The rules of behavior behind the tea table. Rules of etiquette at the table: the norms of behavior and serving. How to use a spoon

Even the smallest representative of our society knows that he "should behave" in a particular manner. What is possible and what can not be done during food is laid by parents in early childhood. The rules of behavior at the table for children begin with the game "In adults", gradually transferred to the moderators of food intake, become the norm of behavior.

Table etiquette - This is not only the cultural color of the food intake process. Observing the rules of behavior at the table, the main life tasks are solved:

  1. Improved digestion;
  2. The reception process becomes easier;
  3. The rules of hygiene are complied;
  4. Prevent accidents at the table.

History and Power Culture

The rules of behavior at the table appeared, probably before the table itself. Invented them at all, not the communists in their unique organization of schools and kindergartens. The first mention of the table etiquette appeared in the ancient world. The mention of this is in the texts of the ancient Suchmers. They say that a person must be highly solo and abide by ethical standards. - This is what a man is given by the gods and distinguishes people from animals. Failure to comply with the rules of behavior, according to the ancient Suchmers, leads to a negative in his life.

Meals - the most important process. He was always surrounded by all sorts of rituals and rules, strictly regulating who, when, where that he eats. The first rules were inseparably connected with the family hierarchy, the organization of the life, the method of cooking, and with the food itself. Violating the rules during the meal was considered something unforgivable, shameful and condemned (and, sometimes, caught) at all times, in any culture. Life changed, life of a person - the rules changed to him together. Family rites sweating and gave way to culture and aesthetics of food. The rules for behavior at the table are increasingly based on secular ethics.rather than on religious and national traditions.

Why do we need the rules at the table

Compliance with the rules and etiquette at the table are not the prerogative of a certain social group of people. It has nothing to do with the level of wealth or social status of the family. " We are from simple, from workers. Why do we need all these tablecloths, napkins, forks and knives? Why is this all my child?"- the teachers of the kindergarten sometimes have to hear something like that. It is important to understand that the culture of nutrition and behavior is not whims, not the desire to "shift" before others. The fact is that compliance with certain rules of etiquette at the table makes sense and is concrete for children. Consider some of them:

  1. Hand washing before eating protects the body from hitting pathogenic bacteria along with food;
  2. Table setting using clean tablecloths and disposable napkins protects products from contact with the dining table coating;
  3. The requirement is "not spinning" and not to talk during meals - the prevention of serious incidents at the table (the child may be suppressed);
  4. Please "do not hurry", sit straight and carefully chew food has nothing like the help of the stomach digest eaten quickly and easily;
  5. The napkin, settled on his knee (or on the chest) protects clothes from pollution.

Especially I would like to highlight the use of special cutlery during meals. Many still believe that this is nothing more than the deliberate behavior of the highest class, with the aim of showing his skills and knowledge in this area. All at all. To skillfully use the instruments, you do not need to be a representative of a certain group. The use of devices is designed not to be outraged, but to facilitate the actions of the trapese. Meat is much more convenient to eat, cutting into pieces (and not bite the whole with a plug), it is convenient to separate the fish with a special fork, and dessert to eat a small spoon or fork. It's true?

Rules for behavior at the table in kindergarten

The issue of organizing baby food in the Dow is an important task that the kindergarten team solves in its multifaceted approach. Proper healthy nutrition of preschoolers is accompanied by its correct organization. In young children, everything is an adult: a served table, aesthetically attractive, and, of course, the rules for the behavior of children at the table. It is easy to understand, in a group from 20 to 35 people, lunch, organized without rules of behavior and discipline, would turn into chaos With a high degree of risk to health (life) children. But this does not happen. The study of the rules of behavior and the norms of etiquette in the DWE occurs not from the case towards the case, and in the process of all the mode. Meal - the most important point, the approach is special. This is also understood by the parents, and the children themselves.

The task of educating the culture of behavior at the table in preschoolers is clearly formulated in the DW programs, taking into account the age characteristics of groups.

Age groupTasks for the formation of food culture and behavior at the table (hygienic skills)
1 junior group
(2-3 years)
1. Fasten the ability to wash hands, face, wipe with a towel
2. Carefully chew food
3. Hold a spoon in the right hand (exception for left-hander)
4. Use the napkin
5. Collect after the end of the meal (say "Thank you")
6. Know Short Ries and Food Fees
2 junior group
(3-4 years)
1. Hygienic skills (self wash face with soap, wrapped with a towel)
2. The ability to not crumble bread
3. Use cutlery
4. Chew food with mouth closed
5. Do not talk while chewing
6. behave calmly, thank after the end of meals
Medium group
(4-5 years)
1. To take food gradually, chew
2. Get acquainted with cutlery (knife, plug)
3. There are silent, use the napkin
4. Form a positive attitude to the rules and culture of food
5. Understanding that those surrounding approve the "right" behavior at the table, and condemn the manifestation of sludge and bad behavior
Senior group
(5-6 years)
1. Fasten the ability to use cutlery (fork, knife, spoon)
2. There are silent
3. Keep the right posture while eating
4. After eating a stool, thank adults
5. Help in table setting
Preparatory group
6-7 years)
1. Fasten all previously gained skills, skills
2. Sit in the right position, keeping posture, not put the elbows on the table
3. Completely use fork and knife
4. Use napkins during and after meals
5. Participate in table setting, cleaning dishes after meals
6. Thank adults

Memo "Rules for behavior at the table for senior preschoolers"

  1. Sit smoothly, do not "collapse";
  2. Legs together, do not put foot on the leg;
  3. Do not scroll your feet;
  4. Do not talk while eating;
  5. Do not refuse and do not push;
  6. Eat and do not get enough, do not spill food on the tablecloth;
  7. Do not bite big pieces - eat slowly;
  8. Eat with a closed mouth, not Chaucay;
  9. Properly hold a spoon, fork and knife;
  10. Not crumbs bread, bite it over a plate;
  11. Lean over a spoon, do not carry it to the mouth;
  12. When you drink - raise the cup to the mouth;
  13. After eating, put the devices on the table;
  14. When you get up because of the table - the valve stool and thank adults.

