Seasonal exacerbation: the most common traffic violations in the spring. When the fall exacerbation of schizophrenia begins Seasonal exacerbation

In spring and autumn, many people experience a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases - allergies, bronchitis. Mental illness is not an exception. During this period, you should be especially attentive to yourself and prevent the aggravation of the condition. This is especially true for patients in psychiatric clinics - schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, neuroses tend to worsen with the change of seasons, and such patients will need qualified medical care.

Each person knows firsthand that in spring and autumn the human body is exposed to various attacks: it becomes more susceptible to infections, changing weather conditions. occurs in almost 40% of the population: not only the change in weather conditions affects, but also additional stressful situations that may be associated with work, study, leaving vacation. Mental illness also worsens most often in the spring and fall, like common allergies. This only applies to people whose peace of mind is disturbed and the psyche is shaken. Seasonal exacerbations of psychiatric illnesses are quite common. First, it is worth figuring out why diseases of this kind enter the active phase in spring and autumn.

Causes of autumn and spring exacerbations

  • People who are more emotional than others react very strongly to changing weather. For example, in the summer, a person's mood is directly dependent on sunlight: scientists have proven that it is at this time of the year that serotonin (the so-called pleasure hormone) is produced. The change from sunny weather to gray and rainy days certainly has a negative effect on a person's mood and general well-being.
  • People who suffer from depression or various types of psychosis especially feel such a time of the year as autumn. They can be dangerous not only for themselves, but also for others.
  • Men who drink alcohol frequently can provoke. In autumn, alcoholic beverages can cause bouts of rage and hallucinations in men.
  • At the same time, it cannot be named unambiguously, since various factors can affect each organism. For people who are more emotional than others, seasonal flare-ups of psychiatric illness can present with the following symptoms:
  • constant fatigue. Even if a person has not been doing anything throughout the day, he will be tormented by severe fatigue, as if he worked continuously for a day;
  • apathy. Due to the factor described above, this part of the exacerbation also joins;
  • irritability. Be that as it may, but irritability is a fairly clear sign of a spring-autumn exacerbation.
  • If you notice that with the arrival of a certain season you have become emotionally unstable, you should contact the clinic or try to heal yourself.

    Disease prevention

    What diseases are most often exacerbated during certain seasons of the year? Absolutely any - from a minor nervous breakdown and ending with severe stages of psychosis. The most important thing is that relatives of the sick person know about this problem. People with heightened emotionality can cope with their condition on their own, but support from relatives during such periods is indispensable. In mild cases - with a slight change in affect - you can try to correct the situation with sedatives and antidepressants. As for people with more complex diagnoses, the main thing here is to contact a qualified specialist in time. Many are afraid of going to the doctor and try to hide their condition as long as possible, but this only makes the condition worse. Knowing the problem of a person you know or someone close to you, try to provide him with proper help during an exacerbation.

    Spring exacerbation of mental illness in women and men

    As a rule, in the off-season, patients with certain mental disorders prefer to go to the clinic for inpatient treatment. Those patients who, being in an inadequate state, ignore medical treatment, are placed in a hospital on a compulsory basis. But patients do not always end up in the hospital - for many mild disorders, such treatment is not required. In particular, with cyclothymia, it is recommended to visit sanatoriums, outpatient supervision by a psychiatrist. In no case is self-treatment or the use of drug therapy recommended, the scheme of which the patient found on the Internet or recommended by a non-specialist. Especially those people who are already under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Patients with a certain psychotype (suspicious, anxious, emotionally labile) are recommended light sedatives, which can be purchased in pharmacies without special prescriptions. These medications can help stabilize the emotional state.

    What diseases are exacerbated in the offseason

    In psychiatry, there are 2 categories of disorders, which are especially often recorded in patients during the period of seasonal exacerbations.
  • Endogenous disorders. This type of disorder includes schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis. They are called endogenous because the cause of the disease is usually genetic or associated with a hereditary predisposition.
  • Exogenous diseases. This category includes depression, neurosis, stress disorder, phobias.
  • Statistics show that every year the number of patients with various mental disorders is increasing. We are talking about both endogenous and exogenous diseases. More and more people turn to a psychiatrist with panic attacks, neuroses, various phobias, borderline states, schizophrenia, and affective disorders. At risk are people:
    • suffering from chronic somatic diseases;
    • those taking psychoactive substances - alcohol, drugs;
    • being in a state of chronic stress;
    • weakened physically and mentally.

