American spaniel: breed description (photo). Full description about the Cocker Spaniel American Cocker Spaniel breed description

A small dog of a hunting breed. Today, the breed is increasingly used as a companion dog, as a pet, and thanks to its beautiful coat it is prestigious to participate in various exhibitions with it.

The American Cocker Spaniel is a direct descendant of the English Cocker Spaniel and first appeared in the 18th century in America.

At that time, the Cocker breed was divided into two groups:

  1. cocker (more squat and shallow)
  2. Springer (larger with long legs).

In the middle of the 19th century, distinct breed differences began to be distinguished in the genus of spaniels, as a result of which toy spaniels, clamber and sussex appeared. At that time, all spaniels, with the exception of the "toy," must weigh at least 6 kilograms to be effective helpers during the hunt.

In 1856, during the American show, the cockers were first shown as a separate class, but over time the breeds were again mixed both in rings and in breeding. In 1893 the Cocker Spaniel breed was officially approved by the London Kennel Club. At that time, Cocker Spaniels already had a number of breed differences, which made him stand out from his relatives. 1946 American Cocker Spaniel recognized as a separate breed by the American Kennel Club.

The domestic history of this breed began only in 1977, when the first litter of fawn puppies was born. At that time it was a rare breed, but dog lovers did not stop there, and every year they improved the breed. Thanks to the efforts made, today we have a purebred American Cocker Spaniel.

Description and breed standard American Cocker Spaniel

  • The distance from the prominence of the sternum to the ischial tuberosity is slightly longer than the distance from the withers to the ground.
  • The body must be of sufficient length to provide a straight and free step; the dog should never look long and squat.
  • Behavior / Temperament: balanced, calm, courageous.
  • Head: Well balanced, in proportion to the body.
    • Skull: Moderately round but spherical and not nearly flat; the superciliary arches are clearly defined. The head is well filled under the eyes.
    • Stop (Transition from forehead to muzzle): well pronounced.
  • Nose: Good size, in proportion to the muzzle and facial region, with wide open nostrils typical of sporting dogs.
    • the color of the nose in black, black and tan and black and white dogs is black.
    • in dogs of other colors a brown, liver or black nose is acceptable, the darker the better.
    • the color of the nose should be in harmony with the color of the lids.

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies photo in a lounger

  • Muzzle: wide and deep, square. For proper balance, the distance from the stop to the nose should be half the distance from the stop to the base of the skull.
  • Lips: The upper lip is full and deep enough to cover the lower jaw.
  • Jaws / Teeth: correct scissor bite, jaws rectangular and even. The teeth are strong, white and of good size.
  • Cheekbones: Moderate, not prominent.
  • Eyes: Round and full, looking straight ahead, almond-shaped. The color is dark brown, the darker the better. The spaniel's eyes should not be sunken or bulging.
  • Ears: Hanging, long, densely covered with long hair, thin skin; the ears are set at the level of the line of the lower part of the eyes.
  • Neck: Long enough to allow the spaniel's nose to touch the ground freely, muscular, without throat dewlap. It rises high from the shoulder blades, with a slight nape and tapers at the junction with the head.
  • Topline: Sloping towards the rump. The croup is muscular.
  • Back: Strong and sloping gradually from the shoulder blades to the base of the tail.
  • Chest: Deep, should reach the level of the elbows; in front, the chest is wide enough to freely accommodate the lungs and heart, but not so wide as to interfere with the strictly rectilinear movements of the forelimbs. Ribs deep and well sprung.
  • Tail: The docked tail should continue the topline or be slightly raised; Do not be too raised up (like terriers) or lowered down (manifestation of shyness). In a lively state, the spaniel wags its tail merrily.
  • American Cocker Spaniel puppy photo in a basket

  • Front limbs: parallel, straight, strong boned, well muscled, close to the body and under the shoulder blades.
    • Shoulders: Well laid back, forming a humeral-scapular angle of approximately 90 degrees, which allows freedom of movement, the spaniel is capable of throwing its limbs far forward. The shoulder blades are oblique, well-defined, without protrusions and set in such a way that the highest points of the shoulder blades are at an angle that provides a wide bend of the ribs.
    • Elbows: Seen from the side, the forelegs are vertical, the elbows are exactly under the highest point of the scapula, look strictly backward, and should not be turned either in or out.
    • Pastern: short and strong.
    • Feet: compact, large with hard pads; cannot be turned inward (clubfoot) or outward. Dewclaws on the forelimbs can be removed. Strong nails.
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscular, with well-angled knee joints and powerful, strong thighs. Seen from the rear, parallel in movement and standing.
    • Croup: wide, round, muscular.
    • Upper thigh: Strong, well defined.
    • Knee joints: Strong, no inward or outward displacement in stance and movement, with moderate angulation.
    • Hock joints: strong, low down.
    • Metatarsus: Strong, short. Dewclaws on the hind feet can be removed.
    • Feet: compact, large, round with hard pads; turned out neither in nor out. Strong nails.
  • GAIT / MOVEMENT: The American Cocker Spaniel has a gait typical of hunting dogs. For correct movement, the main thing is a balanced structure of the front and hind limbs. The spaniel's movements are coordinated, fast, smooth and sweeping. The spaniel must cover the space in motion.
  • Coat: the coat is silky, tight-fitting, straight or slightly wavy. Excessively curly or fluffy ("cotton") wool is considered a defect.
    • The hair on the head is short and soft; on the body - of medium length with a dense undercoat.
    • The hair on the ears, chest, belly and limbs is thicker and longer, but should not obscure the shape of the spaniel's body, its movement, or distort the appearance and function of the hunting dog.
    • It is undesirable to cut the hair on the back with an electric clipper. Trimming should emphasize the natural shape of the dog.
  • American Cocker Spaniel size: Ideal height at the withers for an adult male is 38.1 cm, height at the withers for a bitch 35.6 cm. Deviations of 1.3 cm to one side or the other are permissible.
  • Disadvantages: Any deviation from the above is considered a disadvantage, and the score depends on the accuracy of the relationship with the degree of this deviation.

  • Disqualifying vices:
    • The above colors are the only permitted colors or color combinations. Any other colors or color combinations are disqualified.
    • Black color: white spots, except for the chest and throat.
    • ASCOB: white patches other than chest and throat.
    • Spotted color: 90% or more of the base color.
    • Marks covering more than 10%.
    • Blacks and ASCOBs are not tanned at any of the locations indicated.
    • Males - over 39.4 cm; Bitches taller than 36.8 cm.

    Photo of an American Cocker Spaniel on the grass with fluffy hair

    Black and black & tan color. Black should be clean and shiny; shades of brown or liver are undesirable. A small white spot on the chest and / or throat is permitted; being white in any other area is considered a disqualifying fault.

