How to wind hair on a bagel. Bun with a donut for short hair. How to make a bun with a donut. Necessary for creating hairstyles accessories

The donut-like bun hairstyle looks great on both long and short hair. It’s easy to learn how to do your own styling without leaving your home if you read the step-by-step instructions on how to make a bundle using a donut.

Hairstyles with a bun, made using a donut, have several advantages:

  1. The foam donut gives the impression of thicker hair, and adds volume to the hairstyle.
  2. The hair is well fixed, thanks to which the hairstyle lasts all day and does not lose its well-groomed appearance.
  3. The technique of creating hairstyles with a bun allows you to experiment, makes it possible to choose an image for any festive event or for every day.
  4. Suitable for styling with and without bangs.
  5. Endless variations with accessories, jewelry, hair clips, elastic bands and hair bands.

Necessary tools and accessories for hairstyles

It is better to make a bunch with a donut on washed and dried hair. The step-by-step instructions provide recommendations on what special products to apply to curls and when. With their help, the hair will be more obedient.

Owners of chic curls need to use an iron and straighten their hair so that the bun looks neat.

At the final stage of styling, you will need hairspray. Additional fixation will hide minor flaws and help fix the curls for a long time.

Accessories for creating a bagel bun:

What is a bagel, varieties

A donut is a porous foam rubber device that looks like a ring with a small hair hole and a small diameter. Color can be selected for any shade of hair: for light, blond, red or black.

There are in size:

  1. Small ones from 3 to 7 cm.
  2. Medium from 6 to 12 cm.
  3. Large from 8 to 20 cm.

Main varieties:

  1. Classic bagel- represented by a soft sponge ring, often called a doughnut.
  2. sophist twist- an oblong roller with a clamp, covered with a soft bulk material. Used for buns of long hair. It is necessary to wind the curls on the roller, and connect the clamp.
  3. Homemade bagel from improvised materials, most often from ordinary socks. A color suitable for the hair is selected, foam rubber is stuffed inside, and the opening of the sock is sewn up. The two edges are sewn together to form a neat bagel.
  4. Roller with hair- the most convenient for hairstyles for short hair lengths. It is a voluminous roller covered with strands of natural or artificial hair of different shades. Fastens with a hairpin and stealth.
  5. Rollers of various shapes. In the form of a heart, oval or long rollers help to experiment with a variety of hairstyles.
  6. Bagels with scallops. For better fixation and resistant styling, convenient in the absence of additional accessories.

If long hair

It is very quick and easy to make styling in the form of a bun with a donut on long hair, using the step-by-step instructions. Sufficient length makes it possible to collect a beam of any location: at the crown, side, low beam.

It is necessary to collect the hair with a tight elastic band, a bagel is put on the resulting tail. The strands must be distributed around the circumference so that the roller is completely hidden under the hair.

With the help of a thin elastic band, the hair is firmly fixed in this position at the base of the tail. To give the hairstyle volume, you can slightly stretch all the strands on the roller in a circle. The remaining loose hair is twisted around the base of the bun.

To do this, the curls are twisted inward, moving in a circle and picking up the remaining ends of the hair, forming a tourniquet. After completing one circle, a small strand remains in the hands, which should be hidden under the resulting tourniquet and discreetly fixed with hairpins.

Features of styling for short hair

To perform a bun on short hair, there are minor difficulties at the stage of masking the donut and the ends of the strands. Such nuances are easy to correct if you use additional accessories and styling products.

When collecting the tail, you need to pay attention to shorter strands that can be knocked out of the tail. You can spray a moisturizer on the ends of your hair to make it more manageable. The roller is put on at the base of the tail and fastened with invisibility.

Making a bundle with a donut is quite simple, following the step-by-step instructions.

To distribute the hair over the roller, it is necessary to take separate strands, stacking each one in turn. The ends are neatly hidden under the bagel and fixed with hairspray. It is not recommended to perform a high beam on short haircuts. The bottom short layer of hair will stick out and spoil the overall look of the hairstyle.

Average length

Creating a bun on hair with a length below shoulder level, you can do without the use of special accessories, hairpins and stealth. Hair is collected in a strong ponytail. A roller is put on the tip of the tail, and twists the hair downwards for even distribution into the bun.

