An individual educational trajectory is being developed 1 ways of providing. Building an individual trajectory for the development of a child in the light of the fgos of preschool education. Individual educational route

One of the tasks of a modern school is to develop the personality and support the individuality of the student. Individuality is a person characterized by his socially significant differences from other people; the originality of the psyche and personality of the individual, its uniqueness. Individuality can manifest itself in the traits of temperament, character, in the specifics of interests, qualities of perceptual processes and intelligence, needs and abilities of the individual.

Individualization is used to achieve the set goals. Individualization is understood as the creation of a system of multi-level training of students, taking into account the individual characteristics of students and allowing to avoid leveling and giving everyone the opportunity to maximize their potentials and abilities.

The form of individualization is an individual educational trajectory or an individual educational route.

An individual educational trajectory is a personal way of creatively realizing the personal potential of each student in education, the meaning, meaning, purpose and components of each sequential stage of which are understood independently or in joint activities with the teacher.

An individual educational route is a time sequence for the implementation of a student's educational activity. An individual educational route is changing and depends on the dynamics of emerging educational needs and tasks. The educational route allows, differently than the curriculum, to construct a time sequence, forms, and types of organization of interaction between teachers and students, a list of types of work.

An individual educational trajectory is a sequence of additional educational subjects (elective courses), free work, extracurricular activities, including additional education, built side by side (in parallel) with the block of compulsory educational subjects, in which the development of educational information by students takes place in close contact with teachers.

The main characteristics of an individual educational trajectory:

Individual does not mean only “one on one” with a teacher. It is important to find such educational material, to organize such forms of interaction that will contribute to personal initiative, manifestation, and formation of individuality.

Educational means contributing to the formation of knowledge, skills, understanding of the world and oneself in this world.

The trajectory is a trace of movement, the accumulation of various educational, social and educational experiences.

In the most general form, three types of trajectories are distinguished, reflecting the leading orientation of the student:

The adaptive trajectory requires the use of education to prepare the student for the current socioeconomic and cultural situation;

The trajectory of the developmental orientation is characterized by the wide development of the capabilities, abilities and all the creative potential of the person receiving education;

The trajectory of a creative orientation includes not only the development of features and capabilities, but also their purposeful use for transforming, “building” oneself, one's own education, career, and life.

The main task of the teacher is to create a variable educational environment, offer the student a range of opportunities and help him make a choice.

The educational environment is most often characterized by two indicators: saturation (resource potential) and structuredness (methods of organization).

When moving forward, the student can choose the content of knowledge, skills, the level of their development, the form of educational work, the pace of progress.

The educational trajectory of the child is determined by the previously acquired knowledge and skills, primarily in the lesson.

The main elements of creating a path:

Landmarks - the definition of the expected end result of the activities of students and teachers as guidelines for the implementation of education. Statement of goals.

The program is an innovative (creative) essence of individual educational activity, the main components of which are: meaning, goals, objectives, pace, forms and methods of teaching, personal content of education, a system for monitoring and evaluating results.

Educational environment is a natural or artificially created socio-cultural environment of a student, including various types of means and content of education, capable of ensuring his productive activity.

Impulse - the launch of the mechanism of "self-movement" of the student and teacher (motivation), associated with the understanding of activities, self-knowledge, value orientations and self-management.

Reflexive comprehension is the formation of an "individual educational history" as the sum of significant "internal increments" necessary for a continuous educational movement.

Portfolio is the sum of the student's “educational products”, the creation of which is possible through the identification and development of individual potentials and abilities.

Options for individual student advancement are initially described, including:

1. Compulsory study sessions for the student.

2. Elective classes (elective courses) focused on expanding, deepening knowledge, practicing skills, gaining practical experience.

