Which pets are pets in the world. Tips for choosing pets for kids - overview and descriptions of all options. Long-distance owl: a bird rescued by a driver traveled half the country with him

Keeping a pet is a huge responsibility that requires an enormous amount of hard work and dedication, which, frankly, is not available to everyone. On the other hand, choosing a pet is easier than easy, because it usually comes down to choosing between a dog and a cat (or a fish, if you are as prosaic as a tattered wallpaper). But don't you think this is wrong to some extent? The choice of pets should be more than the number of sides of the coin, and if you think so too, you are absolutely right, because there is one. In fact, there are dozens of wonderful and completely legal alternative pets to go and buy right now:

10. Mini pigs

After all the thought of ways to make bacon-flavored ice cream, perfume and candles, the moment finally came when people wanted to have it as a pet. Thus, mini pigs appeared, hitting the eardrums of men or women all over the world.

Mini pigs are also known as miniature pigs, micro pigs and tikap pigs, but the name is not that important. Importantly, they are cuter than five puppies hugging a teddy bear at the same time, and are also one of the strongest reasons to go vegetarian. However, not only are they adorably cute faces, they are just as smart, if not smarter than dogs, and just as easily develop affection for humans.

The only downside is that less scrupulous breeders often pass off ordinary pigs as miniature, which, unfortunately, only becomes apparent when your pink micro miracle turns into a 200-kilogram gryundel that takes up half of your living room. In addition, Paris Hilton appears to have started the micro pig mania, which diminishes the enjoyment of their establishment a little.

9. Starling

A common or European starling is a small bird with black and spotted feathers that some people sometimes keep as a pet. In addition, starlings can talk.

Well, not really, to be precise. Starlings really only have the ability to mimic the frequently repeated phrases and natural sounds of their own environment, which parrots essentially do. But to be honest, if you ever see and hear a bird that doesn’t look like an immigrant from a Brazilian forest, your first thought is probably not “Oh my God, what a wonderful example of bird mimicry”, but most likely “This bird just spoke ? Rather bring holy water! "
But being able to scare your friends and family is not the only reason to get a starling, as they are very playful creatures and quickly become attached to their owners, combining the adoration inherent in a dog with the ability to fly and repeat your favorite mats. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that these birds poop a lot, for about 20 years.

8. Emperor scorpion

The Emperor Scorpion (Pendinus imperator) is the closest creature to a real Pokemon: a 10 cm armored arachnid with giant pincers and a comically exaggerated sting at the end of its tail. And you can buy yourself one today ... and for good reason.

In all fairness, emperor scorpions are actually very gentle creatures, which (given their intimidating appearance) practically makes them the Michael Clarke Duncan of the animal kingdom. They do not need to be extremely cared for and their bites are not fatal to humans (unless you are allergic to poison), so if you have ever had the urge to have a miniature embodiment of fear created by Mother Nature herself, the emperor scorpion - this is the best variant.

In addition, if you put it in the same tank with the action figures and turn on the heavy metal, then you can recreate the entire plot of the Clash of the Titans remake.

7. Long-eared hedgehog

Eared (or Egyptian) hedgehogs are not only some of the cutest alternative pets, but they are also candidates for the title of "Easiest Photoshopped Animal." But while they may look like the result of hastily slipping a pair of bunny ears on everyone's favorite spiny mouse, these spiny rabbits are actually quite real and are perfectly legal to keep as pets in most countries.

Hedgehogs are generally considered timid and peaceful creatures, and their eared version is no exception. However, they are considered to be quite difficult pets because they are not as easy to tame as regular pets and you will need to put in a lot of effort to properly habituate them to the apartment and the person. However, once you manage to do this, hedgehogs, as many of their breeders say, are very interactive and easy to use, and their only drawback is that hedgehogs don't really like to squeeze into balls and roll around collecting gold coins. or fighting armies of animal robots.

6. Skunk

Unlike hedgehogs, it turns out that pop culture hasn't lied to us about skunk behavior because domestic skunks, like Pepe le Pew, are curious, stubborn and require a ton of affection. Despite this, they are less harmful, making them a great alternative to dogs and cats. In addition, it is important to note that their scent glands are surgically removed at an early age.

There are many places in North America where you can buy a pet skunk, you just need to make sure that it is legal to keep them in your country. In fact, there is no reason not to want to have such a miracle for yourself. Not only are skunks incredibly smart, they also love petting so much that they can even turn into "couch skunks" (according to professional breeders), constantly begging to be on your knees. Probably, you did not even suspect this about skunks, live and learn.

