Child development in the first four weeks after birth. The fourth week of pregnancy: signs, symptoms, photos, ultrasound Pregnancy 4 weeks after conception

A fertilized egg is called an egg. Slowly, the egg moves through the tube towards the uterus. These days it is freed from its transparent shell.

6-8th days. In a normal pregnancy, the egg reaches the uterine cavity. The mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity is already prepared by this time (under the action of the follicular hormone and the corpus luteum hormone) to “receive” the egg: it is looser than usual, it contains a lot of nutrients. Not too far away from the exit of the fallopian tube, the egg settles on the surface of the mucous membrane of the uterus; with the help of chorionic villi, which secrete enzyme-like substances, the egg dissolves and germinates this mucous membrane, slowly sinking into it; gradually the hole overgrows - the mucosal defect closes. This is how the egg is implanted. As a rule, the process of implantation ends by the fourteenth day from the moment of fusion of the nuclei of the female and male germ cells.

2-3 weeks. The embryo, which is under the reliable protection of the uterine mucosa, continues to develop actively. Approximately every 12 hours, a new cell division occurs in the egg. The embryo gradually separates from the shells. Being in comfortable conditions, receiving sufficient nutrition, the embryo increases in size; the length of the embryo by the end of the third week of development is approximately 2 mm - this is four times greater than the diameter of the egg. During the second and third weeks of pregnancy, the laying of the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems occurs. At the same time, the heart is also laid: first, a paired germ is formed, then the germs merge, and the so-called heart tube is formed, which has a slight bend. At the same time, the largest blood vessels are laid. In the second and third weeks of development, the intestine separates from the embryo. The external forms of the embryo are very reminiscent of the forms of an insect.

4th week. The growth of the embryo is quite intensive. At the fourth week of development, its length reaches 5 mm. The nervous system continues to develop rapidly: the brain tube closes, in the emerging brain its main sections are more and more distinguished, the spinal cord is laid. There is a formation of the spine. At the same time, the laying of the autonomic nervous system occurs. More and more develop, branch and, finally, large blood vessels close together. The embryo already has a three-chambered heart; it starts to become active. If you can view the embryo through a microscope, you can see the emerging chest. By the end of the fourth week, the embryo forms kidneys, which are commonly called primary.

Several tests that confirm pregnancy

There are the following tests that confirm pregnancy: home test, laboratory urinalysis, laboratory blood test. These three tests seem to complement each other. At the beginning of the pregnancy period, when the woman still had suspicions that she had become pregnant, the test results cannot be considered as completely reliable. However, as the days pass, the accuracy of the tests increases more and more.

We must say the following here: if a woman, using a home pregnancy test, received results that cause her doubts, she should consult her doctor, and he will help dispel all doubts; and until the doctor has said his word, the woman should behave as if she is sure that she is pregnant - eat right, adhere to the right lifestyle, without fail give up bad habits, do not take medications without the knowledge of the doctor and etc.

Home test. Everything that is required for this test is sold in a pharmacy. The home test is very simple and accessible, and if carried out in full accordance with the instructions, it is still very accurate. The test is based on the detection of a special hormone in the urine of a woman. We have already said a little above that the implanted egg releases proteins and human chorionic gonadotropin beta-hCG (hCG) into the mother's blood, which is the most important signal for the mother's body - the implantation process has taken place. Plying with blood through the mother's body, the hormone is excreted in a certain amount with urine. Its presence in the urine and is detected using a home test. The content of this hormone in the urine at different stages of pregnancy is different. To give a fairly accurate positive result (subsequently confirmed up to 90% of cases), the test can already two weeks after the moment of fertilization. Urine for the test can be taken at any time of the day, but the accuracy of the test will be the highest if you take a portion of urine in the morning. The entire test procedure takes approximately 5 minutes. Whatever the result, it is recommended to repeat the test in a few days.

Laboratory analysis of urine. This test is also based on the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. But since the test is performed by an experienced person in a laboratory, the accuracy of the test is higher. A portion of urine for the test can be taken at any time of the day. Using a laboratory analysis of urine, pregnancy can be confirmed as early as a week after fertilization.

Laboratory blood test. This test, like the previous one, is carried out in the laboratory. The exact content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a woman is determined. The accuracy of the results is almost 100%. Since the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is different at different stages of pregnancy, the test allows you to accurately judge the duration of pregnancy.

What other methods are used to diagnose and study pregnancy?

For the diagnosis and study of pregnancy, in addition to the tests that we just talked about, clinical examination, ultrasound, amniopuncture, chorionic biopsy, fetoscopy, echocardiography, the study of alpha-feto-protein in the mother's blood serum, blood sampling are still used. fetus, taking a sample of the skin of the fetus, etc. These methods not only confirm the diagnosis of pregnancy, but also allow you to determine whether the fetus is developing normally. If certain deviations in the development of the fetus are detected, the question is decided - whether to treat the fetus, preserving the pregnancy, or to terminate the pregnancy. We will describe some of these methods in more detail below and in the relevant sections...

Clinical examination. The essence of the method is to determine the physical signs of pregnancy. The doctor conducts a thorough clinical examination of the woman. Before the expiration of the first six weeks of pregnancy, a number of obvious signs of pregnancy can be determined, such as: discoloration of the mucous membrane lining the entrance to the vagina, loosening of the mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina, softening and loosening of the cervix, etc. Such characteristic signs as the absence of menstruation are also taken into account. , as dizziness, drowsiness, general weakness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting that appear in the morning, changes in the mammary glands, increased urge to urinate, etc. Evaluating the examination data and taking into account the complaints that a woman makes, the doctor makes a diagnosis pregnancy; with a fairly high degree of certainty, he can do this in the sixth week from the last menstrual cycle. If doubts remain, the doctor prescribes any diagnostic methods.

