Features of oral speech.

Lecture 2. Language and Speech

2. The specifics of oral and writing

3. Dialogue, polylogue and monologue

1. The ratio of the concepts of “language” and “speech”

For a person who has never seriously thought about language, the difference between the words “language” and “speech” may not seem so obvious. However, it is, and very strict.

Language and speech, on the one hand, are interconnected and interdependent, on the other hand, they are independent and relatively independent systems. Consider each of them and the process of interaction of these systems.

TONGUE   - This is a historically established system of sound, lexical (verbal) and grammatical means intended for communication (communication). The language we speak and write is called naturalbecause it arose together with man and developed naturally, in the absence of a conscious influence of man on him. Artificial Languages \u200b\u200b-these are symbolic systems created by man as auxiliary tools for communicative purposes in those areas where the use of natural language is difficult, impossible or inefficient. Artificial languages \u200b\u200bare signaling using traffic lights, Morse code, a road sign system, cartographic notation, color symbolism, a language of the deaf, programming languages, etc.

The language performs a variety of functions, the main of which are:

- communicative, since language serves primarily as a means of human communication (communication), i.e. transmitting from one person to another any message for one purpose or another;

- informative (cognitive, cognitive),   since with its help there is a significant degree of cognition, study of the surrounding world;

- expressive (emotional),   associated with the ability to express the mood, emotions, feelings and evaluations of speakers. It is expressed in intonation, exclamation, interjections;

- appeal   - the function of calling, inducing one or another action (forms of imperative mood, incentive sentences);

- accumulative   - The function of storing and transmitting knowledge about reality, traditions, culture, history of the people, national identity;

- aesthetic - a function of aesthetic impact, manifested in the fact that the speakers begin to notice the text itself, its sound and verbal texture. A single word, turnover, phrase begins to like or dislike. An aesthetic attitude to language means, in this way, that speech (namely speech itself, and not what is being reported) can be perceived as beautiful or ugly, i.e. as an aesthetic object. The aesthetic function of a language, being the main one for a literary text, is also present in everyday speech, manifesting in its rhythm and imagery.

Thus, the language is multifunctional, but all the functions of the language are realized only in speech.

SPEECH   - this is the use of language tools and rules in the communication process, i.e. language in action. In linguistics, a speech is understood as a concrete utterance made up of units of a language that can be presented not only orally, but also in written form. In other words, language is a constructor, a set of elements, and speech is something that can be combined from this constructor.

Speech and language are far from the same thing. Language captures the experience of the human collective; it is objective and obligatory for all who speak it. Language is limited to a certain set of units, its components, it is abstract, since it exists outside of the sight and hearing of a person. He is independent of the situation of communication, not related to the concepts of truth and falsity.

As for human speech, on the contrary, it is always focused. Speech does not reflect the experience of the collective, but of the speaking person. Speech is material, that is, it can be heard and seen. Only in speech can there be elements of random and disordered (in the systemic organization of the language this is impossible). It is specific, unique, more mobile, due to the context (the circumstances in which a particular event occurs).

Of course, speech depends on the language and at the same time affects it,   because it is in it that, first of all, new words, forms and constructions appear, which only then can pass into the language and become fixed in it. So words afghan, Afghan,   denoting participants in the Afghan war of the 1980s, first appeared in colloquial speech, and later were recorded in dictionaries as phenomena of language.

The specifics of spoken and written language

Two forms of communication are characteristic of people - oral and written. To date, both forms occupy public life   roughly equivalent place.

Oral speech is a sounding speech that is directly related to the pronunciation organs. It is rich in intonational possibilities. For the transfer of thoughts and feelings by speakers, its diverse melody, volume, tempo, pause is widely used. Oral speech is usually accompanied by special facial expressions, gestures, looks, which in some cases more eloquently convey the speaker’s attitude to something than words and phrases.

Due to the fact that the utterance is difficult to repeat without changing the intonational-semantic subtleties, the speaker has to follow not only the pronunciation, but also his thought, its course and content. It is not always easy to think and think at the same time, and not everyone succeeds in a given situation. therefore spoken language   usually characterized by incompleteness, fragmentation, fragmentation of the statement, for example: “The director called. Delayed. It will be in half an hour. Start without it ”(message from the secretary of the director for the participants in the production meeting).

As a rule, spoken language is characterized by short sentences, the absence of complex structures, in particular, participles and participles. Instead of these turns, subordinate clauses are usually used. Spoken words and expressions are also characteristic of oral speech.

Oral speech can be prepared (report at the conference, lecture, presentation in class, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation). Prepared   spoken language is characterized by thoughtfulness, a clear structure, a certain selection of language tools. Let us cite as an example the beginning of a lecture on physics:

Today we begin to study the course of physics. I remind you that physics is the science of the most general properties and forms of motion of matter. Therefore, the subject of study is the most general properties and forms of motion of matter.

Physics has its own research methods. The main research method in physics is experience. Experience is an observation of the phenomenon under investigation. This observation is carried out under strictly controlled conditions ...

Most often, spoken language happens untrained. Unprepared speech is characterized by spontaneity, since it is created at the moment of speaking and is formed gradually, in portions, as you become aware of what follows. Therefore, in spontaneous speech there are longer pauses, repetitions of individual placeholder words of pauses of the type uh, um, well, here   etc.

Writing secondary to the oral and was created primarily for fixing the latter. But gradually it became an independent communication system that performs certain additional functions. Written language makes it possible to record the accumulated experience of people and pass it on to future generations.

Writing   - this is a speech without a direct interlocutor, its motive and purpose are completely determined by the writer. Unlike oral speech, which is mostly spontaneous, fleeting and irreversible, and therefore not always controlled by the speaker, written speech unfolds in a static space, usually not limited by time frames, which allows the writer to ponder the phrase for a long time; go back to the written, re-read it and, if necessary, make corrections. Therefore, written speech is said to be more controlled. Hence its features: usually a book character, b aboutthe best standardization and regulation. Written speech is characterized by complex syntactic constructions, including participial and adverbial phrases, common definitions, word-connectives, which contribute to the consistency of presentation. We give an example from the preface to the book “The Price of a Word” edited by M.V. Gorbanevsky:

Creating the book “The Price of a Word”, addressed to media outlets, judges, lawyers, investigators, philologists, legal advisers, students and university professors, we hoped for special attention to it from those journalists who are ready to rise above the level of corporate, financial and everyday selfishness, those who are ready to fight evil, fight - and win. But to win honestly and with dignity without violating the Law, without forcing native speech for this, without turning the media texts into an explosive mixture of anecdote, primitive jargon and obscene expressions, into a garbage bucket of incriminating evidence. One would like to say to each of the writers, filming, and preparing programs for television and radio broadcasts: be careful when choosing a word!

