What dreams soap foam. Dream interpretation - singing. Dream dream about foam

Large dream book Natalia Stepanova

What dream of a woman foam

Pena - "Prove with foam at the mouth" (very persistently, emotionally), "epileptic foam" is a sign of a mental illness. Foam - foam in a dream - a symbol of frustration due to the defeat you experience. Foam - deception, bustle. Foam - Marine Foam, dreaming, symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, romantic love, which will soon visit you and will bring to your life to the sea of \u200b\u200bpreviously unmissal emotions.

Seeing the foam - means that excessive pride will lead you to deprivation and loss of friends. You dreamed of foam - you saw a foam in a dream - in confrontation with the enemies you will be defeated; You will experience a sense of depression for a long time; The humiliation that you will survive will long sit in the heart.

Dream Miller

What dreams foam in a dream

Foam - to see a foam in a dream means disappointment due to experienced your lesions. Foam - see in a dream - instability in love; beat - do not talk truth. Foam is a soap small hassle associated with treatment, polyclinics, pharmacies. On milk minor injuries, cuts. When cooking, the broth unforeseen small troubles from their own errors. On beer, punching to the feast, friendly feast. To blow away above all small worries, and you will be afraid of trouble.

Foam (bubbles) - are an indication in a dream on the effects of aggressive, "boiling", negative energy. You dreamed of foam - go out naked in soap foam - well-started work will end with a complete failure. Present the touch of gentle, white foam. It concerns not only you, but also your favorite.

Dream Interloda Mindela

What does it mean to see foam in a dream

Foam - to a romantic date, traveling with a loved one, the conclusion of a happy marriage union. If you dream about a date or romantic journey, imagine the seashore during the storm when foam waves come to the shore.

Imagine that you are sitting on the shore, breathe fresh sea air, hear the noise of the surf and watch how water foams, then coming, then retreat from the coast. If you want your passion to grow into a happy marriage, imagine a luxurious bath with fragrant foam, in which you are immersed. Warm water and pleasant flavors help you relax and relax, you are blissing in an air foam as much as you want.

Siberian Healer Dream Interpretator

What does dream mean with foam taking into account the date of birth

In the spring of what dreams in a dream, how someone shares and covered with thick foam - to the problems with the skin.

If in the summer in a dream dreamed, how on the seashore is going to foam from the surf - you are expected to make cardinal changes in life - this is the meaning of what this dream is dreaming.

In the fall, why the foam was dreaming - to Bravada, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is dreaming.

In winter, what dreams foam - you are awaiting a romantic journey with your loved one.

If in a dream you see singers on a pop concert, "means that I will show the generosity and wrinkle a duty with a good friend who cannot pay with you, despite the fact that the amount he took from you is insignificant.

In a dream, opera singing - to trouble, sing in the opera itself - joy. To hear the solemn cantaist, executed by the choir, - a meeting with a person who should be fearful and keep away, because it comes from him great evil for you.

Sing the Church on the Closer - I will get a useful acquaintance. I hear the singing of the tenor - I will be able to avoid many troubles, bass - your home will come to your house, contralto - you are threatened with an accident or illness.

Peet Psalms foreshadows a good deal of affairs in finance and trade. Solemn singing accompanied by the authority - promises a good harvest and successful preparations for the next season everyone busy in agriculture. To hear the coarse singing of a drunk company - to the sad news.

Sleep, in which you hear the sliding birds of birds, which in reality are unable, that is, the sparrow or crankshaw crows trills, - this means that soon you will have problems traveling on the service task that you want to use at the same time for personal purposes.

I hear the singing of the rooster is a good sign that foreshadows youth to successful marriage and wealth in the house. Chizhi's singing - hear about yourself the most controversial judgments and gossip; Canary - strengthening friendly relationships and life in luxury; The Lark, singing in the sky, foreshadows that you will be happy in the second marriage, and singing in a cage - to unpleasant West.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dream Interpretation - Singing

Hear singing in a dream - to joy and happy partnership. It is also possible to obtain a long-awaited letter from a distant friend. If sad notes are present in singing - you will be unpleasantly the turnover of your affairs. Rough, angry singing in a dream foreshadows exorbitant, nothing justified spending.

Interpretation of dreams

Collection of Sonnikov

What dreams foam in a dream on 23 dreams?