Ultrasound research. This is one of the most important and frequently used methods for diagnosing and examining pregnancy. There are several methods for examining pregnancy with ultrasound. The accuracy of ultrasound examination is very high, and the results are informative. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) can be performed many times during pregnancy, which distinguishes this method from the X-ray examination practiced in the past. An ultrasound examination is indicated, in particular, if a woman has had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, a caesarean section, if in a previous birth there was a birth injury in the fetus; Ultrasound can be very helpful in determining the likely due date; the method provides the most accurate information regarding the size of the fetus, its location in the uterus, and also regarding the condition of the fetus and placenta; in the possibilities of the method - to confirm before the birth itself the atypical position of the fetus and umbilical cord; the method helps to diagnose multiple pregnancy; if bleeding occurs early or at the end of pregnancy, ultrasound helps to determine its cause.

Is it possible to determine the expected date of birth?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the date of birth with absolute accuracy. Too many factors affect this date, and it is not possible to take into account all the factors. Only the expected date of birth is determined.
What is the practical significance of determining the expected date of birth? .. This is of considerable practical importance when giving maternity leave to a pregnant woman. Also, a family that knows the expected day of birth has the opportunity to plan their future one way or another.

Now we will talk about how to determine the probable date of birth? .. On average, a normal full-term pregnancy lasts two hundred and eighty days (from thirty-eight to forty-two weeks). It is very easy for a woman who knows exactly what day fertilization occurred to calculate the probable date of birth - you just need to take a calendar and count two hundred and eighty days from the date of fertilization. However, not every woman knows the exact date of fertilization. The following method is used to determine the expected due date: you need to add seven days to the date of the first day of the last menstruation, then count back three months from the day that turns out; it is recommended to round this date in the calendar - since it is the expected date of birth, but a year later. The doctor conducting the ultrasound examination will definitely name the expected date of birth.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

Due to changes in the nervous and endocrine systems, a woman begins to have some problems with the functioning of the digestive system, which is manifested in the appearance of nausea and vomiting.
There may be engorgement and breast enlargement. The nipple becomes larger and somewhat darker; besides, he becomes more sensitive than before. The pigmentation of the areola is becoming more and more intense. Montgomer's glands protrude on the surface of these circles. A venous network begins to appear under the skin.


Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman may experience emotional changes; often there are periods of irritability and even depression.

The woman gets tired more often than before. The cause of fatigue is in violation of hormonal balance, in the restructuring of the endocrine system.

Sleep becomes restless, shallow. A woman often wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep because she has disturbing thoughts about pregnancy.

Nausea, ending in vomiting, is mainly disturbing in the morning, but can also occur at other times of the day. Many women during this period have a perversion of taste. A woman may be disgusted by certain products; among these products are often those that a woman considered to be among her favorites before pregnancy.

The appearance of ptyalism, or excessive salivation, is characteristic. The amount of saliva produced can be so great that a woman has to change her kerchief several times a day; some women even use a towel instead of a headscarf.

Due to changes in the hormonal system, as well as due to the restructuring of metabolic processes, urination in a woman becomes much more frequent than before. The situation is aggravated by the flow of blood to the pelvic organs; a woman has additional urge to urinate - not only during the day, but also at night. (It should be noted that all the ailments that we are talking about here and which we will talk about later may appear at the specified time, but may not appear; in addition, ailments may have different degrees of severity - this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism in different women; some women sometimes do not notice any change in their body, while others suffer from this change quite severely and are forced to resort to the means recommended by the doctor.)

First month of pregnancy This is an important period in your life. Like every month, a tiny cell appears on the surface of one of the ovaries. However, this time it will be different. She's about to be fertilized! From the moment of fertilization, the irreversible process of the birth of life begins. You are already a future mother.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, changes begin to occur in the depths of your body quite quickly and barely perceptibly. The cessation of menstruation is a clear confirmation of this. The cyclical nature of the functioning of the body changes before pregnancy. Now everything is completely subordinated to the main goal - the birth and development of a new life.

All physiological changes occurring at this time are directly related to the action of hormones responsible for the course of pregnancy. Produced during this period in large quantities, they cause nausea and various ailments known to all pregnant women.

However, don't despair. Accept these little troubles with an understanding of the cause, thinking about the main thing - about your unborn child. Just imagine - how from a tiny cell in just one month a living being a few millimeters in size develops, whose heart is already beating! The story of the development of your unborn child is so fascinating that it will make you forget all the grief associated with pregnancy.

The gestational age of four weeks or six obstetrics is the time when the gynecologist, even during the examination, can most likely determine an interesting situation in the patient. Its symptoms are becoming more pronounced. A woman begins to feel pregnant, to realize that she will become a mother very soon.

Fourth week of pregnancy: reliable signs for the doctor

Only now do symptoms begin to appear that the doctor can note during a gynecological examination.

1. Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.
2. An increase in the size of the uterus, it practically reaches the size of a chicken egg. It has a soft texture due to the action of the hormone progesterone and an asymmetric shape. This asymmetrical shape can be seen even by the woman herself if she is lying on her back. True, not at 4 weeks after conception, but a little later, at about the sixth.

Asymmetry occurs in the part of the uterus where the fertilized egg develops. If a woman has uterine fibroids, some doctors mistake the gestational sac for her. But that's just pregnancy. Toward the end of the first trimester, the shape of the uterus becomes correct again.