    ASCOB (any solid color except black). This color includes any solid color other than black, from light cream to dark red, including brown and tan and tan. The color must be clean, but lighter colors are allowed. A small white patch on the chest and / or throat is acceptable. Disqualifying Vices: White spots anywhere else are considered a blemish.

    Spotted color Two or more flowers in a well-defined color, one of which must be white.

    • Black and white
    • Red-white (light cream to dark red)
    • Brown-white (including tan)
    • Roan (speckled) dogs are classified as spotted, and can be any of the usual speckled varieties. A base color of 90% or more will be disqualified.

    Combinations of any of these colors with tan are also permissible. The markings should be in the same areas as the black and tan and brown and tan individuals.

    The tan markings range from light fawn to auburn and should not exceed 10% of the base color. Marks exceeding 10% of the base color are disqualified. For blacks or ASCOBs, the markings should be as follows:

    • spots above both eyes
    • on the sides of the muzzle and on the cheeks
    • on the inside of the ears
    • on all paws or limbs
    • area under the tail
    • on the chest (not necessary, presence or absence is not a defect)

    Disqualifying vices

    • The absence of tan in the indicated places or the presence in places not indicated by the standard in a black spaniel or subgroup ASCOB.
    • Blurred or weak tan and tan on the sides of the muzzle, merging into the bridge of the nose

    Note: Male dogs should have two full, normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

    American Cocker Spaniel character

    By nature, the American Cocker Spaniel is a very energetic, cheerful, lively and friendly breed. Sometimes wary of strangers and strangers, but quite obedient dog.

    Most of all he loves to spend time with the owners, playing with them, he loves attention to himself. There are individuals with a rather jealous disposition of character, but this trait can be smoothed out by timely education and training.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is very fond of children, loves to participate in their games. Small and compact size allows you to keep your spaniel in a city apartment. Feels well the mood of the owner, is ready to support and empathize with him, this quality is expressed quite strongly in this breed.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is excellently trainable, while quickly memorizing commands and executing them with enthusiasm. They are excellent hunters, as they have it in their blood. In the case when the owner of the cocker is an avid hunter and is going to take the dog with him on a hunt or just to the forest, it is necessary to prepare the pet for the upcoming work. The dog's coat is shortened, so the spaniel will not freeze, taking prey out of the water, and will not get entangled in the bushes.

    American Cocker Spaniels are excellent circus performers, rescuers and drug searchers.

    The natural desire to please the owner as much as possible can be successfully used in training and raise an excellent friend and companion.

    Maintenance and care of the American Cocker Spaniel

    Caring for the American Cocker Spaniel is laborious and obligatory, but the work is worth it. The spaniel has an irresistible coat, and in order for it to look healthy, beautiful and well-groomed, the owner must adhere to the rules of proper care.

    Brush 2-3 times a week with a natural bristle brush or metal comb. Brushing will remove dead hair, remove dust, improve circulation and prevent tangles and coat problems.

    The cocker is bathed every 7-10 days, or depending on the pollution. For bathing, use a special shampoo for long-haired dogs with balsam and conditioner. After that, the wool is blow-dried for proper styling. In winter, it is recommended to bathe your spaniel once a month. The American Cocker Spaniel needs a professional haircut four times a year.

    For general grooming (grooming) you will need the following tools:

    • massage brush
    • metal combs, with sparse and frequent blunt teeth
    • scissors
    • slicker
    • electric car

    For a tidy Cocker, follow these simple rules and your pet will always look well-groomed.

    • First, brush the entire coat with a brush.
    • Use a fine-toothed comb to comb the coat on your body.
    • a comb with sparse teeth in those places where the wool is more authentic: chest, sides, paws, tail, ears.
    • scissors trim the hair on the paws (once every 2 months), the excess wool is trimmed in the upper part of the leg, on the sides, under the paws and between the toes.

    After completing all the procedures, do not forget to praise the pet and treat it to a treat.

    Inspect the eyes of the American Spaniel regularly, and if you notice souring, gently wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in warm water or chamomile decoction. If you notice profuse sourness, tearing, swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes, be sure to show your pet to your veterinarian.

    The hanging ears of the spaniel are regularly examined, with a cotton pad dipped in warm water, they wipe the auricle, remove dust and wax. Once every 2-3 weeks, the hair is trimmed around the ear canal. Excess hair prevents air passage, irritates the pinna and can cause infection. Lop-eared dogs have their ears regularly ventilated to draw in air. Just wave your pet's ears like the wings of a butterfly, that will be enough.

    Trim the nails once a month with a nail clipper, file the sharp ends with a nail file to avoid chips and burrs.

    American cocker spaniel food

    Photo of black American cocker spaniel

    The diet of the American Cocker Spaniel must be correct and balanced in order for the dog to grow up healthy and active. The main thing is to follow certain rules that are suitable for different ages of your pet.

    The American Cocker Spaniel belongs to the range of hunting dogs and is therefore very agile. Therefore, food must be nutritious and provided with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Do not forget about water - a bowl of clean drinking water should always be available for the dog.

    In order for the puppy's body to form correctly, dairy products, which are rich in calcium and vitamins, must be included in the diet, and when the puppy is two months old, sea fish is introduced into the diet. It is important to cleanse the fish from bones so that the puppy does not choke!

    Protein food must be present, which will give the body energy, and vegetables and cereals are needed for proper digestion. Feeding a 2 month old puppy should be up to 6 times a day, which will gradually go up to 2 times by the year.

    It is important to remember about bones for adult dogs, or rather pork and beef ribs, the use of which develops a correct bite in a dog and is an excellent prevention of tartar.

    With the right nutrition, you will ensure your dog has a healthy life.

    Training the American Cocker Spaniel

    American cocker spaniel photo at the exhibition

    The training of the American Cocker Spaniel can be divided into two main stages.

    The first stage is to study the basic commands that are necessary for living in society:

    • "It is forbidden"
    • "To me"
    • "Near"
    • "Sit"

    These commands are the main part of the education of a young pet, and he will easily remember them.

    The second stage of training is to study the applied commands - "Give", "Aport" and so on. It is recommended to start this stage no older than 4 months of age of the dog. These stages of training imply the principle of reward for the completed command. When the dog is ready to execute the command, then a signal is given and when it is executed, it receives a treat. Thus, conditioned-behavioral reflexes will be developed. If you intend to develop hunting instincts, then it is necessary to engage in field training - the development of hunting instincts, which nature itself laid down.

    American cocker spaniel photo in winter near the fireplace

    For example, in order for a pet to work for a certain type of game, it must be accustomed to the smell of the required bird, and already during the hunt, the dog itself will be able to find the necessary game and raise it into the air, bring it or stand in the right direction. Quite often for the development of such instincts, a young dog is allowed to hunt with more experienced dogs, so that they "teach" beginners. This type of training is recommended to be carried out with a professional trainer.

    If you want to buy an American Cocker Spaniel, remember that this is a hunting dog that loves long walks and physical activity to stay in shape.

