The years of the dragon on the Chinese horoscope. The character of people born in the year of the dragon. Dragon and horse

Dragon sign is the fifth zodiac sign in traditional Chinese astrology. Start a description of the Dragon sign should be with a general characteristic, which is shown below in the table.

The specified table shows the main characteristic features, associations and preferences of the representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope.

As a rule, the sign of the zodiac sign of the dragon possess the magnetic character and the gift of convictions, they are also able to achieve great success or suffer a deafening failure. Usually, if they are doing something from a pure heart, they do it in good faith. In secret, they believe in themselves or, in other words, in their strength.

Dragon Zodiac Sign Character

With a negative side, dragons are also known as people who start, but do not bring the matter to the end. With people, representatives of this sign are usually open to the soul and frank, and in some situations even tend to embarrass. But despite this, in difficult moments they help the inborn feeling of sincerity and enthusiasm.

Despite its impressive appearance, thoughtful dragons are constantly unsatisfied or unhappy. They are constantly in search of entertainment, which often end in failure. Representatives of this sign must be constantly downloading yourself to work, to be in the company of friends or fall in love to feel alive. Otherwise, the inevitable daily routine can pour into deep depression for them.

Below are the main features of the character of a person - both positive and negative, which can be attributed to typical representatives born in the year of the dragon.

Positive Dragon Zodiac Sign Character Character

It has a gift of providence, dynamic, idealist, demanding, scrupulous, successful, happy, enthusiast, sentimental, talkative, irresistible, agitated, smart.

Man - Zodiac Sign Dragon

  • inborn "showman";
  • seductive attractive;
  • will have a lot of fans;
  • close relationships support only with several people;
  • believes that he is indispensable;
  • likes sport;
  • does not believe that it may make mistakes;
  • sentimental and passionate in relation to those who love;
  • it can be extremely impulsive, but it cannot be called a sorvigolova;
  • discontent will save the years before you spill out;
  • possesses a good sense of humor;
  • loves to go shopping and shopping;
  • it interests him a lot, has a hobby.

Woman - Zodiac Sign Dragon

If a woman has typical damages of the dragon character, it will behave exactly as described below:

  • not very happy as a household;
  • generous both over time and with money;
  • can instill faith in other people;
  • wants to be perfection and see the same other people;
  • always attractive, even if she is not beauty;
  • will definitely revenge the enemy, even if it is necessary to wait for a long time;
  • thirsty;
  • loves when she is flattened;
  • hates being deceived or when it is manipulated;
  • loves to joke;
  • adores children;
  • as a rule, in a conversation a very straight personality;
  • she needs to feel that it is indispensable.

Baby - Dragon Zodiac Sign

If a man has typical draws of the character of the dragon, he will behave exactly as described below:

  • inclined to be bored without any reason;
  • does not like the manifestations of power;
  • despite the fact that from this child, as a rule, a diligent student is obtained, it is necessary to constantly "push";
  • does not like manifestations of love in public;
  • arrogant in relation to teachers;
  • loves and doing successes in sports;
  • undemanded to the attention of other people;
  • hates various schedules;
  • ingenious;
  • in order to "bloom", he needs freedom;
  • usually not deprived of attention;
  • gifted, but a difficult child;
  • it completely feels when he does not understand.

Dragon Zodiac Sign Character Negative Dragon Character

The demanding, impatient, intolerable, cargo, dissatisfied, depressed, irritable, sharp in judgment, naive, excessively fanatical, eccentric, proud, tactless.

Health of the sign of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon

The elements of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon has always been and will be an element tree that is associated with the work of the liver. Consequently, the dragon should pay special attention to it and constantly maintain this body in working condition. Despite the fact that the dragon image is very often associated with strong health and long-life, representatives of this sign often suffer from insomnia and respiratory diseases.

All representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon carefully monitor, so they rarely sick. But if they are still sick, a rather short-term period of time is recovered. Among other things, when representatives of this sign are nervous or feel vulnerable, they are prone to overeating. Consequently, at such moments in their lives, they must follow their appetite.

Leisure representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon

Usually the dragons have many interests, but they do not know how to use their strength in order to acquire the necessary skills. A typical dragon can be full of enthusiasm, first studying yoga, next week - judo, and then learns to play a saxophone.