3. Independent work.

4. Project activities.

5. Additional education.

6. Participation in extracurricular activities.

Based on the analysis of the available options, the student, together with the teacher and parents, forms an individual curriculum for a quarter, six months, an academic year, including:

1. The goal of learning (takes into account the interests, capabilities, abilities of the child)

2. Compulsory component (academic subjects)

3. Classes of the student's choice (elective courses)

5. Participation in project activities

6. Participation in research activities

7. Participation in associations of additional education

8. Participation in extracurricular activities

9. Report forms

10. The main elements of the student's individual educational activity:

Determining the meaning of the activity

Setting a personal goal

Formation of an activity plan

Implementation of the plan

Reflection, performance evaluation

Adjustment or reassessment of goals and, accordingly, the route of movement

Designing the concept of the student's educational program:

The purpose of my education at school

The purpose of my education at this stage

What do I do because I'm interested (choose)

What would I like to do (order)

What do I do because it is necessary (I fulfill the norm)

What problems do I see in achieving my goal:

What methods and forms of training I will use to solve problems

In the formation and implementation of individual educational trajectories, the role of teachers changes. The most relevant today is a tutor - a teacher who provides general guidance to students' independent extracurricular work; individual scientific advisor; educator.

Tutoring technology presupposes the presence of a tutor, the main activity of which is to organize the process of the formation of the student's personality, to ensure the development of the "accompanied" content, means and methods of activity.

This technology assumes the joint activity of an accompanying (tutor) and an accompanying person regarding the solution of the practice problem and includes the following main stages:

1. Identifying the problem and understanding its foundations.

2. Search for ways to solve this problem.

3. Development of a plan for solving the problem.

4. Providing primary care during the implementation of the plan.

If we are talking about supporting the activities of the next period, then the stages are different:

1. Analysis of the present state of activity. Identifying achievements, problems and difficulties.

2. Designing activities for the next period.

3. Designing the necessary and sufficient education of the teacher for the implementation of this activity.

4. Design and implementation of activities to support the education and activities of the student.

Tutor support - This is a special type of support for a person's educational activity in situations of uncertainty of choice and transition through the stages of development, during which the student performs educational actions, and the tutor creates conditions for its implementation and comprehension (E.A. Sukhanova, A.G. Chernyavskaya).

Tutor support involves the provision of pedagogical support to students in the independent development and implementation of each student of an individual educational program (strategy) (Terov A.A.)

The plurality of choice of technologies and adequate models of the support system is based on the initial provisions of the targeting of “helping education”. "Helping education" as an integral part of social education, objectively necessary to create conditions for the personal development of a student, is a specific professional activity of specialists in solving social and psychological problems in pedagogical systems specially organized for this.

At the same time, the process of support is based on organizational-pedagogical, technological and socio-pedagogical factors, and relations become a system-forming factor of the entire system of pedagogical support, serve as the basis for the integrity of models, stabilizing interactions within various components of the sociocultural space.

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Individualization is the creation of conditions in education for the construction of an individual educational path for students in the process of carrying out personally meaningful activities based on the student's individual choice and his interest, which may be due to the presence of certain abilities in the student, or the abilities begin to develop after a certain choice of the student. An individual educational trajectory of a student is a process and result of an independent individual action of a student in solving personally significant problems. Individual curriculum - the process of building an individual educational activity (variable part) Individual educational program - the process of building an individual educational program within the framework of the student's needs (OU + additional education) Company Logo

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'Individual educational trajectory - is a sequence of elements of the training activities of each learner through the implementation of its own educational objectives appropriate to the abilities, capabilities, motivations, interests, carried out at a coordinate, manage, consult the work of teachers in cooperation with parents. " Professor N.N.Surtaeva (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen) Company Logo

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FSES. INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY FZ "On education in the Russian Federation". Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law 23) an individual curriculum - a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student; ... Article 28. Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of the educational organization 3. The competence of the educational organization in the established field of activity includes: 10) monitoring the progress and intermediate certification of students, establishing their forms, frequency and procedure; 11) individual accounting of the results of mastering by students of educational programs, as well as storing information in archives about these results on paper and (or) electronic media; 13) conducting self-examination, ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education; ... Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and incentives Students are provided with academic rights to: 3) training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the studied educational program in the manner prescribed by local regulations; Company Logo

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FSES. INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY OF FGOS BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION ... II. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESULTS OF LEARNING THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION 8. The standard establishes requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education by students: ... educational, cognitive and social practice, independence of planning and implementation of educational activities and the organization of educational cooperation with teachers and peers, building an individual educational trajectory; …. 9. The personal results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect: 2) the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition, conscious choice and building a further individual trajectory of education based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests. Company Logo