Repeat the movements until the free length of the hair runs out and the entire surface of the donut is hidden. Properly selected accessory will ensure the styling durability and strength.

The smaller the diameter of the roller, the tighter it is attached, and the more securely it holds curls.

Getting the perfect hairstyle

How to make a bun with a donut, step by step instructions for perfect styling:

With a regular rubber band

Making a classic bun using a regular elastic band is easy in a couple of minutes if you follow a few simple steps:

Performing a sloppy beam

You can give the beam a slight negligence with minimal effort:

How to make a bundle voluminous

A voluminous bun looks best on curly hair, or you can twist it a little yourself:

Execution of 2 beams

It is not difficult to make an extraordinary hairstyle in the form of two bunches-horns if you follow a few step-by-step recommendations:

with weaving

Various variations of beams with weaving look spectacular.

The fastest way is styling with a scythe and a bun on long hair:

Bundle with bundles

Bundles with bundles have an original look.

Performed in a few simple steps:

Bundle with a heart

How to make a bunch using a donut (step by step instructions) in the form of a heart:

Vanilla bundle styling

A sloppy bun that has loose and soft lines is called a vanilla bun.

To create it, you will need a comb, hairpins and hair ties:

Bun in wedding hairstyle

Bunches called babette look beautiful and elegant in a wedding hairstyle. There are many varieties of babette, one of them using a roller.

How to make a bun with a donut, step by step instructions for a wedding look:


A fashionable volumetric bundle can be obtained if you first make a pile of individual strands:

Modern hairstyle with loose curls

A stylish modern hairstyle with a bun on loose hair is done without much effort:

  1. The upper strands are collected in a ponytail, not necessarily tight.
  2. On the rest of the hair, you can apply foam and give the curls a shape in the form of light waves.
  3. At the front of the head, you can slightly loosen the strands at the base to get a loose styling.
  4. The hair in the tail can be combed a little and twisted into bundles.
  5. Twist the bundle and secure with stealth or hairpins.

A hairstyle with a bun is considered neat and versatile, and in addition to a donut, it is also very easy to perform. It remains only to decide which type of beam you like best and do the styling using one of the step-by-step instructions in today's article.

Video on how to make a bun with a donut

2 ways to make a bun with a donut:

A quick and beautiful hairstyle option using a donut:

There are situations when you just need to look elegant, but, unfortunately, there is no time at all. Or maybe you want to find an alternative to everyday styling. In this case, hairstyles created with a hair bagel are ideal.

What is a bagel?

A hair bagel is a ring made of sponge, foam rubber or other soft material. There are also variations of this device. For example, a roller, which is a soft oblong segment made of the same materials, as a result, it also folds into a ring, forming the same bagel.

As you can understand, the difference when using a donut, roller or other varieties of these items is small, and often depends on what exactly you are more comfortable using.

Creating a hairstyle with these items is a fairly simple process, which, however, can be difficult for inexperienced people. There is no need to be afraid of this, leaving the business halfway through - when you get your hand in, the difficulties will become much less or will not remain at all.


As already mentioned, the bagel has several varieties. The main types of beams differ in size - large, medium and small.


The most common soft bagel. Can be made from any soft material. It has 3 sizes - small (up to 7 centimeters), medium (from 7 to 12 centimeters) and large (from 10 to 20 centimeters and more).

Size classification is taken into account when choosing a beam - for example, it is unlikely that a large bagel will be used on short thin hair. Keep this in mind when buying a bagel.

And also the final volume and type of hairstyle will depend on the width of the donut.

The diameter of the roller will also determine how tightly it will fit to the head and how tightly it will hold in the hair. The larger the ring where you need to pass the hair, the weaker the fixation will be, and vice versa, the smaller the ring, the closer the hair will be pressed to each other, and the stronger the donut will be pressed to the head, fixing it much stronger.

Rollers (or classic bagels, whichever you prefer) come in a variety of colors. The most natural are shades of yellow, brown and black. In general, you can find a bagel that will not differ in color from your natural hair color.

with scallop

Most often, there are ordinary rollers with a comb, which allow not only to create volume, but also to fix more tightly on the hair. In some cases, such rollers can be twisted into a ring, forming a classic bagel, but you need to look for them in specialized stores.

