Cardiomagnet hearts dosage. "Cardiomagnet": contraindications, indications, application. What is Cardiomagnet

NSAIDs. Antiplatelet agent

Active ingredients

Release form, composition and packaging

white, in the shape of a stylized "heart".

Excipients: corn starch - 9.5 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 12.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 150 μg, potato starch - 2 mg.

Shell composition: hypromellose (methylhydroxypropylcellulose 15) - 460 μg, propylene glycol - 90 μg, talc - 280 μg.

Film-coated tablets white, oval with a line on one side.

Excipients: corn starch - 19 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 25 mg, magnesium stearate - 305 μg, potato starch - 4 mg.

Shell composition: hypromellose (methylhydroxypropylcellulose 15) - 1.2 mg, propylene glycol - 240 μg, talc - 720 μg.

30 pcs. - bottles of brown glass (1) - packs of cardboard with first opening control.
100 pieces. - bottles of brown glass (1) - packs of cardboard with first opening control.

pharmachologic effect

NSAIDs, antiplatelet agent. The mechanism of action of acetylsalicylic acid is based on irreversible inhibition of the COX-1 enzyme, as a result of which the synthesis of thromboxane A 2 is blocked and platelet aggregation is suppressed. It is believed that acetylsalicylic acid has other mechanisms for suppressing platelet aggregation, which expands the scope of its application in various vascular diseases. Acetylsalicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of Cardiomagnyl, protects the gastrointestinal mucosa from the effects of acetylsalicylic acid.



After taking the drug inside, acetylsalicylic acid is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract almost completely.

The bioavailability of acetylsalicylic acid is about 70%, but this value is characterized by significant individual variability due to presystemic hydrolysis in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and in the liver with formation under the action of enzymes. The bioavailability of salicylic acid is 80-100%.

Metabolism and excretion

T 1/2 of acetylsalicylic acid is about 15 minutes, because with the participation of enzymes, it is rapidly hydrolyzed to salicylic acid in the intestines, liver and blood. T 1/2 of salicylic acid is about 3 hours, but when acetylsalicylic acid is taken in high doses (\u003e 3 g), this indicator can significantly increase as a result of saturation of enzyme systems.

Magnesium hydroxide (in the doses used) does not affect the bioavailability of acetylsalicylic acid.


  • primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and acute insufficiency in the presence of risk factors (for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age);
  • prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and blood vessel thrombosis;
  • prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty);
  • unstable angina.


  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • tendency to bleeding (vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis);
  • bronchial asthma induced by the intake of salicylates and NSAIDs;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute phase);
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • severe renal failure (CC<10 мл/мин);
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • concomitant use with methotrexate (\u003e 15 mg per week);
  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years old;
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, excipients of the drug and other NSAIDs.

Carefullythe drug should be prescribed for gout, hyperuricemia, a history of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract or bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, with renal and / or liver failure, bronchial asthma, hay fever, nasal polyposis, allergic conditions, in the II trimester of pregnancy.


The tablets should be swallowed whole with water. If desired, the tablet can be broken in half, chewed or pre-ground.

For primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as thrombosis and acute heart failure in the presence of risk factors (eg, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age) appoint 1 tab. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 150 mg on the first day, then 1 tab. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75 mg 1 time / day.

For prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and blood vessel thrombosis

For prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty) appoint 1 tab. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-150 mg 1 time / day.

When unstable angina appoint 1 tab. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-150 mg 1 time / day.

Side effects

The frequency of the adverse reactions listed below was determined according to the following: very often (≥1 / 10); often (\u003e 1/100,<1/10); иногда (> 1/1000, <1/100); редко (> 1/10 000, <1/1000); очень редко (< 1/10 000, включая отдельные сообщения).

Allergic reactions: often - urticaria, Quincke's edema; sometimes - anaphylactic reactions.

From the digestive system: very often - heartburn; often - nausea, vomiting; sometimes - pain in the abdomen, ulcers of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, gastrointestinal bleeding; rarely - perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, increased activity of liver enzymes; very rarely - stomatitis, esophagitis, erosive lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, strictures, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

From the respiratory system: often - bronchospasm.

From the hematopoietic system: very often - increased bleeding; rarely - anemia; very rarely - hypoprothrombinemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, aplastic anemia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis.

From the side of the central nervous system: sometimes - dizziness, drowsiness; often - headache, insomnia; rarely - tinnitus, intracerebral hemorrhage.


Overdose symptoms of moderate severity:nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing impairment, dizziness, confusion.

Treatment:should wash the stomach, prescribe, carry out symptomatic therapy.

Severe overdose symptoms:fever, hyperventilation, ketoacidosis, respiratory alkalosis, coma, cardiovascular and respiratory failure, severe hypoglycemia.

Treatment:immediate hospitalization in specialized departments for emergency therapy - gastric lavage, determination of acid-base balance, alkaline and forced alkaline diuresis, hemodialysis, administration of saline solutions, activated carbon, symptomatic therapy. When carrying out alkaline diuresis, it is necessary to achieve pH values \u200b\u200bbetween 7.5 and 8. Forced alkaline diuresis should be performed when the concentration of salicylates in plasma is more than 500 mg / L (3.6 mmol / L) in adults and 300 mg / L (2.2 mmol / L) in children.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of acetylsalicylic acid enhances the effect of the following drugs:

  • methotrexate (by reducing renal clearance and displacing it from the connection with proteins);
  • heparin and indirect anticoagulants (due to dysfunction of platelets and displacement of indirect anticoagulants from the connection with proteins);
  • thrombolytic and antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (ticlopidine);
  • digoxin (due to a decrease in its renal excretion);
  • hypoglycemic agents for oral administration (sulfonylurea derivatives) and insulin (due to the hypoglycemic properties of acetylsalicylic acid itself in high doses and the displacement of sulfonylurea derivatives from the connection with plasma proteins);
  • (due to its displacement from the connection with proteins).

The simultaneous use of acetylsalicylic acid with ibuprofen leads to a decrease in the cardioprotective effects of acetylsalicylic acid.