    The recommended walking time for a cocker is at least half an hour each walk. Be sure to let your pet off the leash, he must run, jump, climb stairs and other obstacles. Proper nutrition, timely training and care will guarantee you a beautiful and loyal friend for the whole family.

    American Cocker Spaniel disease

    • urolithiasis disease
    • chronic hepatitis
    • seborrhea
    • melanoma
    • epilepsy
    • hypothyroidism
    • cataract
    • glaucoma
    • progressive retinal degeneration
    • corneal dystrophy
    • corneal ulcer

    American Cocker Spaniel video

    American cocker spaniel (English American cocker spaniel) - the smallest breed from the group of sport hunting dogs. The American Cocker Spaniel is unusually cute in appearance, as well as a kind and sociable dog. They are friendly optimists, full of energy and enthusiasm.

    History of the origin of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

    The American Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog breed bred for hunting in the pen, in America, even before the emergence of the United States, and originating from. Unfortunately on
    at the moment it is impossible to name the exact time of the appearance of this breed, but there are assumptions that it is approximately 1880 - then in England the cocker spaniels and springer spaniels were born in the same litter, but at the first exhibitions in America exclusively English spaniels were exhibited. The American Cocker Spaniel is smaller than the English one, its coat is more abundant, and breeding work in America was carried out in a slightly different direction. The main distinguishing feature of the American cocker is its long coat and elegant "pants". The first show in which the American Cocker Spaniel participated was held in Manchester, New Hampshire, in September 1883.

    The difference in the size of spaniels in England led to the division of the breed into cocker spaniels and english springer spaniels. In America, a different process was going on: along with the cockers, one could see smaller spaniels. In 1943, the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the American Cocker Spaniel as a separate breed. These dogs are very interested in dog breeders from different countries, quickly gained popularity, and spread throughout the world.

    Features of the American Cocker Spaniel breed and breed applicability

    As a dog bred for hunting, the American Cocker Spaniel has a well-developed hunting instinct and hunting passion, which is noticeable even in the game: the American Cocker Spaniel brings a toy, holding it by the tip, and holding its head high.

    Also, the American Cocker Spaniel has a very sharp nose and excellent search qualities: a trained Cocker Spaniel is able to find a lost (hidden) thing even in difficult terrain.

    The American Cocker is easy to teach a variety of fun tricks and games. Moreover, in recent years, these dogs are increasingly kept as decorative, family companions, and magnificent exhibitors.

    The American Cocker Spaniel has a lively, shrewd mind and playful personality that makes training easy and fun. Besides, American Cocker Spaniel dog breed very kind and sociable. They get along very well with children, even the smallest. The American Cocker Spaniel is a very affectionate and gentle dog, madly loyal to the owner, and ready to obey any of his commands and requests. In addition, the American Cocker Spaniel is completely conflict-free, both in relation to strangers and to other animals. If a cocker grows up with other animals, such as a cat, they will subsequently have a very close relationship.

    Almost the only, and rather dubious drawback of these dogs can be called an immoderate appetite. American Cocker Spaniels really love to eat. 🙂 Moreover, this appetite is manifested even when the dog is completely full. Therefore, the owners need to very carefully control the food of the dog, and refrain from "handouts" from the table, despite the pleading look, or funny things that the cocker does when begging. And while walking, it is important to keep an eye on the dog, because they tend to pick up from the ground and eat anything that they consider more or less suitable for food.

    With all the advantages and gentleness of the spaniel's character, the dog can still be
    spoil. Because of the touching look of beautiful puppies, they are often pampered and allowed a lot.As a result, the dog begins to feel like a master in the house, and becomes very capricious and wayward. In raising the American Cocker Spaniel, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the character and psyche of these dogs. for example, when punishing your dog, you should not hit it, you should not even spank it slightly, or raise your voice excessively at it. Wrong and rude, a well-bred cocker is likely to become nervous and aggressive (although under normal conditions, these traits are completely uncharacteristic of them).

    American Cocker Spaniel maintenance and care

    The American Cocker Spaniel needs regular grooming. The pride of these dogs is that their thick silky coat gets tangled quite easily, so it is better to brush the dog every day, especially if your pet is a participant in exhibitions. Cocker wool is also regularly trimmed (there are several options for standardized trimming for shows). Dogs are sheared about four times a year.

    As a rule, cockers are very fond of swimming. Cocker wash is recommended
    no more than once every 10-14 days, or once every 1 month, if the dog does not get too dirty during a walk. When bathing, you should definitely use special shampoos. Firstly, so as not to harm the health of the pet, and secondly, so that the coat does not lose its shine and silkiness. By the way, the dog's diet and immunity, as well as the correct balance of various substances in the body, directly affect the appearance of the coat. It is important not to overfeed your pet, and at the same time, make sure that his menu is balanced, with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Dogs of the American Cocker Spaniel breed have long ears, which interfere with the puppy's eating and get wet when drinking, or just get dirty. Therefore, while eating, you can tie up your ears, or use a feeder with a narrowed throat. Otherwise, a fungus may develop on the ears, which is quite difficult to remove, and it causes significant inconvenience to the dog.

    A well-mannered man, beating the ears of an American Cocker Spaniel, will not gaze intently at the breasts of his mistress for more than 3 minutes.

    Cocker ears and eyes are generally a subject for special care. Regular eye cleaning with a cotton pad and water, as well as ear cleaning, will save you from many troubles and diseases of the dog. You should trim your spaniel's nails regularly and brush your teeth periodically.

    The American Cocker Spaniel needs regular long walks and active play. This will help keep the dog in shape, as well as save you from being trashed in the apartment, and gnawed shoes, damaged as a result of your dog's "hunt" for them. Involve the dog in the daily life of the family, for example, teach him to bring you slippers, the newspaper ... This will bring meaning to the dog's life, he will be less bored, and will retain his puppy-like playful disposition until old age.

    Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel

    • Urolithiasis disease
    • Chronic hepatitis
    • Seborrhea
    • Atopy
    • Food allergy
    • Melanoma
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Epilepsy
    • Hypothyroidism
    Eye diseases in the American Cocker Spaniel:
    • cataract
    • glaucoma
    • progressive retinal degeneration
    • corneal dystrophy
    • corneal ulcer

    The American Spaniel is an artificially bred hunting dog. The pet has a bright, beautiful appearance, has a small size, making it suitable for keeping indoors.

    The American Cocker Spaniel has a fairly strong and compact physique, a beautiful head shape and a friendly muzzle. This breed is the smallest of all the representatives of hunting dogs. Males grow up to 40 cm, their weight is about 15 kg. Females - up to 38 cm, weight - up to 10 kg.

