Full moon salt brush. Library of the witch. Essential oils and herbs

Salt in rituals usually symbolizes the element of the earth. Salt is an incredibly strong energy structure, capable of absorbing negativity like a sponge.
There are endless rituals (both positive and negative) using salt. Stones, jewelry, charms and amulets are cleaned in it, but I will tell you how to clean the delicate human body with it. Natural and natural ingredients often have powerful effects and can even really affect the human biofield.

It is these substances that are actively used in order to get rid of negative energy; cleansing the aura with salt has proven itself especially well. It will allow you to get rid of a slander, evil eye or damage forever, and will restore peace of mind and lost inner strength. Is it possible to cleanse the aura with salt. Salt is a substance that has existed since time immemorial. This ingredient is found both in water and on land, it will combine two parts of one whole - the aquatic and terrestrial environment. At the same time, however, from the point of view of classical esotericism, salt is a substance that personifies the earth and has a direct relationship to it. This means that it has healing properties and is able to cleanse the energy field.

Even in ancient treatises, you can find references to this amazing substance. Simple salt made it possible to get rid of evil spirits and intrusive ghosts, it protected a person from evil spells and curses, and some ancients even carried it with them in a special bag or inside an amulet around their neck.

Salt is a real energetic protector. It is believed that any evil force or unclean spirit is afraid of it like fire. It is worth scattering salt under the threshold - and no evil or misfortune will be able to penetrate inside.

In our country, a variety of myths often hover around this product. For example, it is believed that if you accidentally sprinkle salt on the floor, it will generate squabbles and discord in the family between the household, and will cause discord. In fact, salt does not have such an effect, and even vice versa - it expels any negative vibrations from where it is.

Many people visit the salt caves in order to strengthen their body and spirit. After such a rest, many feel much better, and not only physically. Most people note that the salt caves in some amazing way relieve them of negative experiences, hidden fears and anxiety.

These are all beneficial effects of salt on the human energy field. Since this element is very ancient and it exists anywhere on the planet, it has a very strong energy, is able to literally cleanse any negative force away. Naturally, cleaning the aura with salt has the same effect.

It is believed that any person is capable of ridding his aura of negativity with the help of ordinary salt, even if he is completely far from this kind of activity.

Salt cleansing rituals

Trampling on negative energy

A) You can perform a complete ritual, 21 days of cleansing. This ritual is performed for 21 days in a row. Buy a new pack of salt (regular rock or sea salt). Give money on account (do not take without change or change).

Rock salt is poured into the basin, and a person stands on it with bare feet and begins to stomp on it, imagining how all the negative energy that is in his physical and energy bodies goes into salt and is thrown down.

It takes 10-15 minutes to trample the negative, and after the ritual the salt is either washed off with water or buried in the ground. Moreover, it is best to use salt bought on Thursday by a man (father, husband, brother, acquaintance), this adds to her cleansing power. It can be used for one-time cleansing after a negative day, emotions, scandals, or if you suspect that you have been jinxed or negative on you.

In this case, you need to connect your visualization and work on your inner gaze: imagine that, together with the inhaled air, fresh natural energy, clean and powerful, penetrates into you. As you exhale, concentrate on the image of her leaving your body. You seem to cleanse your body from the inside along with the flows of breathing, and salt allows you to filter everything that enters you at this moment or goes out.

During this ritual, the key is to sweat off your palms and feet. This means that the cleaning procedure has been successfully completed, so you can go to the shower and additionally wash your body with clean water, and the used salt should be flushed down the toilet or buried in the ground.

B) A sure way to quickly cleanse yourself of the accumulation of negative energy is to wash with saline. In this case, one glass of salt is used, to which a little water is added in order to obtain a concentrated salt infusion. They are washed entirely, starting from the head and ending with the feet.

This cleaning method is called wet cleaning. It is convenient in that it does not require additional measures or any knowledge, moreover, it is easy to resort to it at the necessary moment, and this method of purifying the aura can also be used simply to strengthen your biofield.

Shower with salt

Rub your body with table salt, trying to cover all surfaces except the hair, but do not rub in the salt too much, do it gently so as not to feel discomfort. Then get under the shower and rinse off the salt with water. When you stand in the shower, mentally turn to the water to wash away all the bad things from you.

