Where the rash mushrooms grow. Raisses Mushroom: Useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Indications for use

Rush Mushroom is rarely found in nature, so once he was a huge value. This saprofit is considered a single one. But, it happens, he lives 2 or 3 years.

Botanical Description:

  • Mushroom body.Reishi consists of legs and caps.
  • Hat. Color quantifying, mushroom can take different shades - from reddish to violet. Over the shape of a hat is like a human kidney. Maximum diameter - 25 cm. The surface is wavy. Mushroom is smooth and brilliant. On the Hat you can see a lot of growth rings.
  • Leg. Its length can reach 30 cm, diameter - 3 cm.
  • Flesh.Young individuals she resembles a white sponge. Over time, it is compacted, rustling, taking a brown hue.

The rash mushroom does not have a smell nor the taste. There is only a bitter taste.

The mushroom is valued for its healing properties - it strengthens the body, has antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor impact, displays toxins and protects against radiation.

How else do they call the Risha Mushroom?

Raisses - the name given to the unique mushroom by the Japanese. Translated into Russian, it means "Mushroom of spiritual power." Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom belongs to the genus Hanoderma, Polyporaceae family. It is also called:

  • Mannentaka - translates from Japanese as a "ten-year-old mushroom".
  • Lingzhi - translated from Chinese as "Mushroom Immortality".
  • Ganoderma brilliant.

The mushroom is especially valued in Japan and China - here it is considered the source of eternal youth.

Edible or not?

The damage lacquered has a pronounced bitter taste, therefore refers to inedible mushrooms. It is used only for medicinal purposes. Mushroom take in the form:

  • tinctures;
  • teas;
  • biodeadows;
  • tablets;
  • extracts;
  • powders.

The miraculous properties of the fungus are due to its unique composition, it contains:

  • polysaccharides - they strengthen the immune system;
  • amino acids - they remove slags and toxins from the body;
  • organic and polyunsaturated fatty acids - they prevent the formation of tumors.

As well as the composition of the lacquered rotor contains kumarins, saponins, triterpenoids, phytoncides, flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins B, C, D, micro- and macroelements (copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, calcium).

Where and when is growing?

Once lingzhi grew only in the East, but now it has spread throughout the light - it is grown on farms for the sake of therapeutic purposes. But the main suppliers of lacquered clutch, as before - Japan, China and Vietnam.

In Russia, Lingzhi can be found in subtropics - in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Caucasus. A favorable climate allows saprophitis to fully grow over the summer - not in a hurry, in vivo.

In moderate latitudes of the Russian Federation, the fung is extremely rare. But recently it extends to Altai - in the places of cutting. The mushroom chooses trees as a victim, dying and dead. Prefers to grow on wood hardwood, it is rare on coniferous. Linzhzhi is located at the base of the tree, it happens, it grows on the roots, deepened in the ground.


There is a lot of varieties. All of them differ from each other:

  • appearance;
  • chemical composition;
  • medical properties.

Who can be confused with?

Reishi, it happens, confused with Agarik. This mushroom is called a white larch sponge. This mushroom is used for tumors. The flesh of him to the touch is a sponge poured, hence the name. What is the difference between agarins from lacquered drums:

  • he does not have a brilliant and smooth surface, but rough and rough;
  • mushroom is painted white and covered with brown spots.
  • it grows mainly on larchs, as well as on fir, cedars, less often - on birch.

Agaric grows up to 10 kg weighing, length - up to 30 cm.

Features of the collection

Lingzhi, which has grown in natural conditions, is much more useful than artificially grown analogues. If you are lucky, you can find a lacquered clutch in nature - in the subtropical zone of our country. It grows on deciduous trees. The most useful is a mushroom that grew up on the wood of oak.

The chances of finding a lot of ganoderm brilliant extremely small - one mushroom comes across every 100,000 trees.

It is difficult to meet a brilliant ganoderma in nature - his disputes germinate on certain trees and under certain conditions. To get a valuable mushroom for use, it has to cultivate artificially. For the first time, Reishi began to grow in Japan, in 1972. Collection and harvesting of the fungus, starting in July, continues to the first frosts.

Is it possible to grow this mushroom yourself?

If it were not for artificial cultivation, Mushroom Lingzhi would be on all gold. Fortunately, it can be raised with the help of wood sticks infected with mycelium. Sowing material acquire in specialized stores. One sowing provides a crop within 4-5 years. There are two ways to grow the healing fungus - on hemp and in sawdust.

The specialist tells why the cultivation of Rush mushrooms can become a profitable business project, and how to create conditions for its growth:

Growing on Stump

You will need a stump, substrate and mycelium. The area on which the Rush will grow should be protected from the sun. It is desirable that the mushroom grew up in a wet environment. Order Cultivation on Stump:

PNI preparation

The ideal option is when there are stumps of fruit or deciduous trees. Stumps from coniferous trees are not suitable. If there is no push, you will have to prepare them in advance. The workpiece is better to spend in the period from the fall until spring - when the stumps are the strongest bark. Along the period in the crust, the maximum nutrient content.