    • The body of the breed is proportional, the head is in harmony with the body.
    • The muzzle is wide with a square outline, has a pronounced transition from the forehead area.
    • Scissor bite. The jaw is overlapped with dense lips.
    • The dog has a massive nose that does not really stand out.
    • The eyes are rounded, most often dark in color.
    • The ribcage is expanded and lowered, which makes it easier to move.
    • The loins of the representatives of this breed are wide, the ribs are long and rounded.
    • The limbs are strong, parallel.

    Its soft and silky coat makes the breed recognizable. The shortest coat is on the head, and in the chest, ears and limbs the coat is long and thick, in other places its length is medium.

    Origin story

    Cynologists are inclined to believe that the closest relative of the American Cocker Spaniel is the English Cocker, which was brought to the continent during the colonization of the United States. The development of a new breed began only a century later, after the States gained independence from England. Scientists wanted to create a hunting dog that would be significantly different in size from the existing ones. In this regard, we decided to cross a small hunting spaniel and an English cocker. The result was not long in coming - this is how a new breed of small stature with fluffy hair was bred. At the end of the 19th century, an exhibition of a new breed was organized in Manchester.

    In the middle of the past century, there was a clear division of the breed into English and American Cocker. But the peak of the popularity of these dogs in the Soviet Union fell in the 70s.

    American Cocker Spaniel breed standard

    The appearance of the spaniel should have the following characteristics:

    • A compact, muscular body, even square in shape.
    • Paws are dense, rather long, the muscular system is dry. Well-developed pads, elongated nails. The paws are completely covered with long hair.
    • The shape of the back is straight and wide, no sagging is observed.
    • The shape of the head is round, there is a clearly defined transition zone to the muzzle. There is a curly forelock on the head.
    • The nose is round, neat and black in color.
    • The shape of the eyes is round, shallow set. There is slight sagging in the lower eyelid.
    • The ears have a rounded shape, droop, they are covered with a fairly thick coat. Standard indicators indicate that the tip of the ears should reach (precisely with the skin) to the nose.
    • The tail is thickened, it is also covered with thick hair. Has a saber shape. Previously, this breed's tail was docked, this made it easier for the animal to move. Now this procedure is not necessary.
    • The color can be any, but the most common are black, dark brown or chocolate.
    • In height, the dog can reach up to 40 centimeters, the female is slightly lower. But there are also mini individuals, no more than 30 cm tall.
    • The maximum weight is 20 kilograms.

    Purpose and character of the dog

    The American Cocker Spaniel dog has practically no distinctive features from other representatives of active breeds.

    She is characterized by the following character traits:

    1. She is benevolent, she easily becomes attached to her master, shows a special love for children and spends time with them with pleasure.
    2. The dog is not persevering, is able to come up with something to do without difficulty. Sometimes he sees and uses the apartment as a sports ground.
    3. Doesn't like to be alone. If the owners are not at home for a long time, it can harm property, for example, gnaw on slippers or furniture.
    4. Due to the well-developed hunting instinct, the cocker chases the birds while walking.
    5. High activity of the dog is obliged to walk with it at least twice a day, while lowering it from the leash.
    6. The spaniel loves water, in the summer you can walk by the reservoir, arranging for him to train on the water.
    7. Due to their benevolence, cockers get along well with other pets, can sleep with cats or other dogs.
    8. Unfortunately, this breed is not a guard dog, so a cocker will not work as a watchdog.
    9. It barks on rare occasions, usually when chasing game.
    10. Despite being wary of strangers initially, the dog quickly begins to show trust. Can bite only as a last resort.

    Criteria for choosing a Cocker Spaniel puppy

    If you decide to purchase an American Cocker Spaniel puppy, do not be intimidated by the fact that babies will not have such long silky hair as adults. The final formation of the coat ends at about 2 years of age.

    What you need to pay attention to when choosing a small pet:

    • It is best to wean the cocker from the mother at the age of 6-10 weeks.
    • Puppies should be active and friendly.
    • Laying the dog on its back, try to lightly squeeze his stomach with your palm. If he perceives this gesture as a game and at the same time does not show aggression, then be sure that you have chosen a worthy representative of the breed.
    • Check your ears to make sure there are no fleas.

    If you choose a dog to participate in exhibitions, then it is better to give preference to males, as they are more consistent with the standards. Females are ideal for home keeping, they are considered more familial and easier to train.

    The American Cocker Spaniel must be looked after carefully. Dogs have long and thick hair, which should be combed out regularly and washed consistently at least once every 2 weeks. It is necessary to start combing from a very young age, this will facilitate further caring for the pet. Use a soft brush initially to avoid damaging delicate skin. A little later, the brush can be replaced with a comb.

    • It is advised to do a hygienic haircut twice a month. And after 2-3 months, you can trim the dog completely - this will give it gracefulness.
    • Another area that requires careful attention is long ears. They should be inspected daily to remove any accumulated dirt. It is better to feed the dog from a vessel with a narrow throat, this will prevent the ears from getting dirty.
    • The eyes are cleaned with the most common cotton pads dipped in water without adding any soap.
    • Brush your teeth and trim your nails regularly.

    From early childhood, teach your puppy to eat at the same time. For the first months, meals should be six meals a day, from about 7 months you can switch to 2 meals a day. Given that the breed is considered active, it is important to monitor the calorie intake. All kinds of snacks with sweets or other goodies can lead to the dog gaining extra weight.

    How to train and raise a Cocker Spaniel

    Dog training consists of several stages.

    1. Initially, the spaniel needs to be taught such commands as "no", "to me", "sit", "next to". They will allow him to adapt to getting used to society.
    2. The second stage begins at 4 months of age. Then you can begin to study commands such as "give", "fetch", etc. For each command performed, the animal should be encouraged. In the field, it is advised to develop hunting instincts.

    If you need a dog for hunting purposes, then initially it is recommended to let it go hunting with more experienced dogs.

    Cocker's strengths:

    • They are compact in size.
    • Easy to learn.
    • Friendly.
    • Hardy.

    The disadvantages include the following features:

    • Loud barking.
    • With the wrong upbringing, they can show aggression.
    • Cowards.
    • They love all kinds of delicacies, so it is worth keeping an eye on the diet.
    • Propensity to various diseases.

    How much do puppies cost as of 2018

    Looking through online ads, you can see the cost of a puppy 2.5 - 3.5 thousand rubles. As a rule, a cocker is sold at such a price, the origin of which cannot be documented. Puppies with documents, but from ordinary parents, will cost 1.5-2 thousand more. But if you decide to buy a pet from titled parents, then be prepared to pay for it from 6.5 to 30 thousand rubles. The cost is influenced by compliance with standards, rare color. Exhibition copies with good pedigree can cost up to 2.5 thousand dollars.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is a breed developed two centuries ago for poultry prey. It is believed that the first representative of Amcockers was registered in the United States in the 1880s, and then American cockers spread throughout the world, capturing the interest of hunter-dog breeders and lovers of medium-sized dogs with their external and intellectual data.

