Is it possible to clean on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve. Traditions and canons. Christmas Christmas Eve. Fortune telling on the night before christmas


The night before Christmas, or Christmas Eve, is one of the holidays who were banned for many years. Therefore, it is quite natural that the traditions of celebrating Christmas Eve are thoroughly concurred by many. In fact, the Christmas Eve is a noisy and fun holiday, comparable to the New Year.

Estimation of the ages of the night before Christmas was made to celebrate the family in a circle, while at the same time they could sit down and even a random guest, and even the beggar. Arrange a magnificent celebration of an excessive Christmas, but to a visit to the unexpected guests still need to be ready.

On the eve of Christmas, it is customary to prepare a dish of wheat, rice, barley, pea, decorated with raisins, honey, Kuragya, Macov, called Casca. This dish is cooking "Izvar" - drink from dried fruits. Susta and isra are considered traditional Christmas dishes, because each of its ingredients symbolizes something special. For example, wheat grain is a symbol of a resurrection life, and honey personifies sweet life and health. On the night before Merry Christmas, it is advisable to eat only light food without drinking alcoholic beverages. According to the old legends on the night before Christmas on the table there should be no less than 12 dishes and the number of guests should be even.

After the distribution of gifts, you can go all the family to the street to play in snowballs, run fireworks, ride off the slide and sing cheerful songs. Going out of the house, capture something from meals for homeless animals - they say that they also need to congratulate Merry Christmas.

Since ancient times, the belief was preserved that two forces dominate the night before Christmas: good and evil. Which of them bends a man, she will make miracles with him in this magical night. It is believed that the power of good calls for the celebration of the birth of Christ for the Christmas table, convenes people to sing carols, festive chants, and evil power collects any evil, witches and damn on the Sabbath. In the evening, in the villages, he begins to walk along the houses of the "Kolyada" - disguise the dressed young people. They knock at home, sing songs and honors the owners. Thresholds of houses usually sprinkle with grain, which indicates that the warrings wish the owners of wealth and good luck. For this, the owners must treat singing with different tastes, cookies, sweets.

On Christmas Eve, you need to carefully watch nature. If the sky is abundantly sleeping with the stars, there is snow, or in the trees there is a lot of inlet, then the year will be rich, profitable and satisfying.

Girls with a special look await Christmas night to learn their future. Christmas divisions are considered the most truthful, especially if you do exactly at midnight.

Favorite girls are considered to be fortune-telling along the ring. For him you need half a waters, a thin woolen thread, through which the wedding ring is stretched. The ends of the thread should be connected and keep the wedding ring over the water in the glass. Then you need to say such words: "Colepko, oscillator give me an answer, I will marry what how old?" The ring begins to swing and knock on the walls of the glass. It should be considered as long as the ring itself does not stop.

Three beans pods hidden under a Christmas pillow will prompt what married life from the girl will be prompted. If in the morning it pulls out the first pod - life will be like a complete bowl. Empty - the second half will be stingy, and the middle average.

To entertain guests, you can pay via biscuit. In any cake with baking you can put a penny and candy or fruits. To whom will come in a coin cake, this will have a profitable year, to whom the sweet filling is a carefree life.

It so developed historically that the bright holiday of Christmas worked closely with the pagan bounty festards. Traditions walked together and is no longer possible to understand what came from. But it does not prevent us with pleasure to prepare for the holiday and wait for the night before Merry Christmas.

Christmas celebration begins on January 6, when the whole family is going for a family dinner - the Holy Evening.

On January 6, the Nativity of Christ is celebrated, the Christmas Christmas Eve, who is also called the Holy Evening - this day also has its own traditions and features. Christmas is one of the biggest and favorite holidays, the preparation for which was held very careful and special. Christmas is a magical and magic holiday, on this day the whole family creates and supports the special atmosphere of comfort, wealth and consent. Find out how they spent the day on the eve of the Christmas hostess, what they did to attract the well-being and health of all households into the house.

To the holiday of christmas, Diduh retained from the harvest period From the hay, which symbolized fertility, the spirit of the family, grace and well-being. He was entered into the house and left under the images before baptism. Diduh brought a special festive mood to the house, the people spoke "Diduh to Hut - the trouble from the hut."

All christmas holidays lay ban on any affairs and housework, The most important tried to complete until January 6.

It is impossible to offend animals on this day, Drink homeless cats and dogs, but on the contrary, you should take care - feed, find shelter. Pets require special concerns. It is believed that in the Christmas night every animal talks to God in the human language and will tell the Lord how his owners behave with him.