An additive effect is observed with the simultaneous administration of acetylsalicylic acid with ethanol (alcohol).

Acetylsalicylic acid weakens the action of uricosuric agents (benzbromarone) due to the competitive tubular elimination of uric acid.

Enhancing the elimination of salicylates, systemic corticosteroids weaken their effect.

Antacids and colestyramine, when used simultaneously, reduce the absorption of Cardiomagnyl.

special instructions

Cardiomagnyl should be taken after a doctor's prescription.

Acetylsalicylic acid can provoke bronchospasm, as well as cause attacks of bronchial asthma and other hypersensitivity reactions. Risk factors include a history of bronchial asthma, hay fever, nasal polyposis, chronic respiratory diseases, and allergic reactions (eg, skin reactions, pruritus, urticaria) to other drugs.

Acetylsalicylic acid can cause bleeding of varying degrees of severity during and after surgery.

A few days before the planned surgery, the risk of bleeding should be assessed in comparison with the risk of ischemic complications in patients taking low doses of acetylsalicylic acid. If the risk of bleeding is significant, acetylsalicylic acid should be temporarily discontinued.

The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with anticoagulants, thrombolytics and antiplatelet drugs is accompanied by an increased risk of bleeding.

Taking acetylsalicylic acid in low doses can provoke the development of gout in predisposed individuals (with reduced uric acid excretion).

The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with methotrexate is accompanied by an increased incidence of side effects from the hematopoietic organs.

Taking acetylsalicylic acid in high doses has a hypoglycemic effect, which must be borne in mind when prescribing it to patients with diabetes mellitus receiving hypoglycemic agents for oral administration and insulin.

With the combined use of systemic corticosteroids and salicylates, it should be remembered that during treatment, the concentration of salicylates in the blood is reduced, and after the cancellation of systemic corticosteroids, an overdose of salicylates is possible.

The combination of acetylsalicylic acid with ibuprofen is not recommended in patients with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases: when used simultaneously with ibuprofen, there is a decrease in the antiplatelet effect of acetylsalicylic acid in doses up to 300 mg, which leads to a decrease in the cardioprotective effects of acetylsalicylic acid.

Exceeding the dose of acetylsalicylic acid over the recommended therapeutic doses is associated with the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

With long-term use of acetylsalicylic acid in low doses as an antiplatelet therapy, caution is needed in elderly patients due to the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

With the simultaneous administration of acetylsalicylic acid with ethanol, the risk of damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa and lengthening of bleeding time is increased.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and use mechanisms

During the period of treatment with acetylsalicylic acid preparations, patients should be careful when driving and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of salicylates in high doses in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal defects. In the second trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can only be prescribed with a rigorous assessment of the risks and benefits. In the third trimester of pregnancy, salicylates in a high dose (\u003e 300 mg / day) cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, increased bleeding in the mother and fetus, and administration immediately before childbirth can cause intracranial hemorrhage, especially in premature babies. The appointment of salicylates in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

The available clinical data are insufficient to establish the possibility or impossibility of using the drug during breastfeeding. Before prescribing acetylsalicylic acid during breastfeeding, the potential benefit of drug therapy should be evaluated relative to the potential risk to infants.

Childhood use

Contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

With impaired renal function

The drug is contraindicated in severe renal failure (CC less than 10 ml / min); in renal failure, use with caution.

For violations of liver function

In hepatic insufficiency, use with caution.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light and out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. The shelf life is 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Due to the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, the use of Cardiomagnyl is vital in some cases. The drug helps the heart pump blood, it affects the viscosity index and prevents the formation of platelets.

Cardiomagnyl is indicated as a primary prophylaxis in cases of the presence of certain negative factors, which include obesity and diabetes, smoking and high blood pressure, as well as old age, etc. The drug is prescribed for angina pectoris, with resistive heart attacks and thromboembolic manifestations: in all cases in which vascular surgery was performed.

Release form

The industry produces the drug in the form of heart-shaped tablets that indicate the purpose of the drug. They are placed in brown glass bottles of 30 or 100 pieces. The main substances of the drug are:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin);
  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • magnesium.

Pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), which is part of Cardiomagnyl, has various mechanisms of counteracting platelet aggregation, including inhibiting the COX-1 enzyme. In addition, this substance is an analgesic, relieves inflammation and antipyretic. The acid can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa; to level it out, magnesium hydroxide is added to Cardiomagnyl.


The pharmacokinetics of the drug is completely safe for the human body.

Absorption and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract occurs very quickly and almost completely. T1 / 2 ASA is 15 minutes, as a result of hydrolysis, it turns into 100 percent bioavailable salicylic acid. The process takes place in the blood plasma, gastrointestinal tract and liver.

T1 / 2 of salicylic acid at low doses of Cardiomagnyl is approximately 3 hours. If the enzyme systems are saturated, the value of the indicator increases significantly.

Instructions: how to take Cardiomagnyl

To prevent the recurrence of blood clots and CVS of various types, it is possible to prescribe 150 mg daily at the initial treatment stage, after a while, reducing the dose to 75.

Appointment of Cardiomagnyl Forte with optimal dosage

Cardiomagnyl Forte tablets are prescribed in a dosage of 1 tab. / Day. those who have ischemic heart disease. This is the initial rate, which is subsequently reduced.

How to drink?

Medication tablets should be taken with a glass of clean water or other liquid. They are usually swallowed whole, in some situations they are chopped or halved before use. You can just chew.

Time of day for taking Cardiomagnyl

In the manufacturer's instructions, you will not find the answer to the question: the medicine should be drunk in the morning, evening or at night. The doctor should offer a recommendation option. Most often, the doctor's advice leans towards the evening regimen of medication. Many factors indicate that an hour after an evening meal is the best time to use a blood-thinning drug.

Duration of use

If the severity of cardiovascular disease is high, the use of the drug is prescribed on a continuous regimen. Termination can only be affected by the presence of certain contraindications. The patient and the doctor attending the patient must monitor the blood pressure and hemocoagulation. Their values \u200b\u200bin dynamics will help determine the duration of the medication.

