Fortune telling on the bones and cubes. Divination on the bones. Online divination on the playing bones

Self-divination technique:

Among the ways of divination, the most ancient and efficient - fortune telling on the bones. For many centuries, people are guessing this ritual, it says that bones or burdens really allow you to see the desired result.

For this divination, cubes are best suited. These are unusual cubes, intrusted on them, for each edge. Since the faces of the Cube Six, then, of course, we are dealing with a variety of probabilistic approach. Cubes are guessing on their future, you can get an answer to the question, to wish. Much can be repayed.

Unlike cards, it is absolutely safe to guess in cubes and accessible to everyone. No need for any abilities of the magician or sorcerer. You can guess on the bones anyone, without training and training. You just need to follow the rules. To avoid errors in despusting, you need to explore the rules and generally understand the essence of such a thing as a divination. Then you can safely begin to the process itself.

Although special training is not needed, it is better to focus, otherwise it will be an empty occupation. You choose one bone, then guess what section of time you are guessing: day, week, month. It is necessary to reset the tension from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the process of divination. It is necessary for the clear and accurate wording of your question. The question is formulated in the head, and not pronounced out loud. After the question is formulated, throw the dice on the middle of the table. One of the numbers will fall out. From the fallen number depends on further.

The value of the dropped number:

1. The unit falls from lucky people who have a lot in life, if not everything happened, dreams come true. If the unit fell out, it means that you all goes as it should and you need to follow the selected path. You need to expect something very good, miracle. The figure alone also warns about possible health problems, from the vascular system.

2. Wait for change. Everything can change at any time and should be to this ready. You should take yourself in your hands and carefully look at change, perhaps they have already begun. Pay attention to your liver and digestive organs.

3. If the triple fell out, then it is good for entrepreneurs. Your case will be successful. Possible problems with the nervous system.

4. The four is good for the creators. If you are an artist, a musician, a writer, then all your creative ideas will be made to life. There is a good time to implement ideas.

5. The figure five should alert, as it concerns adventurers by nature. The five felling precisely in adventurers and warns about the need to plan life, and not to rush into adventures.

6. Digit of stability. Everything will go like it and you just need to follow the planned plans. Favoring Sixer indicates that a person is very confident. There is a danger to hit the extreme, in self-confidence and then wait for trouble.

It should be known that Gypsies, as the wizard of fortunes, most often guessing the bones. Predictions of Gypsies very often come true, because they only belong to the process of divination very seriously.

Fortune telling on the playing bones old as the world. Even the Old Testament repeatedly mentions the prediction of the future through the playing bones. Playing dice were popular around the world, they were found in one form or another literally everywhere.

The use of playing bones for predicting fate is probably coming from the burning by throwing lots, and immediate "ancestors" of modern playing bones - Astragaly (vertebrae or ankle of sheep) served as the initial tool of such fortune telling. The astragala has four well-distinguishable surfaces, they were comfortable to throw, each surface had a certain meaning. Astragaly were popular in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome; They enjoyed along with other generally accepted types of bones up to 10 V. n. e.

The man-made bones differed not only by the material, but also the number of faces, and inscriptions on them: it could be and points in the form of points, and letters, and magical symbols. Vintage methods of fortune telling assumed that the letters were applied on the verge of bones, which, after the throw, add up to words.

According to the legend, before moving Rugikon, go on the head of the legions to Rome and capture power, Julius Caesar exclaimed: "Lotting broken!" In many languages, Caesar's words sound somewhat differently: "bones are broken." The future dictator meant divination on the playing bones, with which the ancient Romans often tried to predict the future. Apparently, such cubes were predicted to Caesar the success of the campaign to Rome.

Playing dice have various forms and sizes, sometimes they have up to 20 faces. Previously, they were mainly made from wood, bones or ivory, sometimes from more valuable materials, which allegedly enhanced hidden bone strength. Modern bones are cubes made of plastic. In our time, cubic bones with glasses on the edges in the form of points were the most common type of bones in the form of points - from one to six. The bone of standard western labeling has glasses on the opposite glands giving in the amount of 7: 1 and 6, 2 and 5, s and 4 points.

Cut from bones of animal cubes were used by the priests of various peoples for prunes, long before the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. And today, many believe that they can tell a lot about the foggy future, if you can easily interpret their language.

In principle, anyone who wants to go on the playing bones, only to comply with certain rules and rituals:

The first: It is believed that the throw should occur in complete silence.
The second: it is believed that it is a bad thing to pumped on the bones - bad sign.
Third: cold, windless weather is considered the most suitable for fortune telling. Fourth: Do not check fate. Set the same question is not more than once during the lunar month.
Finally: in no case cannot be done on Fridays and Sundays: these days, for some reason, the bones lie to lie.

Fortune telling with one bone.

One bone takes, before the start of divination, the period of time is selected on which the forecast is made, for example, one day, week, month or year. Next, it is necessary to formulate a question, the answer to which is the purpose of your divination. Try to relax and fully focus on your question. It does not have to be pronounced out loud, but it is better to formulate as specifically as possible. The answer to the question depends on the number that fell on the upper edge of the bone.

