High lability of the nervous system. Emotional lability of the nervous system. Why is pathology dangerous?

VEGETATIVE LABILITY - INSTABILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Lability in medicine is called the instability of physiological, psychological processes, and other phenomena. Accordingly, autonomic lability is the instability of the autonomic nervous system, or rather, the processes for which it is responsible. What is vegetative lability The vegetative, or autonomic nervous system, is a part of the nervous system that regulates the functioning of internal organs (heart, stomach, intestines, and others), as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It also controls numerous glands in our body. Thus, the autonomic nervous system affects, for example, sweating, blood pressure, pulse rate, ability to thermoregulate, and much more. It plays an important role in stressful situations that require a person to respond like "fight or flight". How well a person rests (here we mean physical, bodily relaxation), and how the food that he eats is digested and absorbed largely depends on her work. If a person can control the processes occurring under the "command" of the central nervous system to a certain extent, then the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is beyond his control. However, there are techniques that, presumably, help a person gain control over some of the functions for which she is responsible (for example, slowing down the heartbeat), but their action is poorly understood, and it takes a very long time to master them. The two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (SNS and PNS, respectively). The first of them is mainly responsible for the more active (at least outwardly) activity of the body, in particular, for the fight or flight response, which was mentioned above. When exposed to a stressor that gives a person the choice of running or fighting, SNS, for example, causes an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. The PNS is responsible for digestion, lowering blood pressure, as well as the endocrine system and metabolism. In a healthy person, the autonomic system does not adequately respond to external stimuli - temperature, stress, and others. In patients with autonomic lability, normal stimuli can elicit abnormal responses. For example, they may have a sharp increase in blood pressure when exposed to the slightest stressor, they may sweat a lot if the air temperature is not too high, and so on. Vegetative lability is not an independent disease; it may be the first sign of vegetative vascular dystonia (VVD) or, less commonly, other disorders. By the way, the VSD itself is often also a sign of various violations. We will talk about the causes of vegetative lability below. Researchers believe that the number of people around the world who have more or less pronounced vegetative lability is in the tens, if not hundreds of millions. Many patients do not pay attention to its signs for a long time or deliberately ignore them, believing that they are the result of stress, fatigue, and will soon pass on their own. Symptoms of autonomic lability Since autonomic lability can, to one degree or another, affect all areas that are under the control of the autonomic nervous system, its symptoms can be very diverse. Possible symptoms of autonomic lability include: Dizziness and fainting; Increased, extremely rapid fatigue during exercise or physical work, due to the fact that the autonomic nervous system cannot adjust the heart rate in accordance with the load; Excessive or insufficient sweating; Digestive problems, which can cause diarrhea or constipation, bloating, loss of appetite, and so on; Difficulty urinating; Sexual problems. Men may have difficulty getting erections, women often experience vaginal dryness and have less orgasms than usual; Vision problems. Patients with autonomic lability often complain of blurred vision and / or increased sensitivity to light. This may be due to the fact that the pupils do not respond quickly enough to changes in illumination; Intolerance to heat or cold; Sleep problems; Trembling hands (usually not very strong); Increased heart rate, increase or decrease in blood pressure for no apparent reason. In addition to the listed signs, patients may complain of mild malaise, which is almost constantly present, lethargy, apathy, weakness.

Vegetative lability occurs when there is a disturbance in the work of the vegetative part of the nervous system. Her work is automatic and almost uncontrolled by consciousness. It controls functions such as breathing, digestion, and heartbeat.

Is there a problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. Any drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! ...

She is in charge of many protective reactions, for example, constriction of the pupils to light, the desire to remove a limb when exposed to pain, and many others.

The stable work of the vegetative system ensures the well-coordinated work of the internal organs, adapting them to the unfavorable conditions of the external environment.

Thanks to her, you can adequately respond to stress, relax psychologically, physically, and sleep well.

If the system fails, vegetative lability arises, it no longer protects, but badly affects.

What is vegetative lability

The disease has manifold manifestations.

