Games for children are mobile. Outdoor games in kindergarten. Large collection of Outdoor games for kindergarten nurseries

Find yourself a mate

Material... Flags (according to the number of participants - 2 flags of each color, one flag must be left without a pair).

Game progress... An odd number of children take part in the game. Each child receives one checkbox. At the signal of the teacher (for example, hitting the tambourine), the children scatter around the playground (room). On another signal (for example, two strikes to the tambourine or the words “find a pair”), children with the same flags stand next to each other.

One child is left without a pair. Addressing him, all the players say:

Vanya, Vanya (Masha, Olya, etc.), don't yawn!

Pick a couple quickly.

Then, upon hitting the tambourine, the children again scatter around the court, and the game is repeated.

Instructions for the game. Children should keep their flags up while running.

Colored cars

Material... Flags of 3 colors or circles, rings (according to the number of participants and one more flag of each color).

Game progress... Children are placed along the wall of the room or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each of the players is given a flag of any color (optional) or a colored circle, a ring. The teacher stands facing the players in the center of the room (playground). He holds flags of the same colors in his hand.

The teacher raises a flag of some color. All children with a flag of this color start running around the site (in any direction); they hum as they go, imitating a car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and return to their place. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color and the game resumes.

Instructions for the game.The teacher can raise one, two or all three flags together, and then all the "cars" leave the site.

If the children do not see that the flag is down, the teacher complements the visual signal with the verbal “cars (names the color) have stopped”.

The teacher can replace the color signal with a verbal one (for example, "blue cars are leaving," "blue cars are returning home").


Material... Cord, 3 flags in yellow, red and green.

Game progress... Children stand along the wall of the room or the side of the platform in a column in pairs, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied (one child is held with the right hand, the other with the left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run - the tram is moving. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if the green flag is raised, the tram continues to move; if a yellow or red flag appears, children stop and wait for a green one to appear.

If there are many who want to play, you can arrange a stop where the children sit and wait for the tram to arrive. When a tram approaches a stop, it slows down and stops; some passengers get off the tram, others enter. The teacher raises a green flag: "Let's go!"

Instructions for the game. If the children are more familiar with the bus or trolleybus, the tram can be replaced with another mode of transport.

The bear in the forest ...

Game progress. A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. A place for a bear is outlined behind the line at a distance of 2-3 steps. At the opposite end of the playground, the line indicates the children's home.

The teacher appoints one of the bear playing. The rest of the players are children, they are at home.

The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, picking mushrooms, berries, making appropriate movements (tilting and straightening the body), and at the same time recite verses in chorus:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

When the players say the word “growls,” the “bear” gets up with a growl, and the children run home. The "bear" tries to catch (touch) them. The captured "bear" takes to his house. Children resume picking mushrooms and berries.

Rules of the game. Neither children nor "bear" are allowed to run until the end of the text. When 2-3 players are caught, a new bear is chosen.

Game instructions... The teacher should emphasize that children are not afraid of the bear, that they run away only when he rushes after them. The bear also does not immediately rush to catch: he must first look at them, grumble. Bears are chosen only from among those who have never broken the rules and who have not been caught.

Runs quietly

Game progress.Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. At the signal of the teacher, one group runs past the driver to the opposite end of the site to the agreed place (line). Children must run silently. If the driver hears the noise of steps, he says "stop" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the presenter shows where he hears the noise. If he pointed out correctly, the children step aside; if wrong, they return to their places and run again. This is how all the children's troupes run in turn.

The group that the driver did not hear wins. When the game is repeated, the driver changes.

Game instructions... This game is best done indoors, when children are wearing slippers or other light shoes and it is more comfortable for them to run on their toes. In addition, it is difficult to run silently on the site: sand, leaves, etc. rustle.


Game progress. Children become pairs: one is a horse, the other is a carter. For the game, reins are given or children hold on to the belt.

Let's go let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To the grandfather on the turnip,

By the boy


On a hunchback.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm under the teacher's sentence "gop, gop ..." or clicking their tongue until the teacher says "whoa-u". When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

Instructions for the game. After everyone is comfortable with the game, the teacher suggests raising your knees high while running.

The game should start with one pair, gradually increasing the number of participants to 3-4 pairs.

Hares and wolf

Game progress... One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children represent hares.

On one side of the site, the "hares" arrange houses for themselves (draw circles). At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses; "Wolf" - at the other end of the site (in the ravine).

The teacher says:

Bunnies are jumping

Dap, Dap, Dap,

On a green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

"Hares" jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They then jump on two legs, then sit down, nibble the grass and look around to see if the "wolf" is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the "wolf" comes out of the ravine and runs after the "hares", trying to catch (touch) them. "Hares" each run away to his own house. The wolf takes the caught "hares" into the ravine.

As soon as the "wolf" leaves, the teacher repeats the text of the poem and the game resumes. After 2-3 "hares" are caught, another wolf is chosen.

Game instructions... It is necessary to ensure that children do not make houses too close to each other.

Let's jump over the brook

Game progress... A trickle is drawn on the site, narrow at one end, and further wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm).

A group of children is invited to jump over the brook, first where it is narrow, then where it is wider, and finally, where it is widest.

The teacher marks those who managed to jump over the brook at the widest point.

Cucumber, cucumber ...

Game progress. At one end of the site there is a trap (teacher), at the other - children. The guys approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There the mouse lives

It will bite off your tail.

At the last words, the children run away to their places, and the teacher catches up with them.

Fox in the chicken coop

Game progress. On one side of the site, a chicken coop is outlined (the size depends on the number of players). In the hen house on the roost (on benches) "chickens" sit. On the opposite side of the site there is a fenced fox hole. The rest of the place is a courtyard.

One of the players is appointed by the fox. At the signal of the educator, the “chickens” jump off the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck at grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the teacher "fox!" The “chickens” run away into the hen house and climb to the roost, and the “fox” tries to drag off the “chicken” that did not manage to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the chickens jump off their roost again and the game resumes.

When the fox catches 2-3 chickens, another child is assigned to this role.

Hunter and hares

Game progress. On one side of the playground, the teacher outlines a place for the "hunter", who is assigned to one of the children. On the other side, the places of "hares" are indicated by circles. Each circle contains 2-3 "hares".

"Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to himself.

The teacher says:

- Hares ran out into the meadow.

Hares run out of their circles and jump on two legs, moving forward. At the signal of the teacher "hunter!" "Hares" stop, turn their backs to the "hunter", and he, without leaving the place, throws a ball at them. The "hare" into which the "hunter" hit the ball is considered to have been shot, and the "hunter" takes him away.

The game is repeated 3 times. Then the teacher counts the shot hares, chooses another hunter, and the game continues.

Throw on the ring

Material... Various figures (an elephant with a raised trunk, a goose with an extended neck, a bunny with a raised paw, etc.); rings.

Game progress. The game consists of throwing rings on various funny figures.

At a distance of 1.5-2 m from the figure, a line is drawn - the border from which children throw rings. The teacher shows how to get up, how to keep the ring in a horizontal position, how to throw (away from yourself) so that it remains in a horizontal position during the flight (for children this does not work right away, so you first need to help the child by directing the movement of his hand) ...

Ball over rope (net)

Material. Rope (net), ball.

In the version of the game: take balls 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress. A rope or net is pulled between the trees or gymnastic stands at the level of the child's chest.

Lines are drawn on both sides of the rope (net) at a distance of 1 m from it. Groups of children (4-6 people on each side) stand on the lines opposite each other.

The one on the edge gets the ball. At the signal of the teacher "start!" he throws the ball over the net to the child opposite. He, having caught the ball, throws it to the one standing next to him, etc. When the ball reaches the last player, the teacher notes what mistakes one and the other group of players had. When repeated, another group starts the game.

Game variant. All children in one of the groups receive balls and throw them over to the opposite ones.


Material. Hoops, chairs (according to the number of hoops), a large chair.

Game progress... On one side of the site, hoops are placed - rabbit cages. Chairs are placed in front of them, to which hoops are vertically tied. On the opposite side, a chair is placed - the watchman's house, on this chair the teacher sits. Between the house and the rabbits' cages there is a meadow. Children in small groups of 3-4 people become in circles.

“Rabbits are in cages,” says the caretaker; children squat down. The teacher alternately approaches the cages and releases the "rabbits" with the words: "Take a walk, eat grass." "Rabbits" crawl into the hoops and start running and jumping.

After a while the teacher says: "Run to the cages!" The "rabbits" run home, each returning to his own cage, crawling back into the hoop.

The "rabbits" remain in the cage until the guard releases them again.

Kittens and puppies

Material. Gymnastic wall, benches (ladder).

Game progress. The game can be played in a room with a gymnastic wall, or on an area.

The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, children of the other - puppies. "Kittens" are near the gymnastic wall; "Puppies" - on the other side of the room (in the booths behind the benches, behind the ladder placed on the edge).

The teacher offers the "kittens" to run around easily, softly. In the words of the teacher "puppies!" the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run on all fours after the "kittens" and bark "av-av-av!" "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb the gymnastic wall. The teacher is always there.

The "puppies" return to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles, and the game continues.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains ...

Game progress. The teacher, as if pulling the reins, walks, raising his knees high. Children follow the teacher in a free group.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains (Everyone walks.)

Grandpa Egor is riding:

Himself on a horse,

Wife on a cow

Children on calves, (All gallop.)

Grandchildren on kids.

Gop, gop, gop, gop ...

Gop, gop, gop, gop ...

At the teacher's word, "Whoa," everyone stops.

Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

Material... A small pebble.

Game progress... Children sit on the bench. One of them was appointed Ivanushka. He steps aside, the rest of the players put their palms in a "cup" and put them on their knees. The teacher has a small pebble in his palms folded together.

The driver stands with his back to the players.

Children say in unison:

- Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

- Among the white pebble.

I have a white stone,

Speak to me, to me ...

I have a white stone,

Speak to me, to me ...

At this time, the teacher alternately touches all the children with folded palms and imperceptibly lowers a pebble to one of them.

By the time children finish speaking the text, all palms should be closed. Ivanushka turns to the players and tries to guess who has the stone.

If he guesses, he sits down in the place of a child who had a pebble, and he becomes Ivanushka. If he doesn't guess, he drives again. Not guessing the next time, he sits down at the end of the bench, and Ivanushka gets out again.

When the children master the game well, they organize it on their own, choosing a presenter and Ivanushka with the help of a counting rhyme.

Teremok (round dance game)

Game progress... There can be any number of players, but not less than 6 people. Children agree on who will be a mouse, frog, hare, chanterelle, wolf and bear. There can be several mice, frogs, etc., only there should be one trap bear (it is selected using a counting tool). All the players join hands, walk in a circle and say or sing:

There is a teremok in a field,

He is not low, not high, not high,

Here is a mouse running across the field,

She stopped at the door and knocked.

All the mouse children run into the circle and say:

Someone who lives in the little house,

Someone who lives in a short one?

Nobody answers and they stay in the circle. The rest of the children walk in a circle again and say the same words again, but instead of a mouse they name a frog, etc.

Each time the named children run into a circle and ask:

Someone who lives in the little house,

Someone who lives in a short one?

They are answered by all those standing inside the circle;

I am a mouse ...

I am a frog frog ... etc.

Having heard the appropriate answer, they say: "Come to live with us."

Only one bear remains. He walks around the animals gathered together and to their question "who are you?" says: "And I'm a bear - everyone is a trap."

At these words, everyone runs to a conventional place, the bear tries to catch them. To the children caught, the bear says himself which of them will be whom when the game is repeated; other roles are assigned at will.