Salt water will cleanse your body and your soul. It is very good to take a shower with salt after a hard day at work or when you feel inner tension, after a quarrel and communication with an unpleasant person.

Salt baths

Another great way of cleansing is sea salt baths. Salt dissolved in water can wash away the negative energy that has accumulated not only in a day, but also over many years. To do this, dissolve a few tablespoons of sea salt in water and lie in it for 15-20 minutes. It is better to carry out such a cleansing procedure in courses - 9 days in a row, once a quarter.
I love making salt myself. I buy sea salt, usually of foreign production, large, white, oceanic. I pour it into a jar, drip 100% essential oils there. I make separate banks:

1. Eucalyptus + rosemary + thyme + frankincense + sage in a 0.5 liter jar of 7 drops of each oil.
Withstand 10 days, store in a dark place so that essential oils do not deteriorate and go rancid.

I use: pour 2 tbsp into the bath. l salt. This cleansing the aura and removing negativity, plus immunity and prevention of colds.

Restoring the aura after illness and exhaustion

Lavender + orange 15 drops of each oil in 0.5 liters of salt. It relieves slander and stress well. It soothes, and together with energy cleansing practices, it perfectly harmonizes the aura. There are many recipes, you can choose your own oils. Only they must be of high quality!

Salt at the head of the bed

If you work with a large number of people or feel information overload, if you have a heavy and restless sleep, then salt placed at the head of the bed in some kind of dish made of natural material, for example, in a clay pot, will help you. After some time, you will see that the salt will darken, then it will need to be changed to a new one. It is good to charge salt with its energy to cleanse you. You can drip 3 drops of Lavender oil.

Home cleansing bags

To protect and cleanse the house from negative energy, you can sew bags of natural solid white fabric, fill them with salt and hang them in the corners of the apartment. This is especially true if strangers often come to your house or there are scandals and quarrels between households. After a while, when the salt absorbs the maximum negative information for it, the bags will darken and need to be replaced with new ones. Salt can be mixed with herbs: sage. Rosemary, thyme.

Calcining salt to purify energy at home

If things are not going very well in the family, there is heavy energy at home, there is no harmony and mutual understanding, then you can use the following ancient method of purifying space. Heat coarse rock salt in a cast-iron frying pan until crackling. From the high temperature, salt crystals begin to collapse, and with them the negative energy that was in the house is destroyed - the energy of negative words, thoughts and deeds, which has accumulated over the years in the air, on hard surfaces and plants. All of it, like a magnet, is attracted to salt, which absorbs negative energy and immediately destroys it. As a result of this ritual, the house is cleansed. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated several times, and for prevention - once every six months.

Washing out the negative with salt

Before cleaning the house, so that the space is cleansed not only physically, but also energetically, you can put a pinch of salt in each corner of the apartment, let it lie there for a while, and then sweep this salt out of the apartment together with other garbage. Or mix salt with black pepper and sprinkle everywhere in the house on the floor and carpets, then sweep everything with a broom and collect the salt in a bag, take it out of the house into the trash.

Salt, just like water, absorbs the energy with which a person turns to it, so even the salt that you use for cooking can be made magical by saying different kind words to it and wishing happiness to your family and friends.

Cleansing jewelry with salt

Very good products made of gold from silver, which are known to be able to absorb negative energy, also cleanse with salt. To do this, put the jewelry in salt for several days. This applies to both jewelry that you wear constantly, and those that were presented to you or that you did not wear for a long time. The salt will take negative energy from them.

Cleansing your home with salt

Place the salt in the bowl and hold it while you seek the blessings of the Spirit of the Earth. Enter the room you are about to clear and go to the east corner.

Throw an ounce of salt into that corner and say: Holy Salt, Salt of Earth and Sea, Cleanse this room so that we can be free.

Or you can say any prayer that suits your soul's needs. Let your heart choose your own prayer.

After you have scattered salt in the four corners of the room, stand in the center of the room and begin to spiral in a clockwise direction. Wherever you feel heaviness, intolerance, cold, barrier, throw in some extra salt. Use your intuition to identify these areas. Open your heart and your emotions so that you can feel the information being pulled out of the room. When you're done say:

Mother Earth lying below us
Hear us and answer our call.
Enter this house, this sacred place
Heal all who live in it.

