Dreamed a strong wind. Winds, storms, hurricanes ... What dreams of a strong wind in a dream? "Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

We often say "wind of change" or "associated wind!", We use many other expressions in which the wind is present. He is able to change the weather, the mood of people, help people or spoil their plans ... Each famous dream night in a dream calls the harbinger of changes in life and a news satellite.

Feel the movement of air - just like, - not everyone. Interpretatives believe that those who feel the wind in their Gres, very good intuition. But even in this case, the prompts do not prevent the wind to what the wind is dreaming.

If the wind has dreamed, for the correct interpretation of the vision, it will be very good to evaluate the strength and direction of the air flow from your sleep. Additional details - for example, the actions of your or the forces of the elements - will help to clarify the interpretation.

  • The air movement could be barely noticeable or very strong.
  • At the same time, the wind could be for you passing or counter.
  • Or you watched the change of weather from the house through the window.
  • Hurricane was hardened.

What does the breeze whisper or shouts a windshche from your dream, you can decipher using the son's tips. Also, the interpreters give recommendations, how to do to wrap the situation for themselves if the symbolism of the dream seems to you not the most successful.

Light blier

As the Persian dream book says, the wind is lightweight, which can be called a breeze, blow, dream of improving the material situation. A weak warm breeze in your dream indicates that in reality you will soon get very good news.

He dreamed of a weak breeze - it means that you are ready to sacrifice part of your own interests in order to arrange the object of your passion, "so pushes Miller's dream book. A light warm blink in the face can foreshadow familiarize with a person who will be pleasant to you and interesting.

If in a dream you hear the quiet rustle of the leaves on the blow of the wind - the interpreters call on not to make the events that happen too close to the heart to avoid numerous chagrins. The distant noise of trees under the wind is your opinion in some important thing for you will differ from the opinions of people around you.

What dreams strong wind depends on its direction. Dream Interpretation for the whole family says that the cold air flow from the north can be dreamed on the eve of some vital changes that sleep is likely to be perceived as the victims of the test.

However, there is also an interpretation that says: to see the North Wind in a dream - to a cold illness. You feel worn, therefore, and in a dream you can gloom the movement of cold air. It is worth adopting preventive measures to not "fall out" in the bed with a cold.

The flowing ice flow of air in a dream says that you should take care of your reputation. If soon after such a dream, you will do something unworthy, information about it immediately "swell."

Dreamed warm wind from the south - circumstances will favors you. If, in continuation of your sleep, the wind blended on the other side of the world, and then changed to the South - such a vision promises improvement in relations with the surrounding or your "half".

Backway and counter

Why dream wind - strong, but passing? As the idiom dream book says, a powerful passing air flow in your dream symbolizes the ability of a dream to adequately assess the situation and use it for itself. If a strong backway wind had dreamed, he adds a summer dream book, "it is worth expecting enough fast career growth.

If the wind is dreaming, says Children's dream book, it is worth expecting not only the fact that events will be in your favor, but also the fact that in achieving your goals you will help friends and colleagues. When in your Gresses you feel that a strong passing stream of air picks up you and carries, the dream book of the XXI century advises to strengthen the control over the situation so that your affairs do not go as they please.

What dreams wind in the face, even in a dream that knocks you from the legs? If you, despite the hostile behavior of the air masses, continue to move forward, - this means that, despite the actions of ill-wishers and adverse circumstances, you will achieve your goal. Wang's dream book promises that after all the tests you are waiting for a worthy award for the work done in difficult conditions.

The wind in the face can also mean that no one else will require a report for the errors that you committed in the past. A gusty wind in the face in your Guest calls on to be careful about finance, keep them on hard control. A strong air flow in a person can talk about what is now - not the best time for the start of a new project or a new business, it is better to postpone it for a while.

Welding observations

What dreams wind, which in your dream does not bear the immediate threat to you, say, do you watch it through the window? To see the wind window with symbolizes the onset of some new life stage. Watch through the window to windy and rainy weather - means that you can achieve your goals through confidence in your abilities.

You saw that the wind outside the window raises clubs and dust, but did not have fright, because they saw bad weather through the window, - circumstances will not be more favorable for you, but they will not harm you. It is worth only to wait for a while before making any active actions.

