What needs to be done to make the Chinese rose bloom. Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom? Planting and reproduction

If you properly care for the Chinese rose (hibiscus), it will surely thank you with lush flowering. It is not uncommon for you to groom a plant, trying to create ideal conditions for it to grow and develop, but it only produces a large number of new shoots, increases its leaf mass, but there is still no flowering. Why the hibiscus does not bloom, what to do and how to make it bloom - we will understand this issue in more detail.

Reasons for the absence of flowers

The reason for the cessation of flowering hibiscus can be any imbalance:

  • direct sunlight or lack of light;
  • waterlogging of the soil or too rare watering;
  • nutrient-poor soil or excess fertilizer;
  • a cramped pot or a tub that is too roomy;
  • a sharp decrease in temperature or exhausting summer heat.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the optimal conditions for flowering hibiscus, to ensure them as much as possible. If you want to wait for terry roses as soon as possible, and you are very upset that the hibiscus does not bloom, analyze your mistakes in care and hurry to correct them.

On a house plant

Improper care is the main reason for the lack of flowering. It is important to understand that the care of indoor and garden ornamental crops may differ.

Hibiscus loves light. If a flower pot is in a darkened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then you are unlikely to wait for your home handsome to bloom. However, do not rush to rearrange the flowerpot under direct sunlight. Do not forget that ultraviolet rays can cause burns. The best place to place a flowerpot with hibiscus, as noted by experienced flower growers, is considered to be the south and southeast side, where bright diffused light predominates.

Decided to transplant a flower when it grew large, causing the plant to stop blooming? Too big a pot is one of the common reasons why hibiscus plants don't bloom. Until the roots fill all the free space in the flower pot, the plant will vigorously grow and refuse to bloom. Be patient and wait for your handsome man to decorate your home rose garden with beautiful flowers.

At the garden flower

The absence of flowering can be observed not only in indoor, but also in garden hibiscus. As in the previous version, when we discussed indoor floriculture, the reason for the lack of flowering of a plant grown outdoors in the garden may be improper care. Most often, novice flower growers try to water the flower abundantly. However, according to the recommendations of gardeners with years of experience, hibiscus do not like too wet soil during the growing season.

Another reason for the lack of amazingly beautiful buds is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Do not get too carried away with fertilizers, it is necessary to feed the plants moderately and in a timely manner.

Also, do not forget that the lack of pinching and trimming an ornamental bush can cause a flowering hibiscus to refuse to throw out new buds and eventually stop blooming altogether.

Various diseases and insects can interfere with the flowering of indoor or garden hibiscus. Among the diseases that are characteristic of ornamental crops of the Malvaceae family, root rot, fungal infections, as well as chlorosis of infectious and non-infectious types are noted.


Hibiscus wakes up by the end of winter, now it needs sunbathing, good nutrition, abundant watering and warmth. It is very important not to miss this transitional moment, to provide the indoor plant with the necessary conditions in a timely manner. You can notice that the rosan woke up by the growth of young leaves. Do not wait for the buds to appear, because if you are late with the transfer of the flowerpot to a warm, bright place, the hibiscus will not bloom soon - it will shed the first flowers that are emerging. Causes: stress, microclimate change and mechanical damage (tender buds fall off even from the barely perceptible swaying of the branches).

Advice! In order for the hibiscus to bloom more abundantly, to have a beautiful crown shape, carefully cut off the old branches even before it awakens. The tree will quickly sprout young shoots, become more lush and attractive. In addition, terry roses appear only on young branches.


A Chinese bush will not have full flowering if it is planted in the shade. Even partial shade will not suit the plant to bloom, only the maximum amount of diffused light. Hibiscus that develops outdoors should be located in a place where there are no direct scorching rays of the sun and strong winds.

Beginning flower growers often make the mistake of changing the location of the flowerpot with a flower: they rearrange the houseplant from place to place, turn it to the light in different directions. It is categorically impossible to do this, because with such care, the hibiscus will never open the buds. The tree should be located in immobility all summer.