- Stability. One, two and more so three units mean the underlined "I", the personality capable of not only to win, but also to preserve its results. As a rule, this number falls out to people who have already achieved their own, but having concerns about the future. There is nothing to fear, says this number: if you adhere to the selected course, you do not face anything. No changes (changing the place of residence, change the place of work, a partner change) you do not need. Forecast for the near future (up to two weeks): good news. Forecast for the year (counting from the date of the query) is favorable. Trips, incl. Abroad, useful. Possible health disturbances: heart, eyes, hypertension.

- Change of fortune. One or more bobs indicate the instability of the situation. The initiative is required, the intervention in the course of events is required, but not a power, and diplomatic: try to find a compromise, give way to something, and you will also be treated. It is now better to devote yourself to spiritual work, scientific or creative activities: material (financial) success is not guaranteed. Change the place of residence or place of work no earlier than in three months. Forecast for the near future: Important information, recognition of a new one. Forecast for year: increasing income. Possible violations: liver, digestive tract.

- Contact. Good number for entrepreneurs. The case, started recently, will be completed successfully. However, asking, apparently, there is a habit of overestimate its strength, he does not know how to relax. Meanwhile, constant stress can cause nervous and even physical disorders. Now it is better to give myself a rest, spend more time with your family than to start in new adventures. Change the sphere of interest or place of residence is only if they offer a win-win chance. New things are better to start only next year. The forecast for the near future is favorable for the next year - depends on the most asking. Possible violations: joints, leather.

- work. The figure favorable for people creative - artists, writers, musicians. Successful performance, exhibition, concert: Your inspiration finally receives public recognition. For employees or businessmen - the time of family change: weddings (his or someone from relatives), the birth of a child. Forecast for the near future: Trip (tour). Therefore, it is most likely to change the scope of interest. Forecast for year: troubles, care. Possible disorders: kidneys, back pain, headaches.

- Risk. The man who asked the question is inclined to adventures or is experiencing a period of adventure. First of all, he is tormented by the fear of losing money. To get rid of this fear, he needs to make a plan or adhere to the plan already drawn up, regardless of its own sensations and moods. This applies to both the business and personal sphere: jealousy in this case is impossible, it is better to overcome it and be more attentive to the partner. The forecast for the near future: the breaking period ends, so do not look for new adventures, eliminate while calmly. Forecast for year is favorable. If you did not have time to do something this year, do not worry: the next year will bring you a long-awaited luck. Trips abroad are risky, in the next few months you better have home.

- Harmony. The state of your personality does not cause concerns: you are confident, and no trifles can knock you out of the gauge. However, the objective situation requires understanding. While everything is working fine, but excessive self-confidence can lead to loss of control over the situation, and then any surprise may be unpleasant. It should be controlled by its temperament and make decisions not immediately, under the influence of emotions, and thinking well. Forecast for the near future: everything will be completed even better than expected. Forecast for a year: everything will happen as expected, but also not bad - if you do not expect too much. From traveling is recommended only trips to well familiar places.

This fortune-telling uses only numerology, the next fortune telling a little more complex and when interpreting the role of geomantia.

Take one playing bone. Make something, clearly formulate a desire. Throw one bone 4 times. Record or remember only the accurate numbers. Even numbers are not taken into account in this fortune. To get an answer, you need to fold the recorded odd numbers.

For example, you abandoned the bone 4 times, but of them the odd numbers were only three: 1, 3 and 5. So, folding them, read the answer at number 9.

Interpretations of results:

1. Nonconslapity of thought or poorly formulated question. In any case, the bone-oracle makes it difficult to answer. Throw again (but today - in the last one).
2. You stay in melancholy or in depressed condition. Do not perceive everything so dramatic. Do not speak too much about your problems. Analyze them honestly with yourself. Be practical. Act.
3. No time to act. Mistake your desires, do not insist, stand the time. Try to make your relationship with others are calmer, without pressure.
4. The moment has come to express everything you think to live actively, act, try to change the situation. Cleanness and determination are needed.
5. Good omen. This is a success, prosperity, well-being. If your ideas are constructive, they will lead you to great achievements. Bravo!
6. Wonderful omen. Happiness, luck, successes ... You have fallen the most successful figure!
7. A convenient moment to grab luck for the wing, but remember: it is fleeting, do not build illusions.
8. You are in the phase of development, progress, in particular in the field of material. Success in work, promotion, improvement, satisfaction ...
9. An unfavorable moment. You do not own the situation. You are in the phase of an unsuccessful coincidence. Load before proceeding to solving problems or actions.
10. Union, association, exchange of ideas. You will find acquaintance with anyone, and it will be a very positive event in your fate.
11. Forced, violence, imprisonment, the fulfillment of complex uninteresting work. If you are confident - act if not - refrain from actions.
12.Very good prediction. You are waiting for good changes. Any enterprise will bring you good luck. Dare.
13. Your fate is developing in the positive direction. You all take close to heart. Your trump card is your charm. Act calmly, but firmly, decisively.
14. ATTENTION - Passion! Time to act, react, conquer. Do not stay passive.
15. Adverse prediction. This is a sunset, break, separation, this is a lie (about you or someone close). Get clarity of thought, only after deep analysis and reflections, proceed to action.
16. Your fate leads you to a period of change, and very soon you will see everything in a completely different light.