What dreams wind, twisting in a tornado funnel or turning into? If you looked at this weather phenomenon from the house through the window - you are waiting for a tide of creative forces. It is only necessary to try not too much to give in to emotional gusts - this is what Tornado speaks outside the window.

When you dream of wind, turning into a hurricane, says the dream book Pastor Loffa, you want to change in your life, and we fear that the events will start unfolding at all as you imagine. When in a dream you see a hurricane outside the window, the noble dream book advises to analyze how your plans correspond to real circumstances.

While there is still time to adjust your own actions in the changing atmosphere, which is what the vision is about hurricane, seen through the window. When in your Gresses you are in and see that a storm occurs outside the window and falls on the house, - perhaps you better change the work, because the current not too contributes to the implementation of your ambitions.

In my dream, during the weather, did you end up on the street and tried to hide from the winds knocking on the legs? Family dream book says that in the near future you can offer participation in not too honest. In order not to defam your name, from such an adventure should be abandoned.

To see that the hurricane left behind significant destruction, but at the same time to remain unharmed - it means that in reality you will be very worried about the danger threatening you, but it will bypass you. When someone was hardened, injured from too windy weather, - in reality to friends will need your help and support.

Did the hurricane wind picked up and carries you? Such a dream promises rapid love experiences - such that you will not control the power. However, if it was possible to stay in good health after a similar flight - the sleep of Sulit that your feelings would be mutual.

In real life, the wind can be different - it may be a pleasant breeze that blows from the side and refreshes on a hot day, there may be a wind that brings weather changes, and maybe a terrible storm, breaking, facilities and the lives of people.

In any case, the wind is energy, movement, action, with a person independent of the will. Since the wind is a phenomenon common in any climatic zone. Therefore, the wind is often found as a scene of dreams. Consider what the wind means, which appeared in a dream.


The wind dreams of changes, and to good or bad, depends on the details. Strong wind promises serious tests, a weak breeze - pleasant surprises. The wind blowing in the back - to help from an unexpected side, not always from a particular person, maybe the creator itself or the universe will do that random alleged events are successful for you. The wind in the face - on the contrary, to unexpected, often impersonal, obstacles. But the wind that blinds to bonesmay mean that the dream will expose the dream in the near future, and is better in good and immediately refuse to deceive.

Hurricane - strong and destructive wind, which do not promise anything good. See such a wind in a dream - unfortunately. The hurricane wind means obstacles to the execution of your plans, getting into a difficult situation, the emergence of difficulties, to overcome the power and determination. Also, a hurricane can mean negative changes in personal life: disorder in relations or long separation.

However, Sigmund Freud It was noted that the hurricane can mean and simply change, and those that have happened. For example, you recently got acquainted with the person you are interested in. If the hurricane is approaching you, and you are standing and watching, it means that you are experiencing an extraxiety and excitement. Perhaps you need to look at things differently, to revaluate your values \u200b\u200band views.

Miller consideredthat hurricane is the result of disappointing from the crash of plans, which happened in the past. In this case, you just need to stop thinking about the past, for it does not return it, and live real life.

If the wind is dreaming right in the face, he foreshadows counter actions on the part of a stranger. If the wind blowing strong, prevents go, brings an unpleasant feeling or clouds in the eyes of Tuchi, this means that someone is going to prevent you in your affairs, and it will be necessary to attach a lot effort In order to overcome resistance.

If the wind warm and affectionate, pleasant to the skin, the meeting with a person will be joyful and pleasant, and this man himself is pleasant and wishes you to good.

Raging outside the window

Sleep, in which the wind is knocking on, can mean changes that are bred in your life, and you do not want to let them go there. Also, such a dream can mean speedless changes that will radically turn all of your life and even the ideological positions. If the wind is so strong that is capable pull the window frame And break into the room, you need to change the situation, and the sooner the better. Sleep warn you that accumulated difficulties will be in life to destroy it to the ground, and the body requires rest, which will avoid the nervous breakdown and psychosomatic diseases.

With dust

Dust in the eyes - an obstacle, and many people who saw the wind carrying bullets in a dream, believe that it is to trouble, which is not always the case.

So, the wind, carrying sand or dust, can mean sudden illumination, inspiration. It is important not to miss the moment and send energy to achieve new creative success.

If a dusty storm carries you alongThis means that in the future you can experience strong excitement.

