Self-study plan experimental activities at dhow. Self-education plan on the topic: “Cognitive and research activities. Drawing up a story based on the painting "Forest Glade"

Svetlana M
Report on the topic of self-education "Cognitive development of a preschooler through didactic games"

Children preschool age should not be taught, but develop. Development is at the forefront. Develop need through activities accessible to their age - games... One of the important tasks of modern preschool upbringing - creating conditions that would contribute to child development, disclosing his creative potential. Cognitive processes are an integral part of any human activity, which provide one or another of its information. Leading activities preschooler is playing, so develop cognitive processes easier through play... In conditions games children concentrate and memorize better than direct instructions from an adult.

In work preschool institutions are didactic games... They are used both in joint and in independent activity of a preschooler. Didactic games perform the function of teaching aids - children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare.

I have been working for two years subject: « Cognitive development of a preschooler through didactic games", The purpose of which was the formation of a system of elementary knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, as the basis for the education of the correct attitude to it through didactic games, which provides for the solution of the following tasks:

1. Activate cognitive processes through the selective focus of the child's personality on objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;

2. Systematically strengthen and develop cognitive interest, which becomes the basis for a positive attitude towards intellectual activity;

3. Form the need to strive for learning new, more complete and deep knowledge, which are of a search character;

4. Foster strong-willed personality traits baby: dedication, perseverance, desire to complete activities;

5. Form coherent speech (enrichment and activation of the lexical side of speech - the dictionary);

6. To enrich the child's moral and aesthetic feelings;

The result is: during didactic games in children develop attention, memory, speech, thinking, intellectual development.

I've been working on this topic for the third year. I started my work with development of a subject-developing environment in a group, which allows you to create the necessary conditions for stimulating cognitive activities of children - an inexhaustible source for observations, conversations with the child throughout the school year. A corner has been created in the group "Visiting Igrovichka"where various didactic games, copyright games, multifunctional manuals such, as: "Miracle tree", "Magic basket", "Vase", "Multi-colored chest", "Wise snake", "Air cloud", "Seven-flower flower", "Burenka" "Umbrella", "Clock", "Africa"... These manuals have been widely used for such didactic games, as:

- "Endless classification";

- "Find by description";

- "Find an extra item";

- "Recognize the tree by its shadow";

- "Harvesting the harvest";

- "Gardener and Flowers";

- General search;

- "Search for analogues";

- "What fits what?";

- "What's growing in the garden?";

- "Search for opposite objects";

- "Animals of Africa";

Work on cognitive development through didactic the game is played in three directions:

Work with children;

Working with teachers;

Working with parents.

Work with children:

Teaching children is based on the program "Rainbow"... Basic form cognitive development are game motivation.

Working with children is structured as follows directions:

1. Intellectual development;

2. Development of attention;

3. Development of perception and memory;

4. Speech development.

In the intellectual development use such games: "Guess the figure", "Collect a snowman", "Transformations", "Wonderful forest", "The fourth extra", "Confusion?".

AT development of attention: "Reflection", "Lay out the circles", "Pantomime", "Portrait".

AT development of perception and memory: "Nadi differences", "Fold the picture", "Guess the Object", "What season?", "Who is out of place?", "Look carefully", "Find an object".

By development of speech: "Tops and roots", "Delicious juice", "Guess What I Ate", "What kind of object?", "Multi-colored chest".

I build my activities in stages, taking into account the age of the children. When choosing games, I take into account the peculiarities of the mental child developmentas well as their interest in various games. When organizing games of word content, I use surprise moments: through the heroto be helped, various attributes. Didactic games I include in educational activities, in joint activities, in individual work. Games I select for educational activities taking into account cognitive materialthat the children studied. In math, I pick games with mathematical content requiring mental stresses:

- puzzle games;

- games jokes;

- games with entertaining questions: "Why isn't the oval rolling?", "Who will find it faster", "Unfinished Pictures", "Fixing the blanket", "Live numbers", "Christmas trees".

By the development of speech include didactic games, on the development the ability to peer at an object, phenomenon, the ability to make inferences and assumptions: "Name as many items as possible", "Who will see and name more".