5. Madagascar hissing cockroach

On the list of what makes a good pet, cockroaches are roughly between rusty razor blades and Siberian wolves. If you add to this the ability to make distinct hissing sounds, the Madagascar hissing cockroach begins to look more like crushing proof that there is no god ... which you should have already guessed.

First, there is something incredibly cool about having as a pet a creature that can survive a nuclear strike or the removal of its head. In addition, the Madagascar hissing cockroach is also an amazing climber, able to climb up smooth glass without problems, making it an insect product of love between Wolverine and Spider-Man. Given its rather peaceful nature, it is not surprising that the Madagascar hissing cockroach is often considered an excellent first pet, although in some states of America it is necessary to obtain a special license to keep them. Plus, if you wake up in the middle of the night to your cockroaches hissing at you from a dark corner of the room, you will most likely never stop screaming.

4. Dwarf goat

Do you have a private yard? Are you tired of dogs, but want something like them to deflect the inevitable realization that no one loves you? Then give the dwarf goat or goat the opportunity to fill the sadness center of your brain with pure and sugar sweetness.

As the name suggests, pygmy goats are tiny versions of nature's beloved, evil-eyed garbage packers, and today they are bred exclusively as pets. Dwarf goats are very curious creatures that constantly require tons of love and attention, so if you can't provide them, you need to check, if you haven't had your heart removed, you are an insensitive monster. Their advantage is not only that they are very outgoing and playful, but also that they can adapt to almost any environment / food, so if you cannot love them for their cuteness, you can at least respect them for their the ability to survive like Rambo.

However, it should be borne in mind that in most countries they are considered livestock, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with local laws before deciding to get yourself such a charm.

3. Prairie dog

Prairie dogs exist because someone once argued with God that he couldn't breed a puppy with a rat and get something that looks absolutely adorable. That man apparently lost, and prairie dogs continue to inhabit the Earth and the living rooms of the happiest pet owners on the planet.

Prairie dogs are technically rodents, but their main characteristic is the affection they quickly develop for humans. If you take a prairie dog at a fairly early age, it will immediately mistake you for a mother and will become attached to you forever (which is why the Batmen hire Robins at such an early age). After that, according to their breeders, you will live with a hyper active puppy that never grows up, which is exactly what everyone has asked scientists for the past several hundred years.

2. Sugar marsupial flying squirrel

Just look at this incredibly adorable creature in the photo. This is not a real animal, but actually Mort, a character from the Madagascar cartoons, voiced by Andy Richter. But the main thing is that in fact, the sugar marsupial flying squirrel exists in real life, and you can get it right now, because it is already clear that you would like to get it yourself. However, if you've already fallen in love with this Australian possum and named him Sir Fluffy Tail, get ready to shell out the big bucks, because sugar marsupials are still considered exotic animals that usually cost a lot more than simple animals (this rule also applies to dancers) ...
But while they are quite expensive and can be even more expensive to maintain, their overall level of fluffiness, cuteness, and playful nature may convince you to skip a few dental visits for the true pleasure of owning your very own Sugar Flying Marsupial. ... And before you ask, yes, they can actually fly short distances through the air.

1. Fox

Would you like to get yourself a fox? Yes? Then good news for you: you can do it, and it's all thanks to the Soviet Union.

The fact is that we went around and around the fact that in fact, any animal can become a pet if it is tamed. Even puny Chihuahuas were once powerful wolves, which, through selection, were brought to the size of a pocket dog-rat that knows its place, and which, for this reason, can be kept as a pet. So the question is, why can't we domesticate foxes? Because it will take "hundreds, maybe thousands of years"? Come on, you obviously underestimate the Soviet people and their ability to spit on all sorts of "facts" or "logic". Just look at the Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev, who tried hard to breed domestic foxes in Siberia since 1959 ... and apparently he succeeded.

Here's something to understand about foxes: even if you buy a bag of "tamed" foxes anywhere in the world, they will still be wild animals that will pounce on your face and dignity if you try to dress them up in a Robin Hood costume. So what about Belyaev's domesticated foxes? These foxes are just real pets, the front paws of which you can freely take and make them dance with you, ... although, of course, this is not worth doing, and not because it will scare the poor animals, but because this is how you treat with an animal worth about $ 8,000, probably not worth it.

