Woman rabbit Sagittarius who is suitable for a horoscope. Characteristics of a Men Sagittarius - Rabbit (Cat) from A to Z

Cat-Sagittarius successfully knows how to combine the ability to satisfy his own needs and be useful others. Only in such harmonious cooperation within himself, the cat-Sagittarrow will maximize all his talents.

Sign Horoscope Sign, Born in Cat (Rabbit)

This is friendly and outdoor person, a little shy. Sagittarius, in this combination of signs, suppres highly developed cat egoism. And the cat, in turn, adds Love for comfort and comfort. Cat-Sagittarius is a good friend and comrade, who is ready to listen and understand the feelings of people.

But you should not think that this is such a cute and fluffy cat "Murlyka", who is ready to donate to everyone. Do not forget that this is still a cat, and he will never miss it. Just because of its diplomatic and peacefulness, the cat-Sagittarius can gain his own benefit, bringing the benefit of others.

The cat itself is not very active and active, he argues more and thinks before doing something. Sagittarius gives the cat with the ability to quickly make the right decisions, act energetically.

Cat-Sagittarius has a well-developed intelligence and is able to support a conversation on the theme of culture, art and politics. Moreover, he loves and seeks to communicate. Near such a person there are always many friends and just good acquaintances. Rabbit-Sagittarius knows the approach to children, easily finds a common language with them.

In the love relationship, the cat-Sagittarius is a very gentle and attentive partner. In love, such a person seeks to show its most positive qualities. He tries to live in peace and harmony, wisely understanding that such an alliance will bring him more benefits and comfort.

Rabbit - Sagittarius in love

It seems that this is a person created for work, communication and love. This is not quite so. The large underwater stone in the character of the cat-gallery is an unstable emotional basis. His feelings are open to everyone, while it is easy to offend, hurt. Many words and actions cat-Sagittarius takes close to heart, sometimes not entirely justified. Will be better if for personal relationship cat-races will choose a man who can rely in any situation that will always support
And the cat will calm down.

Cat-Sagittarius seeks serious and long relationships. He wants to create a family with a relative soul. Rabbit-Sague is needed kind, light in communication, partner. Reliable, loyal and sociable person will make him a decent party.

Rabbit (cat) - Sagittarius One of the most fortunate combinations, which brings a person in life. Success. Calm, friendly temper allows you to quickly achieve success in any start. Activity and asporas of these personalities can be envied a little, they perfectly combine personal life and work.

Male Sagittarius - Rabbit

Sagittarius rabbit Merry, ambitious and persistent. He is ready to reveal the whole potential if it works in public activities.

A man is able to quickly make decisions. In relations with women, he is romantic and very passionate. It is important for him to create a comfortable atmosphere of complete understanding and joy.

Woman Sagittarius - Rabbit

Rabbit-Sagittarius woman playful, energetic and sociable. She leads a bright way of life, she likes to travel and constantly recognize something new. Such a person will become an excellent teacher, a politician, a journalist.

On the private front of a woman born in the year of the rabbit always have a lot of fans. She cannot decide on a satellite for a long time, looking for an understanding partner who will give it complete freedom of self-expression.

Sagittarius-cat combination, which awards the personality of a cheerful temper and patientity. Next to her always have a lot of people who like to warm in the rays of positive.

These women were born for victory, so fate generously squeezes them difficulties and problems. It is also an opportunity to realize your goals and dreams. They are strongly developed leadership abilities, so they should be found in the field, where these talents will receive development. They are characterized by purposefulness, so often after reaching the goal goes to another. The ability to quickly rebuild also allows them to achieve good heights.

By character, these women are too changeable. They should always pay attention to the choice given above. The ability to choose will help them achieve good results. Often these women become idealists that always negatively affects their lives. They should find their point of support to solve this problem. Demanding, the ability to quickly take problems should also be developed in yourself. These women always have to write their character from pure sheet.

Characteristics Women Sagittarius Rabbit in Love

If the relationship will be scheduled at this life stage, they will never give up their partner. Otherwise, they will implement other plans. Relationships In any case, smooth will not work, since their indecision, inability to properly arrange relationships leads to the fact that they always turn out to be abandoned. And this usually inflicts them a strong psychological trauma.

