State educational standard of medium professional formation. Federal State Standard of secondary vocational education

What conceptual basis are GEF in 2016 in 2016? Is the declared principles in practice are well implemented? What difficulties have to face managers and teachers of secondary vocational education? This is briefly in a new article.

Features of GEF 4 generation for SPO

In the conditions of the rapid development of new technologies, new professions and specialty are constantly arising. The education system is obliged to have the property of adaptability and effectively fulfill its functions, that is, to prepare specialists in demand in the domestic and world market. GEF 4 generation for ATO is developed in order to ensure professional training of middle-level specialists in full compliance with current economic and production requirements. What is the difference between the concept of new versions of GEF for SPO?

  • A new look at the formation and professional qualifications. Education is the need for constant updating knowledge, the ability to find and assimilate new information. Qualification is formed on the basis of professandards.
  • Adaptability of educational programs. Requirements and standards are not developed for separately taken specialties, but for enlarged groups of professions. Thanks to this, new specialties that appear on the market can be promptly included in curricula.
  • Less theory, more practice. The total load on students is reduced by 45-47 o'clock per week (among them an audit load - no more than 36 hours), 60% of the study time - practical training.
  • The specifics of specific professions are taken into account. 50% of the curriculum is a variable, which makes it possible to organize the learning process, taking into account all the features of a particular specialty. Theoretical disciplines common for many professions will be taught taking into account the specifics of the direction.

Read and download New GEF SPO, approved in 2016, here.

Concept and implementation - not the same

The practical implementation of any innovations requires effort, flexibility and creativity of all participants in the process. Even the most perfect concept must go through a long way before it becomes a spent scheme or manual to action. The same is true for the new concept of federal standards. The idea of \u200b\u200btheir creation is an almost unlimited opportunity for the development of pedagogical and methodological creativity. But the implementation in practice makes its own adjustments, shows the shortcomings and requires improvement.

One of the difficulties is that employers should play a significant role in assessing the quality of education. In principle, this is good and correct, but the interaction of the academic education system and employers is not fully worked out at the legislative level. Requests for training come mainly from large corporations, and they often prefer to invest in their corporate educational programs, and not in high school training. In addition, there are industries in which representatives of small and medium-sized businesses prevail. The interaction with them is still possible through the system of personal connections of managers.

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the academic educational community is not ready for dynamic learning changes. The process of retraining of personnel requires considerable effort and financial support. An obsolete material and technical base also needs financing. At the "Restart" of the education system of the new version you need time and money.

GEF of the 4th generation, approved by the new concept, propose to provide a student effective independent work under the control of teachers and masters. But it is not clear how to properly agree on different forms of independent work on all disciplines, not exceeding the maximum watch load. In addition, the organization of independent work requires verification and methodological support, but it is not paid to the teacher.

This is not all the difficulties of introducing a new concept. The conclusion is obvious - state support (methodological, financial, regulatory) is necessary. Without her, the future of the FGE standards, if not doomed to failure, will delay indefinitely.

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Federal State Educational Standards (GEFs) - a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of the main educational programs of the initial general, the main general, secondary (full) general, primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education educational institutions that have state accreditation

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I. Application Scope This Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education is a set of mandatory requirements for secondary vocational education in the specialty 09.02.05 Applied informatics (by industry) for the professional educational organization and educational organization of higher education that are entitled to implement government accreditation Medium-link training programs for this specialty, in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as an educational organization).

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II. The following abbreviations used in this standard are used: SPO - secondary vocational education; GEF SPO - Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education; PPSS - a mid-level training program; OK - total competence; PC - professional competence; PM is a professional module; MDC - interdisciplinary course.

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III. Characteristics of training in the specialty 3.1. Obtaining SPO on PPSS is allowed only in an educational organization. 3.2. The timing of obtaining SPO in the specialty 09.02.05 Applied informatics (by industry) of basic training in full-time learning and assigned qualifications are provided in Table 1. * Regardless of the educational technologies used. ** Educational organizations carrying out the preparation of secondary general education specialists are implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education within PPSS, including taking into account the specialty of the SPO. Education level required for admission to PPSS training Name Qualification of basic preparation Term of receipt of SPO on PPSS of basic training in full-time education * Secondary general education technician programmer 2 years 10 months Basic general education 3 years 10 months **

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3.3. The time of receipt of the SPO on PPSS of in-depth training exceeds for one year the term of receipt of the Basic PPPs training. The timing of obtaining PPSS of in-depth training in full-time learning and assigned qualifications are given in Table 2. * Regardless of the educational technologies used. ** Educational organizations carrying out the preparation of secondary general education specialists are implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education within PPSS, including taking into account the specialty of the SPO. Level of education required for admission to PPSS training Name of the qualifications of in-depth preparation Term of receipt of ATP on PPSS of in-depth training in full-time education * Secondary general education Specialist in Applied Informatics 3 years 10 months Main general education 4 years 10 months **

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The timing of obtaining SPOs on the PPSS of basic and in-depth training, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases: for students in part-time and correspondence forms of education: on the basis of secondary general education - no more than 1 year; on the basis of basic general education - no more than 1.5 years; For disabled people and persons with disabilities - no more than 10 months.

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IV. Characteristics of professional activities of graduates 4.1. The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities of graduates: information processing, development, implementation, adaptation, support of software and information resources, commissioning and maintenance of sectoral equipment in manufacturing, serving, trade organizations, administrative and management structures (by industry).

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4.2. The objects of professional activities of graduates are: information; information processes and information resources; Languages \u200b\u200band software programming systems, content management systems; means of creating and operating information resources; software; Equipment: computers and peripherals, networks, their complexes and sectoral system systems; technical documentation; Primary labor collectives.

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4.3. The programmer technician is preparing for the following activities: 4.3.1. Processing industry information. 4.3.2. Development, implementation and adaptation of sectoral focus software. 4.3.3. Maintenance and promotion of sectoral focus software. 4.3.4. Ensuring project activities.

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4.4. An applied computer science specialist is preparing for the following activities: 4.4.1. Processing industry information. 4.4.2. Development, implementation and adaptation of sectoral focus software. 4.4.3. Maintenance and promotion of sectoral focus software. 4.4.4. Project management. 4.4.5. Managing the activities of the organization's division.