With hair

Hair buns are an excellent option for situations where natural hair is not enough or barely enough to hide the base of the bun. Bagels of this variety are covered with artificial hair on top of the main soft material, which can be matched to your natural color. This type of donut can also be used when creating complex hairstyles, when it is necessary not only to lift part of the hair, but also to leave enough to create a lush lower part (for example, loose curls).

If you are going to use a bagel with hair, then you need to stock up on a sufficient number of invisible hairpins in advance.

sophist twist

The material is very similar to the classic bagel. Often accessories are made of the same material. They have the shape of an ordinary roller, but there are fasteners on both sides that help form the roller into a ring, that is, into the usual bagel shape. First, you wind the hair on a straight roller, and only then form the hair together with the bun into a ring.

For some, this method is more convenient, so in some cases a sophist-twist is preferable.

There is a variety of rollers that do not have fasteners that allow you to connect the roller into a full bagel. In this case, the desired shape is given with the help of invisible hairpins.

But this also has its advantages, for example, if desired, instead of the usual beam, you can braid the beam in the form of a heart.

One of the features of using a sophist-twist is that you can simply wind the opened accessory around your hair, starting from the tips and going up to the crown, and then fasten the roller and fix it with invisibility.

There are other options for bagels of various shapes, so you can definitely find what you like.

How to make a beautiful bun?

As in any business, there are tricks with which you can greatly simplify your life, and using useful tips in practice will help you put together a beautiful bunch on your head with minimal time, nerves and effort.

The step by step instructions will always be the same:

  • tie the most neat tail without roosters;
  • put a roller on the tail, placing it as close to the head as possible;
  • evenly distribute the hair over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roller;
  • tuck your hair under the roller.

The difference in creating the right bun will depend only on the length of the hair.

Remember that we are styling a classic bagel, and if you are interested in other types of bun or other hairstyles using a bagel, then you can always bring them to life.

Remember that if you are lucky and you are the owner of frequent small curls, then for some time you will have to get rid of them, since the bun assumes either straight hair or light large curls, and small curls will stand out from the overall composition of the hairstyle, violating her. Yes, and it will be difficult to remove all the strands under the donut, and difficulties may arise already in the first stages of creating a hairstyle. Luckily, if you've dreamed of making a bun, you can always use a hair straightener and get straight hair that can be easily braided for a while.

On short hair

On short hair, braiding a voluminous bun will be quite problematic (but you can turn to a bagel with hair and invisible hair for help). - the basis for the hairstyle. If you need to create as much volume as possible, then before you start your hairstyle, you need to curl your hair into curls.

The principle of creating a bun on short hair will be the same as with any other length. There are only recommendations. For example, a high ponytail at such a length is inappropriate, since regrown strands that do not have enough length to enter a full-fledged ponytail will stand out from the hairstyle and spoil its overall appearance and aesthetic impression.

Difficulties may also arise at the stage of “hiding” the tips under the roller. In this case, it is necessary to straighten each strand separately and as carefully as possible, and apply an additional portion of any styling product to the tips.

If the hair is too thin, and you are afraid that the hairstyle will fall apart, then use invisible hairpins to fix the bun to the head, and spray the finished hairstyle several times with varnish.

On medium hair

Medium and long hair can be very fluffy, and if on short hair it only added volume, then in this case it can only add unnecessary complexity. To make your hair slightly fluffy, then do your hair either on the second day after washing your hair (but make sure that the finished hairstyle does not look greasy and untidy!). Alternatively, spray your hair lightly with water to reduce the hair's magnetism towards hands and other objects.

At this length, you can already tie a base ponytail at any level, even at the level of a “perfect tail” (calculated using lines extending from the cheekbones up and can be located on top) or a high ponytail.

If the length of the hair is still not enough to mask the roller, then you can gently tousle the strands so that the hairstyle takes on a more natural look.

Some can wrap a strand in a donut just once, and then a completely logical question arises - what to do with the rest of the length. In this case, it is necessary to twist the hair through the donut until either there is no free length left, or until there is a small tip that is easy to hide under the bun.

