From what the leg is swollen and hurts causes and methods of treatment. Swelling of the legs. Why do my legs swell? What to do! Swelling of the legs subsides

Often in the evening the legs swell, there is heaviness, pain appears in the ankle area - such signs can signal fatigue, or serious problems with the kidneys and heart.

Legs may swell due to kidney and heart problems

Why do legs swell?

A slight swelling at the bottom of the legs appears in the evening even in absolutely healthy people, if you throw your feet back on the wall, let them rest for 15–20 minutes, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. But sometimes the cause of discomfort can be errors in nutrition, lifestyle, and other factors.

Why the lower limbs swell:

  • tight shoes, shoes with very high heels:
  • passion for salty food, alcoholic beverages;
  • hot weather - in order to avoid an increase in body temperature, the body activates the process of expansion of peripheral vessels, which leads to a violation of the microcirculation of fluid;
  • a large amount of fluid, swollen legs may also indicate dehydration, starvation;
  • excess weight;
  • pastiness is diagnosed in wheelchair users, occurs during sedentary work, excessive physical exertion, increased intra-abdominal pressure against the background of frequent constipation, after surgery;
  • allergies, poisoning - puffiness develops against the background of intoxication of the body with allergens or toxic substances, the feet become red, may turn pale, acquire a bluish tint;
  • PMS - swelling of the calves occurs due to a decrease in the level of progestins.

Severe swelling of the legs is a sign of a snake or insect bite, the affected area should not be combed, rubbed, in order to avoid the spread of poison throughout the body. First aid - cold compress, immediate medical attention.

The accumulation of fluid in the leg is the result of prolonged use of glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, antihypertensive drugs. In men, the cause of the development of pathology may be drugs for the treatment of impotence and diseases of the reproductive system, obesity.

Swelling of the ankles during pregnancy occurs in almost all women, the main reason is hormonal changes in the body, the uterus increases in size, begins to squeeze the pelvic veins. But if the limbs swell up strongly in the later stages, this may be a manifestation of gestosis. A dangerous pathology is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms - hypertension, severe headaches, convulsive conditions, nausea and vomiting.

To independently identify edema, you need to press on the foot area, wait a few seconds - if a fossa appears that does not immediately disappear, we can talk about a problem. The various stages of pathology can be seen in the photo.

Swelling of the feet due to tight shoes

Ankle swelling is common during pregnancy

Swelling due to accumulated fluid in the leg

Swelling of the legs, as a sign of serious illness

If edema appears regularly, does not disappear after rest, is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, the skin is redder and itches, this may indicate the presence of problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system, kidneys, heart, venous insufficiency, problems often arise in old age.

What diseases cause swelling of the extremities:

  1. Varicose veins, thrombosis of venous vessels, circulatory system disorders - edema is located asymmetrically, affects the area from the knee to the foot, fingers, accompanied by heaviness, pain, cyanosis of the lower leg, intensifies in the evening, as the disease develops, the venous nodes become more and more noticeable.
  2. - against the background of the inflammatory process in the vein, a burning sensation occurs, the affected area hurts, there is a feeling of tingling, numbness, the skin becomes red, swelling can be located in the upper thigh, lower leg.
  3. Heart failure - if you press on the skin in the ankle area, the fossa does not disappear for a long time, the pain in the legs is intense in the evening, subsides by morning, the edema is located below the knees.
    Additional signs are shortness of breath, increased arterial parameters, discomfort in the thoracic region, increased fatigue.
  4. Renal pathology - the legs swell from the back side in the morning only during the period of exacerbation of the disease, the skin becomes pale, the disease is accompanied by swelling of the face, pain in the lumbar region, insomnia.
  5. Thyroid disorders - edema is characterized by increased elasticity, there is a change in complexion.
  6. Infectious processes in the body, the provocateurs of edema often become staphylococcal and streptococcal pathologies - tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, boils, carbuncles. Puffiness is characteristic of rheumatism, erysipelas, osteomyelitis, accompanied by pain on the rise, in the joints, diseases occur against a background of fever, weakness, deterioration of the general condition.
  7. The initial stage of diabetes mellitus - puffiness is accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin, red symmetrical spots appear on the legs.
  8. Articular pathologies - arthritis, arthrosis are accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin around the joints, most often the disease affects the fingers and knees, accompanied by local or general fever, stiffness of movements.
  9. Lymphedema - one or both feet swells on the back side, lower leg, thigh, edema at the initial stage is mild, gradually acquires a denser consistency. The disease can be congenital or acquired in nature, often develops in cancer of the vagina, prostate, ovaries due to malfunction of the lymph nodes, during radiation therapy, after surgery to remove regional lymph nodes.

Often the legs are swollen due to thrombophlebitis

Injuries, bruises, fractures, sprains are characterized by edema, which rapidly increases, accompanied by severe and acute pain, hematomas. Legs swell with hepatitis B, liver failure, polycystic liver disease, displacement of the vertebrae.

With thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trauma, knee or hip joint, osteomyelitis, after removal of the lymph nodes in the groin area, the swelling is unilateral, covers the left or right leg. With venous insufficiency, cardiac and renal pathologies, problems arise on both legs at the same time.

In children, leg edema most often occurs due to flat feet, obesity, glomerulonephritis.

Which doctor should I go to?

If swelling appears regularly, accompanied by pain, redness or blue skin, itching, a general deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to start. After examination, collection of anamnesis, initial diagnosis may be required, nephrologist, infectious disease specialist.


Since there are quite a few reasons for the appearance of puffiness of the lower extremities, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination - this will help to start the correct treatment in a timely manner.

Basic diagnostic methods:

  • a general blood test - shows the presence of inflammatory, infectious processes in the body;
  • analysis for sugar, blood clotting;
  • hormonal blood tests to identify problems with the thyroid gland;
  • general urine analysis - allows you to see problems in the work of the kidneys;
  • doppler ultrasound - allows you to see congestion in the lower extremities;
  • duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, abdominal cavity;
  • ECG, ECHO-cardiography.

If the edema appears as a result of a fall or blow, it is necessary to visit the nearest emergency room, to take an x-ray to exclude the presence of a fracture.

