Roncoleukin injections. Roncoleukin for cats. Features of the introduction of Roncoleukin ®

Instructions for the use of the drug Roncoleukin in veterinary medicine as an immunocorrector
(Organization-developer - LLC "Strategy", St. Petersburg)

I. General information
Trade name: Roncoleukin.
International non-proprietary name: Interleukin-2.

Dosage form - solution for injection, as well as oral, intranasal and external use.
Roncoleukin contains recombinant human interleukin-2 (IL-2), isolated from the cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and excipients: sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), D-mannitol, dithiothreitol (DTT), ammonium carbonate, water for injection.

1 ampoule of Roncoleukin (1 ml) contains:

  • recombinant human interleukin-2 0.05; 0.1; 0.25 or 0.5 mg (50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 500,000 IU);
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate - 0.5 mg; 1 mg; 2.5 mg; 5 mg;
  • D-mannitol - 2.5 mg; 5 mg; 12.5 mg; 25 mg;
  • dithiothreitol - 0.08 mg;
  • ammonium carbonate sour - 0.79 mg;
  • water for injection up to 1 ml.

1 bottle (10 ml) contains:

  • human interleukin-2 recombinant 1; 2; 5 or 10 mg (1.2, 5 or 10 million IU);
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate - 10 mg; 20 mg; 50 mg; 100 mg;
  • D-mannitol - 50 mg; 100 mg; 250 mg; 500 mg;
  • dithiothreitol - 0.8 mg;
  • ammonium carbonate sour - 7.9 mg;
  • water for injection - up to 10 ml.

In appearance, it is a clear, colorless or light yellow liquid.

Roncoleukin is sterilely packaged in 1 ml vacuum-sealed glass ampoules with a break ring, and 10 ml vials, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps.
Ampoules and vials are packed in blisters, and blisters in boxes. Each box is supplied with instructions for use.
Shelf life - 2 years from the date of issue, subject to storage and transportation conditions. After the expiration date it is not suitable for use.

Roncoleukin is stored and transported in the manufacturer's packaging in a dry, clean, dark place at a temperature of 2 ° C to 10 ° C. Transportation is allowed at a temperature of 25 ° C for 10 days. Should be stored out of the reach of children.

Ampoules and vials without labels, expired, in violation of the integrity of the packaging with a changed color or consistency
contents, with the presence of foreign impurities, as well as drug residues unused within 4 hours after opening, are disposed of with household waste.

II. Pharmacological properties
Pharmacotherapeutic group: cytokine. ATX code: L03AC.
Interleukin-2 is produced by a subpopulation of T-lymphocytes (T-helper cells I) in response to antigenic stimulation.
IL-2 acts on T-lymphocytes, enhancing their proliferation and subsequent synthesis of IL-2. The mechanism of action of IL-2 is due to its binding to specific receptors on various cellular targets.
IL-2 has a directed effect on the growth, differentiation and activation of T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, oligodendroglial cells, Langerhans epidermal cells. The development of cytolytic activity of natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes depends on its presence. IL-2 induces the formation of lymphokine-activated killers and activates tumor-infiltrating cells.
Expansion of the spectrum of the lyzing action of effector cells leads to the elimination of various pathogenic microorganisms, infected and malignant cells, which provides immune protection against the growth of tumor cells, viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

III. Application procedure
Roncoleukin is used for all types of animals, including fish and reptiles, as an immunocorrector for the treatment and prevention of infectious, pyoinflammatory and oncological diseases, postoperative complications, to level the adverse effects of stress factors, to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination and reduce post-vaccination complications, to stimulate processes repair and regeneration of tissues after injuries and surgical interventions, to normalize the state of immunity of old animals.

A contraindication to use is a history of hypersensitivity to interleukin-2 or any component of the drug.
It is not recommended to administer to horses shortly before or immediately after exercise, or in hot weather.
Horses with severe lesions of the conducting system and the valvular apparatus of the heart are used with caution, fractionally.

Dosages of Roncoleukin for animals:

Dogs, cats, ferrets and fur animals

  • viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 2-5 injections intravenously (intravenously) or subcutaneously (subcutaneously) at the rate of 10,000-15,000 IU / kg with an interval of 24-72 hours;
  • oncological diseases - 5 intravenous or subcutaneous injections at the rate of 15,000-20,000 IU / kg, repeated courses are carried out in a month.