This small fragment contains all the signs of written language: long rows of homogeneous members, participles, participial circulation, complex sentences, complex unions. While working on this text, the author undoubtedly made an amendment, removed unnecessary words, added new ones, changed the structure of the sentence.

Written speech is used mainly in the scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic styles.

Dialogue, Polylogue and Monologue

Dialog - this is a conversation of two or more persons, a form of speech consisting of the exchange of remarks. The basic unit of dialogue is dialogic unity - a semantic (thematic) union of several remarks, which is an exchange of opinions, statements, each of which depends on the previous one.

Any dialogue has its own the structure, which in most types of dialogue, as in principle and in any text, remains stable: the beginning - the main part - the ending.

The reason may be the formula of speech etiquette ( Good evening, Nikolai Ivanovich!),   or first replica question ( What time is it?),   or replica-judgment ( It's a good weather today) It should be noted that the size of the dialogue is theoretically unlimited. In practice, any dialogue has its ending (a replica of speech etiquette ( Till!),   replica-consent ( Oh sure!) or a replica-response).

Dialogue is considered as the primary, natural form of verbal communication, therefore, as a form of speech, it has received its greatest distribution in the field of colloquial speech, however, the dialogue is also presented in scientific, journalistic, and official-business speech.

Being the primary form of communication, dialogue is an unprepared, spontaneous type of speech. This statement concerns primarily the sphere of colloquial speech, where the subject of dialogue can arbitrarily change during its development. But even in scientific, journalistic and official-business speech, with possible preparation of (first of all question) replicas, the development of dialogue will be spontaneous, since in the vast majority of cases the replica-reactions of the interlocutor are unknown or unpredictable.

In dialogic speech, the so-called universal principle of saving verbal expression.   For example, going to the reception to the head and being in the reception room, the employee may confine himself to a nod of his head towards the cabinet door and a remark   "At home?"

In accordance with the goals and objectives of the dialogue, the situation of communication, the role of interlocutors, the following main types of dialogues can be distinguished: household, business conversation, interviews.

Polylogue   - This is a conversation of many, a conversation between several persons. Specific features of the polylogue: at least three participants, a single topic, situational coherence, non-linearity. A polylogue often takes the form of group communication (conversation, discussion, meeting, game, etc.).

Monologuecan be defined as a detailed statement of one person. The monologue is characterized by a relative length (it may contain parts of the text that are different in volume, consisting of structurally and within the meaning of related statements) and a variety of vocabulary. The themes of the monologue are diverse and can change freely during its deployment.

The monologue can be both unprepared, spontaneous, which is characteristic primarily for the sphere of colloquial speech, and prepared, pre-thought out.

For the purpose of utterance, monologic speech is divided into three main types: informational, persuasive, and inducing.

Informational speechserves to transfer knowledge. In this case, the speaker must first of all take into account both the intellectual abilities of the perception of information by the listeners and the cognitive abilities. Varieties of informational speech include various kinds of speeches, lectures, reports, messages, reports.

Persuasive speechaddressed primarily to the emotions of the listener. In this case, the speaker must take into account his susceptibility. The persuading variety of speech includes: congratulatory, solemn, parting words.

Prompt speechaims to encourage listeners to various kinds of actions. Here they distinguish political speech, speech-call to action, speech-protest.


1. What is a language?

2. How is natural language different from artificial?

3. What are the main functions of the language.

4. What is speech? Is language and speech the same thing?

5. Tell us about the effect of speech on the language.

6. Indicate the features of spoken language.

7. How is prepared spoken language different from unprepared?

8. Tell us about the written language.

9. Define dialogue, polylogue and monologue as forms of spoken language.

10. What structure does any dialogue have?

11. Why are dialogic speech characterized by incomplete structures (incomplete sentences)?

12. Indicate the three main types of monologue speech and give a brief description of them.

The questions are:

1. Oral and written language are forms of the existence of a language. The specifics of oral and written speech.

2. Speech. Monologue and dialogue.

3. Written speech. Official business texts.

1.Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written.   Naturally, therefore, a number of requirements apply to both oral and written speech. it requirements:

    its clarity, accuracy, persuasiveness;

    literary correctness and harmony.

Two forms of language expression closely interconnected therefore, well-developed spoken language has a beneficial effect on writing skills, and, conversely, written language contributes to the development and improvement of spoken language.

Nevertheless, there is a significant difference. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

Differences in spoken and written language

Speaking Writing

This speech is sounding - this is speech, graphically fixed

Created in the process of speaking - premeditated and fixed

1) By its inner nature:

both forms of speech express our thoughts and feelings, but in a living word, the transition from thought to word is much faster, and the verbal formulation of thought is most often final. The speaker at the time of the speech makes much more efforts to express his thoughts most fully and convincingly. The writer always has more time, so he has the opportunity to carefully "weigh" the material, select the facts, find the right wording. A writer can repeatedly re-read what is written, redo what seems to him unconvincing.

2) In its direction and nature of the addressee   these forms of speech are also different.

Speaking involves an interlocutor. The speaker speaks to the audience. Contact with her allows you to see the results of your speech. At the right moment, the speaker can be rearranged during the speech, attract additional facts, etc. Oral speech is characterized by improvisation. Oral speech has a large supply of means for transmitting thoughts and feelings: these are intonation, facial expressions and gestures, etc. The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately. He is simultaneously working on content and form.

The writer works alone with himself. Written speech is addressed to the absent. He mentally imagines the one who will read what is written, therefore he seeks to express his thoughts in the most complete, detailed way. In writing, you need the skills of in-depth work on the word, the ability to analyze what is written, to improve it.

3) By the nature of perception   spoken and written language is different.

Written language is designed for visual perception. During reading, there is always the opportunity to re-read what is written, to return to what is not clear.

Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, special technical means are needed. Therefore, oral speech should be structured and organized in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily absorbed by the audience.

Here is what Irakli Andronikov (writer, literary critic, master of oral storytelling, people's artist of the USSR) wrote about the different perceptions of oral and written speech in the article “The Word Written and Spoken” (I. Andronikov I. Sobr. Op.: 3 vol. T. 2.- M., 1981).

“If a man goes on a love date and reads his beloved explanation on a piece of paper, she will laugh at him. Meanwhile, the same note sent by mail may touch her. If a teacher reads the text of his lesson from a book, that teacher has no authority. If the agitator uses the cheat sheet all the time, you can know in advance - such a person does not agitate. If a person in court begins to testify on a piece of paper, no one will believe these testimonies. A poor lecturer is one who reads with his nose buried in a manuscript brought from home. But if you type the text of this lecture, it can be interesting. And it turns out that it is boring not because it is meaningless, but because written speech has replaced live oral speech at the department.