ECHO cardiography helps to know the condition of the heart

What can be done at home

The tactics of treating puffiness of the extremities depends on the cause of the development of the pathology, therapy is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and the underlying disease. If the legs swell infrequently, then you can use traditional medicine recipes to alleviate the condition.

Treatment with drugs

The drug treatment regimen is drawn up by a specialist after receiving the test results, if the underlying disease is eliminated, then the swelling of the extremities will gradually disappear.

How to treat:

  • diuretics - Indapamide, Furosemide, in addition, it is necessary to take Panangin or other drugs with potassium;
  • cardioprotectors - Felodipine, Sotalol, Lipin, funds must be taken to improve myocardial contraction;
  • phlebotonics in the form of tablets and ointments - Troxevasin, Phlebodia, heparin ointment, Lioton, Hepatrombin;
  • anticoagulants - Heparin, Lepirudin;
  • polyenzyme preparations based on plant and animal enzymes - Wobenzym, Phlogenzym, eliminate inflammation in thrombophlebitis;
  • blood thinners - Aspirin, Cardiomagnet, prevent the appearance of congestion, reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • antibiotics - Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, are prescribed for the infectious origin of thrombophlebitis;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Ortofen, Nurofen, necessary for the treatment of rheumatism;
  • hormonal drugs - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, help to quickly eliminate the manifestations of rheumatism.

Dexamethasone is a hormonal agent

Additionally, it is imperative to wear compression underwear, regularly perform a complex of therapeutic exercises, drink correctly, and review the daily routine.

The best and most effective method of treating chronic lymphatic edema is pressotherapy.

How to reduce swelling with folk remedies

With the help of alternative medicine, you can get rid of edema - they have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, but in case of serious diseases, they must be taken in combination with drugs.

Simple recipes:

  1. Infusion of linden blossom, juniper, mint - brew like regular tea, drink on an empty stomach.
  2. To do the wrap with birch, lingonberry, cabbage leaves, in the presence of inflammatory processes, they can be pre-lubricated with honey. You can keep such compresses all night.
  3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds 500 ml of water, simmer the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour, leave for an hour in a sealed container. Drink 100 ml of the medicine 4 times a day for 5-7 days.
  4. For kidney problems, rheumatism, 1 tbsp. l. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over chopped dry beans, leave for an hour, strain. Drink 50 ml three times a day.
  5. Hot or cold foot baths with the addition of ordinary, sea salt, decoction of birch leaves, chamomile, mint.
  6. If the bones near the big toes stick out strongly, they should be regularly lubricated with iodine, honey, and compresses from raw grated potatoes should be applied for 15 minutes every day.

Compresses with cabbage leaves and honey reduce puffiness

To prevent swelling of the legs, it is necessary to consume at least 400 mg of magnesium per day daily. Fresh pumpkin or grape juice, lingonberry juice, rosehip infusion, tea with milk copes well with puffiness.

Swollen legs - why is it dangerous?

If you constantly ignore the severe swelling of the limbs, then the problem will begin to worsen, which will cause serious complications.

The consequences of puffiness:

  • heart attack, stroke;
  • chronic renal and hepatic failure;
  • ulcers, gangrene, amputation of limbs.

With an advanced form of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot can come off at any time, clog an important artery - in such cases, doctors rarely manage to provide timely assistance, since the process develops very quickly.

Frequent swelling of the legs can cause a heart attack


Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle are the main methods of preventing the appearance of leg edema.

How to avoid swelling of the lower extremities:

  • regularly go in for sports - swimming, water aerobics, yoga improve the condition of the venous and lymphatic systems;
  • take long walks every day, climb stairs on foot;
  • take a contrast shower, do foot baths;
  • wear comfortable shoes, compression underwear;
  • walk barefoot more often, massage feet, shins;
  • limit the daily intake of salt to 1.5 g, liquid - to 0.6-1.5 liters;
  • canned food, salted fish, sausages, cheese should be excluded from the diet.

Do foot baths periodically

It is not recommended to regularly wear shoes with heels of more than 5–6 cm, otherwise the tone and contractility of the calf muscles decrease, which provokes the appearance of severe edema in the evening. If it is not possible to change shoes, it is necessary to periodically roll barefoot from toe to heel and back.

Swelling on the legs is only unpleasant sensations in the limbs, but also a sign of various diseases of the internal organs. If discomfort rarely appears, folk remedies, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle will help to cope with it. But if the feet, shins are poured often, it is necessary to visit a doctor to establish the cause of the onset of symptoms.

What to do if your legs swell, swell and hurt?
If the swelling of the legs first appeared for no apparent reason, then the reasons need to be clarified.
Examinations are required: ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid gland, examination of the vessels of the lower extremities, ECG. Women need to visit a gynecologist.
Many people know why their legs swell in their case.
The causes of edema can be the following:
1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
2. Kidney pathology
3. Varicose veins.
In this article we will consider the treatment of leg edema with folk remedies according to prescriptions and reviews from the newspaper "Vestnik HLS"

In summer, with the beginning of warm days, especially in the evening, women's legs often swell. What to do, what is the reason, how to relieve leg swelling with folk remedies? The head physician of the Moscow clinic "Medsi" Zulfiya Guseinovna Guseinova answers these questions.
To avoid excessive thirst, reduce the use of salty, spicy, fatty foods, sweets, spices, give up carbonated drinks.

Why do women's legs swell in summer?

Puffiness is closely related to the amount of fluid you drink. In the summer we drink more, so edema appears.
Swelling of the legs in women is also directly related to hot weather, since under the influence of the sun hormones are activated in them, which is the reason for fluid retention in a woman's body.
What to do to avoid puffiness in the heat? Not so much drinking less as limiting foods that can cause an increase in thirst: If you sharply reduce the intake of fluid in the body, on the contrary, water will be deposited in the tissues in reserve, which will cause swelling of the legs.

What to do if your legs are swollen. How to quickly relieve leg swelling at home.