  • to enhance the effectiveness of vaccines and reduce post-vaccination complications - one sc injection of 5000 IU / kg at the same time or 24-48 hours before vaccination;
  • prevention of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 1-2 injections s / c, i / v or orally at the rate of 5000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours;
  • prevention of complications during surgery - before and / or after surgery - 1-2 subcutaneous or intravenous injections with an interval of 48 hours;
  • relieving stress during various manipulations, transportation, etc. - for two days, once at the rate of 5000 IU / kg;
  • normalization of immunity of old and weakened animals - 2 s.c. injections at the rate of 10,000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours, once every 3-6 months.


  • for respiratory diseases: pulmonary emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, - s / c, i / v, orally 2-3 times at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 24-72 hours; to prevent recurrence of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system - once a month, once a s / c, i / v, orally at a dose of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48-72 hours;
  • for skin diseases (photoexanthema, erythema multiforme) - 2 injections IV, at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours in combination with local anti-inflammatory therapy, with dermatitis - IV drip or s / c 3-5 injections with an interval 48 hours at the same dosage;
  • in case of violation of mineral metabolism - twice 1000 IU / kg IV, s / c with an interval of 48-72 hours, repeated courses are carried out after a month and after 2 months;
  • for traumatic injuries, pododermatitis, burns and frostbite - 2-3 injections (the first - intravenous drip, the next - s / c) at a dose of 1000-2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours;
  • for oncological diseases (melanosarcoma) - 3-5 injections at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48-72 hours, the first injection is intravenous drip, the second is subcutaneous, then - 1-2 injections per month s / c;
  • to correct the immunity of foals - 2 injections at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg i.v., s.c. or orally; the first introduction - on the 3-4th day, and the second - on the 10-14th day after birth;
  • to prevent the spread of viral infections - 2-3 intravenous, s / c injections at the rate of 1000 IU / kg to the entire livestock in contact with sick animals;
  • for the prevention of transport stress - once s / c, i / v, orally at the rate of 1000 IU / kg 24-72 hours before loading the horse;
  • for old and weakened animals - s / c, i / v, orally at a dose of 1000 IU / kg of body weight, 2-3 injections monthly.

During the period of high physical exertion, it is administered to increase the reserve capabilities of the body - once a week s / c, i / v, orally at a dose of 1000 IU / kg.
Immunorehabilitation after the use of corticosteroids and a course of other immunosuppressants - subcutaneous, intravenous, oral 1000 IU / kg 2-3 times with an interval of 48-72 hours.

Cattle (cattle)

  • to stimulate immunity in newborn calves - once s / c, 100,000 IU per calf;
  • for the prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial diseases - 1-3 subcutaneous injections at the rate of 2000-3000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours;
  • to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination - once at the same time as s / c vaccination at the rate of 1000-2000 IU / kg;
  • with necrobacteriosis - 2-3 injections s / c or iv (slowly) at a dose of 1000 IU / kg with an interval of 7-10 days;
  • with chlamydia - three times s / c with an interval of 7 days at the rate of 1000 IU / kg;
  • for normalization (restoration) of sexual cyclicity in cows with ovarian hypofunction, manifested by prolonged anaphrodesia - twice 500,000 IU per animal with an interval of 36 hours.

Small cattle
The same indications and doses as for cattle.


  • to stimulate immunity in newborn piglets - once s / c, orally at a dose of 3000-5000 IU / kg;
  • for the prevention of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - 1-2 sc injections at the rate of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours;
  • to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination - once at the same time as vaccination of young p / c at the rate of 2000-3000 IU / kg.

Farm bird
It is used to stimulate the immunity of young animals and to enhance the effectiveness of vaccination and reduce post-vaccination complications - once s / c, orally at the rate of 2000 - 3000 IU / kg.

Wild and exotic animals
Used in all types of exotic animals for 2-5 intravenous or subcutaneous injections with an interval of 24-72 hours at the rate of:

  • artiodactyls and calluses - in the same doses as in cattle,
  • equids - in the same doses as for horses,
  • pinnipeds - 3000-5000 IU / kg,
  • primates and reptiles - 10,000-15,000 IU / kg,
  • poultry - in the same doses as agricultural poultry. When treating exotic birds, you can use s / c, oral, intranasal method of administration.