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The FSES is based on the system-activity approach, suggesting a variety of IOT. Already in elementary school, individualization of each child should be carried out, regardless of his psycho-somatic abilities Company Logo

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The profile of study is an individual educational trajectory of a student, built on the basis of his choice from the nomenclature of academic subjects proposed by an educational institution, subject to the study of compulsory subjects at least at a basic level. Company Logo

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Students are offered a choice of 3 levels of mastering the content of academic subjects: the basic level (the content of the programs ensures the development of academic subjects at the basic level); extended level (the content of the programs provides the formation of additional subject knowledge, skills and abilities to the basic level in a volume smaller than that provided for mastering at the profile level); advanced level (the content of the programs ensures the development of academic subjects in accordance with or in excess of the volume of content and the level of complexity provided for their development at the profile level). Company Logo

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Profile education should: provide a basic level of mastering the federal state educational standard of general education; give the opportunity to choose the content of education and the level of its development. Company Logo

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Children with disabilities; Those who have recommendations for home education for health reasons; Distance learning according to an individual program. Company Logo

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Irina Gavrilova
Building an individual trajectory of a child's development in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education

In federal state educational standards of preschool education formulated basic principles preschool education... One of them is the principle individualizationformulated as building educational activities based on individual particularities of each babywhere myself child becomes active in choosing the content of its education, becomes subject education

Individualization Is the implementation of the principle individual approachis the organization of the educational process, taking into account individual characteristics of children, which allows you to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each baby.

IN preschool age for comprehensive development, it is not only the development of the child's existing abilities that is importantbut no less important development hidden opportunities, abilities. To kid a certain amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities can be transferred, but not all children are the same, each the child goes in development with his own special, is inherent only to him, by way, therefore, the role of the teacher is especially important here, who is obliged to help him in this. But one should not expect high results from all children, since everyone child their abilities.

Everyone knows about the wide spread individual characteristics of preschoolers.

Children differ:

different levels of flexibility of mental activity - some quickly find answers, others need to think carefully in order to come to the correct conclusion;

different rates of knowledge assimilation - some quickly grasp and remember, others need long-term work and repetition to master new material;

skills are also formed at different rates: one child performs actions automatically after a dozen repetitions, for others this number of repetitions doubles and triples, and only then the action becomes automated.

A difficult problem arises for the educator - to take into account all this and make training optimal for everyone. baby... how build workto take into account as much as possible individual features of pupils? One of the solutions to this problem is multilevel learning.

Multilevel education is a personality-oriented technology, in which the pupil has the opportunity to master the program material depending on his abilities and capabilities, but not lower than the basic one

The concept “ individual educational trajectory

has a wide meaning and involves several directions of implementation:

activity - special pedagogical technologies.

procedural - organizational aspect

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed and personal development... At the same time, this is the period during which child is completely dependent on the adults around him. It is important that children grow up in an environment of respect and not suffer negative consequences. In the weak hands of the kids - our future, our tomorrow.

The route can be viewed as a personal way to compensate for learning difficulties, and then to realize the child's personal potential nka: intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity, moral and spiritual.

routes are being developed:

for children who do not master the basic;

For children with disabilities, disabled children.

Individual educational route

can be seen as a personal way to compensate for learning difficulties

Based on the analysis of the literature we studied, several stages of design were identified.

1. Stage of observation.

2. Diagnostic stage.

3. Design stage.

4. Stage of implementation

5. Stage of final diagnostics.

Let's dwell in more detail at each stage

1. Stage of observation.

Stage goal: identify group preschoolers,experiencing difficulties: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, psychomotor or complex. Based on the observation results, the table is filled "Identified difficulties preschoolers»

2. Diagnostic stage.

At this stage, a number of diagnostics are carried out together with a teacher-psychologist

The purpose of this stage is to identify the causes of difficulties. baby... Based on the observation results, the table "Identified difficulties preschoolers and their reasons(at the beginning and end of the accompaniment)».

3. Design stage.

Stage goal:

4. Stage of implementation individual educational routes in the process of life preschoolers.

Individual educational the route can be implemented in all types of activities, at any time, it all depends on the child's desire, on his choice, self-determination. Given that the leading activity of the child preschooler - a game for the teacher in implementation individual routes are helped by pedagogical reception "mailbox", in which children find a letter addressed to a specific child with the legend of the task.

