Woman Virgo Kaban Water. Characteristics of men and women virgins per year of pig (boar)

Piggy bank. Never lose my heart!

Chinese Horoscope: Year of Pig
Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

It may look cold and calculating, but in fact it is all the same kind-boar, only a little more folding in people and nimble. Virgo-Kaban helps only those who, in his opinion, really deserves help.

The symbol of the pig in Chinese astrology is considered a sign of generosity and heartfelt. They are hospitable and charming. Men and Women Pig-Virgo are very nice people. They love to see and force people to smile, they give more in relationship than they take. On the world they look through full optimism and confidence in the future.

Virgo-Pig is naturally compassionate and sociable people. They do not give themselves time for anxiety, because even on the go do some things. Their internal emotions are hidden, as they tend to concentrate their attention to the benefit of other people. They will be stronger to protect others than themselves. They do not like confrontation, but even stronger hate injustice.

In relations, they are usually hospitable. They have a warm and cozy house, it is a very neat and quiet place. Any guests they will persistently persuade sit down and drink. In personal relationships they need a partner who will not worry and envy their kind and disinterested attitudes towards other people.

These people are not very motivated by money, they prefer to work together, where their work will be significant, and the salary will be a secondary factor. When they are not engaged in work, they enjoy good meal and company.

Weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they are very stubborn, especially when they are outraged. They can be quick-tempered, and when they are in rage, they become very not pleasant, they need time to cool.

The sign of the Zodiac Virgin is not a completely typical representative of the year of Kaban. It is pretty compacted and afraid of people as far as full loneliness. Such as he needs someone near, but not in too much quantities.

Leo Pig is an intelligent and respectable person. At the same time, he is mobile and executive, capable of friendship and successful partnership. Possessing a clear mind, a man of a pig lion does not require leadership and help, and takes on the most painstaking part of the work. A continuous routine, oddly enough, she likes, she scares curious and those who are able to prevent him.

Best of all, the women of the Virgin work in that team, which they themselves are gaining. The selection of personnel is one of the strengths of them. In it, they are responsible, like everywhere, and try to bring any of the tasks taken to the end.

Emotionally, these boys are very different and reveal completely only in a narrow circle. For a Pig Leave Women, this is usually a family, for a man - close friends.

These women are inherent wish to control everything. They control workflows, relatives, their lives in general. And do not give yourself a rest. And this can negatively affect their health. It should be noted that with health problems they rarely arise. However, they spend a lot of energy to control, without restoring it. Deciding something one day, they do not change solutions, even with an unfavorable coating of circumstances and do not intend to listen to the tips.

In character, it is stubborn, stubborn and persistent women. They rarely fail, but at the same time they are quite difficult to find themselves. Almost the first half of life they spend in search of their goals. To achieve good results in general, they need to achieve much to the middle of life. Only in this case they will become successful and prosperous in personal relationship, work and will receive recognition of their talents.

Characteristic Women of Virgin Cabanan in Love

Romantic relationships with them remain romantic long. A number of requirements are put forward to the forefolder soon after the acquaintance. They want to achieve complete submission from the representative of the opposite sex, provoking them to break the relationship. The pragmaticity of their nature also does not always like the partner. Love suggests the romance that is almost impossible to achieve with them.

Horoscope Women of Virgin Kaban in Family and Marriage

Family relations they can develop very favorably, but this development is possible with their ability to hear the desires of other people. To do this, they will have to adjust the features of their character, seeks to obtain the maximum result, namely, sensitivity and heartiness with loved ones. It is necessary to abandon its sharpness and demands, control their mood. Only such developments will allow them to create a strong family.

Woman Caban Virgo - Career and Finance

Financial well-being of these women is quite contradiction. They can be prosperous, but if they make this effort in the first half of life. It should be noted that all their achievements will be quite complicated. Career will be the ability to achieve this welfare for them, but again they will have to make a lot of effort to obtain positive results. The main thing is to quickly decide on the area of \u200b\u200bactivity and send its energy into it.

The characteristic and compatibility of the Male Virgin pig does not deny that the nature of this type is very ambitious.

However, despite this, they can always come to the rescue, cheer and inspire at the right moment.


Male Deva-Pig is a real gentleman who is not deprived of a good manner, always tolerant and polite, both with unfamiliar people and with his loved ones. Do not hold representatives of these signs in hard work and diligence. They perform their work on "excellent", executive and responsible. Career for such men is very important. They are ready to devote all their favorite cause. Thanks to the existing talents and abilities, Virgo-Pig can greatly succeed in the career. Since the person of this type seeks to benefit society, he prefers professions related to society.