For lush flowering, the plant needs proper watering. If the room temperature is low and the hibiscus has a lot of moisture in the soil, the roots may begin to rot. At the first sign of illness, the bush immediately drops buds and flowers. If measures are not taken, the leaf begins to turn yellow and fall off, the rose becomes ill and dies.

With a lack of moisture, the buds also fall off, and if what needs to be done to make the hibiscus bloom is to adhere to the following rules:

  • you should not spare water during a hot period, but you need to wait for the top layer of soil to dry out;
  • water for irrigation should be well settled;
  • in winter, stagnant water is completely unacceptable;
  • in hot weather, hibiscus, especially domestic ones, should be sprayed daily with each leaf. In addition, a container of water is placed next to the plant to increase humidity;
  • irrigation water should be warm.

top dressing

The reason why the hibiscus does not bloom, but only gives foliage, may be in violation of the feeding regimen. The bush is either “hungry” or overfed with fertilizers.

During the period of active growth (March-September), the tree is fertilized weekly, and the rest of the time this needs to be done only once a month. It is recommended to use a mineral complex designed for flowering crops.

Important! Nitrogen fertilization will not cause hibiscus to form buds. Excess nitrogen will only cause active growth of greenery. In order for the plant to begin to bloom, it needs a phosphate top dressing.

The soil

Culture puts forward special requirements for the soil: neutral acidity, loose soil, the presence of a drainage system. The soil mixture should include humus, clay sod, charcoal crumbs.

A small tree needs to be replanted often, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. An adult plant does not need to be transplanted, however, every season it is advisable to carefully remove the top layer of the earth and add a nutritious soil mixture.

If a young hibiscus is immediately planted in a large tub, then you do not need to be surprised why the hibiscus does not bloom, since the reason is quite simple. This flower will not bloom until it fills with roots all the earthen ball provided to it. It remains to either wait or transplant into a smaller container.


Temperature conditions strongly influence the formation of hibiscus color. In the open ground, you can often observe blooming roses, but at home they do not open buds. The fact is that hibiscus needs hibernation, and in winter it is warm in apartments and there is no necessary temperature for rest (13-15ºС). It is during sleep that the plant actively lays flower buds.

Note! In order for the flowering period to begin in the spring, it is necessary to transfer the hibiscus to a cool room in the fall, where sharp temperature changes are excluded. It is important not to miss the moment of awakening the shrub at the end of winter. At this time, he will need warmth, sunbathing, generous watering, good nutrition.


In order for the Chinese rose to have a beautiful crown and abundant color, pruning is carried out even before it awakens. After removing the old branches, young shoots will appear very quickly, since double flowers form on them. An uncut bush will not bloom. He needs systematic pruning and this is an important part of grooming.

In a young bush, the shoots are cut to 2-3 buds, and the trunk is not touched. When it reaches the desired height, pruning is done at level 6 of the kidney.

Sanitary pruning is carried out only before the start of sap flow. Remove underdeveloped, diseased, old parts. From last year's shoots, 2/3 parts are left, and the rest is cut off.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases that prevent the flowering of the Chinese rose:

  1. Non-infectious and infectious chlorosis. The reasons are: excess nitrogen in the soil, fungus;
  2. Fungal infections lead to bud drop;
  3. Root rot can lead not only to the absence of flowering, but also to the death of the plant.

Infectious fungal diseases are treated with fungicides. Among the pests should be highlighted:

  • Spider mite;
  • Shchitovka.

These pests usually infect leaves and stems, they practically do not affect flowering. However, huge accumulations without treatment can lead to the death of the culture. These pests are treated by wiping the plant with soapy water and insecticidal preparations.

How to make hibiscus bloom

We have already figured out the reasons for the lack of flowering. Now you need to figure out how to make hibiscus bloom at home. This amazing and unusually beautiful flower is undemanding in care.