If the uterus is significantly larger than it should be at a given gestational age, this may indicate a multiple pregnancy. Less commonly, the cause is a uterine tumor or hydatidiform mole.

Pregnancy tests should already be positive. Determination of pregnancy in the fourth embryonic week using tests is possible even in case of late ovulation. If your period is late and the tests are still negative, it means that you just have a hormonal imbalance, not a pregnancy. This happens with anovulatory cycles, that is, in which there was no ovulation.

An interesting position of a woman is confirmed by ultrasound. There are no more mistakes at this time.

What happens to the fetus and what is seen on the ultrasound at the 4th week

With transvaginal ultrasound, the doctor easily finds a fetal egg in the uterine cavity and sees an embryo in it. Its length reaches 2-4 mm. It is surrounded by about 3 grams of amniotic fluid and looks like a small comma. It has a head, lower and upper jaws, arms, an umbilical cord and a tail are defined.

If you look closely, you can see two cup-shaped shapes on the head. These are the future eyes of the baby, the so-called visual vesicles.

In the fourth week, the rudiments of all limbs appear, the lungs, liver, spleen, partly the inner ear and larynx, and the brain at the end of the neural tube are formed. The so-called primary kidney is formed. This is a temporary body. By the fifth month of pregnancy, it will completely disappear. An important temporary organ continues to form - the placenta.

This week, the heart begins to work in the embryo. While it has a simplified form, not similar to a human, with something similar to a tube. However, with high-quality equipment, you can already hear his knock.

What happens during the fourth week after conception or the sixth obstetric is clearly visible on ultrasound. Usually, multiple pregnancies are already diagnosed. It can be 2-3 fetal eggs or one fetal egg, but with several embryos. The first option for bearing is better, more viable.

What is anembryony

If the embryo is not visible in the fertilized egg, this may mean anembryony. An empty fetal egg also grows, along with it the progression of hCG is determined. There are signs of pregnancy in the fourth week. But such a pregnancy is not viable. There is no embryo, since it died at a very early stage, when it was still very tiny in size. There can be many reasons for the death of the embryo. Any external or internal damaging factor or chromosomal abnormalities.

It will be very useful to acquire a pressure measuring apparatus and electronic scales for use at home. So you can independently control your health, prevent overeating, which is very typical for expectant mothers.

Why does the gestational age, which the doctor puts according to the results of the examination of the uterus, differ from what they say on the ultrasound? This often happens. But you can not worry, towards the end of pregnancy, the terms will be recalculated. There will also be additional factors that will be taken into account - this is the determination of the term by ultrasound at 12 obstetric weeks and the date of the first fetal movement.

At the first or second appointment with a gynecologist, each pregnant woman gets a dispensary card, which remains with her. All test results, blood pressure measurement data, weight, etc. are entered into this card. This card is looked at in the hospital in case of hospitalization, as well as upon admission to the maternity hospital.

Tests to be taken

After the first examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests for you and go for a consultation with at least 3 specialists: a general practitioner, a dentist, an otolaryngologist. This must be done in order to timely treat any possible foci of infection in the body. For example, the same caries is a potential focus of infection, dangerous for the embryo.

General urine and blood tests are required. In the second analysis, particular importance is given to the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If necessary, further iron preparations are prescribed to correct iron deficiency anemia.

A blood sugar test is also taken. But to get reliable data, especially on sugar, you need to take tests on an empty stomach. Even tea with sugar in the morning is not worth drinking. It's all glucose. If you don't feel well when you're hungry, take a chocolate bar with you and eat it immediately after donating blood.

By the way, they will take a lot of blood from you. In addition to the general and sugar analysis, they will take blood from you for HIV, hepatitis, blood type and Rh factor, biochemistry, prothrombin (for clotting).

Urinalysis shows in the early stages of kidney and bladder disease, an inflammatory process. It is evidenced by a large number of leukocytes. However, there are doubtful results, and then they ask to retake the analysis. To exclude the possibility of a retake, you must immediately collect urine correctly, follow all the rules. Urine is collected only in the morning, you can not keep the evening, even in the refrigerator. Before this, the genitals are washed using soap. A cotton swab is inserted into the vagina in order to prevent vaginal secretions from entering the jar, which will make the analysis not informative. Urine should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible, no longer than 2 hours later.

There is another blood test that deserves attention. This is a progesterone test. Some doctors prescribe it in order to diagnose the threat of abortion. Allegedly, a low level of progesterone in the blood means that a miscarriage may occur in the near future. In fact, the exact minimum level of progesterone that is necessary to maintain a pregnancy is not known. And the threat of a miscarriage is indicated by symptoms - abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.

What a woman notices and her feelings in the fourth week

Growing toxicity. If a week ago only mild nausea was felt, now vomiting may also appear. Especially in the morning. But there are mothers who will not feel toxicosis at all. Both that, and another is an absolute norm and is not any distinctive sign of the further course of pregnancy. They say that women who bear girls are more likely to experience severe toxicosis.

Some future mothers notice that their belly begins to grow in the fourth week of pregnancy. But more experienced women say that this is not a pregnant uterus at all. It is still not significantly enlarged. More like bloating. Excessive gas formation in the intestines is a common problem in pregnant women.

However, there is a category of women whose pregnancy will be visible earlier than the rest. These are repetitive. Those who endured and gave birth to more than two children. This is due to the weakness of the abdominal wall. But there is nothing to envy here, since a weak anterior abdominal wall during pregnancy threatens with lower back pain, at least.

Psychologically, women become more sensitive, whiny, sentimental. And this can continue not only during pregnancy, but also after, in the process of breastfeeding.