    Spring exacerbations of mental illness in women, men

    In spring and autumn, the number of hospitalizations of patients with various endogenous diseases usually increases. So, the state of health worsens in patients with schizophrenia, epilepsy, neuroses, panic attacks, bipolar disorder. According to statistics, the largest number of suicide attempts occurs precisely in the spring and autumn. As for patients with psychosis, during this period they can be dangerous both for themselves and for others. If we take women, they usually do not pose a social danger during exacerbations, unlike men. But there are a number of exceptions. For example, mentally unstable mothers who, during the period of maternity leave, can seriously harm their child and themselves, up to tragedy. As for men, more often during these periods, they experience a serious deterioration in well-being with diagnosed schizophrenia. Productive symptoms become much brighter - in particular, hallucinations, delirium. Also, we must not forget that men by their nature are more prone to abuse of alcoholic beverages, drugs, as a result of which the disease manifests itself even more strongly. Outbreaks of aggression are often recorded, which entails harm to oneself and loved ones, and the commission of illegal actions. Often, during an exacerbation, such patients complain to their specialists that they are being harassed by voices, and they often write delusional statements about UFO attacks, surveillance and other complaints to law enforcement agencies. It is important to note that men with bipolar disorder may, during periods of exacerbation in a manic state, commit rash acts, spend large sums, stay awake, and express delusional ideas. It is very important to pay special attention to such people with diagnosed psychiatric illness during these periods and make sure that they visit a psychiatrist in a timely manner and comply with all the recommendations of specialists.

    Exacerbation table

    In order to better understand when and what diseases may worsen - below is a table with a list of diseases that worsen in spring or autumn. The table shows exacerbated diseases that are most often found in both young people and people of middle and old age. This does not mean that other, equally well-known diseases, cannot be exacerbated in the spring or autumn season. Psychiatric illnesses that are aggravated during the fall or spring seasons require the immediate assistance of a psychiatrist. Some mood disorders, which the patient himself may not consider as a serious illness, can develop into depression, anxiety disorder, insomnia, delusional disorder, which requires longer treatment and constant supervision of a psychiatrist. physicians and psychotherapists are adept at dealing with the seasonal manifestations of any psychiatric illness or disorder. With the help of modern drugs and effective psychotherapeutic techniques, we can not only stop an acute attack of the disease, but also prevent its manifestation in the off-season.

    Any gastroenterologist knows that in the spring and autumn the number of patients under his office increases dramatically. Why? Yes, because gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) is very fond of the off-season. How can we resist their onslaught?

    What is gastritis?

    Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. As a result of gastritis, the digestion and assimilation of food is disrupted. Symptoms of this disease can be acute, or they can make themselves felt only with minor hints (heaviness in the stomach, bloating, discomfort in the left hypochondrium). The most striking symptoms of gastritis:

      pain in the epigastric region


    • decreased appetite

      bad taste in the mouth

      irregular bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea).

    Why do gastritis get worse in the off-season?

    Spring and autumn are transitional periods between summer and winter. In the off-season, the regime of the day changes (the day becomes shorter, the night is longer), the nature of the diet (there are less fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, preference is given to meat, cereals, pickles). Colds begin to intensify, depleting the immune system, as a result, existing chronic diseases are exacerbated. Affects the state of health and emotional depression, characteristic of the fall. Whether we like it or not, the reduction in daylight hours has a depressing effect on our mood, but practice shows that the emotional sphere is very closely related to the state of the gastrointestinal tract. So, a person living in a state of chronic stress, the chances of earning gastritis are much higher than those who are philosophical about any problem. This is because during stress, a large amount of adrenaline, a hormone that causes vasoconstriction, is released into the bloodstream. As a result, the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract worsens, the nutrition of the cells of the gastric mucosa is disrupted, some of them atrophy and die, forming zones of inflammation, that is, gastritis. If this condition is not treated, defects, erosion and ulceration appear on the mucous membrane over time.