  • sturgeon and their hybrids: during surgery - before surgery - once intravenously at a dose of 2000 IU / kg and after surgery - twice s / c at 5000 IU / kg with an interval of 24 hours, as well as anti-stress therapy and increasing the viability of juveniles : once orally 7 days before stress at a dose of 6000 IU / kg, or three times at a dose of 2000 IU / kg with an interval of 48 hours for stresses associated with handling, or in the form of half-hour baths at a dose of 300,000 IU / 100 L;
  • salmon and their hybrids for processing eggs and larvae when switching to exogenous nutrition - 15 minute baths at the rate of 250,000 IU / 100 l of water, once, and for juveniles weighing up to 3 grams as a prophylaxis of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases - orally together with feed - 3 days in a row at a dose of 4000 IU / kg (3 courses with an interval of 10-14 days);
  • for trout producers in the post-spawning period - three times irrigation of feed before feeding at a dose of 2000 IU / kg ichthyomass with an interval of 5 days;
  • aquarium fish for the prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial and fungal diseases are exposed in containers with clean water, to which Roncoleukin is added at the rate of 50,000 IU / 10 l of water for 30-60 minutes.

Methods for administering Roncoleukin to animals:

Subcutaneous (sc)
1.5-2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection or water for injection is added to the contents of the ampoule or vial and injected into the neck; in fish, water for injection or 0.65% sodium chloride solution is used.

Intravenous (IV)
The contents of the ampoule or vial are transferred to a dropper, where 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection is used as a solvent and injected into a vein; in fish, a 0.65% sodium chloride solution is used and injected into the tail vein.

The contents of the ampoule or vial are diluted in 5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and 2 drops are instilled into each nasal cavity at least 3-5 times a day.

The contents of the ampoule or vial are diluted in 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection and drunk. The best effect is achieved with a slow infusion of the solution under the tongue. In fish, feed irrigation is used.

The contents of the ampoule or vial are diluted in 10-20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and used in the form of applications or irrigation of the wound surface.

The contents of the ampoule or vial are diluted in 5-50 ml (depending on the size of the animal) 0.9% sodium chloride solution and injected through the catheter into the bladder cavity.

When diluting Roncoleukin, do not shake the ampoule vigorously to avoid foaming.

In case of an overdose, an increase in temperature and a violation of the heart rhythm is possible.
Side effects are controlled by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary, by the introduction of analeptics.

The peculiarities of the drug reaction during the initial or course use of the drug have not been established.
Special measures for missing one or more doses of the drug are not provided, the course of treatment is continued.
Violation of the drug use regimen should be avoided, as this can lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.

In some cases, during the use of Roncoleukin, a short-term increase in body temperature is possible, which is stopped by drugs. With subcutaneous administration of the drug, local reactions to the injection of the drug are possible - soreness, induration, redness at the injection site. Soreness usually goes away immediately after injection, and redness and induration usually go away within 24 to 48 hours.

The drug Roncoleukin can be used simultaneously with iron preparations, vitamins, vaccines, antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
Joint administration in the same syringe or dropper with glucose is not recommended.

Slaughter products, milk, poultry eggs after the application of Roncoleukin are sold without restriction, without a waiting period.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When using the drug, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided for when working with veterinary drugs.
No special precautions are required when working with the drug.
There is no need for first aid due to the safety of the medicinal product.

Manufacturer's name: OOO NPK Biotech. Address: 198516, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, St. Petersburg prospect, 60, lit. A.
Production address: 198516, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, St. Petersburg prospect, 60, lit. A.
Manufacturer's name: LLC "Pharma Gene". Manufacturer's address: 195197, St. Petersburg, st. Mineralnaya, 13A.
Production address: 194064, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky pr., 4, lit. A.
Manufacturer's name: LLC "Deco-Pharm". Manufacturer's address: 107370, Moscow, st. Tyumenskaya, 5, bldg. 15.
Production address: 171130, Tver region. Vyshnevolotskiy district, pos. Zelenogorsk, st. Sovetskaya, 6a.

The instruction was developed by OOO "Strategy" (197198, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Pushkarskaya st., 20, office 2-415).

With the approval of this instruction, the instruction approved by the Deputy Head of Rosselkhoznadzor on April 11, 2012 shall be considered invalid.

