Who is given compensation payments on deposits of the Savings Bank of the USSR. Sberbank compensation for burial How many times can I receive compensation on deposits

The Ministry of Finance announced plans for the next 5.5 billion for the annual allocation from 2017 to 2019. to compensate for Soviet savings.

Legislative regulation of the issue

If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991, then the amount and procedure for compensation can be studied in Art. 15 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 415. This regulation determines that payments will be made on the basis of Federal Law No. 73, which entered into force in 1995, which contains information on recovery processes and ways to protect the financial savings of depositors.

The procedure for compensating contributions (contributions) is also referred to in Government Decree No. 1435, extending the validity of a similar document No. 1092, issued in 2009.

The return process is planned to begin immediately after the budget financing of the current year goes to Sberbank of Russia.

Citizens should pay attention to the fact that Federal Law No. 415, namely, paragraph 5 of Art. 15 states that if in relation to the contribution (contribution) of a citizen, triple or double compensations, preliminary or additional compensations, as well as payments for ritual services (up to 6,000 rubles) were previously made, then re-applying is meaningless.

Who can apply for

Not subject to review contributions:

For the return of previously collected funds can count:

  • depositors who are citizens of the Russian Federation and born before 1991 inclusive;
  • contributors' heirs.


In accordance with Government Decree No. 1092 dated 2009, the amount of compensation payments on the deposit depends on several factors.

Citizens whose date of birth did not reach 1945 will receive a refund threefold.

Any depositor born after 1946 and before 1991 can be calculated for double the amount of compensation regarding the remainder. Compensation is also affected by the shelf life.

If the depositor's death occurred in the time period from 2001 to 2014, then heirs receive a compensation payment for the payment of funeral services:

  • 6 thousand rubles, if the stored amount of money exceeded 400 rubles;
  • a figure increased by 15 times if the amount of the deposit has not reached 400 rubles.

Sometimes situations happen that 2 banks must reimburse the amount, but if we are talking about funeral services, then only 1 of them will pay the amount. The legislation does not provide for double payments.

Cases when citizen of the Russian Federation did not receive none of the following, do not imply subsequent surcharges:

Almost all of the above payments are subject to annual indexation in accordance with the inflation rate determined in the law on the budget for the current financial period and planning years.

The compensation amount is influenced by duration of the deposit. In addition, the definition uses the following coefficients :

  • 1 - in relation to the contribution that is currently in effect, as well as to investments, the effect of which applies to 1992 - 2019;
  • 0.9 applies to deposits valid from 1992 to 1994. and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 if the deposit was active from 1992 to 1993 and was closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 if we are talking about existence in 1992 and closing in 1993;
  • 0.6 applies if the deposit closed in 1992.

If fundraising has stopped from June 20 to December 31, 1991, then double and triple compensation payments will not be made.

Payment procedure

When refunding the amount of money, hard currency is used - rubles. Refinancing to another structure can also be made if the applicant expresses a corresponding desire.

The current legislation regulates the following sequencing when making payments:

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, all deposits located in 1991-92. were the accounts of Sberbank and Rosgosstrakh, should be compensated until 2020 If the citizen has already received any refunds, then the refund applies only to the balance.

For compensation of the contribution of 1991 in the current year the following citizens can apply:

  • born before the onset of 1945 and having funds in a bank account on a previously agreed date;
  • born between 1946 and 1991 with similar financial savings.

Children's savings

1991 Children's Contribution Savings Candidates, opened by parents, for example, before they reach the age of majority, also expect to receive some compensation.

In accordance with the legislation in force at that time, the funds were paid out at the age of 16 or 18, but only subject to the obligatory condition - the minimum storage period - 10 years. This requirement is subject to representation or inheritance, i.e. Applicants will be required to provide identification papers.

In 2019 for compensation payment can apply:

Making a compensation payment assumes that the depositor or his heirs will receive the corresponding statement. The institution will not independently organize search activities.