Horoscope Women Silver Rabbit in Family and Marriage

Family relations in these women are built unusual. On the one hand, they are too infantile to promote the prosperity of their family. On the other hand, they seek to give freedom to their partner, children. Partner and children usually perceive the desire to give freedom for indifference. And here are serious problems in communicating. At the same time, they do not try to solve the problem, but simply go into themselves.

Woman Rabbit-Sagittarius - Career and Finance

Career plans are built by these people especially carefully. However, not always the execution of plans is possible because of their imperfection. And then these women show extraordinary perseverance, which also does not always lead to a positive. They practically do not know how to manage with finance, as they consider it unworthy to themselves. They will rather shift the planning issues and spending money on their partner.

If nature has awarded someone generous hand, then these are women-Saglots. It doesn't matter if they are lucky or not, whether they are going to be doing or everything goes as shine, they remain optimists. Boldly, bright and cheerfully they walk through life from the young and to the White Swinus. If we talk about the shooter's woman, the characteristic should begin with it from the words of "Valetradi" and "optimism." And, of course, like all the signs of the zodiac of the fiery element, they are characterized by violent activity and incontinence in emotions.

At an early age, such girls and girls stand out in the circle of peers. They boldly experiment with their appearance, let it not always well, but hesitantly. They change styles, every semester like new music, then different philosophical currents, later the search for a political position begins ... In short, their main goal is to try everything and find yourself.

In adulthood, these are effective people, fountaining ideas. True, these women of the fiery sign are not always in themselves the strength to bring the case to the end, but it is easy, literally one assault, they take new areas of activity, master science.

If the Sagittarius on the horoscope meets you on the way, then the characteristics of women of this sign is such that it is better not to get up on their way - they will reveal without any pity. They are categorical, do not recognize compromises, almost do not know how to forgive, but they are desperately fighting and can take revenge if you switched to them the road. But such is the element of fire, and the Sagittarius is fully his daughter.

Arrows Amur and Fire Passion

Sex and passion - the elements of women of this zodiac constellation. However, as most warriors-conquerors, they can quickly lose their interest in their "trophy". So men who want to keep the Sagittarius will have to show fantasy.

Outwardly, a fiery sign woman always looks catchy, attractive. Their bright plumage entails men, but they are not a coquette at all. They communicate with a whisk, love jokes, laughter, noisy parties, are always in the thick of events. This behavior of many men seems to be provocative, and they are trying to take an object attachment. And in vain: everything that they can count on like "victory" - one night. After that, they will leave the head, who was the winner.

In the love sphere, women-Sagittarov are in ambiguous. They need a man who can put up with their bright character, but at the same time he must be passionate and share their partners. Such people on the way are infrequent, therefore successful, brilliant, cheerful and brave, such a woman often remains alone. However, this does not peck it: its main interests are far from the field of love battles.

Family: martial law or protracted truce

Men literally pursue the heels of this sign of the zodiac. But, unfortunately, the Sagittarius - the characteristic of the sign and women in it born exactly is as follows - does not seek to create a family. Many girls would like to be in their place, because from the young age and to late maturity, these representatives of the fire elements have no extraction from the matrimonial proposals. But the life of unjust: the archers need completely different.

They do not want to see in their partner neither the defender, nor a fat wallet, no permanent sexual partner. They need a partner for sparring in life, for eternal disputes, quarrels, finding truth. If they find a similar one, then until the end of their days to torment and notify it, making his existence stormy and bright. There will be no fresh day in their family life, and if they disperse, they will be desperately bored without this "family happiness".

As a housewife, Sagittarius Malposnima: she knows how to do everything perfectly, but often does not see meaning in this. So homemade should be prepared for the fact that at some point she just get tired of cooking and cleaning, and they will have to be interrupted with sandwiches and non-shirtless shirts. From time to time, this fiery woman is ready to return to its duties, but only in order to master something new, - the kitchen is indochy, the manufacture of fountains with their own hands, the cultivation of poisonous plants ...

Children of fiery element

Despite some notice of nature, the Sagittarius woman is a very responsible milf. She always has everything under control, although she allows his children, whether they are babies or teenagers. Yes, and he herself is not averse to take fate in their lives, study, fun. Spartakiad? Mom will be in the forefront. Racing on catamarans? Take mom in the team! Flying in Aerotrub? Why not!

Sagittarians will feel all their life in their mother's faithful friend, an interesting interlocutor, the adviser, a mentor. But sometimes they will be a little lack of irrational maternal love.