Stage 5 final diagnostics

At this stage, final diagnostics are carried out.

Stage goal: reveal the results of the route action (difficulty persisted or not persisted)... Based on the observation results, the same table is filled in.

Taking these stages into account, we have compiled and implemented individual educational routes, taking into account the methods of pedagogical support, the content of the work, to eliminate the identified difficulties in child development and reasonscontributing to their occurrence.

Principles building an educational route:

The principle of psychological comfort

The principle of democratization

Principle individualization

The principle of humanism

The principle of differentiation and integration

Principle developmental education

The principle of creativity

The principle of natural motor activity

Components educational route:

target ( goal setting, task definition educational work);

technological (determination of the used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques, systems of training and education, taking into account individual characteristics of the child);

diagnostic (definition of a diagnostic tracking system);

effective (the expected results are formulated, the timing of their achievement and the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities being implemented).

Stages of creation educational route:


1. Identification preschoolers,experiencing difficulties: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, psychomotor or complex.

2. Determining the causes of difficulties baby.

Construction stage educational route.

purpose: building individual educational routes for preschoolers, on the basis of the identified difficulties and the established causes of these difficulties. Determination of methods of pedagogical support, content of work.

Implementation stage.

through specially organized activities (subgroup, frontal, individual sessions,

organization of joint activities of a teacher with children,

creation of conditions for independent activity,

Final diagnostics stage.

Final diagnostics are carried out.

purpose: Reveal the results of the route.

Types individual educational route

I am centered educational route... It is based on himself child... Everything is focused on him, everything is focused on him. The route has a pronounced personality orientation.

IOM, focused on obtaining knowledge. The leading orientation of the route is associated with the acquisition of knowledge.

IOM, focused on forming oneself as educated person.

IOM, focused on forming oneself as a future specialist

Complex of selection factors individual educationalroute is determined: characteristics, interests and needs of the preschooler and his parents in achieving the necessary educational outcome;

Professionalism of the teaching staff;

Kindergarten opportunities to satisfy educational needs of pupils;

Possibilities of the material and technical base of the kindergarten.

Individual educationalroutes are being developed:

For children who do not master the basic general education program of preschool education; - for children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

Development procedure individual educational routes

Educators together with narrow specialists (medical worker, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher) is being developed individual educational route(meaningful component, then the developed method of its implementation is fixed in the schedule (organization technology educational process) .

Therefore, in a broader sense, IOM is an integrated model of psychological, medical and pedagogical space created by preschool specialists to implement individual characteristics of the child's development and learning over a period of time.

Registration individual educational route

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to conclude about the broader meaning of the concept of "individual educational trajectory" in comparison with the concept of "individual educational route".

A.V. Khutorskoy considers an individual educational trajectory as a personal way of realizing the personal potential of each student in education. The personal potential of a student is here understood as the totality of his organizational, cognitive, creative and other abilities.

The process of identifying, implementing and developing these abilities of students occurs in the course of their educational movement along individual trajectories.

NN Surtaeva interprets individual educational trajectories as a certain sequence of elements of the educational activity of each student to realize their own educational goals, corresponding to their abilities, capabilities, motivation, interests, carried out with the coordinating, organizing, consulting activities of the teacher in interaction with the parents.

S.A. Vdovina G.A. Klimov, V.S. Merlin consider this concept as a manifestation of the style of educational activity of each student, depending on his motivation, learning and carried out in cooperation with the teacher.

Due to the fact that we consider the individual educational trajectory as an educational program, it is necessary to stipulate the positions from which we study the educational program. Adhering to the position of scientists - teachers of the St. Petersburg School, we consider the educational program on the one hand as organizational and managerial knowledge that allows to implement the principle of personal orientation of the educational process through the definition of conditions conducive to the achievement of students with different educational needs and opportunities of the established educational standard.

On the other hand, an educational program is defined as an individual trajectory of a student, created taking into account his individual characteristics. The definition of an educational program as an individual trajectory is its leading characteristic and makes it possible to present the educational program as a kind of model of ways to achieve an educational standard, when the choice of a way to implement the standard depends on the individual characteristics of a particular teacher.

