What is the tolerance for the installation of mortgages. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures

     3.1. Preliminary storage of structures at on-site warehouses is allowed only with appropriate justification. On-site storage should be located in the area of \u200b\u200boperation of the mounting crane. 3.2. The installation of the structures of each overlying floor (tier) of a multi-storey building should be carried out after design fixing all the mounting elements and reaching the concrete (mortar) monolithic joints of the load-bearing structures of the strength specified in PPR.3.3. In cases where the strength and stability of structures during the assembly process are provided by welding mounting connections, it is allowed, with the appropriate indication in the project, to mount the structures of several floors (tiers) of buildings without monoling joints. At the same time, the project must provide the necessary instructions on the installation of structures, welding joints and monoling joints. 3.4. In cases where permanent connections do not ensure the stability of structures during their assembly, it is necessary to apply temporary installation connections. The design and number of connections, as well as the procedure for installing and removing them, shall be indicated in PPR.3.5. Brands of solutions used in the installation of structures for bedding should be indicated in the design. The mobility of the solution should be 5-7 cm along the immersion depth of the standard cone, except as otherwise specified in the project. 3.6. The use of a solution, the setting process of which has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water are not allowed. 3.7. Limit deviations from alignment of landmarks when installing prefabricated elements, as well as deviations of finished assembly structures  from the design position should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in table. 12.

Table 12


Limit deviations, mm

Control (method, scope, type of registration)

1. Deviation from the alignment of the installation guidelines of the foundation blocks and foundation glasses with the risks of the center axes

2. Deviation of the marks of the supporting surface of the bottom of the glasses of the foundations from the design:

to the leveling device on the bottom of the glass

after the device of the leveling layer along the bottom of the glass

± 5

3. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (drawings of geometric axes, faces) in the lower section of the installed elements with installation guidelines (risks of geometric axes or faces of underlying elements, risks of alignment axes):

columns, panels and large blocks bearing wallsvolumetric blocks

curtain wall panels

crossbars, girders, beams, crane beams, roof trusses, rafters and trusses

4. The deviation of the axes of the columns of one-story buildings in the upper section from the vertical with the length of the columns, m:

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

st. 16 to 25

5. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (geometrical axis marks) in the upper section of the columns high-rise buildings  with the risks of the center axes with the length of the columns, m:

st. 16 to 25

6. The difference in the marks of the top of the columns or their supporting platforms (brackets, consoles) of one-story buildings and structures with the length of the columns, m:

st. 16 to 25

7. The difference between the marks of the top of the columns of each tier of a multi-story building and structure, as well as the top wall panels  frame buildings within the verified area at:

contact installation

lighthouse installation

8. Deviation from alignment of landmarks (drawings of geometric axes, faces) in the upper section of installed elements (crossbars, girders, beams, roof trusses, truss trusses and beams) on a support with installation landmarks (risks of geometric axes or faces of lower elements, risks of alignment axes ) with the height of the element on the support, m:

Measuring, each item, work log

st. 1 to 1.6

st. 1.6 to 2.5

st. 2.5 to 4

9. Deviation from symmetry (half the difference in the depth of support of the ends of the element) when installing crossbars, girders, beams, crane beams, truss trusses, truss trusses (beams), slabs of coverings and ceilings in the direction of the overlapping span with the length of the element, m:

st. 16 to 25

10. The distance between the axes of the upper zones of the trusses and beams in the middle of the span

11. Deviation from the vertical top of the planes:

panels of load-bearing walls and building blocks

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

large blocks of load-bearing walls

partitions, wall panels

Measuring, each item, work log

12. The difference in the marks of the front surfaces of two adjacent unstressed panels (slabs) of overlappings in the seam with the length of the slabs, m:

13. The difference in the marks of the upper shelves of the crane beams and rails:

Measuring, on each support, geodetic executive scheme

on two adjacent columns along a row at a distance between columns l, m:

l £ 10

l > 10

0,001 lbut not more than 15

in one cross section of the span:

on columns

in flight

14. The deviation in height of the threshold of the doorway of the volumetric element of the elevator shaft relative to the landing site

± 10

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

15. Deviation from the perpendicularity of the inner surface of the walls of the shaft of the elevator shaft relative to the horizontal plane (pit floor)

(GOST 22845-85)

Measuring, each element, geodetic executive scheme

The designation adopted in the table. 12:n  - serial number of the column tier or the number of panels installed in height. Note. The depth of support of horizontal elements on the supporting structures must be not less than specified in the design.