    The modern American Cocker Spaniel is somewhat different from the first representatives of the breed, but many key features have survived and passed through two centuries. Today we will tell you about the history of the origin of American-type cocker spaniels, we will highlight the modern breed standard, we will analyze what features, temperament and character these dogs have, and also find out how to care for the American spaniel, in particular, its coat.

    American cocker spaniel in show grooming

    The predecessors of the modern American-type cocker spaniel are dogs bred in Spanish lands rich in hunting grounds. Stocky dogs with long, hanging ears, similar to modern cockers, were kept by the Crusaders when they went hunting with them in the hope of catching small game, such as rabbits, ducks or woodcocks. From the sunny Spanish land, the dogs were taken to England, where breeders took up the purity of the breed and bred their own species, also allocated as an independent one - English spaniels.

    When the English cockers were already considered an independent breed, took part in exhibitions and were allowed to breed, American cockers did not exist. The most eminent and professional breeder of cocker spaniels of that time was considered James Ferrow, whose breeding dogs won at international exhibitions and were the standard of breed. Obo and Chloe, a pair of Ferrow cockers, were sent to the United States and are considered the progenitors of the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

    History has kept records stating that already in the United States, a couple of English cockers had puppies that distinguished themselves with large eyes and a shortened muzzle. They decided not to reject the offspring (as they would have done in the Old World), but to try to breed a new species of spaniels, securing cute external data. So the exterior of the dogs, leading their line from the first big-eyed puppies, acquired characteristic features: a snub nose, large, slightly protruding, eyes, a short muzzle, a convex forehead, fluffy coat with a rich undercoat.

    English cocker spaniel

    At first, English and American cockers were knitted together, infusing new blood. However, the difference between the species became more and more obvious, so such mating was banned, continuing to work on the exterior of each breed separately. The American Cocker Spaniel has been in existence since 1946 as an officially recognized breed.

    American cocker spaniel puppies

    Description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

    American cockers differ significantly from other spaniels, although even a person far from cynology can notice common features. What are the differences between spaniels from the United States? First of all, dogs are distinguished by luxurious, silky and thick hair, which forms a fluffy skirt, falling from the body of the animal. Also American-type cockers are distinguished by long, fluffy ears that hang down almost to the ground.

    Representatives of the breed are small, but muscular and powerful animals, with light movements, requiring long active walks. Despite the fact that modern cockers are rarely used for hunting, dogs have retained their dynamics, the craving for running, swimming and long movements. By the way, even before the 1900s, Amcockers had their tails cut off (cut off), leaving four vertebrae, that is, half of the tail. This measure was taken to prevent the animals from injuring their tails by wagging them while hunting. The procedure was carried out in the first days of the puppies' life, until the bones were completely formed. In recent years, this operation is not always carried out, since it is recognized as inhumane, and the breed tends more and more to decorativeness.

    American Cocker breed standard

    Like any independent breed, the American Cocker has a fixed standard of conformation and temperament that every breeder should strive for and to which a dog with a pedigree must match. Let us remind you that cockers belong to the eighth FCI group - "Hunting, gunmen" - and are included in the second section, that is, they do not need working tests.

    The ideal breed is a compact, energetic dog. American cockers are well built, have a harmonious, proud head, light dynamic movements, and a friendly disposition. Let's dwell on the anatomical, exterior standard in more detail.

    Table. General view of the American Cocker Spaniel

    HeadHarmonious, in good proportion to the rest of the body, body. Deep, wide, square-shaped. Strong jaws, scissor bite. The nose is dark in color, large (depending on the color of the dog, it can be dark brown). Length of muzzle half as long as the line of the skull
    FrameStraight, strong, straight back, arched muscular neck, tail set rather high, brisk in motion. The chest is wide, of sufficient depth, but does not interfere with the correct delivery of the limbs
    LimbsSturdy, strong, no clubfoot or oversized. Muscular girdle of fore and hind legs, strong rear thrust
    EyesRounded or almond-shaped, rather large, with a touching, sweet, deep expression. The shade of the eyes should be dark, regardless of color
    EarsLong, hanging down, with a soft, slightly wavy coat, set low - at eye level
    Wool, colorsOn the head there is a short, but soft coat, the body is covered with an already elongated coat, forming a "skirt" that descends from the body of the animal to the paws, but does not hide the structure of the dog. The coat is pleasant to the touch, silky, should be straightened or slightly wavy (no wadding or cotton structure, curls), well-fitting to the body.

    Available colors: black or black and tan, spotted (white with black, brown or red spots) roan and roan and tan, ascob (any base color without spots, except black). White spots on the throat and chest are permissible in any color. Elsewhere, white markings are considered a blemish.

    Dimensions (edit)Height 38 centimeters for males, 35-36 centimeters - for bitches (at the withers). The weight of animals varies between 8-12 kilograms. The dog is built harmoniously, compactly, does not look squat, but also does not stretch
    MovementThe dog has good coordination, moves freely, smoothly, while sweeping and dynamic, but not fussy.
    TemperamentBalanced, energetic, friendly, without signs of aggression, anger, cowardice

    American Cocker Spaniel temperament

    The breed standard includes not only external features, but also the character of the dogs. Conscientious breeders of American Cocker Spaniels approach the issue of temperament with great attention, not allowing for breeding cowardly, aggressive animals prone to anger, attacks on humans or other animals.

    Accordingly, the typical American Cocker is a friendly, loyal, playful dog, ready to be close to the owner and his family every minute. These cockers are great both as companions for a lonely energetic person and as a dog for families and children. The dog will not offend the child, on the contrary, it will become a constant companion for him in games, running and pranks. Cockers are gentle and affectionate dogs, so even babies can be left with them.

    But, despite the fact that the American Cocker puppy is plush, big-eyed and adorable, it is not worth admiring this seemingly toy dog. Representatives of this breed have a strong, quick-witted and gambling character, cockers are perfectly amenable to training and get great pleasure from "working" interaction with a person. Therefore, it is necessary to train your pet from an early age in order to avoid problems such as damage to household property, barking and howling in the absence of a person, escaping for walks or pulling on the leash, which turns the Cocker Spaniel walking into a challenge.

    Cocker Spaniel can sit in one place, but not for long

    It is not recommended to have Cocker Spaniels for people who are often absent at home (the dog does not tolerate long loneliness), as well as for those who do not like long walks, trips to nature, and are not ready to devote several days a week to training the animal.

    American cocker diseases

    Despite the fact that the American Cocker Spaniel is a fairly robust dog with a long life expectancy (14-16 years), the breed is characterized by some characteristic diseases. The owner needs to know about breed ailments in order to notice deterioration in the pet's condition in time and take timely measures.

