Pratel tablets dosage. Pratel for dogs: instructions for use. Storage and shelf life

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Pratel for animals instructions for use for dogs and puppies how often to give and take, before or after meals or on an empty stomach, dosage

It is recommended to give the medicine to animals from two months of age. The drug is used for deworming before vaccination and viscous animals, as well as for prophylaxis. 3 or 4 doses of the drug are taken per year.

The medicine is given to the animal in the morning on an empty stomach. They feed in an hour. Fasting before drug treatment and giving laxatives after treatment is not required.

The dose is calculated as 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Puppies weighing up to two kilograms are given ¼ of the tablet.

Pratel for dogs kills eggs of worms or not and on what day to give

Tablets for worms Pratel for dogs and cats reviews, price, where to buy

Many dog ​​and cat owners note that Pratel is a rather effective drug, better than many others. But it is important to correctly calculate the dose so that the animal does not get poisoned.

Small puppies up to three months old after using this anthelmintic sometimes vilify.

You can buy the drug at veterinary pharmacies. The price of 1 package with 10 tablets in a blister is about 80 hryvnia. In Russia, 1 tablet costs about 40 rubles.

Pratel for dogs analogs, before vaccination, side effects,

Many anthelmintic drugs are sold for animals. The analogues of Pratel in terms of the active substance are: Prazicide and Dirofen.

There are no side effects when taking the drug. But it is not recommended to give the drug in the following cases:

- age up to 30 days;
- the emaciated state of the animal;
- with individual intolerance;
- during pregnancy;
- simultaneously with piperazine.

Pratel for dogs composition, validity period, after how much to feed

The drug is given to the animal in a crushed form under the root of the tongue, or with a small amount of food in the morning. Feed the animal one hour after taking the medicine.

For the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations in pets, veterinarians recommend the drug Pratel. The instructions for use for dogs contain important information about indications, contraindications, dosage calculation, possible side effects.

Before starting deworming, it is important to study the annotation, consult a veterinarian, and prepare the animal. If the recommendations are followed, Pratel tablets practically do not cause negative reactions.

General information about the drug

Pratel tablets are an effective medicine for worms in Slovak dogs. The well-known pharmaceutical company "Lek Pharmaceuticals" offers a product based on two active substances: pyrantel and praziquantel.

Pratel is a safe and effective means of killing nematodes and cestodes at different stages of development. Reviews of veterinarians and dog owners in most cases confirm a positive result of use against the background of a low percentage of adverse reactions.

Release form, composition

Pratel is a combined product with two active ingredients. The optimal combination of active ingredients gives a pronounced anthelmintic effect.

Tablets are light yellow, round shape, there are 10 pieces in a blister. The content of praziquantel in one unit is 50 mg, pyrantel embonate is 144 mg.

Important nuances:

Important nuances:

  • for an effective effect on nematodes and cestodes, a single use of the drug Pratel is enough;
  • side effects are rare;
  • the drug is allowed to be used in puppies from 6 months of age;
  • short list of restrictions;
  • there are practically no side effects during deworming.

Effects on the dog's body

Indications for use


The drug Prantel is not prescribed:

  • pregnant bitches throughout the gestation period;
  • with intolerance to the active substance;
  • severe exhaustion of the animal;
  • the dog is receiving piperazine.


The tablet is given whole or crushed, mixed with feed. The dosage is specified in the instructions, taking into account the weight of the animal. Preventive and therapeutic deworming using Pratel tablets must be approved by the veterinarian supervising the four-legged pet.

How to calculate dosage

In the annotation to the drug Pratel, the weight of the pet and the optimal number of tablets are indicated. For accurate application, prevention of overdose or insufficient effectiveness of the drug, the pet is weighed before the start of deworming.

The dependence of the dog's weight and the number of tablets:

Small breed dogs get ¼ to 1 tablet, larger dogs need an increased dose as directed (2 to 5 tablets). When calculating the dosage for dogs of large and giant breeds, be sure to take into account the weight of the animal: on average, 1 tablet is needed per 10 kg of the dog's weight.