Preparation of soil

Cooking substrate:

  • Take peat, limestone and soil in proportions 5: 1: 4.
  • In order to increase the feeder, the mixture is added to the mixture.
  • The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and fertilized to the hole in which the stump will be placed.
  • When the stump is placed in the deepening, it is also placed on the perimeter with a nutrient substrate.

Sewing mycelium

Alone to get mycelium Lingzhi is almost unrealistic, so mushrooms buy ready-made mycelium. The creation of the seating holes is preceded by the creation of the seating holes - their depth is 7 cm, and the diameter is 1.2 cm. In the finished holes insert sticks with mycelium. The speed of germination and the yield of the mushroom depends on the number of sticks infected with mycelium - the more sowing material it is laid, the faster the first linzhi will appear.

The planted area is covered with film

The optimal temperature for the development of mushrooms is 20-26 ° C. Stumps for better rooting mycelium are often transferred to the room. If this fails to do, you can close the cuts with the paraffin fungne, and then pink the ground.

Growing on sawdust

The advantage of this method is speed. On sawdust, the harvest is obtained faster than on the stump. But the hassle this method of cultivation requires more. Procedure for growing Lingzhi on sawdust:

Preparation of sawdust substrate

Weigh sawdust - 80%, with other nutrients - 20%. You can, for example, add oatmeal or barley husk. Minerals are also attached - chalk or plaster, but not more than 2%. Stirring and moisturizing the mixture, it is dried - sterilization at a temperature of 90 degrees. Treatment time - 5 hours. If a substrate is harvested a lot, it is recommended to repeat sterilization.

Sewing mycelium

The prepared substrate is postponed by drawers. It is necessary to sow mycelium at 30 degrees of heat - it is simply immersed in the prepared ground. On top, the landing is sprinkled and leave to germinate - for 15-20 days. The temperature should be kept in the range of 18-26 ° C, and the humidity is 75%. The substrate should be followed - it should not be wet, but it is impossible to rehash.

Terms of Roshi Growth

In order for the lacquered clutch safely, mushrooms must provide him with the most favorable growth conditions:

  • For mushrooms to appear as quickly, in a container with a substrate makes holes.
  • "Plantation" should be in the half-haul - it is impossible to make direct sunlight.
  • During growth and development, the optimal temperature is + 23 ÷ + 25 ° C. Winter temperatures should not fall below minus 18 ° C.
  • To support moisture at the proper level - 75%, it is put in the room with a wet clay - it can be decomposed on the contrary. Weekly mushrooms should be sprayed with warm water.
  • We need to water the landing depending on the state of the substrate. If he dries up, it is moisturized with water - rain or boiled.
  • If the substrate is cooked correct, no additional feeding is needed.

If you overdo it with watering and humidity, rot, rot and mold may appear. Humidity also attracts different insects - spiders, ticks, slugs. So that this does not happen:

  • before landing to disinfect the room;
  • ensure the ventilation of the room.


For many centuries in a row, a unique Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom (lacquered brown, Mushroom Ladvatia in Russia; Mantaca, which is translated as a "ten-year-old" in Japan; The Chinese Lingzhi, Linchi, Lin-Chi - Mushroom Immortality) Honoraned in Eastern Medicine a special place. It is a storehouse of useful substances and salvation from serious diseases.

Mushroom Reisi - what it is

Traditional Medicine East considers Rush mushrooms - one of the types of wood mushroom - with a strong healing effect. Certificate of this - Published more than two thousand years ago an ancient Chinese Medical Treatise called "Sacred Book On Miraculous Medicinal Plants", where Lingzhi ranks first among the class "superior." The ancient'yapon treatise "Shinnohonsohkyo" calls him a plant of God from any disease, a source of longevity and eternal youth.

Due to the glossy surface, it is called lacquered (lucidum) - Ganoderma Lucid. The photo of the mushroom confirms - ganoderma has a dark brown or orange-red color with a lacquered surface. It grows not in any conditions: Avicenna argued that only ten plum trees from ten thousand ganoderma could take root and grow. This is explained why in the countries of Southeast Asia, the Blutvik was very valued and cost expensive, called the "imperial mushroom": only wealthy aristocrats or doctors of the Chinese emperor could buy Ganoderm.

Hanoderma lacquered is a natural adaptogen containing many organic acids, amino acids, antioxidants, bioactive substances, minerals (especially high concentration of Germany), phytoncides, kumarins, peptides, steroids, lipids, polysaccharides and vitamins, the necessary human body. They are treated from atherosclerosis, autoimmune violations, hypertension, liver diseases. The main effects of Hanoderma:

  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • painful;
  • antiallergic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antitumor.