The basic rules for the care and maintenance of hibiscus at home include:

  • location of the vase. It can be the south, southeast or east side with shading at noon, when the sun's rays are most active;
  • pot and suitable substrate. When choosing a flower pot, do not take too large containers. The ideal soil is a substrate of neutral acidity, which includes clay turf;
  • moderate watering. The plant should not be flooded. The water temperature must be within +30 °C;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers. To make the plant bloom profusely and for a long time, you can use fertilizers with a high phosphorus content;
  • the formation of a bush prevents the abundant growth of hibiscus;
  • avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • properly organize the wintering of decorative culture. The optimum temperature for wintering is 10–15 °C above zero.


  1. On hibiscus, buds appear, but do not open and soon fall off - the plant lacks nutrients; watering is not plentiful enough, the soil dries out a lot; low air temperature.
  2. The absence of flowers in the presence of lush numerous foliage - the plant is overfed with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content; lack of lighting; insufficient watering during the active growing season; winter maintenance at a fairly high temperature, coolness is needed to lay flower buds.
  3. The lower leaves fall off, the new ones grow yellowish - chlorosis of the leaves has arisen due to the increased content of chlorine and calcium in the irrigation water, while nitrogen and iron are lacking (it is necessary to defend the water for irrigation and add iron chelate to it according to the instructions); root disease from hypothermia with abundant watering and low temperature; too dry indoor air combined with high temperature and insufficient spraying.

As a result of proper care, indoor hibiscus is sure to decorate your home rose garden with amazingly beautiful flowers.

Hibiscus is a tall ornamental plant native to Southeast Asia. This flower is often used to decorate the halls of hotels, restaurants and even hospitals. It would seem that with minimal care, the plant pleases the eye with abundant flowering, while at home the hibiscus does not bloom at all. Let's see why indoor hibiscus does not bloom.

Hibiscus is highly valued for its unpretentiousness in and content, as well as for its incredible beauty. Garden hibiscus is very popular among flower growers due to the amazing beauty of flowers, the color of which varies from rich scarlet to black. Petals are simple and terry type. They bloom according to a peculiar scheme: first one bud opens the petals, after 2–3 days the opened flower begins to fade rapidly, but the next one opens to replace it. It gives the impression of abundant and long flowering.

With proper maintenance and care, the ornamental culture will delight you with beautiful flowering throughout the growing season. However, novice gardeners and flower growers often complain about the lack of hibiscus flowering. They organized abundant watering, provided additional lighting, hid it from drafts, fed it with various fertilizers - they did everything they could to create ideal conditions for a house or garden plant, but there was no result. So why isn't the hibiscus blooming, you ask?

At the room

Improper care is the main reason for the lack of flowering. It is important to understand that the care of indoor and garden ornamental crops may differ.

Hibiscus loves light. If a flower pot is in a darkened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then you are unlikely to wait for your home handsome to bloom. However, do not rush to rearrange the flowerpot under direct sunlight. Do not forget that ultraviolet rays can cause burns. The best place to place a flowerpot with hibiscus, as noted by experienced flower growers, is considered to be the south and southeast side, where bright diffused light predominates.

Decided to transplant a flower, as a result of which the plant stopped blooming? Too big a pot is one of the common reasons for hibiscus not blooming. Until the roots fill all the free space in the flower pot, the plant will vigorously grow and refuse to bloom. Be patient and wait for your handsome man to decorate your home rose garden with beautiful flowers.

At the garden

The absence of flowering can be observed not only in indoor, but also in garden hibiscus. As in the previous version, when we discussed indoor floriculture, the reason for the lack of flowering of a plant grown outdoors in the garden may be improper care. Most often, novice flower growers try to water the flower abundantly. However, according to the recommendations of gardeners with years of experience, hibiscus do not like too wet soil during the growing season.

Another reason for the lack of amazingly beautiful buds is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. Do not get too carried away with fertilizers, it is necessary to feed the plants moderately and in a timely manner.