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V. Requirements for the results of the development of the Middle Service Specialists Program 5.1. The programmer technician should have common competences that include the ability: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, to show sustainable interest. OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality. OK 3. To make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them. OK 4. To search and use the information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks, professional and personal development. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities. OK 6. Work in the team and team, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers. OK 7. To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), the result of tasks. OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training. OK 9. Focus in conditions of frequent change of technology in professional activities.

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5.2. The programmer technician must have professional competencies, relevant activities: 5.2.1. Processing industry information. PC 1.1. Process static information content. PC 1.2. Processing dynamic information content. PC 1.3. Training equipment to work. PC 1.4. Configure and work with sectoral equipment processing information content. PC 1.5. Control the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensure their proper operation.

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5.2.2. Development, implementation and adaptation of sectoral focus software. PC 2.1. Calculate and analyze information to determine the needs of the client. PC 2.2. Develop and publish software and information resources of sectoral focus with static and dynamic content based on ready-made specifications and standards. PC 2.3. Conduct the debugging and testing of the sectoral reference software. PC 2.4. Conduct the adaptation of industry software. PC 2.5. Develop and maintain project and technical documentation. PC 2.6. Participate in measuring and controlling product quality.

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5.2.3. Maintenance and promotion of sectoral focus software. PC 3.1. Allow problems of compatibility of sectoral focus software. PC 3.2. Promotion and presentation of sectoral focus software. PC 3.3. Conduct service, test checks, configuration of sectoral focus software. PC 3.4. Work with customer relationship management systems.

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5.2.4. Ensuring project activities. PC 4.1. Provide the content of project operations. PC 4.2. Determine the timing and cost of project operations PC 4.3. Determine the quality of project operations. PC 4.4. Determine the resources of project operations. PC 4.5. Determine the risks of project operations.

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5.3. An applied informatics specialist must have common competences that include the ability: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, to show sustainable interest. OK 2. Organize your own activities, identify methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their efficiency and quality. OK 3. Solve problems, evaluate the risks and make decisions in non-standard situations. OK 4. To search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities. OK 6. Work in the team and team, to ensure its cohesion, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers. OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the adoption of responsibility for the result of the tasks. OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training. OK 9. Being ready for changing technology in professional activities.

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5.4. Specialist in applied informatics should have professional competences, relevant activities: 5.4.1. Processing industry information. PC 1.1. Process static information content. PC 1.2. Processing dynamic information content PC 1.3. Model in three-dimensional graphics packages. PC 1.4. Training equipment to work. PC 1.5. Configure and work with sectoral equipment processing information content. PC 1.6. Control the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensure their proper operation.

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5.4.2. Development, implementation and adaptation of sectoral focus software. PC 2.1. To study the automation object. PC 2.2. Create information logical models of objects. PC 2.3. Develop and publish software and information resources of sectoral orientation with static, dynamic and interactive content. PC 2.4. Conduct the debugging and testing of the sectoral reference software. PC 2.5. Conduct an adaptation of sectoral focus software. PC 2.6. Develop, lead and exercise project and technical documentation. PC 2.7. Perform verification and quality control of products.

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5.4.3. Maintenance and promotion of sectoral focus software. PC 3.1. Detect and resolve the problems of compatibility of sectoral focus. PC 3.2. Promotion and presentation of the software product. PC 3.3. Conduct service, test checks, configuration of sectoral focus software. PC 3.4. Work with customer relationship management systems.

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5.4.4. Project management. PC 4.1. Manage the content of the project. PC 4.2. Manage the timing and cost of the project. PC 4.3. Manage the quality of the project. PC 4.4. Manage project resources. PC 4.5. Manage project staff. PC 4.6. Manage the risks of the project.

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5.4.5. Managing the activities of the organization's division. PC 5.1. Perform the formulation of operational and strategic goals and objectives of activities. PC 5.2. Plan the activities of the team, distinguish between zones of responsibility, control the work of junior technical staff. PC 5.3. Monitor and evaluate the activities of the organization's division.

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Vi. Requirements for the structure of the program of training of middle-level specialists 6.1. PPSS provides for the study of the following training cycles: the general humanitarian and socio-economic; mathematical and general natural scientific; professional; and sections: curriculum; production practice (according to the specialty profile); Production practice (predimental); intermediate certification; State final certification.

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6.2. Mandatory part of PPSS should be about 70 percent of the total time allotted for their development. The variable part (about 30 percent) makes it possible to expand and (or) the deepening of the preparation determined by the content of the obligatory part, to obtain additional competencies, the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the requests of the regional labor market and the possibilities of continuing education.

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Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the variable part are determined by the educational organization. The general humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural science training cycles consist of disciplines. A professional training cycle consists of consecutive disciplines and professional modules in accordance with activities. The professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. When mastering training professional modules, training and (or) production practice (according to the specialty profile) are carried out.

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6.3. The obligatory part of the general humanitarian and socio-economic training cycle of the Base preparation PPSS should include the study of the following mandatory disciplines: "Fundamentals of philosophy", "History", "Foreign Language", "Physical Culture"; In-depth training is the "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "History", "Psychology of Communication", "Foreign Language", "Physical Culture". The obligatory part of the professional training cycle of PPSSs of both basic and in-depth training should include the study of the discipline "Safety of vital activity". The volume of hours on the discipline "Safety of life" is 68 hours, of which, on the development of the basics of military service - 48 hours.

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6.4. The educational organization in determining the structure of PPSS and the complexity of its development can be used a system of test units, and one test unit corresponds to 36 academic hours.

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VII. Requirements for the implementation of the Middle Service Training Program 7.1. The educational organization independently develops and approves PPSS in accordance with GEF SPO and taking into account the corresponding approximate PPSS. Before the start of development of PPSS, the educational organization must determine its specificity taking into account the focus on the satisfaction of the needs of the labor market and employers, specify the final results of training in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge acquired practical experience. Specific activities that are being prepared by the study must comply with the qualifications assigned, identify the content of the educational program developed by the educational organization together with the employers' stakeholders.