On long

With the help of long hair and a bagel, real works of art are created. If you have fairly long, albeit thin, hair, you can choose any position for hairstyle - on top, on the side, lower or higher than usual. To do this, simply braid all the hair in a ponytail in advance in the place where you only see fit.

Long hair, like medium hair, can sometimes be too fluffy, magnetized and tangled, which will undoubtedly interfere with the creation of hairstyles. In this case, it is necessary to slightly moisten them with plain water, any spray or hair conditioner.

Too much hair can make the hairstyle very heavy and some strands can start to fall out, giving the hairstyle a too tousled look. Sometimes invisible people don't save. Don't get upset! When you have already disguised the bagel and removed all the hair, just put another thin elastic band on top. She will not be conspicuous, but will hold her hair tightly and will not let her hair fall apart.

If you are the owner of long, but thin hair, and want to give your hairstyle even more volume, then you can carefully pull out the strands from the already finished bundle, while walking in a circle so as not to disturb the overall symmetry of the hairstyle.

With thick hair, it often happens that the hairstyle is too heavy, or there is too much hair, and they simply do not fit under the bagel. In such situations, you can select a separate strand that will cover the hairstyle in a circle, forming an additional circle.

This strand can simply be wrapped around the bundle, or it can be braided with a tourniquet, a pigtail of any kind or a fish tail.

How to decorate?

You can decorate a bunch created with a donut in different ways. It will depend on the place you are going to visit, the nature of the event, as well as your desire and mood.

The main accessories suitable for this hairstyle are headbands or hairpins, which will be lost in the total mass, so you need to take hairpins with large bright tips in the form of beads, flowers or pearls. But you can use whatever you want, whatever you see fit.

One of the decorations of a ready-made hairstyle is your own curls. You can curl your hair slightly in advance, and then pull it out of the bun a little, which will add slight negligence and direct charm to your image.

At the word bagel, most women close their eyes and imagine a soft and tasty gingerbread with a hole inside. And only the owners of long hair present a porous elastic band to add volume to hairstyles with. We will tell you how to make a bun using a donut: step-by-step instructions, photos will greatly help in creating a stylish look.

What is a bagel

Bagel - the perfect elastic band for creating a bun on your hair. It got its name due to the similarity with your favorite confectionery. The structure of the gum resembles a sponge - softness is necessary for the best distribution of hair over the surface of the auxiliary accessory. Bagels are presented in various colors, but all they are as close as possible to natural shades of hair. It is better if your bagel does not harmonize with the hair: in this case, the shift of the hair and the exposure of the surface will be imperceptible and will not attract attention.

It is important to consider that the bagel is not tied like an elastic band. He puts on a ready, pre-shaped tail.

Pros of hairstyles with a bagel

Beams formed using a donut have a number of undeniable advantages. Consider them:

  • The use of porous gum increases the density of hair, allowing to form a voluminous hairstyle.
  • Hair close to the head due to good fixation, they keep their shape all day.
  • It is possible to create many hairstyles: from everyday to festive and wedding.

It's obvious that owners of boyish short haircuts will not be able to make a bun from a donut. If your hair is medium length or to the waist, then you ideal candidate for installing voluminous hairstyles. At the same time, the density of the hair does not matter - make a bun with thick or liquid hair and you will look great.

Hairdressers recommend owners of long hair not to make a bagel bun after washing their hair. In this case, it will be much more difficult to deal with the hair. Style your hair washed the day before, but don't let the bun look messy.

Tools and accessories

Despite the fact that the bun is a very simple hairstyle, for its manufacture need a few extra items. If you do not dry your hair naturally, then the first thing you need is a hair dryer. You will need an iron, electric tongs: with these tools you can create amazing hairstyles. Also, an iron will be required for girls with curly hair - bagel bun is performed on straight hair. Otherwise, the appearance of the hairstyle will be spoiled by messy curls.

Of the mandatory items for creating a volumetric beam:

  • Several invisible hair color
  • Coarse-toothed comb and massage brush
  • Several thin "money" rubber bands
  • Bagel

Use accessories to decorate your hair. The most popular: hairpins, bows, invisible pearl heads, artificial flowers.

How to choose the right bagel

The most important accessory for the beam is a bagel, it can be of different quality and structure. Watch the video to decide which soft rubber band is right for you.