Game instructions... Each time the children walk in a circle, they change direction. The participants of the game can put on the appropriate cap-masks.

The "bear" is chosen in the same order and the game continues.

A bunny is sitting, sitting ...

Game progress. A "bunny" is squatting against the wall. "Hunters" (10-12 people) settled in a group at the opposite wall. Children participating in the game say:

A bunny is sitting, sitting, ("Bunny" turns its head from side to side and freezes, listening.)

Bunny sitting gray

Under the bush, under the bush.

Hunters are going, ("Hunters" gallop in a circle and linger in the place where they will be caught by the speech of the "bunny".)

They're riding, jumping into the field

In the empty, in the empty.

"You, hunters, ride, (says one" bunny ", standing at full height and slightly bending his knees.)

Pat on my tail: (Makes a jump, another jump and another jump, turning his back to the hunters.)

"Bunny" is running away. The "hunters" catch him, holding hands and trying to surround him. The "bunny" has no right to run out from under the hands of the "hunters", if the circle is closed, he is caught.

Another child is assigned to the role of a hare, and the game is repeated.

Where did you knock?

Material... Small stick, kerchief (white paper cap).

Game progress. Children sit on high chairs arranged in a circle. The driver is selected. He steps out into the middle of the circle and is blindfolded. The rest of the children should be very quiet. The teacher silently walks behind the children, stops next to one of the seated and knocks with a stick on the back of a chair, and then hides the stick behind his back so that it cannot be seen. Then she quietly steps aside and says: "It's time!"

The one standing in the circle must guess where they knocked and go to the one who has a hidden stick. Having guessed correctly, the driver sits down in the place of the child who had a stick, and he becomes the driver. If the driver is mistaken, then the game is repeated with him. We must ask the children to sit even quieter so as not to interfere with his listening. If he does not guess the second time, another driver is selected and the game continues.

Game instructions... Each time a piece of white paper should be put under the headscarf, which is used to blindfold children, or instead of a bandage, put on a paper cap for the driver.


Material. A set of 30-40 splices 10-15 cm long, dyed 3-4 colors.

If the game becomes more complicated, add splinters of different sizes - from 5 to 15 cm, several pieces of each size.

Game progress. A group of children (3-4 people) sitting at the table, the teacher shows what patterns can be laid out from the splinters. Children take splinters from the box and lay out patterns according to the pattern. Then the teacher invites the children to come up with what they can put out of the splinters; reminds of what color splinters are better to use.

Game instructions... After the children learn to lay out patterns, splinters of different sizes are added to the existing set. The teacher invites children to lay out simple stories, for example, a house with a fence, a tree, etc.

Archery sets can be made by yourself from a wooden block or thin plywood. The beads need to be well cut and painted with indelible paint.

The street

Material. Cords (sleds), exercise sticks, rings, etc.; green and red circles; the game requires a spacious playground or a large hall.

When the game becomes more difficult: homemade books or pieces of paper - driving passes.

Game progress... The playground for children turns into a street for horses, as well as cars, trams and other types of public transport.

Each of the players chooses which type of transport they will portray. Some take the reins (in winter - sledges) and imitate riding a horse (walk, raising their legs high, and run); others, with steering wheels in hand, - driving a car (they run, imitating the horns). And here is a fire truck rushing (one child is taken by the front ends of exercise sticks or cords, the other by the rear ends, the third is placed in the middle).

In the middle of the square, drawn on the ground, there is a "policeman" (teacher, and later children). The "policeman" regulates the movement: turns to one, then to the other and shows a red, then a green circle.

You can ride around the square and crossing it. If someone breaks the driving rules, the “policeman” takes a fine (the fined person slaps the “policeman” on the palm as many times as he has to pay, counting out loud).

At night the movement stops: the “horses” are taken to the stable (they sit on benches or chairs), the “cars” go to the garage (they also sit down), the “policeman” leaves duty.

Then a new “policeman” (one or two) is chosen, the children change toys and roles, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. "Horses" and "cars" stop when the red circle is raised and begin to move when the green one is raised. The "fire truck" is skipped out of turn. If the "policeman" leaves his post, all traffic stops. In the future, an additional rule is introduced - to drive on the right side. This rule is introduced mainly in games with older children.

Instructions for the game. Streets are marked with two parallel lines at a distance of 8 - 10 m from one another. If the site is large, you can make two intersections and put two policemen. Besides cars and horses, trams can be arranged. This requires two cords, the ends of which are taken by two children. The one in front of him has two colored circles on his chest, representing the tram lights.

In winter, you can take a sled to play. Some sleds, with colored reins, will represent horse riding in a sleigh; two sledges connected by a rope - a tram with a trailer (two "passengers" can go at once, the "car driver" in front carries the sled, and the "conductor" pushes them behind).

The roles in the game change from time to time. If you need to extend the rest, you can inspect all cars and horses, issue passes for the right to ride (homemade books or pieces of paper), etc.

The game can be conducted during a walk in the middle and senior groups together.


Material... Red and green flags, a cap, circles-lights.

Game progress. From the children are selected: a steam locomotive, a machinist, a conductor, a station manager, switchmen. The rest of the children depict carriages and stand behind the "locomotive" (they are given circles-lights in his hands) and the "machinist", putting their hands on the shoulders of the one in front.

"Switchmen" with red and green flags are located along the route of the train, at turns. Stations are designated, they are given names.

The "stationmaster" puts on his cap, he sets off the train (raises his hand). The "machinist" beeps (buzzing "oo-oo-oo"), the locomotive starts up steam - "shhh-shh", and after that the train starts to move. All the children rhythmically repeat after the locomotive: "Let's go, let's go." Then, accelerating, "Let's go, let's go, let's go." The "conductor" monitors whether the train is going well, whether the "cars" are not uncoupled (if the cars are uncoupled, the "conductor" gives a signal and stops the train).

You can put a bridge on the train path - children, standing in pairs, joining their hands at the top, form the arch of the bridge. Children walk on their toes across the bridge, repeating to the beat: "Over the bridge, over the bridge, over the bridge." Having passed the bridge, the train accelerates, the "wagons" say: "We passed, we passed."

A tunnel can also be presented, passing through which children say: "Hush, hush, hush, hush." After the tunnel, the train accelerates again: "Pass, pass, pass."

Approaching the station, the "locomotive" shouts: "I want to drink!" "Trailers" answer, slowing down: "Oh, tired, oh, tired, oh, tired!" The "stationmaster" meets the train, the train stops.

Rules of the game. Perform movements consistently and in accordance with the words. Do not break the coupling between the "cars" and the "steam locomotive". Observe signals.

Instructions for the game. The teacher plays with the children, most often performing the role of a carriage. This role is most convenient to regulate the movements of children and come to their aid if they forget the words.

The game is played outdoors and in a spacious room.

On the border

Material... Toy rifles (2 fewer children), cord.

Game progress... Children act as border guards, two guys are appointed sentries with a dog. "Border guards" rest, for example, play musical instruments (depict the game with movements and sing), collect cones for a fire (they can be scattered around the site in advance), warm themselves by the fires (squatting or in any poses in small groups), etc. ... At the other end of the site are rifles.

The "sentry" holds the "dog" on a leash (one end of the cord is in the hand of a child depicting a dog, the other is in the hand of a border guard) and walks with it along the line, which marks an imaginary border. Suddenly the "dog" pulls the cord. The "sentry" shouts: "Alarm!" Upon hearing this signal, all "border guards" must quickly take their rifles and line up along the imaginary border. The two kids who run the line first will be sentry and guard dog in the next game.

Rules of the game... "Border guards" should be away from rifles. It is not allowed to take a rifle in advance. Whoever is more likely to stand on the line depicting the border will be a sentry and guard dog.

Game instructions... Rifles should be laid out directly on the ground in a row at a short distance from one another. About what the border guards will do on vacation, they agree in advance.

When repeating the game, the occupations of the border guards should be changed. For example, the first time they can play musical instruments, the second time they warm themselves by the fire, the third time they can collect cones, the fourth time they can exercise, etc.

You can play both indoors and outdoors.

Fox and geese (based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)

Game progress... Two houses are designated: for the fox and for the geese. Opposite the house of geese, across the platform, there is a meadow where geese graze. All the children stand in a row - these are geese in the meadow. "Fox" (teacher) says: "Geese, geese, I'll eat you!"


Wait, fox, don't eat

Listen to our song

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha,

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Tired of listening to you

I'll eat all of them now!

The "geese" fly home, the "fox" catches them. The caught are taken to his house. When the "fox" catches 3 "geese", a new "fox" is chosen.

Rules of the game. You can run away from the "fox" and catch "geese" only after the words "I'll eat everyone now!" You cannot catch geese in the house.

Game instructions... "Geese" should graze in the middle of the meadow, i.e. at an equal distance from his house and the fox's house. If the "fox" cannot catch the required number of "geese" for a long time, the "geese" caught by it become her assistants. You can also keep track of the caught "geese", not keeping them in the fox's house, but immediately releasing them.

Save yourself from the wolf

Material... Swedish wall (fence).

Game progress. Children came to the forest for berries, walk and collect (from time to time they squat on cards, bend over). Suddenly there is a howl of a "wolf" (one of the children is assigned as a wolf), a "wolf" appears, children quickly climb trees (a fence, a Swedish ladder), thus fleeing from the "wolf". When the "wolf" disappears, the children get off again and continue to pick berries. The game is repeated several times, then, at the signal of the teacher, the children leave the forest, a new wolf is selected, and the game starts again.

Rules of the game.Climb the fence 4-5 steps, not higher, and only after the "wolf" appears. The "wolf" does not catch, but only scares the children with its voice, leaning out of its den.

Game instructions... To prevent children from falling off the ladder, fleeing from the "wolf", you should not introduce fishing. "Wolf" should be planted away from the ladder.

If the game is played in the forest, children hide from the "wolf" behind the trees.

The role of the wolf can be played by children in turn, and the teacher plays with the rest in picking berries. She helps children to climb the ladder.

This game should be done when children already know how to climb, otherwise someone may fall.

As a rest, you can enter a halt in the forest, during which you can tell something close to the game in content, sing a song, etc.

Game variant... Picking berries in the forest, the children sing:

The youngster walked along the side,

She took, took a strawberry.

I pricked a leg on a blade of grass.

The little leg hurts, it hurts, but it doesn't hurt.

At the end of the song, a "wolf" appears, and the children run to the ladder, as if fleeing from it in the trees. Then the "wolf" disappears, the children pick the berries again, and the game is repeated.


Game progress. Children join hands, walk in an even line to the teacher, who sits at some distance from them on a chair. Everybody says:

We, funny guys,

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Having said the last words, everyone runs, and the teacher catches someone. The captured person sits on a chair and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Run only after the last word has been said. Walk in a straight line, coordinating your steps with the steps of other children. Don't catch someone who succumbs.

Instructions for the game. The game is very simple in movement, but requires a certain endurance from children. The closer the distance from the children to the one who is catching up, the harder it is for children to resist so as not to run ahead of time. This must be borne in mind and start from a distance that will be enough for children while they speak poetry. Gradually it is necessary to reduce the distance - with the expectation that the last phrase would have to be said, standing still against the catching one. If the children stop too far away, you can draw a line 2-3 steps away from the catcher - this will be the boundary where the children should go.

In the future, you can replace walking with jumps from foot to foot, but in this case, the children release their hands and move freely. In this case, it is especially important to mark the line where everyone should gather, finishing speaking the text. When the trap catches, the children no longer jump, but run.