Fortune telling on two bones.

The fortune telling on the two bones is the most common option for gadas on the bones. Therefore, there are quite a lot of options for such fortune telling. So:

Method number 1.

If you want to experience your destiny, make a desire and place two playing bones into a glass, mix and drop on the table. It is important to keep the glass in the left hand, and the dice to rotate counterclockwise. Throw the dice to the table and look at the result. The resulting combinations mean:

Your desire will undoubtedly come true soon

Most likely come true

Yes, come true

It is unlikely to come true

The desire will not turn

It will be, but not as fast as I would like

Desire will be out of any doubt

No, not turn

Chances, alas, very little

Most likely, it will be

Chances of fifty-fifty

Desire can be done, and maybe not

Yes, it will certainly come true

It is unlikely to turn

Chances that the desire will turn out a lot

If it is thoughtful, the desire can be fulfilled

Will be in any case

Alas and ah, almost no hope

You do not have the slightest chance

Desire will come true

Fate is silent

Method No. 2.

The method is used when they want to find out what is waiting ahead. For this divination, two bones are used in the form of cubes with glasses from one to six. The bones are placed in a glass and, after stirring, thrown on the table. Then, the glowing points are interpreted using the table below.

Very favorable bones. A good, stable situation with a tendency to further improvement. Changes are possible - here your will, but they actually change anything. And on the new job, and with a new partner only the same. So is it worth changing?
A difficult life situation, but in the end everything will be recovering and life will go into a rut. You will have new friends and new opportunities.
Large activity, major success: power, money, influence. However, for political and public ambitions should not be forgotten about the family: with loved ones, children, friends are better to behave easier and first of all think about them.
The house, family - or the disclosure of the secrets (the work of the investigator, the study of space, occupation by occultism). Perhaps your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion. During this period, you can finally understand each other. For studying secrets - Tip: try not for the sake of money, but for the sake of knowledge.
You have a very responsible and challenging job ahead: take it to it with all possible accuracy, otherwise the result will not be in your favor.
The period of active activity. You need, do not deny those who are addressed to you. You should also behave in relation to the partner (spouse): go to the meeting! Otherwise, a few years later, a serious crisis can come in your relationship.
Success and money, however, the situation is unstable. For preservation of success, settlement and planning are needed: do not look for happiness in the mountains, do not risk in vain. It is better to continue the case that began without accepting new proposals.
Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage (alliance) and / or progress - a serious test, exam. Do not demand from others too much, require more from yourself.
People's period, as Chinese astrologers say. Time, good for the teachings, knowledge of the new, developing new views and discoveries America. It can be used for recreation. Improving a bad situation and preserve good.
Now you need calm and tolerance for someone else's opinion. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Unsuccessful time to conclude marriage.
A lot of trouble, worries, but a lot and joy. Perhaps the birth of a child from someone from relatives. Financial difficulties. At work is a complex, conflict situation, however, you do not rush to change the job: there will soon be changed. If you intend to go abroad, then departure, most likely, will be at a permanent place of residence.
One more attempt. Something starts again. The state is ordinary for scientists or artists, but stressful for the rest (wedding, vacation with adventures). However, the result of trying will even better than you may expect.
Do not miss your chance - the delay can cross everything. You are required by the initiative and enterprise.
For you comes a period of change. What do you want to change? Place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. All that is done, all for the better.
For you now, the money is important. The more in your life will be activity, movement, the more your income will be. Act!
Income, profit, money. You have a period of stability. Conflicts in the near future are unlikely.
Good combination for your own business and alarming - for relations with children: conflict is possible. Children go on an independent road, do not teach them and supply valuable advice. But listen to them you should always be ready.
I am brewing a quarrel, finding out relationships, conflict, possibly a trial. Be careful. The future is unfavorable.
Success in business or cardiac business; For family people - the success of children. Rising income. And nevertheless advice: do not wait, but to act, take the initiative to consolidate and deepen.
For a woman - marriage for money, for a man - entertainment that can be bought for money. In the professional sphere: a leading role. The forecast is favorable. Trips to the near distance.
Happiness in love and marriage, as well as financial affairs. While it is better to change anything in your life: you should adapt to existing circumstances to you and the partner.

Method number 3.

This is a very ancient way to get an answer to the formulated question. It also uses two dices in the form of cubes with glasses from one to six. It allows you to find out the answer to some one question per day. Focus on the question, after which, stirring the bones in a cup, throw them into the center of the circle, about 30 cm. In diameter. Calculate the amount of points on the bones remaining within the circumference and determine the answer using the table below.

In the event that both bones were outside the outside, the day is considered unsuitable for divination, and it will be possible to return to it only tomorrow.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Be careful and attentive
4. Be wise
5. Good luck
6. Of course
7. Believe
8. Be patient and pedantic
9. Definitely
10. Doubtful
11. Chepukha, this makes no sense!
12. Only chance ... But there is a chance.