Let's try to take a test and find out in what condition your heart is.

Did any of your parents have a heart attack before age 60?


Do you smoke and / or drink alcohol more than once a month?

Squat for 60 seconds. Is your heart rate above 100 beats per minute?

Do you experience sternum pain and / or shortness of breath with severe physical exertion or nervous stress?

Do you eat fatty pork, butter, sodas, sausages more than 4 times a week?

Your heart

You have a healthy heart

At this stage, your heart is healthy. But it is important to remember that it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular examinations by your family doctor (at least once a year). Find out what tests and diagnostics are needed to keep your heart healthy.

You are at risk of developing heart disease

You may already be experiencing shortness of breath, palpitations, chronic fatigue and lethargy. These may be the first symptoms of onset heart problems. Read about how to recognize the first symptoms and correctly diagnose the disease.

Your heart is not healthy

You probably already know that you have heart rhythm problems. Further, the situation will only get worse. You need to undergo a comprehensive examination and start treatment. You can see in detail about the dangers and consequences of different types of heart disease

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Dosage regimen

With various forms of ischemic heart disease, doctors usually prescribe a daily dose of Cardiomagnyl at the start of 150 mg. If maintenance treatment is required, the dosage is halved. In acute myocardial infarction and with significant angina pectoris, the daily dosage may be increased threefold to 450 mg. Seeing a doctor and taking Cardiomagnyl should be done as soon as symptoms appear.

Contraindications for taking the drug

In some cases, a blood-thinning drug is contraindicated for use. This is observed when cerebral hemorrhage and other situations with prolonged blood loss, including those caused by a lack of vitamin K in the body, diseases of hemorrhagic diathesis and thrombocytopenia. The use of the drug Cardiomagnyl by patients with bronchial asthma is undesirable. In the presence of an exacerbation of the erosive-ulcer problem and the manifestation of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, it should be excluded at least for the time of taking the drug.

The doctor should not prescribe Cardiomagnyl if the patient has a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and in cases of pronounced CK<10 мл/мин renal failure. Do not take this medicine at the same time as methotrexate. You also need to remember that Cardiomagnet and alcohol are incompatible.

There are restrictions on admission for pregnant women, the use of this drug should be excluded in the I and III trimesters. It is also undesirable for women to consume Cardiomagnyl during the period of breastfeeding. Children and adolescents under 18 years of agethis medicine should not be prescribed. The drug is contraindicated for everyone who has hypersensitivity to various components and acetylsalicylic acid.

There may be negative consequences in patients with allergies, gout, nasal polyposis, not only in the 1st and 3rd, but also in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In all cases, a doctor's consultation is required. In modern conditions, it can be obtained online.

What is the danger of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If satsilates enter the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester in significant doses, there is an increase in problems with the development of the fetus. If this happens in the third trimester, labor is inhibited. Before the prescribed time, the closure of the ductus arteriosus of the embryo occurs, a dosage of more than 300 mg / day provokes bleeding. The phenomenon is observed in both the mother and the fetus. Especially dangerous are large doses of the drug, used close to childbirth. They can provoke intracranial hemorrhage.

Side reactions of the body

Adverse reactions in most cases are manifested in the form of allergies. Most often, patients complain of urticaria or Quincke's edema. In some cases, anaphylactic reactions are possible. Side effects manifested in the digestive system include:

Blood clots in blood vessels

  • heartburn (more often than other manifestations);
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain with exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increasing the activity of liver enzymes;
  • colitis and stomatitis;
  • strictures;
  • esophagitis, etc.

Sometimes the intestines are irritated, erosive disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are observed. In the respiratory system, spasmodic manifestations in relation to the bronchi are possible. In the hematopoietic system, failures in the form of increased bleeding are possible. This side effect is quite common. Anemia is less common. Even more rare side effects are:

  • manifestation of agranulocytosis;
  • attacks of neutropenia;
  • the patient develops eosinophilia.

Through the reception of Cardiomagnyl in unfavorable cases, a negative effect on the nervous system can be exerted, which can manifest itself in the form of headache, tinnitus, drowsiness and dizziness. The most unpleasant side effect is intracerebral hemorrhage.

How does the drug interact with other medicines

Cardiomagnyl increases the healing potential of anticoagulants, methotrexate, drugs with hypoglycemic properties, acetazolamide, etc. However, its use negatively affects the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors.

The absorption of Cardiomagnyl components is adversely affected by antacids and cholestyramine. It is not advisable to combine NSAIDs with Cardiomagnum. Cardiomagnyl in combination with Probenecid is problematic, as the therapeutic effect of both drugs is weakened.

There is also no magnesium hydroxide in Tromboass; negative effects are minimized by the presence of a special protective shell, soluble in the intestine, in the drug. In Thromboass and Fazostabil, according to the reviews of doctors and patients, fewer side effects are recorded.

Aspirin Cardio manufactured by Bayer AG, unlike Cardiomagnyl, also has a shell that dissolves in the intestinal tract.

Special studies helped to establish: Cardiomagnet is more effective than all enteric analogs and affects the suppression of platelet aggregation.

How it is dispensed in a pharmacy, storage rules

The drug and its analogues are sold by pharmacies without a prescription. It is important to control the expiration date. It is equal to three years. The purchased product must be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees, out of direct sunlight.

    Sale form:

    On prescription

    Acting on:

    Acetylsalicylic acid


    Representative in Ukraine LLC "Takeda Ukraine"

    Farm. Group:

    Analgesics and antipyretics



About the drug

Cardiomagnet is a drug that has pronounced antiplatelet properties. The drug is classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therefore it also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Since acetylsalicylic acid is a part of Cardiomagnyl, it also contains magnesium hydroxide to protect the gastric mucosa.

1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl contains 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid. The drug is considered an antithrombotic agent, an inhibitor of platelet aggregation, except for heparin.