You have probably heard more than once that the immune system needs to be strengthened. This applies to both humans and animals.

To support immunity, synthetic or natural immunomodulators are used. The latter includes Roncoleukin for cats.

It contains recombined human interleukin-2, a structure containing more than a hundred amino acids most important for the body.

Instructions for use

Do you want to know how a natural immunomodulator works?

Interleukin-2 triggers the formation of an immune response to a number of common diseases, and the process is activated by T-lymphocytes included in the drug formula.

The immune response stimulates tissue regeneration, tissue repair after surgery, reduces stress, rejuvenates in the end.

I think you will agree that Roncoleukin for cats is a drug that should be in the medicine cabinet of every cat owner. After all, the scope of his activities is extensive:

  • complications after vaccination;
  • infectious diseases;
  • neutralization of consequences;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • tissue regeneration after injury;
  • complications after surgery;
  • normalization of immunity in old animals;
  • oncological diseases.


In veterinary pharmacies, the immunomodulator is sold either in 1 ml ampoules or in 10 ml vials.

If your pet has been prescribed by a doctor:

  • subcutaneous injection, then dilute the contents of the Roncoleukin ampoule with 2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • intravenous injection, then the ampoule with the medicine should be poured into a dropper with sodium chloride solution;
  • intranasal administration, then the ampoule should be diluted in 5 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • oral method, then it should be diluted already in 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • external use, then dilute the drug in 10 or 20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Want to know more?

Then about the dosage of veterinary Roncoleukin.

If the agent is used to treat one of the above diseases, then usually doctors prescribe from 2 to 5 injections of 10,000 - 20,000 IU / kg every two / three days.

If Roncoleukin is prescribed for prophylaxis, then no more than two injections of 5,000 IU / kg - 10,000 IU / kg are injected every two days.


Do not shake the ampoule before injecting. No foam should appear on the surface of the medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages of Roncoleukin for cats

Disadvantages could not be found, but the advantages include:

  • the drug forms a strong immune response;
  • the drug is not expensive due to the fact that it is a Russian development.

Contraindications for use

If you open the instructions, you will find only a couple of contraindications

  • hypersensitivity to the formula;
  • simultaneous administration with glucose.

The total sample of the forums dedicated to Roncoleukin revealed several more contraindications:

  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • respiratory failure.

Side effects

You injected your pet with Roncoleukin and soon the cat caught a cold? Perhaps it is not a cold, but the side effects of the drug.

It is normal if, after the injection, the following is observed:

  • a temporary increase in body temperature;
  • brief violation of the heart rhythm;
  • soreness at the point of injection.

As a rule, many diseases primarily affect those animals whose organism is weakened and cannot adequately respond to the "inclinations" of infectious agents. Simply put, viruses and bacteria primarily attack weakened animals with poor immunity. In their case, the disease is especially difficult, often turning into a chronic form.

To prevent this from happening, it is required to strengthen the nonspecific resistance of the organism, and in cases where the disease has developed, to do everything for the speedy recovery of the animal. Even with very severe pathologies, Roncoleukin provides significant assistance. It has proven itself in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, it is successfully used for remission of cancer.

What it is? It is an immunocorrector based on interleukin-2 (human interleukin), isolated from the yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Initially, this drug was intended for purely medical practice, but now it is widely used in veterinary medicine due to the lack of equally effective "animal" means.

It is produced in the form of solutions for injection, oral and nasal, as well as for external use. Packaged in 1 ml ampoules and 10 ml vials. Each ampoule can contain 50,000, 100,000, 250,000 or 500,000 IU of interleukin. Each vial can contain 1, 2, 5, or 10 million IU.

Note that the shelf life of the drug is exactly two years from the date of release. It is strongly discouraged to use an expired medicine, as there may be no therapeutic effect. Before use, ampoules or vials must be viewed in the light: the solution must be absolutely transparent, a slight yellowish tint is allowed. It is unacceptable to use Roncoleukin in cases of turbidity or flocculation. This drug must be disposed of in a standard manner.

You can store the medicine only at a temperature of 2 to 10 degrees Celsius., since otherwise it quickly deteriorates and becomes cloudy. The manufacturer himself speaks of the admissibility of transporting the drug at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, but the duration of transportation should not exceed two days.