Method number 4.

This method is used to predict fate. The deadline for which you can look into the future with this fortune telling is small - only 9 days.

Draw a circle and divide into 12 equal sectors. Note them from 1 to 12, starting from the right upper sector.

Each sector is some kind of certain part of your life:

The first sector - the events of the remote future;
the second is money;
third - travel;
fourth - family, home affairs;
fifth - business;
sixth - Health;
seventh - intimate and friendly relationships;
eighth - losses;
ninth - spiritual development;
tenth - work or profession;
eleventh - Friends;
the twelfth sector - enemies.

Throw the bones so that both cubes fell on the circle segments. If some of them rolled out beyond the circle, throw it again. Do the same when two cubes will fall into one sector. The latter should not be done only if the same numbers fell on the bones in one sector. The number on the top face of each cube shows how much the corresponding aspect of your life will change.

For example, if "5" or "6" fell on the 10th segment, you can safely expect to enhance the service. If "1" or "2" - wait for changes to the worst. "3" or "4" - there will be small changes.

If two or three bones with the same numbers were easier in one sector, this means that the probability of change increases much. Fate warns: it will certainly happen.

Fortune telling on three bones

For this divination, three bones are used in the form of cubes with glasses from one to six. On the table, followed by fortune telling, there is a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. It can be drawn on a sheet of paper, watman, cut out of cardboard or other material. The bones are placed in a glass and, after stirring, thrown on the table on behalf of the person for whom you are guessing.

You need to throw three cubes at the same time, and they all have to lie down within the circle borders. If all the bones rolled out of the circle, they should be selected and quit again. If, from the first first attempts, all three cubes were behind the circle, fortune-telling should be immediately stopped, otherwise not to avoid misfortune.

In the event that all three bones remained inside the circumference, determine the sum of the numbers on their upper edges and this result find interpretation in the table below. The bones that gone from the circle do not say anything, while remembering that there is some error in your future plans for the future. If two bones do not fall into the circle, you have a problem in front. Fallen on the floor point to the upcoming troubles and complications in life, - you have difficult times ahead. Two dice falling on the floor foreshadow very serious problems.

If some number falls over once, this means that it is necessary to expect the receipt of important news. If the dice falls alone to another, which happens very rarely, it is always a warning about the need to abide by the highest possible caution in all commercial and love affairs, however, at the same time it is a guarantee that soon you will receive a gift.

If you want to get more detailed prediction, divide the circle to 12 equal sectors and enter numbers from 1 to 12 in them, which will mean:

1 - all next year,
2 - money,
3 - trips,
4 - households,
5 - Present,
6 - Health,
7 - love and marriage,
8 - legal issues,
9 - mental state
10 - work and career,
11 - Friends,
12 - enemies.

Throw again three cubes, but to interpret their glasses are not in the amount, but separately on each cube. With this embodiment, the glasses mean the following.

The unit is good prospects (however, note the readings of the sector A).
Two - Your success now depends first of all from helping friends.
Troika - you have excellent chances.
Four - you are waiting for problems and disappointment.
Five - things are not bad.
Six - this number means uncertainty.

For clarity, we will analyze a specific example: say, a cube on the field E (Health) shows four points. This means the approach of the disease. Six on the field d (present) enhances the probability of ailment, as it indicates some uncertainty in your life. But a twice on the field A (entire next year) predicts good luck if friends are helpful for you.

Fortune telling on poker bones.

The fortune telling is very simple and in its origins has a poker game on the bones. . Used in order to arrange priorities in the distribution of time, money, attention and other resources between the areas of personal life. This is almost the only fortune telling, which is appropriate to do for himself.

To obtain the result, you need to write the current areas of personal life on a sheet of paper, most involved in your life. Such spheres should not be less than six and more twelve.

As an example, you can use the following list:

Family (parents, relatives)
Children economy (home affairs)
Work or profession
Business or hobby
Learning or advanced training
Finance (accumulation, savings, investment)
Rest (vacation planning, trips)
Travel and business trips
Friendship and friendship
Spiritual development, faith
Enemies and hostile surrounding
Self-development and self-realization

After that, by writing these spheres in the sequence in which they needed to be headed alternately, trying to think about what happened at each point over the past year, try to throw off the square, - four bones with the same pattern on the upper side. For this, the possibility of three shots is given. In any of the throws, you can leave or cross any bone. The main thing is to get after three shots four identical values.

In the event that you managed to collect a square, the result is written near the sphere, thinking about which a throw was made. If the karea failed to collect, then next to the sphere that fortune-telling was carried out, the dash is made.

The results are interpreted as follows:

Four aces, as well as four dozen, denote the fulfillment of desires, and dozens more refer to material desires, and the aces to the intangible. If four dozen and four aces fall within fortune-telling, be sure that in the near future, at least one moment you will be infinitely happy. It is one of the most successful combinations when you fortunate on poker bones, but it falls out as rare how rare the moments of happiness in our life.