Indications and dosage

Cardiomagnyl is used in the following cases:

  • Ischemic heart disease (acute or chronic form of the disease).
  • Preventing the re-formation of blood clots.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and others. In particular, Cardiomagnyl is prescribed to patients over 50 years of age for the prevention of acute coronary syndrome in those who are at risk of developing such a pathology. Among the factors contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases are arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity (in which the body mass index is more than 30), a hereditary history (for example, myocardial infarction in patients under the age of 55 in direct relatives).

Cardiomagnet is taken, depending on the specific case, as prescribed by the doctor. The regimen for taking the drug is as follows:

  • Cardiomagnet for acute and chronic ischemic heart disease. It is recommended to take 150 mg of the drug per day (initial dose). The maintenance dosage of the drug is 75 mg per day.
  • Acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris. In this case, the drug is taken at 150-450 mg. Cardiomagnet should be taken as soon as possible after the first symptoms of pathology appear.
  • Cardiomagnet for the prevention of re-formation of blood clots. In this case, the recommended dose is 150 mg per day (starting dose). The maintenance dose of the drug is 75 mg per day.
  • Prevention of thrombus formation (primary), heart and vascular diseases, as well as patients with the threat of acute coronary syndrome, patients with a predisposition to the development of cardiovascular diseases (history of obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus). The recommended dose is 75 mg per day. The tablets must be taken whole with water. For fast absorption, the tablet can be chewed or dissolved in water.

For severe liver damage, Cardiomagnet is not used. In the presence of hepatic disorders, it is possible to correct the dosage and regimen of the drug.

In a severe stage of renal failure, Cardiomagnet is not used. Correction of the dosage and regimen of the drug may be required for patients with impaired renal function.

The drug Cardiomagnyl is not prescribed for children. According to current regulations, acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended for use in children under 15 years of age. Otherwise, serious side effects may develop, including such as Reye's syndrome, one of the manifestations of which is vomiting, which is difficult to stop.


Acetylsalicylic acid can be toxic to the body at certain concentrations. For adults, the toxic dosage of the drug is 300 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

It is noteworthy that chronic poisoning with acetylsalicylic acid and acetylsalicylates can occur in a latent form, since the symptoms of such poisoning are not pronounced and do not have a specific character. After repeated administration of too large doses of the drug, moderate intoxication caused by salicylates develops.

As for the symptoms of moderate salicylate poisoning (with prolonged use of high doses of the drug), as a rule, dizziness, deafness, vertigo, increased sweating, rapid breathing, tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, fatigue, headache, confusion are worried, moderate dehydration, nausea and vomiting.

A pronounced change in the acid-base balance is noted in acute intoxication with acetylates. Manifestations of changes in acid-base balance differ depending on age, the severity of intoxication. In children, metabolic acidosis is a common manifestation of this disorder.

It is noteworthy that the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid can be slowed down due to the fact that the drug is excreted from the stomach for a long time, calculi are formed or when taking tablets that are covered with an enteric coating.

Mainly in children with drug overdose, symptoms of acute and severe poisoning are encephalopathy, decreased blood pressure, pulmonary edema, coagulopathy, cerebral edema, heart rhythm disturbances. Children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases have more pronounced symptoms of intoxication.

Treatment. In a state of acute overdose, the victim needs to wash the stomach with the intake of activated carbon. If the drug was taken at a dosage of more than 120 mg / kg of body weight, then activated charcoal is used again. The salicylate level during treatment must be measured every 2 hours until the level is reduced and the acid-base balance is restored.

If bleeding is suspected, then a prothrombin time check is necessary.

When treating intoxication with salicylates, it is necessary to restore the balance of water and electrolytes. With the help of forced diuresis and hemodialysis, salicylate can be effectively removed from the patient's blood. As a rule, hemodialysis is used with the development of a severe form of intoxication, since this technique can significantly accelerate the elimination of salicylate and accelerate the restoration of acid-base balance.

In case of poisoning with salicylates, the following pathophysiological effects may develop, each of which requires a special therapeutic approach:

  • Mild to moderate intoxication.Treatment is reduced to gastric lavage and re-introduction of activated carbon. The victim needs to provide forced diuresis.
  • Hyperventilation, tachypnea, and respiratory alkalosis. In this case, the treatment is reduced to the use of measures aimed at restoring the acid-base balance.
  • Moderate and severe intoxication. Treatment is reduced to gastric lavage, repeated administration of activated charcoal, forced diuresis or hemodialysis (in cases of severe poisoning).
  • Loss of fluid and electrolytes. Treatment is reduced to measures to restore electrolyte and acid-base balance.

Side effects

When taking the drug Cardiomagnyl, the following adverse reactions may develop:

  • From the blood system.There is an increased risk of increased bleeding while taking acetylsalicylic acid drugs. A decrease in platelet aggregation, the development of thrombocytopenia, latent bleeding, the development of aplastic anemia, neutropenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis and other phenomena are possible. If Cardiomagnet is taken for a long time, then anemia may develop, and when high doses of the drug are taken, hypoprothrombinemia is possible.
  • From the endocrine system. Acetylsalicylic acid can lead to the development of a hypoglycemic state (low blood sugar).
  • From the nervous system. Side effects from the nervous system - vertigo, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness, headaches. In very rare cases, cerebral hemorrhages have been reported as an adverse reaction.
  • From the senses. Tinnitus and hearing loss (dose-dependent and reversible) may occur.
  • From the digestive system. Reception of Cardiomagnyl can cause such adverse reactions from the digestive tract as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, the appearance of erosions in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. In very rare cases, Cardiomagnyl leads to peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, esophagitis, stomatitis, exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, and exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • From the hepatobiliary system. When taking the drug, it is possible to increase the level of hepatic transaminases and alkaline phosphatase. Possible development of dose-dependent reversible hepatitis of moderate severity.
  • Allergic reactions when taking the drug.When taking Cardiomagnyl, an allergic reaction may develop if there is an individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. When taking Cardiomagnyl, it is possible to develop allergic rhinitis, angioedema, urticaria, hemorrhagic vasculitis, erythema multiforme, Quincke's edema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock. Patients with bronchial asthma are at risk of developing bronchospasm.


