Armature suppliers. Smooth and grooved fittings

Production consists of hot rolling of carbon or low alloy steel. To reduce the grain size, improve the structure and increase the strength of the reinforcement, titanium or zirconium additives are introduced into its composition. So the main element reinforced concrete structures  It turns out to be very reliable to withstand the effects of sudden temperature changes, excessive humidity and loads. This makes manufacturing and construction companies the main consumers of valves.

For the manufacture of such rolled steel is selected in accordance with GOST 5781-82. The blanks are delivered in the form of rods, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 80 mm, length - 6-12 meters. If the rolled section for the production of reinforcement does not exceed 12 mm, it is allowed to be delivered in coils.

Rebar classification:

  • by type of profile - smooth and grooved;
  • by technology - cold drawn and hot rolled;
  • by application - working, constructive or anchor;
  • by type of load - tense and not.

Note! Marking type A-lA-ll is no longer in use. According to GOST standards, it was replaced by the designations A240, A300, etc.

Before you buy fittings, it is important to clarify the meaning of additional indices:

  • "C" - suitability for welding;
  • "K" - resistance to corrosion;
  • "At" is a thermally hardened material.

Fittings at MetallExport Wholesale

Our company offers to buy high-class rental in Moscow at a low price. We always have in stock the main product range. In addition, you can order rental made according to individual parameters. The advantages of such cooperation are the exact conformity of quality with the requirements of GOST, fast shipment and delivery, as well as an acceptable cost.

Is there no reinforcement weight in the table? It is easy to find it yourself. To do this:

  1. Find the volume of metal in each meter of hire: 1 m × (3.14 × D × D / 4), where D is the diameter of the section.
  2. Multiply the resulting value by 7850 kg / m³.

For example, the weight of a linear meter of a rod of 12 mm will be:

  1. 1 m × (3.14 × 0.012 m × 0.012 / 4) \u003d 0.00011304 m³.
  2. 0.00011304 m³ × 7 850 kg / m³ \u003d 0.887 kg.

The weight of a running meter of reinforcement depends on the diameter

Diameter of reinforcement, mm Sectional area, cm² Weight of reinforcement, kg / m Steel grade
3 0,071 0,055
4 0,126 0,098
   Ordinary and high-strength wire
5 0,196 0,154
   Ordinary and high-strength wire
6 0,283 0,222
7 0,385 0,302    A-III, ordinary and high-strength wire
8 0,503 0,395    A-III, ordinary and high-strength wire
9 0,636 0,499    A-iii
10 0,785 0,617
12 1,131 0,888    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
14 1,539 1,208    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
16 2,011 1,578    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
18 2,545 1,998    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
20 3,142 2,466    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
22 3,801 2,984    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
25 4,909 3,853    A-II, A-III, A-IV, At-IV, A-V, At-V, At-VI
28 6,158 4,834    A-II, A-III, A-IV
32 8,042 6,313    A-II, A-III, A-IV
36 10,18 7,99    A-II, A-III
40 12,56 9,87    A-II, A-III


TPK NANO-SK company is engaged in the manufacture and supply of high quality composite reinforcement. Constant control at every stage of production ensures that the product meets high standards, including the parameters of GOST 31938-2012. The company carries out the delivery of valves in Moscow, the Moscow region, as well as other cities of the country.

Armature supply

For several years, the company TPK "NANO-SK" has been supplying valves. Regular customers are construction companies and private developers. The latter are the most active buyers. The reason is that composite reinforcement allows installation building structures  easy and cheap. For example, a linear type foundation may contain a polymer reinforcing cage. This approach is very practical.   Over the past few years, suppliers of reinforcement from composites for companies that manufacture building blocks and other products have increased supply volumes. Indeed, for reinforcing various types of foam blocks, composite reinforcement can be used. This approach allows you to save specific gravity  products, while significantly increasing its strength and quality of heat conservation.

Armature Supply Contract

Upon purchase, in particular in large batches, a contract for the supply of fittings must be drawn up. The company presents on the website in a special section documents that formally represent relations between organizations. The texts of the contracts are available, everyone can see them. But in order to make changes, you have to prepare a protocol of disagreements. With full agreement with the text of the organization, the contract for the supply of fittings can be executed. To accurately display information about a particular organization in the contract, you can use the data that is presented on the site.