If there are disturbances in the work of the autonomic system, then it is no longer able to give an adequate response to stress.

More often, her reaction to an external stimulus can be too violent.

For example, with a minor conflict, a person may experience a heartbeat, a sudden rise in pressure, and an attack of suffocation. These reactions in the form of dysfunction can be observed from the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, respiratory systems.

A person loses appetite, suffers from incomprehensible pains in the stomach or heart, does not sleep well, becomes irritable.

Problems arise in the family and at work, which further provokes the disease, a "vicious circle" arises from which the patient cannot get out on his own.

When contacting a doctor, pathology in the organs is not detected, often such patients are considered hypochondriacs or simulants.

The reasons for the development of the disease

The disease can occur suddenly or develop gradually, but the person simply does not pay attention to the "alarm bells".

It is provoked by stress factors, the adverse effects of the external environment.

They weaken the body, lead it to physical and mental exhaustion.

Infectious diseases, various intoxications, operations, injuries, especially craniocerebral, change of time zones, climate can provoke the development of the disease. In women, this often occurs during pregnancy or menopause.

The roots of the disease can also lurk in deep childhood, be associated with psychological trauma.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease are diverse, depending on the individual neuropsychic, physiological characteristics of a person.

Violations can manifest themselves in the form of physiological and neuropsychological disorders.

With physiological manifestations, there may be palpitations, dizziness, headaches, even fainting.

Disorders from the genitourinary, cardiovascular, and digestive systems are characteristic. Various numbness, muscle, joint pain, severe sweating, or, conversely, dry skin are possible.

With neuropsychological disorders, asthenic syndrome often occurs, when a person complains of causeless weakness, fatigue, irritability, impaired attention, and sudden mood swings occur.

Other manifestations of such disorders will be sleep disturbance, speech disturbance. Neurotic phobias and unfounded fears often accompany the manifestation of this disease.


Clinical and laboratory diagnostics

It is possible to diagnose this disease only after conducting an examination in order to exclude organic pathology in physiological manifestations and mental illness in neuropsychological disorders.

As the survey is carried out, vegetative disorders are already considered.

Often, their manifestation is noticeable even when the patient is interviewed, a superficial examination is the expansion or narrowing of the pupils, dry skin or excessive sweating, pallor or, conversely, a sharp redness of the skin is possible.

The tone of the autonomic system is judged by reflexes. Somato-vegetative, cutaneous and sweat reflexes are often examined.

To study the function of the nervous system, they began to use biochemical analyzes of blood, urine, along with a number of instrumental studies. This allows you to assess the degree of impairment, the severity of autonomic dysfunction.

Disease treatment tactics

In the choice of treatment tactics, emphasis is placed on non-drug methods aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.
For this purpose, it is advised a gentle mode of work with good rest, sleep, attention must be paid to good nutrition.

Stress avoidance, frequent walks, and moderate exercise play a big role in recovery. It is advised to drink, instead of tea and water, herbal infusions - mint, lemon balm or valerian.

In addition to the usual doctor, such patients are shown the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Regular sessions will help identify the cause of the disease, change the attitude towards it. The psychologist will help develop skills to deal with stress, teach relaxation techniques to reduce or eliminate autonomic symptoms that develop due to internal stress.

Drugs for the treatment of disorders

Drug treatment of autonomic lability is aimed at normalizing the function of organs and systems, relieving stress of the autonomic nervous system. They use drugs to normalize sleep, safe sedatives, pain relievers, use vitamin therapy.

For severe disorders, anti-anxiety drugs will be prescribed for a short time:

At the heart of the disease is a violation of the activity of the vegetative system.

Ignoring the symptoms leads to serious psycho-physical complications.

With advanced forms, the development of pathologies of systems and organs is possible - ischemia, hypertension, various types of gastritis, peptic ulcer. Various anxiety states lead to mental disorders.

Nutrition for Autonomic Dysfunction

The health of nerve cells depends on the usefulness of food.