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In the formation of PPSS, the educational organization: has the right to use the amount of time allotted on the variable part of the training cycles of PPSS, increasing the volume of time allocated to the disciplines and modules of the mandatory part, and (or) introducing new disciplines and modules in accordance with the needs of employers and specificity activities of the educational organization; obligated annually to update PPSS, taking into account the requests of employers, the characteristics of the development of the region, culture, science, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere within the framework established by this GEF; obligated in working curricula of all disciplines and professional modules clearly formulate requirements for the results of their development: competences acquired by practical experience, knowledge and skills; It is obliged to ensure the effective independent work of students in conjunction with improving the management of it by teachers and workshops of industrial training; obligated to provide a student opportunity to participate in the formation of an individual educational program; It is obliged to form a socio-cultural environment, to create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development and socialization of the personality, the preservation of the health of students, to promote the development of the educational component of the educational process, including the development of student self-government, the participation of students in the work of creative teams of public organizations, sports and creative clubs; should provide for the purpose of implementing a competence approach to the use of active and interactive forms of classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, the analysis of specific situations, psychological and other training, group discussions) in combination with extracurricular work for the formation and development of general and professional Competences of students.

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7.2. When implementing PPSS, students have academic rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" *. 7.3. The maximum learning load of the student is 54 academic hours per week, including all types of audit and extracurricular training load. 7.4. The maximum amount of audit learning load in full-time education is 36 academic hours per week. 7.5. The maximum amount of audit learning load in part-time formation is 16 academic hours per week. 7.6. The maximum amount of audit learning load per year in the correspondence form of training is 160 academic hours. 7.7. The total duration of the vacation in the school year should be 8-11 weeks, including at least 2 weeks in winter. * Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566; N 19, Art. 2289; N 22, Art. 2769; N 23, Art. 2933; N 26, Art. 3388; N 30, Art. 4263.

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7.8. The implementation of the course project (work) is considered as a type of educational activity on the discipline (disciplines) of the professional training cycle and (or) professional module (modules) of the professional academic cycle and is implemented within the time allotted on its (their) study. 7.9. Discipline "Physical Culture" provides for a weekly 2 hours of mandatory audit classes and 2 hours of independent work (due to various forms of extracurricular activities in sports clubs, sections). 7.10. The educational organization has the right for subgroups of girls to use part of the learning time discipline "Safety of vital activity" (48 hours), allocated to study the basics of military service, to master the foundations of medical knowledge.

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7.11. Obtaining the SPO based on basic general education is carried out simultaneously obtaining secondary general education within PPSS. In this case, PPSS, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary general education and the SPO, taking into account the specialty of the SPO. The deadline for the development of PPSS in full-time education for individuals learned on the basis of basic general education is increased by 52 weeks at the rate of: theoretical training (with a mandatory training load of 36 hours per week) 39 weeks. Intermediate certification of 2 weeks. Vacation 11med.

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7.12. Consultations for students on full-time and part-time education forms are provided for by the educational organization at the rate of 4 hours per student for each academic year, including during the implementation of the educational program of secondary general education for persons studying on the basis of basic general education. Forms of consultation (group, individual, written, oral) are determined by the educational organization. 7.13. In the period of studying with young people, educational fees are held **. ** Clause 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-F3 "On Military Duty and Military Service" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 13, Art. 1475; N 30, Art. 3613; 2000, N 33, Art. 3348; N 46, Art. 4537; 2001, N 7, Art. 620, Art. 621; N 30, Art. 3061; 2002, N 7, Art. 631; N 21, Art. 1919; N 26, Art. 2521; N 30, Art. 3029, Art. 3030, Art. 3033; 2003, N 1, Art. 1; N 8, Art. 709; N 27, Art. 2700; N 46, Art. 4437; 2004, N 8, Art. 600; N 17, Art. 1587; N 18, Art. 1687; N 25, Art. 2484; N 27, Art. 2711; N 35, Art. 3607; N 49, st . 4848; 2005, N 10, Art. 763; N 14, Art. 1212; N 27, Art. 2716; N 29, Art. 2907; N 30, Art. 3110, Art. 3111; N 40, Art. 3987 ; N 43, Art. 4349; N 49, Art. 5127; 2006, N 1, Art. 10, Art. 22; N 11, Art. 1148; N 19, Art. 2062; N 28, Art. 2974, n 29, Art. 3121, Art. 3122, Art. 3123; N 41, Art. 4206; N 44, Art. 4534; N 50, Art. 5281; 2007, N 2, Art. 362; N 16, Art. 1830 ; N 31, Art. 4011; N 45, Art. 5418; N 49, Art. 6070, Art. 6074; N 50, Art. 6241; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; N 49, Art. 5746; n 52, Art. 6235; 2009, N 7, Art. 769; N 18, Art. 2149; N 23, Art. 2765; N 26, Art. 3124; N 48, Art. 5735, Art. 5736; N 51, Art. 6149; N 52, Art. 6404; 2010, N 11, Art. 1167, Art. 1176, Art. 1177; N 31, Art. 4192; N 49, Art. 6415; 2011, N 1, Art. sixteen; N 27, Art. 3878; N 30, Art. 4589; N 48, Art. 6730; N 49, Art. 7021, Art. 7053, Art. 7054; N 50, Art. 7366; 2012, N 50, Art. 6954; N 53, Art. 7613; 2013, N 9, Art. 870; N 19, Art. 2329; Art. 2331; N 23, Art. 2869; N 27, Art. 3462, Art. 3477; N 48, Art. 6165).

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7.14. Practice is a mandatory partition of PPSSS. It is a type of educational activity aimed at forming, consolidation, development of practical skills and competence in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities. When implementing PPSS, the following types of practices are envisaged: educational and production. Industrial practice consists of two stages: practices on the specialty profile and pre-diploma practice. Curriculum and production practices (according to the specialty profile) are conducted by the educational organization when mastering students of professional competencies within professional modules and can be implemented both concentrated in several periods and dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within professional modules. Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the educational organization for each type of practice. Industrial practice should be carried out in organizations, the activities of which correspond to the training profile of training. Certification According to the results of production practice is carried out with regard to (or on the basis) of the results confirmed by documents of relevant organizations.