Rush Mushroom - Application

The main thing is that it is necessary to know about the Risha Mushroom and its application - it is a natural complementary of the main medical methods to the means when passing the treatment or prevention of a number of diseases. Indications for use:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis);
  • heart disease, cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis, prevention of stroke and heart attack, arrhythmia);
  • in hormonal diseases (diabetes);
  • allergic reactions;
  • immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • cancer diseases.

Mushroom Reisha: Application for Oncology

Using the Raisse mushroom in oncology, it is important to know - the impact is made not to already existing atypical cells of education, but on the immune system - the mobilization of the hidden potential of the body is mobilizing, which resists the growth and spread of cancer cells. The substances in the composition of Hanoderma allow the body to find new opportunities and forces to relieve the distribution and destruction of already available malignant cells.

The use of drum in oncology is comprehensively with chemotherapy more efficiently. Chemotherapy may be accompanied by unexpected unpredictable side effects. Reception of the trumpet tincture three times a day of 60 drops devastantly acts on the tumor and prevents the development of new foci of the disease. Treatment continues for about 3 months. The doctor can choose an individual course that can last up to 12 months.

Slimming fungus

Women suffering from obesity use the rash mushroom for weight loss, while achieving good results. When dealing with extra kilograms, the decoction or tea from the drum. To obtain a decoction, you need stirring to pour the chopped rotover with water, after which 30 minutes the decoction should be arranged. Drink decoction you need 30 minutes before meals every day.

Mushroom Reisi: how to take

Take a Mushroom Raisseably in different ways: Pharmacology offers many different drugs based on Hanoderma:

  • For prophylaxis, the powder used in the form of seasoning to finished dishes is suitable.
  • For the treatment of diseases, it is better to use a tincture on alcohol or vodka.
  • Pharmacology also offers Rise oil, which is shown in the form of an immunomodulatory drug. You can purchase a capsuated oil, rail oil in combination with cedar nut. The compositions are useful in the presence of a nodal goiter or mastopathy caused by endocrine disorders, apply with all indications of testimony.

Tea with mushrooms

Enjoy popular tea with the Rashi fungus, this is explained by his healing properties. Brewed longevity tea is simple: add 1 tsp. Crushed clutch to tea per 1ch. l. 1 liter of boiling water. Tea can be prepared as a decoction in the calculation: 2 h. L. 1 liter of boiling water. The taste of such tea is specific. Correcting correctly, by using tea from the Reishi, with time you can get rid of the well-known problems with the stomach, from unnecessary kilograms, you can raise a weakened immunity.

Tincture mushrooms raishes

The properties of such a composition are impressive, and a tincture of the Reishi is preparing as follows:

  • 10 g of chopped rays poured 0.5 liters of medical alcohol;
  • after that, the tank is tightly wrapped in paper that does not transmit light, and then removes in a dry place for 5-6 weeks;
  • it is necessary to keep the composition at room temperature;
  • after the specified time, the tincture can be applied with therapeutic purposes externally or inside (when taken inside it is allowed to dilute the tincture of water).

The second recipe for the preparation of alcohol extract, in which the main role is played by Mushroom Reishi, such:

  • 10 grams of crushed drums are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • The tank is tightly wrapped and insist in the dark of 2-3 weeks in a cool-dry place. The tincture does not need to be breeded with water.

Water tincture is preparing like this:

  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of dried rash or powder poured a liter of boiling water, tomatov on a water bath 25 min.
  • The decoction is filtered, poured into a thermos for a day.
  • The solution is taken on day 3 times, before meals on the tablespoon. For preservation, the infusion should be removed in the refrigerator.

Rush Mushroom - Contraindications

Using the tincture or extract of the raishes mushroom inside with therapeutic goal is better after consulting a doctor to determine the optimal dose of receiving and excluding contraindications. Contraindications of the Raisher Mushrooms apply to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it does not give it to children up to a year and people with blood diseases, with bad coatability.

Rush Mushroom - Reviews doctors

Korneeva Victoria, nutritionist

I read on different reviews of doctors about the fungi. In the percentage ratio of 80-90% of the total number of patients losing weight. It is important for us to provide real assistance to your patients, because I am interested in finding effective weight loss products that have no negative impact on the body. I recently began to gently appoint a drummer, which was heard. Now I can confirm the effectiveness of the fungus not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of the stomach.

Vernitskaya Diana, therapist, nutritionist

Everyone who turns out of my services is dreaming of perfect physical form. The funds that appointed earlier had many contraindications, had side effects, therefore it was not always possible to talk about the benefits of talking. From the moment you began to appoint Reishi, the results became better, the best was the well-being of customers who were loud with the use of Hanoderma.

I.V. Nikolaev, doctor-therapist

Treatment of diseases with the help of a clutch is not recommended to carry out a doctor without observing the doctor, the same reviews of specialists who personally have already come across positive or negative consequences of the treatment of immortality. Uncontrollable and unjustified reception of drugs or tinctures based on drums can lead to problems, such as pain in the head, stomach disorder, and so on.