3.8. The foundation blocks of the glass type foundations and their elements in the plan should be made relative to the alignment axes in two mutually perpendicular directions, combining the axial risks of the foundations with the landmarks fixed on the base, or controlling the correct installation of geodetic instruments. 3.9. Block installation strip foundations  and basement walls should be made, starting with the installation of lighthouse blocks in the corners of the building and at the intersection of the axes. Lighthouse blocks are installed, combining their axial risks with the risks of the center axes, in two mutually perpendicular directions. The installation of ordinary blocks should be started after reconciling the position of the lighthouse blocks in plan and in height. 3.10. Foundation blocks  should be installed on a layer of sand aligned to the design elevation. The maximum deviation of the leveling sand mark from the design should not exceed minus 15 mm. Installation of foundation blocks on foundations covered with water or snow is not allowed. Glasses of foundations and supporting surfaces must be protected from contamination. 3.11. The installation of basement wall blocks should be carried out in accordance with the dressing. Row blocks should be installed, orienting the bottom along the edge of the blocks of the lower row, the top - along the center axis. Blocks of external walls that are installed below ground level must be aligned on the inside of the wall, and higher on the outside. Vertical and horizontal seams between the blocks should be filled with mortar and embroidered on both sides.


3.12. The design position of the columns and frames should be verified in two mutually perpendicular directions. The bottom of the columns should be verified, combining the risks denoting their geometric axes in the lower section with the risks of the center axes or geometric axes of the columns below. The method of supporting the columns to the bottom of the glass should ensure that the bottom of the column is secured from horizontal movement for the period until the assembly is monolithic. 3.14. The top of the columns of multi-storey buildings should be verified by combining the geometric axis of the columns in the upper section with the risks of the alignment axes, and the columns of one-story buildings - by combining the geometric axis of the columns in the upper section with the geometric axes in the lower section. The alignment of the bottom of the frames in the longitudinal and transverse directions should be done by combining the patterns of geometric axes with the risks of the alignment axes or the axes of the uprights in the upper section of the lower frame. The alignment of the top of the frames should be done: from the plane of the frames - by combining the patterns of the axes of the uprights of the frames in the upper section relative to the alignment axes , in the plane of the frames - by observing the marks of the supporting surfaces of the uprights of the frames 3.16. The use of gaskets not provided by the project at the joints of columns and frame racks for leveling elevations and bringing them into a vertical position without coordination with the design organization is not allowed. Reference points for the alignment of the top and bottom of columns and frames should be indicated in the PPR.


3.18. Laying of elements in the direction of the span to be covered must be performed in compliance with the dimensions established by the design for the depth of their bearing on the supporting structures or the gaps between the mating elements. The installation of elements in the transverse direction of the span to be covered should be performed: crossbars and intercolumn (connection) plates - combining the risks of the longitudinal axes of the installed elements with the risks of the axes of the columns on the supports; crane beams - combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the upper girders of the beams with a center axis; roof trusses (beams) when resting on columns, as well as roof trusses when resting on roof trusses - combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the lower trusses (beams) belts, with the risks of the axes of the columns in the upper section or with the reference risks in the support node of the truss truss; trusses (beams) resting on the walls - combining the risks fixing the geometric axes of the lower trusses (beams), with the risks of alignment axes on the supports. In all cases, truss trusses (beams) should be installed with one-sided deviations from the straightness of their upper belts: floor slabs - according to the marking that determines their the design position on the supports and the structures on which they are supported after installation in the design position (beams, girders, trusses, etc.); cover plates on trusses (truss beams) - symmetrically with respect to the centers of truss nodes (embedded products) along their upper belts. 3.20. Crossbars, intercolumn (connection) plates, trusses (rafter beams), cover plates on trusses (beams) are laid dry on the supporting surfaces of load-bearing structures. 3.21. Floor slabs must be laid on a mortar layer with a thickness of not more than 20 mm, combining the surfaces of adjacent plates along the seam from the ceiling. 3.22. The use of pads not provided by the project for leveling the position of stacked elements according to marks without coordination with the design organization is not allowed. 3.23. Alignment of the crane beams in height should be done at the highest elevation in the span or on the support using gaskets made of steel sheet. In the case of a package of gaskets, they must be welded together, the package is welded to the base plate. The installation of trusses and rafters in a vertical plane should be performed by aligning their geometric axes on supports relative to the vertical.