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7.15. The implementation of PPSS should be provided by pedagogical personnel having a higher education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught (module). The experience in organizations of the relevant professional sphere is mandatory for teachers responsible for the development of the student professional training cycle. Teachers receive an additional vocational education on advanced training programs, including in the form of internships in specialized organizations at least 1 time in 3 years. 7.16. PPSS should be provided by educational and methodological documentation for all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional PPSS modules. Extracurricular work should be accompanied by methodological support and justifying the calculation of the time spent on its execution. The implementation of PPSS should be provided with access to each studying database and library funds, formed by the full list of disciplines (modules) of PPSSS. During independent training, students must be provided with access to the Internet. Each learning should be ensured by no less than one training and (or) electronic edition for each discipline of the professional training cycle and one educational and methodological printed and (or) electronic edition for each interdisciplinary course (including electronic databases of periodicals). The library fund should be equipped with printed and (or) electronic publications of the main and additional training literature on disciplines of all training cycles published over the past 5 years. The library foundation in addition to educational literature should include official, reference and bibliographic and periodic publications per 1-2 instance for every 100 students. Each learning should be provided with access to sets of a library fund, consisting at least 3 names of Russian magazines. The educational organization should provide the student with the possibility of operational exchange of information with Russian educational organizations, other organizations and access to modern professional databases and information resources of the Internet.

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7.17. Reception for training on PPSS at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by part 4 of article 68 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" * . Funding for the implementation of PPSS should be carried out in the amount of not lower than the established state regulatory costs for the provision of public services in the field of education for this level. 7.18. The educational organization that implements PPSS should have a material and technical base that ensures all types of laboratory and practical training, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and modular training, educational practices stipulated by the educational organization's curriculum. The material and technical base must comply with applicable sanitary and fire provisions.

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VIII. Evaluation of the quality of the development program for the training of middle-level specialists 8.1. The assessment of the quality of the development of PPSS should include current supervision control, intermediate and state final student certification. 8.2. Specific forms and procedures for the current monitoring of performance, intermediate certification for each discipline and a professional module are developed by the educational organization independently and bring to the attention of students during the first two months from the start of learning.

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8.3. For the certification of students for compliance with their personal achievements by phased requirements of the corresponding PPSS (current control of academic performance and intermediate certification), assessment funds are created, allowing to evaluate skills, knowledge, practical experience and developed competencies. Evaluation funds for interim certification on disciplines and interdisciplinary courses in professional modules are developed and approved by the educational organization independently, and for interim certification for professional modules and for state-state certification - are developed and approved by the educational organization after a preliminary positive conclusion of employers. For intermediate certification of students on disciplines (interdisciplinary courses), apart from teachers of a specific discipline (interdisciplinary course), teachers of related disciplines (courses) should be actively involved as external experts. For the maximum approximation of the interim certification programs of students on professional modules to the conditions of their future professional activities, employers should be actively involved in the educational organization.

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8.4. Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions: assessing the level of development of disciplines; Evaluation of the competencies of students. For young men, an assessment of the results of mastering the basics of military service is envisaged. 8.5. The state final certification is allowed a studying, who has no academic debt and fully implemented a curriculum or an individual curriculum, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting state-state certification for relevant educational programs ***. 8.6. State final certification includes the preparation and protection of final qualifying work (thesis, thesis project). Mandatory requirement - compliance with the subject of final qualifying work in the content of one or more professional modules. The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the educational organization. *** Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. 2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566; N 19, Art. 2289; N 22 , Art. 2769; N 23, Art. 2933; N 26, Art. 3388; N 30, Art. 4263).

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1 1 An application was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from November 05, 2009. 530 Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty Pre-school Education I. Scope 1.1. This Federal State Educational Standard of Medium Vocational Education (Further, GEOS SPO) is a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of the main professional educational programs with a specialty pre-school education by all educational institutions of vocational education in the territory of the Russian Federation who have the right to implement the main professional educational program for this specialty. With state accreditation, the right to implement the main professional educational program with a specialty of secondary vocational education has educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education in the presence of an appropriate license. II. The following abbreviations used in this standard are used: ATO secondary vocational education; GEF SPO Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education; OU educational institution; OPOP main professional educational program in the specialty; OK shared competence; PC Professional competence; PM professional module; MDK interdisciplinary course.

2 2 III. Characteristics of training in the specialty 3. Regulatory deadlines for the development of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of in-depth training in full-time form of education and assigned qualifications are provided in Table 1. Table 1 Educational base of admission based on medium (full) general education based on basic general education. Name Qualifications of in-depth training teacher of children of preschool age. The normative term for mastering the OPOP of an in-depth training in full-time form of education 2 years 10 months 3 years 10 months 1 Deadline for the development of the OPO of the in-depth training on obscure (evening) and correspondence forms of education increases: on the basis of average ( full) general education no more than 1 year; On the basis of basic general education no more than 1.5 years. IV. Characteristics of professional activities of graduates 4.1. The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities of graduates: the upbringing and training of children of preschool age in preschool educational institutions of various types and at home objects of professional activities of graduates are: tasks, content, methods, funds, forms of organization and the process of education and training of preschool children; Tasks, content, methods, forms, means of organization and the process of interaction with colleagues and social partners (institutions (organizations) of education, culture, parents (by persons replace them) on the training and education of preschoolers; documentational support of the educational process The educational process of preschool children is preparing To the following activities: 1 Educational institutions engaged in the training of specialists based on basic general education, implement the Federal State Educational Standard of Medium (Full) General Education, taking into account the profile of the received vocational education

3 Organization of activities aimed at strengthening the health of the child and its physical development. Organization of various types of activities and communication of children. Organization of classes on the main general educational programs of pre-school education. Interaction with parents and employees of the educational institution Methodical support for the educational process. V. Requirements for the results of the development of the main professional educational program 5.1. The educator of children of preschool age should have common competences that include the ability: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, to show sustainable interest. OK 2. Organize your own activities, identify methods for solving professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality. OK 3. Assess the risks and make decisions in non-standard situations. OK 4. To search, analyze and evaluate the information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development. OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities. OK 6. Work in the team and team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners. OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of pupils, organize and control their work with the adoption of responsibility for the quality of the educational process. OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training. OK 9. Exercise professional activities in the context of its goals, content, technology change. OK 10. Implement the prevention of injuries, to ensure the protection of the life and health of children. OK 11. Build professional activities in compliance with its regulatory legal norms. OK 12. Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men), the educator of children of preschool age should have