After the ceremony, the remaining salt can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Leave some salt in the corners, however.

Our ancestors believed that if you throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder, it wards off bad luck. It was believed that when salt was thrown over the left shoulder, thereby depriving the power of evil spirits who were waiting for the opportunity to bring misfortune. Therefore, when going to an important meeting or to conclude a deal, merchants always performed this ritual.

What does a person feel when they cleanse their aura with salt?

In fact, there is no one definite answer to this question, as cleaning with salt can cause different sensations for different people. Some people at this moment feel a strong relief and relief from a heavy invisible burden, others may feel slight discomfort, and for others it seems as if the salt burns the skin and causes them suffering, although this does not actually happen. Everything here will depend on the degree of pollution of your aura and on how it happened.

It should be noted that not always the cause of a dark and polluted biofield is damage or malicious intent of envious people. Sometimes a person himself provokes such a phenomenon when he commits unseemly acts, says terrible things, his thoughts are full of evil.

Very often, a noticeable discomfort when cleansing the aura with salt is experienced by those people who have a wormhole or energy rot inside. This can be compared to an apple that looks normal, but inside it everything is eaten by insects. Such people very often have a grave sin behind their shoulders, and sometimes not even one.

How to remove the evil eye and spoilage at home with salt? Salt is the best absorbent that absorbs any information. Salt cleaning is one of the most effective and efficient in magical practice. You can add water, magical herbs or candle fire to salt. Consider a few to remove the negativity.

If you feel the effect of negative energy, heaviness on your soul and incomprehensible anxiety, buy regular table salt at the store. The property of salt to draw out illness and negativity was used by our ancestors. Salt absorbs negative energy and frees a person from evil eyes and not severe damage.

Go into the bathtub and pour half a pack of salt under your feet, rub your body with the other half with the words:

You need to read the words from memory three times. If you know the name of the enemy, name it. If you don't know, skip the name - the forces themselves will find this person. After reading the conspiracy, take a shower and wash off the salt, the damage will go with it. Rinse the bath well and pour over boiling water.

The ceremony is best performed on the waning moon. However, if you are feeling unwell, spend any day.

Cleaning from spoilage with Thursday salt

How to remove the evil eye and spoilage at home with salt? For this purpose, charmed salt from Maundy Thursday is well suited. If it is not there, you can consecrate ordinary salt with prayer - it will become spellbound.

Dilute a teaspoon in a liter of spring (or holy water) and read the plot three times so that the breath touches the water. A church candle and icons should be burning next to you. Before the ceremony itself, you need to read the prayers - "Our Father", "Theotokos" and others that you know.

Salt Water Plot:

You need to drink the charmed water within an hour, otherwise the power of the conspiracy will cease to work. This rite can be done on another person who needs help. Replace your name with another name.

Photo cleaning

If you need to remove salt damage from a person, take a full-length photo of him. In the picture, a person should be alone, arms and legs - not crossed, without sunglasses. For the ceremony, prepare:

  • clean white tablecloth;
  • three church candles;
  • an icon of the Almighty or another;
  • salt from a new pack.

Cover the table with a tablecloth, put candles by the icon in the candlesticks, and put a photograph of a person in front of you. Read any prayers, put a pinch of salt on the photo and say three times:

Then blow the salt off the photo onto the tablecloth and say:

Immediately put out the candles with your fingers and put them away with the photo in a secluded place. Shake the tablecloth on the street away from the house, then wash. You can clean the photo with salt every three months; old candles should be taken to church and put in a cinder box.

Cleansing from spoilage and evil eye with salt and St. John's wort

The rite of removing spoilage with salt and St. John's wort is carried out in several stages. On a full moon, buy a pack of salt without change and prepare St. John's wort - the herb can be bought from grandmothers in the market or at the pharmacy. Put the salt in an earthen or glass bowl and read the plot three times so that the breath touches the grains.

Then put St. John's wort in another bowl and read the conspiracy words over it three times - the breath touches the grass:

Then go to the bath, wash your body in the shower and rub with a charmed salt. During rubbing, you need to sentence:

Then wash off the salt in the shower, repeating the words:

After getting out of the shower, brew three pinches of St. John's wort tea and drink. Throw the rest of the grass on hot coals and fumigate the room with prayer. Rub the remaining ash on the body and rinse it off in the shower. After cleaning, it is better to go to bed right away. The next day, immediately put a talisman against negativity - damage, curses and evil eyes.

