Attacks, scratches or bites. Interpretation of dreams in which you had a cat What does it mean when cats dream

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Cats have always been considered beloved pets. At the same time, many esotericists say that the cat symbolizes the masculine principle, and the cat symbolizes the feminine. It’s not for nothing that women see cats in their dreams much more often. These creatures, which have always been disposed towards man, personify harmony and comfort. Therefore, the knowledge of why does a cat dream in a woman's dream, can help you avoid confusion and understand many of the animal's important clues.

Why does a woman dream of a cat

The appearance of a cat in a dream very often carries a negative connotation for a woman. She can warn of problems in the family or at work, health difficulties and many other troubles.

But cats also remind a person that negativity can be avoided if you draw up a competent action plan and follow it clearly, based on the prompts of the animal.


A married lady should be wary of a dream with a cat. After all, cats for family women are considered a symbol of the appearance of a rival.

After such a dream, you should not sound the alarm and go to sort things out with your husband. It is much wiser to simply observe the female environment among family friends.

The sooner you can figure out that fatal person, the better it will be for the woman. There will be more chances to save the family.


An unmarried lady should beware of deceit or betrayal by her beloved in the near future.

Unpleasant meetings with unwanted people from the past are possible, which will pretty spoil the mood.

Among friends, an enemy can lurk, ready at any moment to hit a woman in the back.

Watch the video. Why do cats dream of a woman?


Cats, peacefully sitting in a girl's arms, in reality promise minor troubles, including financial ones.


If the cat in the dream of a pregnant woman was with her offspring, then the dream is a good omen, but only if the kittens belonged to the dreamer's cat, and not someone else's.

60% of dreams promise trouble

Little multi-colored kittens, which no one pays attention to, speak of an imminent meeting with ill-wishers. Kittens can often symbolize enemies.

dream interpretation

There are different interpretations of dreams involving cats. It is desirable to consider the most common in detail.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book warns that a cat in a dream does not predict anything good for the dreamer.

But the meaning of sleep can change if the dreamer managed to drive the cat away.

If the animal was dirty in a dream, then someone close will bring unpleasant news. If you heard a cat meow, you too often succumb to the negative influence of others, because of this, your dreams and goals will be unrealistic for a long time if you yourself do not change the picture.

If the cat managed to scratch the dreamer, then you should take a closer look at the environment, perhaps there is a hidden hostility between friends.

A well-groomed animal means the correct direction of the dream, but the senselessness of the current actions of the sleeping one, which simply wastes its strength.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga also had a negative attitude towards the appearance of cats in a dream. She considered them to be harbingers of quarrels and family conflicts, as well as the reason for parting with a partner or a long quarrel with him.

If a woman tries to catch an animal, then a meeting with a selfishly minded person is soon expected, which can exert various pressures on the dreamer.

A bitten animal speaks of vain jealousy.

A black cat promises danger from enemies.

If you saw a lot of cats, then you should avoid ambiguous situations, otherwise shame cannot be avoided.

Freud's dream book

Freud associates cats with the intimate and personal side of the dreamer's life.

If in a dream you had to stroke an animal, calmly sitting in your arms, the woman is actively looking for a partner.

If a cat scratched a woman, she may have unconventional and unusual inclinations, which she herself does not suspect.

In order to get a clearer interpretation of the dream, it is important to compare as many dream descriptions as possible from authoritative sources. The more of them, the less details will be missed.

Interpretation by days of the week

Many interpreters of dreams are sure that the most accurate result of the interpretation of visions will give an analysis by day of the week.

For example, in the first half of the week, and up to Wednesday, light and often prophetic dreams are dreamed.

A dream on Thursday speaks of career and financial matters.

Friday is the day of love. Therefore, dreams during this period symbolize the dreamer's personal life.

Saturday is the day when a dream can warn of upcoming problems, and on Sunday a night dream can give a hint for the future.

To interpret such dreams, it is worth analyzing not only the day of the week, but also the behavior of the cat, as well as any other details of sleep. Even the mood with which the dreamer woke up may turn out to be important.

The woman dreamed of a cat

Most often, cats are associated by interpreters of dreams with the dreamer's negative character traits and events that will soon happen in life.

If you had to contact an animal in a dream, you should take a closer look at your health and, just in case, take general tests.