Test rules at the table in school

Of course, the school is not a kindergarten. Its main function, nevertheless, educational, and educational is only secondary. In school, children are only half the day, but in school children, also eat. Food of schoolchildren is organized in the room of the school canteen. Eating children all together, and time on food is given quite short - only 15-20 minutes. Therefore, compliance with the rules of behavior at the table - be sure.

The rules of behavior in the school canteen

  1. Do not run. In the dining room and from it, you need to go the usual step, so as not to become a victim or the cause of painful injury;
  2. Before eating hands;
  3. Do not hurry to take a place, do not sweep your comrades;
  4. Observe the order;
  5. On the dining room go calmly, look under the feet, so as not to slip;
  6. Do not swing your hands if you hold the devices in them;
  7. Do not talk during meals, eat with a closed mouth;
  8. Correctly use cutlery. Remember that they eat a spoon, and that for a fork and a knife;
  9. Use napkins;
  10. Do not drop foods on the floor, and if dropped - raise;
  11. Do not respond bad about dishes - respect the work of cooks;
  12. After eating discerning dishes behind them;
  13. Be polite, thank dining workers.

It is important to remember that the culture of behavior at the table children do not take from books or memo, but adopt from parents. Do you want your child to have an idea of \u200b\u200bproper nutrition, his organization? It means Note how the table is organized in your family? Ship the table with a tablecloth, no need to wait for special occasions. Use beautiful devices, be kindly with each other at the table. You are going to all together together - it is very strengthening the family, the atmosphere of trust is created. Let these little things become the norm in your home. Add your own family rituals that your adult children proud to bring to their future families as the family value holding all of you together.

It is always elegant and real art. The ability to eat beautifully to eat with any modern person who likes to leave a favorable impression. Knowledge of the rules of behavior and etiquette at the table will help to gain confidence and look worthily.

Situations may vary. Installations applicable in one company or culture are definitely not suitable for other circumstances. In parallel, there are rules for conducting a friendly table and clear instructions for business meetings for lunch. There is not enough easy skill to use a fork and a knife, it is necessary to own at any atmosphere. Etiquette behind the aristocratic festive table is absolutely not applicable in the campaign or road diner. It is important to see the situation, feel the situation, understand the surrounding.

Packaging etiquette is changing in different cultures, circumstances, companies. Somewhere the ability to perfectly dispose of several dozen knives, spoons, forks or other devices will not be useful at all. What in the table etiquette does not exist, so it is blind subordination to each punishment, a self-control and a clear understanding of its actions is needed. How to behave, tell me a sense of measure. The rules must be observed with the mind: for etiquette, you do not need to have a manner that is characteristic of the royal yard.

How to behave at the table in the official setting

Paggy etiquette on official receptions for different countries is individual. Enjoying the food will confidently help general rules and it is not always necessary to be able to use the fork and knife. It is very important to show respect for people around. The basic rules of correct behavior at the table are necessary initially for the manifestation of their attitude towards others.

For the reception of food at the table for official meetings, the etiquette rules provide for some formalities:

  • Posture. Smooth back allows you to look confident, palms are at a convenient distance for using a fork and knife. It is impossible to climb the table. For women, it is possible to rely on one elbow in a long time. A man must all the meal at the table not to concern his edges.
  • Do not be very tilted towards a plate and arrange elbows.
  • Do not stretch for your favorite dish through the entire table. You can politely ask for food to hand over.
  • Dishes at the table are transmitted from left to right.
  • It should be in a calm pace, in small portions.
  • Not accepted to blow hot dishes. You can wait a bit until the food cools it myself.
  • Each food follows silently so as not to spoil others.
  • Before making a sip of water or drink, it is worth swallowing all the food and flush the lips with a napkin, so as not to dither edge the edge of the glade.
  • Sit at the table with a cigarette means to demonstrate your disrespect for others.
  • Ugly tilt the plate with soup, you can simply leave a little liquid at the bottom. After eating a spoon put into a plate.
  • If you need to move away from the table, you should inform you about this.
  • Etiquette for modern rules of behavior implies the need to show respect for the owners of the evening at the table. Branded dishes, cooked by themselves, trying to try. Starting eating only after the owners.
  • Do not put on the plate, postponing the best pieces, or demonstrate that the food does not like.
  • It is ugly to use one glass with a neighbor, take food from his plates even with a close acquaintance.

Cutlery and napkins

Table etiquette provides some. There are two ways to handle a knife and fork: classical and american. According to the first, the knife and fork must be in hand until the dish is eaten. In the American method, an unnecessary knife is allowed to postpone on the plate.

Used devices can not be put on the table, so as not to dye the tablecloth. They should be left in a plate. Crossed fork and knife sign the waiter that the guest with the dish has not yet finished. To change the plate, it is necessary to put appliances parallel.

The plug and the knife must be used silently, not allowing the cutter. Ugly when the pieces of food or splashes will fly around. Cutlets in Kiev or other "dangerous" meals should be carefully pushed by a fork to eat juice. It is unacceptable to eat with a knife. It is intended only for cutting dishes.