Father family by tradition went around the whole yard , put into order, fed animals, went to the house and closed the doors tightly - and before the completion of dinner, no one could come out of the house and open the doors.

January 6 and 7, as well as throughout the entire shin you can not give something out of the house, borrow money - It is believed that so you can give your health and well-being.

The hostess has completed all their business in the household - removed in the house, blellied, decorated the stove with drawings, washed. And also tried to buy each family member on the new clothes.

All family members should be at home January 6 And not to go beyond the gate, it was considered a bad trial to be out of the house in the evening, and even more so to swell on Christmas night did not at home - they believed that the whole next year would have to be blown around the world.

Christmas and on the eve of Christmas - important maintain a special atmosphere of good and family consent, Especially in his own home, you can not quarrel and fade, scold children. The opposite follows, to make up with everyone, with whom in a quarrel, forgive the resentment and let go of evil.

From the morning hostess was accepted to cook a festive dinner - on the table should be symbolic 12 dishes - by the number of apostles. Due to the fact that on January 6 - the last day of the Christmas post, all the dishes are preparing all the dishes. However, the evening is called generous - it means that there are all the benefits sent by nature, the fruits of generous crop - dishes from croup, fruit, honey, mushrooms, vegetables, fish, etc.

The first thing women mined a new fire - A symbol of a new life - with the help of a silica and a fire, which were lariped in images for 12 days. Becoming to the East, crossbilled three times, the hostess lit up a new fire and roasted in the furnace 12 lanes dried in a house 12 days before Christmas. And I started the preparation of a festive family dinner of 12 traditional dishes: Cooking the Uzbar, Bucket, Peas, Beans, Cabbage and Mushrooms, Lepila Dumplings, Cooking Borsch, Pokli Ponico.

Under a festive tablecloth for each corner of the table, the household house is required hid by garlic head In order to move unclean power.

Christmas Eve - Great Holiday for Christians. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born in this particular day. The celebration begins with the appearance in the sky of the first evening star. It is believed that it is she who notifies that a little Jesus was born. Therefore, signs on January 6 are very revered by the people.

Signals on January 6 are of particular importance, affect the life of a person within the whole of next year.

Tradition January 6 Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve

From the first evening gursing, people sit down for Christmas dinner. He must begin to begin with the prayer to the Lord, after which you need to eat three spoons of the Kuti.

By the way, the name of the Christmas holiday "Christmas" arose due to the fact that one of the names of the Kuti is sochily. It is impossible, of course, to consider sochily an analogue of the aircraft, but dishes are very similar and can interchange each other. Our ancestors had something sochily on the table in the holy evening. But the name "Kusta" came to us from ancient Greece.

Traditionally, there should be 12 dishes on the Christmas table, among which the cats and the Uzvar, dumplings and lean cabbage rolls, pampushki and cabbage, or borsch, vinaigrette and pickles.

The main thing is that dinner is lean. Moreover, the evening is a breakfast, and dinner, and dinner at the same time, because from dawn to dawn it is impossible during the day there is nothing.

Also today it is customary to visit his godfall and parents, carry them the evening. And today quit, thus bringing happiness, health and prosper in the house.

The birth of Jesus Christ

What can not and what can I do on January 6 Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve

Today it is impossible:

  • work, clean, sew, wash, stroke, repair - whatever work;
  • swear in gracious words;
  • quarrel with other people;
  • drink alcoholic beverages for christmas table;
  • to speak too much and noise behind the evening;
  • get out of the table until the meal is complete;
  • go out and walk in Dali from home;
  • sit on the corner of the table with unmarried girls;
  • at Christmas to stay with debts per soul;
  • pour the odd number of guests at the table;
  • wear black clothes.

Today you need:

  • arrange the evening;
  • ask for forgiveness from everyone to whom you feel guilty;
  • dressed in light and festive clothes;
  • to plant an even number of guests or, if there is not enough one person, just put an additional set of instruments on the table;
  • light house with a candle, which will attract happiness and well-being for the whole year.

Christmas Kusta

Signals on January 6 Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve

Signs of this special holiday are very diverse.

