Presidential program "Preparation of management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation. Chief Russian question - restriction of presidential power

On January 16, an expert discussion "Exports of regions of Russia: from a plan to action" was held in the Gaidar Forum. The current year should be a record for Russian non-exports. The goal established by the President of Russia is $ 250 billion to 2024. The task is complex, but it is already obvious that performing. It requires a detailed study of targets at all levels of macro-grades to a clear leadership to the action of each region of Russia.

Vladimir Salamatov, Chairman of the Committee of the Business Council of the EAEU, General Director of the International Trade and Integration Research Center, which moderated the discussion, noted that the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia is currently supported by many state and commercial programs. Improving the quality of the execution of planned changes in the work of the development institutions and support for exports will achieve the most prompt goals as quickly as possible.

Uniform distribution of the goods task of increasing export volumes will help optimize this process and form a solid ground for subsequent development. Currently, the order of V.V. is actively implemented. Putin, according to which the Government should develop measures for supporting small and medium-sized companies in order to enjoy foreign markets. Implementation occurs with the assistance of the Russian Export Center and the Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship. Now to enter international markets business is helping the regional export support centers created by the Ministry of Economics.

Oleg Teplov, General Director of VEB Innovation LLC, clarified that the export of regions of Russia is under reinforced development, which makes it possible to make the most favorable forecasts.

As a result, the experts came to the conclusion that the Russian non-relief exports confidently goes to the goal set by Russian President.

Anna Dietikina, Ranhigs

The organizers of the X Gaidar Forum:

Russian Academy of National Economy and public service Under President Russian Federation, Institute of Economic Policy. E.T. Gaidar and Association of Innovative Regions of Russia.

General Partners Forum - PJSC Gazprom, Gazprombank JSC. Strategic partners - Enlightenment Publishing House, Coca-Cola, Pharmstandard Group of Companies, Russian Textbook Corporation, Sanofi, Akig Group, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Russian Railways, MSD, Mastercard. Partners - Ey, Cisco, Russian Direct Investment Fund. The discussion partners will be Philips, Cherkizovo, RVC JSC.

General Information Partners of the Gaidar Forum - "Russia 24", Forbes, Tass, RBC. Official news agency - Mia Russia today. General Radio Planner - Business FM. Strategic information partners - Kommersant ID, Russia Today, Interfax and Gazeta.Ru. The main information partners are Izvestia MIC, "Profile", RIA "Federal Press", Invest-Forsight magazine. International information partners - Sputnik, Cision. Information partners - AEI "PRIM", "RUSSIAN GOST", RNS News Agency, Radio Station "Echo of Moscow",,, Parliamentary newspaper, television channel "Pro Business", "Strategy", AK & M, BRICS, Weekly "Economics and Life", National Bank Journal, Expert Tatarstan magazine, Information platform "Smart Country", Financial One, Naans-Media, Scientific and Political Journal "Public Service".

It so happened that his central topic (inspired by recently published documents) - unlimited presidential power in Russia and possible mechanisms for the prevention of its usurpation - It remained, in the view of the author of these lines, without deserving its attention from the respected commentators, carried primarily by other topics. Repeated attempts undertaken during the discussion, to return the attention of the community to the main topic of the text had only limited success. In this regard, we are also unusual for this blog, re-placing the second part of the previous post dedicated to the most important Russian issue - institutional measures to limit the presidential power in Russia.

The main political issue facing Russian society is not only not so much about specific faces that have rendered to be in the future on top of state power in the country, not only and not so much about who exactly will come to replace the person who occupy this Post, in 2024 (or when it happens).