The concept of an educational program primarily reflects the ideas of individualization and differentiation of education. At the same time, the term “individualization” in pedagogy means taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the learning process in all forms and methods of teaching. “Differentiation” means taking into account individual characteristics in a form that presupposes grouping of students based on the allocation of certain characteristics.

An individual educational trajectory is a purposeful educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development, implementation of the educational standard when the teacher provides pedagogical support, self-determination and self-realization.

The need to consider the process of constructing an individual educational trajectory of a student, based on these ideas, is associated with the fact that they create conditions for personal self-expression with the mandatory achievement of the set learning goals.

Acting as an individual trajectory of a student, the educational program is complexly structured. Its structure includes the following components:

Target (involves setting goals and leading directions in the field of education, which are formulated on the basis of the state educational standard, the main motives and needs of the student.)

  1. The system of knowledge about nature, society, thinking, methods of activity, the assimilation of which ensures the formation of a dialectical-materialistic picture of the world in the minds of students, is armed with a methodological approach to cognitive and practical activity.
  2. A system of social, intellectual and practical skills and abilities, which are the basis of specific activities and ensure the ability of the younger generation to preserve social culture.
  3. The experience of creative activity accumulated by a person.
  4. Experience of an emotionally volitional attitude to the world, society.

Article 14 of the “Law on Education” indicates that:

  • ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for his self-realization;
  • development of society;
  • strengthening and improving the rule of law.
  • adequate to the world level of general and professional culture of society;
  • formation of the student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (stage of study);
  • integration of the individual into national and world culture;
  • the formation of a person and a citizen, integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;
  • reproduction and development of human resources in society.

Technological (includes the technologies used, methods, techniques, training and education systems).

Diagnostic (reveals the system of diagnostic support).

Organizational and pedagogical (determines the regime conditions for implementation, the characteristics of the student (age, level of readiness for assimilation, educational needs) to whom the educational program is addressed; forms of attestation of achievements, etc.);

Effective (a description of the expected implementation results).

No one doubts that the educational process should be organized in such a way as to maximize the development of students. Despite the fact that even L.S. Vygotsky formulated a number of fundamental propositions related to the problem of "learning - development", they have not yet reached the mass school. The main position of a prominent psychologist was that teaching should not be guided by the level of development already achieved by the student, but running a little ahead, i.e. to bring the student to a higher level, which Vygotsky called the zone of proximal development. In this regard, he attached great importance to the development of the content of education, especially to the growing role of scientific and theoretical knowledge in it.

In education of the student-centered type, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of education changes. In the area of \u200b\u200bprimary attention is the activity of the student himself, his internal educational increment and development. Education in this case is not so much the transfer of knowledge to the student as education, its manifestation in oneself, the formation of oneself. From the point of view of student-centered learning, no information offered to the student externally can be transferred inside him if the student does not have the appropriate motivation and personally significant educational processes.

The main function of the personality-oriented content of education is to provide and reflect the formation of the system of the student's personal educational meanings. Personal meaning is an individualized, conscious reflection of the actual attitude of a person to the objects of his activity (A. N. Leontiev).

As a result of interaction with the educational environment, the student gains experience, which he reflexively transforms into knowledge. This knowledge differs from the primary information environment in which the student's activity took place. Knowledge here is associated with information, but is not identified with it. The main differences between a student's “knowledge” product are the methods of activity he has mastered, an understanding of the meaning of the studied environment, self-determination in relation to it and the student's personal informational and “knowledgeable” increment. The general reflexive knowledge of the student, therefore, includes the totality of the following components:

  • “I know what” (information about the content of their knowledge and ignorance);
  • “I know how” (information about learned actions related to the methods of birth, development and transformation of knowledge);
  • “I know why” (understanding the meaning of information and activities to obtain it);
  • “I know” (self-determination of oneself in relation to given knowledge and corresponding information).

The content of education created by the student is part of the general content of education, along with the externally given. The external content does not outstrip, but follows the content of education internally constructed by the student.

The student's creative self-realization as a super task of learning is revealed in three interrelated goals: the creation of educational products by the student in the studied educational areas; mastering the basic content of these areas through comparison with their own results; building an individual educational trajectory in each of the educational areas based on their personal qualities. The activity leading to the creation of educational products reveals and develops the student's abilities, the originality of which contributes to the construction of his individual educational trajectory.