If you had to see a white animal, then the dream speaks of good and positive moments in life.

A snow-white cat symbolizes a new acquaintance, and if she brought a mouse in her teeth, one should expect an improvement in material well-being.

A cat trying to hide promises good luck in your endeavors.


A black cat, contrary to popular belief, speaks of a highly developed sixth sense and, possibly, the presence of paranormal abilities in a woman. It is worth thinking about developing your talent, and at the moments of making important decisions, listen to the voice of intuition more often.

But such a dream also has a negative connotation. In some cases, the cat symbolizes possible betrayal or the presence of a hidden manipulator in the environment.

If you try, the dreamer will be able to find him and improve his affairs by breaking off contact with him.


Such an animal warns of the likelihood of deception by a loved one. Don't draw too much attention to yourself.


The gray animal speaks of boredom and monotony in life.

Fate hints with such a sign that a woman needs to take a break and try to relax. It is possible that, having revised her plans, she will understand where she wasted her strength in vain.

If the dreamer works in the office, then the gray cat speaks of imminent depression. You need to pull yourself together, otherwise there is a risk of stress and burnout at work.


Such a dream may indicate the presence of a rival in the dreamer's life. The brighter the color of the fluffy, the more the rival likes the sleeping lover.

However, if a woman does not hesitate, then the situation can be corrected.


Siamese cats say that the dreamer will soon have to pay for previously committed sins. Therefore, it is desirable to remember past mistakes and try to settle karmic affairs.

If the cat in a dream was beautiful and well-groomed, you should expect competition at work. The reason for this will be the struggle for a prestigious place.

It is likely that the animal symbolizes a woman claiming a leadership position.


This sign is considered good, and promises a woman a solution to problems, as well as material success. The goals will be achieved, it is necessary to build further plans.

A meeting with a new boyfriend is possible, and it can come to a wedding.


If a homeless animal crosses the sleeping road, this symbol is considered negative.

Hopes are not destined to come true in the near future, and it is better to move all plans, because now is not the best time for their implementation.

In this case, the color of a stray cat does not matter, it speaks of failures and an unfavorable period. But it is worth remembering that cats only warn a person of trouble. Therefore, if you approach the issue wisely, you can reduce the consequences of a negative life stage.


This dream reflects the state of mind of the dreamer. He says that a favorable period is coming, everything is smooth in the woman’s soul, she is satisfied with life.

Sleeping can relax and take a break from problems. The main thing is that later it does not turn out to be the calm before the storm.


An aggressive cat warns of dangers in the financial sector.

It is possible that the enemies will try to do everything to take away her own property from the woman, and also to prevent the plans from becoming a reality.

But if you manage to drive away aggressive animals, then you can avoid many problems.


A cat in this state tells the woman that she should not lose her vigilance in the near future. You need to tune in to fight with activated enemies.


A wounded animal indicates that soon someone will need the dreamer's help. Perhaps the old enemy will decide to give up and mend the relationship.

A dead cat on the threshold warns of slander against the sleeping one from the inner circle.

Seeing a cat in a dream for a woman

If we analyze the overall picture of sleep, then in most cases cats are interpreted as negative omens. However, you should not take such a dream with hostility.

Perhaps the animal only wants to help and warn of danger. And how to act in this or that situation, the dreamer will have to decide.

The main thing is to set yourself up in a positive way, then even the worst dream will lose its strength and turn out to be nothing more than a vision.

Catching a mouse

Such a dream speaks of an imminent improvement in the financial situation of a woman, poverty will be ended thanks to the efforts of the dreamer. In this case, the intrigues of enemies lose their power, and manipulative techniques are doomed to failure.

Seeing a cat in a dream does not bode well. The state that awaits a person after a dream is similar to when they say: “Like cats scratch their souls.” This is annoyance, resentment, oppression, a drop in self-esteem, disappointment, longing. All dream books agreed on a common opinion - to enemies, troubles, betrayals, slander, deceit. But in some cases, the cat simply warns of trouble, trying to prevent them.

Since dreams are classified as mystical phenomena, it is very important to understand the symbolism. In this case, what does it mean to see a cat in a dream: a dream book with a true interpretation.