Taking the drug Cardiomagnyl is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug, as well as to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The drug is contraindicated in case of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as with insufficiency of kidney and liver function. If there is a tendency to bleeding, Cardiomagnet is also not prescribed.

As for pregnancy, Cardiomagnyl is contraindicated in women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Cardiomagnet is not used in pediatrics. For children under 15 years of age, taking acetylsalicylic acid preparations is contraindicated.

Since the risk of adverse reactions increases when taking other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Cardiomagnyl is prescribed with caution against their background.

With caution, Cardiomagnyl is taken by elderly patients and persons with chronic diseases.

In the presence of bronchial asthma, dyspepsia, allergic diseases and lesions of the gastric mucosa, as well as impaired liver and kidney function, Cardiomagnet is prescribed under the special supervision of a physician.

Since acetylsalicylic acid slows down the excretion of uric acid from the body, Cardiomagnyl is prescribed with caution to patients with gout.

Interaction with other medications and alcohol

The use of Cardiomagnyl is contraindicated in combination with the following drugs:

  • Methotrexate. When combined with Methotrexate, Cardiomagnyl increases the toxic properties of Methotrexate.
  • ACE inhibitors. When combined with ACE inhibitors with high doses of acetylsalicylic acid, filtration in the glomeruli decreases, since the vasodilatory effect of prostaglandins decreases, and the antihypertensive effect also decreases.
  • Acetazolamide. Acetylsalicylic acid increases the toxic effect of acetazolamide, which leads to the appearance of unwanted symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, and others).
  • Probencid, sulfinpyrazone. With the simultaneous use of probencid and high doses of acetylsalicylic acid, the metabolism of both drugs is inhibited, which can lead to a decrease in the excretion of uric acid.

Combinations with Cardiomagnet, which should be used with caution:

  • Methotrexate
  • Clopidogrel, ticlopidine
  • Anticoagulants
  • Absiximab, tirofiban
  • Heparin
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and COX-2 inhibitors
  • Ibuprofen
  • Furosemide
  • Valproate
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Spironolactone
  • Quinidine
  • Systemic glucocorticosteroids
  • Antidiabetic drugs
  • Digoxin
  • Antacids
  • Alcohol

Composition and properties


1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl contains 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid.

Excipients: corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium stearate, potato starch, methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose, talc, propylene glycol.

Release form

Cardiomagnet is available in the form of film-coated tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Acetylsalicylic acid is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic and antiplatelet agent. Antiplatelet properties increase bleeding time.

The main pharmacological effect is inhibition of the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane. The analgesic effect is an additional effect that is caused by the inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with decreased blood flow caused by inhibition of PGE2 synthesis.

Acetylsalicylic acid irreversibly inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins G / H, its effect on platelets lasts longer than acetylsalicylic acid is in the body. The effect of acetylsalicylic acid on thromboxane biosynthesis in platelets and on bleeding time continues for a long time after stopping treatment. The action stops only after the appearance of new platelets in the blood plasma.

Salicylic acid (an active metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid) has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also affects the respiratory processes, the state of acid-base balance and the gastric mucosa. Salicylates stimulate respiration, mainly by directly affecting the bone marrow. Salicylates have an indirect effect on the gastric mucosa by inhibiting its vasodilator and cytoprotective prostaglandins and increase the risk of ulceration.

Storage conditions

Cardiomagnet should be stored at an air temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius, out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the drug is three years.

ATX code

Cardiomagnet is a drug with an antiplatelet effect, belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The preparation contains acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide, which has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

On this page you will find all the information about Cardiomagnet: full instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Cardiomagnyl. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

NSAIDs. Antiplatelet agent.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Cardiomagnet cost at a dosage of 75 mg? The average price in pharmacies is 150 rubles.

Release form and composition

The drug Cardiomagnyl is available in the dosage form of enteric-coated tablets for oral administration (oral administration).

  1. The composition of Cardiomagnyl contains 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and 15.2 mg of magnesium hydroxide, the drug Cardiomagnyl Forte contains active substances in a ratio of 150 / 30.39 mg, respectively.
  2. Auxiliary components: magnesium hydroxide and stearate, corn and potato starch, MCC, talc, methyloxypropyl cellulose 15, macrogol.

Pharmacological effect

The effect of the drug "Cardiomagnyl", from which it helps with impaired cerebral circulation and other diseases, is due to the properties of acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide. The first component inhibits platelet aggregation, preventing the development of thrombosis. Also, the agent has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The presence of magnesium hydroxide contributes to the milder action of acetylsalicylic acid. This component does not allow it to aggressively affect the gastric and intestinal mucosa, does not affect its bioavailability. Thanks to magnesium hydroxide, acetylsalicylic acid is rapidly decomposed and excreted.

Cardiomagnet and aspirin: what's the difference?

Nowadays, a lot of people end up in the hospital due to heart attacks, heart attacks and strokes. To avoid this, you need to take small doses of aspirin. At the same time, Cardiomagnet or Aspirin cardio is prescribed. What is the difference between these two drugs? Cardiomagnet is an antiplatelet drug that prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and complications after them. The drug has a balanced dose of acetylsalicylic acid and an antacid that protects the vascular mucosa.

Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects and is used for vascular diseases and thrombosis. Cardiomagnet differs from aspirin in that it contains an antacid that protects the stomach from acid irritation. Thus, aspirin can not be used for stomach ulcers, and Cardiomagnet can be used if you do not have an exacerbation of this disease.

Indications for use

What does it help from? Taking Cardiomagnyl tablets is indicated for various pathological conditions, accompanied by an increased risk of intravascular thrombus formation:

  1. Unstable;
  2. Prevention of recurrence and thrombosis of blood vessels;
  3. Prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty);
  4. Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and congestive heart failure in the presence of risk factors (eg hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking, old age).