If your legs swell, first of all you need to undergo examinations, to clarify the diagnoses of your diseases in order to understand and eradicate the causes. Until the diagnosis is clarified, you can quickly relieve leg swelling at home using diuretics. But we must remember that this is a rather powerful medicine, in addition, diuretics increase the excretion of beneficial trace elements from the body, especially potassium.

Effective diuretics for edema

Diuretic drug hypothiazide applied once and no more than 12.5 mg.
Nowadays, a diuretic is used much more often - verospiron... It refers to potassium-sparing, it is used daily at 25 mg, but not more than 7-8 days.
It is better to take diuretic drugs in accordance with the biological rhythm of a person, and this is 5-6 in the morning for the kidneys, and strictly on an empty stomach. But before grabbing pills, use diuretic herbs: bearberry, corn stigmas, lingonberry leaves, ready-made kidney harvest. All of these folk remedies can be bought at the pharmacy. Infusions of diuretic herbs can be taken for 1-2 months.
External means will also help: Lioton 1000 gel and troxevasin ointment. These remedies are especially good if the cause of the edema is varicose veins.

What to do if your legs are swollen and sore. Why is there pain with edema?

Medicines for pain in swelling of the legs.

If your legs hurt and swell, it means that the body cannot cope with the removal of excess fluid. The pain appears because the swollen tissues squeeze not only the vessels, but also the nerve endings.
Relieve pain with swelling will help non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments: diclofenac, ketanol. Apply the ointment to the swollen areas with light movements from the bottom up. If the pain is very severe, take an analgesic by mouth, or better antispasmodics - papaverine or no-shpu.
In the summer heat, it is useful to take vascular drugs in a course of 1-2 months: Detralex, Troxevasin, Trental, Ascorutin.

Why do summer residents' legs swell. Prevention of puffiness.

Tips from the newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2013, no. 11, pp. 12-13.

  • The cause of leg edema in summer residents is mainly vascular pathology, women and men in the country spend a lot of time in static uncomfortable positions. This inhibits the outflow of blood from the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Veins and femoral arteries become constricted. To prevent this from happening, it is better to work while sitting on a low stool.
  • Every half hour you need to take a short break, stretch your muscles, walk around the site.
  • Every 2 hours, take a longer break and do the exercises: swing, shake your feet, stand on your toes, pull your socks towards you. The calf muscles will begin to contract and push the venous blood back into the stream, there will be no blood stagnation and swelling.
  • Contrasting baths and a cool shower are very useful. When watering the beds, be sure to pour cold water on your feet. This contributes to a sharp contraction of muscles and blood vessels, excess fluid is removed from the lower extremities.
  • Instead of tea, drink a decoction of parsley, it has a slight diuretic effect, and many other advantages. It is very useful to eat fresh cucumbers from the garden; they quench thirst well and relieve puffiness.
  • Do not wear socks with tight elastic bands, because of this, many people have severe swelling of their legs in the evening, and cramps may occur. And be sure to wear compression stockings for varicose veins.

What to do if your legs are very swollen. How to relieve swelling with flaxseed decoction.

If your legs are swollen, flaxseed will quickly and effectively help relieve swelling.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhelnov V.V. advises to take readers of the newspaper "Vestnik HLS" suffering from this problem a decoction of flaxseed according to this recipe: 4 tbsp. l. seed, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Drink half a glass hot 6-8 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, but the result will be noticeable within 10-12 days. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2011, No. 9 p. 19)

Feedback on the treatment with flaxseed.

The woman had severe leg swelling. Flaxseed decoction helped to get rid of them. She brewed 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds with 1 liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Having wrapped the pot with broth, it insisted for 1 hour. Saw without straining 100 ml every 2 hours. There were 6-8 doses per day. After 2 weeks, the swelling completely disappeared. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2013, No. 17 p. 30)

Flaxseed will help get rid of swelling of the legs.

The man managed to remove the swelling of the legs at home in 3 weeks. He took 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flaxseed, poured 1 liter of hot water, boiled for 10-15 minutes. Insisted in a warm place for 1 hour. You can strain, but the man drank a decoction of flaxseed, without straining, every 2 hours a few sips moderately hot. For taste, I added lemon juice to the broth. But you can also any other. The result is excellent. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2015, No. 14 p. 29)

Parsley will help to remove swelling on the legs at home

Parsley is the most effective folk remedy that helps remove swelling on the legs at home. Parsley helps to get rid of puffiness of any localization. It is used in the form of infusions inside and outside in the form of masks for swollen places. Numerous reviews of the readers of "Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin" prove the effectiveness of such treatment.

Treatment of edema with a simple folk remedy - infusion of parsley and lemon.

The man managed to cure the swelling on the legs with the help of a folk remedy. He turned about 200 g of parsley with the roots in a meat grinder. I poured 1 glass of this mass with two glasses of boiling water, wrapped it up and insisted until morning. In the morning, I strain the infusion and add the juice squeezed from one lemon.
I drank the medicine for 1/3 cup 2 times a day, morning and evening. After 2 days of admission - 3 days off. Continue the treatment until complete recovery. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2011, No. 10 p. 32)

How to cure leg swelling with parsley and lemon.

In the morning, swelling of the woman's legs began to appear. A folk remedy helped to cure the swelling of the legs, which the woman read in a healthy lifestyle for 2011, No. 10 (see above). I did everything exactly according to the recipe. I drank home medicine in the same way. The legs quickly returned to normal. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2015, No. 2 p. 13)

Treatment of puffiness with parsley seeds.

A very effective remedy for the treatment of edema in heart failure is parsley. It is best to use dry parsley seed powder, 0.5 g 3 times a day with food. Or a decoction of seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, insist overnight, take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day, regardless of food intake. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2002, No. 19, p. 11)

How to get rid of leg swelling with burdock.

Treatment of edema with burdock at home.