    American Cocker Spaniels are prone to eye diseases

    In particular, American-type cocker spaniels are prone to eye diseases: corneal ulcers and degeneration, cataracts or glaucoma. Often, these ailments affect older pets, but can occur at any age. It is important that these diseases can be hereditary. When buying a puppy, priority should be given to breeders who offer litters from producers (male and female) who have passed tests for hereditary ophthalmic diseases. If a breeder has negative results for these diseases, the chances that a dog from such a litter will suffer from them is significantly reduced.

    Specialists identify a number of other diseases that cockers are susceptible to:

    • food allergies;
    • otitis media;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • seborrhea.

    Knowing about the predisposition of the breed to these problems, the owner must properly care for the dog, preventing the development of ailments. Such prevention includes a competent balanced diet, care for the ears and eyes, and regular water treatments.

    We mentioned above that American cockers are active dogs that require a lot of attention and a lot of activity. This dog will not be able to sit on the sofa, the spaniel needs long walks with games, training, field trips, where the pet can throw out energy, swim, and run around.

    Another challenge in keeping American spaniels is caring for their rich coat. From a very early age, the puppy should be taught to regularly bathe and brush. Let us dwell on these points in more detail.

    How to care for the coat of an American spaniel?

    You need to bathe your pet with shampoo quite often - once every one or two months. In this case, you need to pay attention to the choice of cosmetics, since luxurious wool will look deplorable if you wash the dog with anything. Ordinary soaps or human shampoos will not work as they dry out the animal's skin and wash away the protective layer of fat from the hairs.

    Well-groomed wool is the main decoration of the American Cocker Spaniel

    Use a professional long-haired dog shampoo to wash your cocker. You can focus on the color of the animal, for example, for black dogs it is better to choose products designed for dark hair. They contain a small amount of coloring pigment, which will allow the hairs to maintain a pure, deep color, without turning into brown or gray.

    After shampooing, a mask or conditioner is applied to the Cocker Spaniel's coat to add shine, ease combing, remove static electricity and nourish the hair that has been free of dirt. For these purposes, you need to use products containing keratin or silk proteins. You can also use oils - coconut, almond or mink, but then you need to apply them to the coat before washing, and then thoroughly, perhaps twice, shampoo the dog and rinse off. Such a scheme will allow you to moisturize the coat, but not make it greasy and hanging icicles.

    After washing the dog, dry it thoroughly with a towel, and then proceed to dry it with a hairdryer. Do not allow the dog to dry on its own, as the wet coat can become tangled, in addition, the wet dog can catch a cold. Breeders and owners, preparing dogs for the show, use a compressor - a powerful hairdryer, created especially for long-haired breeds, which allows even the rich fur coat of the animal to be dried efficiently and very quickly.

    The next step after drying is brushing. In principle, the more often the owner scratches the dog, the more well-groomed its coat will be, and the risk of tangling of the hairs will decrease. You need to comb the cocker not only after washing, but also after each walk, in order to comb out dirt, dry twigs, grass and other debris from the wool. Brushing should be careful, with particular attention to the "skirt" - the long, flowing hair below the body. For combing, you can use a blunt-toothed comb of sufficient length, a slicker brush, and a massage comb.

    American cocker grooming

    Above, we described the actions that every owner can perform at home. But there is one more nuance - American cockers with their long hair are breeds that need regular haircuts. It is better to entrust this matter to a professional groomer, especially if the dog will be attending exhibitions.

    American cocker pedigree haircut is not an easy process, requiring a whole arsenal of tools from the hairdresser. So, the head and upper back of the dog is cut short, leaving a small crest on the head. The ears are shaved to the upper two-thirds, the fringe is not cut from the bottom, but only slightly trimmed with scissors. The body is not cut with a machine; in these places the wool is plucked with a special comb or a groomer's knife. The hair on the limbs remains long, while the bottom of the paws is trimmed with a hemisphere, as if a dog walks in long fluffy pants.

    American Cocker Spaniel haircut

    An important point! To ensure that the haircut and the trip to the groomer does not become stressful for the animal, you need to do hygiene and grooming procedures regularly. The first haircut for puppies can be done by the breeder, introducing them to water procedures, hygiene, combing and trimming the coat. In the future, these responsibilities will fall on the owner. Remember that once every six months, you won't be able to get your dog to endure painful combing; you need to do this three or four times a week. Then the animal will patiently endure all the manipulations, provided that the owner is gentle and careful.

    Other care procedures

    Because American Cocker Spaniels have long, drooping ears, they should be cared for as well as their coat. The fact is that dogs with such a structure of the auricle are prone to the appearance of ear mites, otitis media and other troubles that threaten the animal with discomfort and even hearing loss.

    The first thing an American Cocker owner should know is that the ears should be examined daily for accumulated dirt, inflammation or other secretions. If the auricle gets dirty, you need to wipe the inner surface with a cotton pad dipped in a special lotion (sold in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies). If the dog shakes its head, redness is noticeable inside the ear or the owner notices other symptoms, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. He will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment or actions for the prevention of diseases.

    Another feature of spaniels associated with long ears is that the coat gets dirty on them when the dog lowers its head in the street. To avoid constant washing, you can use a special hat that you can easily sew yourself. For this, breathable or mesh fabric is taken, measured according to the volume of the dog's head and sewn with a ring. Non-tight elastic bands are inserted into the edges of the resulting headdress.

    American cocker spaniels wearing caps that protect ears

    Spaniel claws also require grooming: like a dog of any other breed, you need to trim them so that the dog can move comfortably. If the animal often walks on the asphalt, the claws can grind off by themselves; in winter, or if the pet walks on the grass and ground, a couple of times a month you need to do him a manicure, armed with a special nail clipper.

    You also need to watch your dog's teeth. After the milk teeth have changed to permanent ones (this happens at about six to seven months), you need to brush them three to four times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs. It is necessary to accustom the animal to this procedure from puppyhood, so that later the dog does not break free and does not resist. From time to time, the spaniel needs to be given chewable toys with which the dog itself can brush its teeth. These toys can be purchased at pet stores. Due to the fibrous structure, the dog's teeth completely penetrate in them, plaque is removed in the process and the appearance of tartar is prevented.

    What and how to feed an American Cocker?

    Like all cocker spaniels, the American one is famous for its irrepressible food. Dogs of this breed are often obese if the owners are not able to compose a competent diet for the animal and refuse when the dog asks for something tasty. Also, do not forget about the tendency of spaniels to food allergies. To avoid the above health problems, you need to feed the animal at the rate - balanced and rather monotonous.

    The fact is that the stomach of dogs and their body as a whole does not need a great variety of food. On the contrary, the more habitual the food is, the better for the animal. Feeding on a schedule, in a certain amount and with familiar foods is the key to good digestion in the Cocker Spaniel, and therefore to overall health.

    The American Cocker Spaniel owner must decide which type of feeding is best for him: ready-made dry food or organic food. The first option will appeal to those owners who do not want to devote much time to compiling a diet for a pet, since modern dry food (super premium or holistic class) contains everything you need.