Surely everyone has heard the phrase - "A cat sees evil spirits, it will not enter a house with bad energy!". In ancient times, before entering a new house, this animal was the first to be let in. If it behaved calmly, began to look for a secluded place, then everything is in order with the house, life will be long, happy. It is considered a good sign if an unfamiliar cat jumps into his arms, caresses, and pays attention. This speaks of the light energy of a person. You can rejoice if a homeless cat chooses yours from all the apartments in the entrance, and lies down in a ball on the rug in front of the door. The apartment has good energy, no one or nothing disturbed.

People who are fond of esotericism, mysticism, probably noticed that a cat often becomes a companion of witches, sorcerers, magicians, healers. Even in children's good old fairy tales, the cat always lived in Baba Yaga's house. The worship of mysterious, mystical creatures was present at all times among all peoples of the world. Only each differently rendered honors.

In ancient times, cats were equated with gods, both good and evil. Repeatedly, legends tell of the transformation of h human to cat and vice versa. No animal can appear so suddenly quietly and also mysteriously disappear. The look of a cat cannot be sustained for long, and the narrowing and widening of her pupils evokes sleep.

As for dreams, a lot depends on how a person perceives a cat. Dreams are the subconscious side of a person. The future comes in symbols that are individual for everyone.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller

Often it is the interpretation of this dream book that turns out to be true. A cat, regardless of breed, color always prophesies trouble. Sleep is considered bad if the animal is aggressive, attacks, tries to bite, scratch. In reality, a meeting with unpleasant people, enemies awaits. From which side to expect problems, you need to look at the additional symbols that were present in the dream. Chasing a cat - avoiding terrible troubles. Beat - defeat the enemy. If meowing is heard, gossip, conversations are whirring around the person, soon everything will come out. When you see a sick cat, you should think about your own health. Perhaps there is a hidden threat that will manifest itself in the near future. The worse the condition of the animal in a dream, the worse the real events. At the same time, a clean, beautiful, well-groomed cat means insincere, two-faced people who are quietly trying to harm. In any case, you should be careful, prepare for temporary troubles.

Freud's dream book

It is easy to see that the famous psychologist all came down to sex. Of course, if a person experiences dissatisfaction from his intimate life, a hint from this area may come to him in a dream. Moreover, in ancient times, cats were indeed considered a symbol of sexuality and sensuality. The cat in the dream is you or your partner. Depending on how events unfold. The animal caresses, rubs against hands, overly shows feelings - the desired intimate evening will soon take place. Or is it just a signal that the body missed sex. If the cat is aggressive, scratches, bites - a tendency to sadomasochism. There are hidden desires to cause or feel pain during intimacy.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The clairvoyant considered sleeping with cats extremely unfavorable. The animal promises a break in relations between lovers, groundless jealousy. Collapse in professional activity - dishonest, crafty people will come across on the way who will step over the sleeping man without hesitation. A mangy cat portends shame, shame, and everything will happen unreasonably, through slander. Many cats - quarrels, followed by a terrible emotional state - severe depression. To feel scratches on yourself means to be in danger situations.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to the soothsayer, a cat comes in a dream to warn of a series of troubles and difficulties in the near future. Stroking an animal, picking it up is a betrayal by loved ones. A cat caresses in a dream, is nearby - the presence in the environment of a person who benefits from friendship, but she herself does not show sincerity towards the sleeping person.

Modern truthful interpretation

An important role in deciphering dreams is the fact whose cat, one's own or someone else's dreamed. As well as the presence of conversations about the animal on the eve of the dream. If this situation was, the appearance of an animal in a dream does not mean anything. It's just that events are strongly imprinted in the subconscious. Your own cat can also be dreamed of just like that, if something worries its owner. For example, health, behavior, nutrition or other issues related to keeping a pet. Any other cases shall be interpreted as follows:



Animal condition

A cat in most cases means people, which entail trouble. Unfortunately, the course of events cannot be prevented. If you had a dream, you need to prepare yourself for trouble, as well as remember its end. Where did the dream stop? This will be the answer - what to expect at the very end of events.

It's no secret that everyone is currently using magic. The reason is open access to information on the Internet. Love spells, lapels, spoilage and the like. If you dreamed about a cat, you need to think about this aspect. Timely action will help to avoid trouble. In this case, the cat warns about what is happening behind your back, and in no way symbolizes troubles as such.

Interesting video.