For their normal operation, it is necessary to consume foods with a high concentration of chemical elements:

  1. Phosphorus activates the work of nerve endings. It is found in legumes, liver, cereals, dairy products.
  2. Iron is responsible for the brain. Its source is seafood, liver, beef, buckwheat, spinach, cabbage.
  3. Calcium provides the speed of transmission of nerve impulses to internal organs and systems. Calcium is found in dairy products, vegetables, and almonds.
  4. Magnesium is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. It enters the body through the use of all types of cereals, nuts, egg yolk, bran.
  5. Potassium normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. It is advisable to include vegetables, fruits, legumes, millet in the daily menu.
  6. Promotes the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, improves memory iodine. It is found in seaweed and seafood.
  7. The daily menu should include foods rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, E. The main sources of vitamins are legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish oil, citrus fruits, red pepper, rose hips, strawberries, black currants, spinach, sprouts wheat, porridge, black bread.
  8. All types of cereals and cereals play an important role for health. They are the main source of fiber, which can remove accumulated toxins from the body.
  9. For the formation of liquid cholesterol, it is necessary to eat foods that contain lecithin: eggs, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, sprouted wheat. Cholesterol in this form is essential for nerve cells.
  10. Brain activity depends on blood glucose levels. To normalize it, it is advisable to use potatoes, grapes, salads, fruits, raspberries, raisins, honey.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine is actively used to treat and prevent autonomic lability.

Tea made from herbal tea has general tonic properties. It contains 30 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of peppermint, 15 g of lemon balm. The ingredients must be combined. For brewing, pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour. In the morning and in the evening, you need to eat a drink in 1 glass.

Tincture, which includes lemon, eggshell, vodka, has a beneficial effect on nervous activity. 10 lemons, a shell of 5 eggs must be finely chopped, pour 500 ml of vodka. It is necessary to instruct the remedy for about 2 days. Drinking the medicine is required three times a day, 2 tablespoons.

A drug made from thyme, motherwort, oregano will help to normalize the psychological state. 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, infused for more than 3 hours. You need to use the tincture three times a day, one spoonful.

Herbal baths have a calming, strengthening and regenerating effect.

For their preparation, the following types of medicinal plants are used:

  • Motherwort;
  • Cones, pine needles;
  • Valerian;
  • Lavender;
  • Black currant.

Before taking healing water procedures, you need to take a shower and cleanse your skin. Do not rinse your body with plain water after bathing.

Baths with sea salt will help relieve stress. The components contained in salt help to activate metabolic processes, restore the balance of trace elements, vitamins, and strengthen the vegetative system.

Consequences and complications

Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system leads to the development of various diseases.

  1. The cardiovascular system. Tachycardia, unstable blood pressure, heart failure, poor blood circulation. Unreasonable pressure and pain in the region of the heart.
  2. High likelihood of blood clots forming when blood clotting decreases.
  3. Respiratory system. Shortness of breath appears, breathing becomes more frequent, there is a feeling of lack of air when inhaling. There is a lack of oxygen in the blood, which leads to dizziness, muscle spasms, and high sensitivity of the limbs.
  4. Digestive system. Pain in the abdomen, cramps, flatulence occur. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by a lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain when swallowing food. An ulcer or gastritis may develop.
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas, which secretes enzymes for the digestive process.
  6. The process of perspiration is disrupted in the direction of increase, especially of the feet, palms.
  7. Unreasonable painful and difficult urination.
  8. Sexual dysfunction. Reduced sexual desire, which is accompanied by a malfunction of the genitals.
  9. Thermoregulation is impaired. The body temperature rises, which is accompanied by chills.
  10. Mental disorders. There is a feeling of lethargy, depression, inability to control emotions, to think rationally. Depression, apathy, neurosis, chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability are possible.
  11. Weakening of the immune system leads to the active influence of pathogenic microorganisms that help the development of infectious diseases.
  12. Skin diseases develop.

You can prevent the occurrence of failures in the work of the autonomic nervous system by following simple recommendations.