3.25. The installation of the panels of the external and internal walls should be carried out by relying them on the beacons verified with respect to the mounting horizon. The strength of the material from which the beacons are made should not be higher than the design compressive strength of the mortar used for bedding. Deviations of the marks of the beacons relative to the installation horizon should not exceed ± 5 mm. In the absence of special instructions in the draft, the thickness of the beacons should be 10-30 mm. There should be no gaps between the end of the panel after its alignment and the mortar bed. 3.26. Reconciliation of the panels of the outer walls of single-row cutting should be done: in the plane of the wall - combining the axial risk of the panel at the bottom level with the reference risk on the ceiling, taken out from the center axis. If there are accumulated errors in the joints of the panels of the compensation zones (when overlapping the panels in the places of loggias, bay windows and other protruding or falling parts of the building), reconciliation can be performed using templates that fix the design size of the joint between the panels; from the wall plane - combining the lower edge of the panel with installation risks on the ceiling, taken out from the center axes; in the vertical plane - aligning the inner face of the panel relative to the vertical. 3.27. The installation of waist panels of the outer walls of frame buildings should be done: in the wall plane - symmetrically with respect to the axis of passage between the columns by aligning the distances between the ends of the panel and the risks of the axes of the columns at the installation level of the panel; from the wall plane: at the bottom of the panel - aligning the lower inner edge of the installed panel with a face of a sub panel; at the top of the panel - combining (with the help of a template) the panel face with the risk of the axis or the face of the column; 3.28. The alignment of the wall panels of the outer walls of frame buildings should be carried out: in the wall plane - combining the risk of the bottom axis of the installed panel with the reference mark on the waist panel; from the wall plane - combining the inner side of the installed panel with the face of the lower panel; in the vertical plane - aligning the inner and the end face of the panel relative to the vertical.


3.29. When installing ventilation blocks, it is necessary to monitor the combination of channels and the thoroughness of filling horizontal joints with mortar. The alignment of ventilation blocks should be performed by combining the axes of two mutually perpendicular faces of the installed blocks in the lower section with the risks of the axes of the lower block. Relative to the vertical plane, the blocks should be installed by aligning the planes of two mutually perpendicular faces. The joints of the ventilation ducts of the blocks should be thoroughly cleaned of the solution and prevent it and other foreign objects from entering the ducts. 30.30. Volumetric blocks of elevator shafts should be mounted, as a rule, with brackets installed in them for fixing guide cabs and counterweights. The bottom of the volumetric blocks must be set according to the indicative risks placed on the overlap from the center axes and corresponding to the design position of two mutually perpendicular block walls (front and one of the side). Relative to the vertical plane, the blocks should be installed by aligning the faces of two mutually perpendicular walls of the block. Sanitary cabs should be installed on gaskets. The alignment of the bottom and the verticality of the cabs should be done in accordance with paragraph 3.30. When installing the cabs, the sewer and water risers must be carefully combined with the corresponding risers of the downstream cabs. The holes in the floor panels for the passage of the risers of the cabs after installing the cabs, mounting the risers and conducting hydraulic tests should be carefully sealed with a solution.


3.32. Before lifting the floor slabs, it is necessary to check the presence of design gaps between the columns and the collars of the slabs, between the plates and the walls of the stiffeners, as well as the cleanliness of the openings for the lifting rods provided by the project. 3.33. Raising floor slabs should be done after concrete reaches the strength specified in the project. 3.34. The equipment used should ensure uniform rise of floor slabs relative to all columns and stiffness cores. The deviation of the marks of individual reference points on the columns during the lifting process should not exceed 0.003 spans and should be no more than 20 mm, unless other values \u200b\u200bare provided for in the design. 3.35. Temporary fastening of plates to columns and stiffness cores should be checked at each stage of lifting. Structures raised to the design level should be fixed with permanent mounts; at the same time, acts of intermediate acceptance of structures completed by installation must be executed.


3.37. Welding of mortgages and connecting products must be performed in accordance with Sec. 8.3.38. Corrosion-resistant coating of welded joints, as well as sections of embedded parts and connections should be performed in all places where the factory coating is broken during installation and welding. The method of corrosion protection and the thickness of the applied layer should be indicated in the project. Immediately before applying anti-corrosion coatings, the protected surfaces of embedded products, bonds and welded joints should be cleaned of welding slag residues, metal spatter, grease and other contaminants. 340. In the process of applying anti-corrosion coatings, special care must be taken to ensure that the corners and sharp edges of the products are covered with a protective layer. The quality of anti-corrosion coatings should be checked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.3.42. Data on the performed anti-corrosion protection of compounds must be documented by certificates of examination of hidden works.