The man managed to quickly get rid of the swelling of the legs with the help of burdock leaves. He applied them with the light side to the shins, wrapped them on top with an elastic bandage. I kept it for 3 hours. After three procedures, the swelling decreased, after ten - it went away completely. And now for a whole year there have been no relapses. So burdock leaves helped. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2010, No. 17 p. 30)

How to remove swelling from the legs with burdock

The woman's legs began to swell, she tied the burdock leaves with the rough side to the skin, it was possible to get rid of the swelling in several procedures. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2009, No. 18 p. 32)

Treatment of cardiac edema after stroke and heart attack

In bedridden patients, after a stroke and heart attack, the legs often swell. In this case, burdock leaves will help. Dry leaves can be used in winter. Pour boiling water over the leaves and wrap them warmly for several hours. Before going to bed, take out the leaves, squeeze out a little, wrap problem areas with them, then wrap them with wide ribbons of cotton fabric, top with polyethylene and an elastic bandage.
In summer, use fresh leaves - wrap in 2-3 layers, wrap.
The main thing in this treatment is to keep the skin hot. By the morning, the diseased limb becomes the same in appearance as the healthy one. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik HLS" 2006, No. 15, p. 33)

Swelling of the legs in women with varicose veins

A simple massage helped to get rid of varicose puffiness

For many years the woman had varicose veins and swelling of the leg in the ankle with a bluish spot of protruding veins. Doctors always noticed this, but did not give any recommendations. Once a woman read that after a bath or washing your feet, you need to massage them with light movements from foot to groin, and then lubricate with heparin ointment or baby cream. The woman began to do this procedure every day, the main thing here is systematicity. Dark spots have long disappeared, and puffiness subsides.

Treatment of puffiness of the legs according to the recipes of the newspaper "Vestnik HLS".

Swelling of the legs - causes - treatment - folk remedies. From a conversation with a doctor
In summer, with the beginning of warm days, often, especially in the evening, women often experience swelling of the legs. What to do, what is the reason, how to relieve leg swelling with folk remedies? All these questions are answered by the head physician of the Moscow clinic "Medsi" Guseinova Zulfiya Guseinovna.

Causes of leg swelling in summer
Swelling of the legs is closely related to the amount of fluid you drink. In the summer we drink more, so edema may appear.
Swelling of the legs in women is also directly related to hot weather, because under the influence of the sun, hormones are activated in them, which is the reason for fluid retention in a woman's body.
What to do to avoid swelling of the feet in the heat? Not so much to drink less as to limit foods that can cause an increase in thirst: If you sharply reduce the intake of fluid in the body, water, on the contrary, will be deposited in the tissues in reserve, which will cause swelling of the legs.
To avoid excessive thirst, reduce the use of salty, spicy, fatty foods, sweets, spices, give up carbonated drinks.

Swelling of the legs - causes.
If the swelling of the legs first appeared without the above-mentioned apparent reasons, then the causes of the swelling should be clarified. Examinations are required: ultrasound of the kidneys, thyroid gland, examination of the vessels of the lower extremities, ECG. If women have swelling of the legs, visit a gynecologist.
Many people know why their legs swell in their case. The reasons may be as follows:
1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
2. Kidney pathology
3. Varicose veins.
Swelling of the legs from these reasons occurs constantly, and not only in summer.

What to do if your legs are swollen. How to relieve leg swelling.
Until the diagnosis is clarified, diuretics can be used to treat leg swelling. But we must remember that they are quite powerful, besides, they increase the excretion of useful trace elements from the body, especially potassium. The diuretic drug hypothiazid is used once and no more than 12.5 mg.
Now, a diuretic drug, veroshpiron, is used much more often for swelling of the legs. It refers to potassium-sparing, it is used daily at 25 mg, but not more than 7-8 days.
Diuretics for puffiness are best used in accordance with the biological rhythm of a person, and this is 5-6 in the morning for the kidneys, and strictly on an empty stomach. But before grabbing pills, use diuretic herbs to treat edema: bearberry, corn silk, lingonberry leaf, ready-made kidney collection. All of these folk remedies can be bought at the pharmacy. Infusions of diuretic herbs can be taken for 1-2 months.
External remedies will also help to relieve puffiness of the legs: Lioton 1000 gel and troxevasin ointment. These remedies are especially good if the cause of the swelling is varicose veins of the legs.

What to do if your legs are swollen and sore. Why is there pain with edema?
Because edema squeezes not only blood vessels, but also nerve endings, and therefore pain appears. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments will help relieve pain with swelling of the legs: diclofenac, ketanol. apply the ointment to your feet with light movements from bottom to top. If the pain with swelling is very severe, take an anesthetic inside, or better antispasmodics - papaverine or no-shpu.
In the summer heat, it is useful to take vascular drugs in a course of 1-2 months: Detralex, Troxevasin, Trental, Ascorutin.

Recommendations for summer residents. Folk remedies for leg edema.
The cause of the swelling of the legs in summer residents is mainly vascular pathology, since women and men in the country spend a lot of time in static uncomfortable positions. This inhibits the outflow of blood from the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Veins and femoral arteries become constricted. To prevent this from happening, it is better to work while sitting on a low stool.
Every half hour you need to take a short break, stretch your muscles, walk around the site. Every 2 hours, take a longer break and do leg exercises: rise on your toes, pull your toes towards you, swing your legs, shake your feet. The calf muscles will begin to contract and push the venous blood back into the stream, there will be no blood stagnation and swelling.
Contrasting baths and a cool foot shower are very useful. When watering the beds, be sure to water your feet. This contributes to a sharp contraction of muscles and blood vessels, excess fluid is removed from the body, which helps to relieve swelling of the legs.
Instead of tea, drink a decoction of parsley, it has a slight diuretic effect, and a host of other advantages. It is very useful to eat fresh cucumbers from the garden, they quench thirst well and help relieve swelling.
Do not wear socks with tight elastic bands, otherwise your legs will swell a lot in the evening, and cramps may occur. And be sure to wear compression stockings for varicose veins. (HLS 2013 No. 11, pp. 12-13)

Swelling of the legs with varicose veins - a compress from heparin ointment
When they buzz from work in the garden, legs swell or veins swell, heparin ointment will help relieve these phenomena. A 25 g tube is enough for 5 treatments. It is necessary to smear the leg in the sore spot with this ointment, wrap it in plastic, bandage it and put on a stocking on top. After that, lie down for 2 hours to rest. At first, severe pain may begin, but you must endure. One day to process one leg, the second day - the other. When the tube runs out, take a break for a week. Then repeat the treatment. (HLS 2005 No. 13 p. 28)