With rain

Strong wind, storm with, oddly enough waiting for favorable changes. Perhaps, inspiration will appear in order to finish postponed earlier, make any actions that have not decided to make a long time or who simply did not have time, attention and interest in the outside of others will appear, the relationship with them will improve.

If the rain is small, and the wind is weak, only the gray and despondency is waiting ahead. Sleep about autumn when the wind drives heavy clouds across the sky, from which small and cold rain dripping, means that the body's forces are on the outcome, it is necessary to relax and relax, change the situation, to make an interesting occupation, sports, go somewhere, take a vacation or ran down

If the storm is accompanied, it may also mean a warning - difficult tests are coming, in which you will have to show courage and durability to get out of honor.

Metelitsa, blizzard, through which the world around him is poorly visible, symbolizes in the world of dreams accumulated questions that you have no answers. In such cases, it should be stopped and deal with accumulating problems in the future.

Go in a dream through the blizzard - To an emergency meeting with ill-wishers that will strive to confuse you and knock down from the right track. Be alert, not to get to it on the hook.

If a blizzard Weak, just the wind with the surrounding objects and people is clearly visible, then this is a good omen in such cases, the dream foreshadows pleasant surprises, the execution of the desires forgotten. Especially good if the snow is touched by a jacket, nose and forehead. This means that the desires will come true in the coming days.

Go against snowwhich wind carries in the face - to the sudden difficulties that will complicate promotion forward, go through the wind - to the fact that the surrounding reality will encourage the goal.

Some interpretatives believe that the blizzard can mean emergency orders or a life storm, in which you yourself or your relatives will fall in the near future.

Sand storms, wind, carrying the clouds of sand, covered with the sun - a popular horror stroke in the residents of the desert and steppes. For residents of moderate threats of the sandstone, the sandstone is irrelevant, and therefore sleep with the tolerated winds attends our person is infrequent. At the same time, it may not necessarily mean a danger.

In particular, if the sand storm is raging somewhere in distanceIt means that the danger will be, but it will be part of the side, it's not a dream, nor any of his relatives. If the sand is so much that he falls asleep the dream, it means that he will be drawn into an unpleasant story, moreover, the chain of events will develop so that the troubles will not be avoided.

If you are watching the sandstorm loses its strength and gradually calms down, then this is a good sign, it means that only prosperity and prosperity await you ahead.

If sandy storm injured you - I soldered the skin, or flew into the eye, it will take care of not to let your reputation: competitors and enviousness just wait.


Thus, the wind will bring something new to your life, and difficulties will be, new acquaintances, or new accomplishments depends on the circumstances in a dream and from your actions in the real world. In any case, even if the dream is alarming and unpleasant, it does not necessarily promise you something bad.