Below you can find for free interpretation of the "Foam" symbol of 23 online dreams. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dreams of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

If foam in a dream covers her hair like a wedding venge - This means that she will prefer sensual pleasures to the detriment of spiritual cultivation and will force those who are unable to indulge her ambition.

Dream of Freud.

Sea foam dreamed of you in a dream - symbolizes the tenderness of relationships, romantic love, which will soon visit you and bring to your life a sea of \u200b\u200bpreviously unknown emotions.

Dream of black magic

Foam - are an indication in a dream on the effects of aggressive, "boiling", negative energy.

Ukrainian dream book

Foam - delusion, bustle.

French dream book

See in a dream foam - Means that excessive pride will lead you to deprivation and loss of friends.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep value: Pennoy Pennoy?

Foam Soap - small hassle associated with treatment, clinics, pharmacies. On milk minor injuries, cuts.

When cooking, on broth - Unforeseen small troubles from your own mistakes.

On beer, punch - To the feast, friendly porushka.

To blow up - you are above all small worries, and you will be afraid of trouble.

Video: What dreams foam

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Did a foam, but not the necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the foam is dreaming in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

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    Asked the late father to suggest in a dream, to meet me with this man or not. And I dreamed of a dream from Thursday on Friday - the father stands in the hallway, silent, looks at me and soapful water flows from him.

    I dreamed to me that my mother is going to go to the cow, and in a hurry to be not late, and I look that the room has a large aluminum bath with milk, I am dialing the milk with a mug, look, it is fresh, thick and foam.
    What can it mean?

    I sleep, curling the pebber in the pebum (dressed in the jacket, which now I wear) on bluish-green waves with white foam. I wake up near the coast and I think that it would be necessary to get out of the water, and then sailing past the pier. The pier is white, with breakwaters and lades up - turning into the palace (also white). If sailing further for the pier - there are dark gray brown cobblestones, small hills, mountains. Pretty gloomy. After the last breakwater approaching the pier and climb the stairs up. Light.

    I stand on the river bank. After the rain it is complete. But gradually merge, coming to its usual state. Water rivers poured fields. In the distance I see the native foam. She is dirty. And then I go on the water, and accelerate the foam stick. My aunt helps me

    It dreams that I live in mom with my daughter and former worker. I got up in the morning, I went to wash my head, my, a lot of foam and soap and poorly washed off, but I washed away after all. And as if, because of this, I was late for work, and he says me do not worry, everything is fine.

    In my dream, I saw a foam, which was the mouth of my close man ... There was a late evening, in which a romantic relationship with my close friend was started. I went to the store, he was left to wait on the street, called me in a beautiful mood, was very waiting for my return. I came a message from a close girlfriend that one unfriendly person (my fan) learned about our relationship ... For some reason at 8. When I left the store Street was empty. Suddenly, my beloved appeared with a bottle of vodka in his hand, he decided to drink her salvo from the throat of the bottle ... I began to shout at him and pushed him. He was offended, but did not utter a sound. He had plentifully to go foam from his mouth. Foam was with a yellowish tint.

    In a large bright room with a large window without a curtain, through which the street is visible, there are beds covered with light bedspreads. Between beds shower. I am standing, it is hung up abundantly foam. I think now turn on the water and muddy foam, but I think that I am very bed, then some people appear, and I still turn on the shower.

    Action allegedly at work.
    I had to fulfill a certain amount of work, at the request of the manual, and was aware of this. But the boss began to rude, stern and I, in turn, abruptly refused to fulfill the commission, motivating that it was not in my duties.
    Then some small fuss.
    Further, considering that my duties are made today, I started to wash the floor, the bucket was very white, lush foam. The boss tried to take a mop from me, and wash the floor herself. But I defended my right to clean up.

    i and my daughter ride with my daughter, we were enthusiastic played in the boat and found themselves in the sea, where a lot of foam, the son took her in hand, suddenly 2 year old daughter falls from the boat into the sea, but keeps on the water, as if he can swim, and I am smiling helped her climb. We sail from the sea again on your river home

    I go with my sister in the forest, I descend to the water throat. In my opinion it is a lake. Water is something muddy, or matte, but not dirty. Near the godfather and uncle. The sister is afraid to descend to the water and I show that it is not scary. In front of me, stone natural steps and 3 concrete slabs that form the bridge on the pillars. I step on them, the water is transparent and by the ankle, I do not feel cold, warm. Suddenly, one of the plates begins to stagger and then I so as not to fail, I begin to swim in the water, which gradually turns into a white foam. Fear felt during the fall, as I do not really know how to swim, and the sister is the opposite. As a result, next to me in the foam baby, boy.