Application frequency

One of the advantages of an anthelmintic agent is a positive result of use after a single dose of the Pratel tablet. A single dose is given immediately so that the concentration of the active ingredients quickly reaches a maximum.

You can not violate the requirements of the instructions, increase the dosage yourself or give the pill again without consulting a veterinarian. Excessive amounts of pyrantel and praziquantel in the body can adversely affect a dog's health.

As a preventive measure, Pratel tablets are given to pets every 3 months. Routine deworming with a combined agent is generally well tolerated by animals.

special instructions

Before deworming, no special diet or other preparation of the animal is needed. Do not mix Pratel with another drug - Piperazine.

Combining the crushed tablet with dog food is acceptable. In most cases, adult animals calmly swallow the pill, puppies have to crush the drug and mix it into food.

Pratel tablets for dogs are available in round, yellow tablets. Packaged in 10 or 100 tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg. praziquantel and 144 mg. pyrantela.

Pratel for dogs - instructions for use

Pratel tablets for worms should be given to dogs from 6 weeks. As a preventive measure, the medicine is given quarterly, for medicinal purposes, once. No prior diet or laxatives are required. Pratel can be used before vaccination 2-3 weeks or before the expected mating period.


  • It is impossible for pregnant women, in the last stages and in the early;
  • Increased individual sensitivity;
  • Contraindicated in animals up to 6 weeks of age;
  • Do not exceed dosage;
  • Do not use in case of impaired renal function;
  • Cannot be combined with other anthelmintic drugs.

Pratel for dogs reviews

Pratel for dogs review from Alena, from Rostov. I have 4 dogs, worming is carried out simultaneously for all, as soon as I notice that the animals lose their appetite. With an adult dog, there is no problem to give a pill. But with puppies you need to tinker. We have to disguise the pills in food. The first day after taking the medicine, the dogs are lethargic. But after, they have an unprecedented appetite.

Pratela price for dogs

  • Pratel 10 tabl - about 480 rubles.
  • The price for one tablet is about 45 rubles.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Away from children and direct sunlight. Expiration date: 3 years.

Unlike cats, no one likes worms and does not want to start. Worms easily wind up on their own, posing a threat to the health of both a fluffy pet and a person. In order to reliably exclude their latent presence in the life of your pet, it is enough to regularly take anthelmintics for prophylactic purposes.

Composition and release form of the drug Pratel

Pratel is developed by Novartis Animal Health d.o.o. (Slovenia). It is produced in the form of light yellow round tablets, the edges of which taper towards the periphery. Each tablet has a cross-shaped notch on one side to facilitate dividing if required.

Pratela tablets are scored to facilitate dividing

Each Pratela tablet contains as active ingredients:

  • pyrantela embonate - 144 mg;
  • praziquantel 50 mg

Excipients included in the composition:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • lactose;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • sodium starch glycolate;
  • corn starch;
  • povidone;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The tablets are packed in blisters of 10 tablets each. Blisters are made of foil and placed in cardboard packages, each can contain either 1 or 10 drug blisters.

The tablets are in aluminum blisters and placed in a cardboard box

The mechanism of action of the drug Pratel

After taking Pratel, praziquantel from the digestive system quickly enters the bloodstream and spreads evenly with its current throughout the body, having a detrimental effect on the extraintestinal forms of worms that are characteristic of some phases of their development. Excretion of praziquantel occurs by the kidneys. Pirantela embonate enters the bloodstream only partially, its main action is realized in the intestinal lumen and is excreted in the stool within the next 1-2 days after taking the drug.

Pratel has long been used in veterinary practice and is a well-studied drug. When assessing the possibility of adversely affecting the body, it is classified as a low-hazard agent. It has been proven that, if the dosage regimen is observed, Pratel does not cause the formation of hypersensitivity, and also does not adversely affect both the course of pregnancy in cats and the condition of the fetuses. The product is characterized by good tolerance by pets of all ages.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Pratel are treatment, as well as prevention:

  • nematodes:
    • toxocariasis;
    • toxascariasis;
    • uncinariosis;
    • hookworm;
  • cestodoses:
    • teniasis;
    • dipylidiosis;
    • echinococcosis;
    • mesocestodosis.