Bagel Alternative

What to do if you really want a voluminous hairstyle, but there is no donut at hand? The master class will show you several lessons on creating hairstyles from improvised means. These include:

  • Sock- the most popular alternative to the device for volume. Cut off the toe and heel part: roll the resulting long tunnel into a single elastic band. Make sure that the protruding part of the inversion is in the inside of the gum sock. It is better if the sock is terry.
  • Piece of towel. Cut a strip of the desired size from an unwanted towel. Sew the edges, getting an enlarged circle. Use instead of gum.
  • Any thick rubber. If there is not enough volume, use several pieces.

Classic bun using a donut

To make it perfect, use the instructions below. She describes as accurately as possible the process of creating a standard hairstyle that will look perfect both on a walk and in an evening environment.

  1. Make a tail on your head. Depending on the idea, it can be high, medium or low. The main task you need to achieve - smooth the strands to the head as much as possible. Peeping roosters will make the hair untidy. Avoid them. If the hair is naturally curly, then use foam to fix loose hairs on the hair sheet.
  2. Secure the tail with a thin, "money" rubber band.. If your hair is very long and heavy, use a few elastic bands to keep the ponytail from falling apart.
  3. Put a bagel on the tip of the tail. Ideally, when performing this procedure, you will keep the tail straight upright. This will ensure a better fit of the hair to the foam rubber band.
  4. Curl your hair up and down. Make sure that when winding the hair on the donut, there are no voids. Twisting the hair occurs by turning the donut inside out and back.
  5. Bring the volumetric beam as close as possible to the surface of the head. Secure with pins. If necessary, straighten the hair with an elastic band and straighten it so that the hair envelops the bagel completely.
  6. Spray with varnish to fix the result. Decorate with your favorite accessories.

Bun with pigtails

This version of the beam requires more time and imagination, but the result is stunning. With simple actions, you can turn your hairstyle into a festive one and look like a real princess. Consider a step-by-step instruction with a video:

  1. Make a ponytail and secure it with a thin elastic band. Put on the bagel, like the first elastic band, pressing it tightly to the head.
  2. Close the foam rubber band with hair from the tail. You should end up with a neat bun, completely covered with hair and secured with a thin elastic band. The hair from the tail should fall from the head, from the places of re-fastening.
  3. Braid any braid from falling strands or twist the tourniquet. Wrap around the bundle.
  4. Fix the broken curls with invisibility, spray your hair with varnish.

A rather complicated hairstyle for independent execution. After several sessions of training, you will undoubtedly get it no worse than in a hairdresser. Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding:

  1. Follow the steps similar to step 1 of the instructions for creating a bundle with braids. The bagel should fit snugly against the head.
  2. Select a not too thick strand from the tail and twist it into a tourniquet. Wrap the finished tourniquet around the future bundle, returning the tip to the beginning of weaving. Fasten.
  3. Do the same with all subsequent harnesses. Place them parallel to each other straight or at an angle.

There is a more complicated way, which implies the absence of invisibility. It is good because you do not have to wear a bunch of iron on your head all day. In this method, the tourniquet wraps the bagel, and, when returning to the starting point, picks up the next strand. Thus, one-piece weaving continues until the hair runs out.

Bagel with a scythe in the center

Gorgeous hairstyle that will be appropriate in the everyday version and will not lose its attractiveness in a festive setting. You can make a hairstyle thanks to the video and a detailed description:

  1. Follow the standard step of shaping the tail and stacking the donut in a bun. Make sure that the foam accessory is evenly covered with hair.
  2. Start braiding from the top strands. As you move down, add strands that are on the sides of the beam.
  3. In the process of weaving, you will see that the braid, like a spikelet, completely covers the bagel. Finish it. Fasten the free edge of the hair under the beam, or wrap around it.

Bagel with a scythe for girls

If you are a young mother, you just need to please your child and send him to school with a beautiful bagel braided with pigtails. Read the detailed instructions and watch the video to understand the process:

  1. Place the bagel as close to your head as possible.. Create a standard bun, leaving a thick center section. She will go for braids.
  2. Braid many small braids from loose hair. Fasten around the entire circumference of the donut, leaving no free space if possible.
  3. Secure the pigtails by wrapping around the start or invisible. In the second case, fix the free edges in groups - this will reduce the number of invisibility in the head.