Tagged shooting on plates: Career and Money for Sagittarov

The representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very sociable, they are good in positions where it is necessary to find a common language with people, and even better, calm them, pacify, help them work up with optimism. They are easily poured into any team, in their own, but not in Panibrates communicate with the bosses. They can be entrusted to the organization of business negotiations or corporate parties.

They literally fount the interesting ideas about business and its development. New projects roll out of them, both from the horns of abundance. There is one thing: it is difficult for them to bring something to the end. Therefore, in a couple of them, it is better to appoint painstaking and judicial signs to help them, which will help the woman-firing to send their own energy into the right channel.

The best stimulus for fiery signs is praise. However, Sagittariy understands well that they will not be able to be free without a call of coins. They do not rely on her husband or lover in such a matter, but they strive to earn themselves. With their unwitting mind and workability, it does not see the desired complexity. So they have money constantly.

Compatibility with other signs in love

The main motto of this warrior is "or everything, or nothing," so either the partner should approach her completely, or she sooner or later fits away from him. In a man, she is looking for the mind, the breadth of views, versatility, powerful sexual energy.

With the weights and aquariols, women-Sagittarov can associate very strong friendship, alliance in affairs, delicate or passionate love relationships. Unfortunately, such marriages are fragile, because neither scales, nor aquarius are capable of fighting the love of a non-permanent and wrought-down girlfriend.

If we talk about the shooter and compatibility in marriage, then the best candidates will be twins, lion and the shooter. True, these relationships will rather love, rather than family, but they have every chance of a long existence.

Aries, Taurus and Scorpio are able to give the young lady born in this fiery sign of the zodiac, a stormy passion. They will separate not only bed, but also many views on life. After the termination of the novel, they will certainly bind a strong friendship.

Inappropriate for the Archers on the Love Front, cancer and Capricorn can be considered. Often precisely with these signs in women arises misunderstanding. The reason for the rupture can be its windiness and impermanence. She will also consider partners too boring in order to tie their lives with them. Similar feelings cause her lovers of measured, quiet life - Virgo and Fish. With them, Sagittarius is hardly building business and love relationships.

Sagittari and Chinese horoscope

Women born under the constellation Sagittarius are little subject to change due to the impact of their Chinese annual symbolism. Their character undergoes only minor changes. In general, they remain unshakable warriors and "people without roots."

  • Sagittarius dragon. An excellent combination of stars provides such a woman with ample opportunities. Such ladies are more peace-loving than other firing, do not seek to insist on their everywhere. Thanks to the dragon wisdom, they can build a successful career, financial well-being and excellent strong family.
  • Sagittie-snake. The character of the Sagittari woman under the influence of the snake is done a little more calm, but it is only at first glance. It is capable of a long time to be in the visible state of peace, but only before the start of decisive actions: at the right moment she ruthlessly go to the attack. The family sees only with an active and active man.
  • Sagittarius horse. Passion and purposefulness are the main qualities of the Sagittarius, and the horse only strengthens them. In the work, such women are tirelessly, in a career achieved significant heights, actively earn money. It is difficult for home with them, they seek to insist on their own lover or husband under themselves. For them, quiet signs are suitable. Spiritual practices and physical exertion are recommended for the taming of dust.
  • Sagittroke-goat. Such women with pleasure learn, master new areas of activity, easily change the place of residence, work. Emotionally, the Stormy Sagittarius becomes also artistic, so those surrounding simply eats up with hurricane hysteries, then sparkling fun. The life of the Archers' goat is filled with events and adventures, but marriage can calm her for a while.
  • Monkey-Sagittarius is a very troubled creature that loves to be the center of attention. It is difficult for her to focus on something, it constantly rushes from one lesson to another and rarely achieves good results. At the same time, such a woman gets great to others with others, and if you can find comrades, you can bring them to success.
  • Sagittarius cock. If the woman was born in the year of the rooster and under the influence of the sign of Sagittarius, her gifts of fate await her. Her character is more balanced due to the calculation, leaning and the domicoity of the rooster. In communication, it is also less cutting than other signs of the Eastern Horoscope, which provides her a lot of friends and assistants in all endeavors.
  • Sagittarius dog. Sagittarius - the sign is straightforward and sometimes even too frank in the showing of his thoughts and emotions. If such a woman was born in the year of the dog, then being trouble: many will unpleasant her excessive stiffness. However, at home among representatives of this sign of the zodiac everything is fine: she is predicted to his native hearth, her husband and their children.
  • Sagittarius tiger. Energy, multiplied to the power - that's what the Sagittarius tiger. For such a woman, there is no barriers, it will meet everything on the way to the desired goal. However, this hurricane can be shifted and friends, even lovers and husbands. Prevent a successful career or business can only excessive straightness of statements and increased angiveness.
  • Bull-Sagittarius above all puts a career, but family. Hard, the straightforward temper of such a woman is somewhat softened. They seek to create a reliable family hearth, with pleasure to devote time to children and spouse. The windiness of the Spring, bull bull, is practically not peculiar.
  • Sagittarius pig. Such a woman-shooter is more a man of thought than the actions. It is less impulsive, more consistent than a typical shooter. Most often, the pigs can be realized on both family, and in labor field.
  • Rat-Sagittarius is just a fountaining personality. It not only generates ideas, but also time to make a lot to life. It relates positively to people, and they answer her friendly location and love. Due to the last circumstance in women born under the sign of Sagittarius, conflicts may occur on the family front. But she, fortunately, is able to avoid.
  • Sagittarius rabbit (cat). If the Sagittarius was born in the year of the cat, then his charm simply does not have a limit. Such a woman is energetic and charming, and often these qualities make it out of it where there is no coexist and work rate. For success, the rabbit is needed a reliable rear, so she is better to hold his sexual temperament and violent temper.