Four kings talk about promotion up, about positive affairs and pleasant accuracy in the field of which are in question. If this combination falls in fortune'y for an outsider, it shows its position in society: he is a person from a good society.

Four ladies are undesirable in fortune-money for a woman: you are gossipped in direct connection with the sphere of divination. Guessing a man, remember - Karea Dame indicates that it is surrounded by the ladies and generally loves the Ladies Society.

Four currencies - upcoming troubles. Difficulties in this area cannot be avoided and need to be prepared in advance. Be projected if not falling, then at least a decrease.

Four dozens - fulfillment of desire, but not heartfelt. A kara of a dozen in the field of family or love will talk about the intervention of naked pragmatism in the field of feelings.

Four nines - surprise: pleasant or not, will show the color of the fifth bone. The joy of promises a red or green suit, chagrin - black or blue.

The spheres of your life, near the titles of which you drawn the characters of the dropped kare, need additional attention on your part. In the near future, they should become priorities in order not to pull your life back. Between these areas, priority is distributed over the seniority of the Kare.

A considerable role is played by the fifth bone. If the fifth bone is the same as the bone components of the square, then this sphere of your life requires urgent increased your attention. In other cases, the fifth bone specifying the square gives the following meaning:

Ace of Tuzzy to the fortune-seeming traditionally means a government house, the edge up is a smile of fortune or a "trephy house" (house of solid or elderly people). With kings or dozens, regardless of the situation promises success.
- The king promises unexpected help from not the alleged ally.
- The lady promises envy, curvators, quarrels, bad circumstances, possible legal proceedings. With currencies - Emotional trouble (neurosis).
- Valts speaks about competitiveness, competition or rivalry, the upcoming planned plans in this area.
- Dozen talks about money, gift, mercenary dates, bribes. With the rank ofces promises a quarrel because of money.
- Nine with edge up promises a quarrel, tears, frustration. When king kings an indiscreet desire for a woman. When gad, the ladies are a loss of a friend. In general, complementing any kara is a warning, a reminder of distrust in your respect.

One of the options for this divination is an attempt to collect poker combinations to each area of \u200b\u200byour life and by analogy of the placement of spheres on the seniority of the combinations thrown during them.

Of course, in such predictions, not everyone will believe, but not say, and Julia Caesar, fortune telling on the bones still helped to conquer Rome.

The fortune telling on cubes or playing bones is an old and accurate witch way to predict the future of man. The mention of gadavania on the bones is repeatedly found even in the Old Testament - the first and oldest part of the Bible, which was partially taken from the ancient Holy Scripture of the Jewish people - Tanaha.

Subtleties of ritual

Usually, predictors and sorcerers for the ritual use one, two or three playing bones. There are often cases when six words are used on a cube, or even all twelve prediction cubes, then the point of response is essentially eroded, but a large number of questions allow to give the overall characteristics of a vital situation. To repay, special skills will not need, and predicted with the high probability will be fulfilled.

For the implementation of the ritual, it is advisable not only to know the basics, but also to decide on the period of time on which the rite forecast is calculated. It may be one day, week, month, year, a few years or even a whole life. In the latter cases, high experience is required in witchcraft predictions. After the question of the future is conceived, the fortuneful cubes take to the palm, and then they need to be thrown into a specially prepared capacity (for example, a glass or case), made of leather, wood or clay. After a few shakes, the bones are thrown onto any smooth surface.

In the case when several playing bones were thrown by a gadget person (in the process of divination, 2 cubes and more) fortune telling on cubes, then for interpretation, the sum of all indicators takes into account, and also delve into the meaning that each individual bone carries. If two bones with the values \u200b\u200bof four and two fall during the witch ritual, then this is not just the sum of two digits equal to six, but also a combination of four and twos, which differs from the combination of triples or units and five. Accordingly, each existing combination requires a separate interpretation.

One cube prediction

To carry out fortune-telling in the cubes, you need to know the features of the interpretation of the value of each supposed face.

  1. The unit is responsible for stability. It falls out a strong person, which is able to resolutely seek victories where it thinks, as well as save these achievements. Usually, this value falls in those who have already achieved the desired, but careful with the plans for the future. This figure assures that you should not beware, because A person does not threaten anything, changes are not necessary. In the near future, i.e. In the interval of two weeks, favorable news is possible. The forecast for the year is also good, desirable to change the situation. However, cardiological and ophthalmological diseases are possible.
  2. Two signals the instability of the life situation, so in this position the asking is obliged to interfere in what is happening, finding a compromise: the power methods are not welcome. In the next period of time it is worth paying attention to spiritual, research and research and creative work, because There is a problem with the financial issue. Large changes should happen not earlier than in 2-3 months. In the near future some significant new information is expected. During the year income will increase. Of the diseases it is feared the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If the fortune telling on the playing cubes gives the top three, then this is a good sign for those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Any previous thing started successfully completes. For a person who does not know how to relax, the physical and mental disorders provoked by constant stress are dangerous. This is a good time for a pleasant stay from working in a family circle that will cause change. New ideas and things are better transferred to the coming year. A long prognosis depends on the person himself. Health is possible dermatological problems and joint diseases.
  4. Four patronizes creative people. Your inspiration will bring the desired fruits in the form of a successful exhibition, presentation, concert. Military and businessmen useful to survive family changes: the wedding or the birth of a new family member. In the near future, we should expect a trip, and the year will be filled with troubles. Be careful with health: kidney can take, as well as head and spinal pain.
  5. The top five is often associated with risk, so the asking person is an adventurous or prone to the adventure personality, rising its money. It will help a detailed and worked out plan for the future. This applies not only to the money, but also to love: jealousy and thought about treason of beloved man or women are groundless.
  6. The fortune telling on the playing bones predicts harmony if the six fell out. The man is absolutely confident in himself, no unpleasant little things knock him down from the right path. Rethink a lot for yourself and get rid of excessive self-confidence, which will lead to irreversible consequences. The impulsively accepted solution in this situation is erroneously, it is important to carefully consider the next step.