  1. Lifestyle. Changes to the daily work schedule should be made. To be in the fresh air more, to alternate rest with work, it is desirable to avoid stress, give up bad habits.

It is advisable to move away from the influence of negative emotions and tune in to the positive. Communicate more with people, attend cultural events.

  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to follow the diet. Eat more easily digestible, wholesome food: vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, dairy products, seafood, salad, spinach, nuts, cereals, vegetable oils.

It is advisable to give up the use of bakery products, sweets, fatty and fried foods, soda, chewing gum, strong tea or coffee. You can drink green tea, clean non-carbonated water.

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Reading time: 4 minutes

Lability is a term used to describe mobility. The area of \u200b\u200bapplication can slightly change the semantic characteristics, denoting both the number of nerve impulses transmitted per unit time by the cell, and the speed of starting and stopping mental processes.

Lability characterizes the rate of occurrence (from the onset of reaction to inhibition) of elementary processes, and is measured by the highest frequency of pulse reproduction without changes in tissue work and the recovery time of functions. This indicator is not considered to be a constant value, since it can vary from external factors (heat, time of day, force effects), the effects of chemicals (produced by the body or consumed) and emotional states, therefore it is possible to observe only the dynamics and predisposition of the body, the prevailing level. It is the change in lability indicators that is key in the diagnosis of various diseases and norms.

What is lability

In scientific application, lability is used synonymously with mobility (normal), instability (with pathology) and variability (as characteristics of the dynamics of the state and processes). In order to understand the breadth of the use of this term, one can consider examples of the fact that there is a lability of the mood of body temperature, psyche and physiology, and, accordingly, is applicable to all processes that have in their indicators speed, constancy, rhythm, amplitude and other dynamic characteristics.

The course of any processes in the body is regulated by the nervous system, therefore, even speaking about the indicators of the lability of the pulse or mood, we are still talking about the degree of lability of the nervous system (central or autonomic, depending on the localization of instability). The autonomic nervous system regulates the internal organs and systems, respectively, the general condition of the body depends on its work, the ability to maintain the rhythm and stability of processes.

Vegetative lability brings disturbances in the work of the heart (manifestations find themselves in the form of arrhythmias, problems with pressure and quality), the work of glands (problems with sweating or the production of substances necessary for the qualitative functioning of the body may begin). Many seemingly psychological problems or those related to the central nervous system are actually solved at the level of reducing vegetative lability, which ensures productive sleep and the absorption of useful microelements. At the same time, it is worth remembering that signaling about the level of stress or a critical emotional situation is primarily not the central, but the autonomic system, by increasing its lability. The mechanisms that activate the work of all organ systems to overcome difficult or extreme situations use the internal reserves of the body, forcing the heart to accelerate the rhythm, the lungs to absorb more air, the iron to excrete excess adrenaline with sweat, and only then the reactions of the central nervous system are connected.

Lability of the nervous system or mental lability is characterized by a pathological state of mood disorders, expressed in its fluctuations and inconstancy. The condition may be the norm for adolescence, but it can be included in the spectrum of pathogenic conditions for adults and requires medical assistance, as well as the work of a psychologist, even without prescribing drugs.

Lability in psychology

Psychological lability, considered in psychology, implies its mobility, and in some cases instability, while science itself is studying only this aspect of lability, without going into physiology. In most sources, the lability of the psyche is considered as a negative quality that requires correction, but at the same time it is not given due to the fact that it is the main adaptive mechanism of the psyche. It is the speed of reaction and switching between rapidly and often unexpectedly changing events of external life that helped humanity to survive. The opposite is the psyche, when a person remains constant for a long time, and any changes knock him out of his normal state. Any of these characteristics in its extreme manifestation is negative, and at moderate rates gives its advantages.