Cutlery are common and individual. General devices are designed to apply dishes in a plate, and are located to the right of the dishes in which the food was served. The spoon is designed to scatter food, and the plug to support the selected piece of dishes. After use, they are left in a common plate for the next guest.

Packaging etiquette provides some rules for use slippet.:

  • The linen napkin should be on the knees. To deploy it silently.
  • Do not put a napkin on the table, tag it on the neck and is generally located somewhere above the knees.
  • After receiving food or before each sip, the bold lips must be wiped out.
  • Ladies with painted lips need to use paper disposable napkins.
  • If it was necessary to go out, the napkin is left on the chair. After the end of the evening it should be put on the edge of the table next to his plate.
  • It is unacceptable to wipe the filled cutlery with a napkin. This is a hint of the uncleanness of the owners.

Conversations at the table and manners

The rules of behavior at the table involve communication between member meters. Do not close from guests, it looks impolite. Good manners according to the rules of etiquette is primarily an attempt to create a quiet environment for eating. It is worth being attentive to the neighbors. We must make sure that the people sitting next to people do not need to pass and not forget to support the conversation.

Culture of behavior at the table implies a certain ethics of communication during meals. Heavy conversations, quarrels, finding out relationships must be postponed for another case. While eating a common table, it is necessary to follow the correct rules of conduct. The conversation should be relaxed, easy, demonstrating respectful attitude to the participants.

  • It is unacceptable to read the book, take a phone or tablet at the table. It is not recommended to paint.
  • If children are involved in the meal, it is necessary to explain to them how to behave at the table, and what is etiquette. Younger member meals should speak only if they were asked. To intervene in the conversation of adults, capricious, it is impossible to play with food. Invalid the presence of children when discussing not intended for them. It is worth remembering about the small participants of the feast in a conversation about personal relationships, emotional conversations.
  • A good tone behind a dinner or dinner assumes certain rules of etiquette when talking. It is necessary to look directly in the eye when conversation. Distill the look ignorance.
  • The squeezed little finger of the etiquette is no longer very compliant and is a sign of the chemicals. This is a relic of those times when it was considered aesthetic to take the food by index, middle and thumb, setting in the direction of the rest.
  • Separately, we can say about the attitude to the waiters. A truly cultural person is visible to communicate with the service personnel. Fine quits, an increase in voice, and even more so the scandals with the waiters talk about the poor upbringing of the guest. If a dirty device has been submitted or a hot dish is not enough, you can inform about this calm tone, without dropping your dignity.
  • After completion of the meal, praise cooks. If the food did not like, you can always find any positive moments.


Etiquette at the table is important in consumption. The glass should be kept with the fingers behind the leg so as not to be staining the shiny walls with oily fingers. So you can enjoy the taste of the drink without changing its temperature. Wine glass must be filled to half. This is not only the rules of the packaging etiquette, the empty space allows you to fully enjoy the fragrance of grapes. At the receptions of drinks are served on the trays of waiters. The glass is kept in his hands before its emptying. To get rid of empty dishes, you can take advantage of a special table.

A cup with coffee should be kept behind the handle with two fingers. It will help not burn hot drink. The tea table is also worth remembering what cultural behavior and etiquette at the table. You can not blow on a hot drink, you need to drink silently. Placing tea stands, not touching a spoon about the edge of the cup so as not to produce extra sounds. If the drink spilled on a saucer, you need to ask the waiter to replace the dishes.

Feature of the packaging etiquette when drinking alcohol- in its mandatory attention to interlocutors. Take a drink into a glass only to yourself - a bad tone. It is necessary at first to inform about the neighbors whether they need another alcohol.

Additional rules of etiquette

  • Smoking at the table is permissible only in the absence of children and objections from the other meaders of meals. Before meals or at that time, the neighbors eat, it is impossible to smoke. It prevents enjoy the scent of the dish. It is necessary to wait for the end of lunch or dinner.
  • Failure to dishes (diet, allergies or presence of certain beliefs) is possible with a polite explanation of the cause.
  • Food between the teeth can cause a certain discomfort. It should be removed from other people's eyes. It is worth apologizing and move to the toilet.
  • Lipstick on glasses, cutlery devices - bad tone. Before the meal is to wipe the lips with a paper napkin.
  • Handbags, briefcases, umbrellas can not be folded on the table. If possible, they should be hung on the back of the chair or put next to the floor.

But in more detail there are few people disassembled. For many, sufficient is what they know, in which hand you need to keep the knife, and in what a plug. However, this is very little. In this article, I want to tell about how to behave at the table correctly.

About etiquette

First of all, it must be said that there are different types of behavior in a particular institution and even in a particular country. If you understand how beautiful is beautiful, this question will be completely alone for European countries, in which at the table you need to be at a minimum quietly, and for Asian, where thanks to the owner for a delicious dinner are expressed by loud chamber and Chmokan. Also, behavior in the restaurant and visiting relatives at the table may differ somewhat.

Restaurant etiquette

It is very important to understand how beautiful it is very important to visit various restaurants from time to time. So, it is important to behave correctly after immediately after the mental threshold is crossed. It is important to remember that guests meet Metrotel, talks about whether there are free places, and spends the desired table. Also in his obligations included to pick up the top clothes of visitors. Going to the table, a man (if they came to the diverse guests) should first help sit down a lady, having pulled her chair a little bit, then he already sits down himself. It is also important to remember how to sit at the table. As for the situation, the representative of the strong sex should be opposite the woman or to the left of it. If the lady is a little late, a man may take a seat at the table, but when the Metrotel will hold it to the appointed place, the guy necessarily brings in respect.