Game progress... The players stand near trees or in circles marked on the ground. One of the players, who remained in the middle, comes up to someone in the circles and says: "Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner!" She refuses, then he goes with the same words to another. At this time, the other children change places, and the one in the middle tries to take the circle of one of the people running across. If he succeeds, the one left without a corner stands in the middle and the game continues in the same way.

If the person standing in the middle cannot capture the circle for a long time, the teacher says: "The cat is coming!" All at the same time run from circle to circle in a circle to the right, and the one standing in the middle is trying to take someone else's place.

Rules of the game. Before you run, agree with whoever you want to change places with. Do not linger in your corner, otherwise you let down a friend who will be left without a place.

Instructions for the game. This game works well on a large area with many trees located close to each other.

In the beginning, the corners should be placed closer, then it is easier for the person standing in the middle to take someone's corner. Gradually, the distance between the corners increases.


Material... Flags (colored cord, pegs).

Game progress... Everyone chooses a pair with whom they will run a race. Couples line up one after another. It is established in advance where to run, and this place is indicated by flags or colored cord stretched between two pegs. "One two Three!" - all the players say in chorus, and the first pair runs, trying to quickly reach the border and come back. When they return, the children stand behind everyone, and the next pair runs after the signal, etc. When all pairs have run 2 times, new pairs are formed from the players and the game starts over.

Rules of the game... Run only after the signal. Run right up to the border and only then come back.

Game instructions... The distance the children run should be calculated according to their strength (approximately 20-25 m).

At first, the children themselves choose their partners at will, but when the game is repeated, the teacher tries to influence this choice so that the strength of the children in a couple is approximately equal.

In this game, the kids have enough time to rest after running. If there are a lot of players, waiting in line may take too long, and it is better to put the children in two columns so that 2 couples run at once. From time to time, you can let everyone race at once - this brings animation to the game.

The game will become more interesting if the children are given various tasks, for example: to walk the intended distance in steps or (with a significant decrease in the distance) to jump to the border (from foot to foot). If you play indoors, you can give the task to get to the specified place as quietly as possible, on tiptoes or on all fours, which is especially popular with children.

Of course, so many tasks are unacceptable in the same game. They should be grouped in approximately two, without being carried away by the variety, so as not to tire the children.


Game progress... The players stand one after another in one row; while each clasps in front of the person standing behind the body. The first in the row (the educator) is called the baker, all those who follow him make up the oven, except for the last: he is called a pie. One of the children is nominated by the buyer.

A "buyer" comes up and asks: "Where is my pie?" The "baker" answers: "He lies behind the stove." "Pie" shouts: "And runs and runs!" With these words, the “pie” breaks away from the general chain, trying to stand in front of the “baker” before the “buyer” has time to catch him. The “baker” also does not stand still - he tries to move towards the “pie”.

If the “pie” has time to get in front of the chain, he becomes a baker, the “buyer” comes back to buy, and the pie will be the one who is behind the chain.

If the “pie” is caught, it becomes the buyer, and the last one becomes the baker. Thus, the roles are constantly changing.

Rules of the game... It is not permitted to detain the "buyer" in any way. "Pie" cannot run far from the "oven". The makers of the oven must hold on tightly to each other and to the baker.

Instructions for the game. The game can only be played with a small group of children (8-12 people). If there are many who want to play, you can arrange two “ovens”, select two “buyers” and two “bakers”.

At an older age, you can play with a large number of participants. The role of the baker is only first performed by the teacher, then the children themselves will perform it successfully. The caregiver can be the buyer, while giving the children the pleasure of their deliberate failures, which will allow children to move faster through the roles of the pie and baker they are most interested in.

So that the children can take a break from movement, you can announce in the middle of the game that the stove has "collapsed" - everyone runs to hide in different parts of the site, and the teacher, as a stove-maker, goes to look for. Gathering everyone and building again one after another, the "stove-maker" announces that the stove is fixed, and the game starts over.

This game can be played outdoors at any time of the year, provided that it is not slippery outside, otherwise it will be especially difficult for children to hold the chain and run around it.

Finish the hoop to the flag

Material. Large flag, small red flags (2-3 times the number of participants), hoops (according to the number of participants)

Game progress... The teacher lines up the children at the line drawn on the ground and says:

- Let's see who rolls his hoop to this flag and never drops it on the way.

He stands to the side and, waving 3 times a red flag, gives a signal for action.

Adjusting their hoop with a stick, children roll it to a large flag, which is the ultimate goal of their run.

Whoever rolls his hoop to the flag, never dropping it on the way, receives a red flag. After waiting for everyone to gather, the hoops are rolled in the same order to another place where the flag is moving, etc.

Rules of the game... Push the hoop carefully so that it does not fall. Follow the signal: if someone runs ahead of time, you need to replay. The game can be repeated only when all participants have reached the flag.

Instructions for the game. The game should be carried out when the children have already played enough hoops and a little mastery of the necessary movements. This game will increase their interest in hoops and give a well-known impetus to further independent games.

You need to start with a short distance, gradually increasing it. When the children learn how to roll the hoops well, you can play the game "Who will quickly roll his hoop to the flag." Here you can give children flags of different colors: the very first gets a red flag, the second gets green, the third gets blue, etc.

Benches should be placed at the borders of the playground so that the children are sitting waiting for each other. It is more convenient for children to stand at some distance from each other when they start playing, otherwise they will interfere with each other while moving.

It is more convenient to divide the children into two small groups. When the first group rolls the hoops, the others watch and wait. After the game, the flags that each group received are counted. When assigning to groups, it is important to ensure that the strengths of the children are approximately equal in one and in the other group.


Material. Lightweight celluloid ball (ball).

In the game version: celluloid balls (balls) are 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress... Children sit in a circle on a carpet (diameter of the circle is approximately 2 m) at some distance from each other and roll a celluloid ball or ball over the circle. A child standing in the middle is trying to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who unsuccessfully rolled the ball goes to the middle instead of him.

Rules of the game. Roll the ball only through the circle. Say the name of the child to whom you are sending the balloon.

Instructions for the game. To play, you need a light ball or ball so that it does not hurt if it accidentally hits a child standing in a circle.

Game variant. You can sit not in a circle, but opposite each other (at the same distance). Then each pair has its own ball. This game is more interesting to play if there are few players and you have to wait for a short time until the ball falls into everyone's hands.

Balls and posts

Material. Logs (cylinders) from large building material; gymnastic sticks (building material) to mark the line; 3-4 balls.

Game progress... Several logs or cylinders of large building material are placed on one line at intervals of about 20-30 cm. All the players sit on chairs. At the instruction of the teacher, 3-4 children come out in turn and stand at the designated line (the line can be laid out from gymnastic sticks or building material). Seated children, together with the teacher, clap their hands 3 times. The last clap is a signal to roll the balls. In this case, the following tasks are set:

1) roll the ball through the "gate" (the gap between the cylinders);

2) hit the ball into a cylinder or a column - hit the ball on the column;

Rules of the game... Roll the ball while standing at the designated border. Wait your turn. Complete a specific task.

Game instructions... It is necessary to start the game from a short distance, gradually increasing it. Tasks are given at first the simplest, and then become more difficult. You should not rush to new tasks if children still find it difficult to perform simpler movements. The game is played indoors or on the terrace.

Simple pins

Material... Several large pins; wooden ball.

Game progress... Several large pins are drawn together. A line is drawn in front of them at a distance of 3-4 steps - from here each child in turn tries to hit the pins with his ball. But it is important not only to hit the pins, but also to knock them all down with one blow of the ball. The one who succeeds, the next time can roll the ball from the second line, and then from the third - the last. The one who rolls his ball so well from the third line that all the pins are knocked down is considered the winner. Once the winner has been identified, the game can be restarted.

Rules of the game... You need to roll the ball in turn. Each rolls the ball one time and passes it to the next. If the pins are not knocked down, in the next turn you must repeat the attempt from the same position.

Game instructions... The pins need to be put on a level place and close to one another. If children find it difficult to knock down all the pins at once, it is possible for a start to consider a successful move in which the child managed to knock down at least 1-2 pins. The task is easier to cope with if a larger and more massive wooden ball is given.

If there are more than ten children playing, two games should be organized in parallel, so as not to tire the children with long waiting.

Ball game

Material... Balls (2 times less than the number of participants).

Game progress... 6 lines are drawn on the ground, parallel to one another, at a distance of approximately 0.5 m. Between the 2nd and 3rd lines from each edge, put the children in two lines, opposite each other.

Each pair of players receives one ball. "One two Three!" - says the teacher, this is a signal that it's time to start throwing balls to each other. Each pair of players must toss the ball to each other three times in a row (back and forth). If at the same time the ball has never fallen, one of the partners goes over the next line (takes a step back) and the distance between the children increases. If one of the pair drops the ball, the counting of the throws must be started again.

After each of the three successful throws of the ball, one or the other player moves back to one line until both are at the last line. Then the game starts over, and the children can switch pairs.

Rules of the game. If the ball falls, you must start counting over again. You cannot move from the drawn border. The first one to go to the next line is the one who started the game, i.e., the one who throws the ball first.

Instructions for the game. The game should be shown to children by playing with one of the children as a partner.

The pairs should be placed farther from one another (at intervals of up to 0.5 m) so that they do not interfere with each other's catch. The game should be started with large balls, and then smaller balls can be given as a complication. If it is difficult for children to catch at this distance, you can reduce it, and then one line will be slightly closer to the other.

This game can be played both collectively and individually with individual children.

It is also interesting for older children, but for them it is necessary to increase the distance between the lines and add one more line on each side.

Games for older preschool children


Material. Colored bandage (ribbon).

Game progress. Children are in different places of the playground (its borders are indicated by flags). The tag assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children, having received a colored bandage (ribbon), stands in the middle of the site.

After the teacher's signal "Catch!" all the children scatter around the playground, and the tag tries to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. The one he touched moves aside.

The game ends when the tag catches 3-4 players.

When the game is repeated, a new tag is selected.

If the tag cannot catch any of the players for 30-40 seconds, the teacher must appoint another driver.

Swan geese

Game progress. A wolf and a shepherd are selected from among the players. The rest of the children are geese. On one side of the site, a line is drawn, behind which there are geese. This is their home.

On the side of the site, a place is outlined - the lair of the wolf.

"Shepherd" drives out "geese" to graze in the meadow. "Geese" walk, fly in the meadow.

Shepherd. Geese, geese!

Geese (stop and answer in chorus). Ha, ha, ha!

Shepherd. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes Yes Yes!

Shepherd. So fly!

Geese. We can not:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home!

Shepherd. So fly as you want!

The “geese”, spreading their wings (stretching their arms out to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the “wolf”, hearing the geese, runs out, crosses their path, trying to catch them (touch with their hand).

The caught "geese" are taken away by the "wolf". After 3-4 runs, the caught "geese" are counted. Then new wolves and shepherds are selected and the game is repeated.

Game instructions... When the teacher conducts the game for the first time, he tells the children that geese walk in the meadow, nibble the grass, while they bend over, stretch their necks, and when they fly, spread their wings (raise their arms to the sides).

Cat and mouse

Game progress. The players stand in a circle. A cat and a mouse are selected. The "mouse" becomes in a circle, the "cat" - behind the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle and say:

Little Vaska walks,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And the arrow runs.

The eyes are closed.

The claws unfold

Teeth like a needle.

Only mice will scratch

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He will catch everyone.