Problems with lability, when a person comes to a psychologist, are associated with frequent mood swings, while all spectra are lived not superficially, but really deeply (i.e. if you feel sad, then before thinking about opening the veins, and if you have fun, you want to dance on workplace and give candy to passers-by - all within one hour). It is the difficulties in coping with one's own and the lack of understanding how it can be corrected that brings many and not only mental suffering, but the subsequent changes in health, since the autonomic system, being subordinate to emotional states, also increases the level of its lability.

Such phenomena can be justified by the type of organization of the nervous system, so in people with the speed of reactions is already due to nature, and, accordingly, an increase in lability to a pathological state is more likely. Also, mood swings can be triggered by frequent, early in life, being in traumatic situations at the moment. But one should not exclude physiological reasons that affect the psychological state of a person: brain tumors, TBI, vascular diseases.

Correction of such unpleasant conditions begins with the diagnosis and exclusion of physiological causes, then, if necessary, correction with drugs that stabilize mood (antidepressants and tranquilizers) is possible, accompanied by a course of psychotherapy. With a severe degree, treatment in a hospital may be relevant, with the easiest one, you can cope by visiting a psychologist, without interrupting your usual life.

Lability in physiology

In physiology, lability is considered as a property of a tissue that characterizes its change with prolonged excitation. Reactions to prolonged arousal can be expressed in three types of responses: response to each impulse, transformation of the initial rhythm into a more rare one (for example, response to every third impulse), or cessation of response. For each cell of the body, this rhythm is different, while it may differ from the rhythm of the organ consisting of these cells, as well as from the rhythm of the entire organ system. The faster the tissue reacts to irritation, the higher its lability is considered, but at the same time there are few indicators of this time alone, it is also necessary to take into account the time required for recovery. So, the reaction can be quite fast, but due to the long recovery time, the overall lability will be rather low.

Lability increases or decreases depending on the needs of the body (a variant of the norm is being considered, without diseases), so it can increase from the metabolic rate, which forces all systems to accelerate the rhythm of work. An increase in lability has been noticed, that when the body is in a working active state, i.e. the lability of your tissues is much higher if you run than if you read lying down, and the indicators remain in an increased value for some time after the cessation of vigorous activity. Such reactions are associated with the assimilation of a rhythm that meets the actual conditions of the environment and activity needs.

The regulation of physiological lability can also be addressed in case of violations of the psychological spectrum, since many conditions have as their root cause not mental disorders or emotional experiences, but physiological disorders. For example, physiological intervention can remove sleep problems, which will automatically increase the level of attention and decrease, the therapy of which without taking into account physiological parameters would be ineffective.

Intellectual lability

Intellectual lability is one of the components of the lability of the nervous system and is responsible for the processes of switching between the processes of activation and inhibition. In life, it looks like a fairly high level of mental development and the ability to logically analyze incoming information. Since every second there is a critically huge number of information blocks that require it, it becomes necessary to sort them out as quickly as possible (at a subconscious automatic level) into significant and insignificant ones.

The presence of a large knowledge base becomes irrelevant and indicates not about, but about erudition, much more significant is the ability to switch between different sources of information, between different information in meaning, as well as quickly move on to solving the next (albeit opposite) problem ... At this switching speed, the main thing is to retain the ability to identify the main thing for the task at a given point in time. It is this process of intellectual work that ensures high intellectual lability.

Previously, they did not know about such a property, then they talked, but rarely, but now, when the pace of life is accelerating, the amount of information consumed is growing at such a rate that a person who lived two hundred years ago would have needed a month to realize that we are processing within an hour , this becomes the determining factor for success. This gives the ability to adequately and maximally useful response to changing conditions, facilitates instant analysis of many factors, which minimizes the possibility of error.

In addition, fast switching between different topics and issues gives an out-of-the-box thinking, new ways of solving old problems, there is a rapid assimilation of knowledge and skills, and this happens at a deeper level. For example, historical data on the same event, gleaned from different sources (here it is no longer possible to do without using the capabilities of the modern world) gives a more objective and large-scale understanding than citing the point of view of the author of the textbook. The ability to learn quickly is due to the fact that there is no need to tune in to the receipt of material - a ten-minute reading of an article in a minibus, accompanied by listening to new music or writing a diploma with breaks for watching training videos, becomes a familiar way of functioning, providing new opportunities.