The question arises before the teacher: how to organize the education of students according to their own, but different trajectories? The organization of training on an individual trajectory requires a special methodology and technology. To solve this problem in modern didactics is usually proposed in two opposite ways, each of which is called an individual approach.

The first method is the differentiation of teaching, according to which each student is offered to be approached individually, differentiating the material studied by him according to the degree of complexity, focus or other parameters. For this, students are usually divided into groups according to the type of capable, average, lagging.

The second method assumes that each student's own path of education is built in relation to each educational area studied by him.

The first approach is the most common in our schools. The second is quite rare, since it requires not just the individual movement of the student against the background of common goals set from the outside, but the simultaneous development and implementation of different models of student learning, each of which is unique in its own way and attributed to the personal potential of any individual student.

The task of teaching is to provide a zone for the individual creative development of each student. The student creates educational products, builds his educational path, relying on individual qualities and abilities, and he does this in the appropriate environment, which is organized by the teacher. The simultaneous realization of personal education models is one of the goals of personality-oriented education.

An individual educational trajectory is a personal way of realizing the personal potential of each student in education.

The personal potential of a student here is understood as the totality of his abilities: cognitive, creative, communicative. The process of identifying, implementing and developing these abilities of students takes place during the educational movement of students along individual trajectories. Any student is able to find, create or offer his own version of the solution to any problem related to his own learning. A student will be able to advance along an individual trajectory if he is presented with the following opportunities: to choose the optimal forms and rates of learning; apply those teaching methods that are most consistent with his individual characteristics; to be reflexively aware of the results obtained, to assess and correct their activities.

The possibility of an individual trajectory of a student's education assumes that a student, when studying a topic, can, for example, choose one of the following approaches: figurative or logical cognition, in-depth or encyclopedic study, introductory, selective or expanded assimilation of the topic. The preservation of the logic of the subject, its structure and substantive foundations will be achieved with the help of a fixed volume of fundamental educational objects and related problems, which, along with an individual trajectory of learning, will ensure that students achieve a normative educational level. Students' educational products differ not only in volume, but also in content. This difference is due to individual abilities and the corresponding activities. A teacher can and should offer pupils for assimilation various types of activity, both emotionally-figurative and logical, but if we take into account the priority types of activities individually for each child, children should be allowed to choose these types when studying the same educational objects. In this case, not one common educational trajectory will be provided for all students, differing in the volume of mastering the standards, but individual trajectories that lead students to create personal educational products that differ in both volume and content. Even with the same knowledge about the studied objects, the educational products of different students are different, since the types of activities they have mastered and the level of their development differ.

Trajectory-trace from the movement. The program is her plan. In my opinion, the principle of an individual educational trajectory cannot be realized within the framework of traditional forms (classroom-lesson system). It is necessary to take gifted students outside the framework of this system (to develop special programs for them, to give them the opportunity to create their own product: educational games, tests, logical schemes of the knowledge base, etc.), to offer individual handouts that will help to give a multilevel explanation of the material and different types of tasks for each student.

When drawing up an individual educational trajectory:

  • the teacher creates a choice for the student, acting as a consultant and advisor. In the lesson, the teacher takes into account the individual interests of students; features of educational activities; preferred types of training; ways of working with educational material; features of mastering educational material; types of educational activities;
  • for a student, when drawing up an individual trajectory, the most important thing is to evaluate his capabilities, abilities, prospects, interests, the efforts that he intends to make to study this or that material or to achieve the planned result.

The results of the movement along the educational trajectory can be checked, focusing on the product created by the students; acquired knowledge, which is realized in the ability to operate with them in a standard or creative situation, noting the formation of various types of skills - thinking, communicative, cognitive, etc. In addition, constant feedback is needed, allowing not only to correct the student's movement along the trajectories (and sometimes the trajectory itself), but also to evaluate his progress.

The student himself chooses or, together with the teacher, ponders the methods, types of activities, forms of control, i.e. programs its educational activities.

As a result of the individual educational movement, each student offers ideas, composes poetry, develops models, and constructs crafts in connection with the material being studied. This is required by the principle of learning productivity - the leading principle of student-centered learning. A portfolio of achievements serves as a way to showcase his success. The content of the "portfolio" is not only a list of places occupied by a student, received certificates or prizes, but also the proposed ideas, principles for solving mathematical problems, crafts, etc.