City apartments, in which most of the population lives, do not always dispose to have a pet. And how to get out of this situation, when there is not enough space, but you want a pet?

We offer a list of the 7 most suitable animals for a city apartment. Let's consider all the pros and cons of each of them.

1. Geckos
This funny little tropical lizard can perfectly adapt to living in an apartment - the only requirement is a properly prepared terrarium. The gecko doesn't need much space. Geckos can live alone, they can be handled. You just need to be careful in handling them, and it is advisable to show your lizard to the veterinarian once every six months.

[+] Captive geckos can live up to 19 years.
[─] Keeping a gecko is quite expensive, it requires special live food and a special terrarium.

2. River fish
Fish are quite familiar pets for city apartments. The pet store will offer you a huge selection of fish. They are very well suited for keeping at home. Depending on the experience of the aquarist, you can choose less or more whimsical fish in keeping. The main thing to ensure is a properly sized aquarium, clean water and the right food.

[+] They do not require constant attention, do not make noise, do not require visits to the veterinarian. But don't forget that your fish may need vitamins and other medications to stay healthy.
[─] Life expectancy depends on the type of fish and their care.

3. River turtles
This type of reptile is very popular for keeping in city apartments. Turtles need special aquariums, which have a water part and a part of "land" where they can rest. They are easily tamed and respond with love to the care of their owners.

[+] These are calm pets, unpretentious in food.
[─] Over time, they can reach large sizes, it will be necessary to adapt the habitat to the growth of the turtle.

4. Hamsters
Little cute rodents that are usually very sociable. They easily adapt to life in an apartment, they are easy to look after and do not take up much space.
[+] They are very active and a little shy. You need to earn the hamster's trust to avoid light bites. In a calm environment, these are very gentle animals who like your love and care.
[─] A pair of hamsters can bring 6-7 babies about 8 times a year. Hamsters do not have a very long lifespan, so it is better to buy a young animal.

5. Parrots
Beautiful, brightly colored birds are usually a good choice if you are looking for a pet that will bring joy to you just by looking at it. Well, if a parrot can speak, then this is also a matter of pride. It is necessary to choose the appropriate cage so that the bird feels free there and can spread its wings. This is necessary for the parrot to feel good. It should also be remembered that birds are poorly tamed and most often, at the first opportunity, they try to fly away “to their homeland”. They need a clean cage, food, water, and some toys.

[+] They do not cause allergies. But we must remember that birds can only be bought in specialized stores and those that were born in captivity.
[─] Require conscientious and proper care. They need a clean cage, food, water, and some toys. You need to take enough time to take care of them.

6. Dogs of small breeds
Dogs have always been considered man's best friends and companions. These are favorite pets, they perfectly adapt to life in apartments. Small breeds are a more reasonable choice for keeping in an apartment than large dogs. This is mainly due to the limited space in our apartments: large dogs need much more space.

[+] Dogs are excellent companions and live long enough. Chihuahuas, miniature schnauzers, Yorkshire terriers, Shih Tzu are especially recommended for keeping in apartments. Small mongrels can also be an excellent choice, they are usually smart, quick-witted and unpretentious. By far the dog is the best pet for children.
[─] Dogs require a lot of attention and time, which must be devoted to raising the dog, grooming, daily walks, and regular visits to the veterinarian.

7. Cats
Cats are perhaps the most graceful and coziest pets. They do not require too much care, they are quite independent and clean. The cats are well trained and live comfortably in apartments. It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to a kitten so that it grows up healthy and well-mannered, while adult cats need much less attention.

[+] Cats are completely self-sufficient animals, they do not need to be dealt with from morning to evening. But they need love and attention when they feel like it.
[─] If a cat develops bad behavioral habits, it can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to wean him from them.

Greetings, dear readers!

And we have a new family member at home. A wonderful kitty has been living in our house for three days. They called her Sonya. She is playful, cheerful, knows how to go to the toilet. It causes incredible delight in children, stress in our dad, because she was already hanging on the curtains, and I "get it" for all this, because the idea of ​​having a pet was mine.

Of course, all these events in the house led to the writing of today's article. I decided to consider what pets can be and what kind of pet is better to have in an apartment for a baby? And at the end of the article there is a little test for you: Which animal is right for you. So we read and play.