3.43. The monolithic joints should be performed after checking the correct installation of structures, accepting the joints of the elements in the joints and performing anti-corrosion coating of welded joints and damaged sections of the coating of embedded products. Concrete class and grade of mortar for monoling joints and joints should be indicated in the project. Concrete mixtures used for monolithic joints must meet the requirements of GOST 7473-85.3.46. For the preparation of concrete mixtures, quick-hardening Portland cement or Portland cement M400 and higher should be used. In order to intensify the hardening of the concrete mixture at the joints, it is necessary to use chemical additives - hardening accelerators. The largest grain size of coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture should not exceed 1/3 of the smallest cross-section of the joint and 3/4 of the smallest distance in the light between the reinforcing rods. To improve workability in the mixture should be introduced plasticizing additives in accordance with Sec. 2.3.47. Formwork for monolithic joints and seams, as a rule, should be inventory and meet the requirements of GOST 23478-79.3.48. Immediately before monolithic joints and joints, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto check the correctness and reliability of the installation of formwork used in monolithic; clean mating surfaces from debris and dirt. 3.49. When monoling joints, concrete (mortar) compaction, maintenance, curing mode control, as well as quality control should be performed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.3.50. The strength of concrete or mortar at the joints by the time of stripping should correspond to that specified in the design, and in the absence of such an indication - should be at least 50% of the design compressive strength. The actual strength of the laid concrete (mortar) should be monitored by testing a series of samples made at the place of monolithic. To test the strength, at least three samples should be made per group of joints concreted during this shift. Samples must be tested in accordance with GOST 10180-78 and GOST 5802-86.3.52. Methods of preliminary heating of joined surfaces and heating of monolithic joints and seams, duration and temperature and humidity regime of concrete (mortar) curing, methods of insulation, terms and procedure for dismantling and loading structures taking into account the peculiarities of work in winter conditions, as well as in hot and dry weather must be indicated in the PPR.