Flaxseed decoction if the legs are swollen
The woman had severe leg swelling. Flaxseed decoction helped to get rid of them. She brewed 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds with 1 liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Having wrapped the pot with broth, it insisted for 1 hour. Saw without straining 100 ml every 2 hours. There were 6-8 doses per day. After 2 weeks, the swelling of the woman's legs completely disappeared. (HLS 2013 No. 17 p. 30)

Treatment with infusion of parsley and lemon
The woman managed to remove the swelling in her legs with the help of a folk remedy. She minced about 200 g of parsley along with the roots. I poured 1 glass of this mass with two glasses of boiling water, wrapped it up and insisted until morning. In the morning I strain the infusion and add the juice squeezed from one lemon.
I drank the medicine for 1/3 cup 2 times a day, morning and evening. After 2 days of admission - 3 days off. Continue the treatment of edema with this remedy until they disappear completely. (HLS 2011 No. 10 p. 32)

If your legs are swollen, cucumber will help
For leg swelling, take fresh cucumber juice. Drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day. You can't salt. (HLS 2011 No. 16 p. 31)

Treatment of leg edema with comfrey
A healthy lifestyle reader heard at the bus stop a conversation between two women that comfrey is good for swelling and sore legs. After that, I prepared a healing tincture. The roots are well washed and crushed, they filled a 1/3 liter jar with them, and poured vodka to the top. Comfrey must be insisted for at least 3 weeks. During this time, the tincture will darken, and the roots will also turn from white to brown.
The result of the treatment of edema with comfrey exceeded all expectations - the swelling subsided, my legs stopped hurting. Previously, the woman barely walked, now she easily walks at a brisk pace to the dacha. She rubbed her legs and feet with tincture (HLS 2011, No. 17 p. 9)

Treatment of leg swelling with dill seed
The woman read this folk remedy for edema in the "Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle".
1 tbsp. l. pour 300 ml of boiling water with a hill of dill seed. Drink 150 g of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 150 g in the evening before going to bed. Course 21 days.
The woman spent two courses on drink. The third course she took only 150 ml of infusion just before bedtime.
The result is as follows. She is a diabetic for 11 years. Legs were like those of an elephant, I could hardly walk. After the treatment, numbness, swelling disappeared, veins stopped hurting. He continues to drink dill water to prevent edema. (HLS 2008 No. 16, p. 31)

Kalanchoe tincture
The woman's legs began to swell frequently. She stopped eating salty, began to drink less, but there were no results. A friend suggested using Kalanchoe tincture to treat puffiness, she needs to rub her legs.
To prepare the tincture, knead the leaves into gruel. Fill the jar halfway and top up with vodka. Insist 3 days, do not filter. The woman rubbed her legs at night, after a week they became the same volume. (HLS 2008, No. 17 p. 30, 2001, No. 1, p. 6)

If the legs are swollen and are covered with a blue mesh of veins, you need to regularly rub them until the swelling and blue completely disappear with a tincture of fresh Kalanchoe leaves on vodka. ! / 4 bottles fill with leaves scrolled in a meat grinder and pour 60-70% alcohol to the top. Insist 2-3 weeks, strain and use (2006 No. 3 p. 3)

Treatment of leg swelling with knotweed decoction
The woman developed swelling of the legs after the operation. It was possible to remove the swelling with the help of a decoction of knotweed. 3 tsp herbs must be brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 4 hours, strain and drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. It is better to drink through a straw to save your teeth. (HLS 2004 No. 17 p. 26)

How to relieve swelling with burdock
The man managed to remove the swelling of the legs with burdock leaves. He applied them with the light side to the shins, wrapped them on top with an elastic bandage. I kept it for 3 hours. After three procedures, the swelling decreased, after ten - it disappeared completely. And now they have been gone for a whole year. So burdock leaves helped. (HLS 2010 No. 17 p. 30)

The woman's legs began to swell, she tied the burdock leaves with the rough side to the skin, the legs were cured in several procedures. (HLS 2009 No. 18 p. 32)

Herbal compress
If your leg is swollen, there is pain, lameness, pick the leaves of burdock, plantain, chop finely, add black bread, a little salt, rub everything into gruel, add Vishnevsky's ointment. Fold this mass into a cloth and tie it to a sore spot. (HLS 2010 No. 1 p. 36)

Ointment to treat puffiness
The woman had severe swelling of the legs, long-standing, terrible. A simple ointment helped to remove the swelling. She cooked it like this: she melted a piece of wax the size of a matchbox, added 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil and half the yolk of a pre-boiled egg.
With this ointment, I smeared my leg up to the knee, wrapped it in strips of a torn sheet, then put on a stocking. I spent 17 sessions. (HLS 2005 No. 24 p. 26)

Swelling of the legs is a common phenomenon that manifests itself in most cases among the fair sex. The reasons for their occurrence can be very different: uncomfortable shoes, high heels, long walking. However, this phenomenon can also appear due to the disrupted work of the internal processes of the body, therefore this symptom cannot be ignored. Why edema appears and how to deal with them will be discussed further.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in certain parts of the body. This physiological phenomenon is associated with impaired circulation of substances. It occurs in both women and men, often in the evening. The source can be external factors and pathological internal processes.


This type of inflammation is caused by external factors and can be easily eliminated by changing some habits. In this case, no special treatment and lengthy procedures are required. The reasons may lie in the following factors:

  • Excessive water intake during the day. Drinking plenty of fluids is good for the functions of the body, but drinking too much leads to an excess. The vessels do not withstand high loads, as a result of which the walls become thinner, the risks of developing varicose veins increase. As a result, water enters the intercellular space and accumulates in the peripheral parts of the body.
  • Long sitting position. A sedentary lifestyle, forced by the specifics of work, leads to circulatory disorders. Exacerbates the existing position of crossing the legs while sitting. The veins are pinched and obstruct healthy blood flow. Also, low, soft chairs or armchairs can cause discomfort due to pinching of blood vessels. A constant sitting position can lead not only to swelling of the lower extremities, but also to the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  • The intensity of physical activity. Certain sports that exert stress on the muscles of the legs can lead to the accumulation of water in the intercellular tissues.