As a rule, the representative of the sign of the zodiac dragon knows how to enjoy: whether a bold act or an entertaining book - it's all interesting for him. Perhaps he can do exactly what does not require special training, due to the fact that representatives of this sign love to make small breaks in their classes, in the continuation of which they could get their portion of knowledge. Weekend on a ski resort or a trip to safari, for example. They could make bold actions that do not require special risk. In other situations, they love to go to the mountains with a backpack, where the dragons feel at home where they can breathe a sip of fresh air.

Love in the life of the sign of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon

Dragons, as a rule, are always a lot of fans, they never suffer from unrequited love. Usually, representatives of this sign belong to people with a fervent nature, which is never blinded by passion. Representatives of this sign are very independent people and know that they can live without their partner. They are often loved, but they themselves are extremely rare. And nevertheless, one day, falling in love with a dragon will be quite loyal and a loving partner.

In fact, they seek to erect their partner on the pedestal. Otherwise: if the dragon finds that the treacherous partner is not worthy of his devotion, he will feel offended and will soon break all the relationships with him. But despite this, it is still very difficult to break the dragon heart, as it will have to hurt his invulnerable pride.

Sex and Zodiac Sign Dragon

Sex in the life of dragons plays not a last role. Usually starting from an early age, they are already seeking to tie sexual relations with representatives of the opposite sex. Sex for them is the key to their own freedom. However, it cannot be said that this approach of dragons to self-affirmation approaches them to partners: representatives of this sign are inclined to use their partner as a tool that will help them to escape from reality - they do not see a person who deserves love. And yet, the representatives of this sign do neither do, they will do it well.

Usually, there are excellent lovers with imagination and do not suffer from egoism, it is true, perhaps a little dismacted. If the dragon still loves, he will truly tied to his partner. Moreover, he will do everything to make a pleasant beloved person.

House and work

As a rule, the sign of the Zodiac Sign Dragon suffer from a small claustrophobia: they need space, fresh air and freedom. To live in one place for a long time for the dragon - completely unacceptable. If the representative of this sign is still donkey at a certain place, most likely he will live in a trendy house, for example, on board the yacht, or the house will be on the coast, where the dragon could hear the noise of the surf. If he cannot afford it, the representative of this sign will constantly in a new way draw up his house or apartment so that the home atmosphere does not bored him.

It is necessary to add that even when it is entirely and completely organized the situation in his house, the dragon will still spend most of the time beyond.

As a rule, representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Dragon do not seek power, but tend to reach the transcendent vertices in their profession. This happens only for one reason: what they know how to perfectly do is lead other people. They do not endure a single routine work, but they do not even have equal when it is necessary to solve the problem for which other people are simply afraid to take. Of these, excellent director of firms and enterprises and, oddly enough, emergency monters are obtained.

In addition, the sign of the Zodiac Sign Dragon can make other people believe in themselves and are usually excellent specialists who are engaged in promoting goods to markets, or sellers; Their multifaceted inspires them to what they do, limitless confidence. Dragons need to feel that their work is needed to anyone, or hold a position in which they could invent and create something new.

Cycle of the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese Horoscope
1904 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976
February 16 February 3rd January 23 February 8. January 27. February 13 January 31.
1988 2000 2012 2024 2036 2048 2060
February 17 February 5th January 23
* Dates point to the first day of the new year.

Chinese horoscope about people born in the year of the dragon

The dragon symbol in the manuscripts of ancient Chinese astrologers was recorded earlier than other symbols of the Chinese horoscope. The Chinese have a special attitude to this symbol: a dragon flying among the clouds personified the highest spirituality and great power.

People born in the year of the Dragon have absorbed part of the spirituality and the great strength of this mystical being. For many millennia, the dragon was a central symbol not only in China, but also in other cultures of the East. The dragon embodies wisdom, strength and infinite energy, changing the world. The ancient Chinese believed that the dragon during her flight was high above the earth, looked down and looked back to see what had changed after he flew past.