Select order

When the pair is already at the table, the waiter necessarily gives the menu. Choosing the desired dishes is not in a hurry, in such institutions it is not taken to rush. Most often, the waiter will see that guests are ready to order something, and it will be suitable. But you can and with a slight movement of a hand to attend the service personnel to yourself. The order does first a woman, only then - a man. However, the lady may ask the guy to do it for her, it is also allowed. If guests can not decide on the choice of wine, they can ask for advice from the waiter. You can also consult with him about a particular dish, this is permitted by the rules of etiquette.


How to behave at the table while the order has not arrived yet? At this time, guests can quietly communicate. The first, most likely, the waiter will bring wine. Opening the bottles only a restaurant employee, a man should not get off to do it. First, the drink is served by the ladies, then guys. As for food, you can start to eat only after everyone has already ordered dishes.


Taking over how beautiful is it, it is also important to remember that the restaurants are strictly forbidden to raise the fallen objects from the floor. This will make a waiter. He must bring a clean appliance. If there was a confusion and crashed, for example, a plate or a glass, you should not worry. Just the restaurant will include its cost account, and the case will be closed. Nobody will not make scandals on this matter. If you want to escape the dish, and the saltka is on the other side of the table, it is not necessary to stretch yourself for her, you need to ask the playing just to apply what you need. It is also important to remember the decibels: it is necessary to speak in the restaurant so as not to interfere with others.

How to sit

Taking up how beautiful is it, it is important to remember that you need to sit right at the table. So, it is forbidden to put an elbow on the table, fall apart on the chair, swing on it. Also can not be low above the plate. The spin of the sitting should be even, no need to narrow. However, in the posture there should be no voltage and rigidity, everything should be natural. When a dish change, the guest is allowed to lean a little on the back of the chair so as not to interfere with the waiter and relax in a convenient position.

About food

It is worth remembering that the restaurants are not accepted in a hurry, dishes eat slowly to enjoy their taste. If food is pretty hot, you can not blow on it. To cool, you just need to wait a little, supporting the conversation. If burning burning food happened, you can not wave into your mouth with a napkin or hands, you can only wash it all with water. Various bones, including fruit, is strictly forbidden to spit or remove with their hands. For this purpose, a fork is intended, which is neatly taken to the mouth and all unnecessary folds there. If the taste of a dish of a person at all did not like, you can bring the napkin close to your mouth and all go there, without attracting attention to the surrounding perturbations about this.

If you need to move

The culture of behavior at the table has its recommendations about mobile phones. So, if the guest called, he could briefly say that he would call back, without delayed from his place. However, if the conversation does not tolerate deposits, it is necessary to move away. Talk at the table by phone is a bad tone. Also, if you need to leave, for example, in a restroom, you need to ask permission from all those present at the table. It is also impossible to talk with people sitting at the next table. If these are comrades or just need to ask something, you need to get up and approach them. In the case when the restaurant includes familiar, they need to be welcomed sitting, light nodding. A man gets up only if the lady joins his table. Women are not moving in any situations.

End of meals

When dinner came to an end, guests are fed and satisfied, they may ask the bill from the waiter, which will mean that their stay in this institution approached the end. The service arrives the folder in which the account will be specified. It is also important to remember about tip - 10% of the order value. Who should pay - here's another question. So, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, this is predominantly male. In European countries, women are actively fighting with it, considering the remnant of the past, and there everyone pays for itself. If dinner was just friendly, the waiter can be asked to be asked to bring a personal account, for each person a separate person. It is also important to remember about the delivery. If it is needed, a person is just silent. If there are money in the folder, the part of which is not needed, just need to say: "Without passing," and on this it will end. It is important to remember what to decide who will pay, you need to do it in advance, it is ugly to do it in front of the waiter. You need to know about who needs to express their claims. Talk about everything that I liked or did not like, you need a metallone, not a waiter.


But if all of the above is not yet too driven into the horror of those who do not know, then this is how to properly do with cutlery - this is a whole science. After all, there is a huge number of different in size and purpose of plates, knives, spoons and glasses. It is elementary need to know how to keep the plug and how to use it. So, when a person sits down at the table, regardless of where it happens - in a restaurant or at home, he must seemble. So, according to the rules, the diner should be straightforward, to the right of it - piring or napkin. On the left hand from the plate should be spoons and knives, right - forks. If at the table all this is complied with, it can be concluded that certain manners are required from the guest. It should also be remembered that the dessert device will be located in front of the plate, most likely a teaspoon. Wheel and glasses will be standing behind the plate, they all also have their purpose.

How to use cutlery

So how to keep the plug? This question often worries people. It is worth remembering that those devices that lie on the left of the plate are taken with her left hand, those on the right - right. That's all science. The dessert devices are located so that the handle will look into the right or left side. Depending on this, it is necessary to decide which hand to take them. As for the knife, the end of his handle according to the rules should be restarted into the center of the palm of the palm, the large and middle finger are located on the sides of the knife, index - in the center. The rest of the fingers bent slightly to the palm. The plug during the meal is kept so that her teeth look down, the knob also, like a knife, rests in the palm. In the case when you need to eat small pieces of food, as well as a garnish - potato puree or porridge, the plug is turned over to the cloves up, while it can help a slight knife in the dialing. The spoon holds in his left hand so that its end is on the base of the index finger, and the beginning is on average. If the dish is easily separated, the waiter can only file fork, in which case it needs to be kept in his right hand. Now everything should be clear, not only how to keep the fork and knife, but also other nuances of using cutlery appliances. Especially since it is not difficult, as it could first appear.