The listed reasons lead to temporary swelling associated with external signs, lifestyle and habits. The accumulation of this type of fluid does not require medication and long-term treatment, it is enough just to change the position of the body or get rid of the habit.

Swollen feet may be due to the wrong choice of shoes. The female population is more likely to face swelling of this type. For example, high-heeled shoes keep the foot in an unnatural position. The raised heel transfers pressure to the toe and toes. This becomes the cause of impaired blood circulation. This becomes the reason for the development of various pathologies in the structure of the foot and the normal functionality of the vessels.

Also, shoes with flat soles contribute to the development of flat feet and the appearance of discomfort. And shoes, which are smaller than the intended size, enclose the foot in a tight position and cause the toes to assume an unnatural position, causing discomfort. It is important to choose the right shoes in which the foot will take a comfortable position. A good alternative would be to completely change shoes, for example, from high heels to comfortable last. This will prevent the appearance of swelling, impaired blood flow, and allow the feet to rest.

Most often, impaired metabolism occurs for two reasons: pregnancy or overweight. If the build is too dense, walking on the legs creates an increased load. This disrupts the circulation of blood circulation, contributes to the accumulation of water in the legs. As a result, the legs swell, and discomfort when walking is created.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes hormonal, physiological changes. Inflammation can be caused by late toxicosis.

It is important to tell your doctor about the appearance of this phenomenon. Timely examination will prevent the development of pathological processes and serious diseases.

The accumulation of fluid in the legs can be caused by an increase in body weight during pregnancy, during which an increased load on the feet is placed. Doctors recommend avoiding excessive physical activity during this period of life, as well as choosing comfortable, spacious shoes to allow your feet to rest.

Swelling of the lower extremities is observed with injury or bruising. A fracture or sprain causes the tissue around the affected area to swell and take on a specific blue tint. With frostbite and burns, a similar phenomenon is also observed. Swelling of the legs should be a reason for contacting a traumatologist. This symptom may indicate the development of serious disorders.

Swelling of the legs can become a symptom of the development of pathological processes, the onset of serious diseases. Therefore, with the frequent and prolonged appearance of blisters that are not associated with external factors, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. Otherwise, complications may appear, and the disease will develop to a stage where treatment becomes difficult or even impossible.

Possible diseases include kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, lymphostasis, allergies and other diseases. If the swelling is accompanied by arrhythmia, tachycardia, shortness of breath and chest pain, then the work of the heart muscle is disrupted, and heart failure may develop. Also, swelling of the extremities can be associated with pathologies associated with dysfunctions of the nervous system. In this case, behavioral and personality changes, impaired coordination of movements, disorientation are characteristic. One feels sleep disturbance, decreased sensitivity to external stimuli.

If, in combination with edema of the lower extremities, additional nonspecific symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

In frequent cases, inflammation signals the expansion of the veins. Among the female population, this reason is more common than others.

Men also have varicose veins, but to a lesser extent. Obesity, improper and unhealthy diet, and a sedentary lifestyle lead to this disease.

The varicose problem occurs among pregnant women and those whose type of activity is associated with physical activity on the legs. Also, unhealthy diet and race often cause the development of varicose veins.

When inflammation develops, it is important to see a doctor in order to identify the disease at an early stage of development. The earlier the pathology is detected, the higher the chances of recovery. The neglected stage of varicose veins leads to the fact that the skin on the legs becomes thin, hyperpigmentation appears. At first, the problem is worried only by the formation of characteristic spider veins. But only later, ulcers, thrombophlebitis are formed and gangrene even forms.

Medicines and alternative methods will help to quickly relieve swelling. But with prolonged swelling of the extremities, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo an examination of the body in order to exclude pathological processes and diseases. Timely diagnostics will allow identifying possible diseases at an early stage, when the likelihood of recovery is high. If the symptom is caused by uncomfortable shoes or bad habits, then you can eliminate the ailment on your own, with an effort.

After a hard day and a long stay in an upright position, the legs swell. Therefore, it is important to rest after coming home. It is recommended to put your feet on a soft surface, at the level of the pectoral muscle. It normalizes the circulation of fluid in the body and blood circulation.

Also, if you have to wear high heels, then you should give your feet the opportunity to rest during the day, changing into comfortable shoes. Home slippers should be comfortable, with comfortable soles that do not compress the foot. Warm baths with essential oils or herbs will not be superfluous. A relaxing foot cream can be used to relieve inflammation.

When limbs are swollen, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. It should include fresh vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect. These include the following products:

  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • apricots;
  • raspberries;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves.

It is recommended to avoid excessive consumption of water and various drinks. The average daily intake should not exceed three liters - this is all liquid per day, including soups, tea, coffee. You should also exclude from the menu harmful products, dyes and food additives that contribute to the development of pathological processes in the body. It is recommended to eat food containing potassium and other beneficial trace elements and vitamins.

If the elimination of external factors and proper nutrition does not help in eliminating swelling, then you need to consult a doctor for recommendations on what to do in this situation. After examination, the doctor will prescribe medications that will relieve inflammation. Often these are diuretics aimed at removing water from the body, eliminating swelling. It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous and lead to complications, especially if the problem lies in a serious illness.

People have a huge misconception that the use of ointments and creams can be used to cure the swelling of the lower extremities.

First, you need to identify the cause of the swelling, and take medications that eliminate the source of the malaise. Therefore, the treatment should be comprehensive, after a proper examination. For example, if the swelling of the legs is caused by a malfunction of the heart muscle, then an increase in size is observed not only in the lower limbs, but also in other parts of the body. The change in the position of the body does not relieve, does not eliminate the ailment, but contributes to its movement to other areas.