Huge energy is given to the dragon from birth - this is the potential for movement without effort, the ability to easily begin the case of any complexity, find solutions to the most complex tasks, work with great enthusiasm and have a great success. Dragon people are very decisive and ready to challenge anything, answer any request and adapt to constant changes in the plans. Dragons degenerate leaders. Possessing innocent charisma, they are able to lead others. They enjoy support and respect from those with whom they deal in life.

Dragons are very dreamed and impressionable. In the world of their fantasies, they feel at home. They do not leave labor to renounced the unfavorable realities of everyday life and relax, presenting something pleasant. Dragons are very inventive. Of these, as a rule, good actors and seats will pass. In their fantasies, everything and even the most ridiculous thoughts may seem reality. Despite the rich imagination, the dragons are very persistent in achieving their goals, focus on their own business. They are resistant against various tests and with ease overcome obstacles that are standing on their way. Make a dragon, change your goal, change the life priorities, if he does not see in this need, means to throw him a challenge because he believes that he is always right.

The dragons are very open, which gives them the opportunity to expand the circle of dating without much effort. Their successes, ample opportunities and forces often cause envy in others, but the dragons do not enter conflicts because of the similar trifles, they consider it unworthy of their attention. Dragons, due to their ability to respond in a timely manner to rapid changes in the tempo of life and current circumstances, fortune luck in all cases, they in life go with her side by side.

Character features

You are naturally charisma and at the party is hardly lost among the guests. You are a pleasant companion, you capture new perspectives. You are very energetic, confident and know how to impress. Many of those born in the year of the dragon love to show themselves, full of energy and enthusiasm, they are proud, but this pride is sometimes interpreted as arrogance.

You are really confident and you like to be in the spotlight, but at the same time you have a responsive heart. If a friend has problems or it turns out to be a choice, you always come to the rescue. And when others can retreat, you go ahead and help solve the problem with your authority and self-esteem. You do not argue interfere with most situations, and if fetched in people, it is just because they are not so resistant and such responsive as you. You push high requirements for yourself and surprise when others do not correspond to your level; In his desire to fulfill the task you do not take into account human weaknesses.

The Chinese say that the sky and the land are harmoniously represented in the lives of those born in the year of the dragon, so you are invariably accompanied by success. You are resolute and honest, capable and happy. Fortuna is favorable to you, and you yourself are able to assess the situation and at the right time to make attractive or creative proposals.

You can be inflammatory and stubborn, sometimes too frank, however, a good advice is usually present in your critical comments. You act with good intentions and confident in the positive result, but often events are not developed as you expected.


You like responsible posts, your appearance inspires respect to subordinate. You know how to conquer authority, for you naturally lead and give orders, fortunately, most people recognize your authority. For you, it is important to have new interesting tasks and freedom of action, and if you feel that we are dependent on your career or from the will of other people, you are likely to collect your things and go away.

You are a capable and intelligent worker, you have established views on the planning and embodiment of projects. If doubts arise, you ask the Council or wait until you are sure that you are right. You have all the qualities of the leader, usually you are honest in matters, but your energy can be excessive, you should keep in mind that not everyone has your energy, even if they inspire your ideas.

You can make a career in jurisprudence, religion or art. You can also be a skilled manager, entrepreneur, doctor or actor


You have an interesting appearance, so it is not surprising that you are successful among representatives of the opposite sex. You know how to make an impression, so the partner quickly turns out to be influenced by your char. You are easily interested in and stopping you hard - for born in the year of the dragon, numerous love novels are quite characteristic.

Not wanting, you wish you conquer partners, and then throw them for the sake of a new passion: you just fade, identifying their shortcomings. You do not like excessive emotional dependence or uncertainty, so you go to search for a new romantic adventure.

Love for you is something like the game, so you rarely miss the past and regret what. However, this will not say about your former partners who can still continue to love you after the end of the novel. You need someone who gives you a scope for self-expression, who plays an active role and not frighten your lovingness.


Yellow. The dragon is associated with yellow, it was the imperial color of China - the color fixed behind the emperor. Yellow color is associated with progress, fame and success. It is also associated with the element "Earth", since fertile soils in many areas of China have a yellow tint.