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    What to do?

      Eliminate the main irritants of the stomach lining from your diet: spirits, coffee and soda.

      Do not get carried away with spicy seasonings, pickles, marinades, too hot or cold food.

      Give up chips, fast food, quick soups.

      Avoid foods rich in coarse fiber (raw cabbage, apples, carrots).

      Get rid of the habit of smoking, especially on an empty stomach. Nicotine and other constituents of tobacco smoke damage the mucous membrane and slow down the processes of its regeneration.

      Stop taking medications uncontrollably. Even a regular aspirin pill can harm your stomach.

      Chew food more thoroughly.

      Forget about diets, especially strict and unbalanced ones, because any experiments with nutrition can lead to a deficiency of protein, vitamins and microelements, without which normal regeneration of the gastric mucosa is impossible.

      Twice a year (in spring and autumn), undergo a course of treatment with mineral waters, preferably at balneological resorts (Khmelnik, Irpen, Pushcha-Voditsa, Nemirov, Mirgorod, Truskavets, Morshin, Shklo, Yalta, Feodosia, Odessa, Saki, Svalyava, Mukachevo).

      Feeling unwell, it is worth switching to a dietary diet that includes boiled and stewed vegetables, fish, lean meat, liquid cereals, all kinds of soups, fruits with a low fiber content - bananas, overripe pears, baked apples without peels, plums, peaches, seedless grapes.

      It is possible that the cause of the development of gastritis was not a genetic predisposition or an improper lifestyle, but a tiny, but very aggressive microbe Helicobacter pylori. Having settled in the outlet of the stomach, this microbe actively multiplies and releases a toxin that provokes the appearance of gastritis, erosions and ulcers. That is why, at the first symptoms of gastritis, it is important not to self-medicate, but to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

    Our consultant is Larisa Kovalenko, a gastroenterologist at the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

    In the early spring morning, 30-year-old Andrei could not sleep. Outside the window, dawn barely dawned, the birds were trying their voices on the chant. Andrey thought that not only he was probably awake now, but also his new friend Maxim, a work colleague.

    In general, they communicated only once, and then not for long. We exchanged a couple of phrases about classes in English. But Andrei believed that this was a strong friendship. At work, he had access to information about colleagues, and from there he learned Maxim's address. Just in case - what if they decide to see each other.

    That night, Andrei thought that the time had just come. At dawn, he left the house, taking with him a couple of bottles of beer. The sleepy comrade, having learned what was the reason for the visit, only covered Andrey with obscenities and began to threaten that he would call the police if he did not get out.

    Maxim did not know that Andrei suffers from schizotypal personality disorder. In this case, the person is being treated by a psychiatrist, but is capable and can work. The difference between people with this disorder is somewhat eccentric thinking and behavior.

    The peculiarity of Andrey's thinking is manifested in the fact that everyone around him seems incredibly friendly. He believes that everyone wants to communicate with him, and as much as possible, - explained Denis Kozhevnikov. - Andrey does not perceive anyone from a critical point of view and trusts everyone.

    Such a person does not realize that his behavior violates other people's boundaries. Andrei sincerely believed that since he was not sleeping, then his colleague was also not sleeping and would be glad to see him.

    Schizotypal disorder comes in many forms - not only so friendly.

    The symptoms of this disorder are often called aggressiveness, a tendency to social isolation, says Kozhevnikov. - The form of the disorder depends, among other things, on the environment in which the patient was brought up.

    According to the psychotherapist, if a child with such a feature was rarely taken to visit or public places (for example, the family was shy), then, probably, in adulthood he will withdraw into himself and avoid communication.

    Andrei's family tried to bring him to the people, so he is so actively drawn to communication, sees the world in a good light, - explained Kozhevnikov.

    Spring mood

    Mental illnesses and disorders are cyclical. Among them are schizophrenia, depression, manic-depressive psychosis. Exacerbations usually occur in spring and autumn. However, some scientists note that people are also often uneasy in winter. And life seems best in summer.

    In the spring, patients experience exacerbations, because daylight hours become longer, the hormonal system is activated in a person, biorhythms change, - explains psychotherapist Artur Garaganov. - A patient with a mental disorder cannot understand their new sensations. It worries him.