Massage actions and various lotions for violations in the heart do not give a positive result. It is important to solve the problem of puffiness from the inside, normalizing the correct functioning of internal organs. To do this, the attending physician, after examining the body, may prescribe the following types of medications:

  • Diuretics. These include types such as potassium-sparing, thiazide and loop drugs.
  • Cardioprotective medicines. Medicines of this type are aimed at strengthening the heart muscle, they eliminate heart failure and prevent fluid retention in the legs.
  • Potassium-containing preparations. These medications are prescribed by a doctor, provided that the examination does not diagnose heart failure. These are tablets that are recommended to be taken in parallel with diuretics to replenish the resulting potassium deficiency.

For kidney and heart disease, treatment is prescribed after passing a urine test. This important condition helps to exclude contraindications to therapy, as well as to avoid complications.

In addition to pills and injections, the doctor may prescribe ointments for external treatment, in addition to the course of therapy. Various ointments and gels can help eliminate symptoms, promote blood circulation, preventing blood clots and inflammation.

When diagnosing varicose veins, systemic medications in the form of tablets are used. These medicines are classified as follows:

  • Venotonics. Are aimed at strengthening the walls of the veins, normalizing the valves of the inner wall of the vein. These drugs help keep blood circulation in the right direction. Venous valves support and strengthen blood circulation, prevent stretching of the walls of the veins, thinning of the surface and the passage of fluid.
  • Angioprotectors. The purpose of these medicines is to strengthen the venous walls, their elasticity, and prevent water permeability in the tissue. Due to this, less substances penetrate into the intercellular space, which prevents inflammation of the legs.
  • Antiplatelet agents. The peculiarity of these medicines is to thin the blood, increase its fluidity. The use of these drugs is prescribed to prevent thrombophlebitis, vasodilatation and normalization of blood circulation in the body.

For the treatment of varicose veins and the resulting swelling of the lower extremities, it is used from the above drugs. Also, tablets have been developed containing a complex of essential components - vitamins and useful trace elements recommended for the prevention of puffiness.

Proven folk remedies will help reduce inflammation. To perform the procedures, you will need substances that are found in almost every home. But it is important to remember that reducing inflammation at home is not a substitute for traditional treatment, but rather auxiliary procedures for more effective therapy. Also, using grandmother's methods of treatment, one cannot neglect the procedures for examining the body, because by eliminating the symptoms, you can start a serious illness.

Green tea has been scientifically proven to aid in the elimination of fluids and has diuretic properties. If you add milk to the drink, then its beneficial effect, which reduces the inflammatory process, will increase. Black tea with milk also has a beneficial effect in the fight against swelling in the limbs. And clean drinking water at room temperature with the addition of lemon will speed up metabolic processes and normalize water balance. The following herbal decoctions will help eliminate swelling:

  • Lingonberry collection.
  • Rosehip tincture.
  • Collection of herbs that have a diuretic effect. The assembled composition is sold ready-made in pharmacy kiosks.
  • Mate.
  • Caraway.

There are many other beneficial herbs that can help normalize blood circulation and combat leg swelling. You can drink mint tea, which has a diuretic property, has a calming effect on nervous system... And to use such products as watermelons and melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, viburnum and mountain ash - they will become a tasty and pleasant addition to the treatment. These berries and fruits contain a sufficient amount of diuretic substances that help the body to remove excess fluids, toxins and harmful substances. In addition to reducing puffiness, internal cleaning is performed, which has a positive effect on overall health.

Warm baths are a pleasant and effective procedure that relieves swelling of the legs. There are various recipes for the preparation of auxiliary components for this procedure. The advantage of this tool is low cost, savings, but, at the same time, high efficiency. The most interesting and effective recipes are:

  • Baths with sea salt. For cooking, use the proportion: three tablespoons of salt to three liters of warm water. The substance is dissolved, then the feet are lowered into the resulting mixture for half an hour. Also, medicinal herbs are used for the procedure: St. John's wort, elderberry, chamomile and others. The present decoction of these herbs is diluted with warm water and the legs are lowered for at least 20 minutes.
  • Herbal baths. Herbs, which have many beneficial properties, can help reduce inflammation and remove excess fluid from intercellular tissues in your legs. The ready-made collection can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use ivy, lovage, bear ears, mint, burdock roots and other fees. To prepare the bath, it is enough to pour a tablespoon with a liter of boiling water.
  • A tub with pine needles. To do this, pour boiling water over the spruce needles and boil for half an hour with the addition of a tablespoon of sea salt. After the broth has cooled and infused, it is decanted and a spoonful of vinegar is added. Then the swollen legs are lowered into the resulting mixture. The healing properties of pine needles will have a beneficial effect on the health of the legs and the removal of excess substances from the tissues.

Even in warm water for baths, ready-made essential oils mint, eucalyptus, tea tree and others. They help to relax the leg muscles, allow you to relax after a hard day's work. Certain oils, for example, tea tree, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects and can normalize the amount of fluid and reduce inflammation.

Compresses are considered an effective local treatment at home. It consists in applying nutrients directly to the site of inflammation, which allows you to activate regenerative processes at the cellular level. Effective compresses include the following options:

  • Using the cabbage leaf. A crushed broad leaf of cabbage is applied to the leg and wrapped with a bandage or gauze bandage. Cabbage has the ability to draw out toxic negative substances and excess water. The compress is left overnight, but can be removed after 2 hours if necessary.
  • Compress of mashed greens. For this procedure, use dill, parsley, lettuce, chamomile. The greens are crushed and poured in equal amounts with boiling water. After the resulting mixture is infused, the gruel is applied to the swelling and secured with a gauze bandage. After a few hours, the compress can be removed. It can be left overnight for a more effective result.
  • The use of linseed or vegetable oil. A gauze bandage or cotton cloth is moistened with oil and applied to the site of inflammation. Above the leg is wrapped in plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm scarf. For an effective result, it is better to leave the compress overnight. The healing effect of the oils will help to remove excess fluid from the intercellular tissue of the legs.
  • Using burdock. The most budget-friendly method to reduce leg swelling, which does not require lengthy preparation or special actions. For the procedure, a young burdock leaf is selected and the inside is applied to the affected leg. From above, the plant is fixed with a bandage and left overnight. Burdock has the ability to draw out excess substances and water from tissues.