Side of the world

East - Southeast. Each of the twelve signs corresponds to the direction of the arrow of the compass. The dragon is associated with the direction east - south-east, which, in turn, is associated with early hours of the day, when the sun begins to appear. This direction is also associated with the end of the spring, when the power of Yang is growing.

Dragon - mighty animal. Born to win. People born a year Dragon, possess the same qualities. They are strong, hardy, purposeful. Their dreams soon turn out to be reality, since the dragons persistently achieve the desired. This is not at all such a terrible sign as it may seem first. In fact, the dragons are very kind. Their soul is completely exposed to close people and friends. And this feature often use the flaws of the dragon, which are rubbed in trust, and then this trust is used at their discretion. Here dragons should be careful and checking people more carefully before you allow them to be in your close environment.

Dragons are difficult to break. Although "abandoning" is quite possible. But the dragon heads his head briefly. Usually, in depressed after hitting and betrayal, the dragon again takes himself in hand, and here the enemies should run without a look, otherwise the dragon will incite them with all the guts.

Dragons endowed with leader's abilities. The leaders of them are shiny. But because of the sometimes excessive demanding, the subordinates are not very loved by the chiefs of dragons and are trying to get rid of them with all ways, even resort to magic. But usually nothing helps. By the way, magic and mystic is the most interesting areas for dragons. From early childhood, they think about such global issues as the arrangement of the Universe and what the true meaning of life is.

Male -Drakon

The individualist with the prefix itself, since in the life of a man-dragon tries to achieve, achieve independently. It is rare when he is passionate about something alone, usually his interests cover several spheres of life at once. It seeks to take the leading positions, both at work and in the family. Loves to be noticeable, adores flattery.

In love, man-dragon Galanten. Falls in love with dizziness. Having achieved a woman, capable of the most unexpected actions, until what is ready to write a confession in love right on the clouds. Next to the male dragon there is no such thing as inattention. If a man-dragon is truly in love, then the concentration of his senses to the highest level is reflected at the object of love. Although it is difficult for a long time to hold the attention of the dragon. Completely satisfied with love, he immediately fond of another. And this other love is as passionate, fervent and romantic.

But as a friend, the dragon is much more constant. You can even say that the dragons are one of the most faithful and devoted friends who help quickly and disinterestedly.

Woman -Drakon

Strong nature, endowed with many male qualities: the desire for power, unshakable. Perhaps because of this similarity with the male nature, the female dragon often lies the crown of celibacy. Many of them are often visited by sorcerers and fortune skills to find, finally, real women's happiness next to her beloved. Although these walks do not lead to anything, because the root of the problem in the woman itself.

At the subconscious level, the Woman Dragon chooses the professions where you need to lead and direct, and it turns out to be immaculate.

Under apparent rigor, and somewhere cruelty, the dragon female is really soft and very good, but again, it entails the struggle for power. She is not afraid of critics, does not listen to human molva, and this cool helps her on the way to the goal. In the life of a woman-dragon lucky, Fortuna often pampers her attention.

Woman dragon and at work, and at home establishes its orders, demanding full compliance, so those surrounding consider dragon stubborn. The opposite sex female dragons are popular, however, due to the imperative, the best option is often missing. Marry usually go out only when 100% are confident that in the case of which they themselves will be able to feed not only themselves, but also children.

Any work in the hands of a woman dragon argues. Be this conclusion of contracts or embroidery with a cross. It is so energetic and straightened that even a man will envy her.

Dragon on the sign of the zodiac

Dragon is a strong, bright person, who needs sincere adoration. His power and power are manifested regardless of how the sign of the zodiac he was born. But still Zodiac makes its own adjustments to the nature of the dragon.

Dragon Aries

Dragon Aries - this power "two in one". Do not even try to start a dispute with a Dragon-Olev. Whoever in this case is guilty, victory in any case will remain for the Ova. He goes to the result on the break. This applies to all life areas, not only conflicts and disputes. Sometimes he evil raises the enemy, if only faster than it to "fill up."

Dragons-Aries are very intellectual. And even though they are not very curious and their knowledge is quite superficial, it is very interesting to communicate with them. They have so much attractive force that Dragons-Aries never have a shortage of communication.

They often achieve success. However, they lack care and caution. Being confident in victory, completely allow mistakes due to negligence. Therefore, you should not forget: "You go quiet - you will go further."