    Psychiatrist Andrei Berezantsev says that the fatigue that has accumulated over the winter and the deficiency of nutrients in the body still affects.

    As before Life, usually in February the number of suicides begins to grow in Russia, and in May-June - to decline. These are the data of Rosstat. This is another confirmation that spring, despite the sun and blooming flowers, can be a very difficult period.

    Aggravation can manifest itself in completely different ways. It can be an outburst of friendliness, like Andrei's, or, conversely, aggression.

    For example, you stepped on the foot of such a person on the street, and he fell into a rage, - said psychiatrist Andrei Berezantsev. - Or after an accident, such a person will jump out of the car and pounce on the offender with his fists.

    In my practice, there was a patient who had been undergoing treatment for schizophrenia for many years, ”said psychiatrist Erken Imanbaev. - He already gave positive symptoms. We discharged him, he felt good.

    With the onset of spring, the patient experienced an exacerbation. He found where the head of the department of the mental hospital lives, came to her home and stabbed her husband with a knife (he, fortunately, survived). The patient was again hospitalized as a socially dangerous patient. He was no longer discharged, so that nothing like this would happen again.

    This man began to have a schizophrenic delirium, in which the manager somehow ended up, explains Erken Imanbaev. - The man decided to take revenge on the husband of our colleague.

    How to survive in a crazy world

    A person with a mental disorder can only be recognized by a psychiatrist. But there are signs that are characteristic of many patients.

    Such a person is often nervous, with a walking gaze, he can fiddle with something in his hands, move from place to place in the metro, - notes Denis Kozhevnikov. - It's better to move away from him, you can even go to another carriage.

    The most obvious signal is antisocial behavior, says Artur Garaganov. - Often, patients try to provoke others to conflict. For example, they will spread their belongings all over the bench in the subway, put a hamburger on the hood of someone else's car, like on their own table. They can suddenly unbutton their clothes, throw off their pants. Everything in order to enter into communication, to cause a reaction.

    According to Erken Imanbaev, the most important thing is not to enter into a conversation with an inadequate person and not to contact at all.

    If you see that the person is aggressive, step back, call the police, an ambulance. You don't need to call him to order yourself, - explains Imanbaev. “Recently I saw a passer-by on the street decide to teach an obviously sick person the rules of behavior. He took the stone and hit the "teacher".

    The specialist emphasized that if the patient is in a state of passion, he will not go to prison even for murder.

    One patient was in a state of passion, he killed his mother, - recalls Imanbaev. - According to the doctors, he was not aware of what he was doing. This patient will now be treated for life in a psychiatric dispensary.

    And you will be cured

    Seasonal exacerbation applies not only to people with a diagnosis in the medical record. As psychiatrists joke, there are no absolutely healthy people, there are only under-examined ones.

    Student Ivan was preparing for the spring session. Sleepless nights with endless cramming and general overwork cost the stubborn young man dearly. Ivan began to notice with concern that those around him did not treat him the way they used to. It seemed to the student that behind his back people were whispering and discussing his person. Further, his own life began to seem to him an action-packed film. Ivan was sure that listening devices were installed in electrical outlets, and, accordingly, he was being monitored.

    One night Ivan suddenly felt an extraordinary surge of strength. The young man was enlightened that he has the ability to decide the fate of the universe. Inspired by new opportunities, the guy ran out of the house. At the same time, the "superman" completely forgot his clothes at home. Ivan ran around in what his mother gave birth until he was detained and sent to a psychiatric hospital.

    Against the background of accumulated fatigue, lack of sleep and overwork, the young man developed an acute psychotic state, in other words, an acute psychosis, explains the psychiatrist. - Acute conditions usually stop quickly, 2-3 weeks of treatment is enough for a person to come to their senses.

    In the story of the naked superman, no one was hurt, not even himself. Several years have passed since then, the former student feels well, but so that this does not happen again, he continues to go to a psychiatrist. He does not have any disease - he just knows that due to overwork his psyche can again weaken.

    Not a secret , that in winter many motorists prefer not to drive, leaving the car in garages and parking lots. Therefore, technical faults that appear sharply after long-term storage- quite frequent phenomenon... Don't forget: first, what every driver should do before hitting the road, - check , can his car drive on public roads (p... 2. 3. 1 . SDA).