We are responsible for those we have tamed

In theory, it looks like this:

Before you go to a pet store to choose a future pet, you should talk to your baby. He must understand that the animal is not a toy and needs care.

Shifting these responsibilities onto the shoulders of parents, grandparents should not be: the child should feel responsible, then the attitude towards the pet will be different. He realizes that this is not a toy, but the same living creature that requires a special approach and attention.

If after your conversation the baby's desire to have a pet has not diminished, you can go to the pet store to buy a smaller friend for the baby.

On practice:

No matter how you say and explain that the animals need to be cleaned, fed and walked, all this falls on the fragile shoulders of the mother (at least in our family).

But an animal in the house is not only food and walks, it is primarily an emotional background or mood in the house. For three days now we have been hearing the enthusiastic cries of children. How happy they are when Sonya runs and plays. All these emotions are worth a lot.

Whom to choose?

And here, dear readers, many questions arise, since the list of animals offered in the store is very large. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each.


This is the first thing that comes to mind when choosing a pet for a toddler. The dog is a devoted friend, guard. But in order for her to perform her functions, she needs to be properly fed, educated, and walked in the daytime.

And also to treat, to do prophylaxis against worms, to care for the coat. When mating a female, if she is purebred, you will need to choose a suitable partner.

If no one is at home all day, or the child is too young and unable to clean up and take out the dog on his own, it is better not to have such a pet. At the same time, the dog is an excellent friend and companion for a teenager who has decided to shoulder the responsibility for caring.


Less whimsical animal. It does not require a walk, eats with pleasure the same as the owners (if taught from a young age), you can buy special food that is required in less quantities than the dog.

However, you need to be prepared for unpleasant surprises: they will upset the parents rather than the child. The animal's hair will be everywhere. If a family member has an allergy, or if you have expensive carpets on the floor, it’s better not to think about getting a cat at all.

The animal needs to be constantly combed out, sometimes bathed, which cats do not like very much. Animals like to rip off upholstered furniture, scatter sand near the toilet, and sometimes mark things that seem suspicious to them. So you should be prepared for an unpleasant smell.


We can say that it is ideal for a baby. A hamster, although not a very smart animal, is soft and fluffy, but what else does a child need? It is not difficult to take care of him: you just need to clean the cage, give food and water on time. But you can't let the hamster run around the apartment: it will gnaw through all the furniture!


A variation of a hamster or guinea pig. The animal is soft and fluffy, it is mainly in a cage, care is similar to that required by rodents, only they can get sick more often, so you should immediately consult a veterinarian about vaccinations and further care.

A chinchilla can occasionally be allowed to run around the apartment: it will not bring harm to the environment.


Quite a strange choice for a child, but weirdos do occur. The snake is considered an attribute of a very strong person. In order to care for her, you need to overcome fear in yourself. It is hardly a good choice for a girl, but in a young man a snake will help build self-confidence.


A talkative bird only requires a clean cage, food, water, and a little companionship. Birds bring cheerfulness and fun into the house, but be prepared for the fact that inappropriate phrases will be heard in the house both day and night.


A predatory animal with a large number of teeth. He grows up to 2.5 m, and being in an apartment does not make him less aggressive than in the wild.


Unpretentious, lives in an aquarium or terrarium, eats fish. The terrarium needs to be cleaned periodically, but this process is not very difficult. But the pleasure of keeping such a pet is dubious: you can't stroke it, and it doesn't bring aesthetic pleasure.


It is quite an acceptable option if the baby does not need to hug and hug his pet, but just look at him and feed him several times a day. A small aquarium with several beautiful fish will bring harmony to your home, calm your nerves and delight you with an aesthetic look.

You need to clean the aquarium every 2-4 weeks, so parents can help with this, until the baby learns to clean it himself. A small aquarium will not take up much space, but it will bring joy and variety into your life.


Of course, we are not talking about those cockroaches that live in the apartment everywhere, and which everyone is trying to get rid of. There are large, coin-sized cockroaches in nature. They live in an apartment in small terrariums, but keeping them at home is not for everybody.

You can't stroke such a pet, don't let it go for a walk, and you can't get aesthetic pleasure from it. Parents should also not give in to the baby's persuasion to buy a cockroach just so that he can show off an unusual pet to his friends.

Most often, parents and children opt for cats, hamsters, shensheels or birds. Such pets do not require special care, are beautiful, they are pleasant to touch and pet.