A cat or a cat in a dream - in reality this is a person with the qualities inherent in a cat: independence, lack of attachment to anyone, selfishness, cunning, intelligence, deceit, petty dirty tricks.

A cat, if it is not black, can sometimes symbolize freedom of choice, freedom of action, because it always goes where it wants.

To understand why a cat dreamed, you need to analyze its behavior in a dream ( ; - separation of variants of sleep symbols).

Stroking, caressing a cat in a dream - most likely you approve, support a person with the qualities of a cat, or you will do it very soon.

A cat eats food in a dream - in reality it will learn some information.

A cat in a dream eats a mouse or another rodent - in reality there is a chance of becoming a witness to a conflict in which a person with the qualities of a cat will morally "destroy" a timid, fearful person.

A cat steals food from you in a dream - in reality there will be a situation where the “cat” will need valuable information that you possess, and free of charge. The “cat” will receive good benefits, recognition and respect, and you will have a slight unpleasant aftertaste.

A cat sneaks up on you in a dream - probably a cunning and selfish person really wants to interact with you. He may not be harmful, but his own benefit is more precious to him. He comes to you for a reason, he needs something, perhaps it will be beneficial to both of you, and perhaps only to the “cat”.

Chasing a cat in a dream is a chance to neutralize the intentions of cunning and deceit regarding you ; less often it can mean - consciously giving up freedom of choice yourself.

Kill a cat in a dream - condemn, "bring to clean water" a cunning person.

The transformation of a person into a cat in a dream - in reality you will probably witness the manifestation by this person of one of the qualities inherent in a cat - cunning, selfishness, deceit, resourcefulness, the ability to always evade responsibility after being "naughty"; less often the manifestation of independence by this person; this person is more likely to lie to you.
If a person has turned into a black cat, then you can expect some kind of trouble for all this.

A black cat in a dream is a deception, a nuisance; spirit - a representative of dark forces; a woman is a deceiver, cunning and treacherous; evil woman; a friend pretending to be a friend.

Black cat - a person with low spiritual principles; insidious and very cunning man; evil man; the spirit is a representative of the dark forces.

A black kitten in a dream is a minor nuisance.
Chasing a black cat in a dream is a chance to avoid, stop danger or trouble.
Killing a black cat in a dream is a chance to condemn, "bring to clean water" a dangerous person.

If there are difficulties in interpreting your dream, describe it briefly in the comments to the page and we will give guiding tips.


Seeing a cat in a dream portends failure, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight.
If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation and deprive you of property. But if you drive the cat away, you will overcome huge obstacles, and your destiny and reputation will be on the rise.

If you come across a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover.

Hearing the squealing and meowing of cats means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

Seeing in a dream that a cat scratched you means that the enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the deal, on the implementation of which you spent a lot of time and effort.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state.

When a merchant sees a cat, he should work with maximum efficiency. Since his competitors are destroying his commercial endeavors. He should do everything possible to succeed.

Seeing a cat and a snake in a dream, friendly to each other, means the beginning of a fierce struggle. This means that you support the enemy in order to use him and find out some secret that you think is relevant to you. Unsure of the truth of the information received from him. You will refuse them, as you are afraid that the details of your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her.

If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

To dream of snakes killing kittens is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.


Kittens - unpleasant surprises, squabbles.


To see a cat in a dream is unfavorable, even if it is white; a sign of the disturbing activity of the “premonitional” organs of the soul.

Caressing a cat is distrust, doubt.
The cat is walking towards you, crossing the road - a meeting with the enemy, a fake person; adultery, fornication, and the evil consequences of them.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (seducer) and her machinations; misfortune in the cat's owner's house.

She meows hysterically - a request for help that will be difficult to fulfill; your soul, exhausted by all sorts of desires.

To hear the meowing of a cat, but not to see it is a deception.
Being bitten or scratched by a cat is a disease; slander; evil machinations or resentment of its owners against you.
To see how this happened to another is to experience a slight malaise; be offended by this person.
Catch a cat - discover the source of gossip.
Cat games - damage from debauchery; uncover the intrigues of intruders.
Cat fight - mental suffering from conflicting and unbridled aspirations.
Playing with a cat is infidelity.

To see a frightening or unnatural color of a cat or a cat - false ideas about oneself, perverted self-knowledge; dissolute personality.