Straight and optimistic

Women who were born under the constellation Sagittarius are capable of a lot. Their main trouble - straightness and reluctance to put up with the rules. If they manage to restrain themselves, then any business is on the shoulder.

(from 01/25/1963, from 11.02.1975, from 01/29/1987, from 02/16/1999)

He peacefully loving and attentive to all around. It combines unusual qualities that are not inherent in a rabbit or firing, namely the desire to make his home is not just cozy for himself, but also for his households. Usually he loves and respects them without any obligations. In addition, he is talented, so it can achieve a lot in life without much effort. His inner potential is high, he should only implement it.

Characteristics of a Men Sagittarius - Rabbit (Cat) in love

It has excellent intuition, therefore always takes the right decisions when choosing a woman. He is important to his quality, common interests, rarely draws attention to her material wealth. It is important for him and understanding from her side. For all these criteria, he will make a thorough choice. If such a woman falls he, he will not look for any other relationship, be exchanged for many.

In love, he manifests his best qualities. He is adequate and attentive to the partner. However, he has periods of unstable mood, and this may adversely affect relationships. He is constant and will not change the partner, if confident in her feelings, will not look for adventures on the side. It is these qualities that make it particularly interesting for girls when creating relationships.

Sagittarius born in the year of the rabbit (cat) in bed

He can well adapt to his chosen. He may like traditional postures, as well as unusual experiments. For intimacy, he needs a certain setting that will allow him to feel calm and cozy. Also, his woman must have certain qualities - to be bold, decisive and attentive to his desires. In this case, the proximity to it turns into a fairy tale.

He does not put intimate relationships in the chapter of relations. He is important spiritual relationship, therefore, he often strives for spiritual union. However, this does not mean that he does not accept intimate relationships. They carry him a certain joy and satisfaction. He feels loved and desirable, and this is a lot for this emotional guy. In addition, it always needs an emotional support.

Horoscope Men Sagittarius - Rabbit (Cat) in marriage

Inside the family, the relationship is usually built smooth. He respects each of his household, and this allows him to establish a comfortable relationship. In addition, he loves children very much and tries to give them more of his time. He has friendly relations with them. With relatives, relationships may not be worst, but he does not suffer from this, the main thing is that the atmosphere in his house is cozy and friendly, where it will always be supported and will understand.

Marriage for him means much, since, loves comfort and tries to find a partner for himself, which would share his interests. Most often he chooses a spouse for its qualities and, of course, focuses on his feelings. As a result, he is happy with his wife and throughout their life they associate very tender relationships, understanding and even passion. And all this comes due to its romantic confusion and the right choice.

The most important! What girl is he needed?

He can recommend, better control its bursts of emotions. Emotional instability usually negatively affects its work and relationships. He needs to look for a woman in partners who will correctly understand his inner torment, and will be emotionally supported. In this case, their life will be stable in this regard. In the rest of the spheres, he achieves success on its own.