Dragon Taurus

This is a "soft" dragon. The qualities in it are so balanced that it is difficult to believe that it is really a dragon. Dragon Taurus can enjoy every moment. Able to appreciate what is here and now. Its without exaggeration can be called an aestheter. Dragons-Teltsy venate the surrounding nature, seeing beauty in a slight at first glance.

They love to dream, but "do not fall out" from reality. Their entails all new, unusual. Thanks to their extensive knowledge, they are interested in communicating with them. Unlike Aries, the calves will not join the conflict, trying to give up. True, if their pride is kept, they will answer adequately.

The minus in the nature of the dragon-tanks is their slowness in decision making. They are slow, they are not because of fear, but from the desire to calculate everything thoroughly. Only sometimes this calculation lasts so long that happy opportunities simply leave from under the nose.

Dragon twins

Sensual and very emotional people. It is good and bad at the same time. Good because relationships with them are always honesty, openness, goodwill. And bad, because they are typical of "pull the blanket for themselves." This is especially true of the business spheres of the twins, where it is precisely because of excessive emotionality, important things are broken. It is often due to the fact that the twins give the nerves, and they can quit everything literally in a step from the target.

They need to strengthen the nervous system. To do this, it will not hurt to do sports, yoga, meditation ... when the twins have achieved the state of balance, they will open many ways, they are unnoticed. Then all their best natural qualities: factories, curiosity, perseverance And others will show themselves from the best side, and the twins will be able to achieve a lot in life.


Dragon-cancer are people who "friends" with mysticism. Their developed intuition is like magic in real life. They know how to literally feel people. When communicating with dragon-cancer, you catch yourself thinking that he can read thoughts.

They sympathize with everyone, everyone wants to please. Friendship with dragon-cancer is the same as friendship with the guardian angel who will come to the rescue in any case. Dragon cancer, seeking something, uses his strong quality - charm. Before the charm of these cancers it is very difficult to resist And it is difficult to refuse him. These people can be both first-class subordinates and talented chiefs. And in that, and in another case, they will soul will be sick for the success of the company. Dragon-cancer is a reliable partner and caring father.

The only thing that can be advised by dragons born under the constellation of cancer is to look for a gold middle in the expression of emotions. Sometimes, they can be tactless, but it is only at the moments of nervous voltage.

Dragon Lev.

These are leaders people. They are inborn leaders, and the number of subordinates does not matter: at least 100, at least 1000, at least 1000,000. They know how to organize their work in such a way that, skillfully bypassing competitors, achieve amazing results. True, sometimes, the lions dragons for this result, as they say, do not spare the abdomen, so health problems in this case are obvious. This is due to the nervous voltage, as they by nature, practically do not know how to relax. But it should be learned to learn this After all, too much depends on it.

They are characteristic of planning their lives. Thanks to the clear plan, they manage to be much larger than others. Usually, dragon-lions have no problems with finance, they will not call them the trains. With money, they are not easy. First, they will first kill that this thing is really needed, but only then they will be spent on spending.

Dragon Deva.

The mixture of the qualities of the dragon and the virgin is the courage and restraint, strength and sensuality ... Usually they do not expect gifts of fate or large inheritance. Prefer everything to seek themselves. And they seek a lot, since the persistence of the dragon pulls on "feats."

Dragons-Virgin is notice. The proverb "Learn is never too late" is relevant for them, like anyone else. Even in the mature age of Dragons-Virgin by anything, but are passionate about. Their house is full of books and training disks. However, Dragons-Virgo are impatient and this is the only negative in their temperament.

Dragon scales

These are good people in every sense of this word. Hate violence, conflict, try to perform peacemakers in any conflict situations. In communicating with people, they are trying to see only positive qualities in them.

Dragons-scales creative personalities seeking harmony. True, they have a mood swallow when they become sullen and even evil, but it lasts long, they very quickly gain the former harmony again.

Dragon Scorpio

These are people-fighters. From early childhood, thanks to his magnetism, they collect people around them. Optimism is a distinctive feature of scorpion dragons. To any cause, they are suitable with joy and in a good mood, so they all turn out at best.