If the heirs do not have information about the presence of savings from a deceased relative, then this information can be found at a branch of Sberbank, after sending a corresponding request.

The ruling states that when recalculating the amount return rate of 1 Soviet ruble = 1 Russian ruble. Of course, the ruble has lost a significant part of its purchasing power since 1991.

To partially “smooth out” these consequences, certain modifiers, directly dependent on how old the applicant is:

  • 3 times the nominal deposit if the citizen was born in 1945 or earlier;
  • 2 times the size, if from 1946 to 1991.

For understanding, the following example can be given: a depositor was born in 1945, and he wants to receive a compensation payment in relation to a deposit closed in 1995. By the time 1991 began, an amount of 4,500 rubles had been accumulated on the savings book. That is, a 3-fold amount and a modifier of 0.9 will be applied to the remaining finances. The total refund amount is: 4500 * 3 * 0.9 = 12150.00 rubles.

If the applicant has previously applied for compensation, then the payments made will be deducted.

The heir can calculate the due financial return using a similar formula. True, to determine the value of the modifier, it is necessary to take into account the age not of the one who opened the deposit, but of the one who inherited it. Wherein the following important factors are taken into account:

  • the year when the deposit was closed;
  • hereditary share;
  • previously received compensation, for which both the contributor and the heir could apply.

If the applicant paid for funeral services with his own funds, then he can also count on compensation, even despite the lack of family ties. The same modifiers are used for the calculation, but only the value of the total amount is limited to 6000 rubles.

See the following video about the reimbursement of these deposits:

In 2013, the right to receive compensation for deposits in the Savings Bank, valid on 06/20/1991, was granted to citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • Up to 1945 year of birth inclusive - three times the amount of the balance of deposits as of 06/20/1991;*
  • Born in 1946 - 1991 - twice the amount of the balance of deposits as of 06/20/1991. *

About compensation payments on deposits

The procedure for compensation payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 20, 1991 is carried out in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. 1092 “On the procedure for making compensation payments to citizens of the Russian Federation on deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation in 2010-2013”.

In 2013, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive compensation:

  • Up to 1945 year of birth inclusive - three times the amount of the balance of deposits as of 06/20/1991;
  • Born in 1946 - 1991 - twice the amount of the balance of deposits as of 06/20/1991.

The amount of payments is calculated based on the face value of banknotes in 1991.

Also, the amount of compensation depends on the period of storage of deposits and is determined using the following coefficients:

  • 1 - for deposits that are currently in effect, as well as for deposits that were in effect in 1992-2013 and closed in 1996-2013;
  • 0.9 - for deposits that operated in 1992-1994 and closed in 1995;
  • 0.8 - for deposits that operated in 1992-1993 and closed in 1994;
  • 0.7 - for deposits that were in effect in 1992 and closed in 1993;
  • 0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992.

In case of death in 2001-2013. the owner of the deposits, who was a citizen of the Russian Federation on the day of death, heirs or individuals who paid for funeral services are compensated:

  • In the amount of 6,000 rubles, if the amount of deposits of the deceased owner is equal to or exceeds 400 rubles;*
  • In an amount equal to the amount of the deceased owner's deposits indicated in the application, multiplied by a factor of 15, if the amount of deposits is less than 400 rubles.*

Payment of compensation up to 6,000 rubles for funeral services is carried out regardless of the compensation received by the owner of the deposits during his lifetime.

If during his lifetime the owner had several deposits in different divisions of the bank, compensation for funeral services is paid only for one of them.

  • The Bank does not charge a fee for paying compensation to deposit holders (heirs.
  • Upon presentation of a savings book, the operation of crediting compensation and the amount of compensation are reflected and entered in it with the mark "compensation".

Note! For deposits closed in the period from June 20 to December 31, 1991, payments of triple or double compensation are not made.

Also, the following compensations are not repaid:

  • For deposits for which accruals and payment of compensation in a 3-fold (2-fold) amount were previously made;
  • advance compensation;
  • Additional compensation;
  • Compensation for funeral services in the amount of up to 6,000 rubles.