The instructions for use of cardiomagnyl indicate the following restrictions on use:

  1. First and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  2. Lactation;
  3. Children under the age of 18;
  4. Hemorrhage in the brain tissue;
  5. Gastrointestinal bleeding;
  6. Severe renal dysfunction (CC<10 мл/мин);
  7. Erosive and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  8. Lack of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  9. Simultaneous treatment with methotrexate at a dose of more than 5 mg per week;
  10. Bronchial asthma induced by treatment with salicylates and NSAIDs;
  11. Hypersensitivity to ASA, additional substances in the drug and other NSAIDs;
  12. Bleeding tendency against the background of vitamin K deficiency, hemorrhagic diathesis, thrombocytopenia.

Contraindications for cardiomagnyl should in no way be ignored - negative reactions from the body are serious and even life-threatening.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The use of salicylates in high doses in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal defects. In the second trimester of pregnancy, salicylates can only be prescribed with a rigorous assessment of the risks and benefits. In the third trimester of pregnancy, salicylates in a high dose (\u003e 300 mg / day) cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, increased bleeding in the mother and fetus, and administration immediately before childbirth can cause intracranial hemorrhage, especially in premature babies. The appointment of salicylates in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.

The available clinical data are insufficient to establish the possibility or impossibility of using the drug during breastfeeding. Before prescribing acetylsalicylic acid during breastfeeding, the potential benefit of drug therapy should be evaluated relative to the potential risk to infants.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Cardiomagnet tablets should be swallowed whole with water. If desired, the tablet can be broken in half, chewed or pre-ground.

  1. With unstable angina pectoris, 1 tab is prescribed. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-150 mg 1 time / day.
  2. For the prevention of repeated myocardial infarction and thrombosis of blood vessels, 1 tab is prescribed. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-150 mg 1 time / day.
  3. For the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as thrombosis and acute heart failure in the presence of risk factors (for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age), 1 tab is prescribed. Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 150 mg on the first day, then 1 tab. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75 mg 1 time / day.
  4. For the prevention of thromboembolism after surgical interventions on the vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty), 1 tab is prescribed. Cardiomagnet containing acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 75-150 mg 1 time / day.

Side effects

The use of Cardiomagnyl can cause allergies, heartburn, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, ulcers, bleeding, perforation of ulcers on the gastrointestinal tract, increased activity of liver enzymes, stomatitis, intestinal irritation, esophagitis, colitis, bronchospasm, anemia, neutropenia, increased bleeding, agran , hypoprothrombinemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia.

There are also reviews about Cardiomagnet, that it causes headache, tinnitus, insomnia, dizziness, cerebral hemorrhage


The appearance of overdose phenomena is possible when using a dosage of more than 150 mg / kg. If the overdose is chronic, then the following symptoms will be noted:

  • sweating
  • hearing impairment
  • vasodilation,
  • nausea,
  • tinnitus,
  • disturbances of consciousness,
  • headache.

What to do:

  1. For moderate overdose, it is enough to rinse the stomach, use activated charcoal, and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy.
  2. Acute severe intoxication begins with restlessness, respiratory alkalosis, hypoglycemia, pulmonary hyperventilation, and high fever. Alkalosis can further develop into metabolic acidosis. The treatment in this case is much more serious, therefore it will not be possible to avoid emergency hospitalization.
  3. A dosage higher than 300 mg / kg is capable of provoking liver failure, mortality is caused by a dose of more than 500 mg, selected per kg.

It will be necessary to control the water-electrolyte balance and forcing diuresis along with other standard methods of therapy (washing, the use of enterosorbent drugs).

special instructions

  1. The drug is not intended for the treatment of children and adolescents.
  2. Prolonged concomitant use of the drug with NSAIDs increases the risk of adverse reactions.
  3. In the case of a planned operation, the pills are stopped a few days before the surgery.
  4. In elderly people, prolonged use of Cardiomagnyl increases the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  5. Does not slow down the rate of reactions, therefore, there are no restrictions on the management of vehicles / mechanisms during its use.
  6. The agent is used with caution in allergy sufferers, patients with bronchial asthma, with renal / liver dysfunction, existing lesions of the gastric mucosa, dyspepsia.

Drug interactions

Cardiomagnet can very rarely enhance the effect of anticoagulants, since it inhibits the effect of probenicid. This effect is especially possible if you take Cardiomagnet in high doses.

Also, Cardiomagnet is able to enhance the effect of methotrixate, other antiplatelet agents, spironolactone. The absorption of acetylsalicylic acid may decrease when taken simultaneously with cholestyramine. Taking any medication with Cardiomagnum, you should consult your doctor.

The drug cardiomagnyl should never be consumed with alcohol.

INN: Acetylsalicylic acid

Manufacturer: Takeda GmbH, Oranienburg

Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification: Acetylsalicylic acid

Registration number in the RK: No. RK-LS-5 No. 020820

Registration period: 19.09.2014 - 19.09.2019




International non-proprietary name

Acetylsalicylic acid

Dosage form

Film-coated tablets 75 mg

Film-coated tablets 150 mg


One film-coated tablet contains

active substance: acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg or 150 mg

excipients:magnesium hydroxide, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose (E460), potato starch, magnesium stearate (E470b)

composition of the film shell: hypromellose (methylhydroxypropylcellulose 15), macrogol (propylene glycol), talc.


White tablets in the shape of a stylized "heart", film-coated (for a dosage of 75 mg)

Tablets, white, oval, film-coated with a risk of breaking (for a dosage of 150 mg)

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Anticoagulants. Platelet aggregation inhibitors excluding heparin. Acetylsalicylic acid

ATX code B01AC06

Pharmacological properties


Suction Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of ASA is about 70%, but this value is characterized by significant individual variability due to presystemic hydrolysis in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and in the liver with the formation of salicylic acid under the action of esterases. The bioavailability of salicylic acid is 80-100%.

After oral administration, non-ionized ASA is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Absorption is reduced with food intake and in patients suffering from migraine attacks. The absorption rate is increased in patients with achlorhydria or in patients taking polysorbates or antacids. The peak serum ASA concentration is reached within half an hour, and for salicylic acid within 1-2 hours.