What is the matter here? The point, it seems to me, is that the written text is an intermediary between people when live communication is impossible between them. In such cases, the text acts as a representative of the author. But if the author here can speak for himself, the written text becomes an obstacle in communication. ”


Discipline: "The culture of speech and business communication"

On the topic “Language and Speech. Basic language features ”

Completed by: student

column 15TZEEE51 Aykasheva A.V.

Checked: c. N., Associate Professor

  Bobrov Valery Anatolyevich

Penza, 2016

Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 3

1 The concept of language ………………………………………………. …… .5

2 The main functions of the language ...................................................... 7

3 The difference between speech and language ………………………………………… .... 9

4 Literary language - the basis of the culture of speech ............................ .. 10

5 Oral speech and its features ............................................. .........eleven

6 Written speech. The main symptoms ... .................................. 12

7 Features of monologic and dialogical speech ... ... 14

8 Functional-semantic types of speech ... ................................... 15

9 The concept of language norm. Norm as a social phenomenon ... .17

List of sources used ... ............................................. 20


Language and speech are two sides of just one precious coin.

One of the basic concepts of linguistics “language and speech” (Langue - early release), these concepts were introduced by F. de Saussure at the beginning of the last century and today we can not imagine our life without the diversity of their word forms. In accordance with them, the language is a system of elementary and complex signs - phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, utterances and combinations of utterances, it, as such a system, exists in the human mind in the form of several forms that we enjoy when pronouncing our favorite phrases .

The science that studies natural human language is called linguistics. There are two concepts in it, language and speech, which, although they are closely related, but they must be learned to distinguish and it is not at all difficult. If language is a means and instrument of communication, a certain system of signs, rules and means of speaking, which unites representatives of a certain community and is a constant phenomenon for a certain time, then speech is a variable concept and depends on the state of the person who pronounces the words, on his level of education , education, etc. This is a process of communication and speech has personality traits of the person who is its carrier. You can even say that these are components of the same, quite complex phenomenon. They can even be compared with a pen and text, which have different semantic meanings.

Purpose of work - Language is not just a symbolic system that symbolically denotes objects and phenomena.

Language is also an instrument of human activity in which it performs a number of functions.

The main functions of the language include communicative, cognitive, nominative and accumulative. There are also secondary functions (for example, the aesthetic function of a language).

Tasks - consider the main functions of the Russian language .

Concept of language

The American logician and philosopher Charles Pearce defined the sign as something that, recognizing that we are accumulating a system of knowledge, and this has been happening for many centuries in different social environments.

The greatest contribution to the study of language as a system of signs was made by a Swiss linguist of the beginning of the last century Ferdinand de Saussure. The provisions of his theory are still being studied by linguists all over the world. He compared the language with other iconic systems, such as military signals in the navy, the alphabet for deaf people or forms of courtesy, he simply is considered an order of magnitude higher.

Scientists approached the study in different ways and defined the concept of the sign in different ways, for example, the German logician Gotlob Frege, introduced a distinction between the denotation of expression and its deep meaning, agreeing with the definition that Saussure gave to the sign. In addition to these two scholars, language problems were also dealt with: the semiotic Charles Morris, who was a follower of Charles Pierce, the English linguists Charles Ogden, Ivor Richards, who in 1923 in the book “Meaning of Meaning” presented a pictorial relation in the form of the so-called semantic triangle or triangle reference.

The function of language is determined by their importance for public life. The language performs the following functions:

Communicative function

Thought-forming function

Cognitive (epistemological) function.

Speech has also been and is being given much attention by domestic and foreign linguists. The functions of speech were studied by Russian and American linguists of the beginning of the last century, Roman Osipovich Jacobson. He identified the following speech functions:

Communicative (referential) function.

Expressive (emotive) function.

Poetic (aesthetic) function.

Appeal (directive) function.

Phatic function (contact setting).

Metalanguage function.

An important means of transmitting a person’s emotional state is intonation and gestures, which in many ways bring diversity to our speech.

In his practice of teaching, the main provisions of linguistics were used by K.S. Stanislavsky, who, teaching actors, used all kinds of speech techniques and various exercises using intonation, voice, etc. .. For example, the great Russian director used an exercise in which his students had to transmit 40 messages in different forms, but pronouncing only one phrase , for example, “Fire, gentlemen, fire!”. After pronouncing this phrase, the students had to determine what kind of situation they were talking about. One and the same phrase, as in that joke when a child in various forms asked for money from his father “Dad, send money,” you can pronounce differently with sadness, a question, an exclamation, etc.

Sometimes a person can pronounce the form of a word, and he pronounces it several times. For example, in the novel “War and Peace,” Dolokhov gladly uttered the word “on the spot” about a killed soldier, not because he had sadistic inclinations, but because he really liked the word, its shape and sound.

Statements, remarks, disputes - we cannot imagine our life today without them. She will seem boring and monotonous. It is speech and signs that bring bright colors to our lives.

Basic language features

Communicative function

This function is due to the fact that language is a means of interpersonal communication, which allows one person to express his thoughts and transfer them to another, and to another, in turn, to understand them and react. In fact, the language arose specifically for communication, that is, communication, exchange of information. The communicative function is carried out thanks to the sign of the language.

Within a communicative function, one can distinguish an emotional function, explaining it by the fact that with the help of language one can convey feelings, desires, states. Animals that cannot pronounce words communicate precisely to convey emotions. The emotional function of our speech, of course, is more complex than that of animals. Thus, a communicative function implies the implementation of communication through communication, communication, exposure and expression of emotions, states and feelings.

Cognitive function

Cognitive function is connected with the fact that in linguistic signs there is a human consciousness. Language is an instrument of consciousness, reflecting the result of a person’s cognitive activity. The debate of linguists about what comes before, language or thinking, it seems, has never stopped. The only opinion that is unmistakable: language is inextricably linked with thinking, because we not only express our thoughts with words, but thoughts themselves are presented in the form of words; man thinks in words.

Cognitive function allows you to capture the results of thinking and use them in communication. This function helps to cognize the world and verbalize it.

Nomative function

It is known that a person thinks in categories, and in the process of cognition, he names new concepts and phenomena. Such a language function is called nominative. It is closely related to cognitive, since everything that is known should have its own name. It is also related to the ability of a linguistic sign to denote things. It was this ability that helped a person create a symbolic world. Nevertheless, in our world there are a lot of things that have no names. What is interesting to name a pin on a belt buckle? In fact, despite the absence of a name, the nominative function is implemented through the description.