Operating principle

In the body, interleukin is produced by the so-called T-helpers (special lymphocytes) in response to the entry of the virus into the body. The released IL stimulates the production of killer T cells, simultaneously enhancing the synthesis of oneself in T-helpers. The principle of IL's action lies in its ability to bind to specific cellular receptors of various antigens that have entered the human or animal body.

In general, interleukin is very favorably affects the production of all types of protective cells in the body, including monocytes, macrophages, T and B lymphocytes, and also enhances the activity of Langerhans cells (they are also intraepidermal macrophages). The activity of T-killers especially depends on this compound. In addition, it enhances the body's resistance to cancer cells, accelerates the processes of their detection and destruction.

All this leads to the speedy destruction of microorganisms that have entered the body, providing reliable protection against viruses, bacteria, fungal and yeast pathogens.

Introduction rules

There are a lot of methods of drug administration. In each case, the method of application must be observed, since otherwise the effectiveness of the drug can be significantly reduced. To inject the drug subcutaneously, you must first dilute it with a couple of milliliters of water for injection or saline. Please note that the composition should be pre-heated to room temperature.

To dilute the drug, you need to use exclusively sterile solvents. It is also allowed to use sterile distilled or boiled and filtered water. If there is at least a small amount of glucose in the solvent, then it should not be used, since it can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

In what cases is the use of the drug indicated?

First, the drug has proven itself well in the treatment of lung diseases of various etiologies. In particular, good results have been obtained in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia,. In addition, the agent can be used in relation to animals suffering from periodic relapses of respiratory diseases.

Secondly, the drug has proven itself well in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases., and this includes even advanced erythema multiforme, photoexanthema. Practice has proven that the regular administration of Roncoleukin helps to significantly reduce the time of treatment for dermatoses, eczema, trophic ulcers and wounds of various etiologies. Skin lesions are much less suppurating, healing is about 47% faster. Similar effects have been obtained in the treatment of burns and frostbite.

Read also: Noroclav for cats: description, instructions for use, dosage

In the latter case, a particularly pronounced result is achieved when the drug is applied externally., for irrigation of injuries and impregnation with the composition of the dressing material. Also, experts have found that the drug can be extremely useful in preventing the development of postoperative complications. If you introduce it before the operation, then there is a speedy wound healing by primary intention, the likelihood of postoperative inflammation of the stitches and their suppuration is reduced by about 72%. This is especially important when the animal being operated is no longer young.

A very important feature of the drug is its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. In particular, it is quite effective in feline viral leukemia. It has been proven that with its regular course administration, the survival rate of cats increases even with sarcoma. In addition, the timely use of the drug reduces the likelihood of relapse.

In the case when there is a danger of a viral infection (in nurseries, for example), the drug is used for preventive purposes. Of course, it is also used to treat it. The tool can be used to correct the immune status of weakened cats, not excluding those whose bodies have not yet recovered from severe operations / injuries.

Side effects and notes

Let's immediately figure out when the medicine should not be used at all. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe it to those animals in which it was suspected, as well as to old cats with pronounced signs of heart / respiratory failure. If there is a need to prescribe Roncoleukin to such animals, the agent is administered with extreme caution, fractionally, under the constant supervision of a veterinarian.

You should not use the medicine on hot days, as well as in cases where the general body temperature of the animal is increased. Previously, it must be knocked down using the appropriate drugs. It should be noted that Roncoleukin for animals is used to treat cancer of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems only under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. It is strongly not advised to enter it simultaneously with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal and steroid drugs.

In the case when the drug is used in adequate doses and is administered using the recommended routes, there are no side effects. If some of the rules for the use of Roncoleukin are violated, in the first minutes after the administration, an increase in the general and local body temperature may be noted, as well as moderate. With a significant excess of the dose (especially with intravenous administration), the development of anaphylactic shock is not excluded, so that an overdose is dangerous to the life and health of the animal. Undiluted drug injected under the skin can provoke local inflammation. There is information about rare cases of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Inflammation is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Antihistamines and pain relievers may be given as needed. For the entire time of clinical trials, cases of addiction or cumulative effects have not been identified. Thus, all side effects are only the result of the inept use of Roncoleukin without taking into account the requirements of the instructions.

Note that with subcutaneous administration, in about 63% of cases, there is the development of local compaction and redness of the tissues. If there are no pronounced signs of an inflammatory reaction, the appointment of any therapeutic techniques is not required, since all of the listed phenomena spontaneously disappear after about two days.