3.53. Work on the isolation of joints should be performed by specially trained workers who have a certificate of the right to carry out such work. Materials for insulation of joints should be used only from among those specified in the project; replacement of materials without coordination with the design organization is not allowed. Transportation, storage and use of insulating materials should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications. Insulating materials after the expiration of the storage period established by standards or technical conditions are subject to control verification in the laboratory before use. Panels should be delivered to objects with primed surfaces that form joints. The primer should form a continuous film. 3.57. The surfaces of the external wall panels forming the joints must be cleaned of dust, dirt, concrete sag and dried before performing work on the device for water and air insulation. The surface damage of concrete panels in the place of the joints (cracks, sinks, chips) must be repaired using polymer cement compositions. A damaged primer should be repaired under construction conditions. The application of sealing mastics on wet, frosted or iced surfaces of joints is not allowed. For air insulation of joints, airtight tapes are used, fixed on glues or self-adhesive. It is necessary to connect air protection tapes along the length with an overlap with the length of the overlap area 100-120 mm. The joints of the tapes in the wells of vertical joints should be located at a distance of not less than 0.3 m from the intersection of vertical and horizontal joints. At the same time, the end of the downstream tape should be glued over the tape installed at the junction of the floor to be mounted. It is not allowed to connect the tape in height until the wells of joints of the downstream floor are monolithic. 3.59. The glued air-protective tape should fit snugly against the insulated surface of the joints without bubbles, blisters and creases. 3.60. Thermal insulation liners should be installed in the wells of the vertical joints of the panels of the external walls after the device is air-insulated. The materials of the liners must have the humidity established by the standards or specifications for these materials. The installed liners should fit snugly to the surface of the well over the entire joint height and be fixed in accordance with the design. There should be no gaps in the joints of the heat-insulating liners. When removing the gaps between the liners, they should be filled with material of the same bulk density. Sealing gaskets at the mouths of joints of closed and drained types should be installed dry (without glue). At the intersection of joints of a closed type, gaskets should first be installed in horizontal joints. In the joints of the closed type, when overlapping the outer wall panels with an overlap, in the horizontal joints of the drained type (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe drainage apron), in the horizontal joints of the open type, as well as in the joints of the tongue-and-groove design panels, it is allowed to install gaskets before installing the panels. In this case, the gaskets should be fixed in the design position. In other cases, the installation of sealing gaskets must be done after mounting the panels. It is not allowed to stick sealing gaskets to the surfaces forming the butt joints of the panels of the external walls. Sealing gaskets should be installed in the joints without gaps. You must connect the gaskets along the length “on the mustache”, having the joint at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the intersection of the vertical and horizontal joints. Sealing the joints with two gaskets twisted together is not allowed. Compression of gaskets installed at the joints should be at least 20% of the diameter (width) of their cross section. Joints should be insulated with mastics after installing sealing gaskets by forcing mastics at the joint mouth with electric sealants, pneumatic, manual syringes and other means. It is allowed to apply curing mastics with spatulas during repair work. Liquefaction of mastics and application by brushes is not allowed. When preparing two-component curable mastics, it is not allowed to violate the passport dosage and to dismantle their components, mix the components manually and add solvents to them. 3.68. The temperature of the mastics at the time of application at positive outside temperatures should be 15-20 ° C. IN winter periods the temperature at which the mastic is applied, as well as the temperature of the mastic at the time of application must comply with the specifications specified in the technical conditions of the mastic manufacturer. In the absence of appropriate specifications in the technical conditions, the temperature of the mastics at the time of application should be: for non-hardening - 35-40 ° C, for curing - 15-20 ° C. 3.69. The applied layer of mastic should fill without any voids the entire mouth of the joint to an elastic gasket, not have gaps or sagging. The thickness of the applied layer of mastic should be in accordance with the design. The maximum deviation of the thickness of the mastic layer from the design should not exceed plus 2 mm. The resistance of the applied mastics to the gap from the surface of the panel should correspond to the indicators given in the relevant standards or technical conditions for the mastic. Protection of the applied layer of non-hardening mastic should be done with the materials specified in the project. In the absence of special instructions in the project, polymer-cement mortars, PVC, butadiene-styrene or coumaron-rubber paints can be used for protection. In open joints, rigid water screens should be inserted into the vertical channels of open joints from top to bottom in the drainage apron. When using rigid water screens in the form of corrugated metal tapes, they should be installed in vertical joints so that the opening of the outer corrugations faces the facade. The screen should enter the groove freely. When opening the vertical joint of panels more than 20 mm, two tapes should be installed, riveted along the edges. Flexible water baffle screens (tapes) are installed in vertical joints both outside and inside the building. 3.72. Non-metallic drainage aprons made of elastic materials should be glued to the upper faces of the joined panels at a length of at least 100 mm on both sides of the axis of the vertical joint. Insulation of joints between window (balcony door) blocks and quarters in the openings of enclosing structures should be performed by applying a non-hardening mastic to the surface of the quarter before installing the block or by injecting mastic into the gap between window blocks and enclosing structures after fixing the block in the design position. The places where metal window sills are adjacent to the box should also be insulated with non-hardening mastic. When insulating joints between window blocks and walling with quarter openings, a sealing gasket should be installed before applying the mastics. 3.74. The performance of joint isolation work must be recorded daily in the journal. The entire range of work on the joint insulation device should be prepared for the examination of hidden work in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85.

Permissible deviations of the position and dimensions of the installed formwork and supporting scaffolding from the project should not exceed the following values, mm:

Deviation of the distance between the formwork supports of the bending elements and the distance between the ties of the vertical supporting structures from the design dimensions:

on 1 m of length ................ +25

for the entire span, no more ............ +75

Deviation from the vertical or design tilt of the formwork planes and their intersection:

at 1 m of height ................ ± 5

the entire height of the foundations ........... +20

the same walls and columns up to 5 m ........... +10

- “- walls and columns more than 5m .......... +15

- "- beams and arches .............. +5

Displacement of the axes of the formwork from the design position:

foundations ................ +15

walls and columns ................ +8

beams, girders, arches ............. +10

foundations for steel structures ...... 1.1 L (L-span or construction step, m)

Displacement of the axes of the movable or rearranged formwork relative to the axes of the structure ........... +10

Deviation of the internal dimensions of the formwork of beams, columns and the distances between the internal surfaces of the wall formwork + 3

Local formwork irregularities when checking with a two-meter rail .................... +3