Accumulative function

The accumulative function is associated with the collection and storage of information. It is no secret that language lives much longer than people, people. A vivid example is the dead languages \u200b\u200bthat survived their native speakers. Whatever the language, living or dead, it preserves the memory of entire generations, the centuries-old history of mankind. Even in the case of loss of oral tradition, one can study the ancient writings and draw certain conclusions about the past of the nation.

Recently, the process of accumulating information has accelerated, and the amount of information that people produce these days is increasing by 30% per year. Many linguists distinguish other functions of the language. Among them, for example, contact installation, aesthetic and others. If you carefully look at the additional functions, we can conclude that they are all in one way or another connected with the above. The study of the secondary functions of the language does not stop and provides very interesting data for further scientific research. It is safe to say that language and its functions will always be relevant to humans.

The difference between speech and language

The difference between speech and language is expressed in the fact that speech is an individual psychic phenomenon, while language as a system is a public phenomenon. Speech is dynamic, agile, situationally determined.

Language is a balanced system of internal relations. It is constant and stable, invariant in its basic laws. Elements of the language are organized into a system according to the formal semantic principle, and function in speech on a communicative - semantic basis. In speech, general linguistic patterns always manifest themselves specifically, situationally and contextually. Knowledge of the language system, which are formulated in the form of rules, can be acquired theoretically, while mastering a speech requires appropriate practice, as a result of which speech skills and abilities are created.

The original unit of language is the word, and the original unit of speech -   sentence or phrase. For theoretical purposes of the language being studied, full knowledge of its system is important. For practical purposes in high school it is necessary to possess such a volume of language material that is sufficient for limited communicative purposes and is real for mastering it in these conditions.

Speech is the use of language in communication. The starting point of speech actions is a speech situation when a person has a need or need to perform a particular speech action. Moreover, verbal communication takes place in any specific conditions: in one place or another, with those or other participants in a communicative act. In each speech situation, this or that function of the language is realized in order to achieve the goal for which a communicative act is performed. So, speech can be characterized as follows: this phenomenon is concrete, particular, random, individual, non-systemic, variable.

Language is a specific sign system that a person uses to communicate with other people. Thanks to language, a person has a universal means of accumulating and transmitting information, and without this, the development of human society would not have been possible. The system of phonetic, lexical, grammatical means, which are an instrument of expression of thoughts, feelings, wills, which serves as the most important means of communication between people.

4 Literary language-the basis of speech culture

Literary language constitutes the highest form of national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, the media. It serves various spheres of human activity: politics, science, legislation, official-business communication, everyday communication, interethnic communication, print, radio, television. Among the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role.

The main features of the literary language:

Processability (literary language is a language processed by word masters: writers, poets, scientists, public figures);

Sustainability (stability);

A must for all native speakers;


The presence of functional styles.

The modern concept of speech culture as a science distinguishes 3 leading aspects of speech culture:

Regulatory (compliance with applicable standards);

Ethical (compliance with certain rules of communication, ethical standards of behavior);

Communicative (culture of knowledge of different functional varieties of the language).

Oral speech and its features

Oral speech - pronounced, sounding, audible - is expressed by sounds (acoustic code). Oral speech has two forms - monological and dialogical. The monologue is a detailed statement of one person, completed in semantic terms. The psychological and pedagogical feature of monologic speech is that the listeners' reaction is guessed, gestures and facial expressions play a greater role than in a monologue. A monologue is most often a public speech addressed to a large number of people. The oratory monologue is dialogical. The speaker, as it were, talks to the audience, that is, there is a hidden dialogue. But open dialogue is possible, for example, answers to the questions of those present.

Dialogue is a direct exchange of statements between two or more interlocutors. Structurally, the dialogue consists of a replica - a stimulus and a replica - a reaction that are closely related in content to each other. Dialogic speech is the primary, natural form of communication. In everyday dialogue, partners do not care about the form and style of expression, are frank. Participants in a public dialogue take into account the presence of the audience, build speech literary. Sometimes a polylogue is distinguished - this is an exchange of statements, a conversation of several people.

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1   Introduction ……………………………………………………………. 2
2   Linguistic features of oral speech ……………………… ..3
3   Features of writing ...................................... 4
4   Speech etiquette ……………………………………………… ..8
5   List of used literature ……………………… ... 19

The national language functions in two forms: spoken and written. Both of these speech forms use the same language units, but in different ways.

Oral and written speech are designed for different perceptions and therefore differ in lexical composition and syntactic constructions.

The purpose of oral speech is the speed of transmission and perception of certain content. It is addressed directly to the interlocutor and is designed for auditory perception. Oral speech is the primary form of existence of a language and the only form of existence of languages \u200b\u200bthat do not have a written language. In addition, some types of speech, for example, territorial dialects, exist only in the form of oral speech.

Its syntax is characterized by the frequent use of simple and incomplete sentences; the word order is not always ordinary. Of complex sentences, more often complicated compositions are used than complex ones, and participial and participial turns are generally used extremely rarely.