Prediction over the sum of two fortune-tag

Two (1 1). If you have to get this combination, then this means success in loving relationships and money issues. Changes are now inappropriate.

Three (1 2). For a woman, the answer will be a mercenary marriage, and for a man - entertainment. It is allowed to obtain a high position. A trip is expected.

Four (1 3). It is necessary to manifest extreme caution, because A conflict situation will happen.

Four (2 2). Success in all life spheres. Income significantly increases. The initiative is welcome.

Five (1 4). Any activity and movement guarantee profit growth.

Five (2 3). If success is expected to be successful in workers or personal affairs, then communication with children will reach conflict, so it is necessary to give a child the opportunity to decide and do on their own, but if you need to listen.

Six (1 5). The combination of numbers indicates that there will be many both hassle and reasons for joy, but in the financial sphere of complexity. The nearest trip will be a decision of a new place of residence.

Six (2 4). Any changes are unambiguously welcome.

Six (3 3). In the near future it is possible to acquire a large amount of money. Serious conflicts are not expected.

Seven (1 6). This is a period of active work. The surrounding assistance is required, you should not refuse them. Relationships are also required.

Seven (2 5). Calm and tolerance will be irreplaceable assistants of business personalities. It is not worth entering into a marriage.

Seven (3 4). The most important skill at the moment is enterprise.

Eight (2 6). Hard and troublesome work requires conscientiousness, it is not necessary to wait for success.

Eight (3 5). At this time it is useful to engage in the knowledge of the new, revise the views and values, relax.

Eight (4 4). The ability to start anything from a new sheet is possible strong stress. The result exceeds expectations.

Nine (3 6). In a relationship with the beloved or beloved, the desire of both will help you understand each other.

Nine (4 5). This combination of numbers promises difficulties in the financial sector, probably the emergence of damages. In love relationships there will be a test.

Ten (4 6). The scale of work will be big as success. It is worth expecting to receive power, big money and significant influence. Need to remember the family.

Ten (5 5). In the field of work and business, the situation is ambiguous, it is important to be able to plan and not risk. New offers should not be taken.

Eleven (5 6). Despite the last difficulties, I need faith and optimism, because it will soon work out. Changes nowhere now.

Twelve (6 6). The news is favorable, then it will be only better. Changes are not mandatory.

Gypsy fortune telling on the bones

Gypsy fortune telling on the bones has a special force. Tsyganok has a different opinion on the ritual, so they prefer to guess the bones in their own way. For a rite, a sheet is needed in the form of a circle, which is divided into 12 sectors; 3 cubes thrown on it. Then interpret the value of the amount that will be the answer:

  • 3 - execution of desire;
  • 4 - disappointment;
  • 5 - the desire will come true;
  • 6 - spiritual enrichment;
  • 7 - stupid gossip;
  • 8 - injustice;
  • 9 - forgiveness;
  • 10 - family harmony;
  • 11 - parting;
  • 12 - Letter;
  • 13 - sadness;
  • 14 - reliable friend;
  • 15 - temptation;
  • 16 - Travel;
  • 17 - Guest;
  • 18 - great benefit and good position.

Prediction of fate! Fortune telling on cubes.

Tibetan fortune telling MO. Cubes MO. The value of divination. School Taro.

Fortune telling on the playing bones (forecast for the day). Part 1


The fortune telling on the bones is a simple and effective way to learn about the near future for yourself or another person. There are fortune-telling in the cubes at a desire, prediction on dodecahedra and mahjong according to the above-described principle.

The technique of this fortune telling on two cubes is quite simple.
You will need to take two cubes, focus on the question, then shake the cubes and throw them on a flat surface.

Interpretation of fortune telling on cubes

2 (1 + 1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. While you better change anything in your life.

3 (1 + 2) - for a woman - marriage for money, for a man - entertainment that can be bought for money. Try to avoid long journeys, spend more time at home.

4 (1 + 3) - the forecast is generally unfavorable. It is possible a serious conflict, right up to the trial, with people you trust. Troubles can come from an unexpected side. Be careful, especially in trifles.