After the words “he will catch everyone,” the children stop, and at the appointed place of the circle, two children raise their hands, leaving the passage - the gate. The "mouse", running away from the "cat", can run through the gate and crawl under the arms of those standing in a circle. The "cat", trying to catch the mouse, can run into the circle only through the gate. When the "cat" catches the "mouse", other children are selected for these roles, and the game is repeated.

If the "cat" cannot catch the "mouse" for a long time, the teacher arranges an additional gate.

Game variant. While children are walking in a circle, the cat can be in the center of the circle, and the mouse is outside it. When pronouncing the second verse, the cat performs movements according to the text - it closes its eyes, spreads its claws, etc.

We are funny guys ...

Game progress... Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. On the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a trap appointed by the teacher or chosen by the children.

Children in unison pronounce the text:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us:

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. Anyone touched by the trap before the player crosses the line is considered caught and sits down near the trap.

After 2-3 runs, the number of those caught is counted and a new trap is selected.

Game instructions... A new trap is chosen even if the previous one does not catch anyone.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not chant the text, but pronounce it expressively.


Material... Cord.

In the version of the game: hoops.

Game progress... The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied.

Children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say a poem:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

And then around, around,

The carousel spun.

All running, running, running.

In accordance with the text, the children walk in a circle: first slowly, then faster, and at the end they run. During the run, the teacher says "be-zha-li, u-zha-li".

After the children run 2 times in a circle, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying "turn!" The players turn around, quickly grabbing the cord with their left hand, and run to the other side.

Then the teacher continues with the children:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two!

The game is over!

The carousel movement becomes progressively slower. At the words "the game is over!" the children lower the cord to the ground and move around the playground.

After the children have rested a little, the teacher gives three rings or hits the tambourine three times. The players rush to take their places on the carousel, that is, they stand in a circle, take the cord. The game resumes. Those who did not have time to take a seat before the third bell does not ride the carousel, but stands and waits for a new landing.

Game variant... Carousel can be played with hoops. Each holds onto two hoops with one hand and the other, forming a vicious circle. All movements are performed in the same way as with a cord.

When children leave the carousel, you need to make sure that they put the hoops on the floor carefully, then when you repeat the game, you can quickly pick them up and form a circle again.


Game progress... The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller group (about a third of the players) forms a circle - a mousetrap. The rest are mice. They are outside the circle.

Children, depicting a mousetrap, join hands and begin to walk in a circle now to the left, then to the right, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are

Their passion simply spread.

They all chewed, they all ate,

They climb everywhere - that's the attack.

Beware, cheats,

We will get to you.

Let's put the mousetraps.

Let's catch everyone at once!

At the end of the poem, the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. "Mice" run into a mousetrap and immediately run out from the other side. According to the teacher's word "bang!" children standing in a circle lower their arms and squat - the mousetrap is considered slammed. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. They also become in a circle (the size of the mousetrap increases). When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles and play resumes.

Game instructions... The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce poems expressively, quietly, making logical emphasis, without chanting every syllable.

In the end, the most dexterous mice should be noted, which have never been trapped in a mousetrap.

Crucian carp and pike

Game progress. One child is selected for the pike role. The rest of the players are divided into two groups: one of them - pebbles - forms a circle, the other - crucians that swim inside the circle. "Pike" is behind the circle.

At the signal of the teacher "pike!" she quickly runs into the circle, trying to catch the crucian carp. The "carps" are in a hurry to quickly take a place behind one of the players and sit down (hiding behind the pebbles). "Pike" catches those "crucians" that did not have time to hide. Caught go around the circle.

The game is played 3-4 times, after which the number of caught "carp" is counted. Then a new pike is selected. Children standing in a circle and inside it change places, and the game is repeated.

Have time to run

Material... Cord 3-4 m long.

Game progress.The teacher with one of the children holds the cord by the ends and slowly rotates it towards the running children. Children, one by one, should have time to run under the cord at the moment when it is at the top.

The teacher regulates the movement of children; for each runner, he gives the signal "run!"

In the future, children should themselves watch the movement of the cord and run when it is at the top.

Whose link is more likely to get together

Material. Flags 3-4 colors (according to the number of players); 3-4 large flags of the same colors; tambourine.

Game progress... Children are divided into 3-4 groups with the same number of players: each group is given flags of one color. At different ends of the site or on one side, 3-4 flags of the same colors are placed on supports. Each group is built by a column in front of a flag of its own color.

When the players line up, the teacher hits the tambourine and the children begin to walk, run, jump around the court in different directions. The movements change depending on the rhythm and pace given by the teacher.

At the signal "to the place!" children run to their flag and form a column (facing the flag). The teacher notes which group lined up first.

Instructions for the game. After 2-3 repetitions, the game can be complicated. At that moment when children are running, jumping, the teacher says "stop!" At this signal, all players stop and close their eyes. In the meantime, the teacher changes the places of the flags and says "to the places!" Children open their eyes and rush to form a column against their flag. The teacher notes which column was built first.

Sly Fox

Game progress... The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher asks everyone to close their eyes. Children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle (behind the backs of the children) and touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and carefully see which of them is a cunning fox, whether she will give herself away with something.

The players ask 3 times in chorus (with small intervals) - first quietly, and then louder: "Sly fox, where are you?" At the same time, everyone looks at each other. When all the players (including the sly fox) ask for the third time: "Sly fox, where are you?" - "sly fox" quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: "I'm here!"

All the players scatter around the court, and the "fox" catches them. Those caught, that is, those to which the "fox" touched with a hand, move aside.

After the fox has caught 2-3 children, the teacher gives the signal "in a circle!" The kids form the cool again and the game repeats.

Who would rather

Material... Jumping (according to the number of children).

Game progress... Children with jump ropes in their hands stand in a line on one side of the playground so as not to interfere with each other. A line is drawn 15-20 steps from them. At the appointed signal, all children simultaneously jump towards the line. The teacher marks children who were previously at the line.

Jumping rope

Material. Rope (cord, long rope).

Game progress... Two children are holding a thick rope, cord, or long rope, one at one end, the other at the other. Slowly and evenly, they begin to twist it towards the standing children, and they jump over the rope in turn, trying not to hit it. The one who touches changes one of the twisting rope.

Game instructions... In the game, you can give children certain tasks, for example: "Who can jump 5-10 times without error?"

Shepherd and flock

Material. Gymnastic bench (slats); blindfold.

Game progress.On one side of the site, a sheepfold is fenced off with the help of a gymnastic bench or rails placed on cubes.

A shepherd is chosen from among the players. The rest are sheep. The "shepherd" is blindfolded. He stands not far from the sheepfold and says: "Sheep, sheep, here I am."

The "sheep" alternately jump over the fence, approach the "shepherd" and ask him: "Shepherd, shepherd, how many steps are you giving me?"

Each time the "shepherd" calls out a number (up to 10). The "sheep", moving away from the shepherd, counts the appropriate number of steps and stops.

When all the "sheep" have dispersed, the "shepherd" asks: "Where is my flock?" All the "sheep" respond: "Be, be, be ..." - then they fall silent.

The "shepherd" starts looking for the "sheep" - he goes to their voices, and the "sheep" stand in their places. When the "shepherd" touches someone, he says: "Sheep, sheep, who are you?" "Sheep" answers: "Be, be, be." The "shepherd" must guess who it is. If he is mistaken, all the "sheep" begin to bleat and one of them takes the "shepherd" to the sheepfold, and he returns to his place.

The "shepherd" asks again: "Where is my flock?" And the game continues until he recognizes the caught lamb. Then he takes off the bandage and becomes a sheep, and the "sheep" becomes a shepherd.

Don't stay on the floor (on the ground)

Material. Various objects 25-30 cm high: stairs with steps, boards placed on a raised platform, low boxes, benches, block of wood with a diameter of at least 25 cm; blindfold (white cap); tambourine.

Game progress... In various places of the site (room), closer to its borders, prepared objects are located. A trap is selected. They put a bandage on his arm. Children are accommodated on raised platforms in different parts of the playground.

To the beat of the tambourine, children jump and run or jump around the court, depending on the pace and rhythm given by the teacher. Lovishka takes part in the general movement. At the signal of the teacher "catch!" all children again climb the placed objects (elevations). The trap catches those who did not have time to jump on the dais. Caught sit aside.

After the game is repeated 2-3 times, the catch is counted, a new catch is selected and the game is resumed.

Game instructions... The teacher makes sure that the children jump off the dais with two legs and land softly, bending their knees, and also that the children run all over the site, away from the objects they should climb.

Fishing rod

Material. Cord 2 m long; a bag of sand weighing 100-200 g.

Game progress... The players stand in a circle at a distance of outstretched arms. In the center of the circle there is a teacher with a cord, to the end of which a bag of sand is tightly tied - this is a fishing rod. The teacher takes the free end of the fishing rod in his right hand so that its length is equal to the distance from the center of the circle to the feet of the players.

The teacher rotates the cord so that the bag slides along the floor. Those standing in a circle jump up at the moment when the bag approaches them, and try to avoid touching the bag to the legs. The teacher, when the cord turns, turns with it or stands still, shifting it from hand to hand (in front and behind the back).

The one touched by the bag is considered the loser. The game continues until the cord makes two full turns.

The teacher counts who and how many times touched the bag, after which the game resumes.

Rules of the game... You can touch your leg with a bag no higher than the foot. The winners are those who have never been touched by a fishing rod.

Game instructions... Before starting the game, the teacher checks how the children jump.

The length of the cord increases or decreases depending on the size of the court and the number of players.

Snow circles

Material. 2 plywood sheets with targets painted on them with a diameter of 50-60 cm; snowballs (6-8 times more than the number of children).

Game progress... Children are divided into two equal groups of 4-5 people each. Two targets are attached to the fence. A line is drawn at a distance of 3 m from the targets. Each group is lined up against its target behind a line that is not allowed to cross.

Each player has 6-8 snowballs.

At the signal of the teacher, "started!" each group throws snowballs, trying to close up their circles with them as soon as possible. If children don't have enough snowballs, they sculpt them right there. The group that covers the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle with snowballs wins.

Ball school

Material. Small ball (one or more).

Game progress.A small ball is given to play. Children play one at a time, two by two and in small groups. The player performs the given movements in order. Having successfully dealt with one, he moves on to the next. If the child makes a mistake, he passes the ball to another. As the game continues, he starts with the move he made a mistake.

Types of movements:

1. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands. Throw the ball up and, while it is flying, clap your hands in front of you.

2. Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands. Hit the ball on the ground, simultaneously clap your hands in front of you and catch it with both hands.

3. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 2-3 steps from it, hit the ball on it and catch it with both hands.

4. Throw the ball against the wall, wait until it hits the ground, bounces off it, and then catch it.

5. Strike the ball on the ground up to 5 times alternately with the right and left hand.


Material. Skittles; wooden ball.

Game progress. Skittles are placed in a row at a distance of 3-5 cm from one another. At a distance of 1.5-3 m from them, a line is drawn - end. The playing children (3-4 people) in the order of priority (it is established by the children themselves) go to the line of the horse and roll the ball with force, trying to knock down the pin. The knocked-down pins are removed. The winner is the one who hits more pins with the agreed number of balls.

Instructions for the game. The distance between the pins, as well as from the pins to the horse line, increases gradually.

Skittles can be played both indoors and outdoors.

Catching balls with nets

Material... At the corners of the drawn square (100x100 cm), four columns 50-60 cm high are dug in, on which a cup (15 cm in diameter) is strengthened with an elastic band, a lace is passed through its bottom so that it is convenient to take it, small light balls are placed in the cup from table tennis (by the number of players); nets (by the number of players).