Outwardly, an increase in the mammary glands can be noted. The chest is beautifully poured. And the nipples noticeably increase in size and darken. Some women turn brown, visibly pigmented. In addition to the nipples, the axillary region and abdomen are subjected to pigmentation. In some women, a stripe is already beginning to appear in the middle of the abdomen (along the white line), but more often it appears in the second half of pregnancy.

4 weeks, how to tell your husband about pregnancy (video):

4 weeks pregnant

4 weeks how to tell your husband about pregnancy


One of the most important health factors in this week of pregnancy is proper and sufficient nutrition. But not too much! Keep in mind that overeating threatens not only with extra pounds, which will be difficult to get rid of later, but also with striae - stretch marks. They appear to a greater extent precisely because of the rapid weight gain. Frequent feeling of hunger in the fourth gestational week is common. Eat fractionally and do not eat high-calorie and useless foods for the body.

If you want to prevent stretch marks, then it's time to start. You can use the cream for expectant mothers. Apply it on the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, chest. Or instead of a cosmetic product, lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. The action is essentially the same - moisturizing the skin and increasing its elasticity.

It is very important to eat enough meat. These are invaluable proteins for the body, and also the main source of iron. If a woman does not eat meat, she will definitely develop iron deficiency anemia.

The quality of food also needs to be monitored. Many vegetables and fruits sold in early spring and late winter contain high levels of nitrates. If too many of them enter the mother's body, it is dangerous for the health and life of the embryo. Some progressive moms even buy home nitrates to eat only organic products.

As for physical activity, it is necessary. But moderate, familiar to you. Only women who have a real threat of spontaneous abortion need to limit the load. The same recommendations apply to sexual activity, and throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

According to obstetric practice, fourth week of pregnancy and its development compared to two weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception. In principle, the pregnancy has already occurred. And although the embryo is still positioned as an embryo, it has already settled in the uterus. From this moment on, it will inevitably develop, and with each next week, including the fourth, a woman will feel development within a new life every day. And before that, the first four weeks pass almost imperceptibly for a woman. But individual cases can indicate the onset of pregnancy with subtle signs and symptoms.

Individual symptoms and signs in the fourth week of pregnancy are similar to symptoms before the menstrual cycle. For example, a woman may show irritability, nervousness and fatigue. In rare cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by changes in food preference, mild nausea associated with intolerance to certain aromas.

Often there are cases of changes in the hormonal background in a woman. For example, some are not even aware of the presence of pregnancy, while others have more pronounced sensations in the fourth week of pregnancy. Such symptoms may include - increased tearfulness, resentment for no reason, strong emotion on unnerving factors. All this may indicate the presence of an embryo in the female womb, which over time will turn into a tiny person.

Breast at 4 weeks pregnant.

The chest also changes: swollen mammary glands are noticed, sensitivity and pain in the nipples increase. And again, such changes can occur before menstruation. The reason for breast changes in the fourth week of pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

Period at 4 weeks pregnant.

A woman who does not know about the development of pregnancy associates all the changes that occur with her with the upcoming menstruation. And according to anatomical laws, by the fourth week, menstruation should come. But due to the fertilized egg, menstruation does not come in the fourth week. There is a delay, which is also a symptom of the development of pregnancy. In some cases, women may experience bleeding, but they have nothing to do with menstruation. this bleeding is called implantation bleeding.

Allocations at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

The fourth week of pregnancy can be indicated not only by a delay in menstruation and small spotting. At this time, profuse discharge may be observed, having a whitish or transparent color and odorless. This is due to changes in the hormonal system, as well as increased blood flow. In the fourth week of pregnancy, clear discharge with a thick consistency is considered normal. Brown discharge accompanied by pain in the back and lower back is usually not related to pregnancy.

Bleeding and miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant.

Bleeding in the fourth week development of pregnancy, unknowing woman usually takes for menstruation. At such a short time, bleeding is a miscarriage. Usually it happens so painlessly that the woman does not even know that she was pregnant and takes it for menstruation. Pregnancy fading, embryonic death and miscarriage can occur from various adverse factors - an infectious disease, increased physical activity or excessive alcohol abuse.

Fourth week pregnancy test.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the test usually shows a negative result. This is because there is still little content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, although there is enough of it in the blood. And since the test is done on urine, then it will show the absence of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at the fourth week of pregnancy.

If you do an ultrasound in the fourth week, it will show the corpus luteum, which will nourish the embryo in the future. Another task of this body is the production of a hormone that is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. Since ultrasound machines are highly sensitive, they can determine at this time whether the embryo is fixed in the uterus. True, such examinations are rarely carried out, since at such an early stage a woman does not suspect a pregnancy.

Analyzes? at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

If the test is not capable of detecting the development of pregnancy at such a short time, then blood tests for hCG can do this, since, as mentioned earlier, the embryo at this time sufficiently releases chorionic gonadotropin into the blood, which makes it possible to determine the presence of pregnancy. The same applies to progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum for normal development of pregnancy.

Uterus at 4 weeks pregnant.

The uterus also undergoes changes at this time, because it is affected by progesterone. This hormone helps to fix the embryo, which, under its influence, swells and softens, but does not increase in size. Moreover, a dense mucous plug is formed in it, which protects the embryo from various infections.