Emotional lability

Lability of mood, which is the main reflection of emotional lability, is a change in the mood pole, often without expressed reasons for this. The nervous system is responsible for our emotional state, and when it is weakened, it becomes hypersensitive, which explains the instant and strong reaction even to minor stimuli. Coloring can be any - both happiness and aggressive affects and apathetic sadness arise with equal ease.

Symptoms may include spontaneity of actions, impulsivity, lack and the ability to predict the consequences of their own actions. The emergence of affective outbursts and uncontrolled states for minor or absent reasons caused emotional lability to be included in the lists of psychiatric deviations requiring stabilization under the supervision of a physician. It can also be not a separate disease, but a symptom of more dangerous and complex ones (severe tumors, problems with blood pressure, hidden consequences of head injuries, etc.). It is difficult to diagnose in childhood, since it has been little studied and is often confused with, therefore, a team of specialists from a psychiatrist, psychologist and neuropathologist is needed for diagnosis.

Emotional instability manifests itself in restlessness, lack of patience and an acute reaction to criticism or obstacles, difficulties in establishing logical chains, as well as mood swings, are observed. These changes are different from manic-depressive disorder and are characterized by a rapid change in states with the same deep experience of the emotional spectrum.

Any overload of the nervous system contributes to this development of the emotional sphere: emotional stress, psychotrauma or their actualization, hyper- or hypothetical attention from the society, hormonal changes (adolescence and menopause, pregnancy). From physiological reasons: somatic diseases, deficiency of vitamins (especially of group B, necessary to maintain the functioning of the NS), as well as difficult physical conditions.

If emotional lability is diagnosed, then a psychiatrist should deal with its correction, if the condition is not so deplorable, then a course of prevention is prescribed by a psychologist. In any case, it is not worth treating such manifestations with disdain, explaining by a bad character.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

What is vegetative lability

The autonomic or autonomic nervous system is a part of the nervous system that regulates the functioning of internal organs (heart, stomach, intestines, and others), as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems. It also controls numerous glands in our body. Thus, the autonomic nervous system affects, for example, sweating, blood pressure, pulse rate, thermoregulatory ability, and much more. It plays an important role in stressful situations that require a person to respond like "fight or flight". How well a person rests (here we mean physical, bodily relaxation), and how the food that he eats is digested and absorbed largely depends on her work.

If a person can control the processes occurring under the "command" of the central nervous system to a certain extent, then the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is beyond his control.

However, there are techniques that, presumably, help a person gain control over some of the functions for which she is responsible (for example, slowing down the heartbeat), however, their action is poorly understood, and it takes a very long time to master them.

The two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (SNS and PNS, respectively). The first of them is mainly responsible for the more active (at least outwardly) activity of the body, in particular, for the fight or flight response, which was mentioned above. When exposed to a stressor that confronts a person with the choice of running or fighting, SNS, for example, causes an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. The PNS is responsible for digestion, lowering blood pressure, as well as the endocrine system and metabolism.

In a healthy person, the autonomic system does not adequately respond to external stimuli - temperature, stress , other. In patients with autonomic lability, normal stimuli can elicit abnormal responses. For example, they may have a sharp increase in blood pressure when exposed to the slightest stressor, they may sweat a lot if the air temperature is not too high, and so on. Vegetative lability is not an independent disease; it may be the first sign of vegetative vascular dystonia (VVD) or, less commonly, other disorders. By the way, the VSD itself is often also a sign of various violations. We will talk about the causes of vegetative lability below.

Researchers believe that the number of people around the world who have more or less pronounced vegetative lability is in the tens, if not hundreds of millions. Many patients do not pay attention to its signs for a long time or consciously ignore them, believing that they are the result of stress, fatigue, and will soon pass on their own.

The term "lability" means instability, mobility, variability of various phenomena and processes in the body (pulse, body temperature, physiological state, psyche).