When familiarizing myself with others, I spend games to consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, flora and fauna, contributing developing curiosity, observation: "Magic Cube", "Gardener and Flowers", "Who flies?", "Guess"

In the course of the games themselves, depending on the age of the children, I ask questions, give a model of action, a sample of statements, remind the rules, refer to the experience of children, take on the role of a leader or observe the progress games... In the process of playing with children, I try to arouse their interest in games, create in them a state of enthusiasm, mental tension, I use entertaining problem situations that require resolution. To organize a joint and independent activities of children I create in a group of subject developing Wednesday - special didactic zone with a large set cognitive games, taking into account safety, aesthetics, visibility, accessibility.

I use various didactic games, including electronic games... I drew attention to the fact that the presentation of information on a computer screen or monitor in a playful way arouses great interest in children. It is very convenient to use these electronic manuals when organizing educational activities or individually, since a wide variety of tasks contributes to development of cognitive interests. Didactic the game helps to make educational material fascinating, to create a joyful working mood. A child keen on play does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then they are faced with tasks that require mental activity from him.

I widely use: games - travel, presentations, interactive games... All this expands the horizons of children, develops their cognitive activity: first, the process of accumulating knowledge takes place, then the information received is systematized and the readiness to comprehend the world around is formed.

The events with the use of multimedia technologies:

"Journey to the Kingdom of MATHEMATICS" - integrated lesson ( cognition - FEMP + physical education-physical education, used games: "Name the days of the week", "Count the balls", "Find the mistakes", "Riddles-tasks", "Find an extra item".

"Travel to Zvukograd"... Used the following games: "Toy shop", "Name the words", "Russell sounds in the houses", "Guess by the description".

Project implementation: "Marine life", took 1st place on the basis of our preschool educational institution. Used the following games: "Guess by the silhouette", "Settled the aquarium with marine life", "Collect the whole picture".

Working with teachers:

In interaction with teachers, I try to use a variety of forms. Conducted a consultation for preschool teachers on subject: « Cognitive development of children through didactic games". Where she offered teachers her author's multifunctional manuals and didactic games... Held a workshop on the use of copyright didactic games in working with children. I invited teachers to view open events, directly educational activities, where I used didactic games... Developed a project with the children "Marine life" and "Travel to Africa", which were presented in the competition for kindergarten projects. Project "Marine life" took 1st place.

Working with parents:

She actively involved her parents in her work. Held a meeting "What are our children playing with?"where a master class was held "Learning by playing"... An exhibition was presented here didactic games and copyright multifunctional manuals, during which parents got acquainted with new games, as well as, together with their children lost them, discussed the already held games... Conducted a survey of parents, which showed that the children's vocabulary increased, their horizons expanded, the level of knowledge increased, they became more independent, are active, have become more interested cognitive literature, to ask questions, to think creatively, the thinking ability was activated. Didactic games I include in work with parents in the form « home games» .

This systematic work has yielded positive results.

In the future, I plan:

1.making new didactic games;

2.creation of a filing cabinet didactic games for parents;

3.create a video library bank (with the involvement of parents);

Relevance of the topic

A preschool child is a natural explorer of the surrounding world. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal feelings, actions, experiences. “The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, under other equal conditions, will be his creative, research activity,” wrote Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky ...

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement.

Experimenting becomes one of the leading types of activity for the child: "The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all types of children's activities, including play."

Play in research often develops into real creativity. And then, it doesn't matter at all whether the child discovered something fundamentally new or did something that everyone has known for a long time. A scientist solving problems at the forefront of science and a toddler discovering a world still little known to him use the same mechanisms of creative thinking.

Cognitive and research activities in a preschool institution allow not only to maintain existing interest, but also to excite, for some reason, faded, which is the key to successful learning in the future.

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important in the modern world, since thanks to the development of cognitive and research activities, children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind develop, and on their basis, stable cognitive interests are formed.

Today the society is developing a new system of preschool education. The role of a modern educator is not limited to delivering information to the child in a finished form. The teacher is called upon to lead the child to the acquisition of knowledge, to help the development of the child's creative activity, his imagination. It is in cognitive-research activity that the preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity, to streamline his ideas about the world.