Game progress... This game is played on the court. Children (2-4 persons) stand with nets on the sides of the square. Someone pulls the lace with force, the cup flies up and throws the balls. The players catch them with nets on the spot. The teacher marks the children who caught the balls and the game resumes.

Instructions for the game. If there are many who want to play, they agree on how many times one team repeats the game (2-3 times).

In the game, you can use ordinary nets, but the sticks need to be shortened to 20-30 cm.

Throw on the ring

Material... Plotted or plotless ring-throws (2-6 pieces); rings (3 times the number of participants).

Game progress... In older groups, both plot and plotless ring-throws are used: 2-6 pegs on stands of different shapes.

Children throw rings from a distance of 1.5-2.5 m.

The game can be played with a group of children (4-6 people). Children receive three rings each and throw them in turn, trying to get on any peg.

The teacher notes which of the children will throw in the most rings.

Game variant... Children alternately throw rings until someone gets the agreed number of points (6-10).


Material. Snowballs (according to the number of participants).

Game progress... A house is separated by a line on one side of the site, a second line is drawn at a distance of 5-6 m, behind which there is another house. Another line is drawn along one of the sides perpendicular to the houses.

The players are divided into two groups (detachments, no more than 6-8 people in each). Children of the same squad stand along the line of any house. Another unit is deployed along the sideline; there are two snowballs at the feet of each child. At the signal of the teacher, the first detachment runs from one house to another. Children of the second division take one snowball at a time and throw them at the runners. Those who have been hit by a snowball step aside. On a new signal, children run in the opposite direction, standing at the side line throw them at the runners on the second snowball. The salted ones also step aside this time.

The teacher notes which of the children of one and the other detachments was more dexterous, brave, and accurate. After that, those temporarily out of the game return to their squads. The squads are swapped and the game resumes.

Instructions for the game. Snowballs for the game can be prepared in advance and put into a pile, from where the children will take them, or you can sculpt them right there before starting the game. To establish the order (which squad to run, and which to throw snowballs), you can use counting rhymes.

Who is more likely to the flag

Material... 4-5 checkboxes.

When the game becomes more difficult: stands with a rope stretched at a height of 60cm.

Game progress. All the players sit on chairs. A line is drawn at a distance of 5-6 steps from the edge of the playground, beyond which 4-5 children stand.

On the opposite side of the site, at a distance of 18-20 steps from the line, a chair is placed opposite each one, on which a flag is placed. The chairs are aligned.

At the signal of the teacher (hitting the tambourine, or clap, or the words "one, two, three - run!"), The children run to the flags, take them, lift them up, then put them back. The teacher notes which of the children raised the flag earlier than the others.

Then all those who fled sit on chairs, and in their place the next 4-5 people stand behind the line.

The game ends when all the children have run over the flags once.

Instructions for the game.When the children become familiar with this variation of the game, it is recommended to add complications. On the way to the flag, stands with a rope are placed. Children crawl under it without touching the ground (floor) with their hands, straighten up and run further to the flag.

Squirrels in the forest

Material... Gymnastic wall; portable climbing devices: double ladder, pyramid with trailed boards and ladders, benches, boards placed on large cubes, and other climbing devices.

Game progress... The game is played on a court or in a room with a gymnastic wall. Additionally, portable climbing devices are placed.

The driver is chosen - the hunter. He gets into a house - a circle drawn in the opposite part of the site or room. The rest of the players are squirrels, they are placed on ladders, benches, etc. - trees.

At the signal of the teacher "beware!" or hitting a tambourine all the "squirrels" change places: they quickly get off, jump off ladders, benches, etc. and climb onto others. At this time, the "hunter" catches them - touches them with his hand.

Caught are considered "squirrels", which the driver will attack with his hand while they were on the floor, as well as those that remained in their former places. They go to the hunter's house and miss one game.

The teacher marks those squirrels who were bold and dexterous. The game is played 5-6 times. A new hunter is selected after 1-2 games.

During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children use different climbing devices and do not jump from too great a height.

Firefighters in training

Material. Gymnastic wall 2-3 bells.

Game progress. The playing children are divided into 2-3 detachments of 5-6 people each and are lined up in columns against the gymnastic wall at a distance of 4-5 m. These are firefighters, they must be able to quickly climb the stairs.

A bell is hung on the top rail of the gymnastic wall against each squad.

At the signal of the teacher (a word or a blow to the tambourine), the children, who are the first in the column, run to the gymnastic wall, climb it, ring the bell, dismount and stand at the end of the column. The teacher gives the signal again; the next pair or three is running, etc.

At the end of the game, the teacher notes more dexterous "firefighters" who are already quickly climbing the stairs. After that, the game is repeated.

Instructions for the game. During the game, the teacher should be near the gymnastic wall, make sure that children do not skip steps and do not jump during lasagna (he agrees with the children before the start of the game).

Entertainers (Smooth circle)

Children stand in a circle. The teacher appoints one of the players as an entertainer. He is in the middle of the circle. Children follow the instructions of the teacher to the right or to the left under the following text:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stand still

Friendly together

Let's do it ... like this!

At the end of the text, the children stand at arm's length from each other.

The entertainer shows some movement, and all those standing in a circle repeat it. Then the teacher replaces the entertainer or the entertainer chooses someone instead of himself, and the game continues.

Each entertainer himself must come up with movements and not repeat those that have already been shown before him.

Cap and stick

Material. Wand; cap with tassel.

Game progress... The players form a circle. The driver is selected, he receives a stick and stands in the middle of the circle. The teacher puts on his head a beautiful cap with a bright tassel.

The cap moves to the child's nose, covers his eyes without touching them. Children, holding hands, run in a circle and say: "One, two, three, four, five - the stick will knock." The driver at this time, squatting down, knocks on the floor with a stick.

With the last word, the children stop, and the driver holds out a stick towards the children. The one to whom the stick pointed, takes its end and calls the driver by name, and the driver guesses who named him. Then the game continues with a new driver.

Make a figure

Game progress. The leader is selected from among the players, he stands aside. The rest of the children run, jump from foot to foot throughout the room (playground). At the signal of the teacher (hitting a tambourine or the word "stop"), everyone stops in some position and does not move.

The presenter bypasses all the “figures” and chooses the one that he likes the most. This child becomes the driver - the assessor, and the previous driver joins the rest of the children, and the game is repeated.

Faster to places

Material... Small objects such as blocks (1 less than the number of children).

Game progress. Children stand in a circle at a distance of outstretched arms from each other. The place of each player is marked with some object, for example, a cube, which is placed on the floor.

At the signal of the teacher "run!" or by hitting a tambourine, children leave the circle, walk, run or jump around the entire area (room). The teacher, meanwhile, removes one of the objects, thus depriving one child of a place. When hitting a tambourine or after the signal "to places" all children run in a circle and take any place. Left without a place, the children say in unison:

Vanya, Vanya (Masha, Olya, etc.), don't yawn,

Take your place quickly.

When the game is played for the last time, the teacher puts the cube back so that all the children have a place.

Who will collect more

Material. Uniform small objects: cones, cubes, balls, etc .; 2-3 baskets (bucket).

When playing more difficult: a blindfold.

Game progress. Small homogeneous objects spill out on the floor or on a flat area.

2-3 children are selected from among the players, they are given baskets or buckets. At the signal "one, two, three!" they begin to collect cones (balls, cubes), while it is allowed to take only one object in their hand.

At the signal "stop!" collection of items stops. The teacher calculates who scored more. Then other children compete. The game can be repeated as many times as there are people willing to participate in it.

For more agile children, who are more often than others winners, the game can be complicated: offer to collect objects while blindfolded.

Who has the ball?

Material. Ball no more than 15 cm in diameter.

Game progress... The players form a circle. The driver is selected. He stands in the center of the circle, the rest move tightly to each other, hands behind everyone.

The teacher gives someone a ball (no more than 15 cm in diameter), and the children pass it in a circle behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says "hands", and the one to whom he is addressing should put both hands forward, palms up. If the driver guesses correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who found the ball starts driving.

The game is repeated until the children lose interest in it.

Ring on a stick

Material... A ring made of cardboard or plywood with a diameter of 15 cm with a rim width of 3-4 cm, a cord, a stick about 30 cm long.

Game progress. A string is tied to the ring, the other end of which is attached to a stick.

The players, alternately tossing the ring, catch it on a stick. Each player has the right to make 3 attempts in a row and counts how many times he managed to catch the ring. Then he passes the stick with the ring to the next one. The game ends when one of the children gets the agreed number of hits. 3-5 children can play.


Material... A box containing 20 plastic circles (fleas) of 4 colors, 12-16mm in diameter and 1-1.5mm thick; 4 bits of different colors with a diameter of 20-22 mm.

Game progress. The players (4 people - according to the number of bits) take 5 circles and one bat of a certain color from the box.

The box is placed in the middle of the table and the line of the knight is drawn near it. The table is covered with something soft (for example, a tablecloth).

The players take turns placing their fleas on the line of the horse and, pressing the edge of the bat on the edge of the flea, make it fly up and down into the box. Whoever gets his five fleas into the box first wins. By pressing the bat on the flea with different strengths, you can adjust the length of its jump.


Material. The game is played on an area where there are shelters (bushes, hills, trees), propellers of 3 colors (one less than the number of participants); 3 flags (one of each color).

Game progress... On one side of the site there is an airfield, where 3 groups of children - pilots are located separately from one another.

Pilots wear propellers of their own color on their chests for each group.

On the opposite side of the site is a place with shelters where planes will fly. The "airfield manager" appoints which group of planes will fly first. The "pilots" of the assigned group start the engines and take off at the signal of the "chief" (wave of the flag). At this moment, the "pilots" remaining at the airfield are resting - they turn their backs on those who took off. Having flown around the circle, the "pilots" continue their flight further, and each sits down in different places under one or another shelter. After that, the "chief" says: "Get ready to search for aircraft!" All the "pilots" are getting ready for the journey: they pump up gasoline, start the engines and, at the signal of the "chief" (wave of the flag), take off in search.

Having found the "pilots" from the first group, everyone comes back. Then another squadron of aircraft is assigned to the flight, etc.

Rules of the game. The group of "pilots" who is appointed by the "chief" is taking off. You cannot pry where the planes are hiding. The one who was found flies to the airfield and waits for all the "pilots" to gather.

Instructions for the game. The signal to fly is given by a flag corresponding to the color of the propellers of this group. The signal can also be given by the words "prepare blue aircraft for flight!" or "get the red planes ready for flight!" etc.

For greater harmony of the game, children need to be explained that after the signal to start the search, those who have hidden should already remain behind their shelters until they are found, and not change endlessly.

This game should not be turned into an ordinary competition for a quick return to your place or for a larger number of aircraft found individually, etc. It is important to create a mood of community, mutual assistance in children and to convey in the game the courage and care for each other characteristic of our pilots.


Material.A slight elevation of about 40 cm, it can be made from boards or snow.

Game progress... Children are divided into two unequal groups: sharks (2-3 participants) and sailors. On a large ship (built of planks, snow or painted on the ground) there is a "captain". He observes the "sailors" swimming in the sea (children jump from their ship and run around the site, spreading their arms, as if swimming). "Sharks!" The captain shouts. "Sailors" quickly get on the ship, and "sharks" rush after them. Not catching anyone, or, conversely, taking their prey, "sharks" swim into the sea, and "sailors" again jump into the water, swim and dive. So the game is repeated several times.