Written speech differs from oral primarily in a complex system of graphics and spelling, through which this or that content is transmitted.
  It should be noted that literary language literally means written language (from lat. Littera - letter, letter; pl. Litterae - letters, written language). The history of the Russian literary language is, first and foremost, the history of the language of writing, therefore, at the first stages of the development of the literary language, a clear contrast was observed: book elements - means of a written literary language, conversational elements - means of verbal lively speaking. But at present it is impossible to identify the concepts of “written language” and “literary language”. Firstly, not every written fix is literary speech, and, secondly, the literary language appears not only in written, but also in oral form. Indeed, the literary language is not only the language of writing (fiction, scientific research, newspapers and magazines), but also the spoken language of state and public institutions, schools and theaters, radio and television. Literary language is also used by people in everyday communication.
Linguistic features of oral speech.
Among the functional varieties of language, spoken language occupies a special place.
Spoken is such a speech of native speakers of the language, which is realized spontaneously in an informal setting with the direct participation of communication partners.
Conversation has significant features at all language levels, and therefore it is often considered as a special language system. Because the language features   colloquial speech is not fixed in grammars and dictionaries it is called uncodified, thereby contrasting the codified functional varieties of the language.
It is important to emphasize that colloquial speech is a special functional variety of the literary language. It is not true to think that the linguistic features of spoken language are speech errors that should be avoided. This implies an important requirement for the culture of speech: in the context of the manifestation of colloquial speech, one should not strive to speak in writing, although it must be remembered that there can be speech errors in conversational speech, they must be distinguished from conversational features.
The functional variety of the language "colloquial speech" has historically developed under the influence of the rules of linguistic behavior of people in various life situations, that is, under the influence of the conditions of communicative interaction of people. All the nuances of the phenomenon of human consciousness are expressed in the genres of speech, in the ways of its organization. A talking person always claims to be a person, and only in this case is it possible to establish contact with other people.
Successful verbal communication is the implementation of the communicative goal of the initiators of communication and the achievement by the interlocutors of consent. Prerequisites for successful communication are the interest of the interlocutors in communication, the mood on the recipient’s world, the ability to penetrate into the speaker’s communicative plan, the ability of the interlocutors to meet the stringent requirements of situational speech behavior, to unravel the speaker’s “creative style” when reflecting on the real situation or “picture of the world the ability to predict“ vector »Dialogue or polylogue. Therefore, the central concept of the success of speech communication is the concept of language competence, which involves knowledge of the rules of grammar and vocabulary, the ability to express meaning in all possible ways, knowledge of sociocultural norms and stereotypes of speech behavior, which allows you to correlate the relevance of a language fact with the intention of the speaker and, finally, makes possible the expression of one’s own understanding and individual presentation of information.
The reasons for communicative failures are rooted in ignorance of linguistic norms, in the difference in the background knowledge of the speaker and the listener, in the difference in their sociocultural stereotypes and psychology, and also in the presence of “external interference”.
The communicative goals of the interlocutors determine speech strategies, tactics, modality and dialogue techniques. The components of speech behavior include the expressiveness and emotiveness of statements.
The methods of verbal expressiveness are the basis of the techniques of fiction and oratory; Wed receptions: anaphora, antithesis, hyperbole, litots; chains of synonyms, gradations, repetitions, epithets, unanswered questions, self-verification questions, metaphors, metonyms, allegories, hints, allusions, periphrases, redirection to a third party; means of expressing subjective authorial modality, such as introductory words and sentences.
Features of writing.
The main, if not the only, form of speaking is the oral form.
By writing colloquial speech can be attributed only notes and other similar genres. So, sitting in a meeting, can I write a friend Let's leave? - and in the conditions of this situation and the corresponding background knowledge, it will be clear what is at stake. There is an opinion that all the features of colloquial speech are generated not by the conditions of its implementation, but by the oral form. In other words, it is believed that unreadable official public spoken texts are constructed in the same way as informal spontaneous ones.
Is it so? Without a doubt, any oral public text that cannot be read “on a piece of paper” has its own essential features.
The well-known oral researcher O. A. Lapteva, who owns the version of orality as the leading feature of uncodified texts, rightly notes the special, unknown to written texts, character of the division of any oral unreadable texts.
The speaker forms the utterance and the text as a whole. He forms his own style of writing, “point of view” when reflecting in speech any events, phenomena, facts, fragments of a “picture of the world”. The speaker’s role is also manifested in the method of linear organization of speech, in the choice of the main “participant in the action”; for example, the syntactic position at the beginning of a sentence is intended to indicate what (about whom) is said in the sentence, that is, for the topic of the statement; and the type of syntactic structure and its meaning depends on what the speaker makes the topic.
A prerequisite for the genre of verbal communication is sincerity, which is possible with the inner closeness of kindred or friendly people. “The context of consent, characteristic of the concept of sincerity, corresponds to the etymological meaning of the word: sincere meant“ close, close, being near ”. Regardless of the modus prevailing in the letter, the very fact of addressing your feelings-thoughts in writing, assuming an immediate reading, indicates the existence of the author's ability to use the natural way of explicating himself as a person.
The regularity of correspondence is determined by a number of factors:
a. relations between participants in this type of verbal communication;
b. external circumstances of correspondence;
in. relevance to the recipient of topics;
d. the frequency of correspondence.
I. N. Kruchinina, analyzing the stylistic features of this genre, comes to the conclusion that ease of relations with the addressee is the main condition for correspondence, and “the absence of this premise is usually immediately felt as an obstacle to communication.
The element of colloquial speech in a letter is reflected in the dissonance of linear syntactic connections; this indicates a “quick pronunciation” of the writer, the arbitrary nature of thematic elements in the course of presentation of thoughts. This tendency of “stringing,” of thematically important elements from the point of view of the author of the letter, is also characteristic of the formation of the entire structure of the letter: the letter can be thematically discrete, saturated with associative elements and additional messages.
The pragmatic condition of solidarity and harmony in the genre of writing finds its formal expression in the "formulas" of greeting and farewell, originating in the depths of centuries.
Here is the opinion of the famous linguist D. M. Peshkovsky on this subject: “Speaking in literature, that is, in full accordance with the laws of written speech, and at the same time, taking into account the peculiarities of oral speech and the difference between the psyche of the listeners and the psyche of readers, is no less difficult than speak simply literary. This is a special kind of literary speech itself - a kind that I would call a spoken language fake. Such a fake is really necessary to one degree or another in all public speeches, but it has nothing to do with the case when the speaker is unable to cope with the element of oral speech or is not able to focus on writing properly ”
Conversation can lower it to a household level. And the speaker must constantly balance, choosing the optimal style of speech. By the way, it was found that when reading speech, a person then reproduces only 50% of the received message. With the perception of the same message, built according to the laws of the oral presentation of thought, already 90% of the content is reproduced.
A peculiar correlation has been established between the forms of implementation and the basic functions of a special language: in the function of accumulating and transmitting knowledge, “written (or rather, printed) speech occupies an almost exclusive position”; in the function of disseminating knowledge, the advantage is also on the side of writing; in professional communication, the leading speech remains.
So, business speech is, in essence, a set of written standards required in formal business relations. These standards include both forms of documentation and their corresponding means of verbal presentation. The thesis about the highly regulated official-business speech is confirmed not only by the mandatory requirements for the construction and preparation of documents, but also in the possibility of normalization - making changes to the rules for the construction and preparation of documents in the process of unification. This applies to both sides of the document of its form and its language.
At present, the textual and linguistic norms of business speech are under pressure from an increasingly widespread way of compiling, storing and transmitting documents using electronic computer technology.
There is "automation of information processes in the management apparatus", academician A. P. Ershov calls it "the computerization of business prose." In his opinion, business prose is “always internally formalized”, it is a “linguistic phenomenon that, while preserving many properties of the language as a whole, is at the same time prepared in its very essence to become an object of mechanization”, thanks to the “regulatory action of the formal model, underlying this area of \u200b\u200bindustrial relations. ”
So, business speech is, in essence, a set of written standards required in formal business relations.
These standards include both forms of documentation and their corresponding means of verbal presentation.
The thesis about the highly regulated official-business speech is confirmed not only by the mandatory requirements for the construction and preparation of documents, but also in the possibility of normalization - making changes to the rules for the construction and preparation of documents in the process of unification. This applies to both sides of the document - its form and its language.