Taking over how to eat beautifully, it is important to know that you also need to be able to do with a napkin. Often it becomes the object of decoration of the table, but at the same time it has its own direct purpose. Before the food, the napkin needs to be neatly folded in half and put on his knees to myself. It will help protect a suit or dress from the droplets that can shed. Also this napkin can wipe hands or lips after eating or drinking. Hold it for the collar, making a whirl, is strictly prohibited. It is inconvenient, and quite ugly. The evaporated fingers carefully and imperceptibly wipe on the top edge of the napkin, which remains on the knees. If you need to get into the lips, the napkin is raised, but so that it is completely in the palm of your hand, and not hung. Wrap (but do not rub) lips with a middle napkin, then it fits back to the place. It is strictly forbidden to use it as a nasal handker or towels for wet or dirty hands. Also, you can not wipe the cutlery, looking for a speck on them. This is great to offend the owners. If this subject fell, you need to ask for a new one. At the end of the meal, the napkin is placed on the left of the plate, but never hangs on the back of the chair.

About drinks

All are clear that the correct behavior at the table is the key to a successful evening in the cultural institution. It is also important to pay a few words and drinks, as well as the containers that are suitable for them. The main thing is to remember the rule: the stronger the drink, the smaller the container needs it. Ryumka - for vodka drinks, Madnaya wineglass - for fasteners, glasses or glasses for white and red wines, a fuer or a glass for champagne. First, stronger drinks are served, then in the increasing. Wine glasses are filled with two thirds.

About kids

Essential is the etiquette for all the kids should also be able to behave in society. However, it is worth saying that the rules for them will be easier and restrained than for adults. And on the mistakes of kids at the table, no one should pay special attention. However, mom or other parent must quietly make a closer to the remark, teaching him the right behavior. What is the main thing for kids when taking a table? It is important that the kids know that you can not talk loud at the table, laugh, scream. It is impossible to talk to the mouth stuffed, it is ugly and even harmful to the food process. Also, it is also not a chakup and smack, it is unacceptable. It is necessary to tell the child how to properly do with a napkin: it should be used to wip the wiggular lips and hands, and when not needed - should be on the knees. Also, the baby must be said that there are dishes that can be eating hands, and those for which you want to use cutlery. So, for example, froth potatoes, shrimps, fish sticks can be taken without problems, you can also capture the inflorescence of cauliflower. But this end the list of products that are taken without instruments. For incomprehensible reasons, kids love to eat spaghetti with hands, but it is ugly and wrong. The baby needs to say about it. Children should also remember that they need to stay at the table until everyone is atheging. Well, of course, it is important to say "Thank you" to the owners who slept. In case of food in the "Thank you" restaurant, they say Metrotel. If too heavy science for crumbs is etiquette at the table, pictures - this is what can a great help in learning. You only need a baby to show several video tutorials or characteristic pictures, and everything will become more clear to him.

1. At the table you need to sit with clean hands. If you are visiting, then ask the owner at home to take advantage of their amenities for this purpose.

2. Sit at the table is necessary at a convenient distance from each other. Not too close, and not too far.

3. Watch for your landing at the table. The back should be straight, elbows should not be burned on the table. Hands should be pressed against the body, and only hands should be on the tablecloth.

4. Do not pull the legs under the table.

5. The napkin must be put on his knees, and bring it to the mouth when the need arises. Do not observe the napkin around the neck, and do not refuel it for the gate of the shirt, like a whirl.

6. Before you begin to eat, it is necessary to wait for all guests to have food, and the home team began to be the first. However, if there is a risk that the feeding food can cool, the owners can offer to start everybody who has already been served food.

7. Never touch food with your hands, with the exception of bread and bread sticks, which, in any case, you must first break away from the common piece, and then put in your mouth.

8. The bread that you use for food must lie on a small plate on the left in front of the main dish.

9. Do not create noise while eating or drinking.

10. Do not speak by phone if you have other people at the table, besides you.

11. Do not take pictures during meals.

12. Keep the phone in your pocket or bag, but not on the table.

13. Do not clean the bread plate.

14. Chew food with a closed mouth.

15. Do not blow food to cool it.

16. Do not speak during food intake.

17. Drink drink only after swallowing food.

18. For meals, pick up a plug or spoon to the mouth, and not vice versa. Never tilt your head to the cutting devices, and worse to the plate.

19. In order to achieve the soup from the bottom of the plate, you must tilt it towards the center of the table.

20. Use the knife only for cutting food, but not to eat it.

21. For meals, hold the plug between the big and index fingers of the right hand.

If during the meal that you want to cut, the plug is used in conjunction with the knife, the plug must be kept in the left hand, and the knife is right. After cutting food, the devices do not change in places in their hands, that is, the fork that you will put food into your mouth, remains in your left hand, and the knife is right.

22. The spoon must be kept between the big and index fingers of the right hand, and during meals, it should be filled with half. It is not allowed to use a spoon together with a fork when using spaghetti.

23. It is necessary to learn to eat spaghetti by screwing them into the fork. It is forbidden to absorb them in the mouth directly from the plate.

24. In order for it is clear that you have finished have a dish, you need to put a plug and knife in parallel to the plate.

25. If you need to put yourself a food that is on the table far from you, then you do not need to reach it. Ask someone from your neighbors to give you this dish with food.

26. In the event of eating dishes that you want to cut, you must cut off the pieces as they use. It is not allowed to first cut the entire portion into pieces, and only then there.

27. In order to put food from a common dish, located in the center of the table, you must use the devices that lie on this dish, it is not allowed to use your devices.

28. Do not overlap yourself from a common dish, more than you can eat, so that after the end of meals you have nothing left on a plate.