    For trips on a faulty car or a car that, due to certain shortcomings, faces a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) ... For example, it is forbidden to drive a car that has a damaged hydraulic brake drive or crankcase ventilation system. However, a fine is the last thing to worry about, because your health and those around you is much more expensive.


    With warming, the number of reckless drivers on the streets of cities increases sharply- get them agile in winter restrain weather conditions. The result of races without rules is very often terrible accidents.... It is clear that it is vital to observe the speed limit in the literal sense of the word... For all , who forgets about the established speed limits, appropriate fines are provided. And especially stubborn ones can be punished again... It will be useful to remember what's what.

    Over speed

    Fine amount

    Penalty for Repeated Violation

    For more than 20, but not more than 40 km / h

    500 rubles (part 2 of article 12.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)


    For more than 40, but not more than 60 km / h

    from 1000 to 1500 rubles (part 3 of article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

    from 2000 to 2500 rubles (part 6 of article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

    More than 60, but not more than 80 km / h

    from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months (part 4 of article 12.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)

    More than 80 km / h

    5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for 6 months (h.5 article 12.9. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation)

    deprivation of rights for 1 year, and in the case of fixing the offense by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography and filming, video recording, - 5,000 rubles

    Without light

    Increasing the duration of the lightdays, improved weather conditions and visibility- all this leads to that in the spring, drivers often forget to turn on the dipped headlights during the day... Meanwhile during daylight hours, all moving vehicles must turn on the dipped beam headlights or daytime running lights (p.... nineteen . five . ch. 19 SDA ). Otherwise, the offender will receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles(Article 12.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Life is easier for those whose lighting equipment turns on automatically, but in machines without such a function, it is important to constantly monitor this moment. Safety largely depends on how quickly you can notice another car and make a maneuver, if necessary. This means that the risk of getting into an accident is reduced.

    Breaking the distance

    After a long winter, potholes, bumps and cracks appear on the roads. Temperature changes lead to the destruction of asphalt and the formation of many puddles, which often hide deep holes under them. The risk of losing control due to sudden maneuvers increases.

    Therefore, in spring, it is especially important between your own and the vehicle in front (clause 9.10.Traffic rules), as well as the speed limit, paying close attention to road conditions (p. 10.1. SDA). Keeping a safe distance, the driver can safely perform emergency braking, spotting, for example, a frozen puddle, and at the same time not damage either his or someone else's car. Anyone who forgets about this rule will be fined 1,500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

    Dangerous dirt

    Keeping your distance is important for the following reason. Due to the abundant melting of snow and mud on the roads, many drivers choose not to wash their cars until a stable plus and dry weather. Dirty brake lights on some cars in the spring is a common story. And dangerous: drivers in the back will not be able to avoid a collision if you suddenly brake sharply. So before you go on the road, it is extremely important to take care of the cleanliness of the lighting fixtures. For failure to comply with this requirement, there is a great risk of getting not only a warning or a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.5. Of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), butand an impressive trunk and rear bumper dent. And that's if you're lucky.

    By the way, license plates should also be kept clean. A warning or a fine of 500 rubles (part 1 of article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) awaits the driver.

    Updating the wardrobe

    From March of this year, drivers must carry a reflective vest, compliantGOST 12.4.281–2014. It is imperative to wear it while on the roadway or shoulder, during forced stops or accidents, that happened outside settlements at night or in conditions of limited visibility(p. 2. 3. 4. ch. 2 SDA).

    Since the norm is relatively new, not all motorists have managed tomake the necessaryshopping. And although there are no direct sanctions for a fashion show without a vest yet, there is a high probability of paying a fine in the following two cases.