The purpose of the work on the topic of self-education: to create optimal conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers as the basis for intellectual - personal, creative development; unite the efforts of teachers and parents for the development of cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers.


To study methods, technologies for cognitive and research activities;

Create conditions for maintaining the research activity of children;

Support children's initiative, intelligence, curiosity, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world;

To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, establish a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions;

Develop attention, visual and auditory sensitivity.




Investigation of the properties of sand and clay during play activities during a walk.

Experiments with sand and clay.



Observation, study of the properties of water during regime moments, in play activities, in everyday situations, in research activities.

Experiments with water.

"The magician's soap".



Study of the properties of air in everyday life situations, in play activities, in research activities.

Experiments with air.

Experiments with soil.

(vegetable garden on the windowsill).


Studying the properties of a magnet in independent activity, during collective studies, experimental and experimental activities.

Experiments with a magnet.

Disappearing Coin



Observing indoor plants, studying the conditions for

optimal development and growth of plants.

Experiments "With water and without water", "In the light and in the dark."

Working with family


Involving parents in creating the Young Explorers corner: equip the corner with shelves, collect natural material.

Creation and equipment of the Young Researchers corner.


Consultation for parents on the topic "Organization of children's experimentation at home."

Newspaper for curious parents.


Open demonstration of educational activities "Kingdom of the Three Winds"

Open Day.


Preparation of photographs of children during experimentation, cognitive and research activities.

Photo exhibition "Young Explorers".

Self-education plan on the topic:

"Cognitive research activities"

Preparatory group "DROPS"


Chinese saying

What I heard I forgot

What I saw I remember

What I have done, I know.

Educator: Turchenko O.V.


1. Vinogradova N.F. "Riddle stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007

2. Preschool education №2, 2000

3. Dybina O.V. and others. Child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activity of preschool children. M .: Sphere 2005

4. Dybina O.V. Nearby unknown: fun experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.

5. Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. Moscow: Sphere, 2004

6. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - №2

7. Smirnov Yu.I. Air: A book for talented children and caring parents. SPb., 1998.


Theme: Water
1. "What properties"
2. "Assistant - water", "Smart jackdaw"
3. "Water cycle"
4. "Water filter"
Topic: Water pressure
1. "Pulverizer"
2. "Water pressure"
3. "Water mill"
4. "Submarine"
Theme: Air
1. "Stubborn air"
2. "Straw gimbal"; "Strong matchbox"
3. "Candle in the bank"
4. "Dry from water"; "Why does not pour out"
Topic: Weight. Attraction. Sound. Heat.
1. "Why does everything fall to the ground"
2. "How to see attraction"
3. "How does sound propagate"
4 "Magical Transformations"
5. "Solid and liquid"
Topic: Transformations
Material properties
1. "Color mixing"
2. "Disappearing Coin"
3. "Colored sand"
4. "Straw-flute"
5. "The world of paper"
6. "The world of fabric"
Theme: Wildlife
1. "Do plants have respiratory organs?"
2. "What's under our feet"
3. "Why do they say" Like water off a duck's back "
4. "Reportage" I liked the experiment ... "

Nelly Ivanovna Bukina
"Cognitive development of senior preschool children." Self-education work plan

Work plan for self-education of the senior group educator... 2017 -2018 academic year.

MDOU "Ryazhsky kindergarten No. 8" Bukina N.I.

Topic: « Cognitive development of older preschool children.

Direction:Cognitive speech.

Educational area:Cognition.

purpose: Improve your professional level; systematize work on the formation of cognitive knowledge and skills in older children.


Creating conditions for the formation of children of cognitive competence;

Familiarization children in their respective age form with cognitive character experimentation; - development in children interest in experimentation; - facilitating the process of forming children a sense of responsibility in practice;

Providing the necessary assistance to families in matters cognitive education of children... Confirm the feasibility of conducting such classes by educators

Work with children.


1 "What is" knowledge "and « to know» ?

To acquaint children with the concepts of “Knowledge, to know ". Develop an interest in cognitive activity... Contribute to the education of a creative personality.