Fate often experiences these people's endurance, throwing the difficulty of difficulty. But they bypass any difficulties and often even with winning for themselves. The energy in them literally boils, and maybe they should think about sending this energy in the creative direction, as the scorpions dragons are very talented, but too often this path remains not developed.


Strong personality. The desire for power is, that's what interests Dragon-Sagittarov. But this is a "healthy" desire because, finally, being in the chair of the head, he belongs to the subordinate, although strictly, but in fairness and, having taking a high position, takes care of the fate of the company, is expensive by his name.

Dragon-Sagittarius is good-natured and hearted, the conflicts do not like to inflate, but for themselves and their loved ones can stand.

They quickly adapt in an unfamiliar atmosphere. Easily switch from one thing to another. Their insightful mind constantly "requires feeding" in the form of new knowledge, so the shooters' dragons are passionate about many.

The energy in them is plentifully, and very often the Dragons-Sagittarius neglect the capabilities of their health, working for wear. It is necessary to correctly organize your time and in no case forget about rest.

Dragon Capricorn.

Complex combination. The quality of Capricorn is the meaningfulness of any action, the dragon is aimed at the result and rushing out. As a result, a person as it may break into parts. Dragon Capricorn often plays a role inherent to him, that is, in humans, it may look harmonious in humans, and in this time there is a powerful passion game.

But in any case, Capricor Dragons very strong personality. They are especially managed by the role of the head, they easily fond of people. True during periods of fatigue, despair, depressed Capricorgo goes into ourselves and do not want to communicate with anyone. It is just necessary to take it. To them, as anyone else needs time to relax.

Dragon Aquarius

it bright personalities with non-standard thinking. There is a feeling that they are in some kind of world. In any case, if the dragon-Aquarius does not suit today's reality, he seems to trusting it with his bright nature, because of this, many call them strange.

These are people with mystical inclinations. They are intuition for 5+. The rich inner world of Dragon-Aquaries entails them in the creative direction. Of these, gifted musicians and inspiration artists are obtained.

Dragon fish

Also an unusual personality is very creative, with developed intuition. Having found itself in a creative impulse, often bathe in the rays of glory and recognition. At first glance, it may seem that dragon fish is a secretive personality. But this is an imaginary secrecy, acting only in the company of unfamiliar people. With your friends and loved ones are welcome merchant.

They face gray everyday life. Monotonicity in life they do not like it, therefore, the work of the fish dragons are looking for such where every day "with filling", where emotions will be buried and interesting events where you need to manifest yourself.

They are prone to long experiences about failures. Sometimes, I need extraneous help to switch them from gloomy thoughts that can lead to depression.

Dragon Eastern Horoscope: Legend, Character, Career and Money; dragon compatibility horoscope; Dragon - Zodiac

1928 - Earth

1940 - Metal

1952 - Water

1964 - wooden

1976 - Fire

1988 - Earth

2000 - Metal

2012 - Water

2024 - wooden

Dragon: Legend

The dragon for China is of particular importance - this is the totem of the country, its symbol, therefore is considered the most favorable creation. According to Chinese legends, the dragon is a huge mound, covered with fish scales, with a bullish head, deer horns, with shrimp eyes, with eagle claws, snake body and a lion tail. The embodiment of the dragon is the emperors dressed in "Dragon's clothes", "Dragon Body" they won them on "dragon chairs." China's people consider themselves a descendant of the dragon.

In the legend, the Dragon is the fifth animal who arrived at the invitation of the Buddha on his "PIR", because the fifth year of government in the twelfth cycle.

Dragon Eastern Horoscope: Character

Dragon has good health, it is energetic, easily excited, sometimes stubborn, cutting. Emotional, decisive, honest, you can count on it. Sovereign. Frankly, his opinion is justified. Has many abilities. Borrow money does not like. Soft-hearted, allowing others over yourself to take the top, just quite briefly, quickly getting rid of delusions. The marriage concludes either very early or very late (if it does at all).

He is loved by others. Dragon - Personality Surprisingly bright, attractive, strong. His energy, fantasy, non-standard views put it in the center of universal attention, in the thick of the events, where it would be. The dragon holds perfectly, about something, it looks enthusiastic, confident. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bjokes, incredible stories in stock. "The Soul of the Company" is more often about him.