  1. Animals today are told with God in the human language and tell him how a person behaves with weak. If you offend any animal today, it will tell about this to the Lord.
  2. If you give a debt today, then give together with money and happiness with health and well-being.
  3. If in the evening after sunset to be out of the house, then the whole year is unsuccessful to be and not knowing your place.
  4. Girls on the Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve. It is necessary to splash the junctions on the door. What the first person will speak, who will enter this door, will be in life in the coming year.
  5. If the sky today is star and clean, then the year will be a yield.
  6. Born on Christmas Eve - Pets of fate that never need anything.
  7. Sewing and needlework today will bring a whole year of misfortune.
  8. Having sorrows from the house - to endure and health with joy.
  9. Do not let into the house of the warrants - to run good luck, the whole year will be unhappy.

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ Orthodox people celebrate Christmas Eve. This day is the final christmas post, which lasts four weeks. From the morning and until 6 o'clock in the evening, Orthodox Christians should be fully refrained from the use of any food and alcohol to the climb of the first star. This star symbolizes what Jesus was born.

From a long time, people are sacred that the Christmas holiday will be held, so will be the whole next year. It is not surprising that many modern people are interested in the question: "What can be done on a Christmas Eve before Christmas, and what is impossible."

Many people on the eve of any holiday want to bring their home in order: wash things, remove the apartment, make all the garbage, get rid of the old and not necessary things.

Orthodox traditions are strictly forbidden to fulfill all household matters in the Christmas Eve.

- On this day, the soul of each person is preparing for the birth of Jesus. During the post and on January 6, it is especially impossible to swear, offended, express negative emotions towards another person.
- January 6 should also refrain from any homework: to wash and clean, sew, embroider, transplant indoor plants and so on. Even cooking food on this day is not recommended, it can be prepared in advance - January 5th.
- Before the completion of the liturgy in the temple, it is impossible to eat, as well as drink alcoholic beverages.
- All day on January 6, it is impossible to revenge the house and all the more endow garbage from it. Since ancient times, people believed that the Christmas Eve came to the Christmas relatives who are going through the corners of the apartment. And only after holy baptism, they return back to heaven.

In order to celebrate Christmas, as the whole of the next year, became light and joyful, all homework, including cooking 12 dishes, should be executed on January 5th.

What should be done on a Christmas tree

In the afternoon of January 6, every Orthodox man should go to the church for the sacrament and service. It is very important before the birth of Christ to clear his soul, ask for forgiveness, sincerely repent of all sins. An important stage on the eve of the communion is the post. If a person is difficult to keep the post all 4 weeks, it should be adhere to it at least a few days before the Christmas tree. It is very important to monitor your thoughts, actions and emotions during this period.

There is a lot of belief that you can do the Christmas Eve, and what is strictly forbidden. Each people, based on their faith, comes up with different traditions and customs. But if a person considers himself an Orthodox and wants to adhere to important church rules, you should know what to wash on a Christmas tree and it is strictly forbidden to be removed, no matter how much it wanted. Even such a harmless effect, like sweeping floor, can stick trouble and diseases per person.

Numerous customs on this day help solve various issues, for example: to get rid of debts, find a job, establish relationships with loved ones or bosses. From a long time, people believe in the powerful strength of this day and try to use it for their good.

From a long time, on Christmas Eve after dinner, the remaining food went out on the street and left it in need, or distributed on their own. There is a belief that those deceased relatives who died hungry, they quench their hunger on this evening.

On the eve of Christmas, it is impossible to dress bread, salt and money, it can lead to the fact that the whole next year the family will spend in poverty and hunger.

Do not go to the festive dinner and day to the Christmas Eve to wear black or dark clothes, so as not to stick the trouble and trouble.

Also, many girls are worried about the question: "Is it possible to wash your head on a Christmas tree?" On this day, as in Christmas, it is forbidden to wash and cut the hair.

Christmas Eve is a holiday that is dedicated to the meeting of a bright Christmas day.

What is categorically impossible to do the Christmas Eve

On this day, it is supposed to fast, prepare festive dishes and put in order clothes. It is impossible to celebrate Christmas in black - it was considered a bad sign to come to the feast in sad clothes. After the first star comes out - it means, Jesus Christ came to the world - you can start a holiday.

On the eve of Christmas, they always started to collect - the youth went home, accompanying their arrival by the ranks of the cololons and raising a treat and money from the owners. There was an interesting rite: on this day it was customary to be collected in the parent house. In the evening there were tables, then the whole family went to the courtyard and looked at the stars.

Peeping into the sky, it was determined by a guide, and the future harvest was determined by the signs of the Christmas night, they walked about well-being and the future. If the night happened Star - it was believed that the cattle would give a good range, and there will be many berries and mushrooms in the forest.