    Premium dry dog ​​food

    For the American Cocker Spaniel, you need to choose food for medium-sized dog breeds, some brands, for example, "Royal Canin", immediately offer a line for spaniels. This food contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the skin and coat of the dog, helps to maintain an ideal weight (prevention of obesity), and also provides all the necessary for the heart muscle. When purchasing dry food for the American spaniel, you should pay attention to the mark "Hypoallergenic" or choose tastes based on lamb, turkey or salmon, excluding chicken, as a strong allergen for animals.

    Having chosen one food and making sure that it suits the pet (the animal is fun, active, the coat is shiny, the stool is normal), you do not need to change it. The change of food can only be due to the growing up of the animal, since all foods have lines for puppies, growing and adult pets, as well as the elderly.

    If the owner decides that natural feeding is preferable, he should research the needs of the dog in advance. The Cocker Spaniel, like any pet, cannot be fed from a common table. The natural diet is based on fresh raw meat scalded with boiling water, vegetables and fruits, sea fish, cottage cheese and other lactic acid products, eggs, offal.

    Many American Spaniel owners follow a feeding system called "Barf". This system includes products that are biologically characteristic of a dog as a wild animal. "Barf" imitates natural feeding, that is, the dog receives raw meat and offal, as well as accompanying ingredients: berries, herbs, vegetable oils (burdock, olive).

    In any case, the decision on the organization of feeding is made by the owner of the animal. It is only important to remember that the dog is completely dependent on the person, and the owner's task is to provide the animal with fresh, high-quality and balanced feed containing all the substances necessary for the life of the pet.

    Purpose of the breed and training

    American Cocker Spaniels have firmly taken the place of pets and companions, but they have not lost their hunting instincts. Above we said that cockers are a gun breed, the purpose of which is to bring shot game, in particular, a bird. The animal easily learns how to carry prey and raise birds from shelters, but long hair will prevent the cocker spaniel from making its way through the grass, bushes or swamps. Therefore, show dogs do not participate in the hunt; if the pet is purchased in order to walk under a gun, the owner must provide a comfortable coat length for him.

    American cocker spaniel on the hunt

    To train an animal to be useful in the hunt, it is worth taking special training courses with it. Coaching of cockers includes several stages, which are worked out until complete assimilation: standing, stretching, frightening and serving the game. Also, the dog will be taught to work with a clicker or a whistle, will be introduced to different types of game, will be taught that the bird should be passed on to the owner, and not feasted on it alone. But, before you go for training, you need to go through the basic training course with the puppy.

    As the name implies, this course includes basic skills for each dog: the ability to walk next to the owner's leg, come to a call, training in the commands "Sit!", "Lie down!", "Stand!" and others. Basic training is very important for American spaniels, because they are by nature restless, and hunting instincts wake up at the most inopportune moment. A responsible owner, who wants to reach an understanding with the dog and learn how to manage it correctly, will definitely take group or individual lessons with a dog handler.

    Any active activities will be a joy to the cocker spaniel

    If the owner of the American Cocker Spaniel is not going to take the animal for hunting, you can choose other sports where the dog can throw out energy and enjoy the movement and work in tandem with the owner.

    So, American cockers show themselves well in. This is a sport of interaction between the dog and the owner. The pet's task is to pass a track with obstacles such as a "snake", barriers of various configurations, tunnels, logs (booms), swings, and the like, accurately and in the shortest amount of time. At the same time, the dog is in "free flight", it should not have a collar, and even more so, a leash.

    Cockers perform well in frisbee - competitions in catching a flying saucer. Another sport in which the cocker spaniel can warm up and even get tired is coursing. Coursing is fun for dogs with hunting skills. On a certain territory, a mechanism is installed that moves an artificial hare along the selected trajectory. In this case, "production" can suddenly change direction, freeze or accelerate. Coursing is good because the animal not only realizes its hunting potential, but also learns to make a decision, not to get lost in unexpected situations, and in general receives physical activity.

    Also, with representatives of the breed, you can do tracking work - in this the hunter's instinct greatly helps the Cocker. An excellent sense of smell allows American Cocker Spaniels to be very useful. Dogs of this breed work to find missing people, help police officers search for drugs. Particularly convenient for the work of operatives is that spaniels are small in size and calm, friendly nature. This allows dogs to work in crowded places: airports, train stations, without frightening others. Also, with spaniels, they check public transport that crosses borders - trains and buses, and the compact size allows the animal to easily work in narrow aisles and confined spaces.

    American Cocker Spaniels are supported by rescue workers and people-oriented volunteers. The spaniel works well both in wooded or field areas, and blockages (stone and snow). Small size and weight also play an important role in the search ability of spaniels. Firstly, the animal can maneuver between trees, overcome various obstacles and pass in many places without the risk of falling through. Secondly, the handler can carry a small dog for some time in order to deliver it to the desired place, bypassing the dangerous area.

    Video - About American Cocker


    American Cocker Spaniels are empathetic, friendly and highly human-oriented dogs. Such a pet will be an ideal companion for an active person who spends a lot of time outdoors, often going outdoors. American Cocker Spaniels are suitable for both a single owner and a large family, where everyone will be happy with the animal and will not refuse to spend time playing or petting.

    Due to its livable and calm nature, the spaniel is suitable for both an experienced dog lover and a beginner who first thought about purchasing a tailed pet. The main thing is to find a responsible breeder who will not only give a beautiful and healthy puppy to the new home, but at any time will be able to provide competent advice, tell the person how to resolve this or that issue.

    If you want to get an American spaniel, be ready to give him a lot of attention and love, and then the dog will respond to you with great affection.

    The popular hunting dog of the American Cocker Spaniel breed often becomes a pet for city dwellers who have no idea what hunting is. Dogs have an attractive appearance and wonderful character, but like any hunting breed, they have their own characteristics of upbringing and care.

    Cockers were introduced to America in the 1880s and hunted woodcocks and rabbits. This is one of the few breeds that hunt down not game, but fur-bearing animals. Over the years, the breed has undergone some changes - the muzzle has become shorter, the coat is longer, and the weight is less. A new breed has appeared - the American Cocker Spaniel.

    Cocker Spaniels have been at the top of the American Kennel Club's studbook more often than any other breed.

    In the 80s of the last century, it was a cult dog that many wanted to have. The IFF recognized the breed in 1985.

    Description of the American Cocker Spaniel

    American Cocker Spaniels are beautiful in appearance. They have a wonderful soft coat with a thick undercoat, large expressive eyes. The ears, chest, belly and legs of the dog are decorated with thick, slightly curled curls.

    American cockers have retained their working qualities and can develop successfully during training.

    But who would dream of walking through the woods with such handsome men? Dogs have retained the energetic and mobile character of their ancestors; they do not sit still for a minute if they are not busy eating or sleeping. The exception is individuals suffering from gluttony, sick or too lazy. American Cocker Spaniels are very active and quick-witted, gullible, people-oriented.