Black cat - evil from an unknown enemy; any evil acting from without as a result of the weakness and disharmony of spiritual life; evil spells in the power of which a person is; demonic personality.

A black cat is a personified something: a hole in being, behaving like a person; the dark double of man, with resolute cruelty opposing his own self.

Dead cat - removal of an unpleasant personality.
Strangled - the bad consequences of your lifestyle, a fatal future.
To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience.
Seeing kittens is for profit.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to tears, betrayal; black - an open enemy; white - an insidious friend, petty theft; scratched - illness; stroking - a personal miscalculation; feed - betrayal.

See pets in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about pets are not uncommon: in our lives, pets are sometimes perceived as family members and sometimes we treat them with more sympathy than family members! The images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events, although such dreams may be particularly significant or disturbing. The acquisition of a pet that you do not have in real life may reflect your desire to have a pet, however, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal is another type of dream of this kind. Such a dream can symbolize your anxiety if in real life your pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. As you move forward, this symbol may pop up in your memory or remind you of yourself in preparation for a new similar transition. The third type of pet dream is a dream involving animals that you never had or wanted to have in real life. For example, in a dream, your pet may be a snake, but in real life, you are terribly afraid of snakes. Such a dream can symbolize the desire to win or establish control over a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, depending on which animal you are dealing with. What role does the pet play? Was it present in the dream as a companion, was it trying to impress anyone, or was it giving an element of novelty to an established relationship?

The meaning of a dream about a cheetah

according to Freud's dream book

A dreaming cheetah personifies your sex life - active, emotional and always associated with some degree of risk. You love spontaneous sex, non-traditional sex and sex in extreme situations, on the verge of being seen. This will turn you on and give you an extra thrill when making love. There is nothing pathological in your habit, so do not think badly about yourself and do not blame yourself for various “abnormalities”.

Dream about wild animals

according to Loff's dream book

Wild animals can represent those areas of our lives that are out of control. Many animals have a meaning-symbol, which largely explains their presence in dreams. Think about what this wild animal is associated with in real life in order to understand the reason for its presence in your dream. Dreams about domesticating wild animals are most likely dreams not about animals, but about interpersonal success or self-discipline. In many cases, the fact of peaceful coexistence with animals is a sign of harmony and hope for "smooth" interpersonal relationships in our lives. Does a wild animal pose a threat to you or does it obey you?

Seeing a leopard in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Spotted animals are of interest already because they stand out for their heterogeneous color. When we dream of people with spots or people in the form of leopards, it means that we have reason to suspect them of inconstancy and insincerity. A leopard hunting for prey is the personification of a person whom you do not trust. Review your recent relationship with such a person - and continue to be careful.

Seeing a leopard in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

A symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, fearlessness. Because the leopard's spots resemble eyes, it is called the Vigilant Guardian. The Chinese leopard symbolizes courage, warlike cruelty. In Christianity, it is the devil, sin, the second face of Satan, the Antichrist, a symbol of lust. The Egyptians have a leopard - the emblem of Osiris. The Greeks have an attribute of Dionysus, the creator and destroyer. Jews have speed. In heraldry, the leopard personifies courage, swiftness, and activity.

Dreamed of a lynx

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at a lynx is a sign that enemies are undermining your business and trying to destroy your family foundations. For a woman, this dream means that she has a rival who claims the affection of her lover. If a woman kills a lynx in a dream, she will surpass her rival or dramatically change her fate for the better.

Why do animals dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

all animals of a strange, unusual look mean anxiety, difficulty. For example, a too unusual appearance (two heads, etc.) - very unusual interference or too strong anxieties; to see in the zoo - to travel or meet a famous person; speakers - good news; feed - ingratitude or deceit.

