Decoding and translation of legal and business abbreviations. fundamental law of the country. What area of \u200b\u200bpublic life does the functioning of the land and natural resources market

Assignments provided by S. VOLODINA


For students in 9th grade

I. Establish a match.

A. Contested transactions
B. Void Transactions
1) a transaction made with a purpose known to be contrary to the foundations of law and order or morality
2) imaginary deal
3) a transaction made under the influence of error
4) a transaction made under the influence of deception, threat
5) a fake deal
6) a transaction that does not comply with laws and other legal acts

A. Conducted by the State Duma
B. The competence of the Council of the Federation
1) approval of changes in borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation
2) bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation to remove him from office
3) appointment of the chairman of the Accounts Chamber
4) appointment of the deputy chairman of the Accounts Chamber
5) the appointment of the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
6) the appointment of the Commissioner for Human Rights

A. The process of finding an unscrupulous owner of a thing according to Russian Truth
B. Thief on Russian Truth
B. Officer in the Russian Truth Court
G. Witness Category in Russian Truth
1) apple tree
2) arch
3) rumor
4) thief

A. Brother of the testator
B. Great-grandfather of the testator
B. The testator’s aunt
G. Spouse of the testator
1) the heir to the first stage
2) the heir to the second stage
3) the heir to the third stage
4) the heir to the fourth stage

A. Theft of another’s property or acquisition of the right to another’s property by fraud or breach of trust
B. Theft of another's property entrusted to the perpetrator
B. Open theft of another's property
D. Demanding the transfer of another's property under threat of violence
1) misappropriation or embezzlement
2) fraud
3) extortion
4) robbery

II. Define the following concepts.
(Each answer is evaluated at 2 points, in the presence of any error - 0 points.)
6. Unclaimed property.
7. The limitation period.
8. The contract of accession.
9. Legal capacity.
10. The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation means rehabilitation

III. Complete the sentence.
(Each answer is estimated at 2 points, in the presence of inaccuracy - 1 point.)
11. Local self-government is carried out by citizens through other forms of direct expression of will, through elected and other bodies of local self-government.
12. The theory of the state, which sees the state as an expanded family, which is also taking care of its subjects, as the father of its children, is called.
13. Russian Federation  - a state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions ensuring a decent life and free development of a person.
14. If the proposal to revise the provisions of chapters 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation will be supported by the total number of members of the Council
Federation and deputies of the State Duma, then in accordance with federal constitutional law is convened.
15. Everyone has the right, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, to apply to interstate bodies for the protection of human rights and freedoms, if
16. Each detainee, detained in custody, accused of committing a crime, has the right to use the help of a lawyer (defender) from the moment, respectively, or _ _.
(For each correct answer - 1 point; total - 3 points.)
17. identify children without parental care, keep a record of such children.
18. The court may deprive a special, military or honorary title, class rank, state awards when convicted of a crime or crime.

Theft. Theft in law means the secret theft of another's property

IV. Solve the problems.
(Each correct answer with justification is estimated at 3 points, the correct answer without justification is 1 point.)

19. Skorsarev decided to place industrial equipment in his apartment and open a sewing production. In response to the neighbors' claims about the inadmissibility of such use of the apartment, he said that he had specially acquired low-noise equipment, and that work would not be carried out at night.
Are Skosarev's actions legal? Justify the answer.
20. In February 2008, the province of Kosovo seceded from the State of Serbia and became partly recognized as the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo. In August of the same year, the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia separated and proclaimed sovereignty from Georgia, which also became partially recognized, that is, recognized by some states and unrecognized by other states.
What universal international principle guided the states that recognized Kosovo or Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and what universal international principle guided the states that did not recognize Kosovo or Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

21. A thief entered the Ignatyev’s apartment, located on the ground floor, while they were away. However, the thief did not manage to take any of the things, because the sound of keys in the keyhole frightened him. He managed to safely leave the apartment, but the suddenly returning owners found a driver's license in the apartment in the name of Boris Fedortsov and an open wide window. They reported to the police a violation of their constitutional right to inviolability of the home.
Will Fedortsov be prosecuted? If so, to what form and for what?
(For the correct answer without justification - 1 point; for the named type of responsibility - 1 point; for the named criminal act - attempted theft - 1 point. Total - 3 points.)