The fetus? at the fourth week of pregnancy.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus turns from a fertilized egg into an embryo. The embryo looks like a flat disk, consisting of three layers. In the future, they will help to form the tissues and organs of the child. Thanks to the inner layer, the digestive system, liver, lungs and pancreas will appear. Thanks to the middle layer, the heart, kidneys, skeleton, muscular system and blood vessels will form. The outer layer will become the basis for the formation of the skin, head, hair, lens of the eye, tooth enamel and the nervous system. At the fourth week, the size of the fetus is 5 millimeters. Despite its tiny size, development is proceeding rapidly. At this stage, especially important external organs develop - the chorion, amnion and yolk sac, whose task is to provide nutrition, respiration and protection. In the future, the chorion turns into the placenta, the amnion into the fetal bladder.

It hurts and pulls the stomach? At 4 weeks of pregnancy.

Because in period of pregnancy the female body is being rebuilt, then in the fourth week pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen can be felt. In addition, such sensations can occur in women whose menstrual cycle was rather painful. But do not forget that this stage of pregnancy is critical, since this is the period for the onset of menstruation. Thus, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen may indicate an increase in uterine tone. Unfortunately, it happens that pain and pulling sensations can lead to pregnancy fading or miscarriage.

Cold and fever at 4 weeks.

It would seem that an ordinary, not dangerous cold, but in the fourth week of pregnancy, it can also lead to pregnancy fading, because this is the period when the embryo is especially vulnerable and the most insignificant factors can affect it. If you catch a cold, then you should not panic and worry, because nervous breakdown and stress can even more adversely affect the fetus. If you do not have a fever, then it will be enough to exclude exits from the house and take care of yourself for several days. Flushing your nose with salt water, cough syrup with licorice root, and drinking plenty of warm tea with honey will help to cope with cold symptoms.

Temperature at fourth week of pregnancy 38 degrees and above is very undesirable, because it can negatively affect the fetus and even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, even before the onset of pregnancy, you should take care of your health and strengthen your immune system.

Alcohol? at 4 weeks pregnant.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, alcohol and drinks containing it are very dangerous. Drinking alcohol can cause irreversible pathologies in the fetus and also lead to miscarriage. As mentioned above, at this stage of pregnancy, the development of the embryo and its vital organs is very rapid, and therefore the alcohol consumed has a detrimental effect on the passage of this process. Since alcohol is a substance of high toxicity, it affects the normal development and formation of the embryo. This increases the risk of having a child with various pathologies and malformations Therefore, for women who want to normally endure and give birth to a healthy baby, alcohol should be completely excluded for the period of pregnancy, and even better - a few months before it occurs.

Sex in the fourth week of pregnancy.

In the fourth week of pregnancy, having sex usually does not cause any harm. But it is worth saying that this applies only to those women for whom the threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is not relevant. Another case is that usually a woman in the first weeks does not suspect the presence of pregnancy in her body, and therefore having sex in the fourth week does not change. Of course, one should not forget the fact that a woman at this time may simply not want to have sex, because, as mentioned above, certain processes of change occur in her body that can lead to nervousness, apathy, tearfulness, pulling pain sensations in the lower abdomen, irritability and fatigue. Naturally, in this state, there is nothing to do with sex.

Nutrition at 4 weeks pregnant.

A woman who has a planned pregnancy considers the issue of nutrition relevant. As discussed above, the embryo on this stage of pregnancy especially susceptible to various adverse external factors. Lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for normal formation and fetal development, is one of these factors. Accordingly, a balanced and nutritious diet is very important. The diet must be monitored. At this stage of pregnancy, you need to eat only natural products that contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals. Fatty and salty foods, canned food, smoked meats, semi-finished products and sweets should be excluded from your diet. It is undesirable to use products containing flavors or dyes, as well as containing food additives. Soda water with dyes should also be left in the past, replacing it with freshly squeezed natural juices. You need to eat the food that will be good for your baby. For example, the priority is lean lean meat, various dairy products, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. Diets and fasting days should be a thing of the past, because for your child, in order for the process of development and formation to take place without undesirable consequences, the intake of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates is necessary. We should not forget that the food should be complete, but you should not eat up to satiety either.

So, from the foregoing, it follows that, regardless of whether the pregnancy is planned or not, but on its fourth week, you should especially carefully monitor your health, nutrition, and certainly, in no case should you drink alcohol and drinks containing it, since it is during this period of pregnancy, the fetus is especially sensitive to all external factors. And then your baby will develop normally and in the future you will give birth to a strong and healthy baby.

In the fourth week, you can already talk about pregnancy as a fait accompli. Ahead - about eight more months of bearing a child. 4 weeks of obstetric pregnancy is 2 weeks from the moment of conception. By this time, the embryo has already managed to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus. Development takes place very quickly, having a noticeable effect on the body of the expectant mother. Let's find out the answers to all questions related to the fourth week of pregnancy.

Symptoms and signs at 4 weeks pregnant

The likelihood that the first signs of pregnancy will be noticed at week 4 is high. During this period, there are significant changes in the body of the expectant mother. Even in the brain, the so-called dominant of pregnancy is formed. Very soon, the main task of the nervous system will be to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. And even nervous behavior will become much calmer.

4 weeks - the time when most women finally change their appetite, there is an intolerance to specific flavors. Sometimes you just have to see a dish that has fallen into disgrace to start nausea. Morning morning sickness is also common, in other words, nausea. The reflex threshold is very high. Even accidentally touching the base of the tongue with a brush while brushing your teeth instantly causes the urge to vomit.

Even the most ordinary occasion can cause too bright emotional reaction. Any little thing in a four-week period becomes a reason for hysteria or resentment. Often it even leads to depression. Doctors note that hormones most affect girls whose character has previously changed during menstruation.

In the fourth week, the body produces a hormone - hCG. True, while the concentration of hCG in the blood is not high enough for the test to react to it. More indicative in this regard will be a laboratory analysis. It will cost more than a tester, but an analysis for hCG will allow you to determine the onset of pregnancy earlier.