  • Emotions - Anger.
  • Organs - gallbladder, kidneys.
  • Planets -UPITER. Extraction and interpretation 1. Philosophical. In addition to the concept of five major feedback and five primaryness of the world, Eastern philosophy operates with another eight trigram - symbols reflecting the eternal transformation of the energies of Yin and Yang. Life rises in a spiral, every round of the spiral - a circle, in every circle eight times the yin and yang are combined. Their mutual struggle and brewing - movement and life. Termination of movement is death. Eight trigram define good and evil, and good and evil gave birth great things, "said in and Jing, an ancient Chinese book of change. The wind is a trigram Xun. It symbolizes the concomitant wind tree, spring and southeast, where spring is born. Xun means still penetration, chicken, thigh, eldest daughter, white color, length, height, trade with three hundred percent profit and the like. TRIGRAMMs are considered to be upward: the bottom is one torn inin trait, above it is one whole janskaya, this means that there is power and weakness, movement and forth, and back. But the state states of qi two (yin and yang), and the hell in the trigram three: one more final trait is added from above. Yansk trait from above in Xun means a tendency to active actions - the development of the Yansky Damn - the movements are more than the Yinsky-Pokoy). 2. Medical. The wind is the element of spring, so in the spring to the winds of the wind in a dream should be carefully treated. According to European philosophy (K. Yung), the wind is the manifestation of the basis of life - the Spirit, converges with oriental thinking that the abdication of the spirit in the human body is a liver and a gallbladder. Comparing the elements of nature and human emotions, it is possible to correctly appreciate the external situation and the inner essence - the cause of the situation (internally-disease, externally-present). The elements of nature all-pervading and spontaneous, they affect constantly, but implicitly. On the other hand, their greater / smaller impact depends on our emotions and from the ability to keep themselves in their hands. The wind is outdoor and inner. Outdoor wind is a manifestation of climatic exposure to natural wind. This, if the circumstances is incorrect, one of the strongest and dangerous pathological principles began. The wind is a hence of a hundred illness, says the yellow emperor.
  • The inner wind occurs due to the violation of the functions of the liver, the gallbladder, the kidneys, or a lack of blood (anemia, blood loss, etc.). Symptoms of wind diseases: convulsions, dizziness, one-sided paralysis, trembling limbs, flashing in the eyes, violation of vision and, in perspective, the destruction of the individual I. In the Tibetan treatise, Chjoud Shi states that the total cause of all diseases is ignorance and self-conceit, they give rise to passion, anger and stupidity, the last born of an evil wind. The state of sleep allows you to experience the head of the forces that physically manifest much later, but will be incorrect. The oncoming wind (the outer wind in the face) is a formless, faceless for strength that prevents movement. This may mean the initial (faster) relations with opposition (in the future) unfamiliar people. In case of a tendency to safely resolve, the situation may cause anger and the desire to overcome the obstacle. The counter wind, which causes pain, is palpable, - internally, the situation has already formed (the winds are outdoor and inner together). Surrious, personal contradictions with rhythms of nature and illness. The counter wind, the reluctance to go, fear, the desire to hide, is the devastation of energy and impotence, that is, this is an already dangerous and explicit combination of external and inner winds. It is necessary to seek the disease already born and revive the feeling of will - the ability to resist. The wind is passing, pushing in the back, expenditure of forces, will, unexpected support (possibly), but also the danger in excess of the forces too press on the situation with my I, thereby violating the overall harmony. In general, this option is favorable, and especially in the spring.

The wind is the movement of air masses, and it can be different: refreshing in hot summer days bringing the change of weather, and sometimes, which happens not often, it is a terrible hurricane, who demoloses trees, buildings, and even takes human life.

But in all these cases, the wind is an action that occurs in any climatic zone and is not connected with the will of man. Sometimes the wind comes to us in our dreams. And many people do not know what the wind is dreaming. Strong, weak, confident is all his varieties, each of which has its meaning.

General information about what the wind can dream

As a rule, a dreamy wind promises enough change in our lives, and they will be bad or good, it already depends on the specific details, because the wind is different. If you dream of a weak breeze, you are waiting for pleasant surprises, but strong is to serious tests. If you dreamed by the wind blowing in the back, then you will get unexpected help. This assistance may not necessarily be from a particular person, you can get it from the creator or universe, which will help the events for you successfully. A dreamy wind, which blows in the face, promises unexpected obstacles. And if he is strong, as if blowing through, this means that a person who dreamed of such a dream may in the near future to expose. And if he conceived any deception, then it is better to refuse it.

What dreams strong wind-hurricane

Hurricane is a very strong wind that brings destruction. See him in a dream does not promise anything good. Such a dream warns of various obstacles that are waiting for you on the way to the execution of conceived plans. You may be in a difficult situation, and to overcome it, you will need a decisiveness and a lot of strength. Sometimes the harassment of a hurricane foreshadows negative changes in personal life: you can lose relationship with your loved one or you are waiting for an unexpected long-term separation.

But, as Zigmund Freud noted, the hurricane can dream of changes that happened a little earlier, for example, not so long ago, you got acquainted with a person who was interested. If you dreamed of an approaching hurricane, and at the same time you calmly stand still, then the dream says that your anxiety and excitement are unreasonable, you should change your views and values \u200b\u200band look at reality differently.

Miller believed that the victorious wind-hurricane is the result of ex-disappointments and unfulfilled plans. The output in this case is one - to forget about the past and return to real life.

Face blowing

Many are interested in what dreams of a strong wind in the face. Such a dream talks about counter actions from some other person. What dreams very strong wind, which blows right in the face, prevents promotion? This warning about someone's intentions to prevent you with your plans, and you will have to spend a lot of strength to cope with the obstacle.