Speech etiquette.
Speech etiquette, accepted in this culture as a set of requirements for the form, content, order, nature and situational relevance of statements.
The well-known researcher of speech etiquette N.I. Formanovskaya gives the following definition: “Speech etiquette refers to the regulating rules of speech behavior, a system of nationally specific stereotypical, stable communication formulas adopted and prescribed by society to establish contact between interlocutors, maintain and interrupt contact in a chosen key.” Speech etiquette, in particular, includes words and expressions used by people for parting, requests, apologies, forms of treatment adopted in various situations, intonation features that characterize polite speech, etc. The study of speech etiquette occupies a special position at the intersection of linguistics, theory and history of culture, ethnography, regional studies, psychology and other humanitarian disciplines.
The boundaries of the phenomenon of speech etiquette. In the broad sense of the word, speech etiquette characterizes almost any successfulact of communication. therefore speech etiquette   connected with the so-called postulates of verbal communication, which make possible and successful interaction of communication participants.
These are the postulates formulated by G.P. Grice (1975), which are derived from the principle of cooperation that underlies all communication. The postulates of verbal communication include: postulates of quality (the message should not be false or without good reason), quantity (the message should not be either too short or too long), attitude (the message should be relevant to the addressee) and the method ( the message should be clear, concise, not contain words and expressions incomprehensible to the addressee, etc.). Violation of one or more of these tenets into one degree or another entails a communicative failure. Other important requirements - for example, the postulates of politeness (every message should be polite, tactful, etc.) - are not included by Grice among the fundamental ones, since the task of communication is considered to be the efficient transfer of information. It is significant that even with such a utilitarian statement of the problem, one has to consider the requirements of speech etiquette as necessary conditions for successful communication. Moreover, these requirements are significant for messages that have other functions: establishing interpersonal contacts, attracting listeners to their side, etc. In these cases, the postulates of politeness inevitably come to the fore. Others, such as the postulates of relationships, are pushed to the periphery. So, in many textbooks on advertising, it is recommended to refrain not only from any statements that offend or offend the addressee, but also from statements that could cause him to unwanted associations. For example, the slogan: “our beer is beer that doesn’t get fat” was recognized as unsuccessful, because it recalls the fact that beer gets fat. Thus, the requirements of relevance and veracity are in this case secondary.
  Thus, speech etiquette in a broad sense is interfaced with general
problems of linguistic pragmatics and should be considered in the mainstream of pragmalinguistic research. The act of language communication is considered by pragmatics from the point of view of communication participants achieving one or another goal. A statement is not considered in isolation, but in the context of these goals; for example, the question: “You don’t have a watch?” implies a request to say what time it is. Therefore, the answer is Yes, there is (without a message, what time is it) ignores the context and thereby violates the requirements of speech etiquette. Or: What is happening here? - a question (especially in a certain context) may mean aggressive dissatisfaction with what is happening and, as such, violate etiquette.
  The sphere of speech etiquette includes, in particular, the methods adopted in a given culture for expressing sympathy, complaint, guilt, grief, etc. For example, in some cultures it is customary to complain about difficulties and problems, in others it is not accepted. In some cultures, the story of their successes is acceptable, in others - not at all. This may also include specific prescriptions of speech etiquette - what can be the subject of conversation, what is not, and in what situation.
Speech etiquette in the narrow sense of the word can be characterized as a system of language means in which etiquette relationships are manifested.
  Elements of this system can be implemented at different language levels: at the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words and stable expressions (thank you, please apologize, sorry, goodbye, etc.), as well as specialized forms of treatment (gentleman, comrade and etc.).
  At the grammatical level: use for the polite treatment of the plural (including the pronoun You); the use of interrogative sentences instead of imperative (you will not say what time is it? Could you move a little? etc.).
  At the stylistic level: the requirement of competent, cultural speech; rejection of the use of words directly calling obscene and shocking objects and phenomena, the use of euphemisms instead of these words.
  At the intonation level: the use of polite intonation (for example, the phrase: “Be nice, close the door” may sound with different intonations, depending on whether it is supposed to be a polite request or an unceremonious request).
  At the level of orthoepy: use   Hello,   instead hello,   you are welcome,   instead please   and so forth
  At the organizational and communicative level: the ban on interrupting the interlocutor, interfering in someone else's conversation, etc.
  Everyday language practice and norm in speech etiquette. The specificity of speech etiquette is that it characterizes both everyday language practice and the language norm. Indeed, elements of speech etiquette are present in the everyday practice of any native speaker (including poorly proficient in the norm) who easily recognizes these formulas in the flow of speech and expects their interlocutor to use them in certain situations. Elements of speech etiquette are absorbed so deeply that they are perceived by a “naive” linguistic consciousness as part of people's everyday, natural and regular behavior. Ignorance of the requirements of speech etiquette and, as a result, their non-fulfillment (for example, turning to an adult stranger on You) is perceived as a desire to offend or as bad manners.
On the other hand, speech etiquette can be considered from the point of view of the language norm. So, the idea of \u200b\u200bcorrect, cultural, normalized speech includes certain ideas about the norm in the field of speech etiquette. For example, every native speaker knows the formula for apologizing for awkwardness; however, some are welcomed as the norm (excuse me, I apologize) - and others are rejected or not recommended, for example, i apologize   (moreover, sometimes “justifications” are given to such a distinction, such as: you cannot excuse yourself, you can only apologize to others, etc.). The very use or non-use of units of speech etiquette can also be subject to normalization, for example: the apology formula is appropriate if the speaker is disturbing his interlocutor, but he should not apologize too often, as the interlocutor is embarrassed, etc. In addition, the violation norms and rules of the literary language, especially if it looks like negligence, in itself can be considered as a violation of speech etiquette.
  So, the requirements of speech etiquette form a kind of hierarchy. IN
to some extent, they are an integral part of the active and passive language practice of each native speaker; on the other hand, these requirements are associated with a certain level of speech culture, more or less high.
For example, every native speaker from an early age knows that when meeting you need to say hello. Further, they explain to the child that they need to say hello in accordance with certain rules (the youngest welcomes the first, using well-defined formulas for this - not “hello” or “great”, but “hello”, or better: “Hello, Ivan Ivanovich!). Finally, in the future, a native speaker learns about the other subtleties of speech etiquette and learns to use them in her daily practice.
  The boundary between everyday speech practice and the norm in speech etiquette is inevitably mobile. The practical application of speech etiquette is always somewhat different from normative models, and not only because of the insufficient knowledge of the participants of its rules. Deviation from the norm or too meticulous adherence to it may be due to the speaker's desire to demonstrate his attitude to the interlocutor or to emphasize his vision of the situation. In the example below, a polite form is used to emphasize the dissatisfaction of the boss with subordinates:
  - Hello, Lyubov Grigoryevna! He said in a shockingly gallant
manner. - Delayed?<…>
What frightened her most was that she was addressed to “you,” by name and patronymic. This made everything that happened extremely ambiguous, because if Lyubochka was late, that was one thing, and if the rationalization engineer Lyubov Grigorievna Sukhoruchko was completely different.
  Thus, speech etiquette is not a rigid system of rules; it is sufficiently plastic, and this plasticity creates a rather extensive "space for maneuver."
  Speech etiquette and speech situation. One way or another, speech etiquette is tied to the situation of speech communication and its parameters: the personalities of the interlocutors, the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication. First of all, it is a complex of linguistic phenomena oriented to the addressee, although the personality of the speaker (or writer) is also taken into account. This can be best demonstrated by using You- and You-forms in communication. The general principle is that you-forms are used as a sign of respect and greater formality of communication; You-forms, in contrast, correspond to informal communication between equals. However, the implementation of this principle may be presented in different ways depending on how the participants in verbal communication are related by age and / or service hierarchy, whether they are in a family or friendship relationship; on the age and social status of each of them, etc.
  Speech etiquette reveals itself in different ways also depending on the topic, place, time, motive and purpose of communication. For example, the rules of verbal communication may vary depending on whether the communication topic is sad or joyful for the participants in the communication; there are specific etiquette rules associated with the place of communication (feast, public place, production meeting), etc.
  Researchers describe a whole range of communicative functions of speech etiquette.
Speech etiquette:
helps to establish contact between the interlocutors;
attracts the attention of the listener (reader), distinguishes it from others
potential interlocutors;
allows you to testify respect;
helps to determine the status of the ongoing communication (friendly, business, official, etc.); forms a favorable emotional environment for communication and has a positive effect on the listener (reader).
  The place of specialized units of speech etiquette in the language system.
Speech etiquette is realized both in the characteristics of speech in general and in specialized units. These units - formulas of greetings, farewells, apologies, requests, etc. - as a rule, are performativists (i.e. statements, the utterance of which simultaneously means the fulfillment of the named action;) Indeed, phrases I apologize, Thank you, I ask you, etc. they don’t describe the actions, but they themselves are actions - respectively, an apology, thanks, a request, etc.
  The units of speech etiquette are regularly correlated with cognate or synonymous words and constructions that do not have a etiquette character, for example: Thank you very much. - He warmly thanked me. And finally, one cannot fail to notice that speech etiquette often fits into the wider context of pragmatic behavior in typical situations. For example, with the stable apology formulas, the whole complex of “speech-behavioral tactics of smoothing out tort” (E.M. Vereshchagin, V.G. Kostomarov) is associated - in other words, the whole range of speech models used by the speaker or writer to eliminate the guilt.
  Social differentiation of the phenomena of speech etiquette. The phenomena of speech etiquette vary depending on the social status of the participants in communication. These differences appear in several plans.
  First of all, different units of speech etiquette are used depending on the social roles that the communication participants take on. Here both social roles in themselves and their relative position in the social hierarchy are important. When communicating between two students; between student and teacher; between the boss and the subordinate; between spouses; between parents and children - in each case, the etiquette requirements can be very different. Some units are replaced by others, functionally homogeneous, but contrasted stylistically. So, in these situations, different greeting formulas may be appropriate: hello; Hello; Hello; Hello, Ivan Ivanovich. Other units of speech etiquette in some cases are mandatory, in others optional. For example, when making a phone call at off-hours, you need to apologize for bothering you, just when making a phone call you shouldn’t apologize, but if the addressee doesn’t answer the phone, but an outsider, especially if he’s older, it’s also appropriate to apologize for the troubles, etc. .d.