Before concreting, the accuracy of the installation and the quality of fastening of reinforcing bars, nets or frames are checked, as well as the compliance of the provided thickness of the protective layers with standards and technical conditions. It is necessary to monitor the dryness and cleanliness of the reinforcement bars so that their adhesion to concrete does not decrease. Permissible deviations when installing the fittings are, mm:

in distances between separately installed working rods:

for columns, beams and arches ............ +10

- “- plates, walls and foundations for the frame of the structure + 20

- "- of massive structures .......... +30

in the distances between the rows of reinforcement when reinforcing in several rows in height:

in structures with a thickness of more than 1 m and foundations for structures and technological equipment ...... +20

in beams, arches and plates with a thickness of more than 100 mm ... +5

in plates up to 100 mm thick with a design protective layer thickness of up to 10 mm ........... +3

in the distances between the clamps of beams and columns and between the bonds of reinforcing cages ........... +10

from the vertical or horizontal clamps (except when the inclined clamps are provided by the project) .... 10

in the position of the axes of the rods at the ends of the welded frames, joined in place with other frames with a diameter of:

up to 40 mm ................. ± 5

40 mm and more ................ ± 10

in the location of the joints of the rods along the length of the element:

in frames and thin-walled structures ...... +25

in massive constructions ........... +50

in the position of the reinforcement elements of massive structures (frames, beams, trusses) from the design:

in plan .................. 50

in height ................. +30


Acceptance of finished concrete and reinforced concrete structures begins with an external examination and verification of compliance with the size and shape of the structure to the project. To do this, make control measurements using control and measuring devices - metal rulers, folding meters or tape measures, plumb lines, levels, wooden planed slats, level. When accepting finished concrete and reinforced concrete structures, check:

the conformity of designs to working drawings and the correctness of their location in plan and height;

concrete quality by strength, and, if necessary, by frost resistance, water resistance and other indicators determined by the project;

the presence and compliance with the design of holes, channels, expansion joints, as well as embedded parts, pipes, etc .;

quality of materials, semi-finished products and products used in the design.

Deviations in the size and position of the completed reinforced concrete monolithic structures (if tolerances are not specifically stipulated in the design of the work) are, mm:

The verticality of the planes and lines of their intersections or their conformity to the design slope to the entire height of the structure:

for foundations ............... +20

"Walls and columns supporting monolithic coatings and ceilings ............... ± 15

"Walls and columns supporting prefabricated beam

designs .................. ± 10

Horizontal planes for the entire length of the verified

site .................... +20

Local irregularities in concrete surface when checking with a rail

2 m long (except for supporting surfaces) ....... ± 5

Length or span of elements ............ ± 20

The dimensions of the cross section of the elements ........ +6; -3

Marks of surfaces and embedded parts that serve as supports for metal or precast concrete columns and other precast elements -5

Location of anchor bolts:

in the plan inside the contour of the support .......... 5

in the plan outside the contour of the support ........... 10

in height ................. +20

The difference in height marks at the junction (a joint insulation kit was used) of two adjacent surfaces .................... 3

Acceptance of finished concrete or reinforced concrete structures or parts of a structure is made out by an act of inspection of hidden works or an act of acceptance of critical structures. In the process of concreting, a journal of concrete work is always kept, in which all the features of the work, the environmental conditions, as well as the names of the performers and the date of laying the concrete, are noted.

Permissible deviations of the dimensions of the metal structure


Tolerance, mm

  The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of sheet parts to be butt welding
  Same lap
  The distance between the centers of the holes made:
  on the outline of the extreme holes
  marking adjacent holes
  patterned with bushings
  Overall dimensions of metal structures assembled on racks for marking on bolts
  The same on conductors
  Prefabricated parts warp:
  the gap between the tensioned string and the edge of the corner, shelf channel or I-beam

0.001 but not more than 10

  1 m gap between sheet and steel ruler
  Skewed shelves of T-section elements in adjoining places

0.005 of the width of the shelf

  Same in other places

0.01 of the width of the shelf

  3.4.2. Upon acceptance steel elements  structures after the manufacture of the entire order or part thereof, the manufacturer must issue certificates for steel structures, which must indicate the conformity of the materials used for the manufacture steel structures, design and standards, as well as the conformity of manufactured structures to the project. 3.4.3. Acceptance of mounted steel structures consists of: intermediate acceptance of covert work; final acceptance of mounted structures of cooling tower axes or part thereof. 3.4.4. The following are subject to intermediate acceptance with preparation of acts for covert work: foundations and other supports for steel structures and various concreted and embedded embedded parts; steel structures that are closed in the process of subsequent work. 3.4.5. Acceptance of foundations and supports for steel structures of the shell frame of the cooling tower and embedded parts should be carried out in separate sections prior to the installation of structures with the preparation of the acceptance certificate. When accepting, one should check the conformity of the dimensions and position of the bearing surfaces, special supporting devices and anchor bolts to the design, as well as the permissible deviations given in Table. 4.