The main political issue is in dire need of nationwide discussion and operational decision - the question on the presidential power in Russia.About her nature. About her borders and their absence. On the nature of the relationship between the presidential authority and society. On changing relations between society and the president. About regularly generated by the actions of the presidential power tragedies and catastrophes. What happens with different, at first (before coming to power), it would seem, "normal" persons (B. Lucin, A. Sobchak, A.Chabays, V. Yumashev, T.Dyachenko, V.Putin, D. Medvedev then when they find themselves on top of state power or next to this vertex. The fact that will inevitably happen when history will sooner or later make his next turn, and on top of the Russian state power will be a new "normal" person, which appeared there as a result of either its peaceful shift, or a coup, or revolution. The fact that, if you do not change the power institutions, we will again be immunified on tragedies and disasters due to the actual unlimitedness of the highest state power, which will be in the hands of a new person.

As nothing else domestic history shows that the most dangerous in the Russian presidential power is her unlimitedness and non-control. Power is a monstrous evil that constantly imperts the country in the tragedy and catastrophe; An exceptionally dangerous tool whose victim hundreds of thousands and millions of people become both in their homeland and in other countries. Perpetrated demand in relations between Russian society and power becomes preventing the incessant usurpation of state power by those or other persons or groups of personsFrequently with her. The most important task of the Company is fundamental limitation of state power, reduction of its application, ensuring the most careful use of government tools, regardless of whose hands they turn out to be.

The accumulated historical experience reminds that to reduce the likelihood of the usurpation of state power, to restrict damage from its use, a complex of more than once of tested institutional instruments is recommended to minimize the catastrophic consequences. Among them, in particular, there are such:

Expansion of the number of presidential electors,

Expansion of the number of presidential candidates

Deprivation of certain categories of persons right to be in the presidential post,

Reducing the number of presidential terms,

Reducing the duration of the term of presidential powers,

Reducing the authority of the president

Conclusion of a candidate's contract for presidents with his electors with tight guarantees of its execution.

1. The need to expand the number of presidential electors.

With M.Gorbachev, there was a radical expansion of the number of high-power electors, and with B. Lzin and V.Putin - even more radical reduction.

In March 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU elected politburo as part of 19 members. The approval of his candidacy with a plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU was formal.

In March 1990, Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR by votes of 1329 people at the congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

In June 1990, Boris Yeltsin became Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR due to the support of 535 deputies of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR.

In July 1991, Yeltsin was elected president of Russia with votes of 45.5 million voters, and the outcome of the elections before summing up their results was unknown.

In August 1999, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia elected (more precisely: appointed) 3 people (B. Lotzin, V.Yumashev, T. Diachenko), then this choice approved a group of no more than 9 people. Subsequent vote on the so-called. The presidential election in March 2000 was the nature of the formal approval, since their main result is Putin's victory - was predetermined by the work of state and propaganda machines.

In December 2007, Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia elected 1 (one) man. Subsequent so-called The elected procedures were formal because their main result was predetermined.

In September 2011, V.Putin President of Russia elected 1 (one) man - Putin himself. Subsequent procedures were formal because their main result was predetermined.

In December 2017, the election procedure (appointment) of V.Putin by one voter (as an appointee) V.Putin was repeated. Evolution of electoral procedures in Russia in the last quarter of a century can be summarized as follows.
Leaving Gorbachev created institute of Free ElectionsBy using whom Yeltsin was able to be elected by the votes of 45 million voters.
Leaving Yeltsin created institute of Prehegnosty And, using them, appointed his successor Putin, maximum, three votes.
Now the president of Putin, inherited from Yeltsin institute of Prehegnosty, improved him and, using them, appointed his successor (Putin) with one voice - his own.

2. Expansion of the number of presidential candidates.

The range of potential candidates for the highest state position in Russia in the past two decades was extremely narrowed. Realistic candidates for the post of Russian president (unlike the presidential elections 1991 and 1996) were exclusively members of the very narrow circle of representatives of the Higher State Bureaucracy - the former premieres and the first deputy premieres (Chernomyrdin, A.Chabays, S. Kirienko , S.Stpashin, E.Primakov, V.Putin, D. Medvedev).