The following topics are reflected in the abstract: Characteristics of written speech. Features of writing. The difference between written and oral. Written speech of a child and an adult. The assimilation of the letter and the background of its formation.



GBS (K) OSH boarding school of the VIII kind, urban settlement Urusu, speech therapist Galyautdinova Zulfiya Abuzarovna

Subject: Description of written language.



  1. Characteristics of written language.
  2. Features of writing.
  1. The difference between written and oral.

3. The assimilation of the letter and the background of its formation.




Writing is an auxiliary sign system created by people that is used to fix sound language and sound speech. At the same time, writing is an independent communication system, which, fulfilling the function of fixing oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions: written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person, and expands the scope of human communication. Reading books, historical documents of different times and peoples, we can touch the history, culture of all mankind. It is thanks to writing that we learn about the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, the Sumerians, Incas, Mayans and others. The letter has come a long way in historical development from the first nicks in trees, cave paintings to the sound-letter type that most people use today, i.e. written speech is secondary to oral. The letters used in the letter are signs by which the sounds of speech are indicated. Sound shells of words and parts of words are represented by combinations of letters, knowledge of letters allows you to reproduce them in sound form, i.e. read any text. Punctuation marks used in writing serve to divide speech: dots, commas, dashes correspond to an intonation pause in oral speech. This means that letters are a material form of writing.

The main function of written speech is the fixation of oral speech, with the goal of preserving it in space and time. Writing serves as a means of communication between people when direct communication is impossible, when they are separated by space and time. Development technical means   messages - phone - reduced the role of writing. The advent of fax and the spread of the Internet system help overcome space and re-energize written speech.

The main property of writing is the ability to store information for a long time.

Written speech is not deployed in temporary, but in static space, which allows the writer to think through speech, return to written, rebuild text, replace words, etc. In this regard, the written form of speech has its own characteristics.

1. Characteristics of written language.

Writing is a special type of activity that includes three levels (psychological, sensorimotor, linguistic).

At the psychological level:

1) the occurrence of intent, motive for writing;

2) creation of an idea;

3) the creation on the basis of the intent of a common sense;

4) regulation of activities and monitoring of activities performed.

The sensorimotor level is divided into two sublevels: sensor-acoustic-motor and optical-motor sublevels. The sensory-acoustic-motor sublevel determines the process of sound discrimination, creates the basis for the operations of acoustic and kinesthetic analysis of sounds, words, for the ability to distinguish stable phonemes and articulums; provides the establishment of the sequence of writing letters in a word, which is possible with preserved auditory-speech memory. The optical-motor sublevel is responsible for re-encoding (transcoding) from one code to another:

  1. when writing - from sound to letter, from letter to a complex of subtle hand movements;
  2. when reading, the letters are correlated with the corresponding sounds. At the same time, complex relations are noted between sound and letter, between phoneme and grapheme.