Photo gallery: pathogens of helminthiasis in cats

Mice and rats are reservoir carriers of toxascarids. The causative agent of diphilobotriosis - tapeworm (tapeworm) - has a long body, consisting of separate segments, each of which contains both male and female germ cells Echinococcus is a helminth that causes irreversible changes in the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and toxic damage to the body as a whole

How to use Pratel correctly

Pratela's instruction does not require preliminary preparation of the cat in the form of taking laxatives or fasting, which is very convenient. The pratel is given once to each animal either with food, or forcibly by placing the drug on the root of the pet's tongue.

Dosing of Pratel in cats is very simple:

  • an adult cat weighing 2 to 5 kg is given half a tablet;
  • kitten - only one quarter.

The dosage remains unchanged for both treatment and prevention.

The fact is that the drug Pratel has been used in veterinary medicine for a long time, and it seems that the instructions for it have not been revised for a long time. The weight of modern cats of large breeds has already "stepped over" the 10 kg mark, therefore, in order to obtain the desired effect, they will have to use the dosages prescribed by the instructions for dogs:

  • with a cat weighing from 5 to 10 kg - 1 tablet;
  • with a cat weighing from 10 to 20 kg - 2 tablets.

My practice convincingly shows the inadequacy of a single dose of any anthelmintic in animals taken from the street. I confirm the reliability both by visual criteria - the preservation of the presence of helminths in the feces - and by the results of microscopy of feces - by the presence of helminth eggs. Anthelmintic should be given at least 3 times with an interval of 10-14 days, followed by laboratory control. If there are still animals in the house, all of them are subject to prevention at the same time. Preventive use of anthelmintics for people who are in contact with animals a lot also makes sense.

It has not been established any features of the effect of Pratel, either at the beginning of its use, or at the end of it. If the next prophylactic dose was not taken, according to the annotation to the medicine, the next prophylaxis should be carried out as soon as possible, without changing the dose.

Pratel for cats weighing more than 5 kg is given in the dosage prescribed for dogs of the same weight

Video: how to give a pill to a cat

Features of use in kittens and pregnant cats

During pregnancy in cats, the use of Pratel is allowed only during its last third. For lactating cats, the use of Pratel is permissible only as directed by a veterinarian and under his supervision no earlier than 2-3 weeks after lambing. It is forbidden to give Pratel to kittens under the age of 6 weeks.

Contraindications and side effects from the drug Pratel

Contraindications for treatment with Pratel, as well as its use for prophylaxis, are:

  • the exhausted state of the pet;
  • the presence of an infectious process;
  • renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • the first half of pregnancy;
  • under 6 weeks of age for kittens;
  • allergic reactions, including in the past, to the use of Pratel.

As side effects, the development of allergies is possible, which usually does not happen when Pratel is used for its intended purpose in the dosages recommended by the instructions. Symptoms characterizing drug overdose were not detected in animals.

If, when using Pratel, the pet has allergies, it is treated with the use of desensitizing drugs (Tavegil, Pipolfen) or corticosteroids (prednisolone), leaving a corresponding entry in the animal's card, preventing the reappointment of the drug, as well as its components as part of another medicine.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Pratel is incompatible with piperazine, which may contain other anthelmintics.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store Pratel for 3 years from the date of its manufacture, subject to the following conditions:

  • temperature regime from 0 0 С to 25 0 С;
  • low humidity;
  • darkness;
  • closed packaging;
  • isolation from food products of people and animals;
  • lack of access for children and pets.

Approximate cost and existing analogues

The preparation Prazicide contains similar active ingredients.