22. The company of drunken young people, having decided to find additional funds to continue the fun, agreed to commit a robbery. To this end, one of the strongest of them (Petrov) tried to grab a bag from a passerby and run away. But the passerby resisted. Then Petrov went on to more decisive action: he hit a passerby with a bottle on the head. From the received blow the passerby died on the spot.
Will the rest of the company be liable for what Petrov has done? Justify the answer.

23. The 17-year-old Lesnikovsky, as a second-year student in full-time, decided to get a job. Sea Star OJSC agreed to hire a student on the condition that Lesnikovsky be given a probationary period during which he will have to prove that he is capable of working in this enterprise. Subject to the specified condition, an employment contract was concluded between Lesnikovsky and Sea Star OJSC for a period of four months with a trial period of one month.
Are the rights of Lesnikovsky violated? Justify the answer.

24. Three students from Ivanovo were given a place in the hostel of the University of Civil Engineering in Moscow. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room, which was provided to three students, was 17 square meters. m
Is there enough space provided to students in the hostel? What is the norm for providing living space in a hostel per person, enshrined in the RF Housing Code?

25. Kotov and Lebedev are defendants in a murder criminal case. The case is pending in a district court.
Kotov expressed his desire that, along with a lawyer, his cousin Savelyev, a lawyer by training, was admitted as a defender. The court granted Kotov’s request for Saveliev’s admission as a defender along with a lawyer.
Lebedev expressed a desire for two lawyers to defend him in court. The court granted Lebedev's request, and two lawyers were allowed to participate in the criminal case.
Was the court right?
Is the equality of Kotov and Lebedev violated given that two professional lawyers will defend Lebedev, and one will defend Kotov?
Is the equality of rights of the parties to the defense and the charges violated as a result of the admission to participation in the criminal case of four defenders?
(For the correct answer to each of the questions posed - 1 point. In total - 3 points.)

26. Judge Volyansky, as part of a panel of judges, examined the case of banditry. The defendants were found guilty of a crime, each of them was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 14 years. S. brother of one of the convicts, considered the sentence unjust. He decided to take revenge on the judges and the entire judicial system; decided to start with Judge Volyansky. He planted an explosive device in Volyansky’s car. However, the bomb went off before Volyansky got into the car and no one was hurt. S. was detained and prosecuted for attempted murder committed in a generally dangerous manner (paragraph “e” of part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Are Acts C Qualified? Justify the answer.

27. Citizen Vlasov was serving his sentence in a maximum security penal colony since 2005. When Vlasov was released in May 2007, he learned that his father died in June 2006. As far as Vlasov knew, the father did not leave a will and, according to the law, two apartments belonging to his father were inherited by his daughter N. Andreeva. My sister refused to meet with Vlasov, referring to the fact that she did not want to deal with the criminal. Vlasov's lawyer advised him to apply to the court with a request to restore the term for accepting the inheritance.

Lawyer. The lawyer is engaged in providing professional legal assistance to citizens and organizations, including protecting their interests and rights in court

Can the deadline for accepting an inheritance be restored? And if so, under what conditions?

28. Petrova, who is Terentyev’s aunt, looked out the window in the evening and saw that her ward, 16-year-old Terentyev, had been taken from a passerby by a diplomat, threatening him with a knife. After some time, a criminal case was opened and Petrova was summoned for questioning as a witness. She believed that she had the right not to testify against Terentyev, since she was his trustee. The police investigator who conducted the interrogation insisted that it was her duty.
Who is right in this situation, the investigator of the police department or Petrova? Explain your answer.