29. It is not allowed to use toothpicks in the public.

30. If you need to pour into a glass of water or wine, offer first pour them with your neighbors.

31. In the case of the pronunciation of the toast, everyone should drink. If someone does not eat alcoholic beverages, it is enough to bring a glass to the lips.

32. If the toast is pronounced in honor of someone from the guests, it is necessary to raise a glass for the level of the face and stretch your hand in the direction of which toast is pronounced.

33. If you want to abandon the drink that you are offered to pour, it is enough to make an easy movement with a brush. No apologies for this is not to say.

33. It is forbidden to smoke during meals or between dishes. After meals, smoking is allowed only if there is a host consent to this and all guests.

34. Because of the table, you should get up only after meals, if any other circumstances do not occur, in which it must be done before.

All photos from the Internet.

Packaging events are an exam for every person on knowledge of etiquette and good manners. Modern life is difficult to imagine without hiking in a restaurant or visit. Compliance with the rules will help both the guest, and the owner of the event to appear in society as an educated individual with properly adhesive communication skills.

What it is?

Often the concept of "ethics" and "etiquette" equate or unite. Ethics has a wider value, speaking of it, it should be kept in mind the personal moral and moral values \u200b\u200bof the individual. Such features of a person are brought up from early childhood. Usually, the depth and power of the morality of the individual depend on interpersonal relations in the family (family model), methods of education, efforts of educational institutions aimed at the vaccination of good manners to schoolchildren, friendly environment, personal traits.

Etiquette is a set of specific rules that any good-bought person must adhere toThese are the norms of behavior adopted by society to society as a whole or to a specific individual in particular. You can be an highly moral person with exclusively correct moral values, but not know good manners. And vice versa.

Packaging etiquette is the rules of how a person should behave in a restaurant, a guest, on a picnic, the order of mutual relations of a man and women, people of different ranks and ages at such events.

Any educated person should know the basics of the packaging etiquette. The one who wants to achieve in the lives of certain vertices, get a career staircase promotion, get into high secular circles - to learn and follow the rules of the good manner must be thoroughly.

Norms and regulations

You can select the basic elements of how it is necessary to behave during the feast. Such rules are known and understood both for children and adults. Therefore, to start vaccine to yourself and younger generation, good manners should be found with such bases:

  • Compliance with the etiquette proxy. It is important to competent placement of guests at the table. Thus, the owner of the event takes place at the head of the table, all important, honorary and senior guests are sitting near the owner on the right and left hand, young people and children in the opposite end of the table. Sometimes a separate children's table is given the youngest.
  • It is very important to monitor what intonation prevails in a voice during the conversation, behind the timbre, volume, tone, speed of speech. The voice should sound clearly, do not need to say too fast, loud exclamations are unacceptable. You can not talk to mouth-stuffed.
  • At the table must be followed by your gestures and pose. You can not fall apart on the chair, put the elbows on the table, sit, put the cheek with your hand, leg on the leg, swinging your hands, especially if the appliances are in them.
  • At the table can not be treated a conversation that can provoke an argument. Politics, religion, health and money - closed topics for conversation. Also cannot be discussed its diet, alcohol restriction and products that are allergic. It should be silent to postpone an unsuitable dish, alcohol replaced to any other drink.

  • The linen napkin should be painted on his knees, so eliminated the pollution of the clothes, and it is also possible to imperceptibly wiper hands about it.
  • It is possible to start when all the foods appear on the plates, and also after the owner of the holiday will begin to the meal.
  • If there is a piece of a piece during meals, which is impossible to burn or a bone, you should imperceptibly incur a napkin to the lips and remove the inademonged element.
  • During the feast it is worth disconnecting the phone or put on a silent mode. In no case can not put it next to the table on the table.
  • Handbag or clutch Woman should be put back at the chair, a bulk bag - on the floor or hang on the back of the chair. Sometimes in restaurants offer a special highchair for bags, you can use it. It is impossible to put bags and bags on the table for a while.
  • If a cutlery or food fell to the floor, you should not focus on this, you need to suspect the waiter and ask to bring a new one. You can not bend under the table and lift the fallen object.
  • Do not use the toothpick at the dining table. When there is a pause in a conversation, you need to apologize and get out of the table. You can remove the stuck piece of food in the restroom.

The owner of the event should not put the toothpicks on the dining table, their place during the feast - bathroom. The same rule acts if the need arose to clean the nose. To be frozen at the table during the meal is indecent, besides, this gesture will be unpleasant for other guests.

Good manners for a feast

Before you go to the event, it should be better to learn about his character. It can help in choosing a dress, women - also in choosing hairstyles and makeup.

If the event is official in nature, most likely all guests have proposed programs. They usually indicate the start time, the time of entertainment or official part, the time of the buffet and the end of the evening.

Unofficial feasts are often more intimate and relaxed. Men can neglect ties, and ladies with evening dresses in the floor. However, this does not exempt from compliance with the course of behavior at the table.

Date in Restaurant: Rules for Men and Women

Usually at the entrance to the restaurant guests meets Hostes or Metrotel. An employee of the institution offers its customers free tables and call the waiter to accept the order. If there is no such position, help choose a place can be asked any waiter or decide on your own. A man escorts his lady before her place, usually on the left, helps to sit on the chair.

  • The menu brings a waiter and gives the time to guests to make a choice. The right of championship in the choice of dish belongs to a woman. In this case, there is a common mistake that women often make. To say "order something to your taste" categorically impossible. Correct interpretation - "Advise, what is better to order? "
  • The order of the waiter makes a man after he heard the wishes of a woman.
  • Girls should not choose too cheap dishes, it can become a hint of a man that he, in her opinion, is not sufficiently consistent. But the choice of the most expensive dishes with regard to a woman can cause unnecessary speculations.