*Based on the nominal value of banknotes in 1991.

How to receive compensation payments

  • Contact the structural unit of Sberbank in your region with the necessary package of documents.
  • Fill out and sign an application for compensation, which will be given to you by a bank employee.
  • Compensation is paid to depositors on the day of applying to the bank or after consideration of the application.
    • When paying compensation on the day of application, sign the order (s) for compensation, which will be issued to you by a bank employee. Pay attention to the amount of compensation indicated in the warrant. This amount will be issued in cash or credited to your account at your request.
    • Give the bank employee your signed application and order(s).
    • Get back from the bank employee an identity document, a savings book (if you presented it). If there is a savings book, a bank employee will reflect the operation in it.
    • Compensation is paid to heirs after consideration of the application and documents confirming the inheritance right, within 30 working days.

A bank employee will make copies of your identity document, documents confirming the right of inheritance, death certificates of the deposit owner and return the original documents to you.

Compensation will be credited to the account.

Documents required to receive compensation


  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Savings book (according to the current deposit);


  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents confirming his right to inheritance;
  • Contributor's death certificate;
  • Application for compensation, issued in a division of Sberbank.

The country's government has decided to allocate 5.5 billion rubles each from 2017 to 2020 to compensate Soviet-era depositors. Money on deposits recognized as “burned out” can still be returned according to the rules established by law. Let's find out how the last deposit compensation is made in 2017-2020.

For whom the last deposit compensation can be carried out

The following applicants will be able to return the funds that were invested under the deposit programs at Sberbank:

  • Russian citizens who were Sberbank depositors and were born before 1991 (incl.);
  • heirs of the above persons.

Applications for compensation of deposits will not be satisfied in all of the following cases:

  • if the deposit was opened later than June 20, 1991 or immediately on that date;
  • if the deposit was closed between June 20, 1991 and December 31, 1991;
  • if the applicant has already received preliminary, additional and other compensation payments on his contribution.

How much is the last deposit compensation paid?

For deposits closed from June 20 to December 31, 1991, payments on the account balance increased by 2 and 3 times are not valid.

The amount of compensation for a deposit with Sberbank will be calculated by specialists on an individual basis, depending on a number of factors considered in the relevant law:

  1. Citizens of Russia whose date of birth falls before 1945 will be able to claim compensation in the amount of three deposits that they had on their savings books (the amount of the deposit is multiplied by three).
  2. If the depositor was born later than 1946, but not later than 1991, the amount of the deposit available on the Soviet passbook will be doubled.
  3. The amount of compensation may vary depending on when the deposit was closed, and whether it was closed at all - a different reduction factor is set for each year of closing:
    • 0,6 – for deposits closed in 1992;
    • 0,7 – for deposits active in 1992 and closed the following year;
    • 0,8 – for deposits valid for 1992-1993 and closed in 1994;
    • 0,9 - for deposits that existed for 1992-1994 and closed in 1995;
    • 1 - for deposits that have not been closed or are valid for 1992-2017.
  4. The heirs of a deceased depositor can apply to Sberbank for a funeral benefit if the depositor died between 2001 and 2014:
    • compensation will be paid in the amount of 6,000 rubles if the savings book of the deceased had at least 400 rubles;
    • The funeral allowance will be calculated as the balance on the passbook multiplied by 15 if the balance does not exceed 400 rubles.

If a person has not made any of the above payments, a subsequent payment is not expected:

  • burial allowance in the amount of 6,000 rubles;
  • additional compensation;
  • accruals on the balance of funds on the passbook, doubled or tripled;
  • advance compensation.

In what order is the last compensation on deposits paid?