Also, do not forget that the lack of pinching and trimming an ornamental bush can cause a flowering hibiscus to refuse to throw out new buds and eventually stop blooming altogether.

Various diseases and insects can interfere with the flowering of indoor or garden hibiscus. Among the diseases that are characteristic of ornamental crops of the Malvaceae family, root rot, fungal infections, as well as chlorosis of infectious and non-infectious types are noted.

The most common pests include common aphids, scale insects and spider mites. What should I do to make a diseased hibiscus bloom? Fungicides will help protect the flower from fungal infections, and you can get rid of harmful insects with the help of an ordinary soap solution or insecticidal agents.

How to make it bloom

We have already figured out the reasons for the lack of flowering. Now you need to figure out how to make hibiscus bloom at home. This amazing and unusually beautiful flower is undemanding in care. The basic rules for the care and maintenance of hibiscus at home include:

  • location of the vase. It can be the south, southeast or east side with shading at noon, when the sun's rays are most active;
  • pot and suitable substrate. When choosing a flower pot, do not take too large containers. The ideal soil is a substrate of neutral acidity, which contains clay turf;
  • moderate watering. The plant should not be flooded. The water temperature must be within +30 °C;
  • fertilizing with fertilizers. To make the plant bloom profusely and for a long time, you can use fertilizers with a high phosphorus content;
  • the formation of a bush prevents the abundant growth of hibiscus;
  • avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • properly organize the wintering of decorative culture. The optimum temperature for wintering is 10-15 °C above zero.

As a result of proper care, indoor hibiscus is sure to decorate your home rose garden with amazingly beautiful flowers.

Video "Reproduction and pruning of hibiscus"

From this video you will learn how to properly prune and propagate indoor hibiscus.

Hibiscus appeared in the botanical gardens of Europe in the eighteenth century. Charming, unpretentious, tropical guest quickly took root and found admirers. In nature, it is deciduous and evergreen, herbaceous and tree-like. Today, hundreds of varieties are known to decorative floriculture. Each of them is interesting in its own way. But most of all, the Chinese species has taken root, with large dark green leaves and red double flowers. Often it is called the Chinese rose.

The plant is growing rapidly. With good care, it turns into a beautiful tree, covered with flowers all summer. It is them that we often see in the halls of hotels, hospitals, and train stations. And at home, flowering cannot be achieved. We cherish, we cherish - and nothing. Why isn't the hibiscus blooming?

home rose care

The flowering of any plant is the result of proper maintenance. It seems to thank us for caring. And, on the contrary, it starts to rebel when we make mistakes. Let's put the violets in a draft or in the bright sun, and then we wonder: why do the leaves of the violets curl?

Indoor hibiscus can grow well, stretch and grow foliage for years, but not give flowers. Sometimes an unfortunate bud will appear - and fall off. That's all the joy. We will reveal the secrets of the content of Chinese rose.

1. Grows well in the shade. But for good flowering, the pot must be placed in a bright room. Hide from direct sunlight.

2. Hibiscus will be grateful if you take it out into the fresh air in the summer. Place it on a balcony, for example, or in a garden. The place should be bright, protected from the wind.

3. Rosan doesn't like heat. In summer, it needs to be sprayed every day or even twice a day. Water regularly and plentifully as soon as the topsoil dries up. If not watered in time, the plant will drop leaves and buds.

4. Hibiscus loves breathable and moisture-absorbing soil. Watered - gently loosened the substrate so that air freely flows to the roots.

5. Rosan likes food. During the period of active growth (spring-summer), fertilizers are applied approximately three times a month. Suitable complex mineral or slightly concentrated organic.

6. In winter, the plant is watered and fed less frequently. It is enough to apply fertilizer once a month.

These are the basic rules of care. But, as practice shows, for lush flowering, observing them is not enough.

Florist mistakes

In shops and train stations, where hardly anyone is seriously engaged in rosan, there is flowering. And regular. And in apartments and houses there are problems with this. And you water, and feed, and put in the sun - nothing. Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom? The thing is that with home maintenance, two basic requirements are often not met:

In autumn and winter, send hibiscus to rest.