A bagel is a universal tool for giving volume to a beam. It is suitable for very young princesses, for young girls or business women. We hope that our article on how to make a bun using a donut and step-by-step instructions with a photo helped you learn how to make beautiful hairstyles on your own.

745 10/08/2019 7 min.

A hair bagel is a wonderful device that allows you to easily and quickly create a great hairstyle on hair of any length. It is easy to pick up a bagel in the store to match the color of your hair - this way it will be securely disguised, it gives a wonderful volume, and is able to make chic styling out of any hair.

With the help of a donut, you can create both everyday and festive hairstyles on your own. In the article, we will consider what styling can be done using a donut on hair of different lengths.

Possible Pros of Using a Hair Bagel to Create Hairstyles

A bagel is, in fact, a large voluminous foam rubber band. It is able to stretch a little, which makes it suitable for hair of any thickness. Consider the main advantages that are characteristic of beautiful and stylish donut-based hairstyles:

On the video - hairstyles with a bagel for hair:


For short hair

Of course, for a very short haircut, you won’t be able to make a hairstyle with a donut with all your desire. It is necessary that the length of the hair reaches at least 15 cm.

Plain bun with elastic


The hairstyle is ready. If there is a bang, then put it in order - curl it, lay it down. A few side-released side strands curled onto a curling iron will help make the look more feminine.

Tip: if the hair is short, the use of styling products is recommended without fail. Without mousse, gel, hairspray, strands will fly apart.

But how to make a bagel for hair out of a sock will help you understand the video from the article:

But how the hairstyles of a bun with a donut look like and how difficult it is to perform such a hairstyle at home, in great detail, with a photo is described in this

side beam

In addition to a low-lying beam, you can diversify the styling by placing a bagel on the side. This version looks much more original. If it is decorated with a beautiful flower or other large bright decoration, it is perfect for an evening look.

To do this styling, you need to part all the hair into a side parting - one part of the hair should be much larger than the other. From the larger part, form a low bun with a donut or voluminous elastic band. Smoothly comb the smaller part onto the formed structure, wrapping the base of the bundle with this strand. Secure the ends with rubber bands. If there are strands that stand out, you can “pacify” them with invisibility. But how to collect medium-length hair in a bun for the best result, you should go

If the hairstyle is done for a solemn look, before performing it, apply a little gel to the hair.

For girls medium length

Girls who have medium hair are the majority. Hairstyles are suitable for them, since the average length allows them to be done. The hairstyle will turn out not too voluminous, neat and stylish. The perfect solution for weekdays and special evenings. Low buns look especially good on medium hair.

Low beam with a donut - step by step


This hairstyle can be done in a casual version. It is more suitable for everyday work images. In order to do it, do not use gel during styling and do not try to smooth the hair too gently. In this case, the hair should lie freely and naturally. All other steps are the same.

Medium-length hair looks great if the bun is fixed with scarves, ribbons, and retro styling. If you want to look like a fashionista from the 60s, choose the color of accessories to match your purse or shoes.

Bundle of braids


For long hair

Consider optionssuitable for long hair. Of course, there are much more options for such a length - almost all of the above are also possible for long hair. But some options will look especially beautiful and stylish with long strands. Let's consider them.

Classic bagel bun

This hairstyle is good because it can be used as a casual option for work, and as an elegant option for going to a restaurant or corporate party. It is quite suitable for a friendly cocktail, and for a romantic date.


  • Prepare your hair: if necessary, wash, dry, be sure to comb.
  • Where you plan to place the bun, fasten your hair into a tight ponytail.
  • Fix the tail with a voluminous wide elastic band and put such a device on top of it. Attention: do not wear a bagel too close to the base of the hair, it is better to step back a few centimeters - so the hairstyle will turn out to be more lush and voluminous.
  • Twist the tail into a bundle and wrap it around the donut, trying to completely hide it from view. In the course of work, straighten the strands along the foam structure and fix where necessary with hairpins.
  • Hide the ends of the tail inside the donut, inserting it into the hole, fix it with a hairpin.
  • Straighten the strands, try to do it more carefully.
  • Spray your hair with hairspray. If necessary, beautifully decorate with suitable accessories. But how to make a bump without a donut and hairpins will help you understand the photo from this

high beam

This option is a great solution for long hair. And only on long hair, such a hairstyle will look the most neat and beautiful. Perform the beam in the same way as the classic one. But place it at the very top. Try to do your hair more carefully - any negligence will be very noticeable. However, a casual option is also possible, suitable for informal looks. In this case, don't try too hard. And for those who want to know about it, you should look at the contents of this article.