Translation from one level to another is possible only thanks to the interacting work of a number of analyzer systems and the highest level of speech organization. To carry out written speech, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bgeneralized ideas about the sounds of a given language system, stable connections of sounds and letters meaning these sounds and generalized into stable graphemes.

At the linguistic level, a translation of the inner meaning takes place, which is being formed at the psychological level into linguistic codes - lexicomorphological and syntactic units.

Written speech is provided by the work of a number of analyzers responsible for the psychophysiological basis of this process: acoustic, optical, kinesthetic, kinetic, proprioceptive, spatial, etc.

Thus, when writing and sound analysis is ensured by the joint work of acoustic and kinesthetic analyzers, the re-encoding of sounds and letters is provided by acoustic, kinesthetic and optical analyzers, while writing a letter, optical, spatial and motor analyzers are used to provide subtle hand movements.

Each level is realized due to the work of various departments of the cerebral cortex:

  1. the psychological level is carried out due to the work of the frontal parts of the brain (anteroposterior and medeo-basal departments of the frontal region of the KGM);
  2. psychophysiological level - due to the frontal, lower dark, temporal, posterior temporal, anteroposterior divisions;
  3. linguistic level - due to the front and rear speech zones, providing syntagmatics and paradigmatics.

Thus, for the implementation of written speech, the presence of all three structural levels that are part of the activity in general is necessary.

2. Features of writing.

2.1. The difference between written and oral.

Oral and written speech are two forms of speech function. Both are the main means of communication in human society.Oral speech is formed first, and written - a superstructure over already matured oral speech - uses all its ready-made mechanisms, improving and significantly complicating them, adding new mechanisms specific to a new form of language expression.

Written speech is mastered purposefully in the learning process. Oral speech develops in the process of practical communication of the child with adults, mainly on the basis of imitation. Writing is characterized by the participation of a larger number of analyzers (visual-auditory-motor). In written speech, higher requirements for the selection of words, to the construction of phrases. Written speech proceeds without correction from the side (interlocutor). Writing is devoid of living means of communication - facial expressions, gestures. The unit of written speech is a monologue. Written speech is contextual, generates itself, activates and controls. It is abstract, discrete, subdivided into minimal segments, letters.

Oral speech is a sound unity, its segmentation from the acoustic-physiological point of view does not coincide with linguistic division. In oral speech, distinctly sounding elements are combined with reduced elements; in the act of writing, an active or hidden full pronunciation is observed. Oral speech is characterized by auditory and kinesthetic control; visual and kinesthetic control is characteristic of written speech.

2.2. Written speech of a child and an adult.

In the process of its development, written language changes significantly.

For a person who is just starting to write, the following processes are in the foreground:

  1. sound analysis of a word, spelling of each individual letter, preservation of their desired order;
  2. the writer relies on the pronunciation of what he writes. That is, the child is aware of the technical side of the letter. Writing letter elements becomes action, as there is a purpose. A child’s writing is a process of skill formation, a disconnected process.

A person who has a fairly automated writing skill uses the already established skills in writing not only individual letters, but also syllables, sound complexes, and even whole words. That is, the adult’s writing is characterized by a lack of awareness of the technical side, and the main goal is the transfer of semantic content, information. Only in certain cases the writing technique becomes the goal (when you need to write beautifully, stylized); this is an automated process, characterized by connectedness, faster than a child.

3. Assimilation of the letter and the prerequisites for its formation.

Written speech is assimilated consciously, the maturation of brain structures and the preparedness of mental functions and processes involved in writing are necessary. To master the letter, the formation of simultaneous and successive abilities, the formation of inter-analyzer interaction, a sufficient level of sensory development of the child (auditory perception, visual perception, spatial attitude and representation, developed psychomotor skills) are necessary. A sufficient development of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking), a sufficient level of formation of the cognitive and intellectual activity of the child, a sufficient level of development of oral speech are also necessary.

According to A.N. Leontyev, the psychophysiological structure of writing can be represented in the following three operations:

  1. the process of symbolization
  2. the process of modeling the sound structure of a word using graphic symbols,
  3. graphomotor operations.

The prerequisites for the formation of these operations are:

The skill of symbolization, which is formed in symbolic games with the replacement of objects, in visual activity;

The development of the phonemic perception of the child;

Mastering the phonemic analysis, which is necessary for modeling the sound structure of words using letters (establishing the temporal sequence of phonemes, transforming the temporal sequence of phonemes into a spatial sequence of letters in parallel with graph-motor letter writing operations);

Formed graphomotor skills, depending on hand-eye coordination.

There are four stages of mastering a letter.

1) An indicative stage - a preschool child learns to handle paper, a pen, hand movements, visual analysis, and awareness of written activity as a means of communication develop.

2) The analytical stage - pre-alphabetical and alphabetic periods of schooling, during which the development of motility occurs when writing the elements of letters and their compounds and the connection of sound and letters is carried out.

3) The analytical-synthetic stage - the post-book period, which includes the transition to the combination of letters in the word, the synthesis process prevails.

4) The synthetic phase is closer to high school. During this period, writing is automated, the writing technique goes by the wayside, the main thing is the presentation of thought.


Thus, written language is one of the forms of the existence of language, opposed to oral speech. This is a secondary, later in time form of existence of the language. For various forms of linguistic activity, both oral and written speech can be primary (we compare folklore and fiction). If spoken language has distinguished man from the animal world, then writing should be considered the greatest of all inventions created by mankind. Written language not only revolutionized the methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information, but it changed the person himself, especially his ability to abstract thinking.

Writing uses book language, the use of which is quite strictly normalized and regulated. The order of words in the sentence is fixed, inversion (changing the order of words) is not typical for written speech, and in some cases, for example, in texts of an official business style of speech, is unacceptable. A sentence, which is the basic unit of written speech, expresses complex logical-semantic relationships through syntax. Written speech is characterized by complex syntactic constructions, participial and adverbial phrases, common definitions, plug-in constructions, etc. When combining sentences in paragraphs, each of them is strictly related to the previous and subsequent context.

Written speech is focused on the perception by the organs of vision, therefore it has a clear structural and formal organization: it has a system of page numbering, division into sections, paragraphs, a system of links, font emphasis, etc.

You can return to a complex text more than once, ponder it, comprehend what has been written, and have the opportunity to look through your eyes with a particular passage of the text.

Written speech is distinguished by the fact that the conditions and purpose of communication find a certain reflection in the very form of speech activity, for example, a work of art or a description of a scientific experiment, a vacation application or an informational message in a newspaper. Consequently, written language has a style-forming function, which is reflected in the choice of language tools that are used to create this or that text. The written form is the main form of existence of speech in the scientific, journalistic, official business and artistic styles.


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