Undoubtedly, the main dishes on the table in this holiday were Casca and sochily.

Before proceeding with the meal, the owner with a pot, in which Casta was, went around the hut three times. Returning, he threw several spoons of Kashi into the courtyard, thereby unsubesty the spirits, then in the open door invited frost onto Buck and asked him not to destroy her crops. The ritual porridges by tradition ate from the overall bowl, leaving a bit - poor wanderers.

The Christmas Eve was not worth walking out of the house, because the cattle would have to look for the forests and swamps. Weave on this day - meant to please misfortune.

Baked pancakes, and the first pancake was necessarily carried in Khlev, broke it through the sickle and left the off - so that this spirit does not cradle six. On this day did not feed the poultry so that the chickens and geese did not overlook the garden. In every yard, the manure was burning - so that parents were warmed on that light.


  • Many snow, big frost and deeply frozen earth - to a rich crop bread.
  • If on January 6, black paths (the snow covered the ground loosely or melted) - there will be a good hint of buckwheat.
  • On Christmas Eve, the sun shines brightly - to the green year.
  • Snow on earth, like manure for harvest.
  • Which on this day is on the trees, so there will be a color on bread.
  • For how many days before Christmas, Yayave will happen, for so many days before Ivanov's Day (May 21) will be favorable weather for spring crops.
  • If the soldier will happen before the Christmas Eve, then the bread needs to be sowed to Petrov's Day (July 12), and if the Yeans after the Christmas tree appear, then you can sow after Petrov's Day.
  • The starry sky on the night of Christmas - to the excellent crop of pea.
  • If the asterisks in the sky on the night of January 6 on January 7 will be brilliant, there will be many mushrooms and berries.
  • If little stars in the sky, then there will be little berries too.
  • Milky Way dim - to bad weather. If the Milky Way is light and full of stars - to sunny weather.

Eviably - dishes for pigerence Countable

PO CEPBOVA During the County Doves - Powerful and BowfulClongs - Properly Include Your Food Certain In your food.

Botted EGO to press:

  • 1 Skan
  • 100 g Maka.
  • 100 g nodep gpeyki opexo
  • 1-3 Building Made
  • caxap Po task
  • at the request of the handful of dried fruits.

What can not be done for christmas 2019

  • It is impossible on January 6. There is meat and animal products and in some days fish, wine and vegetable oil, because the Christmas post lasts. On January 7, all the prohibitions are removed.
  • In the holy evening, you need 12 lean dishes on the table, according to the number of apostles. Fewer dishes are not recommended.
  • One of the main bans of Christmas is the fact that none of the dishes should remain intact.
    It is impossible to remove dishes from the table to the very coming of Christmas on January 7.
  • As in other religious holidays, it is impossible to work. Women can not sew, wash, clean, carry garbage from home. Men are on hunting or fishing. It needs to be done up to the holiday.
  • In the holy holiday of Christmas, it is impossible to swear, squander, especially at the table.
  • Not taken before sunrise the first star dining - a small snack is allowed only to children.
  • And one of the main prohibitions - you can not forget about mercy and help those who for any reason are deprived of festive joys.

How in Gomel will work for Christmas

On the night of January 6, 2019 to 3:30, on January 7, 2019, public transportation will be organized on the following routes:


№ 12 "ul. Manevich - Mn Further "Departure from Stop" Ul. Manevich "1:30, departure from the stop" Khutor "2:35.

№ 17 "Medgorodok - Mr." Klenkovsky "Departure from the stop" Medgorodok "23:18, 1:30, departure from stop" Mr. "Klenkovsky" 0:20, 2:34.

18a "Mr. Klenkovsky - Mr." South "departure from the stop" Mr. Klenkovsky "0:37, 2:45, departure from the stop" Mr. "South" 1:40.

No. 20 "Old Volotova - Medgorodok" departure from the stop "Old Volotov" 1:30, sending the stop "Medgorodok" 2:35.

Trolley buses

No. 5 "Station - Crystal" departure from the stop "Station" 1:12; 2:19, departure from the stop "Crystal" 0:41; 1:48.

№ 20 "Hydraulic" is solar "departure from the" Hydraulic "stop 0: 30; 2: 12, departure from the stop" Solar "1:21, 3:03.

No. 21 "Volotova - a plant of self-propelled combines" departure from the stop "Volotova" 1:21, 2:49, departure from the stop "Factory of self-propelled combines" 0:36, 2:04.