2. "Everyone has a name"

Formation of ideas about the name, traditions of naming people in accordance with age and the role of the name in human life. Name, first names, surname, patronymic, age

1. "Family - seven I's". Deepen views children family welfare and the protection of the rights of the child by family members. Well-being, friendly family, relatives, love, care, respect, protection, duties, rights

2. "Away is good, but home is better." Formation of ideas about human needs for housing and the right to housing. House, apartment, rooms, tenants, order, disorder, food, shop, money.

1. "Who lives where?" Familiarization children with different countries and peoples Country, peoples, geographical map, foreign, nationality, race, faith, similarities, differences

2. "My Motherland". Formation of ideas about their country, the main city of Russia and respect for their small homeland. Country, homeland, Russia. Russians, capital, city, flag, coat of arms, territory.

1. "Want or need?" Development of independence and responsibility, the formation of skills of joint activities, Help, action, care, care, resentment, forgiveness, friendship, friend, affable, sympathy.

2. "It is bad for him who does no good to anyone." Building a respectful attitude children to each other and skills of conflict-free behavior and communication. Resentment, quarrel, bad deed, evil, good, evil, greed, generosity.

1. “What you don’t love in another, don’t do that yourself.” Consolidation of elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, the formation of skills of polite handling and behavior. Respect, patience, attention, understanding, rules, kind, polite, attentive, sympathetic, non-greedy.

2. "Secrets of courtesy". Familiarization with the rules of polite attitude towards other people and the formation of children skills of polite handling. Respect, rules, politeness, you, you, nickname, ridicule, polite words, goodbye, hello, etc.

1. "Children and Adults". Deepening the understanding of the differences between people of different sex and age and their social roles. Boy, girl, aunt, uncle, old man, old lady, age, help, care.

2. "Life is given for good deeds." Fostering a friendly attitude towards people. Respect, age, elderly, old age, childhood, help, good deeds.

1. "How to be friends without quarreling." Formation of children skills of conflict-free behavior and communication. Good, evil, resentment, deception, punishment, experience, upset.

2. "I will fast for my own, but I will not take someone else's." Formation of ideas about property, personal belongings. Personal belongings, common things, someone else's, one's own, punishment, harm, taking other people's things without permission (steal)

1. "Work and rest". To acquaint with the right to work and rest. To consolidate the understanding that every person needs both work and rest. Work, job, help, duties, rest, child labor, adult labor.

2. "Literacy is always useful to learn." Extend View children about the role of education in the life of every person. Knowledge, learning, education, literate.

1. "Every little child should know this from the cradle." Formation of children skills of safe behavior in relationships with adults and peers in public places Rules, offender, offender, safety, attention, prohibited, death, injury.

2. Diagnostics of the level of development of knowledge and skills by children

Working with parents.


Stock "Lessons from family and family values"

Folder - Move "Rights children»

Questionnaire "Do you understand your child"

Encouragement and punishment "- eight rules for adults

Consultation "Children's lies for and against"

Memo Child Abuse

March, April

Collection « Cognitive development of older preschoolers»

Parents' questioning.


Participation in the system of methodological work in the preschool educational institution

Preparing and conducting an open lesson - as a form of summarizing the overall activity.

Open lesson on the topic, introspection of an occupation.

Literature study:

1. Arnautova EP Teacher and family. –M.:. - Ed. House "Karapuz",2001

2. Dybina O. In the Child and the World. Program and guidelines. - M .: Mosaic - synthesis, 2005.

3. Dybina OV Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. System work in senior kindergarten group. –M .: Mosaic - synthesis, 2012

4. Golitsina N.S., Ogneva L.D. older preschoolers with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. - M .: "Scriporium Publishing House 2003", 2005.

5. Sankina L.K. Cognition of the objective world. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

6. Chernyakova V. N. Ecological work in a preschool educational institution... Toolkit. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2010

7. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about good and bad behavior. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

Related publications:

Self-education plan "Development of fine motor skills in older preschool children" Self-education plan for the 2017-2018 academic year of the teacher of the I qualification category of the preparatory speech therapy group Zubkova.

Self-education work plan. Sensory development of early preschool children Month FORM OF WORK Report deadline September Selection of literature on the topic Drawing up a card index October Organization of a corner for sensory development.