29. Ignatov was in a difficult financial situation; he urgently needed money; he decided to sell his house. Savelyev decided to take advantage of the situation and offered to buy a house. Savelyev told Ignatov that he had called appraisers, who had set a low price for the house, and convinced Ignatov that he would not sell the house more expensive, but would only spend time searching for buyers. Ignatov sold the house at a price set by Savelyev.
After a while, Ignatov found out that Savelyev had deceived him regarding the value of the house. He filed a lawsuit to invalidate this contract as a transaction made under the influence of fraud and a combination of difficult circumstances.

What decision should a court make regarding a house and money for its sale if it agrees with Ignatov’s arguments?
(For the short answer - 1 point, for the correct justification - 2 points. In total - 3 points.)
30. Ivanenko and his wife Karinin discussed the possibility of moving to a permanent place of residence in another country with a possible subsequent acquisition of citizenship of that country. Karinina objected to obtaining foreign citizenship, as she believed that the acquisition of foreign citizenship would entail the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Is Karinina’s position on this issue justified? Justify the answer.

31. Soloviev, returning from vacation, was dismissed by the administration of the enterprise for absenteeism, as he was late for work for five hours due to the delay of the plane, which had been exposed to freezing rain. Soloviev considered this dismissal illegal and went to court.
What decision will the court make? Justify the answer.
(For the correct answer - 3 points, for the short answer - 1 point.)
32. In 2004, Filatov was in a car accident, after which he began to suffer from headaches, could not concentrate and do any work. As a result, Filatov was recognized as a disabled person of the second group and was forced to quit. In 2009, Filatov decided to move to the south. He began to sell his property, and some of the things he presented to his friends. Upon learning that Filatov was selling and giving away his property, his son filed a lawsuit on behalf of his father demanding that the transactions concluded by him be invalid. According to his son, Filatov is mentally ill, and therefore incapable. A normal person, in his opinion, could not sell property at such a low price, and even more so - to give it to strangers.
Are the requirements of Filatov’s son justified? Justify the answer.

33. Citizens formed the Union of the Future political party and in March 2011 turned to the authorized body for its registration. The party has 47 thousand members. The party has regional branches in more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; several regional branches have been created in some constituent entities. From the documents submitted for registration, it followed that the party has several regional branches in one entity.
The authorized body refused to register a political party.
Was the authorized body making the right decision? Justify the answer.
34. Citizen Stepanov purchased a bicycle in a store. At home, he found that one of the tires blew air. Having disassembled the tire, Stepanov established that the chamber was punctured. The buyer turned to a car service, where the camera was sealed to him. He paid 300 rubles for the work. After this, Stepanov turned to the store where he bought a bicycle, and demanded that he reimburse the cost of repairing the tire. Store employees refused to pay the costs incurred by Stepanov. Stepanov went to court.
What decision should the court make? Explain the answer.
35. The 15-year-old Skobelev was prosecuted for the illegal purchase of narcotic drugs without a sale target. The maximum penalty stipulated by the sanction of the article stipulating responsibility for this crime is imprisonment of up to three years.
Can a court impose a suspended sentence on Skobelev, given that he committed the crime for the first time? Justify the answer.

V. Decipher the abbreviations.

36. UTII.
37. HOA.
38. MHIF.
VI. Translate latin expressions.
(Each correct answer is estimated at 2 points, in the presence of any error - 0 points.)
39. Optimus testis confitens reus.
40. Si vis pacem para bellum.