4 4 professional competences corresponding to the main types of professional activities: the organization of activities aimed at strengthening the health of the child and its physical development. PC 1.1. Plan activities aimed at strengthening the health of the child and its physical development. PC 1.2. Conduct mode moments in accordance with age. PC 1.3. Conduct activities on physical education in the process of performing the motor regime. PC 1.4. To carry out pedagogical observation of the health of each child, to in a timely manner to inform the medical worker about changes in his health, the organization of various types of activities and communication of children. PC 2.1. Plan various activities and communication of children during the day. PC 2.2. Organize various games with children of early and preschool age. PC 2.3. Organize satisfying work and self-service. PC 2.4. Organize chatting children. PC 2.5. Organize productive activities of preschoolers (drawing, modeling, applique, design). PC 2.6. Organize and conduct holidays and entertainment for children of early and preschool age. PC 2.7. Analyze the process and results of the organization of various activities and communication of children. Organization of classes on the main general educational programs of pre-school education. PC 3.1. Define goals and objectives, plan classes with preschool children. PC 3.2. Conduct classes with children of preschool age. PC 3.3. Pedagogical control, evaluate the process and the results of training preschool children. PC 3.4. Analyze classes. PC 3.5. Mark documentation that ensures the organization of training with parents and employees of the educational institution. PC 4.1. Define goals, tasks and plan work with parents. PC 4.2. Conduct individual advice on family education, social, mental and physical development of the child. PC 4.3. Hold parental meetings, attract parents to the organization and conduct of events in the group and in educational

5 5 institution. PC 4.4. Evaluate and analyze the results of working with parents, to adjust the process of interaction with them. PC 4.5. Coordinate the activities of the staff of the educational institution working with the group methodical support of the educational process. PC 5.1. Develop methodical materials based on exemplary taking into account the characteristics of age, groups and individual pupils. PC 5.2. Create a subject-developing environment in the group. PC 5.3. Systematize and evaluate pedagogical experience and educational technologies in the field of pre-school education based on the study of professional literature, self-analysis and analysis of the activities of other teachers. PC 5.4. Register pedagogical developments in the form of reports, abstracts, performances. PC 5.5. Participate in research and project activities in the field of pre-school education. Vi. Requirements for the structure of the main professional educational program 6.1. The main professional educational program in the specialty SPO provides for the study of the following training cycles: a general humanitarian and socio-economic; mathematical and general natural scientific; professional; and sections: curriculum; production practice (according to the specialty profile); Production practice (predimental); intermediate certification; State (final) certification (preparation and protection of final qualifying work) The mandatory part of the main professional educational program for the cycles should be about 70 percent of the total time allotted for their development. The variable part (about 30 percent) makes it possible to expand and (or) the deepening of the preparation determined by the content of the obligatory part, to obtain additional competencies, the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the requests of the regional labor market and the possibilities of continuing education. Disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and

6 6 Professional modules of the variable part are determined by the educational institution. The overall humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural science cycles consist of disciplines. A professional cycle consists of negotiation disciplines and professional modules in accordance with the main activities. The professional module includes one or more interdisciplinary courses. In the development of educational professional modules, training practice is carried out and (or) production practice (according to the specialty profile) The mandatory part of the total humanitarian and socio-economic cycle of OPOP, the SPO in-depth training should include the study of the following mandatory disciplines: "Fundamentals of philosophy", "History", "Psychology of communication" , "Foreign Language", "Physical Culture". The obligatory part of the professional OPOP cycle of in-depth training should include the study of the discipline "Safety of vital activity". The volume of hours on the discipline "Safety of vital activity" is 68 hours, of which 48 hours of military service are developed.

7 36 OGSEK index. The structure of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of in-depth training. Name of cycles, sections, modules, knowledge requirements, skills, practical experience of the entire maximum learning load of the studying incl. Hours of mandatory training classes Mandatory part of the OPOP cycles General humanitarian and socio-economic cycle As a result of studying the obligatory part of the cycle, the student must: be able to: navigate the most common philosophical problems of being, knowledge, values, freedom and meaning of life as a basis for the formation of a culture of a citizen and the future specialist; Know: Main categories and philosophy concepts; The role of philosophy in human life and society; Fundamentals of philosophical teaching about being; the essence of the process of knowledge; Basics of scientific, philosophical and religious paintings of the world; about the conditions of personality formation, freedom and responsibility for the preservation of life, culture, the environment; On social and ethical issues related to the development and use of the achievements of science, technology and technologies Index and the name of disciplines, interdisciplinary courses (MDC) 48 OGSE.01. Basics of philosophy Table 2 Codes formed competencies OK 1 12 PC 2.7 PC 3.4 PC 5.3 PC 5.5

8 8 To be able to: apply techniques and techniques to effectively communicate in professional activities; use the techniques of self-regulation behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; Know: the relationship of communication and activities; goals, functions, species and levels of communication; Roles and role-playing expectations in communication; types of social interactions; Mechanisms of mutual understanding in communication; techniques and techniques of communication, the rules of the hearing, conducting conversations, beliefs; ethical principles of communication; Sources, reasons, types and methods for resolving conflicts to be able to: navigate in the modern economic, political and cultural situation in Russia and the world; identify the relationship of domestic, regional, global socio-economic, political and cultural problems; Knowing: the main directions of development of key regions of the world at the turn of the centuries (XX and XXI centuries); The essence and causes of local, regional, interstate conflicts at the end of the 20th of the XXI century; Basic processes (integration, 48 OGSES.02. Psychology of communication OK 1 12 PC 1.2 PC 1.3 PC PC PC PCs.03. History OK 1 12 PC PC 3.1 PC 3.2 PC 5.2 PC 5.3

9 9 polycultural, migration and other) political and economic development of leading states and regions of the world; the appointment of the UN, NATO, the EU and other organizations and the main directions of their activities; On the role of science, culture and religion in the preservation and strengthening of national and state traditions; The content and purpose of the most important legal and legislative acts of world and regional significance is able to: communicate (orally and writing) in a foreign language for professional and everyday topics; Translate (with a dictionary) Foreign texts of professional orientation; independently improve the oral and written speech, replenish the vocabulary; To know: lexical (lexical units) and the grammatical minimum necessary for reading and transferred (with a dictionary) of foreign texts of the professional orientation to be able to: use physical treatment activities to improve health, achieve life and professional goals; 172 OGSE.04. Foreign language 172 OGSE.05. Physical culture OK 1 12 PC PC 3.1 PC 3.2 PC 5.2 PC 5.3 OK 1 12 PC 1.1 PC 1.3 PC 3.2