We are like running around it for a whole year. And you don't need to do this. Flower buds are laid at a temperature of about fifteen degrees. It's cold outside, there's no heating yet - just what you need. When the batteries are turned on, it is advisable to move the hibiscus to the coolest place in the house. Maybe even in the shade. And do not disturb the rosean to rest. Disturb him with top dressing, frequent watering, spraying.

In February, we move the flower closer to light and warmth. Gradually increase the amount of watering and fertilizing.

Trim the hibiscus before waking up.

Flower buds appear on young branches. And to stimulate their growth, the plant needs to be cut. In addition, with the help of pruning, you can form a beautiful tree shape.

Here are the two basic conditions for hibiscus to bloom (if, of course, the rest of the care rules are followed).

Warning errors:

1. If the hibiscus released buds in a cold room, then when the climate changes, it will drop them, plus part of the foliage. The moment of awakening was lost. Then new buds will appear and foliage will grow. But it is better to have time to take out the rosan to the place of its flowering.

2. If the hibiscus does not have enough light, heat, fertilizer or water, then it will drop the buds. Bringing the plant out of hibernation, try to immediately provide it with proper care.

3. When overfeeding rose with nitrogen fertilizers, there will be a lot of lush foliage. But only.

According to Feng Shui, hibiscus is a representative of the element of fire. It is ideal for very closed and rational personalities. Chinese rose harmonizes space, helps people to find contact with each other.

Like all other indoor flowers, hibiscus purifies the air, normalizes the ratio of gases in it. Only prejudice and superstition force flower growers to abandon certain plants in their apartment. Why can't you grow violets at home? Such grateful and beautiful flowers?

The tropical plant hibiscus is known in indoor floriculture under the household name Chinese rose. Although it has nothing to do with real roses or wild rose hips. This is a completely different plant from the plant genus.

In indoor floriculture, hibiscus is in demand due to its beautiful flowers, which also serve as a useful brew for a refreshing and invigorating tea. Many lovers are waiting for flowers. pamper their plants, creating the best, in their opinion, conditions for them. And if the plant still does not give flowers, they ask why the Chinese rose does not bloom or blooms very rarely, giving one or two flowers? We will try to understand the intricacies of growing hibiscus.

Hibiscus sinensis or Chinese rose in nature

The very name of this plant suggests that China is its homeland. From the southern regions of this country, hibiscus, with the help of man, appeared in almost all geographical areas with a tropical or subtropical climate.

In countries with a cold climate, where the Chinese rose is grown indoors and in greenhouses, flower growers must remember the tropical origin of the plant and even in winter maintain the temperature not lower than + 15 degrees, and in summer not lower than +22 +25 degrees.

Chinese belongs to the genus Hibiscus, Malvaceae family. In the wild, it is a shrub, quite tall, it reaches a height of about three meters. The plant is usually evergreen. The leaf plate is slightly corrugated, dark green in color, shiny, with jagged edges. The leaves are 10 - 15 cm long. They have petioles.

The flowers are large, when the buds open, the diameter of many flowers exceeds 15 cm.

There are white, cream, scarlet, pink, lilac flowers. There are forms with simple and double flowers. The stamens of the Chinese rose are folded into a long narrow tube and protrude forward from the flower. The petals are thin, not thicker than a piece of paper.

Flowers live one day, but, as a rule, new ones open every day, so flowering is continuous for several weeks. In order for such flowering to occur when grown indoors, the Chinese rose must be given the appropriate conditions.