    1. If, having got into an accident outside the settlement, the driver, leaving the salon of his car, goes out on the road and does not wear a vest, then this may fall under Part 1 of Article 12. 27. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation “Failure by the driver to comply with Road accident, of which he is a participant ”. For this violation there is a fine - 1000 rubles.
    2. Logically speaking, a driver who enters the road or shoulder turns into a pedestrian. At least in terms of its status, it falls under the definition of a pedestrian, since “this is a person who is outside a vehicle on the road or on a pedestrian or bicycle path and does not work for them”. It is known that pedestrians outside settlements are required to carry objects with reflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers. (p. 4.1. ch. 4 SDA). And for violation of this requirement, a warning or a fine of 500 rubles is provided (part 1 of article 12. 29 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

    However, updating the wardrobe is important not so much because of possible fines, how much again for security reasons.

    No helmetand right

    . Some of them often neglect basic safety precautions.. You don't need to look far for examples- the Internet is replete with videos with such reckless drivers in the lead roles... Clear , that such driving is dangerous for the offenders themselves, and for others... therefore before starting the engine, all lovers of motorcycles or mopedsmust put on and fasten motorcycle helmets and themselves, and passengers. Otherwise, violators will be fined- 1000 rubles (Art. 12. 6. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

    And, of course, do not forget to take with you the rights of the corresponding category: "A" - motorcycles; "M" - mopeds and light ATVs. Riding without a license will cost more - from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles(Part 1 of Art. 12. 7. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

    Didn't give way

    Due to the multitude of cyclists, it is also important to remain vigilant in the spring season., who might suddenly get in your way. These road users take advantage of, therefore it is important to give way to them. For failure to comply with this requirement, the driver will have to pay a finein the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles (st... 12 . 18 . Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

    However, this street is not a one-way street, since it is established for the cyclists themselves.responsibilityfor traffic violationin the form of a fine of 800 rubles (part 2 of article 12. 29 . Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). It's about non-compliance with all traffic rules, directly related to cyclists, including Ch. 24. And if the driver of a two-wheelerviolating traffic rules, in addition it will be drunk, then the amount of the fine will jump to the level from 1000 to 1500 rubles (part 3 of Art.12

    Today we offer for discussion the topic: "seasonal exacerbation of the joints." We tried to fully disclose the topic and present it in a convenient way. You can ask your questions after reading the article in the comments.

  • In autumn, there is an exacerbation of many diseases, especially chronic ones. Often in the autumn, joints begin to hurt a lot. Often the question arises about what causes the pain of the joints in the fall and what this may be due to.

    Scientists have long proven the relationship between human well-being, the season and weather conditions. Indeed, the joints begin to hurt in the fall in many people, or this already existing pain increases with the onset of the autumn season.

    This is due to the negative impact of high humidity due to constant rains on the human body.... Also, sharp temperature changes and strong cold winds affect. These factors exacerbate diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    The causes of joint diseases themselves are much deeper. The most common ones are:
    1. Postponed trauma that led to a fracture or fracture of the cartilage tissue;
    2. Hormonal and age-related changes - most people with joint diseases are older people;
    3. Overweight - the properties of the joints are destroyed under the constant pressure of overweight.

    The changes caused by these reasons may not appear for a long time. Often, it is in the fall that pain in the joints and exacerbation of their disease occur.

    The most common joint diseases are arthritis and arthrosis. They have various distinctive features.

    May occur acutely, especially in the fall. It flows and develops rapidly. Can be completely cured with the right treatment. If not performed, arthritis very quickly becomes chronic with remissions and seizures.

    At the heart of this disease is always the defeat of the joint by any infection.

    It can be seen that in the fall, infections spread often and rather quickly, therefore, the occurrence of arthritis in the fall is not uncommon.

    With this disease, the cartilage of the joint is destroyed. After that, the cartilaginous layer is gradually replaced by bone growths. This disease is associated with changes in blood vessels, which are often observed in hypertension, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, diabetes. In autumn, diseases of the vascular system are also especially aggravated, therefore arthrosis may occur.

    Arthrosis usually affects the shoulder, hip, and knee joints. The pain may worsen when walking if there is inflammation of the hip joint, and when bending - in cases of knee disease. A crunching sound may be heard when driving. At rest, the absence of pain is noted.

    With arthritis, pain occurs abruptly and spontaneously. After that, it is preserved, both during movement and at rest. There is swelling of the soft tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed joint.

    The skin over the sore spot may become shiny. The patient's body temperature rises, and the place above the joint becomes especially hot.