    I stood at the foot of the slide, it was a well-known place to me, but in a dream there was a little water (although it usually wasn't there) I was sure that this was the sea, and the general landscape was changed twice, and both places I know. One motive, I am standing in front of a ton, which is filled with water, and even water, despite physics, it is so that the water surface (moving from Yara to the mountain) to be at an angle. And then it covered me with water, the water was not dirty, but there was a lot of marine foam.

    I go out of the room outside. All around white. Looks like snow. I go on this white, it is more and more. I go a little more than the belt and I understand that I am not cold, and this is not snow, but foam. The feeling from sleep is more pleasant. And I woke up

    Sea .. maybe even the ocean is calm! A small surf and a lot of white foam. Immediately I did not understand that this foam looks like salt .. I go around the edge of the water. Pale yellow sand and black black people! Do not aggressive sometimes smile with a snow-white smile .. Unload the ship with drinking water .. He stands at the shore and I go between the shore and this ship. in the soul calmly.

    My mother and I are in a hotel in a city in a suite. Morning, I wake up I want to take a bath and swim in the pool, but for some reason, in our room, I wash myself and the whole body in the foam. On top of the foam I put on a luxurious bathrobe and see myself in the mirror and I see myself young and beautiful there, especially my hair, black, lush, wavy, beautiful and long. At this time, the mother treats some kind of woman (in his life she was a folk lycakera, died, for more than a year). I got out of the room and went to look for a bath with a swimming pool, but for some reason I did not find, I went to some room, but it turned out to be a common shower, so I got out of this room and went further to look for a pool with a bath. Then I went into the room with a luxurious door and I think that I got into the pool, but this room was not that in the big room hanging on my shoulders a lot of clothes, mostly men's clothes (jackets, coats, etc.) as in the store. There in this room there is a woman in old age and I asked him where there is a pool with a bathroom suite of the room, and she answers that I missed the wrong one, I had to turn right away from the room, and I turned left, so I advised to turn back and said The pool is further from our room. I went out with a room and ran the opposite direction and watch a long corridor and I run on him, went my room, and there the door outdoor and I see my mother, she treats the woman and then run a lot of rooms, but I do not find the pool. Then he came to his senses and see that I run on the field to the West, looking around, and behind the back there is a big beautiful sanatorium and I think I run from here. I watch the place familiar and turns out to be running around the field, on the way near my native village. And I think why I run around the field, the pool must be in the sanatorium and decided to turn back to the sanatorium. I run back to the sanatorium and meet familiar people who live in my native village, I am asked, so covered my face so that they did not know, because I think I am in foam and bathrobe. Then woke up

    I bathed in a dream in clean water into the sea later on the other side I saw release a foam into the water I wanted to swim there but it didn't turn out the balls inflatable alone I threw and he exploded against the disabled person sitting on a wheelchair flew away but she caught a man flying in a balloon

    I dares a guahn not healing illness and advised to go to church, and I was upset along the river, and people bathed in this river river was a dark muddy and on top of the river was foam, it was very much

    Hello! I saw in a dream as it's going to go on the car and there is a white foam from the sea next to the car, and then I look around and next to the sea a beautiful pink bed with a canopy. What does it mean?

    We drove in the car with girlfriends, I am in the back seating, to the left of some kind of guy (I did not see him), to the right girlfriend. In the front seat, the guy driver (also did not see the faces), on Pasazhirsky my sister with a girlfriend. I have an aluminum bowl with water, a little foam. And I sat feet down in this bowl. The water is clean, cold or hot, I do not remember, but my feet did not give up from there ... What is this dream?

    Hello. Dreamed the camp in which I was never. But I was the center of attention and communicated well with the counselor. They pinned with her. "Everyone quickly went in a circle in the sand. But I constantly could not shove the leg in the cosovok and I constantly fell in the sand. It was a little wet." I've seen a lot of foam into the sea. soapy foam. She was very much. She shrouded everything. It was not visible. Cute dream. Good.

If in a dream you see singers on a pop concert, "means that I will show the generosity and wrinkle a duty with a good friend who cannot pay with you, despite the fact that the amount he took from you is insignificant.