Compensation for Soviet deposits is made exclusively in rubles. The amount of compensation can be redirected to another banking institution to the account of the depositor, if he has such a desire. Payments on Soviet deposits are made in the following order:

  1. The applicant prepares the required documents.
  2. Appeal to the banking institution in which the deposit was opened.
  3. Making a payment within 3 days (but not earlier than 14 days from the date when the insured event occurs).
  4. Issuance of a certificate stating that a certain amount of compensation was issued in cash or by transfer to an account in another bank or in a bank at the place of application.
  5. In 2017, applications are accepted from contributors born before 1945 and between 1946 and 1991.
  6. Until 2020, citizens whose deposits were opened from 1991 to 1992 in Sberbank and Rosgosstrakh can apply to banks.

Last compensation on deposits opened for a child

If parents opened a deposit for their child in the same period of time as mentioned above, they are also entitled to compensation. Such a deposit was opened for at least 10 years, and was paid to the child upon reaching 16 or 18 years. If these conditions are met and the citizen can prove it, compensation will be paid.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: A depositor who had a deposit with Sberbank opened prior to June 20, 1991 applied for compensation, while numerous compensations had been made in his favor in the past.

Is Sberbank depositor entitled to compensation for burial? A relative of a deceased person who organizes a funeral is entitled to receive a compensation payment. The amount paid by a financial institution most often ranges from 6,000 rubles. But not everyone receives money, since the payment procedure itself has many nuances.

Important! The process is regulated by the Federal Law (Federal Law) No. 73. According to this law, deposits made before May 20, 1991 are considered an internal debt of the Russian Federation.

Payment for the burial of the deceased depositor of Sberbank: who is entitled

The main category of persons for whose funeral money is allocated on a mandatory basis are pensioners. People with old deposits (valid at the time of June 1991). Burial payments to Sberbank depositors are regulated not by the bank, but by the state. The exact amount for each case depends on how much money was in the person’s account at the time of 05/20/91:

  1. Less than 400 rubles - you need to multiply the exact amount by 15. For example: the client had 200 rubles in his passbook. Accordingly, 3,000 rubles (200 * 15) will be allocated for his funeral;
  2. 400 rubles or more - in this case, exactly 6,000 rubles will be allocated for the organization of the funeral process.

Important! The amount of the compensation payment is set on the basis of the nominal value of money in force during the Soviet era (until 1991).

The amount allocated by the state to pay for various funeral services does not depend on whether the deceased person received compensation payments during his lifetime.

Why compensation may not be paid

There are several cases in which the payment for the burial of the deceased client of Sberbank is not paid. So, the payment is not paid:

  • if the deposit was opened later than June 20, 91;
  • if the deposit was closed during the period from May 20 to December 31, 1991.

Important! Also, the heir of the deceased person cannot receive repeated payments. Money is paid once in full. Money is paid only to those citizens who are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and have Russian citizenship.

How to get additional compensation

Additional compensation under the worthy funeral program from Sberbank can be received by the current depositor of a financial organization. To do this, a citizen will need to present a passport and a savings book, which contains information about deposits.

Compensation from deposit balances (three times)

For clients born no later than 1945, there are three times the payment on deposits. The exact amount is calculated based on the formula:

  • (the balance of the deposit as of 20.05.91 * Х * 3)- the sum of all compensation payments received by the client earlier.

How to determine X - coefficient? It depends on the year in which the deposit was closed:

  • active - 1;
  • closed in the period from 1996 to 2017 - 1;
  • closed in 1995 - 0.9;
  • closed in 1994 - 0.8;
  • closed in 1993 - 0.7;
  • closed in 92 - 0.6.

Example: the investor was born in 1944, at the time of June 20, 1991 he had 1000 rubles on his account, the deposit was closed in 2016. Accordingly: 1000 (deposit balance) x 1 x 3 = 3000 rubles. It is this amount that will be paid by Sberbank for burial.

Compensation in double size: to whom it is due

Sberbank's double compensation for burial is due to depositors born between 1946 and 1991. The amount of payment from a financial institution is calculated by the formula:

  • (the balance of the deposit as of 10.05.91 * Х * 2)- the amount of compensation previously paid to the client of the bank.

The coefficient also depends on the year in which the deposit was closed (you can refer to the list above).