Conditions for growing hibiscus indoors

Before you buy a plant, he needs to choose the appropriate place. The Chinese rose pot should be placed in a very bright place, however, during the summer months, the flower should be protected from direct sunlight. It is important to monitor the temperature. Given that seasonal fluctuations are unlikely to be avoided, the temperature in a room with a Chinese rose should not fall below 12 - 15 degrees. At a temperature of + 10 and below, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Watering and humidity

Starting from March, the plant needs regular watering. The frequency is every three days. However, waterlogging and stagnant moisture must be avoided. In the warm season, the plant needs additional moisture. It is good to spray the rose, wipe the leaves with it and even moisten the floor in the room where this flower stands. In case of too high humidity, ventilate the room with the flower.

Feeding and transplanting

You need to start feeding the Chinese rose in March. For the first time, you can take complex fertilizers for roses in granules. From May to September, fertilization should be done regularly - twice a month. Any liquid potting mix will work. From the moment when the hibiscus has mastered one volume of the pot, an annual transplant is needed. This must be done in the spring.

Varieties for indoor breeding

For indoor breeding, varieties are best suited:

  • Flamingo, flowers pink, single
  • Rio, pink flowers, dark centre, simple
  • Bangkok, yellow flowers, burgundy centre, simple
  • , pink flowers, semi-double
  • Ankara, flowers are yellow, the middle is red, simple

A novice grower should not get carried away with rare varieties, especially with double flowers. Sometimes it happens that an unpretentious variety is selected and all the basic rules of maintenance and care are observed, but the cherished buds never appeared.

What to do if the Chinese rose does not bloom?

To stimulate the flowering of the Chinese rose, it is imperative to arrange a "winter", that is, during the winter months, limit it, do this no more than once a week, when the top layer of the earth dries up. Keep the pot with the plant at a temperature of +15 degrees. In this state of rest, flower buds are laid in sufficient quantities. Lighting during this period should also be limited and the flower should not be placed in direct bright sun.

In late February - early March, hibiscus should be watered more often. It is good to loosen the earth after watering. Return it to a permanent place with good lighting and first carry out the first, and then all regular top dressing.

If the buds suddenly appeared, but crumbled without opening, then you need to pay attention to watering, conduct them more regularly, and if the temperature in the room is below + 18 and above + 26, then it is better to keep it at +22.

At the beginning of the warm season, remove about three centimeters of soil from the flower pot and replace it with new garden soil, which must first be mixed with rotted compost, adding dry algae to it.

Cardinal pruning will help the Chinese rose bloom. These plants give flowers on the shoots of the current year. In October or March, cut off all shoots, leaving only three eyes on each of them. Also, the reason for the lack of flowers can be in too large a pot. Until the plant masters it, flowers may not appear.

The above activities should definitely stimulate the Chinese rose to bloom and it will certainly please you with beautiful flowers.

Video about growing Chinese roses:

Ornamental plant Chinese rose is also called Chinese rose, Hibiscus Chinese (lat. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis); is one of the species of the genus Hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus) of the Malvaceae family (lat. Malvaceae). Of the 300 - 500 species of plants from the genus Hibiscus known to date, this species is most often cultivated in indoor and greenhouse floriculture. The entire Malvaceae family is classified in the order Malvotsvetnye. The flowers of this family, including the Chinese rose, have nothing to do with roses. The real Rose (Rosehip) is included in a different order - the order Rosaceae (lat. Rosales).

The plant is native to Southeast Asia.

The life forms of the Chinese rose are woody plants: in nature they are trees and shrubs up to 4 m high, in indoor floriculture conditions they are compact trees with a lush crown and elegant shrubs up to 1.5 m high.

The leaves are large, oval or obovate on long petioles, shiny, smooth, dark green or bright green in color (they are also variegated - with creamy or pinkish veins-stripes, edging). The type of leaf edge is serrated. The shape of the base of the leaf plate is rounded. The arrangement of the leaves is another. The large leaves of this shrub effectively purify and regulate the composition of gaseous substances in indoor air. The leaf blades, covered with sticky juice, cope with the function of a reliable dust collector.

The flowers are simple bell-shaped, double and semi-double, in diameter they can reach 15 - 25 cm. There are plants with a wide variety of flower colors.