4 (2 + 2) - good luck in business and in personal affairs. Your children will in the near future will delight you. Interesting trips and useful dating are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act, show the initiative to consolidate and deepen success.

5 (1 + 4) - the main thing is to move. You can not sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. Deciding financial problems, you can settle many others.

5 (2 + 3) - a good combination for your own business and anxious for relations with children - a conflict is possible. Try to avoid teaching and grilling out. Now your children are waiting for you first of all understanding.

6 (1 + 5) - a lot of trouble, worries and joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from someone from relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - a complex conflict situation, however, is not in a hurry to change the place of work: there will soon be changed. If you intend to go abroad, then departure is likely to be final - at a permanent place of residence.

6 (2 + 4) - a period of change comes for you. Do you want to change jobs, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. That is done, all for the better.

6 (3 + 3) - you will get a very large amount of money, and in the very near future. In personal life, everything is also safe, conflicts do not have a serious soil.

7 (1 + 6) - a period of active activity. You need, do not deny those who are addressed to you.
It should also be behaved in relation to the partner (spouse): go to meet him. Otherwise, a few years later, a serious crisis can come in your relationship.

7 (2 + 5) - Now you require peace of mind and tolerance to someone else's opinion. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Unsuccessful time to conclude marriage.

7 (3 + 4) - from your imagination and enterprise now much depends, try not to postpone anything tomorrow, do today.

8 (2 + 6) - You will have to perform a complex, troublesome work, the hack of at the same time is unacceptable. If you work for conscience, not trying to deceive others, success is secured. Otherwise, a complete failure.

8 (3 + 5) - time favorable for calm serious classes. It is best to devote him to study or reading. However, you will not make mistakes, preferring to rest carefully. The bones promise to improve the bad situation and preserve good.

8 (4 + 4) - Violation of the usual routine of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant - only depends on you.

9 (3 + 6) - in the near future you will learn a lot of new things. The period is favorable for research, creative work. Tip: Try to distract from pragmatic interests, do your favorite thing without thinking about the possible benefit. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you can finally understand each other.

9 (4 + 5) - difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage or in your professional activity - serious tests. Do not demand from others too much, require more from yourself.

10 (4 + 6) - You like to act with a scope. In the near future, the numbers promise a major success: power, money, influence. However, the political and public ambitions should not be forgotten about the family. You are easier with loved ones and friends, and first of all, think about them.

10 (5 + 5) - success and money, but the situation is not stable. If you want to stay at the height, act carefully and prudently. If possible, avoid risk, do not care for new things, it is better to continue what you have already started without accepting new proposals.

11 (5 + 6) - the worst for you is already behind. In the past, lesions and losses that occurred not in your fault were left. Do not worry: everything is formed, new opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is not to leave the effort. There is nothing worth changing in life.

12 (6 + 6) - very favorable bones. A good stable situation with the trend towards further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.

Fortune telling on the playing bones old as the world. Even the Old Testament repeatedly mentions the prediction of the future through the playing bones. Playing dice were popular around the world, they were found in one form or another literally everywhere.

The use of playing bones for predicting fate is probably coming from the burning by throwing lots, and immediate "ancestors" of modern playing bones - Astragaly (vertebrae or ankle of sheep) served as the initial tool of such fortune telling. The astragala has four well-distinguishable surfaces, they were comfortable to throw, each surface had a certain meaning. Astragaly were popular in ancient Greece and in ancient Rome; They enjoyed along with other generally accepted types of bones up to 10 V. n. e.

Some believe that the bones can be thrown, only gadaying someone else, and not on himself. There is also such an opinion that throwing bones should be in full silence and that the condition for the right prediction of the future is cool weather and a calm state of the atmosphere.

This is ancient Eastern fortune telling. Concentrate on the question or problem and throw the bone. If an even number fell, draw a cross somewhere on paper, if an odd - zolik. Throw the bone four times.

Symbol group values:

  • Xxxx - You can't concentrate on the question, try again.
  • XHHO "Now there is no time for speaking solutions, you need to calm down and wait for a while, without taking anything.
  • Hhokh - Postpone the adoption of all important decisions for a more favorable time.
  • Hohh - time for decisive actions.
  • Ohhh - A favorable period for action.
  • HHOO - No obstacles are foreseen.
  • Ookh - The possibility of success is very large, it is time to get enough good luck, but too easy and just it will not work.
  • Hoho - To achieve success, you will need a little effort and some financial costs.
  • OH OH - Adverse alignment - the situation is beyond you.
  • HOOOh - Ahead of change for the better.
  • Ohhhhh - Obstacles are possible, it should only act with full confidence in their abilities.
  • Hooo - A favorable alignment, you will be accompanied by good luck in all endeavors.
  • Ohoo - The situation is developing in the right direction, act confidently, but not in a hurry.
  • Oocho - the right moment to listen to your intuition and feelings; The first decision that came to mind will be successful.
  • Oough - A combination warning about disappointment, loneliness, gossip, intrigues.
  • Ohh. - This alignment foreshadows changes in life, a new look even on the usual things.