Work plan for self-education Topic: "The development of coherent speech in preschool children." Goal: Development of free communication skills with adults and children Objectives: - Expand and activate the vocabulary of children. - Develop.

Work plan for self-education "Project activities in the development of older preschool children" Work plan for self-education for the 2017-2018 academic year Topic: "Project activities in the development of children of senior preschool age."

Image library:

Work plan for self-education on the topic

"Cognitive development of a preschool child through play activities"

for 2010-2015

Educator: Shamsutdinova G.Sh.

Starting work on self-education, I set myself:

Purpose: to create optimal conditions for a child of preschool age as the basis for cognitive, intellectual-personal, creative development.


1. To study regulatory documents, scientific and methodological literature on this topic, to study pedagogical experience through articles on the Internet.

2. To develop a complex-thematic planning of the educational and educational process and a system of work for the section "

3. To cultivate interest in games.

Based on the tasks, I have compiled a self-education program:

Stage I (informational - introductory) 2010-2011 academic year

Study of scientific, methodological literature,

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", Convention on the Rights of the Child,

Analysis and generalization of theoretical data,

Development of complex - thematic planning.

Stage II (practical) 2012-2014

Organization of play centers

Implementation of the obtained theoretical knowledge into practice.

Posting publications

Practical exits, performances, participation in competitions, consultations:

Practical ways out:

Cognitive projects on the themes: "My friendly_family" for teachers of MBDOU, "Miracle experiments", "Health", "Educational games", "National games", "Visiting Vitaminka", "Any knowledge begins with surprise"

"Modern technologies for the development of speech Sinkwain. Composing riddles according to Nesterenko

Working with parents, consultations, parenting meetings:

Consultations: “What toys are needed for children”, “The role of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle”, “The influence of family education on the mental development of a child”, “Folk games”; "Search and cognitive activity", "Play in the lives of children"

Parents' meetings on topics: "Sensory development of children in object-game activity ","The role of play in the cognitive development of preschool children", "Development of children's cognitive interest in the objective world"

Speech at a general parent meeting on the topic: "Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution"

Speech at a regional seminar on the topic: "Mutual cooperation is the key to successful upbringing of a preschooler"

Speech at the seminar-presentation of MBDOU educators on the topic: "The use of innovative technologies in the cognitive development of preschool children"

"Development of children's cognition through non-traditional drawing techniques"

Show of open classes, events:

Demonstration of a theatrical game on the topic: "For Nyusha's birthday" with the participation of representatives of the State Institution "Directorate of financing scientific and educational programs of the BDD RT"

Demonstration of an open lesson for educators of MBDOU on cognitive development using ICT in the senior group on the topic "Travel to a scientific laboratory"

Show of an open lesson on cognitive development for teachers of MBDOU on the topic: "Travel to the world of objects"

Demonstration of a district lesson on cognitive development for teachers of MBDOU on the topic: "Dandelion"

Demonstration of an open regional lesson on the development of speech for teachers of MBDOU on the topic: "Matryoshka"

Demonstration of a regional open lesson on cognitive development for teachers of MBDOU on the topic: "Visiting a snowman"

Participation in regional, republican, all-Russian seminars, competitions, events:

Participation in all-Russian competitions of professional skills posted on the Internet.

Participation in the interregional competition of educational programs and methodological developments for the formation of research skills of preschool children "Rainbow of discoveries"

Participation of pupils in the open interregional intellectual tournament of abilities: "RostOK-SuperUm"

Broadcast of work experience on the topic: "All knowledge begins with surprise"

Stage III (generalizing) 2014-2015

Generalization of experience on the topic: "Cognitive development of a preschool child through play activities "

Practical work on the topic of self-education

1. Dybina O. V. "Game technologies for familiarizing preschoolers with the objective world."

2. Zhukovskaya R. I. "Creative role-playing games in kindergarten".

3. Popova L. V. “What an educator needs to know about how boys and girls learn to be men and women”.

4. Boychenko H. A. et al. "Role-playing games for preschoolers."

5. N. V. Krasnoshchekova "Games for preschool children"

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