The dragon is incredibly inquisitive, it has diverse hobbies and hobbies, from collecting to extreme sports. Often he suddenly lights up new things, after all, he loves a lot to be able, and then, mastering new skills, also suddenly loses interest in him. For him, the narrow borders are boring - even though the hobby, even at least a permanent job - he does not wait to make a bigger new and entertaining.

The latitude of interests and horizons, a sharp mind, creative approach, inner strength, confidence - constituting his success as an exciting interlocutor, a man with charisma, who is difficult to refuse. Dragon is completely drawn, it is easily falling under his charm. This opens up many doors. Therefore, he is considered a lucky one, much turns out by him "by itself", without effort. However, the dragon does not use people with traffic. His sympathy and antipathy of sincere, the secret plans he does not build, often does not even know how to benefit from his good luck. He just lives fully, brightly, saturated, intuitively feeling that instead of lost opportunities and spent finances, they will necessarily come new. A strong personality, the dragon calmly relates to the smiles of fate, courageously transfers difficulties.

However, despite the power of charm, the relationship with other people at the dragon is not too smooth. Often the dragon is an envy object, secret intrigue, deception, and his trusting sincerity prevents him in time to understand it. The dragon is still often too straightline, inconsistent, provokes conflicts around him. But, despite the tension, it is still able to build an excellent career in any of the selected areas.

Curious, charming, brave, wise, dragon knows how to live in a complete sense. His potential is so powerful that if you send it, without diluing, in the only direction, the dragon can carry out the most incredible ideas and dreams.

Dragon Zodiac

Capricorn - modest. For the dragon is too unmarked.

Aquarius - dragon-providers. Self-critical as all dragons.

Fish - super! Incovering wisdom, inspiration. Maybe therefore must achieve much.

Aries - Oh! Excessive dragon! So confident in the victory, that the goal tries with closed eyes.

Taurus - Slavful dragon. Calm family man.

Gemini - Dragon multicolor, rainbow. Dragon holiday, sparkling with lights.

Cancer - dragon, hovering in the clouds. And the locks will build air!

Lev - Dragon excessive, very tired.

Virgo is the only dragon, chimera is not. Can trust. Precise dragon.

Scales - Dragon disappointing. He should not be trusted, his appearance is very deceptive.

Scorpio - spiny. Easy to burn.

Sagittarius is absolutely calm. You can rely on, for the dragon, it is too calm.

Dragon: Money and Career

Special dragon does not seek to build a career. To put a goal, seek years - this is not for him. Life is so entertaining, diverse, is fascinating, it is impossible to subjugate to something the only thing, especially - boring! However, the identity of the Dragon Charismatich is so much that he involuntarily attracts sympathy of others, strong this world - also! Therefore, often the Dragon is easily built a brilliant career, causing envy of boring careerists.

Attitude towards money is equivalent to building a career. The dragon often performs unexpected broad gestures: sudden, under the influence of a gust, charitable transfers, purchasing unnecessary luxury goods, and so on. The expenses of the dragon are always bright, notable to everyone, but the truth of anyone is not known about the diversity of sources of its income. He himself realizes not to the end. Therefore, surprisingly triple, that the dragon is almost always with money, often rather big.

Famous dragons

Friedrich Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant, John Lennon, Sigmund Freud, Placido Domingo, Friedrich Great, Gregory Pek, Nicholas II, Alexander Eifel, Salvador Dali, Che Guevara, Lewis Carrol, Al Pacino, Andre Morua, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Bernard Shaw, Marlene Dietrich, Vitaly Ginzburg, Zhanna D "Ark, Louis Korvalan, Michael Douglas, Tatiana Peltzer, Sarah Bernard, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Marcello Masthani, Robert Oppenheimer.

Dragon Compatibility Horoscope

Good - rat, monkey, snake, cock

Not bad - horse, boar (pig), sheep (goat), dragon

Bad - tiger, dog

Lost in the dragon rat erased everything, even indifference. Of course, she will take everything that the dragon will add, but will share a critical mind, rational love for finance. All the same applies to the snake. In general, the Dragon Men will always attract a woman-snake with her beauty. Dragon will be proud of it. Fanfaronic rooster will find a common language with the glitter dragon, picking up the crumbs of his success. Complements the dragon in love and in the monkey affairs, enriching it with cunning, getting a power in return. Only the dragon should be careful: Monkey one medium of all signs can make fun of the dragon. Often humor softens dragon pride.