Table 4

Tolerances when installing supports for steel structures of the tower shell frame


Tolerance, mm

Deviation of the surface of the foundation, made without subsequent pouring, for direct support shoes shoes columns
  Deviation of the upper plane of the base plate, cast cement mortar, by:
  The offset (in plan) of the anchor bolts located:
  inside the contour of the structural support
  outside the contour of the structural support
  Deviation of the mark of the upper end of the anchor bolt
  Deviation of the length of the cut anchor bolt
  3.4.6. Acceptance of mounted structures of the entire shell frame or separately of its spatially rigid sections should be carried out, according to the project, before painting and executed in an act; coloring of structures is executed in a separate act. 3.4.7. When accepting mounted steel structures, the following documentation should be submitted: detail drawings of steel structures (KMD); factory certificates for steel structures; documents on the coordination of the allowed deviations from the project, the agreed deviations from the project must be applied by the installation organization on the drawings of the CMD; acts of acceptance of hidden works; certificates and other documents for hardware, electrodes, electrode wire and other welding materials used during installation; data on the results of geodetic measurements when checking the alignment axes and installation of structures; work logs. Permissible deviations of the provisions of the mounted steel structures from those stipulated by the project should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table. 5.

Table 5

Permissible deviations during the installation of steel structures of the tower shell frame

Tolerance, mm

  Deviation of the column support surface in height
  The offset of the axes of the columns relative to the center axes (in the lower section)
  The deviation of the axis of the column from the vertical in the upper section at the height of the column:
  up to 15 m
  more than 15 m

0.001 column heights, but not more than 35

  Deflection arrow (column curvature)

1/750 column heights, but not more than 15

  Deviation of marks of supporting nodes of farms and crossbars
  Deflection arrow (curvature) between the fastening points of the sections of the compressed belt of the truss plane, crossbar or beam

1/750 values \u200b\u200bof the fixed area, but not more than 15

  Deviation of the distance between the axes of the trusses in the upper zone
  Deviation of distances between runs
  Note. Support areas for beams, trusses and crossbars should have the same length for each end of scrubbing. The difference in the length of the support of each element should not exceed 10 mm.
3.4.8. It is not permitted to carry out any subsequent construction and installation work until the signing of the act of delivery of all installed structures or part of them, as well as the act of delivery of hidden works. Defects of steel structures detected during the warranty period of operation of the cooling tower and occurred through the fault of the manufacturer or installation organization must be eliminated by them. During the warranty period, the organization operating the tower must monitor the condition of the steel structures, their working conditions, the compliance of the actual loads with the calculated ones and the precipitation of the foundations.

3.5. Wooden elements of cladding, irrigation and water catchers

3.5.1. Constructions and products made by woodworking enterprises should be delivered complete with all the necessary elements of the joints. A set of structures and products must be accompanied by a passport, a specification of parts and materials, as well as instructions for assembling structures. Structural elements must be marked and accompanying factory documentation. 3.5.2. Structural elements and products must come from the factory soaked in an antiseptic in accordance with the design. When forced to remove a layer of wood, the planes must be re-treated with an antiseptic. 3.5.3. Leaks at the joints of the constituent elements of the supporting wooden structures should not exceed 1 mm. 3.5.4. The moisture content of lumber used for the construction of cooling tower elements should not exceed 30%. 3.5.5. The cladding boards should be grooved, and the tower cladding boards should have an elongated tongue. The casing of the tower and the tent should be done taking into account the swelling of the boards, i.e. with gaps between the boards, the values \u200b\u200bof which should be within 1.5–2.5% of the width of the board (the gaps are made so that when the boards swell during operation they are completely closed). 3.5.6. The width of the planks should not exceed 160 mm in order to avoid significant warping. 3.5.7. Wooden structures on bolted connections must meet the following requirements: holes for metal pins and bolts must ensure their tight installation. The diameters of the holes for the working bolts and pins must correspond to the diameters of the latter; the diameters of the holes for the coupling bolts should be 1-2 mm larger than the diameters of these bolts; plate pins should be sized to allow insertion into slots with little friction; the depth of the socket should be 2 mm greater than the length of the plate. 3.5.8. The nails used to connect the wooden structures of the irrigator should be galvanized and should not be pierced through the bag when counter driving; in case the project provides for through punching, the ends of the nails should be bent across the fibers. 3.5.9. The assembled wooden blocks of the irrigator or the water trap shields must be taken according to the intermediate acts prior to their installation in place. Acceptance is to verify: the conformity of the quality of the materials used to the project; anti-corrosion protection qualities; accuracy of individual parts, connections. Tolerances in the manufacture and installation of wooden irrigation blocks and water trap panels are given in table. 6. 3.5.10. Acceptance of completed work on the assembly of wooden structures is accompanied by their inspection in kind and control measurements. Structural elements that are closed in the course of subsequent work are subject to intermediate acceptance until their closure with the preparation of acts for hidden work. 3.5.11. Deviations of the position of the installed wooden structures from the design should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table. 6. 3.5.12. When accepting completed work on wooden structures, it is necessary to present: working drawings as amended and documents approving the changes with the design organization; manufacturer's design passport; acts on work on antiseptic processing of wood.