But who knows what wishes your baby will show? In any case, he must understand that he is responsible for his “little brother”.

I hope you liked the article and you have already decided which pet to choose for your apartment. But if not, then I propose to take a funny test, it will definitely help you.

Test: Which pet is right for you?

And with you was Ekaterina Chesnakova with cats, dogs and crocodiles.

In today's world, it is difficult to surprise someone with something. However, there are people who have wild animals at home in an effort to keep up with fashion. There are some very strange pets.

Fashion for unusual pets

In recent years, more and more often they have not given birth to a budgerigar, puppy, hamster or kitten as a pet, but an exotic unusual animal. The fashion for rare breeds of dogs is a thing of the past; you will not surprise anyone with an extremely expensive thoroughbred cat or a huge talking parrot. Now completely different pets are in fashion, which are difficult to imagine in the same home as a person.

In many ways, celebrities have influenced the fashion of having custom pets. Known about the seventeen-kilogram turtle Leonardo DiCaprio, the big pig of George Clooney, the raccoon Kinkajou Parris Hilton, the mini-pig of Ruppert Green.

Mini pig

Breeding mini-pigs was started in Germany half a century ago, but only recently they became pets living in an apartment. The weight of an adult mini-pig does not exceed thirty kilograms, and its length is one meter.

If training is started on time, the mini-pig can become a completely "well-bred" pig. These are neat creatures, especially if they are taught to be clean from childhood.


Ferrets are extremely popular among those wishing to have an unusual pet. Surprisingly, in terms of popularity, they are quite a bit inferior to cats and dogs. The home species of a ferret is a ferret. The animal is distinguished by its friendliness and love of play while awake. It should be noted that they are awake a little - no more than four hours a day.

Since the ferret is a burrowing creature, many small things of the owners disappear and end up somewhere under the bathroom or behind the sofa. This quality, as well as the inquisitive nature of the ferrets, gives the owners some trouble.

A monkey

Keeping a monkey at home is not easy. This animal is difficult to recognize in the owner of the leader. She will have to be reminded of who is in charge of the family quite often. From time to time, this animal can attack household members, wanting to take the place of the leader.

A monkey that is raised as a pet spends most of its time in a cage. She walks freely around the house only under supervision.

Achatina snail

Huge snails can be pets too. They are unpretentious, never bored, do not need to walk, and they only need to be fed twice a week. The animal is omnivorous and ready to eat fruits, fish, porridge, meat and mushrooms.

Wanting to go on vacation, the owner of a huge snail does not have to worry about it, since, left without food, Achatina simply falls asleep and can sleep for about two months. The Achatina snail gets used to its owner and recognizes him. The life span of this creature is from seven to ten years.

Tarantula spider

Fans of extreme sports give birth to tarantula spiders. In the wild, they can easily cope with chicks, and when they are kept at home, they are content with cockroaches and mice. Tarantulas are kept in terrariums. They love to sit in the palm of their owner. The length of these spiders is about ten centimeters.


Getting an iguana today is not difficult. This is an affordable reptile species that has become quite popular as a pet in recent years.

Keeping an iguana is not easy and not cheap at all. In addition, she has sharp claws that can easily injure a person. An iguana at home rarely survives to the state of an adult, since it dies if not properly maintained.


A popular pet in the United States is the anteater. The owners speak of them as calm, unpretentious in food, clean and funny animals. Their popularity continues to grow. It is possible that this unusual animal became popular as a pet after Salvador Dali walked with his anteater on a leash along the city streets.

The strangest pet ever

It seems strange enough that a person wants to live next to an anteater, kangaroo or llama. It looks no less strange that a person has a tarantula, crocodile or skunk spider at home. But it is completely unusual that a person's pet is a hippopotamus.

A couple living in South Africa got themselves such a pet. More than ten years ago, they rescued a baby hippopotamus during a flood. Since then, a grateful animal named Jessica does not want to leave her rescuers. She has her own sleeping place - a mattress on the terrace of the house. However, wild animals are not kept in the house very often. The site has a site about the most dangerous animals on Earth.
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It's no secret that people enjoy interacting with animals and even living next to them. Cat lovers and dog lovers, who are the most on the planet, try to prove to everyone that their pet is the best. In addition to dogs and cats, a large number of people give birth to birds, reptiles and rodents and a lot of other exotic animals.