Communication with the tiger is always restless. And the most unsuitable Dragon is a dog: a pessimist realistic, she does not believe in it.

Now about the undergoing competition, as I wrote an intermediate result after two crosswords (click twice to enlarge)

Crossword (Click on Crossword)

The dragon in China is a very distinguished mythical creature. He is kind, wise and merciful. He is identified with the imperial power.

The dragon is honored and dedicated to him holidays. In predictions, the dragon symbol is considered exclusively a favorable sign. People born in the Year of the Dragon occupy an important place in society, respect them and love the same as their zodiac patron, they are lucky in life. Years of the Dragon in the Eastern Horoscope: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Character of people born in the year of the dragon

The dragon is endowed with the best moral qualities. He is generous, kind and generous. He has many abilities, he is talented, it grabs everything on the fly. Hardworking and smart, he enjoys the cases that are engaged in; The dragon will not bang over what he is not interested. Uninteresting lessons for him is not enough: he loves a new experience. This is a man with the wisdom of the elder and the enthusiasm of the child. A man born in the year of the dragon charming, he loves him for his sincerity, a bright smile and a sea of \u200b\u200bvitality. He is eagerly friends with him, appreciate the companies, the dragons are often universal pets. They do not spoil even a somewhat overpriced pride - they balance him with interest and respect for the interlocutor. People are waiting for the praise of the dragon and appreciate his attention to themselves. Therefore, next to the dragon, they try to be as best as possible. One presence of the dragon makes the world better. Dragon disadvantages are self-confability, self-confidence, egocentrism, admiration and greater demand.

People Born in the Year of the Dragon: Compatibility in Love

Dragon loves when he has many fans. His charm and alive, strong character allow him to get the attention of many. He is a jail, passionate, easily flirting and flirting. From communication with him, people lose their heads. But the dragon does not apply to their love seriously. For a long time, the dragon generally considers love as a game and has many love romance. He likes to be inclined passion, he does not see the reasons to suffer and suffer because of love affairs. So there is his personal life until he decides that he has achieved certain heights in his career, in the profession, in the material plan, that he sufficiently failed life and was saturated with adventures. Then the dragon decides to be cooled. The Dragon family creates not in passion, although she tries to choose who would love him. Family and family values \u200b\u200bare faithful, a dragon partner may not worry about the fate of the family - the Dragon will never give up obligations, will not leave the family, he is a good spouse and a loving parent. In love, dragons are best compatible with, dragon, and.

People Born in Year Dragon: Friendship Compatibility

Dragons love in companies, they are cheerful, optimistic and cheerful. But they have real friends. The trouble of the dragon is that he does not understand the weaknesses of friends and does not know how to reckon with them. He demands too much from friends. Therefore, mostly a friendly dragon circle formed at work - there people appreciate his abilities and his willingness to come to revenue in a difficult moment. Dragon Friends are people with whom the dragon has common plans, interests or cases. He has no sincere friends. But he does not need such friendship: the dragon appreciates assistance in affairs, not a mentality. In addition, the dragon is egocentric, afraid to show his weaknesses, wants to always look good, and therefore does not associate with that friendship in which friends are too revealed for each other. For the dragon, a friend is the one who will admire them and feed the dragon forces to their admiration. Respect and admiration of friends help the dragon do not lose faith in themselves. The dragon is best compatible in friendship with, and.

People born in the Year of the Dragon: Compatibility in the work

Dragons rarely remain on the second roles. They have sincere interest in the case they are engaged in healthy professional ambition. Therefore, the dragon easily makes a career or develops its business. Moreover, he does not receive a post of Blat, and he deserves it by hardworking and professional talents. In the role of the head, the dragon is smart, can inspire subordinates, does not act on maybe. Before getting started, he is carefully preparing, recognizes the details, it is not bent to ask the Council from more competent people, even if they are below his position.

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