1. Volodin E.Yu. Developing, advancing, scientific and theoretical education ... // Mathematics at school. 2000, No. 6.

2. Didactics of secondary school: Some problems of modern didactics / Ed. M.N. Skatkina. M., 1982.

3. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” // September 1, No. 29, 1996.

4. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies // Textbook for pedagogical universities. - M .: Public education, 1998. - p. 130–193.

5. Surtaeva N.N. Non-traditional pedagogical technologies: Paracentric technology Textbook. - M. - Omsk. 1974.22 s.

6. Tryapitsyna A.P. The theory of designing educational programs // Petersburg school. - SPb., 1994 - pp. 79–90.

7. Khutorskoy A.V. Developing the giftedness of schoolchildren: Methods for productive learning: A guide for teachers. M., 2000.

8. Khutorskoy A.V. Personality-oriented learning methodology. How to Teach Everyone Differently ?: A Teacher's Guide. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2005.383 p.



The concept of "individual trajectory of personality education" appeared relatively recently, although the idea not only hovered fruitlessly in the pedagogical air, but was also used for a long time in teaching according to individual programs of individual students and in some cases.

The goal of building individual educational trajectories in a general secondary education institution is for gifted students to master the available spectrum of social and environmental conditions for the fullest possible disclosure of the potential inherent in nature.

The traditional model of the organization of the educational process ceases to meet the needs of the development of children's and adolescent giftedness, since the reproductive assimilation of the educational material to which it is oriented leads to inhibition and degradation of both the creative and general abilities of students, respectively, and their giftedness.

Modern teachers are looking for a new algorithm of activities to create the necessary pedagogical conditions for the formation of a student's readiness to design an individual educational trajectory as a means of developing giftedness.

The construction of an individual educational trajectory is based on four most important processes: forecasting, design, construction and evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation.

The implementation of an individual educational trajectory is carried out in stages:

1. Creation of an intellectual educational space in an educational institution that meets the needs of students in the choice of socio-cultural practices.

2. Activation of cognitive and transformative activity of a student (motivation for individual educational activity).

3. Diagnostics of the level of development of the student's abilities and his individual interests, characteristics, professional inclinations and inclinations (diagnostic stage). Based on the results of the work, a Map of the individual psychological development of the child is drawn up.

4. Development of an individual educational route and technologies for its implementation.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of a gifted student (the degree of formation of personal, subject and metasubject competencies; the success of professional self-determination.).

Development of an individual educational route.

Individual educational route is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program while teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization.

The basis of an individual educational route is the student's self-determination.

An individual educational route of a student is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also helps to solve important pedagogical problems.

The method of building an individual educational route.

IOM helps a gifted child to reveal all their talents and decide on the choice of a future profession.

There is currently no universal recipe for creating an individual educational route (IOM).

The most effective promotion in an individual educational route, which is built along the following vital lines:

personal growth line,

knowledge line (educational);

line of professional self-determination.

When designing an individual educational route, it is necessary to take into account:

1. The degree of assimilation of the previous material by students.

2. The individual pace, the speed of progress of students in learning.

3. The degree of formation of social and cognitive motives.

4. The degree of formation of the level of educational activity.

5. Individual-typological characteristics of students (temperament, character, features of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.).

The structure of an individual educational route includes target, content, technological, organizational and pedagogical, and effective components.

The teacher who draws up an individual program for a student should rely primarily on the content of the basic program.

The main question of any educational program or route is how to structure the material? When starting to create an individual educational route, the teacher needs to determine by what type the material is structured in his program.

The various structures of educational programs can be represented by simple geometric lines.

Linear - the principle of construction - from simple to complex.

Most traditional programs are built by analogy with a straight line going up(Fig. 1). Thus, it is very difficult to build a program focused on the development of giftedness, because gifted children often have a tendency to problems of a divergent type (creative tasks). The peculiarity of these tasks is that they allow for many correct answers. The solution of these tasks within the program, the basic requirements of which are systematic and consistent, is rather difficult.

Concentric - structuring of educational material by the type of several concentric circles(Fig. 2) .