Answers to the tasks of the Olympiad in law

1. A - 3, 4; B - 1, 2, 5, 6 (Articles 169, 170, 178, 179, 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
2. A - 2, 3, 5, 6; B - 1, 4 (Articles 102, 103 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
3. A - 2; B - 4; IN 1; G - 3.
4. A - 2; B - 4; AT 3; G - 1 (Articles 1142-1145 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
5. A - 2; B - 1; AT 4; G - 3 (Articles 159, 160, 161, 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
6. Property remaining after the death of the owner, in the absence of heirs (Article 1151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
7. The term for the protection of the right to claim of a person whose right has been violated (Article 195 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
8. An agreement, the terms of which are determined by one of the parties in the forms or standard forms (Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
9. The citizen’s ability
acquire and carry out actions
civil rights create for yourself
civic duties and perform them
(Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
10. The procedure for restoring the rights and freedoms of a person who has been unlawfully or unjustifiably prosecuted, and for compensation for harm caused to him.
11. Referendum, elections (paragraph 2 of article 130 of the Constitution).
12. Patriarchal.
13. Social (Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
14. Three fifths of the votes, the Constitutional Assembly (part 2 of article 135 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
15. All available domestic remedies have been exhausted (part 3 of article 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
16. Detention, detention or indictment (part 2 of article 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
17. Guardianship and trusteeship bodies
(Clause 1, Article 121 of the SK of the Russian Federation).
18. Severe, especially grave (Article 48 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
19. No. Accommodation in residential premises industrial production  not allowed (paragraph 3 of article 288 of the Civil Code).
20. Recognized - the principle of self-determination of nations; not recognized - the principle of territorial integrity of states.
21. Yes. Criminal liability for attempted theft with unlawful entry into the home (paragraph "a" part 3 of article 158 I of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
22. Will be. But only for attempted robbery (part 3 of article 30, paragraphs “a” of part 2 of article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). For causing death by negligence - they will not (in accordance with Article 36 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

23. The rights of Lesnikovsky are violated. I It is not allowed to establish tests for admission to work for minors (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
24. None. According to Art. 105 of the Housing Code, dwellings in dormitories are provided for at least 6 square meters. m of living space per person.
25. No, there are no violations (Clause 2, Article 49; Clause 1 of Article 50; Article 244 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).
26. No. The life of persons administering justice or a preliminary investigation is protected by a separate article (Article 295 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
27. Yes, the court can restore the missed deadline for accepting the inheritance at the request of the heir who did not know and should not have known about opening the inheritance or missed the deadline for good reason (Article 1155 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
28. In this case, the investigator of the Department of Internal Affairs is right, since the Code of Criminal Procedure does not include trustees among close relatives, which means that Petrova has no right to refuse to testify against Terentyev (part 4 of article 56 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation).
29. According to paragraph 2 of Article 179 of the Civil Code, the following consequences of the invalidity of a transaction made under the influence of fraud ... or a combination of difficult circumstances are provided for: Ignatov must be returned the house, and if it is impossible to return it in kind - its value. The money paid by Savelyev for the house goes to the income of the Russian Federation.
30. No, it is not justified, as art. 6 Federal Law "On Citizenship" contains the norm that the acquisition of foreign citizenship does not entail the termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
31. According to paragraph 6. Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation absenteeism is the absence of an employee in the workplace without good reason for more than four consecutive hours during the working day. The court must reinstate Soloviev at work.
32. No, Filatov was not recognized by the court as legally incompetent at the time of the transaction, and therefore, has the right to dispose of his property at his own discretion (Article 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
33. Yes, according to paragraphs “A” paragraph 2 of article 3 Federal Law “On Political Parties”, in the subject of the Russian Federation only one regional branch of a given political party may be created. The violation made is the basis for the refusal of state registration of a political party in accordance with Art. 20 Federal Law “On Political Parties”.
34. The court must satisfy Stepanov’s lawsuit and recover 300 rubles from the store, because in accordance with para. 1 p. 5 Article 503 of the Civil Code and para. 5 p. 1 art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the buyer has the right, upon detection of defects in the product, to demand reimbursement of expenses for their correction.
35. No, liability under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code comes from 16 years old (Art. 20 of the Criminal Code).
36. The single tax on imputed income.
37. Partnership of homeowners.
38. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.
39. The recognition of the accused is the best witness.
40. Want peace - get ready for war.

History and social studies for schoolchildren. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 7-12.

Why do legal and financial abbreviations cause so much doubt in the translation? To this question there are several answers, variants of dilemmas, which we face.