Rules of the game. Catch only after the word "shark!" Sharks are not allowed to board the ship. Those who are caught are taken to the side and they miss one game.

Game instructions... The game is very simple according to the rules and can be played with children of mixed age group.

For rest, you can introduce the following addition: a storm rises at sea, sharks hide to the bottom, and sailors sit on the ship and listen to the story of the captain or someone from the crew.

Brave tourists

Material. Rope. The game should be played on the court on a sunny day after a snowfall.

Game progress... Before the start of the game, the teacher tells:

- Yesterday I read in the newspaper that several people climbed the high-high Mount Elbrus. It was difficult and scary to climb. But the brave tourists were not afraid of the danger. So that no one fell into the abyss, they tied themselves with a long rope and reached the very top of the mountain. Come on, come here, brave tourists! This snow bank will be Elbrus. We will have to get to its top for a long time through uncleared snow, through those paths, past a hill, through a tunnel (shows the route through the site). Here's a rope. But we will not become attached, but only grab it and hold on tightly. I'll go ahead. You are all behind me. Try not to fall wherever we go. Let's see who never stumbles or lets go of the rope.

Children, holding on to the rope with one hand, follow the teacher. At the end of the game, the teacher marks the most dexterous.

Rules of the game.Look under your feet, walk slowly, without pushing. Do not let go of the rope.

Instructions for the game.Choose a sunny day after a snowfall for this game. If you repeat the game, you can change the travel route. On the ascent and when descending, slow down your steps, reckoning with those going at the end. Weaker children should be placed closer to the teacher, since it is more difficult to go at the end of the chain.

Wonderful ball

Material."Wonderful" ball (a ball consisting of parts screwed onto a screw-shaped rod); colored flags. During the game, children read a poem by M. Ivensen.

Game progress... Children go on a trip and take a balloon with them that shows them the way. One of the children rolls the ball, trying to roll it away. At the same time, everyone says:

Ball, ball, don't be lazy

Wherever you want, turn!

Roll fast, roll at a pace

Along the path, over the bumps,

On the high road,

And we, the ball, follow you.

Everyone, standing still, watches how the ball has stopped: if the ball has become the red side of the children, it is necessary to cross the mountains (children crawl on all fours through caves or follow each other, as if on a narrow board, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other) ; if the ball has become the blue side to the children, you need to swim across the river (they run through it, waving their arms); if the ball stopped in stripes forward, the road ahead is good and you can walk along it at a step.

Rolling the ball in turn in a different direction, children travel throughout the room or area.

Rules of the game. Perform movements depending on the agreement: blue - a river (you need to run), red - caves (you need to crawl or walk like on a board), stripes mean a convenient pedestrian path (you need to walk calmly, etc.) You can start moving only after as the ball stopped.

Instructions for the game. If the ball has stopped too far and no color is visible, someone is sent for reconnaissance with colored flags. He raises a flag of the corresponding color and this indicates movement.

You can come up with a different path designation and other movements. For example, introduce driving in cars (jogging in small steps), swimming place (jogging with arm movements, as in swimming), crossing on horses, (jumping from foot to foot), boat crossing (sitting on a bench, tilt the body forward and backward and move your arms like rowing).

On the way, you can make a halt: sit by the fire (in a circle) and sing a song, lie on the grass (on the carpet), etc. This will serve as a break from movement.

It is important in this game to create a special creative mood, to captivate children with these images, to make the meaning of this game clear.


Material... Helmets and belts with hatchets made of cardboard or plywood (according to the number of people in the team), steering wheel, bell, bench.

Game progress... There are several fire brigades. They consist of a signalman, a driver and 3-5 firefighters (each group of children assigns roles themselves). Each team knows their number well so they know who to go to the fire if there is a call.

Waiting for a call, "firefighters" relax in the club (sit on benches or chairs or walk along the edge of the site). They can do whatever they want: play different instruments (make appropriate movements), walk in the park (walk around the playground), read newspapers or books (sit and hold their palms in front of them, as if it were a book), etc.

The “duty officer” (teacher) goes to the phone (to the toy or just puts one fist to his ear), finds out where the fire is (conducts an imaginary conversation on the phone aloud), then loudly announces: “First command! A fire in the house over there, behind the hill! " (points to some structure, tree, etc.).

"Firefighters" from the first team run to the bench where things are lying, quickly put on helmets and belts, carry the bench closer to the place of the fire, the "chauffeur" with a wheel sits on the front edge of the bench, everyone else on both sides of the bench with their backs to each other, and The "signalman" stands behind on the bench and rings the bell. "R ... r ... r ...", - the "car" roars, "ding, ding, ding", - the "signalman" calls. Have arrived.

Everyone quickly runs to the burning house. Some pump water (holding hands facing each other, then spreading their hands to the sides, then lowering them); others disassemble the roof with axes (hitting with their hatchets in the snow or on a building depicting a burning house); still others are pouring fire (pretend to have a fire hose in their hands). Then the "signalman" calls the team to the car and in the same order as they arrived, the "firefighters" return from the fire. They quickly put the bench in place, take off their belts and helmets, put everything neatly on the bench and go to the club. The "duty officer" calls another team, and the game continues until everyone has been on the fire 1-2 times.

Rules of the game... Only the team that is called can go to the fire. Firefighters should remember the specified exit and return order and put all things neatly on the bench.

Instructions for the game. If there is a sufficient number of things necessary for the game, you can simultaneously send two commands to the fire, and sometimes even three. The latter is much more difficult and is possible only in a well-organized group.

Diversification should be made in the tasks given to the firefighter. For example, you can warn that a fire has happened in a multi-storey building and you need to let the jet higher (raise your hands higher, climb a ladder or podium, etc.). The places of fires at different ends of the site should be indicated. If the children know the numbers, they can make numbers and hang the number of the team that is called on the fire on the wall. If there are buildings on the lot, you can use them in this game.

Games can be diversified, for example: instead of relaxing in a club, you can depict how firefighters sleep (sit with their eyes closed), in winter they skate, slide on ice paths, and in summer, how they ride bicycles (jump from foot to foot along paths) ...

This game can also be played indoors if there is a large, spacious room.

If the game is played outdoors in winter, you can do without helmets or make them out of paper to be put on over children's hats (so that they do not fly off your head, you need to sew an elastic band).


Material.During the game, children read a poem by A. Barto.

Game progress... A large rectangle is outlined on the ground - this is a river. On both sides, they draw the banks, on them - hummocks (circles, outlined at such a distance that it would not be difficult to get into the water from the hummock with one jump, i.e. into the outlined rectangle).

"Crane" sits in its nest, and "frogs" (other children) sit on the bumps and begin their concert:

Here from the hatched rot

A frog flopped into the water.

And, puffing up like a blister,

She began to croak out of the water:

"Kwa, ke, ke, kva, ke, ke,

It will rain on the river. "

As soon as the “frogs” say the last words, the “crane” flies out of the nest and catches them. "Frogs" are not given, they jump into the water, where the "crane" is not allowed to catch them.

The caught "frog" remains on the hummock until the "crane" flies away and until all the "frogs" come out again.

After the “crane” has caught several “frogs” (for example, 3-4), a new crane is selected from among those children who have never been caught.

Children squat on bumps and can swim in the water (run inside a circle). You can only jump back onto the bump.

Rules of the game. You can start moving only after the children finish speaking the poem. Catching "frogs" is allowed only outside the river - on a hummock or between them outside the rectangle. Every third person caught by a crane changes their role with it.

Game instructions... From the hummocks to the river about 45-55 cm. It is necessary to show the children that this distance must be jumped in one jump. The crane's nest must have been nearby, otherwise it won't be able to catch the frog.

It is necessary to monitor the observance of the first rule, since, when speaking a poem, children rest after a jump. It should also be explained to children that "frogs" do not jump out of the water onto bumps until the "crane" flies away. Thus, jumping is regulated in the game, otherwise the children will get very tired.

The image of a crane needs to be drawn for children so brightly that they themselves, in their own way, depict it in movements: how it walks on long legs along the shore, looking for frogs, what a long beak it has, etc.


Material... Board, stick.

Game progress. Children are divided into two unequal groups: grooms (1/3 of children) and horses (other children). A place is outlined - a stable. There are "horses" in the stable. "Grooms" are sitting on a bench nearby. The “senior groom” (educator) approaches a plank, placed on a bench or suspended from a tree, and beats off 15-18 strokes on it with a stick. During this time, the "grooms" quickly take out their pair of "horses", harness and line up in threes one after another. The “senior groom” checks whether the “horses” are well harnessed. "But let's go!" - he commands. The site is filled with running triplets. Each "groom" drives his horses at a trot, now at a pace. "The horses are scared!" - says the "senior groom". "Horses" scatter across the site. The "grooms" are catching up with them, trying to quickly lock up all the "horses" in the stable. Then the "grooms" sit down to rest on the bench. Children change roles and play resumes.

Rules of the game. It is necessary to have time to harness the "horses" for the time, while they beat off the blows on the board. You must obey the signals. The field of words "horses were scared" can be caught by any "horse". A horse taken to a stable must not run away.

Instructions for the game. This game is a complication of the usual horse game. Grooms are planned either at will, or with a counting rhyme. The “senior groom” gives the signals so that the children have enough time to move without fatigue.

As a rest, you can add the following addition to the game: "grooms" examine the horses, feed them, clean them. The roles in the game change after each return of the "horses" to the stable.

Bear and children

Material... In the version of the game: any object depicting a pot of honey or a hive.

Game progress... One of the children is chosen to be a bear. He sits in his den (rectangle or circle drawn on the edge of the area). All the players portray children who go into the forest to pick mushrooms or berries (walk around the playground, bend over, as if looking for and pick berries).

“The bear is coming,” the teacher says unexpectedly. "Don't move." "Bear" comes out of the den and carefully examines everyone. Those who move, he takes to himself. Having bypassed everyone, the "bear" goes into its den, and the children continue to pick berries again.

The game ends when the "bear" catches the agreed number of children (4-6).

Rules of the game... The "bear" does not leave the den until the signal is given by the teacher. Children should stop in the position in which the signal caught them. Those who have moved "bear" take away.

Instructions for the game. If the game is played in a room with a carpet, children may lie down to escape the "bear". This will be a good rest after movement. If there are a lot of players, you can choose 2 bears that must catch all the children. This option is easier.

Game variant... When several children are caught, the rest go to rescue them.

In the opposite part of the playground or room, one of the uncaught children places an object that should represent a pot of honey or a beehive (if there is nothing suitable, it can be drawn on the ground). Approaching the honey, the "bear" pushes its paw into a pot or a hive 3 times and feasts on honey (pretending to eat, smacking its tongue and turning the paw first with the outside and then with the inside). If during this time the caught children manage to run from the den to the house (indicated on the ground opposite the den), they are saved, if not, the "bear" catches them again. Then a new bear is chosen and the game starts over.

Game instructions... This option makes it possible to change roles in the game more often and foster mutual assistance. The distance between the house where the children live and the den must be twice as large as from the den to the hive, so that the children have time to "help out". It is better if the "bear" stands with its back to those fleeing from the den. You can think of other ways to "help out" the caught.

Hunter, hares and dogs

Game progress. Playground depicts forest clearingwhere hares (children) live. Hare burrows (there are several of them) are located around the clearing at some distance from each other. "Hares" live in burrows for 4-6.