3. Decision of certain categories of persons right to become president

The current and former employees of force (professionally specializing in the application of violence against fellow citizens) of bodies, including special services, USSR and Russia, are not eligible to hold senior posts of state power in the country. This principle is established now, as previously as possible, so that persons currently being operating or former staff members, including special services, as well as "young men and girls who think of their future career perspectives" would not have experienced any illusions about the possibility of being on top of state power as it turned out to the person who now occupy this position. The chance of the occupation of the post of President of Russia, an employee of the special services for the entire upcoming history of the country, more than fully used by V. Putin, never more than such a chance will not be provided with special services.

4. Reducing the number of presidential deadlines

Dramatic collisions with interpretations of the term "in a row", accidentally fallen into the text of the Russian Constitution in terms of the number of presidential terms, have only one undisputed option of permission - the withdrawal of this word from the Constitution. At the same time, it is completely eliminated by the possibility of re-election of the same person to the presidential post. As experience shows, one presidential period is quite enough to implement by any face of its election program - if there is such. The second time, not to mention any subsequent, turns out to be too heavy burden for both the person who produced the top of the authorities and for other citizens of the country.

5. Reducing the duration of the presidential term.

Since presidential work is accompanied by exclusively high physical, mental and other loads on the person in this post (in the case of V.Putin, it is recognized by them - " pailed as a slave on gallery", In the case of B. Lucin, it led to a severe cardiovascular disease), at least, in general purposes, it is necessary to significantly reduce the period during which outstanding Russian citizens may be subjected to such severe tests and such high risks.

In Switzerland, as you know, the President is elected for one year. Judging by the level of welfare of Swiss citizens, in terms of their life, according to the highest performance of almost all spheres of social life, such a limitation of the presidential period does not interfere, but seems to even help the prosperity of Switzerland.

In the Republic of Ragusa (known millions of Russian tourists under the name of Dubrovnik) for five centuries the rector (head of the republican government) was elected only for one month. True, he still could re-elected for a second term, but such re-election could not occur earlier than two years after completing the rector of his previous term. To prevent a possible conspiracy in order to capture power, the rector could leave the rector of the palace and go out into the city only accompanied by at least two representatives of the opposition factions presented in the city council. Judging by the incredible wealth of the republic, the outstanding architectural monuments of the city, including its unique walls and towers, naturally deserved to Dubrovnik, the glory of the Pearls of Adriatic, the rigid system of limiting the political power of the rector brought quite tangible results.

A nationwide discussion as to how it is worth to reduce the maximum horizon of the only term of the presidential power in Russia - to the Swiss or to the Raguzsky level - could reveal preferences dominating in the country. A very conservative option in form, for example, two-three-year periods could also be considered.

6. Reducing the scope of presidential powers

This item no longer causes large public discussions. Overloading of a person who occupies the presidential post, its immense powers became the subject of consensus among specialists in constitutional law. It is also quite obvious that the president in principle should not, as it turned out to be recorded in the current version of the Russian Constitution, to be above all three branches of state power and be their arbiter.

7. Contract of the presidential candidate with his electors and guarantees its execution.

None of the election of the president in Russia in the last three decades has not done without the conclusion of the obvious (or alleged) contract between the candidate and its electors (voters). Unfortunately, there were serious disadvantages in the contracts themselves, and in their performance. Unwritten contract 1991 between B. Lelzin and Russian voters (in terms of its election promises) remained generally unfulfilled. Contract 1999 between V. Putin and appointed him by B. Helzin, V. Yumashev, T.Dyachenko, to provide personal security by B. Heltsin and his family members, as well as contract 2007 between V.Putin and D. Medvedev (" Dmitry Anatolyevich and I agreed ..."), Although flawlessly executed by the parties that have entered into themselves, nevertheless are unacceptable for citizens of modern Russia.