    With this disease, there may be poor results of blood tests - increased leukocytes and ESR.

    In order to avoid the onset or exacerbation of joint diseases in the fall, you should follow some of the recommendations of specialists:

    1. First of all, you need to try to reduce the load on the joints and give them more rest;
    2. Since being overweight is one of the causes of joint diseases, it is recommended to follow a correct and balanced diet;
    3. Abrupt movements should be avoided, especially if the exacerbation has already begun;
    4. You can take relaxing baths with sea salt, but only for prevention and, if there are no exacerbations;
    5. In autumn, you can take various vitamin complexes, use a variety of joint creams.

    If the disease has already arisen, then it is best to contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. You should not wait for the change of season, in the hope that the pain will subside.

    When treating arthritis, first of all, they try to eliminate the infection that triggered the disease. For this, antibiotics, vitamins and agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used.

    In cases of arthrosis, it is necessary to establish the exact cause that caused the disease. Also, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, vascular therapy is selected. For severe pain, special ointments can be used. In severe cases, surgery may be needed. Now you know why pain can appear.


    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against joint pain is not yet on your side.

    Constant or intermittent pain, crunching and palpable pain during movement, discomfort, irritability. All of these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

    But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? Is it possible to get rid of joint pain without serious consequences for the body? We recommend that you read the article by DOCTOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, PROFESSOR BUBNOVSKY SERGEY MIKHAILOVICH about modern methods of getting rid of joint pain. Read article \u003e\u003e

    The disease occurs after an injury (fracture, slight contusion of bone tissue). After injury, pain in the joint does not go away even at rest. Often, the period of exacerbation of arthrosis begins imperceptibly, and the doctor diagnoses the second or third stage of the pathology.

    Exacerbation of arthrosis is caused by a number of factors, including:

  • hypothermia;
  • trauma;
  • systemic, organic diseases;
  • avitaminosis.
  • Pain is a constant symptom in this joint lesion. Doctors focus on the connection between pain syndrome and the following factors:

    • times of Day;
    • joint blockage.

    Doctors point out the relationship between the rhythm of pain and the load on the affected joint. The pain intensifies after prolonged exertion (running, walking, standing), and subside at rest. This is due to a decrease in the ability of cartilage to cushion during movement.

    The causes of nocturnal pain are venous congestion, increased intraosseous blood pressure. Intensification of pain is also caused by unfavorable weather factors:

    • cold;
    • high humidity;
    • high atmospheric pressure.

    Arthrosis is characterized by starting pain. The pain occurs when performing the first movements after a state of rest. The cause of "starting pains" is detritus (a film formed from the components of the crumbling cartilaginous surface), which settles on the surfaces of the joint. When performing the movement, detritus moves into the turns of the articular bags from the cartilage. This explains the disappearance of pain.

    The blockade is represented by sudden, sharp pain, inability to perform movement of the joint. It occurs when an articular mouse is infringed (a piece of cartilage, bone, which lies freely inside the articular cavity). The development of reactive synovitis in a patient is also accompanied by pain that is constant, bursting, aching. The pain is independent of movement.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor examines the characteristic clinical signs, the X-ray picture. To diagnose arthrosis, doctors take pictures in two projections. The doctor makes the X-ray picture taking into account the signs of dystrophic changes that occur in the affected articular cartilage, the adjacent bone.

    In the picture, in the presence of arthrosis, the doctor sees:

    • narrowing of the joint space;
    • deformation of the bone site;
    • compaction of the bone site;
    • the presence of cystic formations;
    • the presence of osteophytes;
    • the presence of subchondral osteosclerosis;
    • signs of joint instability (subluxation, curvature of the limb axis).

    Often the brightness of the symptoms of the disease does not coincide with the severity of the X-ray picture. But doctors noted some regularity: osteophytes also appear in the early stages of the disease. Doctors consider this formation to be the first X-ray sign of the disease:

    1. At the initial stage of the disease, there is a sharpening of the articular surfaces.
    2. With the development of the disease, thickening of the osteophyte occurs, bone spines and outgrowths appear.
    3. In later stages, the joint space narrows. As a result of joint instability, the gap becomes wedge-shaped.
    4. Then osteosclerosis of the subchondral zone of the bone develops, cystic formations appear inside the tissue adjacent to the joint.