Features of the contract

The contract for the integrated supply of fittings provides for the following clauses:

1. The Subject of the Agreement.

2. The price of the goods.

3. The quality of the goods.

4. Terms of payment.

5. Terms of delivery and acceptance.

6. Force Majeure.

7. Dispute Resolution Procedure.

8. Responsibilities of the parties.

9. Termination of the contract.

10. Other conditions.

11. Legal addresses and details of the parties.

Each of these items should be detailed in detail with all the nuances.

Armature Tender

The tender for the supply of fiberglass reinforcement can only be won by a company that produces high-quality material. Construction companies need guarantees of complete control of each production phase. Therefore, TPK "NANO-SK" clearly complies with production technology, because quality products are always in demand.

Specialists carry out improvement measures. The quality of materials that are produced using modern equipment. Specifications  it is getting better every year. If the process of production of a batch of goods is completed, experts will check the strength of compliance with standards. Plants concrete productswith which TPK “NANO-SK” concluded contracts for the supply of composite reinforcement, also try to constantly take into account demand factors. This applies to the number of housing under construction and other facilities. Therefore, TPK "NANO-SK" is trying to supply reinforcing materials with its own transport to meet deadlines for the city of Moscow, the region and cities of central Russia.For those who wish to purchase fiberglass reinforcement later, special wholesale prices are offered. There are also great deals for dealers.

Construction fittings rose sharply  for the last 2 months. The jump in prices depending on the type of product amounted to 30–40%. Market participants say that the situation was influenced by a complex of factors, both external and internal. Among them are the devaluation of the ruble, which increased the economic efficiency of export supplies of reinforcing bars, the mistakes of traders who did not calculate the stock of material, thereby provoking a deficit, the reduction of import of reinforcing bars from China, which sharply reduced its production for internal reasons, as well as a number of barrage measures other exporting countries.

Builders are forced to revise estimates  on projects. But, according to experts, the cost of reinforcement on the cost per square meter of housing will not affect. Builders are unlikely to dare to raise prices in a falling market. But the margin of their business, which over the past year has already declined by almost 2 times, will suffer again.

Market alignment

About the sharp rise in prices  on the valve "" said several market participants. According to them, since the end of February, material prices have increased by 40-50%. This is the sharpest price jump in the segment over the past 10 years (see "Cost of 1 ton of fittings ...")

"We purchase fittings from large companies. They all raised prices. And we are wondering what this is connected with. Typically, by the spring season, rebar rises in price by 1 thousand rubles per ton per month. What happened this spring is nonsense, ”says Kirill Ragometov, general director of PKF Metal Structures.

Armature manufacturers nod to  economic trends within the country.

"The cost of steel production increased  among Russian metallurgists, the tariffs of monopolists have increased, ”the company’s press service lists.

"Shares of metallurgical companies went up  4-5 times over the past 1.5 years. And the prices for the whole rental almost did not grow at the same time. Perhaps now it is a matter of restoring prices and leveling the market, "adds Alex Metal Kirichenko, commercial director of Nord Metal LLC.

"The ruble strengthened by  against the dollar and the euro. And the demand for metal products in the domestic market expanded slightly. This gave rise to local factories to change price lists, "said Leonid Khazanov, deputy editor-in-chief of Metal Supply and Sales magazine.

Chinese echo

Influenced what is happening and  situation in foreign markets.

So, last year  the level of import of valves to Russia from the CIS countries, primarily from Ukraine, decreased by 4 times due to geopolitical factors. And duties on Ukrainian products for the year increased by 10%. In addition, this year, China, the world's largest metal supplier, sharply (by 100–150 million tons - almost 20% compared to 2015) reduced steel production, trying to solve the problem of its overproduction.

Resulting in world  markets there was a shortage of Chinese products, which manufacturers from other countries, including Russia, are trying to fill.

"Domestic production increase volumes  export shipments. This is more profitable than working for the domestic market in rubles, "said Margarita Gorsheneva, Business Development Director at QBF. But this trend has not yet been reflected in customs statistics.

Seasonal surge

Another version of what is happening  - Active speculation of manufacturers and traders on seasonal demand.

"If you look at the dynamics  prices for fittings over the past years, it immediately catches the eye seasonality of rising prices for it. In the spring, they grow, and closer to the fall, they win back, "said Vladimir Samokhvalov, director of the tendering and procurement department.

"Now preparing for  new construction season. It is clear that the factories are not averse to making more money, "according to the First Construction Base.