If the wind blowing in the face gentle and warm and brings pleasure, then you have a pleasant meeting with a person who belongs to you very friendly. It is likely that this person you have not seen enough long period of time. It may be any of the school or university, or long relatives will come, and perhaps the person you love will appear, but the connection with him was lost.

Busty Window Window

What dreams of a strong wind outside the window is worried about many. A dream in which a strong wind will be leaving the window, means changes that want to come into your life, but you prevent it. Another dream can tell a person about significant changes in his life.

If the wind is so strong that it can snatch the window and break to you into the room, then in this case you should urgently change the situation. Such a dream warns that those difficulties and troubles that have accumulated in your life can break out and destroy everything to the ground. You urgently need to relax so as not to get diseases on the nervous soil.

After that, you need to try to solve all your affairs as soon as possible so that they do not oppress you in the future and did not enter the life as a raging wind. It is extremely preferably not to delay with this business. The problems will only accumulate, by themselves they will not go anywhere, so you will need to collect all the will in the fist, once and forever decide what oppresses.

Wind with dust

For some reason, people believe that the wind and dust is something not good. They can walk upset, without suspecting that there is nothing wrong with that. Such dreams are carrying people, on the contrary, some positive changes in their lives.

Often, such a dream foreshadows sudden inspiration or illumination. In this case, try not to miss an important moment in your life and direct all your strength to achieve new successes. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows a person that in his life there may be very interesting changes. However, dust is a kind of barrier that needs to be overcome and then these changes will be positive.

If you dreamed that the dust storm pulls you on, then sleep may mean strong excitement in the future. However, this does not indicate that it may mean something bad. After all, the excitement may be for their loved ones who speak at the competition, the excitement may be about raising in work and so on.

What dreams strong wind and rain

When a person dreams of such a dream, then you can rejoice, it leads to good changes in life. Suddenly, the forces may appear to complete the cases that prevented him to live for a long period of time. Or a decisiveness will appear on various actions that he previously would never have done. Therefore, you need to know what the wind is dreaming. A strong push and appeal to action will help a person to achieve invisible results.

If you dreamed of a small wind and a weak rain, then nothing interesting awaits you ahead. When in your dream you see autumn, the sky with heavy clouds and cold drizzling rain, then your forces are on the verge. You should relax well and relax. It is also desirable to change the usual atmosphere, find some exciting occupation, take away or go on vacation.

Sleep, where rain and wind are accompanied by a thunderstorm, can warn about future trials, to get out of which courage and perseverance will help you.

Wind with snow

Blizzard, blizzard, heavy snow, the wind is usually dreaming in this case when many questions have accumulated in your life that you cannot find answers. You will have to analyze the problems that have accumulated, and find the right decision.

Very often, people do not know and do not even think what the wind is dreaming. Strong snow, a blizzard, through which you make your way, can serve as alert that, most likely, there will be no very pleasant meeting with evil people who will try to knock you down from the way. In this case, you need to be prepared for such a person and just try not to get under its negative impact.

If a blizzard in your dream is not a strong, just a weak wind with snow, in which people and the surrounding buildings are clearly visible, then it is a good sleep. He foreshadows that you can fulfill the desires that have been dreaming for a long time, and that pleasant surprises await you. Your desires will come true very soon if the snow in a dream concerns the face.

Go towards the snow that the wind throws you right in the face, - to unexpected obstacles in the affairs that will make you move forward. And vice versa, if the wind blows in the back, then you will have the opportunity to move to the desired goal.

Some dreams explain that the dreaming blizzard may mean that you personally or your relatives in the near future faces the vital storm.

Wind with sand

What dreams a very strong wind with sand, which closes the sunlight? For those who live in a temperate strip, the sand storms are not relevant, and the dreams are rare enough, and they do not always talk about danger.

If you dreamed of a sandstorm, which is from you at a big distance, then you should not be afraid - the danger will bypass you, do not touch you or your loved ones. In the case when the sand is a very large amount, and it is directly falling asleep you, avoid trouble, unfortunately, will not work.

If the sandstorm in your dream begins to calm down and lose strength, it is a good sign - good luck and prosperity await you ahead.

The dream in which you were injured (the sand got into your eyes or sorted the skin), says that your competitors and envious are waiting for your miscalculations, and you will have to be attentive to not make any error.