It is not recommended to skip the administration of the drug during the course of the prescribed treatment course, but in cases where, for some reason, this still happened, the treatment should be continued, guided by the previously prescribed therapeutic regimen. We strongly advise you to avoid repeated passes, as this can lead to a noticeable decrease in therapeutic effectiveness.

Often, animals are susceptible to diseases, the body of which is in a weakened state and cannot resist pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. If you do not take measures for treatment and prevention, then diseases can become fixed in the body and become chronic. Therefore, we will consider a veterinary drug that belongs to immunostimulants, and is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, and also increases the body's resistance to the influence of external factors.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for the treatment of animals that are susceptible to:

  • Infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Respiratory diseases, together with other medicines in the form of a complex treatment.
  • Oncological diseases, for the complex treatment of diseases such as osteosarcoma, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, neoplastic pleurisy, lymphosarcoma, breast tumors, tumors of the digestive tract, tumors of the mouth.
  • Purulent-inflammatory diseases during purulent surgery, during a traumatic condition, staphylococcal lesions, sepsis, abscesses, pancreatitis, peritonitis. With conservative treatment, Roncoleukin is used for complex treatment in conjunction with drugs that support cardiac activity, as well as antispasmodics and gynecological herbal decoctions.
  • Infectious and destructive processes in bone tissue.
  • Skin diseases for complex treatment of dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema.
  • Eye diseases for complex therapy during the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, traumatic eye damage
  • Diseases of the oral cavity during viral papillomatosis. With stomatitis, osteomyelitis.
  • Diseases of the urinary system for complex treatment of chronic kidney disease, chronic glomerulonephritis. Feline geometric syndrome during complex treatment.
  • Hereditary diseases for complex treatment.

Also, this medicine is used to prevent:

  • Adaptive diseases.
  • Complications after surgery.
  • Immunorehabilitation to stimulate innate immunity.
  • During vaccination of animals to stimulate immunity.


One ampoule contains 1 ml of solution, which consists of recombinant interleukin-2.

Did you know?The main active ingredient of Roncoleukin, interleukin-2, was first discovered in 1976 and was originally called T-cell growth factor, which could support the growth of T-cells (lymphocytes) for a long time.

As auxiliary substances are:
  • Mannitol.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Dithiothreitol.
  • Ammonium bicarbonate.
  • Water for injections.

Pharmacological properties

Antigenic stimulation provokes the production of interleukin-2 subpopulation of T-lymphocytes. Interleukin-2, acting on T-lymphocytes, enhances the polyiferation, due to which interleukin-2 is synthesized.

Its action is associated with specific receptors that are present in different cellular targets.

Interleukin-2 affects the growth and activation of T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, oligodendroglial cells, epidermal Langerhans cells.
The main active ingredient activates natural destructive agents and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, and also promotes the development of cytolytic activity.

Interleukin-2 allows you to activate tumor-infiltrating cells, and also helps in the formation of lymphokine-activated killer cells.

The main active ingredient directs its forces to provide immune protection, which affects the prevention of the growth of tumor cells, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Did you know?Interleukin-2 is a unique protein capable of growing "special" immune cells, which, in turn, are engaged in the destruction of cells infected with viruses and causing tumors.

Release form

The drug is a solution for subcutaneous injection and is available in the form of a transparent colorless or light yellow liquid, which is packaged in 1 ml ampoules or 10 ml vials.
The ampoules are sold in packs that contain three ampoules. Vials are sold 1 piece in a separate cardboard box.

Method of administration and dosage

Considering that Roncoleukin is a universal remedy and is suitable for the treatment of many animals, consider separately the instructions for use for cats and dogs.

It must be remembered that the duration of treatment and the amount of the injected agent are prescribed exclusively by the veterinarian, depending on the disease and characteristics of the animal's body. Below are the approximate doses of the drug.

For dogs

Roncoleukin for dogs can be used in four ways:

  • subcutaneously;
  • intravenously;
  • orally;
  • outwardly.

Subcutaneous administration occurs in a diluted form... To do this, add 2 ml of water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution to 1 ml of the drug.

Intravenous administration involves the use of a dropper... For this, the drug is diluted with a solution of sodium chloride 0.9% in an amount of 100 or 400 ml.

For oral use, the contents must be dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride solution, then give to the animal to drink.