Video: Rush Mushrooms - Medical Properties

Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Mushroom Reisi - Medical Properties. Application of tincture, extract or tea of \u200b\u200bthe raishes mushroom for the treatment of diseases

It is not a secret that the legendary, revered for his therapeutic properties of the Risha Mushroom (Handerma) is growing not only in China, Taiwan, Japan - those countries of the Asia-Pacific region, in which he was erected into the rank of superlast, but also with us south of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory.

Surprised? There is nothing surprising. If you look at the globe, it is impossible not to see that the Krasnodar region is located in the same latitudes as the countries mentioned above, and the unique climate of the Caucasus allows the raishes mushroom to fully ripen during the summer. Rutter calmly, slowly, in natural natural conditions. In these natural terms, the Raisse is gaining strength to then give it to people for the benefit, for their health and strength.

Naturally, you have to work hard to find a mushroom. After all, it does not grow like cucumbers on the beds! But it's worth it! It is worth at least in order to receive electronic rows of gratitude from all over Russia! In addition, the Mushroom has a rash here's so easy to meet in some park of Krasnodar!

In the forest, the Risha Mushroom, as a rule, settles on the trunks of dead trees, like all the drove mushrooms. You can meet it and growing out of the ground if this substrate is a mixture of land and rotting tree. The treasure activity of the Raisse is very large - he likes the sponge sucks out of wood all the power, destroying it. I was able to observe how in a few years a dry tree lost its strength and fell. Therefore, it is not for nothing in the construction of shed houses use various antifungal materials to protect logs from the destruction of drove mushrooms. Well, it also remains to remember the places of finds and systematically attend them to collect new Risha mushrooms. Under favorable conditions, 3 waves of ganoderma collection are possible. Therefore, summer for me is time to actively search and collect. In early May, with the first real spring sunny days, the visible growth of the raishes mushroom begins. The conditions conducive to the growth of mushroom can last until September.

Of course, in vivo, in vivo, the collection of the raishes mushroom is limited. Let them have to wear around the mountains and forests of the Caucasus in search of new places, but I am sure as a natural mushroom. Confident of this and my clients!

Well, if you are very lucky, you can find such an instance!

Rise Season 2015 Growth Growth

I want to say that the growth rate of the raishes mushroom is different and depends on many factors. Therefore, on one site of the Caucasus, Reishi can almost already be collected, and on another site it looks on June 12, 2015

Meanwhile, on another site, the situationJune 26, 2015 Looks like this:

Well...... The first harvest of the Mushroom Raisse the 2015 season!

On July 17, 2015, Risha Mushroom in some places looked as follows:

On July 24, 2015, the acquisition time was to collect the main harvest, and the photos of a new growing wave look like this:

Unconditional Leader in the size of 2015 - Giant Ganoderma!

After another drying on 07/282/2015. The intermediate Hanoderma catch in a dry weight amounted to 2.2 kilograms. And here's the results of the next catch:

The active ganoderma collection continues. At 27.08.2015, the situation in the forest looked like this:

Another drying. Intermediate outcome of the dry mushroom of the September 2015 season at 08/29/2015. amounted to 3.2 kilograms:

09/01/2015 year. Planned departure to the mountains. New photo session Reishi:

Well, here is the result of a new collection. After drying, the general intermediate result of the streets of the Rishi in 2015 at 09/06/2015 amounted to 4.2 kilograms:

So comes to the completion of the 2015 Reasters. The mushrooms left in the forest did not grow much, and the decrease in temperature and the cyclone threaten them by damage. I had to be satisfied with small. Situation in the forest at 0909.2015:

After the next "catch" of Reishi and further drying, the interim outcome of the ganoderma collection in 2015 amounted to 4.7 kilograms. Photo of the dried "catch":

09/12/2015 year. Ganoderma collecting smoothly switched to autumn. I hope that you will get something else to gather.

On September 17, 2015, the total weight of Hanoderma amounted to 5.5 kilograms:

After a couple of days, the daytime temperature drops below 20 degrees of heat, which means that the Reish collection season this year it is possible to close a quiet. In the cold I will master new areas to collect 10 kilograms of this wonderful mushroom in the next season! And the overall result of the collection of REISES in 2015 amounted to 5.9 kilograms. Left still grow up in one place a small family. Maybe thanks to her, the result will translate for 6 kilos! Photos from 02.10.2015g.:

October 9, 2015 I close the 2015 Reach collection season with a total outcome of 6 kilograms

What treats Mushroom Reishi (Hanoderma)

Presenting one of the varieties of wood mushroom Mushroom Raisse (Ganoderma Lucidum or Blutch lacquered, ganoderma lacquered) For more than two millennium, it is considered in traditional medicine of China, Japan and Korea one of the most valuable in their healing properties of medicinal plants.