Among other frequently occurring symptoms, it is also necessary to note an increase in the sensitivity of the breast and roughening of the skin of the nipples. These same signs are observed during menstruation, only during pregnancy they are more pronounced. The action of hormones is directed, among other things, to the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. The following symptoms also occur:

  • Delayed menstruation (if the cycle does not exceed 28 days);
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased drowsiness;
  • Basal temperature indicators exceed +37°C.

Changes in the body

In the cells formed during the division of the zygote, there is a "distribution of roles": some of them are grouped approximately in the middle, while others are shifted closer to the edges. The blastocyst itself (an early form of the embryo) has already come close to the wall of the uterus and is ready to be implanted into it. To do this, the blastocyst cells extend microscopic chorionic villi to the endometrium, expanding the tissues and helping it to deepen into the mucous layer. Having successfully penetrated there, the blastocyst begins to produce hCG. Under the influence of this hormone, menstruation stops.

The fertilized egg gradually transforms into an embryo. At the initial stage of development, it looks like a flat disk, which includes three layers. Doctors call them germ layers. In the coming weeks, they will become the basis for the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus. Let's look at each layer in more detail:

  • The inner layer is called the endoderm. It will form the lungs, pancreas, liver and the entire digestive system.
  • From the mesoderm (middle layer) all bones, muscles, kidneys, as well as the circulatory system (including the heart) will develop.
  • The ectoderm is the outer layer. It will serve as a material for the formation of the skin, hair, enamel, lens and the entire nervous system.

4 weeks - the period during which the formation of the head of the embryo. True, it still bears little resemblance to a human head. If the embryo is expanded, its length will be no more than 5 millimeters. In the usual, folded state, there are only 2. Even if the sizes are still insignificant, nevertheless, the development of the unborn child is very intensive.

For example, at a four-week period, extra-embryonic organs that are of great importance for the embryo at the initial stage of development actively develop. These are the chorion, amnion and the so-called yolk sac. The purpose of these organs is to ensure the supply of nutrients, respiration, hormonal support and protection of the unborn fetus. After a few weeks, the chorion will transform into the placenta, and the amnion will form a fetal bladder. Male genes have the greatest influence on the creation of these organs.

The task of the placenta will be to prevent harmful elements from a pregnant woman to the fetus. Since at this time it has not yet been formed, the embryo does not yet have any protection from the toxins in the mother's body. This includes both alcohol and drugs. Well, the fetal bladder will create conditions for the comfortable development of the fetus, surrounding and protecting the unborn child from physical damage.

Discharge from the genital tract

Light, homogeneous discharge with a sour smell during this period should not be a cause for concern. Bloody or dark brown, complemented by pain in the lower back, on the contrary, are a reason to see a doctor. They are not typical for the normal course of pregnancy and most likely indicate some kind of genital infection. After passing the medical examination, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

Periods and bleeding at 4 weeks

Usually, all changes in their condition of a girl who is not aware of her pregnancy are associated with premenstrual syndrome. Just by the end of the fourth week, menstruation should go ... But they are not there, there is a delay. It is also a frequent sign of the onset of fertilization. The reason for the lack of menstrual bleeding is the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin. This specific "pregnancy hormone" begins to be produced by a fertilized egg.

In some cases, a girl may notice small spotting. In medicine, they are called implantation bleeding. Discharge appears during the attachment of the blastocyst to the endometrium. There is no need to worry about implantation bleeding, it is a common occurrence.

Pregnancy test

An amazing fact: according to the obstetric calendar, it is already the fourth week, and the pregnancy test will most likely show one strip, that is, a negative result. The reason for this is the insufficient concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine, which does not allow the sensitive element of the test to be affected. There is already much more of it in the blood.

The most highly sensitive and accurate tests can show a positive result even now. A barely noticeable second strip will signal about it. But this is rather an exception. The optimal time to check fertilization with a test is 5 weeks. That is, after a delay in menstruation, almost any test will show a positive result, because hCG in the body will become much larger by that time.

Analyzes and ultrasound for the expectant mother

At 4 weeks after conception, the concentration of hCG in a woman's blood increases faster than in urine, therefore, a laboratory analysis for the presence of this hormone will help determine the presence of a fetus with almost 100% accuracy already at this time. With its help, conclusions are drawn about deviations during the period of bearing a child, so the analysis is included in the comprehensive screening of the first trimester. Ultrasound also helps to determine pregnancy in the fourth week. In most cases, a two-week-old embryo (a miniature three-layered cell disk) is already detected by ultrasound.

Visit doctor

The sooner you visit a antenatal clinic after learning about your pregnancy, the better. Although you will be registered only closer to the twelfth week, nevertheless, they are already taking a smear from the vagina for analysis. In addition, an examination by a gynecologist will be carried out. The uterus is already enlarged, and the doctor will certainly notice this.

You may be prescribed a course of taking vitamins containing folic acid. This substance is of great importance in early pregnancy, as it reduces the likelihood of neural tube defects and other fetal pathologies. Doctors advise starting taking folic acid a few weeks before pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage

If bleeding is observed in the fourth week, similar to menstrual bleeding, this indicates a miscarriage with a high degree of probability. It happens completely painlessly, so that a woman usually does not even know that she was pregnant. She regards the bleeding as normal menstruation. The cause of the death of the embryo can be various adverse factors - for example, infectious diseases accompanied by fever, alcohol consumption, and even exercise.

Stomach ache

4 weeks may be accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen. Their reason is the constant changes in the female body caused by the active development of the embryo. The lower abdomen usually pulls in women whose periods used to be painful. In this case, you do not need to worry about discomfort.