An example of compensation calculation: the client was born in 1948, closed the deposit in 1993, at the time of June 20, 1991 he had 890 rubles on his account. We calculate according to the formula: (890 x 0.7 x 2) = 1246 rubles.

What documents are required to receive compensation for the contributions of the deceased

A person who is the heir of a deceased client of Sberbank can claim compensation if he brings the following package of documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • death certificate of the depositor (relative);
  • a will certified by a notary or another document confirming the right to inheritance.

The necessary documents are drawn up directly at the bank branch, and the money is issued by an employee of a financial institution. An application for compensation can be submitted by both the heir and the certified person.

What to do if the deceased investor did not leave a will

Far from always people leave wills, besides, not all heirs are ready to take financial responsibility for the funeral. Compensation from Sberbank can be received by a person on whose shoulders the organization of the funeral process lies. To do this, the citizen will need to collect documents (checks, receipts) confirming the fact that he pays for the funeral of the deceased depositor. The papers will need to be certified by a notary, and then go to Sberbank. This procedure can only be carried out by a relative of the deceased.

Why does the state pay compensation to citizens

On June 20, 1991, a significant event took place - the collapse of the USSR. All savings in the accounts of Soviet citizens depreciated. It is for this reason that the current state undertakes to pay money to absolutely all people affected by the "fall" of the Soviet ruble. Burial compensations differ only in that they are fixed, that is, they are easier to calculate.

Additional compensation can be received by a relative of the deceased if he himself had deposits at the time of June 20, 91. The heir of the deceased receives an amount of up to 6,000 rubles.

Why is the bank refusing to pay

There are such cases that compensation from Sberbank for the funeral is not paid by employees of the fin. organizations. For example, employees refuse to accept documents or consider an application for payment. This may be due to the inexperience of employees or their unwillingness to pay the due amount. Some employees cannot distinguish between compensation for paying for the burial of a deceased contributor from "ordinary" compensation for contributions. Most often, such problems themselves, just call another employee.

Sberbank employees may also refuse to provide compensation if a person does not have a will certified by a notary. In this case, it is worth explaining that the payment is due not only to the heirs, but also to the people who have taken responsibility for organizing the funeral. If Sberbank employees refuse to pay the due amount, regardless of the availability of documents, then you need to seek help from online consultants of a financial organization or write an application to the central bank. Also, in a difficult situation, contacting the Ministry of Finance can help.

Funeral payments will definitely be made until 2019, since the money for this has already been allocated from the state budget. Accordingly, all problems that have arisen can be resolved.

Reading 5 min. Published on 11/18/2019

In the early 90s of the last century, several significant events took place that negatively affected the lives of a huge number of people. collapse Soviet Union and the collapse of its banking system led to the loss of deposits by the population, many of which accumulated throughout life. The government of the country has developed a compensation program for the return of funds from the times of the USSR, and at present the payments are made by the Savings Bank of Russia, which has become the successor of the Savings Banks.

Who is entitled to compensation for deposits before 1991 in Sberbank?

As in previous years, government payments on USSR deposits that were in effect on June 20, 1991 will continue in 2017.

  • Compensation payments are provided for Russian citizens not younger than 26 years old having unclosed deposits in the Savings Bank on a specified date.
  • To the successors of these persons compensation is also given.

The procedure and amount of payments are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1092 of December 25, 2009.

The procedure for receiving compensation for deposits until 1991 at Sberbank

To receive compensation payments on the deposit, the depositor or his heirs write an application in accordance with the established model. For the convenience of customers, remote application is provided through the Sberbank Online @ yn system. All other documents are presented to the bank in person.

The depositor's application is considered within the established time limits and after 30 days the due amount is transferred to the client's account.

Clarification: It should be noted that in some cases the bank takes a commission for transferring funds from one branch to another.

What documents are required to issue compensation for deposits before 1991 in Sberbank?