For the first time, this is very popular and in our time the natural therapeutic agent was mentioned in the old-year-old medical treatise "The Sacred Book of Miraculous Medicinal Plants" under the "number 1" in the list of so-called "superior" drugs (to the class "superior" (or Drugs "Higher Level") Components of this textbook of Eastern Medicine The healers attributed mushrooms and herbs, the most outstanding in the manifold and the strength of their medical action). In the ancient'yapon treatise "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" Mushroom Reishi is referred to as "granted by heaven" means from all diseases giving eternal youth and longevity "God's plant".

For its centuries-old history of existence in nature, which occupies an honorable place among traditionally used oriental medicine plants, the drummer lacquered has acquired a lot of different items, among which - "Mushroom Reisha" (translated from the Japanese - "Mushroom of the Spiritual Power" ")," Mannentak "( "Decade-haired mushroom"), "Lynchi", "Lin-Ji" or "Lin-Chi" (translated from the Chinese "Mushroom of Immortality"). In Russia, a mushroom has long been known for such names as the "Lacked Blutch", "Hanoderma", "Sacred Mushroom", "Mushroom Ladvity".

It is worth noting that very "capricious" mushroom solutions were always very difficult to find in nature in the wild (according to Avicenna "from 10,000 Wild Drafs only on ten shelter"). It is in this connection that this rare, having a healing force of a mushroom has long been considered in the countries of Southeast Asia, it was very expensive, it was very expensive and only rich aristocrats or court doctors could acquire this wonderful natural medicine - for Emperor China (hence the origin One name of the Risha Mushroom is "Imperial Mushroom").

The History of Cultivation of the Risha Mushroom began in 1972, when one Japanese scientist from the Kyoto University managed to grow this drummer in the laboratory. Since then, the Risha Mushroom has become grown not only in China and Japan, but also in other countries of Southeast Asia on special plantations, followed by the manufacture of medicinal essences and extracts on its basis.

Currently, in Japan, France, Canada and the United States, active scientific studies of therapeutic properties and the biochemical composition of this unique sampropite mushroom continue.


As part of the fruit body of the raishes mushroom (It is precisely from this part of the crutter lacquered most often produced various therapeutic drugs) there are substantive and indispensable amino acids, organic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, beta-glucanis polysaccharides, triterpenoids, coumarins, saponins, phytoncides, vitamins (mainly - VZ, B5, with and d), flavonoids, alkaloids, as well as various macro- and macroelements (Germany, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sulfur, selenium, silver, etc.).

A wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic action of the Raisher Mushroom is mainly due to the high content in its composition of polysaccharides, triterpenoids and Germany.

Modified in the fungi polysaccharides Beta-glucans have a pronounced antitumor and immunomodulatory effect, are very effective in the fight against pathogenic bacteria, and also contribute to a decrease in increased blood pressure and reduce blood sugar content.

Organic germaniumA high concentration of which is characterized by a raishes mushroom, contributes to the activation of metabolic processes, an increase in immunity, manifests antitumor activity (prevents the development of malignant neoplasms and prevents the appearance of metastases), and also has antibacterial, antiform, antiviral, painful and radioprotective properties. In addition, Germany's hemoglobin (protein of blood erythrocytes) is actively involved in the process of transporting oxygen from the lungs throughout the human body and thereby prevents the development of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) in the tissue level.

Rush Mushroom is also a rich source triterpenoids (ganodermic acids)having a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. Raiste triterpenoids that are part of the fruit body have an anti-allergic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antitumor and moderate painful effect, improve the rheological properties of blood and hamper the thrombosis, increase the efficiency of use of oxygen by the organism, as well as the polysaccharides present in the mushroom help reduce blood pressure in arterial Hypertension and reduce cholesterol content.

Medical and prophylactic action

Natural antioxidants rich in natural antioxidants, biologically active substances necessary by the human body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, spasmolytic, painful, anti-allergic, hepatoprotective and antitumor properties of the Rush Mushroom is recommended as an effective natural auxiliary Funds in the composition of prevention and complex treatment:

  • Uniformly vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, obloring endarteritic; heart failure, heart attack, stroke, etc.). The Risha mushroom contains a complex of substances (polysaccharides, triterpenoids, adenosine nucleotide, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, germanium polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.), which reduce the increased blood pressure exerting an antisclerotic action (contributing to the decrease in the blood content of "bad" cholesterol, Associated with low density lipoproteins) that reduces platelet aggregation and blood viscosity regulating (and thereby preventing the formation of blood vessels of blood vessels), as well as improving oxygen powers of myocardium and have a cardiotonic effect (regenerating normal rhythm and heart effects).
  • Various allergic diseases. The use of the Raisse fungus prevents the formation of allergic edema, and also contributes to the elimination of the skin characteristic of allergic dermatitis and burning skin (this is due to the fact that the Hanomodermic acids contained in the Rise mushroom suppress the concomitant allergic reaction to the production of histamine causing a spasm of a smooth muscles and increases the permeability of blood vessels. And besides, antihistamine action also have those present as part of the Raisher mushrooms some immunomodulatory proteins, flavonoids, calcium, magnesium and manganese).
  • Viral diseases (ORVI, herpes, viral stomatitis, etc.)
  • Autoimine diseases (systemic red lupus, bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerosis, sclerodermia, atopic dermatitis dr.). The Lanostan polysaccharide polysaccharide and other natural immunomodulators contained in the mushroom and other natural immunomodulators increase the remission period in autoimmune diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.). The triterpenoids, flavonoids, magnesium and vitamin B3 are contained in the mushroom, magnesium and vitamin B3 in a complex combination have a spasmodic and painful effect, contributing to the relaxation of smooth muscles in the intestine and the elimination of often accompanying gastrointestinal diseases colic. Introduction to the daily diet of the Raisse mushroom also helps to restore the normal balance of intestinal microflora under dysbacteriosis.
  • Liver diseases (chronic hepatitis (including hepatitis C), fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, etc.). Due to the high content in the fruit of the triterpenoids, Germany and polysaccharides, Risha Mushroom has a complex hepatoprotective effect - prevents the development of fat rebirth of the liver (fat hepatosis), prevents the development of a deadly disease - a cirrhosis (in which the gradual substitution of the liver parenchyma is a topical cloth), And besides, it is a very effective natural agent as part of the complex treatment of alcohol and viral hepatitis.
  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract of respiratory organs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, ORZ, etc.). The substances contained in the rash fungus contribute to the elimination of bronchial spasms, and also have an expectorant and antitussive effect.
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.)
  • Diseases of the prostate gland (prostatitis, prostate adenoma)

Introduction to the diet of the raishes mushroom also contributes to:

  • Enhance mental and physical performance, increasing the sustainability of the human body to the negative impact of various adverse environmental factors (such as cold, heat, ionizing radiation, climate change, or atmospheric pressure, unfavorable environmental conditions, reduced oxygen content). This action of the Raissh mushroom is due to the fact that it refers to the class of plants "adaptogen". By its ability to mobilize the internal energy reserves of the human body, increase the endurance of the body in conditions of intense stress, mental, physical and psycho-emotional loads of the Rush Mushroom is not inferior to such powerful natural adaptogens as a stain-sin, mummy, rhodiola pink, chinese lemongrass.
  • Cleaning the body from various harmful substances (toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals), protects the human body from ionizing radiation.
  • Improving the psycho-emotional state and functional state of the central nervous system. The Raisse Mushroom activates the development of endorphins in the body of "hormones" of the joy of the joy (it is due to this property that this unique mushroom has long been used in the food Buddhist monks to achieve sincere equilibrium and harmonious merger with nature). Rush mushroom also has a soft sedative effect, without causing sleepiness, as well as increases the stability of the central nervous system to psycho-emotional stress (the anti-stress effect of the lacquered rotor is mainly associated with the presence in its composition of triterpenoids, Germany and zinc). Possessing the above-described beneficial integrated effect on the central nervous system of the Raisher Mushroom may find use as part of the complex treatment of neurasthenia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurological diseases (epilepsy, etc.).
  • Contributes to improving the state of the endocrine system under the nodal goiter and mastopathy
  • Reducing the blood sugar content, prevents the development of obesity. Polysaccharide, protein compounds and ganodermic acids contained in the mushroom, and ganodermic acids contribute to the reduction of blood glucose. In addition to the hypoglycemic action, the Rush Mushroom also contributes to an increase in cell sensitivity to the insulin produced by the pancreas produced. In this regard, with regular and long-term use of the Raisse Mushroom, it is possible to reduce the daily dose of hypoglycemic drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus. Corrective violations of carbohydrate metabolism of the Rush Mushroom is also useful to introduce into a daily diet to people with overweight.
  • Prevents premature aging. This property of the Raisse fungus is due to the high concentration in its composition of natural antioxidants, effective in the fight against premature aging by free radicals (including the antioxidant activity of the biochemical components of the rash fungus - triterpenoids, germanium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese).
  • Improving immunity, suppresses the development of benign and malignant tumors (The highest therapeutic effectiveness of the Rush Mushroom exhibits as part of the complex treatment of cancer in the intestines, lungs, esophagus, prostate, uterus and mammary glands, prostate adenoma, benign breast tumors). The expressed antitumor property of the Raisse mushroom is due to the fact that those present in its composition of polysaccharides, germanium, triterpenoids and ergosterians have a beneficial effect on the T-cellular links of immunity, contribute to the ripening of lymphocytes, activate activities and increase the life cycle of macrophages and other "defenders" of the immune system. struggling with provoking development of tumor atypical malignant cells. Clinical trials of dry extract of the Raisher mushroom in the oncological clinics of America and other countries of the world have shown that regular receptions on the basis of the Risa fungus contributed to improving the quality of life of patients, prevented a decrease in leukocyte levels, increased the efficiency and tolerance of patients with cheaters and radiation therapy courses, has significantly beneficially influenced on immunological indicators, blood pressure, sleep and psycho-emotional state of cancer patients.