Distribution 80% - 90% of ASA binds to plasma proteins. The volume of distribution in adults reaches 170 ml / kg of body weight. When the concentration in blood plasma is increased, saturated binding to proteins occurs, which leads to an increase in the volume of distribution. Salicylates are widely bound by plasma proteins and are rapidly distributed in the body. Salicylates are also found in breast milk and can cross the placental barrier.

Metabolism ASA is hydrolyzed to an active metabolite of salicylate in the intestinal wall. After absorption, ASA is rapidly converted to salicylic acid, but in the first 20 minutes after ingestion, ASA is the dominant form. Withdrawal Salicylate is mainly eliminated by hepatic metabolism. Therefore, the concentration of salicylate in plasma increases disproportionately with the dose. With an ASA dose of 325 mg, the plasma half-life for salicylate is 2-3 hours. At high doses of ASA, the half-life increases to 15-30 hours. Salicylate is also excreted in the urine unchanged. The amount excreted depends on the dose and on the pH of the urine. Approximately 30% of the dose is excreted in alkaline urine and 2% in acidic urine.

Excretion through the kidneys includes glomerular filtration, active renal tubular secretion, and passive tubular reabsorption.


ASA is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent that also prevents platelet aggregation. This increases the bleeding time.

The pharmacological effect of ASA is to inhibit the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes.

The analgesic effect is a peripheral effect caused by the inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase.

The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with blood perfusion and is due to the inhibition of prostaglandin E2 synthesis.

ASA irreversibly acetylates and inhibits the enzyme prostaglandin G / H-synthase, and therefore the effect on platelets is longer than the presence of ASA itself in the body. The effect of ASA on thromboxane biosynthesis in platelets and during bleeding persists for many days even after treatment is stopped. The effect stops acting only when new platelets are found in the plasma.

In addition, salicylate (an active metabolite) has an anti-inflammatory effect, an effect on respiration, on acid-base balance and on the stomach. Salicylates stimulate respiration mainly by direct action on the medulla oblongata. They have an indirect effect on the gastric mucosa due to their inhibition of vasodilator and cytoprotective prostaglandins and, in addition, cause a predisposition to ulcers.

Indications for use

Tablets 75 mg

    primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and acute coronary syndrome in people over 50 years of age with one or more of the following signs that may be risk factors for cardiovascular disease: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity (BMI\u003e 30 ) and a family history of myocardial infarction before age 55, in at least one parent, brother or sister

    prevention of recurrent myocardial infarction and blood vessel thrombosis

Tablets 150 mg

    acute and chronic ischemic heart disease

Method of administration and dosage

When taken orally, tablets can be chewed or suspended in water to ensure rapid absorption.

Tablets 75 mg

Acute and chronic ischemic heart disease

Acute myocardial infarction / unstable angina

150 - 450 mg as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear.

Prevention of recurrent thrombosis

150 mg as starting dose followed by 75 mg daily.

Patients over 50

Primary prevention, if there is a particular risk of developing cardiovascular disease: 75 mg daily.

Tablets 150 mg

150 mg daily

If liver or kidney function is impaireddose adjustment may be necessary. The drug is not prescribed for severe liver or kidney dysfunction.

Side effects

Adverse reactions are distributed in the following order, taking into account the frequency of occurrence: very often (≥1 / 10); often (≥1 / 100 to<1/10); не часто (≥1/1,000 до <1/100); редко (≥1/10,000 до <1/1,000); очень редко (<1/10,000)

Very often:

    prolonged bleeding time

    inhibition of platelet aggregation

    heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal pain


    hemorrhagic diathesis


    bronchospastic effect in patients with asthma

    erythema and erosion in the upper gastrointestinal tract, nausea, dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhea



    latent bleeding

    vertigo (dizziness), drowsiness


  • ulcers and bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, vomiting of blood, melena (black stools)

    allergic reactions - urticaria, angioedema (angioedema develops more often in patients with allergies)

    anaphylactic reactions


    increased values \u200b\u200bof transaminases and alkaline phosphatase

    anemia (with long-term treatment), hemolysis (in the presence of congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)

    intracerebral bleeding

    dose-dependent reversible hearing loss and deafness

    severe gastrointestinal bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, perforation

    renal dysfunction


    hemorrhagic vasculitis


    hypoprothrombinemia (at high doses), thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia

    stomatitis, esophagitis, ulceration in the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, stenosis, colitis, exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases

    purpura, erythema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome)

    dose-dependent reversible toxic hepatitis associated with various viral diseases (influenza A and B, chickenpox).


    reye's syndrome


    known or suspected hypersensitivity to salicylates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or any of the excipients

    hemorrhagic diathesis (vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia)

    peptic ulcer in the active stage

    severe renal impairment (GFR<0,2 мл / с (10 мл / мин))

    severe liver dysfunction

    severe cardiac dysfunction

    children under the age of 16

    exceeding a dose of more than 100 mg per day in the third trimester in pregnant women

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of the following drugs should be avoided:


Possible mechanism: decreased methotrexate clearance.

Effect: toxicity of methotrexate (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia,

nephrotoxicity, ulceration of the mucous membranes).

ACE inhibitors

Possible mechanism: inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

Effect: reduced effectiveness of ACE inhibitors.


Possible mechanism: An increased concentration of acetazolamide can

lead to diffusion of salicylates from blood plasma into surrounding tissues.

Effect: toxicity caused by acetazolamide (fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, confusion, hyperchloremic metabolic

acidosis) and toxicity caused by salicylates (vomiting, tachycardia,

hyperpnea, confusion).

Probenecid, sulfinpyrazone

Possible mechanism: probenecid and high doses of salicylates (\u003e 500 mg) interlock the effect of both drugs, affecting the excretion of uric acid.

Effect: reduced excretion of uric acid.