In a dream, opera singing - to trouble, sing in the opera itself - joy. To hear the solemn cantaist, executed by the choir, - a meeting with a person who should be fearful and keep away, because it comes from him great evil for you.

Sing the Church on the Closer - I will get a useful acquaintance. I hear the singing of the tenor - I will be able to avoid many troubles, bass - your home will come to your house, contralto - you are threatened with an accident or illness.

Peet Psalms foreshadows a good deal of affairs in finance and trade. Solemn singing accompanied by the authority - promises a good harvest and successful preparations for the next season everyone busy in agriculture. To hear the coarse singing of a drunk company - to the sad news.

Sleep, in which you hear the sliding birds of birds, which in reality are unable, that is, the sparrow or crankshaw crows trills, - this means that soon you will have problems traveling on the service task that you want to use at the same time for personal purposes.

I hear the singing of the rooster is a good sign that foreshadows youth to successful marriage and wealth in the house. Chizhi's singing - hear about yourself the most controversial judgments and gossip; Canary - strengthening friendly relationships and life in luxury; The Lark, singing in the sky, foreshadows that you will be happy in the second marriage, and singing in a cage - to unpleasant West.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dream Interpretation - Stump

If in a dream you mark the presence of stump, then do not try to find a deep hidden meaning in it. Symbols of stump is very transparent and interpreted on the basis of the situation in which it meets.

The main value of this symbol is bad luck, clumsy, unreliability.

To see in a dream, the emerging stumps - to severe, ungrateful work, which will affect your health ailment.

To see a huge stump with rotten core - do not hope to help the power person, he is not up to you, so do not lose time and solve the problem yourself.

To see in a dream a big stump, covered with a tablecloth, around which many people gathered to celebrate some event - stay away from the person who is inclined to show; Try to stay in the shade and do not attract unnecessary attention.

To see a stump, decorated with multi-colored ribbons and crafts from paper - to deal with a person for which the style and following are key to cooperation.

Interpretation of dreams

Soap foam most often in a dream is identified with non-optical expectations and unknown dreams. What else is still dreaming so unstable image? Dream interpretation will tell about the most interesting interpretation options.

Hint Miller

It happened to see soap foam? Miller's snorker believes that you are threatened with disappointment due to a serious failure.

Do not believe!

Why does soap foam appear? In a dream, this is a symbol of failures that threaten your reputation. The same image promises small concerns due to a frivolous disease.

Did you dream of a foam mass? Dream interpretation does not advise you to believe promises. In addition, there are suspicions that you intentionally deceive yourself. But very soon this situation will be resolved, and alas, not in your favor.

Control or rest?

Went a very dirty soap hat? A certain emotional surge will cause serious problems. Dream Interpretation recommends keeping the emotion under control and abide by the distance.

What dreams exclusively clean and pleasant even on the type of foam substance? In a dream, she calls to make a little entertainment in everyday life to relax a little.

Where did you find?

To understand what soap foam means, the dream book advises to remember exactly where it appeared.

Foam river symbolizes money hassle in a dream. Children's bath, filled with soapy water, warns about a deception that can happen on the trip.

Did you dream pool filled with light weight? Expect a premium or other unexpected profit.

If, in a dream, you decided to swim under the shower, and turned out to be covered with soap, then you will get a generous award for a kind of service.

Think about it!

Why dream bath with foam? Introduce in a big scandal due to the unworthy behavior of the satellite.

In the night, did you take a fragrant bath? Dream interpretation believes that you are not interested in how those surrounding perceive your words or behavior.

Did you dream bath with dirty foam? In reality, come across unfastened evil. See clean foam much better. This is a sign of good health and joyful events.

Get ready!

What dreams soap foam on the body? You will become a participant in the stunning adventure, but do not get moral satisfaction.

Wailed to see the same substance on the body of the animal? Get ready for a difficult period that will require the maximum application of forces.

Did the hair covered with a layer of soap? You love to indulge your own whims, and therefore you often forget about more important values.

Other decoding

Dream Interpretation proposes to recall other vision nuances.

  • Foam on hands - getting rid of boring worries.
  • On the legs - support, protection.
  • On the dishes - truce.
  • By car - a bad business, a dishonest man.
  • On the floor - gossip.


Did you dream of a soap foam, which appeared in the washing process? You are clearly not satisfied with your current position. But the dream book believes that now you can not get more.