"Hunter" walks with his dogs (several children) and looks out for a "hare" running somewhere. And the "hares" sit quietly, hiding in their burrows. The "hunter" with the dogs goes into the house (an agreed place away from the burrows).

"Hares" jump out into the clearing, jump, they can even gallop very close to the hunter's house.

Suddenly the "dogs" barked and ran out. They were released by the "hunter" who had previously kept them in the house (the teacher holds their hands to let the "hares" come very close). "Hares" quickly run away to their burrows, where "dogs" cannot reach them. The caught "hares" are assigned to the "hunter" (and they miss one game).

The game continues until the agreed number of "birds with one stone" is caught (approximately 4-5). Then new dogs are selected and the game starts over.

Rules of the game... "Hares" are jumping all over the clearing; the closer they come to the hunting lodge, the braver they are considered. "Dogs" run out of the house to catch "hares" only when the "hunter" sends them. The caught "hares" do not run out of the hunting lodge. You can save yourself in any burrow.

Instructions for the game. You can introduce a special additional rule: dogs are chosen from among the bravest and best jumping (in this game the role of dogs is especially attractive), this will encourage children to take care of themselves and not succumb to "dogs". The game can be played both on the site and indoors. In winter, rabbit holes can be made of snow, in the form of small snow enclosures (block three sides, leave one for the entrance). In the summer, you can lay out minks from cones, pebbles, or draw on the ground with a stick.

The role of the hunter is played by the educator, since he is less attractive to children and is most suitable for guiding the game.

To encourage children to be courageous, you can draw a garden near the house of the "hunter", where the "hares" will come running for carrots and cabbage.

In this game for each character there is a time of rest: for the "hares" - when the "hunter" walks with the dogs in the forest, for the "dogs" - when the "hares" are jumping.

You can gradually complicate the game by introducing the following rules: "hares" can only escape in their burrow, "dogs" rush to catch "hares" only when the "hunter" says "take it!" The last rule requires a lot of patience. It is easier for children when the teacher restrains them and sends them to catch.

Following the example of this game, you can conduct a variety of games in the hunt for different animals, while introducing a variety of movements. For example, you can hunt monkeys that escape by climbing trees (children climb stairs), etc.

Roll the ball

Tasks: teach simple ball games; develop attention and speed of reaction.

Description of the game:the teacher seats the children in a circle (3-4 m in diameter) or a semicircle. The child sits on the floor, legs apart. The teacher sits in the center and rolls the ball to each child in turn, calling his name. The child catches the ball and then rolls it back to the caregiver.

The sun and the rain

Tasks: develop in children the ability to run scatteringly, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game:The game can be played both indoors and outdoors. The houses are either chairs or circles on the ground.

The teacher turns the highchair back forward and invites everyone to do the same with their highchairs. “Look, this is a small house,” he says, sitting down in front of the chair and looking out through the hole in the back, as if through a window. Calling the children by name, the adult invites each of them to "look out the window" and wave his hand.

In this way, chairs built in a semicircle become houses in which children live.

"What a wonderful weather! - says the teacher, looking out the window. - Now I'll go out and invite the kids to play! " He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he says the following text:

The sun looks out the window,

Our eyes squint.

We clap our hands

And run into the street!

Children repeat the rhyme, and then under the words "Top-top-top" and "Clap-clap-clap" everyone stomps their feet and claps their hands, imitating the teacher.

"Now let's run!" - the teacher offers and runs away. Children scatter in different directions. Suddenly the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home! " Everyone is in a hurry to their houses.

“Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs,” says the teacher, and, tapping with bent fingers on the seat of the chair, imitates the sound of rain. - It became very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop dripping. " The teacher reads a folk nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, do not regret a drop.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain!

The noise of the rain at first intensifies, but gradually dies down, and soon it stops altogether. “Now I’ll go out into the street and see if the rain has ended or not,” the teacher says, leaving his house. He pretends to look at the sky and call the kids: “The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! "

Children again gather around the teacher and after him repeat the poem about the sun and perform funny movements. You can run, jump, dance, but until the teacher says again: "Oh, the rain is starting!"

Cat and mouse

Tasks: exercise children in crawling, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game: the game is played with a subgroup of children (8-10) in a room (on a carpet) or on a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on the edge or a cord is pulled. On one side of the fenced area is the mouse house. Choose a cat. She sits on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows, behind the stairs, the Educator says:

The cat is guarding the mice

She pretended to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of their burrows (crawl between the ladder slats or crawl under the cord) and run.

After a while, the teacher says:

Quiet mouse, do not make noise,

You won't wake the cat ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their burrows (do not crawl under the cord or ladder slats). The role of a cat is first performed by the educator, then the most active child is entrusted, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.


Tasks: teach to listen to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text; develop imagination.

Description of the game: the teacher draws a line on the ground. “This will be our house,” says the teacher, “from here our legs will run along the path, and where they will run, I’ll show you now.” The teacher moves away from the children at a distance of 20-25 steps and draws a parallel line on the ground: "Children will stop here."

Returning to the guys, he helps them line up at the first (starting) line and pronounces the words under which they will perform actions, then offers to repeat them.

Legs, legs,

We ran along the path

We ran in the woods

We jumped over the bumps

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

They ran to the meadow

Lost a boot.

Under these words, children run towards the other line, jump on two legs, approaching an adult (four jumps in total). With the last word, they stop, squat down, turn one way or the other, as if looking for a boot. "Found a boot!" - says the teacher, and everyone runs back to the starting line. The game starts over.


Tasks: to consolidate in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it; learn to coordinate movements; develop attention.

Description of the game:the ritual of the invitation to the game is held: "Katya, let's go play!". The teacher takes the child by the hand, approaches the next kid with him: "Vanya, let's go play!" The child shakes hands with the previous one, and now the three of them go to invite the next one. So all the children take turns holding hands. First, it is better to approach those pupils who express a desire to join the game, and it is more expedient to invite shackled children last.

Children, together with the teacher, hold hands, form a circle, begin to “blow up the bubble”: tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one under the other, like a pipe. Each time they inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has expanded slightly. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Swell up big

Stay like that

Don't burst.

It turns out to be a large extended circle.

The teacher says: "The bubble has burst!" Everyone claps their hands, they say: "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center).

After that, the game starts over.

You can end the game like this. When the bubble bursts, say: "Little bubbles flew ..." Children scatter in different directions.


Tasks:learn to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text; develop attention.

Description of the game:“Now we are going to ride the carousel,” says the teacher. - Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break. Holding hands, the children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousel spun.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two ... (pause),

The game is over.

Under these words, the carousel first slowly moves in one direction, then the rate of speech and movements accelerates, On the words "ran" the carousel changes direction and spins faster. Then the pace of movements gradually slows down, and everyone stops at the words "The game is over."

Catch, catch!

Tasks:exercise in jumping.

Description of the game:a lightweight, easy-to-grasp object is attached to a stick about half a meter long on a strong cord - a soft foam ball, shred, etc. Before the start of the game, the teacher shows this stick. Lowering and raising it, he invites some children to catch the object on a string. An adult gathers around him the guys who are interested in catching the ball, invites them to stand in a circle. He himself becomes in the center.

"Catch-catch!" - says the teacher and brings the object suspended from the stick to one or the other child. When the baby tries to catch the ball, the stick rises slightly and the child jumps up to grab it. Turning in different directions, an adult tries to involve all children in this fun.

By playing a little this way, you can slightly change the rules. So, the children take turns catching the ball, running one after another past the stick.

The dolls are dancing

Tasks:teach to perform game actions in turn; cultivate independence.

Description of the game: the teacher shows the table on which the dolls are located. “Look what dolls came to play with us today!” - says the teacher, trying to draw attention to new toys. -Such elegant dolls, probably, really want to dance, but they themselves do not know how to dance. They are small and used to being taken in their arms and dancing with them. " Taking the doll, the adult shows how to dance with it. Then he calls the children (from one to three), invites everyone to choose a doll. Children together with dolls perform dance movements. At the end, the dolls bow in the hands of the children.

"Now," says the adult, "think about who to give your doll to." Kids pass dolls to those who have not danced yet. The game continues until all the children dance with the dolls.

The game can be conducted both with musical accompaniment and with the singing of an adult.


Tasks:foster friendly, benevolent relationships; teach to imitate the movements characteristic of a particular toy; develop imagination.

Description of the game: “Do you like to be presented with toys? - the educator addresses the children. “Now we are going to make gifts to each other”. An adult invites the children to line up in a large circle, calls on the one who will be the first to choose a gift for himself. The kid goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher with the children leads a round dance under the following words:

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants to take,

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and airplane.

With the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher, referring to the child standing in the circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If the kid chooses a horse, the children depict how the horse gallops, if a doll is chosen, everyone dances like dolls, if the top is spinning, and if an airplane is selected, they imitate the flight and landing of the plane.

If a child chooses a horse, then under the words:

“Our horse is galloping, chok-chok-chok!

The sound of swift feet is heard

Hop hop hop! Hop hop hop! "

children jump, raising their legs high like horses.

Addressing the child inside the circle, the teacher invites him to see “what beautiful horses he has” and choose the one he liked the most. Having chosen a gift for himself, the child takes a place in the round dance, and the one he has chosen goes to the middle of the circle. Children again join hands and repeat the words: "We brought gifts to everyone ..."

If a child chooses a doll, then the children depict dolls dancing in place under the words:

Doll, doll, dance

Wave a bright ribbon.

(Repeats 2-3 times.)

The spinning top spins in place, and then squat under the words:

This is how the top spins

Buzzed and on the side.

(Repeats 2 times.)

The plane is depicted as follows: each child starts the engine, making circular movements in front of him. Then he spreads his arms to the sides and runs in a circle. Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and slowly lands, i.e. the child squats on his haunches.



Description of the game:choose a "bunny" among children, put it in the center of the circle. Children perform movements according to the words:

Little white hare sits

And wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this,

And wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws


We need to warm the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump!


The bunny must jump!

First, the children squat down and play with their hands how the bunny wiggles its ears. Then they stroke one or the other hand, clap their hands. Then they get up, jump on two legs to the "bunny" standing inside the circle, try to warm it, stroke it affectionately, then return to its place. "Bunny" chooses a replacement, and the game starts over.

Grandma Malanya

Tasks:teach to stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text, the show.

Description of the game:children join hands, form a circle, an adult says the words:

At Malanya, at the old woman

We lived in a small hut

Seven sons, all without eyebrows,

With these eyes,

With these ears,

With such noses,

With a head like this

With such a beard ...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this ...

Under these words, the children first walk in one direction in a circle, holding hands. Then they stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what the text says: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, do “Round eyes”. "Big nose", big head, beard, etc. They squat down and support their chin with one hand. At the end, they repeat any movement for the leader: make horns, wave a hand, jump, spin, bow, swing from side to side, etc.

The most accurate

Tasks: exercise a horizontal target in throwing bags; develop accuracy.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle. A large basket is placed in the center of the circle at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the players. The guys are holding bags of sand. Children throw the bags at the signal of the teacher, trying to get into the basket. The teacher praises those who are in the basket and encourages those who missed. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the distance to the basket (children take a step back).

Catch the ball

Tasks:develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction during walking and running and change it depending on the current situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game:the teacher shows a basket with balls and offers to stand next to him along one of the sides of the hall. “Catch up with the ball,” the teacher says and throws the balls (according to the number of children) out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions. Children run after balls, take them, carry them to the basket.

Where does it ring?

Tasks:develop children's attention and orientation in space.