Cleansing from spoilage with salt on Maundy Thursday

Salt from spoilage and from the evil eye cleans well the subtle bodies of a person, and on Maundy Thursday the ceremony is held annually - it removes any negative. If necessary, the ceremony can be performed on any Thursday of the year using the charmed Thursday salt.

Prepare a bath by reading the conspiracy on the water:

Light a church candle in the bathroom and take a dip in salt water. After the bath, rinse in the shower and do not dry yourself - put on a robe on top. You can dip your head into the water to wash away any negativity from your hair.

The ceremony is carried out on Maundy Thursday without fail, and during the year it can be performed with Thursday salt. If blessed Thursday salt is not enough, just add a pinch to regular salt and it will become blessed.

Cleaning with salt and bay leaves

Stay in the bathroom until all the water has drained out, then collect the bay leaves in a bag. Wash your body in the shower, air dry - you can put on a robe. That evening, take bay leaves to the intersection and leave there with the words:

You need to leave the intersection in silence, not turn around until the very door. If someone calls out, don't react. It is important to walk silently to the front door of the house. The ceremony can be carried out monthly in order to prevent damage.

How to salt the steam

For this rite, the following items should be prepared:

  • cast iron pan;
  • a new pack of salt;
  • a photograph of a couple;
  • wax candle.

On a waning moon, add salt to a frying pan and turn on the gas. Place the photo on the table next to it. Fry the salt over high heat, after it starts popping and bouncing, read:

After reading, slide your photo over the salt smoke. Then read the words again and slide the photo through the smoke. This must be done three times. Then leave the salt in the pan for a while, and then rinse under the tap.

This ceremony can be performed on any couple of people - on yourself and your loved one in quarrels, on your girlfriends, etc. The main thing is to have a joint photo. You can also clean a group of people from the induced negativity. The ceremony is carried out for three days in a row, the salt from the pack can be distributed 3 times.

Return spoilage to salt and water

If you have been given a magical effect, you can return the negative to the spoiler with the help of ordinary water and table salt. Salt for the ceremony is bought specially, it cannot be used in everyday life. You can take an old pot for water that you no longer use.

On the waning moon or on full moon days, light a gas burner and put a pot of water on the fire. After boiling water, throw seven handfuls of salt and say loudly the conspiracy 7 times:

Leave the water to boil (so do not add a pot full). Damage returns to the offender instantly - his temperature rises, begins to break his body. If someone comes to you within three days and asks for something, do not give it under any pretext. And it's better not to open doors to anyone at all these days.

Porchelnik begins to rush and intuitively seeks a way of salvation, so he comes to the person he has spoiled and begins to ask for something to give. If the damage was brought by a stranger on request, he may make attempts to return the negative back. Therefore, immediately after the rite of purification, put yourself protected from damage and curses, do not wait a single day.

Salt cleaning with return of spoilage

This rite must be done on the waning moon. Usually, damage is also sent during the waning of the lunar disk, therefore, as soon as you feel unwell or fatigue, immediately do the cleaning.

Buy a new kidney of salt, sprinkle it on a cast iron skillet. The rest of the salt must be thrown into the trash right away - it cannot be used. With a fork, draw a cross on the salt - you get four squares. In each square, you need to draw one small cross - we draw the crosses against the sun's course, starting from the lower right square.

Turn on high heat and heat the salt. When she begins to "show" herself, we interfere with a fork in a circular motion and say:

Salt should be fried for at least 17-20 minutes. The louder it cracks and the more it darkens, the stronger the induced damage and evil eye. Cool the salt in a frying pan, put it in a bag and throw it away at the intersection. Go away and don't turn around. Enemies cannot be envied! All evil will return three times.

After reading this article, you will definitely answer your question, is it possible to remove spoilage with salt? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would not say that in the rituals of black magic there are not so many salt cleansing from the evil eye, but they are, and they are quite effective. In the rituals of removing spoilage with salt, in addition to the salt itself, water or fire is often present. Powerful cleansing elements. And, in addition to them, there is also an independent conspiracy for salt to remove damage from a person. Powerful witchcraft spells put the intent of the magician into action. And all this together gives the desired result.