10 10 EN.00 Know: On the role of physical culture in the general cultural, professional and social development of man; Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle Mathematical and general natural science cycle As a result of studying a mandatory part of the cycle, the student should: be able to: apply mathematical methods to solve professional tasks; solve text tasks; perform approximate calculations; conduct elementary statistical processing of information and research results, represent the data obtained graphically; Know: the concepts of the set, the relationship between sets, operations on them; the concepts of the magnitude and its measurement; the history of the creation of units of units of magnitude; stages of the development of the concepts of natural number and zero; Numbers; the concepts of the text task and the process of its solution; history of geometry development; The main properties of geometric shapes on the plane and in space; Rules of approximate calculations; Methods of mathematical statistics EN.01. Mathematics OK 2 PC PC 5.1 PC 5.2

11 11 Be able to: comply with safety regulations and hygienic recommendations when using ICT tools in professional activities; create, edit, draw up, save, transmit information objects of various types using modern information technologies to ensure the educational process; use services and information resources of the Internet in professional activities; Know: safety regulations and hygienic requirements when using ICT tools in the educational process; Basic technologies for creating, editing, designing, saving, transmitting and searching for information objects of various types (text, graphic, numeric, etc.) with the help of modern software; Opportunities for the use of Internet resources to improve professional activities, professional and personal development; Hardware and software of a personal computer (PC) used in professional activities of EG.02. Informatics and information-communications technologies (ICT) in professional activity OK 1 9 PC 3.2 PC 3.5 PC

12 12 P00 Professional OP.00 Cycle Recipient disciplines As a result of the study of the mandatory part of the cycle, the student in general-professional disciplines should: be able to: determine the pedagogical capabilities of various methods, techniques, techniques, forms of organizing training and upbringing; analyze pedagogical activities, pedagogical facts and phenomena; find and analyze the information necessary to solve pedagogical problems, increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, professional self-education and self-development; navigate in modern issues of education, trends of its development and reform directions; know: the relationship between pedagogical science and practice, the trends of their development; the importance and logic of goaling in training, education and pedagogical activities; principles of learning and education; Features of the content and organization of the pedagogical process in various types and types of educational institutions, on various levels of education; Oph .01. Pedagogy OK 1 12 PC PC PC PC

13 13 forms, methods and means of learning and education, their pedagogical capabilities and conditions of application; Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of motivation and abilities in the learning process, the basis of developing learning, differentiation and individualization of education and education; the concept of norm and deviations, violations in somatic, mental, intellectual, speech, sensory development of a person (child), their systematics and statistics; Features of working with gifted children, children with special educational needs, deviant behavior; means of monitoring and assessing the quality of education; Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the appraisal activity of the teacher are able to: apply the knowledge of psychology in solving pedagogical problems; identify individual-typological and personal features of pupils; Know: Features of psychology as science, its connection with pedagogical science and practice; Basics of personality psychology; the patterns of mental development of a person as a subject of the educational process, personality and individuality; OP.02 Psychology OK 1 12 PC PC PC PC 4.2 PC 4.4 pc

14 14 age periodization; age, sex, typological and individual features of students, their accounting in training and education; Features of communication and group behavior in school and preschool age; group dynamics; concepts, reasons, psychological foundations of prevention and correction of social disadaptation, deviant behavior; Basics of psychology of creativity be able to: determine the topographic location and structure of organs and parts of the body; apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology and hygiene when studying professional modules and professional activities; evaluate the factors of the external environment in terms of influence on the functioning and development of the human body in childhood; Conduct under the guidance of a medical worker for the prevention of diseases of children; ensure compliance with hygienic requirements in the group in the organization of training and education of preschoolers; know: the main provisions and terminology of the anatomy, physiology and human hygiene; The main laws of the growth and development of the human body; OP.03 Age Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene OK 3 OK 10 PC PC PC PC

15 15 structure and functions of healthy man organs; the physiological characteristics of the main processes of the human body; age anatomy-physiological features of children; The influence of the processes of physiological maturation and development of the child on its physical and mental performance, behavior; Basics of children's hygiene; hygienic standards, requirements and rules for preserving and improving health at various stages of ontogenesis; Fundamentals prevention of infectious diseases; Hygiene requirements for the educational process, building and premises of the pre-school educational institution are able to: use regulatory documents regulating professional activities in the field of education; protect their rights in accordance with civil, civil procedural and labor legislation; analyze and evaluate the results and consequences of actions (inaction) from a legal point of view; OP.04 Legal support of professional activity OK 2 5 OK 9 OK 11 PC PC 3.1 PC 3.2 PC 3.5

16 16 Know: The main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; human rights and freedoms and citizen, their implementation mechanisms; the concept and basis of legal regulation in the field of education; Basic legislation and regulatory documents regulating legal relations in the field of education; socio-legal status of the educator; The procedure for the conclusion of the employment contract and the grounds for its termination; rules for remuneration of pedagogical workers; the concept of disciplinary and material responsibility of the employee; types of administrative offenses and administrative responsibility; Regulatory and legal framework for the protection of violated rights and judicial procedure for resolving disputes to be able to: determine the pedagogical possibilities of various methods, techniques, methods, forms of organizing training and education of preschoolers; analyze pedagogical activities, pedagogical facts and phenomena; Find and analyze the information necessary to solve pedagogical problems, increase the effectiveness of OP.05. Theoretical foundations of preschool education OK 1 12 PC PC PC PC PC

17 17 pedagogical activities, professional self-education and self-development; navigate the modern problems of pre-school education, the trends of its development and reform directions; know: domestic and foreign experience of pre-school education; Features of the content and organization of the pedagogical process in pre-school educational institutions; variable education programs, learning and developing children; forms, methods and means of training and education of preschoolers, their pedagogical capabilities and conditions of application; Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of motivation and abilities in the learning process, the basics of educational training, differentiation and individualization of training and education of preschoolers are able to: organize and conduct activities to protect working and population from negative impacts of emergency situations; make preventive measures to reduce the level of dangers of various types and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life; Use the means of individual and 68 OP.06. Life Safety OK 1 12 PC PC PC PC PC