Week 4 is considered a critical period of pregnancy, because closer to its end, menstruation should have occurred (with a 28-day cycle). Therefore, pulling pains in the abdomen can be caused by an increase in uterine tone. But sometimes unpleasant and painful sensations in the lower abdomen end badly, leading to pregnancy fading and miscarriage.


In the list of widespread causes of pregnancy fading is the common cold. During this period, the embryo is not yet surrounded by a protective placenta and is very vulnerable. But do not worry about this, stress and depression affect the fetus even worse than colds.

If there is no high temperature (+38°C and above), you should not take medication. Just try not to make your condition worse. Eliminate trips to public places and stay at home for the next week. Doctors advise rinsing the nose with a weak saline solution. Special syrups will help get rid of a cough. Do not forget about drinking plenty of water - drink tea with honey more often.

If the body temperature in the fourth week rises above 38 degrees, you can not do without medicines. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking the tablets. If the elevated temperature lasts for several days, it can adversely affect the embryo and lead to miscarriage. It is best to think about the danger of a cold in the early weeks of pregnancy in advance. Even when planning conception, it is desirable to systematically strengthen the immune system.

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking)

Drinking alcohol can also lead to miscarriage. At a period of 4 weeks, the embryo lays the cellular basis for all future organs. Given that there is still no placenta that protects the embryo from the influence of harmful factors, all substances from the mother's body, including alcohol, can freely enter it.

Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of developing all kinds of fetal defects, the child may be born underdeveloped or have some kind of deformity. And the abuse of alcohol before the tenth week can, among other things, harm the placenta, which is still being formed. The right decision would be to exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet from the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - a few months before the planned conception.


Sex in the fourth week does not harm the fetus at all. The only exception is that for women who are at risk of miscarriage, it is better to avoid sexual intimacy. Another thing is that pregnancy symptoms such as abdominal pain, irritability, fatigue, discomfort when touching the chest can simply discourage the desire to have sex. If there is a desire, there is no need to deny yourself pleasure. Try not to put too much pressure on your stomach during sex.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Week 4 is the time of active embryonic development in the mother's abdomen, and the fetus is extremely sensitive to the lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the mother's body. To fill in the possible gaps, doctors advise taking special vitamins for expectant mothers from the very beginning of pregnancy. Among other substances, they contain folic acid, a very important element for the normal development of the fetus. It is advisable to buy vitamins after consulting with your doctor. If you have not done this yet, forget about fast food. The diet should be healthy and varied. Minimize the consumption of sweet water, confectionery, fatty foods, large amounts of spices, canned food, convenience foods and other products containing food additives, dyes, preservatives. Food must be well cooked. Therefore, sushi and steaks are also taboo. Do not try to try diets on yourself, it will only harm the unborn child.

Do not forget about drinking plenty of water - at 4 weeks a day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water. Also consume foods that help improve bowel function - beets, raisins, dairy products. They will help to avoid constipation, which regularly haunts pregnant women. The basis of the diet of a pregnant woman, starting from the first weeks, should be cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, dairy products.

Photo of the fetus at the fourth week

Although the calendar of scheduled ultrasound examinations at such an early date is not included, pregnancy at this time can also be determined using ultrasound. If you have 4 weeks - ultrasound, most likely, will have to be done privately. In the next photo, you can easily see a small dark spot. This is the so-called fetal sac, the diameter of which so far does not exceed two to three millimeters.

What happens at 4 weeks pregnant - video

A few more days will pass, and the first month of pregnancy will end. Now the most important thing for you is to learn how to live in harmony with your body, adhere to the correct daily routine, consume healthy and varied food, monitor your health and not expose yourself to all sorts of risks. Try to always be in a good mood. Finally, we bring to your attention a short video from which you will learn valuable and useful information.

The first thing you and I should clarify is how to count the weeks of pregnancy.

The generally accepted medical system of counting is from the first day of the last menstruation, that is, the 4th week of pregnancy is only two weeks from the period of ovulation and immediate conception, or four weeks from the first day of the last menstruation.

Week 4 is just the turning point when women find out about their new position due to the lack of critical days.

But there are a number of other symptoms and signs by which one can judge the onset of pregnancy.

Mom's feelings at 4 weeks pregnant

It is still too early to talk about any external changes at the 4th week of pregnancy, the stomach at the 4th week of pregnancy does not increase in size yet, but your feelings may already change dramatically even at such a short time.

Signs of pregnancy

There are a number of signs by which, even without a visit to the doctor, one can state the onset of pregnancy:

  • One of the first signs is the absence of critical days, which, with a clear cycle of 28 days, should have begun just at the beginning of week 4;
  • The next sign you may not notice if you had a pronounced PMS;

As a rule, during pregnancy, your psychological state becomes unstable, any trifle can cause tears, however, you feel tired even after a walk, you want to sleep, hide in a secluded corner. It's all about the hormones.

  • Morning sickness and a sudden change in gourmet preferences should lead you to think about pregnancy;
  • Breast enlargement and pain when touching them is one of the common symptoms at 4 weeks pregnant;

Your mammary glands, under the influence of hormones, begin to prepare for the upcoming breastfeeding from the very beginning of pregnancy.

At this stage, the halo around the nipple of the breast may darken somewhat, at the 4th week of pregnancy, such pigmentation is also the norm, the color will change after childbirth.