How to identify salt and spring water spoilage

This magical ritual with spring water and salt is a well-known preventive method that makes it possible to see the main signs of the evil eye directed at a person. If there is a negative, then in a glass of water it will appear quite clearly. To spot salt spoilage, pour spring water into a clear glass and toss in a few pinches of salt. If there is a negative, the water will change its color, become cloudy, acquire a gray or greenish tint. To observe the change, place a glass of salt water overnight at the head of your bed where you sleep.

Self-removal of spoilage through salt, fire and water

Any witchcraft rituals to get rid of damage are best done on your own on the waning moon. But, there are difficult cases when it is necessary to be cleaned urgently, taking off urgently. Then they don't look at the moon, they just take it and do it. Moreover, if we talk specifically about this magical rite, it is rather mild. If necessary, make an urgent salt cleaning from spoilage, it can be used any day. But, in general, the second and fourth lunar phases are considered good for cleansing the body.

In order to remove salt damage from yourself, prepare the following:

  • a bowl of water
  • a clean frying pan

Place a bowl of clean water on the table. Pour salt into the pan, as much as fits in 3 of your fists. And start heating the salt over medium heat.

Stir the salt counterclockwise with a knife, and read the salt spoilage plot 6 times:

“Salt is white and pure, cleanse me (name) from damage, evil eyes, love spells, cuffs, from conspiracies, slander about water, food, downwind, in the back, in the eyes. From the old, and the old woman, from the young, and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Scoop up some water with your palms and spray it over your face. Let the water drain onto the hot salt. Then read the plot on removal of spoilage through salt and water:

“Sister water, you run down, but you get into the heat, you disappear in the heat. So damage and the evil eye will disappear, and lapels, conspiracies, slander about water, food, downwind, in the back, in the eyes. From the old, and the old woman, from the young, and the young, from the father and mother. Let it be so".

Do this 3 times - splash water in your face and read an independent conspiracy. There is no need to change the salt. Then, after you finish frying salt in a pan to rid a person of spoilage and evil eye, and other negativity picked up or sent by someone, the salt should be poured into a bowl of water. Take this cool salt solution out of the house and pour it under any tree. In this case, you should read a strong conspiracy to remove the evil eye with water and salt:

“Water, teca with white salt, and black spoilage, and all rotten ones with (name). Yes, to the roots. Yes, the root drink water, yes, drink, and take the white salt, and spoil the black. Let it be so. Let it be so. Let it be so".

Get rid of salt spoilage on your own

Home ritual, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, propose to take into my piggy bank of useful developments, proven and fully working. Effective in both feel and results. Evil eyes, whispers, as well as negativity that you will have time to attach in a day - all these accumulations. There is a very curious moment - this rite of removing the evil eye from a person can give an impetus, move things off the ground if other cleansing are not effective. Magic rituals salt cleansing from spoilage make it lighter, give strength, while, say, wax castings are energy-consuming and very exhausting.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give practical advice: you need to rub a dry body, then the cleaning itself is stronger, and there will be no irritation on the skin. So, that's all you need - a new pack of coarse salt. It is very good to use sea salt without additives.

Pour salt into an empty bath in a slide, about half a pack. Stand with both feet on this salt, and rub the whole body with the remaining salt.

Read the conspiracy for salt from damage and the evil eye, and black negativity at least 3 times:

“Salt salt, take away, take away all the lessons, ghosts, someone's slander. You are pure, and I will be pure, I will melt for you, so will my trouble melt. Salts creak, and what he took off went back, my gate was found, a fur coat was thrown over him so that his protection disappeared, who wished me evil, so that he would scream in pain, groan from impotence. Turn away from me damage, roll back to my gate, not eat me, not break me, but roll him to death. As he said, so be it, the lock in the company of the snake cannot be discarded to anyone, the key cannot be taken, the protection cannot be broken. As he said so to happen. Amen".