The simultaneous use of the following drugs requires caution

Clopidogrel, ticlopidine

The combination of clopidogrel and ASA has a synergistic effect, therefore an increased risk of bleeding is associated with this combination. Caution is needed when prescribing this combination.

Anticoagulants: warfarin, phenprocoumon

Possible mechanism: Decreases thrombin production, which leads to an indirect decrease in platelet activity (vitamin K antagonist). Effect: Increased risk of bleeding.

Absiximab, tirofiban, eptifibatid

Possible mechanism: inhibit glycoprotein IIb / IIIa receptors on platelets. Effect: Increased risk of bleeding.

Heparin Possible mechanism: decreases thrombin production, which leads to an indirect decrease in platelet activity.

Effect: Increased risk of bleeding.

If two or more of the above agents are used together with ASA, it can lead to a synergistic effect with increased inhibition of platelet activity and, as a result, an increased risk of hemorrhagic diathesis. NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors (celecoxib)

Possible Mechanism: Additive gastrointestinal irritation. Effect: Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Ibuprofen At the same time, the use of ibuprofen inhibits the irreversible aggregation of platelets caused by ASA. Treatment with ibuprofen in patients at increased risk of cardiovascular disease may limit the cardioprotective effects of ASA.

Patients taking ASA once daily for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and those taking ibuprofen occasionally should take ASA at least 2 hours before taking ibuprofen.

Furosemide Possible mechanism: inhibition of proximal tubular elimination of furosemide.

Effect: the diuretic effect of furosemide decreases.

Quinidine Possible mechanism: additive effect on platelets. Effect: prolonged bleeding time.

Spironolactone Possible Mechanism: Modified Renin Effect. Effect: reduced effectiveness of spironolactone. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) Possible mechanism: additive irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Effect: Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Valproate Possible mechanism: ASA alters the binding and metabolism of valproate. Effect: valproate toxicity (depression of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal problems).

The combination may require a dose adjustment of valproate. Corticosteroids Possible mechanism: additive irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and increased renal clearance or salicylate metabolism. Effect: increased risk of gastrointestinal ulcers and subtherapeutic plasma salicylate concentration.

Antidiabetic drugs

Possible mechanism: additive hypoglycemic effect. Effect: hypoglycemia

Antacids Possible mechanism: increased renal clearance and decreased renal absorption (due to an increase in urine pH).

Effect: reducing the effect of ASA.

Varicella vaccine

Mechanism: unknown.

Effect: Increased risk of Reye's syndrome.

Ginkgo biloba

Possible Mechanism: Ginkgo biloba inhibits platelet aggregation. Effect: Increased risk of bleeding.

special instructions

Long-term use of Cardiomagnyl in combination with other NSAIDs should be avoided due to the increased risk of undesirable effects (see the section on Drug Interactions).

Magnesium hydroxide, which is part of the drug, is an antacid that neutralizes hydrochloric acid, has an enveloping property, binds lysolecithin and bile acids, which have an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa.

Long-term use in elderly patients with pain, inflammation, fever and rheumatic disease should be avoided due to the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Low doses of ASA should be used with caution in elderly patients for the treatment of acute or chronic ischemic heart disease and stroke, as well as for the prevention of stroke and coronary heart disease due to the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

ASA can cause bronchospasm and cause asthma attacks or other allergic reactions.

The drug should be used with caution in the following conditions:

A history of gastrointestinal ulceration, including chronic and recurrent peptic ulcer disease or gastrointestinal bleeding

In patients with impaired renal or circulatory function

If liver function is impaired

In patients with severe glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, ASA can induce the development of hemolysis or hemolytic anemia.

ASA can lead to increased bleeding during and after surgical procedures such as tooth extractions.

Fertility The use of ASA can reduce fertility, and therefore should not be used in women wishing to become pregnant. If ASA treatment is necessary, treatment should be as short as possible and the dose should be as low as possible. The effect on fertility is reversible.

Pregnancy and lactation

Low doses (up to 100 mg / day)

Clinical studies show that dosages up to 100 mg / day are safe for use in obstetrics requiring special supervision.

High doses (over 100 mg / day)

First and second trimester: Inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis can be used only if there are strict indications, and the dose should be as low as possible, and the duration of treatment as short as possible.

Third trimester:the appointment of ASA in excess of a dose of 100 mg per day can cause the fetus

Cardiopulmonary toxicity (with premature closure of the Batalov duct and pulmonary hypertension)

Renal dysfunction with the sequential development of renal failure and a decrease in amniotic fluid;

in the mother and fetus at the end of pregnancy:

Increased bleeding time, as a consequence of possible decreased platelet aggregation

Suppression of the contractile activity of the uterus, which can lead to late labor or an increase in the duration of labor.

In connection with the above, the use of ASA in excess of a dose of more than 100 mg per day is contraindicated in the third trimester in pregnant women.

Due to the lack of experience with use during lactation, before prescribing ASA during breastfeeding, the potential benefit of drug therapy should be assessed relative to the potential risk to infants.

Features of the influence of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms Cardiomagnet does not affect or does not significantly affect the ability to drive a vehicle or work with moving machinery.


Dangerous dose for adults: 300 mg / kg.

Symptoms:as a rule, chronic poisoning with mild salicylates occurs only after prolonged use of high doses and is manifested by: fever, tachypnea, tinnitus, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, lethargy, moderate dehydration, nausea and vomiting. Intoxication is usually more severe in patients with chronic overdose or in those who abuse drugs, as well as in elderly patients or in children.

Treatment:gastric lavage, if there is a suspicion that more than 120 mg / kg has been taken, it is necessary to take activated charcoal. Serum salicylate should be measured at least every 2 hours after ingestion until the salicylate levels begin to decline steadily and the acid-base balance improves.

If bleeding is suspected, prothrombin time and / or international normalized ratio (INR) should be monitored. The water-electrolyte balance must be restored. Alkaline diuresis and hemodialysis are effective ways to remove salicylates from plasma. Hemodialysis should be considered in cases of severe intoxication, as it rapidly increases salicylate clearance and restores acid-base and water-salt balance.