The main mechanisms that provide content, quality, compliance with future contracts between society and the presidential power is the rule of law, independent of the executive branch of the legislative and judicial branches of state power, a developed political system, including political parties, non-state and non-commercial organizations, a powerful civil society, Independent media, federal system, bodies of municipal representation and management. As well as many other elements of the political and legal system of future free Russia.

The author naturally no illusions that the seven basic institutional changes marked above will be introduced to Russian life tomorrow. And political life in the country, starting from the day after tomorrow, will be in strict accordance with these rules. Nevertheless, a substantive discussion of these principles, their clarification and regular public reproduction on discussion platforms could contribute to their gradual perception by Russian society as completely natural, their consistent consolidation in the basic rules of the socio-political morality, as well as their embodiment in time in national legal standards, including constitutional.

On January 17, as part of the Gaidar Forum, an expert discussion was held on new standards of state financial control, as well as formats of interaction of state control and business institutions. He began his discussion by its moderator, Deputy Director of Ranjigs, which noted that the financial control system is in the process of change and is becoming increasingly transparent. "All participants in the system need to be prepared for change, to this new form of transparency," the moderator concluded.

Valery Goregelad, the main auditor of the Central Bank of Russia, in his speech identified problems and challenges to control public finance, as well as external and internal audit. "The government audit is doomed to change quickly in order to adequately respond to challenges," the expert emphasized, stating that only the active use of IT technologies can be successfully solved by the tasks. In addition, he expressed an opinion on the significance of the transition from a retrospective assessment to the analysis, continuous monitoring and the development of analytical competences of audit staff.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to automate the routine problems of monitoring and forming new skills in employees supported And Anna Arkhangelsk, director EY, head of the group of consulting services in the field of regulatory compliance. She also noted such an audit functions into a digital era, as applying a risk-oriented approach when transformation of financial business, as well as a significant contribution of internal audit to the development of the financial sector.

Evgeny Danchikov, the head of the main control department of the city of Moscow, expressed the view that the state audit recently appears more powers. "Today in the field of state control technology is outdated: we control the same way as ten, and fifty years ago," the expert emphasized. He also noticed that the audit should be "invisible, irrevocable for control objects" in order to be not a brake economy, but his assistant.

Tatiana Blinova, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation shared his vision of new standards of state audit. "If we are talking about digitalization, resources should contribute to the consolidation of all levels of audit to achieve efficiency. The fact that this will require a change in the system of claims for personnel is also a fact, and we do not have to forget that, the sooner we will improve the quality of human resources, the sooner achieve the desired result, "the expert concluded.

Arina Karhina

The organizers of the X Gaidar Forum:

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Institute of Economic Policy. E.T. Gaidar and Association of Innovative Regions of Russia.

General Partners Forum - PJSC Gazprom, Gazprombank JSC. Strategic partners - Enlightenment Publishing House, Coca-Cola, Pharmstandard Group of Companies, Russian Textbook Corporation, Sanofi, Akig Group, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Russian Railways, MSD, Mastercard. Partners - Ey, Cisco, Russian Direct Investment Fund. The discussion partners will be Philips, Cherkizovo, RVC JSC.

General Information Partners of the Gaidar Forum - "Russia 24", Forbes, Tass, RBC. Official news agency - Mia Russia today. General Radio Planner - Business FM. Strategic information partners - Kommersant ID, Russia Today, Interfax and Gazeta.Ru. The main information partners are Izvestia MIC, "Profile", RIA "Federal Press", Invest-Forsight magazine. International information partners - Sputnik, Cision. Information partners - AEI "PRIM", "RUSSIAN GOST", RNS News Agency, Radio Station "Echo of Moscow",,, Parliamentary newspaper, television channel "Pro Business", "Strategy", AK & M, BRICS, Weekly "Economics and Life", National Bank Journal, Expert Tatarstan magazine, Information platform "Smart Country", Financial One, Naans-Media, Scientific and Political Journal "Public Service".