Table: Comparison of Pratel and Prazicide

NameCompositionRelease formIndicationsContraindicationsApplicationPrice, rubles
Pratel; Novartis Animal Health d.o.o. "(Slovenia)
  • pyrantela embonate 144 mg;
  • praziquantel 50 mg.
  • exhaustion;
  • the presence of infections;
  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • age up to 6 weeks;
  • the first half of pregnancy;
  • allergy to the components of the product.
  • half a tablet - for an adult cat;
  • a quarter of a tablet is for a kitten.
70 / piece
Prazicide; Api-San LLC (Russia)
  • pyrantel pamoate 50 mg;
  • praziquantel 15 mg.
PillsTreatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodoses
  • exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases;
  • recovery period after various diseases.
1 tablet (200 mg) per 3 kg of body weight. During the first application, increased salivation is possible. In case of overdose:

    Prazicide is analogous to Pratel: it has the same active ingredients

Anthelmintic drug Pratel for cats recommended itself as a fairly effective remedy. The active ingredients of the remedy are pyrantel embonate and praziquantel.

The medicine is produced in the form of round tablets with beveled edges and a cruciform cut on one side. The tablets contain 144mg of pyrantel embonate and 50mg of praziquantel.

The active ingredient of the drug Pratel for cats - pyrantel acts on the nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a neuromuscular ganglion blocker responsible for persistent depolarization and spastic paralysis of the musculature of the roundworms. The influence of pyrantel is also directed at sexually mature species of gastrointestinal nematodes.

The auxiliary elements of the drug include:

  1. Crystal cellulose;
  2. Lactose;
  3. Sodium saccharin, croscarmellose and starch gluconate;
  4. Corn starch;
  5. Povidan;
  6. Silicon dioxide;
  7. Magnesium stearate.

The drug is placed in paper boxes of 1 or 10 blisters. Store the product in a sealed package, in a dark place, separate from food and feed, at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Pratel for cats is a combined anthelmintic agent, with a broad effect of nematicidal and cestocidal effects on all stages of the development of roundworms fixed in cats.

Oral administration of the medication ensures rapid absorption of praziquantel into the intestine, its distribution in tissues. The substance is excreted from the body in the urine in a metallized state.

Pirantel paomat is incompletely absorbed in the intestines and exits with feces during the day.

Pratel is well tolerated by cats of all breeds and age groups.

Indications and dosage of Pratel for cats

A special side effect of Pratel for cats on the animal's body is not detected either during the first use, not when the drug is discontinued. It is recommended to give Pratel to animals from two months of age. Application can be arranged prior to vaccination and mating of cats. The drug is successfully used both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent against:

  • Nematoses: toxascariasis, unicinariasis, hookworm disease;
  • Cestodoses: teniasis, dipylidiosis, echinococosis, mesocestodosis.

The dosage of Pratel for cats should be strictly observed.

Instructions for use of Pratela

Tablets of Pratel for cats are given to cats in an individual dosage agreed with the veterinarian. They are added in crushed form to food or forcibly placed on the root of the tongue.
Adult animals are given 1⁄2, kittens - 1⁄4 tablet. Or it can be calculated as follows: a tablet for 10 kg of a pet.

Pre-diet and use of laxatives before taking the medication is not required. The medicine is given to the cat in the morning on an empty stomach. It is allowed to feed the pet after an hour.

For medicinal purposes, the drug is given to cats once, for prophylaxis - once a trimester, in a therapeutic dosage. Pregnant animals are allowed to enter the drug in the last stages of pregnancy, lactating animals - 20 days after delivery, under the supervision of a veterinarian. Side effects are rare, in the form of an allergic reaction.

Overdose in cats has not been reported.


The cat bratel is not allowed to be used on kittens under 6 weeks of age. When working with Pratel for a cat, do not eat or drink, and also smoke. There are no special precautions to take when disposing of a rejected product.

After contact with the medicine, you should carefully wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Pratel's analogs

There are a number of anthelmintic agents, and the cat has its counterparts. They are Prazicide and Dirofen.

There are certain guidelines to follow. Pratel for cats is not recommended to be taken at the same time with anthelmintic drugs that include piperazine.