In the case of external use, ampoules with contents are diluted 20 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution and manipulate irrigation.

For cats

For cats, the drug Roncoleukin is administered both subcutaneously and intravenously, in order to inject the medicine into a cat, one ampoule must be diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution (10 ml).

Important!If the drug is administered undiluted, then it is characterized by a fairly strong pain effect in the form of a burning sensation, so it is necessary to hold the animal tightly.

To relieve pain, it is necessary to dilute the drug in a ratio of 1 to 3, where 1 part of the drug and 3 parts of water.

Precautionary measures

When using Roncoleukin, the following precautions must be observed:

  • It is not recommended to inject the drug together with glucose in the same syringe.
  • If animals have lesions of the valves of the heart, the conducting system, then the drug must be used very carefully and in the form of fractional administration.
  • If the drug is administered together with corticosteroid drugs, then Roncoleukin should be used at the end of the course of hormone therapy, because hormones can cancel the effect of the drug.
  • The medicine should be used very carefully for diseases of the lymph and blood.

Important!When using the drug, it is strictly forbidden to shake the solution to prevent the formation of foam, which makes it difficult to collect the drug into the syringe.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to the use of the drug is the sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.
Side effects that may appear after using the drug are:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Redness and induration of the place where the drug was injected.
  • Increased body temperature and heart rhythm disturbance due to drug overdose.
  • An increase in body temperature, which has a short-term effect.

Storage conditions

Store the medicine in its original packaging. The shelf life is 2 years, provided that the integrity of the ampoule or vial is preserved. The storage temperature should be between + 2 ° C and + 10 ° C.

In the case of opening the bottle, the diluted form of the drug can be used within 3 days, observing the storage temperature from + 4 ° C to + 10 ° C.
The medicine, when opening the bottle, in undiluted form, can be used within 2 weeks, from the moment of opening, while it is necessary to collect the medicine with a sterile syringe, without opening the rubber stopper, but piercing it with a needle.

Thus, Roncoleukin is a versatile drug that is used both for the treatment and prevention of various diseases in cats and dogs.

The main thing is to observe precautions, take into account the characteristics of the animal's body and observe the doses of the drug in order to achieve the maximum effect, as well as to avoid side effects and overdose.

Roncoleukin is an effective new generation immunostimulant. Its main advantage is a wide range of applications. In combination with other medicines, the drug is used for dogs in the treatment of various diseases - from viral infections to cancerous tumors.

The drug with immunostimulating properties was developed by a Russian company. It has become an excellent alternative to foreign counterparts. High efficiency, wide range of applications and reasonable price are the main advantages of the drug.

The active substance of the drug is recombinant human interleukin-2. It is obtained from yeast. This substance acts as a protein that is involved in the production of cells of the immune system. The drug stimulates the synthesis of T-lymphocytes, thereby starting the immune system.

When using the medication, an increase in immunity occurs. Individual chains of the system are activated and increase the body's ability to withstand various factors of influence. The development of its own antibodies prevents the spread of viral, fungal, bactericidal infections, and also inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Roncoleukin is produced in the form of a solution for injection. Packaged in ampoules and glass vials. 1 ml of liquid may contain different concentrations of the active substance. It is designated ME (international units) and indicates the number of units of the active ingredient. The composition also includes other components that do not have an active effect on the body:

  • dithiothreitol;
  • water for injection;
  • ammonium carbonate;
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • D-mannitol.

Outwardly, it is a clear, colorless liquid. A light yellow tint may be present.


The price of one ampoule (1 ml) of Roncoleukin depends on the content of the active substance:

  • 50,000 IU - 180-210 rubles;
  • 100,000 IU - 240-270 rubles;
  • 250,000 IU - 330-370 rubles;
  • 500,000 IU - 600-650 rubles;
  • 2,000,000 IU - 1600-1700 rubles.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here:

Please note that there are 3 ampoules in a cardboard package, which means that the cost will be three times higher.

When is it appointed?

According to the instructions, Roncoleukin for dogs is used in complex therapy for the following pathologies:

  • with viral infections (plague, viral enteritis, leptospirosis);
  • with pathologies of bacterial origin (rhinitis, purulent wounds, otitis media, bronchitis);
  • with fungal diseases (lichen, microsporia);
  • with cancerous tumors localized in different places.