And get in the shower. As can be seen from the magical conspiracy to remove damage with salt, this cleaning is a return. To do on the waning moon. How often can this salt cleaning be done? If you need to remove a slight negative such as an accidental evil eye, bad thoughts and wishes, it is not forbidden to repeat as needed. Yes, at least every night before going to bed, do it yourself to remove spoilage with salt at home using this method.

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

You can do such a salt wash of the evil eye on Tuesdays and Saturdays. These days are good for getting rid of magical and other negativity. They are considered the strongest for cleaning. Saturday is the day of Saturn. Well suited for cleansing, as is the day of Mars - Tuesday. If Mars burns witchcraft negative, then Saturn eliminates it, destroys it. Mars is associated with fire, war, force, aggressive energy. Saturn is the god of fate, karma, inevitable death, death. Mars and Saturn are responsible for justice and retribution for their deeds. This is why Tuesday and Saturday are good for taking back negative.

The days of the waning moon are very good for cleaning with salt from damage and the evil eye.

And not only with salt, of course, we are talking about various methods adopted in the practices of Russian witchcraft.

  • 19 lunar day carries the overwhelming energies of Saturn, good for mostget rid of spoilage with salt.
  • The 23rd day of the lunar month is the best moment to return to your offenders and enemies their own evil. This day carries the destructive energies of Mars.
  • And on the 29th lunar day, on the day of the Black Moon, the energies of Saturn and Mars merge together. This is the day of the Dark Force, the day when the warlock, with the support of his patrons, can do great things. Beginners are not allowed to work on this day. Any mistake can be turned against them.

In the ritual of the salt flushing of the negative from a person, there are 2 strong magical substances that remove the negative - salt and water. Plus a homemade salt conspiracy to get rid of spoilage. Light negative will be removed quickly and efficiently. But, if you work in conjunction with other rituals, it is really possible to remove heavy witchcraft damage and curses.

Another working ritual - how to remove spoilage yourself using salt

A witchcraft ritual to rid a person of the damage induced on him can be used any day, if necessary. All you need is a pack of regular table salt. Not extra. Only coarse salt is taken, which has not undergone special processing. Pour the salt into a tub filled with warm water. Calmly, relaxing, lie in the salt water for a short time. You yourself will feel when enough is enough. The conspiracy itself does not need to be read. You can just calmly think about the past day.

This extremely simple-looking method allows you to get rid of negative energy. Of course, independently applying this method, severe deterioration cannot be removed with salt and water, but the evil eye, envy and everything that is caused by her negative energy is eliminated very well. The result is that the negativity accumulated during the day goes away, the tone rises, energy is added, and inner comfort appears.

How to remove spoilage with salt with return

Like all methods of removing damage from a person, cleaning in this way should be performed on the waning moon. To remove the negative for salt, as well as some of the consequences of spoilage, you need to take:

  • coarse cooked salt
  • a clean frying pan
  • plug

Pour salt into the pan until the bottom is completely covered. Through the entire surface, draw an equilateral cross with a fork from bottom to top from left to right. Thus, you get 4 parts, and each part is also divided with an equilateral cross. Draw the crosses counterclockwise, starting from the bottom right. Having done this, put the frying pan over high heat, and fry the salt in the pan for 15 minutes, scolding the patient (or yourself) from the spoilage done. In this case, the salt is stirred with a fork in a circle against the sun.

Mistress of the oceans, ebb and flow, the Moon loves to wash away everything that hurts us with the healing power of salt water.

Taking a bath with salt on the waning moon can be turned into a cleansing ritual

Getting into a hot bath, letting go of stress and fears, is the best thing to do on a waning moon. Using a few simple ingredients, you can make your own cleansers.

Bath salts Are just mixtures of salt and a few additives.

First, create a base with salt. Many types of salt are good for bathing. These include coarse salt, sea and kosher salt.

Exotic salts such as Himalayan, Dead Sea, Celtic or Hawaiian salt also contain valuable minerals and add to the mix the spirit of the region where they were mined.

There is a huge variety of salts to choose from according to your wishes, needs and budget. People with sensitive skin should avoid iodized salt.

You can use sea salt, coarse or medium-sized salt as a base for your bath cleanser.

Additional ingredients can be added to this base.

Epsom salt differs from other salts in that it consists of magnesium sulfate and not sodium chloride like others. Magnesium sulfate is known to help relax and heal tense and sore muscles.