Compresses are popular in the fight against inflammation, because this procedure does not require special skills and abilities. And there are components for the operation in almost every home. The positive results of compresses are not long in coming. If the inflammation is not associated with a serious illness of the internal organs, then in the morning, as a rule, the legs take on a healthy look.

To prevent bloating, you should be active. Moderate physical activity in the form of running, walking and elementary exercises will help you stay in shape, maintain healthy blood circulation and fluid circulation in the body. If you have to wear high-heeled shoes, it is recommended to take care of rest, occasionally changing into comfortable shoes on a low platform. After coming home, while resting, you can place your legs higher on a soft pillow. This will help blood flow and prevent excess fluid from accumulating in your legs.

It is also important to control your weight through exercise and a healthy diet. Excess weight puts increased stress on the legs when walking. This leads to swelling. You should exclude unhealthy foods and artificial food additives from the diet. It is important to consume enough vitamins and minerals that are found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

However, it is important to remember that the appearance of puffiness is not always a safe phenomenon. In some cases, this can be a signal for the development of serious diseases in the body. Therefore, one cannot ignore the accumulation of fluid in the legs and limit oneself to treatment with folk methods at home. Especially if the problem manifests itself daily, and also for no apparent reason. It is better to see your doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination to avoid complications.

Many people are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the legs. Most often, the problem quickly disappears by itself, it is enough just to give your legs a rest for a few hours. It is much worse when swelling occurs regularly, accompanied by pain, discoloration of the skin and other alarming symptoms. This could be a sign of one of the diseases that we will discuss.


Heart failure

Edema caused by heart failure has the following features:

  • swelling is formed on the shins of both legs;
  • they are not painful, but they become painful when pressed;
  • the skin on the swollen areas of a bluish tint, cold to the touch;
  • swelling is motionless;
  • fluid accumulates in the evening or in the morning (after sleep).

Patients with heart failure often complain that their legs are numb and cold. When lying for a long time, the face, hands and lower back can swell. In addition to edema, the pathology is manifested by arrhythmia, recurrent chest pains and shortness of breath that occurs with the slightest exertion.

Heart failure is very dangerous. Ignoring her symptoms and refusing treatment can lead to the most sad consequences. If you notice swelling of your legs, accompanied by the listed symptoms, you must urgently consult a doctor.


Rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatism is a disease of a non-infectious nature, manifested by inflammation of the joints, as well as various parts of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis). The disease, as a rule, is accompanied by symmetrical edema of the legs, painless when pressed. The fluid accumulates gradually, the puffiness increases in the evening, and disappears completely or partially overnight.

With rheumatic heart disease, fever, shortness of breath (even at rest), discomfort in the region of the heart (appears when lying on the left side), and irregular heart rhythms are also observed.

The development of rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease most often occurs against the background of streptococcal infection, which primarily affects the respiratory tract. Such diseases require serious treatment, so the patient should be under medical supervision. It is important to note that the first signs of these diseases are often blurred, they can be easily confused with ordinary fatigue or the consequences of stress. It is very dangerous to ignore these symptoms, because if left untreated, the disease can become chronic.


Venous insufficiency

The pathologies associated with venous insufficiency are varied. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the legs are manifested by constant swelling and pain. The skin over the edema becomes red and hot, the edema is dense to the touch, not pushed through by fingers. Patients report fever in the lower extremities (the feet are “burning”). Diseases of this kind are very dangerous and require urgent treatment. Delay is fraught with very serious (and even fatal) complications.

Varicose veins are a very common problem that affects about a third of women over 30 and more than half of women of retirement age. The first signs are a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as the gradual development of edema on the calves and ankles, which intensifies in the evening and disappears after a night's rest. If the disease is left untreated, the veins in the legs become visible. They resemble twisted, gnarled cords with bulging knots. In severe cases, the skin on the ankles becomes brown, hemorrhages and trophic ulcers appear.

Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is a dangerous condition. It is treated for a long time by taking medication and wearing compression underwear, and in some cases by surgery.


Kidney pathology

Disorders of the kidneys lead to stagnation of fluid in the body. Swelling of the legs associated with these disorders is usually located on the top of the feet. They are symmetrical and soft to the touch. Unlike edema caused by cardiovascular pathologies, kidney problems appear more often in the morning. Patients with renal insufficiency often experience rapid swelling of the lower legs, triggered by excessive fluid intake.

Diagnostic signs indicating the presence of kidney problems are also swelling under the eyes, changes in the daily amount, color and odor of urine, pulling pain in the lumbar region.


Thyroid dysfunction

Swelling of both feet in the ankle area may indicate insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Swelling looks like pads, when pressed with fingers, deep pits are left on them. If the pathology progresses, myxedema may develop - a condition manifested by the accumulation of fluid in all tissues of the body. The skin of such patients seems puffy and lifeless, its surface coarsens, flakes, acquires a yellowish tint.



Allergic swelling of the legs can develop in response to certain medications, insect bites, or certain foods. The lesion looks like a dense, uniform swelling that does not leave marks when pressed. The surface of the skin turns red, covered with a small reddish rash, and itching a lot. The patient complains of pain in the affected limb, which occurs with the slightest tension or prolonged stay in one position.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to urgently stop contact with the allergen and take an antihistamine.



With a fracture of the leg, swelling of the tissues located next to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe bone forms for a short time. The skin over the damaged area acquires a bluish tint, and increasing pain occurs. The limb can be locked in an unnatural position.

When bruised, edema also develops, which makes it difficult to move the leg normally. The hematoma appears after a few days, and the pain, at first sharp, gradually subsides.

If there is a suspicion of a leg injury, you cannot wait. To avoid serious problems, it is necessary to urgently go to the emergency room or hospital and undergo an X-ray to find out the nature of the damage.


Liver disease

With severe liver damage (cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms), a condition called portal hypertension develops. It is associated with the cessation of the production of albumin, a deficiency of which leads to metabolic disorders and stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation. The result is dense swelling of the feet in the ankle area. Other signs of portal hypertension are changes in skin tone (yellowing), redness of the palms of the hands, accumulation of fluid in the anterior abdominal wall (ascites), and difficulty breathing. Men develop gynecomastia (breast enlargement).