    Life span

    Cocker spaniels have ear, eye and skin diseases. A dog can inherit eye cataracts, epilepsy, dysplasia, and temperament problems.

    The average lifespan of American Cocker Spaniels is 13 to 15 years. How long dogs live depends largely on the care and living conditions.

    Breed standard and puppy selection

    The cocker spaniel has a strong body, adapted to a fast run and exhausting loads during hunting, and the appearance of a graceful and noble animal with a cheerful character, always ready to work.

    Description of the breed and requirements of the standard:

    • the head is well balanced, proportional in size;
    • dark eyes look smart, lively and bewitching;
    • the cranium is rounded, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well pronounced;
    • the nose is black or matches the color of the coat;
    • elongated muzzle;
    • scissor bite;
    • hanging ears with long hair;
    • the neck is slender, slightly elongated;
    • the back is strong, the chest is deep;
    • tail with long hair, slightly raised, but not higher than the back line;
    • limbs with powerful muscles and strong bones, slender, straight.

    The dog has a lot of colors, the main ones are chocolate, black and fawn, the rarest is roan. The coat is soft and long, silky. She is very beautiful, but requires special care and regular haircuts. In American cocker spaniels, the weight is not limited by the strict framework of the standard, the height of the dogs should be from 34 to 39 cm.

    To choose a healthy puppy, you need to get to know his parents. This can be done at a dog show, having found out from the owner of the animal you like when the next mating is planned.

    You can buy a thoroughbred animal through the club. If the pet is planning to participate in exhibitions, choose a puppy from a litter of champions in several generations. Its cost will be twice as high as that of a puppy with minor defects in appearance.

    It is not worth buying an animal on the market or through a private ad. It has long been known that a dog inherits not only diseases, but also character. There is no guarantee that a pet with a dubious pedigree will grow up to be good-natured and cheerful, and not aggressive or cowardly.

    Purpose and character of the dog

    The dog is distinguished by high intelligence. She is very mobile and active, all the time looking for something to do, play or communicate with the owner. Thanks to natural intelligence and curiosity, it is easy to learn teams.

    Pets see training as a fun game. Dogs have a friendly and affectionate disposition, they love one owner and are devoted to him. They get along well with small children, for the sake of the owner and his family they are ready for self-sacrifice.

    The modern designation of the American Cocker Spaniel is a companion dog. But do not forget about its excellent hunting qualities, which many breeders are trying to develop and strengthen.

    Cocker spaniels search for prey based on scent, they also have a keen eye and a keen sense of smell. The better they smell while hunting, the more they wag their tail.

    Dogs are ideal for hunting in the forest, they can crawl under any obstacle from the branches, easily swim across a stream or small river. Thanks to their short legs, they make their way well through the forest thicket, but it is more difficult for them to overcome long distances than for large dogs.

    In everyday life, American Cocker Spaniels are unpretentious, they have an excellent appetite and are always in a good mood. It will take long walks to keep the dog healthy. In addition to daily games and training on the street, attention should be paid to the appearance of the pet.

    Long coat takes time and special care products. It takes a dog over 1 hour to dry after a bath.

    Caring for a cocker spaniel that participates in shows should be especially careful:

    1. For the beauty of wool, high-quality dry and canned food, vitamins are needed.
    2. Wool must be washed once a week. Then comb with conditioner, blow dry.
    3. The dog's back is trimmed. The hair on the paws, head and body is clipped.
    4. The American Cocker Spaniel is trimmed every three weeks.
    5. It is necessary to take proper care of the ears - to bury it once a week, massage it, cut off excess hair. The dog can eat and walk in a knitted hat so that its long beautiful ears are not smeared.

    American cocker spaniels tend to be overweight. It is necessary to feed adult animals 2 times a day at a certain time. Puppies more often - 3 - 4 times a day.

    Natural foods should be warm and soft. Once every two weeks, you need to carry out a fasting day, giving the pet only 40% of the usual diet. The menu should include cereals, vegetables, dairy products, herbs, meat.

    • Meat is given to the dog every other day, it is pre-frozen, cut into pieces or passed through a meat grinder. You cannot give pork, rabbit meat, but poultry and beef are allowed.
    • Cereals are poured over with boiling water.
    • The vegetables are grated, the greens are finely chopped. Vegetables can be served raw or stewed.
    • A cocker spaniel should include saltwater fish in its diet, but remove all bones before offering it to your dog.

    Many owners prefer not to bother themselves with drawing up a full-fledged dog menu and buy super-premium quality dry food in the store. This is also the right decision, since professional feed contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal.

    How to train and raise a Cocker Spaniel

    American Cocker Spaniels are overly energetic and nervous, especially when children are around. But for well-bred dogs, this is not a problem. Therefore, it is important to take a training course with the puppies. Representatives of the breed are very smart, they understand well what is required of them. Cocker spaniels perfectly feel the mood of the owner.

    If you plan to take part in an exhibition with your dog, you need to teach it not to be afraid of strangers, to be able to present yourself. She must know the basic commands: "Sit!", "Stand!", "Lie down!", "Fu!", "Come to me!"

    You cannot be zealous in repeating commands. The dog must take learning for play, only then will it obey.

    During the performance at the exhibition, no one will require a hunting dog to execute service commands.

    Cocker spaniels for hunting are brought up in a special way, walking in the forest and explaining everything in practice. They are trained to look for the beast, to bring prey, not to be afraid of shots, to give a voice when noticing the game, and much more.

    Pros and cons of the breed

    The American Cocker Spaniel is characterized by reliability and love of freedom, beauty and grace, tireless energy and quick wit. But once you fall in love with a puppet dog's face, you need to think about the pros and cons of the breed before buying a puppy.

    Pros of the American Cocker Spaniel:

    • effective appearance;
    • small body size;
    • good hunting qualities with proper education;
    • lively and peaceful character;
    • loyalty to the owner.

    So, these dogs have many advantages for urban housing, but they have their disadvantages.

    The disadvantages of the breed include the following qualities:

    • the need for careful grooming of the coat;
    • hyperactivity;
    • tendency to bark frequently;
    • disobedience with the wrong upbringing;
    • gluttony.

    In some representatives of the breed, negative traits are less pronounced. Dogs quickly adapt to the owner, they have a very flexible character. Therefore, the person who raised him should be blamed for the dog's bad behavior.

    What is the difference between the American and English Cocker Spaniel

    The American and English Cocker Spaniel have differences in character and appearance, although it is easy to confuse these breeds.

    Unlike American dogs, the English version is used for hunting. While the American Cocker Spaniel prefers performances to hunting.

    The American Cocker Spaniel has wide-set large eyes, which is a disadvantage for the English version of the breed. When choosing sires in American kennels, preference was given to dogs with good looks, and hunting qualities were not taken into account.