    When treating arthrosis, you need to remember that this disease is constantly progressing. If pathological changes in tissues go very far, the patient is threatened with complete immobilization of the joint. With an exacerbation of arthrosis, puffiness is added to the pain, the characteristic crunch. If osteoarthritis has worsened, you need the help of a qualified doctor.

    Medicines are considered the most effective in exacerbating the disease. It is drug therapy that will help alleviate the patient's serious condition. In the treatment of the disease, specialists use medicines of several groups:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ortofen", "Voltaren", "Naklofen", "Diclonat");
    • hormonal drugs;
    • chondroprotectors (Chondroxide, Chondroitin);
    • anti-inflammatory drugs.

    In addition to taking medications during an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend using a cane while walking. This simple device will help maintain the function of the joints of the lower extremities.

    We have already learned from what joint disease can worsen, how to treat pathology, which treatment is most effective. Now we will find out what are the ways to eliminate pain during the exacerbation period, how long the exacerbation period can last.

    The spring exacerbation of the disease brings many inconveniences to the patient, worsens the quality of his life. He is worried about how to relieve pain during an exacerbation. To relieve pain, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed, used as an injection. To reduce their negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, experts prescribe drugs designed to restore the integrity of the gastric mucosa ("Almagel", "Omeprazole").

    In the acute period, corticosteroids are prescribed. These drugs are administered as an injection, used to apply compresses. Chondroprotectors are prescribed to restore bone tissue. The course of therapy usually lasts six months. The doctor can use glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, drugs with hyaluronic acid ("Sinocorm", "Ostenil").

    If the form of the disease is acute, a specialist may prescribe narcotic analgesics, drugs of the opioid group. In some cases, antibiotics will be needed, which are prescribed only by the doctor after the pathway of infection penetration into the joint is established. It can be:

    • cephalosporins;
    • tetracyclines;
    • penicillins;
    • macrolides;
    • preparations with fluoroxyquinolone.

    Also important is nutrition, exercise therapy. To restore joint tissue, the body must receive sufficient amounts of calcium, vitamins B, D and others, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and minerals. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

    Three threats to joints. How to prevent an autumn aggravation

    If you have joint problems, you need to be especially careful about your health in late autumn. Exacerbation of arthrosis and arthritis at this time is not at all uncommon. Why is this happening and how to avoid it?

    Arthritis, that is, inflammation of the joints, can occur against a background of complete health. But, if you ask people suffering from them, under what circumstances they first encountered the disease, many will say: "I was cold, I fell ill with ARVI, and then it began ...". And some did not get sick - just one hypothermia was enough. With prolonged exposure to cold, the immune defense weakens, which creates conditions for the development of inflammation, including in the joints.

    With arthrosis, there is no inflammation in the joints (or it is much weaker than with arthritis), but metabolic processes are disturbed in the articular cartilage. The substances that make it durable are destroyed faster than they are formed. In this case, the cold is dangerous because it causes a reflex spasm of the muscles surrounding the joint. Because of this, the flow of blood to it decreases, the cartilage does not receive the nutrition necessary to build new cells, and destruction is accelerated.

    In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis in the clinic "Naran" the following apply tibetan herbal remedies:

    Additional ingredients: clove, nutmeg, saffron, etc.

    They are used when the amount of "bad blood" increases due to the disturbance of the bile constitution. Normalize liver function.

    They are used to treat common osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis.

    Ingredients: fragrant rue, cassia torah, Theophrastus ropeway, justice of gendarusa, myrobalan chebula, terminalia belleric, yellowish sophora, medicinal emblica, mummy, etc.

    The drug is used for diseases of the "cold" on the basis of the indignation of the mucus constitution, with obesity. Relieves swelling of large joints.

    Ingredients: benzoic styrax, mummy, burdock saussurea, musk deer musk, marsh calamus, Chekanovsky's aconite, pomegranate tree, gold-bearing sand, yellowish sophora, red toothed tooth, ostrich, juniper.

    It is used for gout, with neurodermatitis, the appearance of boils on the skin. Effectively helps with exacerbations of joint diseases, gout.