18 18 collective protection against weapons of mass lesion; apply primary fire extinguishing tools; navigate the list of military accounting specialties and independently define the delicate specialty among them; apply professional knowledge during the execution of military service responsibilities in military positions in accordance with the received specialty; own ways to conflict communication and self-regulation in daily activities and extreme conditions of military service; provide first assistance to victims; Know: Principles for ensuring the sustainability of the economy facilities, forecasting the development of events and evaluating the effects of technological emergencies and natural phenomena, including in the context of counter-terrorism as a serious threat to the national security of Russia; The main types of potential dangers and their consequences in professional activities and everyday life, the principles of reducing the likelihood of their implementation; Basics of military service and state defense; Tasks and main events

19 civil defense; Methods for protecting the population from weapons of mass lesion; fire safety measures and rules of safe behavior in fires; Organization and procedure for calling citizens to military service and receipts on it voluntarily; The main types of weapons, military equipment and special equipment consisting of military units in which there are military specialties related to the specialties of the SPO; the scope of the received professional knowledge in the performance of military service responsibilities; The procedure and rules for the first assistance of victims of PM.00 Professional modules of PM.01 Organization of activities aimed at strengthening the health of the child and its physical development as a result of studying a professional module learning should: have practical experience: planning of regime moments, morning gymnastics, classes, walks, hardening, physical education and holidays; Organizing and conducting regime (wash, dressing, nutrition, sleep), aimed at educating cultural and 19 MDC Medicalobiological and social foundations of health MDK Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age OK 1 4 OK 7 OK 9 11 PC PC

20 20 hygienic skills and health promotion; Organizing and holding morning gymnastics, classes, walks, hardening procedures, physical education and holidays in accordance with the age of children; Organization and conduct of observations of changes in the well-being of children during their stay in an educational institution; interaction with medical personnel educational institutions for children health; diagnostics of physical education and development results; observations and analysis of activities in physical education; developing proposals for the correction of the process of physical education; To be able to: determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of physical education and the development of children of early and preschool age; Plan work on the physical education and development of children in accordance with age and the work regime of the educational institution; organize the process of adapting children to the conditions of the educational institution, determine the ways of introducing a child into the conditions of the educational institution; Create pedagogical conditions for carrying, dressing, nutrition, MDC workshop to improve motor skills and skills

21 21 sleep organization in accordance with age; carry out motor regime activities (morning gymnastics, classes, walking, hardening, physical education, holidays), taking into account the anatomy-physiological characteristics of children and sanitary and hygienic standards; Conduct work to prevent children's injuries: checking equipment, materials, inventory, facilities for use of use in working with children; use sports inventory and equipment during the educational process; Show children exercise, rhythmic movements for music; determine the methods of monitoring the state of health, changes in the well-being of each child during the stay in the educational institution; determine the methods of pedagogical support of pupils; analyze the conduct of regime moments (wash, dressing, nutrition, sleep), motor regime activities (morning gymnastics, classes, walking, hardening, physical education, holidays) in the context of the educational institution; Know: Theoretical Fundamentals and Methods of Planning Events on Physical

22 22 Education and development of children of early and preschool age; Features of planning of regime moments (wash, dressing, nutrition, sleep) and motor regime activities (morning gymnastics, classes, walking, hardening, physical education and holidays); Theoretical foundations of the day; Methods of organization and carrying, dressing, nutrition, sleep in accordance with age; Theoretical basis of motor activity; Basics of development of psychophysical qualities and forming motor actions; Methods, forms and means of physical education and development of the child early and preschool age in the process of performing the motor regime; Features of children's injuries and its prevention; Requirements for the organization of a safe environment in a pre-school educational institution; Requirements for the storage of sports equipment and equipment, the methodology of their use; The most common childhood diseases and their prevention; Features of the behavior of a child in psychological well-being or disadvantage;

23 23 PM.02 Basics of pedagogical control of the state of physical health and mental well-being of children; Features of the adaptation of the children's body to the conditions of the educational institution; Theoretical foundations and methods of work of the educator in physical education; The methodology for the diagnosis of physical development of children. Organizing various activities and communication of children as a result of studying a professional module. Studying must: have practical experience: planning various activities (game, labor, productive) and communication of children; Organizing and holding creative games (plot-role-playing, construction, theatrical and directing) and games with rules (moving and didactic); organizations of various types of work activities of preschoolers; organization of communication of preschoolers in everyday life and various activities; organizations of various types of productive activities of preschoolers; organizing and conducting entertainment; participation in the preparation and holding of holidays in an educational institution; Observations and analysis of game, labor, MDC Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of the game activity of children of early and preschool age MDK Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of labor activities of preschool children MDK Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of productive activities of children of preschool age OK 1 5 OK 7 OK 9 11 PC PC

Description of the educational program in the specialty 050144 Pre-school Education I. General provisions 1.1. Main professional educational program in the specialty 050144 Pre-school education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Mias Pedagogical College" Program for the preparation of middle-level specialists

The document is provided with a consultant registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 28, 2014 N 34994 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Order of October 27, 2014 N 1386 on approval

Annotation to the work program of educational and production practices Specialty 44.02.05. Correctional pedagogy in primary education in accordance with paragraph 7.14 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise SPO Practice is a mandatory section

I approve: Director of GBOU SPO "Pedagogical College. N.K. Kalugina "Orenburg O.V. Saldaev 20 g. Basic professional educational program State budgetary educational institution

Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region State autonomous educational institution of the Murmansk region of secondary vocational education "Pechengsky Polytechnic Technical Academy"

1 Additional program Academic scientific council at night in "VGGY" Protocol 1 from "29" August 2016 Approve: Rector at night in "VGGY" S.M. Belsky "29" August 2016 Additional Professional Program

The document was provided with a consultant, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 25, 2014 N 33825 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Order of August 13, 2014 N 998 on approval

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 200 g. Registration number Federal State Educational

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region "Vladimir Pedagogical College" Abstract Working Program of the Professional Module

Approved Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic on September 22, 546, 2015. State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty

Chow on Business College Approve Director Chow on Business-College Yu.V. 2015 Rubatov 2015 curriculum of the program of training specialists of the middle link of a private educational institution of professional