  • You may be bothered by a feeling as if your stomach is pulling - this is possible at 4 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the embryo is gradually introduced into the uterine cavity and this process may be accompanied by pulling pains;
  • Constipation and bloating are other signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks. Under the influence of progesterone, your entire body is in a state of drowsiness. On the one hand, this is necessary to maintain pregnancy, but on the other hand, constipation occurs, food moves slowly enough through the esophagus and intestines, which allows the body to extract useful substances from it as much as possible, but at the same time you get a feeling of heaviness, bloating, and violation habitual toilet routine.

Note! That you can feel both the whole range of symptoms, and single of the signs described.

You may even have critical days, there are such cases (read the article: Can you have periods during pregnancy?>>>). You can confirm pregnancy with a special pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG.

Pregnancy Diagnosis

  1. One of the most common ways to determine pregnancy is a pregnancy test;

You can buy it at a pharmacy, its price can vary from several tens of rubles to hundreds, but the procedure for their implementation is standard - you need to collect morning urine and lower the indicator into it.

  1. An equally popular way is to test for hCG. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the hCG level can rise to 4 thousand units, then, with each week, it will steadily increase;
  2. An experienced doctor, after examination, already two weeks after conception will be able to see the pregnancy;

The structure of the uterus at the 4th week of pregnancy changes, it swells, becomes softer, in addition, the mucous plug is already beginning to accumulate, which will protect the baby for all subsequent weeks and will come out only immediately before the birth.

By the way, the size of the uterus itself does not change yet.

  1. The next method is ultrasound.

At 4 weeks pregnant, you may be asked to have an ultrasound scan using a vaginal probe. Such an ultrasound will give a more accurate picture and help identify pathologies, if any.

Of course, no one will take a photo of the fetus for you at the 4th week of pregnancy, since the embryo itself is still a grain of sand less than a gram, outwardly it is still a cluster of cells, without pronounced outlines.

Discharge and possible complications of pregnancy

One of the signs of pregnancy is the absence of spotting during the menstrual cycle.

  • However, brown discharge in small amounts at 4 weeks of gestation may be. This is a consequence of the introduction of the embryo into the body of the uterus, they are also called implantation bleeding;
  • However, blood clots in large quantities, as well as a feeling that the stomach hurts a lot, at 4 weeks of pregnancy may indicate a threatened miscarriage. It is urgent to call an ambulance;
  • Please note that small patches of blood may appear immediately after examination by a gynecologist, especially when diagnosed with cervical erosion;

No one will prescribe a cardinal treatment for you in your position until the end of pregnancy, but homeopathic suppositories or lotions will help relieve inflammation.

  • Normal for this period are odorless and colorless discharge. During pregnancy, their number may increase slightly to eliminate discomfort, you can use daily pads;
  • Cottage cheese discharge with a sour-milk smell will indicate to you a disease such as thrush. Due to the weakening of the body, the disease can progress in the early stages, it must be treated;
  • Greenish or yellowish discharge indicates inflammatory processes, in this case, you can not do without a specialist. Go to the doctor.

Pregnancy 4 weeks, what happens to the fetus

At the first stages of pregnancy, every day, every week is a leap in the development of the unborn baby.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, the word embryo is more suitable to describe the fetus, its size is up to 1 mm with a weight of 0.5 grams. I can’t even believe that after a while the size of this grain will increase exponentially.

  1. In the meantime, at this stage, the embryo actively attaches to the wall of the uterus and feeds through its blood vessels. From them, he obtains oxygen and nutrients for himself, later the nutrition process will take place through placental exchange;
  2. Week 4 is a very important stage in the development of the fetus, now the rudiments of all organs and systems are being laid, any disease, infection can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child, affect the development of internal organs;
  1. The fetus itself represents several layers of cells, and they are divided into germinal and extra-embryonic;
  • The latter will gradually transform into the placenta, amniotic sac and yolk sac;
  • As for germ cells, there are three types:

Endoderm, it is also the prototype of the digestive, respiratory system, liver and pancreas, then - mesoderm - skeleton, muscles, blood vessels and heart, and after - ectoderm - head, skin and nervous system.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The 4th week of pregnancy is a very important time, your baby is still very small and defenseless, the placenta does not protect him, and any infection or a simple cold can have catastrophic consequences, up to abortion.


Please note that your usual temperature may change somewhat, 37 degrees during pregnancy may become the norm, the constant changes in your body and the additional load on the circulatory system, which now works for two, are to blame.

Important! But be careful, the appearance of a runny nose, sore throat, cough, aching joints indicate a cold or viral disease, you urgently need to contact a specialist!

You cannot take medications on your own. There is a huge list of prohibited drugs for the first trimester of pregnancy, taking them can cause pathologies in the development of the baby or even miscarriage.


Due to the fact that your stomach is pulling at the 4th week of pregnancy and the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness does not leave you, your sexual desire may decrease slightly.

Not in favor of love comforts is early toxicosis. Do not be upset, in a few weeks your body will get used to a new role, nausea will pass and sex will again enter your plans.


Alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, like other bad habits, are taboo.

  1. Firstly, alcohol negatively affects your body, getting into your bloodstream, it poisons the baby as well. And since at this stage the laying of internal organs is underway, no one can predict how ethanol will affect the embryo;
  2. In addition, alcohol can cause miscarriage.


You must remember that during pregnancy you eat for two. But we are not talking about hobbies of portions, it is necessary to reconsider the quality of food.

  • Your diet should not contain harmful foods and fast foods, no preservatives, empty calories and sweets;
  • Every day you need to eat lean meats and fish, dairy products, greens and vegetables, legumes, cereals;
  • Wherever you go, take a light snack with you - an apple, nuts, yogurt;
  • And remember, every day you should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid, and this is still water, green tea, freshly squeezed juices. Avoid coffee and strong black tea.