See animals in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships, indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase, even eat or just be present in a dream, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences. To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of the perception of the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed. Take, for example, a dog. A dog is a constant symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an overwhelming fear of dogs. Essentially opposite social stereotypes are also associated with these animals, compare: "man's best friend" and "evil like a dog." People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night - a dream with the opposite direction. One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is an animal chasing you? Bites you? Or are you talking to him? Pets are frequent guests in a dream, but they are not as attached to a modern person as they were in the days of subsistence farming. Domestic animals in the pasture, as a rule, symbolize security. Previously, dreams with such animals were seen as a sign of the prosperity and well-being of the earth. Killing animals is a rare dream event. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is the breadwinner archetype or survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or a need to assert themselves. The unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger is largely related to how you perceive the animal being killed. Does this animal personify any person for you, or maybe you compare a person from your environment with any particular animal? The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated infliction of wounds or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is judged. Therefore, it is not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize the breaking of a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal. The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as in American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency or inadequacy of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others. Here is a list of some stereotypical associations that are directly related to the images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism in contrasting "good - bad". This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features of a person: Cat / cat: calm, independent - aloof, irresponsible. Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - shy. Dog: loyal, friendly - destructive, aggressive. Horse: hardworking, helpful - stubborn, independent. Mouse: calm, tiny - indecisive. Ox: hardworking - dumb. Pig: smart - gluttonous, dirty. Rabbit: fast, kind, productive - timid.

Dreamed of a kitten

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her. If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act. Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop. Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

cat in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The cat is a symbol of evil forces, witches, home comfort, shrines, good luck. Seeing a tabby cat walking along the road to the city - this dream suggests that before the appearance of a great man who will bring wisdom from above, people will recognize a cat or other animal that will be sent as a sign. Seeing a cat the size of a lion lying on the doorstep means that well-being depends on a well-thought-out animal policy. Seeing a black cat with red eyes - this dream indicates evil intentions that can end in bloodshed, characterizing the year 2023. Seeing a cat in a mantle made of mouse skins is a symbol of the fact that the events of 2008 will entail retribution, which will take place in 2011. Accidentally killing a cat means that in 2045 a particularly dangerous international criminal will be caught in Egypt. Seeing a city filled with cats is a symbol that portends an ecological catastrophe, drought, famine. Seeing a basket with kittens, which is carried with honor to the palace, accompanied by a column of people, means that in ten years a very strong and unpredictable person in his actions will be in power, who will be revered to such an extent that it can be compared with deification . This period can be called the era of democracy and independence in everything. Seeing a gallery of stuffed cats is a harbinger of official reprisals against those who believe in higher or otherworldly powers. Seeing a pack of cats that attacked a huge dog means that in 2018 there will be a major clash between the forces of good and evil, which will primarily affect family life and housekeeping. Seeing a tabby cat that fell into a mousetrap - this dream portends death or deliberate reprisal against a person - a messenger from God who will not be recognized. Seeing a red and yellow cat with green eyes is a harbinger that an absurd event in which the traditions of Japan will be affected will lead to an aggravation of relations between this country and the states related to this event. Seeing a cat couple decorated with colored ribbons means that in 2047 an event will occur that will unite the rulers and peoples of states that have not previously cooperated. Seeing a cat pouring wine into silver bowls is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in 2011 as a result of hard work and a law-abiding lifestyle.

Pets are part of everyday life, so their appearance in dreams is quite natural. Already dead cats often reflect the longing of the owners for their pets. But at the same time, this animal with mystical inexplicable qualities usually deserves a detailed decoding of its presence in dreams. Therefore, it is important to remember all the smallest details of sleep in order to unravel what cats dream of.

Dream interpretation: to see cats in a dream

Most interpretations attribute a warning value to the representatives of the cat family.

Miller's dream book says that troubles await the dreamer soon. Unless you manage to frighten and drive her away, even physically destroy her. It is especially unfavorable to receive a wound from a cat. For businessmen, this serves as a warning that someone will take over part of the profits.

According to Wangi a pussy dreaming of a woman in love speaks of a quarrel, reaching a parting forever. The Bulgarian prophetess interpreted the cat as a selfish nature, so in order to maintain feelings, you will need to be flexible and compromise. Scratching murka symbolizes the manifestation of jealousy.

Russian dream book offers an interpretation that takes into account the sex of the animal. A well-fed, shiny cat in a dream predicts a married lady, or a girl in a romantic relationship, that her lover is planning a betrayal. It is worth paying attention to him in order to understand what he lacks. For a free man, a pretty cat predicts an early acquaintance with a charming young lady with a bitchy character.