Should the abbreviation be spelled or decrypted? Let's say the most common example is TIN. If translated into English, it will turn out Individual Tax-payer Number  (Individual tax number). How to indicate this when translating a document - just ITN  or full decryption?

Translate transliteration or first letters of decryption? Recall that transliteration is a translation method in which the original word is transmitted strictly in letters to a foreign language. In our case, such a translation would sound INN. Or better yet ITN?

Just translate or explain? The fact is that most of the legal and financial reductions are primordially Russian, characteristic only of the Russian “environment”. There are no full analogues of such terms abroad, which presents us with a choice: simply translate the abbreviation or indicate in brackets (footnotes) what it means?

As you can see, there are many problems with the translation of legal and financial terms. Those who often encounter this kind of practice develop their own style of translation and stick only to it. You can, of course, turn to forums, browse through Internet dictionaries and translators in search of the right option. However, the most reliable way out of the situation, oddly enough, is the good old specialized dictionary of legal / economic terms. The following sources can provide such feasible assistance on the Russian market:

  • English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary (A.P. Kravchenko)
  • Modern Russian-English Law Dictionary (I.I. Borisenko, V.V. Saenko)
  • Russian-English Law Dictionary (William Elliott Butler)
  • Large financial dictionary in 2 volumes. Russian-English dictionary. (Fakov V.Ya.)
  • English-Russian-English Dictionary of Banking and Credit and Financial Terminology (E. Kovalenko)

If you happen to encounter this kind of translation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the translation of some of the most common abbreviations:

BIC Bank Identification Code BIC (Bank Identification Code)
GAOU State Autonomous Educational Institution State autonomous educational institution
UAH State Registration Number SRN (State registration number)
DOE Preschool educational institution Preschool educational institution
Company Closed Joint Stock Company CJSC (Closed Joint-Stock)
TIN Tax Identification Number ITN (Individual Taxpayer Number)
IP Individual entrepreneur SP (Sole Proprietor - American option) / ST (Sole Trader - English option)
IFTS Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service)
Consolidating account Consolidated account
Offsetting account Corresponding account
Gearbox Classifier of Industrial Enterprises IEC (Industrial Enterprises Classifier)
OJSC Open Joint Stock Company OJSC (Open Joint-Stock)
BIN Primary State Registration Number PSRN (Primary State Registration Number)
OGRNIP Main State Registration Number of Individual Entrepreneurs PSRNSP (Primary State Registration Number of the Sole Proprietor)
Okato All-Russian Classifier of Volumes of the Administrative - Territorial Branch OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Administrative- Territorial Division)
OKVED All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity)
OKOGU All-Russian Classifier of State Power and Management Bodies OKOGU (All-Russian Classifier of Governmental Authorities)
OKONH All-Russian Classifier of National Economy Sectors OKONKh (All-Russian Classifier of Economy Branches)
OKOPF All-Russian Classifier of Legal Forms OKOPF (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms)
OKPO All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations OKPO (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations)
OKTMO All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipalities OKTMO (All-Russian Classifier of Territories of Municipal Units)
OKFS All-Russian Classifier of Property Forms OKFS (All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership)
Ltd Limited liability company LLC (Limited Liability)
RAS The Russian Academy of Sciences RSA (Russian Academy of Science)
r / s Settlement account (or r / s, in the meaning of "current account") Current account (UK) / Checking account (USA)
RCC Settlement and Cash Center PPC (Payment-Processing Center)
SNILS Personal Account Insurance Number Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account
SSOT Community of Occupational Safety Specialists Association of Labor Protection Specialists (not abbreviated)
FSUE Federal State Unitary Enterprise FSUE (Federal State Unitary Enterprise)
Social Studies Grade 8

I. Choose the correct answer.
(maximum 15 points, for each correct answer 1 point)

1) Public relations are

1. The relationship between society and nature,
2. relations arising in the process of human activity
3. The relationship between people in the production process
4. power relations

2) The company directs and controls the activities of people with the help of

1. orders
2. moral standard
3. legal regulations
4. Social Institutions

3) Norms of law, in contrast to moral standards,

1. regulate public relations
2. provided with the power of public opinion
3. Conform to generally accepted notions of good and evil
4. expressed in the form of official documents

4) What was the title of the book on the rules of conduct created by Peter the Great for noble children?