  • The specifics of the restaurant should be taken into account. If the event takes place in the Mediterranean cuisine restaurant, you do not need to order borsch or dumplings.
  • If the choice causes difficulty, you can suspect the waiter, clarify which ingredients in the dish are present, what is the time of its preparation.
  • You should not address the waiter on "you", usually employees of the institution have a nominal badge on which the name is written.
  • While waiting for the order should start the resin-current. The topic of the conversation should be general, you should not go into details and deepen. The interlocutors should look at each other in the eyes, speak is not loud, so as not to interfere with others, as well as create an intimate atmosphere of date.
  • While the dishes are prepared, the waiter can bring a bottle of wine as an aperitif. The Guest Male should not scold it alone, as well as pour a drink. This is the task of the waiter. In order to pour a second glass, wait for the waiter not necessarily. First, the lady is served, then a man can pour a drink to himself. The glass should be filling a little less than half.
  • The glass should be kept three fingers behind the leg. Thus, it will remain as clean as possible, and this is important for the aesthetic component, which is key in the concept of etiquette.

  • To notify the waiter about changing the dish, it is necessary to put the shallow on top of the plate cutlery. The plug connected to the free end and the knife says that the meal is not yet completed. It should be remembered that laying the instruments on the table after use is categorically impossible, their place is only on the plate.
  • You should not try your partner's dish. The only way to find out what it is for the taste is to order the same.
  • The restaurant is accepted slowly, enjoying the taste and process. Even if the feeling of feeling of hunger is very strong, the pace of a partner should be observed, otherwise he will perceive it as escape or desire to leave the restaurant.
  • When dinner is finished, the napkin is put on the left of the plate.
  • Gentleman pays first. Woman should not interfere, ask how much? "Or try to pay your half, lining money to a man.
  • If a man and woman associate friendships, a 50/50 check is possible, then a man, having examined the check, calls a woman the amount of her order, and they negotiate the tips.

A business meeting

In the modern world, very often business meetings take place in restaurants and cafes. This is especially true during international visits in the interests of the business. The receiving party introduces partners with the customs and culture of its country. In this case, the invited side should be familiar with the traditions before the event, so as not to offend its partners. To speak as a whole, the following rules must be followed:

  • First of all, a business meeting is a business issue solution. If it takes place not at lunchtime, it should be limited to a cup of coffee or tea.
  • During a meeting with a partner, you should adhere to the main principle: time is money. You can start solving the question immediately after greetings, without being distracted by the smalle current.
  • After discussion, the issue should be briefly summed up the meeting, if there is time left, go to distract topics in order to maintain personal relationships.
  • During international fences, the inviting party pays. If a business meeting is limited to coffee or tea, then each pays for itself.

Customs of different countries of the world

Historically, food from different peoples of the world developed in their own way, given the national characteristics, the devices of life, the influence of conquerors, cultural and historical facts. Many countries have the rules of etiquette at the table overlap. Thus, it is possible to allocate general international etiquettes, however, the place of originality remains.

In Russia

Russia is a large international country in which pan-European behaviors at the table are officially adopted. However, given that in our country there are more than 190 peoples, traveling through it, you can meet unusual traditions and norms of behavior at the table.

The Tatar is of great importance to a launchy proxy at the table. The first starts the head of the family, only then the remaining family members and guests. Because of the table only come out when the head of the family came out. Before and after the meal, the prayer was praised Allah.

The peoples of the Caucasus have other features. Each family member has its own role that needs to be observed without precipitation. It is worth noting an important feature: men and women in the Caucasus do not eat along with one table. First you eat the food of men, only then women and children.

Any big feast in the Caucasus is necessarily a manager - Tamada. Tamada can become the oldest and honorary guest of the event. He says toast and gives the right to say the word to others. Caucasian feast without toasts is not a feast. They are distinguished by the extraordinary magnificent and extrosting the master's merit.

Mongolian peoples and a guest at the table first offered to a tea with tea or vodka. Guest, taking the pile, should shove a thumb right hand into drink and splash them towards the hearth. Interestingly, such a custom is something really preserved until now. Of course, the customs of many nations gradually weaken, more and more families begin to adhere to European standards of etiquette.

However, traveling in vast Russia, the features of the life of local residents should be studied before you go to a particular corner of the immense homeland. These knowledge is needed to not offend and not insult the owners, as well as to show respect for their culture and traditions.

In France

For those who are lucky enough to get an invitation to dinner in France worth knowing:

  • Lunch and dinner in France always begins with an aperitif, it is selected depending on the region. To drink a glass of wine, the reason for the French is not needed, they begin to use a wine drink from adolescent age. Wine is selected strictly to a dish that is expected. If it is a fish - dry white wine, meat - dry red.
  • Usually the French feed out at home, as they are not accepted from them. In the cafe, bistro and restaurants are moving with friends, relatives, just a family dinner. Sometimes men and women visit the cafe to drink a cup of coffee and read a book or newspaper.
  • Family festive dinners French love very much. Usually they consist of several innings, each of which has several dishes. The feed process itself is maintained to the right.
  • While guests serve a new dish, it is impossible to keep hands under the table, on the knees - such a gesture may be regarded as distrust. You should lower the wrist at the angle of the table top.
  • Large feasts in a circle of close friends and relatives are carried out with a complex table serving, all generally accepted ethiquette norms are observed.

