;
  • spices;
  • pasta;
  • bones in any form;
  • raw chicken;
  • fatty lamb;
  • pork;
  • raw fish;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • pickled foods;
  • canned food;
  • smoked products;
  • pickles;
  • sweets.

Pet food should be warm. Can't be given to the dog cold and hot food The breed has a moderate appetite. The dog may not even eat for a couple of days, and this is considered the norm. If the pet will eat dry food from the store, then the premium and super premium labeling should be chosen.

A Watchdog and Family Friend are Best Choices in professional nurseries, which are enough in Moscow and throughout Russia. Here you will be offered puppies from the best producers with all breed characteristics. In the kennel, puppies are vaccinated, have a full package of documents and are transferred to the new owner by the already socialized ones.

The price of puppies depends on many factors. This is an exhibition career, pedigree, parentage, natural type. For example, mastiff boys in nurseries in Moscow cost from 120,000 to 200,000 rubles. The price for girls is from 80,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Big dog with a wayward temper - Tibetan Mastiff with the right upbringing will become an excellent guard, companion and loyal friend for all family members.