The list of diseases for which Roncoleukin is used in combination with other drugs can be continued for a long time. Also, the medicine is prescribed:

  • to increase immunity and prevent the development of viral, fungal and purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • to eliminate the consequences of stressful situations;
  • to accelerate regeneration in case of burns, fractures or other injuries;
  • to enhance the effect of the vaccine and avoid possible consequences;
  • to prevent postoperative complications and the fastest recovery.

The medication is also indicated for old pets, whose immunity is greatly weakened.

Important! And although the drug is widely used in veterinary medicine, as it is highly effective, it is not worth using it without consulting a doctor.


The instructions for use indicate that the dose of Roncoleukin for dogs is calculated taking into account the weight of the animal and the pathology. If the drug is used for treatment, the following doses should be adhered to:

  1. For diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, 10,000-15,000 IU is needed per 1 kg of weight. Depending on the condition of the pet, 2-5 injections are made with an interval of 1-2 days.
  2. For cancerous tumors, 5 injections are given. The dose is calculated according to the scheme 15000-20000 IU per 1 kg of animal weight. The courses are repeated monthly.

When used for prophylactic purposes, the following schemes are followed:

  1. To increase the effect of the vaccine, an injection is given subcutaneously at the same time as the vaccination or beforehand for a day. For 1 kg of weight, 5000 IU is needed.
  2. To stimulate immunity in order to prevent fungal or infectious diseases, the dose of the drug is calculated according to the same scheme. One or two injections are given at intervals of 48 hours.
  3. To avoid complications of operations, the solution is injected before or immediately after surgery. If necessary, repeat the injection after 2 days. The dose is 5000 IU / kg.
  4. If the medication is used to prevent the effects of stress, which may occur during transportation, participation in an exhibition, visiting a clinic, an injection is given 48 hours in advance at the rate of 5000 IU per kilogram of weight 2 days before the exposure to the stress factor.
  5. To restore the immunity of old or weakened animals, the dose is calculated based on the fact that 10,000 IU is needed per 1 kg of weight. Two injections are given. The interval between injections should be 48 hours. The injections are repeated after 3-6 months.

Despite the fact that the instructions provide precise instructions on how to calculate the dose, the doctor should do it.

Application methods

One of the advantages of Roncoleukin is that it can be given to dogs in various ways:

  • Subcutaneous injections. 1.5-2 ml of water of 0.9% sodium chloride solution should be added to the medicine in a vial or ampoule. You can replace sodium chloride with water for injection. The injection should be done in the neck area.
  • Intravenous administration. As in the previous case, the medication is diluted with a sodium chloride solution, and then administered through a dropper. This method is usually used for severely sick and debilitated animals.
  • Oral route. The liquid from the ampoule or vial is diluted with 10 ml of sodium chloride, and then it is fed to the animal.

Less commonly, the medication is used externally. Purulent wounds and foci of inflammation are moistened with it. The medicine can be used for instillation into the nose or introduction into the bladder through a catheter for cystitis and other pathologies of this organ. In each of the above cases, the medicinal solution is diluted with sodium chloride.

Do not shake the ampoule with the medicine strongly, as it begins to foam. An immunostimulant can be used in conjunction with antibiotics, vitamin complexes, antiviral and other drugs. The only exceptions are corticosteroids. They can be used together with Roncoleukin only under the supervision of a physician.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Roncoleukin for dogs is impossible in such cases:

  • with intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • with heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • during pregnancy.

In chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, the use of the medication is possible only after consulting a veterinarian.

In case of an overdose, side effects may occur, which are manifested by an increase in body temperature, chills and an irregular heart rhythm. Depending on the condition of the pet, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analeptics may be used to relieve symptoms.

At the injection site, sometimes there are:

  • seals;
  • redness;
  • soreness.

Usually, the body's reaction goes away on its own in 1-2 days and does not require special treatment.

Important points

The medicine should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +10 degrees Celsius. A refrigerator is perfect. The drug can be transported at a higher temperature up to +25 degrees, but not more than 10 days. After opening the bottle, you can use the medicine within 2 days.

  • when turbidity, sediment or impurities appear in the solution;
  • after the expiration date;
  • in the absence of information on the packaging about the shelf life, composition, manufacturer;
  • if the tightness of the bottle is broken.

When using an immunostimulant, you do not need to take special precautions.