French the option warns the dreamer that he will soon have to face trouble. Fighting cats warn of the danger of being attacked for the purpose of robbery, and the need to take enhanced measures of protection and forethought. If suddenly a married man dreams that his wife has turned into a cat, perhaps she behaves too frivolously with others.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets a cat in a dream as the onset of a changeable period in life. The lack of stability can exhaust the dreamer.

For Sigmund Freud it is quite traditional to decipher a dream as a reflection of the subconscious. The cat, according to his dream book, denotes sexual aspirations, a thirst for experiments to satisfy uninhibited erotic fantasies. Gently stroking an animal is a tendency to contact with minors.

Ontopsychological interpretation Antonio Meneghetti reveals the dreamer's personal problems. In the form of a cat, a strong dependence on a person who is patronized is reflected. Sleeping or sleeping do not yet notice that their kindness is being abused, but the attentive subconscious is already giving a signal!

Esoteric dream book sees in a cat a dishonest, flattering person for his own selfish purposes. Evgeny Tsvetkov sees a symbol of sadness in a fluffy animal, and additionally deciphers the dream depending on the color of the purr. A white cat denotes an insincere friend, and a black one denotes an enemy who does not even hide his hostility.

Most often, all interpreters mean that under the guise of a purr in a dream, a not too benevolent woman from the environment appears. Fleas on a cat indicate that this person is now in an unfavorable period, and she is temporarily unable to harm the sleeping person. An animal with bald spots from lichen symbolizes that the enemies have lost their strength. Now is the time to overcome them with minimal effort.

A dreaming pregnant cat is interpreted in two ways, depending on its type and character. On the one hand, if she is well-groomed and affectionate, the dream promises the emergence of new ideas. The appearance of a dirty cloth cat has a negative meaning - intrigues are woven around the dreamer.

A dead cat belonging to a partner symbolizes that it is time to end the relationship. Nothing good is going to happen in a marriage. If the death of a cat was due to the actions of a wife or spouse, this reflects that in reality they are eager to leave. When a dead cat is dreaming of a stranger, it means that an unkind woman will soon disappear from the environment. If a corpse is thrown on the threshold of a house (apartment), then small dirty tricks will not bring much damage. An unfamiliar dead cat lying on the street or in a box means that the attempts of ill-wishers to spoil the reputation will be futile. A corpse subjected to decomposition is interpreted as problems due to long-term blunders or situations left to chance.

An angry cat in a dream in all dream books, without exception, is interpreted as a negative symbol. If she manages to bite the dreamer, her state of health will worsen in reality, and gossip will tightly surround his personality.

When an aggressive cat dreamed, it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to fight hard for your own happiness.

A rabid cat is a dangerous sign. Enemies are ready to do anything to win.

A big cat in a dream displays an authoritative ill-wisher. For businessmen, this is a symbol of the fact that competitors are becoming more and more powerful. An over-fed animal signals the need to be more careful with opponents, even if at first glance they seem frivolous.

A wounded cat seen in a dream warns that in reality someone needs support and care. It is likely that the ill-wisher will need help. The generosity shown can turn him into a friend.

A dreaming cat in the blood signals that relatives are in danger. The dreamer needs to strengthen supervision of younger family members in the near future.

For the fair sex, the purrs seen are of particular importance. If a woman dreams a lot of cats often enough, this reflects internal conflicts. Perhaps an unloved job in an aggressively-minded team, or an annoying need to pretend in front of relatives. It is recommended to remember the color of the animals. Whites dream of the appearance of a dangerous rival, her best friend can become her. Red cats and cats in large numbers warn that someone is not just breathing unevenly towards the dreamer, but also hatching lustful plans. Gray pussies mean the company of envious people, their meowing is gossip. Striped animals warn - it is necessary to show consistency in business, not to jump from one task to another. Otherwise, there will be a most annoying blunder that affects well-being.

Dreaming cats and kittens, placed on the hands of the dreamer, signal the danger of being drawn into dubious entertainment and events.

However, if this is your homemade pet and her children, then the meaning of sleep is good. Peace and harmony reign at home.

unmarried girl a dreaming cloth cat is a good symbol. Soon there will be a fateful acquaintance with the future spouse.

Alien affectionate a cat in a woman's dream means that someone is trying to ingratiate herself. The "native" purring animal calms - all problems will soon be successfully completed. The cat aggressively rushes - the enemies are preparing a blow. It was possible to frighten her away - a very favorable sign, it will be possible to cope with all the intrigues.

feed the cats in the house- in reality there will be a romantic evening with your loved one. The kindness of the dreamer's nature attracts a large number of people to her.