  • Carefully treat the use of spices. You should not too much to zealous - it can insult the hostess or cook, as it can be assumed that the dish did not like that they want to "embellish."
  • In France, it is not customary to ask for additives of wine or its shift. The French believe that only specific wine can be used with a specific dish. You should not add ice to a glass of wine. Temperature change will affect the impression of the drink, and the melting ice will change the taste.

In general, French etiquette has the same major aspects as in Russia and all of Europe. In the customs of this country, it is not accepted in a hurry, so the French are very closely related to all the packaging rules and strictly observe them, the guest of this country should also show respect for culture and remember the etiquette.

In England

The British are very scrupulous to comply with the norms of etiquette, especially at the table. Even in a circle of close friends and relatives dinner runs through all the rules of good manners. We can say that the main rule of etiquette in England is observance of etiquette.

At the table should be used appliances according to their purpose. The knife is kept strictly in the right hand, the plug is in the left. It is not allowed to shift the devices, in addition, the sharp end of the knife and forks are always looking towards the plate.

The unusual rule, but if an invited guest is an allergy to any ingredient or there are special requirements for products, the hosts should be warned 2 days before the event. At a large table in England, it is unacceptable to conduct an intimate conversation with only one guest, the topic should be common to everyone, while not to turn to an unfamiliar person.

Do not stretch through the whole table to take any dish, it is worth asking to be passed. However, it is not necessary to transmit back either, it is necessary to put a plate on free space next to you.

Every time a new dish is served a guest, you should say "Thank you." If there is a common dish on the table, you should not put too much to put too much, you need to put so much so that after the ending the feast was clean. Otherwise, the owner may consider that the dish did not like the guest.

In Korea

In Korea, it is also not accepted to leave in a plate abdicted rice or too much from another dish. Also, you should not use a spoon and sticks at the same time, stirring the soup to instruments, choose certain pieces and separate them from the main dish. Lunch must complete everyone at the same time.

Sometimes in Korean restaurants the waiter serves a table without releasing him. His task is to always have food in the plates. Therefore, a suitable guest must leave a small piece of an abdicted dish, which will be a signal that the supplement is no longer required. The same rule acts in relation to drinks.

After the end of the feast of sticks or a spoon should be returned to the initial position, where they lay before the start of the event. The account usually pays the oldest at the table, and not everyone for himself.

In China

The Chinese are very zealously refer to their traditions and customs, strictly fulfill them themselves and are very rejoicing when foreign guests are trying to adhere to them.

The beginning of meals the Chinese start with flower tea. This drink acts as an aperitif, as well as entertaining those who have gathered until the rest of the invited guests arrive.

In Chinese etiquet, the shape of the table is always a circle. The traditions of the country are very symbolic. So, the circle is land, fertility and women's start. The center of the table rotates around the axis, and since all the dishes are common, it is very convenient to rotate such a center to bring the desired dish. Despite the fact that all the dishes are common, to make an individual order can anyone But it should be taken into account that there can also be it.

The Chinese, like Russians, love to toasit and drink alcohol at the table. During a toast, it is necessary to stand, and after it is easy to choose the edges of the glasses. You can drink only from full dishes if the glass is half empty, you should wait until he who is responsible for filling drinks fill.

The Chinese will be very nice if foreign guests will use chopsticks during food. Moreover, it is not necessary to keep them correctly. As convenient and right. However, it is very non-default to use such a traditional device. You should not use sticks as a pointer, nibble them, just so put in the mouth. In the interruptions between the dishes of sticks lie on a special stand, you can not leave them in the plate, and stick to the food - offensive.

First, the first dishes are served - soups, which are the only portion, then "main food" - rice or noodles, completes the evening dessert. It is not necessary to pinch and unite, the feast in China serves as a reason to taste different dishes and enjoy their taste.

In Turkey

National customs of Turkey are gradually displaced under the western influence. Restaurants and behavior there have completely passed on the rules of international etiquette. But in Turkish houses, you can still encounter the fact that the owners observe the features of life, personifying the history of the country.

For those who were invited to visit, you should know:

  • Coming to the Turkish house, it follows the threshold in front of the door. To enter the house or apartment in street shoes is unacceptable.
  • Turks eat at a low round table, sit in Turkish on the floor, the feet are hiding under the tabletop.
  • Never abandon the proposed food, it can offend owners. You should try at least a small piece and praise the dish.
  • Turks serve common dishes on a tray. Each guest with hand or spoon fills its plate. Do not choose the pieces of "better" - this is also indecent.
  • Start the meal follows after the approval of the head of the family.
  • The feast last is usually at least two hours. Turks keep the sequence of dishes, so after the main supply, tea, coffee, sweets should be supplied. Eat leisurely, enjoying the process.
  • For a long time to delay visiting either. You should politely thank for lunch or dinner and delete.

Compliance with international generally accepted rules of etiquette is the best proof of good upbringing. In any country of the world, good manners will appreciate. Tourists and foreigners often say goodbye to knowing the characteristics of the traditions and life of the country, but should not be abused by their position.

There are several rules that should be adhered to, being visiting another country or in an unfamiliar company:

  • You can bring a dessert to tea and give it to the hostess when meeting;
  • Do not sit at the table before the owner's invitation;
  • It should not be started before the owner starts;
  • No need to build a mountain of food on its plate, it is better to put on a little bit of each dish, eat, and only then stretch for the additive. This method will protect against overeating, and will also allow to leave a plate after pure;
  • You should not ask too many issues to the owners or other guests;
  • You always need to be modest and benevolent, be sure to thank the owners and celebrate the culinary talent of the hostess.

In a difficult and incomprehensible situation, adhere to the principle of common sense. The main task is not to cause inconvenience to others, even if you have to sacrifice your well-being.