In addition to the unusual name, this animal is also very rare. It is not common to find a capybara among pets. Capybaras are guinea pigs, but large in size. These are the largest rodents in the world, their weight can reach 45 kg, and the body length is 120 cm.It is not advised to have a capybara in a family with children, since this animal is a loner, has sharp teeth and behaves like a real dog of a wrestling breed ...

Even from the school course in biology, everyone is familiar with the stick insect. These are unique creatures, they really look like a twig. The body length of the insect is from 7 to 10 cm and it can live with good care for several years. A stick insect needs attention and good company in order not to feel lonely.

A donkey is not an exotic animal, but donkeys are very funny and cute. If you go to visit the one who maintains a miniature donkey, you can get a lot of pleasure. Despite the mini prefix, its height is about 1 m, and its weight reaches 100-160 kg. To keep such a donkey, you need a lot of space where he can walk and graze. Miniature donkeys are very friendly and children can play with them.

This tiny funny creature belongs to the class of marsupials. Sugar marsupial flying squirrel gets its name from the fact that it can soar in the air while jumping. These small rodents weigh less than 500 g, and their body length is about 10 cm. The flying squirrel is a gregarious animal, so you will have to purchase a couple to be comfortable together.

Wallaby belongs to the class of marsupials, therefore, keeping it is the same as keeping a common kangaroo. They mostly live with Australian families. Wallaby can be up to 1m in height and can weigh 24 kg. Wallaby also love to live in the herd, so they need a company of relatives. It should be warned that they are not amenable to training.

In the United States, keeping skunks as pets is illegal in many states. Skunk owners say they are cute creatures with character. Everyone is interested in the question of the smell, the secret that the skunk releases from the glands. It's not a problem. The fact is that many skunk owners remove these glands from an animal at the age of 4, contacting a veterinary clinic. A skunk can live in captivity for up to 10 years.

For most people, any insect causes unpleasant feelings, and especially cockroaches. It is customary to perceive them as the dirtiest and most terrible beetles, despite the fact that many around the world have cockroaches in their homes. Surprisingly, there are people who keep cockroaches as pets. The cockroach is considered unpretentious in its content, since it can live in a confined space, does not sting or bite.

The fox is a wild animal, a predator that can easily become a pet. People manage to domesticate the common red fox and its other species, but domesticating the fennec fox is as easy as shelling pears. Fenech grows to the size of a Chihuahua, and is trainable like any cat or dog. This is a fairly mobile animal, so it needs space for games and the company of a person.

The people who live with cats can't help but love the serval because it is a cat native to South Africa. The serval looks like a miniature leopard. This animal needs a large house to live. Serval can live for about 19 years. The animal, in addition to care and training, requires constant attention. Servals are predators by nature and quite successful in the wild, this must be taken into account first.

All rodent lovers will love the chinchilla, which looks like a very fat squirrel, but much more beautiful. This animal can live from 15 to 22 years and, like any animal, requires care and attention. Chinchilla fur does not allow water to pass through, therefore, instead of water procedures, the chinchilla prefers dust and sand.

Axolotl is a species of salamanders that live in water. These amphibians are native to Mexico. The most interesting thing about them, besides the name and appearance, is that they are able to grow lost limbs.

More and more often people have hedgehogs. It is not an exotic animal, but it is very cute and not common enough as a pet. Sadly, a hedgehog can only live for three to eight years. In addition to fruits and vegetables, hedgehogs love insects, and worms are considered a delicacy for them.

Like the cockroach, the tarantula is not a cute funny animal and is not able to win over everyone. But you must give them their due, tarantulas are not annoying. He will be able to live from 10 to 25 years. A record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records - the tarantula lived for 49 years. The tarantula, like a snake, is able to shed its skin, and in this case the shell, when the body grows.

Incredibly, there is a growing interest in sloths in the Internet community, especially in their images. It's strange that in the world of fast technology, people like a very slow animal. The sloth fully lives up to its name. This is a very lazy animal, but it is quite difficult to keep it. Sloths eat vegetables that are not always available at the supermarket on the next street. Those vegetables, to which everyone is accustomed, contain, in the opinion of the sloth, a lot of fibers that are difficult for his digestive system to digest.

The battleship cannot be called cute and cute, and not many will want such an animal to live nearby. Unfortunately, you shouldn't expect much from it. Armadillos mostly sleep in their burrows for 16 hours a day, and when they wake up, they eat different insects. These animals not only look menacing, but also smell bad.