1. "Domostroy";
2. "Youth an honest mirror";
3. "Court etiquette";
4. "Code of Knightly Honor."

5) Rules or habits operating in large groups of people, approved and supported by society:

1. ceremony;
2. ritual;
4. rite.

6) Indicate the correct definition: "Law is ..."

1. The science of society;
2.regulator of public relations;
3. The mode of existence of democratic regimes;
4. Element of government.

7) The Constitution is

1. a symbol of the state;
2. The code of laws of the Federation;
3. The basic law of the country;
4. a set of social norms.

8) Which of the duties of citizens under the Constitution of the Russian Federation is at the same time a duty?

1. pay legally established taxes;
2. Preserve nature and the environment;
3. protect the homeland;
4. Protect historical and cultural monuments.

9) The law enforcement system includes

3. government;
4. prosecutors.

10) A metal banknote serving as a legalized medium of circulation:

1. banknote;
2. coin;

11) In the list below, everything relates to intangible goods, with the exception of:

1. appointment with a doctor;
2. making a copy of the text;
3. tutoring;
4. Scientific medical research.

12) Unlike nature, society

1. is a system;
2. is in development;
3. acts as a creator of culture;
4. develops according to its own laws.

13) Everything that is created by man, in its totality is called

1. by the community;
3. art;

14) To what area of \u200b\u200bpublic life does the functioning of the land market and natural resources belong?

1. spiritual;;

4. economic.

15) A person’s place in the social structure of society is characterized by:

    dress code;

  1. party affiliation;

    all of the above options are not true.

II. Linguistic constructor. From the above words, make and write a definition of the concept. Write down the concept in question.

(four points for each correct determination, maximum 8 points)

power, on, society, a certain, organization, special, political, extending, its, territory


state, or, norms, generally binding, behavior, rules, coercion, sanctioned, by force, system, established

III . A scientist must correctly write concepts and terms. Enter the correct letter (s) instead of the blanks.

(1 point for 1 term, maximum 4 points)

1. D ... skr ... m ... nation - infringement of rights on one or another basis.

2. C ... p ... p ... tism - the desire for separation, isolation.

3. Gl..b ... l ... nation is one of the processes taking place in the modern world.

4. Cooption - direct use by an official of his official position for personal enrichment.

IV . That is superfluous in a row? Superfluous word underline and explain , why did you decide so.

(for each word chosen correctly, 1 point; for its correct explanation, 2 points, maximum 6 points)

1. President, king, emperor, deputy.

2. Christianity, animism, Islam, Buddhism.

V . "Yes or no"? If you agree with the statement, write “Yes”, if you do not agree, “No”.

(1 point for one correct answer, maximum 4 points)

1. A communication is a mutual business and friendship of people.

2. The rules serve as standards, a model of behavior.

3. The term of military service for citizens with higher education and undergoing military service on conscription is no more than 5 months.

4. The main participants in the economy are producer and consumer.

VI . Relate the concepts and their characteristics.

(1 point for one correct answer, maximum 5 points)

1) Public order protection.

B) Police

2) Resolution of specific legal disputes based on law.

B) Notary

3) Representation of the interests of the accused.

D) Advocacy

4) Supervision of law enforcement

D) The prosecutor's office

5) Certification of all kinds of transactions (contracts), registration of inheritance rights

Write down the selected numbers in the table

VII . Decrypt abbreviations.

(1 point for one correct answer, maximum 4 points).

1) UN -

2) EU -

3) CIS -

4) the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation -

Total: 46 points.

Good luck!!!