Fix the hairstyle securely, use more hairpins and invisibles. If the design is loose, it will not look very presentable.

Stylists advise to perform such hairstyles on the second or third day after washing your hair. Perfectly clean strands are naughty and usually crumble, which can interfere with the neat execution of the hairstyle.

The bagel is not very well suited when a multi-layered haircut is made, and the length of the hair is short.

It is advisable to use styling products when laying. Modeling mousse or foam will make the strands softer and more manageable, and hairspray will firmly fix the hairstyle, and you do not have to worry about it.

On the video, simple hairstyles with a bagel for hair:

If the hair is very thin or sparse, then comb the strands a little before creating the hairstyle - this way you will give the styling the necessary volume.

To make the hairstyle look beautiful in combination with a triangular-shaped face, equip it with a small bang.

For an oval face shape, any hairstyle options are suitable. Lucky women with this shape can only be envied - their choice is limited only by the length of their hair. Short girls fit a bunch at the top. But if the growth is already rather big, then a high voluminous hairstyle can add a few more unnecessary centimeters.

If you have wide cheekbones - and this feature is common among Russian women - then the side bun is not very suitable. In this case, it is better to place the hair on the back of the head. Wear long earrings - they visually lengthen the face.

We looked at a variety of donut-based hairstyles. Now you know how to make a beautiful and simple hairstyle, having any hair length. Therefore, there is no doubt that following our tips, you will look charming every day.

If you are the owner of long hair, or they are of medium length, then an additional way to create a hairstyle will come in handy. Information on how to make a bunch with a donut will help you build a styling in a short period of time that fits perfectly into the style of a social evening, office dress code or a regular walk. A minimum of tools and sleight of hand is what you need to look charming and stylish. Let's figure out what types of bagels are, what will fit better into your image, which option is suitable for both a girl and an adult woman.

What are the types of bagel

There are several types of such devices that help to make a hairstyle on hair of different lengths, except for the shortest ones: bagels, hairpins, elastic bands, twisters. All of them fix and hold the hairstyle for a long time. By learning how to use these items, you can make a voluminous stylish styling in a few minutes. A variety of hairpins will remain invisible to prying eyes, but will help to focus on beautiful women's hairstyles. Here are their main types:

french twister

When creating a perfect smooth “shell”, you can’t do without a French twister. It is a metal cone-shaped mesh structure with a clip-on clip. With the help of such a device, you can wind your hair yourself by holding the ends with a French twist hairpin. Secure the resulting beautiful “shell” with hairpins that will not stand out.

With ears

Such an original name is derived from the external similarity of the loops at the ends of the hairpins with ears. In another way, the device is called a twist sophist. It perfectly fixes the collected strands, it is convenient to use without assistance. The hair must be threaded into the slot, wound on the device, and the ears should be threaded into each other. Then tie, securing the hairpin. Sometimes, for convenience, buttons are provided at the ends of the ears for fastening.


The classic oversized scrunchie, which can be made from synthetic, natural fiber, foam rubber, is called a bagel. Such designs will help to make a magnificent original hairstyle that will hold securely.


With the help of heagami hairpins, you can dream up by creating different shapes: twisting your hair with a spiral, a shell, a bagel, a heart. Transformation is easy because Hairgami's flexible yet strong base holds the hair firmly in place in a ponytail.

Benefits of a bagel hairstyle

It is impossible to dispute the fact that laying a beam has a large number of advantages. Here are the brightest ones:

  • The minimum amount of time it takes to create a style.
  • The neatness of the collected hair will be a pass not only to a party with friends, but also to official celebrations.
  • Versatility in terms of location (on the top, side, bottom of the head).
  • Combination with other elements - braids, curls or strands. Decorating with a decorative hairpin or studs with beads will be an elegant addition.
  • A bagel hairstyle can be done on strands of any length, excluding a very short haircut.
  • This styling helps to mask some imperfections in the hair or scalp.