After submitting an application for the payment of the amount due on the deposit, the following documents are submitted to the bank:

  1. If a person was a depositor, then he presents Russian passport and original passbook (it might not have been preserved, then the book is simply restored).
  2. It will be required from the heir passport of a citizen of Russia , and a document confirming the death of the depositor and the right to inheritance the person submitting the application (The amount of compensation in this case is determined taking into account the shares due to each of the heirs).

How to calculate the amount of compensation on deposits before 1991 at Sberbank: calculation formula

The total amount of state payments on deposits in force on June 20, 1991 depends on the balance of funds in the account during the specified period and the age of the depositor.

The formula for calculating compensation for deposits looks something like this:

(Ov x Kk x 2(3)) Rk = Amount of payments, where

Ov– The amount remaining on the account (in rubles) on the date of 06/20/1991.
K k– Increasing compensation factor.

Calculated depending on the date of cancellation of the deposit agreement.

Numbers 2-3 mean that the balance of the amount on the deposit increases by 2 or 3 times, depending on the date when the depositor was born.

  • For Russians born in 1910-1945, payments are provided with a multiplying factor of 3.
  • For depositors, citizens of the Russian Federation, whose year of birth falls on 1946-1991, the multiplying factor is 2.

Rk– The amount of compensation received by the depositor on the deposit (in rubles).

If a person has already applied for partial compensation on a deposit, then this amount is deducted accordingly.

Calculation examples:

  1. If the depositor was born in 1943 and the balance of funds at the time of closing the deposit in 1994 amounted to 2000 rubles, then the amount to be received is: 2000 x 3 x 0.8 = 4800 rubles.
  2. If the depositor was born in 1968 and at the time of applying for compensation, a deposit in the amount of 500 rubles. remained unclosed, then the payment will be: 500 x 2 x 1.0 \u003d 1000 rubles.
  3. If the depositor was born in 1945, has a valid deposit with a balance
    funds of 900 rubles, but received partial compensation in the amount of 200 rubles in 2000, then the payment is calculated as follows: 900 x 3 x 1.0 - 200 = 2500 rubles.

The balance of funds on the account is confirmed by presenting the passbook to the bank employees.

Who is not compensated for deposits before 1991 in Sberbank?

According to Decree No. 1092, there are several conditions under which compensation on deposits of the USSR Savings Banks is not paid:

  • If the depositor does not have the citizenship of the Russian Federation or he does not have citizenship at all.
  • The term of the deposit agreement was canceled in the period from 06/20/1991 to 12/31/1991.
  • The depositor has already received all due payments.
  • The heirs of the deceased owner of the deposit are persons under 26 years of age.
  • The heirs cannot confirm Russian citizenship.

Features of payment of compensation on deposits until 1991 in Sberbank to the heirs of the depositor

The heirs of the depositor can receive payments on the deposit in two cases:

  1. With direct compensation of the contribution itself . If there were several accounts, then they are all summed up.
  2. As compensation for funeral services in the event of the death of the contributor . Payments in this case are made, even if the money was received earlier.

Compensation for funeral services in accordance with Federal Law No. 238 of December 19, 2006 provides for the following amounts:

  • With a contribution of 400 rubles. and above payments are 6000 rubles.
  • If the depositor's account is less than 400 rubles, then a multiplier of 15 is used. So, for example, with a deposit of 350 rubles. compensation will be 350 x 15 = 5250 rubles.

After the heirs have received compensation for the organization of the funeral, the bank puts a note about this on the document confirming the death of the depositor.

Additional payments under this item are not provided.

Where can I get compensation for deposits before 1991?

In the event that a depositor is entitled to compensation for a deposit “frozen” as of June 20, 1991, he can apply to any branch of Sberbank. It is not necessary to go to the place where the account was opened, especially since not all addresses of Sberkass branches have been preserved. In addition, many depositors have also changed their place of residence over the years.

In total, there are more than 19,000 branches of Sberbank in the country, which allows customers to use banking services in any region. Not to mention the fact that bank branches can be found at the place of residence.