Regular use of the Natural Adaptogen Mushroom Risha is also recommended:

  • To old people
  • In immunodeficient and asthenic conditions
  • With long-term stressful, physical, mental and psycho-emotional loads
  • As part of the integrated treatment of alcohol and drug addiction
  • Population of environmentally disadvantaged areas
  • Those whose work is related to the effects of toxic substances or radiation radiation (operating at nuclear power plants, in the field of chemical production or heavy industry)
  • Those who work in unfavorable climatic conditions (in the conditions of cold, heat, high humidity), works in highlands or busy on underwater or underground work

Mode of application

2 teaspoons of chopped raishes mushroom pour 200 ml (1 cup) water, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes with constant stirring. Then the decoction to leave for 30 minutes, strain, cool and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to use

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, children's age (up to 7 years), hemorrhagic diathesis.

Current goods.

Rush Mushroom (Lacked Lacked) Ganoderma Lucidum - Nature Remedy for youth and longevity, Buddha Mushroom. For a long time, it was allowed to consume it only to members of the imperial family.

It is used in traditional Chinese medicine for 2000 years, it is considered an elixir of life, it takes a leading place among Chinese healing agents. Wide popularity has in the countries of the Far East. It is grown on an industrial scale in North America, China, in Taiwan, in Japan and Korea because of its unmatched medical qualities.

What is the helpful of the rash mushroom

The brothing lacquered is found six different colors, but the red grade is considered the most effective in the treatment of diseases. Modern scientific research conducted in a broad scale in many countries of the world has proven that the main components of the fungus (polysaccharides) affect the maintenance of immunity. The chemical composition is unusually large, and valuable substances are in a very concentrated form. Contains:

  • polysaccharides;
  • polypeptides;
  • 16 types of amino acids (of which 7 are necessary for the proper functioning of our body);
  • protein;
  • triterpene;
  • mannitol;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • kumarina;
  • sterina;
  • polysaccharides;
  • mannitol;
  • phosphorus;
  • germanium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium.

Beneficial features

Reisi (Hanoderma) has gained popularity due to its therapeutic capabilities with fatigue, weakness, insomnia, cough, asthma due to the fact that contains triterpenoids (ganodermic acids). These acids have properties:

  • reduce blood pressure;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes and malignant neoplasms;
  • reduce cholesterol in blood;
  • give the energy to our body;
  • help in the fight against diseases and;
  • blood blood cells from sticking, as it occurs in case of coronary arteries;
  • reduces the symptoms of chronic hepatitis of type B;
  • apply it in the effective treatment of cancer;
  • used to treat allergies, high mountain disease;
  • from bronchial asthma (in this case it is especially useful in facilitating cough);
  • effectively works in the case of leukemia.

Recommend it as a means that stimulates immunity (activates several different phases of protection against harmful effects or infections). It also has also been proven that Hanoderma has properties to combat signs of aging, has long been applied in Chinese folk medicine for the treatment of insomnia and neurasthenia.

For more information, look at the film, where Academicians of the RAMN are talking about the study of the treatment properties of the Reish.

Also, Hanoderma helps in the treatment of the following problems:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases associated with the weakening of the immune system;
  • any diseases associated with irregular menstrual cycle;
  • hyperactivity, insomnia, excessive drowsiness;
  • problems with vision, such as cataract;
  • heart disease (arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease);
  • sugar diabetes of second type;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory intestinal processes, liver, stomach.

Therapeutic properties of the rays

Consider the use of the fungus under the following diseases.

For liver

Reishi helps in the prevention of liver diseases caused by excessive alcohol use, with cirrhosis of the liver, has a beneficial effect for those in the initial stage of alcoholism. It can protect the liver from any kind of physiological and biological factors that destroy it. The use of mushroom extract accelerates the process of metabolism toxic substances that accumulate in the liver, which leads to its curable. In addition, effectively eliminates the symptoms of concomitant liver pathology, as weakness or dizziness.

Cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis

Effective is the use of a crusher lacquered in the treatment of diseases of coronary arteries, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias and atherosclerosis, which was confirmed in numerous scientific research. With systematic use, it reduces the level of cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides in the blood, improves the work of the heart in heart failure.

It has been established that the Raisse Mushroom effectively expands the coronary artery, increases blood flow and improves blood circulation in small myocardial vessels, and also increases the supply of tissues with oxygen, adds the energy of the heart. It may reduce the level of cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood, prevents the formation of plaques, and if they appeared - removes cholesterol from the walls of the vessels.

Reisi partially stimulates blood circulation inside our body, slows down platelet aggregation. It helps to reduce blood pressure, enhances the effect of drugs to reduce blood pressure.

It has been established that it can effectively reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lowering them by 15% and 25%. The activity of the nervous system, which is often associated with hypertension, is also reduced by 20% and 40%.