"This price spike is related with a temporary shortage of fittings in the local market. This has happened more than once before. As demand is satisfied, prices will equalize, "predicts Finam analyst Alexei Kalachev.

And according to Andrey  Mukoseeva from the company "Pilgrim", the shortage of fittings this spring arose as a result of the mistake of traders. “They place an order at the plants in 2-3 months. Perhaps, seeing how the construction market fell (in 2015 the market contracted by 30–50%. - Ed.), Traders decided to buy less fixtures than usual so as not to burn out. There was a shortage in warehouses, and demand for valves in March was higher than forecast, as the market revived, "he says.

"Anyway, growth  The prices will not be infinite. But when it stops, no one will predict it, "concluded the Director of Commerce of Firm Sevzapmetall LLC.

Safety margin has run out

Petersburg and Leningrad region consume  about 1.8 million tons of rolled metal per year (market capacity - about 50 billion rubles). Slightly less than half of this volume is in rebar.

Present on the market as  local manufacturers and traders from other regions of Russia and abroad. Major suppliers: Mechel-Service, Metallokomplekt-M, Severstal Distribution, Metallservice, Sevzapmetall. According to various estimates, they account for 50 to 80% of the total supply.

And the main demand for  fittings are formed by construction companies. “Reinforcement is used in one way or another in the construction of all buildings and structures. Its share is especially high when erecting buildings using monolithic and precast concrete technologies,” says Alexander Batushansky, head of the Decision company.

Surveyed builders situation with  rise in price of fittings, of course, worries. "We managed to buy reinforcement for the current project just before the rise in price. So we won’t have to re-estimate the cost. But we’ll launch another facility on the horizon. And we won’t get past the rise in price," says one of the major concrete manufacturers.

"The share of valves in the cost  construction - 5-7%. Although this is not so much, but against the general background of rising costs, it is palpable. Due to the devaluation, imported materials rose in price, cement prices rose 15% this year, after a massive outflow of migrants, labor increased, and the cost of servicing bank loans also increased. Developers are constantly losing margin, which will inevitably lead either to bankruptcy or to rising housing prices, "says Arkady Skorov, co-owner of Dalpeterstroy.

"For some reason, many continue to think, that there are super profits in the construction industry. But they are not. The margin of developers has recently decreased by 2 times. For many companies, it is already striving for zero. And the next increase in prime costs will only aggravate the situation, "notes the Executive Director of GC S. E. R. "Pavel Belousov.

"Compared to the past  year, the materials in aggregate went up by 10-15%, "said the executive director of the construction company" Oykumena "Roman Miroshnikov.

"Naturally, cost increases are fraught with  proportional rise in housing prices. If before developers could compensate for it by reducing margins, now it is no longer possible. The safety margin has dried up, "concluded Yekaterina Zaporozhchenko, Docklands Development Sales Director.

A sharp increase in the cost of reinforcement is the result of the coincidence of several market factors. Firstly, traders bought less products - they were afraid that they would not buy a large amount of goods during the crisis. Secondly, manufacturers due to devaluation switched to export, and there was a shortage in the domestic market. Thirdly, duties on Ukrainian valves increased by 10%. So in the spring, when the construction market revived, there were no stocks in warehouses, and prices were raised for the rest. The situation is slightly artificial and speculative. I don’t think she will straighten quickly.

Andrey Ipatov

Commercial Director MK Bogatyr

The increase in prices for valves began in the second half of March, on average, prices in St. Petersburg rose by 30-50%. This is a mirror image of increased demand from manufacturing and construction companies. Manufacturers work in heavy duty due to the large number of orders. This was not a surprise for traders, as well as for experienced companies using metal rolling. But for beginners, the cost increase was a shock, since the prices included in the projects are currently significantly different.

Yakov Mishchenko

General Director of Metallosphere

The fittings a month ago cost 22 thousand rubles per ton, and now - 33–35 thousand rubles. Almost 50% price increase for such a short period was not very long (seasonal increase is usually 10-15%). And, judging by the information from the factories, in May we are expecting another price jump - by 20% to the current level. All this is due to the alignment of prices in the domestic and foreign markets after the jump in foreign currency prices for metal. And since pricing in the domestic market is almost exclusive, prices soar. Maybe this is beneficial to the state. Otherwise, the antitrust authorities would have intervened.

Vadim Zorkin

Executive Director of OJSC "WESTMET"