Material values \u200b\u200bfor this man play a minor role. He does not dream of unpretentious wealth: much more important than the meaning of the mission being performed. It is worth noting that relations with colleagues have a direct impact on their professional activities. If the team does not accept a piggy pig, he will seriously think about changing the place of work. The characteristic of the male Virgo-Pig tells that in life, representatives of this zodiacal combination are very sociable and charming. The opinion of others is very important for them. However, they will not suffer hypocrisy and deception, in life they try to follow the principle of justice. In this man merged together a variety of qualities, forming a curious combination.

Virgo-pig is not used to embossing his energy on trifles, all his forces are always aimed at some particular thing. Especially since it never pocks the momentary emotions and the mood drops. Perhaps, therefore, often representatives, in which the horoscope appears a combination of making signs and a pig, it is possible to achieve a lot in his career. Such men extremely rarely enter conflicts. But, at the same time, they are very skillful provocateurs that a couple of abandoned words abandoned words are able to bring the interlocutor to stormy emotions. Sometimes these nature can be stubborn if it comes to a question that has a special fundamental importance for them. This is the main weakness of the virgin pig. Becoming stubborn, he shows quick-temperedness, and in such a state a man seems to be extremely unpleasant personality. To extinguish the fire of fierce emotions inside, he takes some time.

Compatibility in Love

Men of virgins are more attracting balanced and reasonable ladies, able to control their emotions. In relations, representatives of this sign seek stability, so a happy marriage is one of the important components of a successful life, in their opinion. A man will never start a quarrel with a beloved, because in the Union he appreciates peace and consent, and rather, he will smooth the tense situation and silent than it will prove his right point.

Virgo-Pig is able to take care of his family and loved ones, in his arms you can always find a consolation, although myself sometimes requires moral support. In love, oddly enough, he becomes very trusty and quickly ties towards his second half. But, even falling in love, the man does not lose its inherent realism. If the relationship will not give so much sincere care and love to him, he will hurry to stop them immediately. Unfortunately, some women, Virgo-Pig, does not particularly like all sorts of romantic gestures: he will not appreciate it.

To achieve compatibility with a male male pig, it is worth telling him about his feelings without a flattery. He prefers rectilinear women with an open soul. In personal relationships such a man, undoubtedly need a partner who will not envy him disinterested and friendly attitude towards people. In marriage, the Virgin-Piggy comes not only because he loves. As a rule, he does it very reluctantly, because he understands that his freedom, one way or another, will be limited. Meanwhile, it may turn out not only a wonderful husband, but also the owner who does not circulate homemade hassle and cooking.

The character of men pigs "Kabanov" - Vis: These men are difficult not to notice. They are accustomed to putting their advantages at the bottom, while admiring themselves. However, such periods are replaced by periods of loneliness. This is perfectly able to hide your true feelings, posted those feelings that can be demonstrated to others. They are attractive, so always surrounded by fans. They can skillfully use them without letting it understand it.

These are decisive, impartial and volitional individuals. They know how to communicate, know how to build relationships. These are faithful friends and satellites of life. They have their own strange features, but their advantages often overlap these disadvantages. Thanks to the ability to move towards success, they reach all goals. These are smart and sensitive men who are a lot on shoulder.

Men pig "Kabany" - Virgin in love and relationships: From an early age, they learn to build relationships. Usually, these are skilled manipulators and men who are able to build a harmonious relationship. They may have several novels that they finish the way they want it. Such qualities allow them to receive more from relationships than they are able to give. That is why these men can subsequently create excellent family relationships.

Men pig "Boars" - Virgin in Finance and Career: Career for them is consonant with financial well-being. They correctly build a strategy that is followed to achieve the goals. They can succeed in any sphere. As a result, they often make progress in a variety of spheres. Financial welfare comes to maturity. They just get the results of their work. Usually they have several sources of income.

Men "Kabany" pigs - Maiden in family and marriage: Family relations of these men are built to rarity harmoniously. They are faithful friends, good lovers and assistants to their second half. Care, attention and respect in their family is a normal phenomenon. They never change, as they see and understand the value of family relationships. The birth of children for them is an important event to which they long and responsibly prepare.

Council of men pigs "Kabanam" - Deev: These men are advised to pay attention to their qualities. It is impossible to constantly succumb to self-criticism, you need to appreciate yourself as they are. This approach will allow them to be at an altitude in any situation. It is worth more independent and independence. All your actions need to be analyzed to get good results in life. Having taken these recommendations, they will be able to get the best life results.