Flowering is plentiful, from March to October, the flowering of each individual flower is short-term, no more than 48 hours, then the luxurious flowers fade, they are replaced by new ones. The plant is low allergenic: the aroma has a subtle smell, the pollen of Chinese rose flowers does not spread through the air.

Chinese roses at home usually live for a long time, several decades. Plants withstand cold, drafts, darkness, sunburn. The Chinese rosan endures for a long time, endures numerous flaws in its care, and then begins to slowly act up - it will drop the buds, then it will bloom at half strength, or it will stretch out into something clumsy or completely stop blooming.

Both insecure novice flower growers and experienced amateurs who know how to surround the Chinese rose with care, bewilderment arises from time to time: “Why doesn’t my Chinese rose bloom? It blooms at the post office, in the clinic, in the office hall, but not in my cozy apartment.”

You can write down a very long list of reasons. The primary reason is ignorance of the characteristics of this plant, ignoring the main phases of its life cycle.

Spring and summer for the Chinese rose are the periods of the beginning of the life cycle and flowering, the phase of active growth. A well-groomed shrub or Chinese rose tree at home can bloom from March - April until the beginning of winter. For the harmonious development of the plant during this period, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. keep the plant at a temperature of 20 - 25 ºС;
  2. choose a permanent place for the plant and do not move from place to place; make a "light mark" on the planter to take into account the angle of incidence of the sun's rays;
  3. when choosing a place, stop at bright, adequately lit corners of the apartment protected from drafts and wind;
  4. protect the future beauty from bright direct sunlight;
  5. in early spring, before waking up (in February), do a gentle pruning, later - pinching to form a beautiful lush crown near the tree;
  6. every year at the beginning of spring, transplant the Chinese rose into larger pots; use moisture and breathable slightly acidic (pH 6.8) soil structured with sand, soddy soil, leaf humus;
  7. water the plant abundantly early in the morning, after 1 - 2 days, do not allow water to accumulate in the pan;
  8. periodically loosen the top layer of the soil substrate between waterings;
  9. with a high concentration of buds, especially in the case of young plants, remove about one in four to avoid dropping them;
  10. during the flowering period, regularly (1-2 times a week) apply aqueous solutions of complex mineral fertilizers;
  11. when buying fertilizers, keep in mind that the optimal fertilizer formula for Chinese rose is NPK=9-3-13; 10-4-12; 12-4-18 (NPK means nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium); fertilizers for flowering plants are not suitable for this plant; the composition of the “Universal fertilizer for potted plants” with NPK = 7-3-7 manufactured by POCON is closer to the optimal formula;
  12. to eliminate magnesium deficiency, use Epsom salts or Siliplant fertilizer, or Greenwold fertilizer for conifers, containing 3% nitrogen, 2% potassium and 5% magnesium oxide;
  13. carry out top dressing on hot days, on a previously moistened coma of the earth (note that it is impossible to feed a recently transplanted plant);
  14. carry out foliar top dressing (spray the leaves in the morning or evening with diluted formulations with a low concentration of nutrients);
  15. in case of heat, dry air, spray the plant with water at room temperature;
  16. refresh, rub Chinese rose leaves to improve respiration and photosynthesis.

Chinese rose care in autumn and winter

Autumn and winter are periods of rest for the Chinese rose. In autumn, flower buds are laid, the most favorable temperature for this is about 15 ºС. In winter, in conditions of lack of heat and light, the plant is in a state of hibernation, resting. During the off-season, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • prune the plant in October after the end of flowering (remember: flower buds appear only on young lateral branches);
  • maintain a temperature of 13 - 16 ºС, optimal for the plant during this period;
  • find for the plant for this period the coolest (it can be shady, but not in a draft) place in the house;
  • do not disturb the plant with frequent watering, spraying and fertilizing, water it so that the earthen ball does not simply dry out completely,
  • in February, wake up the plant: move it to a warm place, increase the frequency and volume of watering.

Video about stimulating the flowering of the Chinese rose