The structure of such a program usually includes several smaller subroutines (they can be relatively autonomous). Having passed the first circle, the child masters the second, then the third. This type of structure can be used for elementary school students.

Logarithmic spiral - the most productive type of structure, since the same type of activity is practiced in the classroom periodically, many times, and the content gradually becomes more complex and expands due to the enrichment of components for in-depth study of each action(Fig. 3) ... With this method of structuring the material, great opportunities open up for the research activity of students, which is precisely aimed at developing their giftedness.

Development of an individual educational route heldstep by step, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student.

    stage - diagnostics of the level of formation of personal, subject and metasubject competences of gifted students;

    goal setting stage and defining priorities;

Each student chooses the topics that he has to master (in a symbolic, schematic, graphic, thesis form) and builds his own individual image of the topic (the way he sees it in the ideal, then this ideal is completed).

Based on the results of diagnostics and the student's choice of a topic, the teacher, together with the student and his parents, determinesgoals and objectives of the route ... You need to be prepared for the fact that in the process of learning and choosing the direction of future professional activity, the child's priorities may change.

3 stage determining the period of implementation of the IOM;

On an individual basis, in agreement with the parents and the child himself, the duration of the route is determined in accordance with the goals and objectives set, the needs of the student himself. In a rural school, where there is no opportunity to attend additional education institutions, it is necessary to clearly plan the possibility of additional classes not to the detriment of the basic program.

This stage can be quite difficult, since the overwhelming majority of students do not abandon the traditional form of education and IOM is carried out in parallel with receiving basic education or classes in specialized groups.

Stage 4 Programming individual educational activities in relation to "their" and common fundamental educational objects.

The student, with the help of the teacher and parents, acts as the organizer of his education: formulation of the goal, selection of topics, intended final educational products and forms of their presentation, drawing up a work plan, selecting means and methods of activity, building a system for monitoring and evaluating activities. An individual training program is created for a certain period (lesson, topic, section, course).

Stage 5 Implementation of individual and general educational programs .

Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and the general educational program. Implementation of the planned program in accordance with the main elements of activity: goals - plan - activity - reflection - comparison of the received products with goals - self-assessment. The role of the teacher is to guide, give an algorithm for the student's individual activity, equip him with appropriate methods of activity, search for means of work, identify criteria for analyzing work, review, evaluate the student's activities.

6 stage Integration with other specialists . The designer of the route, having analyzed the results of diagnostics and based on the content of the curriculum-thematic plan, decides whether it is necessary to involve other specialists in the work with the given subject in order to achieve the set goal.

Stage 7 - Demonstration of personal educational products students and their collective discussion. The teacher demonstrates ideal "products" on a given topic: concepts, laws, theories, etc. Work is organized to identify problems in the environment, the elements of which are received by students in their own activities.Methods of demonstrating results: showing achievements, personal exhibition, presentation - portfolio of achievements, exam, credit work, etc.

Stage 8 - Reflexive-evaluative stage.

Identification of individual and general educational products of activity, fixing the types and methods of activity. The obtained results of activity are compared with the goals of the child's educational activity.

Each student evaluates his / her activities and the final product, the level of personal change. Personal merit is compared with fundamental achievements in this area, with the achievements of others. After self-assessment and assessment, conditions are created for correction and planning of further collective and individual activities.

The way of assessing and self-assessing success is chosen by the teacher together with the child. You can assess the success at each stage of the development of the route on the map of giftedness. The pupil can carry out self-assessment using diagnostic questionnaires of self-examination, during the conversation, when discussing the results. You can use the following sample questions:

What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of the school year? (what I wanted to achieve)

What actions have I planned to achieve this goal? (what I should do)

Did I manage to realize my plans? (what i did to achieve the goal)

How effective is my actions? (what I learned and what else needs to be done)

The greatest challenge for students isdeveloping their assessment competence ... It is necessary to ensure that students themselves become experts in their own project activities and comprehend the examination procedures as an important means of managing their individual educational route.

The subject of the examination should not be limited to the final product of their project activities. To kidin the process of self-examination necessaryevaluate all the increments in the formation of competencies :

in obtaining and critical understanding of new knowledge;

in working with various sources of information;

in collaboration with partners; in organizing your work space and time; in assessing the results obtained;

in understanding the meaning of the project as a significant event.