Vegetative lability is an unstable work of the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system.

Hypersensitivity and reactivity of the autonomic nervous system is manifested at minimum.

Anatomical and physiological implications

The autonomic nervous system is part of the nervous system of the body. Its functions include control and regulation of the work of internal organs (intestines, stomach, heart, etc.), lymphatic, circulatory system, glands of the body.

This system also regulates the process of perspiration, heart rate, thermoregulation, blood pressure. It is also responsible for a person's reaction in stressful situations, for the ability to complete physical relaxation during rest, for the digestion and assimilation of food consumed. The work of the autonomic nervous system cannot be controlled by humans.

The autonomic nervous system consists of two sections - the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The parasympathetic nervous system regulates the endocrine system, the digestive tract, is responsible for metabolism and lowering blood pressure.

The sympathetic nervous system is active in stressful situations. It is responsible for supplying oxygen to the muscles, rapid heart rate, and breathing.

In a normal state, there is an adequate response of the autonomic system to external stimuli (stress, temperature, sounds). With the syndrome of increased lability of the autonomic nervous system, an individual may experience inadequate responses to the usual: increased sweating at low temperatures, increased blood pressure with little stress.

Reflexes of the autonomic system provide an adequate response of the body to stress, a person's understanding of the presence of abnormalities in their state or sensations.

Vegetative lability is not an idiopathic disorder. It is often a sign. This disorder is present in approximately 80% of the population, in adults and children.

Reasons for failure

The lability of the autonomic nervous system can develop gradually and occur suddenly. This condition often remains undiagnosed, since patients do not attach importance to the manifestations, considering them the result of stressful situations, fatigue. Also, patients can be counted.

The causes of vegetative lability can be varied:

  • adverse effects of the external environment;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • surgical intervention;
  • and other injuries;
  • change of climate and time zones;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • psychological trauma, including children;
  • lack of vitamins (especially vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12 and vitamin E).

There is also the likelihood of vegetative lability due to, which can be caused by various diseases.

Such diseases include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome.

A wide range of manifestations

The manifestations of autonomic lability are associated with all areas that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, the symptoms of the condition can be varied:

Individuals with vegetative lability have an increased sensitivity to mental trauma, stress, meteorological changes, a tendency to seasickness, air sickness.

Examination and diagnosis

For a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the symptoms of autonomic lability are similar to those of other diseases. It is necessary to exclude mental illness, neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as in the case of manifestations on the part of physiology, to exclude organic pathologies.

After excluding other diseases, the likelihood of disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system is considered. Often it is enough to take anamnesis, interview the patient, and a superficial examination.

A specialist neurologist should pay attention to narrowing or dilated pupils, excessive sweating, or excessive dry skin, pallor, or hyperemia of the skin. To assess the work of the autonomic system, the work of skin, somatovegetative, sweat reflexes is analyzed.

Also, to assess the degree of violations, tests for the biochemical composition of urine and blood are prescribed.

An integrated approach to treatment

In the treatment of vegetative lability, methods without the use of pharmacological preparations prevail.

To bring the nervous system back to normal, it is recommended:

  • adhere to normal operation;
  • have adequate sleep and rest;
  • follow proper nutrition;
  • live a healthy life;
  • do sport;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • spending time in the fresh air, taking walks;
  • avoid stress factors;
  • use decoctions of mint, valerian, lemon balm.

Medical treatment consists in the use, as well as symptomatic treatment of organs and systems, the work of which has been disrupted due to the disease.

They use drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing sleep, sedatives, pain relievers, vitamins.

A neuropathologist may prescribe anti-anxiety medications (Tenoten). The therapeutic course is selected individually.

In addition to visiting a neuropathologist, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist. These specialists will help to identify the cause of the disease, as well as learn how to deal with stress, teach techniques for relieving vegetative symptoms that arise as a result of internal stress.

Vegetative lability of the nervous system requires treatment, as it can lead to a number of diseases:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerotic changes);
  • stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • mental disorders.