In interpretation, not only the total amount of points, but also the "testimony" of each bone is separately: so, if you have 3 and 5 dropped out, then it is not just 8, but first of all the combination of three and five, excellent from two fours and from twos with six.

Amounts of numbers:

  • 2 (1+1) - Happiness in love and marriage, success in financial affairs. While you better change anything in your life.
  • 3 (1+2) - For a woman - marriage for money, for a man - entertainment that you can buy for money. Try to avoid long journeys, spend more time at home.
  • 4 (1+3) - The forecast is generally unfavorable. It is possible a serious conflict, right up to the trial, with people you trust. Troubles can come from an unexpected side. Be careful, especially in trifles.
  • 4 (2+2) - Good luck in business and in personal affairs. Your children will in the near future will delight you. Interesting trips and useful dating are possible. It is recommended not to wait, but to act, show the initiative to consolidate and deepen success.
  • 5 (1+4) - The main thing is to move. You can not sit still! The more activity, travel, new information, the more money. Deciding financial problems, you can settle many others.
  • 5 (2+3) - A good combination for your own business and alarming for a relationship with children - a conflict is possible. Try to avoid teaching and grilling out. Now your children are waiting for you first of all understanding.
  • 6 (1+5) - Much trouble, worries and joys. Perhaps the birth of a child from someone from relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - a complex conflict situation, however, is not in a hurry to change the place of work: there will soon be changed. If you intend to go abroad, then departure is likely to be final - at a permanent place of residence.
  • 6 (2+4) - For you, the period of change comes. Do you want to change jobs, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. That is done, all for the better.
  • 6 (3+3) - You will get a very large amount of money, and in the very near future. In personal life, everything is also safe, conflicts do not have a serious soil.
  • 7 (1+6) - a period of active activity. You need, do not deny those who are addressed to you. It should also be behaved in relation to the partner (spouse): go to meet him. Otherwise, a few years later, a serious crisis can come in your relationship.
  • 7 (2+5) - Now you are demanding peace of mind and tolerance for someone else's opinion. Do not hurry! This is especially true for business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Unsuccessful time to conclude marriage.
  • 7 (3+4) - From your imagination and enterprise now much depends, try not to postpone anything for tomorrow, do today.
  • 8 (2+6) - You will have to perform a complex, troublesome work, the hack of at the same time is unacceptable. If you work for conscience, not trying to deceive others, success is secured. Otherwise, a complete failure.
  • 8 (3+5) - Time favorable for calm serious classes. It is best to devote him to study or reading. However, you will not make mistakes, preferring to rest carefully. The bones promise to improve the bad situation and preserve good.
  • 8 (4+4) - Violation of the usual routine of events, surprises await you. Whether they will be pleasant - only depends on you.
  • 9 (3+6) - In the near future you will learn a lot of new things. The period is favorable for research, creative work. Tip: Try to distract from pragmatic interests, do your favorite thing without thinking about the possible benefit. If your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion, during this period you can finally understand each other.
  • 9 (4+5) - Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage or in your professional activity - serious tests. Do not demand from others too much, require more from yourself.
  • 10 (4+6) - You like to act with a scope. In the near future, the numbers promise a major success: power, money, influence. However, the political and public ambitions should not be forgotten about the family. You are easier with loved ones and friends, and first of all, think about them.
  • 10 (5+5) - Success and money, however, the situation is not stable. If you want to stay at the height, act carefully and prudently. If possible, avoid risk, do not care for new things, it is better to continue what you have already started without accepting new proposals.
  • 11 (5+6) - The worst thing for you is already behind. In the past, lesions and losses that occurred not in your fault were left. Do not worry: everything is formed, new opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is not to leave the effort. There is nothing worth changing in life.
  • 12 (6+6) - Very favorable bones. A good stable situation with the trend towards further improvement. Changes are possible, but they will not bring anything fundamentally new.

Concentrate attention on the question and throw the bones. Fold the numbers dropped on cubes and see the description of the results.

The value of the amount of glows dropped:

  • 3 - A good omen, suddenly a desire can be fulfilled.
  • 4 - Disappointment and trouble in the future.
  • 5 - Your desires will come true, but completely indefinitely; Some stranger will bring joyful news.
  • 6 - Material losses that, however, will lead to spiritual enrichment.
  • 7 - The stupid gossip will cause trouble.
  • 8 - the upcoming action was not well thought out and can lead to the fact that injustice would happen; Very strong influences from the outside.
  • 9 - Success, especially in love affairs; Forgiveness after a quarrel.
  • 10 - consent to the family and, perhaps, a successful deal; Probably the birth of a child.
  • 11 - someone sick; Parting with someone close.
  • 12 - a letter comes, requiring an answer; It is necessary to consult with someone.
  • 13 - Sadness is likely for a long period, perhaps even in continued life.
  • 14 - the stranger will be a close and expensive friend; Help friend.
  • 15 - Temptation to enter into a dark or even illegal deal.
  • 16 - Pleasant and useful journey.
  • 17 - Guest from abroad, perhaps a foreigner, with a promising commercial offer.
  • 18 - Very good sign: raising, benefit and joy.