The dual interpretation is speaking cat. Some dream books advise memorizing all the information containing valuable advice. According to another version, such an unusual plot reflects difficulties in communicating with men.

wild cats are advised to be wise in dealing with neighbors. Even a household trifle in the near future can lead to a serious scandal.

If dying the cat dreamed of a woman - you can rejoice. All enemies will be disarmed.

sick, overly exhausted purr - bad news from friends. It is worth calling those who have not been seen for a long time, they need all possible help.

What is the dream of a black cat

In reality, many are in captivity of superstition. This carries over into the world of dreams. dreaming woman a black cat symbolizes the need to be careful and listen to the voice of intuition. There is an exception, in the case of a dream from Friday to Saturday, a black cat means an early improvement in financial affairs.

If black and white a cat in a dream behaves very friendly, purrs and fawns, in reality a short period of calm and tranquility begins. It is worth hurrying to enjoy it, but not to relax completely.

For family dreamers a lot of black cats means dissatisfaction with relationships. Lonely need to check the social circle - the enemy is nearby. If black cats fight among themselves, this is a signal to deal with inner feelings.

black cat with kittens- a cunning rival, or an insidious competitor hatches evil plans. A cat mom takes the kids away - unexpected chores due to a change of residence or job.

Suddenly attacked black cat - be ready to attack enemies. Big black cat, well-groomed and shiny, dreams man as a sign that he is the object of close surveillance by a certain person.

What is the dream of a cat with kittens

If man in a dream, an idyllic picture of a happy cat family was seen, in reality he dreams of a tender relationship, and at the same time he fears his vulnerability to his beloved. But if the animals are red, the dream has warning symbols - deception is possible.

When a cat dreams giving birth kittens, there are problems ahead, the solution of which will require resourcefulness, balancing on the edge with accuracy. The successful completion of the process in a dream promises well-being in reality.

dreamed a lot of cats and kittens - a troublesome time is approaching. You have to do everything at once. Playful little kittens with a cat threaten trouble due to a quarrel with a special one with children.

The birth of kittens in a cat in a dream speaks of an improvement in the financial situation. But income will come through labor. If a young girl dreams of a story that a cat lambed in a dream, it means that she is subconsciously ready for the role of a mother.

During an indefinite period of life, one often dreams white cat. For a man, a dream means that it's time to figure out which of those around him is only pretending to be a friend.

A sign of a fake relationship is redhead cat. In order not to get into a mess, you should understand who you can really count on, and with whom you should stop communicating.

Gray a cat denotes boredom and fatigue from routine affairs. In order not to “earn” depression, at least a short rest is necessary.

Tricolor a cat in a dream signals - the fight against ill-wishers will be exhausting.

Seeing cats in a dream with other animals

those who came cats and dogs in a dream together can mean a familiar family couple. The woman, although she behaves affably, secretly cannot stand the sleeper.

Often dream at the same time mice and cats. Troubles literally pour in from all sides if the purr does not pay attention to rodents.

If the cat caught a mouse, in reality you can plan purchases for profit, which will soon arrive. It was not possible to successfully hunt - a dream warning to stop the dishonest performance of official duties. Otherwise, you can lose in salary, and generally get fired.

Actions with cats in a dream

It is considered a good sign kill a cat aggressively throwing itself at the dreamer. The bad deeds of those around you practically do not hurt.

Entrepreneur iron a cat in a dream means being prepared for the failures of your project. An affectionate attitude towards an animal means a subconscious distrust of the partners with whom one has to cooperate.

You will have to take on not the simplest duties in reality after you dream take delivery at the cat. However, this will be richly rewarded.

Causing pain to your own purr is a symbol of a troubled conscience due to a dishonest act. Beat a cat that is unfamiliar means to enter into an open confrontation with a lady.

If a businessman dreams about how he prepared feed cats, in reality there comes a successful period for financial investments. For men, such a plot suggests that it is time to act confidently and decisively.

Eating cat meat, according to Veles' dream book, means regaining a lost thing.

Whatever cat you dream of, it is worth remembering that happiness depends on actions, and not on night dreams.