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region "Vladimir Pedagogical College" Abstract Working Program of the Professional Module

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region "Vladimir Pedagogical College" Abstract of the working program of the academic discipline of OP.06

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region State Budget Professional Educational Institution "Mias Pedagogical College" Program for the preparation of middle-level specialists

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Vladimir region "Vladimir Pedagogical College" Abstract Working Program of the Professional Module

1. Passport program discipline English language (discipline name) 1.1. The scope of the program The Working Program of Educational Discipline is part of the main professional educational

Course training on disciplines and interdisciplinary courses Training plan specialty of secondary vocational education 49.02.01 "Physical Culture" Qualification: teacher in physical culture

Annotations of working programs of educational disciplines by profession 100116 Hairdresser's art index Name of cycles, sections, modules, knowledge requirements, skills, practical experience

02/09/03 Programming in computer systems Index OGSE.00 Name of training cycles, partitions, modules, knowledge requirements, skills, practical experience of all as possible learning load

Stroitelstvo_zheleznykh_dorog_put_i_putevoe_khozyaystv substitutionalism and science of the Russian Federation Order of March 17, 2010 N 193 on approval and enforcement of federal state

1 Education of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2014 AK-44 / 05VN; Federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education (hereinafter FGOS SPO) for the relevant specialties;

1. General Provisions 1.1 This Regulation on the main professional educational programs of the GBOU JSC SPO "Astrakhan State Polytechnic College" (hereinafter referred to) on the basis of:

Adopted by the Pedagogical Council the Protocol dated June 17, 2015. 8 approved by order of the OPK OPC from 19.06.2015. 54-° C (as amended by the Order of the OPK "from 16.06.2016 02-22 / 103) Plan of regional budget

Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region GBPOU "Pedagogical College. N. K. Kalugina "Orenburg 3.6.2. Working program of academic discipline Communicative workshops 2015 2 Working program

The program of training specialists of the middle link of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of secondary vocational education "Treboldinsky Agricultural Technical Academy" in the specialty

Explanatory note to the curriculum of GKOU SPO CBTTK in the specialty 260807 "Catering technology technology" The curriculum is compiled on the basis of the following documents: - Federal State

I approve the head of the Department of Pedagogy and Modern Educational Technologies / Kudryavtseva E.A. / 17.09.2016. The Foundation for the Assessment Fund of Program for Training Middle PP specialists. 03.01 Production

Pedagogical practice of hands. Practices Klimova A.A. Methodical instructions Premomal practice 64 (3) c. Specialty 44.02.01 "Pre-school education" (correspondence department) (PM.06 Formation of the foundations of ecological

Annotations of working programs in the specialty of secondary vocational education 38.02.04 Commerce (by industry) Main professional educational program of secondary vocational education

29.02.04 Designing, modeling and technology of sewing products Index The name of training cycles, sections, modules, knowledge requirements, skills, practical experience Mandatory part of training

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Hapow RS (I) "Namsky Pedagogical College named after Iinokuurova" Approving N.P.Murukucheyev 2016. The program of training specialists of middle-level professional

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State autonomous professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Technological College 24" Approved by the College Council of Training

Educational training program for professional training Program for the post of service of 24236 Junior educator is based on qualifying requirements approved

ANPOO "College of Business Administration, Economics and Finance" Specialist Specialist Training Program 38.02.06 "Finance" of Basic Training Qualification: Financier Form of study:

The document was provided with a consultant.

44.02.04 Special pre-school education area and objects of professional activities The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities of graduates: Education and training of preschool children with deviations

Index elements of the educational process, incl. Educational disciplines, professional modules, interdisciplinary courses forms of intermediate certification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Max. Again is a teaching. (hour.) Training

1 2 Annotations of the working programs of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of basic training in the specialty

And in t o n o m n i n e m i e a r and z and z and I am a Kaliningrad business college basic professional educational program in the specialty of secondary vocational education

The private educational institution of vocational education "Sayan Institute of Technical Sciences" is considered and approved by the Methodological Council Protocol 1 of 28.08.2015. Middle Specialist Training Program

Annotation of the working program of the academic discipline of OP. 07 Life safety 1.1. The scope of the program The Working Program of Educational Discipline is part of the main professional educational

The program of training of middle-level specialists is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 38.02.07 Banking Specialist Training Program

The document was provided with a consultantPlus registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2014 No. 33682 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Order of August 11, 2014 N 975 on approval

Op.01 "The Economic and Legal Fundamentals of Professional Activities" Discipline "The Economic and Legal Fundamentals of Professional Activities" refers to the weappression of the cycle. navigate

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Pedagogical College 15 Working Program Curriculum Specialty 050144 Pre-school education

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budget professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Pedagogical College 15" Work program for educational practice Specialty 44.02.01

To the working program of the OGSE academic discipline. 01. Fundamentals of the philosophy of the general humanitarian and social and economic training cycle The working program of the educational discipline is part of the training program

Annotations of working programs of disciplines and professional modules of the educational program of secondary vocational education program of training qualified workers by profession 43.01.02 hairdresser

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) State budgetary educational institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of secondary vocational education "Vilya Pedagogical College

Curriculum of the regional state autonomous professional educational institution "Alekseevsky College" in the specialty of secondary vocational education 050144 pre-school education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Main Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Altai Territory KBGO SPO "Slavgorod Pedagogical College" Main Professional Educational

Abstract Working Program of the Professional Module Organization of Music Education Children in Preschool Educational Institutions Organization-Developer: OKOBU SPO IRCPO Developers: Prokhorov

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational-Pedagogical

Explanatory note to the curriculum in the specialty "Pre-school education" for 2017-2018 U.G. 1.1 This curriculum of training of middle-level specialists (PPSS) university complex "Gymnasium

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2013 N 690 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education by profession 040401.01

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013 N 29500 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Order of August 2, 2013 N 690 on the approval of the federal state educational

State Educational Institution of secondary vocational education Mariinsky Pedagogical College Curriculum Program in the specialty of secondary vocational education 050144

The main educational program of secondary vocational education in the specialty 034702 Documentation Support of Management and Archival I. Scope of application of the main task of this

Annotation of the educational discipline program of the foundation of philosophy (discipline name) 1.1. Scope of the program The program of the educational discipline is part of the main professional educational