Baking soda and baking soda as an additive softens the skin and relieves irritation.

Powdered milk is also good for the skin as an emollient.

Essential oils and herbs

Smells and aromas have special healing properties. A few drops can be added directly to the salt base. There are also special herbal spa bags made of muslin or gauze that can be dipped in water like tea bags.

Cleansing most effectively occurs when using oils and herbs, chamomile, sandalwood, rosemary, basil, laurel and lemon balm.

Bath salt can be stored for many months

Mix all the ingredients together and your own bath salt is ready. Place it in an airtight, non-metallic container. This mixture can be stored for many months.

You can also donate this mixture by placing it in a pretty container.

When taking a bath, you don't need to put too much salt in it. Usually half a cup is enough. Pleasant music and candles will transform the cleansing bath into a beautiful one. As you take a bath, imagine your problems flowing into the water.

When you are finished bathing, wash off the water and continue to imagine how all problems go away with it.

Waning Moon lunar calendar 2014

The lunar calendar tells you which days are the best for clearing negative energy. In 2014, these are:

Each lunar phase has its positive and negative sides. Many astrologers and bioenergy specialists advise removing negative energy from the house during the waning of the moon.

General cleaning of the house, done right, is the first step towards good luck. It is necessary to get rid of old things and unnecessary trash on the waning moon, since it contributes to renewal and a calm transition from one state to another. Eastern sages of feng shui advise to always keep a close eye on your belongings and throw out unnecessary items in time.
Rituals for cleaning energy at home
Astrology is of the opinion that the energy of the house can self-purify during periods of decreasing lunar disk. The strength of the moon is waning, so you can devote this time to getting rid of bad habits. Cleansing the body and cleansing the house are processes similar in structure.
Psychics and astrologers advise resorting to the help of special purification rites that activate the power of nature. She, in turn, will help drive all the negativity out of the house. First rite. You will need salt and cloth bags. Put salt in bags and arrange them in every corner of your home. Salt perfectly absorbs all the bad things that have accumulated in the house for a long time. Leave the bags in the corners for a couple of days and then throw them away. To enhance the effect, you can sprinkle a little salt at the entrance - in front of the door and behind the door to protect the room from evil spirits and negative energy. Do it once for the entire period of the waning of the moon - that is, once a month.
Second rite. In Eastern culture, aromatic cleansing is of great importance. This method is especially popular with Feng Shui supporters. It doesn't matter what type of scent you like. If you don't want to buy something expensive, you can pick a juniper or buy incense from the church. Or use a special aroma lamp. The most important thing is to move clockwise as you perform the ritual. With this, you can read the conspiracy: “Let everything bad go out, as if the moon was waning. Mother Nature, help me drive out all the bad things that have accumulated during all this time from under the roof of my house. " You can repeat the ceremony at least every day of the waning moon - while its power will not decrease at all.
Third rite. Many people know that onions drive away evil spirits and help positive energy circulate better throughout the house. Cut a few onions in half and arrange them in the corners of the house. They must lie there for exactly one day. Then collect them and discard them. When you throw it away, say: “Dashingly, dashingly, leave and do not return. Let it be so."
The fourth rite. Over time, folk and church rituals intertwined, forming something unified. For this ceremony, you will need holy water. The Christian version of cleansing the house is sprinkling walls and windows with water and reading Our Father. If you do not know this prayer, then you can say: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." The priests do not recommend calling this a ritual, since this is a church rite of cleansing the house and should be carried out by a priest, although self-cleansing is also allowed. Energetically, of course, it is better to spend it on the waning moon, but the church says that any time will be right.
Fifth rite. Another church way to expel negative energy is a candle ritual. Buy a candle from a church. When you come home, light it up and go around all the premises, rooms, reading "Our Father". Again, if you are not familiar with prayers, then say: “I heal my dwelling with fire, I drive out cold and darkness with warmth, leaving only good thoughts. Amen. ”It is better to move clockwise, keeping your attention on the front door and windows.
Do not forget that after each such ceremony you need to wash your hands, or better - wash yourself completely. Experts advise to take this seriously, because you can get additional problems if you don't. The energy flows of your home will be cleansed, and the energy itself will circulate freely and harmoniously, filling every corner of your home.