Description of the game:children are facing the wall, one of the children is hiding at the other end of the hall and ringing a bell. “Listen carefully, where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher says to the children. When they find the bell, the caregiver praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Crawl under the collar

Tasks:exercise children in crawling on all fours and crawling under an obstacle without touching it.

Description of the game: children sit on chairs set along one of the walls of the hall. In front, at a distance of 2-3 m, an arc is set - a collar. The teacher invites the bravest child, invites him to crawl on all fours to the collars, crawl under them, stand up and return to his place.

As you master the exercise, you can complicate it: crawl on all fours and crawl into the hoop, crawl under 2-3 arcs, standing at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Tasks: train children in throwing an object at a distance.

Description of the game:children stand in a line on one side of the hall. Everyone receives sandbags and, at the signal of the teacher, throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his pouch fell. At the signal of the teacher, children run to their bags, take them in their hands and raise them above their heads. The educator notes those who threw the bag farthest.

Ay gu-gu!

Tasks:to acquaint with folk outdoor games; learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game:an adult puts the children on high chairs. Passing from one child to another, he says: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'll find a friend for myself!" Then he stops in front of one of the kids. "You want to play with me? - the teacher asks. "Then let's go together." The teacher takes the child by the hand, the ionii together move on with the words: "Come, let's go, let's go, we'll find a friend for ourselves!" The chain is gradually being assembled.

Children form a circle with the teacher. An adult reads the text and asks to repeat the movements after it:

Ay gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu,

Do not circle in the meadow.

There's a puddle in the meadow

The head will spin.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

What a trouble so trouble!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Jumped, jumped and jumped

I got straight into a puddle!

Movement: children lead a round dance in one direction, with the last word of the first quatrain, squat slightly. Then they go the other way. They make several jumps and with the last word they squat down and stop: "fall into a puddle." They put their hands down, turn to face the center, put their hands on their heads and shake their heads.

The teacher approaches any child, takes his hands and helps him jump out of the puddle. The rescued child can, of his own free will, help any of the players jump out of the puddle. So, the children together with the teacher save everyone, and the game starts over.

The bear in the forest

Tasks:to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; learn to run on a signal in different directions, without bumping into each other.

Description of the game:the "bear" is selected, which sits on the side of the chair. The rest of the children walk around him, "pick mushrooms and berries" and say:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms, berries.

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

With the last word, the bear gets up from the chair, the children scatter, the "bear" catches them. Then a new "bear" is selected.

Bees and bears

Tasks: teach children to act on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Description of the game:children are divided into two subgroups: one group is bees, the other is bears. Bees fly around the hall, saying: "W-w-w". The teacher says the words:

Oh, the bears are coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees!

Bears come out. The bees flap their wings, buzz, chase the bears away: they "sting" them, touching them with their hand. The bears are running away.

Who gets to the flag first?

Tasks: learn to walk in a forward direction; cultivate endurance.

Description of the game:the teacher asks the children which of them can walk very quickly. "All? Let's check it out! " Initially, two children compete. They are on the same line. The flag lies on the floor at a distance of 15-20 steps. At the signal (hitting the tambourine), the children go to the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that you need to go to the flag, but it is not allowed to run. The rest of the children are watching, rewarding the winner with applause. Then new participants are selected and the game continues.


Tasks:train children in the ability to run without bumping into each other; perform movements on a signal.

Description of the game:children stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks: "Are you ready to fly?" Children answer. The teacher continues: "We start the engines!" Children, as shown by the teacher, make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal: "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal: "Landing!" players return to their original position.

My jolly jingle ball

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game:children are facing the teacher who is holding a big beautiful ball in his hands. Then the teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand on the floor. Then he asks the children to jump high like balls, says the words:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where did you gallop?

Red, yellow, blue

Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher throws the ball aside with the words: "Now the ball will catch up with you - run away from it!" Children run away.

Hares and wolf

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game:children represent hares, the teacher is a wolf. On one side of the hall for hares, houses or one common house are marked. The wolf is hiding on the opposite side - in a ravine.
An adult says:

Bunnies jump gallop, gallop, gallop
On a green meadow,
They pinch the weed, listen,
Isn't there a wolf.

In accordance with the text, hares jump out of the houses, scatter around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as an adult utters the word "wolf", the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. In the future, the child plays the role of the wolf.

Funny bunnies

Tasks:exercise children in running, jumping, develop dexterity. Encourage independence. Arouse a sense of joy from joint actions with adults and peers.

Game progress: the teacher says that funny bunnies live in the forest with their mother-hare and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he offers to play: “You will be funny bunnies, and I am your mother, a bunny. Hares live in houses. " The teacher says:

Small houses

They stand densely in the forest.

Little bunnies

They sit in the houses.

Children squat, hands are applied to the head, depicting hares.

Mother rabbit

I ran through the forest.

With her paw she

She knocked on everyone's window.

The teacher comes up to each house, knocks and says: “Knock knock, rabbits, let's go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we will hide again. " Hares run out of their houses, jump, run, frolic, until a wolf appears (an adult or a child of an older group). He goes out into the clearing and says: “Oh, how many hares! How funny they are. I’ll catch them now. ” The hares run away. The wolf laments: “Oh, how the rabbits run fast. I can’t catch them. ”

The game is repeated several times.


Tasks: teach children to move together one after the other, to coordinate movements, not to push the runner in front, even if he moves slowly.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs at will: one is a horse, the other is a coachman, who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the hall from one side of it to the other and back. They begin to move after the teacher says the words:

Tsok! Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

I am a horse gray side.

I knock with hooves

If you want, I'll pump it.

Then, at the suggestion of the educator, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of a cat

Tasks: teach children to listen to text and quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game: the teacher takes a toy-cat, puts it on a chair - "the cat is sleeping." The host says:

Mice, mice, come out,

Have fun, dance

Come out quickly

A mustached villain cat is sleeping.

The mice surround the cat and begin to dance with the words:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We are not afraid of the cat.

The cat wakes up and catches the mice (the teacher catches up with the children with a toy). Mice run away into burrows (sit on chairs).


Tasks:exercise in throwing balls into the distance.

Description of the game:to play, you need to spread balls of different sizes on the floor: large and small. The teacher explains the rules: throw a large ball into the distance with both hands, and small ones with one hand. Shows how to throw balls. Children stand on one side of the hall, repeat the actions of the teacher. After all the balls are thrown, the children go to collect them.

The chicken went out for a walk

Tasks:teach to listen carefully to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game:children stand behind the teacher one after another. The teacher says the words:

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And after her, the guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko

Don't go far!

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher: they walk, raising their knees high, flap their "wings". To the words: "Ko-ko-ko, don't go far!" - shake a finger. “Row with your paws, look for grains” - they squat down, looking for grains. "Ate a fat beetle" - show the thickness of the beetle, "earthworm" - show the length of the worm, "drank some water" - bend forward, hands are pulled back.


Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description of the game:children are lined up along the wall of the hall.

The teacher stands in front, he is the "locomotive", the children are the "cars". Children don't hold on to each other. The teacher beeps, and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (with slow movement, children pronounce the sounds "chug-chukh-chukh"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

Pass the ball

Tasks:learn to pass the ball to each other; develop speed.

Description of the game:children with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher passes the ball to the child standing next to him, he to his neighbor. The ball needs to be passed quickly, you can listen to music. The teacher tries to catch up with the ball.


Tasks: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children with a teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says:

The sun, the sun,

Gold bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks flew in

And the drifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing up.

Movement: children walk in a circle. According to the words "a stream ran in the garden" - the children run in a circle, "a hundred rooks have arrived" - they wave their hands, "the drifts are melting" - they slowly squat, "the flowers are growing" - stand on their toes, stretch up.

Shaggy dog

Tasks: learn to listen carefully to the text, to run on a signal in different directions.

Description of the game: a chair is placed in the center of the hall, a toy dog \u200b\u200bis placed on it. Children walk around the dog saying:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Buried his nose in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Either asleep or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up.

And let's see what will happen ?!

Under this text, children approach the dog. At the last words of the text, they reach out and touch the shaggy dog. The teacher takes the toy and catches up with the children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog "gets tired" and goes to sleep again.

Jump to the balloon

Tasks: exercise children in jumping.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle with a balloon in his hands. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds fly

Tasks: teach to imitate the movements of birds, act on a signal.

Description of the game:children - "birds" sit on the chairs. To the words of the teacher: "Ay, the birds flew!" birds fly all over the room. To the words of the teacher: "The birds flew into the nests!" children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher calls the most dexterous and fastest bird that first flew into its nest. The game repeats itself.


Tasks: develop dexterity, speed.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the hall. The trap teacher stands in the center. Children say: "One-two-three, catch!" and run across to the other side of the hall. The teacher with the words: "Now I will catch!" catches children.

Birds and cat

Tasks: exercise children in running in different directions.

Description of the game: children - "birds", teacher - "cat". The teacher depicts a sleeping cat, while the children are walking at this time: they wave their hands, sit down, peck at the grains. The cat wakes up, says "meow", tries to catch the birds, children scatter in different directions, hide in houses (sit on chairs).

Sun bunnies

Tasks:to learn to run easily, catching up with the sun glare, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam, to develop the speed of movement; foster interest in joint participation with peers in outdoor games; contribute to the improvement of the activity of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems of the child's body; maintain a positive emotional attitude among the players.

Description of the game:the game is played on a clear sunny day. An adult brings a small mirror out into the street and attracts children to observe the appearance of a sunbeam.

Sunny bunny, jump-jump,
I went out for a walk
I jumped deftly out the window,
I ran across the roof.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
He jumped onto the window.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
And on Antoshka's nose.
- Hey guys, don't yawn

And catch up with the hare!

An adult invites children to "catch" a sun bunny galloping on the veranda wall or path. Its task is to quickly move the sunbeam so that the guys are forced to actively run around the site with a change in direction. The winner is the one who is the first to "catch" the sunbeam.


Tasks:to acquaint children with Russian folk games, develop speed and dexterity.

Description of the game: a circle is drawn on the ground, a flower is placed in its center. The teacher plays the role of a watchman, stands in a circle; children - bees - squatting outside the circle. The teacher says:

Spring bees,

Golden wings

What are you sitting,

Don't you fly into the field?

Al will rain you down,

Al bakes you with the sun?

Fly over the high mountains

For the green forests -

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone in. When children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: "The bees flew to the flower!"

Bunnies in the house

Tasks:increase the physical activity of children, develop speed, dexterity; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game:hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the hall. The teacher plays the role of a wolf. To the words of an adult: "Gray wolf!" - "wolf" goes hunting, children run into their "houses".

Jump up to the balloon.

On the playground, a cord is stretched at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. The balls are tied to it so that they are above the outstretched arms of the child. The teacher invites the children to jump and hit the ball with their hands. The height of the tied balls is adjustable depending on the height of the children and their capabilities. An adult makes sure that the children, bouncing, touch the ball with both hands (in order to uniformly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle).

Complicated version.

You can hang bells, butterflies (made of paper), etc. on the cord. The teacher makes sure that the children, jumping up, touch objects alternately with their right and left hand.

"Treat the squirrel with a nut."

A squirrel (toy) is on a shelf or twig of a tree, and a basket hangs next to it, just above the child's raised hand. To treat a squirrel with a nut (to put it in a basket), the child must jump well. An adult makes sure that the children push off with both legs at the same time and land softly. You can hang 2-3 baskets, this will make it possible to simultaneously perform the exercise for 2-3 children. Taking into account the height of the children, the baskets can be hung at different heights.

"Jump over the cord."
























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