What you need to create a beam

First you need to purchase the bagel itself. It can be made from natural or artificial materials. Choose the color that will blend perfectly with your own shade of strands, then you will get a natural lush bun. The width of the donut can be different: for thin or not very long strands, choose a narrower copy, then the strands can completely cover it. Owners of chic thick hair should take a closer look at the wide, more massive hairpins that are guaranteed to hold heavy luxurious strands.

In addition to the donut, you will need a small thin elastic band, with which you will assemble the ponytail, about a dozen hairpins (the longer, thicker the hair, the more hairpins should be). If a festive event is planned to decorate the bun, stock up on a beautiful hairpin, a satin ribbon or a colorful scarf, a small bouquet of flowers (boutonniere), and a suitable headband. The varnish will fix the resulting hairstyle.

How to make a bun of hair: step by step instructions

Did you decide to experiment with your hair for the first time? The detailed, easy-to-use instructions below will help you learn how to make a bunch using bagels:

  • Comb thoroughly washed, well-dried hair.
  • Pre-think where the beam should be (based on the available length).
  • Create a "tail" with a narrow, strong elastic band.
  • Put the bagel on the base of the "tail", pull the strands through its middle.
  • Carefully wrapping strand by strand, evenly distribute them around the perimeter.
  • Pull the ends under the roller.
  • Secure the resulting bump with hairpins.
  • If the length allows, wrap one of the strands around the beam to create a spectacular effect. You can replace it with a finely woven braid for even more elegance.
  • If the hair is not long enough, and you are not sure that it will stay in a bun, use additional hairpins or hairpins in the right problem areas that will decorate the hairstyle and perform a dual function.

Features of the implementation of the beam with a donut

When creating hairstyles, you need to remember some nuances. For example, how to wind a bunch on a bagel, having hair of a certain length. The basic steps for creating a beam remain unchanged, but there are differences. How to make a beautiful bun with a donut, based on the hair of the existing length, find out in the selection below.

On short hair

Having secured the collected hair with a thin elastic band, thread only the ends into the bagel. This is very important so that they can get a good foothold later. Together with the ends of the hair, wind the bagel to the base of the "tail". Carefully seal the ends with hairpins, invisible. If there are short strands sticking out, then tie a ribbon or scarf around the bundle, hiding the unruly hairs.

On long strands

For hair level from the shoulder blades and below, choose a voluminous bagel that can accommodate and hold a large mass of strands. Leave one strand, wrap it around the base of the beam. So the load on the bagel will decrease, and most of the hairpins holding the bundle will be hidden from prying eyes.

On medium length hair

Having collected such hair in a “tail”, thread it into a bagel to the very base. Having found the middle in the center of the base, distribute the hair in a circle, put on another narrower elastic band that will hold the ends. Secure with hairpins, wrap the base with a thin oblique or left strand. If the length of medium hair does not allow this, use a ribbon or scarf, as is the case with short ones.


To create an original hairstyle by collecting strands in a bun, it is not at all necessary to buy the necessary attributes in a specialized store. Items at hand can easily replace a bagel for styling. A sock can become such a lifesaver. How to use it to create a magnificent beam, spending a few minutes on it, you can find out by watching a video from Polina Repik. This accessible information with a consistent demonstration of all actions will help even a beginner to master the creation of a stylish hairstyle:


The master class on creating evening styling, presented below, impresses not only with its beauty, but also with its simplicity. Anna Lutsenko intelligibly, clearly demonstrates how a bun with a donut can be done so that the braids fixed around it not only look beautiful, but also hold securely. You can braid them in several ways. Due to the fact that it takes a small number of items and a minimum of time to complete a chic hairstyle, she will find her fans with long hair.

Experimenting with weaving braids of various shapes will help you create more and more new images that you can capture in the photo in order to subsequently choose the best option. The proposed video tutorial is easy to remember. When planning such a hairstyle for an official evening, it’s better to practice in advance so that at the right time the hair is easy to style, obedient, and for the hands all movements become familiar, correct, like a master class host.