Bronchitis and fungal infection

Mushroom Roshi stimulates the maturation of immune cells, known as macrophages that surround and absorb harmful bacteria. This process effectively blocks dangerous infections, preventing chronic bronchitis.

Mature macrophages are very effective in combating fungi, so the fungus is used in the treatment of inflammation caused by fungal infection. It can facilitate cough, bronchitis, asthma and clean the lungs from mucus.

Treatment of cancer

Scientific research has proven anti-cancer properties of the extract of Reishi in the treatment of cancer:

  • uterus;
  • prostate;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • brain;
  • esophagus;
  • lungs;
  • heads;
  • leukemia;
  • lymphoma;
  • other types of cancer.

It was also noted that the fungus effectively contributes to radiation therapy and chemotherapy, reduces the likelihood of development of metastases, reduces the risk of re-appearance of neoplasms. Doctors marked a significant improvement in health and reduce pain in patient data.

Preparation of funds, application

You can buy finished funds on specialized pharmacies on the Internet. The following means of ganoderma are sold - ready tincture, extract, dried mushroom with dosage and application description.

If you purchased a finished remedy from the rash in capsules, then the average dose is 2 capsules (500 mg) per day. In the case of pathology, some disease, take from 9 to 10 grams. The capsule can be opened and dissolved in a small amount of cold water.

The mushroom powder for rejuvenation and improvement of the body can be added 10 minutes to prepare when preparing any dishes at the calculation - powder on the tip of the knife for 1 portion.

Preparation of tincture

10 g of dry crushed mushroom is taken to the floor of the vodka, an extract is insisted for 3 months. It is accepted in the morning on an empty stomach on a teaspoon, diluted in half a glass of warm water.

Tea or coffee

Cooking method:

  1. To the pinch of green tea or coffee add a pinch of the mushroom chopped into powder.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. We drink a pair of cups per day.


From the dried mushroom yourself at home, you can cook healing decoction. For this:

  1. The tablespoon of crushed dry mushroom is placed in a saucepan.
  2. Flipped glass boiling water.
  3. Cooked with constant stirring 5 minutes.
  4. Removed from the fire, covered or overflow in thermos.
  5. It insists half a day.
  6. The finished decoction is fastened.
  7. It is accepted for half an hour before eating three times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Store therapeutic agent is necessary in the refrigerator and no longer 2 days. It is necessary to be treated for three weeks, then definitely take a break for 10 days. According to such a scheme, you can be treated until the desired result is obtained. The three-week treatment rate requires approximately 300 g of dried raw materials.

You can cook a decoction without insistence. In this case, the tablespoon of the crushed mushroom is poured half a liter of cold water and boil the decoction within an hour. The means across the tablespoon, the reception scheme is as in the previous recipe.

Reishi extract

The extract is used to stabilize emotions, strengthening memory, increasing appetite, as well as to improve sleep quality. It reduces dizziness and headache, capable of fighting with stress. In the East, doctors recommend applying it to people who are subject to stress, as the fungus has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It also reduces physical pain and favorably affects the treatment of neuralgia.

Preparation and application:

  1. In a dark dishes, a tablespoon of crushed dried raw materials is poured with a bottle of vodka and insisted during a couple of weeks.
  2. Then the means is fastened.
  3. The extract of diluted warm water is taken, on an empty stomach of 20 drops three times a day.
  4. For the treatment of oncology, the dosage increases to 40-50 drops to the reception.

Mushroom Reishi Contraindication

  1. People with allergies on mushrooms should not consume it.
  2. The brothing cannot be used without a break longer than three months, as it can cause dry mouth, throat, nose, problems with stomach or bleeding from the nose. These complications are so rarely found that their exact reasons are not known, but may be caused by allergies to mushrooms.
  3. If you are taking drugs for blood liquefaction, Reishi can only be used under the control of the doctor.
  4. Contraindicated reception of a mushroom for pregnant and nursing mothers, young children.

Application of Hanoderma for beauty and longevity

The main components that contain a rash mushroom - polysaccharides and polypeptides can effectively slow down the aging process. They strengthen and regulate the immune functions of our body, which, in turn, leads to a delay in the process of aging in mature and the elderly, and young people have strengthened the immune system, ensure healthy and proper development.

Polysaccharides and polypeptides, as, affecting, because as the organism agrees the amount of antioxidants produced by them decreases. Polysaccharides contained in the Reishi remove free radicals and, thus, prevent their harmful effect on our body.

Such an action of polysaccharides, protects our cells and slows them aging. Polysaccharides enhance the synthesis of nucleic acid - DNA in the core core, while increasing the number of cell divisions, which also leads to the slowdown of the aging process.

Very detailed about therapeutic and rejuvenating properties of the Rush tells in the video

The mushroom extract also protects the skin, regulates its water balance - it becomes moistened, elastic, smooth. Adding a small amount of extract to skin care products leads to the fact that it is rejuvenated and is protected against the invasion of bacterial infections.