Instead of imprisonment

Dream interpretation will help you to understand your dreams. What dreams of a strong wind in different cases was described above. Whatever it was, the wind always brings some new events into our lives, and what they will depend on your actions and circumstances. Very often, people think that something bad happens, while they do not know why the wind is dreaming. A strong push, calling for actions, sharp changes, complicated, but bringing the way the way, all this is not a complete list of what can bring this dream.

In dreams, each detail means some internal problems, is a prompt of unconscious about real life. In this article, we will try to figure out what a strong wind is dreaming. Basically, nature enforcement personifies human defenselessness. Not everything and can not always be kept under control. Some events will happen simply because the fate is so intended.

All dream interpreters claim that a strong wind symbolizes big changes.

What can mean gusts of the wind:

  • moving to a large distance for the sake of work;
  • change of life principles, priorities;
  • health problems;
  • disorder in relationships with loved ones;
  • reprimand from bosses;
  • difficulties with money.

People who see such dreams, reveal new acquaintances, changing the worldview. A person begins otherwise to evaluate his life and events taking place in it. Moreover, the image of thoughts can become both more positive and the opposite, more gloomy.

It is important to know: a bad dream need to have time to retell someone before lunch, then he will not come true.

Dreamed a strong wind outside the window

Did you dream of a strong wind outside the window? Do not be scared, dream interpreters claim that it is a very useful sleep. He does not promise bad events, but only warns that they can happen. It is possible to prevent them, in time by adopting appropriate measures.

  • I heard how the wind howls, but the hurricane itself is not visible? This is also a warning about the hoping threat, but another character. A painful wait is coming, staying in the unknown.
  • The situation is slightly better if the dreams observe the consequences of the already accomplished storm. There will be some unfortunate in the world, but personally, the dreams and its close data will not affect.
  • Sit at the window and watch the violence of nature - to excessive concern about the personal life of others, inappropriate advice. It is better to concentrate on your own life and not to impose your own opinion about how they should do.

Get into the hurricane epicenter

It has the importance of damage:

  • Buildings were destroyed. This is to change the lifestyle: to follow the diet, get up and go to the schedule, say goodbye to bad habits.
  • Broken trees promise fighting failures.
  • People suffered. It should be remembered that the first impression is deceptive. A new acquaintance, which will first seem good, a light man, will continue to show itself on the other side.

The one who in a dream was in the hurricane epicenter, in reality experiencing the strongest crisis. What is happening now in his life? Plans are crumbling, goals are given, their hands are lowered. Perhaps this person will be involved in a rapid love story, painful and with far-reaching consequences.

What dreams of a blizzard and strong wind

Snowfall, blizzard, Buran, Purga, blizzard dream when in reality you need to show more decisiveness. There is a risk to be addicted, losing control over your life.

  • Riding through a blizzard, that is, not to walk, namely, moving around in transport - to an urgent order.
  • Do not see anything because of the heavy snowfall - it means to successfully get out of the difficult situation. But it will not be easy to do it, there are obstacles and opponents on the way.
  • It's good to watch the blizzard from the window, then the trouble will be passed by. But the one who goes through Buran will be devoted.

Wind with rain

Strong wind and rain in a dream do not promise anything good in the near future:

  • tears;
  • disappointment;
  • insults;
  • anxiety.

The most curious interpretation concerns finance. If the wind with the rain dreams of a poor man, then this is to the influx of money, but it is rich that it loses losses by robbery. An exception is a warm spring rain, which in a dream pleases and gives pleasure. This is a good sign promising happiness in love.

Do I need to do something by having received a bad omen? The best thing to do is not to "wind up" yourself, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Hurricane wind in face with dust

What to wait for reality if the hurricane is dreaming, a strong wind with sand that blows in the face, falls asleep with sand:

  • quarrel with a loved one, family conflicts;
  • active actions from ill-wishers, enemies;
  • an awkward situation causing a feeling of shame;
  • something in life will move from the dead point, starts to change.

It happens that in a dream the wind in the face gives pleasure. This means that a person paid for past mistakes and in a karmic sense she should no longer anyone. Warm rain and soft, nicely blowing the breeze promise a reward for patience.

No matter how strange it sounds, the interpreters of dreams are recommended not to take active actions to solve emerging problems. Now the best solution will take a passive position and observe the development of events from the part.