Table 6

Tolerances in the manufacture and installation of wooden irrigation blocksand water trap shields


Tolerance, mm

  Deviations in the panels of the lining of the exhaust towers: external dimensions
  the distance between the axes of the strapping bars
  Deviations in irrigation and water catchers:
  external dimensions of shields and water trap
  external sizes of irrigation blocks
  in installing blocks
  3.5.13. Acceptance of wooden structures of cooling towers is carried out inoperative when the spillway is empty.

3.6. Asbestos-cement elements of the irrigation deviceand cladding

3.6.1. Asbestos-cement sheets of the irrigation device must comply with the technical conditions. 3.6.2. Deviations of the dimensions of the installed blocks from asbestos-cement sheets from the design should not exceed: length 10 mm; 10 mm wide; 5 mm high. 3.6.3. Sprinkler block sheets must not have cracks. 3.6.4. Sprinkler blocks should not have spalls of corners and edges exceeding 20 mm in length and width. 3.6.5. Before assembling sheets into blocks, it is necessary to carry out a check of at least 5 sheets from each block. The sheets selected for inspection are inspected and tested for strength according to the specifications. 3.6.6. The procedure for assembling asbestos-cement sheets in blocks and installing the latter in a cooling tower should be in accordance with the design. Deviation of the distance between asbestos-cement sheets of the sprinkler block from the design is allowed no more than 2 mm, offset from the vertical position of the sheets - no more than 5 mm. 3.6.7. When a sheathing device is made of asbestos-cement sheets, the quality of the sheets and their compliance with the technical conditions are pre-checked. 3.6.8. In the process of accepting the cladding, the quality of work, the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of the project are determined. 3.6.9. When accepting sheathing works, the journal of the work is checked, in which the date of the work, the conditions for the work on the individual grips and the results of systematic quality control of sheets and fasteners laid in the shell should be recorded. 3.6.10. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of work to ensure the density of the casing: vertical and horizontal joints between the sheets of casing, as well as all leaks that occurred during installation, must be pumped and filled with mortar; washers should be installed on all tightening bolts between the sheets along the height of the vertical joints; in places where the corrugated asbestos-cement sheet is superimposed on a flat sheet in the wave that is extreme to the corner, it is necessary to perform dowels along the entire height of the sheets from the tow with the solution; the gaps in the corners of the tower between the racks of the metal frame must be covered along the entire height with galvanized iron, attached to the metal of the tower; all asbestos-cement sheets after preparation should be painted on both sides twice with an anti-corrosion compound in accordance with the project.

3.7. Aluminum cladding

3.7.1. Sheets for aluminum cladding are presented for acceptance in batches. Each batch should consist of sheets of the same grade of aluminum or aluminum alloy of the same composition and size. The sizes of every tenth sheet should be controlled. Each sheet is checked for surface and roll quality. 3.7.2. Each batch of sheets must be accompanied by a document certifying compliance with the requirements of the project. 3.7.3. All fasteners of aluminum sheets between themselves and with other elements must be galvanized, the use of self-tapping bolts as fasteners is not allowed. 3.7.4. The aluminum cladding inside the tower should be protected from water splashes by wooden shields. The outer and inner surfaces of aluminum sheets wetted with water are recommended to be coated with an anode film, followed by the application of one coat of primer AK-069 and one coat of enamel ХВ-16 or ХВ-124 or others, and it is recommended that the junctions of aluminum sheets be protected with one a primer layer AK-069 or AK-070 and one layer of enamel ХВ-16, or ХВ-124, etc. 3.7.5. To prevent contact corrosion between aluminum sheets and a metal frame, paronite gaskets are used.